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{{#Wiki_filter:P.O.BOX 52S100 MIAMI, F I.33152 USNRC REC!3V::.0 tLAiRTA Gf.I.""':":I'LORIOA POWER&LIGHT COMPANY Mr.James P.O'Reilly, Director, Region II Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission 101 Marietta Street, Suite 3100 Atlanta, Georgia 30303
'LORIOAPOWER&LIGHTCOMPANYMr.JamesP.O'Reilly, Director, RegionIIOfficeofInspection andEnforcement U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission 101MariettaStreet,Suite3100Atlanta,Georgia30303

==Dear Mr.O'Reilly:==
Re:RII.VLB50-250/79-35 50-251/79-35 50-335/79-33 50-389/79-22 July30,1980L-80-242Thislettersupplements FloridaPower&LightCompany's letterofMay1,1980(L-80-135)
Re: RII.VLB 50-250/79-35 50-251/79-35 50-335/79-33 50-389/79-22 July 30, 1980 L-80-242 This letter supplements Florida Power&Light Company's letter of May 1, 1980 (L-80-135)
inresponsetothesubjectinspection report.Inthatletterweindicated thatprocedures wouldberevised,trainingconducted, andfullcom-pliancewillbeachievedbyJuly31,1980.Todate,thecorporate qualityprocedure forcompliance to10CFR21'asbeenrevisedandre-issued.
in response to the subject inspection report.In that letter we indicated that procedures would be revised, training conducted, and full com-pliance will be achieved by July 31, 1980.To date, the corporate quality procedure for compliance to 10 CFR 21'as been revised and re-issued.

Trainingreviewsessionshavealsobeenconducted ateachofFPL'snuclearplantsitesandthecorporate procedure isimplemented.
Training review sessions have also been conducted at each of FPL's nuclear plant sites and the corporate procedure is implemented.

Accordingly, theintentofouroriginalobjective forJuly31hasbeenachieved.
Accordingly, the intent of our original objective for July 31 has been achieved.However, in the process of developing the revised corporate procedure and the training, many individuals who now must be knowledgeable in 10 CFR 21 asked for more specific instructions, particularly relating to the correlation of factors pertinent to the question of what is and is not a"substantial safety hazard".In the preamble to 10 CFR 21, the Commission itself recognizes that more experience is needed before these factors can be precisely identifed.

However,intheprocessofdeveloping therevisedcorporate procedure andthetraining, manyindividuals whonowmustbeknowledgeable in10CFR21askedformorespecificinstructions, particularly relatingtothecorrelation offactorspertinent tothequestionofwhatisandisnota"substantial safetyhazard".Inthepreambleto10CFR21,theCommission itselfrecognizes thatmoreexperience isneededbeforethesefactorscanbeprecisely identifed.
Therefore we forsee that additional instruction development and training may be required as experience in the application of 10 CFR 21 is gained.Very trul yours, ert E.Uhrig Vice President Advanced Systems 8 Technology REU/AES/bt soosmso3(Q 8.IPI'ICIAI, 5p""'EOPLE...
Therefore weforseethatadditional instruction development andtrainingmayberequiredasexperience intheapplication of10CFR21isgained.Verytrulyours,ertE.UhrigVicePresident AdvancedSystems8Technology REU/AES/bt soosmso3(Q 8.IPI'ICIAI, 5p""'EOPLE...

Latest revision as of 19:21, 7 July 2018

Suppl to 800501 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-250/79-35,50-251/79-35,50-335/79-33 & 50-389/79-22. Corrective Actions:Procedures Revised & Training Sessions Conducted.Compliance to Be Achieved by 800731
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie, Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/30/1980
Shared Package
ML17208A947 List:
L-80-242, NUDOCS 8008280316
Download: ML17208A948 (2)


P.O.BOX 52S100 MIAMI, F I.33152 USNRC REC!3V::.0 tLAiRTA Gf.I.""':":I'LORIOA POWER&LIGHT COMPANY Mr.James P.O'Reilly, Director, Region II Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission 101 Marietta Street, Suite 3100 Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mr.O'Reilly:

Re: RII.VLB 50-250/79-35 50-251/79-35 50-335/79-33 50-389/79-22 July 30, 1980 L-80-242 This letter supplements Florida Power&Light Company's letter of May 1, 1980 (L-80-135)

in response to the subject inspection report.In that letter we indicated that procedures would be revised, training conducted, and full com-pliance will be achieved by July 31, 1980.To date, the corporate quality procedure for compliance to 10 CFR 21'as been revised and re-issued.

Training review sessions have also been conducted at each of FPL's nuclear plant sites and the corporate procedure is implemented.

Accordingly, the intent of our original objective for July 31 has been achieved.However, in the process of developing the revised corporate procedure and the training, many individuals who now must be knowledgeable in 10 CFR 21 asked for more specific instructions, particularly relating to the correlation of factors pertinent to the question of what is and is not a"substantial safety hazard".In the preamble to 10 CFR 21, the Commission itself recognizes that more experience is needed before these factors can be precisely identifed.

Therefore we forsee that additional instruction development and training may be required as experience in the application of 10 CFR 21 is gained.Very trul yours, ert E.Uhrig Vice President Advanced Systems 8 Technology REU/AES/bt soosmso3(Q 8.IPI'ICIAI, 5p""'EOPLE...