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| issue date = 10/19/1994
| issue date = 10/19/1994
| title = Requests Approval,Per 10CFR50.55a,Section(a)(3) to Use ASME Section XI Code Cases N-498-1 & N-524 in Salem & Hope Creek Generating Stations ISI Programs
| title = Requests Approval,Per 10CFR50.55a,Section(a)(3) to Use ASME Section XI Code Cases N-498-1 & N-524 in Salem & Hope Creek Generating Stations ISI Programs
| author name = HAGAN J J
| author name = Hagan J
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  

Revision as of 12:32, 17 June 2019

Requests Approval,Per 10CFR50.55a,Section(a)(3) to Use ASME Section XI Code Cases N-498-1 & N-524 in Salem & Hope Creek Generating Stations ISI Programs
Person / Time
Site: Salem, Hope Creek  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 10/19/1994
From: Hagan J
Public Service Enterprise Group
NLR-N94178, NUDOCS 9410270250
Download: ML18101A306 (4)


      • Public Service Electric and Gas Company
  • Joseph J. Hagan Public Service Electric and Gas Company P.O. Box 236, Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038 609-339-1200 Vice President

-Nuclear Operations OCT 1 9 1994 NLR-N94178 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Gentlemen:

INSERVICE INSPECTION ASME SECTION XI CODE CASE APPLICATION SALEM GENERATING STATION, UNIT NOS. 1 AND 2 HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION, UNIT NO. 1 DOCKET NOS. 50-272, 50-311, AND 50-354 Public Service Electric & Gas Company (PSE&G) hereby requests approval, per 10CFR50.55a, Section (a) (3) to use ASME Section XI Code Cases N-498-1 and N-524 in the Salem and Hope Creek Generating Stations Inservice Inspection (ISI) Programs.

Code Case N-498-1, entitled Alternative Rules for 10-Year System . Hydrostatic Testing for Class l, 2, and 3 Systems was approved by the ASME and published on May 11, 1994. Code Case N-524, entitled Alternative Examination Requirements for Longitudinal Welds in Class 1 and 2 Piping was approved by the ASME and published on August 8, 1993. The use of these Code Cases is not presently referenced in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147, Inservice Inspection Code Case Acceptability, Revision 10, dated July, 1993. Code Case N-498-1 provides alternative rules for Class 1, 2, and 3 (Table IWB, C, and D-2500-1, Categories B-P, C-H, D-A, D-B, and D-C) ten-year system hydrostatic tests. This Code Case allows a system leakage/system pressure test to be conducted in lieu of a hydrostatic test, subject to the test criteria in the Code Case. Code Case N-524 provides alternative examination requirements for longitudinal welds in Class 1 and 2 piping,Section XI, Division I. PSE&G has reviewed the referenced Code Cases and concurs with the ASME assessment that the use of both Code Cases would provide an acceptable level of quality and safety.

.... ,., Document Control Desk NLR-N94l78 2 OCT 1 9 1994 Copies of the requested Code Cases have been included as Enclosures 1 and 2. Should there be any questions with regard to this submittal, please do not hesitate to contact us. C Mr. T. T. Martin, Administrator

-Region I U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mr. L. N. Olshan, Licensing Project Manager -Salem U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 Mr. D. Moran, Licensing Project Manager -Hope Creek U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 Mr. C. Marschall

-Salem (S09) USNRC Senior Resident Inspector Mr. R. Summers -Hope Creek (S09) USNRC Senior Resident Inspector Mr. K. Tosch, Manager, IV NJ Department of Environmental Protection Division of Environmental Quality Bureau of Nuclear Engineering CN 415 Trenton, NJ 08625 95-4933 r.* .., * .. , **Dclc:..,,,,, .. .s. """-a/ .... ,,,, 2 I IDfrr md Mr ,..,. .. doll ....

Alumadft RD111for10.Ymr S,... Tutlq far C.. 1 1 J &ad 3 s,.t.mll Sa:doll Dimloll 1 /lfl/UllY:

Wlw lla:madn rulOI may be U..S ID lieu of thole requirad by Soctiaa XI. Dm.Jcm 1, T&bla IWB-2500.1, Ca.tqory B-P, Table IWC2S00-1, Cat* egozy CH, and Table IWD.-2500-1, Catqmics 0-A. D-B. 'and D-C. al applicable, far the 10-fgr system hydrostatic test? Rl/19: (o) It is the opinion of th& CammittlMI that u an alcrmariYIS rem. 10-)'ear system lrjdrulbitfc teSt qutred by Tablo Caiepy B-P. the fol* lawinl rules shall be uaed. (lJ A l)'ltem 1eakap iac (IWB-52%1) shall b9 ccnducied ai or ncar tba end of eadl impcaioa terY&L prier to reaccor surmp. (2) Tho bounduy subject m mt pnmurizadoll du.rinf th* l)'ltem leabp tolC shall mead co all 0ua 1 pteame rctainina CDmponalfl within the tcm boundary.

fJ) Prior m pcrtormiJll

w. vr-2 vDuaJ e:ami* nation. the system wll ba to nomiAal operatin1 preaura far at lcar 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> for imulated systems and 10 minura far nozdmulaled J?SWmt. Tho system shall be mfilminsd u namtut opcradq presaure during perfarmmce of rhe VT-2 visual=* auUnacica. ( 4) Test ccmperaaues and pra.suns shall iun exceed limitin& eondieicma fm ma bydrmladc test curve as conramecl m dw plant TICbnieaJ tianL (5) The vr_z vilual llftMfrqtim

&hall lDdudc all . widam me bounduy idcmfaed in (a}(2) above. (6J Tesr imamuntadan 1"C4macmena:

of .. 5260 UI n0t aPPlfclble.

"?bnt limeoptiUoa of th* Committc&

thal. al an alternative to the 10.,Ur system hydrostatic quired by Table IWCZS00-1.

Catepy CH. the fol* lowinl rules smll be used. (1) A system prasure tat shall be condw:ted at or near the end of each inspoctiaa or dmtn1 th* same inspection period of Heh lnspcdion inter* val of Inspcc:don Propm B. . (2) n. bcnmduy labjecl ta .c pc asmtutiau durfq the l)'lieDl prmma te1e DU aiad to all 0111 2 I I ciponatl inctucled In. thole pucibd ot.,.. tema r.qu:lncl tu opwatll or auppoft me ..,_,. ljlt.c:m frmaina llp tD ad includia&

die fim DOml&Uy dOICd vaM, indadlq a Afety ar reUcf 'Yllw. or Ya1Ye pable of amamauc dosmt when the aDty fmlction ii required.

r1J Prior io perfmmfq m. vr.2 visual nadon. the &yStem shall b* pressurized to nmninal operaciq pieaun far

  • mtnfnmm of 4 houn for in* su1ated .,.ram md 10 mtnura for ncminsoJaccd 1)'1-tcnu. lhaD .,. mamtl!Ded at nominal aatfq duriq pcrfDmwM:c of the VT*l visual cnminlfioa.

r-1> n. vr.2 Vllual 'f!nmin*iicm aball indade all compuunts within the boundaiy idcntiOed in (b)(2) above. (SJ Teat lmcrumantatlan rcqairmnena of IW A-5260 IR nm applioabJ& (c) It ism. apiDlon of m. Commiaa that. as an altomaiive to m. 1o.,ar symm hyc1mltad.c test quind bJ Table IWI).2500-1 Cateptes D-A. D-B. or 0-C (D-B for the 1989 Ediliou with tha 1991 and subsequent Addenda)..

u applicable.

th* followin1 rulu shall be UMd. (I) A aymm pnman tat aha1l be conducted at ar near the dd of uda impec:ticla tntaiwl or durin1 the same inlp9CtioD pcrlod of e8Ch impcc:don incer-. val of InspecDon Prasrmza B. (2) The bonnday mbjecc to ten prmurinticm durina w system prean* wi sball a=d ta all aa113 e. "'l""""'Nlll included m them portians of.,,. tema required to opeiate m auppart tho saf;ty system fimctiml up Ea and indudlng the first normally dosed valve, indudia1 a safmty or relief valY8 or valw Q* pabl* of amomatic clolura when cha safety tunction ii requin:d. (JJ Prior to petbm.lq tt. VT-2 visual C'Dmi* nation. the System shall be to nominal operadns praaun far ai leui .4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> for imulated systems and 10 minura for Nmin1Pl1ted synrms. The system sball be mainWncd a' nominal apcnrln1 pressure dur1Dg performance of tho vr-2 visual CX* aminar:ion.

(4) Th* VT*2 visual ennrinaticm lh.all lnclude all componcma within the bounduy idCntiftad in (c)(2) above. (S) Test instnment:atian requirements of lWA-5260 ue not applicable.


.. . ..

  • CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE Approval Date: August 9, 1993 See Numerical Index for expiration and any reaffirmation dates. Case N-524 Alternative Examination Requirements for Longitudinal Welds in Class 1 and 2 Piping Section XI, Division 1 Inquiry: What alternative requirements may be plied to the surface and volumetric examination of longitudinal piping welds specified in Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-J, Table IWC-2500-1, Examination Categories C-F-1 and C-F-2 ination Category C-F prior to Winter 1983 da), and Table IWC-2520, Examination Category G (1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda)?

Reply: It is the opinion of the Committee that the following shall apply: (a) When only a surface examination is required, examination of longitudinal piping welds is not quired beyond those portions of the welds within the examination boundaries of intersecting ential welds. (b) When both surface and volumetric tions are required, examination of longitudinal piping welds is not required beyond those portions of the welds within the examination boundaries of secting circumferential welds provided the following requirements are met. (1) Where longitudinal welds are specified and locations are known, examination requirements shall be met for both transverse and parallel flaws at the intersection of the welds and for that length of gitudinal weld within the circumferential weld amination volume; (2) Where longitudinal welds are specified but locations are unknown, or the existence of dinal welds is uncertain, the examination ments shall be met for both transverse and parallel flaws within the entire examination volume of secting circumferential welds. 903 CASE N-524 SUPP. 6 -NC