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Proposed Tech Spec Rev,Deleting Limiting Condition for Operation Re Auxiliary Feedwater Sys & Clarification of Inservice Insp Requirements for Steam Generators
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/26/1984
Shared Package
ML20107F212 List:
TAC-56313, TAC-56314, NUDOCS 8411050360
Download: ML20107F221 (8)


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15.3.4 STEAM'AND POWER CONVERSION. SYSTEM i Applicability Applies to the operating status of steam and power conversion system.

Objective To define conditions of the steam and power conversion system steam-relieving capacity. Auxiliary Feedwater System and Service Water System operation is necessary to ensure the capability to remove i decay heat from the core.

Specification A. When the reactor coolant is heated above 350*F the reactor shall not be taken critical unless the following conditions are met:

1. A minimum steam-relieving capability of eight (8) main steam safety valves available, except for low power physics testing.
2. Auxiliary Feedwater System
a. Two Unit Operation - All four_ auxiliary feedwater pumps together with their associated flow paths and i-essential instrumentation shall be operable,
b. Single Unit Operation - Both motor driven auxiliary feedwater pumps and the turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump

[ associated with that unit to-

.gether with their associated F flow paths and essential instru-mentation shall be operable.

i i

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15.3.4-1 8411050360 841026 PDR ADOCK 05000266 P pg l

9 15.4'.2 INSERVICE INSPECTION OF SAFETY CLASS COMPONENTS Appliability Applies to inservice inspection of Safety Class components.

,0bjectives *

- .o provide ~ assurance of the continuing integrity of the safety class systems.



1. Tube Inspection Entry from the hot leg side with examination from the point of entry completely around the U-bend to the top support of the cold leg is considered a tube inspection.
2. Sample Selection and Testing Selection and testing of steam generator tubes shall be made on the -

following basis:

(a) One steam' generator of each unit may be selected for -

inspection during inservice inspection in accordance with the following requirements:

1. The inservice inspection may be limited to one steam generator on n alternating sequence basis. This examination shall include at least 6% of the tubes if the results of the first or a prior inspection indicate that both generators are performing in a comparable manner.

-2. When both steam generators are required to be examined by Table 15.4.2-1 and if the condition of the tubes in one gerarator is found to be more severe than in'the other steam generator of a unit, the steam generator sampling sequence at the subsequent inservice inspection shall be modified to examine the steam generator with the more severe condition.

(b) The minimum sample size, inspection result classification and the associated required action shall be in conformance ,

with the requirements specified in Table 15.4.2-1. The


results of each sampling examination of a steam generator shall be classified into the following three categories:

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  • TS 15.4.2 Page 2 Category c-1: I.ess than 5% of the total number of tubes examined are degraded but none are defective.

Category C-2: Between 5% and 10% of the total ntenber of tubes examined are degraded, but none are defective og one tube to not more than 1% of the sample is defective.

Category C-3: More than 10% of the total number of tubes examined are degraded, but none are defective or,more than 1% of the sample is defective.

-In the first sample of a given steam generator during any inservice inspection, degraded tubes not beyond the plugging limit detected by.the prior examinations in that steam generator shall be included in the above percentage '

calculations, only if these tubes are demonstrated to have a i-further wall penetration of greater than 10% of the nominal l tube wall thickness.

(c) Tubes shall be selected for examination primarily from those areas of the tube bundle where service experience has shown the most severe tube degradation.

(d)- In addition to the sample size specified in Table 15.4.2-1, '

the tubes examined in a given steam generator during the l first examination of any inservice inspection shall include i

l all non-plugged tubes in that steam generator that from prior examination were degraded.

(e) .During the second and third sample examinations of any inservice inspection, the tubes inspection may be limited to those sections of the tube lengths where imperfections were detected during the prior er==ination. ,

3. Examination Method and Requirements The examination method shall meet the intent of the requirements in ASME Section XI Appendix IV. This includes equipment, personnel and procedure requirements, certification and calibration along with records and reports. The actual technique may be the latest industry accepted technique, provided the flav detection capability is as good or better than the technique endorsed by the code in effect per Technical Specification 15.4 3,.B.1. This allows the use of improvements in inspection techniques that were not included in the code in effect. However, it means that word-for-word compliance with Appendix IV of ASME section XI may not be possible.

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TS 15.4.2 Page 3

4. Inspection Intervals (a) Inservice inspections shall not be more than 24 calendar

-months apart.

4 (b)- The inservice inspections may be scheduled to be coincident with refueling outages or any plant shutdown, provided the inspection intervals of 15.4.2.A.4(a) are not exceeded.

(c) If two consecutive insenrice inspections covering a time span of at least 12 months yield results that. fall in C-1 category, the inspection frequency may be extended to 40-month intervals.

" (d) If the results of the inservice inspection of steam generator tubing conducted in accordance with Table 15.4.2-1 requires that a third sample examination must be performed, and the results of this fall in category C-3, the inspection frequency shall be reduced to not more than 20-month intervals. The reduction shall apply until a subsequent inspection demonstrates that a third sample examination is i

not required.

i (e) Unscheduled inspections shall be ccnducted in accordance with Specifications 15.4.2.A.2 on any steam generator with l-primary-to-secondary tube leakage exceeding Specification 15.3.1.D.4. All steam generators shall be inspected in the event of a seismic occurrence greater than an operating basis earthquake, a LOCA requiring actuation of engineered safeguards, or a main steam line or feedvater line break.

5. Acceptance Limits 1

(a) Definitions:

Imperfection is an exception to the dimension, finish, or contour of a tube from that regttired by fabrication drawings or specifications. Eddy current testing indications below 20% of the u n=1 tube wall thickness, if detectable, may


l be considered as imperfections.

Degradation means a service induced cracking, wastage, wear, or general corrosion occurring on either inside or outside

of a tube.

Degraded Tube is a tube that contains'imperfrtions caused by degradation greater than 20% of the nominal tube wall thickness.

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TS 15.4.2 Page 4 I

Defect is an imperfection of such severity that it exceeds the ministan acceptable tube wall thickness of 50%. A tube containing a defect is defective.

Pluacina Limit is the imperfection depth beyond which the.

tube must be removed Trom service or repaired, because the tube may become defeccive prior to the next scheduled inspection. The plugging limit is 40% of the nominal tube wall thickness.

6. Corrective Measures All tubes that leak or have degradation exceeding the plugging liJnit shall be plugged or repaired by a process such as sleeving
  • prior to return to power from a refueling or inservice inspection conditions. '

Sleeved tubes having sleeve degradation exceeding 40% of the nominal sleeve wall thickness shall be plugged.

7. Reports i

(a) After aach inservice examination, the number of tubes plugged or repaired in each steam generator shall be reported to the Comunission as sooa as practical.

(b) The complete results of the steam generator tube inservice inspection shall be included in the Annual Results and Data Report for the period in which the inspection was

, completed.

1 5 Reports shall include:

1. . Wtamber and extent of tubes inspected.


2. Location and percent of all thickness penetration for 1

each indication.

3. Identification of tubes plugged or repaired.

l~ (c) Reports required by Table 15.4.2 Steam Generator Tube Inspection shall provide the information required by Specification 15.4.2.A.7(a) and a description of i investigations conducted to determine cause of the tube j degradation and corrective measures taken to prevent 4

recurrence. The report shall be submitted to the Commission prior to resumption of plant operation.

  • Brazed joints shall not be employed. Tubes previously subject to explosive plugging shall not be sleeved.

L i


TS 15.4.2 ,


1. Inservice inspection of ASME Code Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 components shall be performed in accordance with Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and applicable Addenda as required by 10 CFR 50, Section 50.55a(g) modified by Section 50.55a(b), except where specific written relief is granted by the NRC, pursuant to 10 CFR 50, Section 50.55a(g)(6)(i).
2. Containment isolation valves will be tested in accordance with Technical Specification 15.4.4 instead of Section IWV-3420, Valve Leak Rate Test. ,

BASIS The steam generator tube inspection requirements are based on the guidance given in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.83, " Inservice Inspection of Pressurized Water Reactor Steam Generator Tubes." ASME Section XI Appendix IV is being used for defining the basic requirements or the inspection method. However, at the present time, changes and improvements in steam generator eddy current inspection are occurring faster than the code can be revised. Thus, in order to ensure that the best possible exam of the tubing and/or sleeves is being done, the technique utilized will, in general, be the latest industry-accepted technique. This means that complete word-for-word compliance with Appendix IV may not be possible. However, the basic requirements and intent will be met, to the extent practical.

As stated in 15.4.2.B.1, safety class components, other than the steam generator tubing, will be inspected in accordance with ASME Section XI. The code edition / addenda utilized for the' inspection interval will be as defined in 10 CFR 50. The same code is utilized for both Unit I and Unit 2. Safety-related components are classified as safety Class 1, 2, or 3. The code boundaries are defined based upon the following documents:

(a) Regulatory Guide 1.26, " Quality Group Classifications and Standards for Water, Steam, and Radioactive Waste Containing Components of Nuclear Power Plants."

(b) American National Standard N18.2, " Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary Pressurized Water Reactor Plants."

(c) Point Beach Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 Final Safety Analysis Report.

Code classified components are tabulated showing each specific examination area and the examination requirements in an inspection interval long-term plan. This plan is completely revised for each ten-year inspection interval.

' TABLE 16,4. 2 - / ,.'



, IST SAMPLE EXAMINATION 2ND SAMPLE EXAMINATION 3RD SAMPLE EXAMINATION j sample Size Result Action Required Result Action Required Result Action Required j A cinimum of C-1 Acceptable for N/A N/A N/A N/A i S tubes Continued Service

! per Steam

! Generator C-2 Plug or repair tubes C-1 Acceptable for N/A N/A i (SG) exceeding the plugging Continued Service l limit and proceed with

2nd sample examination C-2 Plug or repair tubes C-1 Acceptable for l S=3(N/n)% of 25 tubes in same exceeding the plugging Continued Service steam generator limit and ,iroceed with

! 3rd sample examination C-2 Plug or repair tubes ,

j Where: of 45 tubes in same exceeding plug limit. .

j steam generator Acceptable for -

l' N 10 the continued Service .

number of

ctsan C-3 Perform action re-1 genarators quired under C-3 of 1st
in the sample verification l plant = 2
C-3 Perform action re-j quired under C-3 of 1st N/A N/A j n is the sample examination j number of j ettan C-3 Inspect essentially all C-1 in Acceptable for N/A N/A j gensrators tubes in this SG, plug other Continued Service j inipected or repair tubes exceed- SG l

during an ing the plugging limit

examination and proceed with 2nd C-2 in Perform action required N/A N/A i sample examination of other under C-2 of 2nd sample

] 2S tubes in the other SG examination above j steam generator.

Reportable in accord- Inspect essentially all N/A N/A

! ance with 10 CFR 50.7311lj C-3 in other tubes in SG & plug or i SG repair tubes exceeding the plugging limit. Reportable in accordance with 10 CFR 50.731i 2


e- ,


. Specification Reco'eds and logs relative to the following items shall be retained for six (6) years unless a longer period is required by applicable regulations.

A. Records of normal plant operation, including power levels and periods of operation at each power level.

B. Records of principal maintenance activities, including inspection, repair, substitution or replacement of principal items of equipment pertaining to nuclear safety.

C. ' Records of reportable events.

D. Records of periodic checks, inspections and calibrations performed to verify that surveillance requirements are being met.

E.* Records of new and spent fuel inventory and assembly histories.

F.* Records of changes made to the-plant and to plant drawings as described in the FFDSAR.

G.* Records of plant radiation and contamination surveys.

H.* Reccrds of off-site environmental monitoring surveys.

-I.* Records of radiation exposure of all plant personnel, including all contractor personnel and visitors who enter radiation control areas in the plant.


'J.* Records of radioactivity levels in liquid and gaseous wastes released s- , to the environment and dilution of these wastes.

l l

K. Records of any special reactor tests or experiments.

L. Records of changes made in the Opera Procedures.

1 15.6.10-1 i
