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{{#Wiki_filter:Attachment IIMarkedUpCopyofR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantTechnical Specifications IncludedPages:5.0-229705020089 970424PDRADQCK05000244PPDR)
{{#Wiki_filter:Attachment II Marked Up Copy of R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Technical Specifications Included Pages: 5.0-229705020089 970424 PDR ADQCK 05000244 P PDR)
Reporting Requirements 5.65.6Reporting Requirements 5.6.6PTLR(continued)
Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.6 PTLR (continued)
C.i.(C.w.i c~The aoifjtWcighmethVds,=,.viidKCp':::-:deterp$
ne:t+e'CSpressureand~empe~raureandTTOAPA Iimitsshal'lbethosepreviously reviewedandapprovedbytheNRC.inNRCletterdatedHaygg,dgggii[iiii!!!!il:,.
ne: t+e'CS pressure and~empe~ra ure andTTOAPA Iimits shal'l be those previously reviewed and approved by the NRC letter dated Hay gg,dgggii[iiii!!!!il:,.
AdIII11,44~I4IgyareLsdescribed inthefollowing documents:
Ad III 11, 44~I 4 I gy areLs described in the following documents:
1.LetterfromR.C.Hecredy,Rochester GasandElectricCorporation (RGimLE),
1.Letter from R.C.Hecredy, Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation (RGimLE), to Document Control Desk, NRC, Attention:
A.R.Johnson,"Application for Facility Operating License, Revision to Reactor Coolant System RCS)Pressure and Tem erature Limits Re ort PTLR'A,ms''fstvikt1ve7!Coutp~I't!88'Qll1redmeutsiy
A.R.Johnson,"Application forFacilityOperating License,RevisiontoReactorCoolantSystemRCS)PressureandTemeratureLimitsReortPTLR'A,ms''fstvikt1ve7!Coutp~I't!88'Qll1redmeutsiy
Apri'i 2~19r9$.2.IIAAP-1444
~".,':.PIP,-'":l1 "Hethodology UsedtoDevelopColdOverpressure Hitigating SystemSetpoints andRCSHeatupandCooldownLimitCurves,",fiictgoiis':;.!L!,.":::,:::,:.:2::."::::;::".Pe'e8~!3:-
~".,':.PIP,-'":l1"Hethodology Used to Develop Cold Overpressure Hitigating System Setpoints and RCS Heatup and Cooldown Limit Curves,", fiictg oiis':;.!L!,.":::,:::,:.:2::."::::;::".Pe'e8~!3:-
C.<~LC.i.wd.ThePTLRshallbeprovidedtotheNRCuponissuanceforeachreactorvesselfluentperiodandforrevisions orsupplement thereto.R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant5.0-22Amendment No.g,g Attachment IIIProposedTechnical Specifications IncludedPages:5.0-22 Reporting Requirements 5.65.6Reporting Requirements 5.6.6PTLR(continued)
C.<~L C.i.w d.The PTLR shall be provided to the NRC upon issuance for each reactor vessel fluent period and for revisions or supplement thereto.R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 5.0-22 Amendment No.g, g Attachment III Proposed Technical Specifications Included Pages: 5.0-22 Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.6 PTLR (continued)
C.Theanalytical methodsusedtodetermine theRCSpressureandtemperature andLTOPlimitsshallbethosepreviously reviewedandapprovedbytheNRCinNRCletterdated<NRCapprovaldocument>.
C.The analytical methods used to determine the RCS pressure and temperature and LTOP limits shall be those previously reviewed and approved by the NRC in NRC letter dated<NRC approval document>.
Specifically, thelimitsandmethodology isdescribed inthefollowing documents:
Specifically, the limits and methodology is described in the following documents:
1.LetterfromR.C.Hecredy,Rochester GasandElectricCorporation (RGKE),toDocumentControlDesk,NRC,Attention:
1.Letter from R.C.Hecredy, Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation (RGKE), to Document Control Desk, NRC, Attention:
A.R.Johnson,"Application forFacilityOperating License,RevisiontoReactor-Coolant System(RCS)PressureandTemperature LimitsReport(PTLR)Administrative ControlsRequirements,"
A.R.Johnson,"Application for Facility Operating License, Revision to Reactor-Coolant System (RCS)Pressure and Temperature Limits Report (PTLR)Administrative Controls Requirements," Attachment VI, April 24, 1997.2.WCAP-14040-NP-A,"Hethodology Used to Develop Cold Overpressure Hitigating System Setpoints and RCS Heatup and Cooldown Limit Curves," Sections 1, 2, and 4, January 1996.d.The PTLR shall be provided to the NRC upon issuance for each reactor vessel fluence period and for revisions or supplement thereto.R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 5.0-22 Amendment No.g, PP Attachment IV Ginna Station PTLR, Revision 2 GINNA STATION PTLR Revision 2 RCS PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE LIMITS REPORT (PTLR)Responsible Hanager Effective Date Controlled Copy No.
Attachment VI,April24,1997.2.WCAP-14040-NP-A, "Hethodology UsedtoDevelopColdOverpressure Hitigating SystemSetpoints andRCSHeatupandCooldownLimitCurves,"Sections1,2,and4,January1996.d.ThePTLRshallbeprovidedtotheNRCuponissuanceforeachreactorvesselfluenceperiodandforrevisions orsupplement thereto.R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant5.0-22Amendment No.g,PP Attachment IVGinnaStationPTLR,Revision2 GINNASTATIONPTLRRevision2RCSPRESSUREANDTEMPERATURE LIMITSREPORT(PTLR)Responsible HanagerEffective DateControlled CopyNo.
R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant RCS Pressure and Temperature Limits Report Revision 2 This report is not part of the Technical Specifications.
R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantRCSPressureandTemperature LimitsReportRevision2ThisreportisnotpartoftheTechnical Specifications.
This report is referenced in the Technical Specifications.
Thisreportisreferenced intheTechnical Specifications.
2 2.0 OPERATING LIMITS...................................................
22.0OPERATING LIMITS...................................................
3 2.1 RCS Pressure and Temperature Limits..........................
32.1RCSPressureandTemperature Limits..........................
3 2.2 Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Enable T emperature
32.2LowTemperature Overpressure Protection SystemEnableTemperature
32.3LowTemperature Overpressure Protection Syste~Setpoints
3 2.3 Low Temperature Overpressure Protection Syste~Setpoints.....3 3.0 REACTOR VESSEL MATERIAL SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM......................



5 FIGURE 1 Reactor Vessel Heatup Limitations
6 FIGURE 2 Reactor Vessel Cooldown Limitations
7TABLE3Calculation ofChemistry FactorsUsingSurveilCapsuleData..................................
7 TABLE 3 Calculation of Chemistry Factors Using Surveil C apsule Data..................................
TABLE1Surveillance CapsuleRemovalSchedule.........
TABLE 1 Surveillance Capsule Removal Schedule.........
TABLE2Comparison ofSurveillance MaterialwithRGl.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~899Predictions..
TABLE 2 Comparison of Surveillance Material with RG l.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8 99 Predictions..
9lance10TABLE4TABLE5TABLE6Calculation ofARTSat24EFPY.............
9 lance 10 TABLE 4 TABLE 5 TABLE 6 Calculation of ARTS at 24 EFPY.............
.12ReactorVesselToughness Table(Unirradiated)
.12 Reactor Vessel Toughness Table (Unirradiated)
Reactor Vessel Surface Fluence Values at 19.5 and 32 EFPY......
11 PTLR Revision 2

R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantPressureandTemperature LimitsReport1.0RCSPressureandTemeratureLimitsReortPTLRThisPressureandTemperature LimitsReport(PTLR)forGinnaStationhasbeenpreparedinaccordance withtherequirements ofTechnical Specification 5.6.6.Revisions tothePTLRshallbeprovidedtotheNRCafterissuance.
R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 1.0 RCS Pressure and Tem erature Limits Re ort PTLR This Pressure and Temperature Limits Report (PTLR)for Ginna Station has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 5.6.6.Revisions to the PTLR shall be provided to the NRC after issuance.The Technical Specifications addressed in this report are listed below: 3.4.3 3.4.6 3.4.7 3.4.10 3.4.12 RCS Pressure and Temperature (P/T)Limits RCS Loops-NODE 4 RCS Loops-NODE 5, Loops Filled Pressurizer Safety Valves Low Temperature Overpressure Protection (LTOP)System I PTLR Revision 2
TheTechnical Specifications addressed inthisreportarelistedbelow: (P/T)LimitsRCSLoops-NODE4RCSLoops-NODE5,LoopsFilledPressurizer SafetyValvesLowTemperature Overpressure Protection (LTOP)SystemIPTLRRevision2
: I,I 2.0 OPERATING LIMITS The cycle-specific parameter limits for the specifications listed in Section=1.0 are presented in the following subsections.
All changes to these limits must be developed using the NRC approved methodologies specified in Technical Specification 5.6.6.These limits have been determined such that all applicable limits of the safety analysis are met.All items that appear in capitalized type are defined in Technical Specification 1.1,"Definitions." 2.1 RCS Pressure and Tem erature Limits (LCO 3.4.3 and LCO 3.4.12)(Reference 1)2.1.1 The RCS temperature rate-of-change limits are: a.A maximum heatup of 60'F per hour.b.A maximum cooldown of 100'F per hour.2.1.2 The RCS P/T limits for heatup and cooldown are specified by Figures 1 and 2, respectively.
2.1.3 The minimum boltup temperature, using the methodology of Reference 2, Section 2.7, is 60'F.2.2 Low Tem erature Over ressure Protection S stem Enable Tem erature (LCOs 3.4.6, 3.4.7, 3.4.10 and 3.4.12)(Methodology of Reference 3, Attachment VI, Section 3.4 as calculated in Attachment VII to Reference 3).2.2.1 The enable temperature for the Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System is 322'F.2.3 Low Tem erature Over ressure Protection S stem Set pints (LCO 3,4.12)2.3.1 Pressurizer Power 0 crated Relief Valve Lift Settin Limits (Methodology of Reference 3, Attachment VI as calculated in Reference 4, Attachment IV)The lift setting for the pressurizer Power Operated Relief Valves (PORVs)is s 411 psig (includes instrument uncertainty).
PTLR Revision 2 3.0 REACTOR VESSEL MATERIAL SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM The reactor vessel material irradiation surveillance specimens shall be removed and examined to determine changes in material properties.
The removal schedule is provided in Table 1.The results of these examinations shall be used to update Figures 1 and 2.The pressure vessel steel surveillance program (Ref.5)is in compliance with Appendix H to 10 CFR 50, entitled,"Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program." The material test requirements and the acceptance standard utilize the reference nil-ductility temperature, RT>>, which is determined in accordance with ASTM E208.The empirical relationship between RT>>~and the fracture toughness of the reactor vessel steel is developed in accordance with Appendix G,"Protection Against Non-Ductile Failure," to section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.The surveillance capsule removal schedule meets the requirements of ASTM E185-82.As shown by Reference 1 (specifically its Reference 51), the reactor vessel material irradiation surveillance specimens indicate that the surveillance data meets the credibility discussion presented in Regulatory Guide 1.99 revision 2 where: 1.The capsule materials represent the limiting reactor vessel material.2.Charpy energy vs.temperature plots scatter are small enough to permit determination of 30 ft-lb temperature and upper shelf energy unambiguously.
3.The scatter of a,RT>>values are within the best fit scatter limits as shown on Table 2.The only exception is with respect to the Intermediate Shell which is not the limiting reactor vessel material.4.The Charpy specimen irradiation temperature matches the reactor vessel surface interface temperature within+25'F.5.The surveillance data falls within the scatter band of the material database.4.0 SUPPLEMENTAL DATA INFORMATION AND DATA TABLES 4.1 4.2 The RT>>~value for Ginna Station limiting beltline material is 256.6 F for 32 EFPY per Reference l.Tables Table 2 contains a comparison of measured surveillance material 30 ft-lb transition temperature shifts and upper shelf energy decreases with Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 predictions.
PTLR Revision 2 A" L I Table 3 shows calculations of the surveillance material chemistry factors using surveillance capsule data.Table 4 provides the reactor vessel toughness data.Table 5 provides a summary of the fluence values used in the generation of the heatup and cooldown limit curves.Table 6 shows example, calculations of the ART values at 24 EFPY for the limiting reactor vessel material.

LIMITSThecycle-specific parameter limitsforthespecifications listedinSection=1.0arepresented inthefollowing subsections.
Allchangestotheselimitsmustbedeveloped usingtheNRCapprovedmethodologies specified inTechnical Specification 5.6.6.Theselimitshavebeendetermined suchthatallapplicable limitsofthesafetyanalysisaremet.Allitemsthatappearincapitalized typearedefinedinTechnical Specification 1.1,"Definitions."
2.1RCSPressureandTemeratureLimits(LCO3.4.3andLCO3.4.12)(Reference 1)2.1.1TheRCStemperature rate-of-change limitsare:a.Amaximumheatupof60'Fperhour.b.Amaximumcooldownof100'Fperhour.2.1.2TheRCSP/Tlimitsforheatupandcooldownarespecified byFigures1and2,respectively.
2.1.3Theminimumboltuptemperature, usingthemethodology ofReference 2,Section2.7,is60'F.2.2LowTemeratureOverressureProtection SstemEnableTemerature(LCOs3.4.6,3.4.7,3.4.10and3.4.12)(Methodology ofReference 3,Attachment VI,Section3.4ascalculated inAttachment VIItoReference 3).2.2.1Theenabletemperature fortheLowTemperature Overpressure Protection Systemis322'F.2.3LowTemeratureOverressureProtection SstemSetpints(LCO3,4.12)2.3.1Pressurizer Power0cratedReliefValveLiftSettinLimits(Methodology ofReference 3,Attachment VIascalculated inReference 4,Attachment IV)Theliftsettingforthepressurizer PowerOperatedReliefValves(PORVs)iss411psig(includes instrument uncertainty).

1.WCAP-14684,"R.E.Ginna Heatup and Cooldown Limit Curves for Normal Operation," dated June 1996.2.WCAP-14040-NP-A,"Hethodology Used to Develop Cold Overpressure Hitigating System Setpoints and RCS Heatup and Cooldown Limit Curves," Revision 2, January 1996.3.Letter from R.C.Hecredy, RG&E, to A.R.Johnson, NRC,  
PROGRAMThereactorvesselmaterialirradiation surveillance specimens shallberemovedandexaminedtodetermine changesinmaterialproperties.
TheremovalscheduleisprovidedinTable1.Theresultsoftheseexaminations shallbeusedtoupdateFigures1and2.Thepressurevesselsteelsurveillance program(Ref.5)isincompliance withAppendixHto10CFR50,entitled, "ReactorVesselRadiation Surveillance Program."
Thematerialtestrequirements andtheacceptance standardutilizethereference nil-ductility temperature, RT>>,whichisdetermined inaccordance withASTME208.Theempirical relationship betweenRT>>~andthefracturetoughness ofthereactorvesselsteelisdeveloped inaccordance withAppendixG,"Protection AgainstNon-Ductile Failure,"
tosectionIIIoftheASMEBoilerandPressureVesselCode.Thesurveillance capsuleremovalschedulemeetstherequirements ofASTME185-82.AsshownbyReference 1(specifically itsReference 51),thereactorvesselmaterialirradiation surveillance specimens indicatethatthesurveillance datameetsthecredibility discussion presented inRegulatory Guide1.99revision2where:1.Thecapsulematerials represent thelimitingreactorvesselmaterial.
2.Charpyenergyvs.temperature plotsscatteraresmallenoughtopermitdetermination of30ft-lbtemperature anduppershelfenergyunambiguously.
3.Thescatterofa,RT>>valuesarewithinthebestfitscatterlimitsasshownonTable2.Theonlyexception iswithrespecttotheIntermediate Shellwhichisnotthelimitingreactorvesselmaterial.
4.TheCharpyspecimenirradiation temperature matchesthereactorvesselsurfaceinterface temperature within+25'F.5.Thesurveillance datafallswithinthescatterbandofthematerialdatabase.
DATAINFORMATION ANDDATATABLES4.14.2TheRT>>~valueforGinnaStationlimitingbeltlinematerialis256.6Ffor32EFPYperReference l.TablesTable2containsacomparison ofmeasuredsurveillance material30ft-lbtransition temperature shiftsanduppershelfenergydecreases withRegulatory Guide1.99,Revision2predictions.
PTLRRevision2 A"LI Table3showscalculations ofthesurveillance materialchemistry factorsusingsurveillance capsuledata.Table4providesthereactorvesseltoughness data.Table5providesasummaryofthefluencevaluesusedinthegeneration oftheheatupandcooldownlimitcurves.Table6showsexample,calculations oftheARTvaluesat24EFPYforthelimitingreactorvesselmaterial.
1.WCAP-14684, "R.E.GinnaHeatupandCooldownLimitCurvesforNormalOperation,"
datedJune1996.2.WCAP-14040-NP-A, "Hethodology UsedtoDevelopColdOverpressure Hitigating SystemSetpoints andRCSHeatupandCooldownLimitCurves,"Revision2,January1996.3.LetterfromR.C.Hecredy,RG&E,toA.R.Johnson,NRC,

"Application forAmendment toFacilityOperating License,RevisiontoReactorCoolantSystem(RCS)PressureandTemperature LimitsReport(PTLR)Adminstrative ControlsRequirements,"
"Application for Amendment to Facility Operating License, Revision to Reactor Coolant System (RCS)Pressure and Temperature Limits Report (PTLR)Adminstrative Controls Requirements," dated April 24, 1997 Letter from R.C.Hecredy, RG8E, to A.R.Johnson, NRC,  

"Application forAmendment toFacilityOperating License,"Hethodology forLowTemperature Overpressure Protection (LTOP)Limits,"datedFebruary9,1996.5.WCAP-7254, "Rochester GasandElectric, RobertE.GinnaUnitNo.1ReactorVesselRadiation Surveillance Program,"
"Application for Amendment to Facility Operating License,"Hethodology for Low Temperature Overpressure Protection (LTOP)Limits," dated February 9, 1996.5.WCAP-7254,"Rochester Gas and Electric, Robert E.Ginna Unit No.1 Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program," Hay 1969.I PTLR Revision 2 MATERIAL PROPERTY BASIS LIMITING MATERIAL: CIRCUMFERENTIAL WELD SA-847 LIMITING ART VALUES AT 24 EFPY: 1/4T, 232'F 3/4T, 196 F 2500 6664SSI060666 I g~~, I~I'I~t~~f~~m 2250~IN~2000~t~l.~LEA K TEST L I ICIT~~~I i I~~I i~t j I~g~~1750 1500 CA 1250-.1000 750 500 250~I~UNhCCEPThBLE'PERhTION HBATUP RATE UP TO 60 F/Hr'.HBATUP RATE UPTO IOO F/Hr.CRITICALITY I.IMIT EASED Ox INSERVICE HYDROSTATIC TEST TEMPERATURE (SSS F)FOR THE SERVICE PERIOD UP TO Z4~0 EFPT~~I I S I I hCCEPThBLE OPERATIO.N I~0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Indicated Temperature (Beg.F.)FIGURE I REACTOR VESSEL HEATUP LIMITATIONS APPLICABLE FOR THE FIRST 24 EFPY (MITHOUT MARGIN FOR INSTRUNENT ERRORS)PTLR Revision 2
CIRCUMFFRENTIAL VlELDSA-847LIMITINGARTVALUESAT24EFPY1/4T,232F3/4T,196F25005004ZSl00060d I~II~iI~~2250he~W20001750l.'iI!I~i~i!\tiiiii,I~''I~~Ii'.!II!~~!iI~UNhCCEPTh3LE OPERATION I~i~~i~I'I!I!IIi~I'~150012501000!IIiII~IIhCCEPThBLE OPERhTION 7505.00250=cooLDo'AN BhTESP/Hr.ozo4000tooII~0050100150200250300350400450500Indicated Temperature (Deg.p)FIGURE2REACTORVESSELCOOLDOWNLIMITATIONS APPLICABLE FORTHEFIRST24EFPY(WITHOUTMARGINFORINSTRUMENT ERRORS)PTLReviSion2

Table1Surveillance CasuleRemovalScheduleVesselLocationCapsule(deg.)CapsuleLeadFactorRemovalSchedule" CapsuleFluenceE19(n/cm)"77'5767'7'370247'.993.001.851.741.741.91.6(removed) 2.7(removed) 7(removed) 17(removed)
MATERIAL PROPERTY BASIS LIMITING MATERIAL: CIRCUMFFRENTIAL VlELD SA-847 LIMITING ART VALUES AT 24 EFPY 1/4T, 232 F 3/4T, 196 F 2500 5004ZSl00060d I~I I~i I~~2250 he~W 2000 1750 l.'i I!I~i~i!\t i i i i i, I~''I~~I i'.!I I!~~!i I~UNhCCEPTh3LE OPERATION I~i~~i~I'I!I!I I i~I'~1500 1250 1000!I I i I I~I I hCCEPThBLE OPERhTION750 5.0 0 250=cooLDo'AN BhTES P/Hr.o zo 40 00 too I I~0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Indicated Temperature (Deg.p)FIGURE 2 REACTOR VESSEL COOLDOWN LIMITATIONS APPLICABLE FOR THE FIRST 24 EFPY (WITHOUT MARGIN FOR INSTRUMENT ERRORS)PTLR eviSion 2  
TeO<b>Standby.50281.1051.8643.746l'eo'b'/A NOTES:(a)Effective FullPowerYears(EFPY).(b)Tobedetermined, thereisnocurrentrequirement forremoval.(c)Reference l.IPTLRRevision2 TABLE2Surveillance Haterial30ft-lbTransition Temperature Shift30lb-ftTransition Temperature ShiftHaterialLowerShellIntermediate ShellWeldHetalHAZHetalCapsuleFluence(x10"n/cm',E>1.0HeV)".50281.1051.8643.746.50281.1051.8643.746.50281.1051.8643.746.50281.1051.8643.746Predicted"
('F)252530420-601401651502059010095('F)374652s]4113(a)Reference 1(including itsReference 51).
IC41~I'llErs TABLE3Calculation ofChemistry FactorsUsingSurveillance CapsuleDataHaterialIntermediate ShellForging05(Tangential)
CapsuleFluence(x10'/cm',E)1.0VeV)<>.50281.1051.8643.746FF.80811.02791.17061.3418~RT(oF)N(~)25253042Sum:FF*hRopy('F)20.225.735.156.4137.4FF.65301.05661.37031.80044.8803Chemistry Factor=28.2'FIntermediate Shell.50281.105.808100.65301.0279001.05661.8641.1706001.37033.7461.34186080.51.8004Sum:80.54.8803WeldMetalChemistry Factor=16.5'F.5028.8081149.7121.0.65301.1051.8641.0279176.41.1706160.4181.3187.81.05661.3703NOTES:(a)Reference 1.3.7461.3418219.1294.01.8004Sum:854.694.8803Chemistry Factor=160.7'F(b)~RT>>~forweldmaterialistheadjustedvalueusingthe1.069ratioingfactorperReference 1appliedtothemeasuredvaluesofTable2.PTLR10Revision2 TABLE4ReactorVesselToughness Table(Unirradiated)"
NaterialDescription Intermediate ShellLowerShellCircumferential Weld(a)PerReference l.Cu(%).07.05.25Ni(%).69.69.56InitialRT>>('F)2040-4.8TABLE5ReactorVesselSurfaceFluenceValuesat19.5and32EFPY"x10"(n/cm',E)1.0~ev)EFPY19.5320o2.323.4915'.472.2030'.051.5645'969'.45(a)Reference l.PTLRRevision2 TABLE6Calculation ofAdjustedReference Temperatures at24EFPYfortheLimitingReactorVesselMaterialParameter Operating TimeMaterialLocationChemistry Factor(CF),F"'luence (f),10"n/cm(E>1.0HeV)"FluenceFact'orFFhRTgpyCFxFFyFInitialRTgpy(I)FMargin(H),'F"ART=I+(CFxFF)+HF""NOTES:(a)Valuecalculated usingTable5values.(b)ValuesfromTable3.(c)Reference 1.Circ.Weld1/4-T160.71.851.17188-4.848.3232Values24EFPYCirc.Weld3/4-T160.7.851.955153,4-4.848.3196.9PTLR12Revision2 Attachment VRedlinedVersionofLTOPMethodology identifies changestomethodology originally providedinDecember8,1995RG&ElettertoNRC)
LOWTEMPERATURE OVERPRESSURE PROTECTION SYSTEM(LTOPS)INTRODUCTION ThepurposeoftheLTOPSistosupplement thenormalplantoperational administrative controlstoprotectthereactorvesselfrombeingexposedtoconditions offastpropagating brittlefracture.
Thishasbeenachievedbyconservatively choosinganLTOPSsetpolntwhichpreventstheRCSfromexceeding thepressure/temperature limitsestablished by10CFRPart50AppendixG"'equirements, andtheRHRSystemfromexceeding 110%ofitsdesignpressure.
TheLTOPSisdesignedtoprovidethecapability, duringrelatively lowtemperature operation (typically lessthan350'F),toautomatically preventtheRCSpressurefromexceeding theapplicable limits.Oncethesystemisenabled,nooperatoractionIsinvolvedfortheLTOPStoperformitsIntendedpressuremitigation function.
Thus,nooperatoractionismodelledintheanalysessupporting thesetpofntselection, althoughoperatoractionmaybeinitiated toultimately terminate thecauseoftheoverpressure event.ThePORVslocatednearthetopofthepressurizer, togetherwithadditional actuation logicfromthelow-range pressurechannels, areutilizedtomitigatepotential RCSoverpressure transients.
TheLTOPSprovidesthereliefcapacityforspecifictransients whichwouldnotbemitigated bytheRHRSystemreliefvalve.Inaddition, alimitonthePORVpipingisaccommodated duetothepotential forwaterhammereffectstobedeveloped inthepipingassociated withthesevalvesasaresultofthecyclicopeningandclosingcharacteristics duringmitigation ofanoverpressure transient.
Thus,apressurelimitmorerestrictive thanthe10CFR50,AppendixG<'>allowable isimposedaboveacertaintemperature sothattheloadsonthepipingfromaLTOPSeventwouldnotaffectthepipingintegrity.
3-1 acr%s.IN Twospecifictransients havebeendefined,withtheRCSinawater-solid condition, asthedesignbasisforLTOPS.Eachofthesescenarios assumesnoRHRSystemheatremovalcapability.
Thefirsttransient consistsofaheatinjection scenarioinwhichareactorcoolantpumpinasingleloopisstartedwiththeRCStemperature asmuchas50'Flowerthanthesteamgenerator secondary sidetemperature.
Thisresultsinasuddenheatinputtoawater-solid RCSfromthesteamgenerators, creatinganincreasing pressuretransient.
Thesecondtransient hasbeendefinedasamassinjection scenariointoawater-solid RCSascausedbyoneoftwopossiblescenarios.
Thefirstscenarioisaninadvertent actuation ofthesafetyinjection pumpsintotheRCS.Thesecondscenarioisthesimultaneous isolation oftheRHRSystem,isolation ofletdown,andfailureofthenormalchargingflowcontrolstothefullflowcondition.
Eitherscenariomaybeeliminated fromconsideration depending ontheplantconfigurations whicharerestricted bytechnical specifications.
Also,variouscombinations ofchargingandsafetyinjection flowsmayalsobeevaluated onaplant-specific basis.Theresulting massinjection/letdown mismatchcausesanincreasing pressuretransient.
3.2LTOPSSetpointDetermination Rochester GasandElectricandBabcock8WilcoxNuclearTechnology (BWNT)havedeveloped thefollowing methodology whichisemployedtodetermine PORVsetpolnts formitigation oftheLTOPSdesignbasiscoldoverpressurization transients.
Thismethodology maximizes theavailable operating marginforsetpolntselection whilemaintaining anappropriate levelofprotection insupportofreactorvesselandRHRSystemintegrity.
3-2 Parameters Considered Theselection ofproperLTOPSsetpointforactuating thePORVsrequirestheconsideration ofnumeroussystemparameters including:
a.VolumeofreactorcoolantinvolvedIntransient b.RCSpressuresignaltransmission delayc.Volumetric capacityofthereliefvalvesversusopeningposition, including thepotential forcriticalflowd.Stroketimeofthereliefvalves(open6close)e.Initialtemperature andpressureoftheRCSandsteamgenerator f.MassinputrateintoRCSg.Temperature ofinjectedfluidh.Heattransfercharacteristics ofthesteamgenerators i.Initialtemperature asymmetry betweenRCSandsteamgenerator secondary waterj.Massofsteamgenerator secondary waterk.RCPstartupdynamicsI.10CFR50,Appendix6"Ipressure/temperature characteristics ofthereactorvesselm.Pressurizer PORVpiping/structural analysislimitations n.Dynamicandstaticpressuredifferences throughout theRCSandRHRSo.RHRSystempressurelimitsp.Loopasymmetry forRCPstartcasesq.Instrument uncertainty fortemperature (conditions underwhichtheLTOPSystemisplacedintoservice)andpressureuncertainty (actuation setpoint)
Theseparameters aremodelledintheBWNTRELAP5/MOD2-B&W computercode(Ref.19)3-3 whichcalculates themaximumandminimumsystempressures.
PressureLimitsSelection ThefunctionoftheLTOPSistoprotectthereactorvesselfromfastpropagating brittlefracture.
Thishasbeenimplemented bychoosingaLTOPSsetpolntwhichpreventsexceeding thelimitsprescribed bytheapplicable pressure/temperature characteristic forthespecificreactorvesselmaterialinaccordance withrulesgiveninAppendixGto10CFR50I".
TheLTOPSdesignbasistakescreditforthefactthatoverpressure eventsmostlikelyoccurduringisothermal conditions intheRCS.Therefore, itisappropriate toutilizethesteady-state AppendixGlimit.Inaddition, theLTOPSalsoprovidesforanoperational consideration tomaintaintheintegrity ofthePORVpiping,andtoprotecttheRHRSystemfromoverpressure duringtheLTOPSdesignbasistransients.
Atypicalcharacteristic 10CFR50AppendixGcuweisshownbyFigure3.1wheretheallowable systempressureincreases withIncreasing temperature.
ThistypeofcurvesetsthenominalupperlimitonthepressurewhichshouldnotbeexceededduringRCSincreasing pressuretransients basedonreactorvesselmaterialproperties.
Superimposed onthiscurvelsthePORVpipinglimitandRHRSystempressurelimitwhichisconservatively used,forsetpolntdevelopment, asthemaximumallowable pressureabovethetemperature atwhichitintersects withthe10CFR50AppendixGcurve.Whenareliefvalveisactuatedtomitigateanincreasing pressuretransient, thereleaseofavolumeofcoolantthroughthevalvewillcausethepressureincreasetobeslowedandreversedasdescribed byFigure3.2.Thesystempressurethendecreases, asthereliefvalvereleasescoolant,untilaresetpressureisreachedwherethevalveissignalled toclose.Notethatthepressurecontinues todecreasebelowtheresetpressureasthevalverecloses.
Thenominal3-4 II1>><,fikt'~,t+g+
s lowerlimitonthepressureduringthetransient lstypically established basedsolelyonanoperational consideration forthereactorcoolantpumpP1sealtomaintainanominaldifferential pressureacrossthesealfacesforproperfilm-riding performance.
Intheeventthattheavailable rangeisinsufficient toconcurrently accommodate theupperandlowerpressurelimits,theupperpressurelimitsaregivenpreference.
Thenominalupperlimit(basedontheminimumofthesteady-state 10CFR50AppendixGrequirement, theRHRSystempressurelimit,andthePORVpipinglimitations) andthenominalRCP41sealperformance criteriacreateapressurerangefromwhichthesetpoints forbothPORVsmaybeselectedasshownonFigures3.3and3.4.Wherethereisinsufficient rangebetweentheupperandlowerpressurelimitstoselectPORVsetpoints toprovideprotection againstviolation ofbothlimits,setpointselection toprovideprotection againsttheupperpressurelimitviolation shalltakeprecedence.
MassInputConsideration Foraparticular massinputtransient totheRCS,thereliefvalvewillbesignalled toopenataspecificpressuresetpoint.
However,asshownonFigure3.2,therewillbeapressureovershoot duringthedelaytimebeforethevalvestartstomoveandduringthetimethevalveismovingtothefullopenposition.
Thisovershoot isdependent onthedynamicsofthesystemandtheinputparameters, andresultsinamaximumsystempressuresomewhathigherthanthesetpressure.
Similarly therewillbeapressureundershoot, whilethevalveisrelieving, bothduetotheresetpressurebeingbelowthesetpointandtothedelayinstrokingthevalveclosed.Themaximumandminimumpressures reached(P>>><andPQiN)inthetransient areafunctionoftheselectedsetpoint(P,)asshownonFigure3.3.Theshadedarearepresents anoptimum3-5

rangefromwhichtoselectthesetpointbasedontheparticular massinputcase.Severalmassinputcasesmayberunatvariousinputflowratestoboundtheallowable setpointrange.HeatInputConsideration Theheatinputcaseisdonesimilarly tothemassinputcaseexceptthatthelocusoftransient pressurevaluesversusselectedsetpoints maybedetermined forseveralvaluesoftheinitialRCStemperature.
Table 1 Surveillance Ca sule Removal Schedule Vessel Location Capsule (deg.)Capsule Lead Factor Removal Schedule" Capsule Fluence E19(n/cm)" 77'57 67'7'370 247'.99 3.00 1.85 1.74 1.74 1.9 1.6 (removed)2.7 (removed)7 (removed)17 (removed)TeO<b>Standby.5028 1.105 1.864 3.746 l'eo'b'/A NOTES: (a)Effective Full Power Years (EFPY).(b)To be determined, there is no current requirement for removal.(c)Reference l.I PTLR Revision 2 TABLE 2 Surveillance Haterial 30 ft-lb Transition Temperature Shift 30 lb-ft Transition Temperature Shift Haterial Lower Shell Intermediate Shell Weld Hetal HAZ Hetal Capsule Fluence (x 10" n/cm', E>1.0 HeV)".5028 1.105 1.864 3.746.5028 1.105 1.864 3.746.5028 1.105 1.864 3.746.5028 1.105 1.864 3.746 Predicted" ('F)26 32 37 37 52 59 135 168 191 218 Heasured" ('F)25 25 30 42 0-60 140 165 150 205 90 100 95 ('F)37 46 52 s]41 13 (a)Reference 1 (including its Reference 51).
Thisheatinputevaluation providesarangeofacceptable setpoints dependent onthereactorcoolanttemperature, whereasthemassinputcaseislimitedtothemostrestrictive lowtemperature condition only(i.e.themassinjection transient isnotsensitive totemperature).
IC4 1~I'll E r s TABLE 3 Calculation of Chemistry Factors Using Surveillance Capsule Data Haterial Intermediate Shell Forging 05 (Tangential)
TheshadedareaonFigure3.4describes theacceptable bandforaheatinputtransient fromwhichtoselectthesetpointforaparticular initialreactorcoolanttemperature.
Capsule Fluence (x 10'/cm', E)1.0 VeV)<>.5028 1.105 1.864 3.746 FF.8081 1.0279 1.1706 1.3418~RT (o F)N(~)25 25 30 42 Sum: F F*h Ropy ('F)20.2 25.7 35.1 56.4 137.4 FF.6530 1.0566 1.3703 1.8004 4.8803 Chemistry Factor=28.2'F Intermediate Shell.5028 1.105.8081 0 0.6530 1.0279 0 0 1.0566 1.864 1.1706 0 0 1.3703 3.746 1.3418 60 80.5 1.8004 Sum: 80.5 4.8803 Weld Metal Chemistry Factor=16.5'F.5028.8081 149.7 121.0.6530 1.105 1.864 1.0279 176.4 1.1706 160.4 181.3 187.8 1.0566 1.3703 NOTES: (a)Reference 1.3.746 1.3418 219.1 294.0 1.8004 Sum: 854.69 4.8803 Chemistry Factor=160.7'F (b)~RT>>~for weld material is the adjusted value using the 1.069 ratioing factor per Reference 1 applied to the measured values of Table 2.PTLR 10 Revision 2 TABLE 4 Reactor Vessel Toughness Table (Unirradiated)" Naterial Description Intermediate Shell Lower Shell Circumferential Weld (a)Per Reference l.Cu (%).07.05.25 Ni (%).69.69.56 Initial RT>>('F)20 40-4.8 TABLE 5 Reactor Vessel Surface Fluence Values at 19.5 and 32 EFPY" x 10" (n/cm', E)1.0~ev)EFPY 19.5 32 0o 2.32 3.49 15'.47 2.20 30'.05 1.56 45'969'.45 (a)Reference l.PTLR Revision 2 TABLE 6 Calculation of Adjusted Reference Temperatures at 24 EFPY for the Limiting Reactor Vessel Material Parameter Operating Time Material Location Chemistry Factor (CF), F"'luence (f), 10" n/cm (E>1.0 HeV)" Fluence Fact'or FF hRTgpy CF x FFy F Initial RTgpy (I)F Margin (H),'F" ART=I+(CFxFF)+H F"" NOTES: (a)Value calculated using Table 5 values.(b)Values from Table 3.(c)Reference 1.Circ.Weld 1/4-T 160.7 1.85 1.17 188-4.8 48.3 232 Values 24 EFPY Circ.Weld 3/4-T 160.7.851.955 153,4-4.8 48.3 196.9 PTLR 12 Revision 2 Attachment V Redlined Version of LTOP Methodology identifies changes to methodology originally provided in December 8, 1995 RG&E letter to NRC)
LOW TEMPERATURE OVERPRESSURE PROTECTION SYSTEM (LTOPS)INTRODUCTION The purpose of the LTOPS is to supplement the normal plant operational administrative controls to protect the reactor vessel from being exposed to conditions of fast propagating brittle fracture.The LTOPS also protects the Residual Heat Removal (RHR)System from overpressurizatlon.
FinalSetpointSelection Bysuperimposing theresultsofmultiplemassinputandheatinputcasesevaluated, (fromaseriesoffiguressuchas3.3and3.4)arangeofallowable PORVsetpoints tosatisfyboth/conditions canbedetermined.
This has been achieved by conservatively choosing an LTOPS setpolnt which prevents the RCS from exceeding the pressure/temperature limits established by 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix G"'equirements, and the RHR System from exceeding 110%of its design pressure.The LTOPS is designed to provide the capability, during relatively low temperature operation (typically less than 350'F), to automatically prevent the RCS pressure from exceeding the applicable limits.Once the system is enabled, no operator action Is involved for the LTOPS to perform its Intended pressure mitigation function.Thus, no operator action is modelled in the analyses supporting the setpofnt selection, although operator action may be initiated to ultimately terminate the cause of the overpressure event.The PORVs located near the top of the pressurizer, together with additional actuation logic from the low-range pressure channels, are utilized to mitigate potential RCS overpressure transients.
Forasinglesetpointsystem,themostlimitingsetpointischosen,withtheupperpressurelimitgivenprecedence ifbothlimitscannotbeaccommodated.
The LTOPS provides the relief capacity for specific transients which would not be mitigated by the RHR System relief valve.In addition, a limit on the PORV piping is accommodated due to the potential for water hammer effects to be developed in the piping associated with these valves as a result of the cyclic opening and closing characteristics during mitigation of an overpressure transient.
Theselection ofthesetpolnts forthePORVsconsiders theuseofnominalupperandlowerpressurelimits.Theupperlimitsarespecified bytheminimumofthesteady-state cooldowncurveascalculated inaccordance withAppendix8to10CFR50I'I orthepeakRCSorRHR3-6 Ig Systempressurebaseduponpiping/structural analysisloads.Thelowerpressureextremeisspecified bythereactorcoolantpumpP1sealminimumdifferential pressureperformance criteria.
Thus, a pressure limit more restrictive than the 10CFR50, Appendix G<'>allowable is imposed above a certain temperature so that the loads on the piping from a LTOPS event would not affect the piping integrity.
Uncertainties inthepressureandtemperature instrumentation utilizedbytheLTOPSareaccounted forconsistent withthemethodology ofReference
3-1 acr%s.I N Two specific transients have been defined, with the RCS in a water-solid condition, as the design basis for LTOPS.Each of these scenarios assumes no RHR System heat removal capability.
The RHR System relief valve (203)does not actuate during the transients.
The first transient consists of a heat injection scenario in which a reactor coolant pump in a single loop is started with the RCS temperature as much as 50'F lower than the steam generator secondary side temperature.
This results in a sudden heat input to a water-solid RCS from the steam generators, creating an increasing pressure transient.
The second transient has been defined as a mass injection scenario into a water-solid RCS as caused by one of two possible scenarios.
The first scenario is an inadvertent actuation of the safety injection pumps into the RCS.The second scenario is the simultaneous isolation of the RHR System, isolation of letdown, and failure of the normal charging flow controls to the full flow condition.
Either scenario may be eliminated from consideration depending on the plant configurations which are restricted by technical specifications.
Also, various combinations of charging and safety injection flows may also be evaluated on a plant-specific basis.The resulting mass injection/letdown mismatch causes an increasing pressure transient.
3.2 LTOPS Setpoint Determination Rochester Gas and Electric and Babcock 8 Wilcox Nuclear Technology (BWNT)have developed the following methodology which is employed to determine PORV setpolnts for mitigation of the LTOPS design basis cold overpressurization transients.
This methodology maximizes the available operating margin for setpolnt selection while maintaining an appropriate level of protection in support of reactor vessel and RHR System integrity.
3-2 Parameters Considered The selection of proper LTOPS setpoint for actuating the PORVs requires the consideration of numerous system parameters including:
a.Volume of reactor coolant involved In transient b.RCS pressure signal transmission delay c.Volumetric capacity of the relief valves versus opening position, including the potential for critical flow d.Stroke time of the relief valves (open 6 close)e.Initial temperature and pressure of the RCS and steam generator f.Mass input rate into RCS g.Temperature of injected fluid h.Heat transfer characteristics of the steam generators i.Initial temperature asymmetry between RCS and steam generator secondary water j.Mass of steam generator secondary water k.RCP startup dynamics I.10CFR50, Appendix 6"I pressure/temperature characteristics of the reactor vessel m.Pressurizer PORV piping/structural analysis limitations n.Dynamic and static pressure differences throughout the RCS and RHRS o.RHR System pressure limits p.Loop asymmetry for RCP start cases q.Instrument uncertainty for temperature (conditions under which the LTOP System is placed into service)and pressure uncertainty (actuation setpoint)These parameters are modelled in the BWNT RELAP5/MOD2-B&W computer code (Ref.19)3-3 which calculates the maximum and minimum system pressures.
Pressure Limits Selection The function of the LTOPS is to protect the reactor vessel from fast propagating brittle fracture.This has been implemented by choosing a LTOPS setpolnt which prevents exceeding the limits prescribed by the applicable pressure/temperature characteristic for the specific reactor vessel material in accordance with rules given in Appendix G to 10CFR50I".
The LTOPS design basis takes credit for the fact that overpressure events most likely occur during isothermal conditions in the RCS.Therefore, it is appropriate to utilize the steady-state Appendix G limit.In addition, the LTOPS also provides for an operational consideration to maintain the integrity of the PORV piping, and to protect the RHR System from overpressure during the LTOPS design basis transients.
A typical characteristic 10CFR50 Appendix G cuwe is shown by Figure 3.1 where the allowable system pressure increases with Increasing temperature.
This type of curve sets the nominal upper limit on the pressure which should not be exceeded during RCS increasing pressure transients based on reactor vessel material properties.
Superimposed on this curve ls the PORV piping limit and RHR System pressure limit which is conservatively used, for setpolnt development, as the maximum allowable pressure above the temperature at which it intersects with the 10CFR50 Appendix G curve.When a relief valve is actuated to mitigate an increasing pressure transient, the release of a volume of coolant through the valve will cause the pressure increase to be slowed and reversed as described by Figure 3.2.The system pressure then decreases, as the relief valve releases coolant, until a reset pressure is reached where the valve is signalled to close.Note that the pressure continues to decrease below the reset pressure as the valve recloses.The nominal 3-4 II 1>><,fikt'~,t+g+
s lower limit on the pressure during the transient ls typically established based solely on an operational consideration for the reactor coolant pump P1 seal to maintain a nominal differential pressure across the seal faces for proper film-riding performance.
In the event that the available range is insufficient to concurrently accommodate the upper and lower pressure limits, the upper pressure limits are given preference.
The nominal upper limit (based on the minimum of the steady-state 10CFR50 Appendix G requirement, the RHR System pressure limit, and the PORV piping limitations) and the nominal RCP 41 seal performance criteria create a pressure range from which the setpoints for both PORVs may be selected as shown on Figures 3.3 and 3.4.Where there is insufficient range between the upper and lower pressure limits to select PORV setpoints to provide protection against violation of both limits, setpoint selection to provide protection against the upper pressure limit violation shall take precedence.
Mass Input Consideration For a particular mass input transient to the RCS, the relief valve will be signalled to open at a specific pressure setpoint.However, as shown on Figure 3.2, there will be a pressure overshoot during the delay time before the valve starts to move and during the time the valve is moving to the full open position.This overshoot is dependent on the dynamics of the system and the input parameters, and results in a maximum system pressure somewhat higher than the set pressure.Similarly there will be a pressure undershoot, while the valve is relieving, both due to the reset pressure being below the setpoint and to the delay in stroking the valve closed.The maximum and minimum pressures reached (P>>><and PQiN)in the transient are a function of the selected setpoint (P,)as shown on Figure 3.3.The shaded area represents an optimum 3-5

==2.0. Accounting==
range from which to select the setpoint based on the particular mass input case.Several mass input cases may be run at various input flow rates to bound the allowable setpoint range.Heat Input Consideration The heat input case is done similarly to the mass input case except that the locus of transient pressure values versus selected setpoints may be determined for several values of the initial RCS temperature.
fortheeffects'f instrumentation uncertainty imposesadditional restrictions onthesetpointdevelopment, whichisalreadybasedonconservative pressurelimitssuchasasafetyfactorof2onpressurestress,useofalowerboundKfcurveandanassumed~ITflawdepthwithalengthequalto1~8timesthevesselwallthicknes3.3Application ofASMECodeCaseN-514Ereed:'8::".I't6'L'id:,tran rt-:I!1I!-:l...,,!r.':i",,:e-::
This heat input evaluation provides a range of acceptable setpoints dependent on the reactor coolant temperature, whereas the mass input case is limited to the most restrictive low temperature condition only (i.e.the mass injection transient is not sensitive to temperature).
tc;t't,OW~Ot'the:::Preeeureq deter~1ned<t~aSStf+SPPendec;8"
The shaded area on Figure 3.4 describes the acceptable band for a heat input transient from which to select the setpoint for a particular initial reactor coolant temperature.
If the LTOPS is a single setpolnt system, the most limiting result Is used throughout.
,paragraph G-2215,ofsectionxtoftheAsMEcode"t.QYt~te,:spp1RVgfog@fASME"::Code!Casa'N.".:.St'8'":lnclsaeae:::the.
Final Setpoint Selection By superimposing the results of multiple mass input and heat input cases evaluated, (from a series of figures such as 3.3 and 3.4)a range of allowable PORV setpoints to satisfy both/conditions can be determined.
For a single setpoint system, the most limiting setpoint is chosen, with the upper pressure limit given precedence if both limits cannot be accommodated.
hsi'L!tCp'Sile'nagfedercods,:case;N-".ste:.requfreet Lfg%~!o:bs;:effecthretst coolantaetnpelatureeffeesdfen
The selection of the setpolnts for the PORVs considers the use of nominal upper and lower pressure limits.The upper limits are specified by the minimum of the steady-state cooldown curve as calculated in accordance with Appendix 8 to 10CFR50I'I or the peak RCS or RHR 3-6 I g System pressure based upon piping/structural analysis loads.The lower pressure extreme is specified by the reactor coolant pump P1 seal minimum differential pressure performance criteria.Uncertainties in the pressure and temperature instrumentation utilized by the LTOPS are accounted for consistent with the methodology of Reference 2.0.Accounting for the effects'f instrumentation uncertainty imposes additional restrictions on the setpoint development, which is already based on conservative pressure limits such as a safety factor of 2 on pressure stress, use of a lower bound Kfcurve and an assumed~IT flaw depth with a length equal to 1~8 times the vessel wall thicknes 3.3 Application of ASME Code Case N-514 Ere e d:'8::".I't6'L'id:,tran rt-: I!1I!-:l...,,!r.':i",,:e-::
~Ok'RooeF.:::.Orgg~epgant tefnPcrateree;OOrree goadingLtd,a::.reaoforrtr Seeel~mitalp tetnPetaiure;:."::-:.Ot!
tc;t't,OW~Ot'the:::Preeeureq deter~1ned<t~aSStf+SPPendec;8"~"~-allewe
8Idfetenoerrolnethfnefdtr.:,trees e~t'Sudsceil'ee~ahteniftTtetr't+~80%F~
, paragraph G-2215, of section xt of the AsME code"t.QYt~te,:spp1RVgfog@fASME"::Code!Casa'N.".:.St'8'":lnclsaeae:::the.
whichever isgreater.RTNpTisthehighestadjustedreference temperature forweldorbase3-7 metalinthebeltlineregionatadistanceone-fourth ofthevesselsectionthickness fromthevesselinsidesurface,asdetermined byRegulatory Guide1.99,Revision2.3.4EnableTemperature forLTOPSTheenabletemperature isthetemperature belowwhichtheLTOPSsystemisrequiredtobeoperablei bTrhe:Sfn~na L70:3:egabfeltsntpeinture le,,eetabliihed.uefnng::Ihe:ff fdinne;prOV&#xb9;d:::byASliilegtf Cede.'.Case,,NS O',::;:Fhe,A'8MB!Code!CsiY%.',<,'.:.i6~@ris.'en'::"en+N(RCF':,.qu,.d~teBpeYa~FN nnrreegnndfnffi'O~ihetreantnrbTee'See!!ltrrii:eetil!i'eiiiPiiiiiiire!r'll'RT:
JOJeletfttg,::,ntarglh)1A:::tl'l8~fSQIOtl~!OfifltstprBssule-tJ88lperatutst!Ilnttt;".,Oulpseirrh~WIK~, hsi'L!tCp'Sile'nagfedercods,:case;N-".ste:.requfreet Lfg%~!o:bs;:effecthretst coolantaetnpelatureeffeesdfen
sj,"LSgsePNiggtfeP,';-The e&QeaeWTWhinheeer iSgreateraSdeeCrtbed InSeCtiOn3.3e!Tliialdaffnlt7nn"..I'SYafenr!euPPOited!~[i!then titreebngbouestgwneds6roup~ihsafnnaTenabfe'ternpeinture federerrnfned~as(IITianr+807paf; 3-8  
~Ok'RooeF.:::.Orgg~epgant tefnP crater ee;OOrree goading Ltd,a::.reaoforrtr Seeel~mitalp tetnPetaiure;:."::-:.Ot!
8 I dfetenoe rroln ethfnefdtr.:,trees e~t'Suds ceil'ee~ahteniftTtetr't+~80%F~
whichever is greater.RTNpT is the highest adjusted reference temperature for weld or base 3-7 metal in the beltline region at a distance one-fourth of the vessel section thickness from the vessel inside surface, as determined by Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2.3.4 Enable Temperature for LTOPS The enable temperature is the temperature below which the LTOPS system is required to be operablei bTrhe:Sfn~na L70:3:egabfeltsntpeinture le,,eetabliihed.uefnng::Ihe:ff fdinne;prOV&#xb9;d:::byASliilegtf Cede.'.Case,,NS O',::;:Fhe,A'8MB!Code!CsiY%.',<,'.:.i6~@ris.'en'::"en+N(RCF':,.qu,.d~teBpeYa~FN nnrreegnndfnffi'O~ihetreantnrbTee'See!!ltrrii:eetil!i'eiiiPiiiiiiire!r'll'RT:
sj,"LSgsePNiggtfeP,';-The e&QeaeWT Whinheeer iS greater aS deeCrtbed In SeCtiOn 3.3e!Tliialdaffnlt7nn"..I'SYafenr!euPPOited!~[i!then titreebngbouestgwneds6roup~ihsafnnaTenabfe'ternpeinture federerrnfned~as(IITianr+807paf; 3-8  

TheRCScoldlegtemperature limitation forstartinganRCPisthesamevalueastheLTOPSenabletemperature toensurethatthebasisoftheheatinjection transient isnotviolated.
The RCS cold leg temperature limitation for starting an RCP is the same value as the LTOPS enable temperature to ensure that the basis of the heat injection transient is not violated.The Standard Technical Specifications (STS)prohibit starting an RCP when any RCS cold leg temperatures is less than or equal to the LTOPS enable temperature unless the secondary side water temperature of each steam generator is less than or equal to 50'F above each of the RCS cold leg temperatures.
TheStandardTechnical Specifications (STS)prohibitstartinganRCPwhenanyRCScoldlegtemperatures islessthanorequaltotheLTOPSenabletemperature unlessthesecondary sidewatertemperature ofeachsteamgenerator islessthanorequalto50'FaboveeachoftheRCScoldlegtemperatures.
:.:(1.'REL'IEF VAVLE CYCLE):.8EVPOINT-------------
RESET~Uride 3-11 Figure 3.3""SAP'03N3'::
RESET~Uride3-11 Figure3.3""SAP'03N3'::
SETPOINT RANGE PORV SETPOIN7):PSlG The maximum pressure limit is the rginimum of the Appendix G limit, the PORV discharge piping structural analysis limit, or the RHR system limit 3-12  
SETPOINTRANGEPORVSETPOIN7):PSlG ThemaximumpressurelimitistherginimumoftheAppendixGlimit,thePORVdischarge pipingstructural analysislimit,ortheRHRsystemlimit3-12  

Figure 3.4'(HEAT:INPUT)
-"'APPENDIX:G SIAXIMUMt;IMIT'.--------------
-"'APPENDIX:G SIAXIMUM t;IMIT'.--------------
IIIRCPA:SEAL''IPERFORMANCE CR1TERlASETPOINTRANGE:PORVSETPOINT):PSIG ThemaximumpressurelimitIstheminimumoftheAppendixGlimit,thePORVdischarge pipingstructural analysislimit,ortheRHRsystemlimit3-13  
I I I RCP A: SEAL''I PERFORMANCE CR1TERlA SETPOINT RANGE: PORV SETPOINT):PSIG The maximum pressure limit Is the minimum of the Appendix G limit, the PORV discharge piping structural analysis limit, or the RHR system limit 3-13  


NUREG1431,"Standard Technical Specifications forWestinghouse Pressurized WaterReactors",
NUREG 1431,"Standard Technical Specifications for Westinghouse Pressurized Water Reactors", Revision 0, September, 1992.2.U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission,"Removal of Cycle-Specific Parameter Limits from Technical Specifications", Generic Letter 88-16, October, 1988.3.U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Materials, Re ulato Gufde1.99 Revislon2, May,1988.4.Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50,"Fracture Toughness Requirements for LIght-Water Nuclear Power Reactors", Appendix G, Fracture Toughness Requirements.
Revision0,September, 1992.2.U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission, "RemovalofCycle-Specific Parameter LimitsfromTechnical Specifications",
5.ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI,"Rules for Inservlce Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components", Appendix G, Fracture Toughness Criteria For Protection Against Failure.6.R.G.Soltesz, R.K.Disney, J.Jedruch, and S.L Ziegler, Nuclear Rocket Shielding Methods, Modification, Updating and Input Data Preparation.
GenericLetter88-16,October,1988.3.U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission, Radiation Embrittlement ofReactorVesselMaterials, ReulatoGufde1.99 Revislon2, May,1988.
Vol.5-Two-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Technique, WANL-PR(LL)434, Vol.5, August 1970.7.ORNL RSIC Data LIbrary Collection DLC-76 SAILOR Coupled Self-Shielded, 47 Neutron, 20 Gamma-Ray, P3, Cross Section Library for Light Water Reactors.ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III,"Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components", Division 1, Subsection NB: Class 1 Components.
4.CodeofFederalRegulations, Title10,Part50,"Fracture Toughness Requirements forLIght-Water NuclearPowerReactors",
Branch Technical Position MTEB 5-2,"Fracture Toughness Requirements", NUREG4800 Standard Review Plan 5.3.2, Pressure-Temperature Limits, July 1981, Rev.1.10.ASTM E-208, Standard Test Method for Conducting Drop-Weight Test to Determine Nil-Ductility Transition Temperature of Ferritic Steels, ASTM Standards, Section 3, American Society for Testing and Materials.
AppendixG,FractureToughness Requirements.
11.B8W Owners Group Report BAW-2202,"Fracture Toughness Characterization of WF-70 Weld 4-1 Material", BBW Owners Group Materials Committee, September 1993.12.Letter, Clyde Y.Shiraki, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, to D.L Farrar, Commonwealth Edison-Company,'Exemption from the Requirement to Determine the Unirradiated Reference Temperature in Accordance with the Method Specified In 10 CFR 50.61(b)(2)(i)(TAC NOS.M84546 and M84547), Docket Nos.50-295 and 50404, February 22, 1994.13.Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50,"Fracture Toughness Requirements for Light-Water Nuclear Power Reactors, Appendix H, Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program Requirements.
5.ASMEBoilerandPressureVesselCode,SectionXI,"RulesforInservlce Inspection ofNuclearPowerPlantComponents",
14.Timoshenko, S.P.and Goodier, J.N., Theo of Elasticit, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1970.15.ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI,"Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components", Appendix A, Analysis of Flaws, Article A@000, Method For K, Determination.
AppendixG,FractureToughness CriteriaForProtection AgainstFailure.6.R.G.Soltesz,R.K.Disney,J.Jedruch,andS.LZiegler,NuclearRocketShielding Methods,Modification, UpdatingandInputDataPreparation.
16.WRC Bulletin No.175, PVRC Recommendations on Toughness Requirements for Ferritic Materials", Welding Research Council, New York, August 1972.17.ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case N-514, Section XI, Division 1,"Low Temperature Overpressure Protection", Approval date: February 12, 1992.18.Branch Technical Position RSB 5-2,"Overpressurization Protection of Pressurized Water Reactors While Operating at Low Temperatures", NUREG4800 Standard Review Plan 5.2.2, Overpressure Protection, November 1988, Rev.2.19.BWNT,"RELAPS/MOD2, An Advanced Computer Program for Light-Water Reactor LOCA and Non-LOCA Transient Analysis," BAW-1 0164P-A.20.Instrument of America (ISA)Standard 67.04-1994.
Vol.5-Two-Dimensional DiscreteOrdinates Transport Technique, WANL-PR(LL)434, Vol.5,August1970.7.ORNLRSICDataLIbraryCollection DLC-76SAILORCoupledSelf-Shielded, 47Neutron,20Gamma-Ray, P3,CrossSectionLibraryforLightWaterReactors.
4-2 Attachment VI Final Version of LTOP Methodology (Replaces methodology originally provided in December 8, 1995 RG&E letter to NRC which in turn replaced methodology provided in Section 3 to WCAP-14040)
ASMEBoilerandPressureVesselCode,SectionIII,"RulesforConstruction ofNuclearPowerPlantComponents",
LOW TEMPERATURE OVERPRESSURE PROTECTION SYSTEM (LTOPS)INTRODUCTION The purpose of the LTOPS Is to supplement the normal plant operational administrative controls to protect the reactor vessel from being exposed to conditions of fast propagating brittle fracture.The LTOPS also protects the Residual Heat Removal (RHR)System from overpressurization.
Division1,Subsection NB:Class1Components.
This has been achieved by conservatively choosing an LTOPS setpoint which prevents the RCS from exceeding the pressure/temperature limits established by10 CFR Part 50 Appendix GI'I requirements, and the RHR System from exceeding 110%of its design pressure.The LTOPS is designed to provide the capability, during relatively low temperature operation (typically less than 350'F), to automatically prevent the RCS pressure from exceeding the applicable limits.Once the system is enabled, no operator action is involved for the LTOPS to perform its intended pressure mitigation function.Thus, no operator action is modelled in the analyses supporting the setpoint selection, although operator action may be initiated to ultimately terminate the cause of the overpressure event.The PORVs located near the top of the pressurizer, together with additional actuation logic from the low-range pressure channels, are utilized to mitigate potential RCS overpressure transients.
BranchTechnical PositionMTEB5-2,"Fracture Toughness Requirements",
The LTOPS provides the relief capacity for specific transients which would not be mitigated by the RHR System relief valve.In addition, a limit on the PORV piping is accommodated due to the potential for water hammer effects to be developed in the piping associated with these valves as a result of the cyclic opening and closing characteristics during mitigation of an overpressure transient.
NUREG4800 StandardReviewPlan5.3.2,Pressure-Temperature Limits,July1981,Rev.1.10.ASTME-208,StandardTestMethodforConducting Drop-Weight TesttoDetermine Nil-Ductility Transition Temperature ofFerriticSteels,ASTMStandards, Section3,AmericanSocietyforTestingandMaterials.
Thus, a pressure limit more restrictive than the 10CFR50, Appendix GI'I allowable is imposed above a certain temperature so that the loads on the piping from a LTOPS event would not affect the piping integrity.
11.B8WOwnersGroupReportBAW-2202, "Fracture Toughness Characterization ofWF-70Weld4-1 Material",
3-1 0 II iE'I I Two specific transients have been defined, with the RCS in a water-solid condition, as the design basis for LTOPS.Each of these scenarios assumes no RHR System heat removal capability.
BBWOwnersGroupMaterials Committee, September 1993.12.Letter,ClydeY.Shiraki,NuclearRegulatory Commission, toD.LFarrar,Commonwealth Edison-Company,'Exemption fromtheRequirement toDetermine theUnirradiated Reference Temperature inAccordance withtheMethodSpecified In10CFR50.61(b)(2)(i)(TACNOS.M84546andM84547),DocketNos.50-295and50404,February22,1994.13.CodeofFederalRegulations, Title10,Part50,"Fracture Toughness Requirements forLight-Water NuclearPowerReactors, AppendixH,ReactorVesselMaterialSurveillance ProgramRequirements.
The RHR System relief valve (203)does not actuate during the transients.
14.Timoshenko, S.P.andGoodier,J.N.,TheoofElasticit, ThirdEdition,McGraw-Hill BookCo.,NewYork,1970.15.ASMEBoilerandPressureVesselCode,SectionXI,"RulesforInservice Inspection ofNuclearPowerPlantComponents",
The first transient consists of a heat injection scenario in which a reactor coolant pump in a single loop is started with the RCS temperature as much as 50'F lower than the steam generator secondary side temperature.
This results in a sudden heat input to a water-solid RCS from the steam generators, creating an increasing pressure transient.
16.WRCBulletinNo.175,PVRCRecommendations onToughness Requirements forFerriticMaterials",
The second transient has been defined as a mass injection scenario into a water-solid RCS as caused by one of two possible scenarios.
WeldingResearchCouncil,NewYork,August1972.17.ASMEBoilerandPressureVesselCodeCaseN-514,SectionXI,Division1,"LowTemperature Overpressure Protection",
The first scenario is an inadvertent actuation of the safety injection pumps into the RCS.The second scenario is the simultaneous Isolation of the RHR System, isolation of letdown, and failure of the normal charging flow controls to the full flow condition.
Approvaldate:February12,1992.18.BranchTechnical PositionRSB5-2,"Overpressurization Protection ofPressurized WaterReactorsWhileOperating atLowTemperatures",
Either scenario may be eliminated from consideration depending on the plant configurations which are restricted by technical specifications.
NUREG4800 StandardReviewPlan5.2.2,Overpressure Protection, November1988,Rev.2.19.BWNT,"RELAPS/MOD2, AnAdvancedComputerProgramforLight-Water ReactorLOCAandNon-LOCATransient Analysis,"
Also, various combinations of charging and safety injection flows may also be evaluated on a plant-specific basis.The resulting mass injection/letdown mismatch causes an increasing pressure transient.
BAW-10164P-A.20.Instrument ofAmerica(ISA)Standard67.04-1994.
3.2 LTOPS Setpoint Determination Rochester Gas and Electric and Babcock&Wilcox Nuclear Technology (BWNT)have developed the following methodology which is employed to determine PORV setpoints for mitigation of the LTOPS design basis cold overpressurization transients.
4-2 Attachment VIFinalVersionofLTOPMethodology (Replaces methodology originally providedinDecember8,1995RG&ElettertoNRCwhichinturnreplacedmethodology providedinSection3toWCAP-14040)
This methodology maximizes the available operating margin for setpoint selection while maintaining an appropriate level of protection in support of reactor vessel and RHR System integrity.
LOWTEMPERATURE OVERPRESSURE PROTECTION SYSTEM(LTOPS)INTRODUCTION ThepurposeoftheLTOPSIstosupplement thenormalplantoperational administrative controlstoprotectthereactorvesselfrombeingexposedtoconditions offastpropagating brittlefracture.
3-2 Parameters Considered The selection of proper LTOPS setpoint for actuating the PORVs requires the consideration of numerous system parameters including:
a.Volume of reactor coolant involved in transient b.RCS pressure signal transmission delay c.Volumetric capacity of the relief valves versus opening position, including the potential for critical flow d.Stroke time of the relief valves (open&close)e.Initial temperature and pressure of the RCS and steam generator f.Mass input rate into RCS g.Temperature of injected fluid h.Heat transfer characteristics of the steam generators i.Initial temperature asymmetry between RCS and steam generator secondary water 1 J.Mass of steam generator secondary water k.RCP startup dynamics I.10CFR50, Appendix Gt'I pressure/temperature characteristics of the reactor vessel m.Pressurizer PORV piping/structural analysis limitations n.Dynamic and static pressure differences throughout the RCS and RHRS o.RHR System pressure limits p.Loop asymmetry for RCP start cases q.Instrument uncertainty for temperature (conditions under which the LTOP System is placed into service)and pressure uncertainty (actuation setpolnt)These parameters are modelled in the BWNT RELAP5/MOD2-B&W computer code (Ref.19)3-3 Sr';
Thishasbeenachievedbyconservatively choosinganLTOPSsetpointwhichpreventstheRCSfromexceeding thepressure/temperature limitsestablished by10CFRPart50AppendixGI'Irequirements, andtheRHRSystemfromexceeding 110%ofitsdesignpressure.
which calculates the maximum and minimum system pressures.
TheLTOPSisdesignedtoprovidethecapability, duringrelatively lowtemperature operation (typically lessthan350'F),toautomatically preventtheRCSpressurefromexceeding theapplicable limits.Oncethesystemisenabled,nooperatoractionisinvolvedfortheLTOPStoperformitsintendedpressuremitigation function.
Pressure Limits Selection The function of the LTOPS is to protect the reactor vessel from fast propagating brittle fracture.This has been implemented by choosing a LTOPS setpolnt which prevents exceeding the limits prescribed by the applicable pressure/temperature characteristic for the specific reactor vessel material in accordance with rules given in Appendix G to 10CFR50I".
Thus,nooperatoractionismodelledintheanalysessupporting thesetpointselection, althoughoperatoractionmaybeinitiated toultimately terminate thecauseoftheoverpressure event.ThePORVslocatednearthetopofthepressurizer, togetherwithadditional actuation logicfromthelow-range pressurechannels, areutilizedtomitigatepotential RCSoverpressure transients.
The LTOPS design basis takes credit for the fact that overpressure events most likely occur during isothermal conditions in the RCS.Therefore, it is appropriate to utilize the steady-state Appendix G limit.In addition, the LTOPS also provides for an operational consideration to maintain the integrity of the PORV piping, and to protect the RHR System from overpressure during the LTOPS design basis transients.
TheLTOPSprovidesthereliefcapacityforspecifictransients whichwouldnotbemitigated bytheRHRSystemreliefvalve.Inaddition, alimitonthePORVpipingisaccommodated duetothepotential forwaterhammereffectstobedeveloped inthepipingassociated withthesevalvesasaresultofthecyclicopeningandclosingcharacteristics duringmitigation ofanoverpressure transient.
A typical characteristic 10CFR50 Appendix G curve is shown by Figure 3.1 where the allowable system pressure increases with increasing temperature.
Thus,apressurelimitmorerestrictive thanthe10CFR50,AppendixGI'Iallowable isimposedaboveacertaintemperature sothattheloadsonthepipingfromaLTOPSeventwouldnotaffectthepipingintegrity.
This type of curve sets the nominal upper limit on the pressure which should not be exceeded during RCS increasing pressure transients based on reactor vessel material properties.
3-1 0IIiE'II Twospecifictransients havebeendefined,withtheRCSinawater-solid condition, asthedesignbasisforLTOPS.Eachofthesescenarios assumesnoRHRSystemheatremovalcapability.
Superimposed on this curve is the PORV piping limit and RHR System pressure limit which is conservatively used, for setpoint development, as the maximum allowable pressure above the temperature at which it intersects with the 10CFR50 Appendix G curve.When a relief valve is actuated to mitigate an increasing pressure transient, the release of a volume of coolant through the valve will cause the pressure increase to be slowed and reversed as described by Figure 3.2.The system pressure then decreases, as the relief valve releases coolant, until a reset pressure is reached where the valve is signalled to close.Note that the pressure continues to decrease below the reset pressure as the valve recloses.The nominal 3-4 Q6 p~I I 1 tv~'=<<fj lower limit on the pressure during the transient is typically established based solely on an operational consideration for the reactor coolant pump&#xb9;1 seal to maintain a nominal differential pressure across the seal faces for proper film-riding performance.
In the event that the available range is insufficient to concurrently accommodate the upper and lower pressure limits, the upper pressure limits are given preference.
Thefirsttransient consistsofaheatinjection scenarioinwhichareactorcoolantpumpinasingleloopisstartedwiththeRCStemperature asmuchas50'Flowerthanthesteamgenerator secondary sidetemperature.
The nominal upper limit (based on the minimum of the steady-state 10CFR50 Appendix 8 requirement, the RHR System pressure limit, and the PORV piping limitations) and the nominal RCP&#xb9;1 seal performance criteria create a pressure range from which the setpoints for both PORVs may be selected as shown on Figures 3.3 and 3.4.Where there is insufficient range between the upper and lower pressure limits to select PORV setpolnts to provide protection against violation of both limits, setpolnt selection to provide protection against the upper pressure limit violation shall take precedence.
Thisresultsinasuddenheatinputtoawater-solid RCSfromthesteamgenerators, creatinganincreasing pressuretransient.
Mass Input Consideration For a particular mass input transient to the RCS, the relief valve will be signalled to open at a specific pressure setpolnt.However, as shown on Figure 3.2, there will be a pressure overshoot during the delay time before the valve starts to move and during the time the valve is moving to the full open position.This overshoot is dependent on the dynamics of the system and the input parameters, and results in a maximum system pressure somewhat higher than the set pressure.Similarly there will be a pressure undershoot, while the valve is relieving, both due to the reset pressure being below the setpoint and to the delay in stroking the valve closed.The maximum and minimum pressures reached (P>>and P~,)in the transient are a function of the selected setpoint (Ps)as shown on Figure 3.3.The shaded area represents an optimum 3-5 range from which to select the setpoint based on the particular mass input case.Several mass Input cases may be run at various input flow rates to bound the allowable setpoint range.Heat Input Consideration The heat input case is done similarly to the mass input case except that the locus of transient pressure values versus selected setpoints may be determined for several values of the initial RCS temperature.
Thesecondtransient hasbeendefinedasamassinjection scenariointoawater-solid RCSascausedbyoneoftwopossiblescenarios.
This heat input evaluation provides a range of acceptable setpolnts dependent on the reactor coolant temperature, whereas the mass input case is limited to the most restrictive low temperature condition only (i.e.the mass injection transient is not sensitive to temperature).
Thefirstscenarioisaninadvertent actuation ofthesafetyinjection pumpsintotheRCS.Thesecondscenarioisthesimultaneous Isolation oftheRHRSystem,isolation ofletdown,andfailureofthenormalchargingflowcontrolstothefullflowcondition.
The shaded area on Figure 3.4 describes the acceptable band for a heat input transient from which to select the setpoint for a particular initial reactor coolant temperature.
Eitherscenariomaybeeliminated fromconsideration depending ontheplantconfigurations whicharerestricted bytechnical specifications.
If the LTOPS is a single setpolnt system, the most limiting result is used throughout.
Also,variouscombinations ofchargingandsafetyinjection flowsmayalsobeevaluated onaplant-specific basis.Theresulting massinjection/letdown mismatchcausesanincreasing pressuretransient.
Final Setpoint Selection By superimposing the results of multiple mass input and heat input cases evaluated, (from a series of figures such as 3.3 and 3.4)a range of allowable PORV setpoints to satisfy both conditions can be determined.
3.2LTOPSSetpointDetermination Rochester GasandElectricandBabcock&WilcoxNuclearTechnology (BWNT)havedeveloped thefollowing methodology whichisemployedtodetermine PORVsetpoints formitigation oftheLTOPSdesignbasiscoldoverpressurization transients.
For a single setpoint system, the most limiting setpoint is chosen, with the upper pressure limit given precedence if both limits cannot be accommodated.
Thismethodology maximizes theavailable operating marginforsetpointselection whilemaintaining anappropriate levelofprotection insupportofreactorvesselandRHRSystemintegrity.
The selection of the setpolnts for the PORVs considers the use of nominal upper and lower pressure limits.The upper limits are specified by the minimum of the steady-state cooldown curve as calculated in accordance with Appendix G to 10CFR50'I or the peak RCS or RHR 3-6 System pressure based upon piping/structural analysis loads.The lower pressure extreme is specified by the reactor coolant pump 41 seal minimum differential pressure performance criteria.Uncertainties in the pressure and temperature instrumentation utilized by the LTOPS are accounted for consistent with the methodology of Reference 2.0.Accounting for the effects of instrumentation uncertainty imposes additional restrictions on the setpolnt development, N which is already based on conservative pressure limits such as a safety factor of 2 on pressure stress, use of a lower bound K R curve and an assumed~/~T flaw depth with a length equal to 1~8 times the vessel wall thickness.
3-2 Parameters Considered Theselection ofproperLTOPSsetpointforactuating thePORVsrequirestheconsideration ofnumeroussystemparameters including:
a.Volumeofreactorcoolantinvolvedintransient b.RCSpressuresignaltransmission delayc.Volumetric capacityofthereliefvalvesversusopeningposition, including thepotential forcriticalflowd.Stroketimeofthereliefvalves(open&close)e.Initialtemperature andpressureoftheRCSandsteamgenerator f.MassinputrateintoRCSg.Temperature ofinjectedfluidh.Heattransfercharacteristics ofthesteamgenerators i.Initialtemperature asymmetry betweenRCSandsteamgenerator secondary water1J.Massofsteamgenerator secondary waterk.RCPstartupdynamicsI.10CFR50,AppendixGt'Ipressure/temperature characteristics ofthereactorvesselm.Pressurizer PORVpiping/structural analysislimitations n.Dynamicandstaticpressuredifferences throughout theRCSandRHRSo.RHRSystempressurelimitsp.Loopasymmetry forRCPstartcasesq.Instrument uncertainty fortemperature (conditions underwhichtheLTOPSystemisplacedintoservice)andpressureuncertainty (actuation setpolnt)
Theseparameters aremodelledintheBWNTRELAP5/MOD2-B&W computercode(Ref.19)3-3 Sr';
whichcalculates themaximumandminimumsystempressures.
PressureLimitsSelection ThefunctionoftheLTOPSistoprotectthereactorvesselfromfastpropagating brittlefracture.
Thishasbeenimplemented bychoosingaLTOPSsetpolntwhichpreventsexceeding thelimitsprescribed bytheapplicable pressure/temperature characteristic forthespecificreactorvesselmaterialinaccordance withrulesgiveninAppendixGto10CFR50I".
TheLTOPSdesignbasistakescreditforthefactthatoverpressure eventsmostlikelyoccurduringisothermal conditions intheRCS.Therefore, itisappropriate toutilizethesteady-state AppendixGlimit.Inaddition, theLTOPSalsoprovidesforanoperational consideration tomaintaintheintegrity ofthePORVpiping,andtoprotecttheRHRSystemfromoverpressure duringtheLTOPSdesignbasistransients.
Atypicalcharacteristic 10CFR50AppendixGcurveisshownbyFigure3.1wheretheallowable systempressureincreases withincreasing temperature.
ThistypeofcurvesetsthenominalupperlimitonthepressurewhichshouldnotbeexceededduringRCSincreasing pressuretransients basedonreactorvesselmaterialproperties.
Superimposed onthiscurveisthePORVpipinglimitandRHRSystempressurelimitwhichisconservatively used,forsetpointdevelopment, asthemaximumallowable pressureabovethetemperature atwhichitintersects withthe10CFR50AppendixGcurve.Whenareliefvalveisactuatedtomitigateanincreasing pressuretransient, thereleaseofavolumeofcoolantthroughthevalvewillcausethepressureincreasetobeslowedandreversedasdescribed byFigure3.2.Thesystempressurethendecreases, asthereliefvalvereleasescoolant,untilaresetpressureisreachedwherethevalveissignalled toclose.Notethatthepressurecontinues todecreasebelowtheresetpressureasthevalverecloses.
Thenominal3-4 Q6p~II1tv~'=<<fj lowerlimitonthepressureduringthetransient istypically established basedsolelyonanoperational consideration forthereactorcoolantpump&#xb9;1sealtomaintainanominaldifferential pressureacrossthesealfacesforproperfilm-riding performance.
Intheeventthattheavailable rangeisinsufficient toconcurrently accommodate theupperandlowerpressurelimits,theupperpressurelimitsaregivenpreference.
Thenominalupperlimit(basedontheminimumofthesteady-state 10CFR50Appendix8requirement, theRHRSystempressurelimit,andthePORVpipinglimitations) andthenominalRCP&#xb9;1sealperformance criteriacreateapressurerangefromwhichthesetpoints forbothPORVsmaybeselectedasshownonFigures3.3and3.4.Wherethereisinsufficient rangebetweentheupperandlowerpressurelimitstoselectPORVsetpolnts toprovideprotection againstviolation ofbothlimits,setpolntselection toprovideprotection againsttheupperpressurelimitviolation shalltakeprecedence.
MassInputConsideration Foraparticular massinputtransient totheRCS,thereliefvalvewillbesignalled toopenataspecificpressuresetpolnt.
However,asshownonFigure3.2,therewillbeapressureovershoot duringthedelaytimebeforethevalvestartstomoveandduringthetimethevalveismovingtothefullopenposition.
Thisovershoot isdependent onthedynamicsofthesystemandtheinputparameters, andresultsinamaximumsystempressuresomewhathigherthanthesetpressure.
Similarly therewillbeapressureundershoot, whilethevalveisrelieving, bothduetotheresetpressurebeingbelowthesetpointandtothedelayinstrokingthevalveclosed.Themaximumandminimumpressures reached(P>>andP~,)inthetransient areafunctionoftheselectedsetpoint(Ps)asshownonFigure3.3.Theshadedarearepresents anoptimum3-5 rangefromwhichtoselectthesetpointbasedontheparticular massinputcase.SeveralmassInputcasesmayberunatvariousinputflowratestoboundtheallowable setpointrange.HeatInputConsideration Theheatinputcaseisdonesimilarly tothemassinputcaseexceptthatthelocusoftransient pressurevaluesversusselectedsetpoints maybedetermined forseveralvaluesoftheinitialRCStemperature.
Thisheatinputevaluation providesarangeofacceptable setpolnts dependent onthereactorcoolanttemperature, whereasthemassinputcaseislimitedtothemostrestrictive lowtemperature condition only(i.e.themassinjection transient isnotsensitive totemperature).
TheshadedareaonFigure3.4describes theacceptable bandforaheatinputtransient fromwhichtoselectthesetpointforaparticular initialreactorcoolanttemperature.
FinalSetpointSelection Bysuperimposing theresultsofmultiplemassinputandheatinputcasesevaluated, (fromaseriesoffiguressuchas3.3and3.4)arangeofallowable PORVsetpoints tosatisfybothconditions canbedetermined.
Forasinglesetpointsystem,themostlimitingsetpointischosen,withtheupperpressurelimitgivenprecedence ifbothlimitscannotbeaccommodated.
Theselection ofthesetpolnts forthePORVsconsiders theuseofnominalupperandlowerpressurelimits.Theupperlimitsarespecified bytheminimumofthesteady-state cooldowncurveascalculated inaccordance withAppendixGto10CFR50'I orthepeakRCSorRHR3-6 Systempressurebaseduponpiping/structural analysisloads.Thelowerpressureextremeisspecified bythereactorcoolantpump41sealminimumdifferential pressureperformance criteria.
Uncertainties inthepressureandtemperature instrumentation utilizedbytheLTOPSareaccounted forconsistent withthemethodology ofReference

==2.0. Accounting==
===3.3 Application===
fortheeffectsofinstrumentation uncertainty imposesadditional restrictions onthesetpolntdevelopment, Nwhichisalreadybasedonconservative pressurelimitssuchasasafetyfactorof2onpressurestress,useofalowerboundKRcurveandanassumed~/~Tflawdepthwithalengthequalto1~8timesthevesselwallthickness.
of ASME Code Case N-514i ASME Code Case N-514I'allows LTOPS to limit the maximum pressure in the reactor vessel to 110%of the pressure determined to satisfy Appendix G, paragraph G-2215, of Section XI of the ASME Code"'.The application of ASME Code Case N-514 increases the operating margin in the region of the pressure-temperature limit curves where the LTOPS is enabled.Code Case N-514 requires LTOPS to be effective at coolant temperatures less than 200'F or at coolant temperatures corresponding to a reactor vessel metal temperature, at a 1/4t distance from the inside vessel surface, less than Ropy+50 F, whichever is greater.RTD~is the highest adjusted reference temperature for weld or base metal in the beltline region at a distance one-fourth of the vessel section thickness from the vessel Inside surface, as determined by Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2.3-7 Enable Temperature for LTOPS The enable temperature is the temperature below which the LTOPS system is required to be operable.The Glnna LTOPS enable temperature is established using the guidance provided by ASME XI Code Case N-514.The ASME Code Case N-514 supports an enable RCS liquid temperature corresponding to the reactor vessel 1/4t metal temperature of RTNp~+50 F or 200'F, whichever is greater as described in Section 3.3.This definition ls also supported by the Westinghouse Owner's Group.The Ginna enable temperature is determined as (RTNpY+50 F)+(instrument error I~I)+(metal temperature difference to 1/4 T).The RCS cold leg temperature limitation for starting an RCP is the same value as the LTOPS enable temperature to ensure that the basis of the heat injection transient is not violated.The Standard Technical Specifications (STS)prohibit starting an RCP when any RCS cold leg temperatures is less than or equal to the LTOPS enable temperature unless the secondary side water temperature of each steam generator is less than or 50'F above each of the RCS cold leg temperatures.
3.3Application ofASMECodeCaseN-514iASMECodeCaseN-514I'allowsLTOPStolimitthemaximumpressureinthereactorvesselto110%ofthepressuredetermined tosatisfyAppendixG,paragraph G-2215,ofSectionXIoftheASMECode"'.Theapplication ofASMECodeCaseN-514increases theoperating marginintheregionofthepressure-temperature limitcurveswheretheLTOPSisenabled.CodeCaseN-514requiresLTOPStobeeffective atcoolanttemperatures lessthan200'Foratcoolanttemperatures corresponding toareactorvesselmetaltemperature, ata1/4tdistancefromtheinsidevesselsurface,lessthanRopy+50F,whichever isgreater.RTD~isthehighestadjustedreference temperature forweldorbasemetalinthebeltlineregionatadistanceone-fourthofthevesselsectionthickness fromthevesselInsidesurface,asdetermined byRegulatory Guide1.99,Revision2.3-7 EnableTemperature forLTOPSTheenabletemperature isthetemperature belowwhichtheLTOPSsystemisrequiredtobeoperable.
TheGlnnaLTOPSenabletemperature isestablished usingtheguidanceprovidedbyASMEXICodeCaseN-514.TheASMECodeCaseN-514supportsanenableRCSliquidtemperature corresponding tothereactorvessel1/4tmetaltemperature ofRTNp~+50For200'F,whichever isgreaterasdescribed inSection3.3.Thisdefinition lsalsosupported bytheWestinghouse Owner'sGroup.TheGinnaenabletemperature isdetermined as(RTNpY+50F)+(instrument errorI~I)+(metaltemperature difference to1/4T).TheRCScoldlegtemperature limitation forstartinganRCPisthesamevalueastheLTOPSenabletemperature toensurethatthebasisoftheheatinjection transient isnotviolated.
TheStandardTechnical Specifications (STS)prohibitstartinganRCPwhenanyRCScoldlegtemperatures islessthanorequaltotheLTOPSenabletemperature unlessthesecondary sidewatertemperature ofeachsteamgenerator islessthanorequal.to50'FaboveeachoftheRCScoldlegtemperatures.

'F3-9 P
"(1';R EL'I EF,',VAVLE CYCLE):;",":
"(1';REL'IEF,',VAVLE CYCLE):;",":
RESE7 3-10 Figure 3.3:,'.SETPO)NT::.:":
RESE73-10 Figure3.3:,'.SETPO)NT::.:":
SETPOINTRANGE:PORVSETPOINT):PSIG ThemaximumpressurelimitistheminimumoftheAppendixGlimit,thePORVdischarge pipingstructural analysislimit,orthe'RHhsystemlimit3-11  
SETPOINT RANGE: PORV SETPOINT):PSIG The maximum pressure limit is the minimum of the Appendix G limit, the PORV discharge piping structural analysis limit, or the'RHh system limit 3-11  

P ue--------
SETPOINT.RANGE: p.S P,ORV SETPOIN7):PSlG The maximum pressure limit is the minimum of the Appendix G limit, the PORV discharge piping structural analysis limit, or the RHR system limit 3-12 NUREG 1431,"Standard Technical Specifications for Westinghouse Pressurized Water Reactors", Revision 0, September, 1992.2.U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission,"Removal of Cycle-Specific Parameter Limits from Technical Specifications", Generic Letter 88-16, October, 1988.3.U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Materials, Re ulato Guide 1.99 Revision 2, May, 1988.4.Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50,"Fracture Toughness Requirements for Light-Water Nuclear Power Reactors", Appendix G, Fracture Toughness Requirements.
RANGE:p.SP,ORVSETPOIN7):PSlG ThemaximumpressurelimitistheminimumoftheAppendixGlimit,thePORVdischarge pipingstructural analysislimit,ortheRHRsystemlimit3-12 NUREG1431,"Standard Technical Specifications forWestinghouse Pressurized WaterReactors",
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI,'Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components", Appendix G, Fracture Toughness Criteria For Protection Against Failure.6.R.G.Soltesz, R.K.Disney, J.Jedruch, and S.I Ziegier, Nuclear Rocket Shielding Methods, Modification, Updating and Input Data Preparation.
Revision0,September, 1992.2.U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission, "RemovalofCycle-Specific Parameter LimitsfromTechnical Specifications",
Vol.5-Two-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Technique, WANL-PR(LL)<34, Vol.5, August 1970.ORNL RSIC Data LIbrary Collection DLC-76 SAILOR Coupled Self-Shielded, 47 Neutron, 20 Gamma-Ray, P3, Cross Section Library for Light Water Reactors.ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III,"Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components", Division 1, Subsection NB: Class 1 Components.
GenericLetter88-16,October,1988.3.U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission, Radiation Embrittlement ofReactorVesselMaterials, ReulatoGuide1.99Revision2,May,1988.4.CodeofFederalRegulations, Title10,Part50,"Fracture Toughness Requirements forLight-Water NuclearPowerReactors",
Branch Technical Position MTEB 5-2,"Fracture Toughness Requirements", NUREG4800 Standard Review Plan 5.3.2, Pressure-Temperature Limits, July 1981, Rev.1.10.ASTM E-208, Standard Test Method for Conducting Drop-Weight Test to Determine Nil-Ductility Transition Temperature of Ferritic Steels, ASTM Standards, Section 3, American Society for Testing and Materials.
AppendixG,FractureToughness Requirements.
11.B&W Owners Group Report BAW-2202,"Fracture Toughness Characterization'of WF-70 Weld Material", B&W Owners Group Materials Committee, September 1993.4-1  
ASMEBoilerandPressureVesselCodeSectionXI,'RulesforInservice Inspection ofNuclearPowerPlantComponents",
AppendixG,FractureToughness CriteriaForProtection AgainstFailure.6.R.G.Soltesz,R.K.Disney,J.Jedruch,andS.IZiegier,NuclearRocketShielding Methods,Modification, UpdatingandInputDataPreparation.
Vol.5-Two-Dimensional DiscreteOrdinates Transport Technique, WANL-PR(LL)<34, Vol.5,August1970.ORNLRSICDataLIbraryCollection DLC-76SAILORCoupledSelf-Shielded, 47Neutron,20Gamma-Ray, P3,CrossSectionLibraryforLightWaterReactors.
ASMEBoilerandPressureVesselCode,SectionIII,"RulesforConstruction ofNuclearPowerPlantComponents",
Division1,Subsection NB:Class1Components.
BranchTechnical PositionMTEB5-2,"Fracture Toughness Requirements",
NUREG4800 StandardReviewPlan5.3.2,Pressure-Temperature Limits,July1981,Rev.1.10.ASTME-208,StandardTestMethodforConducting Drop-Weight TesttoDetermine Nil-Ductility Transition Temperature ofFerriticSteels,ASTMStandards, Section3,AmericanSocietyforTestingandMaterials.
11.B&WOwnersGroupReportBAW-2202, "Fracture Toughness Characterization'of WF-70WeldMaterial",
B&WOwnersGroupMaterials Committee, September 1993.4-1  

u.Letter,ClydeY.Shlraki,NuclearRegulatory Commission, toD.L.Farrar,Commonwealth EdisonCompany,"Exemption fromtheRequirement toDetermine theUnirradiated Reference Temperature inAccordance withtheMethodSpecified in10CFR50.61(b)(2)(i)(TACNOS.M84546andM84547)",
u.Letter, Clyde Y.Shlraki, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, to D.L.Farrar, Commonwealth Edison Company,"Exemption from the Requirement to Determine the Unirradiated Reference Temperature in Accordance with the Method Specified in 10 CFR 50.61(b)(2)(i)(TAC NOS.M84546 and M84547)", Docket Nos.50-295 and 50404, February 22, 1994.13.Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50,"Fracture Toughness Requirements for Light-Water Nuclear Power Reactors", Appendix H, Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program Requirements.
DocketNos.50-295and50404,February22,1994.13.CodeofFederalRegulations, Title10,Part50,"Fracture Toughness Requirements forLight-Water NuclearPowerReactors",
14.Tlmoshenko, S.P.and Goodier, J.N., Theo of Elastlcit, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1970.15.ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI,"Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components", Appendix A, Analysis of Flaws, Article A-3000, Method For g Determination.
AppendixH,ReactorVesselMaterialSurveillance ProgramRequirements.
16.WRC Bulletin No.175,"PVRC Recommendations on Toughness Requirements for Ferritlc Materials", Welding Research Council, New York, August 1972.17.ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case N-514, Section XI, Division 1,"Low Temperature Overpressure Protection", Approval date: February 12, 1992.18.Branch Technical Position RSB 5-2,"Overpressurization Protection of Pressurized Water Reactors While Operating at Low Temperatures", NUREG4800 Standard Review Plan 5.2.2, Overpressure Protection, November 1988, Rev.2.19.BWNT,"RELAPS/MOD2, An Advanced Computer Program for Light-Water Reactor LOCA and Non-LOCA Transient Analysis," BAW-10164P-A.
14.Tlmoshenko, S.P.andGoodier,J.N.,TheoofElastlcit, ThirdEdition,McGraw-Hill BookCo.,NewYork,1970.15.ASMEBoilerandPressureVesselCode,SectionXI,"RulesforInservice Inspection ofNuclearPowerPlantComponents",
20.Instrument of America (ISA)Standard 67.04-1994.
16.WRCBulletinNo.175,"PVRCRecommendations onToughness Requirements forFerritlcMaterials",
WeldingResearchCouncil,NewYork,August1972.17.ASMEBoilerandPressureVesselCodeCaseN-514,SectionXI,Division1,"LowTemperature Overpressure Protection",
Approvaldate:February12,1992.18.BranchTechnical PositionRSB5-2,"Overpressurization Protection ofPressurized WaterReactorsWhileOperating atLowTemperatures",
NUREG4800 StandardReviewPlan5.2.2,Overpressure Protection, November1988,Rev.2.19.BWNT,"RELAPS/MOD2, AnAdvancedComputerProgramforLight-Water ReactorLOCAandNon-LOCATransient Analysis,"
20.Instrument ofAmerica(ISA)Standard67.04-1994.

Attachment VIILTOPEnableTemperature Calculation 1(FirstuseofLTOPenabletemperature methodology)}}
Attachment VII LTOP Enable Temperature Calculation 1 (First use of LTOP enable temperature methodology)}}

Revision as of 13:45, 7 July 2018

Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Rcs,Pt & Administrative Control Requirements
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Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/24/1997
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Attachment II Marked Up Copy of R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Technical Specifications Included Pages: 5.0-229705020089 970424 PDR ADQCK 05000244 P PDR)

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.6 PTLR (continued)

C.i.(C.w.i c~The aoifjtWcighmethVds,=,.viidKCp':::-:deterp$

ne: t+e'CS pressure and~empe~ra ure andTTOAPA Iimits shal'l be those previously reviewed and approved by the NRC letter dated Hay gg,dgggii[iiii!!!!il:,.

Ad III 11, 44~I 4 I gy areLs described in the following documents:

1.Letter from R.C.Hecredy, Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation (RGimLE), to Document Control Desk, NRC, Attention:

A.R.Johnson,"Application for Facility Operating License, Revision to Reactor Coolant System RCS)Pressure and Tem erature Limits Re ort PTLR'A,msfstvikt1ve7!Coutp~I't!88'Qll1redmeutsiy


Apri'i 2~19r9$.2.IIAAP-1444

~".,':.PIP,-'":l1"Hethodology Used to Develop Cold Overpressure Hitigating System Setpoints and RCS Heatup and Cooldown Limit Curves,", fiictg oiis':;.!L!,.":::,:::,:.:2::."::::;::".Pe'e8~!3:-


C.<~L C.i.w d.The PTLR shall be provided to the NRC upon issuance for each reactor vessel fluent period and for revisions or supplement thereto.R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 5.0-22 Amendment No.g, g Attachment III Proposed Technical Specifications Included Pages: 5.0-22 Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.6 PTLR (continued)

C.The analytical methods used to determine the RCS pressure and temperature and LTOP limits shall be those previously reviewed and approved by the NRC in NRC letter dated<NRC approval document>.

Specifically, the limits and methodology is described in the following documents:

1.Letter from R.C.Hecredy, Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation (RGKE), to Document Control Desk, NRC, Attention:

A.R.Johnson,"Application for Facility Operating License, Revision to Reactor-Coolant System (RCS)Pressure and Temperature Limits Report (PTLR)Administrative Controls Requirements," Attachment VI, April 24, 1997.2.WCAP-14040-NP-A,"Hethodology Used to Develop Cold Overpressure Hitigating System Setpoints and RCS Heatup and Cooldown Limit Curves," Sections 1, 2, and 4, January 1996.d.The PTLR shall be provided to the NRC upon issuance for each reactor vessel fluence period and for revisions or supplement thereto.R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 5.0-22 Amendment No.g, PP Attachment IV Ginna Station PTLR, Revision 2 GINNA STATION PTLR Revision 2 RCS PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE LIMITS REPORT (PTLR)Responsible Hanager Effective Date Controlled Copy No.

R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant RCS Pressure and Temperature Limits Report Revision 2 This report is not part of the Technical Specifications.

This report is referenced in the Technical Specifications.


2 2.0 OPERATING LIMITS...................................................

3 2.1 RCS Pressure and Temperature Limits..........................

3 2.2 Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Enable T emperature


3 2.3 Low Temperature Overpressure Protection Syste~Setpoints.....3 3.0 REACTOR VESSEL MATERIAL SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM......................






5 FIGURE 1 Reactor Vessel Heatup Limitations


6 FIGURE 2 Reactor Vessel Cooldown Limitations


7 TABLE 3 Calculation of Chemistry Factors Using Surveil C apsule Data..................................

TABLE 1 Surveillance Capsule Removal Schedule.........

TABLE 2 Comparison of Surveillance Material with RG l.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8 99 Predictions..

9 lance 10 TABLE 4 TABLE 5 TABLE 6 Calculation of ARTS at 24 EFPY.............

.12 Reactor Vessel Toughness Table (Unirradiated)

Reactor Vessel Surface Fluence Values at 19.5 and 32 EFPY......

11 PTLR Revision 2

R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 1.0 RCS Pressure and Tem erature Limits Re ort PTLR This Pressure and Temperature Limits Report (PTLR)for Ginna Station has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 5.6.6.Revisions to the PTLR shall be provided to the NRC after issuance.The Technical Specifications addressed in this report are listed below: 3.4.3 3.4.6 3.4.7 3.4.10 3.4.12 RCS Pressure and Temperature (P/T)Limits RCS Loops-NODE 4 RCS Loops-NODE 5, Loops Filled Pressurizer Safety Valves Low Temperature Overpressure Protection (LTOP)System I PTLR Revision 2

I,I 2.0 OPERATING LIMITS The cycle-specific parameter limits for the specifications listed in Section=1.0 are presented in the following subsections.

All changes to these limits must be developed using the NRC approved methodologies specified in Technical Specification 5.6.6.These limits have been determined such that all applicable limits of the safety analysis are met.All items that appear in capitalized type are defined in Technical Specification 1.1,"Definitions." 2.1 RCS Pressure and Tem erature Limits (LCO 3.4.3 and LCO 3.4.12)(Reference 1)2.1.1 The RCS temperature rate-of-change limits are: a.A maximum heatup of 60'F per hour.b.A maximum cooldown of 100'F per hour.2.1.2 The RCS P/T limits for heatup and cooldown are specified by Figures 1 and 2, respectively.

2.1.3 The minimum boltup temperature, using the methodology of Reference 2, Section 2.7, is 60'F.2.2 Low Tem erature Over ressure Protection S stem Enable Tem erature (LCOs 3.4.6, 3.4.7, 3.4.10 and 3.4.12)(Methodology of Reference 3, Attachment VI, Section 3.4 as calculated in Attachment VII to Reference 3).2.2.1 The enable temperature for the Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System is 322'F.2.3 Low Tem erature Over ressure Protection S stem Set pints (LCO 3,4.12)2.3.1 Pressurizer Power 0 crated Relief Valve Lift Settin Limits (Methodology of Reference 3, Attachment VI as calculated in Reference 4, Attachment IV)The lift setting for the pressurizer Power Operated Relief Valves (PORVs)is s 411 psig (includes instrument uncertainty).

PTLR Revision 2 3.0 REACTOR VESSEL MATERIAL SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM The reactor vessel material irradiation surveillance specimens shall be removed and examined to determine changes in material properties.

The removal schedule is provided in Table 1.The results of these examinations shall be used to update Figures 1 and 2.The pressure vessel steel surveillance program (Ref.5)is in compliance with Appendix H to 10 CFR 50, entitled,"Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program." The material test requirements and the acceptance standard utilize the reference nil-ductility temperature, RT>>, which is determined in accordance with ASTM E208.The empirical relationship between RT>>~and the fracture toughness of the reactor vessel steel is developed in accordance with Appendix G,"Protection Against Non-Ductile Failure," to section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.The surveillance capsule removal schedule meets the requirements of ASTM E185-82.As shown by Reference 1 (specifically its Reference 51), the reactor vessel material irradiation surveillance specimens indicate that the surveillance data meets the credibility discussion presented in Regulatory Guide 1.99 revision 2 where: 1.The capsule materials represent the limiting reactor vessel material.2.Charpy energy vs.temperature plots scatter are small enough to permit determination of 30 ft-lb temperature and upper shelf energy unambiguously.

3.The scatter of a,RT>>values are within the best fit scatter limits as shown on Table 2.The only exception is with respect to the Intermediate Shell which is not the limiting reactor vessel material.4.The Charpy specimen irradiation temperature matches the reactor vessel surface interface temperature within+25'F.5.The surveillance data falls within the scatter band of the material database.4.0 SUPPLEMENTAL DATA INFORMATION AND DATA TABLES 4.1 4.2 The RT>>~value for Ginna Station limiting beltline material is 256.6 F for 32 EFPY per Reference l.Tables Table 2 contains a comparison of measured surveillance material 30 ft-lb transition temperature shifts and upper shelf energy decreases with Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 predictions.

PTLR Revision 2 A" L I Table 3 shows calculations of the surveillance material chemistry factors using surveillance capsule data.Table 4 provides the reactor vessel toughness data.Table 5 provides a summary of the fluence values used in the generation of the heatup and cooldown limit curves.Table 6 shows example, calculations of the ART values at 24 EFPY for the limiting reactor vessel material.


1.WCAP-14684,"R.E.Ginna Heatup and Cooldown Limit Curves for Normal Operation," dated June 1996.2.WCAP-14040-NP-A,"Hethodology Used to Develop Cold Overpressure Hitigating System Setpoints and RCS Heatup and Cooldown Limit Curves," Revision 2, January 1996.3.Letter from R.C.Hecredy, RG&E, to A.R.Johnson, NRC,


"Application for Amendment to Facility Operating License, Revision to Reactor Coolant System (RCS)Pressure and Temperature Limits Report (PTLR)Adminstrative Controls Requirements," dated April 24, 1997 Letter from R.C.Hecredy, RG8E, to A.R.Johnson, NRC,


"Application for Amendment to Facility Operating License,"Hethodology for Low Temperature Overpressure Protection (LTOP)Limits," dated February 9, 1996.5.WCAP-7254,"Rochester Gas and Electric, Robert E.Ginna Unit No.1 Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program," Hay 1969.I PTLR Revision 2 MATERIAL PROPERTY BASIS LIMITING MATERIAL: CIRCUMFERENTIAL WELD SA-847 LIMITING ART VALUES AT 24 EFPY: 1/4T, 232'F 3/4T, 196 F 2500 6664SSI060666 I g~~, I~I'I~t~~f~~m 2250~IN~2000~t~l.~LEA K TEST L I ICIT~~~I i I~~I i~t j I~g~~1750 1500 CA 1250-.1000 750 500 250~I~UNhCCEPThBLE'PERhTION HBATUP RATE UP TO 60 F/Hr'.HBATUP RATE UPTO IOO F/Hr.CRITICALITY I.IMIT EASED Ox INSERVICE HYDROSTATIC TEST TEMPERATURE (SSS F)FOR THE SERVICE PERIOD UP TO Z4~0 EFPT~~I I S I I hCCEPThBLE OPERATIO.N I~0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Indicated Temperature (Beg.F.)FIGURE I REACTOR VESSEL HEATUP LIMITATIONS APPLICABLE FOR THE FIRST 24 EFPY (MITHOUT MARGIN FOR INSTRUNENT ERRORS)PTLR Revision 2

MATERIAL PROPERTY BASIS LIMITING MATERIAL: CIRCUMFFRENTIAL VlELD SA-847 LIMITING ART VALUES AT 24 EFPY 1/4T, 232 F 3/4T, 196 F 2500 5004ZSl00060d I~I I~i I~~2250 he~W 2000 1750 l.'i I!I~i~i!\t i i i i i, I~I~~I i'.!I I!~~!i I~UNhCCEPTh3LE OPERATION I~i~~i~I'I!I!I I i~I'~1500 1250 1000!I I i I I~I I hCCEPThBLE OPERhTION750 5.0 0 250=cooLDo'AN BhTES P/Hr.o zo 40 00 too I I~0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Indicated Temperature (Deg.p)FIGURE 2 REACTOR VESSEL COOLDOWN LIMITATIONS APPLICABLE FOR THE FIRST 24 EFPY (WITHOUT MARGIN FOR INSTRUMENT ERRORS)PTLR eviSion 2

Table 1 Surveillance Ca sule Removal Schedule Vessel Location Capsule (deg.)Capsule Lead Factor Removal Schedule" Capsule Fluence E19(n/cm)" 77'57 67'7'370 247'.99 3.00 1.85 1.74 1.74 1.9 1.6 (removed)2.7 (removed)7 (removed)17 (removed)TeOStandby.5028 1.105 1.864 3.746 l'eo'b'/A NOTES: (a)Effective Full Power Years (EFPY).(b)To be determined, there is no current requirement for removal.(c)Reference l.I PTLR Revision 2 TABLE 2 Surveillance Haterial 30 ft-lb Transition Temperature Shift 30 lb-ft Transition Temperature Shift Haterial Lower Shell Intermediate Shell Weld Hetal HAZ Hetal Capsule Fluence (x 10" n/cm', E>1.0 HeV)".5028 1.105 1.864 3.746.5028 1.105 1.864 3.746.5028 1.105 1.864 3.746.5028 1.105 1.864 3.746 Predicted" ('F)26 32 37 37 52 59 135 168 191 218 Heasured" ('F)25 25 30 42 0-60 140 165 150 205 90 100 95 ('F)37 46 52 s]41 13 (a)Reference 1 (including its Reference 51).

IC4 1~I'll E r s TABLE 3 Calculation of Chemistry Factors Using Surveillance Capsule Data Haterial Intermediate Shell Forging 05 (Tangential)

Capsule Fluence (x 10'/cm', E)1.0 VeV)<>.5028 1.105 1.864 3.746 FF.8081 1.0279 1.1706 1.3418~RT (o F)N(~)25 25 30 42 Sum: F F*h Ropy ('F)20.2 25.7 35.1 56.4 137.4 FF.6530 1.0566 1.3703 1.8004 4.8803 Chemistry Factor=28.2'F Intermediate Shell.5028 1.105.8081 0 0.6530 1.0279 0 0 1.0566 1.864 1.1706 0 0 1.3703 3.746 1.3418 60 80.5 1.8004 Sum: 80.5 4.8803 Weld Metal Chemistry Factor=16.5'F.5028.8081 149.7 121.0.6530 1.105 1.864 1.0279 176.4 1.1706 160.4 181.3 187.8 1.0566 1.3703 NOTES: (a)Reference 1.3.746 1.3418 219.1 294.0 1.8004 Sum: 854.69 4.8803 Chemistry Factor=160.7'F (b)~RT>>~for weld material is the adjusted value using the 1.069 ratioing factor per Reference 1 applied to the measured values of Table 2.PTLR 10 Revision 2 TABLE 4 Reactor Vessel Toughness Table (Unirradiated)" Naterial Description Intermediate Shell Lower Shell Circumferential Weld (a)Per Reference l.Cu (%).07.05.25 Ni (%).69.69.56 Initial RT>>('F)20 40-4.8 TABLE 5 Reactor Vessel Surface Fluence Values at 19.5 and 32 EFPY" x 10" (n/cm', E)1.0~ev)EFPY 19.5 32 0o 2.32 3.49 15'.47 2.20 30'.05 1.56 45'969'.45 (a)Reference l.PTLR Revision 2 TABLE 6 Calculation of Adjusted Reference Temperatures at 24 EFPY for the Limiting Reactor Vessel Material Parameter Operating Time Material Location Chemistry Factor (CF), F"'luence (f), 10" n/cm (E>1.0 HeV)" Fluence Fact'or FF hRTgpy CF x FFy F Initial RTgpy (I)F Margin (H),'F" ART=I+(CFxFF)+H F"" NOTES: (a)Value calculated using Table 5 values.(b)Values from Table 3.(c)Reference 1.Circ.Weld 1/4-T 160.7 1.85 1.17 188-4.8 48.3 232 Values 24 EFPY Circ.Weld 3/4-T 160.7.851.955 153,4-4.8 48.3 196.9 PTLR 12 Revision 2 Attachment V Redlined Version of LTOP Methodology identifies changes to methodology originally provided in December 8, 1995 RG&E letter to NRC)

LOW TEMPERATURE OVERPRESSURE PROTECTION SYSTEM (LTOPS)INTRODUCTION The purpose of the LTOPS is to supplement the normal plant operational administrative controls to protect the reactor vessel from being exposed to conditions of fast propagating brittle fracture.The LTOPS also protects the Residual Heat Removal (RHR)System from overpressurizatlon.

This has been achieved by conservatively choosing an LTOPS setpolnt which prevents the RCS from exceeding the pressure/temperature limits established by 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix G"'equirements, and the RHR System from exceeding 110%of its design pressure.The LTOPS is designed to provide the capability, during relatively low temperature operation (typically less than 350'F), to automatically prevent the RCS pressure from exceeding the applicable limits.Once the system is enabled, no operator action Is involved for the LTOPS to perform its Intended pressure mitigation function.Thus, no operator action is modelled in the analyses supporting the setpofnt selection, although operator action may be initiated to ultimately terminate the cause of the overpressure event.The PORVs located near the top of the pressurizer, together with additional actuation logic from the low-range pressure channels, are utilized to mitigate potential RCS overpressure transients.

The LTOPS provides the relief capacity for specific transients which would not be mitigated by the RHR System relief valve.In addition, a limit on the PORV piping is accommodated due to the potential for water hammer effects to be developed in the piping associated with these valves as a result of the cyclic opening and closing characteristics during mitigation of an overpressure transient.

Thus, a pressure limit more restrictive than the 10CFR50, Appendix G<'>allowable is imposed above a certain temperature so that the loads on the piping from a LTOPS event would not affect the piping integrity.

3-1 acr%s.I N Two specific transients have been defined, with the RCS in a water-solid condition, as the design basis for LTOPS.Each of these scenarios assumes no RHR System heat removal capability.

The RHR System relief valve (203)does not actuate during the transients.

The first transient consists of a heat injection scenario in which a reactor coolant pump in a single loop is started with the RCS temperature as much as 50'F lower than the steam generator secondary side temperature.

This results in a sudden heat input to a water-solid RCS from the steam generators, creating an increasing pressure transient.

The second transient has been defined as a mass injection scenario into a water-solid RCS as caused by one of two possible scenarios.

The first scenario is an inadvertent actuation of the safety injection pumps into the RCS.The second scenario is the simultaneous isolation of the RHR System, isolation of letdown, and failure of the normal charging flow controls to the full flow condition.

Either scenario may be eliminated from consideration depending on the plant configurations which are restricted by technical specifications.

Also, various combinations of charging and safety injection flows may also be evaluated on a plant-specific basis.The resulting mass injection/letdown mismatch causes an increasing pressure transient.

3.2 LTOPS Setpoint Determination Rochester Gas and Electric and Babcock 8 Wilcox Nuclear Technology (BWNT)have developed the following methodology which is employed to determine PORV setpolnts for mitigation of the LTOPS design basis cold overpressurization transients.

This methodology maximizes the available operating margin for setpolnt selection while maintaining an appropriate level of protection in support of reactor vessel and RHR System integrity.

3-2 Parameters Considered The selection of proper LTOPS setpoint for actuating the PORVs requires the consideration of numerous system parameters including:

a.Volume of reactor coolant involved In transient b.RCS pressure signal transmission delay c.Volumetric capacity of the relief valves versus opening position, including the potential for critical flow d.Stroke time of the relief valves (open 6 close)e.Initial temperature and pressure of the RCS and steam generator f.Mass input rate into RCS g.Temperature of injected fluid h.Heat transfer characteristics of the steam generators i.Initial temperature asymmetry between RCS and steam generator secondary water j.Mass of steam generator secondary water k.RCP startup dynamics I.10CFR50, Appendix 6"I pressure/temperature characteristics of the reactor vessel m.Pressurizer PORV piping/structural analysis limitations n.Dynamic and static pressure differences throughout the RCS and RHRS o.RHR System pressure limits p.Loop asymmetry for RCP start cases q.Instrument uncertainty for temperature (conditions under which the LTOP System is placed into service)and pressure uncertainty (actuation setpoint)These parameters are modelled in the BWNT RELAP5/MOD2-B&W computer code (Ref.19)3-3 which calculates the maximum and minimum system pressures.

Pressure Limits Selection The function of the LTOPS is to protect the reactor vessel from fast propagating brittle fracture.This has been implemented by choosing a LTOPS setpolnt which prevents exceeding the limits prescribed by the applicable pressure/temperature characteristic for the specific reactor vessel material in accordance with rules given in Appendix G to 10CFR50I".

The LTOPS design basis takes credit for the fact that overpressure events most likely occur during isothermal conditions in the RCS.Therefore, it is appropriate to utilize the steady-state Appendix G limit.In addition, the LTOPS also provides for an operational consideration to maintain the integrity of the PORV piping, and to protect the RHR System from overpressure during the LTOPS design basis transients.

A typical characteristic 10CFR50 Appendix G cuwe is shown by Figure 3.1 where the allowable system pressure increases with Increasing temperature.

This type of curve sets the nominal upper limit on the pressure which should not be exceeded during RCS increasing pressure transients based on reactor vessel material properties.

Superimposed on this curve ls the PORV piping limit and RHR System pressure limit which is conservatively used, for setpolnt development, as the maximum allowable pressure above the temperature at which it intersects with the 10CFR50 Appendix G curve.When a relief valve is actuated to mitigate an increasing pressure transient, the release of a volume of coolant through the valve will cause the pressure increase to be slowed and reversed as described by Figure 3.2.The system pressure then decreases, as the relief valve releases coolant, until a reset pressure is reached where the valve is signalled to close.Note that the pressure continues to decrease below the reset pressure as the valve recloses.The nominal 3-4 II 1>><,fikt'~,t+g+

s lower limit on the pressure during the transient ls typically established based solely on an operational consideration for the reactor coolant pump P1 seal to maintain a nominal differential pressure across the seal faces for proper film-riding performance.

In the event that the available range is insufficient to concurrently accommodate the upper and lower pressure limits, the upper pressure limits are given preference.

The nominal upper limit (based on the minimum of the steady-state 10CFR50 Appendix G requirement, the RHR System pressure limit, and the PORV piping limitations) and the nominal RCP 41 seal performance criteria create a pressure range from which the setpoints for both PORVs may be selected as shown on Figures 3.3 and 3.4.Where there is insufficient range between the upper and lower pressure limits to select PORV setpoints to provide protection against violation of both limits, setpoint selection to provide protection against the upper pressure limit violation shall take precedence.

Mass Input Consideration For a particular mass input transient to the RCS, the relief valve will be signalled to open at a specific pressure setpoint.However, as shown on Figure 3.2, there will be a pressure overshoot during the delay time before the valve starts to move and during the time the valve is moving to the full open position.This overshoot is dependent on the dynamics of the system and the input parameters, and results in a maximum system pressure somewhat higher than the set pressure.Similarly there will be a pressure undershoot, while the valve is relieving, both due to the reset pressure being below the setpoint and to the delay in stroking the valve closed.The maximum and minimum pressures reached (P>>><and PQiN)in the transient are a function of the selected setpoint (P,)as shown on Figure 3.3.The shaded area represents an optimum 3-5

range from which to select the setpoint based on the particular mass input case.Several mass input cases may be run at various input flow rates to bound the allowable setpoint range.Heat Input Consideration The heat input case is done similarly to the mass input case except that the locus of transient pressure values versus selected setpoints may be determined for several values of the initial RCS temperature.

This heat input evaluation provides a range of acceptable setpoints dependent on the reactor coolant temperature, whereas the mass input case is limited to the most restrictive low temperature condition only (i.e.the mass injection transient is not sensitive to temperature).

The shaded area on Figure 3.4 describes the acceptable band for a heat input transient from which to select the setpoint for a particular initial reactor coolant temperature.

If the LTOPS is a single setpolnt system, the most limiting result Is used throughout.

Final Setpoint Selection By superimposing the results of multiple mass input and heat input cases evaluated, (from a series of figures such as 3.3 and 3.4)a range of allowable PORV setpoints to satisfy both/conditions can be determined.

For a single setpoint system, the most limiting setpoint is chosen, with the upper pressure limit given precedence if both limits cannot be accommodated.

The selection of the setpolnts for the PORVs considers the use of nominal upper and lower pressure limits.The upper limits are specified by the minimum of the steady-state cooldown curve as calculated in accordance with Appendix 8 to 10CFR50I'I or the peak RCS or RHR 3-6 I g System pressure based upon piping/structural analysis loads.The lower pressure extreme is specified by the reactor coolant pump P1 seal minimum differential pressure performance criteria.Uncertainties in the pressure and temperature instrumentation utilized by the LTOPS are accounted for consistent with the methodology of Reference 2.0.Accounting for the effects'f instrumentation uncertainty imposes additional restrictions on the setpoint development, which is already based on conservative pressure limits such as a safety factor of 2 on pressure stress, use of a lower bound Kfcurve and an assumed~IT flaw depth with a length equal to 1~8 times the vessel wall thicknes 3.3 Application of ASME Code Case N-514 Ere e d:'8::".I't6'L'id:,tran rt-: I!1I!-:l...,,!r.':i",,:e-::

tc;t't,OW~Ot'the:::Preeeureq deter~1ned<t~aSStf+SPPendec;8"~"~-allewe

, paragraph G-2215, of section xt of the AsME code"t.QYt~te,:spp1RVgfog@fASME"::Code!Casa'N.".:.St'8'":lnclsaeae:::the.

JOJeletfttg,::,ntarglh)1A:::tl'l8~fSQIOtl~!OfifltstprBssule-tJ88lperatutst!Ilnttt;".,Oulpseirrh~WIK~, hsi'L!tCp'Sile'nagfedercods,:case;N-".ste:.requfreet Lfg%~!o:bs;:effecthretst coolantaetnpelatureeffeesdfen

~Ok'RooeF.:::.Orgg~epgant tefnP crater ee;OOrree goading Ltd,a::.reaoforrtr Seeel~mitalp tetnPetaiure;:."::-:.Ot!

8 I dfetenoe rroln ethfnefdtr.:,trees e~t'Suds ceil'ee~ahteniftTtetr't+~80%F~

whichever is greater.RTNpT is the highest adjusted reference temperature for weld or base 3-7 metal in the beltline region at a distance one-fourth of the vessel section thickness from the vessel inside surface, as determined by Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2.3.4 Enable Temperature for LTOPS The enable temperature is the temperature below which the LTOPS system is required to be operablei bTrhe:Sfn~na L70:3:egabfeltsntpeinture le,,eetabliihed.uefnng::Ihe:ff fdinne;prOV¹d:::byASliilegtf Cede.'.Case,,NS O',::;:Fhe,A'8MB!Code!CsiY%.',<,'.:.i6~@ris.'en'::"en+N(RCF':,.qu,.d~teBpeYa~FN nnrreegnndfnffi'O~ihetreantnrbTee'See!!ltrrii:eetil!i'eiiiPiiiiiiire!r'll'RT:

sj,"LSgsePNiggtfeP,';-The e&QeaeWT Whinheeer iS greater aS deeCrtbed In SeCtiOn 3.3e!Tliialdaffnlt7nn"..I'SYafenr!euPPOited!~[i!then titreebngbouestgwneds6roup~ihsafnnaTenabfe'ternpeinture federerrnfned~as(IITianr+807paf; 3-8

The RCS cold leg temperature limitation for starting an RCP is the same value as the LTOPS enable temperature to ensure that the basis of the heat injection transient is not violated.The Standard Technical Specifications (STS)prohibit starting an RCP when any RCS cold leg temperatures is less than or equal to the LTOPS enable temperature unless the secondary side water temperature of each steam generator is less than or equal to 50'F above each of the RCS cold leg temperatures.


.:(1.'REL'IEF VAVLE CYCLE):.8EVPOINT-------------

RESET~Uride 3-11 Figure 3.3""SAP'03N3'::


SETPOINT RANGE PORV SETPOIN7):PSlG The maximum pressure limit is the rginimum of the Appendix G limit, the PORV discharge piping structural analysis limit, or the RHR system limit 3-12

Figure 3.4'(HEAT:INPUT)

-"'APPENDIX:G SIAXIMUM t;IMIT'.--------------


I I I RCP A: SEALI PERFORMANCE CR1TERlA SETPOINT RANGE: PORV SETPOINT):PSIG The maximum pressure limit Is the minimum of the Appendix G limit, the PORV discharge piping structural analysis limit, or the RHR system limit 3-13


NUREG 1431,"Standard Technical Specifications for Westinghouse Pressurized Water Reactors", Revision 0, September, 1992.2.U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission,"Removal of Cycle-Specific Parameter Limits from Technical Specifications", Generic Letter 88-16, October, 1988.3.U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Materials, Re ulato Gufde1.99 Revislon2, May,1988.4.Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50,"Fracture Toughness Requirements for LIght-Water Nuclear Power Reactors", Appendix G, Fracture Toughness Requirements.

5.ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI,"Rules for Inservlce Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components", Appendix G, Fracture Toughness Criteria For Protection Against Failure.6.R.G.Soltesz, R.K.Disney, J.Jedruch, and S.L Ziegler, Nuclear Rocket Shielding Methods, Modification, Updating and Input Data Preparation.

Vol.5-Two-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Technique, WANL-PR(LL)434, Vol.5, August 1970.7.ORNL RSIC Data LIbrary Collection DLC-76 SAILOR Coupled Self-Shielded, 47 Neutron, 20 Gamma-Ray, P3, Cross Section Library for Light Water Reactors.ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III,"Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components", Division 1, Subsection NB: Class 1 Components.

Branch Technical Position MTEB 5-2,"Fracture Toughness Requirements", NUREG4800 Standard Review Plan 5.3.2, Pressure-Temperature Limits, July 1981, Rev.1.10.ASTM E-208, Standard Test Method for Conducting Drop-Weight Test to Determine Nil-Ductility Transition Temperature of Ferritic Steels, ASTM Standards, Section 3, American Society for Testing and Materials.

11.B8W Owners Group Report BAW-2202,"Fracture Toughness Characterization of WF-70 Weld 4-1 Material", BBW Owners Group Materials Committee, September 1993.12.Letter, Clyde Y.Shiraki, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, to D.L Farrar, Commonwealth Edison-Company,'Exemption from the Requirement to Determine the Unirradiated Reference Temperature in Accordance with the Method Specified In 10 CFR 50.61(b)(2)(i)(TAC NOS.M84546 and M84547), Docket Nos.50-295 and 50404, February 22, 1994.13.Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50,"Fracture Toughness Requirements for Light-Water Nuclear Power Reactors, Appendix H, Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program Requirements.

14.Timoshenko, S.P.and Goodier, J.N., Theo of Elasticit, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1970.15.ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI,"Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components", Appendix A, Analysis of Flaws, Article A@000, Method For K, Determination.

16.WRC Bulletin No.175, PVRC Recommendations on Toughness Requirements for Ferritic Materials", Welding Research Council, New York, August 1972.17.ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case N-514,Section XI, Division 1,"Low Temperature Overpressure Protection", Approval date: February 12, 1992.18.Branch Technical Position RSB 5-2,"Overpressurization Protection of Pressurized Water Reactors While Operating at Low Temperatures", NUREG4800 Standard Review Plan 5.2.2, Overpressure Protection, November 1988, Rev.2.19.BWNT,"RELAPS/MOD2, An Advanced Computer Program for Light-Water Reactor LOCA and Non-LOCA Transient Analysis," BAW-1 0164P-A.20.Instrument of America (ISA)Standard 67.04-1994.

4-2 Attachment VI Final Version of LTOP Methodology (Replaces methodology originally provided in December 8, 1995 RG&E letter to NRC which in turn replaced methodology provided in Section 3 to WCAP-14040)

LOW TEMPERATURE OVERPRESSURE PROTECTION SYSTEM (LTOPS)INTRODUCTION The purpose of the LTOPS Is to supplement the normal plant operational administrative controls to protect the reactor vessel from being exposed to conditions of fast propagating brittle fracture.The LTOPS also protects the Residual Heat Removal (RHR)System from overpressurization.

This has been achieved by conservatively choosing an LTOPS setpoint which prevents the RCS from exceeding the pressure/temperature limits established by10 CFR Part 50 Appendix GI'I requirements, and the RHR System from exceeding 110%of its design pressure.The LTOPS is designed to provide the capability, during relatively low temperature operation (typically less than 350'F), to automatically prevent the RCS pressure from exceeding the applicable limits.Once the system is enabled, no operator action is involved for the LTOPS to perform its intended pressure mitigation function.Thus, no operator action is modelled in the analyses supporting the setpoint selection, although operator action may be initiated to ultimately terminate the cause of the overpressure event.The PORVs located near the top of the pressurizer, together with additional actuation logic from the low-range pressure channels, are utilized to mitigate potential RCS overpressure transients.

The LTOPS provides the relief capacity for specific transients which would not be mitigated by the RHR System relief valve.In addition, a limit on the PORV piping is accommodated due to the potential for water hammer effects to be developed in the piping associated with these valves as a result of the cyclic opening and closing characteristics during mitigation of an overpressure transient.

Thus, a pressure limit more restrictive than the 10CFR50, Appendix GI'I allowable is imposed above a certain temperature so that the loads on the piping from a LTOPS event would not affect the piping integrity.

3-1 0 II iE'I I Two specific transients have been defined, with the RCS in a water-solid condition, as the design basis for LTOPS.Each of these scenarios assumes no RHR System heat removal capability.

The RHR System relief valve (203)does not actuate during the transients.

The first transient consists of a heat injection scenario in which a reactor coolant pump in a single loop is started with the RCS temperature as much as 50'F lower than the steam generator secondary side temperature.

This results in a sudden heat input to a water-solid RCS from the steam generators, creating an increasing pressure transient.

The second transient has been defined as a mass injection scenario into a water-solid RCS as caused by one of two possible scenarios.

The first scenario is an inadvertent actuation of the safety injection pumps into the RCS.The second scenario is the simultaneous Isolation of the RHR System, isolation of letdown, and failure of the normal charging flow controls to the full flow condition.

Either scenario may be eliminated from consideration depending on the plant configurations which are restricted by technical specifications.

Also, various combinations of charging and safety injection flows may also be evaluated on a plant-specific basis.The resulting mass injection/letdown mismatch causes an increasing pressure transient.

3.2 LTOPS Setpoint Determination Rochester Gas and Electric and Babcock&Wilcox Nuclear Technology (BWNT)have developed the following methodology which is employed to determine PORV setpoints for mitigation of the LTOPS design basis cold overpressurization transients.

This methodology maximizes the available operating margin for setpoint selection while maintaining an appropriate level of protection in support of reactor vessel and RHR System integrity.

3-2 Parameters Considered The selection of proper LTOPS setpoint for actuating the PORVs requires the consideration of numerous system parameters including:

a.Volume of reactor coolant involved in transient b.RCS pressure signal transmission delay c.Volumetric capacity of the relief valves versus opening position, including the potential for critical flow d.Stroke time of the relief valves (open&close)e.Initial temperature and pressure of the RCS and steam generator f.Mass input rate into RCS g.Temperature of injected fluid h.Heat transfer characteristics of the steam generators i.Initial temperature asymmetry between RCS and steam generator secondary water 1 J.Mass of steam generator secondary water k.RCP startup dynamics I.10CFR50, Appendix Gt'I pressure/temperature characteristics of the reactor vessel m.Pressurizer PORV piping/structural analysis limitations n.Dynamic and static pressure differences throughout the RCS and RHRS o.RHR System pressure limits p.Loop asymmetry for RCP start cases q.Instrument uncertainty for temperature (conditions under which the LTOP System is placed into service)and pressure uncertainty (actuation setpolnt)These parameters are modelled in the BWNT RELAP5/MOD2-B&W computer code (Ref.19)3-3 Sr';

which calculates the maximum and minimum system pressures.

Pressure Limits Selection The function of the LTOPS is to protect the reactor vessel from fast propagating brittle fracture.This has been implemented by choosing a LTOPS setpolnt which prevents exceeding the limits prescribed by the applicable pressure/temperature characteristic for the specific reactor vessel material in accordance with rules given in Appendix G to 10CFR50I".

The LTOPS design basis takes credit for the fact that overpressure events most likely occur during isothermal conditions in the RCS.Therefore, it is appropriate to utilize the steady-state Appendix G limit.In addition, the LTOPS also provides for an operational consideration to maintain the integrity of the PORV piping, and to protect the RHR System from overpressure during the LTOPS design basis transients.

A typical characteristic 10CFR50 Appendix G curve is shown by Figure 3.1 where the allowable system pressure increases with increasing temperature.

This type of curve sets the nominal upper limit on the pressure which should not be exceeded during RCS increasing pressure transients based on reactor vessel material properties.

Superimposed on this curve is the PORV piping limit and RHR System pressure limit which is conservatively used, for setpoint development, as the maximum allowable pressure above the temperature at which it intersects with the 10CFR50 Appendix G curve.When a relief valve is actuated to mitigate an increasing pressure transient, the release of a volume of coolant through the valve will cause the pressure increase to be slowed and reversed as described by Figure 3.2.The system pressure then decreases, as the relief valve releases coolant, until a reset pressure is reached where the valve is signalled to close.Note that the pressure continues to decrease below the reset pressure as the valve recloses.The nominal 3-4 Q6 p~I I 1 tv~'=<<fj lower limit on the pressure during the transient is typically established based solely on an operational consideration for the reactor coolant pump¹1 seal to maintain a nominal differential pressure across the seal faces for proper film-riding performance.

In the event that the available range is insufficient to concurrently accommodate the upper and lower pressure limits, the upper pressure limits are given preference.

The nominal upper limit (based on the minimum of the steady-state 10CFR50 Appendix 8 requirement, the RHR System pressure limit, and the PORV piping limitations) and the nominal RCP¹1 seal performance criteria create a pressure range from which the setpoints for both PORVs may be selected as shown on Figures 3.3 and 3.4.Where there is insufficient range between the upper and lower pressure limits to select PORV setpolnts to provide protection against violation of both limits, setpolnt selection to provide protection against the upper pressure limit violation shall take precedence.

Mass Input Consideration For a particular mass input transient to the RCS, the relief valve will be signalled to open at a specific pressure setpolnt.However, as shown on Figure 3.2, there will be a pressure overshoot during the delay time before the valve starts to move and during the time the valve is moving to the full open position.This overshoot is dependent on the dynamics of the system and the input parameters, and results in a maximum system pressure somewhat higher than the set pressure.Similarly there will be a pressure undershoot, while the valve is relieving, both due to the reset pressure being below the setpoint and to the delay in stroking the valve closed.The maximum and minimum pressures reached (P>>and P~,)in the transient are a function of the selected setpoint (Ps)as shown on Figure 3.3.The shaded area represents an optimum 3-5 range from which to select the setpoint based on the particular mass input case.Several mass Input cases may be run at various input flow rates to bound the allowable setpoint range.Heat Input Consideration The heat input case is done similarly to the mass input case except that the locus of transient pressure values versus selected setpoints may be determined for several values of the initial RCS temperature.

This heat input evaluation provides a range of acceptable setpolnts dependent on the reactor coolant temperature, whereas the mass input case is limited to the most restrictive low temperature condition only (i.e.the mass injection transient is not sensitive to temperature).

The shaded area on Figure 3.4 describes the acceptable band for a heat input transient from which to select the setpoint for a particular initial reactor coolant temperature.

If the LTOPS is a single setpolnt system, the most limiting result is used throughout.

Final Setpoint Selection By superimposing the results of multiple mass input and heat input cases evaluated, (from a series of figures such as 3.3 and 3.4)a range of allowable PORV setpoints to satisfy both conditions can be determined.

For a single setpoint system, the most limiting setpoint is chosen, with the upper pressure limit given precedence if both limits cannot be accommodated.

The selection of the setpolnts for the PORVs considers the use of nominal upper and lower pressure limits.The upper limits are specified by the minimum of the steady-state cooldown curve as calculated in accordance with Appendix G to 10CFR50'I or the peak RCS or RHR 3-6 System pressure based upon piping/structural analysis loads.The lower pressure extreme is specified by the reactor coolant pump 41 seal minimum differential pressure performance criteria.Uncertainties in the pressure and temperature instrumentation utilized by the LTOPS are accounted for consistent with the methodology of Reference 2.0.Accounting for the effects of instrumentation uncertainty imposes additional restrictions on the setpolnt development, N which is already based on conservative pressure limits such as a safety factor of 2 on pressure stress, use of a lower bound K R curve and an assumed~/~T flaw depth with a length equal to 1~8 times the vessel wall thickness.

3.3 Application

of ASME Code Case N-514i ASME Code Case N-514I'allows LTOPS to limit the maximum pressure in the reactor vessel to 110%of the pressure determined to satisfy Appendix G, paragraph G-2215, of Section XI of the ASME Code"'.The application of ASME Code Case N-514 increases the operating margin in the region of the pressure-temperature limit curves where the LTOPS is enabled.Code Case N-514 requires LTOPS to be effective at coolant temperatures less than 200'F or at coolant temperatures corresponding to a reactor vessel metal temperature, at a 1/4t distance from the inside vessel surface, less than Ropy+50 F, whichever is greater.RTD~is the highest adjusted reference temperature for weld or base metal in the beltline region at a distance one-fourth of the vessel section thickness from the vessel Inside surface, as determined by Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2.3-7 Enable Temperature for LTOPS The enable temperature is the temperature below which the LTOPS system is required to be operable.The Glnna LTOPS enable temperature is established using the guidance provided by ASME XI Code Case N-514.The ASME Code Case N-514 supports an enable RCS liquid temperature corresponding to the reactor vessel 1/4t metal temperature of RTNp~+50 F or 200'F, whichever is greater as described in Section 3.3.This definition ls also supported by the Westinghouse Owner's Group.The Ginna enable temperature is determined as (RTNpY+50 F)+(instrument error I~I)+(metal temperature difference to 1/4 T).The RCS cold leg temperature limitation for starting an RCP is the same value as the LTOPS enable temperature to ensure that the basis of the heat injection transient is not violated.The Standard Technical Specifications (STS)prohibit starting an RCP when any RCS cold leg temperatures is less than or equal to the LTOPS enable temperature unless the secondary side water temperature of each steam generator is less than or 50'F above each of the RCS cold leg temperatures.




"(1';R EL'I EF,',VAVLE CYCLE):;",":

RESE7 3-10 Figure 3.3:,'.SETPO)NT::.:":






SETPOINT RANGE: PORV SETPOINT):PSIG The maximum pressure limit is the minimum of the Appendix G limit, the PORV discharge piping structural analysis limit, or the'RHh system limit 3-11



P ue--------



SETPOINT.RANGE: p.S P,ORV SETPOIN7):PSlG The maximum pressure limit is the minimum of the Appendix G limit, the PORV discharge piping structural analysis limit, or the RHR system limit 3-12 NUREG 1431,"Standard Technical Specifications for Westinghouse Pressurized Water Reactors", Revision 0, September, 1992.2.U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission,"Removal of Cycle-Specific Parameter Limits from Technical Specifications", Generic Letter 88-16, October, 1988.3.U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Materials, Re ulato Guide 1.99 Revision 2, May, 1988.4.Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50,"Fracture Toughness Requirements for Light-Water Nuclear Power Reactors", Appendix G, Fracture Toughness Requirements.

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI,'Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components", Appendix G, Fracture Toughness Criteria For Protection Against Failure.6.R.G.Soltesz, R.K.Disney, J.Jedruch, and S.I Ziegier, Nuclear Rocket Shielding Methods, Modification, Updating and Input Data Preparation.

Vol.5-Two-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Technique, WANL-PR(LL)<34, Vol.5, August 1970.ORNL RSIC Data LIbrary Collection DLC-76 SAILOR Coupled Self-Shielded, 47 Neutron, 20 Gamma-Ray, P3, Cross Section Library for Light Water Reactors.ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III,"Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components", Division 1, Subsection NB: Class 1 Components.

Branch Technical Position MTEB 5-2,"Fracture Toughness Requirements", NUREG4800 Standard Review Plan 5.3.2, Pressure-Temperature Limits, July 1981, Rev.1.10.ASTM E-208, Standard Test Method for Conducting Drop-Weight Test to Determine Nil-Ductility Transition Temperature of Ferritic Steels, ASTM Standards, Section 3, American Society for Testing and Materials.

11.B&W Owners Group Report BAW-2202,"Fracture Toughness Characterization'of WF-70 Weld Material", B&W Owners Group Materials Committee, September 1993.4-1

u.Letter, Clyde Y.Shlraki, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, to D.L.Farrar, Commonwealth Edison Company,"Exemption from the Requirement to Determine the Unirradiated Reference Temperature in Accordance with the Method Specified in 10 CFR 50.61(b)(2)(i)(TAC NOS.M84546 and M84547)", Docket Nos.50-295 and 50404, February 22, 1994.13.Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50,"Fracture Toughness Requirements for Light-Water Nuclear Power Reactors", Appendix H, Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program Requirements.

14.Tlmoshenko, S.P.and Goodier, J.N., Theo of Elastlcit, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1970.15.ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI,"Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components", Appendix A, Analysis of Flaws, Article A-3000, Method For g Determination.

16.WRC Bulletin No.175,"PVRC Recommendations on Toughness Requirements for Ferritlc Materials", Welding Research Council, New York, August 1972.17.ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case N-514,Section XI, Division 1,"Low Temperature Overpressure Protection", Approval date: February 12, 1992.18.Branch Technical Position RSB 5-2,"Overpressurization Protection of Pressurized Water Reactors While Operating at Low Temperatures", NUREG4800 Standard Review Plan 5.2.2, Overpressure Protection, November 1988, Rev.2.19.BWNT,"RELAPS/MOD2, An Advanced Computer Program for Light-Water Reactor LOCA and Non-LOCA Transient Analysis," BAW-10164P-A.

20.Instrument of America (ISA)Standard 67.04-1994.


Attachment VII LTOP Enable Temperature Calculation 1 (First use of LTOP enable temperature methodology)