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{{#Wiki_filter:ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet Lof":%Status: Y9' NDJ ýU Area Walk-By Chetlkist:'(A'WCQ)
{{#Wiki_filter:ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                             NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet Lof":%
Status: Y9'NDJ     ýU Area Walk-By Chetlkist:'(A'WCQ)
Bldg. Au Floor El. 100' Ro6m, Area' .92 ... .... .. ... ...... .... ..... .. ...
Location: Bldg...... Au
for CornmplýiiCheckfist...  
                            . . ... * .. Floor
.....This dhecklist may he usffd'to document the results of the Are Walk-By near One 6r-moreoSWEL items, The space.below each of thefollowingqueitons may be used totrecordtheresuts of judrlenfts ad d findings Additional space is proVided at the end, Of this dheLlkisr for other comtents.1. Does anc:orage of equipiment in the area, ap-ar to be free of potefitily%
                                              . .... . El.
adverse seismic conditions (if Visible wýithout oncessariJy
                                                      . .. 100'. .       Ro6m, Area'
*openng cabinet s)?YfY NTDJUE N/A IC 2. Does anchorage of equipment`.in the area appear to be free of significant Ydý'N-J UO3 N/A[]I degraded conditions?
                                                                                  ... .. .92 insfr*tioni      for CornmplýiiCheckfist...                                               .....
YWYN0 UEJ NI/AO 3. 13ased on a visuaJ.inspe,ction frofm the floor, do the cable/conduit race..Ways and llVA( d.ucting to fee o6f p6tentially adv&ese, seismic'conditions (e.g., condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable, trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?4. Does itappearthzat thearea is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial Y[ 0ND Url N/AD intera ctions with ..bflteb;equipment:in:the areia (e:g;,c iling tiles the .oomrin which the, SWEit:item is located is.very large (e.g., Turbine Hall), the areasetecd should be described.
This dhecklist may he usffd'to document the results of the Are Walk-By near One 6r-moreoSWEL items, The space.below each of thefollowingqueitons may be used totrecordtheresuts of judrlenfts add findings Additional space is proVided at the end, Of this dheLlkisr for docIumeniin*g other comtents.
Thlis area should: bebased, ofi judgmeiit, e.g., 6h.the rdrof abbot 35 feet froii the SWEL itesi;Page 71 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 y CheksUF'Area. W alk-By Checkflstl (AWC)Location:
: 1. Does anc:orage of equipiment in the area, ap-ar to be free of                           YfY NTDJUE N/A IC potefitily% adverse seismic conditions (if Visible wýithout oncessariJy
Bldg. Auxiliaiy FloorEl. 100ý Room., Areai,'192
                *openng cabinets)?
`5.- Does it appear that the area isffreeof potcntially adverse seismic.interactifos that *oild hearea., 6. Doesit: appeat thatthe area is free of pdtehi'a!
: 2. Does anchorage of equipment`.in the area appear to be free of significant               Ydý'N-J   UO3 N/A[]I degraded conditions?
ly .ad '.tse seisrmic i.nteractirnslhat could.cause a, fire in the area?7) Does it appearithat the area is free of pdtentially interactions.asgociated'wilth houisekeepi ng practices, stofrge of portable ttempor3iirinstallations sciaffo1difig, lead shielcding)?
: 3. 13ased on a visuaJ.inspe,ction frofm the floor, do the cable/conduit                     YWYN0 UEJ NI/AO race..Ways and llVA( d.ucting a*pear to be* fee o6f p6tentially adv&ese, seismic'conditions (e.g., condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable, trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?
Yd Nn UEp N/An]YQ'NE] UEL]N/AL1 I, 8. Have ýou Iobked for and found fi6otiei:
: 4. Does itappearthzat thearea is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial                 Y[     0ND Url N/AD intera ctions with ..bflteb;equipment:in:the areia (e:g;,c iling tiles and.
seismic coniditions that could adverseIy'affect.he safety functions of'the equipmentin.the area?'YU3'N UL]:Comments (Additional pages may be added asnecessary).B Train -MPL#.O I1N23POO I B cooi eJ10 Evaluated by:, SrthPUS? YIVA-A Da~te. 7 Z-1 QM~L~ fVi~tzP5 -7Z 7 (Z Page 72 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet I ..Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC) yf,' N.I Location':
lBldg. YARD FI6ori. 155 Room, Area' .CondensatewStorage Tank Instrpctins for Completin  
i*{f the .oomrin which the, SWEit:item is located is.very large (e.g., Turbine Hall), the areasetecd should be described.
&Checklist This ch1ecklist may be used to document ithe rsults of the Area Walk-By near one- orrmore SWEL items., The&:spacebelow each of the following questions may be used to recod the results ofijudgments and findings.Additional space.'is provided at the end of: tis checklist for documenting other comments.L. Dobes andtchorage of equipm.n enrijn thie area appearltIo be,.f I ee of Y [N Un N/AD potentially adverse seismici conditions (if visible'withctit iccessarily opening cabiniet's),?
Thlis ste*ted area should: bebased, ofi judgmeiit, e.g., 6h.the rdrof abbot 35 feet froii the SWEL itesi; Page 71 of 161
2 Does anchorage of equipment in the-area appear to be'free ofsigificant Y-JJ N 0 DN/AD]0 degraded conditions!,.Based on a cable/otiduit Y6 A ID N/AD" raeeways and HVAC'ducting appear to be free. of potentiallyadverse seismic c0nditions (eg, condition of supports is~adequate and fill c:conditions of tcable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?41. Does itappearthatthe area isfree of potentially adverse seismic spatial Y9 ND: U0] NIAD:intei-aittions with other equiient,.in the area.(e:g;, 6eilihg tiles and lighting)?>
[lftheroom9 in ýhJhic the SWELitem islocated i nhven large (e:g., ,Turbine atii), the areiqselectedshotild bedescnibed.
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                 NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 AStat*us:      y CheksUF
This seleci afei ashould Lye based otjiUidgmeatn .g, onthe 6oder ofaboult 35 feet ft~m the SWEL item.Page 73 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCFI64-RPT-O1, VERSION 1.0'Sheet 2 of'Status:, YP~N[n ufL]ýArea Walk-By Chectklist (AW.C)''Location:
    'Area.W alk-By Checkflstl (AWC)
B~dg. Bldg _ Floor EL 155 Ro6mAreal' Condensate Storage.Tank  
Location: Bldg. Auxiliaiy         FloorEl. 100ý           Room., Areai,'192
--7: 5i Dots it ýtppear that.tht tee is free of potentially adverse seismihc NFL UJ NIAEI:iiiteactions that could 'datisc flooding or spry in, the .Are Ia, 6. Does it appealr ih'tthe,.afeaqiftre-bf:pýtenfially adverse seismici* interactin61.s th)ati afire in theearea?7,. Does it appearlhat the area Is adverse:seisrn..c Witti sfdti ,ig& a f 1. ortbleI equipmeri and temporary;insiallations (e g_.scaffolding, lead shielding)?
          `5.- Does it appear that the area isffreeof potcntially adverse seismic.         Yd Nn UEp N/An]
Jf ND UDVEN/A`D*1 8.. Have yot looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could adversely aff~ct thetsafety functions of the eqipinent in'the',area?
interactifos that oild       it*djgg6rispraY, Lhus*                hearea.,
Yg/N0[ UIQ Cmiiens(Additionra i may be"aaded asnecessary)
: 6. Doesit: appeat thatthe area is free of pdtehi'a!ly .ad '.tseseisrmic i.nteractirnslhat could.cause a,fire in the area?
Train N -Q IPi1 T 1 Train, B -QJPTILT05:16 c~0?7A 4 2~j ~ Date -//2 o~EvAludAtc&1byýi 0, z(vz,'Page 74 of 161 AO ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSIOP Page 75 of 161 ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSIONR Page 76 of 161
: 7) Does it appearithat the area is free of pdtentially ad*,erse~seismic            YQ'NE] UEL]N/AL1 interactions.asgociated'wilth houisekeepi ng practices, stofrge of portable equipfment,*and ttempor3iirinstallations (eg*, sciaffo1difig, lead shielcding)?
: 8. Have ýou Iobked for and found fi6otiei: seismic coniditions that could         'YU3'N        UL]
: i. 4A3 Status: Y[I ?4C Q[3 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location; Bldg. -vlo Floor, El. 2'5Room, Area 1 l Instructions for Completing Checklist* This checklist may be.used t odocument theresuhts of the Area Walk-By near one, or more SWEL it insThe space below each ofthel foliowing queStions mnaybe used to record tfindifigIs Addii.onal siace is provided at-the end ,6f:thi§.checkltst~for documenting other c6mments.E. Does:anchoage of equipnient infthe arca Parto, ble free of potentially adt&et'se seisrnicconditions necessarily opening cabinls')  
adverseIy'affect.he safety functions of'the equipmentin.the area?
?Y2NI] UM N/AM: ,2. Does anchorage.of equipment in the.:area be.freedf significant, YN NI] UI] ýNAI]" degrfdd conditions?
:Comments (Additional pages may be added asnecessary)
3, Based on a visita! inspection fromi the floor. dýo the cable/conduit ,race hys and", I i C ductihg appeat, to he, fee. of poientiallyi dvers¢.soisfin condjfiions: (e.Cg., cotdiioironof supports is adequate-and fill:conditi6lw Ofdahle traysabppear to be inside, acceptable limits)?Y[ý Nf.71 U0. iI.T/A0.4. Does it appear th' at' the arjea:ifiee1:f potettally adverse seismicspatial YV;NI- UV N/AOI iritera 0thet equipment iithear (e.g;, ceiling ti 16s and
            .B Train - MPL#.O I1N23POO I B cooi eJ10 Evaluated by:,   SrthPUS? YIVA-A                                                     Da~te.             Z-1 7
= If the.rtom in which the SWEL item is located is -very large (e:g., TUi~ibiie Hallo, the Area selected should be described.
QM~L~ fVi~tzP5                                                 -7Z7 (Z Page 72 of 161
This selected aieasliootild on judigent, e.:g.j:6im te orddr 6fabboit 35 feet Ioffii the'SWEL itei., Page 81 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 V };10 Sheet 2 of/s Status:, Yp7 NIM] UF[]AreaWalk-By Checklist (AWC)Location; Bldg; i I Floor El _______ Room,.Area.
: 5. Does it appear that the..ra:ais fiee of potentiallydadverse seismic jot-cra'crion's thota c!ua ts fd orsproy in0 ~aW4....'6. Does it appear that thde area is free ofpotepotiallya dverse seismic interactions that c6uld:cause.  
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                             NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet
ý fife ifTihe aruea'?* Does it pappar th iylte arei s free6f potentP aly adveise seigmIc inieractionsass~cated witlh husekeeping pracficetý stnrage of portable equipment, ,mamn~ tpora,'* inst~hlttinfbs,(eg.,,scaffiding, leaSad shielding)?
                                                                                                                          .. I Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)                                                                                 yf,' N.I U*i Location': lBldg. YARD               FI6ori. 155             Room, Area' .CondensatewStorageTank Instrpctins for Completin &Checklist This ch1ecklist may be used to document ithersults of the Area Walk-By near one-orrmore SWEL items., The&
Y(D, NC1 UO N/A Y .NCN UCT N/AC Yi3 NQ liD N/AC1 8. Have you.looked for and found nio 6titef-seismic coridititins thiat couild advdrsely
:spacebelow each of the following questions may be used to recod the results ofijudgments and findings.
:affd~ct thfe safety fufn t~n 6f the equiipmhent in the~areiO?
Additional space.'is provided at the end of: tis checklist for documenting other comments.
Y9 NO LID C6minents (Ad idoirafljages may be Egvalutjaed by:. ' .-tt,!:M .. Eate: SLJSLL2---1 ~ jJj .[....., " ..... l Page 82 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 F I 14-Sheet I of*,",~Stanis: YLJ N9 00I Area Walk-By Checklist (AWVC)Locaitiown Bldg, Auk Bd0 .Floor El. 12.1' Roohm, Area' .223 Instructions:
L. Dobes andtchorage of equipm.n enrijn thie area appearltIo be,.f Iee of                 Y       [N Un N/AD potentially adverse seismici conditions (if visible'withctit iccessarily opening cabiniet's),?
for: Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to documenithe resulhs olihe Area Walk.By near one, or more SWEL items. The space below each of the following questions may beused to reiord:the results ofjudglnents and findings.Addiiional space is provided at the end ofthis checklistfor documenting otheico mments.L. Does tirnhoh&age aofequipm nt in the area appear tO be free of potentially adverse seismi*- onditions (i vi ible wit hbutnecessaiily opening cabinets)?
2 Does anchorage of equipment in the-area appear to be'free ofsigificant                   Y-JŽJ N     0 DN/AD]0 degraded conditions!,
Y~ ND UD N/AD 2I Does anchorage of equipment in thearea appear to be free of signiifieant YZ ND] tUD[ N/AD.degraded conditions?
            . Based on a visua:linspectiion:fromt/hefloýo,*do.tlhe cable/otiduit                       Y6 A         ID N/AD" raeeways and HVAC'ducting appear to be free. of potentiallyadverse seismic c0nditions (eg, condition of supports is~adequate and fill c:conditions of tcable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?
: 3. Based .on a viikal inspection f-omn~the floor, do the cable/conduit.
: 41. Does itappearthatthe area isfree of potentially adverse seismic spatial               Y9 ND: U0] NIAD
raceways and I VAC ducting~appear toabe free of potentially adverse seismic conditions
:intei-aittions with other equiient,.in the area.(e:g;, 6eilihg tiles and lighting)?>
(.g-., supports is adequate and fill conditibn, Of cable trays appear 'to, beýinside acceptablelimits)?!
[lftheroom9 in ýhJhicthe SWELitem islocated i nhven       large (e:g., ,Turbine atii), the areiqselectedshotild bedescnibed.
YER ND UD N/A[D 4. Dbos it app' hr that the area i free of potentwially adveies ei&mne spatial YD NM UDI N/AD]interactions ith ther equipmentýihthe area (eag,, ceiling tiLes.and lighting)?'
This seleci afei ashould Lye based otjiUidgmeatn .g, onthe 6oder ofaboult 35 feet ft~m the SWEL item.
OVerhanging cable fron cablo tray BHMS06 the room entrance, The.cableis overhanging-sharp edgeof the cable tray-aIf the rodmnwhicbthe'*tt item IS tocat dismery lir iall), the area~selected:
Page 73 of 161
Shouidbe described.
Thfis sd 'ted~iarea shoul~d 6n jtidgiieiidt, c~.el 0n th i~rder bt abbut 35: fevi tileSW Page 83 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet.2 :00(-status: YE [ 'Uf Area Walk-By:Cheeklist (AWC)Locatidw B'ldg. AuxBldGg Floor'El.
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                 NO. SNCFI64-RPT-O1, VERSION 1.0
121' R0oni, Aeala 223 5, io)es itappeTar l;hatk" aca is free of pdtnialy.adVtrse seismic interoa6 Jon'that cidtt0ii Iuse* Hoodijng;6rj sprayi'n ihe) 0Ilea?6. Does it app, ear th at the areis: free, of'potentially adVerse seismic inter.actions:fhata coilfd'cause a fre in thtE fea'7-. DIes itL peap that the arieai isffre of potentially adverse seismic interactions ahsspciated with housekeeping practices,.st6rage of portable afd.-temp,.oray
                                                                                                              'Sheet 2 of' Status:, YP~N[n       ufL]
:installations (e.g:,.scaffolding, lead shielding)9 There "is debris consisting of sheetrock over valve 018Ei4 1HiV3658;This debris is, not heay to cause an adverse seismic'interaction.
    ýArea Walk-By Chectklist (AW.C)'
There are three Nitrogen cormpressed tanks tied with a rope, to. a conduit/pipe support. The tanks are located near th6 roomn ehterance.
    'Location: B~dg.
Since the tanks are properly capped, the caps will prevent the tanks frmb causing any p otential.
Bldg           _         Floor EL 155           Ro6mAreal' CondensateStorage.Tank                 -- 7:
concern for seismic interaction.
5i Dots it ýtppear that.tht tee is free of potentially adverse seismihc                 NFL UJ NIAEI
YIZNLEI !EJ NiAD, Y19 NEJUE] NIAO YZ NET UOn NVAEID 8. Have you looked. f6r and found no othcr ondifio.ns that could, adversely affect theshfety fuhctions of thetequipmetitinthe aiea?YZINEI UE Comnients (Additional pig&s may beadded as necessary)
:iiiteactions that could 'datisc flooding or spry in, the .Are Ia,
Train A -Q1Ba31HV8028, Q'IE1EIMOV8B88A, Q1P16MO V3$149, Q 1.P"1HVj045, Q1P1l7MOV3052 Train B Q1 P17HV3061<
: 6. Does it appealr ih'tthe,.afeaqiftre-bf:p&#xfd;tenfially adverse seismici             Jf ND UDVEN/A`D
Q tP19HV2228
            *interactin61.s th)ati cguld!*caus~e afire in theearea?
7,. Does it appearlhat the area Isfree.**fpotentially adverse:seisrn..c jite*rctiinsaiassb'iated Witti hcisek*epiing-practices, sfdti,ig&
YE] N12 VEI Area Walk-ByChecklist (AWC)':L&deg;cation:'Bldg Ayx Bldg FlA r 121' Room, Ara" ..223.... ..... .. ...... ...y....."D" : .... .............. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ...... .... ... ., .....: ., Page 85 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS V-l -IC NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 86 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 87 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS LJ.EJ NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 88 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 1 of/1 Status: YM NEI- UZ-Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location:
a1. fortbleI equipmeri and temporary;insiallations (e g_.scaffolding, lead shielding)?
Bldg. Auxiliary Floor El. 100' Room, Area' 161 AWB Packacae FI-75 Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the AreaWalk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each~of the following questionsmay be used to record, the results of judgments and findings.Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to befrece of potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visible without necessarily opening cabinets)?
                                                                                                  *1 8.. Have yot looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could           Yg/N0[ UIQ adversely aff~ct thetsafety functions of the eqipinent in'the',area?
YER NEI UF- N/A0l 2. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of significant YZ NEI UE- N/An1 degraded conditions?
Cmiiens(Additionra pi*ages      i may be"aaded asnecessary)
: 3. Based on a visual inSpection fromn the: floor, do the cable/conduit raceways and HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g., condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable trays appear to be. inside acceptable limits)?: Observed overhanging, cables at the radius of the cable tray AHFA07 (near the Sodium Hydroxide Tank). There are no sharp edges, no pinch points and the tray is not overloaded;'therefore, there is no adverse seismic condition.
Train N - Q IPi1 TO*OT 1 Train,B - QJPTILT05:16 EvAludAtc&1by&#xfd;i      *c~ 0 ?7A 4 2~j               ~                                 Date         - //2   o~
: 4. Does it, appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial interactions with other equipment in the area (e.g., ceiling tiles and lighting)?
0, z(vz,'
YN NE1 UE1 N/AE]YZ NE UE- N/A[3'If the room in.which the SWEL item is located is very large (e.g., Turbine.Hall), the area selected should be described.
Page 74 of 161
This selected area should be based on judgment, e.g., on the order of about 35 feet from the SWEL item.Page 89 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of Status: YZ NE] U-]Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location:
Bldg. Auxiliary Floor El. 100' Room, Area, 161 A WB Packaoe FI-75 5, Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions that could cause flooding or spray in the area?6. Does it appear that the area is free ofpotentially adverse seismic interactions that could cause afire in the area?7. Does it appear that the arca is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions associated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding,, lead shielding)?
AO ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS               NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSIOP Page 75 of 161
YN NEI Ufl N/A[-1 YE NEI UC- N/A[I YZ NEI UEi N/Afl 8. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment in the area?Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)
Train AB -MPL # QIP17-HV3096B This package was originally signed on 8-28-12 but retyped for clarity on 11-05-12.Evaluated by: e 1PZ ah bq, lelcon ti/i, i Date: 08-28-12a' Te~econ' t /5/i 2- 08-28-12 Page 90 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sh- 1.of-,r Status: Y 'NEIv AreaWalkBy Ceckist (AWC)Location:.
ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS               NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSIONR Page 76 of 161
Bldg, Auxiliary floor El. 83'._ Room, Area' 128.nstructi6ns for Completing Checklist This~chec Okis. may bec used to dpcumniprhe resdtis ofth AreaWalk-8yonearone omore, I , itemns. T Ihe space bel6w eackhf 0fthi fIlltoin fdqistiun]smay be u6sed to. ec0o&dthe resultsodfjildgmefit&#xfd;snfld findings.Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documeniing other commeny.1. Dbes anchorage 6f equipment in appei-t6o befree f Y~'ND l,, N/AD potential di iinsOf vi)2bkwit oucnec ssrly Opening cftbiriets)?
: 2. Does anchorage:
Page 77 of 161
6f euipicnent in'the dreaappeidto,,be free Of significant Y&#xa5;e64 1ID N/ADj egradeod conditions?
: 3. Based on a visualfinspedtiofi from the floor, do the~cablec6nduit Y Q'D UD-1 N/AD-raceways and HVAC duciing appearto be free of~pofentially adverse seisin h&nditioiS (e~g0, dondition of sup0orts is hdequat&anfd fill conditionstof cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?4&#xfd;, Does it appear thatthe area of poteritially.
9 ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS   0           NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 9 Page 78 of 161
adverse seisinic soatiAl' LIU N/AD inieractions witqhother equipment ,Iin the area .g;, ceilingiiles and lighting)?
T (erg ufrbiroe5Hall) thfearea seletedsho&#xfd;ldbedescibed.
9 ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS               NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION .00 Page 79 of 161
hSeetdae a shul be based&#xfd;onjogment;.e~g., onthile orderof abouit-35 feet from te SWEL iem.Page 91 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.02 of3-Status: Y'4&#xfd;No U0Z Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location:
B Idg; Auxiiary FiPortfli 83':. Robin Arda,, 128)5. Does it a~ppe2Ar that the area is frec oC poetziially  
Page 80 of 161
&#xfd;Wsu interacdtors thatcbutd,, floodirigo&#xfd; 6, Does, 4 appea0r that the area is frine of' ioteritially adverseeisr'edc ,interactions ttci !i.ould cause af!ire in thearea??7. Does it appear chat the area isfreeof potemtially adverse seismi c, ihterkadtionsassociated  
"'ith lihiisekccping pi'adices, storagel 6f: pbftiibe squipment and temporaryginstallafi6ns (e.g., scaffoldi g, lead.shielding)'?liD N/AQ Y NO QUIV NIA Yg N' E U0D N/AID 8. Have youlooked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y ND UD adversely affect the safety functions of the eqpipiment in the.atta?Commentis (Additional pages nay be!added as necessary)
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                           NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 rip~Shedet i.4A3 Status: Y[I ?4C Q[3 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)
A Train' -,MPL# QIEl 1FCVO60-9AAjA  
Location; Bldg. -vlo               Floor,El. 2'5Room, Area1l Instructions for Completing Checklist
]UL8 B Train -MPL#'s Q.1P,15HV3105, O1P17MOV3185B, "ed b Y: bate: .Z-2oz......... ......2 .-, .z --Page 92 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 N ~ Azok,5D Page 93 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 94 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 95 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 S t t u : e t I o f 3 S YR ;ND U[Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location:
      *This checklist may be.used todocument theresuhts of the Area Walk-By near one, or more SWEL it insThe space below each ofthel foliowing queStions mnaybe used to record tfindifigIs Addii.onal siace is provided at-the end ,6f:thi&sect;.checkltst~for documenting other c6mments.
Bldg: AUXBg Floor El., 00'W Room, Area 3 185 ,Instructions for Completing Checklist Tkhig ceccklist may be used to document thegresuits of the Area Walk-By near one or more SW.EL-I;ites The spa~c belOw: each of the following questions may be iused to.record the,iletsofj idgrente arid findings.Additional spaceo is.provided at the end of this checklist.:for.documentingothei" comiiients,.
E. Does:anchoage of equipnient infthe arca
I. Does anchorage, 6f equipment:in the areaappeaf'to be free of'potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visible withou t necessarily opening cabinets).?
* Parto, ble free of                           Y2NI] UM N/AM:
YP-101 EJ N/AEJ 2; Does, anchorage of equipment in the area appear~io be free of significant ir-iD Ur- N/AO degraded conditions?
potentially adt&et'se seisrnicconditions (ifyvi*blewithout necessarily opening cabinls') ?
: 3. Based on 6 visual inspection.from the floor, do the cabe/conduit raceways and J HVAC ducting appear to Ibe free of potcn(Wiiy:
          ,2. Does anchorage.of equipment in the.:area be.freedf significant, YN NI] UI] &#xfd;NAI]"
adverse seikmi-c condidtions (eg., conditioni of support&sect;s is adeimite and filt conditions of cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?4. Does it appearthlat the area'is frd& of potenftilly 1advisge seaisic spatial intetactions with other equipment in the larea (eg., ceiling tUiesand lighting)?
degrfdd conditions?
Y/N6, U1JD N/AQ]'VW'NO UN,/AE].'.ftheroofminwhich the SWEL.item is located isvery lirge (e~g.i TurbinetHall);
3, Based on a visita! inspection fromi the floor. d&#xfd;o the cable/conduit                   Y[&#xfd; Nf.71 U0. iI.T/A0.
the area-setected should bedescribed.
              ,race hys and", Ii C ductihg appeat, to he, fee. of poientiallyi dvers&#xa2;.
This selected area shouldbe based onjudgnt, e~g, on the order of about 35 feet from the SWEL item.Page 96 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 S ~et2of3 Status. Y2&#xfd;'NE .]UFJ Area Walk-By Checklist (AW,-C), Location:
soisfin condjfiions: (e.Cg., cotdiioironof supports is adequate-and fill
Bldg. Aux Bld& Floor El. 100' Room, Area' 185.Djoes it~apa that th.aeatciis free of potimtialy, adyprs'es~et"S1mic....YV&#xfd;NE UOI N/AEJ:intertinddcudcb(fojig ispainh6r?
:conditi6lw Ofdahle traysabppear to be inside, acceptable limits)?
YM/E] E N/AEJ 0,. Does it appear thlat the area'is flee, of potentdally adverse.sei Isaicc-interactions that codld cauke a. fire in the aea:?.7. Doe1.i4tapp&#xfd;v that the area mifree ofpotntially adverre seismic V interactions assocfated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipmnht, and teffiporarylintfallations (e.g.,. scaffblding,:
: 4. Does it appear th'at' the arjea:ifiee1:f potettally adverse seismicspatial             YV;NI-       UV N/AOI iritera ti*ns.vwith 0thet equipment iithear (e.g;, ceiling ti 16s and                           .       .
lead r, NEJ UEi N/AEJ C. Yv~'~.~ & Tr~S. Have you Zooked for and tfound no o iher.seismic conditionslthat coWud adversely ff ect the saf'ty fincidons 6fthei equipment in the area?Y~NQU5 Comiments (Additional puiges may be added as nec'essary) frainAB -QIP7PQOIB&#xfd; Train B. -, QE&#xfd;16H004B Q I0P16FV3009A
.... ... C .A' G A d-ExMvalufed h-  -Tf V/I A.,. *5--~L 7PAL~A j -C~tp1~(Lov&A 4 f ~Dat .e: 6 I6121')ZI&
    =If the.rtom in which the SWEL item is located is -verylarge (e:g., TUi~ibiie Hallo, the Area selected should be described.
This selected aieasliootild bebas*d on judigent, e.:g.j:6imte orddr 6fabboit 35 feet Ioffii the'SWEL itei.,
Page 81 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                               NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 V };10 Sheet 2 of/s Status:, Yp7 NIM] UF[]
AreaWalk-By Checklist (AWC)
Location; Bldg;       i       I         Floor El   _______       Room,.Area.
: 5. Does it appear that the..ra:ais fiee of potentiallydadverse seismic                         Y(D, NC1 UO N/A jot-cra'crion's thota c!ua           fdts        orsproy in0 ~aW4....
        '6. Does it appear that thde area is free ofpotepotiallya dverse seismic                       Y. NCNUCT N/AC interactions that c6uld:cause. &#xfd; fife ifTihe aruea'?
* Does it                 th iylte arei s free6f pappar potentPaly adveise seigmIc               Yi3 NQ liD N/AC1 inieractionsass~cated witlh husekeeping pracficet&#xfd; stnrage of portable equipment, ,mamn~     tpora,'* inst~hlttinfbs,(eg.,,scaffiding, leaSad shielding)?
: 8. Have     you.looked advdrsely               forsafety
:affd~ct thfe   and found    nio 6titef-seismic fufn t~n                   coridititins thiat couild 6f the equiipmhent inthe~areiO?           Y9 NO LID C6minents (Ad idoirafljages may be addt6disi*cessaryY Egvalutjaed by:. '       ;Ab*.0                              .- tt,!:M 'c*~              ..       Eate:
D;{*. SLJSLL2---
7.*..    ~        1   2*        jJj
                                                          .[.....,                                   ".....           l Page 82 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                                     NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 F I14-                                                                                                               Sheet I of*,",~
Stanis: YLJ N9 00I Area Walk-By Checklist (AWVC)
Locaitiown Bldg, Auk Bd0           . Floor El. 12.1'                 Roohm, Area' .223 Instructions: for: Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to documenithe resulhs olihe Area Walk.By near one, or more SWEL items. The space below each of the following questions may beused to reiord:the results ofjudglnents and findings.
Addiiional space is provided at the end ofthis checklistfor documenting otheico mments.
L. Does tirnhoh&age aofequipm nt in the area appear tO be free of                                     Y~ ND UD N/AD potentially adverse seismi*- onditions (i vi ible wit hbutnecessaiily opening cabinets)?
2I Does anchorage of equipment in thearea appear to be free of signiifieant                           YZ ND] tUD[ N/AD.
degraded conditions?
: 3. Based .on a viikal inspection f-omn~the floor, do the cable/conduit.                             YER ND UD N/A[D raceways and I VAC ducting~appear toabe free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (.g-., c*ndition of*supports is adequate and fill conditibn, Of cable trays appear 'to, be&#xfd;inside acceptablelimits)?!
: 4. Dbos it app' hr that the area i free of potentwially adveies               ei&mne spatial         YD NM UDI N/AD]
interactions ith ther equipment&#xfd;ihthe area (eag,, ceiling tiLes.and lighting)?'
OVerhangingcable fron cablo tray BHMS06 *nar the room entrance, The.cableis overhanging-sharpedgeof the cable tray-the rodmnwhicbthe'*tt Thfis sd 'ted~iarea shoul~d b**"baseditem 6n IS tocat dismery jtidgiieiidt, c~.el 0nlirth i~rder bt abbut iall),
35: fevithefro~m*
aIftileSW area~selected: Shouidbe described.
Page 83 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                               NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet.2 :00(
                                                                                            -status: YE
[       'Uf Area Walk-By:Cheeklist (AWC)
Locatidw B'ldg. AuxBldGg             Floor'El. 121'         R0oni, Aeala 223 5, io)es itappeTar l;hatk" aca is free of pdtnialy.adVtrse seismic             YIZNLEI !EJ NiAD, interoa6 Jon'that cidtt0ii Iuse*Hoodijng;6rj sprayi'n ihe)0Ilea?
: 6. Does it app,ear th at the areis: free,of'potentially adVerse seismic         Y19 NEJUE] NIAO inter.actions:fhata coilfd'cause a fre in thtE fea' 7-. DIes itL peap that the arieai isffre of potentially adverse seismic         YZ NET UOn NVAEID interactions ahsspciated with housekeeping practices,.st6rage of portable equipmeTn*n afd.-temp,.oray :installations (e.g:,.scaffolding, lead shielding)9 There "isdebris consisting of sheetrock over valve 018Ei4 1HiV3658; This debris is,not heay to cause an adverse seismic'interaction.
There are three Nitrogen cormpressed tanks tied with a rope,to. a conduit/pipe support. The tanks are located nearth6 roomn ehterance.
Since the tanks are properly capped, the caps will prevent the tanks frmb causing any potential.concern for seismic interaction.
: 8. Have you looked. f6r and found no othcr seistmic* ondifio.ns that could,     YZINEI UE adversely affect theshfety fuhctions of thetequipmetitinthe aiea?
Comnients (Additional pig&s may beadded as necessary)
Train A - Q1Ba31HV8028, Q'IE1EIMOV8B88A, Q1P16MOV3$149, Q 1.P"1HVj045, Q1P1l7MOV3052 Train B Q1 P17HV3061< QtP19HV2228 '
NG24VQ03A Page 84 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                             NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sffitus;: YE] N12 VEI Area Walk-ByChecklist (AWC)'
:L&deg;cation:'Bldg Ayx Bldg                 FlA r El* 121'       Room, Ara"..223.
y....."D"               .. ... .....
                            ..... .. ..... .   ...)*
Page 85 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS               NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 V-l -IC Page 86 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS               NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 87 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS               NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 LJ.EJ Page 88 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                   NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 1 of/1 Status: YM NEI- UZ-Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)
Location: Bldg. Auxiliary       Floor El. 100'           Room, Area' 161                       AWB Packacae FI-75 Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the AreaWalk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each~of the following questionsmay be used to record,the results of judgments and findings.
Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.
: 1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to befrece of                       YER NEI UF- N/A0l potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visible without necessarily opening cabinets)?
: 2. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of significant             YZ NEI UE- N/An1 degraded conditions?
: 3. Based on a visual inSpection fromn the: floor, do the cable/conduit                 YN NE1 UE1 N/AE]
raceways and HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g., condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable trays appear to be. inside acceptable limits)?:
Observed overhanging,cables at the radius of the cable tray AHFA07 (nearthe Sodium Hydroxide Tank). There are no sharp edges, no pinch points and the tray is not overloaded;'therefore,there is no adverse seismic condition.
: 4. Does it, appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial         YZ NE UE- N/A[3 interactions with other equipment in the area (e.g., ceiling tiles and lighting)?
  'If the room in.which the SWEL item is located is very large (e.g., Turbine.Hall), the area selected should be described.
This selected area should be based on judgment, e.g., on the order of about 35 feet from the SWEL item.
Page 89 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                         NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of Status: YZ   NE] U-]
Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)
Location: Bldg. Auxiliary       Floor El. 100'         Room, Area, 161             A WB Packaoe FI-75 5, Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic       YN NEI Ufl N/A[-1 interactions that could cause flooding or spray in the area?
: 6. Does it appear that the area is free ofpotentially adverse seismic       YE NEI UC- N/A[I interactions that could cause afire in the area?
: 7. Does it appear that the arca is free of potentially adverse seismic       YZ NEI UEi N/Afl interactions associated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding,, lead shielding)?
: 8. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment in the area?
Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)
Train AB - MPL # QIP17-HV3096B This package was originally signed on 8-28-12 but retyped for clarity on 11-05-12.
Evaluated by:       e 1PZah bq,lelcon         ti/i, i                           Date: 08-28-12 "R*ran        a'   Te~econ'         t /5/i 2-                             08-28-12 Page 90 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                   NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sh- 1.of-,r Status: Y   'NEIv AreaWalkBy Ceckist (AWC)
Location:. Bldg, Auxiliary     floor El. 83'._         Room, Area' 128
    .nstructi6ns for Completing Checklist This~chec Okis. may bec used to dpcumniprhe resdtis ofth AreaWalk-8yonearone omore, I , itemns. T Ihe space bel6w eackhf0fthi fIlltoin fdqistiun]smay be u6sed to. ec0o&dthe resultsodfjildgmefit&#xfd;snfld findings.
Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documeniing other commeny.
: 1. Dbes anchorage 6f equipment in the*ai-ea appei-t6o befree f                   Y~'ND     l,, N/AD potential g*idverse              di iinsOf vi)2bkwit oucnec ssrly Opening cftbiriets)?
: 2. Does anchorage: 6f euipicnent in'the dreaappeidto,,be free Of significant       Y&#xa5;e64 1ID N/ADj egradeod conditions?
: 3. Based on a visualfinspedtiofi from the floor, do the~cablec6nduit             Y     Q'DUD-1 N/AD-raceways and HVAC duciing appearto be free of~pofentially adverse h&nditioiS (e~g0, seisin                    dondition of sup0orts is hdequat&anfd fill conditionstof cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?
4&#xfd;, Does it appear thatthe area is*ffd0of poteritially. adverse seisinic soatiAl'   YI*4N] LIU N/AD inieractions witqhother equipment ,Iin the area .g;, ceilingiiles and lighting)?
T   issltedihrhiohtheSbaELite6nislocatedmisie*rtlageo (erg ufrbiroe5Hall) thfearea seletedsho&#xfd;ldbedescibed.
hSeetdae     a shul be based&#xfd;onjogment;.e~g., onthile orderof abouit-35 feet from te SWEL iem.
Page 91 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                 NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 S!*e* 2 of3-Status: Y'4&#xfd;No U0Z Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)
Location: B Idg;   Auxiiary       FiPortfli   83':.       Robin Arda,, 128                   )
: 5. Does it a~ppe2Ar that the area is frec oC poetziially             &#xfd;Wsu interacdtors thatcbutd,, floodirigo&#xfd; sprayjnij:th*"Ar.fea?
Y*ND liD N/AQ 6, Does, 4 appea0r that the area is frineof' ioteritially adverseeisr'edc           Y      NO QUIV NIA
            ,interactions ttci
                            !i.ouldcause af!ire in thearea??
: 7. Does it appear chat the area isfreeof potemtially adverse seismi c, ihterkadtionsassociated "'ith lihiisekccping pi'adices, storagel 6f: pbftiibe squipment and temporaryginstallafi6ns (e.g., scaffoldi g, lead
: 8. Have youlooked for and found no other seismic conditions that could             Y     ND UD adversely affect the safety functions of the eqpipiment in the.atta?
Commentis (Additional pages nay be!added as necessary)
A Train' -,MPL# QIEl1FCVO60-9AAjA                                             ]UL8 B Train - MPL#'s Q.1P,15HV3105, O1P17MOV3185B E-vaua*I bY:                                                      , "ed               bate: . Z-2oz...
                                      -,             .        .z                                     2          -   -
Page 92 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS               NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 N~ Azok,5D Page 93 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS               NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 94 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS               NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 95 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                     NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 St tu:e t I o f 3 S       YR ;ND U[
Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)
Location: Bldg: AUXBg             Floor El., 00'W         Room, Area3 185
      ,Instructions for Completing Checklist Tkhig ceccklist may be used to document thegresuits of the Area Walk-By near one or more SW.EL-I;ites The spa~c belOw: each of the following questions may be iused to.record the,iletsofj idgrente arid findings.
Additional spaceo is.provided at the end of this checklist.:for.documentingothei" comiiients,.
I. Does anchorage, 6f equipment:in the areaappeaf'to be free of'                   YP-101 EJ        N/AEJ potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visible withou t necessarily opening cabinets).?
2; Does, anchorage of equipment inthe area appear~io be free of significant         Y*      ir-iDUr- N/AO degraded conditions?
: 3. Based on 6 visual inspection.from the floor, do the cabe/conduit                 Y/N6, U1JD N/AQ]
raceways and HVAC J       ducting appear to Ibe free of potcn(Wiiy: adverse seikmi-c condidtions (eg., conditioni of support&sect;s is adeimite and filt conditions of cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?
: 4. Does it appearthlat the area'is frd& of potenftilly 1advisge seaisic spatial       'VW'NOUN,/AE]
intetactions with other equipment in the larea (eg., ceiling tUiesand lighting)?
    .'.ftheroofminwhich the SWEL.item is located isvery lirge (e~g.i TurbinetHall); the area-setected should bedescribed.
This selected area shouldbe based onjudgnt, e~g, on the order of about 35 feet from the SWEL item.
Page 96 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                 NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 S   ~et2of3 Status. Y2&#xfd;'NE   . ]UFJ Area Walk-By Checklist (AW,-C),
Location: Bldg. Aux Bld&         Floor El. 100'           Room, Area' 185
          .Djoes   it~apa that th.aeatciis free of potimtialy, adyprs'es~et"S1mic....YV&#xfd;NE             UOI N/AEJ
:intertinddcudcb(fojig ispainh6r?
0,. Does it appear thlat the area'is flee,of potentdally adverse.sei Isaicc-             YM/E]E N/AEJ interactions that codld cauke a. fire in the aea:?.
: 7. Doe1.i4tapp&#xfd;v that the area mifree ofpotntially adverre seismic                 V     NEJ UEi N/AEJ interactions assocfated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipmnht, and teffiporarylintfallations (e.g.,. scaffblding,: lead C. Yv~'~.~                 &       Tr~
S. Have you Zooked     for and tfound no o iher.seismic conditionslthat coWud     Y~NQU5 adversely ff ect the saf'ty fincidons 6fthei equipment in the area?
Comiments (Additional puiges may be added as nec'essary) frainAB   - QIP7PQOIB&#xfd; Train B. -,QE&#xfd;16H004B     Q I0P16FV3009A
                      ....     ... C                                   .                 A'       G     A   d
ExMvalufed h- j*      -Tf   V/I A.,. *5--         ~L 7PAL~A                       Dat .e:
C~tp1~(Lov&A 4f            ~
6 I6121')ZI&
Page 97 of 161
Page 97 of 161
* ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSIONO&w 10 Page 98 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet I of- 1~,Sutu~s; Y[i?1NEFl U[](~ 7 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC):L'cation:
Bldg. -x Bido 179 Roorn, Areal 506 Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist maiy be used;to docini'ieit the re6ults of the.Area Walk-By ne ir o or ro e!S:WEL; items. The:space below each of the following questions may be used to recordhe:
  &w 10 Page 98 of 161
resu is ojuidgmolnsand&#xfd;t findings.Additionai space is provided at the. end of t hischecklist for, (ocnent ingbther co.iinlnts.  
--1. Does anch1orage of equipment in the area appear to be free of'opotenially'adverse scisniic conditions(if visjble withotit necscqariy opening, cabinets)'?
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                           NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0
Y0 ND UD. NIAA 2; Does anchorage of equipment inthe area appeartobefree of significant Yb ND UD N/AD degraded conditins'?
(~7                                                                                  Sheet I of- 1~
3., Based onma visuali nstpction from thelfloor, do the.cable/conduit ace6Ways and HVAC ductcing appearto be free of potentially adverse seismic cordition&#xfd; (eg., condition of supports is adequateiand fill conditions of Cable trays appea to &#xfd;nisidajcepde bli)tnJitsc YD .ND U N/A 4. Doesoit appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial. Y /NE] UDE]N/AD7I.interactiofis w1ith6oteth equipment in the area (e.g; ceilingtil6s and lighting)?
                                                                                                          ,Sutu~s; Y[i?1NEFl   U[]
If..the room in.wt'iich the SWEL item is located is ver large (eg;.,'Tur bine Ha!!)&#xfd;Ae atea seected-shouldbe described,'Thfi,'selectedlarea.
Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)
shof.ildr be based on juidgdfien.te g., oii the orde of about 5 feet fromittheSWEL tAL , "m.Page 99 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 a ]Slows Yg [J !r Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)L-ocation:
:L'cation: Bldg. -x Bido               Floo*rEl    179             Roorn, Areal 506 Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist maiy be used;to docini'ieit the re6ults of the.Area Walk-By ne iro *et.or ro e!S:WEL; items. The
Bldg. Aux Bldg Floor El: 179 Roori: A o506 5. Does:it appear that thIe area is free:of'Potentially adverse scismic intuactonstha~~iki~aj~ilooding or spray in the ama~?.:6. D~csIjt appemtitlat the~iiea isfree:6f potent dlfl!adgeirse eismic interactions-that could]cause a firein the area?7.. Doe&#xfd; it appear that the area is free of Potefitiallvy adverse seis~mic i nter tioi j s .associated' With hou.sekeeping liractieas, stoiagePf pot able equipment, and temporary instaltations(e~g;, scaffolding, lead&#xfd;shielding)?
:space below each of the following questions may be used to recordhe: resu is ojuidgmolnsand&#xfd;t findings.
*YGIiNO UEJJ'J/AC Z YQ,2,EI U.0 N/AOl Y9~g NOJ UE N/AQ7 8. Have you:looked for andrfound no other seisniieconditions thatcould:
Additionai space is provided at the. end of thischecklist for, (ocnent ingbther co.iinlnts.                     - -
dvler&#xfd;ely affect the, safety functions of the equipment)in the area?Y0I N 'U30 Comno11t( (Additional pages may be ald'deed as necessary)
: 1. Does anch1orage of equipment in the area appear to be free of'                         Y0 ND UD. NIAA opotenially'adverse scisniic conditions(if visjble withotit necscqariy opening,cabinets)'?
Train N -O-1P7TTO1 Evaluated by,: -. __________.. ..& Date: ': "' 7/Page 100 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 1 ofX' &#xfd;14Y1 Status:: YE] NZ U--.Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location:
2; Does anchorage of equipment inthe area appeartobefree of significant                   Yb ND UD N/AD degraded conditins'?
Bldg.. Auxiliary  
3., Based onma visuali nstpction from thelfloor, do the.cable/conduit                       YD .ND U        N/A ace6Ways and HVAC ductcing appearto be free of potentially adverse seismic cordition&#xfd; (eg., condition of supports is adequateiand fill conditions of Cable trays appea to &#xfd;nisidajcepde               bli)tnJitsc
... Floor El. 100' Room, Area' 189 Instructions for Completing Checklist AWB PackageFI-80 This checklist may be used to document the results of the Area Walk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record theresults ofjudgnients and findings.Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free, of Y] NO. UCJ N/A--potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visible without necessarily opening cabinets)?
: 4. Doesoit appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial.             Y /NE] UDE]N/AD7I
Bent anchorages on AS CNDSTK to the north. Entered into the CAP ref. CR505553 2. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of significant Y[ NCl UC] N/A[degraded conditions?
              .interactiofis w1ith6oteth equipment in the area (e.g; ceilingtil6s and lighting)?
No degradation noted 3., Based on a visual inspection from the floor, do the cable/conduit raceways and HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g., condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?See #4 below YZ NC UC] N/AC]4. Does it appear that the area is free'of potentiallyadverse seismic spatial YO NCI UC1 N/AC'interactions with other equipment in the area (e;g., ceiling tiles and lighting)?
If..the room in.wt'iich the SWEL item is located is ver large (eg;.,'Tur bine Ha!!)&#xfd;Ae atea seected-shouldbe described,
(1) TS4x4 on floor to the south, see pix, needs to be removed, (2)unchocked cart in RMA to be chocked, (3) Ladder on floor to the west and stanchions unsecured, require securing, (4) duct cantilerver above, judged OK, (5) stanchion (loose) inside door to be removed. Ref.CR504972'if the ronm in which the SWEL item is located is very large (e.g., Turbine Hall), the area selected should be described.
  'Thfi,'selectedlarea. shof.ildr be based on juidgdfien.te g., oii the orde of about 5 feet fromittheSWEL tAL,         "m.
This selected area should be based on judgment, e.g., on the order of about 35 feet fromn the SWEL item.Page 101 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 6 Sheet 2, of ,.Status:, Y[L Nn UL]Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location:
Page 99 of 161
Bldg. Auxiliary Floor El. 100' Room, Area' 189 5. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions that could cause flooding or spray in the area?None noted 6. 'Does it appear that the area is fi-ee of potentially adverse seismic interactions that could cause a fire in the area?No combustibles in the area outside.of the material storage area to the south, some plastics are stored in this area.7. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions associated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead shielding)?
See items under #4 page 1 AWB Package FI-80 YM NEI UE1 N/AE YZ NEI U- N/AFJ YZ NEI Un N/AE-8. Have you looked for and.found no other seismic conditions that could YN NE UE adversely affect the safety function!s of the equipment in the area?Some pipe supports (sliding supports) appear to be connected to. both the AB and C TMT. Could'not access all ihstances due to inaccessibility (crowded with equipment)., This does not appear to be. a problem that requires further investigation, Comments (Additional pages maybe added as necessary)
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                   NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Slows Yg     [J   ]    !r a
B train -.MPL # QIP18COO2B This package was originally signed on 8-21-12 but retyped for clarity on 10-23-12.... ..... ._ _ __.._ _-._ _ _Evaluated by: Paul ______.08-21-12 te hen Yuan by Telecon 0821-12 Page 102 of 161 O ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION .0 Page 103 of 161 WTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.90.... ................
Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)
....Page 104 of 161 A ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1*0 Page 105 of 161 07ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSIONO Page 106 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 C..yeet: 1 4fIi Stat s:~ Y~ NT73 tin Ares Walk-By Checklist (AWC)tLocatipn: ,Bldg. _]X .Floor El. i i Room, Area'332 InstiLuctions for" Completing Checklist This checklistm,'aybe used to document tfhe res,6isiof Ihe Area Walk-Bvynear one or more SWEL itemns, The: space:Seb6lw eachofi the fotliowing queStI6n.1 may b&#xfd;e used to record ithe r-stiis of judglte.s andj findnags Additional spaceis provided'at the end o1 this checklistfor.documeiting.othercoifinien , 9 .I. Dbes anchorage ofequipmrent'inithe area app'ear to be free0of po tenitially -adverseseismic conditions (if visible witho,.i necessarily opeping calbinets)?
L-ocation: Bldg. Aux Bldg             Floor El: 179           Roori: A       o506
; bUD' N/&#xfd;AD 2. Does anchorage ofequipment in the drea appear to befree of significant N UD 'Un N/AD]degraded conditiOns?
: 5. Does:it appear that thIe area is free:of'Potentially adverse scismic             *YGIiNO UEJJ'J/AC intuactonstha~~iki~aj~ilooding or spray in the ama~?.
Y ND JD N/AD:3. Based on ai visual inspection from thee ftopr, do0 the cable/conduit raceways and HVAC duating appear to be free oflpotentialladVeise seismic condiltions (e&#xfd;g, condition of supports is adeqiiateand fill trays~aptpear to be iiaide iceppabl limits).4, Does~it app.eathat the area potentially adverse.;seismic spatial Y /KDNC U-I .N/AD interactions withotl er equipmeint iii theae ii:e.,ceiling tiles aind lighting)?
:6. D~csIjt appemtitlat the~iiea isfree:6f potent dlfl!adgeirse eismic                   Z YQ,2,EI U.0 N/AOl interactions-that could]cause a firein the area?
Iif the SWEL itemiS located is re, .large (e:g,, Turbine Hall); the area sejlectedd slcild be described.
7.. Doe&#xfd; it appear that the area is free of Potefitiallvy adverse seis~mic           Y9~g NOJ  UE N/AQ7 i ntera*itioij s .associated'With hou.sekeeping liractieas, stoiagePf pot able equipment, and temporary instaltations(e~g;, scaffolding, lead&#xfd; shielding)?
his selected area, basedon judhimient e.g.,,oii ttie.6id&of abdutt feet fr6,filtbiSWEL itdm".Page 107 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0'F-) -nit)~'N[72os Area Waik-By Checklist (AWf),'Location:
: 8. Have you:looked for andrfound no other seisniieconditions thatcould:               Y0I N  'U30 dvler&#xfd;ely affect the, safety functions of the equipment)in the area?
Bldg ...o .l... Roomi, Area' ..5'. Does lit appear that the, area is free of pot ent ialiiy advc ISe sei smiucY NEI tJI 1NIAL.interacIions that could cause flooding.or spray ...he. area? : ...6: Does it. appear that the'area is free of poientially adverse seismic Y /NE- -U0 N/AO interactions that. could cause'.a fire in the6'area?
Comno11t( (Additional pages may be ald'deed as necessary)
1&#xfd;Doe ?t'ppear that, the arais fide of:&#xfd;otentiahly adrs sesi 6Nn 00 N-I&#xfd;'X~initeircioni6hs associated housekeeping praci cest, otrage of'portable.
Train N - O-1P7TTO1 Evaluated by,:-. _________
equipment, and temporary installations  
"(e.g., scaff6lding, lead shfieldfng)?'
: 8. Have you looked for. and found no otfierseismic conditionsilihat coula: x NE-I U10'adversOdy  
Page 100 of 161
&#xfd;affect the s:afety functions of ftheequipiment in'the area?Commevts (Ate ddional jages maybe adby:, as ices.a'y):
Evltatdb :. -..>-.e:i- z" 5 " 2~ / ~i.&sect;Page 108 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sh, el oet n'Status: YWaf NB k UE)Area Walk-By Chec'klist (AWC')Locafion:
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                     NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 1 ofX' &#xfd;14Y1 Status:: YE] NZ       U--
Bldg. -Floor El. 12I Room, AMea, 2 Instructions for Completing Chedclist  
    .Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)
....This checklist may be&#xfd;used to: docnment the results of theArea %alik-By near. one ormore SWELitems..
Location: Bldg.. Auxiliary     ...Floor El. 100'         Room, Area' 189                       AWB PackageFI-80 Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Area Walk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record theresults ofjudgnients and findings.
The pa&c below'each of tiefollowing quesfion:&#xfd; may be ised to record, the result olf jtudgmeutw and 'finding.Additional space is p;-ded at the cnd of ti checklist for do&6hmeiiting other cFmentl .: :;. ... ., .;. 7 * ....: .* .-. : : .,: ..: ; .; ; .* : -.. ......1, Does anchorage ofequipmcmiv the trea appear to be free of'piteiitially ad~ver, eistc diditionsfif visible swithrutIncessT ily.openii~g cabinets)?
Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.
Y5~NE2 UD N/AD 2. Does anchorageofrquipment inthe areaappear to be free ofsigniJficant  
: 1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free, of                       Y] NO. UCJ N/A--
'YIq 1 NQl U- N/Aor degraded cnd tiois?.3. Based on a visuan inspefction fmmorn the floor, do thecable/conduit raceways and HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentialiy adverse.seismini coditions (e.g., condiltion ofsupports is adequateand fi lt donidi tions of cable trays appear to be insidk accept;ablelimits)?
potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visible without necessarily opening cabinets)?
4 Doe.s it that the area i s frie9eof:potentially adverse spatial intetacti:nIs with other~equipniient:in the area (e.g., ceiling til6s and lightjng)?
Bent anchorageson AS CNDSTK to the north. Entered into the CAP ref. CR505553
YE, M] UEJ NIAM Y /NDl VE N/AD3 If the room in ,hich'the:SWEL item i. located is sehyiarge~g.goIbine.Hall,,the, reasclieetedshould:be described.
: 2. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of significant             Y[   NCl UC] N/A[
This selectedariea sh6t idl baebid odjtdgment, I "g~ 6f ed' of but 35f66 rmt .SE tn Page 109 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Status: Y2' NO 'Lin: Area Wal k-By Checklist (AWC)Location: .BIdg. 0 Floor El, QI Room, Area!= 2 z. : , ~..... ... ... ....5. Does it appear that; the areamis free of potentiIly iadve,.e seisnmic.  
degraded conditions?
, ifiterai.ti'oris tlit cotld clise. floodinp gOr spi'ay .in tSe, arca?6, Does it aoper that the area is ftee, of potentially.
No degradationnoted 3., Based on a visual inspection from the floor, do the cable/conduit                   YZ NC UC] N/AC]
adverseismic nitteractipops that coufdcause=a&#xfd;firp in the area?7T Does itu.appear that the r
raceways and HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g., condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?
i p'tsntilyadverse, seisanc.* iht i~ati s .I ~sci ted pith :h6i2sekep~ing practiees, stdrogedfportable equipment.;and temporary ihstal),,tibns:(e.g,.
See #4 below
: 4. Does it appear that the area is free'of potentiallyadverse seismic spatial           YO NCI UC1 N/AC' interactions with other equipment in the area (e;g., ceiling tiles and lighting)?
lead shielding)?
(1) TS4x4 on floor to the south, see pix, needs to be removed, (2) unchocked cart in RMA to be chocked, (3) Ladderon floor to the west and stanchions unsecured,require securing, (4) duct cantilerverabove, judged OK, (5) stanchion (loose) inside door to be removed. Ref.
Y N.....E JJ'EN/AE LJO N/AD1 Y79N0 U171 N/AD, 8. Have you looked for and found no other seismic cndition:that could Yd.NO. UD adverseiy'affect thet!safety functions of the equipqientjintheareua?
Conimentsh(Additioal pages may ie added as neccssary), Page 110 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Statis: Y[W'&#xfd;F] UL0 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Locaiion:
    'if the ronm in which the SWEL item is located is very large (e.g., Turbine Hall), the area selected should be described.
Bldg. Au9jflt/.
This selected area should be based on judgment, e.g., on the order of about 35 feet fromn the SWEL item.
Fldoor El. 139i Room. Area'3 3&#xfd;I 2 ..... .. ... .7 -. U ,. .... ' ., .. *Instrucions for Completing Chec.klist This: checklisf may be used todocurmient'ihe reu Ils of the AreaWalk-By near one or ,ore SWEL ithis3 The Space below each of tlhle flowing qutestions may be used to record the results ofjudgnments and fnidings.Additional space is providd atthe. end of-this checklist fordocumenting other commeony.I .1 Doe3sanchorage ozfequipment in the area appear to'be free: of potentiawitnhcla1sessaily openingeabinets).?
Page 101 of 161
YVN~ LO N/AD 2. Doesanchorageof eqqipment in the area appearto be efee of signifilcanQ  
-N/AD degraded conditionsT
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                             NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 6
: 3. Based on a visual inspection from the floor; do the cable/conduit HVAC ductingappear to be ifree 6opotentially adverse seismic conditions (eg., conditionof supports is adequaie and fill condition ofi)cabie tray) appear to be inside acceptable limits)?NbEJAoU N/AQ 4. DoYes it appear that the area is .free of potentiyadverse seismic spatial Y ,{N0 UD N/AD interactions with other equipment in the area (e.g., ceilifg tiles and lighting)?
Sheet 2, of ,.
Status:, Y[L     Nn UL]
Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)
Location: Bldg. Auxiliary       Floor El. 100'           Room, Area' 189             AWB Package FI-80
: 5. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic         YM NEI UE1 N/AE interactions that could cause flooding or spray in the area?
None noted
: 6. 'Does it appear that the area is fi-ee of potentially adverse seismic       YZ NEI U-          N/AFJ interactions that could cause a fire in the area?
No combustibles in the area outside.of the material storage area to the south, some plastics are stored in this area.
: 7. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic         YZ NEI Un N/AE-interactions associated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead shielding)?
See items under #4 page 1
: 8. Have you looked for and.found no other seismic conditions that could       YN NE UE adversely affect the safety function!s of the equipment in the area?
Some pipe supports (sliding supports) appearto be connected to.both the AB and C TMT. Could'not access all ihstances due to inaccessibility (crowded with equipment)., This does not appear to be. a problem that requires further investigation, Comments (Additional pages maybe added as necessary)
B train -.MPL # QIP18COO2B This package was originally signed on 8-21-12 but retyped for clarity on 10-23-12 Evaluated by: Paul                                                                ______.08-21-12 te hen Yuan by Telecon                                                   0821-12 Page 102 of 161
O ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                 NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION .0 Page 103 of 161
WTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                 NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.90 Page 104 of 161
A ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                 NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1*0 Page 105 of 161
07ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                 NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSIONO Page 106 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                           NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Ares Walk-By Checklist (AWC) tLocatipn: ,Bldg. _]X               . Floor El. i         i C..
Room, Area'       332 yeet: 1 4fIi Stat s:~ Y~ NT73 tin InstiLuctions for" Completing Checklist This checklistm,'aybe used to document tfhe res,6isiof Ihe Area Walk-Bvynear one or more SWEL itemns, The:
space:Seb6lw eachofi the fotliowing queStI6n.1 may b&#xfd;eused to record ithe r-stiis of judglte.s andj findnags Additional spaceis provided'at the end o1 this checklistfor.documeiting.othercoifinien9 , .
I. Dbes anchorage ofequipmrent'inithe area app'ear to be free0of                               ; bUD' N/&#xfd;AD po tenitially -adverseseismic conditions (if visible witho,.i necessarily opeping calbinets)?
: 2. Does anchorage ofequipment in the drea appear to befree of significant                       N   'Un UD N/AD]
degraded conditiOns?
:3. Based on aivisual inspection from thee ftopr, do0 the cable/conduit                       Y ND    JD N/AD raceways and HVAC duating appear to be free oflpotentialladVeise seismic condiltions (e&#xfd;g, condition of supports is adeqiiateand fill conditions*of'cabi6 trays~aptpear to be iiaide iceppabl limits).
4, Does~it app.eathat the area isf*fee'o. potentially adverse.;seismic spatial           Y /KDNCU-I .N/AD interactions withotl er equipmeint iii theae ii:e.,ceiling tiles aind lighting)?
Iif the~ooir*iinfwhich the SWEL itemiS located is re, .large (e:g,, Turbine Hall); the area sejlectedd slcild be described.
his selected area,   basedon judhimient e.g.,,oii ttie.6id&of abdutt feet fr6,filtbiSWEL itdm".
Page 107 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                     NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0
                                                                                                                ~'N[72os Area Waik-By Checklist (AWf),
    'Location: Bldg. ..l... o                                      Roomi, Area'       .
          .5'. Does lit appear that the, area is free of pot ent ialiiy advc ISe sei smiucY         NEI tJI 1NIAL .
he. area? :        ...                  .
              .interacIions that could cause flooding.or spray
        .6: Does it. appear that the'area is free of poientially adverse seismic               Y /NE- -U0 N/AO interactions that. could cause'.a fire in the6'area?
1&#xfd;Doe       ?t'ppear that, the arais fide of:&#xfd;otentiahly adrs sesi                 6Nn 00 N-I&#xfd;'X~
initeircioni6hs associated With* housekeeping praci cest,otrage of'portable.
equipment, and temporary installations "(e.g.,scaff6lding, lead shfieldfng)?'
: 8. Have you looked for. and found no otfierseismic conditionsilihat coula:             x     NE-I U10' adversOdy &#xfd;affect the s:afety functions of ftheequipiment in'the area?
Commevts (Ate       ddional jages maybe adby:,as ices.a'y):
Evltatdb           :.           -                         . .>-.e:i-         "                    z" 5 2~         /             ~i.&sect; Page 108 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                                       NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sh, el       oet n
                                                                                                                      'Status: YWaf NB k UE)
Area Walk-By Chec'klist (AWC')
Locafion: Bldg. -                       Floor El.               12I       Room, AMea,       2 Instructions for Completing Chedclist .                               .           ..
This checklist may be&#xfd;used to: docnment the results of theArea %alik-By near. one ormore SWELitems.. The pa&c below'each of tiefollowing quesfion:&#xfd; may be ised to record, the result olf jtudgmeutw and 'finding.
Additional space is: p;-ded
:;. . ... .. at , .the
                                                    . ;.cnd
: 7 . *of
* ti .-. checklist for do&6hmeiiting
: : .,: . . other :cFmentl 1, Does anchorage ofequipmcmiv the trea appear to be free of'                                         Y5~NE2 UD N/AD eistc diditionsfif visible piteiitially ad~ver, swithrutIncessT                                                   ily.
openii~g cabinets)?
: 2. Does anchorageofrquipment inthe areaappear to be free ofsigniJficant 'YIq NQl U-                                         N/Aor degraded cnd tiois?.
: 3. Based on a visuan       inspefction fmmorn the floor, do thecable/conduit                           YE,      M] UEJ NIAM raceways and HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentialiy adverse.
seismini coditions (e.g., condiltion ofsupports is adequateand fi lt donidi tions of cable trays appear to be insidk accept;ablelimits)?
4 Doe.s it that the area is frie9eof:potentially adverse s*uicic spatial                         Y /NDl      VE N/AD3 intetacti:nIs with other~equipniient:in the area (e.g., ceiling til6s and lightjng)?
If the room in ,hich'the:SWEL item i. located is                                                       reasclieetedshould:be sehyiarge~g.goIbine.Hall,,the, described.
This selectedariea sh6t idl baebid odjtdgment,                         6f I ed' "g~ of but 35f66 rmt .SE                 tn Page 109 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                 NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Status: Y2' NO 'Lin:
Area Wal k-By Checklist (AWC)
                  * =0 Location: .BIdg.   *2 z.            Floor El,
:      QI         ~.....
                                                              ... , .Room,.. Area!
: 5. Does it appear that; the areamis free of potentiIly iadve,.e seisnmic.   ,     Y  N.....E JJ'EN/AE ifiterai.ti'oris tlit cotld clise.floodinpgOr spi'ay .in tSe, arca?
6, Does it aoper that the area is ftee, of potentially. adverseismic                           LJO N/AD1 nitteractipops that coufdcause=a&#xfd;firp in the area?
7T Does itu.appear that the r
i         p'tsntilyadverse, seisanc.         Y79N0 U171 N/AD,
            *iht i~ati s .I~sci ted pith :h6i2sekep~ing practiees, stdrogedfportable equipment.;and temporary ihstal),,tibns:(e.g,. scaff6lding,. lead shielding)?
: 8. Have you looked for and found no other seismic cndition:that could             Yd.NO. UD adverseiy'affect thet!safety functions of the equipqientjintheareua?
Conimentsh(Additioal pages may ie added as neccssary),
Page 110 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                       NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Statis: Y[W'&#xfd;F]   UL0 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)
Locaiion: Bldg. Au9jflt/.         Fldoor El. 139i           Room. Area'3           3&#xfd;I 2       .
                  .*. . ...         ..... .       U           ,.                       . ... 7' -..      ,   * ..
* Instrucions for Completing Chec.klist This: checklisf may be used todocurmient'ihe reu Ils of the AreaWalk-By near one or ,ore SWEL ithis3 The Space below each of tlhle flowing qutestions may be used to record the results ofjudgnments and fnidings.
Additional space is providd atthe. end of-this checklist fordocumenting other commeony.
I.1 Doe3sanchorage ozfequipment in the area appear to'be free: of                     YVN~ LO N/AD potentiawitnhcla1sessaily openingeabinets).?
: 2. Doesanchorageof eqqipment in the area appearto beefee of signifilcanQ                           -     N/AD degraded conditionsT
: 3. Based on a visual inspection from the floor; do the cable/conduit                             NbEJAoU    N/AQ racew,*ays*nd HVAC ductingappear to beifree6opotentially adverse seismic conditions (eg., conditionof supports is adequaie and fill condition ofi)cabie tray) appear to be inside acceptable limits)?
: 4. DoYes it appear that the area is .free of potentiyadverse seismic spatial           Y       ,{N0 UD N/AD interactions with other equipment in the area (e.g., ceilifg tiles and lighting)?
If the room in which the SWEL item is located is veny large (e.g., TurbineHalt), the~area selected-should be described.
If the room in which the SWEL item is located is veny large (e.g., TurbineHalt), the~area selected-should be described.
This seledtitda e'ash6uid be based onjudgment, e~g., on the order of about 35 feet from the SWEL item.Page 111 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Status: YJI No uIJE Area.Walk-By Checklist (AWC)SLocation:
This seledtitda e'ash6uid be based onjudgment, e~g., on the order of about 35 feet from the SWEL item.
Bg&.Auav =Floor!El 139, Room. Areal 322 5. Does'it.appear that. the area is:free of potentially adverse~seismnic  
Page 111 of 161
.'Jinteractioni.sie co u1Jdcause floodinig or spnay ill the area?: 6. Doees it appeafr thkthd.area is free potetti ly adve]II seismic irnteractions that could cause afiie it) the area?7. Doms it appearhthtthe:area is'frceof-potentially advers.e leeismic interactiqns associiated i.thfihousekeeping practices, storage of porable eUipmennt.
and temporary installatibnS,(eC.g.,s caffoldinig, lead ishtieli -ing)?.YtLAU UCJ N/Ad Y13- ti3C N/AUI 8. Have youwlooUd f6r and found no othertseisific cobnditions that could adversely affect.the safety functions of ihe equiplent in the area?YpvN[] UOz COmments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                 NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Status: YJI No uIJE Area.Walk-By Checklist (AWC)
B Train -MPL# Q1R18B035 A)Nve A4 I-35 ~Evaluated0 by:_________t' 1~g-Date: Raa'l 0"A":r Page 112 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet I of-'S t t u t Y .N o , U 11 Area Wa.lkBy Checklist (AWC)S Location:
SLocation: Bg&.Auav               =Floor!El 139,           Room. Areal 322
Bldg. Auxiliary p.oor El. 100' Room, Area' 189'Packa'e F1;;9.1L.Instruations for Completing Checklist This checklist( may be used todocument the results oftte Area-WalkBy:near one o-. more SWEL items>The space blelow e&#xfd;ach ofitie following 4U q.estions may be used t6 record the r esults ofjudgmeut srand findings.Additional space is provided atfthe end of this checklisf for documnenting other:comments.
: 5. Does'it.appear that. the area is:free of potentially adverse~seismnic .
: 1. Do&s anchoragc of equipment in the area appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visibl&ewithout necessarily opening cabinets)?
              'Jinteractioni.sie co u1Jdcause floodinig or spnay ill the area?:
YC9 NFE UO- N/At-12 Does anchorage of equipn ent finthe afea appear t0obe free of significant YZ N[- UL N/AE]degraded conditions?'
: 3. Based on a visual inspection from the floor, do the cable/conduit raceways and IHVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic e6.nditin of supprs is&adetuate and fill eonditiors, of trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?4. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial tneractions wit~h other cquip ment w the area. (e~g, ceiling tiles and lighting)?
: 6. Doees it appeafr thkthd.area is free 0*,fpotetti ly adve]II seismic irnteractions that could cause afiie it) the area?
(, YgJ NE] UE] ;N/A[-]YF N17, UF N/AE]1:If the room in which the SWlELitem is o eatrd isvery large (e.g.,.Turbinc Hall.), the area sel ectedashould be described.
Y13-      ti3C N/AUI
Thih selectedarea should be, hbsedl:on judgment,.&e~g., oifth'e~ordrbof at6ut 35 fegt~fromh the SWL-t~inm Page 113 of 161 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet Status: Yo NFj'uD Area Walk-By Checklist, (AWC)Locatiofi:, Bldg, Auxiliary FloorEl. 100' Room, Area, 189 Package FIl-9.,9 5. of potentially adverse Seismic..  
: 7. Doms it appearhthtthe:area is'frceof-potentially advers.e leeismic interactiqns associiated i.thfihousekeeping practices, storage of porable eUipmennt. and temporary installatibnS,(eC.g.,s caffoldinig, lead ishtieli-ing)?.
.. &#xa5;...interat ions that could cause flooding or spray in the area?NO tUO N/AU 6. Does it: appear that the-area is, free ofpeitentially adverse seismic interactions that could caquse a fire in the area?7. Does it appear, that the free of potntially adverse. seismic, interactions associated .with housekeeping practices,-
: 8. Have youwlooUd f6r and found no othertseisific cobnditions that could       YpvN[] UOz adversely affect.the safety functions of ihe equiplent in the area?
storage:of portable equipment, and temporary instal lations (e.g., scaffoldirng, lead sh~ielding)'?  
COmments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)
.... ... ... ....' " Numerous darts and cabinets, bookshelves, tool chests on the east and south walls require removal or restraint as a matter of good practice;.no.potentially adv6rse-impacts.of significance noted, housekeepin'g only Ref: CR504951 and CR504950.YZ: NQ U17 N/ACO YO 'NO U0, N/AOC 8.- Have you !ooked for and found no other seismic conditions that coiild" Y0NE UM adversely akffect tihesafety functions of thct equtpeiit:
B Train - MPL# Q1R18B035 A)Nve             A4 I-                               35 ~
in the area?Comments (Additional pages may be added'as nLzcessary)
Evaluated0 by:_________t'                                                         Date:
A train- MfPvL # Q2H1 1NGN/S25oaAi1P1c0028.
Raa'l 0"A":r                   1~g-Page 112 of 161
We were accompanied by Operator Bill Davenport.
Th4ispackage was originally signed on 8-21-12 but retyped for clarity on 10-23-12 Evaluated by: 'Siphen iYuan by Telcon: , .Paul Mkfus.: Fr:j&#xfd;/Date: 08-21-12 08-21412 Page 114 of 161 9 ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION .0 QIR21BOO A-I 20 VOLT ACPR.1 Page 115 of 161 9 ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION*Page 116 of 161 ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS 9 NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 117 of 161}}
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                       NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet I of-'
St tu t Y. N o ,U11 Area Wa.lkBy Checklist (AWC)S Location: Bldg. Auxiliary           p.oor El. 100'         Room, Area' 189'Packa'e F1;;9.1L.
Instruations for Completing Checklist This checklist(may be used todocument the results oftte Area-WalkBy:near one o-. more SWEL items>The space blelow e&#xfd;ach ofitie following 4U   q.estions may be used t6 record the results ofjudgmeut srand findings.
Additional space is provided atfthe end of this checklisf for documnenting other:comments.
: 1. Do&s anchoragc of equipment in the area appear to be free of                         YC9 NFE UO- N/At-potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visibl&ewithout necessarily opening cabinets)?
12 Does anchorage of equipn ent finthe afea appear t0obe free of significant           YZ N[- UL N/AE]
degraded conditions?'
: 3. Based on a visual inspection from the floor, do the cable/conduit                   YgJ NE] UE] ;N/A[-]
raceways and IHVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions*e~gi,e6.nditin of supprs is&adetuate and fill eonditiors, of *able trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?
: 4. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial         YF N17, UF        N/AE]
tneractions wit~h other cquip ment w the area. (e~g, ceiling tiles and lighting)?
1:If the room in which the SWlELitem is o eatrd isvery large (e.g.,.Turbinc Hall.), the area sel ectedashould be described.
Thih selectedarea should be,hbsedl:on judgment,.&e~g., oifth'e~ordrbof at6ut 35 fegt~fromh the SWL-t~inm Page 113 of 161
ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                                                   NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2o*o3' Status: Yo NFj'uD Area Walk-By Checklist, (AWC)
Locatiofi:, Bldg, Auxiliary       FloorEl. 100'             Room, Area, 189 PackageFIl-9.,9
: 5. of                                         potentially adverse Seismic....     &#xa5;...
NO tUO N/AU interat ions that could cause flooding or spray in the area?
: 6. Does it: appear that the-area is,free ofpeitentially adverse seismic             YZ: NQ U17 N/ACO interactions that could caquse a fire in the area?
: 7. Does it appear, that the area*is free of potntially adverse. seismic,             YO 'NO U0, N/AOC interactions associated .with housekeeping practices,- storage:of portable equipment, sh~ielding)'? and
                            . .temporary
                                    .. instal
                                          ... ...lations
                                                    . ... (e.g.,
                                                          ' " scaffoldirng, lead Numerous darts and cabinets, bookshelves, tool chests on the east and south walls requireremoval or restraintas a matter of good practice;.no
            .potentially adv6rse-impacts.ofsignificancenoted, housekeepin'g only Ref: CR504951 and CR504950.
8.- Have you !ooked for and found no other seismic conditions that coiild"           Y0NE UM adversely akffect tihesafety functions of thctequtpeiit: in the area?
Comments (Additional pages may be added'as nLzcessary)
A train- MfPvL # Q2H1 1NGN/S25oaAi1P1c0028. We were accompanied by Operator Bill Davenport.
Th4ispackage was originally signed on 8-21-12 but retyped for clarity on 10-23-12 Evaluated by: 'SipheniYuan by Telcon:             ,       .                             Date:    08-21-12 PaulMkfus.:       Fr:j&#xfd;/                                                       08-21412 Page 114 of 161
                                                        .1 Page 115 of 161
Page 116 of 161
9 ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS                 NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 117 of 161}}

Latest revision as of 19:58, 1 March 2020

SNCF164-RPT-01, Version 1.0, Seismic Walkdown Report, Rer SNC432467 for Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic, Attachment 4: Unit 1-Area Walk-by Checklists, Page 71 of 161 - Page 117 of 161
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 11/26/2012
From: Miktus P
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NL-12-2266 SNCF164-RPT-01, Ver. 1.0
Download: ML12355A794 (47)



Status: Y9'NDJ ýU Area Walk-By Chetlkist:'(A'WCQ)

Location: Bldg...... Au

. . ... * .. Floor

. .... . El.

. .. 100'. . Ro6m, Area'

... .. .92 insfr*tioni for CornmplýiiCheckfist... .....

This dhecklist may he usffd'to document the results of the Are Walk-By near One 6r-moreoSWEL items, The space.below each of thefollowingqueitons may be used totrecordtheresuts of judrlenfts add findings Additional space is proVided at the end, Of this dheLlkisr for docIumeniin*g other comtents.

1. Does anc:orage of equipiment in the area, ap-ar to be free of YfY NTDJUE N/A IC potefitily% adverse seismic conditions (if Visible wýithout oncessariJy
  • openng cabinets)?
2. Does anchorage of equipment`.in the area appear to be free of significant Ydý'N-J UO3 N/A[]I degraded conditions?
3. 13ased on a visuaJ.inspe,ction frofm the floor, do the cable/conduit YWYN0 UEJ NI/AO race..Ways and llVA( d.ucting a*pear to be* fee o6f p6tentially adv&ese, seismic'conditions (e.g., condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable, trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?
4. Does itappearthzat thearea is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial Y[ 0ND Url N/AD intera ctions with ..bflteb;equipment:in:the areia (e:g;,c iling tiles and.


i*{f the .oomrin which the, SWEit:item is located is.very large (e.g., Turbine Hall), the areasetecd should be described.

Thlis ste*ted area should: bebased, ofi judgmeiit, e.g., 6h.the rdrof abbot 35 feet froii the SWEL itesi; Page 71 of 161


'Area.W alk-By Checkflstl (AWC)

Location: Bldg. Auxiliaiy FloorEl. 100ý Room., Areai,'192

`5.- Does it appear that the area isffreeof potcntially adverse seismic. Yd Nn UEp N/An]

interactifos that oild it*djgg6rispraY, Lhus* hearea.,

6. Doesit: appeat thatthe area is free of pdtehi'a!ly .ad '.tseseisrmic i.nteractirnslhat could.cause a,fire in the area?
7) Does it appearithat the area is free of pdtentially ad*,erse~seismic YQ'NE] UEL]N/AL1 interactions.asgociated'wilth houisekeepi ng practices, stofrge of portable equipfment,*and ttempor3iirinstallations (eg*, sciaffo1difig, lead shielcding)?


8. Have ýou Iobked for and found fi6otiei: seismic coniditions that could 'YU3'N UL]

adverseIy'affect.he safety functions of'the equipmentin.the area?

Comments (Additional pages may be added asnecessary)

.B Train - MPL#.O I1N23POO I B cooi eJ10 Evaluated by:, SrthPUS? YIVA-A Da~te. Z-1 7

QM~L~ fVi~tzP5 -7Z7 (Z Page 72 of 161


.. I Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC) yf,' N.I U*i Location': lBldg. YARD FI6ori. 155 Room, Area' .CondensatewStorageTank Instrpctins for Completin &Checklist This ch1ecklist may be used to document ithersults of the Area Walk-By near one-orrmore SWEL items., The&

spacebelow each of the following questions may be used to recod the results ofijudgments and findings.

Additional space.'is provided at the end of: tis checklist for documenting other comments.

L. Dobes andtchorage of equipm.n enrijn thie area appearltIo be,.f Iee of Y [N Un N/AD potentially adverse seismici conditions (if visible'withctit iccessarily opening cabiniet's),?

2 Does anchorage of equipment in the-area appear to be'free ofsigificant Y-JŽJ N 0 DN/AD]0 degraded conditions!,

. Based on a visua:linspectiion:fromt/hefloýo,*do.tlhe cable/otiduit Y6 A ID N/AD" raeeways and HVAC'ducting appear to be free. of potentiallyadverse seismic c0nditions (eg, condition of supports is~adequate and fill c:conditions of tcable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?

41. Does itappearthatthe area isfree of potentially adverse seismic spatial Y9 ND: U0] NIAD
intei-aittions with other equiient,.in the area.(e:g;, 6eilihg tiles and lighting)?>

[lftheroom9 in ýhJhicthe SWELitem islocated i nhven large (e:g., ,Turbine atii), the areiqselectedshotild bedescnibed.

This seleci afei ashould Lye based otjiUidgmeatn .g, onthe 6oder ofaboult 35 feet ft~m the SWEL item.

Page 73 of 161


'Sheet 2 of' Status:, YP~N[n ufL]

ýArea Walk-By Chectklist (AW.C)'

'Location: B~dg.

Bldg _ Floor EL 155 Ro6mAreal' CondensateStorage.Tank -- 7:

5i Dots it ýtppear that.tht tee is free of potentially adverse seismihc NFL UJ NIAEI

iiiteactions that could 'datisc flooding or spry in, the .Are Ia,
6. Does it appealr ih'tthe,.afeaqiftre-bf:pýtenfially adverse seismici Jf ND UDVEN/A`D
  • interactin61.s th)ati cguld!*caus~e afire in theearea?

7,. Does it appearlhat the area Isfree.**fpotentially adverse:seisrn..c jite*rctiinsaiassb'iated Witti hcisek*epiing-practices, sfdti,ig&

a1. fortbleI equipmeri and temporary;insiallations (e g_.scaffolding, lead shielding)?

  • 1 8.. Have yot looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Yg/N0[ UIQ adversely aff~ct thetsafety functions of the eqipinent in'the',area?

Cmiiens(Additionra pi*ages i may be"aaded asnecessary)

Train N - Q IPi1 TO*OT 1 Train,B - QJPTILT05:16 EvAludAtc&1byýi *c~ 0 ?7A 4 2~j ~ Date - //2 o~

0, z(vz,'

Page 74 of 161




Page 77 of 161




Page 80 of 161

ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 rip~Shedet i.4A3 Status: Y[I ?4C Q[3 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location; Bldg. -vlo Floor,El. 2'5Room, Area1l Instructions for Completing Checklist

  • This checklist may be.used todocument theresuhts of the Area Walk-By near one, or more SWEL it insThe space below each ofthel foliowing queStions mnaybe used to record tfindifigIs Addii.onal siace is provided at-the end ,6f:thi§.checkltst~for documenting other c6mments.

E. Does:anchoage of equipnient infthe arca

  • Parto, ble free of Y2NI] UM N/AM:

potentially adt&et'se seisrnicconditions (ifyvi*blewithout necessarily opening cabinls') ?

,2. Does anchorage.of equipment in the.:area be.freedf significant, YN NI] UI] ýNAI]"

degrfdd conditions?

3, Based on a visita! inspection fromi the floor. dýo the cable/conduit Y[ý Nf.71 U0. iI.T/A0.

,race hys and", Ii C ductihg appeat, to he, fee. of poientiallyi dvers¢.

soisfin condjfiions: (e.Cg., cotdiioironof supports is adequate-and fill

conditi6lw Ofdahle traysabppear to be inside, acceptable limits)?
4. Does it appear th'at' the arjea:ifiee1:f potettally adverse seismicspatial YV;NI- UV N/AOI iritera ti*ns.vwith 0thet equipment iithear (e.g;, ceiling ti 16s and . .


=If the.rtom in which the SWEL item is located is -verylarge (e:g., TUi~ibiie Hallo, the Area selected should be described.

This selected aieasliootild bebas*d on judigent, e.:g.j:6imte orddr 6fabboit 35 feet Ioffii the'SWEL itei.,

Page 81 of 161

ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 V };10 Sheet 2 of/s Status:, Yp7 NIM] UF[]

AreaWalk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location; Bldg; i I Floor El _______ Room,.Area.

5. Does it appear that the..ra:ais fiee of potentiallydadverse seismic Y(D, NC1 UO N/A jot-cra'crion's thota c!ua fdts orsproy in0 ~aW4....

'6. Does it appear that thde area is free ofpotepotiallya dverse seismic Y. NCNUCT N/AC interactions that c6uld:cause. ý fife ifTihe aruea'?

  • Does it th iylte arei s free6f pappar potentPaly adveise seigmIc Yi3 NQ liD N/AC1 inieractionsass~cated witlh husekeeping pracficetý stnrage of portable equipment, ,mamn~ tpora,'* inst~hlttinfbs,(eg.,,scaffiding, leaSad shielding)?
8. Have you.looked advdrsely forsafety
affd~ct thfe and found nio 6titef-seismic fufn t~n coridititins thiat couild 6f the equiipmhent inthe~areiO? Y9 NO LID C6minents (Ad idoirafljages may be addt6disi*cessaryY Egvalutjaed by:. ' ;Ab*.0 .- tt,!:M 'c*~ .. Eate:

D;{*. SLJSLL2---

7.*.. ~ 1 2* jJj

.[....., "..... l Page 82 of 161


Stanis: YLJ N9 00I Area Walk-By Checklist (AWVC)

Locaitiown Bldg, Auk Bd0 . Floor El. 12.1' Roohm, Area' .223 Instructions: for: Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to documenithe resulhs olihe Area Walk.By near one, or more SWEL items. The space below each of the following questions may beused to reiord:the results ofjudglnents and findings.

Addiiional space is provided at the end ofthis checklistfor documenting otheico mments.

L. Does tirnhoh&age aofequipm nt in the area appear tO be free of Y~ ND UD N/AD potentially adverse seismi*- onditions (i vi ible wit hbutnecessaiily opening cabinets)?

2I Does anchorage of equipment in thearea appear to be free of signiifieant YZ ND] tUD[ N/AD.

degraded conditions?

3. Based .on a viikal inspection f-omn~the floor, do the cable/conduit. YER ND UD N/A[D raceways and I VAC ducting~appear toabe free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (.g-., c*ndition of*supports is adequate and fill conditibn, Of cable trays appear 'to, beýinside acceptablelimits)?!
4. Dbos it app' hr that the area i free of potentwially adveies ei&mne spatial YD NM UDI N/AD]

interactions ith ther equipmentýihthe area (eag,, ceiling tiLes.and lighting)?'

OVerhangingcable fron cablo tray BHMS06 *nar the room entrance, The.cableis overhanging-sharpedgeof the cable tray-the rodmnwhicbthe'*tt Thfis sd 'ted~iarea shoul~d b**"baseditem 6n IS tocat dismery jtidgiieiidt, c~.el 0nlirth i~rder bt abbut iall),

35: fevithefro~m*

aIftileSW area~selected: Shouidbe described.


Page 83 of 161


-status: YE

[ 'Uf Area Walk-By:Cheeklist (AWC)

Locatidw B'ldg. AuxBldGg Floor'El. 121' R0oni, Aeala 223 5, io)es itappeTar l;hatk" aca is free of pdtnialy.adVtrse seismic YIZNLEI !EJ NiAD, interoa6 Jon'that cidtt0ii Iuse*Hoodijng;6rj sprayi'n ihe)0Ilea?

6. Does it app,ear th at the areis: free,of'potentially adVerse seismic Y19 NEJUE] NIAO inter.actions:fhata coilfd'cause a fre in thtE fea' 7-. DIes itL peap that the arieai isffre of potentially adverse seismic YZ NET UOn NVAEID interactions ahsspciated with housekeeping practices,.st6rage of portable equipmeTn*n afd.-temp,.oray :installations (e.g:,.scaffolding, lead shielding)9 There "isdebris consisting of sheetrock over valve 018Ei4 1HiV3658; This debris is,not heay to cause an adverse seismic'interaction.

There are three Nitrogen cormpressed tanks tied with a rope,to. a conduit/pipe support. The tanks are located nearth6 roomn ehterance.

Since the tanks are properly capped, the caps will prevent the tanks frmb causing any potential.concern for seismic interaction.

8. Have you looked. f6r and found no othcr seistmic* ondifio.ns that could, YZINEI UE adversely affect theshfety fuhctions of thetequipmetitinthe aiea?

Comnients (Additional pig&s may beadded as necessary)

Train A - Q1Ba31HV8028, Q'IE1EIMOV8B88A, Q1P16MOV3$149, Q 1.P"1HVj045, Q1P1l7MOV3052 Train B Q1 P17HV3061< QtP19HV2228 '

NG24VQ03A Page 84 of 161

ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sffitus;: YE] N12 VEI Area Walk-ByChecklist (AWC)'

L°cation:'Bldg Ayx Bldg FlA r El* 121' Room, Ara"..223.

y....."D" .. ... .....

..... .. ..... . ...)*

Page 85 of 161




ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 1 of/1 Status: YM NEI- UZ-Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location: Bldg. Auxiliary Floor El. 100' Room, Area' 161 AWB Packacae FI-75 Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the AreaWalk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each~of the following questionsmay be used to record,the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.

1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to befrece of YER NEI UF- N/A0l potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visible without necessarily opening cabinets)?
2. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of significant YZ NEI UE- N/An1 degraded conditions?
3. Based on a visual inSpection fromn the: floor, do the cable/conduit YN NE1 UE1 N/AE]

raceways and HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g., condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable trays appear to be. inside acceptable limits)?:

Observed overhanging,cables at the radius of the cable tray AHFA07 (nearthe Sodium Hydroxide Tank). There are no sharp edges, no pinch points and the tray is not overloaded;'therefore,there is no adverse seismic condition.

4. Does it, appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial YZ NE UE- N/A[3 interactions with other equipment in the area (e.g., ceiling tiles and lighting)?

'If the room in.which the SWEL item is located is very large (e.g., Turbine.Hall), the area selected should be described.

This selected area should be based on judgment, e.g., on the order of about 35 feet from the SWEL item.

Page 89 of 161


Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location: Bldg. Auxiliary Floor El. 100' Room, Area, 161 A WB Packaoe FI-75 5, Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic YN NEI Ufl N/A[-1 interactions that could cause flooding or spray in the area?

6. Does it appear that the area is free ofpotentially adverse seismic YE NEI UC- N/A[I interactions that could cause afire in the area?
7. Does it appear that the arca is free of potentially adverse seismic YZ NEI UEi N/Afl interactions associated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding,, lead shielding)?
8. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment in the area?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Train AB - MPL # QIP17-HV3096B This package was originally signed on 8-28-12 but retyped for clarity on 11-05-12.

Evaluated by: e 1PZah bq,lelcon ti/i, i Date: 08-28-12 "R*ran a' Te~econ' t /5/i 2- 08-28-12 Page 90 of 161

ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sh- 1.of-,r Status: Y 'NEIv AreaWalkBy Ceckist (AWC)

Location:. Bldg, Auxiliary floor El. 83'._ Room, Area' 128

.nstructi6ns for Completing Checklist This~chec Okis. may bec used to dpcumniprhe resdtis ofth AreaWalk-8yonearone omore, I , itemns. T Ihe space bel6w eackhf0fthi fIlltoin fdqistiun]smay be u6sed to. ec0o&dthe resultsodfjildgmefitýsnfld findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documeniing other commeny.

1. Dbes anchorage 6f equipment in the*ai-ea appei-t6o befree f Y~'ND l,, N/AD potential g*idverse di iinsOf vi)2bkwit oucnec ssrly Opening cftbiriets)?
2. Does anchorage: 6f euipicnent in'the dreaappeidto,,be free Of significant Y¥e64 1ID N/ADj egradeod conditions?
3. Based on a visualfinspedtiofi from the floor, do the~cablec6nduit Y Q'DUD-1 N/AD-raceways and HVAC duciing appearto be free of~pofentially adverse h&nditioiS (e~g0, seisin dondition of sup0orts is hdequat&anfd fill conditionstof cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?

4ý, Does it appear thatthe area is*ffd0of poteritially. adverse seisinic soatiAl' YI*4N] LIU N/AD inieractions witqhother equipment ,Iin the area .g;, ceilingiiles and lighting)?

T issltedihrhiohtheSbaELite6nislocatedmisie*rtlageo (erg ufrbiroe5Hall) thfearea seletedshoýldbedescibed.

hSeetdae a shul be basedýonjogment;.e~g., onthile orderof abouit-35 feet from te SWEL iem.

Page 91 of 161

ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 S!*e* 2 of3-Status: Y'4ýNo U0Z Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location: B Idg; Auxiiary FiPortfli 83':. Robin Arda,, 128 )

5. Does it a~ppe2Ar that the area is frec oC poetziially ýWsu interacdtors thatcbutd,, floodirigoý sprayjnij:th*"Ar.fea?

Y*ND liD N/AQ 6, Does, 4 appea0r that the area is frineof' ioteritially adverseeisr'edc Y NO QUIV NIA

,interactions ttci

!i.ouldcause af!ire in thearea??


7. Does it appear chat the area isfreeof potemtially adverse seismi c, ihterkadtionsassociated "'ith lihiisekccping pi'adices, storagel 6f: pbftiibe squipment and temporaryginstallafi6ns (e.g., scaffoldi g, lead


8. Have youlooked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y ND UD adversely affect the safety functions of the eqpipiment in the.atta?

Commentis (Additional pages nay be!added as necessary)

A Train' -,MPL# QIEl1FCVO60-9AAjA ]UL8 B Train - MPL#'s Q.1P,15HV3105, O1P17MOV3185B E-vaua*I bY: , "ed bate: . Z-2oz...

-, . .z 2 - -

Page 92 of 161





Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location: Bldg: AUXBg Floor El., 00'W Room, Area3 185

,Instructions for Completing Checklist Tkhig ceccklist may be used to document thegresuits of the Area Walk-By near one or more SW.EL-I;ites The spa~c belOw: each of the following questions may be iused to.record the,iletsofj idgrente arid findings.

Additional spaceo is.provided at the end of this checklist.:for.documentingothei" comiiients,.

I. Does anchorage, 6f equipment:in the areaappeaf'to be free of' YP-101 EJ N/AEJ potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visible withou t necessarily opening cabinets).?

2; Does, anchorage of equipment inthe area appear~io be free of significant Y* ir-iDUr- N/AO degraded conditions?

3. Based on 6 visual inspection.from the floor, do the cabe/conduit Y/N6, U1JD N/AQ]

raceways and HVAC J ducting appear to Ibe free of potcn(Wiiy: adverse seikmi-c condidtions (eg., conditioni of support§s is adeimite and filt conditions of cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?

4. Does it appearthlat the area'is frd& of potenftilly 1advisge seaisic spatial 'VW'NOUN,/AE]

intetactions with other equipment in the larea (eg., ceiling tUiesand lighting)?

.'.ftheroofminwhich the SWEL.item is located isvery lirge (e~g.i TurbinetHall); the area-setected should bedescribed.

This selected area shouldbe based onjudgnt, e~g, on the order of about 35 feet from the SWEL item.

Page 96 of 161

ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 S ~et2of3 Status. Y2ý'NE . ]UFJ Area Walk-By Checklist (AW,-C),

Location: Bldg. Aux Bld& Floor El. 100' Room, Area' 185

.Djoes it~apa that th.aeatciis free of potimtialy, adyprs'es~et"S1mic....YVýNE UOI N/AEJ

intertinddcudcb(fojig ispainh6r?

0,. Does it appear thlat the area'is flee,of potentdally adverse.sei Isaicc- YM/E]E N/AEJ interactions that codld cauke a. fire in the aea:?.


7. Doe1.i4tappýv that the area mifree ofpotntially adverre seismic V NEJ UEi N/AEJ interactions assocfated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipmnht, and teffiporarylintfallations (e.g.,. scaffblding,: lead C. Yv~'~.~ & Tr~

S. Have you Zooked for and tfound no o iher.seismic conditionslthat coWud Y~NQU5 adversely ff ect the saf'ty fincidons 6fthei equipment in the area?

Comiments (Additional puiges may be added as nec'essary) frainAB - QIP7PQOIBý Train B. -,QEý16H004B Q I0P16FV3009A

.... ... C . A' G A d



ExMvalufed h- j- * -Tf V/I A.,. *5-- ~L 7PAL~A Dat .e:

C~tp1~(Lov&A 4f ~

6 I6121')ZI&

Page 97 of 161


&w 10 Page 98 of 161


(~7 Sheet I of- 1~

,Sutu~s; Y[i?1NEFl U[]

Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

L'cation: Bldg. -x Bido Floo*rEl 179 Roorn, Areal 506 Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist maiy be used;to docini'ieit the re6ults of the.Area Walk-By ne iro *et.or ro e!S:WEL; items. The
space below each of the following questions may be used to recordhe: resu is ojuidgmolnsandýt findings.

Additionai space is provided at the. end of thischecklist for, (ocnent ingbther co.iinlnts. - -

1. Does anch1orage of equipment in the area appear to be free of' Y0 ND UD. NIAA opotenially'adverse scisniic conditions(if visjble withotit necscqariy opening,cabinets)'?

2; Does anchorage of equipment inthe area appeartobefree of significant Yb ND UD N/AD degraded conditins'?

3., Based onma visuali nstpction from thelfloor, do the.cable/conduit YD .ND U N/A ace6Ways and HVAC ductcing appearto be free of potentially adverse seismic corditioný (eg., condition of supports is adequateiand fill conditions of Cable trays appea to ýnisidajcepde bli)tnJitsc

4. Doesoit appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial. Y /NE] UDE]N/AD7I

.interactiofis w1ith6oteth equipment in the area (e.g; ceilingtil6s and lighting)?

If..the room in.wt'iich the SWEL item is located is ver large (eg;.,'Tur bine Ha!!)ýAe atea seected-shouldbe described,

'Thfi,'selectedlarea. shof.ildr be based on juidgdfien.te g., oii the orde of about 5 feet fromittheSWEL tAL, "m.

Page 99 of 161


Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

L-ocation: Bldg. Aux Bldg Floor El: 179 Roori: A o506

5. Does:it appear that thIe area is free:of'Potentially adverse scismic *YGIiNO UEJJ'J/AC intuactonstha~~iki~aj~ilooding or spray in the ama~?.
6. D~csIjt appemtitlat the~iiea isfree:6f potent dlfl!adgeirse eismic Z YQ,2,EI U.0 N/AOl interactions-that could]cause a firein the area?

7.. Doeý it appear that the area is free of Potefitiallvy adverse seis~mic Y9~g NOJ UE N/AQ7 i ntera*itioij s .associated'With hou.sekeeping liractieas, stoiagePf pot able equipment, and temporary instaltations(e~g;, scaffolding, leadý shielding)?

8. Have you:looked for andrfound no other seisniieconditions thatcould: Y0I N 'U30 dvlerýely affect the, safety functions of the equipment)in the area?

Comno11t( (Additional pages may be ald'deed as necessary)

Train N - O-1P7TTO1 Evaluated by,:-. _________



Page 100 of 161


.Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location: Bldg.. Auxiliary ...Floor El. 100' Room, Area' 189 AWB PackageFI-80 Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Area Walk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record theresults ofjudgnients and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.

1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free, of Y] NO. UCJ N/A--

potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visible without necessarily opening cabinets)?

Bent anchorageson AS CNDSTK to the north. Entered into the CAP ref. CR505553

2. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of significant Y[ NCl UC] N/A[

degraded conditions?

No degradationnoted 3., Based on a visual inspection from the floor, do the cable/conduit YZ NC UC] N/AC]

raceways and HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g., condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?

See #4 below

4. Does it appear that the area is free'of potentiallyadverse seismic spatial YO NCI UC1 N/AC' interactions with other equipment in the area (e;g., ceiling tiles and lighting)?

(1) TS4x4 on floor to the south, see pix, needs to be removed, (2) unchocked cart in RMA to be chocked, (3) Ladderon floor to the west and stanchions unsecured,require securing, (4) duct cantilerverabove, judged OK, (5) stanchion (loose) inside door to be removed. Ref.


'if the ronm in which the SWEL item is located is very large (e.g., Turbine Hall), the area selected should be described.

This selected area should be based on judgment, e.g., on the order of about 35 feet fromn the SWEL item.

Page 101 of 161


Sheet 2, of ,.

Status:, Y[L Nn UL]

Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location: Bldg. Auxiliary Floor El. 100' Room, Area' 189 AWB Package FI-80

5. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic YM NEI UE1 N/AE interactions that could cause flooding or spray in the area?

None noted

6. 'Does it appear that the area is fi-ee of potentially adverse seismic YZ NEI U- N/AFJ interactions that could cause a fire in the area?

No combustibles in the area outside.of the material storage area to the south, some plastics are stored in this area.

7. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic YZ NEI Un N/AE-interactions associated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead shielding)?

See items under #4 page 1

8. Have you looked for and.found no other seismic conditions that could YN NE UE adversely affect the safety function!s of the equipment in the area?

Some pipe supports (sliding supports) appearto be connected to.both the AB and C TMT. Could'not access all ihstances due to inaccessibility (crowded with equipment)., This does not appear to be. a problem that requires further investigation, Comments (Additional pages maybe added as necessary)

B train -.MPL # QIP18COO2B This package was originally signed on 8-21-12 but retyped for clarity on 10-23-12 Evaluated by: Paul ______.08-21-12 te hen Yuan by Telecon 0821-12 Page 102 of 161





ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Ares Walk-By Checklist (AWC) tLocatipn: ,Bldg. _]X . Floor El. i i C..

Room, Area' 332 yeet: 1 4fIi Stat s:~ Y~ NT73 tin InstiLuctions for" Completing Checklist This checklistm,'aybe used to document tfhe res,6isiof Ihe Area Walk-Bvynear one or more SWEL itemns, The:

space:Seb6lw eachofi the fotliowing queStI6n.1 may býeused to record ithe r-stiis of judglte.s andj findnags Additional spaceis provided'at the end o1 this checklistfor.documeiting.othercoifinien9 , .

I. Dbes anchorage ofequipmrent'inithe area app'ear to be free0of  ; bUD' N/ýAD po tenitially -adverseseismic conditions (if visible witho,.i necessarily opeping calbinets)?

2. Does anchorage ofequipment in the drea appear to befree of significant N 'Un UD N/AD]

degraded conditiOns?

3. Based on aivisual inspection from thee ftopr, do0 the cable/conduit Y ND JD N/AD raceways and HVAC duating appear to be free oflpotentialladVeise seismic condiltions (eýg, condition of supports is adeqiiateand fill conditions*of'cabi6 trays~aptpear to be iiaide iceppabl limits).

4, Does~it app.eathat the area isf*fee'o. potentially adverse.;seismic spatial Y /KDNCU-I .N/AD interactions withotl er equipmeint iii theae ii:e.,ceiling tiles aind lighting)?

Iif the~ooir*iinfwhich the SWEL itemiS located is re, .large (e:g,, Turbine Hall); the area sejlectedd slcild be described.

his selected area, basedon judhimient e.g.,,oii ttie.6id&of abdutt feet fr6,filtbiSWEL itdm".

Page 107 of 161



~'N[72os Area Waik-By Checklist (AWf),

'Location: Bldg. ..l... o Roomi, Area' .

.5'. Does lit appear that the, area is free of pot ent ialiiy advc ISe sei smiucY NEI tJI 1NIAL .

he. area? : ... .

.interacIions that could cause flooding.or spray

.6: Does it. appear that the'area is free of poientially adverse seismic Y /NE- -U0 N/AO interactions that. could cause'.a fire in the6'area?

1ýDoe ?t'ppear that, the arais fide of:ýotentiahly adrs sesi 6Nn 00 N-Iý'X~

initeircioni6hs associated With* housekeeping praci cest,otrage of'portable.

equipment, and temporary installations "(e.g.,scaff6lding, lead shfieldfng)?'

8. Have you looked for. and found no otfierseismic conditionsilihat coula: x NE-I U10' adversOdy ýaffect the s:afety functions of ftheequipiment in'the area?

Commevts (Ate ddional jages maybe adby:,as ices.a'y):

Evltatdb  :. - . .>-.e:i- " z" 5 2~ / ~i.§ Page 108 of 161


'Status: YWaf NB k UE)

Area Walk-By Chec'klist (AWC')

Locafion: Bldg. - Floor El. 12I Room, AMea, 2 Instructions for Completing Chedclist . . ..

This checklist may beýused to: docnment the results of theArea %alik-By near. one ormore SWELitems.. The pa&c below'each of tiefollowing quesfion:ý may be ised to record, the result olf jtudgmeutw and 'finding.

Additional space is: p;-ded

. . ... .. at , .the

. ;.cnd

7 . *of
  • ti .-. checklist for do&6hmeiiting
: .,: . . other :cFmentl 1, Does anchorage ofequipmcmiv the trea appear to be free of' Y5~NE2 UD N/AD eistc diditionsfif visible piteiitially ad~ver, swithrutIncessT ily.

openii~g cabinets)?


2. Does anchorageofrquipment inthe areaappear to be free ofsigniJficant 'YIq NQl U- N/Aor degraded cnd tiois?.
3. Based on a visuan inspefction fmmorn the floor, do thecable/conduit YE, M] UEJ NIAM raceways and HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentialiy adverse.

seismini coditions (e.g., condiltion ofsupports is adequateand fi lt donidi tions of cable trays appear to be insidk accept;ablelimits)?

4 Doe.s it that the area is frie9eof:potentially adverse s*uicic spatial Y /NDl VE N/AD3 intetacti:nIs with other~equipniient:in the area (e.g., ceiling til6s and lightjng)?

If the room in ,hich'the:SWEL item i. located is reasclieetedshould:be sehyiarge~g.goIbine.Hall,,the, described.

This selectedariea sh6t idl baebid odjtdgment, 6f I ed' "g~ of but 35f66 rmt .SE tn Page 109 of 161


Area Wal k-By Checklist (AWC)

  • =0 Location: .BIdg. *2 z. Floor El,
QI ~.....

... , .Room,.. Area!

5. Does it appear that; the areamis free of potentiIly iadve,.e seisnmic. , Y N.....E JJ'EN/AE ifiterai.ti'oris tlit cotld clise.floodinpgOr spi'ay .in tSe, arca?

6, Does it aoper that the area is ftee, of potentially. adverseismic LJO N/AD1 nitteractipops that coufdcause=aýfirp in the area?

7T Does itu.appear that the r

i p'tsntilyadverse, seisanc. Y79N0 U171 N/AD,

  • iht i~ati s .I~sci ted pith :h6i2sekep~ing practiees, stdrogedfportable equipment.;and temporary ihstal),,tibns:(e.g,. scaff6lding,. lead shielding)?
8. Have you looked for and found no other seismic cndition:that could Yd.NO. UD adverseiy'affect thet!safety functions of the equipqientjintheareua?

Conimentsh(Additioal pages may ie added as neccssary),

Page 110 of 161

ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Statis: Y[W'ýF] UL0 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Locaiion: Bldg. Au9jflt/. Fldoor El. 139i Room. Area'3 3ýI 2 .

.*. . ... ..... . U ,. . ... 7' -.. , * ..

  • Instrucions for Completing Chec.klist This: checklisf may be used todocurmient'ihe reu Ils of the AreaWalk-By near one or ,ore SWEL ithis3 The Space below each of tlhle flowing qutestions may be used to record the results ofjudgnments and fnidings.

Additional space is providd atthe. end of-this checklist fordocumenting other commeony.

I.1 Doe3sanchorage ozfequipment in the area appear to'be free: of YVN~ LO N/AD potentiawitnhcla1sessaily openingeabinets).?

2. Doesanchorageof eqqipment in the area appearto beefee of signifilcanQ - N/AD degraded conditionsT
3. Based on a visual inspection from the floor; do the cable/conduit NbEJAoU N/AQ racew,*ays*nd HVAC ductingappear to beifree6opotentially adverse seismic conditions (eg., conditionof supports is adequaie and fill condition ofi)cabie tray) appear to be inside acceptable limits)?
4. DoYes it appear that the area is .free of potentiyadverse seismic spatial Y ,{N0 UD N/AD interactions with other equipment in the area (e.g., ceilifg tiles and lighting)?

If the room in which the SWEL item is located is veny large (e.g., TurbineHalt), the~area selected-should be described.

This seledtitda e'ash6uid be based onjudgment, e~g., on the order of about 35 feet from the SWEL item.

Page 111 of 161


SLocation: Bg&.Auav =Floor!El 139, Room. Areal 322

5. Does'it.appear that. the area is:free of potentially adverse~seismnic .

'Jinteractioni.sie co u1Jdcause floodinig or spnay ill the area?:


6. Doees it appeafr thkthd.area is free 0*,fpotetti ly adve]II seismic irnteractions that could cause afiie it) the area?

Y13- ti3C N/AUI

7. Doms it appearhthtthe:area is'frceof-potentially advers.e leeismic interactiqns associiated i.thfihousekeeping practices, storage of porable eUipmennt. and temporary installatibnS,(eC.g.,s caffoldinig, lead ishtieli-ing)?.
8. Have youwlooUd f6r and found no othertseisific cobnditions that could YpvN[] UOz adversely affect.the safety functions of ihe equiplent in the area?

COmments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

B Train - MPL# Q1R18B035 A)Nve A4 I- 35 ~

Evaluated0 by:_________t' Date:

Raa'l 0"A":r 1~g-Page 112 of 161


St tu t Y. N o ,U11 Area Wa.lkBy Checklist (AWC)S Location: Bldg. Auxiliary p.oor El. 100' Room, Area' 189'Packa'e F1;;9.1L.

Instruations for Completing Checklist This checklist(may be used todocument the results oftte Area-WalkBy:near one o-. more SWEL items>The space blelow eýach ofitie following 4U q.estions may be used t6 record the results ofjudgmeut srand findings.

Additional space is provided atfthe end of this checklisf for documnenting other:comments.

1. Do&s anchoragc of equipment in the area appear to be free of YC9 NFE UO- N/At-potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visibl&ewithout necessarily opening cabinets)?

12 Does anchorage of equipn ent finthe afea appear t0obe free of significant YZ N[- UL N/AE]

degraded conditions?'

3. Based on a visual inspection from the floor, do the cable/conduit YgJ NE] UE] ;N/A[-]

raceways and IHVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions*e~gi,e6.nditin of supprs is&adetuate and fill eonditiors, of *able trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?

4. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial YF N17, UF N/AE]

tneractions wit~h other cquip ment w the area. (e~g, ceiling tiles and lighting)?


1:If the room in which the SWlELitem is o eatrd isvery large (e.g.,.Turbinc Hall.), the area sel ectedashould be described.

Thih selectedarea should be,hbsedl:on judgment,.&e~g., oifth'e~ordrbof at6ut 35 fegt~fromh the SWL-t~inm Page 113 of 161

ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2o*o3' Status: Yo NFj'uD Area Walk-By Checklist, (AWC)

Locatiofi:, Bldg, Auxiliary FloorEl. 100' Room, Area, 189 PackageFIl-9.,9

5. of potentially adverse Seismic.... ¥...

NO tUO N/AU interat ions that could cause flooding or spray in the area?

6. Does it: appear that the-area is,free ofpeitentially adverse seismic YZ: NQ U17 N/ACO interactions that could caquse a fire in the area?
7. Does it appear, that the area*is free of potntially adverse. seismic, YO 'NO U0, N/AOC interactions associated .with housekeeping practices,- storage:of portable equipment, sh~ielding)'? and

. .temporary

.. instal

... ...lations

. ... (e.g.,

' " scaffoldirng, lead Numerous darts and cabinets, bookshelves, tool chests on the east and south walls requireremoval or restraintas a matter of good practice;.no

.potentially adv6rse-impacts.ofsignificancenoted, housekeepin'g only Ref: CR504951 and CR504950.

8.- Have you !ooked for and found no other seismic conditions that coiild" Y0NE UM adversely akffect tihesafety functions of thctequtpeiit: in the area?

Comments (Additional pages may be added'as nLzcessary)

A train- MfPvL # Q2H1 1NGN/S25oaAi1P1c0028. We were accompanied by Operator Bill Davenport.

Th4ispackage was originally signed on 8-21-12 but retyped for clarity on 10-23-12 Evaluated by: 'SipheniYuan by Telcon: , . Date: 08-21-12 PaulMkfus.: Fr:jý/ 08-21412 Page 114 of 161


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