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| issue date = 02/28/1995
| issue date = 02/28/1995
| title = Monthly Operating Repts for Feb 1995 for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station
| title = Monthly Operating Repts for Feb 1995 for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station
| author name = ECKLUND B S
| author name = Ecklund B
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  
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{{#Wiki_filter:ENCLOSURE 1 NIONTHLY OPERATING REPORTS FOR FEBRUARY 1995 9503170047 950310 PDR ADOCK 05000528 R PDR f
{{#Wiki_filter:ENCLOSURE 1 NIONTHLYOPERATING REPORTS FOR FEBRUARY 1995 9503170047 950310 PDR ADOCK 05000528 R             PDR
NRC MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT DOCKET NO.50-528 UNIT NAME PVNGS-1 DATE 03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY B.S.Eckiund MW='PERATING STATUS 1 2 3 , 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Unit Name: Palo Verde NuclearGeneratin Station, Unit1 Reporting Period: Februa 1995 Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 3800 Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 1403 Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 1270 Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 1303 Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 1221 If Changes Occur In Capacity Ratings (Item Numbers 3 Through 7)Since Last Report, Give Reasons: N/A Power Level to Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe): None Reasons For Restrictions, If Any: N/A 12 ()mm>:,,:',:::!;;::;:
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672 672.0 1416 1416.0 79,656 52,048.8 ,'::;;::.':::,:,:;,,:;:Y'r'',.'j'i.;;Date':!;::~>
:'.':,::,.'3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23:Rea'ctor::'.Res'erie':Sh'ut'dam'n':::Haurs::::.':::''.i:':i!'.::-:~,'.-.','.'~~.'.".':.':i~:::.
Nba~.c:@'jtg4@;:::,>jj<.~ij r,;,,",'jg<<ij<:.i".).<:.""Q@.:j%:.iMg<M:.",:.'.g':::
<Ho'i''i::.Ge (Uiiit::;:Res'e6ri:::8hu>>tdowii'::::Hoii'rs ii:::-5.:::::::!"':;:,'''i.;-',:%XW~~-';
":.G~erierati'."di MWH"P:-.,"'-.'.::"='":
'/>>'i Unit::Availabiht"::',Fa'cto>>r.';l>>:::l4<k<l::;:::,m.:::.':::::':::.::::.:~"":::.":.:".::".".''.Unit:'::Ca" aci"'.Piet'o'r'.:;
0.0 672.0 0.0 2,552,287 882,100 832,872 100 0%100 0%101 5%97 6%p.p 0.0 141 6.0 0.0 5,361,037 1,852,600 1,750,393 100.0%100.0%101.2%97.3%0.0%0.0 51,072.6 0.0 184,443,055 63,899,100 59,981,299 64.1%64 1%61.7%59 3%13 2%24.Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date and Duration of Each): scheduled to be in 4/1/95 with a 70 da duration.Refuelin outa e 25.If Shutdown At End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Start-up: N/A INITIAL CRITICALITY INITIAL ELECTRICITY COMMERCIAL OPERATION Forecast 05/85 06/85 11/85 Achieved 05/25/85 06/10/85 01/28/86

AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET NO.50-528 UNIT NAME PVNGS-1 DATE 03/10/95 COMPLETED BY B.S.Ecklund MONTH: February 1995 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL 1249 17 1234 1246 18 1243 1245 19 1246 1247 20 1246 1247 21'1244 1247 22 1244 1244 23 1245 1241 24 1242 1242 25, 1245 10 1244 26 1246 1247 27 1247 12 1247 28 1246 13 1245 14 1242 15 1243 16 1244 I~I J REFUELING INFORMATION DOCKET NO.50-528 UNIT NAME PVNGS-1 DATE 03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY B.S.Ecklund Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown.The 5th refueling outage is tentatively scheduled for 04/01/95.Scheduled date for restart following refueling.
f NRC MONTHLYOPERATING REPORT DOCKET NO.                                        50-528 UNIT NAME                                        PVNGS-1 DATE                                              03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY                                      B. S. Eckiund MW='PERATING STATUS 1    Unit Name:                          Palo Verde NuclearGeneratin Station, Unit1 2    Reporting                Period:                    Februa 1995 3    Licensed Thermal Power (MWt):                                                      3800 4    Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe):                                                              1403 5    Design            Electrical      Rating (Net MWe):                                      1270 6    Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe):                                                                                              1303 7    Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe):                                                                                  1221 8    If Changes Occur In Capacity Ratings (Item Numbers 3 Through 7)
06/1 0/95.Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a Technical Specification change or other license amendments No Scheduled date for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information.
Since Last Report, Give Reasons:                                                                  N/A 9    Power Level to Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe):                                                                                                              None 10    Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:                                                      N/A
()mm>:,,:',:::!;;::;:      P!"':Unit:::j.;::.Geii'et'a'tin:,::,8titistfcs:,'::";~~.iM~ .,".::.:.'.:";.,:'::,.fiick:IIIionth':.'.:.:::,,'m,::,::                                    ,'::;;::.':::,:,:;,,:;:Y'r'',.'j'i.;;Date':!;::~> -;"::.-:-,:,',':;Ci'ieqfatnre::
    !Hours:::iii':Re'itiii-':::Period..'4~l(Ojll:::::::.';::;: 4.'::::-::::..-'::.'~F~~. -.~.:                                                                                      672                                      1416                                79,656
    ...;::5Rgg:;..',:,:gM:,.::.p>@@.,:j+g@< i...::;.,'.",ka>k,''.0: ':,:ggg:gg$ ;:j,.;:.':,'~g i':'i':i::.:::::::::,:.':~Q,~~y>@g: ':
12  ;Hours                                                                                                                                                                        672.0                                  1416.0                                52,048.8
:Rea'ctor::'.Res'erie':Sh'ut'dam'n':::Haurs::::.':::''.i:':i!'.::-:~,'.-.','.'~~.'.".':.':i~:::.                                                                                0.0                                        0.0                                    0.0 P+4; j'.",.,",.c'..'.P) Nba~.c:@'jtg4@;:::,>jj<.~ij r,;,,",'jg<<ij<:.i".).<:.""Q@.:j%:.iMg<M:.",:.'.g'::: ".:..".,'::                  "
14  <Ho'i''i::.Ge                                                                                                                                                                672.0                                  141 6.0                              51,072.6 15  (Uiiit::;:Res'e6ri:::8hu>>tdowii'::::Hoii'rs ii:::-5.:::::::!"':;:,'''i.;-',:%XW~~-';5':                                                                                          0.0                                        0.0                                    0.0 16  ::G'ro'ss&#xc3;h'e'imal.;Efier'g"","G'ene'r'a'ted!"MlhIH                                                  .:,-:.'-':::.::::::.:::::::'::'.::::::::::::::::::.::::::::      2,552,287                          5,361,037                                184,443,055 17  .".'G'ro'si! Elect'r'I'c'al.Eiier ":.G~erierati'."di MWH "P:-.,"'-.'.::"='": "-':;l,':i                                                                                    882,100                          1,852,600                                  63,899,100 18  ;Net:;::Ble'ct~cal:;::Bne'ig";::,.Ge'it'erkte8::: MNIH ',"'&#xc3;::::''::::'"::':::;:"''.-:.'"'::::::                                                                          832,872                          1,750,393                                  59,981,299 19  :::Uiiit:::Se're'ce::::Fa'c>>to'r'; '/>>                        'i                                                                                                            100 0%                                100.0%                                      64.1%
20    Unit::Availabiht"::',Fa'cto>>r.';l>>:::l4<k<l::;:::,m.:::.':::::':::.::::.:~"":::.":.:".::".".''                                                                            100 0%                                100.0%                                      64 1%
21    .Unit:'::Ca" aci "'.Piet'o'r'.:; Usiii"':MDC'!Net::::::::'::::::,::''':.'':                                                  ':::::::"':::.:'::=:                        101 5%                                101.2%                                      61.7%
22    :UA'it:::;Ga'aci "':.'Fa'cto'i': Usin":5ER:;::::Ni.t '.::'.'.:::;":,'.i:.::;::i-.';"'<-":;~~."';:::::,":::::::                                                            97 6%                                    97.3%                                  59 3%
23  mUrIit::Fa'r'c'e'dIOut'i ''e:::Rate'':~/>>                              ';::::::l4."::::-':::4;:'"~Fi: ':..':'::;;::<<.':::::,'','::::i';                                      p.p                                        0.0%                                  13 2%
: 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date and Duration of Each):                                                                                                                                                  Refuelin                outa e scheduled to be in 4/1/95 with a 70 da duration.
: 25. If Shutdown At End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Start-up:                                                                                                                N/A Forecast                              Achieved INITIALCRITICALITY                                                                                                                        05/85                                05/25/85 INITIALELECTRICITY                                                                                                                        06/85                                06/10/85 COMMERCIALOPERATION                                                                                                                      11/85                                01/28/86
AVERAGE DAILYUNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET NO. 50-528 UNIT NAME     PVNGS-1 DATE         03/10/95 COMPLETED BY B. S. Ecklund MONTH: February 1995 DAY       AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL           DAY   AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL 1249                     17               1234 1246                     18               1243 1245                     19               1246 1247                     20               1246 1247                     21               '1244 1247                     22               1244 1244                     23               1245 1241                     24               1242 1242                     25,               1245 10                 1244                     26               1246 1247                     27               1247 12                 1247                     28               1246 13                 1245 14                 1242 15                 1243 16                 1244
I ~ I J
REFUELING INFORMATION DOCKET NO.         50-528 UNIT NAME           PVNGS-1 DATE               03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY       B. S. Ecklund Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown.
The 5th refueling outage is tentatively scheduled for 04/01/95.
Scheduled date for restart following refueling.
06/1 0/95.
Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a Technical Specification change or other license amendments No Scheduled date for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information.
12/28/94 Important Licensing considerations'ssociated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, and new operating procedures.
12/28/94 Important Licensing considerations'ssociated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, and new operating procedures.
The fuel assembly will utilize Erbium as a burnable absorber (as was done for Units 2 and 3).The number of fuel assemblies.
The fuel assembly will utilize Erbium as a burnable absorber (as was done for Units 2 and 3).
a)In the core.241 b)In the spent fuel storage pool.368 Licensed spent fuel storage capacity.1329 Intended change in spent fuel storage capacity.None~Projected date of last refueling that can be discharged to spent fuel storage pool assuming present capacity.2005 (1 8 Month reloads and full core discharge capability).
The number of fuel assemblies.
I I  
a) In the core.     241 b) In the spent fuel storage pool. 368 Licensed spent fuel storage capacity.         1329 Intended change in spent fuel storage capacity. None   ~
Projected date of last refueling that can be discharged to spent fuel storage pool assuming present capacity.
2005 (1 8 Month reloads and full core discharge capability).

OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE FOR THE MONTH DOCKET NO.UNIT NAME DATE COMPLETED BY TELEPHONE 50-528 PVNGS-1 03/1 0/95 B.S.Ecklund 602 393-6221 Februa 1995 02/01 02/03 02/03 02/1 0 0000 Unit began the month in Mode 1 with 100k power.0046 Reduced Rx power to 99k as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.0154 Increased Rx power to 100~k.0110 Reduced Rx power to 99k as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.02/10 0240 Increased Rx power to 100 k.02/17 0005 Reduced Rx power to 99k as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.02/17 0021 During power decrease for Hi Rate Steam Generator Blow Down, experienced a step power reduction of approximately 5k Rx power.SBCVN opened to approximately 15 k.02/17 0022 RxPowerstabilized at approximately 99k power.02/1 7 1740 Commenced power increase from 99k to 100~k.02/17 1815 Rx power is at 100k.02/18 0115 Commenced power reduction in preparation to perform control valve testing.02/18 0120 Stabilized power at 97.5k..02/18 0240 Stabilized power at 100k.02/24 0030 Reduced Rx power to 99k as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.02/24 0325 Increased Rx power to 100 k.02/28 2359 Endedmonthat100k power.
SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS February 1995 DOCKET NO 50-528 UNIT NAME PVNGS-1 DATE 03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY B.S.Ecklund WJ-"" No.Outage Method of Duration Shutting Down Date T e1 Hours Reason>Reactor3 LER No.System Component Cause and Corrective Action Code4 Code5 to Prevent Occurrence No reactor shutdowns or significant power reductions occurred during the month of February 1995.F-Forced S-Scheduled Reason: A-Equipment Failure(Explain)
DOCKET NO.       50-528 UNIT NAME        PVNGS-1 DATE            03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY    B. S. Ecklund TELEPHONE        602 393-6221 Februa 1995 02/01   0000 Unit began the month in Mode   1 with 100k power.
B-Maintenance or Test C-Refueling D-Regulatory Restriction E-Operator Training 8 License Examination F-Administrative G-Operational Error H-Other (Explain)3Method: 1-Manual 2-Manual Scram 3-Automatic Scram 4-Continuation from Previous Month 5-Reduction of 20%or Greater in the Past 24 Hours 9-Other-(Explain) 4Exhibit F-Instructions for Preparation of the Data Entry Sheets for Licensee Event Report (LER)File (NUREG 0161)Exhibit H-Same Source
02/03  0046 Reduced Rx power to   99k as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.
02/03  0154 Increased Rx power to 100~k.
02/1 0  0110 Reduced Rx power to   99k as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.
02/10   0240 Increased Rx power to 100 k.
02/17   0005 Reduced Rx power to   99k as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.
02/17   0021 During power decrease for Hi Rate Steam Generator Blow Down, experienced a step power reduction of approximately 5k Rx power. SBCVN opened to approximately 15 k.
02/17   0022 RxPowerstabilized at approximately 99k power.
02/1 7 1740 Commenced power increase from 99k to 100~k.
02/17   1815 Rx power is at 100k.
02/18   0115 Commenced power reduction in preparation to perform control valve testing.
02/18   0120 Stabilized power at 97.5k.
. 02/18   0240 Stabilized power at 100k.
02/24   0030 Reduced Rx power to   99k as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.
02/24   0325 Increased Rx power to 100 k.
02/28   2359 Endedmonthat100k power.
SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS February 1995 DOCKET NO             50-528 UNIT NAME             PVNGS-1 DATE                 03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY B. S. Ecklund WJ Outage                   Method of Duration                 Shutting Down                       System Component      Cause and Corrective Action No.          Date       T   e1     Hours     Reason>         Reactor3           LER No.       Code4   Code5       to Prevent Occurrence No reactor shutdowns or significant power reductions occurred during the month of February 1995.
F-Forced             Reason:                                    3Method:                                  4Exhibit F - Instructions for Preparation S-Scheduled             A-Equipment Failure(Explain)               1-Manual                                  of the Data Entry Sheets for Licensee B-Maintenance or Test                       2-Manual Scram                            Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161)
C-Refueling                                3-Automatic Scram D-Regulatory Restriction                    4-Continuation from Previous Month E-Operator Training 8 License              5-Reduction of 20% or Greater in the   Exhibit H-Same Source Examination                                Past 24 Hours F-Administrative                            9-Other-(Explain)
G-Operational Error H-Other (Explain)

AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL MONTH: February 1995 DOCKET NO.50-529 UNIT NAME PVNGS-2 DATE 03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY B.S.Ecklund MW='AY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL 1234 17 1233 18 1176 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 10 26 27 12 28 13 14 15 16 4 J UM I c'l.'
AVERAGE DAILYUNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET NO. 50-529 UNIT NAME     PVNGS-2 DATE           03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY   B. S. Ecklund MONTH: February 1995                                                      MW='AY AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL         DAY     AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL 1234                     17 1233                     18 1176                     19 20 21 22 23 24 25 10                                         26 27 12                                         28 13 14 15 16
REFUELING INFORMATION DOCKET NO.50-529 UNIT NAME PVNGS-2 DATE 03/10/95 COMPLETED BY B.S.Ecklund Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown.02/04/95, 5th refueling outage.Scheduled date for restart following refueling.
04/05/95.Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a Technical Specification change or other license amendment?
4 J
REFUELING INFORMATION DOCKET NO.             50-529 UNIT NAME             PVNGS-2 DATE                 03/10/95 COMPLETED BY         B. S. Ecklund Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown.
02/04/95, 5th refueling outage.
Scheduled date for restart following refueling.
Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a Technical Specification change or other license amendment?
Technical Specification 3.9.6 will be changed to raise the overload cutoff limit to accommodate the new fuel assembly modification.
Technical Specification 3.9.6 will be changed to raise the overload cutoff limit to accommodate the new fuel assembly modification.
Technical Specification will be modified to lower the PSV lift setting from 2500 psia to 2475 psia.Technical Specification change to Note 5 of Table 4.3-1 for the proposed installation of a cycle independent shape annealing matrix.Scheduled date for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information.
Technical Specification will be modified to lower the PSV lift setting from 2500 psia to 2475 psia.
10/27/94.Important Licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, and new operating procedures.
Technical Specification change to Note 5 of Table 4.3-1 for the proposed             installation of a cycle independent shape annealing matrix.
Scheduled date for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information.
Important Licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, and new operating procedures.
The fuel assembly will consist of a denser fuel pellet, Erbium burnable absorber and guardian grid The number of fuel assemblies.
The fuel assembly will consist of a denser fuel pellet, Erbium burnable absorber and guardian grid The number of fuel assemblies.
a)In the core.241 b)In the spent fuel storage pool.444 Licensed spent fuel storage capacity.1329 Intended change in spent fuel storage capacity.None Projected date of last refueling that can be discharged to spent fuel storage pool assuming present capacity.2005 (18 Month reloads and full core discharge capability).
a) In the core.     241 b) In the spent fuel storage pool. 444 Licensed spent fuel storage capacity.         1329 Intended change in spent fuel storage capacity.     None Projected date of last refueling that can be discharged to spent fuel storage pool assuming present capacity.
It I f t l
2005 (18 Month reloads and full core discharge capability).
It I

OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE FOR THE MONTH DOCKET NO.50-529 UNIT NAME PVNGS-2 DATE 03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY B.S.Ecklund Februa 1995 02/01 0000 Unit began the month in Mode 1 at 100%power.02/03 2030 Commenced a normal plant shutdown for refueling outage.02/04 0003 Manually tripped the Reactor;Entered Mode 3.02/04 1606 Entered Mode 4.02/05 0415 Entered Mode 5.02/08 0201 Entered Mode 6.02/14 0455 The Reactor is de-fueled.
02/28 2359 EndedthemonthwithReactorde-fueled.
DOCKET NO. 50-529 UNIT NAME   PVNGS-2 DATE         03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY B. S. Ecklund Februa 1995 02/01   0000 Unit began the month in Mode   1 at 100% power.
SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS February 1995 DOCKET NO 50-529 UNIT NAME PVNGS-2 DATE 03/10/95 COMPLETED BY B.S.Ecklund 95-01 Date 02/04 Outage Method of Duration Shutting Down T e" Hours Reason2 Reactor S 599.9 C 2 LER No.N/A System Component Cause and Corrective Action Code4 Code5 to Prevent Occurrence N/A N/A Rx manually tripped to begin the fifth refueling outage."F-Forced S-Scheduled 2Reason: A-Equipment Failure(Explain) 8-Maintenance or Test C-Refueling D-Regulatory Restriction E-Operator Training&License Examination F-Administrative G-Operational Error H-Other (Explain)3Method: 1-Manual 2-Manual Scram 3-Automatic Scram 4-Continuation from Previous Month 5-Reduction of 20%or Greater in the Past 24 Hours 9-Other-(Explain) 4Exhibit F-Instructions for Preparation of the Data Entry Sheets for Licensee Event Report (LER)File (NUREG 0161)Exhibit H-Same Source
02/03   2030 Commenced a normal plant shutdown for refueling outage.
* AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL MONTH: February 1995 DOCKET NO.50-530 UNIT NAME PVNGS-3 DATE 03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY B.S.Ecklund MW-.DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL 1258 17 1252 1256 18 1251'256 19 1254 1254 20 1255 1248 21 1254 1255 22 1255 1254 23 1254 1254 24 1252 1255 25 1252 10 1254 26 1254 1253 27 1254 12 1253 28 1254 13 1252 14 1250 15 1249 16 1252 REFUELING INFORMATION DOCKET NO.50-530 UNIT NAME PVNGS-3 DATE 03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY B.S.Ecklund Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown.10/14/95 5th refueling.
02/04   0003 Manually tripped the Reactor; Entered Mode 3.
02/04   1606 Entered Mode 4.
02/05   0415 Entered Mode 5.
02/08   0201 Entered Mode 6.
02/14   0455 The Reactor is de-fueled.
02/28   2359 EndedthemonthwithReactorde-fueled.
SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS February 1995 DOCKET NO             50-529 UNIT NAME             PVNGS-2 DATE                   03/10/95 COMPLETED BY           B. S. Ecklund Outage                 Method of Duration               Shutting Down                       System Component      Cause and Corrective Action Date      T e"       Hours     Reason2     Reactor             LER No.        Code4  Code5        to Prevent Occurrence 95-01      02/04        S       599.9         C             2                 N/A           N/A   N/A         Rx manually tripped to begin the fifth refueling outage.
"F-Forced         2Reason:                                3Method:                                  4Exhibit F - Instructions for Preparation S-Scheduled         A-Equipment Failure(Explain)             1-Manual                                  of the Data Entry Sheets for Licensee 8-Maintenance or Test                   2-Manual Scram                            Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161)
C-Refueling                              3-Automatic Scram D-Regulatory Restriction                4-Continuation from Previous Month E-Operator Training & License            5-Reduction of 20% or Greater in the   Exhibit H-Same Source Examination                              Past 24 Hours F-Administrative                        9-Other-(Explain)
G-Operational Error H-Other (Explain)
MONTH: February 1995 DAY       AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL         DAY     AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL 1258                     17               1252 1256                     18 1251'256 19               1254 1254                     20               1255 1248                     21               1254 1255                     22               1255 1254                     23               1254 1254                     24               1252 1255                     25               1252 10                 1254                     26               1254 1253                     27               1254 12                 1253                     28               1254 13                 1252 14                 1250 15                 1249 16                 1252
REFUELING INFORMATION DOCKET NO.     50-530 UNIT NAME       PVNGS-3 DATE           03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY   B. S. Ecklund Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown.
10/14/95 5th refueling.
Scheduled date for restart following refueling.
Scheduled date for restart following refueling.
12/23/95.Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a Technical Specification change or other license amendment?
Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a Technical Specification change or other license amendment?
To be determined.
To be determined.
Scheduled date for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information.
Scheduled date for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information.
June 1995, if required.Important Licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, and new operating procedures.
June 1995, if required.
None.The number of fuel assemblies.
Important Licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, and new operating procedures.
a)In the core.241 b)In the spent fuel storage pool.380 Licensed spent fuel storage capacity.1329 Intended change in spent fuel storage capacity.None Projected date of last refueling that can be discharged to spent fuel storage pool assuming present capacity.2005 (18 Month reloads and full core discharge capability).  
The number of fuel assemblies.
a) In the core.       241 b) In the spent fuel storage pool. 380 Licensed spent fuel storage capacity.       1329 Intended change in spent fuel storage capacity. None Projected date of last refueling that can be discharged to spent fuel storage pool assuming present capacity.
2005 (18 Month reloads and full core discharge capability).

OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE FOR THE MONTH DOCKET NO.50-530 UNIT NAME PVNGS-3 DATE 03/10/95 COMPLETED BY B.S.Ecklund Februa 1995 02/01 02/05 02/05 02/12 0000 Began the month with unit in Mode 1 at 100%power.0140 Reduced power to 99%as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.0515 Returned Rx power to 100%.0138 Reduced power to 99%as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.02/12 0309 Returned Rx power to 100%.02/18 2212 Reduced power to 99%as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.02/18 2355 Returned Rx power to 100%.02/23 0122 Commenced down power for main turbine control valve testing.02/23 0130 Rx power is at 98%.02/23 02/23 02/25 0143 Commenced power increase from 98%to 100%.0155 Completed power increase-Rx power is at 100%.t 2227 Reduced power to 99%as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.02/25 2344 Increased Rx power to 100%.02/28 2359 Endedmonth at100%power.
OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE FOR THE MONTH DOCKET NO.       50-530 UNIT NAME       PVNGS-3 DATE             03/10/95 COMPLETED BY     B. S. Ecklund Februa 1995 02/01   0000 Began the month with unit in Mode 1 at 100% power.
SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS February 1995 DOCKET NO 50-530 UNIT NAME PVNGS-3 DATE 03/1 0/95~COMPLETED BY B.S.Ecklund No.Outage Method of Duration Shutting-Down
02/05  0140 Reduced power to 99% as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.
.Date T e1 Hours Reason2 Reactor LER No.System Component Cause and Corrective Action Code4 Code5 to Prevent Occurrence No reactor shutdowns or significant power reductions occurred during the month of February 1995.-1F-Forced S-Scheduled 2Reason: A-Equipment Failure(Explain)
02/05  0515 Returned Rx power to 100%.
B-Maintenance or Test C-Refueling D-Regulatory Restriction E-Operator Training 8 License Examination F-Administrative G-Operational Error H-Other (Explain)3Method: 1-Manual 2-Manual Scram 3-Automatic Scram 4-Continuation from Previous Month 5-Reduction of 20%or Greater in the Past 24 Hours 9-Other-(Explain) 4Exhibit F-Instructions for Preparation of the Data Entry Sheets for Licensee Event Report (LER)File (NUREG 0161)Exhibit H-Same Source 1 r (, P (, J}}
02/12  0138 Reduced power to 99% as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.
02/12   0309 Returned Rx power to 100%.
02/18   2212 Reduced power to 99% as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.
02/18   2355 Returned Rx power to 100%.
02/23   0122 Commenced down power for main turbine control valve testing.
02/23   0130 Rx power is at 98%.
02/23   0143 Commenced power increase from 98% to 100%.
02/23  0155 Completed power increase - Rx power is at 100%.
t 02/25  2227 Reduced power to 99% as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.
02/25   2344 Increased Rx power to 100%.
02/28   2359 Endedmonth at100% power.
SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS February 1995 DOCKET NO             50-530 UNIT NAME             PVNGS-3 DATE                 03/1 0/95     ~
COMPLETED BY           B. S. Ecklund Outage                   Method of Duration                 Shutting-Down   .                    System Component      Cause and Corrective Action No.           Date       T   e1     Hours     Reason2         Reactor             LER No.       Code4   Code5       to Prevent Occurrence No reactor shutdowns or significant power reductions occurred during the month of February 1995.
-1F-Forced             2Reason:                                    3Method:                                  4Exhibit F - Instructions for Preparation S-Scheduled             A-Equipment Failure(Explain)               1-Manual                                  of the Data Entry Sheets for Licensee B-Maintenance or Test                       2-Manual Scram                            Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161)
C-Refueling                                3-Automatic Scram D-Regulatory Restriction                    4-Continuation from Previous Month E-Operator Training 8 License              5-Reduction of 20% or Greater in the   Exhibit H-Same Source Examination                                Past 24 Hours F-Administrative                            9-Other-(Explain)
G-Operational Error H-Other (Explain) r
1 P
, J}}

Latest revision as of 03:59, 4 February 2020

Monthly Operating Repts for Feb 1995 for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/1995
From: Ecklund B
Shared Package
ML17311A708 List:
NUDOCS 9503170047
Download: ML17311A710 (23)



f NRC MONTHLYOPERATING REPORT DOCKET NO. 50-528 UNIT NAME PVNGS-1 DATE 03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY B. S. Eckiund MW='PERATING STATUS 1 Unit Name: Palo Verde NuclearGeneratin Station, Unit1 2 Reporting Period: Februa 1995 3 Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 3800 4 Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 1403 5 Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 1270 6 Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 1303 7 Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 1221 8 If Changes Occur In Capacity Ratings (Item Numbers 3 Through 7)

Since Last Report, Give Reasons: N/A 9 Power Level to Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe): None 10 Reasons For Restrictions, If Any: N/A

()mm>:,,:',:::!;;::;: P!"':Unit:::j.;::.Geii'et'a'tin:,::,8titistfcs:,'::";~~.iM~ .,".::.:.'.:";.,:'::,.fiick:IIIionth':.'.:.:::,,'m,::,:: ,'::;;::.':::,:,:;,,:;:Y'r,.'j'i.;;Date':!;::~> -;"::.-:-,:,',':;Ci'ieqfatnre::


!Hours:::iii':Re'itiii-':::Period..'4~l(Ojll:::::::.';::;: 4.'::::-::::..-'::.'~F~~. -.~.: 672 1416 79,656

...;::5Rgg:;..',:,:gM:,.::.p>@@.,:j+g@< i...::;.,'.",ka>k,.0: ':,:ggg:gg$ ;:j,.;:.':,'~g i':'i':i::.:::::::::,:.':~Q,~~y>@g: ':

12 ;Hours 672.0 1416.0 52,048.8

Rea'ctor::'.Res'erie':Sh'ut'dam'n':::Haurs::::.':::.i:':i!'.::-:~,'.-.','.'~~.'.".':.':i~:::. 0.0 0.0 0.0 P+4; j'.",.,",.c'..'.P) Nba~.c:@'jtg4@;:::,>jj<.~ij r,;,,",'jg<<ij<:.i".).<:.""Q@.:j%:.iMg<M:.",:.'.g'::: ".:..".,':: "

14 <Ho'ii::.Ge 672.0 141 6.0 51,072.6 15 (Uiiit::;:Res'e6ri:::8hu>>tdowii'::::Hoii'rs ii:::-5.:::::::!"':;:,'i.;-',:%XW~~-';5': 0.0 0.0 0.0 16  ::G'ro'ssÃh'e'imal.;Efier'g"","G'ene'r'a'ted!"MlhIH .:,-:.'-':::.::::::.:::::::'::'.::::::::::::::::::.:::::::: 2,552,287 5,361,037 184,443,055 17 .".'G'ro'si! Elect'r'I'c'al.Eiier ":.G~erierati'."di MWH "P:-.,"'-.'.::"='": "-':;l,':i 882,100 1,852,600 63,899,100 18 ;Net:;::Ble'ct~cal:;::Bne'ig";::,.Ge'it'erkte8::: MNIH ',"'Ã::::::::'"::':::;:".-:.'"':::::: 832,872 1,750,393 59,981,299 19  :::Uiiit:::Se're'ce::::Fa'c>>to'r'; '/>> 'i 100 0% 100.0% 64.1%

20 Unit::Availabiht"::',Fa'cto>>r.';l>>:::l4<k<l::;:::,m.:::.':::::':::.::::.:~"":::.":.:".::".". 100 0% 100.0% 64 1%

21 .Unit:'::Ca" aci "'.Piet'o'r'.:; Usiii"':MDC'!Net::::::::'::::::,::':.: ':::::::"':::.:'::=: 101 5% 101.2% 61.7%

22 :UA'it:::;Ga'aci "':.'Fa'cto'i': Usin":5ER:;::::Ni.t '.::'.'.:::;":,'.i:.::;::i-.';"'<-":;~~."';:::::,"::::::: 97 6% 97.3% 59 3%

23 mUrIit::Fa'r'c'e'dIOut'i e:::Rate:~/>> ';::::::l4."::::-':::4;:'"~Fi: ':..':'::;;::<<.':::::,,'::::i'; p.p 0.0% 13 2%

24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date and Duration of Each): Refuelin outa e scheduled to be in 4/1/95 with a 70 da duration.
25. If Shutdown At End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Start-up: N/A Forecast Achieved INITIALCRITICALITY 05/85 05/25/85 INITIALELECTRICITY 06/85 06/10/85 COMMERCIALOPERATION 11/85 01/28/86

AVERAGE DAILYUNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET NO. 50-528 UNIT NAME PVNGS-1 DATE 03/10/95 COMPLETED BY B. S. Ecklund MONTH: February 1995 DAY AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL 1249 17 1234 1246 18 1243 1245 19 1246 1247 20 1246 1247 21 '1244 1247 22 1244 1244 23 1245 1241 24 1242 1242 25, 1245 10 1244 26 1246 1247 27 1247 12 1247 28 1246 13 1245 14 1242 15 1243 16 1244

I ~ I J

REFUELING INFORMATION DOCKET NO. 50-528 UNIT NAME PVNGS-1 DATE 03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY B. S. Ecklund Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown.

The 5th refueling outage is tentatively scheduled for 04/01/95.

Scheduled date for restart following refueling.

06/1 0/95.

Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a Technical Specification change or other license amendments No Scheduled date for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information.

12/28/94 Important Licensing considerations'ssociated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, and new operating procedures.

The fuel assembly will utilize Erbium as a burnable absorber (as was done for Units 2 and 3).

The number of fuel assemblies.

a) In the core. 241 b) In the spent fuel storage pool. 368 Licensed spent fuel storage capacity. 1329 Intended change in spent fuel storage capacity. None ~

Projected date of last refueling that can be discharged to spent fuel storage pool assuming present capacity.

2005 (1 8 Month reloads and full core discharge capability).




DOCKET NO. 50-528 UNIT NAME PVNGS-1 DATE 03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY B. S. Ecklund TELEPHONE 602 393-6221 Februa 1995 02/01 0000 Unit began the month in Mode 1 with 100k power.

02/03 0046 Reduced Rx power to 99k as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.

02/03 0154 Increased Rx power to 100~k.

02/1 0 0110 Reduced Rx power to 99k as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.

02/10 0240 Increased Rx power to 100 k.

02/17 0005 Reduced Rx power to 99k as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.

02/17 0021 During power decrease for Hi Rate Steam Generator Blow Down, experienced a step power reduction of approximately 5k Rx power. SBCVN opened to approximately 15 k.

02/17 0022 RxPowerstabilized at approximately 99k power.

02/1 7 1740 Commenced power increase from 99k to 100~k.

02/17 1815 Rx power is at 100k.

02/18 0115 Commenced power reduction in preparation to perform control valve testing.

02/18 0120 Stabilized power at 97.5k.

. 02/18 0240 Stabilized power at 100k.

02/24 0030 Reduced Rx power to 99k as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.

02/24 0325 Increased Rx power to 100 k.

02/28 2359 Endedmonthat100k power.

SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS February 1995 DOCKET NO 50-528 UNIT NAME PVNGS-1 DATE 03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY B. S. Ecklund WJ Outage Method of Duration Shutting Down System Component Cause and Corrective Action No. Date T e1 Hours Reason> Reactor3 LER No. Code4 Code5 to Prevent Occurrence No reactor shutdowns or significant power reductions occurred during the month of February 1995.

F-Forced Reason: 3Method: 4Exhibit F - Instructions for Preparation S-Scheduled A-Equipment Failure(Explain) 1-Manual of the Data Entry Sheets for Licensee B-Maintenance or Test 2-Manual Scram Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161)

C-Refueling 3-Automatic Scram D-Regulatory Restriction 4-Continuation from Previous Month E-Operator Training 8 License 5-Reduction of 20% or Greater in the Exhibit H-Same Source Examination Past 24 Hours F-Administrative 9-Other-(Explain)

G-Operational Error H-Other (Explain)

AVERAGE DAILYUNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET NO. 50-529 UNIT NAME PVNGS-2 DATE 03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY B. S. Ecklund MONTH: February 1995 MW='AY AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL 1234 17 1233 18 1176 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 10 26 27 12 28 13 14 15 16

4 J



REFUELING INFORMATION DOCKET NO. 50-529 UNIT NAME PVNGS-2 DATE 03/10/95 COMPLETED BY B. S. Ecklund Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown.

02/04/95, 5th refueling outage.

Scheduled date for restart following refueling.


Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a Technical Specification change or other license amendment?

Technical Specification 3.9.6 will be changed to raise the overload cutoff limit to accommodate the new fuel assembly modification.

Technical Specification will be modified to lower the PSV lift setting from 2500 psia to 2475 psia.

Technical Specification change to Note 5 of Table 4.3-1 for the proposed installation of a cycle independent shape annealing matrix.

Scheduled date for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information.


Important Licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, and new operating procedures.

The fuel assembly will consist of a denser fuel pellet, Erbium burnable absorber and guardian grid The number of fuel assemblies.

a) In the core. 241 b) In the spent fuel storage pool. 444 Licensed spent fuel storage capacity. 1329 Intended change in spent fuel storage capacity. None Projected date of last refueling that can be discharged to spent fuel storage pool assuming present capacity.

2005 (18 Month reloads and full core discharge capability).

It I





DOCKET NO. 50-529 UNIT NAME PVNGS-2 DATE 03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY B. S. Ecklund Februa 1995 02/01 0000 Unit began the month in Mode 1 at 100% power.

02/03 2030 Commenced a normal plant shutdown for refueling outage.

02/04 0003 Manually tripped the Reactor; Entered Mode 3.

02/04 1606 Entered Mode 4.

02/05 0415 Entered Mode 5.

02/08 0201 Entered Mode 6.

02/14 0455 The Reactor is de-fueled.

02/28 2359 EndedthemonthwithReactorde-fueled.

SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS February 1995 DOCKET NO 50-529 UNIT NAME PVNGS-2 DATE 03/10/95 COMPLETED BY B. S. Ecklund Outage Method of Duration Shutting Down System Component Cause and Corrective Action Date T e" Hours Reason2 Reactor LER No. Code4 Code5 to Prevent Occurrence 95-01 02/04 S 599.9 C 2 N/A N/A N/A Rx manually tripped to begin the fifth refueling outage.

"F-Forced 2Reason: 3Method: 4Exhibit F - Instructions for Preparation S-Scheduled A-Equipment Failure(Explain) 1-Manual of the Data Entry Sheets for Licensee 8-Maintenance or Test 2-Manual Scram Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161)

C-Refueling 3-Automatic Scram D-Regulatory Restriction 4-Continuation from Previous Month E-Operator Training & License 5-Reduction of 20% or Greater in the Exhibit H-Same Source Examination Past 24 Hours F-Administrative 9-Other-(Explain)

G-Operational Error H-Other (Explain)


MONTH: February 1995 DAY AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL 1258 17 1252 1256 18 1251'256 19 1254 1254 20 1255 1248 21 1254 1255 22 1255 1254 23 1254 1254 24 1252 1255 25 1252 10 1254 26 1254 1253 27 1254 12 1253 28 1254 13 1252 14 1250 15 1249 16 1252

REFUELING INFORMATION DOCKET NO. 50-530 UNIT NAME PVNGS-3 DATE 03/1 0/95 COMPLETED BY B. S. Ecklund Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown.

10/14/95 5th refueling.

Scheduled date for restart following refueling.


Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a Technical Specification change or other license amendment?

To be determined.

Scheduled date for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information.

June 1995, if required.

Important Licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, and new operating procedures.


The number of fuel assemblies.

a) In the core. 241 b) In the spent fuel storage pool. 380 Licensed spent fuel storage capacity. 1329 Intended change in spent fuel storage capacity. None Projected date of last refueling that can be discharged to spent fuel storage pool assuming present capacity.

2005 (18 Month reloads and full core discharge capability).


OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE FOR THE MONTH DOCKET NO. 50-530 UNIT NAME PVNGS-3 DATE 03/10/95 COMPLETED BY B. S. Ecklund Februa 1995 02/01 0000 Began the month with unit in Mode 1 at 100% power.

02/05 0140 Reduced power to 99% as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.

02/05 0515 Returned Rx power to 100%.

02/12 0138 Reduced power to 99% as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.

02/12 0309 Returned Rx power to 100%.

02/18 2212 Reduced power to 99% as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.

02/18 2355 Returned Rx power to 100%.

02/23 0122 Commenced down power for main turbine control valve testing.

02/23 0130 Rx power is at 98%.

02/23 0143 Commenced power increase from 98% to 100%.

02/23 0155 Completed power increase - Rx power is at 100%.

t 02/25 2227 Reduced power to 99% as required to perform Hl Rate Steam Generator Blow Down.

02/25 2344 Increased Rx power to 100%.

02/28 2359 Endedmonth at100% power.


COMPLETED BY B. S. Ecklund Outage Method of Duration Shutting-Down . System Component Cause and Corrective Action No. Date T e1 Hours Reason2 Reactor LER No. Code4 Code5 to Prevent Occurrence No reactor shutdowns or significant power reductions occurred during the month of February 1995.

-1F-Forced 2Reason: 3Method: 4Exhibit F - Instructions for Preparation S-Scheduled A-Equipment Failure(Explain) 1-Manual of the Data Entry Sheets for Licensee B-Maintenance or Test 2-Manual Scram Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161)

C-Refueling 3-Automatic Scram D-Regulatory Restriction 4-Continuation from Previous Month E-Operator Training 8 License 5-Reduction of 20% or Greater in the Exhibit H-Same Source Examination Past 24 Hours F-Administrative 9-Other-(Explain)

G-Operational Error H-Other (Explain) r


1 P


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