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{{#Wiki_filter:L-MT-1 3-091ENCLOSURE 10WESTINGHOUSE WCAP-17548-NP, (NONPROPRIETARY) REVISION 2SIGNAL PROCESSING PERFORMED ON MONTICELLO MSL STRAIN GAUGE ANDRSD INSTRUMENTATION DATA47 pages follow Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3WCAP-17548-NPRevision 2Signal Processing Peon Monticello MSL StGauge and RSDInstrumentation Data)WestinghouseAugust 2013rformedrain WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3WCAP-17548-NPRevision 2Signal Processing Performed on Monticello MSL StrainGauge and RSD Instrumentation DataAnnMarie Rowland*U.S. BWR EngineeringAugust 2013Reviewer: Inessa E. Berman*U.S. BWR EngineeringApproved: Daniel T. McLaughlin*, ManagerU.S. BWR Engineering*Electronically approved records are authenticated in the electronic document management system.Westinghouse Electric Company LLC1000 Westinghouse DriveCranberry Township, PA 16066, USA© 2013 Westinghouse Electric Company LLCAll Rights ReservedWCAP-17548-NP TABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................................... iiiLIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................................... ivEXECUTIVE SUM M ARY .......................................................................................................................... viLIST OF ACRONYM S AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................. viiBACKGROUN D AN D INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 1-11.1 BACKGROUND OF ACOUSTIC ISSUES AND REQUIREMENTS ........................... 1-11.2 REPLACEM ENT OF THE STEAM DRYER ................................................................. 1-21.3 PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................ 1-32 SUM M ARY OF PREVIOUS W ORK .......................................................................................... 2-12.1 ACOUSTIC SCREENING ......................................................................................... 2-12.2 SUBSCALE TESTING ................................................................................................... 2-12.3 PREVIOUS DATA RECORDINGS ................................................................................ 2-12.4 DERIVATION OF INSTRUMENTATION LOCATIONS .............................................. 2-23 DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING PLAN .................................................................... 3-13.1 DATA ACQUISITION AND SIGNAL VALIDITY ........................................................ 3-13.2 DATA PROCESSING OVERVIEW ................................................................................ 3-33.3 STRAIN TO PRESSURE CONVERSION -MSL STRAIN GAUGE DATA ................ 3-43.4 NARROW -BAND FILTERING ...................................................................................... 3-53.5 PSD DERIVATION ......................................................................................................... 3-63.6 W AVELET DENOISING ................................................................................................ 3-63.7 COMPUTATION OF THE PREDICTED EPU SIGNAL ............................................... 3-74 INPUTS TO SIGNAL PROCESSING AND ASSUMPTIONS .................................................... 4-14.1 IN PUTS ........................................................................................................................... 4-14.2 ASSUM PTION S .............................................................................................................. 4-15 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS .................................................................................................. 5-15.1 DATA RECORDING ....................................................................................................... 5-15.2 STRAIN TO PRESSURE CONVERSION ..................................................................... 5-45.3 FILTERING ................................................................................................................... 5-105.4 W AVELET DENOISING .............................................................................................. 5-135.5 PREDICTED EPU SIGNAL ......................................................................................... 5-156 CONCLUSIONS .......................................................................................................................... 6-17 RE FERE NCES ............................................................................................................................. 7-1WCAP-17548-NP August 2013Revision 2 iiiLIST OF TABLESTable 2-1Table 2-2Table 3-1Table 3-2Table 3-3Table 3-4Table 5-1Table 5-2Table 5-3Table 5-4Table 5-5Natural Frequency of [.]b ...................................................................... 2-1............................................................................................ 2 -3[ ]ax ............................. 3-1[]a' ...................]......................................... 3 -2[ ]a,c ........................................... 3-2[ ]a,c ................................................. 3-2Transducers and Units ...................................................................................................... 5-1Dates and Tim es of Data Recording ................................................................................ 5-2[ ]a,c ................................................................... 5 -4[ax .................... 5-5Sum mary of Narrow-Band Filters ................................................................................. 5-10WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 ivLIST OF FIGURESFigure 1-1 Schematic of Replacement Steam Dryer ................................................................................. 1-2Figure 2-1 Schematic of M SL [],b,c ......................................................... 2-2Figure 2-2 Schematic of [ ]a,b,c ........................................................ 2-3Figure 2-3 Schematic of [ ]a,b,c ............... 2-4Figure 2-4 Schematic of [ ]a,b~c ......... 2-4Figure 2-5 Schematic of [ ]abc........... ........ 2-5Figure 2-6 Schematic of [ .bc............................................... 2-5Figure 2-7 Schematic of [ ]ab ................ 2-6Figure 3-1 Pipe Mode Diagram, N=[0,4] .................................................................................................. 3-4Figure 5-1 Examples of Transients in Data ............................................................................................... 5-3Figure 5-2 [ ]bC ..................................... 5-6Figure 5-3 [ ]b.c .......................................... 5-6Figure 5-4 [ ]bC ........................... 5-7Figure 5-5 [ bc .......................... 5-8Figure 5-6 [ ]b.C ................... 5-8Figure 5-7 [ ]bC ............................... 5-9Figure 5-8 [ ]bc ................... 5-12Figure 5-9 [b C ................................................................. 5 -13Figure 5-10 []b ................................................................................... 5 -14Figure 5-11 []b,c ........................................................................... 5 -15Figure 5-12 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, M SL A US .................................................................... 5-16Figure 5-13 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, M SL A DS .................................................................... 5-16Figure 5-14 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, M SL B US .................................................................... 5-17Figure 5-15 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, M SL B DS .................................................................... 5-17Figure 5-16 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, M SL C US .................................................................... 5-18Figure 5-17 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, M SL C DS .................................................................... 5-18Figure 5-18 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, M SL D US ................................................................... 5-19WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 VI Figure 5-19 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, M SL D DS ................................................................... 5-19WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 viEXECUTIVE SUMMARYMonticello Nuclear generating plant (MNGP, herein referred to as "Monticello") is implementing anextended power uprate (EPU) to increase plant power from current licensed thermal power (CLTP) of]ab To satisfy the requirementsof the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Regulatory Guide 1.20, Revision 3(Reference 1), an analysis must be performed to demonstrate the structural integrity of reactor internalcomponents, []a,cI]a.cIIpacIpc.WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 viiLIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONSAC alternating currentACE Acoustic Circuit EnhancedBWR boiling water reactorCDI Continuum Dynamics, Inc.CLTP current licensed thermal powerDAS data acquisition systemDS downstream (used only in figures and tables)EIC electrical interference checkEPU extended power uprateGE General ElectricMNGP Monticello Nuclear Generating PlantMSL main steam lineNRC Nuclear Regulatory CommissionOEM original equipment manufacturerPCF pressure conversion factorPSD power spectral densityRMS root mean squareRPV reactor pressure vesselRRP reactor recirculation pumpRSD replacement steam dryerSIA Structural Integrity AssociatesSNR signal-to-noise ratioSRV safety relief valveSTFT Short-time Fourier transformSURE Stein's unbiased risk estimatorUS upstream (used only in figures and tables)Trademark NoteVersaDAS is a registered trademark of Structural Integrity Associates. Other names may be trademarks oftheir respective owners.WCAP-17548-NP August 2013Revision 2 1-111.1BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTIONBACKGROUND OF ACOUSTIC ISSUES AND REQUIREMENTS[]a,cNRC Regulatory Guide 1.20, Rev. 3 (Reference 1), contains requirements for demonstrating the structuralintegrity of the steam dryer at power levels higher than CLTP. []acWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 1-21.2 REPLACEMENT OF THE STEAM DRYERI]a.bca,cFigure 1-1 Schematic of Replacement Steam DryerI []a~b.cIabcWCAP-1 7548-NP August 2013WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 1-31.3 PURPOSEThis report details the signal processing methods used for processing MSL strain gauge data, and the RSDinstrumentation data gathered to support the benchrnarking of the Acoustic Circuit Enhanced (ACE)technique used to qualify the steam dryer for acoustic loads at EPU operating conditions. To this end, asummary of the data collection and recorded data at Monticello is contained in this document.Furthermore, specific datasets are shown and discussed in detail with regard to the signal processingperformed. The intention of presenting these data is to demonstrate the effect, and support the use, of thesignal processing described herein.This report also details the methods applied to the processed CLTP acoustic signature to create a predictedEPU signature.WCAP-1 7548-NP August 2013WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 2-122.1SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS WORKACOUSTIC SCREENINGIia,b,c2.2 SUBSCALE TESTINGIlaocI]abcTable 2-1 Natural Frequency of I ]bNatural FrequenciesPlantPredicted ( Reference 2) [ ]flC (Reference 4)Sidebranch Freq., Hz Difference Freq., Hz Difference Freq., HztI b2.3 PREVIOUS DATA RECORDINGS[I[Ijac]ab~cWCAP-I 7548-NP August 2013WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 2-2ia,b,c]a b.c2.4 DERIVATION OF INSTRUMENTATION LOCATIONSI1a3cacFigure 2-1 Schematic of MSL Irb,cWCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 2-3[]a,cTable 2-2IH,b,cI]a,cIjaca,b,cFigure 2-2 Schematic of [a,b,cWCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 2-4Figure 2-3 through Figure 2-5 show schematic views of the RSD with the strain gauge locationsindicated. The view angle is looking slightly down from above and outside the dryer, similar to the viewin the overall dryer schematic seen in Figure 1-1.a,b,cFigure 2-3 Schematic ofFigure 2-4 Schematic of [a,b,ca,b,ca,b,cWCAP-! 7548-flPAugust 2013Revision 2 2-5a,b,cFigure 2-5 Schematic of[I]abca,b,cFigure 2-6 Schematic of IIa,b,cWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 2-6a,b,cFigure 2-7 Schematic of Ila,b,c[]a,cWCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 3-13 DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING PLANThe following sections detail the data collection and processing performed on the recorded time historiesfrom Monticello. The processing documented in this report applied to the May 2011 100% CLTPMonticello data and 90% CLTP Monticello data is in Reference 8. The processing documented in thisreport applied to the remaining Monticello data is in Reference 4 and Reference 7.3.1 DATA ACQUISITION AND SIGNAL VALIDITYII]31C]a,cITable 3-1 I 1C I-- a,cWCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 3-2II] axc-Table 3-2 1Ba,ca,cI]a,cTable 3-3 1i8,Ca,cITable 3-4 1I RXflca,cWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 3-3ia,b,ca,b,c3.2 DATA PROCESSING OVERVIEWIWCAP-1 7548-NP August 2013WCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 3-43.3 STRAIN TO PRESSURE CONVERSION -MSL STRAIN GAUGE DATA]axLa,cj (3-1)where,[[I]alc]ac]a,ca,cFigure 3-1 Pipe Mode Diagram, N=[0,41II]a,cWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 3-5I]aocL]a,c(3-2)where,[[[]a,c]a,c]a,cI]a,c3.4 NARROW-BAND FILTERINGI]acI]acWCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 3-63.5 PSD DERIVATIONThe PSDs used in the methods presented in this report were derived using Welch's modified periodogrammethod. The signal was divided up into time ensembles with the same number of lines as the samplingfrequency, resulting in a 1 Hz frequency resolution in the final PSD. A Harming window was used toreduce spectral leakage, and 50 percent overlap was used to increase the number of ensembles availablefor averaging.3.6 WAVELET DENOISINGII]a,cI]a,CI]acI1.2.3.[IICICIICWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 3-7II cI]CIC(3-3)where,[[IcI]a.cI] C3.7 COMPUTATION OF THE PREDICTED EPU SIGNALI]acI]a3cWCAP- I 7548-NP August 2013WCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 4-14 INPUTS TO SIGNAL PROCESSING AND ASSUMPTIONS4.1 INPUTS]a,c]a,c4.2 ASSUMPTIONSThe acoustic speed in steam is assumed to be 1,600 ft/s per Reference 12.[] C] axIpac[]a,cla,cWCAP-1 7548-NP August 2013WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-155.1DISCUSSION OF RESULTSDATA RECORDINGI]a,cSTable 5-1Transducers and UnitsTransducerUnitsLa,cI]a,cI]abxcWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-2Table 5-2 Dates and Times of Data RecordingRecording %CLTPDate TimeFilenamebII]a,cI. [WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-3]ac2.]a~c3.]a,c]a,ca,ca,cFigure 5-1 Examples of Transients in Dataia,b,cWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-4II]a,b,cI]abc5.2 STRAIN TO PRESSURE CONVERSIONII]a,cI]acbWCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-5Table 5-4 shows a summary of the removed channels for each of the MSL strain gauge files.I Table 5-4 1 ]8,CI Recording % CLTPDate Stamp Time Selection Removed Channels 1bI]a,cWCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-6I]a,b,ca,b,cIFigure 5-2Figure 5-3 [b,c]a,b,ca,b,cb,cWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-7I]a.bcIa,b,cIja,b,ca,b,cFigure 5-4 [b,cII]ab.cIa,b,cWCAP-17548-NPARigust 2013Revision 2 5-8a,b,ca,b,cFigure 5-5 [Figure 5-6 1b,cb,cIa.,b.cWCAP- I 7548-NP August 2013WCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-9a,b,cFigure 5-7jb,cIa,b,cWCAP- I 7548-NP August 2013WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-105.3 FILTERINGI]a,cTable 5-5Summary of Narrow-Band Filtersa,b,cWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-11Table 5-5 Summary of Narrow-Band Filters (cont.)a,b,cI]ab.cWCAP-1 7548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-12bFigure 5-8b,cIa,b,cWCAP- 1 7548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-135.4 WAVELET DENOISING[]acI]acII]Ca,b,cFigure 5-9 [I b,cWCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-14IICa,b,cFigure 5-10b,cWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-15a,b,cFigure 5-11 15.5 PREDICTED EPU SIGNALIi b.cpacWCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-16bFigure 5-12 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, MSL A USbFigure 5-13 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, MSL A DSWCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-17bFigure 5-14 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, MSL B USbFigure 5-15 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, MSL B DSWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-18bFigure 5-16 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, MSL C USbFigure 5-17 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, MSL C DSWCAP- I 7548-NP August 2013WCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-19bFigure 5-18 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, MSL D USbFigure 5-19 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, MSL D DSWCAP- 1 7548-NP August 2013WCAP-17548-NPAugRist 2013Revision 2 6-16 CONCLUSIONS]a~b,cThe processing steps that define this methodology and that are fully detailed in Reference 8 andsummarized in this document can be listed as follows:1. [2.3. [4. []a,c]a,c]a,cThe resulting datasets are the best available representation of the actual plant data with minimal signatureinfluence from background and noise contributions.]a,cWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 7-17 REFERENCES1. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide 1.20, Rev. 3, "ComprehensiveVibration Assessment Program for Reactor Internals During Preoperational and Initial StartupTesting," March 2007.2. []a,c3. [4.5.6.a,c]a,c]a,c]a,c7. []a,c8. []a.c9. [pc10. Jacob Benesty, M. Mohan Sondhi, and Yiteng Huang (Eds.), Springer Handbook of SpeechProcessing, Springer, Berlin, 2008.11. 0. Cappe, "Elimination of the Musical Noise Phenomenon with the Ephraim and Malah NoiseSuppressor," IEEE Transactions of Speech and Audio Processing (April 1994): Vol. 2, 345-349.12. ASME, "ASME Steam Tables," Fifth Edition, 1983.13. []a,cWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 7-214. Structural Integrity Associates Calculation Package, MONT- I1Q-303, Rev. 1, "Monticello MainSteam Strain Gage Data Reduction," January 21, 2009.15. Xcel Energy Design Information Transmittal, DIT 13638-10, "Extended Power UprateImplementation," June 24, 2011.WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2

Revision as of 13:36, 22 March 2018

WCAP-17548-NP, Revision 2 - Signal Processing Performed on Monticello MSL Strain Gauge and Rsd Instrumentation Data, Enclosure 10
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/29/2013
From: Rowland A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
L-MT-13-091, TAC MD9990 WCAP-17548-NP, Rev 2
Download: ML13248A344 (48)


{{#Wiki_filter:L-MT-1 3-091ENCLOSURE 10WESTINGHOUSE WCAP-17548-NP, (NONPROPRIETARY) REVISION 2SIGNAL PROCESSING PERFORMED ON MONTICELLO MSL STRAIN GAUGE ANDRSD INSTRUMENTATION DATA47 pages follow Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3WCAP-17548-NPRevision 2Signal Processing Peon Monticello MSL StGauge and RSDInstrumentation Data)WestinghouseAugust 2013rformedrain WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3WCAP-17548-NPRevision 2Signal Processing Performed on Monticello MSL StrainGauge and RSD Instrumentation DataAnnMarie Rowland*U.S. BWR EngineeringAugust 2013Reviewer: Inessa E. Berman*U.S. BWR EngineeringApproved: Daniel T. McLaughlin*, ManagerU.S. BWR Engineering*Electronically approved records are authenticated in the electronic document management system.Westinghouse Electric Company LLC1000 Westinghouse DriveCranberry Township, PA 16066, USA© 2013 Westinghouse Electric Company LLCAll Rights ReservedWCAP-17548-NP TABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................................... iiiLIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................................... ivEXECUTIVE SUM M ARY .......................................................................................................................... viLIST OF ACRONYM S AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................. viiBACKGROUN D AN D INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 1-11.1 BACKGROUND OF ACOUSTIC ISSUES AND REQUIREMENTS ........................... 1-11.2 REPLACEM ENT OF THE STEAM DRYER ................................................................. 1-21.3 PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................ 1-32 SUM M ARY OF PREVIOUS W ORK .......................................................................................... 2-12.1 ACOUSTIC SCREENING ......................................................................................... 2-12.2 SUBSCALE TESTING ................................................................................................... 2-12.3 PREVIOUS DATA RECORDINGS ................................................................................ 2-12.4 DERIVATION OF INSTRUMENTATION LOCATIONS .............................................. 2-23 DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING PLAN .................................................................... 3-13.1 DATA ACQUISITION AND SIGNAL VALIDITY ........................................................ 3-13.2 DATA PROCESSING OVERVIEW ................................................................................ 3-33.3 STRAIN TO PRESSURE CONVERSION -MSL STRAIN GAUGE DATA ................ 3-43.4 NARROW -BAND FILTERING ...................................................................................... 3-53.5 PSD DERIVATION ......................................................................................................... 3-63.6 W AVELET DENOISING ................................................................................................ 3-63.7 COMPUTATION OF THE PREDICTED EPU SIGNAL ............................................... 3-74 INPUTS TO SIGNAL PROCESSING AND ASSUMPTIONS .................................................... 4-14.1 IN PUTS ........................................................................................................................... 4-14.2 ASSUM PTION S .............................................................................................................. 4-15 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS .................................................................................................. 5-15.1 DATA RECORDING ....................................................................................................... 5-15.2 STRAIN TO PRESSURE CONVERSION ..................................................................... 5-45.3 FILTERING ................................................................................................................... 5-105.4 W AVELET DENOISING .............................................................................................. 5-135.5 PREDICTED EPU SIGNAL ......................................................................................... 5-156 CONCLUSIONS .......................................................................................................................... 6-17 RE FERE NCES ............................................................................................................................. 7-1WCAP-17548-NP August 2013Revision 2 iiiLIST OF TABLESTable 2-1Table 2-2Table 3-1Table 3-2Table 3-3Table 3-4Table 5-1Table 5-2Table 5-3Table 5-4Table 5-5Natural Frequency of [.]b ...................................................................... 2-1............................................................................................ 2 -3[ ]ax ............................. 3-1[]a' ...................]......................................... 3 -2[ ]a,c ........................................... 3-2[ ]a,c ................................................. 3-2Transducers and Units ...................................................................................................... 5-1Dates and Tim es of Data Recording ................................................................................ 5-2[ ]a,c ................................................................... 5 -4[ax .................... 5-5Sum mary of Narrow-Band Filters ................................................................................. 5-10WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 ivLIST OF FIGURESFigure 1-1 Schematic of Replacement Steam Dryer ................................................................................. 1-2Figure 2-1 Schematic of M SL [],b,c ......................................................... 2-2Figure 2-2 Schematic of [ ]a,b,c ........................................................ 2-3Figure 2-3 Schematic of [ ]a,b,c ............... 2-4Figure 2-4 Schematic of [ ]a,b~c ......... 2-4Figure 2-5 Schematic of [ ]abc........... ........ 2-5Figure 2-6 Schematic of [ .bc............................................... 2-5Figure 2-7 Schematic of [ ]ab ................ 2-6Figure 3-1 Pipe Mode Diagram, N=[0,4] .................................................................................................. 3-4Figure 5-1 Examples of Transients in Data ............................................................................................... 5-3Figure 5-2 [ ]bC ..................................... 5-6Figure 5-3 [ ]b.c .......................................... 5-6Figure 5-4 [ ]bC ........................... 5-7Figure 5-5 [ bc .......................... 5-8Figure 5-6 [ ]b.C ................... 5-8Figure 5-7 [ ]bC ............................... 5-9Figure 5-8 [ ]bc ................... 5-12Figure 5-9 [b C ................................................................. 5 -13Figure 5-10 []b ................................................................................... 5 -14Figure 5-11 []b,c ........................................................................... 5 -15Figure 5-12 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, M SL A US .................................................................... 5-16Figure 5-13 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, M SL A DS .................................................................... 5-16Figure 5-14 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, M SL B US .................................................................... 5-17Figure 5-15 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, M SL B DS .................................................................... 5-17Figure 5-16 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, M SL C US .................................................................... 5-18Figure 5-17 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, M SL C DS .................................................................... 5-18Figure 5-18 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, M SL D US ................................................................... 5-19WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 VI Figure 5-19 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, M SL D DS ................................................................... 5-19WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 viEXECUTIVE SUMMARYMonticello Nuclear generating plant (MNGP, herein referred to as "Monticello") is implementing anextended power uprate (EPU) to increase plant power from current licensed thermal power (CLTP) of]ab To satisfy the requirementsof the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Regulatory Guide 1.20, Revision 3(Reference 1), an analysis must be performed to demonstrate the structural integrity of reactor internalcomponents, []a,cI]a.cIIpacIpc.WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 viiLIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONSAC alternating currentACE Acoustic Circuit EnhancedBWR boiling water reactorCDI Continuum Dynamics, Inc.CLTP current licensed thermal powerDAS data acquisition systemDS downstream (used only in figures and tables)EIC electrical interference checkEPU extended power uprateGE General ElectricMNGP Monticello Nuclear Generating PlantMSL main steam lineNRC Nuclear Regulatory CommissionOEM original equipment manufacturerPCF pressure conversion factorPSD power spectral densityRMS root mean squareRPV reactor pressure vesselRRP reactor recirculation pumpRSD replacement steam dryerSIA Structural Integrity AssociatesSNR signal-to-noise ratioSRV safety relief valveSTFT Short-time Fourier transformSURE Stein's unbiased risk estimatorUS upstream (used only in figures and tables)Trademark NoteVersaDAS is a registered trademark of Structural Integrity Associates. Other names may be trademarks oftheir respective owners.WCAP-17548-NP August 2013Revision 2 1-111.1BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTIONBACKGROUND OF ACOUSTIC ISSUES AND REQUIREMENTS[]a,cNRC Regulatory Guide 1.20, Rev. 3 (Reference 1), contains requirements for demonstrating the structuralintegrity of the steam dryer at power levels higher than CLTP. []acWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 1-21.2 REPLACEMENT OF THE STEAM DRYERI]a.bca,cFigure 1-1 Schematic of Replacement Steam DryerI []a~b.cIabcWCAP-1 7548-NP August 2013WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 1-31.3 PURPOSEThis report details the signal processing methods used for processing MSL strain gauge data, and the RSDinstrumentation data gathered to support the benchrnarking of the Acoustic Circuit Enhanced (ACE)technique used to qualify the steam dryer for acoustic loads at EPU operating conditions. To this end, asummary of the data collection and recorded data at Monticello is contained in this document.Furthermore, specific datasets are shown and discussed in detail with regard to the signal processingperformed. The intention of presenting these data is to demonstrate the effect, and support the use, of thesignal processing described herein.This report also details the methods applied to the processed CLTP acoustic signature to create a predictedEPU signature.WCAP-1 7548-NP August 2013WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 2-122.1SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS WORKACOUSTIC SCREENINGIia,b,c2.2 SUBSCALE TESTINGIlaocI]abcTable 2-1 Natural Frequency of I ]bNatural FrequenciesPlantPredicted ( Reference 2) [ ]flC (Reference 4)Sidebranch Freq., Hz Difference Freq., Hz Difference Freq., HztI b2.3 PREVIOUS DATA RECORDINGS[I[Ijac]ab~cWCAP-I 7548-NP August 2013WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 2-2ia,b,c]a b.c2.4 DERIVATION OF INSTRUMENTATION LOCATIONSI1a3cacFigure 2-1 Schematic of MSL Irb,cWCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 2-3[]a,cTable 2-2IH,b,cI]a,cIjaca,b,cFigure 2-2 Schematic of [a,b,cWCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 2-4Figure 2-3 through Figure 2-5 show schematic views of the RSD with the strain gauge locationsindicated. The view angle is looking slightly down from above and outside the dryer, similar to the viewin the overall dryer schematic seen in Figure 1-1.a,b,cFigure 2-3 Schematic ofFigure 2-4 Schematic of [a,b,ca,b,ca,b,cWCAP-! 7548-flPAugust 2013Revision 2 2-5a,b,cFigure 2-5 Schematic of[I]abca,b,cFigure 2-6 Schematic of IIa,b,cWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 2-6a,b,cFigure 2-7 Schematic of Ila,b,c[]a,cWCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 3-13 DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING PLANThe following sections detail the data collection and processing performed on the recorded time historiesfrom Monticello. The processing documented in this report applied to the May 2011 100% CLTPMonticello data and 90% CLTP Monticello data is in Reference 8. The processing documented in thisreport applied to the remaining Monticello data is in Reference 4 and Reference 7.3.1 DATA ACQUISITION AND SIGNAL VALIDITYII]31C]a,cITable 3-1 I 1C I-- a,cWCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 3-2II] axc-Table 3-2 1Ba,ca,cI]a,cTable 3-3 1i8,Ca,cITable 3-4 1I RXflca,cWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 3-3ia,b,ca,b,c3.2 DATA PROCESSING OVERVIEWIWCAP-1 7548-NP August 2013WCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 3-43.3 STRAIN TO PRESSURE CONVERSION -MSL STRAIN GAUGE DATA]axLa,cj (3-1)where,[[I]alc]ac]a,ca,cFigure 3-1 Pipe Mode Diagram, N=[0,41II]a,cWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 3-5I]aocL]a,c(3-2)where,[[[]a,c]a,c]a,cI]a,c3.4 NARROW-BAND FILTERINGI]acI]acWCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 3-63.5 PSD DERIVATIONThe PSDs used in the methods presented in this report were derived using Welch's modified periodogrammethod. The signal was divided up into time ensembles with the same number of lines as the samplingfrequency, resulting in a 1 Hz frequency resolution in the final PSD. A Harming window was used toreduce spectral leakage, and 50 percent overlap was used to increase the number of ensembles availablefor averaging.3.6 WAVELET DENOISINGII]a,cI]a,CI]acI1.2.3.[IICICIICWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 3-7II cI]CIC(3-3)where,[[IcI]a.cI] C3.7 COMPUTATION OF THE PREDICTED EPU SIGNALI]acI]a3cWCAP- I 7548-NP August 2013WCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 4-14 INPUTS TO SIGNAL PROCESSING AND ASSUMPTIONS4.1 INPUTS]a,c]a,c4.2 ASSUMPTIONSThe acoustic speed in steam is assumed to be 1,600 ft/s per Reference 12.[] C] axIpac[]a,cla,cWCAP-1 7548-NP August 2013WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-155.1DISCUSSION OF RESULTSDATA RECORDINGI]a,cSTable 5-1Transducers and UnitsTransducerUnitsLa,cI]a,cI]abxcWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-2Table 5-2 Dates and Times of Data RecordingRecording %CLTPDate TimeFilenamebII]a,cI. [WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-3]ac2.]a~c3.]a,c]a,ca,ca,cFigure 5-1 Examples of Transients in Dataia,b,cWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-4II]a,b,cI]abc5.2 STRAIN TO PRESSURE CONVERSIONII]a,cI]acbWCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-5Table 5-4 shows a summary of the removed channels for each of the MSL strain gauge files.I Table 5-4 1 ]8,CI Recording % CLTPDate Stamp Time Selection Removed Channels 1bI]a,cWCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-6I]a,b,ca,b,cIFigure 5-2Figure 5-3 [b,c]a,b,ca,b,cb,cWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-7I]a.bcIa,b,cIja,b,ca,b,cFigure 5-4 [b,cII]ab.cIa,b,cWCAP-17548-NPARigust 2013Revision 2 5-8a,b,ca,b,cFigure 5-5 [Figure 5-6 1b,cb,cIa.,b.cWCAP- I 7548-NP August 2013WCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-9a,b,cFigure 5-7jb,cIa,b,cWCAP- I 7548-NP August 2013WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-105.3 FILTERINGI]a,cTable 5-5Summary of Narrow-Band Filtersa,b,cWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-11Table 5-5 Summary of Narrow-Band Filters (cont.)a,b,cI]ab.cWCAP-1 7548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-12bFigure 5-8b,cIa,b,cWCAP- 1 7548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-135.4 WAVELET DENOISING[]acI]acII]Ca,b,cFigure 5-9 [I b,cWCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-14IICa,b,cFigure 5-10b,cWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-15a,b,cFigure 5-11 15.5 PREDICTED EPU SIGNALIi b.cpacWCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-16bFigure 5-12 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, MSL A USbFigure 5-13 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, MSL A DSWCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-17bFigure 5-14 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, MSL B USbFigure 5-15 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, MSL B DSWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-18bFigure 5-16 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, MSL C USbFigure 5-17 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, MSL C DSWCAP- I 7548-NP August 2013WCAP- 17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 5-19bFigure 5-18 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, MSL D USbFigure 5-19 CLTP and Predicted EPU Signals, MSL D DSWCAP- 1 7548-NP August 2013WCAP-17548-NPAugRist 2013Revision 2 6-16 CONCLUSIONS]a~b,cThe processing steps that define this methodology and that are fully detailed in Reference 8 andsummarized in this document can be listed as follows:1. [2.3. [4. []a,c]a,c]a,cThe resulting datasets are the best available representation of the actual plant data with minimal signatureinfluence from background and noise contributions.]a,cWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 7-17 REFERENCES1. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide 1.20, Rev. 3, "ComprehensiveVibration Assessment Program for Reactor Internals During Preoperational and Initial StartupTesting," March 2007.2. []a,c3. [4.5.6.a,c]a,c]a,c]a,c7. []a,c8. []a.c9. [pc10. Jacob Benesty, M. Mohan Sondhi, and Yiteng Huang (Eds.), Springer Handbook of SpeechProcessing, Springer, Berlin, 2008.11. 0. Cappe, "Elimination of the Musical Noise Phenomenon with the Ephraim and Malah NoiseSuppressor," IEEE Transactions of Speech and Audio Processing (April 1994): Vol. 2, 345-349.12. ASME, "ASME Steam Tables," Fifth Edition, 1983.13. []a,cWCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 7-214. Structural Integrity Associates Calculation Package, MONT- I1Q-303, Rev. 1, "Monticello MainSteam Strain Gage Data Reduction," January 21, 2009.15. Xcel Energy Design Information Transmittal, DIT 13638-10, "Extended Power UprateImplementation," June 24, 2011.WCAP-17548-NPAugust 2013Revision 2 }}