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Partially Withheld Application for Senior Operator License for C Hartman
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/14/1978
From: Hartman C
To: Collins P
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20125B444 List: ... further results
FOIA-96-207 NUDOCS 9610040157
Download: ML20129F487 (6)


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4 METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY suesto, : ;e ce... ,u ev.n.,c unuras conaone re l

T E LEP HONE 717-944-4041 1 POST OFFICE BOX 480 MIDDLETOWN. PENNSYLVANIA 17057 September- 14, 1978 l

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- tir. Paul F. Collins U.S. fluclear Regulatory Comission Office of fluclear Reactor Regulation liashington, D.C. 20555 i

Dear fir. Collins:

Please consider this application for a Senior Reactor Operator's License ,

examination. In accordance with Section 55.10 of 10CFR55, the following information is submitted: .


1. flace: Charles E. rtman s


Present Employment: Engineer Sr.1 - fluclear, Metropolitan Edison Company,  ;

Three flile Island fluclear Station, Unit !


2. a) Education:
l. Purchase Line i kh Graduated - Comodore, Pa. Information in th!s record was deleted
2. Capitol Campus, P.S.U. - @raduated -

) in accordance wit. the freedom of Information Act, exemptions Bach. of Elect. Tech. - b

!!iddletown, Pa. F0IA %-Jo'7

3. Dubois Campus, P.S.U. Qg Associates Degree - Electrical Graduated - Dubois, Pa.
4. Advanced Infantry Training.(l W.'. '2 . 1 N (8 wks) Graduated - Fort Ord, ".alifornia -
5. :lilitary Police School'(196M

- w ro .o s c .. ,d - Foir Gordc . '.a. ,

9610040157 960924 PDR FOIA DEKOK96-207 PDR

fir. Paul F. Collins ,

b) Experience:

l 1. U.S. Army (1965-1967) E4 tillitary Police 1

' 1 I

2. Bell Telephone Laboratories (1965)(1967-1960)

Technician - Holmdel, fl. J. l l

i 3. Metropolitan Edison Company, Three Mile Island fluclear Station (6/69-9/69) Sunmer Student - Engineering Assistant liiddletown, Pa.

4. Project Engineer (6/70-11/73) Metropolitan Edison Company, Three title Island fluclear Station, Middletown, Pa.

As Project Engineer I provided Technical assistance to the maint-enance and operations departments.

5. Lead Engineer (11/73-7/75) tietropolitan Edison Company, Three liile Islar.d fluclear Station, tilddletown, Pa.

As Lead Engineer I reviewed and prepared Surveillance tiaintenance and Emergency Procedures. I also prepared and reviewed safety evaluations of Change Modifications. I was also a member and vice-chaiman of the Plant Operation P.eview Committee (PORC).

6. Engineer III fluclear (7/75-4/78), Metropolitan Edison Company Three ftiTe Island fluclear Station, Middletown, Pa.

As an Engineer III fluclear, I was Vice-Chairman of PORC. I also reviewed and prepared Emergency, itaintenance, and Surveillance Procedures; and Safety Evaluations of Change Modifications.

7. Engineer Senior Itiuclear(4/78-present) tictropolitan Edison Company, Three . tile Island flucicar Station liiddletown, Pa.

As Engineer Station I fluclear I am studying to pass an flRC Senior Operators License Examination.

3. Previous Operator's License flumber - flone
4. License is requested to operate a pressurized wc 3r reactor; Metropolitan Edison Company, Three title Island Nuc'. ear Static , Unit I.
5. See attached letter.
6. See enclosure I.
7. liedical examination will be forwarded under separate cover.

Sincerely yours,

. d' Y.: m FNdq 2 170 Charles E. Partman En.losures

l,, ,.



CHARLES E. HARTMAN The general outline of Mr. Hartman's training follows:

1. License Training Program (Minimum 400 hrs) (6/76-present)

J I 1. Reactor Theory (40 hrs) i 2. Health Physics (30 hrs) j 3. ICS (40 hrs)

4. ReactorOperations(40 hrs)
5. Systems (NSSS and Balance of Plant) (194 hrs) l 6. Procedures (40 hrs)
7. Technical Specifications (16 hrs)
2. PWR Simulator Training at Babcock and tlilcox Corporation with Startup Certi- 4 fication (80 hrs) (Startup certification will be forwarded by Babcock and Wilcox Corp.).

.' (10/16/78-10/20/78 and 10/23/78-10/27/781.

) 3. On the Job Training (Minimum 200 hrs)

(Participated in, simulated or discussed the following):

Control Room: -

T. Reactor Coofant System Fill and Vent - including steps to fill, vent, 4

and pressurize, running of reactor coolant pumps, and heatup to Hot Shutdown condition.


2. Reactor Criticality and Power Escalation - Participated in Unit reactor startup, discussing estimated critical position, rod withdrawal and chemical 1

shim. Discussed necessary rod index for power escalation.

l l 3. Power Operations

! 1. Leak Rate Calculations

2. lleat Balance Calculations
3. Batch Feed, Batch Bleed, Feed and Bleed.

Balance of Plant:

1. Fuel Shuffle
a. Reactor Building
b. Fuel Handling Building 2.171

1 p.- l

. r .- $

i i

2. Instrument Air Startup/ Operation -

Service Air Startup/ Operation Powdex Operation

3. Solid llaste Disposal System Operation l
  • Liquid !!aste Disposal System Operation .

Gas llaste Disposal System Operation i ,

4. System Lineups j

llakeup and Purification .


a. Letdown -

j b. Itakeup

c. Seals ,

i flucicar Service Closed Cooling l

Iluclear Service River Water Secondary Service River Water j

Reactor Building Emergency River Water Decay Hea*. River Water .

Decay Hest Closed Cooling Hater -

j' Secondary Service Closed Cooling ifater Stator Cooling Turbine Lube 011 .

Gland Steam -

Feedwater Condensate Heater Drain )

Extraction Steam i

!!ain Steam  ;

g g_g..; 4 g .


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Tuesday, June 13, 1978 ti/A 1st cycie 1st half Questionnaires Wednesday, June 14, 1978 ist cycle 1st half t!ritten Exam fl. Brown 1st cycle 2nd half Questionnaires Friday, June 23, 1978 ti/A 1st cycle 2nd half Written Exam Monday, June 26, 1978 11. Brcwn 1st cycle Oral Exam Tuesday June 27, 1978 D. Bolt ESAS Lecture Monday July 10, 1978 C. Hart $'an 2nd cycle 1st half Questionnaires Tuesday, July 11, 1978 t;/A 2nd cycle 1st half Uritten Exam Wednesday, July 12, 1978 ti. Brcwn Reactor Theory Reytew Lecture Monday, July 17, 1978 0. Boltz Reactor Theory Review Lecture Tuesday, July 18, 1978 D. Boltz ,

Reactor Theory Review Lecture Wednesday, July 19, 1978 o, gottz 2nd cycle 2nd half Questionnaires Wednesday, July 26, 1978 ft/A l 2nd cycle 2nd half Uritten Exam Thursday, July 27, 1978 fl. Brown 2nd cycle Oral Exam Friday, July 28, 1978 fl. Brown i Monday July 31, 1978 C. Hartman  !

RPS Lecture t;/A 3rd cycle 1st half Questionnaires Thursday, August 3,1978 3rd cycle 1st half Written Exam Friday, August 4, 1978 -

ti. Brown Thursday, August 10, 1978 N. 'trown lluclear Instrumentation Lecture Friday August 11, 1978 tt/A 3rd cycle 2nd half Questionnaires 3rd cycle 2nd half Written Exam Tuesday, August 15, 1978 fl. Brown 3rd cycle Oral Exam Wednesday, August 16, 1978 D. Boltz ICS Review Lecture Thursday, August 17, 1978 Friday, August 18, 1978 ICS Review Lecture Tuesday, August 22,1978 il/A 4th cycle 1st half Questionnaires fl. Brcwn 4th cycle 1st half Written Exam Wednesday, August 23, 1978 Thursday , August 24, 1978 C. Hartman Control Rod Drive. Lecture Monday, August 28, 1978 ti/A 4th cycle 2nd half Questionnaires tl. Brown 4th cycle 2nd half Uritten Exam Tuesday, August 29, 1978 Wednesday, Au;ust 30, 1978 D. Boltz 4th cycic Oral Exam Thursday, August 31,1978 R. Dubiel or Desirm l Radiation Protection Lecture Friday Septe:ber 1, 1978 R. Dubiel or Design l Portable HP Instruments Lecture Thursday, September 7,1978 fl/A l 6th cycle 1st half Questionnaires 11. Brown Sth cycle 1st half Uritten Exam Friday, Septenber 8,1978 l Monday, September 11, 1978 F. McCormick l Fuel Handling Lecture ft/A 5th cycle 2nd half Questionnaires Thursday, September 14, 1978 Friday, Septecber 15, 1978  !!. Brown Sch cycle 2nd half HrittennExam Monday, September 18, 1978 ti. Brown 5th cycle, Oral Exam ti/A 6th cycle 1st half Questionnaires Thursday, September 21, 1978 Friday, Septenber 22, 1978 ti. Brown 6th cycle 1st half Uritten Exam ft/A 6th cycle 2nd hal! Questionnaires Hednesday, September 27, 1978 Thursday, Seotember 28, 1978 fl. Brown 6th cycle 2nd half Uritten Exam 0. Boltz 6th cycle Oral Exam Friday, September 29, 1978 Review Category A/H !!RC Exam  !!/A Monday, October 2, 1978 Questions Revieu Category B/K tlRC Exam ft/A Tuesday, October 3, 1973 Questions Review Category C/J/E flRC Exam ti/A Wednesday, October 4,1978 Questions Revic.# Category 0/P/t.fRC Exan  ?!/A Thursday, Octsber 5,1978 Q w.tions Pcvieu Category C/I I:CC Exam Qun t ans Friday, Octeter 6,1978 ti/A 2.173 5 tart.m Cytification Progran O'. t.:: re 20, 1973 BMI Fr idaj 2 d.'. . tat ting Od. 9,1973





1 i R0 tJR.C t-;ock liritten Exam Tuesday, October 24, 1978 fl. Brown  !

l llednesday, October 25, 1978 11. Brown SRO flRC tiock liritten Exam Thursday, October 26, 1978 tlRC Mock Oral Exam (later) .

i l


' During the Week Starting ilRC EXAt4S November 13, 1978 l l

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i l If any problems arise during the program, contact the Program Coordinator, fl. Brown.

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