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ArrACHMENT 2 Based on the above methodology, best-estimate copper and nickel values were determined for each of the primary weld filler material heat numbers listed in Tables 5 and 6 for Vortle I and 2, respectively. The resulting best-estimate copper and nickel values for the weld filler materials are found in Table 1. Appendix A contains the detailed calculation of the best-estimate values for the Vogtle 1 and 2 primary beltline
ArrACHMENT 2 Based on the above methodology, best-estimate copper and nickel values were determined for each of the primary weld filler material heat numbers listed in Tables 5 and 6 for Vortle I and 2, respectively. The resulting best-estimate copper and nickel values for the weld filler materials are found in Table 1. Appendix A contains the detailed calculation of the best-estimate values for the Vogtle 1 and 2 primary beltline
'                                                                                                              l weld filler material heats.                                                                ,
'                                                                                                              l weld filler material heats.                                                                ,
                   - The above described methodology is consistent with that described by NEI letter dated October 20,1995.
                   - The above described methodology is consistent with that described by NEI {{letter dated|date=October 20, 1995|text=letter dated October 20,1995}}.
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Latest revision as of 19:08, 24 September 2022

Forwards Response to GL 92-01,Rev 1,Suppl 1, Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity & best-estimate Copper & Nickel Values for Reactor Vessel Beltline Welds
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 11/15/1995
From: Mccoy C
GL-92-01, GL-92-1, LCV-0648B, LCV-648B, TAC-M83522, TAC-M83523, NUDOCS 9511210195
Download: ML20094L939 (21)


- ~, . . . - . - . - . - - _- .-. ..

., Georgia Power Company l 40 inverness Center Parkway

. Post Omce Box 1295 ' ,

, Birmingham. Alabama 3s201 Tetephone 205 877-7122 j C. K. McCoy Veo President, Nuclear GeorgiaPower

" 8" # " **

November 15, 1995 t Docket Nos. 50-424 LCV-0648B  !

50-425 TAC Nos. M83572 MP' 23 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission I ATTN: Document Control Desk ,

Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 E

Vogtle Electric Generating Plant l Response to Generic Letter 92-01, Revision 1, Supplement 1 i Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity Ladies and Gentlemen: ,

1 The NRC issued Generic Letter 92-01, Revision 1, Supplement 1 (GL92-01, R1, SI),

Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity, on May 19,1995. In the generic letter supplement, the NRC identified a concern that licensees may not have all of the relevant data pertinent '

to the evaluation of the structural integrity of their reactor pressure vessels. The generic letter supplement requested licensees to respond within 90 days describing those actions ..

taken or planned to locate all data relevant to the determination of RPV integrity, or an l explanation of why the existing data is considered complete as previously submitted.  !

Additionally, GL92-01, R1, S1 requested licensees to provide the following information within 6 months of the date of the generic letter supplement:

- an assessment of any change in best-estimate chemistry based on consideration of all relevant data;

- a determination regarding the need to use the ratio procedure described in Position 2.1 of Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2; and

- a written report providing any newly acquired data and the results of any i necessary revisions to the evaluation of RPV integrity in accordance with the  ;

requirements of 10 CFR 50.60,10 CFR 50.61, Appendices G and H to 10 CFR 50, and any potential impact on the LTOP or P-T limits or a certification that all information previously submitted remains valid.



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9511. 195 951115 PDR ..JDCK 05000424 P. PDR

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G60rgia Power A U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 Georgia Power Company (GPC) letter LCV-0648 to the NRC, dated August 9,1995, provided the 90 day response to GL92-01, R1, S1, for Vogtle 1 and 2. Attachments 1 and 2 to this letter provide the 6 month response to GL92-01, R1, S1, for Vogtle 1 and 2. .

Based on the specific NRC inquiries contained in GL92-01, R1, S1, GPC has focused the activities associated with this response to those necessary to address weld chemistry variability.

I In summary, the Vogtle 1 and 2 reactor vessel beltline welds were not fabricated using copper coated weld wire and are not subject to the weld chemistry variability identified in GL92-01, R1, S t. Additional information obtained through participation in the Combustion Engineering Reactor Vessel Group (CE-RVG) resulted in slight changes to the best-estimate copper and nickel values for the Vogtle I and 2 beltline welds.

However, the Vogtle 1 and 2 reactor vessels continue to be plate limited and the current  :

reactor vessel integrity analyses remain valid.

As part of a long-term resolution of this issue, GPC is currently participating in the Combustion Engineering Owners Group - Reactor Vessel Working Group (CEOG-RVWG) weld chemistry variability task. The objective of this task is to determine best- ,

estimate copper and nickel values for each weld material heat used in the beltline region of CE-fabricated reactor vessels. Completion of this task is currently projected to require a minimum of 18 months. Upon completion, the results of this task will be evaluated to r determine the affect of any new information on the reactor vessel integrity analyses for  !

Vogtle 1 and 2.

t Should you have any questions, please advise.  ;


C. K. McCoy SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS I AY OF ot/> th 1995 Y a% [ . b2d h,-

Notary 7ublic I


My Commission Expires: N9/m i CKM/FWS LCV-0648B 700775

D' 4

^ G6orgia PowerI U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 3 Attachments i t. Response to Generic Letter 92-01, Revision 1, Supplement 1 -

Requested Information

2. Best-Estimate Copper and Nickel Values for Reactor Vessel Beltline Welds cc: Georgia Power Company J. B. Beasley, Jr.

M. Sheibani NORMS U. S. Nuclear Reguintory Commission S. D. Ebneter, Regional Administrator ,

L. L. Wheeler, Licensing Project Manager, NRR l C. R. Ogle, Senior Resident Inspector, Vogtle I

1 l

I.CV-0648B 700775

9 4


1 Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Response to Generic Letter 92-01, I Revision 1, Supplement 1 Requested Information

,~ ' :.




i Requested Information  !

l (1) Describe those actions taken or planned to locate all data relevant to the determination of reactor vessel integrity, or an explanation of why the  ;

existing data is considered complete as previously submitted.

The response to this item was provided in GPC letter LCV-0648, dated August 9,1995.

(2) an assessment of any change in best-estimate chemistry based on  !

consideration of all relevant data; Tables 1 and 2 below illustrate the best-estimate chemistry changes from that reported in the GPC response to GL92-01, R1, and GL92-01, R1, S1, based on the information contained in Attachment 2 for Vogtle 1 and 2, respectively. Table 1 i indicates that there was no change to the best-estimate copper content and a slight ine eased nickel content for the Vogtle 1 reactor vessel beltline welds. In accordance with 10 CFR 50.61, this change results in a slight increase in the chemistry factor (CF) from 33.5 F to 35.4 F for the Vogtle 1 reactor vessel beltline welds. Due to the low copper content of the Vogtle 1 reactor vessel beltline welds, this shift is considered to be insignificant.

Table 2 indicates a slight decrease in the best-estimate copper content and a slight increase in the nickel content of the Vogtle 2 reactor vessel beltline axial welds.

These changes result in a decreased CF from 46.95 F to 44.4 F for the Vogtle 2 reactor vessel axial beltline welds. Table 2 also indicates a slight decrease in the copper content and a slight increase in nickel content for the Vogtle 2 intermediate to lower shell circumferential weld. These changes result in an increased CF for the intermediate to lower shell circumferential weld from 42.8 F to 44.4 'F. Due to the low copper content of the Vogtle 2 reactor vessel beltline welds, these changes are also considered to be insignificant.

LCV-0648B 1

> _ . m__.-_ .

.. l ArrACHMENT l GL 92-01, Revision 1 SEAM lhCATION IIEAT No. GL 92-01 REVISloN 1 SUPPLEMENT 1 NUMata Cu Ni Cu Ni 101 124A Intermediate Shell Axial Weld A 83653 0.04 0.10 0.04 0.12 101 124B Intermediate Shell Axial Weld B 83653 0.04 0.10 0.04 0.12 i

101 124C Intermediate Shell Axial Weld C 83653 0.04 0.10 0.04 0.12 101 142A Lower Shell Axial Weld A 83653 0.04 0.10 0.04 0.12 101 142B Lower Shell Axial Weld 11 83653 0.04 0.10 0.04 - 0.12 101 142C Lower Shell Axial Weld C 83653 0.04 0.10 0.04 0.12 101 171 Intermediate to Lower Cire. Weld 83653 0.04 0.10 0.04 0.12 101 194 C & D Test Plate (Sury. Weld) 83653 [1] [1] 0.04 0.12 Table 1 - Best-Estimate Chemistry Changes for Vogtle 1 Note: I'l Best-estimate copper and nickel values not provided by GPC GL92-01, R1, response GL 92-01, REvissoN 1 SEAM LOCATION llEAT No. GL 92-01 Revision I SUPPLEMENT I ]

NUMsEm Cu Ni Cu Ni 101 124A Intermediate Shell Axial Weld A 87005 0.07 0.13 0.05 0.16 101 124B Intermediate Shell Axial Weld B 87005 0.07 0.13 0.05 0.16 101 124C Intermediate Shell Axial Weld C 87005 0.07 0.13 0.05 0.16 l

101 142A Lower Shell Axial Weld A 87005 0.07 0.13 0.05 0.16 l

l 101 142B Lower Shell Axial Weld B 87005 0.07 0.13 0.05 0.16 l 101 142C Lower Shell Axial Weld C 87005 0.07 0.13 0.05 0.16 l

101 171 Intermediate to Lower Cire. Weld 87005 0.06 0.12 0.05 0.16 101 194 C & D Test Plate (Sury. Weld) 87005 [1] [1] 0.05 0.16  !

Table 2 - Best-Estimate Chemistry Changes for Vogtle 2 Note: l'I Best estimate copper and nickel values not provided by GPC GL92-01, R1, response LCV-0648B 2 i

,. '.. j ATTACHMENT I l

. l 1

l I

(3) a determination regarding the need to use the ratio procedure described in l Position 2.1 of Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2; and The surveillance program welds for Vogtle I and 2 were fabricated using the same heat of weld wire used to fabricate the reactor vessel beltline welds for the respective units. No copper coated weld wires were used in either the surveillance program welds or the reactor vessel beltline welds for Vogtle 1 and 2. Therefore, the best-estimate copper and nickel content for the Vogtle I and 2 surveillance program welds are considered representative of their respective beltline welds.


Therefore, it is not necessary to adjust the surveillance weld results using the ratio j procedure described in Position 2.1 of Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2.

(4) a written report providing any newly acquired data and; (a) the results of any necessary revisions to the evaluation of RPV integrity in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.60,10 CFR 50.61, Appendices G and H to 10 CFR 50, and any potential impact on the LTOP or P-T limits or (b) a certification that all information previously submitted remains valid. l l

Attachment 2 provides the newly acquired data requested by GL92-01, R1, S1.

Due to the low copper content of the Vogtle 1 and 2 reactor vessel beltline welds, the reactor vessel integrity analyses are limited by the beltline plate properties instead of the beltline welds. The slight increase in chemistry factors stated in response to NRC required information item 2 above, does not result in any of the i Vogtle 1 and 2 beltline welds becoming the limiting material with regard to  !

reactor vessel integrity. Therefore, the current reactor vessel integrity analyses for Vogtle 1 and 2 continues to remain valid.

LCV-0648B 3

l ATTACHMENT 2 Best-Estimate Copper and Nickel Values for Reactor Vessel Beltline Welds l

i 1

Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 1 and 2 1


ATTACHMENT 2 Table of Contents Purpose 1 Smp 1 Summary 1 Background 1 Methodology 3 Tables Table 1 - Best Estimate Values for Weld Filler Material Heats Contained 1 in Vogtle 1 and 2 Reactor Vessel Beltlines Table 2 - Types of Chemical Analyses Performed 3 Table 3 -Vogtle Unit 1 Beltline Weld Consumables 4 Table 4 - Vogtle Unit 2 Beltline Weld Consumables 5 Table 5 - Vogtle Unit 1 Primary Beltline Weld Consumables 0 Table 6 - Vogtle Unit 2 Primary Beltline Weld Consumables 7 Table 7 -Weighting Factors Used to Determine Best-Estimate 8 Copper and Nickel Appendices Appendix A - Determination of Best-Estimate Copper and Nickel Table A Calculation of Best-Estimate Copper and A-1 Nickel Values for Weld Wire Heat 83653 Table A Calculation of Best-Estimate Copper and A-2 Nickel Values for Weld Wire Heat 87005 i


ArrACHMENT 2 Purpose This report provides the best-estimate copper and nickel values for the beltline materials I contained in the Vogtle 1 and 2 reactor vessels to support the Georgia Power Company I (GPC) response to Generic Letter 92-01, Revision 1, Supplement 1.


1. Collection ofinformation impacting the best-estimate copper and nickel values for Vogtle 1 and 2 reactor vessel beltline welds; and i
2. Determination of the best-estimate copper and nickel value for Vogtle 1 and 2 beltline welds.  ;

1 Summary Table 1 provides the best-estimate copper and nickel content for the primary weld filler ,

material heat numbers contained in the beltline region of the Vogtle 1 and 2 reactor I I


Plant Heat Number Wt % Copper Wt % Nickel Reference l

Vogtle 1 83653 0.04 0.12 Table A-1 I

Vogtle 2 87005 0.05 0.16 Table A-2 Table 1 - Best-Estimate Values for Weld Filler Material Heats Contained in Vogtle 1 and 2  ;

Reactor Vessel Beltlines I l


The Vogtle 1 and 2 reactor vessels were fabricated by Combustion Engineering's Nuclear Division in Chattanooga, Tennessee. GPC participated in the Combustion Engineering -

Reactor Vessel Group (CE-RVG) Phase II activity, which included a review of the original fabrication records for the Vogtle 1 and 2 reactor vessels. As a result, pertinent l information abstracted from the original fabrication records, along with copies of the original fabrication records, were provided to GPC. These records are the primary source ofinformation incorporated into this repon.

As part of the fabrication process, Combustion Engineering (C-E) completed a Weld Inspection Form (WIF) for each weld seam contained in a specific reactor vessel. The l WIF identified the seam identification number, the consumables used to fabricate the i weld (i.e., weld wire heat number, flux type, and flux lot), weld procedure, and heat i treatment procedures. It should be noted that seam numbers were often assigned to, and I

.- ~b ATTACHMEwr 2 WIFs completed for, welds in surveillance test plates that were later provided for use in 1 the reactor vessel surveillance program.

Combustion Engineering used two primary weld processes to fabricate welds for the Vogtle 1 and 2 reactor vessel beltline seams. These are shielded metal arc welds and submerged arc welds. Shielded metal are welds were made using E8018 stick electrodes and were used primarily for (1) fit-up of the plates in preparation for submerged arc welding; (2) to fill in backgrooves following removal of backing rings; and (3) miscellaneous weld repairs.' When used for fit-up purposes, the shielded metal arc weld - ,

material was typically removed and replaced by a submerged arc weld. -

Submerged are welds were fabricated using a machine process that involved a continuous feed of weld wire from large spools into the weld puddle, which was shielded by a l blanket of powdered material called flux. Submerged are welds were fabricated using ]

either one or two continuous weld wires fed from spools containing approximately 120 1 pounds of weld wire each. Submerged arc welds fabricated using only one weld wire are called single arc welds and those fabricated by feeding two weld wires into the weld 1 puddle are called tandem arc welds. l l

The weld wires that were used to fabricate submerged are welds typically fall into two  ;

categories for the purpose of determining the best-estimate copper and nickel content.  ;

These are copper coated and non-copper coated wires. The copper coating was applied to the weld wire after the weld wire manufacturer performed the necessary chemical analyses to verify compliance with the applicable material specification. The purpose of the copper coating was to prevent corrosion of the wire prior to use. After copper was identified as the greatest contributor to radiation embrittlement damage, the practice of coating the weld wire with copper was discontinued. The Vogtle 1 and 2 reactor vessel beltline welds were fabricated using only non-copper coated weld wires.

There are typically five types of chemical analyses that were per formed on weld filler - ,

material contained in reactor pressure vessels. These are described in Table 2.

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2 I

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ArrACHMENT 2 ANALYSIS TYPE DESCRIPTION Chemical analysis performed either prior to application of the copper-coating to the Bare Wire weld wire or following removal of the copper coating for the test specimen. This Chemical Analysis analysis does not account for the number of electrodes used in the weld process (BWCA) (i.e., single or tandem arc), the copper coating applied to the weld wire, or the flux type / lot used to fabricate a specific weld.

l Coated Electrode Chemical analysis of welds fabricated using stick electrodes in the Deposit Chemistry as-deposited condition (i.e., SMAW).

(CEDC) i in-Process Weld Chemical analysis of chip samples taken directly from the vessel weld. IPWDA Deposit Analysis generally represents a weld / flux deposit chemistry or a coated electrode deposit (IPWDA) chemistry for the specific weld seam.

Chemical analysis of surveillance capsule weld specimen. Chemical analyses of Surveillance  :,urveillance welds are typically performed on irradiated specimens and are similar Welds to other as-deposited chemical analyses in that they account for the consumables and number of electrodes used in the welding process.

Weld Flux Chemical analysis of weld material in an as-welded condition. WFDC include the Deposit Chemistry effects of the consumables used in fabrication of the specific weld on which the (WFDC) analysis was performed.

Table 2: Types of Chemical Analyses Performed Methodology GPC reviewed the WIFs for the reactor vessel beltline seams for Vogtle 1 and 2, including welds in surveillance test plates, and identified the heat numbers of the weld filler material used to fabricate the beltline and surveillance welds. Tables 3 and 4 contain a list of all consumables used in the fabrication of the Vogtle 1 and 2 reactor vessel beltline welds, respectively.


,. c.


. SEAM WELD FLUX NUMBER LOCATION HEAT NUMBER (S) TYPE LOT REFERENCE l Intermediate Shell Axial Weld A 83653 II] 0091 3536 RVG-0000004429 l

I 101 124A Fit-up/Backgroove Weld ABEA'3 [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000004429 l2 Fit-up/Backgroove Weld IAGA] [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000004429 Repair Weld KOIBt23 (3] [4] [4] RVG-0000004428 4 Intermediate Shell Axial Weld B 83653 ll] 0091 3536 RVG-0000004427 101-124B Fit-up/Backgroove Weld BOLA I21 13] [4] [4] RVG-0000004427 Repair Weld JAllBI23 [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000004424 Repair Weld ilABJCt21 [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000004424 Intermediate Shell Axial Weld C 83653 [1] 0091 3536 RVG-0000004449 1 I

101-124C Fit-up/Backgroove Weld ABEA'I [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000004449 Fit-up/Backgroove Weld BOLAt21 [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000004449 101-142A Lower Shell Axial Weld A 83653 ll] 0091 3536 RVG-0000003769 Repair Weld ilABJCI21 (3) [4] [4] RVG-0000003772 101-142B Lower Shell Axial Weld B 83653 (1] 0091 3536 RVG-0000003768 Fit-up/Backgroove Weld IIAAECt2j [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000003768 101-142C Lower Shell Axial Weld C 83653 (1] 0091 3536 RVG-0000003768 Fit-up/Backgroove Weld ilAAECl2] 13) [4] [4] RVG-0000003768 101-171 Intermediate to Lower Cire. Weld 83653 83653 0091 3536 RVG-0000003803 Repair Weld IAOCEI 'l [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000003802 101 194 C & D Test Plate (Sury. Weld) 83653 83653 0091 3536 RVG-0000004366 Fit-up/Backgroove Weld FAAllFt21 (3] [4] [4] RVG-0000004366 TABLE 3 - VOGTLE UNIT l BELH.INE WELD CONSUMAHLES Norts: [1] Listing of a single heat number indicates single arc weld. Therefore, second heat number is not applicable.

[2] E8018 filter material

[3] Multiple electrodes are not applicable to Shicided Metal Arc Welds.

[4] Powdered flux is not applicable to Shielded Metal Arc Welds.


. s ..

ATTACHMENT 2 SEAM WELD FLUX NUMBER LOCATION HEAT NUMBER (S) TYPE LOT REFERENCE 101-124A Intermediate Shell Axial Weld A 87005 [1] 0091 0145 RVG-0000006562 Repair Weld BAOEDt21 [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000006563 101 124B Intermediate Shell Axial Weld B 87005 [1] 0091 0145 RVG-0000006562 Repair Weld BAOED t21 [3] 14] [4] RVG-0000006563 l Intermediate Shell Axial Weld C 87005 [1] 0091 0145 RVG-0000006562 101-124C Repair Weld BAOEDI21 [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000006563 Repair Weld ABCAIII23 [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000006565 l Lower Shell Axial Weld A 87005 [1] 0091 0145 RVG-0000006699 )

101-142A Fit-up/Backgroove Weld IIAOEEt21 [3] [4] 14] RVG-0000006699 Repair Weld flABJFt2) [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000006817 Lower Shell Axial Weld B 87005 [1] 0091 0145 RVG-0000006815 Fit-up/Backgroove Weld IIAOEEt21 [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000006815 101-142B Fit-up/Backgroove Weld FAOJEl21 [3] [4] [4] RVG-00000%815 Repair Weld ilABJFt21 [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000006817 Repair Weld 1AOCEl *l [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000006818 RVG-0000006819 Lower Shell Axial Weld C 87005 [1] 0091 0145 RVG-0000006816 Fit-up/Backgroove Weld ilAAECt21 [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000006816 101-142C Fit-up/Backgroove Weld ilAOEEI23 [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000006816 Repair Weld flABJFt21 [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000006817 Repair Weld IAOCEt21 [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000006819 Intermediate to Lower Cire. Weld 87005 87005 0124 1061 RVG-0000006827 101 171 Fit-up/Backgroove Weld CAAEl l21 [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000006827 Fit-up/Backgroove Weld FAODI t21 [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000006827 101-194 C & D Test Plate (Surv Weld) 87005 87005 0124 1061 RVG-0000006736 Fit-up/Backgroove Weld FABGi l21 [3] [4] [4] RVG-0000006736 TABLE 4 - VOGTLE UNIT 2 BELTLINE WELD CONSUMABLES l

NOTES: l'] Listing of a single heat number indicates single are weld. Therefore, second heat number is not applicable.

[2] E8018 filter material ,

[3] Multiple electrodes are not applicable to Shielded Metal Arc Welds.

[4] Powdered flux is not applicable to Shielded Metal Arc Welds.


ATTACHMENT 2 l As stated previously, shielded metal arc welds using E8018 weld rods were used for fit-up and repair welds and are included on the WIF where applicable for a specific seam. In the case of fit-up welds, the E8018 filler material was typically removed prior to completion of the submerged are welding process and therefore, does not contribute significantly to the copper and nickel content of the final weld. For weld repairs containing E8018 filler material, the repair typically represents a small volume of the final weld. Additionally, E8018 filler material typically contained a very small amount of copper, in the range of 0.02 to 0.03 weight percent, and approximately 1.0 weight percent nickel. Due to the relatively limited volume of filler material contained in the weld repairs and the low copper content associated with E8018 filler material, the contribution of copper and nickel associated with the weld repair is not considered to have a significant impact on the best-estimate copper and nickel content of a particular weld seam. Tables 5 and 6 provide a list of primary weld filler material heat numbers used in the Vogtle 1 and 2 reactor vessels, respectively.

SEAM WELD FLUX NUMBER LCCATloN HEAT NUMBER (S) TYPE lot REFERENCE 101-124 A Intermediate Shell Axial Weld A 83653 [1] 0091 3536 RVG-0000004429 101-124B Intermediate Shell Axial Weld B 83653 ll) 0091 3536 RVG-0000004427 101-124C Intermediate Shell Axial Weld C 83653 Ill 0091 3536 RVG-0000004449 101 142A Lower Shell Axial Weld A 83653 [1] 0091 3536 RVG-0000003769 101-142B Lower Shell Axial Weld B 83653 [1] 0091 3536 RVG-0000003768 101-142C Lower Shell Axial Weld C 83653 (1) 0091 3536 RVG-0000003768 101-171 Intermediate to Lower Cire. Weld 83653 83653 0091 3536 RVG-0000003803 101-194 C & D Test Plate (Sury. Weld) 83653 83653 0091 3536 RVG-0000004366 TABLE $ - VoGTLE UNIT I PRIMARY BELTLINE WELD CoNsUMABLEs NOTES: [1] Listing of a single heat number indicates sing!c arc weld. Therefore, second heat number is not applicable.



101-124A Intermediate Shell Axial Weld A 87005 [1] 0091 0145 RVG-0000006562 !

101-124B Intermediate Shell Axial Weld B 87005 [1] 0091 0145 RVG-0000006562 101 124C Intermediate Shell Axia Weld C 87005 [1] 0091 0145 RVG-0000006562 101 142A Lower Shell Axial Weld A 87005 [1] 0091 0145 RVG-0000006699 101 142B Lower Shell Axial Weld B 87005 [1] 0091 0145 RVG-0000006815 101 142C Lower Shell Axial Weld C 87005 [1] 0091 0145 RVG-0000006816 101-171 Intermediate to Lower Cire. Weld 87005 87005 0124 106 RVG-0000006827 101-194 C & D Test Plate (Sury. Weld) 87005 87005 0124 1061 RVG 0000006736 TABLE 6 - VoGFLE UNIT 2 PRIMARY BELTLINE WELD CoNsUMABLEs NOTES: [1] Listing of a single heat number indicates single arc weld.1herefore, second heat number is not applicable.

The following databases were searched to identify the existence of chemical analyses for those weld material heats listed in Tables 5 and 6:

. Draft CE-RVG Phase 11 Reports (including PR-EDB) e NRC Reactor VesselIntegrity Database (RVID) e EPRI RMATCH e EPRI PREP 3 e Draft ATI/WOG RPVDATA Individual discussions were held with plants containing the same weld filler material heats (i.e., sister plants) to share information and determine the existence of supplemental chemical testing that might have been performed. In instances where the chemical analysis for a particular weld filler material heat exactly matched the analysis reported by another source for all elements, they were considered to be duplicates of the same chemical analysis to avoid " double counting" a particular analysis. The information contained in the NRC-RVID was considered to be best-estimate licensing values reported by other utilities and use of this irformation was limited to identification of sister plants.

For the same reason, information contained in PREP 3, RMATCH, and RPVDATA that did not reference a specific analysis number or a specific test report was not included in the determination of the beltline weld best-estimate copper and nickel values.

Following collection of weld chemistry data, a weighted average methodology was used to determine the best-estimate copper and nickel content for the weld filler material heat numbers listed in Tables 5 and 6. The weighted average approach appropriately accounts for chemical analyses that were performed on tandem are welds in the as-deposited condition. Chemical analyses of tandem arc welds are considered to represent an average 7


l chemistry of the two weld wires used to fabricate the weld. Accordingly, chemical l analyses performed on tandem arc welds are counted twice in determination of the best- i estimate copper and nickel values while chemical analyses performed on single are welds I are counted only once. This methodology is applicable to WFDC, IPWDA, and chemical I analyses performed on surveillance welds. Although BWCA are sometimes listed as being applicable to tandem arc welds, they represent an analysis that was performed on only a single wire or stick electrode and therefore, are only counted once in the best estimate copper and nickel determination.

BWCA perfonned on non-copper coated or shielded metal are electrodes are representative of reactor vessel welds with regard to copper and nickel content. For this reason, BWCA are incorporated into the determination of best-estimate copper and nickel for welds fabricated using non-copper coated weld wire and shielded metal are electrodes.

Chemical analyses performed on surveillance welds fabricated using non-copper coated weld wires or shielded metal are electrodes are not expected to demonstrate the copper variability exhibited by those fabricated using copper coated wire. Therefore, multiple chemical analyses performed on a single surveillance weld fabricated using non-copper coated weld wire or shielded metal are electrodes are considered to be unique analyses instead of duplicates of the same analysis. In determination of the best-estimate copper and nickel value for a non-copper coated weld wire, chemical analyses performed on surveillance weld filler material are weighted as indicated in Table 7 based on whether the surveillance weld was fabricated using tandem or single submerged arc welding process.

Table 7 illustrates the weighting factors used to determine the best-estimate copper and nickel content of the beltline welds.

WIRE TYPE / WELD CONFIGURATION ANALYSIS Non-Copper Coated TYPE Single Arc Tandem Arc Cu Ni Cu Ni BWCA 1 1 N/A N/A CEDC 1 1 N/A N/A 1

WFDC 1 1 2 2 IPWDA i 1 2 2 l Surv. Welds 1 1 2 2 j Table'7 - Weighting Factors used to Determine Best-Estimate Copper and Nickel 1 l

8 l

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.... 2. - >

ArrACHMENT 2 Based on the above methodology, best-estimate copper and nickel values were determined for each of the primary weld filler material heat numbers listed in Tables 5 and 6 for Vortle I and 2, respectively. The resulting best-estimate copper and nickel values for the weld filler materials are found in Table 1. Appendix A contains the detailed calculation of the best-estimate values for the Vogtle 1 and 2 primary beltline

' l weld filler material heats. ,

- The above described methodology is consistent with that described by NEI letter dated October 20,1995.

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1 l

1 1

Determination of Best-Estimate Copper and Nickel l

1 l



Analysts Anotysts Wold Wwightmg Factor Contribution to Best Estunate Source Type Wt% Cu Wt%Ni Type Cu Ni Cu Ni Reference D13309 WFDC 0.03 Singte Arc 1 0 0.03 0 RWM)000000189 D14129 IPWDA 0.03 0.09 Singte Ac 1 1 0.03 0.09 R Wr0000004457 D14040 IPWDA 0.03 0.1 Single &c 1 1 0.03 0.1 SIS-0028228015 D16742 IPWDA 0.03 0.1 Single Ac 1 1 0.03 0.1 RWr0000004462 D14130 iPWDA 0.03 0.11 Singte Ac 1 1 0.03 0.11 R Wr0000004457 Wgtle 1 SurvCapsule WFDC 0.035 0.091 Tandem Ac 2 2 0.07 0.182 WCAP-12256 Wgde 1 SurvCapsule WFDC 0.037 0.1 Tandem Ac 2  ? 0.074 02 WCAP-11011 C14131 IPWDA 0.04 0.09 Single he 1 t 0.04 0.09 R\G-0000004457 D22736 IPWDA 0.04 0.1 Tandem Ac 2 . 0.08 02 R Wr0000004455 Wgne 1 Surv Capsule WFDC 0.04 0.117 Tandem Ac 2 2 0.08 0234 WCAP-13931 D16745 IPWDA 0.04 0.12 Single Ac 1 1 0.04 0.12 R Wr0000004464 D23897 !PWDA 0.04 0.17 Single Ac 1 1 0.04 0.17 SIS-0028451602 D16741 IPWDA 0.04 0.18 Single Ac 1 1 0.04 0.18 RWr0000004463 016744 IPWDA 0.04 0.2 Single Ac 1 1 0.04 02 R Wr0000004464 D16743 IPWDA 0.04 021 Single kc 1 1 0.04 021 RWA 000004462 D16740 IPWDA 0.04 022 Single Ac 1 1 0.04 022 RWr0000004463 Wgde 1 SuryCapsule WFDA 0.041 0.105 Tandem Ac 2 2 0.082 021 WCAP-13931 vbgoe 1 SuryCapsule WFDC 0.048 0.101 Tandem Ac 2 2 0.096 0202 WCAP-13931 D14214 IPWDA 0.05 0.08 Single Ac 1 1 0.05 0.08 SIS-0028228015 D26772 IPWDA 0.05 0.11 Tandem Ac 2 2 0.1 022 R Wr00000'4454 R3075 BWCA 0.06 NA 1 0 0.06 0 RWM)000' .4553 28 26 1.122 3.118 Best Estimate Copper = 1.122/28 = 0.04 Best Estimate Nickel = 3.118/26 = 0.12 TABLE A-l - CALCULATION OF BEST-ESTIMATE COPPER AND NICKEL VALUES FOR WELD WIRE HEAT 83653 A-I



Analysis Ane@ts Wold We6ghting Factor Contribubon to Best Estunate Source Type Wt%Cu Wt%Ni Type Cu Ni Cu Ni Reference R3493 BWCA 0.03 NA 1 0 0.03 0 R\GO000001389 Supplier Analysis BWCA 0.04 NA 1 0 0.04 0 RVG-0000001389 D18140 IPWDA 0.04 0.15 Single Ac 1 1 0.04 0.15 R G 0000009433 D18142 IPWDA 0.04 0.16 Single kc 1 1 0.04 0.16 RNGOOOOOO9434 4

D18138 IPWDA 0.04 0.17 Singte Ac 1 1 0.04 0.17 R W 0000009432 D1813? IPWDA 0.04 0.17 Single Ac 1 1 0.04 0.17 R\GOOOOOO9432 Wgtle .*. Ste e Capsute WFDC 0.04 0.17 Tandem Ac 2 2 0.08 0.34 WCAP-11381 Wgtfe ; i T. Capsute WFDC 0.045 0.091 Tandem Ac 2 2 0.09 0.182 WCAP-13007 D21867 IPWDA 0.05 0.15 Single Ac 1 1 0.05 0.15 R\G0000009452 D18143 IPWDA 0.05 0.19 Single Ac 1 1 0.05 0.19 R\GOOOOOO9434 D21865 IPWDA 0.05 02 Single Ac 1 1 0.05 02 R & 0000009450 D21866 IPWDA 9.05 021 Single Ac 1 1 0.05 021 R\GOOOOOO9451 D28505 WFDC 0.06 0.12 Singie Ac 1 1 0.06 0.12 R G 0000001389 D18141 IPWDA 0 06 027 Single Ac 1 1 0.06 027 R W 0000009433 D17217 WFDC 0.07 0.13 Single Ac 1 1 0.07 0.13 RVG-0000007109 17 15 0.79 2.442 Best Estimate Copper = 0.79/17 = 0.05 Best Estimate Nickel = 2.442/15 = 0.16 TABLE A CALCULABON OF BEST-ESTIMAE COPPER AND NICKEL VALUES FOR WELD WIRE IlEAT 87005 A-2

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