IR 05000445/1985018: Difference between revisions

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| number = ML20238A699
| number = ML20207G046
| issue date = 05/22/1986
| issue date = 12/16/1985
| title = Forwards Corrected Page 8 to App C of NRC Insp Repts 50-445/85-18 & 50-446/85-15.Corrected Page Issued Prior to Issuance to Make Insp Repts Technically Correct
| title = Partially Withheld Package of marked-up Documents Re Insp Repts 50-445/85-18 & 50-446/85-15
| author name = Westerman T
| author name =  
| addressee name = Phillips S
| addressee name =  
| addressee affiliation =  
| docket = 05000445, 05000446
| docket = 05000445, 05000446
| license number =  
| license number =  
| contact person =  
| contact person =  
| document report number = NUDOCS 8708210056
| case reference number = FOIA-86-387, FOIA-86-A-153
| package number = ML20237F760
| document report number = NUDOCS 8701060298
| package number = ML20207G015
| page count = 3
| page count = 16

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MAY 2 21986 MEMORANDUM FOR: S. H. Phillips, Senior Resident Inspector - Construction, Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station FROMT. F. Westerman, Chief, Reactor Safety Branch. ORSP SUBJECT: CHANGE TO NRC INSPECTION REPORT 50-445/85-18; 50-446/85-15
A change was made to page 8 of Appendix C to NRC Inspection Report 50-445/85-18; 50-446/85-15, prior to issuance, to make it technically correc A copy of the original page and the corrected page are attached.
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! 8701060298 861231    OTHER PDR FOIA      /
OARDE86-A-153 PDR      (
  ._ .  . . . . . _ _ - - . .

l      Odgital SWk T. F. Westerman T. F. Westerman, Chief Reactor Safety Branch Attachment cc:
\ .
E. Johnson I. Barnes RIV File RIV:RSB T esterman hl/86 DR 6 070019
  :. ;        E-s f 7a .M i
During the audi sdenttf1 cation ma rk HVAC  conp:n+6tr in Unit 2 were anrpected for ings whtch w+re a permanent l
componen part of the drawing component There mark ings or tscentification from a drawing)
identifications  were then used to identify
unique documents which t rac+: the component ma rk i ngs to test reports component  and other docum+nt at ion which described how that war manufacture ,
The CPSES cces not have Safet- Class 1. Setsmic Categorv I HUAC cor.iponent The ht9 hest c;assiftcation Setsmic Category tr Safetv Clasr 2, The components Peactor Containment Boundar inspected curing Th+y this nudit are part of the J+rve  to contain any  are parrive components which airborne during abnormalract:bctive res :: r ocerettons. materials which can become The attached following identifies t .+ L:nt+nts and backup materint PEPOPT.10;    in Appendix A docurnent s and identaftes the areas in the HVAC Syst erns where the CPPT e* fort and Inspection Module "? 7" overlapoed
      '' . vvv.1.9 'r Equipment. The equipment tri in the it.Joection of As Installed Se1Jrnac Support for *
A t a*o rk Ductwork Isolation Dampers Fans and Motors Filters l Appendix B documents t b+
Categories  Safety Classifications and Seismic of the HVAC syste All components equipment are of Safety Class 2. Seismic Category I or les and Appendix the  C documents the field audit of the cotoponents on inside and outside of five penetrations which are part of the Reactor Containment t.ounda ry .

kf0fX0500o445 PDR,
Appendix D documents the Gudit Trail from the Unit 2 Reactor Containment to the Unit i Locurnent Control Center. A total of reventeen items are t raced to thei r respective documents.
The remaining audit items are pipe and weld identification which was documented in the field. The Unit 2 DCC computer was down on the last day, 12/28/85,
l  be trace I was on site, so these items could not
l l
. . , - --- - - _ . _ . . - - --_-- _- _ - - . - - - - - _ .  . . . . .  - - - .
_ . - _ _ _ -
    . .. *
. .
. .
FILE NAME1 REPQRT.10 HUAC AUDIT    DECEMBER 28e 1985 APPENDIX A The the audit began with a review of Inspection Module 50100, from InrFectton and En fo rceraent Manua The HPC ir also I:erforming the CFRT. and audit of the work b+1ng perfort..ed at a result of following documents A review 3 of this audit was performed using the
ERC QA/QC-RT-859 ERC CA/QC-RT-981      s QI-023 Rev 1 01-024 Q1-035 Rev (This0 document was not available as of 12 23/85)
**='*$**-~6= ~ m ,_..#..
GI-036 Rev 0 QI-039 Rev 0 QI-040 Rev 0 l
The review was undertaken to determine how much of" the work perforrr.ed by the CPRT performance of IP module 5010 audit could be applied too.ard credit in the il'3+nt s,eca fi tfedic statements of audit instructions in the erodule were ar.d documente A search for rir.11er st at er..ent s in l
the ERC Instructtons was then made to determine where credit for the module audit can be taken Trom the NRC audat of the CPRT.

i The following table identifies where the two aunits o.erla .
    ,  .
  ! E MANUAL 50100-024c In this paragraph the following table identifies where the procedure overlaps the NRC audi . Manual Parag Item Locat Confis Ident
      . , - .
  ------  CFRT Audit Items
    ,  :  o  '< l j
  ----- ------ -----
c - .
  , ..
s    ,
    .      !
      -8-    ]
i that the containment ventila$ior; system (which contains eight    f subsystems /compor3enti) is seismic C:stegory 11 and* poesafetT-rch4ed,  j with tha exception cf the containment parge exhiust dntwork, support,   I

debris screen, ud isolation nives, w!".ch are seismic' Category i Only thq inlation valver. which"ars safety and code class 1, safety-relat,ed and seismic Category $
l 1ha Gibbs & Hill Inc. specification for HVnc systems is 2323-76-85,
  'levision 3. Selected portions of this specification  were reviewed to select the the hardware to be inspected. Isolation dampes'.or; valves  '
and hydrogen purge systems were selected for inspecti m i    ;
          ' Work ob,rrvad:  The NRC inspector used Drawings 2323-W 2-0301, RevisioiTFT, and 2323-M2-0502, Revision 1, to irerify the equipment as-installed; 1.e. , identification, location, ard' configuration of the hydrogen supply / exhaust, and containment supply / purge / relief system '
The following were inspected:      ,
PENETRATION 14759-1B 12191 M III 18  2HV 5543 12191
    . 2HV 5563 14759-18 2HV 5542 14759-1F 12191 2VA 001 ,
AF 074  9579 I  14759-1A 12191 M III 19  2HV 5541 12191 '
2HV 5562' i 14759-1B 2HV 5540 14759-1C 12191 2VA 002 AF 003  9579-14759-3C 12191 MV2  2HV 553 HV 5538 14759-30 2HV 5549 14759-2A 12191 M V 14    ,12191 2HV 5548 I4759-28 2VA 005- AD 213  06565
        . .
2HV 5537 14759 3A  12191 MV1      12191'
2HV 5536 14759-X 2VA 003 AD 219'  08509 C RecordsRev'idirTheNRCinspectorreviewedRIRpackages: 12191, 13710,    .
13186, iscTT!IS7. . These packages contained a receiving checklist,    '
drawir,gs, QA cracklist, and a documentation ytekage which ,fecluded:
      . . . _ _ _ . ,  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . -
. .
. -
APPENDIX B The following statements are from the FSAR, audit to establish which HVAC items or components and are used in this Class 1 and Seismic Category are Safety Cont rol Room HVAC and filt rat ion systems equipment rooms page 9.4-2, The syst e conditioning unit Is equipped with four modular air-Each pair of air-conditioning units is powered from an independent Class 1E bus and  is physically *
separated by a dividing fire wall... page 9.4-3, All campers are set to fall in the safe position or are provided with separate, bottled air supplies for emergency operatio . page 9.4-3 All cont rol valves and dampers are equipped with
* manual operators at accessible  locations ...
4 page 9.4-3, System component s and ductwark Category I and ANS Safety Class 3 desagn ... are of seismic Spent Fuel Pool Area Vent il at ion System 9.4-13, fuel pool cooling emergency Pump room fan co11 units are located in the spent
    ... page 9.4-1 emergency fan coil units are suppited with chilled water from the safety-related challed water page 9.4-14    syste Each emergency Van cotl unit is interconnected
withpage the sarne Class 1E bus as the equipment it serve .4-17 The Fuel Evilding air exhaust ductwo rk is ANC Safety Clars 3 and seismic Categor; . page 9.4-17 The emergency fan coil units, which are located in the safety related pump rooms, are seismic Category I and ANS Safety Class 3 Auxiliary Building and Radwaste Area 9.4-15, The ductwork lavout as arranged 7o that in areas where airborne radioactivity may be present, -airflow is directed from areas of lower potential radioactivity toward areas of higher potential radioactivity.
i  page 9.4-19, Each emergency fan coil unit is interconnected so l
that it starts with the equipment it serve .page 9.4-21. The exhaust system 1s seismic Category I up to the fan discharg . page 9.4-21, except The ai r supply system for the fans and the dampers which is seismic Category I l
are seismic Category II.
l Engineered Safety Features Ventilation System page 9.4-27, At least one ESF exhaust fan is automatically energized from its Class 1E bus following a LOCAL  ... page 9.4-27, ...
with emergency fan coil units ...
each of the pump cornpa rt ment s is equipped which is powered from the same Class 1E buss as the equipment it serve ~
3 The auxiliary cooling units are supplied with chilled water from the safety-related chilled water system ...
4 page 9.4-29, The exhaust system, cooling units, and safety features chilled water system are of seismic Category I and ANS Safety Class 3 desig E. Containment Ventilation Systems Containment Recirculation and Cooling System  CRCS Control Rod Drive Mechanism Uentilation System  CRDMUS Neut ron Detector Well Cooling System    NDUCS Containment Process Filtration    CPF page 9.4A-1, CRCS Post  DBA cooling is provided by the Containment Spray Syste . page 9.4A-4, CRCS Cont ainment Recirculation fans are provided with a connection to the Class 1E Buses ...
, page 9.4A-4, CRCS Monitors consist of air temperature, humidity, and pressure... page 9.4A-10 The systems inside the Containment are seismic Category II.
; page 9.4A-10, Penetrations are ANS Safety Class 2 and Seismic Category . page 9.4A-1 Exhaust aar is passed through iodine adsorber beds prior to its discharg Diesel Generator Evilding ventilation System
        : page 9.4C-1, The system is seismic Category I and ANS Safety Class . page 9.4C-1, The fans in each diesel sentretur compa rt ment start automatically on receipt of diesel generator st a rt signa . page 9.4C-2, Fans are powered from the same safety-related electrical bus as the diesel that is being ventilate Uninterruptable Power Supply and Dist ribution Rooms Ai r
Conditioning Systems
          , page 9.4C- The air conditioning system is comprised of two 100% capacity self-contained air-conditioning units located in adjacent
rooms that are physically separated by.a dividing fire wal . page 9.4C-9, The redundant
A/C units are powered from independent Class 1E buse . page 9.4C-1, The UPS and Distribution Room A/C system is ANS Safety Class 3 and Seismic Category . From Appendix 17A of the FSAR,   the following statements in TAELE 17A-1 are made for components of Safety Class 2 (there
*  are no Safety Class 1 components listed for HUAC, however, the HUAC panels in the control room are Safety Class 1E > s Items  8, 221, and 22 Piping and valves of all  systems penet rat ing the cont ainment are Safety Class 2. Seismic Category '  The QA requirements arel (NOTE 26) Meets quality assurance requirements as set forth in Gibbs & Hill spe CS-903, Rev i
. _ . , . . _ _ _ . _ _ - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ , _ _ . _ . _  ,_
  .        __
C 1, CA for Procurement of Materials and Equipment, which satisfies
requirements of 10CFR50,  Appendtx B,  and (NOTE A > an Operations QA Program will  be imple5ented which satisfies    applicable requirements of Regulatorp Cuide 1.33, Re , " Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operat ions ).  ,Other requirements include (NOTE 13b) Ceneric Analysis dynamic sethod ,and (NOTE 13d> testing method will be used for setsmic qualificat ien (see Section 3.7).
Item 9b, Hydrogen purge System Exhaust filter units are Safety Class j$, Seismic Category See NOTES 26 and Also the ,
method of testing (NOTE 13c) used fro seismic qualification is the Static method or equivalent static method using dynamic load factor Item 9b, Hydrogen Purge System Exhaust    ductwork,  supports &
dampers outside containment are Safety Class 3,    Seismic Category Meets quality assurance provtsions of Brown & Roots'    Quality Assurance Program (see FSAR Sectibn 17.1.1. 3 ),    which satisfies
requirements of 10CRF50, Appendtx Also see NOTE A and NOTES 13c and 13 Item 17, Diesel Generator Combustion Air Int ak e and Exhaust
! System Piping and Valves outside Scooe of Liesel    Cen' M1 r. are Safety Class 3 and Setsmic Category (NOTE 13a) Seismic qualification is by the Indtvidual Analysts dynamic eetho See NOTES 26, A, and 13 The Supports for Class 3 piping are also
Sefety Class Seismic Category This is t o ri.e'et f eert'inent port tons of the QA centerta set forth in    10CFP50, j,Qcpendix B as defined by the specificat to Component supports are designed in accordance with ASME B%PU Code,  Section III,  Class 3 but fabricated to AISC-197 See also NOTES 13,a and A.
drawings, order specificatie sheet, meterial tracesility list, t<4 , d mill test report-(NTR),afisc NTR,\stra NTR, disc pin NTR, gasket retair,er NTR, g4sket retainer, bolts certification (Cert), filler acto j test r6 port ,(TQ,' manufacturer'rmterial TR, certificate of complianceji .
Item 23c, Control Room HUAC panels are Safety Class 1E,     Seismic Category See NOTES 26 A, 13c, and 13 I. HUREG-0797        i j
liquid penetrant:TP;. sid repair' retet, bo% radiogrer$ TR,. well . ,
HUREG-0797, Dupplement N . SER, Civil,' St ruct ural , and Misc, page K-137, "FSAR volume IV, Section 3.2,   Classification of structures, Components and Systems,   stat,es that part of the containment ventilation system is seismic Category    It however, FSAR Uolume XIV, Section 17.0, Appendix 17A,    list of Quality Assured Items, states that the containment ventilation system is seismic Category II and nonsafety related with the exception of the containment purge exhaust duct wo rk ,  supp ort s, debris screen, and isolation valves, which are seismic Category Only the isolation valveswhich are safety and code" class 2,    are safety related and seismic Category ,
, 4
Hone of these nonsafety-related cvstems as necessary for the safe shutdown of the reactor or to prevent or mitigate the      ,
consequences of accidents or malfunctions in the reactor cool'n a pressure boundar ,
  - - - -
  ..m.,r,--7.,.- ,,_ ,
___-___ ____ _- - - - - - _ . . _ - _ _ _ - - . , , _ _ - , _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ , - .  . _ _ , _ _ . - _

APPENDIX C Two drawings were used for the audit s and 2323-M2-0502 Re M2-0301 Re CP-4, Drawing number M2-0502 locate the Rev UnitCP-4,  was 2 Containment Penetrations. From Drawing 2323- used to M2-0301, the containment penet rat ion numbers for main air ducts are as follows:    the PENETRATION NUMBER
  - ---------------- LINE NUMEER  FUNCTION '
    - - - ---
M III - 18    -- ----------------
M III - 19  12-VA-2-01-151-2 H2 PURGE SUPPLY MV-1  12-VA-2-13-151R-2 H2 PURGE EXHAUST MV-2  43-VA-2-902-152-2 CONT PURGE SUPPLY MU- 14  48-VA-2-901-152-2 CONT PURGE EXHAUST O
18-VA-2-900-152-2 CONT PRESS RELIEF '
These Unit 2 penet rations and their were    at t ached valves and pipes inspected on 12/26/85 and 12/27/8 ?
ident ified here are part  The valves and pipes
the first barriers on thetheinside containment boundaryl and outside of i.e. they are )
penetratie The following informat ion was the containment
) inspectio recorded during that
OUTSIDE CONT M III 18  -----------------
Could not reach had been removed.these valves as the scaffolding
From the DW HU 5543 2HV 5563 These numbers are from a valv N.'N  9144-03-07-03 N'~_  2HV 5542  )
  , , _ *) These numberr are from a pip UAXAB 03  ,_
M III 18 These 2VA 001numbers are from a valv AF 074 Serial n H 2012-1 Lot n '
T These numbers are from a pip The main pipe HT F812OO MR 31486 These numbers are from a pip /4 inch pipe HT 405447 MR 16154 These numbers are from a pip Weld-o-let 12-6x3/4 3M 501 i
. M III 19  7 1F 37 BH ?
These numbers are from a valv y-x - , -  3 1, 4 ,  i m,- -
  '. .
9144-03-07-03 14759-1A  s These numbers are fron'a valv '
  '  These numbers are from a Y pip HT 26278 MR 092555 These numbers are from the drawin HU 5541
    ' -2HU 5562
12 UA-2-13-151R-2 5 ' '+ ,    g These numbers are from a valv T '
  '},    14759-1C
,,,s- ,    9144-03-07-03
, %
This number is from the drawin '
     -8-that the containment ventilation system (which contains eight  '
,'      2HU 5540
subsystems / components) is seismic Category II and non-nuclear-safety with the exception of the containment purge exhaust ductwork, support, debris screen, and isolation valves, which are seismic Category Only the isolation valves, which are safety and code class 2, are safety-related and seismic Category The Gibbs & 11111 Inc. specification for HVAC systems is 2323-MS-85 Revision 3. Selected portions of this specification were reviewed to Isolation dampers or valves select the the hardware to be inspecte i and hydrogen purge systems were selected for inspection, Work observed: The NRC inspector used Drawings 2323-M-2-0301, Revision CP-4, and 2323-M2-0502, Revision 1, to verify the equipment as-installed; i.e., identification, location, and configuration of the hydrogen supply / exhaust, and containment supply / purge / relief system The following were inspected:
'If      These numbers are from a valv .c)  VA-X-AB-OO4A
      + AF 083 Serial n H2012-1 Lot n .   \ This number is from the drawin VA 002 Mu2
14759-1B 12191 M III 18 2HV 5543 12191 2HV 5563 14759-18 2HV 5542 14759-1F 12191 2VA 001 AF 074 9579 14759-1A 12191 M III 19 2HV 5541 12191 2HV 5562 14759-18 2HV 5540 14759-1C 12191 2VA 002 AF 003 9579 14759-3C 12191 MV2  2HY 5539 12191 2HV 5538 14759-30 2HV 5549 14759-2A 12191 M V 14 2HV 5548 14759-2B 12191 2VA 005 AD 213 08565 .
14759-3A 12191 MV1 2HV 5537 12191 2HY 5536 14759-3B 2VA 003 AD 219 08509 l
These nuniber s are f rom a valv ,
l Records Review: The NRC inspector reviewed R1R packages: 12191, 1311 , and 1318 These packages contained a receiving checklist, i drawings, QA checklist, and a documentation package which included:
  *  43-9134-05-ON'-03 '
j drawings, order specification sheet, material traceability list, body mill. test report (MTR), disc MTR, stan NTR, disc pin MTR, gasket l
      ' *
14759-3C This number is from the drawin HU 5539
retainer MTR, gasket retainer bolts certification (Cert),' filler metal test report (TR), manufacturer's material TR, certificate of cumpliance, Hquid penetrant TR, weld repair report, body radiography TR, wall l f      ;
These numbers are from a valv '.4759-3D
    \ g  48-9134-05-07-03 s This number is 1, rom the drawin '
.       \
    ,   2HU 5538 HU 14 '
- - - .:.-
These numbers are from a valve.,
l- r, .., , _ _
14759-2A  3 2HU 5549 These numbers are from a valv E 2HU 5548 These numbers are from a valv s 2VA 005 -
      , AD 213 Serial n H1820-1 Lot n MV 1  These humbers are from a valv , , 2HU 5537
*  1  14759-3A
These numbers are from a valv * I ''
2HU 5536
  ;  -
14759-3B i
These numLers are f rom a valv TB 307 AD 219 Serial n H1826-1 Lot n This number is from the drawin VA 003
-i -     1 i
- ,
q ,
* -
APPENDIX D This Document appendix Control is Cente the audit paper trail from the Const ruct ion number were entered into the compute The valve numbers and Penetration computer identified the Receiving  Oith these numbers, the ( R I R ). The computer also identified Inspection Report Numbers some of these valves as non-content The RIR was then retrieved from the files and inspected for and nun ber cross referencin ) was not listed by the compute One valve number (2HU valve 14759-2B, was entered  The serial number for this e RIR,   N *
into the computer to identify  the
___________  __________ ________ __--
M III 18 2HV 5543 12191
CP 0086 14759-1B 2HV 5563 12191  CP 0086 14759-1E 2HV 5542 12191  CP 0086 14759-1F 2VA 001 9579  CP 0020 AF 074 M 111 19   H 2012-1 Lot n HU 5541 12191 CP 0086 14759-1A 2HV 5562 12191  CP 0086 14759-1B 2HV5540 12191  CP 0086 14759-1C 2VA 002 9579
CP 0020 AF 033 H2012-1 Lot n MV2  2HU 5539 12191 CP 0086 2HV 5538   14759-3C 12191  CP 0086 MV 14  '2HV 5549'    14759-3D 12191 CP 0006 2HU 5546    ~14759-2A'
12191 CP 0086 2VA 005   14759-2B 03565  CP 0020 AD 213 H1826-1 Lot n MV 1  2HV 5537 12191 CP 0006 14759-3A 2HV 5536 12191  CP 0086 2VA 003    14759-3B 03509  CP OO20 +    AD 219 H1626-1 Lot n For selected pipes 3 M III 18  03565  CP 0074 802252/14 The computer was down so I could not to the RIR's for the pipe cross the Heat numbers The RIR package contents consisted of the followingt RIR-8509 PO-CP 0020A.1, Lot Number-H1826-1 Page 1 - Certified to conformance 1. Fluid flow +/- 15% of published values No visible leakage Page 2 - Wall thickness inspection Page 3 - Final acceptance plan Manufacturers data repo rt Final acceptance plan
        . _ . _
  - _ _ . . -   , _ _ . -
___ __  _ _ _ _  _ _ . _ _ . _
  . t.

\.. ;
h ',      Serial nos & t raceability ( [[ -
Wall Thickness  report
  ., h5)
Page 4
      - Requirements Certs Reference check list list
Ta '
  , %o j  REGION IV  =
  * k, -   811 AYAN PLAZA DRIVE, SUITE 1000  ,
l May 12, 1986 <
MATRIX OF DRAFTS FOR REPORT 85-16/13  H. S. PHILLIPS Documents:      ,
la L lb Handwritten draft for Linit 2 construction inspectio (Submi tted 3rd week Dec. 1985)
2a L 2b First revisions per. comments on I First draft of repor First draft reviewed by management and management writes in conclusion and directed changes on pages 7,8,12 and 13, Para. 6 was revised because status change Sa & Sb Second draft and Final draft. Final incorporates minor revision a  Final report is a composite of construction, operations, and RIV technical review team followu Exit  Inspector informed TUGCO of violations on December 4, 198 KEY  * Ori gi nal Submission
    ** Difference
    *** Mgt directed change implemented i
SUPJECT/ PARAGRAPH  DOCUMENTS  COMMENTS (Inspector)  la Ib 2abb 3 4 Sa  ,
Report Cover Pace  * * ** *** Violations dropped.

  'O    Page 5 - Cleaning, inspection categories I
Action on 10CFR50.55(e)
i      Shipping Assembly, Hydro, Tagging, Packtn Page 6 - Code conformance Page ? - Valve serial no  .
! Def i ci enci es Identified by the Acolicant/ Para TUGCO failed to * NA **Violation droppe devel op /i mpl ement a **
Itst/ body,
procedure to show or reference objective evidence that defi-ciencies were correcte Vi ol ati on of Criterion V " Procedures. Instruc-t2cns and Drawings"
  -  RIR-9579,      bonnets et FO-CP OO20A.1, Lot
of 10 CFR Part 50, l   Appendix (Phillips,McCleskey finding; Phillips wrote the violation).
    - the above listing  Number -H2012-1 for RIR-8509 is similar to l
RIR 12191, RIP 13110, R1R 13186 g
These R1R packages contained RIR tn 13187 j        e followings
! 'l    Receiving Check-List Drawings OA check -list    .
  :    Doc. Package

Order Spec Sheet
  !      Material Traceactitty  List
  !      Body Mill Test Report < MTR )
s'      Disc MTR    :
)      Stem MTR
)      Dise Pin MTR q      Gasket j      ketainer NTR
Casket Filler Metal Retainer Test Bolts Certs l'        Report Manuf acturers Cert Material Cert of Compliance  Test Report
  *    -
Liquid Penet rat ion TR
!      Weld Repai r Report
Lody Radiographic Report    <
Wall Final Thickness TR  Measurement Repo r t Cleaning Cert
Cycle TR l      ASME Data Report Assembly Shop
Traveler  t l
l l
l l
l l
l p
--- ,. --,- - _ _-  . . _ . . _ . . - - - - - . _ _ - , _

g -4
jo    7A . $
      -  t FILE NAME: REPORT.15 MONTHLU UORK SUMMANY    DECEMPER 28, 1985 Shannon:
I was the only 14F C rep on through the 2 site from Very quiet plac early afternoon on the 23 you make your way up to 40 feet  No one to laugh at you when flashlight as back in the trailer. Oneand in the air of discover that ~ your-the penet rations came into the fu+1 buildin Verv high u capacity of    I'm impressed with storage were no recorded the fu+1 building and the building in general. There messages, and only Sinco CPSES is not ope rat four . f ax's ( one t o Cl i ff H. >
c a r..e i ing, I left CO2 incident for you to take car + o the one about the g .
have received it and notifted op The Unit 1 fellows should I
Wesigned fortwo thould get fouronriew swivelthe Monda3>. a rt.)

_ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - __
?Ot chairs for the other t rai les'.
I am sch+duled to return to the site on the morning of the 13t Januar.v 198 My work phone nut.ber ir <208) 522-1265 or metrager r.. s v be left at (208) 529-4445 11 .ou >
have question In Novernbe r 1 talLec to the tollowing people ( of it.ipo rt ance > t M. D. Pa l r..e r    : Ch2wtheam Indust ry Operat ion Experience Coordinatcr Technical Sup o n **t C . . . c. + w e Oixne 14 5peciel o. .JJ ect Group Coordinator In December I talk ed to the following people t Madden TNE Mechanical Engineer L. Isl. H a rt GA TNE Electricb1 P. St evens THE' El+ct ric al Engin++r Hours Total = 132 i
SUBJECT      f
- - - - - - -  HOURS  INS PROC
  --------------  -- --
. HUAC    ---------
SDAR  73  50100 34  37055 IE EULLETIN 0, CENEPIC LETTER  17 EXIT INTERVIEW Ut4IT 2,    92703  \
    , 1  ?  l IE INFORMATION t40TICE  2    i 92717
F e
i l

  - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - -  _ _ _ _  ._  _
  -c GaJak-n, BT- ' rlir
            .__- -- - _ _ .
5/12/86 SUBJECT / PARAGRAPH      DOClfMENTS  i COMMENTS  Pg 2 (Inspector)    la 2 a ?.< b C 4 Sa TUGCO failed to re-  * NA ***  Violation droppe vise implementing-  **
S(v hl4EG) //ug>cy c>s ag C4 i %
procedures before corporate NED Pro-cedure CS-1 was implemented, result-ing in conflict with five other proce-dure Violation of Criterion VI " Document Control".- (Phillips finding and wrote the violation.) TUGCO failed to main-   * ***    Violation droppe tain 50.55(e) files  **
  (OA records) that were retrievable; i.e, could not pro-          ;
duce record in almost          !
a mont Violation of Criterion XVII "OA
  . Records". (McCleskey          I
4rn c L p 8 L' 3 u,0 i. o /c
/   finding) Phillips wrote      ,
the violation. )
I i
f TUGCO failed to re-  * ***    Violation droppe I port to the NRCathe  **        I corrective action actually taken and changes to commitment regarding corrective action reported to          l NRC. Violation            I 10CFR50.55(e)
;   (McCl es k ey, Phillips finding; Phillips wrote the violation. )
l TUGCO failed to have  *  **  Mgt changed finding l  a procedure. This      ***  .to a positive state-violation of Criterion        ment about TUGCO V was changed to an        action. TUGCO unresolved statement        never. discussed in 1.a. (revision 4        this commitment para. 3.) (Phillips)        with inspector's before this change was made to repor Insert # .

  .s+-t=,***rav W W we9, te -NMWfee c.**f P e *r*pt# * e, N18 9 1- g* ~9 % t*
        ** } ]* **'*A
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        "9 M4 &1 M' 7 *7 W*{'M * # '" ?:'_'t'r"' 7*"' '*Mi' ,Y "" 4 "]' " ( % 7%[
        [b 7 A..,
    , I 73 8'5't3 8 d 3 # ' '' '. = t <.
H, ooB >s nypnf J-
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    ,,..e-nc;,- ,..,1:' "':%.,,>...~>c.,,;"';:ll?"m. e rg,,;. i
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3 4,.03<. J I ,c,0 4 4 I 'C''' *
g 4,e.g P %3*''g,g. .
i l
- - _ - _ - . . _ _ . . - _ - _ _ _ . _ , . _ _ _ . . - .- -.
        . - - . . - -  . . - _ . . . ~ . . . - - _ . . . .

i i 'e EO:E0 95.E2 10 '>1'let (i l d Dera W0c ::
  .     5/12/86  ;
  ' ,e Me '*%,    UNITE 3 STATES
SUBJECT / PARAGRAPH DOCUMENTS  , COMMENTS .Pg 0 'l (2nspector) la 2abb 3 4 5a    ; TUGCO files were not * * * ** Mgt. dropped para, auditable with respect  *** and substituted to. corrective actio para. where TUGCO Violation of 1G CFR    admitted violation Part 50.55(e) and many  but was taking  ,
  [,  -
TUGCO letters which   action. Insert # j stated records avail-      I able. Changed from violation to strong paragrap (McCleskey)
Aeolicant Acti on on l
IE Bulletins Para. 4 TUGCO never responded * ***  Statement droppe to all aspects of **  Unresolved item IED 79-14. Unresolved    dropped per item pending further    directio revi ew. (McCl eskey, Phillips) TUGCO IEB files for * *** Statement droppe / 1982 and 1985 did  **  Unresolved item not contain suf fi-   dropped per cient records or ref-  . directio erence to records which show IEB action /
  , , ,
corrective action compl?te. Unresolved item. !'hillips, McCloskey)
c. TUGCO had replaced  * *** Violation dropped NAMCO switches per **  to unresolve IEB 79-28 but 2 of 14 that were field inspected were not properly identified on installation traveler. Violation of Criterion VIII      {
  " Identification /
control of Materials,       '
Parts,and Components" (McCleskey,.Phillips findin Phillips wrote the violation. )
i l
_ , _ . _ , , - , _ _ , _ , .
?,, ,[  411 RYAN PLAZA OntVE. SUITE 1000    l
  .. ,. _.,. , . - ._,y.. .,,.;,. . my..~,.-.. , ._ .. . ,p-
~4 , ,,
Irmiedia tely N-1 Hour 2 4 Hours MESSAGE TO:  _
.....-_ ........__........__.____...___.,.___....__....._ .. .   -
Transmitted & Veriffed by:      DISPOSITION:
Return to Originator Place in Mail  __
MAME  DATE    Other i
_ _ ....- _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ - - _ . - . .
       . . . _ _ . . _ - . , , . . . .
      } { h thP V% \ L ".J t' lW b \ VL
  .,-.-    Gr.f1ER.t C LETT'O!    '
FILE NAME1 pEPORT.11 D+c +< r 20. 19G:5 This fri ic Gerie  l eL+tter rut..r..n e t :+r t he buctt of the IE Infortnation Notic+  nnd ftles thtt TUGCo nin t nt a t n The nudtts p+rforrn+d       i.>e r e 02.0 These to IE TUGCo Manuel Insc files +cttre t or. Procedure 92717-02 End 92705-an the care of D+nn Palmer, Industry Operating Erpertence Coordinato IE INFQFMATIQte NOTICE AUDIT NOTICE REV FOP DISTRI- CORRECTIVE SEE RECEIVED AFPLIC- BUTION ACTION NOTE IDENT    AEILITV
________  ________ _______ ______ __________ _______
85-22  ver ver ver  yer  A G5-04  yes ves y+s non, 85-56  ver ver ,se r yes  B G5-33  yes  ver er no  C 55-34  ver yet o+r no  D S5-35  Ves y+I no  H/A  E 65-36  v+r ver ver I        non, NOTES *
A - Fevision to funtntenanc+ crocedures    to include vertftcatton that the pinton gear 1r not reversed - bv 9-1-85. Fall Dock ey , 7-2-35. Meant. Ena E - C h+ net st ese I nuuc- p ros e nr.. c+ + t n.r.d in TIM - 050907. Bob D+166 +=t 5244. Dat a sh++tr ur+ t o docurn+nt p ro g r ar.. ;
hP HEAT E:<CH Tub +s - H den ine % LiGH Sh+11 - Corns Cooling Water DIESEL GEN MATEP JACrET Tub +1 -C1 'i+rvic+ unter, Shell - Todtur..tattrate SAFETY INJECTION SYS - Dev Qc.en to Atmosphere C - An HRC CAT insc+ct1 ore at reveral r1t ez 1 dent 111 ed that i  understred  no::1+ to sh+11 evelded Joints an t enk z t heat i
exch existe actio Ortstnell- sent to P. Eaker 5 '16/S5 for As of 7 19 $5. no action by Baker, he questiont 3  ,,
IOER's. er t st +nc+. Pl trn+ r r+nt hin. another copy 7/19'6 D - St ress corroston crack ing of PASS, sent to Dous Davis on 5/21/G:5. reply on S 25 85, by Meant Eng, Want rno r+
l uerificatton from Tech Support that these conditions could
i I
l l
1    .
_ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _  _ __ __ _ _ . - . _ _ _ _ _ _
.-. _ _ . _- . - . . - - . -- - -  - - - .. . -.  ._

. .
  . - .
GENEF IC LETTEF AUDIT In this nudit,  all a about 15 ' t h+
C+n+ric Letter folders in+re opened NEC lette and brief1v read to underst and the general thrust of the Two folderz ve+r+
reviewed for content. 83-11 and 83-Generic Letter  83-11 Safety Cen t ivs t s Coces ident111ed an NRC concern thet usert of !
'    ':RETFA .
FELA TPA etc,  !
,        . . . > must
!  understand and pe rf o rra code cert ificat ion prior to pe r f o rr..i ns site specific analyst F:ar.dv Jann TUCCo Nuclear Fuels, was contacted about  the lett+ )
He stated that bl & EXXON u111 pe r fo rrn the Safets Analvsts for the first five cycle TUGCo l
intends to develop t he es c + rt t r .
Generic r e. i t e Letter $3-16 c12 cussed the SALEM ATU The engineering the SALEM included e discurrion ** 1 t h t raining which identified thnt sc+nario uns part of the course trb1ne+ .o rk for TUCco
1 I
I l
l I
l l
l l
  . '.      5/12/86  j DOCUMENTS
SUBJECT / PARAGRAPH    ) COMMENTS Pg 4 (Inspector)  la 2a t<b !- 4 Sa TUGCO procedures for  * * ** *** Mgt. dropped and handling IEB are    wrote insert #2 are deficient in that    in Document #4  )
they do not describe        i how construction manage-ment / personnel hanole IEB requiring action,
especially hardware        ;
I l
l I
}  repair, replacement
and modificatio Prior to writeup, I stated to management that this is a viola-tion but mot. disagreed and I wrote it as unresolved.(McCleskey, Phillips finding) No TUGCO construction  * * ** *** Mgt. dropped and focal point was found    wrote insert #2  i for tracking such IEB    .in Doc.# action Prior to writeup I stated to management that this l / is a violation but mot.
!  disagreed and I wrote it as unresolve (McCleskey,Phillips)
  . Action on Previ ous l Inscettien Findino Para 2
  . Failure to properly re-  * #* * **  The dropping of view design change i . this violation was DCA 18728, not reviewed    coordinated with for impact before sign-    T. Young by ing DCA 2989 Viola-    Messers McCleskey tion dropped.(McCleskey,    and Phillips as Phillips)      additional infor-
  *        i mation was foundito  I show complianc Mr. Young agree . Electrical Penetration Seals
  . Whole paragraph changed  * ** ** ** *** Viol ation droppe after management di-    Request for office
l rected additional in-        l spection in late De investigation to  j review also  l 1985 and after BISCO    droppe i Memo to IE reviewed by RIV Mgt.(T. Young)
  , .p.,- ,
  . - . . , , , _ , . . . . , , . . . ., .. ._.m~,-.,.. _4. _.;~. , ,, , , . . . . . 4,
_ _ _ _ _ _ - _

Revision as of 22:03, 5 December 2021

Partially Withheld Package of marked-up Documents Re Insp Repts 50-445/85-18 & 50-446/85-15
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 12/16/1985
Shared Package
ML20207G015 List:
FOIA-86-387, FOIA-86-A-153 NUDOCS 8701060298
Download: ML20207G046 (16)


{{#Wiki_filter:E ~7



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MESSAGE TO G . Db . w ir> = ' MESSAGE FROM se,a ouo.> NUMBER OF PAGES b PLUS TRANSMITTAL SHEET iEE6r Ni.'MB ER __ VERIFICATION NUM3ER _- CONTACT _ _ __ ................................. .............. ....................... SPECIALINSTRUCTIONS/ ATTACHMENTS (S) , n- '

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FILE NAME : REPORT.14 HUAC AUDIT DECEMEER 28, 1985 i During the audi sdenttf1 cation ma rk HVAC conp:n+6tr in Unit 2 were anrpected for ings whtch w+re a permanent l componen part of the drawing component There mark ings or tscentification from a drawing) identifications were then used to identify


unique documents which t rac+: the component ma rk i ngs to test reports component and other docum+nt at ion which described how that war manufacture , The CPSES cces not have Safet- Class 1. Setsmic Categorv I HUAC cor.iponent The ht9 hest c;assiftcation Setsmic Category tr Safetv Clasr 2, The components Peactor Containment Boundar inspected curing Th+y this nudit are part of the J+rve to contain any are parrive components which airborne during abnormalract:bctive res :: r ocerettons. materials which can become The attached following identifies t .+ L:nt+nts and backup materint PEPOPT.10; in Appendix A docurnent s and identaftes the areas in the HVAC Syst erns where the CPPT e* fort and Inspection Module "? 7" overlapoed

      . vvv.1.9 'r Equipment. The equipment tri in the it.Joection of As Installed Se1Jrnac Support for *

A t a*o rk Ductwork Isolation Dampers Fans and Motors Filters l Appendix B documents t b+ Categories Safety Classifications and Seismic of the HVAC syste All components equipment are of Safety Class 2. Seismic Category I or les and Appendix the C documents the field audit of the cotoponents on inside and outside of five penetrations which are part of the Reactor Containment t.ounda ry .

Appendix D documents the Gudit Trail from the Unit 2 Reactor Containment to the Unit i Locurnent Control Center. A total of reventeen items are t raced to thei r respective documents.

The remaining audit items are pipe and weld identification which was documented in the field. The Unit 2 DCC computer was down on the last day, 12/28/85, ! l be trace I was on site, so these items could not

l l

. . , - --- - - _ . _ . . - - --_-- _- _ - - . - - - - - _ .  . . . . .  - - - .

_ . - _ _ _ -

    . .. *
. .
. .

FILE NAME1 REPQRT.10 HUAC AUDIT DECEMBER 28e 1985 APPENDIX A The the audit began with a review of Inspection Module 50100, from InrFectton and En fo rceraent Manua The HPC ir also I:erforming the CFRT. and audit of the work b+1ng perfort..ed at a result of following documents A review 3 of this audit was performed using the


ERC QA/QC-RT-859 ERC CA/QC-RT-981 s QI-023 Rev 1 01-024 Q1-035 Rev (This0 document was not available as of 12 23/85)


GI-036 Rev 0 QI-039 Rev 0 QI-040 Rev 0 l The review was undertaken to determine how much of" the work perforrr.ed by the CPRT performance of IP module 5010 audit could be applied too.ard credit in the il'3+nt s,eca fi tfedic statements of audit instructions in the erodule were ar.d documente A search for rir.11er st at er..ent s in l

the ERC Instructtons was then made to determine where credit for the module audit can be taken Trom the NRC audat of the CPRT.

i The following table identifies where the two aunits o.erla .

 ! E MANUAL 50100-024c In this paragraph the following table identifies where the procedure overlaps the NRC audi . Manual Parag Item Locat Confis Ident
 ------   CFRT Audit Items
  ----- ------ -----


! l

     . . . _ _ _ . ,  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . -
. .
. -

APPENDIX B The following statements are from the FSAR, audit to establish which HVAC items or components and are used in this Class 1 and Seismic Category are Safety Cont rol Room HVAC and filt rat ion systems equipment rooms page 9.4-2, The syst e conditioning unit Is equipped with four modular air-Each pair of air-conditioning units is powered from an independent Class 1E bus and is physically * separated by a dividing fire wall... page 9.4-3, All campers are set to fall in the safe position or are provided with separate, bottled air supplies for emergency operatio . page 9.4-3 All cont rol valves and dampers are equipped with

* manual operators at accessible  locations ...

4 page 9.4-3, System component s and ductwark Category I and ANS Safety Class 3 desagn ... are of seismic Spent Fuel Pool Area Vent il at ion System 9.4-13, fuel pool cooling emergency Pump room fan co11 units are located in the spent

   ... page 9.4-1 emergency fan coil units are suppited with chilled water from the safety-related challed water page 9.4-14    syste Each emergency Van cotl unit is interconnected

withpage the sarne Class 1E bus as the equipment it serve .4-17 The Fuel Evilding air exhaust ductwo rk is ANC Safety Clars 3 and seismic Categor; . page 9.4-17 The emergency fan coil units, which are located in the safety related pump rooms, are seismic Category I and ANS Safety Class 3 Auxiliary Building and Radwaste Area 9.4-15, The ductwork lavout as arranged 7o that in areas where airborne radioactivity may be present, -airflow is directed from areas of lower potential radioactivity toward areas of higher potential radioactivity.

, 2.

i page 9.4-19, Each emergency fan coil unit is interconnected so l that it starts with the equipment it serve .page 9.4-21. The exhaust system 1s seismic Category I up to the fan discharg . page 9.4-21, except The ai r supply system for the fans and the dampers which is seismic Category I l are seismic Category II.

l Engineered Safety Features Ventilation System page 9.4-27, At least one ESF exhaust fan is automatically energized from its Class 1E bus following a LOCAL ... page 9.4-27, ... with emergency fan coil units ... each of the pump cornpa rt ment s is equipped which is powered from the same Class 1E buss as the equipment it serve ~


3 The auxiliary cooling units are supplied with chilled water from the safety-related chilled water system ... 4 page 9.4-29, The exhaust system, cooling units, and safety features chilled water system are of seismic Category I and ANS Safety Class 3 desig E. Containment Ventilation Systems Containment Recirculation and Cooling System CRCS Control Rod Drive Mechanism Uentilation System CRDMUS Neut ron Detector Well Cooling System NDUCS Containment Process Filtration CPF page 9.4A-1, CRCS Post DBA cooling is provided by the Containment Spray Syste . page 9.4A-4, CRCS Cont ainment Recirculation fans are provided with a connection to the Class 1E Buses ...

, page 9.4A-4, CRCS Monitors consist of air temperature, humidity, and pressure... page 9.4A-10 The systems inside the Containment are seismic Category II.
page 9.4A-10, Penetrations are ANS Safety Class 2 and Seismic Category . page 9.4A-1 Exhaust aar is passed through iodine adsorber beds prior to its discharg Diesel Generator Evilding ventilation System
        : page 9.4C-1, The system is seismic Category I and ANS Safety Class . page 9.4C-1, The fans in each diesel sentretur compa rt ment start automatically on receipt of diesel generator st a rt signa . page 9.4C-2, Fans are powered from the same safety-related electrical bus as the diesel that is being ventilate Uninterruptable Power Supply and Dist ribution Rooms Ai r

' Conditioning Systems

         , page 9.4C- The air conditioning system is comprised of two 100% capacity self-contained air-conditioning units located in adjacent

- rooms that are physically separated by.a dividing fire wal . page 9.4C-9, The redundant


A/C units are powered from independent Class 1E buse . page 9.4C-1, The UPS and Distribution Room A/C system is ANS Safety Class 3 and Seismic Category . From Appendix 17A of the FSAR, the following statements in TAELE 17A-1 are made for components of Safety Class 2 (there

  • are no Safety Class 1 components listed for HUAC, however, the HUAC panels in the control room are Safety Class 1E > s Items 8, 221, and 22 Piping and valves of all systems penet rat ing the cont ainment are Safety Class 2. Seismic Category ' The QA requirements arel (NOTE 26) Meets quality assurance requirements as set forth in Gibbs & Hill spe CS-903, Rev i
. _ . , . . _ _ _ . _ _ - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ , _ _ . _ . _  ,_
  .         __

C 1, CA for Procurement of Materials and Equipment, which satisfies


requirements of 10CFR50, Appendtx B, and (NOTE A > an Operations QA Program will be imple5ented which satisfies applicable requirements of Regulatorp Cuide 1.33, Re , " Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operat ions ). ,Other requirements include (NOTE 13b) Ceneric Analysis dynamic sethod ,and (NOTE 13d> testing method will be used for setsmic qualificat ien (see Section 3.7).

Item 9b, Hydrogen purge System Exhaust filter units are Safety Class j$, Seismic Category See NOTES 26 and Also the , method of testing (NOTE 13c) used fro seismic qualification is the Static method or equivalent static method using dynamic load factor Item 9b, Hydrogen Purge System Exhaust ductwork, supports & dampers outside containment are Safety Class 3, Seismic Category Meets quality assurance provtsions of Brown & Roots' Quality Assurance Program (see FSAR Sectibn 17.1.1. 3 ), which satisfies


requirements of 10CRF50, Appendtx Also see NOTE A and NOTES 13c and 13 Item 17, Diesel Generator Combustion Air Int ak e and Exhaust ! System Piping and Valves outside Scooe of Liesel Cen' M1 r. are Safety Class 3 and Setsmic Category (NOTE 13a) Seismic qualification is by the Indtvidual Analysts dynamic eetho See NOTES 26, A, and 13 The Supports for Class 3 piping are also


Sefety Class Seismic Category This is t o ri.e'et f eert'inent port tons of the QA centerta set forth in 10CFP50, j,Qcpendix B as defined by the specificat to Component supports are designed in accordance with ASME B%PU Code, Section III, Class 3 but fabricated to AISC-197 See also NOTES 13,a and A.

! Item 23c, Control Room HUAC panels are Safety Class 1E, Seismic Category See NOTES 26 A, 13c, and 13 I. HUREG-0797 i j


HUREG-0797, Dupplement N . SER, Civil,' St ruct ural , and Misc, page K-137, "FSAR volume IV, Section 3.2, Classification of structures, Components and Systems, stat,es that part of the containment ventilation system is seismic Category It however, FSAR Uolume XIV, Section 17.0, Appendix 17A, list of Quality Assured Items, states that the containment ventilation system is seismic Category II and nonsafety related with the exception of the containment purge exhaust duct wo rk , supp ort s, debris screen, and isolation valves, which are seismic Category Only the isolation valves, which are safety and code" class 2, are safety related and seismic Category ,




Hone of these nonsafety-related cvstems as necessary for the safe shutdown of the reactor or to prevent or mitigate the , consequences of accidents or malfunctions in the reactor cool'n a pressure boundar ,


___-___ ____ _- - - - - - _ . . _ - _ _ _ - - . , , _ _ - , _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ , - . . _ _ , _ _ . - _


APPENDIX C Two drawings were used for the audit s and 2323-M2-0502 Re M2-0301 Re CP-4, Drawing number M2-0502 locate the Rev UnitCP-4, was 2 Containment Penetrations. From Drawing 2323- used to M2-0301, the containment penet rat ion numbers for main air ducts are as follows: the PENETRATION NUMBER

 - ---------------- LINE NUMEER  FUNCTION '
   - - - ---

M III - 18 -- ---------------- M III - 19 12-VA-2-01-151-2 H2 PURGE SUPPLY MV-1 12-VA-2-13-151R-2 H2 PURGE EXHAUST MV-2 43-VA-2-902-152-2 CONT PURGE SUPPLY MU- 14 48-VA-2-901-152-2 CONT PURGE EXHAUST O 18-VA-2-900-152-2 CONT PRESS RELIEF ' These Unit 2 penet rations and their were at t ached valves and pipes inspected on 12/26/85 and 12/27/8 ? ident ified here are part The valves and pipes


the first barriers on thetheinside containment boundaryl and outside of i.e. they are ) penetratie The following informat ion was the containment

) inspectio recorded during that



OUTSIDE CONT M III 18 ----------------- Could not reach had been removed.these valves as the scaffolding


From the DW HU 5543 2HV 5563 These numbers are from a valv N.'N 9144-03-07-03 N'~_ 2HV 5542 )

  , , _ *) These numberr are from a pip UAXAB 03   ,_

M III 18 These 2VA 001numbers are from a valv AF 074 Serial n H 2012-1 Lot n ' T These numbers are from a pip The main pipe HT F812OO MR 31486 These numbers are from a pip /4 inch pipe HT 405447 MR 16154 These numbers are from a pip Weld-o-let 12-6x3/4 3M 501 i . M III 19 7 1F 37 BH ? These numbers are from a valv y-x - , - 3 1, 4 , i m,- -

 '. .



9144-03-07-03 14759-1A s These numbers are fron'a valv ' 9144-03-07-03



  '  These numbers are from a Y pip HT 26278 MR 092555 These numbers are from the drawin HU 5541
   ' -2HU 5562

12 UA-2-13-151R-2 5 ' '+ , g These numbers are from a valv T '

 '},     14759-1C
,,,s- ,     9144-03-07-03
, %

This number is from the drawin '

,'      2HU 5540
'If      These numbers are from a valv .c)  VA-X-AB-OO4A
     + AF 083 Serial n H2012-1 Lot n .   \ This number is from the drawin VA 002 Mu2

These nuniber s are f rom a valv ,

  *  43-9134-05-ON'-03 '
      ' *

14759-3C This number is from the drawin HU 5539


These numbers are from a valv '.4759-3D

   \ g  48-9134-05-07-03 s This number is 1, rom the drawin '
   ,   2HU 5538 HU 14 '

These numbers are from a valve.,


14759-2A 3 2HU 5549 These numbers are from a valv E 2HU 5548 These numbers are from a valv s 2VA 005 -

     , AD 213 Serial n H1820-1 Lot n MV 1  These humbers are from a valv ,  ,  2HU 5537
*  1  14759-3A

These numbers are from a valv * I 2HU 5536

 ;  -

14759-3B i These numLers are f rom a valv TB 307 AD 219 Serial n H1826-1 Lot n This number is from the drawin VA 003

-i -      1 i


- ,

q , Uh-

* -

,. APPENDIX D This Document appendix Control is Cente the audit paper trail from the Const ruct ion number were entered into the compute The valve numbers and Penetration computer identified the Receiving Oith these numbers, the ( R I R ). The computer also identified Inspection Report Numbers some of these valves as non-content The RIR was then retrieved from the files and inspected for and nun ber cross referencin ) was not listed by the compute One valve number (2HU valve 14759-2B, was entered The serial number for this e RIR, N * into the computer to identify the




N VALUE R1R y ___________ __________ ________ __-- SERIAL N ,, _ _______ M III 18 2HV 5543 12191 __ CP 0086 14759-1B 2HV 5563 12191 CP 0086 14759-1E 2HV 5542 12191 CP 0086 14759-1F 2VA 001 9579 CP 0020 AF 074 M 111 19 H 2012-1 Lot n HU 5541 12191 CP 0086 14759-1A 2HV 5562 12191 CP 0086 14759-1B 2HV5540 12191 CP 0086 14759-1C 2VA 002 9579


CP 0020 AF 033 H2012-1 Lot n MV2 2HU 5539 12191 CP 0086 2HV 5538 14759-3C 12191 CP 0086 MV 14 '2HV 5549' 14759-3D 12191 CP 0006 2HU 5546 ~14759-2A' 12191 CP 0086 2VA 005 14759-2B 03565 CP 0020 AD 213 H1826-1 Lot n MV 1 2HV 5537 12191 CP 0006 14759-3A 2HV 5536 12191 CP 0086 2VA 003 14759-3B 03509 CP OO20 + AD 219 H1626-1 Lot n For selected pipes 3 M III 18 03565 CP 0074 802252/14 The computer was down so I could not to the RIR's for the pipe cross the Heat numbers The RIR package contents consisted of the followingt RIR-8509 PO-CP 0020A.1, Lot Number-H1826-1 Page 1 - Certified to conformance 1. Fluid flow +/- 15% of published values No visible leakage Page 2 - Wall thickness inspection Page 3 - Final acceptance plan Manufacturers data repo rt Final acceptance plan

       . _ . _
 - _ _ . . -   , _ _ .  -

___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ I

  . t.

\.. ;


h ', Serial nos & t raceability ( [[ - Wall Thickness report

 ., h5)

Page 4

      - Requirements Certs Reference check list list
 'O     Page 5 - Cleaning, inspection categories I

i Shipping Assembly, Hydro, Tagging, Packtn Page 6 - Code conformance Page ? - Valve serial no . Itst/ body, .

 -   RIR-9579,      bonnets et FO-CP OO20A.1, Lot
    - the above listing   Number -H2012-1 for RIR-8509  is similar to l



RIR 12191, RIP 13110, R1R 13186 g These R1R packages contained RIR tn 13187 j e followings ! 'l Receiving Check-List Drawings OA check -list .

 :     Doc. Package



Order Spec Sheet

 !      Material Traceactitty  List
 !      Body Mill Test Report < MTR )

s' Disc MTR  :

)      Stem MTR
)      Dise Pin MTR q      Gasket j       ketainer NTR

Casket Filler Metal Retainer Test Bolts Certs l' Report Manuf acturers Cert Material Cert of Compliance Test Report

  *    -

Liquid Penet rat ion TR ! Weld Repai r Report


Lody Radiographic Report < Wall Final Thickness TR Measurement Repo r t Cleaning Cert


Cycle TR l ASME Data Report Assembly Shop


Traveler t l l l l l l p

--- ,. --,- - _ _-   . . _ . . _ . . - - - - - . _ _ - , _

g -4


jo 7A . $

     -   t FILE NAME: REPORT.15 MONTHLU UORK SUMMANY    DECEMPER 28, 1985 Shannon:

HAPPY NEW YEAP ! I was the only 14F C rep on through the 2 site from Very quiet plac early afternoon on the 23 you make your way up to 40 feet No one to laugh at you when flashlight as back in the trailer. Oneand in the air of discover that ~ your-the penet rations came into the fu+1 buildin Verv high u capacity of I'm impressed with storage were no recorded the fu+1 building and the building in general. There messages, and only Sinco CPSES is not ope rat four . f ax's ( one t o Cl i ff H. > c a r..e i ing, I left CO2 incident for you to take car + o the one about the g . have received it and notifted op The Unit 1 fellows should I Wesigned fortwo thould get fouronriew swivelthe Monda3>. a rt.)

?Ot chairs for the other t rai les'. I am sch+duled to return to the site on the morning of the 13t Januar.v 198 My work phone nut.ber ir <208) 522-1265 or metrager r.. s v be left at (208) 529-4445 11 .ou > have question In Novernbe r 1 talLec to the tollowing people ( of it.ipo rt ance > t M. D. Pa l r..e r  : Ch2wtheam Indust ry Operat ion Experience Coordinatcr Technical Sup o n **t C . . . c. + w e Oixne 14 5peciel o. .JJ ect Group Coordinator In December I talk ed to the following people t Madden TNE Mechanical Engineer L. Isl. H a rt GA TNE Electricb1 P. St evens THE' El+ct ric al Engin++r Hours Total = 132 i SUBJECT f

- - - - - - -   HOURS  INS PROC
  --------------  -- --
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SDAR 73 50100 34 37055 IE EULLETIN 0, CENEPIC LETTER 17 EXIT INTERVIEW Ut4IT 2, 92703 \

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F e i l

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Transmitted & Veriffed by: DISPOSITION: Return to Originator Place in Mail __ MAME DATE Other i _ _ ....- _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ - - _ . - . .


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     } { h thP V% \ L ".J t' lW b \ VL
 .,-.-    Gr.f1ER.t C LETT'O!     '

FILE NAME1 pEPORT.11 D+c +< r 20. 19G:5 This fri ic Gerie l eL+tter rut..r..n e t :+r t he buctt of the IE Infortnation Notic+ nnd ftles thtt TUGCo nin t nt a t n The nudtts p+rforrn+d i.>e r e 02.0 These to IE TUGCo Manuel Insc files +cttre t or. Procedure 92717-02 End 92705-an the care of D+nn Palmer, Industry Operating Erpertence Coordinato IE INFQFMATIQte NOTICE AUDIT NOTICE REV FOP DISTRI- CORRECTIVE SEE RECEIVED AFPLIC- BUTION ACTION NOTE IDENT AEILITV ________ ________ _______ ______ __________ _______ 85-22 ver ver ver yer A G5-04 yes ves y+s non, 85-56 ver ver ,se r yes B G5-33 yes ver er no C 55-34 ver yet o+r no D S5-35 Ves y+I no H/A E 65-36 v+r ver ver I non, NOTES * A - Fevision to funtntenanc+ crocedures to include vertftcatton that the pinton gear 1r not reversed - bv 9-1-85. Fall Dock ey , 7-2-35. Meant. Ena E - C h+ net st ese I nuuc- p ros e nr.. c+ + t n.r.d in TIM - 050907. Bob D+166 +=t 5244. Dat a sh++tr ur+ t o docurn+nt p ro g r ar.. ; hP HEAT E:<CH Tub +s - H den ine % LiGH Sh+11 - Corns Cooling Water DIESEL GEN MATEP JACrET Tub +1 -C1 'i+rvic+ unter, Shell - Todtur..tattrate SAFETY INJECTION SYS - Dev Qc.en to Atmosphere C - An HRC CAT insc+ct1 ore at reveral r1t ez 1 dent 111 ed that i understred no::1+ to sh+11 evelded Joints an t enk z t heat i exch existe actio Ortstnell- sent to P. Eaker 5 '16/S5 for As of 7 19 $5. no action by Baker, he questiont 3 ,, IOER's. er t st +nc+. Pl trn+ r r+nt hin. another copy 7/19'6 D - St ress corroston crack ing of PASS, sent to Dous Davis on 5/21/G:5. reply on S 25 85, by Meant Eng, Want rno r+ l uerificatton from Tech Support that these conditions could , i I l l 1 . __ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ __ __ _ _ . - . _ _ _ _ _ _

.-. _ _ . _- . - . . - - . -- - -  - - - .. . -.  ._
. .
 . - .

GENEF IC LETTEF AUDIT In this nudit, all a about 15 ' t h+ C+n+ric Letter folders in+re opened NEC lette and brief1v read to underst and the general thrust of the Two folderz ve+r+ reviewed for content. 83-11 and 83-Generic Letter 83-11 Safety Cen t ivs t s Coces ident111ed an NRC concern thet usert of ! ' ':RETFA . FELA TPA etc,  ! , . . . > must ! understand and pe rf o rra code cert ificat ion prior to pe r f o rr..i ns site specific analyst F:ar.dv Jann TUCCo Nuclear Fuels, was contacted about the lett+ ) He stated that bl & EXXON u111 pe r fo rrn the Safets Analvsts for the first five cycle TUGCo l intends to develop t he es c + rt t r . Generic r e. i t e Letter $3-16 c12 cussed the SALEM ATU The engineering the SALEM included e discurrion ** 1 t h t raining which identified thnt sc+nario uns part of the course trb1ne+ .o rk for TUCco

1 I I l l I


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