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| docket = 05000285, 07200054, 07201004
| docket = 05000285, 07200054, 07201004
| license number = DPR-040
| license number = DPR-040
| contact person = Sebrosky J M, NRC/NMSS 301-415-1132
| contact person = Sebrosky J, NRC/NMSS 301-415-1132
| package number = ML062570158
| package number = ML062570158
| document type = Meeting Briefing Package/Handouts, Slides and Viewgraphs
| document type = Meeting Briefing Package/Handouts, Slides and Viewgraphs
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{{#Wiki_filter:Omaha Public Power District (OPPD)Fort Calhoun Station Dry Cask Storage Meeting with NRC Spent Fuel Project Office September 7, 2006 W/7 OPPO Agenda" Introduction" Background" Options" Discussion of timeframes for decisions" Identification of action items" Public questions" Closing remarks 9T71 OPPO 2 1 Introductory Comments* OPPD*NRC W7~6OPPO 3 Background Pre-Exemption" Loading 10 canisters was the original Fort Calhoun Station (FCS) dry cask campaign scope" 75-ton capacity auxiliary building crane addressed by use of lighter weight transfer cask" Use of lighter cask was believed to be allowable without NRC approval under 10 CFR 72.48 01706 PPD 4 2  
{{#Wiki_filter:Omaha Public Power District (OPPD)
Fort Calhoun Station Dry Cask Storage Meeting with NRC Spent Fuel Project Office September 7, 2006 W/7                     OPPO Agenda
" Introduction
" Background
" Options
" Discussion of timeframes for decisions
" Identification of action items
" Public questions
" Closing remarks 9T71                     OPPO             2 1
Introductory Comments
*NRC W7~6OPPO                               3
" Loading 10 canisters was the original Fort Calhoun Station (FCS) dry cask campaign scope
" 75-ton capacity auxiliary building crane addressed by use of lighter weight transfer cask
" Use of lighter cask was believed to be allowable without NRC approval under 10 CFR 72.48 01706           PPD                     4 2
" NRC challenged          use of lighter cask during FCS inspection prior to fuel movement
" OPPD determined that processing of exemption request and approval was best way to allow campaign to continue W710                        OPPD
Exemption Basis
" Maintain full core off-load capability after fall 2006 refueling
" Allow receipt and storage of new fuel
" Allow better management of decay heat loads within spent fuel pool mincluding minimizing fuel handling
" Inadequate time to process amendment request wt'm/e                      OPPI                    S 3

Pre-Exemption" NRC challenged use of lighter cask during FCS inspection prior to fuel movement" OPPD determined that processing of exemption request and approval was best way to allow campaign to continue W710 OPPD Background Exemption Basis" Maintain full core off-load capability after fall 2006 refueling" Allow receipt and storage of new fuel" Allow better management of decay heat loads within spent fuel pool m including minimizing fuel handling" Inadequate time to process amendment request wt'm/e OPPI S 3
Exemption Limits/Conditions
" Exemption issued on July 21, 2006
" Limit of 4 canisters loaded using lightweight cask
    " Decay heat limited to 11 kW per canister
    " Minimum 16.2 years cooling time for fuel
    " Dose limits of 170 mR/hr axial and 110 mR/hr radial with supplemental shielding (24 kW)
W7V6OMP                                    T

Exemption Limits/Conditions" Exemption issued on July 21, 2006" Limit of 4 canisters loaded using lightweight cask" Decay heat limited to 11 kW per canister" Minimum 16.2 years cooling time for fuel" Dose limits of 170 mR/hr axial and 110 mR/hr radial with supplemental shielding (24 kW)W7V6OMP T Background Need for Loading Additional Canisters" Next FCS refueling outage is spring 2008" Loading remaining 6 canisters will: m allow better management of decay heat loads within spent fuel pool m minimize fuel handling" Personnel with experience from loading first 4 canisters should be available" Better efficiency, lower exposure'WPP S 4 Options Crane Upgrade Discussion" Background" Evaluation of 100-Ton Capability" 100-ton vs. 75-Ton Evaluation" Dose Impact" Upgrade Costs" Schedule Issues" Conclusions WgIM 0M Crane Upgrade Background" Original Auxiliary Building crane was 100-ton non-single failure proof" NUREG-0612 (July 1980) required upgrade to single failure proof design ga/O OPPD 10 5 Crane Upgrade Background (Continued)" Original seismic analysis did not include loads on the crane hook" New 75-ton trolley (single failure proof)heavier than 100-ton trolley" 75-ton fuel cask weight projected W7106 OPPD 11 Evaluation of 100-Ton Capability" Trolley frame and wheels are adequate a brakes and gearing require modification" Crane bridge girders are questionable" Crane runway girders and building structure require modification" Rail bay floor is adequate 9I7M6 04'PO 12 6 100-ton vs. 75-ton Cask Evaluation" Three vendors provided 75-ton option" Evaluation criteria" Dose impact* Crane modifications" Upgrade" Remote operation* Schedule for crane modification" Installation" Reliability" Licensing wft OPPO 13 Total Dose Impact" Dose for 75-ton design estimated at-400 mR" Dose for 100-ton design estimated at-200 mR" Industry doses for 100-ton cask estimated from 200 to 1000 mR" FCS initial campaign averaged -250 mR per canister w9/( OPPD 14 7 Upgrade Cost" Auxiliary Building and crane analysis" Engineering design package preparation" Materials/equipment" Bridge support installation" Building support installation
Need for Loading Additional Canisters
* Qualification  
" Next FCS refueling outage is spring 2008
& licensing" Industry OE on crane upgrades is $3-10MoPPO 15 Schedule Issues" Long lead time for crane upgrade n Pit Rack" Negative OE on crane reliability after modifications" Additional time required for requalification and inspection WAIS On 18 8 Crane Upgrade Conclusions
" Loading remaining 6 canisters will:
* Crane capacity upgrade is not cost-effective" Structural issues" Licensing uncertainty" Long lead times" Reliability issues* Very low dose can be achieved with existing crane and lightweight cask o7ff=OPPO if Options of Lightweight Cask Future Use" Experience at Fort Calhoun" NRC Inspection of TN" TN Amendment to CoC 1004 W/M6 0PPO 1a 9 Experience at Fort Calhoun" Exemption issued on July 21" Four canisters loaded between July 24 and August 17" Average total exposure was approximately 250 mR per canister* Dose per canister decreased through campaign WINQ pOM Is Total Doses for Loading Four Canisters Total Dose Expended (tirern)600 500 " 400 300 200 0 0 1 2 3 4 Canel., Number SOMiV OPPD 20 10 NRC Inspection of TN" Inspection performed August 28 and 29 in TN's Columbia, MD offices" Inspection addressed the remaining issues identified during previous NRC pre-load inspection of OPPD, and one new issue" No safety issues identified" Inspection still ongoing, with TN and NRC actively working toward a conclusion W7/06 OPPO 21 TN Amendment to CoC 1004" TN committed to submit a Technical Specification (TS) cleanup amendment before April 2007" Reformat all TS to Improved TS format" TS 1.2.1 to be revised to remove any reference to cask or HSM dose rates for fuel qualification (no technical change)" Basis to be revised to clearly state how the qualification tables are developed BWMfi OPPO 22 11 TN Amendment to CoC 1004 (Continued)
mallow better management of decay heat loads within spent fuel pool m minimize fuel handling
* TS 1.2.7 (HSM Dose Rates) to be removed or clarified: " Remove reference to detection of misload" Dose rate limits specified for each system" Measurement location and configuration will be specified and tied to specific analysis WTM OPPO 23 TN Amendment to CoC 1004 (Continued)
" Personnel with experience from loading first 4 canisters should be available
* TS 1.2.11 (Transfer Cask Dose Rates) to be removed or clarified: " Remove reference to detection of misload" Dose rate limits specified for each system* Measurement location and configuration will be specified and tied to specific analysis W7= OPPO 24 12 TN Amendment to CoC 1004 (Continued)" TS 1.2.17a to be removed: " Provide change to operations chapter of the UFSAR requiring use of helium as backfill gas" Demonstrate no time limit is required for vacuum drying" Issues addressed by amendment request will depend on outcome of NRC inspection W7/M OPFV 25 Other Options" Re-rack of spent fuel pool is not feasible" Any other vendor system would have similar limitations VV'O8 OPPD 25 13/
" Better efficiency, lower exposure
Staff Requirements Memo" Issued August 31, 2006" FCS exemption is not precedent for similar exemption requests based on insufficient crane capacity" Generic communications to be issued" All licensing actions to be processed well in advance of fuel movement" Inform Commission of insufficient crane capacity WM aPP 27 Summary* 4 canisters loaded at FCS s Lightweight cask used m Average dose consistent with industry performance m ALARA met* OPPD prefers to load remaining 6 canisters before 2008 outage W7=~ OPPO 26 14 Summary (continued)" NRC inspection of TN is in progress" TN will submit an amendment request before April 2007 to resolve NRC inspection issues WINo 2M Suggested Items for Discussion" Complexity of TN amendment and review process" Adequacy of industry guidance for implementing 10 CFR 72.48 contained in NEI 96-07" Rules of Engagement WOPP 3M 15 Discussion of Timeframes for Decisions 9I7M0 OPPO 31 Identification of Action Items WM'06 OPPO 32 16}}
'WPP                                             S 4
Options Crane Upgrade Discussion
" Background
" Evaluation of 100-Ton Capability
" 100-ton vs. 75-Ton Evaluation
" Dose Impact
" Upgrade Costs
" Schedule Issues
" Conclusions WgIM                     0M Crane Upgrade Background
" Original Auxiliary Building crane was 100-ton non-single failure proof
" NUREG-0612 (July 1980) required upgrade to single failure proof design ga/O                     OPPD             10 5
Crane Upgrade Background (Continued)
" Original seismic analysis did not include loads on the crane hook
" New 75-ton trolley (single failure proof) heavier than 100-ton trolley
" 75-ton fuel cask weight projected W7106                     OPPD                 11 Evaluation of 100-Ton Capability
" Trolley frame and wheels are adequate a brakes and gearing require modification
" Crane bridge girders are questionable
" Crane runway girders and building structure require modification
" Rail bay floor is adequate 9I7M6                     04'PO                 12 6
100-ton vs. 75-ton Cask Evaluation
" Three vendors         provided 75-ton option
" Evaluation criteria
    " Dose impact
* Crane modifications
        " Upgrade
        " Remote operation
* Schedule for crane modification
        " Installation
        " Reliability
        " Licensing wft                         OPPO               13 Total Dose Impact
" Dose for 75-ton design estimated         at
    -400 mR
" Dose for 100-ton design estimated at
    -200 mR
" Industry doses for 100-ton cask estimated from 200 to 1000 mR
" FCS initial campaign averaged -250 mR per canister w9/(                         OPPD               14 7
Upgrade Cost
" Auxiliary Building     and crane analysis
" Engineering design package preparation
" Materials/equipment
" Bridge support installation
" Building support installation
* Qualification & licensing
" Industry OE on crane upgrades is $3-10M 9*176                      oPPO                15 Schedule Issues
" Long     lead time for crane upgrade n Pit Rack
" Negative OE on crane reliability after modifications
" Additional time required for requalification and inspection WAIS                       On                 18 8
Crane Upgrade Conclusions
* Crane capacity upgrade is not cost-effective
      " Structural issues
      " Licensing uncertainty
      " Long lead times
      " Reliability issues
* Very low dose can be achieved with existing crane and lightweight cask o7ff=                         OPPO       if Options Future Use of Lightweight Cask
" Experience         at Fort Calhoun
" NRC Inspection of TN
" TN Amendment to CoC 1004 W/M6                         0PPO       1a 9
Experience at Fort Calhoun
" Exemption     issued on July 21
" Four canisters loaded between July 24 and August 17
" Average total exposure was approximately 250 mR per canister
* Dose per canister decreased through campaign WINQ                             pOM                 Is Total Doses for Loading Four Canisters Total Dose Expended (tirern) 600 500         "
400 300 200 0
0     1               2             3 4 Canel., Number SOMiV                           OPPD                 20 10
NRC Inspection of TN
" Inspection     performed August 28 and 29 in TN's Columbia, MD offices
" Inspection addressed the remaining issues identified during previous NRC pre-load inspection of OPPD, and one new issue
" No safety issues identified
" Inspection still ongoing, with TN and NRC actively working toward a conclusion W7/06                     OPPO                 21 TN Amendment to CoC 1004
" TN committed to submit a Technical Specification (TS) cleanup amendment before April 2007
" Reformat all TS to Improved TS format
" TS 1.2.1 to be revised to remove any reference to cask or HSM dose rates for fuel qualification (no technical change)
" Basis to be revised to clearly state how the qualification tables are developed BWMfi                     OPPO                 22 11
TN Amendment to CoC 1004 (Continued)
* TS 1.2.7 (HSM Dose Rates) to be removed or clarified:
    " Remove reference to detection of misload
    " Dose rate limits specified for each system
    " Measurement location and configuration will be specified and tied to specific analysis WTM                       OPPO                   23 TN Amendment to CoC 1004 (Continued)
* TS 1.2.11 (Transfer Cask Dose Rates) to be removed or clarified:
    " Remove reference to detection of misload
    " Dose rate limits specified for each system
* Measurement location and configuration will be specified and tied to specific analysis W7=                         OPPO                   24 12
TN Amendment to CoC 1004 (Continued)
" TS 1.2.17a to be removed:
    " Provide change to operations chapter of the UFSAR requiring use of helium as backfill gas
    " Demonstrate no time limit is required for vacuum drying
" Issues addressed by amendment request will depend on outcome of NRC inspection W7/M                     OPFV                     25 Other Options
" Re-rack of spent fuel pool is not feasible
" Any other vendor system would have similar limitations VV'O8                     OPPD                     25 13
Staff Requirements Memo
" Issued August 31,     2006
" FCS exemption is not precedent for similar exemption requests based on insufficient crane capacity
" Generic communications to be issued
" All licensing actions to be processed well in advance of fuel movement
" Inform Commission of insufficient crane capacity WM               aPP               27 Summary
* 4 canisters loaded at FCS s Lightweight cask used mAverage dose consistent with industry performance mALARA met
* OPPD prefers to load remaining 6 canisters before 2008 outage W7=~                       OPPO               26 14
Summary (continued)
" NRC inspection of TN is in progress
" TN will submit an amendment request before April 2007 to resolve NRC inspection issues WINo                               2M Suggested Items for Discussion
" Complexity of TN amendment and review process
" Adequacy of industry guidance for implementing 10 CFR 72.48 contained in NEI 96-07
" Rules of Engagement WOPP                                       3M 15
Discussion of Timeframes for Decisions 9I7M0         OPPO       31 Identification of Action Items WM'06         OPPO       32 16}}

Latest revision as of 15:06, 23 November 2019

Meeting Handouts of September 7, 2006, Meeting with Omaha Public Power District to Discuss Options for Next Dry Cask Storage Campaign
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun, 07201004  Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 09/07/2006
Omaha Public Power District
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Sebrosky J, NRC/NMSS 301-415-1132
Shared Package
ML062570158 List:
Download: ML062570479 (16)


Omaha Public Power District (OPPD)

Fort Calhoun Station Dry Cask Storage Meeting with NRC Spent Fuel Project Office September 7, 2006 W/7 OPPO Agenda

" Introduction

" Background

" Options

" Discussion of timeframes for decisions

" Identification of action items

" Public questions

" Closing remarks 9T71 OPPO 2 1

Introductory Comments

  • NRC W7~6OPPO 3



" Loading 10 canisters was the original Fort Calhoun Station (FCS) dry cask campaign scope

" 75-ton capacity auxiliary building crane addressed by use of lighter weight transfer cask

" Use of lighter cask was believed to be allowable without NRC approval under 10 CFR 72.48 01706 PPD 4 2



" NRC challenged use of lighter cask during FCS inspection prior to fuel movement

" OPPD determined that processing of exemption request and approval was best way to allow campaign to continue W710 OPPD


Exemption Basis

" Maintain full core off-load capability after fall 2006 refueling

" Allow receipt and storage of new fuel

" Allow better management of decay heat loads within spent fuel pool mincluding minimizing fuel handling

" Inadequate time to process amendment request wt'm/e OPPI S 3


Exemption Limits/Conditions

" Exemption issued on July 21, 2006

" Limit of 4 canisters loaded using lightweight cask

" Decay heat limited to 11 kW per canister

" Minimum 16.2 years cooling time for fuel

" Dose limits of 170 mR/hr axial and 110 mR/hr radial with supplemental shielding (24 kW)



Need for Loading Additional Canisters

" Next FCS refueling outage is spring 2008

" Loading remaining 6 canisters will:

mallow better management of decay heat loads within spent fuel pool m minimize fuel handling

" Personnel with experience from loading first 4 canisters should be available

" Better efficiency, lower exposure

'WPP S 4

Options Crane Upgrade Discussion

" Background

" Evaluation of 100-Ton Capability

" 100-ton vs. 75-Ton Evaluation

" Dose Impact

" Upgrade Costs

" Schedule Issues

" Conclusions WgIM 0M Crane Upgrade Background

" Original Auxiliary Building crane was 100-ton non-single failure proof

" NUREG-0612 (July 1980) required upgrade to single failure proof design ga/O OPPD 10 5

Crane Upgrade Background (Continued)

" Original seismic analysis did not include loads on the crane hook

" New 75-ton trolley (single failure proof) heavier than 100-ton trolley

" 75-ton fuel cask weight projected W7106 OPPD 11 Evaluation of 100-Ton Capability

" Trolley frame and wheels are adequate a brakes and gearing require modification

" Crane bridge girders are questionable

" Crane runway girders and building structure require modification

" Rail bay floor is adequate 9I7M6 04'PO 12 6

100-ton vs. 75-ton Cask Evaluation

" Three vendors provided 75-ton option

" Evaluation criteria

" Dose impact

  • Crane modifications

" Upgrade

" Remote operation

  • Schedule for crane modification

" Installation

" Reliability

" Licensing wft OPPO 13 Total Dose Impact

" Dose for 75-ton design estimated at

-400 mR

" Dose for 100-ton design estimated at

-200 mR

" Industry doses for 100-ton cask estimated from 200 to 1000 mR

" FCS initial campaign averaged -250 mR per canister w9/( OPPD 14 7

Upgrade Cost

" Auxiliary Building and crane analysis

" Engineering design package preparation

" Materials/equipment

" Bridge support installation

" Building support installation

  • Qualification & licensing

" Industry OE on crane upgrades is $3-10M 9*176 oPPO 15 Schedule Issues

" Long lead time for crane upgrade n Pit Rack

" Negative OE on crane reliability after modifications

" Additional time required for requalification and inspection WAIS On 18 8

Crane Upgrade Conclusions

  • Crane capacity upgrade is not cost-effective

" Structural issues

" Licensing uncertainty

" Long lead times

" Reliability issues

  • Very low dose can be achieved with existing crane and lightweight cask o7ff= OPPO if Options Future Use of Lightweight Cask

" Experience at Fort Calhoun

" NRC Inspection of TN

" TN Amendment to CoC 1004 W/M6 0PPO 1a 9

Experience at Fort Calhoun

" Exemption issued on July 21

" Four canisters loaded between July 24 and August 17

" Average total exposure was approximately 250 mR per canister

  • Dose per canister decreased through campaign WINQ pOM Is Total Doses for Loading Four Canisters Total Dose Expended (tirern) 600 500 "

400 300 200 0

0 1 2 3 4 Canel., Number SOMiV OPPD 20 10

NRC Inspection of TN

" Inspection performed August 28 and 29 in TN's Columbia, MD offices

" Inspection addressed the remaining issues identified during previous NRC pre-load inspection of OPPD, and one new issue

" No safety issues identified

" Inspection still ongoing, with TN and NRC actively working toward a conclusion W7/06 OPPO 21 TN Amendment to CoC 1004

" TN committed to submit a Technical Specification (TS) cleanup amendment before April 2007

" Reformat all TS to Improved TS format

" TS 1.2.1 to be revised to remove any reference to cask or HSM dose rates for fuel qualification (no technical change)

" Basis to be revised to clearly state how the qualification tables are developed BWMfi OPPO 22 11

TN Amendment to CoC 1004 (Continued)

  • TS 1.2.7 (HSM Dose Rates) to be removed or clarified:

" Remove reference to detection of misload

" Dose rate limits specified for each system

" Measurement location and configuration will be specified and tied to specific analysis WTM OPPO 23 TN Amendment to CoC 1004 (Continued)

  • TS 1.2.11 (Transfer Cask Dose Rates) to be removed or clarified:

" Remove reference to detection of misload

" Dose rate limits specified for each system

  • Measurement location and configuration will be specified and tied to specific analysis W7= OPPO 24 12

TN Amendment to CoC 1004 (Continued)

" TS 1.2.17a to be removed:

" Provide change to operations chapter of the UFSAR requiring use of helium as backfill gas

" Demonstrate no time limit is required for vacuum drying

" Issues addressed by amendment request will depend on outcome of NRC inspection W7/M OPFV 25 Other Options

" Re-rack of spent fuel pool is not feasible

" Any other vendor system would have similar limitations VV'O8 OPPD 25 13


Staff Requirements Memo

" Issued August 31, 2006

" FCS exemption is not precedent for similar exemption requests based on insufficient crane capacity

" Generic communications to be issued

" All licensing actions to be processed well in advance of fuel movement

" Inform Commission of insufficient crane capacity WM aPP 27 Summary

  • 4 canisters loaded at FCS s Lightweight cask used mAverage dose consistent with industry performance mALARA met
  • OPPD prefers to load remaining 6 canisters before 2008 outage W7=~ OPPO 26 14

Summary (continued)

" NRC inspection of TN is in progress

" TN will submit an amendment request before April 2007 to resolve NRC inspection issues WINo 2M Suggested Items for Discussion

" Complexity of TN amendment and review process

" Adequacy of industry guidance for implementing 10 CFR 72.48 contained in NEI 96-07

" Rules of Engagement WOPP 3M 15

Discussion of Timeframes for Decisions 9I7M0 OPPO 31 Identification of Action Items WM'06 OPPO 32 16