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{{#Wiki_filter:Appendix G WNYNSC Confirmatory Certificate of Analysis I I WNYNSC Confirmatory (C) -COA GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company : MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: .........
{{#Wiki_filter:I I
_ ....
Appendix G WNYNSC Confirmatory Certificate of Analysis
Client Sample ID: C.l.Cl Sample JD; 385101001 Matrix: Soil Collect Date:
15 l 4:50 Receive Date: Collector:
WNYNSC Confirmatory (C) - COA GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company :                          MJW Corporation Address:                            15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact:                            Ms. Laurie Losey Project:            ....
05-NOV-15 Clienl 34.5%
-* ....
... __ :Resu!_t_.
Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" 345 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gmnrnaspcc, Gamma, Solid Aclmium-227 "Dry Weight C01Tected" l.
Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).
Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).
Project: MJWCOOl 15 Client ID: MJWCOOI . .. -*********
.. -*********
.... . .......... . . ..........
GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843} 556-8171 -WW\v.geLcom Certificate of Analysis Company:                MJW Corporation Address;                  15 1-lw.clwood Drh*e Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228                                                                                                                Report Date:              December l 7. 2015 Contact:                M.s. Lauri~ Losey Project:                Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID:              C.2.C4                                                                                                Project:                MJWC'OOl 15 Sample ID:                      38510l003                                                                                            Client ID:              MJWCOOI.
A11.a.lyst (gmnlCfl.ti;
Matrix;                        Soil Collect Date:                  27-dCT-15 Receive Date:                  05-NOV-15 Collector:                      Client Moisture:                      14.3%
... . . .. .... . .. . ... .. ... . .........
Parameter                                                                                                            Le        ... Tl.'.L.        RL          l'nil.<i _DF...t\11.~l>~~-t. . -~l!tt_! _!i_ll]': Batch Mtd*
_ Result Nominal . !_tcc()veryo/o_
Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 22 !6 % Moisture ''.,Is Received" Moisture                                                        14 3                                                                                        pcn;ent                LYTI        11/10.'15 0955 1521927 Rael Gamma Spec Analy.s[s Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "lJry IVeight Correcred" Actimum-227                                    ll            -0 333            +/-0.615                  lJ 935    0.453    *~f-().(J35                    pC1!g                RXF2
.. 63 2 [15%-125%)
63.4 (!5%-125%)
68 I (15%-125%)
93.3 (15%-125%)
S7 7 (15%-125%)
94.4 (15%-125%)
63 2 (15%-125%)
84 6 (2.5%-125%)
95.9 {15%-125%)
GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Address: rv!J\\' Corporntiou 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, Ne\'I' York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: C.2.C5 Sample ID: 38510!004 l\*1atrix:
Soil Collect Date: 27-0Cr-ts Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector:
Client Moisture:
15.6%, . .. . . ......... . ____
... l.)cer:

Revision as of 13:57, 30 October 2019

Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the Western New York Nuclear Service Center and Off-Site Areas in Follow Up to Aerial Gamma Radiation Survey Conducted in 2014, Rev. 0, Appendix G, Part 11 of 11
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 08/22/2016
MJW Technical Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, State of NY, Energy Research & Development Authority, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16293A155 List: ... further results
Download: ML16294A234 (32)


{{#Wiki_filter:I I Appendix G WNYNSC Confirmatory Certificate of Analysis

WNYNSC Confirmatory (C) - COA GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company : MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: ......... _.... S.~i-~ R.ad_i_~iS.°.t~pes Client Sample ID: C.l.Cl Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample JD; 385101001 Client JD: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 27-0CT~ 15 l 4:50 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Clienl Moisture: 34.5% .P.'.11" ............. -* .... _Quali,fi~!.... __ :Resu!_t_. _Uncertaint1.... _MD~. RL . _..... __11-_~ i_t~*-* -* ._*- P.~. --~-~11.~t _.[)~te_ . Time Batch Method Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Mo1~\urc 345 percent LYTI l lfl0115 0955 1521927 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gmnrnaspcc, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight C01Tected" Aclmium-227 l.I I) \[)9 +/-0 348 0.652 pCtlg RXF2 12103/15 0721 15223$6 2 Antimony-12j u 0.0694 +/-0 137 0257 . pC1/g Cesiurn-137 I 24 +J,(J.141 0.0961 I) !00 pCilg Cobalt-60 ti -0.00666 +/-0.0499 (J 0949 pC1/g Europium-154 u 0 162 +/-0 229 0.370 pC1lg Protactmmm-231 lJ 0.891 +/-0.714 i.:w pC1ig Radtum-226 0.886 +!-() 1% ll 192 pC1/g Radiurn-228 I 06 +/-0 358 0 321l pCilg Tm-126 U 0 133 +l-0 143 () 164 pCilg Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross AIB. solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 9 44 +/-3 16 3.84 .j 00 pC1lg JXB7 12i02/15 !405 1525768 3 Betu 290 +/-2 82 222 JOO

  • pCilg
f.he...f(ll!o\_"in~ P_re_p ~1ct_l~~d.S..~\'er~pe_r.f()r.~e~:... ****-* - --** ... . ... ~ ... .. ... -**-*--* ***-**-** ***-. *******-*-* *-***** .... . ... **-*

Metllod Description

  • Analyst Date Time Prep Batch br}-..s<<i1f Prep . *-** .. .......... **-*D";y**so*il rr<<!.p"CiL~R*,..;5:.A:1ffi 1:v*t"f .. *- *- *nifoiw** - . - *0955*-- . *- B:21";i.2f

_T.~~f?!_lo:-:vinf5. :\n~l;ytic~l ~1~5h~ds_were_pc_rfor.m.~d;

;yr.~_thQd...... __ ........... . .. Q~s..c.ri_pti~n.- .................... .                                                               . . An~LY~~.C9J!U1J~.m~ ....... *-** . -* .. - . .

I ASTM D2216(Modificd) 2 DOE llASL 300, 4 S.2.3/Ga-01-R 3 EPA 900 OiSW846 9310/SM 71 IOB Modified Notes: Counting Unce1tuinly is calculated at the 95%, confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES Ll.C 2040 Savage Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: l5 Ha-1.clwood DriYe Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December !7. 20!5 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample !D: CJ.Cl Project: MJWCOOl 15 Saiuple ID: 385101001 Client ID: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 27-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOY-!5 Collector: Client Moisture: 34.5% Par:rmctcr Result .. : I!lc.crl_aint.~'.. .. .. _'.\I.DC: Le Gra,*irnctric Solids AST..\1D2216 ?a Mois111re "As Rect'il't>d" p~rccnl LYT1 1 lfW/15 0955 1521927 Moisture Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" RXF2 12103115 0721 1522386 2 Actlnmm-227 u 0.109 +1-0 348 U.t\52  !) 307 .j./-().352 pCtlg LI 0.0694 +f-(l 137 0.257 () l20 +l-!l. l40 pCi.lg Antimony-125 UI lJ.Otl +{.[) 845 1.69 (J 783 +/-1.10 pC1/g Bismuth-2!2 0.&86 '*/-0 196 ll.192 0 0884 +/-{)2!0 pCifg Bismuth-214 l.24 +1-0.141 0,0%1 0 0..\.37 +f-0 174 () 100 pC1fg Ccsmm-137

                                                      \j    -u.00666               ../.lJ.(J41l9     0.0949      () 04(16   +/-0 050                      pCi!g Coba\t-6fl l.'         0.162                +1-U.229         0 370       j) 16(> +/-0 241                      pC1.lg Europiurn-154 1 23              +f-(} 144         0 140    () 0658    +/-0. l.76                    pC1/g L~ad-212 1 26               +/-0.212         0 402       0 194   +/-0.237                      pC1/g Lead-214 22.(l               +/-2.03         tl.730      0296       +i-2 82                     pCi/g Potassmm-40 lH             000                t*/-0.714           l.2ll    0.563    +/--0742                      pCi/g Promctmmm-231 0 886                +/-0 1%          (}.1<)2  0.0834      ../.(l 210                    pC1/g Radium-226 1 06               +1-0 358          0 320      () 141   +/-0 391                      pCi/g Radiwn-228

{) 334 +/-0.0978 () 0761 0 U341 +/-0 102 pC1/g Thallium-208 lJI 000 +i-0 143 0.164 r.1.0777 +/-0 1*14 pl'i/g Tm-126 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Cnunting GFPC. Gross Aill. solid "Dry Weigh! Co1*rectt'd" 9 44 +/-3.16 3.84 I 67 +/-3 65 4.00 pCi!g JXB7 \2102/\5 1405 1525768 3 Alpha 29.0 +/-2.82 2.22 I 03 +l-5 06 It) tl rCii!,! Beta

*1:h_e__ f(}_l~(}:Wing .er.i!Jl J\.:l~ll!!J_ds. ':cr_c **-*** ..... .

l\fothod Descri11tion Analyst Date Time Prep B11.tch l)ry Soil Prep LYT1 11/\()115 ()955 1521927

!h~. f()_llo~~-i~g.Analyti~.n.l_Met~_~ds_ we.i:e p~M,orn:ie.d ....

Method Description ASTM D 2216 (Modrfied) 2 DOE HASL 300. 4.5 2.3iGa-Ol-R 3 EPA 9UU.0/SW846 9310.ISM 7110l3 Mod1tied Test Balch ID Rccove1*y% AcccptableUmits Surrogatc!l'rncer Recovery

l I GEL LABORATOR1ES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazch,ood Drive Suitc112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Dntc: December 17. 2015

, Contact:                Ms. Laurie Lo5ey Prnject:               Soi1  Radioi~otopes Client Sample ID:            C'.1.C l                                                                                  Project:               MJWCOOJ t5 Sample ID:                   385101001                                                                                 Client ID:             MJWCOOJ Parnmctcr ... *-*** .... -*-. 1Ju11li_fi1_?_r. Result  l1J1ccrtui11t~* ...... *'"1.DC ....... L_c __ . .. . .. 'f.P.V.. . . __ g_L **-* .l.ini_ts.. .CJI<~. ~~:i_lys~. __!)at~. Ii.m_c.. !J::itc_h J\:1t_cl Surrogatcfl'raccr Recovery                   Tc~t                                                                                             Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level (l.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 I !azelwo(1d Dri\'e Suite 112 Buffalo. New York. 14228 Report Date: January 19, 2016 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: C. l.C5 Prnject: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 387899006 Client !D: MJWCOOl Matrix: Water Collect Date: 27-0CT- I 5 Receive Date: 2 1-DEC-15

 ........ ~<:>.ll~c;l_()r:.......... *-** __qi_e1~L.... _........................ ***--******- ................... ---************** **--***- ...................... **- .............

P:1_rl!.fllc1eJ:' . .. . . .. . . ...... 9ual_ifie~...... ~cs~lt ..... ~.'11.certainty ..... \.l_I)~: .... [_,C. . . . _ Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma. Liquid (Standard Lis() "As R!!ceived" Actinium-227 u -9.34 "t"/-24 0 4l! 5 19 () +/-24 5 pCi/L MJll\ Ol/11116 0658 1532831 Antimony-125 l' 3 87 .,./-8 6\ 16 4 76(J +l-8.79 pCi/I. Bisnunh-212 u 8 19 +/-47.7 91.4 41 7 +l-+7.9 pCiiL Bismllth-2 l-l ur 000 +/-12.6 ll 8 5 43 +1-!2 6 pCi/L Cc-~Jllm-137 u -0 221 +-1-3 n 5 77 2 62 +-1-3.23 10.0 p(i!L Cobalt-60 u -1 16 +1-3 52 . 6 53 2.84 +l-3 56 pCiit. Europillm-154 L: -0913 +l-9.~7 18 4 8 07 +.'-9.58 pC1iL Lcad-212 U! 0 DO +/-9.96 !24 5 92 +I-! I 6 pCllL. Lcad-214 I..' 0.0996 +/-8 56 J3(, 6.41 +/-l!.56 pCllL Pot11ss1um-40 Ul (l 00 +l-57 fi 67 2 29.4 t/-.'i8 (l pC1/L Prolactimurn-231 Ul 00() +/-42 6 81 I 38 I +/-49 7 pCi/L Radmm-228 ll I O.{)() +/-I [J.2 25 3 11 5 +f-11 5 pC1!L Thallmm-208 t.: -I 15 +1-4.93 702 3.25 +r-4% pCtiL Trn-\26 l~ 0 2!!5 +1-762 13 4 6 38 +r-7.62 pCiiL Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GfPC. Gross A*B. /iqr1id ".-ls Receiwd" Alpha u () 838 +1-l 6(> 315 I ll +1- I .6£i s 00 pC1/L JXIl7 Oll05!16 1148 1533798 2 Beta l' 00479 +{.) IJ\ 361 I 56 fl-I 91 pC11l.


!he_~ol_lo'.""i_ng -*~_n!llytil.'_:11 ;v~~1_h4)d_s n:cre J>C.l'.'.ft)rlll~.~ -......... -.. *-** .........._.......................... .. l\'lethod Description EPA 901 l EPA 900.fJiSW846 9310 Surrog:itcrrr:1ecr Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acccptab!e Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( l. 96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171

  • Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes
             . . ..... .. ... . .. . . .. ...
                                         ~               .... '""'*".  ....               . ........... , ................ .

Client Sample JD: C.2.CI Project: MJWC'OO l l 5 Sample ID: 385101002 Client lD: l'vlJWCOO I Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 27-0CT-15 10:34 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15. Collector: Client Moisture: I l.1% Parameter Qualifier Res~lt ... Uncertainty MDC RL Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Moistur~ 11.1 perc-cnl LYTI 11110.115 0955 1521927 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry *weight Corrected" A~timum"227 u -0 0628 +/-0 300 0554 pC1/g lDff2 12/03/IS 0721 1522386 2 A1111mony-125 ll 0.0662 +}.() 122 0 232 pCilg Cesmm-137 8 68 +!-() 236 0.0642 ll JOO pC1lg Cohalt-60 u 0 IJl43 +/-0 0287 0 0581 pCi/g I:uropium-15*1 u -0.0807. +/-0.0904 0.154 pC1!g Protactimum-231 u 0 631 +1-0.733 0.975 pC1!g Radium-226 0.641 +/-0 134 0139 pCl/g Rudium-228 UI 0.00 +/-0 240 0372 pCl!g Tm-126 ll 0.156 +/-0.125 DHii pCifg Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross A/B, solid "Dry Weight Corret..-ted Alpha 8 06 +/-3119 3 37 4 OU pC1/g JXB7 12102/15 1406 1525768 3 Beta 20.f +l-3 40 3 92 JO 0 pCilg T)1.~. foll.m~.i!l~t P~ep.1":1.etht;i~s. \Y<!.~e. P.~.r.f.o,r.'!'.~.d:..... . .. .. . . . . . .. .. Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch tii;..siiii""Prep _... -* ........ ...... "'b'r): Soil'Prep ClL~RAD-A~o2 i.. ............ . *t.vt*i"** ....... **1 f11i.HiS......... . QiJs5 ... .... i'521927 .......................... .

rh.e -~o.l~?.W.i.n.g.f.nal)'.~i~a~ fl:'letho<l.s w.ere. p~rf()~1.~~: ... .. .... . ....... ........ .. .._.. .... .. .. ... . . ... .. . . .. .. ...... . ... .. ... .. ............................. *-....................
.l\1~~~9.Q ..................... __ p~sff.P~.i9!1_ .. --*                 ............... .             . ..... -.- ........ _.... _._ .... _..... .A!1.!!-! ................

I ASTMD22\6(:vlo,litied) 2 DOEHASL30U,4.5.'.! JIGa-01-R 3 EPA 900 OiSW846 931lJ!SM 71 IOB Modilied Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

GEL LA BORA TORlES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SG 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Dri\'e Suite 112 Buffnlo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17, 2015 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: C.2.Cl Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385101002 Client ID: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 27-0CT- l 5 Receive. Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 11.1% :. . .. .. . MDC

                                                                                                 ***-*** .. *-* . . Le
                                                                                                                     . .... ....... TP.l' .

Gra,*imctric Solids AS?;\1D2216 % Moisture "As Recefred" Moisture I! I percent LYTI l 1/Hlil5 il955 1521927 Rael Gamma Spec Analysi.~ Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "f)ry Weight Com!cled" Acuruum-227 lJ -0 (J62R +/-0.300 0.554 0267 +/-0.301 pCi/g R..'ff2 12i()3115 0721 1522386 2 A.ntimony-125 lJ 0 0662 +1-0 122 t) 23::! 0 112 +/-0 126 pC1/g B*~muth-212 lJ 0.360 +/-() 441 () 875 0411 +/-ll 471 pC1lg Br~inuth-214 0.641 +-/-0 134 0.139 0065Y +1-0 144 pCilg Cesium-137 8 68 +/-0.236 1).0642 () 0302 +/-0 740 0100 pCiig Cobalt-60 u I) 0143 +/-() 0287. (J.0SS1 0 0262 +1-0 0294 pCi/g Europrnm- 154 u :o ()307 +/-00904 n.154 0.(1693 +l-0 0977 pC1/g Lead-112 ll.985 +/-0 !29 0 115 0 0553 rf-(} 152 pCi/g Lend-214 0 903 .../.(l.172 0.165 0 0795 r/-0.187 pCtig Potnss1um-4(i 14 ~ +/-1.23 0412 () 17& +1-1 76 pC'ilg Pmmctmmm-23 l lll 000 +/-0 733 IJ.975 () 468 .+f*D 747 pC1!g Radmm-226 OMI +/-0 134 [J 139 00659 +l-0 144. *pCtig Radmm-228 UI 0.00 +/-0.240 0 372 0.178 +/.() 430 pC1/g Thallium-208 0243 +f-0.()66 00676 (l 032 +/.(l.(J69! pC'1ig Tm-126 t:I U.00 tl-0.125 (I lf>I 00778 +!-0 126 pC1/g Rad Gas Fhm Proportional Counting Gl-1'C. Gross ArB. solid "Dry Weight C'oriw:wd" Alpha S.06 +/-3.09 3.37 1 35 +/-3.46 400 p('iig JXB7 11102/1 S 1406 1525768 3 bm W4 t/-3.40 3 92 l 84 +1-44.J \(J_(I pCi/~ Tl.1.c fC)llo_wing._Prep l\1.~.tJ.lll~S.. ~':~re: .P.e~for~~~***** ..... ___ .. . . .. _ Method Description A!lalyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry S01l Prep Dry Sm! Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYTI 11/10/15 0955 1521927 ~~.1.e_ :~'!a_l).:t_i~I ~~~~l1o_~s. wcre.p.e_r..for.Jl1<<!.d ...... . Meth1>d Description ASTM D 2216 (Modified)

'.!                      DOE llASL 300, 4.5.2 3/Ga-01-R EPA 900 OiSW846 93 lO.'SM 71 lOB Modified SurrogatefTraccr Recovery                       Test                                                                                                      Batch II> Recovery%         Acceptable Limits

GEL LABO RATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: l 5 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 1<1228 Report Dnte: December 17. 2015 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: C.2.Cl Project: MJWCOO 115 Sample ID: 385101002 Client ID: Jv1JWCOOI Pararneter ,,l<~sult .... c:nc!!.!:tah1_tJ *- ... _!V~D.~: .. Le .... TJ>l'. ... *-- .. .. ..-"!~F. .~na!~.t... _!)_ate_ rime. ~ateh. Mtd. Surrogatcffracer Rcc<rrcry Test !latch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPlJ and Counting Uncertainty me calculated al the 95'!*o confidence level ( l .96-sigma).

GEL LAB ORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407-(843} 556-8171-ww' Certificate of Analysis Repo11 Date: December 4, 2015 Company; MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes

                                                     ........... _....... .

Client Sample ID: C.2.C4 Project: MJWC001 l5 Sample [D: 385101003 Client ID: MJWCOO! Matrix: Soi! Collect Date: 27-0CTvlS 10:55 Receive Date: 05-NOV-IS Collector: Clieni Moisture: 14.3% Parameter MDC RL Units

                                                                                           ....... ***- ...................... ******-* .................... .

DF Analyst Date

                                                                                                                                                                     -***** ......

Time Batch Method

                                                                                                                                                                                   ***-** .......... --** *******-*** *-*- ..... .

Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 ~--0 Moisture" As Received" Mo1smrc 14.3 percent LY'fl ll/I0/15 0955 1521927 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-227 l! -0333 +/-0.615 0 935 pCilg RX F2 \ 2i03115 0722 1522386 2 Antimony- 125 l! -0 0534 +/-0 29ll 0.533 pC1/g Ccsium-137 302 +/-0 572 () ()\)99 !1100 pCilg Cobalt-60 l.! .()(1()261 +/.. tJ.038 00751 pCifg Europmm- J54 lJ 0.0645 +i-0.JJ3 0.275 pC11g Protactmmm-2J 1 ll t.05 -ti-\ 19 2.02 pC1ig R.admm-226 0 720 +/-0.224 0 23.2 pCilg Radtum-228 0.797 +/-0.356 0.2\:19 pCilg Tin-126 UI 0.00 +/-0.179 () 154 pC'1ig Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, G!'oss A/B, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 13 I "'/-3,94 3 96 400 pC1!g JXB7 12/02tl5 1409 1525768 3 lleta 46.8 +/-4.09 2.63 10.0 pCi/g T!1~.f.o.!l~~!~~.f.'re_p. f\:Jetl~(l~S.. \Ve~e.P.~r..fo1~-~~:.... _.......... "..... . .... __ -* ....... ... . . .... _-* ............................ . Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch oi): 'so1i'Prcj:i"" ., ............ 'oiY Soffi"rep'C:i't:R.xo:;,_(iiJ - ...... -* ........... - . "1..ST'i" ......... 111i&ri5""" .-- "<i'>55' 1521927 .ll~~- f?HO\~inl?..~n~IY.ti-:a~ 1'1~th.o?~. '~'._e_r7 _pe~form.ed.:.. . ..Method

   . -******* *--*---.. ***-**. *m ... _. _ _ .............. .                                                                    .. Ana!Y.1>.t (:'.ommem~ ........

l ASTM D 2216 (Moditkd) 2 DOE HA.SL JOO. 4.5 2.3fGa*Ol-R 3 'EPA 900.0iSW846 9310iSM 71 IOB Mod1ticd Notes: . Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).


GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843} 556-8171 -WW\v.geLcom Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address; 15 1-lw.clwood Drh*e Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December l 7. 2015 Contact: M.s. Lauri~ Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: C.2.C4 Project: MJWC'OOl 15 Sample ID: 38510l003 Client ID: MJWCOOI. Matrix; Soil Collect Date: 27-dCT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 14.3% Parameter Le ... Tl.'.L. RL l'nil.~~-t. . -~l!tt_! _!i_ll]': Batch Mtd* Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 22 !6 % Moisture .,Is Received" Moisture 14 3 pcn;ent LYTI 11/10.'15 0955 1521927 Rael Gamma Spec Analy.s[s Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "lJry IVeight Correcred" Actimum-227 ll -0 333 +/-0.615 lJ 935 0.453 *~f-().(J35 pC1!g RXF2 12/03!15 0722 1522386 2 Amencium-241 0 141 +/-0 !09 (I 139 0 (}67~ +/-0.110 pC'ilg Antnnony-125 l! -(l.0534 +/-0.298 0.533 0 259 -t-i-0.299 pCi!g Bismutb-212 U! HOO ***!-\ 06 1 55 0726 +/-l.37 pCilg Btsmuth-214 0 720 +/-(1224 0232 () 110 +/-0 232 pC1lg Ccsium-137 30 2 +J-0.572 () 0999 0 0463 -<-/-2.60 0 100 pCilg Cob~IL-CiO u -0.00261 +i-0 038 00751 0 ll318 +/-0.038 pC11g Europium-154 u 0.0645 +/-(} 133 () 275 0 122 +/-0 136 pCilg L~ad-212 l. lO +/-() 163 0 213 0.!04 +1-0212 pC1/g Load-214 0.924 +t.o 346 0 353 0 172 +/-() 355 pCilg f>otassn_\m-40 16 6 H-1 63 0.871 0 377 +/-2 29 pCi.lg Protacmmtm-231 lJl 0.00 +f-1 19 2 02 0 983 H-131 pCi/g Rudium-226 0 720 +/-0224 0232 0.1 l(I +/-0 232 pCi/g. Radium-22& 0 797 +/-0 356 0299 () 134 +i-0 371 pCilg Thallmm-208 0.319 H-0 11~ 0125 0 0595 f/-0.118 pC'1/g Tm-12(* Ul () 00 +/-0 179 0 154 () 0747 +/-0.182 pCilg Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC. Grvss A-B. solid "D1:i* Weight Correcred" Alpha 13.l +f-3 94 396 I 04 +f-4 70 4 00 pC1!g JXl37 12102/15 1409 1525768 3 Beta 46 8 -t-/-409 2 63 1.19 +f-7 87 I0.0 pCi/g

f.~~Joil_owing f.'r~_p_l\'ll?t_ba~-~-~Y~I_'~ Pt:r.fo_r_I11_ctl _____ ___ ................ . **-******* ----*-* ..... . ***- .. .. -******** . .. _ .

Method Oescriplion Analyst Dale Tinie Prep Batch

                                                                                                                                       ---                                            ******-* .........

_DrySotl Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYTI 11/to!\5 0955 1521927 Il_1i:_~{lll()\~:i11g_t~J1.a!ytical -~*.l~t_l1od_~ _w_e.r.e [lC!:f?r.*11.t:d_ .. . .... ......... ****-****** .. ..... ****** . Method Description ............ ... ****-*-*-**.. *-* .. ****** *-*** . I ASTM D 2216 (.\fodificd) 2 DOE HASL 300, 4 5 2.3/Ga-01-R 3 EPA 900.0!S\\'&46 9310/SM 71 IOB Modified Surrogatelfraccr Reco,*cry Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limit~

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 1422& Report Date: Dcex!mbcr 17. 2015 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample TD: C.2.C4 Project: MJWCOOI 15 Sample ID: 385101003 Client ID: MJWCOOJ . --.. ******* .................... ***********-- **-****** ............. -*-**-- .... ' .... ****** . . . . ***** .... . .. .P.~ra_11.1_c1:er ___ ...... -* .... ___ _9_u_~li~e.r_. -*. ----~~su~t ... Jinc~_r~ai.nty .:\1[).C:: Le ........ T.~'.-~-........ RL l_;11Hs .. DI'. :\n.a!ys.t.... D_atc_T!~1e .IJ:ttch [\-1_td: Surr:ogateffracer Recovery Test Hatch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4. 2015 Company: MJ\V Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 1 !2 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes

               .. -*' ...... .... .....     . ................ *-***    ..........                                                        *A********

Client Sample ID: C.2.C5 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385101004 Client ID: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 27-0CT-15 ! l :00 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 15.6% P.arat11~t~r .. _ __ .9.L~ali_f.i_~'..- ----~~s_u_lt_ .lJ~.?.~rtaii~tY. .... rvr~C ... _.~!:- __ . *-- .. .Y_~i~S. __ . *-- [)F ~n~l>:st_ _Date.. _T_ipte Batch Method Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Mrn~ture 15.6 percent LYTI I i/I0/15 0955 1521927 Rad Alpha Spec Analysis ASP Plutonium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonmrn-238

  • U D.00 +/-(} 048<J I} 0728 l 00 pC1/g HAKB 11/23/15 1501 1522577 2*

Plu!omum-.:?.39i240 U 0 0679 +f-0. l Jn 0 170 J_(J{) pCi!g ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-232 U U 0424 +/-0 ll2 () 207 l 00 ixitg llAKB I 1i24/15 0851 1521580 3 llramum-233/234 l 07 +/-0 3 \2

  • 0 127 1 00
  • pcifg Uranium-235123(> U 0 0461 +f-0 0789 0 06')] t no pc1/g llramum-238 () 959 +f-0.295 0 I JO l.00 pci/g Alphaspec Np237. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Ncplunium-237 ll 0.05"63 +/-0 252 0.494 I (lll pCi!g HAKB \ l/23115 1711 1522576 4 Alphaspec Th229 + 228,230,232 Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Thorium-228 I 10 +/-0 546 0.432 I 00 pCi/g liAKll 1 l/24115 1014 1522579 5 Thorrnm-229 U -0.0266 +/-0 184 ll.447 I 00 pCl/g Thonum-230 0.891 +/.() 475 !l."289 1 no pC1/g
  • 111onum-232 1.02 +/.(I. 50 I o !SI l.tJO pCiig Am241, Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Amcr1c1um-24 l 0 107 +/-0 0881 0.0757 1 00 pCi!g I !AKB JJ/24fl5 1039 I 522571 6 Clll'ium-242 U 0 OIJ +i*0.0354 00527 I 00 pCi/g Cur1um-243i244 U -0 00374 H-0 0323 (J074ll I 00 pCt!g Cur1um-245/24fa ll () 0361 +/.() 0619 (l 0542 I 00 pl'1.lg Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 l: -2.42 +/- 7 71 13 4 IS 0 pCilg HAKB 11/25/I S 1638 1522.578 7 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma 1129. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" lodine-129 U -0.112 +/-0.284 0 479 I 00 pCllg MJHI 12i02!15 1711.l* \522374 8 Gamrnnspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected

Acunium-221 ti 00119 +/-0.463 0 841 pCr!g RXF2 \2{()3/\5 0733 1522386 9 Anllmony-125 U 0.166 +/-0.218 0 402 pCrlg Ccsrnm-137 23.8 +/-O..J07 0 090 ()_!O[J pCl/g Cobalt-60 u 0 0023 +l-0 0362 0 0601 pCi/g Europrum-154 u -0 183 +/-0.117 0.175 pCi/g Protactmium-231 u -0 677 +/-1 1Cl 1.65 pCrlg

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - {843) 556~8171 Certificate of Analysis

                                                                                                                                                              .Report Date: December 4. 2015 Company:                     MJW Corporation Address:                      15 Hazelwood Drive Suite112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact:                     Ms. Laurie Losey Project:                     Soil Radioisotopes
                *********** .....     ....................... .

Client Sample ID: C.2.C'5 Project'. MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385101004 Client fD: MJWCOOl Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gainmaspec. Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Radium-226

  • 0 822 +1-'1.213 0. l!l7 pCi!g Rudium-228 0 943 +1-0 380 (J 254 pC1lg Tin-126 U 0 175 +/.0.216 0212 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross AiB, solid "DI)* Weight CoJTected" Alph~ 13.1 +/-3 90 .l.54 4.00 pC1lg JX\37 12102115 J<l 11 1525768 10 B~ta 39.9 +/-4 01 2.71 IO.O pC1/g GFPC, Sr90, solid "Dcy Weight Corrected" Stron!ium-9ll U 1.25 +/- l. 10 1.78 20() p('i/g KSDI l2i02fl5 1710 1525755 It Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC. Tritium Dist, Solid .Dry Weight Corrected" Tritium U 0 52Cl +l-1.65 3 02 (>I}() p('ilg TXJI 12102115 1856 1522724 12 Liquid Scint Cl4, *solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Carbon-14 . U -C}.615 +/-U 809 l 41 200 pCi!g nm 12104115 0407 1522716 13 Liquid Scint Tc99. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Tcchnctium-99 U I 15 +/-1 37 2.J[ 5.00 pCilg MYMl 11129115 1323 1522715 14

.1.:f~e f? l!oy.:in.g. P,r~p .M.c.~1_10.~s.~e.~~ .P.~.r.f.O.~IT_l.e~.: ...... ., .. .. . ... *--********* ****-**** Method Description Analyst Diite Time Prep Batch

  • oiY sCiii Prer *****
  • brysCii1 i;rcii dL-RA.t>-"A::o2*1-****-* *i':vt!* *****-**** *****i**u10hs*****-**-****a9ss.. *** .. is219i7 ***
  • GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843} 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 20 l 5 Company: MJW Corp*oration Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Contact: Ms: Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes
        ............ ,.. . ..        ..... -* -**** ...... - ........ .

Client Sample ID: C.2.C5 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385 l 0 I 004 Client ID: MJWCOOI The .f?lh?wi~ ~11_'1:1.> rvt.~th?,.ds w.~r~.P.~.r.t~r?1~d*:* .......... . .. . -********* ..-********* .... ........... . .:'\:1~t.ho.4. . . . . .. . ...... .Pe.~.c.rJp.t.i().n. . . ........ . ........... A11.a.lyst (gmnlCfl.ti; ... .. .. .... . .. . ... .. ... .......... _ ASTM D 2216 (Mod1f1~d) 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 3 DOE EML !*IASL-300, ll-02-RC Modified 4 ASTM C 1476-00 Modified 5 DOE EML HASL-30U, Th-01-RC Modified 6 DOE EMJ. HASL-300. Am-05-RC Modifict! 7 DOE EML HASL-300. Pu-! 1-RC Mothficd II DOE EML HASL-300J-01 Modified 9 DOE HAST. 300.4.5 23/Ga-01-R JI) EPA 900.0/SW846 93 !0!SM 7l ll!R Modified II EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev ! Modified 12 EP,\ 906.0 Modified 13 EPA EERF C-01 Modi fled l*i" DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified S.u'.r.o~~te!:r~~?,er B-~-~(Jye_ry ...... Tes~ . .. . ...................... . Result Nominal . !_tcc()veryo/o_ .... ~cc._~P!~~.1~ ~i.tJ1.its.. l'lutonium-242 Tracer ASP l'lutonium lsotop1c, Sohd "Dry Weight 63 2 [15%-125%) Corrected" Vranium-232 'Tract!r ASP Uranium Isolop1c, Solid "Dry Weight 63.4 (!5%-125%) Corrected" Uranium-235/236 Tracer AS!' Uranium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight 68 I (15%-125%) Corrected" Amcricium-243 Tracer Alphaspcc Np237. Sohd "Dry Weight Corrected" 93.3 (15%-125%) Actinium-227 Tracer Alphaspec Th229 + 228.230,232 Sohd "Dry S7 7 (15%-125%) Weight Corrected" Amcricium-243 Tracer Am24 l. Cm Solid "Dry Wcrght Corrected" 94.4 (15%-125%) Plutomum-242 Tracer L1qu1tl Scmt Pu24 l, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 63 2 (15%-125%) Strontium CM1"1cr GFPC, Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 84 6 (2.5%-125%) Techneuum-99m Tracer L1qutd Scint Tc99, Solid Dry Weight Corrected 95.9 {15%-125%) Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABO RATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: rv!J\\' Corporntiou Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, Ne\'I' York 14228 Report Date: December 17, 2015 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: C.2.C5 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 38510!004 Client JD: MJWCODI l\*1atrix: Soil Collect Date: 27-0Cr-ts Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 15.6%, ~'.lra111et~r. . .. . . ......... 9.~:i.lifi_e!': . ____ }~~s..uH ... l.)cer:t:iiriJy _.  :\1DC Le .. _TPr_ RL Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216% Moisrure "As Received" Moisture 15.6 percent LYTI 11/I0/15 0955 1521927 Rad Alpha Spec Analysis

  .*ISP Piutoni11m Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" i'luton1um-238                                                 0.00      *>/-U.0489        0 ..0728         o.on  +!-0.0491        I 00     pCilg        l*lAKB \ t/23/15 I SOI 1522577 2 Plu1\lnium-239i240                                         0.0671)          +!-0 110         0 170      ll.0486    i*/-0 I 10      1.00     pCtltc A.SP Ur(lnium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weig/1/ Corrected" llrnnmm-232                                   u            0.0424           +f-0.112         ll207      0 0784     +/-0. I JJ      l 00     pci!g        MAKB 11i24/l5 0851     1522580 3 Uranium-2331234                                                 1 07        +1-0312          0.1:!7     ll 0291    +/-0.382        I 00     pc1lg Uramum-2351236                                             0.0461        +/-0.0789         0.0691           0.00  +/-0 0795        I 00     pci/g Ummum-238                                                     0.959         +f-0 295         0 \ \0     0(1206     +/-0.355        l 00     pc1.1g
  .:ilplraspec ;\/J237. Solid "D1:1* l'Verght Con*ectcd" Neptumum-237                                   ll          0 0563           +1-0.252         0 494        U.141    +/.(I 253       I 00     pCi/g        HAKB 11/23(15 1711     1522576 4 Alphas-pee Th229 +* 228.230,232 Solid "D1:1* Weight Corrected" Thormm-228                                                      I 10        +/-0 546          0 432       0 123    +1-0 572        I 00     pC1/g        HAKB 11124115 l014     1522579 5 Thori11m-229                                   u          -0.0266           +/-0 184          0447        0.133    +1-0 184         I 00    pCi/g Thorium-230                                                   0.891         +/-0.475          () ).89   0.0542     +1-0494         l 00     pC1/g Tlionum-232                                                     J.{J2       ..-/.(J.501       0.181         0110   +/-(1.524        1.00    pClfg AmU !, Cm Solid "Dry Weighl CorreCled" Amcricium-241                                                0 10'7      *l*/-0 0&8\      0.0757       0.Ul42    +1-0 OR92         LOO     pC1/g        HAK°Ei 11/24115 1039 152257!   6 Curium-242                                                      0.0ll    +/-U.0354         (I   0517        !l.00 +1-00355          1.00    pCilg Cunum-2431244                                 lJ       -000374          +/-0 0323         0.0748          0014   +!-0.0323         1.00    pC'1/g C'uriurn-245/246                                            0 0361        +/*IJ.0619       0 0542 .         000   +/-0.0621         I UO    pC1.lg Liquid Sr:im Pu24/, Solid "DI)' Weight Correcied" Ph1to11ium-241                                LI             -2 42            +/-771            134        (>53      'i"/-771      15 0    pC1lg        HAKB   11125115 1638 1522578   7 R11d Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma l/29, Solid "D1:r lfeigh1 Corrf'cted" lodine-\29                                    LT           -0 112           +1-0 284          0479        0.212    +l-0289         I (Jl)  pC1/g         MJH I 12102/15 1710 1522374   8 Gammaspec. Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Actimum-227                                   ll           () 0119          +/-().463         0.841       0.409    +J-0 463                pCt/g         RXF2  12103/15 0733   1522386 9 A11t1mony-125                                 u              0.166          .;-/.0.218        0.402       0 196    +/-0.231                p('i/g Bismulh-212                                  ur                0 00         +/-0)71             I .1)7    0 506    +/-0.853                pC1/g Bismuth-214                                                  0 822          +/-0.213          0.187     (J.0897    +i-0.224                pCi!g Ce~ium-137                                                     23 8         +/-ll.407         0 090     0.0428        H-2 JO     0.100     pC1/g Coba.ll-60                                     u           0 0023        4/.IJ.0362        0 0601       0.0267   +/-() 0362                pCtlg Eurnpmm-154                                    u           -0 183           +/-0 117          0.175     0.0782     +/-0.144                pCi/g Lcad-212                                                        1.04        +/-0 161.         () 187    I) 0912    **l-0 180               pCilg J.ead-214                                                    0 940          +!-018!i          0341        0.167    -+l-0295                pCi!g

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analxsis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Huzelwoocl Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date; December 17. 2015 Contact: Ms. Laurie Lose) Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: C.2.C5 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 38510 I 004 Client ID: MJWCOOI Parameter Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gwnmasper:, Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight Co1*rectcd" Potassium-40 14 7 +/-1 23 0 515 0 225 +f-1 76 pCt!g Protactini um-2 31 l.' .() 677 +/-1 10 1.65 0 804 +/-I 15 . pCi/~ Radi11m-226 0.822 +/-0 213 0 187 0.0897 +1-0.224 pCilg Radium-228 0 '}43 +1-0.380 0254 () 117 +/-0.392 pCilg Thallium-208 0 396 +/..{) 109 0 0971 0 0466 +/-0.114 pCi/g Tm-126 UI 0 00 +/.. () 216 0 212 0 103 +1-0.216 p(\lg Rad G:is Flow Proportional Counting GFPC'. Dross kB. solid "DIJ' Weighr Corrected" Alpha 13 7 +1-3.90 3 54 l .\2 +/-469 4.0ll pC1.lg JXB7 121()2/15 1411 1525768 HI Beta 39 9 +/-4 o:. 1 71 1 22 +/-6.Sl I (HI pCi/g GFPC. Sr90, solid "Dry Wt'ighl C'orrer:ted" Strontium-90 1 25 +f-1.10 I 7S 0.784 +/-1.13 2.00 pCi/g KSDI I 2i02/15 1710 !525755 11 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC. Tritium Dist. Solid "Dry Weight Con*ecle!d" Tnt1urn U 0.520 +f*I (>5 3 02 I JI +f-l.65 600 pC1ig TXJI 12102/15 1856 1522724 12 Liqztid Sr:i11t CI./, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Carbon-14 U .. () 6 \5 +/-0 809 I 41 0.690 +/-0.809 2.00 pCi!g TXJI 12/04/15 0407 15~2716 13 Liquid Scint Tc_99. Solid "D1:1* Weight Correcred" Techn~uum-99 1.15 +/-1 37 2.3 f 111 -t/-1 J~ 5.00 pCilg MYM I 112'1/15 1323 1522715 14 I

rh~. f?ll()w_i)l!.tP.r.~P '."!etb<!~s.~-~~e.rer_f.or.mcU. ............................... . **-***** *-** .... . ...--*** **- ..... ... _........ . ....

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch

                                                                                                                               ... *-****** *-* . ........... ......... -* ....................            . ............................

Ory Sm! Prep Diy Sml Prep GL-RAD-A-02 l LYTl  ! 1/10!15 0955 1521927 Th_e _f.()!l~-~'.'~IJ~. :.\.n.a_l>'.l!ca.1.. :w.c.~h.~~:~. ,l.~r.e .. _. ... **-**** ............ . --****** .... . .. ....... -********--***** .........

\'let hod Dese1*iption .. ........ .. .. . .. .. -*--**. ***-***. .....

ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-JOO, U-02-RC Modified 4 ASTM C 1476--00 Modified 5 DOE EML HASL-300. Th*ll 1-RC Modified 6 DOE EML HASL-300. Am-05-RC Mod1lied 1 DOE EML HASL-300~ Pu-11-RC' Modified 8 DOE EML l!ASL-300,1-01 Modified 9 DOE HASL 300, 4 5.231Ga-O1-R 10 EPA 900 ll.1SW846 9310/SM 7\ !OB Modified II EPA 905 0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev I Modified .12 EPA 906 0 Mod1!icd 13 EPA EERF C-01 Modified

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 -

  • Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: SoH Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: C.2.CS Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385!0!004 Client JD: MJWCOOl Parnm.c!~~ ***-* ... *-*** __ .91J.a!_i!i.~~ ...... ~~s,ul~ ...... rn~ert.:i~11tr...... MDC Le ***-**** TPl'
                                                                                                       ......... .

14 DOE EML l!ASL-300. Tc-02-RC l\..todificd Surrogaleffraccr Rccm'cry Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits

                                                                                              .:S ....                                                   ****-** .. ******** ........*-******

Plutonium-242 Tracer ASP Plutonium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522577 63.2 (l.5%-125%) Uranium-232 Tracer ASP Uranium Isotopic. Solid Dry Weight Corrected" 1522580 63.4 (15%-125%) Uranium-235/236 Tracer ASP Uranium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected 1522580 68. l (15~*o-l25%) Amcricium-243 Tracer Alphaspcc Np237. Solid "Dry \\'eight Corrected" 1522576 93.3 (15%-125%) Actinium-227 Tracer Alphaspec Th229 + 228.230,232 Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" l 522579 87.7 (15%-125%) Americium-243 Tracer Am24 !, C'rn Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522571 94.4 {15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Sclnt Pu24 l. Solid Dry Weight Corrected" 1522578 63.2 (15'%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90. wlid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1525755 84.6 (25%1* I25'3i1) rechnetium-99m Tracer Liquid Sein! Tc99. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" !512715 95.9 (15%-125%) Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( l .96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 7, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address : 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact Ms. Laurie Losey

                     .... Project:
                             .. . .... .... ...

Soil Radioisotopes

                                                  . .. ... . ......... . . . . ..... - ..     *- .***-* ... , ... .                                        . ..     . ............................... .

Client Sample ID: C.3.CI Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385068005 Client ID: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 02-NOV-15 09:30 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: CHent Moisture: 42% Parameter Units ..... ************* **********-*****-** Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" 11..\01s\ure 42.0 perc~111 CXCl 11/10115 !326 1521841 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Acti11ium-227 lJ -0 21l3 +/-0 448 0.755 pC'1!g RXF2 I 2i03!15 0708 1522393 2 i\numony- 125 ll 0.0343 +/-0.153 0297 pCilg Cesium-137 0.935 +f-0 214 0 133 0 100 pC1/g Cobalt-60 u -0 02 \6 +l-0 0696 0.134 pC!/g Europium-154 l! 0 141 +/-0 200 0.443 pCi!g Proiactinium-231 lJ 0 162 *~/-0.833 I 59 pC!lg Radium-226 0744 +/-0.244 0.202 pCllg Radium-228 0602 +/-0.3SO 0.510 pCilg Tm-126 lJ 0.0618 t/-0 157 ()204 pC1lg Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross AIB. solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha IQ I +1-3.43 3 84 4 ()0 pCi!g JXll7 12102115 1221 1525762 J

~m                                                                                8~         +l-2 27                2.71           10.0           pC1/g
!!~-~. fo, l_lf:'._\~_i_ng_ f'.rep_~~_th.o_ds :\~r~ _P.e.~fo~111.e_d:.

Method . Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry so11 Prep * ** ** *- ***-* * ***bi): *5~;1 1>;.;;*r Gi...~k,\b~AAfai *** * ** ** * C':Xt;'( ....

  • iTiloh.S *1326 ***** * ***-is2i"84i. ******* ***

_Th_~_foll<J'vi~~--~-~-~~~t_i~~l .Me~l~?ds__ ~y~r~ per[o_n~~d: __ _ lvl_ethog. ....... ____ .. * ... __ l)e_s~_ri_Q~j.;in .. ....................Arw,l~1__ (:9m_111~n.\L ................... _...., ...... I ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE HASL 300. 4 5 2 3/Ga-01-R 3 EPA 900 OiSW846 93 WiSM 71108 Modified Notes: Counling Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence !eve! {l .96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-.8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW C"orpon1tion Address: 15 !-la?.elwood Drive Suite l 12 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17, 2015 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample lD: C.3.C I Project: MJWCOOll5 Sample ID: 385068005 Client ID: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 02-NOV-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 42% ..~~.r'.*.m,~t~.':..... _.. __ ...... 9~1~1i.ficr ........ _l~~-s~!~ . 1;ncc~li!in.lJ ......MDC Le ........ JT.l!.. ..... RL Vnits . D..l'...A.!l~lY.~.t ..1l?J~c..!}.1nc Balch Mtd. G ravin1ctric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture *~*ls Received" Moisture 420 percent CXCI 11110/15 1326 152184 l Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "Dry JJ*"eight Corrected" Actmium-227 u -0 203 +/-0 448 0755 0.348 +l-0458 pCilg RXF2 l 2i03/l 5 0708 1522393 2 Amimony* 125 u () 0343 +/-0.153 0.297 () 133 +/-0 154 pCi!g l31smmh-212 Ul 0 00 +/-1.45 2.32 1.05 +/. \.54 pC1/g B1smuth*2t4 0744 +/-0 244 0 211.'.\ 0 0875 +/-0.251 pCilg Cesium-137 0 935 +f-Q 214 0.133 (} 0585 +!-0 226 \).10() pCl!g Ccibalt-60 u -0.0216 +f.(J06% ll 134 00543 +/-0.0703 pCilg F.uropmm-154 u 0 141 +/-0.20() lJ 443 tJ.187 +-f-0 210 pC'i/g Lead-212 0.975 * +l-0. i5S 0.156 0()721 +f-0 178 pC1/g Lcad-214 1.21 +/-0.260 0 507 IJ.243 +l-0 278 pCi/~ Potassium-40 9.35 +/-201 1.14 0 440 +l-2.16 pCt!g Protactinium-231 u 0 162 +l-0 833 1 59 0.735 +/-0.837 pCt/g Radium-226 0 744 +!-0 244 ll.202 0 0875 +/-02SI pC1!g Ratlium-228 0602 +l-0 350 0.510 () 221 +/-0.357 pC1/g Thallnnn-208 0.25 \ +/-0.104 0099~ .ON3 +J-0 106 pCilg Tin-126 u 0.0618 +/-0.157 ll.2!l.t 0.0966 +/-0 157 pCi.!g ltnd Gas Fl01,,* Pn;1porlional Counting GFPC. Gross A/B, solid "Dry Weight Correc/f!d Alpha 10 I +/-3.43 3 84 161 +i-3.91) 400 pCiig. JXB7 12/02/15 1221 1525762 3 8.69 +/-2.27 2 71 1.23 +/-2 54 10 () pCi/g Bela

r~e folllJ.'". iJ.ig_.P.r.ep M~.l~j)~ls_'."C.1:C...P.1'.!1'<>r!,ll c.d. ....... __ .
   '.\lctbod                      Description                                                                             Analyst              Date                  Time           Prep Batch
                                                                                                      .... .. ................ .. .                                 ............................

Dry SOJI Prep Dry Sm 1 Prep GL-RAD-A-ll2 l CXCl 11/10115 1326 1521841

  '.~~e, X°.!l{)~'.i~_g....::\!:13.lyti~.~.1 . ~e!J.~o~s ,~*cre_,1,1_error.ll1~~- ...

Method Description

                                                                                                                                                                                    .. ~ ... .

ASTM D 2ZJ6 (Modified) 2 DOE l:-IASL 300. 4.5 2 3/Ga-0\-R 3 EPA 900.0iS\\'84(, 9310/SM 711013 Modrlfod Surrogate!l'raccr R~covery Test Batch IO ]:tecovcry% Acceptable Limits

GEL LAB ORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -{843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corpormion Address:  ! 5 Hazelwood Dri\'e Suite 112 Ilullhlo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17, 2015 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Ra<lioisotopcs Client Sample lD: C.3.C I Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385068005 Client ID; MJWCOO I

                                                                                                                                                               ............ *-- *-* ....    ........ '* ........ -............ .

Par,a.1_11.e.~~r. . . ... . .. .... .. .. .9.lla.lificr Result ..... rn_c.~.r:tai11l\I ...... _ili1RC Le .......... JrV RL ... l;n_i_~s ....!:>.!'.. :~~~l_l_IX~.t__ Date Time Bat<:l.1 ..:\.-1!4*. SurrogatcJTr:m:r Reco,*ery Tes! Batch ID RccoHry% Acccplable Limits

................ ......         *-******************. **-** -******-******--* .. ******* ***-* ....................

Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty arc calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 7, 20 I5 Company : MJW Corporation Address : 15 Hazelwood Drive Suitell2 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laude Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes

                     .......... --**-*** ************************** ........     ... *-**********

Client Sample ID: C.4.CI Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385068006 Client ID: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 02-NOV-15 11 :40 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 37.6% Parameter RL Units OF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Mmsture 37.6 percent CXCI 11110115 1326 152\84\ Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Co!1'ected" Actirnurn-227 ll -0 386 +/-0 371 0.627 pC1/g RXF2 12/03/1 S 0708 1522393 2 i\nlnnony-125 u 0.0167 +/-0 152 0278 pC1/g Ccsiwn-137 1.41 +/-0.172 0 l30 O.JOO pCilg Cobnlt-60 u 0 0584 +f-0 05~7 O.UJ pCi!g Europium- 154 L: 0 031 +/-0 20ll 0.393 pCt/g Protactmium-231 Ul ouo +l..0.995 I 29 pC1/g Radmm-226 1.03 +/-0.213 0 165 pCl/g Radium-228 1. \S +l-0 351 0 351 pCilg Tin-126 LJI 0.00 +l-0 156 0 189 p('ifg Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross A/B, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 113 +f-5.11 3 98 4 00 pC1lg JXB7 12102115 ll23 1525762 3 Beta 402 +/-4.42 3 \5 10.0 pC1/g 1.:11~ f.olh~~.~~~_!l!e_P. ~l~t.~a~s _w~r_e..l?:~r.f(l.rined.:.... **-*. ................. ___ ... ****-* _.... .. . . . . ... . . . ... . ......... . Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch

.Df:i.soil"fieii*** *** *** *******-***** or}**s-oif P.rcii*ocR:;.1.o:A:~o2r****** **- * *-* * -********-- *****-*cxd* *** * * - ** *nifoiis*****                    mii * *
  • i"5ii84. 1 *** ** ****** ***** * *** * * *** * *****

_Th~f()~l_o."'.in.g .Ai:i_a~Y,t_i:~! ~~e.t~()d._s_~v~r~ P.~.t!'C!~e~:.... _ ......... *- _. __ ............. **-............. ****- ....... *-... _........ -**. .. ..... . ..... . . ...... . ... . . . . . . . _. *- _

.J\.J.~th<?¢ ...... -*****-*****-. pe~cri.P~!9.1.l._ .. -*** . .......                . .................. **-* ..... _**- .............. : A.rwh'stG_c:imn::ienis ..... . ..............

l ASTM D 2216 (t\fodtficd) 2 DOE HAS\. 300.4 5 2 31Ga-Ol-R 3 EPA 900 OiSW846 93lO!SM 71108 Modified Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sjgma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - . Certificate of Analysis Company:  !\.1JW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. Ne\v York 14228 Report Date: December ! 7. 2015 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: C.4.Cl Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385068006 Client ID: MJWCOOJ Matrix: Soil Co!lect Date:. 02-NOV-!5 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 37.6% Le . ****-*- ***-*-TPl' **- ...........RL


l"nits DF r\_nn_lys! __ .!?.'.1.t! _.~ime Bakh '.\1td. Gravimetric Solills AST;\,{ D 2216 % Motsture "As Received" Moisture 37.6 percent CXCl 11fl0/l5 1326 1521841 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis (}ammaspec. Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight Corr.::cted" Actmium-227 u -0.386 +l-0 371 0.627 0291 +l~O 413 pC1lg R..\'.F2 12103115 0708. 1522393 2 Amirnony-125 u 00167  ;./-0.152 0.278 0 128 +1-0.152 pC11g Bismuth-212 UI 000 +1-1 34 l.!12 0.839 +/-1 57 pCi/g Btsmuth-214 I.03 +l-0 213 {) 165 0.0737 +/-0.232 Cesium-137 1 41 +/-0.172 ll.130 0.0596 +/-()2l l 0 100 pCt/g Cobalt-60 lll 0.00 +/-U.0587 () 133 0 0583 +/-0.0MS pC1/g Europtum-154 u II 031 +/-0 200 0.393 0.174 ...1-0 201 pCi/g Lead-212 l.14 +/-0 155 () 144 0.0674 +/-0. l&l pCi!g !.ea<l-214 1 2() +/-0.209 044U 0.213 +/-0.232 pC1/g Poca~sium-40 17.8 +/-2.13 1 06 () 447 ..-/-2 61 pC1/g Protactmium-231 UJ 0.00 +/-0.995 1.29 0.599 *~1-1.04 pCilg Radium-226 I.OJ +/-0.213 0.165 0 0737 +l-0 232 pCi/g fludium-228 \.18 +/-() 351 0.351 0 15-l +/-0 391 pCi/g Thalhum-2ll8 0.26"6 +1-D.0923 fUOl 011457 +/-0 0952 re ifs Tm-126 \JI 0.00 +/-0 156 0.189 0 0895 +f-0.158 pCilg Rad Gas l'low Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross A/B, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 22.3 +l-5 12 3 98 . 1.59 .\-/-6.67 4.00 pC1lg JXB7 12102115 1223 1525762 3 Beta 40.2 +/-4.42 3.15 142 +/-7 26 JO 0 pCi.ig T~-~Xl)ll.m':i~g_ Pr.cp .~1~~-h(}~S, n-_c~c_pt:r.f'?.':'n.~~-- ................... .

\lctbod Description Analyst Date Time Prep Balch
--    *- ********-** -*** ............... **-                                 **********-** *-.                      ........   -*-**-**-**-********~***    ........... ******---***--*- -*** ....... **********- *-*****-***-** ............. .

Dry Soll Prep Dry So.ii Prcp*Gl,-RAD-A-02\ CXCI 11110.115 1326 1521841 Th.e.fl)ll()\\'.ingA:~~;ilyti.~ii.1.~'l~t.h..o~s__n:~rc_r.crfi>r_nic~. Method Description ASTM D 2216 (Madi!icd) 2 DOE UASL 300. 4.5). 3/Ga-0\-R 3 EPA 900 OISW846 9310/SM 71 IOB Modified Surrogntcffraccr Rceovcry Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits

 ,,... ***-*********--***=*** ..... -*-*****************-. *****-** ................. ***** *-**-********* ..... .

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 201 S Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: C.4.CI Project: l\.UWCOOJ 15 Sample ID: 385068006 Client ID: MJWCOO I ~~.r~!flet~ ................... 9~:J~i-~_I'.~....... _Result ..... Vn~.i:r~!!i!!t.v....... :';11).C:..... !*.c . _...........TPl.'. ... RI,..... ~:.11u~ ....l?.F. .~.~~l_:y~~ .... P..a.te.. Y.ilJle.;:h_ ..~1.t~. Surrogatcffraccr Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence !eve! ( 1.96-sigma).


                                                   *2040       s.avage Road       *ch~riestoh. SC 29407 - (843) 556'-8171 , V..WW;getcom
                                                                                .Certificate *of'Analysis c:\;nµp~ny .:        r\1JW><;p.rp9rait01J Addres.s:            1'5 .Hazelwood Drive s~iteH2      * *
  • Bu(falq,New !(ork t 4228 Reppj't. Pa.te: De,Cl!liih~~ 17; 21)1 5
       ,Contact:             Ms. taui'ieLo$ey Projec~:            §?l! ~di~isotopei;

(:lient $'amplelDi CA.C.5 P,roJ~<;t: 'MJWC0'01f5

      . Matrix::
~!f,0~~(!07 CJieri.t ID: MJWCOOI .

Co1lect Date: o2-:NOV~l5

        'Receive Oat~:             os::NOV-:15 f(),ll~9for,:             tilent JY.!oisfurt::              J6:q%

RL iinit~ OF .Analyst 'Qate Tilrie IJatch Mtd. Gravimetric Stilids llSTM b 22.1.6.% Moisture "As Recelved 11 ,Moisture .36:3.. ;C~C.l }111()/IS m§ isi.1841 ;j Ra.~ AIP,~a.S1i<<; Anaiysis *

   .JSP*PMoniiim*Jsoi6pii:,*so1id "Dr.Y*Weighi,Cor~ec1't!~

PJufoniiun~238 u i1:009~*16 +~~-p~o~ Qt.

                                                                                          ,0,134_ '0.1. ..,. '.      ...*,

Plµtoililljn~239(240 U Q.022 +t~O.Q849 0.16,5 Q,( ASP UrafHiim Jso1iip1c. Solid "OiJi .Weight.C¢rrectiid~ Urariiun\..:232 * .ti ci.000963 ;1-/"0:0714 0.1~9 :o:O* HAKB ili24ils 08si i.52258'0 j uranium~2:H/2j4 ** *o:859'. +/jj:f29~ 0.\62 *o.o -~;1l!f!l~¥~:5)2~f; 0.136 +1-0;129 0.136 O.(lJ Uianiuin-238' 1.. 02 .+/;-0.31.6 0:136 .Q.Q3l *. vV p~i(g

   .AlphasPf!cNp23.7. SqJid ;'.D1y 1V~iglit Corrected" NepiUnl~1m"i37          * *             {1 *
  • M208. .+/.o.m Ji.454 ().116, tf-Q,2;1,8' J:,00 p(?i/g 1-IM$E! 11i231\? rib6 .1522576 4 i1P,1a~~¢: th229+ 2i/{2JiJ~i32 SolirJ Dry WefghiCorredecf' Thodum~'ti8 *
  • 0:89J * +/-O.Sl2 0.447 0.126 t1-o.m. LOO pt;U,g }\AKB tl/24/15. .JOJ4 _1$22579 5 i'horium-229 .U 0~04&4. +/"O. W O}Q~ 0:0572 tMP82 Loo pCi/g Thoiiuiri-230 0:97.1 +/-0517 q:~~s 0.0988 +J.:o.539 LOO pciig 11ioritii'li*232 :o:sn +/-0.48.3 oj04' o.os69 -- +1:0,so2 Loo P.tilg.
 . An1241,.cm*solid "i)rji Weight Correct~d,, .

. A1:rieriCiuril~2.41 o.09§2 +l-C(Q7Bj .o:o&o7 0,02Q5 +1,0i/196 Loo pCifg llAKB U/24115 1042* 1522571

  • _6
 ~uriLini,:2~2.:                         u       ~0.0103           +i,6.o3il            o:os7s      0:0223       +t-0.03.12            LQl)    'Ji(.'iig Curium-2431244                          (J      ~o:o l $7 *        +1~~.02511          0.0915     ,(),!)2~2     "'!-0:0297             toO     ~i{g Curiuni'24S/246                         *~        \).0756         +l,QA1~~             jid4$4         _Q,QO     +/-0;97~5             i:tio    pCi/&
   .liquid Sci11t*P1124 LSolid Dry WelghtCorrecled!'

Piu!oii1,,ffii,24i. u -3J6. (+J.,(J-7~ !L8 5'75 +F6.7_6 *15:() i)¢Vg 'HAJ(B l If25fi 5 *0829. i522578 '7 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis

  • Gainliia JJ29.. siJlld Dry Weight Cortei:t~d

Iodiri.~-119 U .Q. 136 +/-0.373 .<f717 9:324 +i~0.378 1:00 pctli~ MJHi 121021is 1342 15223.74 ,8 Gammaspec. Gamma.Solid "Dry Weig/ii firriedea" Aciinium-227 u* 0.0917 -r/-0:392 .0;107 pj37 +/,~}.394 pCiig ~XF2 1210'.ln:s ,oios: 1s2zJ93 9 A1.itimori1-.12s u ;o.9iO:t ~1-0: 145 '-0':261. o.iio +1-0;145 pCi/g Btsn1U!h,2);2 Ul Mo +/~li/718 1.90 0:88$ +!--O.M8 p{;i(g BiSJ111!th:2i4. 0~946 +(-1:j;209 0.225 0.104 't/-0.226

                                                                                                                        ._.. -**.              ~i/g Cesium-137                                             J-.49         +/"0.1.61            0. 10,3  o.6461         +/~0.209

0:100 pCi/g p;ibalt*60 u lw9257 +l~o.os96 o.i 18 0:051 :tM,0597 pCi/g El!~opiuin~l54 u .0.122 +1:.0.111 0.377 0.167 +/~0;185 pCi/g Lead'2i2' U.8 +f-0.J~.I 0'139 .0.0649 +/-0.185 .p(:iig Lead-214 1.26 +1-0.216 0.4jl o.209 +1-iti3s *pdit.g

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 7. 20 l 5 Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey

 ....... **********


                    ***-*********** ....         S<>.i'..R.~di_°.~:~t?_P~S       ........ *-** ...... _.. ... . . ..... *- ....

Client Sample ID: C.4.C.5 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Samp!e lD: 385068007 Client ID: MJWCOOl Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Radrnm-226 0. 946 +f-!J 209 0 225 pC1/g. Radium-228 0.954 +1-0.381 0 469* pC1/g Tm-126 lJ 0.0919 +/-0.145 0203 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting . GFPC, Gross A/B, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha l &4 +l-5 26 3.81 4.on pCi/g JXB7 \2i021\5 1121 1525762 . lO Beta 27 I ol-/-4A5 3 84 10 () pCi!g GFPC, Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontrnm-90 U -0 371 +/-IJ 653 1 39 2.00 pC1fg KSPI l2i02/15 1641 )525755 II Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC Tritium Dist, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Tritium L' 1.20 +1-:us '3.98 600 pC1/g TXJl 121021\5 1236 1522724 12 Liquid Sc int Cl4. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Carbon-14 lJ 0 243 +/.() 739 125 2.Ull pCilg TXJl I 2i03/l 5 2242 1522716 13 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid ' D1y Weight Corrected" 1 Techn~tium-99 lJ 1.15 ../-2 20 3 75 5 00 pC1/g MYMl 11129/15 0951 1522715 14

 !!~.~..f?.l.l()\Vi1~~ .~!~P.-~:th.~~.~ ..~~~e_E~.f~r::i!.e~.:............ .'.... __ ...

Method Descdptiqn Analyst Date Time Prep Batch bi}- SenfPrep"-"""' .... " .. 'ni),s'Ol!"'Pi-epGL:RA:b~A-Oii"" ......................... ""'C:ii:C.;1"""*""* .. '"T1ii<iii5"' ...... 1326 ... 'i5:i184T -* --*.

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843} 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Dale: December 7, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address; 15 Hazehwod Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 1422& Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey _............ *-----~ro~ec_t:_ **--****** ... _ .~?il_~~~i?.~S?~?P_~s.. Client Sample ID: C.4.C.5 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample lD: 385068007 Client ID: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 02-NOV-1511:45 Receive Date: 05-NOV- I 5 Collector: Client Moisture: 36.3% Parameter RL


Gravimetric Solids ASTh1 D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture 36 3 percent CXCI 11/10/15 1326 1521841 Rad Alpha Spec Analysis ASP Plutonium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected;; Plutoniu!l1-23S lJ 0 000816 +1-0 0605 U.134 1.00 pC1/g HAKB 11/23115 1501 1522577 2 Plu1on1um-2391240 u 0.022 +/-0.0849 0 165 l 00 pC1/g ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Uramum-232 U 0 000963 +1-0 0714 () 159 I 00 pcilg HAKB 11124115 0851 1522580 3 Uramuin-233/234 0 859 +/-0.293 {) 162  ! 00 pc1/g llrunium-235/236 U 0 136 +/-0 !29 0 136 1 ()() pci/g Urnmum-238 l 02 -+/-0J16 0.136 1.00 pci!g Alphaspec Np23 7, Solid "Dry Weight Co1Tected" J\/<;plumum-237 U D.0208 +/-0218 (J.454 I 00 pCiig l-IAKB I 1/23/!5 1706 1522576 4 Alphaspec Th229 + 228,230,232 Solid "Dry Weight Conected" Timrium-228 . (l 893 -+!-0.512 {).4*17 1 Oll pC1/g liAKB 11/24115 1014 1522579 .s Thorium-229 ll 0.0484 +l-0 IS2 0.305 1.00 pC1/g Thorium-230 0 971 +l-<i.517 0 383 1 Oil pC'i/g Thormm-232 0 872 +/-0483 ()J()4 "l 1)0 pCi!g Am241, Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 0.0962 +1-0.0787 0.0807 LOO pC1!g HAKB 11124115 1042 152257! 6 Curmm-242 U -0 0 l 03 +/-0 031 l 0 087.'i I UO pC1!g Cunum-243/244 U -0.0\57 +1-0.0297 0.0915 LOO pC\/g Curium-245/246 X 0 0756 +/-0 0729 0.0454 I UO pCilg Liquid Scint Pu24l, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected Plutonium-241 U -3 16 +/-6. 76 1l 8 15.0 pC1/g HAKB 11125115 0829 1522578 7 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma 1129, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" !odine-129 U () 136 +/-0 J73 0717 I 00 pC'i/g MJHI 12/02/15 !342 1522374 8 Gammaspec, Gamma. Solid "Dry \\'eight Corrected" Actimum-227 u 0.0917 +1-0 3n ()707 pCiig RXF2 1:!/03/I S 0708 1522393 9 Antimony-125 ll 0 lll07 +1-0 145 I) 26! pCi/g Ccsium-137 I 49 +/*O 16-1 0.103 0 IOtl pC1/g Cobah-60 t: 0 00257 +/-0 05% 0 llR pCLlg Eurnpmm-154 lJ () 122 +/-0 177 0 377 pCl/g Protacumum-231 Ul 0.00 +/-1 06 1.25 pC1.lg

GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel.oom Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hrrz:elwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Oatc: Dcecmhcr 17. 2015 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: C.4.C.5 . Project: lvlJWCOOl l5 Sample ID:

  • 385068007 Client ID: MJWCOOJ Parameter ........... .9.u.:~!.i~~r. *-*** ~~.sul~'*** X.l!ccr.tainty __ --~*1l)C_ Le TPF RL Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Ga111111aspec. Gamma, Solid "D1:)' Weight.Corrected

Potassmm-40 l 9. 7 +/-209 0 888 0.363 +/-2.61) pC1lg Prata~timum-231 Ul 0 00 +l-1.06 125 0 581 +/-\ J l pCi/g Radium-226 0 946 +/-0 209 0.225 () 104 +/-0.226 pCJ/g Rudium-228 0.954 +1-0.38! ti.469 ().2 !3 +1-0410 pCilg "11iulhum*208 0.405 +/-00953 0.0778 0.0345 +l-0 102 pCi!g tm-126 U 00919 +1-0 !45 0.203 00%1 +!-0 146 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross A 'B. solid "Dry !Feight Corrected" Alplta 16.4 +i-5.26 3.81 Ul +1-6 08 4.00 pCi!g JXll7 12/02/!5 1221 1525762 10 B~ta 27 I +1-4 45 3 84 l.70 +/-5.65 JO 0 pC1ig GFPC. Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontmm-90 U -!U71 +/-0.653 1 39 () 603 +/-0 654 2 0(1 pC1/g KSDl !2102/l.5 1641 1525755 JI Rad Liquid Scintillation Annlysis LSC. Tritium Dist, Solid "Dry Weigh! Ca!"l"ected" Tmnrm CJ \ .20 +1-2.25 3.98  !"73 +/-2.25 6.1)0 pC1ig TXJl 12102115 1236 1522724 !2 Liquid Sein/ C 14. Solid "Dry Weight CorNcted" Carbon-14 tJ O243 ...;.o 739 I 25 0.6!7 +/-0 739 2.00 pCilg TXJl 12/03115 2242 1522716 13 Uquid Sci11t 1"c99, Solid "Dry Wefghl Corrected" Technetium-99 U I 15 +1-2 20 J.75 1.80 +J-2 20 5.00 pCi/g MYM 11129/I 5 0951 1522715 14 I T~c fo_~lo_n'.i.n_g__~ r_e_p_ ~~e-~h?~s.. 'vc..r~_pi:r.~o_rn,i~d ........... . ._ ................. ****--**--* ****-* ...... ........... . ... . ..... ****** ..... . ........... -*-- .......

!\.Iethod                  Descriplion                                                                             Analyst                   Dale                      Time           Prep Batch
                                                                                              ....................    '*  ....... *-***  ......................................... . ...

Dry Sorl Prep Dry Sml-r'rcp Gl.-RAD-A-021 CXCI l\/10/15 1326 152 IB41

rh~_.foll~~~:i_n$.._'.\n:i_lr..t.i~i1_l_~1.~~h.o<! ... -** *-******-*- _

Method De~cription ASTM 02216 (Modified) 2 DOE EML HASL-300_ Pu-11-RC Modified 3 DOE EML !IASL-300. l!-02-RC Modrtkd 4 ASTM C 1476-00 Modified 5 DOE EML l!ASL-300. Th-01-RC Modified 6 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-OS-RC Modified 7 DOE EML llASL-300. Pu-l 1-RC Modified 8 DOE EML HASL-300,1-01 Modified 9 DOE HASL 300, *I 5.2.3/Ga-Ol-R 10 EPA 900.0/SW846 93 IOi.SM 71 IOB Modilied 11 EPA 905 0 Modified/DOE RP50! Rev 1 Modifictl 12 EPA 906.0 Modified 13  !!PA EERF C-01 Modified

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843} 556-8i71 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December?, 2015 Company : MJW Corporation Address : 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite l 12 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey

               .__ ~r.?~:~t: .. ...                 S~il .R:~dioisot<:>~_es                                                                                           .... -**

Client Sample ID: C.4.C.5 Project: MJ'NCOO! !5 Sample ID: 385068007 Client ID: MJWCOO! __T_h"'. -~o~_l?.':_Vi_n~ _A11a.1_)'.tfo~~ .r-.1~£.h_o_d~ ':e'.e_p~rf?~.e-~_:_ ...... _ *"*" *" ********** W*** ** * ***** M~!~Qd.. . .. *-*-* _Qe~_criptio.ri ........... *******- ............... . . -*****-* .A.l)i!\yS_t \°O.Il:J!l1te!:\i~ ..................... . ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, ll-02-RC Modified 4 ASTM C 1476-00 Modified

5. DOE EML HASL-300, Th-Pl-RC Modified 6 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Mod11icd 7 DOE EML llASL-300. Pu-\ I-RC Modified DOE EML HASL-300,1-0l Mod1Jicd

') DOE HASL 300,4.5 2 3iGa-Ol-R 10 EPA 900.0/SW846 93 lO!SM 71 Wl3 Modified ll EPA 905.0 Moddied1DOE RP501 Rev I Modified 12 EPA 906.0 Modified

 \3                                      EPA EERF C-01 MoiJ1lfo<l 14                                      DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified
~-~11u¥_al_~iira~<;:! ~.<:~1:weJ)'.. . .          Test
                                                     ***-*----*** ....... *-***.                   ....... . .... *-** -** .... IZ~.~~1.t_ .. _.... ~.on~i11_a.~*--***** .~."'.C()\'.er.~<;{, .. A~cepta.~l~. LimHs_

Pluloniurn-242 Tracer ASP Plutonium lsotopi~. Solid "Dry Wc1gilt 70.3 (15%-125%) Corrected"

\Jranmm-232 Tracer                               ASP Umnium Isotopic, Sohd "Dry Weight                                                                                                56.ll          (15%* \25%)

Corrected" Uranillm-2351236 Tracer ASP Uramum Isotopic: Solid "Dry Weigh! 6.0 (15%-\15%) Corrected Americ1um*243 Tracer A.!phaspec Np'.!37. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 93.9 (15%-125%) Actimum-227 Trncer Alphaspec Th229 + 228,230.232 Slllid "Dry 95.5 (15%*125%) Weight Corrected" Amcrictum-243 Tracer Am24 I, Cm Solid "DI)' WeighL Corrected'" 82.3 (15%-125%) Liquid Scmt Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 70 3 (l5%-l25%) Plmonium-242 Tracer GFPC, Sr90, solid "01}' Weight Corrected" 89.9 (25%-125%) Strontium Carner Liq111d Scint Tc99. Solid "Dry W~ight Corrected 94.9 ( 15%-125%] Techrtelrnm-99m Tracer Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABO RATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - {843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company:* J\11\V Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite I 12 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December 17, 2015 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project; Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample rD: C.4.C.5 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385068007 Client ID: MJWCOOI 1'11._r:il!l_c~cr. _________ - ..... __9m1,_li_~cr_ .......~~~1111.. __ l'ncertai~f:\' .....i\.'1~~ ... ...}~~ .. ,,_ ....... !PL_ RL 14 DOE EML HASL-300, T~-02-RC Modt!kd Surrogatcffracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits

                                                                                                                                                             ......... ..................

Plutonium-242 Tracer ASP Plutonium Isotopic. Solid "DI) Weight Corrected" 1522577 70.3 (15%-125%} Uranium-232 Tracer ASP Uranium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected 1522580 56.8 (15%-125%} Urnnium-2351236 Tracer ASP Uranium Isotopic. Solid "Dr)' Weight Com:cte<l" 1522580 60 (15%-125%) Amcricium*243 Tracer Alpha.spec Np237. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522576 93.9 (15%-12.5%) Actiniurn-227 Tracer Alphaspcc Th229 + 228,230.232 Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522579 95.5 {15%1-125%) Americiurn-243 Tracer Am24l, Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522571 82.3 (15'%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Pu24 I. Solid "Dry Corrected" 1522578 70.3 (15%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC. Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrccled" !525755 89.9 (25%-125%) Tccbnctium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522715 94.9 (!5%-125%) Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95Ai confidence level (_1.96-sigma).


GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date; December 7. '.WIS Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite I 12 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project Soil Radioisotopes

                                                   *-**-**** .. **--*                              .............. .

Client Sample ID: C.4.C.6 Project MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385068008 Client ID: MJWCOO I Matrix: Water Collect Date: 02-NOV-15 13:00 Receive Date: 05-NOV- l 5 Collector: Client Para.111et~.r ............... **- ...... -9~~H~.e~ ..... R.e~~~~ .>'. ........!':IDS"... _ ....RL Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Liquid (Standard List) "As Received Attimurn-227 U -21 'l +/-33.6 55.5 pCiiL .MJJll 1lil6'15 0714 1521915 Anumony-125 lJ 3.50 +/-11 S 21 5 pC1.'L Cesium-137 U -5 ol +l-5 85 7.69 10.0 pCilL Cobalt-60 LI -3.J +/-3.89 6 33 pCtlL Europium-154. U 9 18 +-/-l0.2 21.4 pCi.iL l'rotactmmm-231 U 24.2 +/-61 5 t()7 pC1il. Rlidium-228* l! 12 5 +/-20 0 31.0 pC1/L Tin-126 lJ 0.485 '"/-$ 88 15 8 pCifL Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting* GFPC, Gross A/B, liquid "As Received" Alpha U -0619 +/-l 89 4 24 5.llll pCiiL JXB7. 12!02!!5 1255 1525771 2 Reta ll -191 +/-234 ai son pC1/L

-~*~ fol.lo"".~n~.~p.alY,ti~al _!Vl_et~o~~-".\~~r~_per[on11.c~: ........ -*

_t_y1etJ.1()d. . ....... . . . .. . . .. _I:>es_c;_ri.PJl~i~ . .. . ... .. .. . . . . ......... __ ..........An.!!!!m~n\s ................ EPA 'l!ll I 2 EPA 900 O/SWR46 93 IO Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

                                                                                                                                                                       ,.  '~  ,,

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407-(843) 550-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 1-lazelwood Dri\'C Suite l I2 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: *December 17. 2015 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Rudioisolopes Client Sample ID: C.4.C.6 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385068008 Client ID: MJWCOO! Matrix: Water Collect Date: 02-NOV-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client

      .. ***********-**-. --********* *- ...........-. *- ...... -**. ***-*
.~llrn_mcte_r -* ... _.......... __ _()~ali~er . .. ~c~~!~ ....... _r.~cc.rtaint.\'      .. ~?..C:: __ .. .L<:.  . ........ .T~r ...  .... _llt.. .... ~l1i,i1~ .. l!l'. 1\,nal~*s.t ... _l)atc Time  B..l!.!C.~ ... ~t.~:.

Ratl Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, liquid (Standard LisrJ .,Is Received" A~tmiwn-227 U -21 9 +/-33.6 55 5 26 6 +/-35 l pC1/L MJl!l 11/16115 0714 15219!5

  • Anumony-125 U J.50 +l-11 8 21.5 10.2 +/-1 ! 9 pCi!L Bi~muth-212 ll -154 +l-69 6 90 5 416 +1*99 6 pCilL B1smutl1-214 UI 0.00 +f-17 7 . 18.8 s 93 +/-18 3 pCi/L Ccsmm-137 u -561 +/-5 SS 7.(>9 3 58 +(.(, 39 10.0 pCilL Cobalt-60 u -3 3 +f-3.89 6 33 2.71 +f-4.17 pCi1L Europium-154 lJ 9.l8 +f-\0.2 21 4 9 6!  ;-/-[!.() pCt.IL Lcad-212 Ul 0.00 +/-10.5 14.3 6 89. r/-! l l pC1/L Lcud-214 u 6 56 +/-14.7 181 8.65 +/-150 pCiiL Potnssium--10 u -6.75 +/-52.9 102 469 +/-53 (} pCi/L Protac!inium-231 lJ 24 2 +/-615 to7 51 3 +/:62.7 pC1!L Radium-228 u 125 +/-20.0 310 lH +1-20.9 pC11L Thalhum-208 lJ -223 +!-560 8.56 404 +l-5.69 pCVL Tm-126 U 0.485 +/-8.88 IS li 761 +/-8 88 pC'i/L Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC'. Gross AB, liquid "As Received" Atplm L' -0 619 +1-1 89 424 1.72 +f-l 89 500 pC1/L JXB7 12i02.115 1255 1525771 2 lkla l.' - \ 91 +/-2.34 4 82 2 16 +/-2 34 5 00 pC'i!L T~c foll_o~~!n..f:l..~.n~.1~*t.i~;t.l .~~-e.tl1_od~_,v_c.~e p~~~o.r~!'..~ ...

Method Description I EPA9lll l 2 EPA 900 WSW846 9310 Surl'Ogateffruccr Recovery Test Batch II) Recovery% Accep~ahle Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level (l.96-sigma).}}