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| number = ML20352A266
| number = ML20352A266
| issue date = 11/02/2020
| issue date = 11/02/2020
| title = Boiling Water Reactor Response to Request for Additional Information Re Revised Final Status Survey Final Reports, L1-010-101 C Release Record, Rev. 1, Waste Treatment Building Excavation
| title = Response to Request for Additional Information Re Revised Final Status Survey Final Reports, L1-010-101 C Release Record, Rev. 1, Waste Treatment Building Excavation
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = La CrosseSolutions, LLC
| author affiliation = La CrosseSolutions, LLC

Revision as of 17:14, 15 August 2022

Response to Request for Additional Information Re Revised Final Status Survey Final Reports, L1-010-101 C Release Record, Rev. 1, Waste Treatment Building Excavation
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse  File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 11/02/2020
La CrosseSolutions
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML20356A041 List:
Download: ML20352A266 (209)





~u, Mitchell Uz Oct 27 2020 7:56 AM cosign M. D. Uz, FSS Specialist Robert F. Yetter

[RJ,.e,d,9-.'lj.etwt, Oct 27 2020 11 :01 AM REVIEWED BY / DATE: cosign R. Yetter, Director, Radiological Site Closure Sarah Roberts Oct 27 2020 12:49 PM REVIEWED BY / DATE: cosign S. Roberts, VP Radiological Programs Scott G. Zoller Oct 29 2020 9:32 AM APPROVED BY / DATE:

S. Zoller, FSS Manager 1




................................................................................................................................. 6

2. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................... 6
3. CLASSIFICATION BASIS ................................................................................................................................. 6
4. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................... 10
5. SURVEY DESIGN ............................................................................................................................................. 14
6. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION ...................................................................................................................... 19
7. SURVEY RESULTS .......................................................................................................................................... 21
8. QUALITY CONTROL ...................................................................................................................................... 27
9. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS .............................................................................................................. 27
10. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS ................................................................................................................... 27
11. CHANGES FROM THE FINAL STATUS SURVEY PLAN ........................................................................ 28
12. DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT (DQA) ....................................................................................................... 28
13. ANOMALIES ..................................................................................................................................................... 29
14. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................................. 29
15. REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................... 29
16. ATTACHMENTS .............................................................................................................................................. 30 ATTACHMENT 1 FIGURES AND MAPS ............................................................................................................. 31 ATTACHMENT 2 SCAN DATA ............................................................................................................................. 33 ATTACHMENT 3 SIGN TEST ............................................................................................................................... 37 ATTACHMENT 4 QUALITY CONTROL ASSESSMENT ...................................................................................... 39 ATTACHMENT 5 CONSULTATION TRIGGERS FOR RESIDENTIAL SOIL CONCENTRATIONS ................... 41 ATTACHMENT 6 GRAPHICAL PRESENTATIONS ............................................................................................. 43 ATTACHMENT 7 SAMPLE ANALYTICAL REPORTS ......................................................................................... 47 ATTACHMENT 8 GEL LABORATORIES ANALYTICAL REPORTS ................................................................. 160 2

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C LIST OF TABLES Table 3 Statistical Quantities for Cs-137 and Co-60 from the Characterization Survey .................................. 7 Table 3-2 Summary of Off-site Analysis for Characterization Samples (pCi/g) .................................................. 8 Table 3-3 Summary of Off-site Analysis for Continuing Characterization Samples (pCi/g) .............................. 9 Table 4 Dose Significant Radionuclides and Mixture for Soil .......................................................................... 11 Table 4 Base Case DCGLs for Soil ...................................................................................................................... 13 Table 4 Operational DCGLs for Soil ................................................................................................................... 13 Table 5-1 Soil Surrogate Ratio ............................................................................................................................... 14 Table 5-2 Action Levels for Survey Unit L1-010-101C ........................................................................................ 15 Table 5-3 Systematic Sample Locations ................................................................................................................. 16 Table 5-4 Investigation Levels ................................................................................................................................ 18 Table 5-5 Synopsis of Survey Design...................................................................................................................... 18 Table 7-1 Synopsis of Scan Results ........................................................................................................................ 21 Table 7 Summary of Gamma Spectroscopy Results for Soil Samples Comprising the Statistical Sample Population ........................................................................................................................................................... 25 Table 7 Basic Statistical Properties of Systematic Sample Population ............................................................. 25 Table 7 Summary of Gamma Spectroscopy Results for the QC Soil Sample .................................................. 26 Table 7 Sum-of-Fractions for Individual Soil Samples (Systematic and QC) ................................................. 26 Table 16-1 L1-010-101C Complete Scan Data ...................................................................................................... 34 Table 16-2 L1-010-101C Sign Test ......................................................................................................................... 38 Table 16-3 L1-010-101C QC Assessment ............................................................................................................... 40 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 16-1 L1-010-101C Systematic Sample Locations Map ............................................................................. 32 Figure 16-2 Quantile Plot for Cs-137 Concentration ............................................................................................ 44 Figure 16 Histogram for Cs-137 Concentration ................................................................................................. 45 Figure 16 Retrospective Power Curve for L1-010-101C.................................................................................... 46 3

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable CR Condition Report DQA Data Quality Assessment DQO Data Quality Objective DCGL Derived Concentration Guideline Level DCGLS Soil Derived Concentration Guideline Level FSS Final Status Survey GPS Global Positioning System HPSW High Pressure Service Water HSA Historical Site Assessment IC Insignificant Contributors LACBWR La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor LBGR Lower Bound of the Gray Region LPSW Low Pressure Service Water LTP License Termination Plan MARSSIM Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual MDC Minimum Detectable Concentration NaI Sodium Iodide OpDCGLS Soil Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Level QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan QC Quality Control RASS Remedial Action Support Survey ROC Radionuclides of Concern SOF Sum of Fractions TEDE Total Effective Dose Equivalent UBGR Upper Bound of the Gray Region UCL Upper Confidence Limit 4





This Final Status Survey (FSS) Release Record for survey unit L1-010-101C, the Waste Treatment Building (WTB) excavation, has been generated in accordance with LaCrosseSolutions procedure LC-FS-PR-009, Final Status Survey Data Reporting (Reference 1) and satisfies the requirements of Section 5.11 of the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor License Termination Plan (LTP) (Reference 2).

An FSS sample plan for this survey unit was developed in accordance with LaCrosseSolutions procedure LC-FS-PR-002, Final Status Survey Package Development (Reference 3), the LACBWR LTP, and with guidance from NUREG-1575, Revision 1, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM) (Reference 4).

This survey unit has a MARSSIM classification of 1. A survey plan was designed based upon use of the Sign Test as the nonparametric statistical test for compliance. Both the Type I (a) and Type II ( ) decision error rates were set at 0.05. As a systematic sample population, fifteen (15) soil samples were acquired from the survey unit. In addition, soil scanning was performed on 100% of the total surface area in the survey unit. The analytical results for all soil samples taken in survey unit L1-010-101C indicate that the maximum Sum of Fractions (SOF), considering the concentration of all applicable Radionuclides of Concern (ROC) either by direct measurement or by inference, is equal to 0.1033 when applying the respective Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Levels (OpDCGL S) for soil.

Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and survey unit L1-010-101C is acceptable for unrestricted release. The mean SOF when applying the respective Base Case DCGLs (DCGLS) for soil is 0.0144. This SOF equates to a dose for the survey unit of 0.3597 mrem/yr.

2. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION L1-010-101C is an impacted Class 1 excavation survey unit within open land survey unit L1-010-101. The survey unit consists of the underlying soil post-removal of the WTB. The surface area of the survey unit is 87.8 m2.

The boundary of the survey unit and the location of the soil samples were defined using a Global Positioning System (GPS). Refer to Attachment 1 of this report for figures and maps depicting survey unit L1-010-101C.

3. CLASSIFICATION BASIS Based on the Historical Site Assessment (HSA) (Reference 5), survey unit L1-010-101 was identified as a Class 1 area. As survey unit L1-010-101C consists of the underlying soils 6

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C from L1-010-101, it is also designated as Class 1. The following summarizes the results of the characterization surveys for survey unit L1-010-101.

The initial site characterization surveys performed by EnergySolutions were conducted between October 9, 2014, and August 6, 2015. In total, twelve (12) surface soil samples and eighteen (18) subsurface soil samples were collected in the survey unit. All samples were analyzed by the on-site gamma spectroscopy system. For surface soil samples, Cs-137 was detected at concentrations above Minimum Detectable Concentration (MDC) in all twelve (12) samples, at a maximum concentration of 1.07E+00 pCi/g, and Co-60 was detected at concentrations above MDC in two (2) samples, at a maximum concentration of 2.87E-01 pCi/g. For subsurface soil samples, Cs-137 was detected at concentrations above MDC in eight (8) of the samples, at a maximum concentration of 1.61E-01 pCi/g. Co-60 was not detected at concentrations above MDC for subsurface soil samples. A summary of the analyses for the surface soil and subsurface soil samples taken during site characterization are presented in Table 3-1.

Table 3 Statistical Quantities for Cs-137 and Co-60 from the Characterization Survey Surface Soil Co-60 Cs-137

  1. of Samples 12
  1. >MDC 2 12 Mean (pCi/g) 8.00E-02 2.15E-01 Median (pCi/g) 5.80E-02 1.00E-01 Max (pCi/g) 2.87E-01 1.07E+00 Min (pCi/g) 4.80E-02 3.20E-02 Standard Deviation (pCi/g) 6.60E-02 2.96E-01 Subsurface Soil Co-60 Cs-137
  1. of Samples 18
  1. >MDC 0 8 Mean (pCi/g) 7.80E-02 6.60E-02 Median (pCi/g) 5.20E-02 5.40E-02 Max (pCi/g) 5.16E-01 1.61E-01 Min (pCi/g) 4.70E-02 3.30E-02 Standard Deviation (pCi/g) 1.09E-01 3.50E-02 Five (5) surface soil samples and two (2) subsurface soil samples from characterization were sent to Test America Laboratories for off-site analysis. A summary of the off-site analyses is presented in Table 3-2.


FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C Table 3-2 Summary of Off-site Analysis for Characterization Samples (pCi/g)

L1010101- L1010101- L1010101- L1010101- L1010101- L1010101- L1010101-Radionuclide CJ-GS- CJ-GS- CJ-GS- QJ-GS- QJ-GS- QJ-GS- QJ-GS-002-SS 009-SS 010-SS 001-SB 001-SS 002-SB 002-SS H-3 3.64E-01 4.41E-01 3.77E-01 1.38E+00 C-14 8.96E-01 6.76E-01 6.79E-01 6.77E-01 Fe-55 2.43E+00 2.19E+00 2.15E+00 4.19E+00 Ni-59 1.85E+00 1.90E+00 1.75E+00 2.01E+00 Co-60 2.40E-02 4.00E-02 2.86E-01 2.40E-02 1.80E-02 1.70E-02 1.50E-02 Ni-63 3.04E+00 3.04E+00 2.93E+00 3.32E+00 Sr-90 3.35E-01 4.40E-01 3.38E-01 3.57E-01 Nb-94 2.00E-02 2.00E-02 2.50E-02 1.50E-02 1.20E-02 1.10E-02 1.00E-02 Tc-99 5.79E-01 5.87E-01 6.20E-01 5.21E-01 Cs-137 2.33E-01 1.85E-01 4.13E-01 2.00E-02 1.47E-01 1.49E-01 5.90E-02 Pm-147 8.00E-01 3.17E+00 7.72E-01 9.78E-01 Eu-152 5.60E-02 5.60E-02 6.20E-02 5.00E-02 3.40E-02 4.00E-02 3.30E-02 Eu-154 1.61E-01 1.81E-01 2.47E-01 1.43E-01 1.12E-01 1.09E-01 9.60E-02 Eu-155 6.60E-02 5.00E-02 5.70E-02 4.40E-02 4.40E-02 4.00E-02 3.60E-02 Np-237 1.90E-02 6.00E-03 1.90E-02 1.60E-02 Pu-238 4.60E-02 3.90E-02 4.10E-02 4.00E-02 Pu-239/240 2.30E-02 2.30E-02 2.20E-02 1.60E-02 Pu-241 1.97E+00 1.83E+00 1.95E+00 2.09E+00 Am-241 5.80E-02 4.20E-02 5.10E-02 1.50E-02 1.60E-02 1.70E-02 2.00E-02 Am-243 2.30E-02 2.10E-02 2.90E-02 1.70E-02 Cm-243/244 2.10E-02 1.90E-02 1.40E-02 2.20E-02 Note: Bold values indicate concentration greater than MDC. Unbolded values indicate the MDC value. Blank cells indicate that a particular radionuclide was not included in the analysis.


FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C Section 5.1 of the LTP states that the actual Insignificant Contributor (IC) dose will be calculated for each individual sample result using the DCGLs from TSD RS-TD-313196-004, LACBWR Soil DCGL, Basement Concrete DCGL, and Buried Pipe DCGL, Table 4 (Reference 6) for soil. If the IC dose calculated is less than the IC dose assigned for DCGL adjustment, then no further action will be taken. If the actual IC dose calculated from the sample result is greater than the IC dose assigned for DCGL adjustment, then a minimum of five (5) additional investigation samples will be taken around the original sample location. Each investigation sample will be analyzed by the on-site gamma spectroscopy system and sent for HTD analysis (full suite of radionuclides from LTP Table 5-1). As with the original sample, the actual IC dose will be calculated for each investigation sample. In this case, the actual calculated maximum IC dose from an individual sample observed in the survey unit will be used to readjust the DCGLs in that survey unit. If the maximum IC dose exceeds 10%, then the additional radionuclides that were the cause of the IC dose exceeding 10% will be added as additional ROC for that survey unit. The survey unit-specific DCGLs used for compliance, the ROC for that survey unit, and the survey data serving as the basis for the IC dose adjustment will be documented in the release record for the survey unit.

Two continuing characterization soil samples were collected during FSS in survey unit L1-010-101 C (L1-010-101-FSGS-C06-SB, and L1-010-101-FSGS-C14-SB) to confirm that IC dose and Sr-90 to Cs-137 ratio remained unchanged. The on-site gamma spectroscopy analysis revealed that Cs-137 was detected at concentrations above MDC in both samples, at a maximum concentration of 1.41E+00 pCi/g. Co-60 was detected in one sample at a concentration of 4.10E-02 pCi/g. A summary of the on-site analysis results are provided in Table 7-2. Both samples were sent off-site to GEL Laboratories for full suite radionuclide analysis. Inadvertently, H-3 and C-14 were not included in the suite of radionuclides for analysis. However, H-3 and C-14 were never identified in any soil sample from the site, so their absence from these particular analyses should not warrant any action. An assessment of the results of continuing characterization confirmed that the IC dose is unchanged. The maximum calculated IC dose was 0.0725 mrem/yr, which is below the 2.5 mrem/yr limit provided in the LTP for DCGL adjustment. A summary of the off-site analytical results for continuing characterization samples is provided in Table 3-3 below. Only Cs-137 and Co-60 was positively identified in the off-site analysis of the continuing characterization samples.

Table 3-3 Summary of Off-site Analysis for Continuing Characterization Samples (pCi/g)

Radionuclide L1-010-101-FSGS-C06-SB L1-010-101-FSGS-C14-SB Fe-55 -1.84E-01 3.81E+00 Ni-59 -2.26E+00 2.09E-01 Co-60 1.27E-02 8.90E-02

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C Radionuclide L1-010-101-FSGS-C06-SB L1-010-101-FSGS-C14-SB Ni-63 -2.88E-02 1.16E+00 Sr-90 1.49E-01 -9.77E-02 Nb-94 6.15E-03 1.12E-02 Tc-99 -2.25E-01 5.99E-01 Cs-137 2.51E-01 1.27E+00 Eu-152 1.72E-02 8.54E-03 Eu-154 2.18E-02 4.94E-02 Eu-155 3.28E-02 -3.17E-03 Np-237 -3.03E-03 4.05E-04 Pu-238 -3.81E-03 -1.61E-03 Pu-239/240 2.00E-02 -2.95E-03 Pu-241 -1.18E+00 3.02E-01 Am-241 1.63E-02 2.34E-02 Am-243 2.80E-02 2.38E-02 Cm-243/244 4.21E-03 -2.96E-03 Note: Bold values indicate positively identified radionuclide activities Based upon review of the historical information, the results of the characterization and continuing characterization survey data, and completion of a final Survey Unit Classification Worksheet, the correct final classification of survey unit L1-010-101C was determined to be Class 1.

4. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES Final Status Survey planning and design relies on a properly executed Data Quality Objective (DQO) process to ensure, through compliance with explicitly defined inputs and boundaries, that the primary objective of the survey is satisfied. The DQO process is described in the LACBWR LTP in accordance with MARSSIM. The appropriate design for a given survey was developed using the DQO process as outlined in Appendix D of MARSSIM.

The DQO process incorporated hypothesis testing and probabilistic sampling distributions to control decision errors during data analysis. Hypothesis testing is a process based on the scientific method that compares a baseline condition to an alternate condition. The baseline condition is technically known as the null hypothesis. Hypothesis testing rests on the premise that the null hypothesis is true and that sufficient evidence must be provided for rejection. In designing the survey plan, the underlying assumption, or null hypothesis was that residual activity in the survey unit exceeded the release criteria. Rejection of the null 10

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C hypothesis would indicate that residual activity within the survey unit does not exceed the release criteria. Therefore, the survey unit would satisfy the primary objective of the FSS sample plan.

The primary objective of the FSS sample plan is to demonstrate that the level of residual radioactivity in survey unit L1-010-101C does not exceed the release criteria specified in the LTP and that the potential dose from residual radioactivity is As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).

LaCrosseSolutions TSD RS-TD-313196-001, Radionuclides of Concern during LACBWR Decommissioning (Reference 7) established the basis for an initial suite of potential ROC for decommissioning. LTP Chapter 2 provides detailed characterization data that describes the results of surveys taken of soil. Surface and subsurface soil samples were taken in each impacted open land survey units and analyzed for the presence of plant-derived radionuclides. The results of surface and subsurface soil characterization in the impacted area surrounding LACBWR indicate that there is minimal residual radioactivity in soil.

Insignificant dose contributors were determined consistent with the guidance contained in Section 3.3 of NUREG-1757, Volume 2, Revision 1, Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance Characterization, Survey, and Determination of Radiological Criteria, Final Report (Reference 8). In all soil and concrete scenarios, Cs-137, Co-60, Sr-90, Eu-152 and Eu-154 contribute nearly 100% of the total dose. The remaining radionuclides were designated as insignificant dose contributors and are eliminated from further detailed evaluation. Therefore, the final ROCs for LACBWR soil, basement concrete and buried piping are Cs-137, Co-60, Sr-90, Eu-152 and Eu-154.

LTP Chapter 6, Section 6.14.1 discusses the process used to derive the ROC for the decommissioning of LACBWR, including the elimination of IC from the initial suite.

Table 4-1 presents the ROC for the decommissioning of soil at LACBWR and the normalized mixture fractions based on the radionuclide mixture.

Table 4 Dose Significant Radionuclides and Mixture for Soil Fraction of Total Activity Radionuclide (normalized)(1)

Co-60 0.064 Sr-90 0.098 Cs-137 0.829 Eu-152 0.005 Eu-154 0.003 11

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C (1) Based on maximum percent of total activity from Table 22 of RS-TD-313196-001, normalized to one for the dose significant radionuclides.

LTP, Section 5.2 states that each radionuclide-specific Base Case DCGL is equivalent to the level of residual radioactivity (above background levels) that could, when considered independently, result in a Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) of 25 mrem/yr to an Average Member of the Critical Group. To ensure that the summation of dose from each source term is 25 mrem/yr or less after all FSS is completed, the Base Case DCGLs are reduced based on an expected, or a priori, fraction of the 25 mrem/yr dose limit from each source term. The reduced DCGLs, or "Operational" DCGLs can be related to the Base Case DCGLs as an expected fraction of dose based on an a priori assessment of what the expected dose should be based on the results of site characterization, process knowledge, and the extent of planned remediation. The Operational DCGL is then used as the DCGL for the FSS design of the survey unit (calculation of surrogate DCGLs, investigations levels, etc.).

Details of the Operational DCGLs derived for each dose component and the basis for the applied a priori dose fractions are provided in LC-FS-TSD-002, Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Levels for Final Status Survey (Reference 9).

The dose contribution from each ROC is accounted for using the SOF to ensure that the total dose from all ROC does not exceed the dose criterion. A Base Case DCGL that is established for the average residual radioactivity in a survey unit is equivalent to a DCGL W.

The DCGLW can be multiplied by Area Factors to obtain a Base Case DCGL that represents the same dose to an individual for residual radioactivity over a smaller area within a survey unit.

At LACBWR, compliance is demonstrated through the summation of dose from five (5) distinct source terms for the end-state (basements, soils, buried pipe, above-ground structures, and groundwater). When applied to soil, the DCGLs are expressed in units of activity per unit of mass (pCi/g).

For LACBWR, soil is defined as a layer of soil beginning at the surface but extending to a depth of 1 m to allow for flexibility in compliance demonstration if contamination deeper than 0.15 m is encountered. Based on characterization data and historical information, there are no expectations of encountering a source term geometry that is comprised of a clean surface layer of soil over a contaminated subsurface soil layer. EnergySolutions TSD RS-TD-313196-004 and LTP Chapter 6, Sections 6.4 and 6.8 provide the exposure scenarios and modeling parameters that were used to calculate the site-specific soil DCGLs. The adjusted soil DCGLs for the unrestricted release of open land survey units as provided in Chapter 6, Section 6.16.1 are reproduced in Table 4-2. The insignificant dose contributor 12

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C percentages for the most limiting basement scenario was used to adjust the DCGLs for soil to account for the dose from the eliminated insignificant contributor radionuclides.

Table 4 Base Case DCGLs for Soil DCGLS Radionuclide (pCi/g)

Co-60 10.6 Sr-90 5470 Cs-137 48.3 Eu-152 23.6 Eu-154 21.9 The Operational DCGLs are then used as the DCGL for the FSS design of the survey unit (calculation of surrogate DCGLs, investigation levels, etc.). The OpDCGLS for the unrestricted release of soil are provided in Table 4-3.

Table 4 Operational DCGLs for Soil OpDCGLS Radionuclide (pCi/g)

Co-60 3.83 Sr-90 1970.45 Cs-137 17.39 Eu-152 8.51 Eu-154 7.89 Instrument DQOs included a verification of the ability of the survey instrument to detect the radiation(s) of interest relative to the Operational DCGL. Survey instrument response checks were required prior to issuance and after the instrument had been used. Control and accountability of survey instruments was required to assure the quality and prevent the loss of data.

As part of the DQOs applied to laboratory processes, analysis results were reported as actual calculated results. The actual recorded value was used as the recorded FSS result for measurement and/or sample values that are less than MDC. Negative values were recorded as "zero." Results were not reported as "less than MDC" (< MDC). Sample report summaries included unique sample identification, analytical method, radionuclide, result, uncertainty, laboratory data qualifiers, units, and the observed MDC.


FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C In accordance with the LTP, for laboratory analysis, MDCs less than 10% of the Operational DCGL were preferable while MDCs up to 50% of the Operational DCGL were acceptable.

The minimum acceptable MDC for measurements obtained using field instruments was 50% of the applicable Operational DCGL.

5. SURVEY DESIGN The level of effort associated with planning a survey is based on the complexity of the survey and nature of the hazards. Guidance for preparing FSS plans is provided in procedure LC-FS-PR-002, Final Status Survey Package Development.

The DQO process validated that Co-60, Sr-90, Cs-137, Eu-152, and Eu-154 would be the ROC in survey unit L1-010-101C as presented in LTP Section 5.1. During the data analysis of the FSS results, concentrations for the HTD ROC Sr-90 are inferred using a surrogate approach. Cs-137 is the principle surrogate radionuclide for Sr-90. During characterization, both Sr-90 and Cs-137 was positively detected in all thirty (30) concrete core samples assessed in the Reactor Building, Tunnel, and WTB. The 95% Upper Confidence Limit (UCL) of the Cs-137 fractions was chosen to represent the overall nuclide mix for soils/buried pipe, the Reactor Building, and the Waste Gas Tank Vault. The surrogate ratio for soil is given in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1 Soil Surrogate Ratio Radionuclides Ratio Sr-90/Cs-137 0.502 The equation for calculating a surrogate DCGL is as follows:

Equation 1 Where: DCGLSur = Surrogate radionuclide DCGL DCGL2,3 ... n = DCGL for radionuclides to be represented by the surrogate Rn = Ratio of concentration (or nuclide mixture fraction) of radionuclide "n" to surrogate radionuclide Using the Operational DCGLs presented in Table 4-3 and the ratio from Table 5-1, the following surrogate calculation was performed:



SurrogatevccL (cs- 137) = [( 1 ) +( 0.S0Z )] = 17.31 pCi/ g 17.39(cs- 137) 1970.45(sr- 9 o)

The surrogate Operational DCGL that was used for Cs-137 in this survey unit for direct comparison of sample results to demonstrate compliance was 17.31 pCi/g.

The action levels for survey unit L1-010-101C are based on the Operational DCGL and are presented in Table 5-2.

Table 5-2 Action Levels for Survey Unit L1-010-101C Action Level ROC (pCi/g)

Co-60 3.83(1)

Cs-137 17.31(2)

Eu-152 8.51(1)

Eu-154 7.89(1)

(1) Based on the Operational DCGL.

(2) Based on the surrogate adjusted DCGL of Cs-137 while inferring Sr-90.

The Sign Test was selected as the non-parametric statistical test. The use of the Sign Test did not require the selection or use of a background reference area, which simplified survey design and implementation. This approach was conservative since it included background Cs-137 as part of the sample set.

The number of soil samples for FSS was determined in accordance with procedure LC-FS-PR-002. The relative shift (11/u) for the survey unit data set is defined as shift(~), which is the Upper Boundary of the Gray Region (UBGR), or the DCGL (SOF of 1), minus the Lower Bound of the Gray Region (LBGR) (SOF of 0.5), divided by sigma (u), which is the standard deviation of the data set used for survey design. The optimal value for ~/u should range between one (1) and three (3) . The largest value the 11/u can have is three (3). If the

~/u exceeds three (3), then the value of three (3) will be used for 11/u. The 11/u for survey unit L1-010-101C, based on Cs-137 and Co-60 data for subsurface soil samples collected during characterization of L1-010-101, was calculated as follows:

Equation 3

= 0.5/0.03 = 16.67 15

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C As the calculated relative shift (16.67) was greater than three (3), then a value of three (3) was used as the adjusted 11/cr. Both the Type I error, or a value, and the Type II error, or

~ value, was set at 0.05. The sample size from Table 5.5 of MARSSIM that equates to the Type I and Type II error of 0.05 for use with the Sign Test is an N value of fourteen (14).

One (1) additional systematic sample location was added during survey design, for a total sample size of fifteen (15) for use with the Sign Test.

A Prospective Power Curve was generated using COMPASS, a software package developed under the sponsorship of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) for implementation of the MARSSIM in support of the decommissioning license termination rule (10CFR20, Subpart E). The result of the COMPASS computer run showed adequate power for the survey design.

As the survey unit was classified as Class 1, sample locations were selected based on a systematic triangular grid with a random starting point. The systematic locations of the soil samples were selected using Visual Sample Plan (VSP), in accordance with LC-FS-PR-002.

Input parameters included use of aerial photographs and the GPS route of the boundary of the excavation. The systematic coordinates generated with VSP were integrated with a GPS to identify sample locations in the field. Table 5-3 lists the systematic samples collected for FSS and the corresponding GPS coordinates, based on the Wisconsin State Plan North American Datum 1983 coordinate system.

Table 5-3 Systematic Sample Locations Sample ID Northing Easting L1-010-101-FSGS-C01-SB 570977.5477 1642217.5327 L1-010-101-FSGS-C02-SB 570981.5917 1642200.5415 L1-010-101-FSGS-C03-SB 570981.5917 1642209.0709 L1-010-101-FSGS-C04-SB 570981.5917 1642217.6004 L1-010-101-FSGS-C05-SB 570988.9784 1642196.2768 L1-010-101-FSGS-C06-SB 570988.9784 1642204.8062 L1-010-101-FSGS-C07-SB 570988.9784 1642213.3356 L1-010-101-FSGS-C08-SB 570988.9784 1642221.8651 L1-010-101-FSGS-C09-SB 570996.3651 1642200.5415 L1-010-101-FSGS-C10-SB 570996.3651 1642209.0709 L1-010-101-FSGS-C11-SB 570996.3651 1642217.6004 L1-010-101-FSGS-C12-SB 570996.3651 1642226.1298 L1-010-101-FSGS-C13-SB 571003.7518 1642204.8062 L1-010-101-FSGS-C14-SB 571003.7518 1642213.3356 16


'IOL SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C Sample ID Northing Easting L1-010-101-FSGS-C15-SB 571003.7518 1642221.8651 The LACBWR LTP Chapter 5, Section 5.1 states that soil samples will be collected during FSS to confirm the HTD to surrogate radionuclide ratio. Ten percent (10%) of the FSS samples collected from open land survey units (including excavations where major sub-grade structures previously resided) will be analyzed for HTD ROC. Only the HTD radionuclide included as ROC (Sr-90) will be analyzed in the FSS confirmatory samples. In addition, if any sample has a SOF of 10% of the Operational DCGL or more, it must be sent for HTD ROC analysis. For samples with positive results for both the HTD ROC and the corresponding surrogate radionuclide (Cs-137), the HTD surrogate ratio will be derived and compared against the 95% UCL ratio (see Table 5-1). If the derived ratio from the confirmatory samples exceeds the 95% UCL ratio, then the area-specific ratio as determined by actual survey data will be used.

The selection of one (1) soil sample (L1-010-101-FSGS-C06-SB) met the requirement that a minimum of 10% of the samples collected for the FSS of survey unit L1-010-101C be analyzed for HTD ROC. In addition, sample L1-010-101-FSGS-C14-SB was selected for off-site HTD ROC analysis, on the basis of a SOF greater than 10%. The selected samples were sent off-site (GEL Laboratories) for analysis of the HTD ROC as specified in LTP Chapter 5, Section 5.1. These two samples were also analyzed for the full suite of radionuclides as part of continuing characterization.

The implementation of quality control measures as referenced by LTP Chapter 5, Section 5.9 and LaCrosseSolutions LC-QA-PN-001, Final Status Survey Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) (Reference 10) includes the collection of a soil sample for "split sample" analysis on 5% of the soil samples taken in a survey unit with the locations selected at random. One (1) soil sample, L1-010-101-QRGS-C03-SB, was designated for split sample QC analysis for the FSS of this survey unit.

LTP Chapter 5, Section and Table 5-15 specifies that for Class 1 survey units, surface scans will be performed on 100% of the surface area in the survey unit. For survey unit L1-010-101C, 100% scan coverage equates to 87.8 m2. To encapsulate the entire area of the survey unit, fifty (50) half-meter wide scan lanes were established in the survey unit.

A map of survey unit is provided in Attachment 1.

For this Class 1 excavation survey unit, the "Investigation Levels" for area scanning and soil sample measurement results are those levels specified in LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-16, and are reproduced below in Table 5-4.



'IOL SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C Table 5-4 Investigation Levels Direct Investigation Classification Scan Investigation Levels Levels

>Operational DCGL or >MDC scan if Class 1 MDCscan is greater than Operational >Operational DCGL DCGL Table 5-5 provides a synopsis of the survey design for survey unit L1-010-101C.

Table 5-5 Synopsis of Survey Design Feature Design Criteria Basis Survey Unit Surface Area 87.8 m2 GPS

  • cr=0.03
  • UBGR = SOF of 1
  • LBGR = SOF of 0.5 Number of Systematic Samples 15
  • Type I & II error = 0.05 (N)
  • Ncr = 3 (adjusted)
  • MARSSIM Table 5.5
  • 1 additional measurement added in survey design
  • Co-60: 3.83 pCi/g
  • Sr-90: 1970.45 pCi/g
  • Cs-137: 17.39 pCi/g Operational DCGLs for soil, DCGLs and Action Levels (Surrogate Cs-137 LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-6, Release Record Table 5-2 DCGL: 17.31 pCi/g)
  • Eu-152: 8.51 pCi/g
  • Eu-154: 7.89 pCi/g Scan and Direct Investigation

>Operational DCGL LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-16 Levels Scan Areal Coverage 87.8 m2 or 100% areal coverage LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-15 1 sample LTP Chapter 5, Section 5.1 HTD ROC Analysis 2 (1 with SOF greater than 0.1) Actual Number Obtained QC 1 split sample selected at random LTP Chapter 5, Section 5.9 18


6. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION For survey unit L1-010-101C, compliance with the unrestricted release criteria was demonstrated through a combination of soil scanning with a Ludlum Model 44-10 gamma detector and the sampling of soil for isotopic analysis.

An FSS Supervisor performed a visual inspection and walk-down of the survey unit on September 11, 2017, prior to performing FSS. The purpose of the walk-down was to assess the physical condition of the survey unit, evaluate access points and travel paths, and identify potentially hazardous conditions. At the time of survey, the walls of the excavation were widely sloped as to allow safe access into the survey unit. The soil in the survey unit was dry and only some concrete piers from the WTB foundation were left in the survey unit.

Nothing was noted as a considerable constraint for the safe collection of samples and scan measurements.

FSS field activities were conducted under the FSS Sample Plan, which included DQOs, survey design, detailed FSS instructions, job safety analysis, and related procedures for reference. Daily briefings were conducted to discuss the expectations for job performance and to review safety aspects of the job. A "Field Log" was used to document field activities and other information pertaining to the performance of the FSS. FSS field activities commenced on September 12, 2017.

During implementation of the FSS on September 13, 2017, elevated scan readings were identified near concrete foundation caps and residual concrete chunks that remained post-demolition of the WTB foundation. These elevated scan readings were verified by a Region III NRC Inspector who was performing confirmatory scan surveys. Count rates of up to 70,000 counts per minute (cpm) were identified in these areas. FSS Supervision determined that the elevated areas needed to be remediated and the remaining concrete in the survey unit taken out. The work crew was instructed to continue taking out soil and concrete until count rates were consistently below 10,000 cpm. Gamma scans of the material in excavator buckets during removal of the material indicated count rates of up to 1,400,000 cpm.

Approximately seventy (70) cubic yards of soil and concrete debris were removed from the excavation.

After completion of the remediation, three (3) soil samples were collected at the edges of the remediated area and analyzed using the on-site gamma spectroscopy system. Cs-137 was detected at concentrations greater than MDC in three (3) of the samples, with a maximum concentration of 2.30E-01 pCi/g. Co-60 was detected at concentrations above MDC in two (2) of the samples, with a maximum concentration of 2.71E-02 pCi/g. The results of these samples are far below the Operational DCGLs.



'IOL SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C A 100% gamma scan of the excavation (summarized in Section 7 of this release record) was performed after remediation was completed, on September 14, 2017. A total of fifty (50) half-meter wide grids (labeled E, EX, and N) were scanned using a Ludlum 2350-1 paired with a Ludlum Model 44- 10 (2"x 2") sodium iodide (Nal) detector. The background for the scan grids was established as the average of five (5) 1-minute static measurements collected in the environmental lab. The background values collected in the environmental lab (ranging from 5,004 cpm up to 5,095 cpm) were used as the final backgrounds for the scan survey.

All designated scan areas were scanned using a Ludlum 2350-1 paired with a Model 44-10 2"x 2" Nal detector operated in the rate-meter mode and using audio response. The probe was positioned no more than 3" from the ground and was moved at a scan speed of approximately 0.5 meters per second. In accordance with RS-TD-313196-006, Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity (Reference 11), the scan MDC was sufficient to detect residual radioactivity at the action level (adjusted surrogate DCGL of 17.31 pCi/g, which was based on the surrogate adjusted DCGL of Cs-137 while inferring Sr-90). Complete scan results are provided in Attachment 2.

After scanning was completed with no alarms, the area was backfilled. Upon further review of the FSS data and implementation, it was determined that the remediation and additional excavation in the survey unit invalidated eleven (11) of the original fifteen (15) soil samples, as those samples no longer represented the end state condition of the survey unit. In addition, the survey unit size expanded during additional excavation. A Condition Report (CR), ES-LCR-CR-2017-0073 (Reference 12), was issued on October 9, 2017, which documented the need for resurvey of L1-010-101C, in addition to reviews and revisions of several key FSS procedures to clarify what controls were needed to eliminate the potential for leaving building components or systems in below grade survey units.

The FSS sample plan was revised for the acquisition of fifteen (15) new soil samples.

Because the survey unit was backfilled, soil samples had to be collected using a GeoProbe direct push machine, which could reach and obtain soil from the end state elevation of the excavation. The scan measurements collected post-remediation of the survey unit were still valid for FSS because they represented the end state condition of the excavation. Although not required, additional scanning was performed during the collection of the new soil samples; a 1 m2 area at each sample location and, in some cases, scans of the actual samples in a low-background area, were scanned using the Ludlum 2350-1 paired with a Model 44-10 2"x 2" Nal detector. Background measurements for the sample location scans were collected in a field near a non-impacted survey unit that had little influence or "shine" from the Reactor building and ranged from 6,129 cpm up to 7,385 cpm. Field work for the revised FSS sample plan concluded on October 18, 2017.


FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C The fifteen (15) systematic soil sample locations were marked with flags based on GPS coordinates provided. Each soil sample consisted of approximately one (1) liter of soil. The sample media was sifted to remove stones and other media larger than one (1) centimeter in diameter. All soil samples were collected, controlled, transported, stored and transferred to the on-site laboratory using the Chain-of-Custody process from LC-FS-PR-012, Chain of Custody Protocol (Reference 13), and in accordance with LC-FS-PR-004, Sample Media Collection for Site Characterization and Final Status Survey (Reference 14), LC-FS-PR-005, Sample Media Preparation for Site Characterization and Final Status Survey (Reference 15), and LC-FS-PR-001, Sample Storage (Reference 16).

The survey design specified that a minimum of one (1) sample was required for HTD ROC analysis. In total, two (2) samples (L1-010-101-FSGS-C06-SB and L1-010-101-FSGS-C14-SB) were selected for full suite radionuclide analysis. L1-010-101-FSGS-C06-SB was selected, and L1-010-101-FSGS-C14-SB was selected because of a sample SOF of 0.1033, which is greater than the 10% threshold described in the LTP.

The survey design specified one (1) sample to be collected for QC split analysis. The implementation of survey specific QC measures included the collection of one (1) sample (L1-010-101-QRGS-C03-SB) for split sample analysis.

7. SURVEY RESULTS All areas identified in the FSS Sample Plan were scanned for elevated radiation levels. No elevated measurement locations were identified by surface scan. Table 7-1 provides an overview of the scan results for all fifty (50) scan grids (identified with E, EX, and N), the 1 m2 scan areas around each sample location (identified with SP), and QC locations (identified with Q). Complete scan results are provided in Attachment 2.

Table 7-1 Synopsis of Scan Results Highest Action # of Logged Investigation Scan Area Level(1) Scan Reading Samples Alarms (cpm) (cpm)

E01 9,886 27,235 0 0 E02 9,858 27,235 0 0 E03 9,806 27,235 0 0 E04 9,889 27,235 0 0 E05 9,731 27,235 0 0 E06 9,794 27,235 0 0 E07 9,755 27,235 0 0 21

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C Highest Action # of Logged Investigation Scan Area Level(1) Scan Reading Samples Alarms (cpm) (cpm)

E08 10,691 27,235 0 0 E09 9,093 27,235 0 0 E10 9,349 27,235 0 0 E11 8,862 27,235 0 0 E12 9,349 27,235 0 0 E13 8,463 27,235 0 0 E14 8,692 27,235 0 0 E15 8,835 27,235 0 0 E16 8,933 27,235 0 0 E17 8,869 27,235 0 0 E18 8,449 27,235 0 0 E19 8,878 27,235 0 0 E20 9,505 27,235 0 0 E21 8,597 27,235 0 0 E22 8,500 27,235 0 0 E23 9,615 27,235 0 0 E24 8,837 27,235 0 0 EX01 9,588 27,144 0 0 EX02 9,971 27,144 0 0 EX03 9,851 27,144 0 0 EX04 9,970 27,144 0 0 EX05 & EX06 10,126 27,144 0 0 EX07 9,929 27,144 0 0 EX08 9,749 27,144 0 0 EX09 9,754 27,144 0 0 EX10 9,598 27,144 0 0 EX11 9,624 27,144 0 0 EX12 9,459 27,144 0 0 EX13 9,825 27,144 0 0 EX14 9,384 27,144 0 0 EX15 9,282 27,144 0 0 EX16 10,196 27,144 0 0 N01 9,947 27,235 0 0 22


'IOL SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C Highest Action # of Logged Investigation Scan Area Level(1) Scan Reading Samples Alarms (cpm) (cpm)

N02 10,036 27,235 0 0 N03 10,145 27,235 0 0 N04 10,276 27,235 0 0 N05 10,757 27,235 0 0 N06 9,671 27,235 0 0 N07 10,200 27,235 0 0 N08 9,812 27,235 0 0 N09 9,966 27,235 0 0 N10 9,212 27,235 0 0 QSP03 11,910 20,000 0 0 SP01 10,610 20,000 0 0 SP02 13,845 20,000 0 0 SP03 11,145 20,000 0 0 SP04 10,113 20,000 0 0 SP05 14,316 20,000 0 0 SP06 8,355 20,000 0 0 SP07 12,102 20,000 0 0 SP08 9,904 20,000 0 0 SP09 16,110 20,000 0 0 SP10 11,996 20,000 0 0 SP11 10,972 20,000 0 0 SP12 9,947 20,000 0 0 SP13 14,605 20,000 0 0 SP14 11,675 20,000 0 0 SP15 11,279 20,000 0 0 (1) Action Level based on average background plus 22,140 cpm (from RS-TD-313196-006). The Action Levels for the measurements labeled "SP" w ere reduced and simplified from the original 22,140 cpm for quick field reference.

The Action Level for scanning was established as the average background plus 22,140 cpm.

The 22,140 cpm value is equal to the scanning instrumentation response to a Cs-137 concentration of 12 pCi/g. This value is equivalent to 22% of the IC adjusted DCGL for soil that was in use before the Operational DCGLs were established. Typically, the 25% IC adjusted DCGL value (13 pCi/g) would be used for the Action Level calculation, but a more conservative value was selected for this survey unit.



'IOL SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C Evaluating the logged scan data to the correct and current Action Levels based on the Operational DCGL shows that nearly all the scan measurements from the E, EX, and N grids, and would have produced alarms, and in turn would have triggered the collection of investigational soil samples. It was discovered that background values for the scan grids (E, EX, and N) for this survey unit were erroneously collected in the environmental lab and were not representative of actual background levels. The lab backgrounds ranged from 5,004 cpm to 5,095 cpm. The background values for the scan measurements at the sample locations (measurements labeled with SP) were collected in a field near a non-impacted survey unit that had little influence or "shine" from the Reactor building and ranged from 6,129 cpm up to 7,385 cpm. Both sets of backgrounds are lower than the activity of scan measurements collected for FSS, which ranged from 8,449 cpm to 16,110 cpm (as shown in Table 7-1 above), though the backgrounds collected for the sample locations are a closer representation of true background in the survey unit. If the average background for the sample locations (6,824 cpm) was applied to the scan grids, and the scan data was evaluated against the current Action Levels based on the Operational DCGL, only two (2) locations would have produced alarms. Because 100% of the soil in the survey unit was scanned and no soil samples collected for FSS resulted in ROC concentrations above the Operational DCGLs, the probability of discovering an elevated soil sample is very low, even had investigational samples been collected.

The higher measurements in the data set can be attributed to "shine" from the Reactor building. The higher scan area measurements were collected in the northern portion of the survey unit, which had the least amount of natural shielding (soil) from the Reactor Building (which is south-west of the survey unit). The lower range of logged measurements were collected near the bottom of the excavation. Because of the close proximity to the Reactor Building, the background count rate varied with distance and depth below the ground surface surrounding the excavation. The field logs that detail the collection of scan measurements at the sample locations note that measurements were likely higher due to the survey unit's proximity to a ramp being used to access the Reactor building.

The on-site laboratory analyzed the fifteen (15) soil samples taken for non-parametric statistical testing using the on-site gamma spectroscopy system. A summary of the fifteen (15) samples collected for non-parametric statistical testing results is provided in Table 7-

2. Gamma spectroscopy results revealed twelve (12) samples above MDC for Cs-137 and one (1) sample above MDC for Co-60. No other ROC were positively identified. The concentration for Sr-90 was inferred based on the ratio specified in Table 5-1. The complete gamma spectroscopy reports are presented in Attachment 7. The basic statistics for the systematic sample population is summarized in Table 7-3.


FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C Table 7 Summary of Gamma Spectroscopy Results for Soil Samples Comprising the Statistical Sample Population Co-60 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 Sr-90 Sample ID (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

L1-010-101-FSGS-C01-SB 5.70E-02 7.11E-02 0.00E+00 6.47E-03 3.57E-02 L1-010-101-FSGS-C02-SB 4.72E-02 8.02E-02 6.30E-02 2.36E-02 4.03E-02 L1-010-101-FSGS-C03-SB 6.30E-02 9.30E-02 9.58E-02 9.86E-03 4.67E-02 L1-010-101-FSGS-C04-SB 2.95E-02 1.03E-01 1.37E-01 5.69E-02 5.17E-02 L1-010-101-FSGS-C05-SB 4.08E-02 7.66E-02 2.22E-02 4.65E-02 3.85E-02 L1-010-101-FSGS-C06-SB 7.08E-02 4.43E-01 3.71E-02 0.00E+00 2.22E-01 L1-010-101-FSGS-C07-SB 6.47E-02 9.30E-02 9.39E-03 1.08E-01 4.67E-02 L1-010-101-FSGS-C08-SB 4.74E-02 6.37E-02 3.68E-02 5.80E-02 3.20E-02 L1-010-101-FSGS-C09-SB 3.34E-02 3.13E-01 7.88E-02 0.00E+00 1.57E-01 L1-010-101-FSGS-C10-SB 7.18E-02 2.21E-01 4.97E-02 3.50E-02 1.11E-01 L1-010-101-FSGS-C11-SB 3.46E-02 2.78E-01 0.00E+00 4.58E-02 1.40E-01 L1-010-101-FSGS-C12-SB 6.76E-02 1.56E-01 1.75E-01 1.18E-03 7.83E-02 L1-010-101-FSGS-C13-SB 6.38E-02 3.56E-01 2.77E-03 1.10E-02 1.79E-01 L1-010-101-FSGS-C14-SB 4.10E-02 1.41E+00 2.25E-02 6.73E-02 7.08E-01 L1-010-101-FSGS-C15-SB 9.39E-02 2.43E-01 0.00E+00 4.98E-02 1.22E-01 Note: Bold values indicate concentrations greater than MDC.

Table 7 Basic Statistical Properties of Systematic Sample Population Mean Median Max. Min. Std. Dev. BcDCGL Avg. SOF Avg. Dose ROC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) per ROC Per ROC Co-60 5.51E-02 5.70E-02 9.39E-02 2.95E-02 0.01791 1.06E+01 0.0052 0.1300 Sr-90 1.34E-01 7.83E-02 7.08E-01 3.20E-02 0.16975 5.47E+03 0.0000 0.0006 Cs-137 2.67E-01 1.56E-01 1.41E+00 6.37E-02 0.33816 4.83E+01 0.0055 0.1380 Eu-152 4.87E-02 3.68E-02 1.75E-01 0.00E+00 0.05313 2.36E+01 0.0021 0.0516 Eu-154 3.46E-02 3.50E-02 1.08E-01 0.00E+00 0.03116 2.19E+01 0.0016 0.0395 The off-site laboratory, GEL Laboratories, processed the two (2) samples selected for HTD ROC analysis. Samples L1-010-101-FSGS-C06-SB and L1-010-101-FSGS-C14-SB were selected. Only the analysis of the HTD ROC Sr-90 was required for FSS, but both samples were analyzed for the full initial suite of radionuclides, as the sample were used for continuing characterization. All analyses met the required MDC. The results of the off-site analysis are provided in Table 3-3.


FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C The implementation of survey specific QC measures included the collection of one (1) sample (L1-010-101-QRGS-C03-SB) for split sample analysis. The on-site laboratory analyzed the designated QC sample using the on-site gamma spectroscopy system. A summary of the analytical results for the QC sample is provided in Table 7-4. Gamma spectroscopy results revealed that the sample was above MDC for Cs-137. The concentration for Sr-90 was inferred based on the ratio specified in Table 5-1.

Table 7 Summary of Gamma Spectroscopy Results for the QC Soil Sample Co-60 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 Sr-90 Sample ID (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

L1-010-101-QRGS-C03-SB 7.09E-02 4.61E-02 8.40E-03 8.21E-04 2.31E-02 Note: Bold values indicate concentrations greater than MDC.

The SOF or "unity rule" is the mathematical test used to evaluate compliance with radiological criteria for license termination when more than one radionuclide has been determined to be potentially present. The equation for the unity rule is:

Equation 4 Ci + C2 + ......... .. Cn ~l DCGL1 DCGL2 DCGLn Where: Cn = concentration of radionuclide n DCGLn = DCGL of radionuclide n.

The results of the unity rule calculation for the ROC in the systematic sample population for survey unit L1-010-101C are provided in Table 7-6.

Table 7 Sum-of-Fractions for Individual Soil Samples (Systematic and QC)

Fraction of Operational DCGL Sample ID SOF Co-60 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 Sr-90 L1-010-101-FSGS-C01-SB 0.0149 0.0041 0.0000 0.0008 0.0000 0.0198 L1-010-101-FSGS-C02-SB 0.0123 0.0046 0.0074 0.0030 0.0000 0.0274 L1-010-101-FSGS-C03-SB 0.0164 0.0053 0.0113 0.0012 0.0000 0.0343 L1-010-101-FSGS-C04-SB 0.0077 0.0059 0.0161 0.0072 0.0000 0.0370 L1-010-101-FSGS-C05-SB 0.0107 0.0044 0.0026 0.0059 0.0000 0.0236 L1-010-101-FSGS-C06-SB 0.0185 0.0255 0.0044 0.0000 0.0001 0.0484 L1-010-101-FSGS-C07-SB 0.0169 0.0053 0.0011 0.0137 0.0000 0.0371 L1-010-101-FSGS-C08-SB 0.0124 0.0037 0.0043 0.0074 0.0000 0.0277 L1-010-101-FSGS-C09-SB 0.0087 0.0180 0.0093 0.0000 0.0001 0.0361 26

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C Fraction of Operational DCGL Sample ID SOF Co-60 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 Sr-90 L1-010-101-FSGS-C10-SB 0.0187 0.0127 0.0058 0.0044 0.0001 0.0418 L1-010-101-FSGS-C11-SB 0.0090 0.0160 0.0000 0.0058 0.0001 0.0309 L1-010-101-FSGS-C12-SB 0.0177 0.0090 0.0206 0.0001 0.0000 0.0474 L1-010-101-FSGS-C13-SB 0.0167 0.0205 0.0003 0.0014 0.0001 0.0389 L1-010-101-FSGS-C14-SB 0.0107 0.0811 0.0026 0.0085 0.0004 0.1033 L1-010-101-FSGS-C15-SB 0.0245 0.0140 0.0000 0.0063 0.0001 0.0449 L1-010-101-QRGS-C03-SB 0.0185 0.0027 0.0010 0.0001 0.0000 0.0223 Systematic Measurements Number of Systematic Measurements = 15

  1. of Systematic Measurements with SOF > 1 = 0
  1. of Systematic Measurements with SOF > 0.1 (HTD Assessment) = 1 Max Individual Systematic Measurement SOF = 0.1033 Mean Systematic Measurement SOF = 0.0399
8. QUALITY CONTROL The on-site laboratory processed one (1) split samples (L1-010-101-QRGS-C03-SB) using gamma spectroscopy analysis. The data was evaluated using USNRC acceptance criteria specified in Inspection Procedure No. 84750, Radioactive Waste Treatment, and Effluent and Environmental Monitoring (Reference 17). There was acceptable agreement between field split results. Refer to Attachment 4 for data and quality control analysis results.
9. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS No investigations were performed during the performance of the survey or analyses of the survey results.
10. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS The original purpose of the excavation was not to support removal of contaminated subsurface soil, but rather to support the demolition and removal of the WTB. Additional excavation was necessary to remove elevated soil and concrete after scan measurements indicated areas of activity in excess of the Operational DCGL for soil. See Section 6 of this 27

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C release record for a description and results of the Remedial Action Support Survey (RASS) conducted in survey unit L1-010-101C.

11. CHANGES FROM THE FINAL STATUS SURVEY PLAN The original FSS sample plan was revised to include the collection of fifteen (15) new soil samples after remediation invalidated previous sample results. In addition, background measurements for the performance of the scan survey were not collected in the field as prescribed by the sample plan, but rather were erroneously collected in the environmental lab. See sections 6 and 7 of this release record, which provide details on the scan survey in this survey unit.

The DQO sample design and data were reviewed in accordance with LC-FS-PR-008, Final Status Survey Data Assessment (Reference 18) for completeness and consistency.

Documentation was complete and legible. Surveys and the collection of samples were consistent with the DQOs and were sufficient to ensure that the survey unit was properly designated as Class 1. The survey design had adequate power as indicated by the Retrospective Power Curve (see Attachment 6).

The analytical results indicated that all samples were less than a SOF of one (1) when compared to the OpDCGLS.

Although MARSSIM states that the Sign Test need not be performed in the instance that no measurements surpass the DCGL, the test was conducted to demonstrate coherence to the statistical principles of the DQO process. The Sign Test was performed on the data and compared to the original assumptions of the DQOs. The evaluation of the Sign Test results clearly demonstrates that the survey unit passes the unrestricted release criteria, thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. The Sign Test results are provided in Attachment 3.

The preliminary data review consisted of calculating basic statistical quantities (e.g., mean, median, standard deviation). All data was considered valid including negative values, zeros, values reported below the MDC, and values with uncertainties that exceeded two standard deviations. The mean and median values for each ROC were well below the respective Operational DCGLs. Also, the retrospective power curve shows that a sufficient number of samples were collected to achieve the desired power. Therefore, the survey unit meets the unrestricted release criteria with adequate power as required by the DQOs.


FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C The mean of all identified isotopes are less than the Consultation Triggers for Residential Soil Concentration depicted in Table H.1 of NUREG 1757, Vol.1, Rev. 2 (MOU Table 1).

The full table is included in Attachment 5 of this release record.

The data for Cs-137 is presented graphically through a frequency plot and quantile plot. All graphical presentations are provided in Attachment 6.

13. ANOMALIES No anomalies were observed during the performance or analyses of the survey.
14. CONCLUSION Survey unit L1-010-101C has met the DQOs of the FSS plan. The ALARA criteria as specified in Chapter 4 of the LTP were achieved. The Elevated Measurement Comparison for soils was not applicable, and remediation was not required.

All identified ROC were used for statistical testing to determine the adequacy of the survey unit for FSS. Evaluation of the data shows that none of the systematic ROC concentration values exceeds the OpDCGLS; therefore, in accordance with LTP Section 5.11, the survey unit meets the release criteria.

The sample data passed the Sign Test. The null hypothesis was rejected. The Retrospective Power Curve showed that adequate power was achieved. The survey unit is properly classified as Class 1.

The dose contribution from soil in survey unit L1-010-101C is 0.3597 mrem/yr TEDE, based on the average concentration of the ROC in samples used for non-parametric statistical sampling.

Survey unit L1-010-101C is acceptable for unrestricted release.

1. LC-FS-PR-009, Final Status Survey Data Reporting
2. La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor License Termination Plan
3. LC-FS-PR-002, Final Status Survey Package Development
4. NUREG-1575, Revision 1, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM)
5. La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor Historical Site Assessment
6. RS-TD-313196-004, LACBWR Soil DCGL, Basement Concrete DCGL, and Buried Pipe DCGL
7. RS-TD-313196-001, Radionuclides of Concern during LACBWR Decommissioning 29


8. NUREG-1757, Volume 2, Revision 1, Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance Characterization, Survey, and Determination of Radiological Criteria, Final Report
9. LC-FS-TSD-002, Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Levels for Final Status Survey
10. LC-QA-PN-001, Final Status Survey Quality Assurance Project Plan
11. RS-TD-313196-006, Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity
12. LaCrosseSolutions Condition Report ES-LCR-CR-2017-0073
13. LC-FS-PR-012, Chain of Custody Protocol
14. LC-FS-PR-004, Sample Media Collection for Site Characterization and Final Status Survey
15. LC-FS-PR-005, Sample Media Preparation for Site Characterization and Final Status Survey
16. LC-FS-PR-001, Sample Storage
17. USNRC Inspection Procedure No. 84750, Radioactive Waste Treatment, and Effluent and Environmental Monitoring
18. LC-FS-PR-008, Final Status Survey Data Assessment
16. ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 Figures and Maps Attachment 2 Scan Data Attachment 3 Sign Test Attachment 4 Quality Control Assessment Attachment 5 Consultation Triggers for Residential Soil Concentrations Attachment 6 Graphical Presentations Attachment 7 Sample Analytical Reports Attachment 8 GEL Laboratories Analytical Reports 30




'IOL SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C Figure 16-1 L1-010-101C Systematic Sample Locations Map 14 , (E) 1642213 .3356 (N) 571003.7518 -

13 , (E) 1642204 .8062 (N) 571003.7518 15 , (E) 1642221 .8651 10, (E) 1642209 .0709 (N) 57 1003.7518 (N) 570996 .3651 09 , (E) 1642200 .5415 (N) 570996 .3651 06 , (E) 1642204 .8062 12, (E) 1642226 .1298 (N) 570988 .9784 (N) 570996 .3651 05 , (E) 1642196 .2768 (N) 570988.9784 11 , (E) 1642217.6004 (N) 570996 .3651 08 , (E) 1642221 .865 1 (N) 570988 .9784 07 , (E) 1642213 .3356 (N) 570988 .9784 02 , (E) 1642200 .5415 (N) 570981 .5917 04 , (E) 1642217.6004 (N) 570981 .5917 03 , (E) 1642209 .0709 (N) 570981 .5917 01, (E) 1642217 .5327 (N) 570977.5477 Legend ..\ 01 --....._....__.,___._.~$1.*1>>5 N O lO l5 Ffft 0 Samples Sample Locations -

Waste Treatment Building LACBWR Site - Genoa, WI

- WTB Basement Plus Excavation (87.8 m 2) ,:,::;:= Dale O 6 019 L.\CROSSESOLlJTJQ,,~ awing 17091801.e 32


FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C Table 16-1 L1-010-101C Complete Scan Data Scan Avg Action Detector Detector M2350-1 Logged Scan Location Background Level Type ID ID Result Alarms (cpm) (cpm) (cpm) 44-10 318218 120636 E01 9,886 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E02 9,858 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E03 9,806 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E04 9,889 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E05 9,731 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E06 9,794 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E07 9,755 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E08 10,691 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E09 9,093 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E10 9,349 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E11 8,862 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E12 9,349 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E13 8,463 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E14 8,692 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E15 8,835 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E16 8,933 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E17 8,869 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E18 8,449 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E19 8,878 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E20 9,505 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E21 8,597 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E22 8,500 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E23 9,615 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 E24 8,837 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 357783 325261 EX01 9,588 5,004 27,144 0 44-10 357783 325261 EX02 9,971 5,004 27,144 0 44-10 357783 325261 EX03 9,851 5,004 27,144 0 44-10 357783 325261 EX04 9,970 5,004 27,144 0 44-10 357783 325261 EX05 & EX06 10,126 5,004 27,144 0 44-10 357783 325261 EX07 9,929 5,004 27,144 0 44-10 357783 325261 EX08 9,749 5,004 27,144 0 44-10 357783 325261 EX09 9,754 5,004 27,144 0 34

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C Scan Avg Action Detector Detector M2350-1 Logged Scan Location Background Level Type ID ID Result Alarms (cpm) (cpm) (cpm) 44-10 357783 325261 EX10 9,598 5,004 27,144 0 44-10 357783 325261 EX11 9,624 5,004 27,144 0 44-10 357783 325261 EX12 9,459 5,004 27,144 0 44-10 357783 325261 EX13 9,825 5,004 27,144 0 44-10 357783 325261 EX14 9,384 5,004 27,144 0 44-10 357783 325261 EX15 9,282 5,004 27,144 0 44-10 357783 325261 EX16 10,196 5,004 27,144 0 44-10 318218 120636 N01 9,947 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 N02 10,036 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 N03 10,145 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 N04 10,276 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 N05 10,757 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 N06 9,671 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 N07 10,200 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 N08 9,812 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 N09 9,966 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 318218 120636 N10 9,212 5,095 27,235 0 44-10 357783 325261 QSP03 11,910 7,057 20,000 0 44-10 318218 120636 SP01 10,610 6,668 20,000 0 44-10 357783 325261 SP02 13,845 7,385 20,000 0 44-10 357783 325261 SP02 7,676 7,385 20,000 0 44-10 318218 120636 SP03 11,145 6,668 20,000 0 44-10 318218 120636 SP04 10,113 6,668 20,000 0 44-10 357783 325261 SP05 14,316 7,385 20,000 0 44-10 357783 325261 SP05 6,485 7,385 20,000 0 44-10 357783 325261 SP05 7,284 7,385 20,000 0 44-10 318218 120636 SP06 8,355 6,668 20,000 0 44-10 357783 325261 SP07 12,102 7,385 20,000 0 44-10 357783 325261 SP07 8,232 7,385 20,000 0 44-10 357783 325261 SP07 8,108 7,385 20,000 0 44-10 318218 120636 SP08 9,904 6,668 20,000 0 44-10 318218 120636 SP08 8,363 6,668 20,000 0 44-10 357783 325261 SP09 16,110 6,129 20,000 0 35

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C Scan Avg Action Detector Detector M2350-1 Logged Scan Location Background Level Type ID ID Result Alarms (cpm) (cpm) (cpm) 44-10 357783 325261 SP09 7,268 6,129 20,000 0 44-10 318218 120636 SP10 11,996 6,668 20,000 0 44-10 318218 120636 SP11 10,972 6,668 20,000 0 44-10 318218 120636 SP12 9,947 6,668 20,000 0 44-10 357783 325261 SP13 14,605 6,129 20,000 0 44-10 357783 325261 SP13 5,513 6,129 20,000 0 44-10 318218 120636 SP14 11,675 6,668 20,000 0 44-10 318218 120636 SP15 11,279 6,668 20,000 0 36



  1. 1-WS Sign (WS) 1 0.0198 0.98 +1 2 0.0274 0.97 +1 3 0.0343 0.97 +1 4 0.0370 0.96 +1 5 0.0236 0.98 +1 6 0.0484 0.95 +1 7 0.0371 0.96 +1 8 0.0277 0.97 +1 9 0.0361 0.96 +1 10 0.0418 0.96 +1 11 0.0309 0.97 +1 12 0.0474 0.95 +1 13 0.0389 0.96 +1 14 0.1033 0.90 +1 15 0.0449 0.96 +1 Number of positive differences 15 (S+)

Critical Value 11 the Acceptance Meets Survey Unit Criteria 38


FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C Table 16-3 L1-010-101C QC Assessment STANDARD COMPARISON Activity Standard Agreement Range Activity Standard Comparison Acceptable Sample ID Radionuclide Resolution Sample ID Value Error /Low to 1-fu?h) Value Error Ratio (YIN)

Ll-0I0-101-FSGS-C03-SB Cs-137 9.30E-02 1.72E-02 5.41 0.5 2 Ll-010-101-QRGS-C03-SB 4.61E-02 l.58E-02 0.50 y Connnents/Corrective Actions: None. Table is provided to show acceptance criteria used to assess split samples.

Resolution Acceptable Ratio

<4 0.4-2.5 4-7 0.5-2.0 8-15 0.6-1.66 16-50 0.75 - 1.33 51-200 0.80- 1.25

> 200 0.85- 1.18 40


FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C Table H.1 Consultation Triggers for Residential and Commercial/Industrial Soil Contamination (MOU Table 1)

Except for radium-226, thorium-232, or total uranium, concentrations should be aggregated using a sum of the fraction approach to determine site-specific consultation trigger concentrations. This table is based on single contaminant concentrations for residential and commercial/industrial land use when using generally accepted exposure parameters. Table users should select the appropriate column based on the site's reasonably anticipated land use.

Radionuclide Residential Soil Concentration IndustriaVCommercial Soil Concentration H-3 228 pCi/g 423 pCi/g C-14 46 oCi/g 123,000 oCi/g Na-22 9 pCi/g 14 pCi/g S-35 19,600 pCi/g 32 200,000 oCi/g Cl-36 6 oCi/g 10,700 oCi/g Ca-45 13,500 pCi/g 3 740,000 oCi/e:

Sc-46 105 pCi/2: 169 pCi/g Mn-54 69 oCi/e: 112 oCi/g Fe-55 269,000 pCi/g 2,210,000 oCi/g Co-57 873 pCi/g 1.420 oCi/e:

Co-60 4pCi/g 6 oCi/J!:

Ni-59 20,800 pCi/g 1,230 000 pCi/e:

Ni-63 9,480 oCi/e: 555.000 oCi/g Sr-90+0 23 pCi/g 1,070 oCi/g Nb-94 2 pCi/g 3 oCi/g Tc-99 25 oCi/g 89,400 oCi/g I-129 60 oCi/g 1,080 oCi/i:t Cs-134 16 pCi/g 26 pCi/g Cs-137+0 6 oCi/g 11 pCi/g Eu-152 4oCi/g 7 pCj/g Eu-154 5 pCi/g 8 pCi/g Ir-192 336 pCi/g 544 pCi/g Pb-210+0 15 oCi/g 123 oCi/g Ra-226 5 oCi/g 5 pCi/g Ac-227+0 10 pCi/g 21 oCi/e:

Th-228+0 15 oCi/g 25 oCi/g Th-232 5 pCi/g 5 pCi/g U-234 401 pCi/2 3,310 pCi/g U-235+0 20 oCi/2 39 oCi/g U-238+0 74 pCi/g 179 oCi/g total uranium 47 m2'ke: 1230 mg/ki:r Pu-238 297 oCi/g 1.640 oCi/2 Pu-239 259 pCi/g 1,430 pCi/g Pu-241 40,600 pCi/2 172,000 pCi/e:

Am-241 187 oCi/g 568 oCi/e:

Cm-242 32.200 pCi/e: 344,000 pCi/e:

Cm-243 35 pCi/g 67 pCi/g 42


FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C Figure 16-2 Quantile Plot for Cs-137 Concentration 1.60E+00 i..

1.40E+00 ,~


, 1.20E+00 uC.


0 1.00E+00

...."'...C: 8.00E-01 a,


0 6.00E-01 u


  • 2.00E-01 * *
  • 0.00E+00 * * * * * ,.

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Percentage 44

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C Figure 16 Histogram for Cs-137 Concentration 10 9



7 C:

(I) 6 C" 5 (I)

LL 4 3

2 1

0 2.99E-01 5.34E-01 7.69E-01 1.00E+00 1.24E+00 1.47E+00 Upper End Value (pCi/g) 45

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WTB EXCAVATION SURVEY UNIT L1-010-101C Figure 16 Retrospective Power Curve for L1-010-101C Probability that the Su:rve*y Unit Passes 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1 )% 3)% 5 l1/4 10% 9 )% 1 )01/4 110% 130% 1':"0%

True- Surve) Unit Co:ncentrati:on (pe.1ccent of DCGL) 46


10/20/2017 9:13:35AM Page I of7 pex-Gamma Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C01-SB WTB L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C01-SB 10/20/17 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C01-SB / ;0{1f/17 Sample Description  : WTB L1-010-101-FS-GS-C01-SB 1Qli18f17 ~Ekl,o/u/l'J Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli .,.

Unit Sample Point Sample Size 7.850E+02 grams


Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 10/18/2017 1:30:00PM Acquisition Started  : 10/20/2017 8:13:12A Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli /

Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3612.0 seconds Dead Time  : 0.33 % /

Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3539 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/20/2017 9:13:26AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/20/2017 9:13:35AM Page 2 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C01-SB WTB L1-010-101-FS-GS-C01-SB 10/20/17 Peale Energy ROI ROI Peale Net Peale Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (lceV)

F 1 77 . 01 147 - 160 154 . 58 l . 15E+02 15 . 41 6 . 83E+02 0. 62 F 2 92 . 75 180 - 193 186 . 04 l . 05E+02 21. 38 5 . 17E+02 1. 82 F 3 238 . 50 472 - 485 477 . 47 3 . 21E+02 21 . 77 2 . 30E+02 1. 42 F 4 295 . 17 585 - 596 590 . 78 5 . 34E+0l 12 . 58 l . 62E+02 1. 45 F 5 338 . 0 4 669 - 681 676 . 51 4 . 32E+0l 11. 25 l . 34E+02 1. 45 F 6 351. 88 698 - 711 704 . 19 l . 50E+02 15 . 65 l . 46E+02 1. 64 F 7 463 . 03 923 - 931 926 . 45 l . 85E+0l 6 . 59 4 . 97E+0l 0 . 75 F 8 5 8 3 . 08 1160 - 1172 1166 . 50 l . 04E+02 12.23 5 . 85E+0l 1. 77 F 9 609 . 10 1214 - 1227 1218 . 53 1. 20E+02 13 . 08 7 . 05E+0 l 1. 84 F 10 727 . 22 144 9 - 1458 1454 . 74 2 . 09E+0l 6 . 30 3 . 24E+0l 1. 06 F 11 910 . 76 1816 - 1829 1821. 77 5 . 19E+0l 8.78 3 . 74E+0l 1. 67 M 12 964 . 69 1925 - 1944 1929 . 60 2.14E+0l 5 . 48 1 . 36E+0l 1.12 m 13 968.55 1925 - 1944 1937 . 32 3 . 16E+0l 6 . 64 1. 88E+0l 1.12 F 14 1332 . 37 2659 - 2669 2664 . 88 1 . 81E+0l 4 . 86 1 . 25E+0l 0 . 81 F 15 1460 . 47 2912 - 2931 292 1. 06 4 .97E +02 22.68 6 . 72E+00 2 . 25 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/20/2017 9:13:26AM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Data\0000001364.CNF Peale Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (lceV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 1 77 . 01 l .1 5E+02 15 . 41 l . 15E+02 l . 54E+0l F 2 92.75 l.05E+02 21. 38 1. 05E+02 2.14E+0l F 3 238.50 3.21E+02 21 . 77 3 . 21E+02 2 . 18E+0l F 4 295.17 5.34E+0l 12 . 58 5 . 3 4 E+0l 1.26E+0l F 5 338.04 4 . 32E+0l 11. 25 4.32E+0l l . 12E+0l F 6 351 . 88 l . 50E+02 15 . 65 8 . 36E+0l 1 . 86E+0l 6.68E+0l 2 . 43E+0l F 7 4 63 . 03 1 . 85E+0l 6 . 59 1 . 85E+0l 6 . 59E+00 F 8 583.08 l.04E+02 12.23 1. 04E+02 1. 22E+0l F 9 609 . 10 1. 20E+02 13 . 08 4.12E+0l 1 . 21E+0l 7 . 89E+0l 1 . 78E+0l F 10 727 . 22 2 . 09E+0l 6 . 30 2.09E+0l 6 . 30E+00 F 11 910 . 76 5 . 19E+0l 8 . 78 5 . 19E+0l 8 . 78E+00 M 12 964 . 69 2 . 14E+0l 5 . 48 2 . 14E+Ol 5 . 48E+0O m 13 968 . 55 3 . 16E+0l 6 . 64 3 . 16E+0l 6 . 64E+00 F 14 1332 . 37 1 . 81E+0l 4.86 1 . 81E+0l 4 . 86E+00

10/20/2017 9:13:35AM Page 3 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C01-SB WTB L1-010-101-FS-GS-C01-SB 10/20/17 Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 15 1460 . 47 4.97E+02 22.68 5 . 63E+0l 8 . 57E+00 4.41E+02 2 . 42E+Ol M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(3/4) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K- 40 0 .98 1460.75

  • 10 . 67 6.12E - 06 3.77E- 07 BI - 212 0 . 60 727 . 17
  • 11. 80 1 .4 1E- 07 4 . 28E- 08 785 .4 2 2 . 00 1620 . 56 2 . 75 PB-212 0 . 99 77 .11
  • 17 . 50 2 . 06E - 07 2 . 85E- 08 238 . 63
  • 44 . 60 2 . llE-07 l.53E- 08 BI - 214 0.34 609 . 31
  • 46 . 30 l.16E - 07 2 . 63E- 08 1120 . 29 15 . 10 1238 . 11 5 . 94 1377 . 67 4 . 11 1407 . 98 2 . 48 1509 . 19 2 . 19 1764 . 49 15 . 80 PB- 214 1.00 77 . 11
  • 10 . 70 3 . 37E- 07 4 . 66E- 08 295 . 21
  • 19 . 20 9 . 73E- 08 2 . 30E-08 351 . 92
  • 37 . 20 7 . 35E- 08 2.68E-08 AC- 228 0 . 67 209 . 28 4.40 338 . 32
  • 11 . 40 1. 4 9E - 07 3 . 91E- 08 794 . 70 4 . 60 911.60
  • 27 . 70 l . 83E- 07 3 . 12E- 08 964 . 60
  • 5 . 20 4 . 24E- 07 1. 09E- 07 969 . 11
  • 16 . 60 l . 96E- 07 4 . 16E- 08

10/20/2017 9:13:35AM Page 4 of 7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101 -FS-GS-C01 -SB WTB L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C01-SB 10/20/17

  • = Energy line found in the spectrum.

- = Manually added nuclide.

? = Manually edited nuclide.

@ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Erro rs quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCi/grams)

K-40 0 . 988 6 . 12E- 06 3 . 77E- 07 BI - 212 0 . 605 l.41E-07 4 . 28E-08 PB - 212 0 . 998 l . 99E- 07 l . 37E-08 BI - 214 0 . 346 l. l 6E- 07 2 . 63E-08 PB-214 1.000 7 . 78E-08 l . 66E - 08 AC- 228 0 . 677 1. 8 6E-07 2 . 07E- 08

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

@ = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/20/2017 9: 13:35AM Page 5 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C01-SB WTB L1 -010-101-FS-GS-C01-SB 10/20/17 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/20/2017 9:13:26AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 2 92 . 75 2 . 92210E- 02 20 . 33 Tol. PA- 228 _/

F 7 4 63.03 5.14948£ - 03 35 . 55 Tol. PA- 228 F 8 583 . 08 2.8880 1E- 02 11 . 76 F 14 1332.37 5 . 02764£- 03 26 . 83 Tol.

M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(3/4) Activity Nuc/ideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams)


+ K- 40 1 4 60 . 75

+ AR-41 1293 . 64 99 . 16 -3 . 98E- 02 7 . 16E- 01 7 . 16E- 01

+ J CO- 60 11 7 3 . 22 1332.49 100 . 00 100 . 00 5 . 70E-08

l. 29E-08 5.62E-08 6 . 81E-08 5 . 62E- 08

+ KR- 85 513 . 99 0 . 43 l . 66E- 05 l . 03E- 05 1. 03E- 05

+ Y-88 898 . 04 93 . 70 2.32E-08 3 . 18E- 08 5 . 28E- 08 1836 . 06 99 . 20 -4 . 40E-08 3 . 18E-08

+ NB-94 702 . 63 100 . 00 2.78E- 08 4 . 35E - 08 4.35E- 08 871 . 10 100.00 -l . 97E-08 4 . 67E - 08

+ I - 131 284 . 30 6 . 06 l . 64E-07 4. 72E-08 6 . 29E - 07 364.48 81. 20 5 . 54E- 09 4 . 72E-08

10/20/2017 9:13:35AM Page 6 of 7 Analysis Report for L 1-01 0-101-FS-GS-C01 -SB WTB L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C01-SB 10/20/17 Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams)


I - 131 63 6 . 97 7 . 27 2 .4 4E- 07 4 . 72E-08 6 .4 7E- 07

+ CS- 134 604 . 70 97 . 60 - 5 . 05E - 08 5 . 37E- 08 5 . 39E- 08 795 . 84 85 . 40 - 2 . 66E- 08 5 . 37E - 08



I CS - 137 CE- 144 661.65 80 .12 85 .1 2

1. 36 7 . llE- 08

- l . 65E- 06 5.87E-08 2 . 81E- 07 5 . 87E- 08 3.52E- 06 1 3 3.51 11.09 l.15E-07 2 . 81E- 07

+ EU- 152 121 . 78 28.40 - 8 . 37E-0 8 l . 09E - 07 l . 09E- 07 I 2 44. 69 7 . 49 -4 . 60E - 07 5 . 0 0E- 07 964 . 00 14.44 3 . 14E- 07 4. 25E- 07 1408 . 00 2 0. 74 - 7.65E - 10 2 . 30E- 07

+ J EU - 154 123.07 40 . 40 - l . 39E- 08 7 . 70E- 08 7 . 70E - 08 24 7 . 9 4 6 . 60 - 5 . 2 0E- 07 4 . 89E - 07 723.30 19 . 70 6 . 15E- 08 2 . 28E- 07 873 . 20 11 . 50 2.29E- 07 4 . 24E- 07 1004 . 76 17 . 90 - 6 . 1 9E- 08 2 . 92E-07 127 4. 51 35 . 50 6.47 E-0 9 l . 53E- 07

+ EU-1 55 86 . 5 4 32 .8 0 -l . 75E- 08 l . 23E-07 l . 23E-07 105 . 3 1 21 . 80 2 . 56E - 08 l.5 4E- 07

+ BI - 214 609.31

  • 4 6 . 30 l. 16E- 07 9 . 88E- 08 9 . 88E - 08 1120.29 15 . 10 4 . 19E- 07 3 . 99E- 07 1238 . 11 5 . 94 - 2 . 16E- 08 l . 1 4E- 06 1377 . 67 4 . 11 6 . 37E-07 l . 15E-06 1407 . 98 2 . 48 - 6 . 39E- 09 l . 92E- 06 1509 . 19 2 .1 9 l.58E- 0 6 2 . 18E- 06 176 4. 49 15.80 l . 26E - 07 3 . 19E- 07

+ PB- 214 77 . 11

  • 19 . 20 9 . 73E - 08 1. 2 6E - 07 351. 92
  • 37 . 20 7 . 35E - 08 l.07E - 07

+ PA- 228 89 . 95 22 .00 1. 69E - 07 4 . lOE- 07 7 .0 4E - 07 93 . 35 35 . 0 0 - 2 . 26E- 07 4 . lOE - 07 105 . 00 16 . 30 4 . 86E-07 8 . 03E- 07 129.22 2 . 97 l.77E- 07 4 . 07E- 06 338 . 32 5.30 1. 59E-06 2 . 62E- 06 463.00 13.80 - 5.08E - 07 l . OlE-06 911. 23 16 . 70 5 . 09E-07 l . 34E- 06

+ /AM-241 59 . 54 36 . 30 -2.4 1E-07 2 . 16E- 07 2.16E-0 7

+ CM- 243 103 . 76 23 . 00 -l . 85E- 09 1. 45E - 07 l.45E - 07 228 . 18 10 . 60 l.06E- 07 2.95E-07 277 . 60 14 . 00 4 . 38E-08 2.42E-07

+ = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification

= Energy line found in the spectrum

> = MDA value not calculated

@ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction

? = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent w ith Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/20/2017 9: 13:35AM Page 7 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C01-SB WTB L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C01-SB 10/20/17

10/17/2017 4:54:23PM Page I of7

~ ~--Apex-Gamma Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C02-SB WTB L1-010-10110/17/ 17 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANAL YS/S Sample Identification  : L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C02-SB Sample Description  : WTB L 1-010-101 10/17/17 Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli /

Unit Sample Point Sample Size 1.081 E+03 grams/

Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 10/17/2017 2:30:00PM Acquisition Started  : 10/17/2017 3:54:00PM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli /

Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3611.5 seconds Dead Time

0.32 %

Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100- 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3530 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/17/2017 4:54:14PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/17/2017 4:54:23PM Page 2 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-01 0-101-FS-GS-C02-SB WTB L1-010-10110/17/17 Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak NetPeak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV)

M 1 74.77 144 - 158 150 . 09 l . 12E+02 19 . 38 4 . 56E+02 1.15 m 2 76.95 144 - 158 154.45 l.68E+02 21.91 4.58E+ 02 1.16 F 3 129.12 255 - 263 258.75 5.57E+0 l 16.53 4 . 19E+02 0 . 90 4 185.73 367 - 375 37 1.96 4.40E+0l 26.96 3 . 21E+02 1. 84 F 5 238 . 55 46 9 - 485 477.58 4.10E+02 25.09 3 . 93E+02 1. 46 F 6 295 . 19 587 - 596 590 .82 9.92E+0l 14.46 l.72E+02 1.19 F 7 351.76 69 7 - 712 703 . 94 2 .0 5E+02 17 . 44 l.76E+02 1. 61 F 8 462 . 76 920 - 931 925 . 91 4.49E+0l 11.01 8 .72E+0l 1. 94 F 9 583 . 02 1161 - 1172 1166.39 l . 1 6E+02 1 2 . 64 5.96E+0l 1. 53 F 10 609.12 1212 - 1224 1218 . 57 l . 66E+02 15.01 7.82E+0l 1. 66 F 11 661.41 1316 - 1328 1323 .13 l . 95E+02 15. 79 7 . 48E+0l 1. 61 F 12 911. 25 1818 - 1827 1822.74 7 . 47E+0l 1 0 . 60 4 .13E+0l 1. 58 F 13 968.93 1933 - 1944 1938 .09 2.51E+0l 7 . 60 5 . 29E+0l 1. 34 F 14 1332.29 2660 - 2669 2664.72 2 . 21E+0l 6 .10 3 . 12E+0l 0.92 F 15 1460.44 2911 - 2929 2920.99 6.79E+02 26.70 l . 92E+0l 2.43 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/17/2017 4:54:14PM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Oairyland_NPP\Data\0000001364.CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

M 1 74. 77 l. 12E+02 19 . 38 l . 12E+02 l . 94E+0l m 2 76.95 l.68E+02 21.91 l . 68E+02 2 . 19E+0 l F 3 129.12 5 . 57E+0l 1 6 . 53 5 . 57E+ 0 l l . 65E+0l 4 185 . 73 4 . 40E +0 l 26 . 96 4.40E+0l 2.70E+0l F 5 238 . 55 4.10E+02 25.09 4 .1 0E+02 2 . 51E+0l F 6 295.19 9 . 92E+0l 14.46 9 .92E+0l l . 45E+0l F 7 351 . 76 2.05E+02 17 . 44 8 . 36E+0l 1. 86E+0l l . 21E+02 2 . 55E+0l F 8 462. 76 4 .4 9E+0l 11. 01 4 . 49E+0l l . l0E+ 0l F 9 583.02 l.16E+02 12.64 l . 16E+02 l.26E+0l F 10 609.12 l.66E+02 15.01 4 . 12E+0l l . 21E+0l l . 25E+02 l.93E+Ol F 11 661.41 l . 95E+02 15 . 79 6.61E+0l l .27E+0l 1. 28E+02 2 . 03E+0l F 12 911. 25 7 .4 7E+0l 10.60 7 . 47E+0l l . 06E +0 l F 13 968 . 93 2.51E+0l 7 .6 0 2.51E+0l 7 .60E+00 F 14 1332 . 29 2 . 21E+0l 6 . 10 2.21E+0 l 6 .l 0E+00

10/17/2017 4:54:23PM Page 3 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C02-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/17/17 Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 15 1460 . 44 6 . 79£+02 26 . 70 5 . 63E+Ol 8 . 57E+OO 6 . 22E+02 2 . 80E+Ol M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(%) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K- 40 0.98 14 6 0 . 75

  • 10 . 67 6 . 27£- 06 3 . 32E- 07 CS- 1 3 7 0 . 99 661 . 65
  • 85 . 12 8. 02£ - 08 l . 2 8E- 08 PB- 212 0 . 99 77 . 11
  • 17 . 50 2 . 20£-07 2 . 95E - 08 238 . 63
  • 44 . 60 1 . 95£- 07 1.30£- 08 BI - 21 4 0 . 34 609 . 31
  • 46 . 30 1. 33£- 07 2 . 09£- 08 11 2 0 . 29 15 . 10 1 238 . 11 5.94 1377 . 67 4 . 11 1407 . 98 2.48 1509 . 19 2.19 1764 . 49 15 . 80 PB- 214 0 . 99 77 . 11
  • 10.70 3 . 59£- 07 4 . 83£-08 295 . 2 1
  • 19.20 1. 31£- 07 1 . 94£- 08 351 . 92
  • 3 7 . 20 9 . 68 £- 08 2.05£- 08 RA- 226 0 . 96 186 . 21
  • 3 . 28 2 . 40 E- 07 l.4 7E- 07
  • =Energy line found in the spectrum.

- =Manually added nuclide.

? =Manually edited nuclide.

@ =Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/17/2017 4:54:23PM Page4 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C02-SB WTB L1-010-10110/17/17 INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCi/grams)

K-4 0 0.985 6.27E- 06 3 . 32E- 07 J CS - 137 PB-212 0 . 99 1 0 . 998 8 . 02E-08 l . 88E- 07 1 . 28E- 08 1.20E- 08 BI - 21 4 0.347 1. 33E- 07 2 . 09E- 08 PB - 214 0 .99 7 1.lOE- 07 1. 36E-0 8 RA- 226 0. 964 2 . 40E-07 1. 4 7E- 07

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

@ = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/ 17/2017 4:54:23PM Page 5 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C02-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/17/17 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/17/2017 4:54:14PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide \

M 1 74.77 3 . 10287E- 02 17.35 QbV\

F 3 129 . 12 1.54653E- 02 29 . 69 Tol. PA- 228 /

F 8 462 . 76 l . 24670E- 02 24 . 53 Tol. SB- 125 /

PA- 228 F 9 583 . 02 3 . 23041E - 02 10 . 87 ~-vfA/

F 12 911. 25 2 . 07509E- 02 14 . 19 Tol. AC- 228 ' /

PA- 228/

F 13 968 . 93 6 . 98611E - 03 30 . 24 Tol. AC- 228 F 14 1332 . 29 6 . 1377 4E- 03 2 7 . 62 6, iPt M =First peak in a multiplet region m =Other peak in a multiplet region F =Fitted singlet


Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuc/ideMDA LineMDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams)


+ K-40 1 4 60.75

  • 10 . 67 6 . 27E-06 4 . 90E - 07 4.90E- 07

+ AR- 41 1293 . 64 99. 1 6 -2 . 8 4E- 08 8 . 90E - 08 8 . 90E-08

+ / CO-60 1173 . 22 100 . 00 2 . 18E- 08 5.14E-08 5 . 37E- 08 1332 . 49 100 . 00 4 . 72E - 08 5 . 14E- 08

10/17/2017 4:54:23PM Page 6 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C02-S8 WTB L1-010-1 0 1 10/17/17 Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams)


+ KR- 85 513 . 99 0.43 7.82E-06 8 . 23E-06 8.23E- 06

+ Y- 88 898.04 93.70 -l.09E- 09 2 . 64E-08 4.l0E-08 1836.06 99.20 4 . 92E-09 2.64E-08

+ NB- 94 702.63 100.00 l . 84E-08 3 .37E-08 3 . 37E- 08 871.10 100 . 00 -1. 72E-09 3.60E-08

+ I-131 284.30 6.06 9.63E-08 3 . 14E-08 4.42E-07 364.48 81.20 - l.62E - 08 3.14E-08 636 . 97 7 . 27 - 5.79E-08 4.60E - 07

+ CS-134 604 . 70 97 . 60 3 . 50E-09 4 . 25E-08 4.44E-08 795 .84 85.40 -2 . 88E-08 4 . 25E-08

+ / CS-137 661.65

  • 85 . 12 8.02E-08 4.40E-08 4.40E-08

+ CE-144 80.12 1. 36 -3 . 46E - 06 2 . 33E- 07 2.92E-06 133 . 51 11.09 -3.31E-08 2 . 33E-07

+ /EU-152 121 . 78 28.40 -3 . 68E-08 8 . 75E-08 8 . 75E-08 244 . 69 7 . 49 - 3 . l0E- 07 4. 26E-07 964.00 14 .44 1. 31E-07 3.23E- 07 1408.00 20.74 l.20E-07 l.67E-07

+ / EU-154 123 . 07 40 . 40 -2.75E-08 6 . 19E-08 6.19E-08 247 . 94 6.60 -5 . 53E-07 4 . 15E-07 723. 30 19.70 6.86E-08 l . 78E -0 7 873.20 11. 50 -3.9 7E-09 3.06E-07 1004 . 76 17.90 6 . 15E-10 2 . 24E-07 1274.51 35.50 2 . 36E - 08 1 . 24E-07

+ EU-155 86.54 32.80 -9.81E-09 1.0lE-07 l.0l E-07 105 . 31 21.80 2 . 31E-08 l.23E-07

+ BI-214 609 . 31

  • 46.30 1. 33E-07 7 . 24E-08 7 . 24E-08 1120 .29 15 . 10 7 . 78E- 08 3.57E-07 1238 .11 5. 94 3 . 38E - 07 9.43E-07 1377.67 4 . 11 5 . 46E-07 9 . 49E- 07 1407.98 2 . 48 l.00E-06 1 .40E-0 6 1509.19 2.19 3.51E-07 l . 42E-06 1764.49 15 . 80 2 . 53E-07 2.76E-07

+ PB-214 77 . 11

  • 19.20 l.31E-07 8.99E - 08 351 . 92
  • 37.20 9.68E-08 8 . 35E - 08

+ PA- 228 89.95 22 . 00 l.24E-07 9 .13E-08 1.55E- 07 93.35 35.00 - 3.05E-08 9 . 13E-08 105 . 00 16 . 30 -2 . 60E-08 l . 75E - 07 129 . 22 2.97 6 . 73E- 07 9 . 23E-07 338.32 5.30 4 . 35E-07 5 . 91E-07 463.00 13 . 80 7 . 45E-08 2.38E-07 911.23 16.70 2.93E-07 3.14E- 07

+ / AM-241 59 .54 36.30 l.78E-07 l . 86E-07 l . 86E-07

+ CM-243 103 .76 23.00 -4 . 95E-08 l . 18E-07 l.18E-07 228.18 10 .60 3.35E-08 2.41E-07 277.60 14.00 - l.30E-07 1.91E- 07

10/17/2017 4:54:23PM Page 7 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C02-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/17/17

+ = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification

= Energy line found in the spectrum

> = MDA value not calculated

@ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction

? = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/20/2017 1:27:31PM Page I of7

~~~""Apex-Gamma Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C03-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/18/17 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : L1-010-101-FS-GS-C03-SB /

Sample Description  : WTB L 1-010-101 10/1&/17 Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli /

Unit Sample Point Sample Size 7.799E+02 grams Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 10/18/2017 1:55:00PM Acquisition Started  : 10/20/2017 12:27:07PM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli /

Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3611.2 seconds Dead Time  : 0.31 %

Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100- 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3543 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/20/2017 1:27:21PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/20/2017 1:27:31 PM Page 2 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C03-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/18/1 7 Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV)

F 1 76.59 148 - 160 153. 73 l .4 6E+02 25 .68 5 . 74E+02 2.22 F 2 92.70 179 - 193 185 .9 3 7 . 73E+O l 19.06 6.37E+ 02 1. 29 F 3 238 . 60 4 73 - 485 477.68 2.69E+02 20 . 51 2 . 32E+02 1.23 F 4 295 . 34 588 - 595 591 . 14 7 . 21E+Ol 12 . 57 1.04E+02 1. 25 F 5 337 . 92 672 - 681 676 . 27 3 . 79E+Ol 3 . 27 l.10E+02 0 . 53 F 6 583 . 09 1161 - 1171 1166 . 53 8 . 80E+Ol 11. 31 5 . 32E+Ol 1. 48 F 7 661.44 1318 - 1329 1323. 20 l.74E+02 15.03 5 . 81E+Ol 1. 75 F 8 910.71 1816 - 1831 1821. 65 5 . 14E+Ol 8.75 4 . 24E+Ol 1. 73 F 9 968.87 1933 - 1944 1 937.97 4.0 7E+Ol 8 . 03 3.00E+Ol 1. 67 F 10 1331 . 97 2659 - 2670 2664 . 08 3 . 85E+Ol 6 . 97 8.61E+OO 2 . 32 F 11 1460.38 2911 - 2929 2920 . 87 4 . 79E+02 22 . 13 9 . 35E+OO 2 . 45 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/20/2017 1:27:21PM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ N PP\Data\0000001364. CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 1 76.59 1 . 46E+ 02 25 . 68 1 . 46E+02 2 . 57E+Ol F 2 92 . 70 7 . 73E+Ol 19 . 06 7 . 73E+Ol 1.91E+Ol F 3 238 .60 2 . 69E+02 20 . 51 2 . 69E+02 2.05E+Ol F 4 295.34 7 . 21E+Ol 12 .57 7 . 21E+Ol 1.26E+Ol F 5 337 . 92 3.79E+Ol 3 . 27 3 . 79E+Ol 3 . 27E+OO F 6 583 . 09 8.80E+Ol 11 . 31 8 . 80E+Ol 1 . 13E+Ol F 7 661 . 44 1 . 74E+02 1 5 .03 6 . 61E+Ol 1 . 27E+Ol 1 . 07£ +02 l . 97E+ Ol F 8 910 . 71 5 . 14E+Ol 8 . 75 5.1 4E+O l 8 . 75E+OO F 9 968 . 87 4.07E+Ol 8.03 4.07E+Ol 8 . 03E+OO F 10 1331 . 97 3 . 85E+Ol 6.97 3.85E+ Ol 6 . 97E+OO F 11 1460 . 38 4 . 79E+02 22 . 13 5.63E+Ol 8.57E+OO 4 . 23E+02 2 . 37E+Ol M =First peak in a multiplet region m =Other peak in a multiplet region F =Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/20/2017 1 :27:31 PM Page 3 of 7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C03-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/18/17 NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(%) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K- 40 0 . 97 14 60 . 75

  • 10 . 67 5 . 91E - 06 3 . 70E- 07 CS-137 0 . 99 661 . 65
  • 85 . 12 9 . 30E - 08 1 . 72E- 08 PB- 212 0 . 98 77 . 11
  • 17 . 50 2 . 67E - 07 4.77E - 08 238 . 63
  • 44 . 60 1 . 78E - 07 1 . 43E - 08 AC- 228 0 . 57 209 . 28 4. 40 338 . 32
  • 11 . 40 1 . 32E-07 1.18E- 08 794 . 70 4.60 911. 60
  • 27.70 1.83E- 07 3.14 E-08 964 .6 0 5 . 20 969 . 11
  • 16 . 60 2 . 55E- 07 5.07E- 08
  • = Energy line found in the spectrum.

- = Manually added nuclide.

? = Manually edited nuclide.

@ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams)

) K- 40 0 . 978 5 . 91E-06 3.70E-07 CS-137 0 . 993 9 . 30E- 08 1 . 72E - 08 PB- 212 0 . 988 1 . 85E-07 1 . 37E-08 AC - 228 0 . 578 1 .4 4E- 07 1 . 08E - 08

10/20/2017 1:27:31 PM Page 4 of 7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C03-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/18/17

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

@ = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/20/2017 1:27:31PM Page 5 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C03-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/18/17 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/20/2017 1:27:21PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (ke V) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 2 92.70 2 . 14783£- 02 24.65 Tol. PA- 228 J F 4 295 . 34 2 . 00370£- 02 17 . 43 Tol. PB- 214 ;/

1.., 0 6 583 . 09 2 . 44515E- 02 12 . 84 F --n* '"'2.VO F 10 1331 . 97 1 . 06882£- 02 18 . 11 6, M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuclide MDA LineMDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams)


+ K- 40 1460.75

  • 10 . 67 5 . 91E- 06 6 . 21E - 07 6.21E- 07 3 . 78E - 01 3 . 00E+00 3 . 00E+O0


+ I AR- 41 CO-60 1293 . 64 1173 . 22 99 . 16 100 . 00 1 . 71E- 08 6 . 46E - 08 6 . 62E- 08 1332.49 100 . 00 6 . 30E- 08 6 . 46E - 08

+ KR- 85 513 . 99 0.43 l.06E- 05 l . 0lE-05 l . 0lE - 05

+ Y- 88 898.04 93 . 70 2.48E- 08 3 . 59E-08 5 . 43E-08 1836 . 06 99 . 20 - 5 . 07E-08 3.59E- 08

+ NB- 94 702 . 63 100 . 00 l . 77E- 08 4.28E-08 4.28E-08 871 . 10 100 . 00 - 8 . l0E- 09 4.63E-08

+ I - 131 284 . 30 6 . 06 -l . llE-07 5.07E-08 6.37E - 07 364.48 81. 20 -l. l 6E- 09 5 . 07E- 08 636.97 7 . 27 -l.15E- 07 6 . 27E-07

+ CS - 134 604.70 97.60 4 . 81E-08 5.16E - 08 5.16E- 08

10/20/201 7 1 :27:31 PM Page 6 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-1 01-FS-GS-C03-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuclide MDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams)


CS- 134 795.84

+ I CS- 137 661.65

  • 85 .4 0 85 . 12

-2 . 12E- 08 9 . 30E- 08 5 . 16E- 08 5 . 76E - 08 5 . 18E- 08 5 . 76E - 08

+ CE-144 80. 12 1. 36 - 1 . 29E-06 2 . 87E-07 3.50E-06 133.51 11.09 7.21E-11 2 . 87E-07

+ 1 EU- 152 121 . 7 8 2 44.69 28 . 40 7 .4 9

- 2 . 69E- 08

-2.93£- 07 1.08£- 07 1 . 08E-07 5 . 19£-0 7 964 . 00 14.44 3 .8 0£-0 7 4 . 13E-0 7

+ I EU- 154 1408 . 00 123 . 07 20 .74 40 . 40 9.58£- 08 9 . 86£-09 7 .66£ - 08 2.31£-07 7 . 66E- 08 247.94 6 . 60 - 5.8 6E-07 5 . 14E-07 723 . 30 19 . 70 1 .62£-08 2.31E- 07 873 . 20 11. 50 -8.90E -1 0 3 . 96E- 07 1004 . 76 17 . 90 -7. 2 1E-08 2.86E- 07 1274.51 35.50 -2 . 07£ - 08 1.64£- 07

+ EU- 155 86 . 54 32 . 80 - 3 . 35£- 08 1.25£- 07 1 . 25£- 07 105.31 2 1. 80 3 . 36E- 09 1 . 53£- 07

+ BI - 214 609.31 46.30 1. 52£- 07 1. llE- 07 1 . llE-07 1120 . 2 9 15 . 10 1 .8 0E-07 4.1 7£ - 07 1238 . 11 5 . 94 8 . 66£-07 1. 21£-06 1377. 67 4 . 11 6 . 05E-07 1 . 08E-06 1407.98 2.48 8.0lE-07 l . 93E-06 1509 . 19 2.19 4. 72£-07 1.53£-06 1764 . 49 15 . 80 1. 63E - 07 3.12£- 07

+ PB- 2 1 4 77 . 11 10 . 70 3 . 69£-07 1. llE-07 4 . 73£-07 295 . 21 19. 20 1 . 62£ - 07 1 .91 £ - 07 351.92 37 . 20 1 . 59£-0 7 1 . llE-07

+ PA-228 89 .95 22 .0 0 -9.1 2£- 09 4 . 76£-07 8 . 07£-07 93.35 35 . 00 2.17£-07 4 . 76E-07 105.00 1 6 . 30 l . 93E- 07 9.05E- 07 129.22 2 . 97 5 .94E- 07 4 . 61E-06 338 . 32 5 . 30 3.33E- 06 3.06£- 06 463.00 13 . 80 - 1. 58£-07 1. 25£-06 911 . 23 16.70 1. 44E-06 1 . 55£- 06

+ / AM-241 59.54 36.30 -1 . 39£ - 07 2 . 20£- 07 2.20£-07

+ CM- 243 103 . 76 23 . 00 3 . 41E-08 1.47E- 07 l . 47E-07 228 . 18 10 . 60 9 . 23E- 08 3.03 E- 07 277 . 60 14.00 1 .8 4E- 07 2.37£-07

+ = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification

= Energy line found in the spectrum

> = MDA value not calculated

@ Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction

? = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/20/2017 1:27:31PM Page 7 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C03-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17

_.&Apex-Gamma Analysis Report for L1-010-101-QR-GS-C03-SB 10/20/2017 12:24:18PM Page I of7 WTB L1-010-101 10/18/17 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : L1-010-101-QR-GS-C03-SB Sample Description  : WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli Unit Sample Point Sample Size 7.674E+02 grams ./

Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 10/18/2017 2:20:00PM /

Acquisition Started  : 10/20/2017 11 :23:55AM""

Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli/

Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli /

Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3611 .1 seconds Dead Time  : 0.31 % /

Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3542 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/20/2017 12:24:0SPM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/20/2017 12:24:18PM Page 2 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-QR-GS-C03-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV)

F 1 75 . 86 14 7 - 159 152 . 27 2 . 26E+02 28 . 29 5.06E+02 3 . 72 F 2 186 . 04 368 - 376 372 . 57 7.05E+Ol 17 . 35 2.61E+02 1. 51 F 3 238 . 64 474 - 485 477 . 76 2 . 85E+02 21. 32 2 . 45E+02 1. 34 F 4 295 . 21 585 - 595 590 . 87 8 . 97E+Ol 13 . 86 l.39E+02 1. 49 F 5 338.14 671 - 683 676 . 71 6 . 55E+Ol 11 . 93 l . 23E+02 1. 49 F 6 583 . 02 1159 - 1172 1166.37 7 . 70E+Ol 10.42 5.24E+Ol 1. 53 F 7 609.41 121 4 - 1226 1219.15 l . 06E+02 12.19 5 . 26E+Ol 1. 80 F 8 661.34 1318 - 1327 1322.99 l.19E+02 12 . 68 4 .8 9E+Ol 1. 4 7 F 9 727. 64 14 51 - 146 1 1455 . 57 l .90E+Ol 6.66 3 . 90E+Ol 1. 32 F 10 911. 08 1817 - 1829 1822 . 40 6.26E+Ol 10.10 4 . 18E+Ol 2.08 F 11 968 . 78 1933 - 1942 1937 . 78 2.17E+Ol 7 .27 3 . 73E+Ol 1. 52 F 12 1120. 30 2236 - 2247 2240 . 78 2 . 13E+Ol 5 . 88 2 . 75E+Ol 1.05 F 13 1331. 80 2659 - 2669 2663 . 74 2.55E+Ol 6 . 12 l . 78E+Ol 1. 29 F 14 1460.40 2912 - 2929 2920.92 4.27E+02 21. 01 l.57E+Ol 2 . 33 F 15 1763 . 64 3523 - 3532 3527 . 35 l . 53E+Ol 4 . 42 3.83E+OO 1. 69 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/20/2017 12:24:0BPM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001364.CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 1 75 . 86 2.26E+02 28 . 29 2.26E+02 2 .83E+Ol F 2 186 . 04 7 . 05E+Ol 17.35 7.05E+Ol l .7 3E+Ol F 3 238 . 6 4 2 .8 5E+02 21. 32 2 . 85E+02 2 .13E+Ol F 4 295 . 21 8 . 97E+Ol 13 . 86 8 . 97E+ Ol l . 39E+Ol F 5 338 . 14 6 . 55E+Ol 11. 93 6 . 55E+Ol l . 19E+Ol F 6 583 . 02 7.70E+Ol 10 . 42 7.70E+Ol l.04E+Ol F 7 609 . 41 1.06E+02 12 . 19 4 . 12E+Ol l.21E+Ol 6.48E+Ol l.72E+Ol F 8 661 . 34 l.19E+02 12 . 68 6.61E+Ol l . 27E+Ol 5 . 24E+Ol l . 79E+Ol F 9 727 . 64 l . 90E+Ol 6.66 l . 90E+Ol 6.66E+OO F 10 911 . 08 6.26E+Ol 10.10 6 . 26E+Ol 1 . 0lE+Ol F 11 968 . 78 2.17E+Ol 7 .27 2.17E+Ol 7 . 27E+OO F 12 1120. 30 2 .13E+Ol 5 . 88 2 . 13E+Ol 5 . 88E+OO F 13 1331. 80 2 . 55E+Ol 6.12 2 . 55E+Ol 6.12E+OO F 14 1460.40 4 . 27E+02 21. 01 5.63E+Ol 8.57E+OO 3.70E+02 2 . 27E+O l

10/20/201 7 12:24:18PM Page 3 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-QR-GS-C03-SB WTB L 1-010-10110/18/17 Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 15 1763 . 64 1 . 53E+0l 4 . 42 l . 53E+0l 4.42E+00 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(%) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K- 40 0 . 98 1460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 5 . 26E- 06 3 . 54E- 07 CS - 137 0.98 661.65
  • 85 . 12 4 . 61E - 08 l . 58E-08 BI-212 0 . 58 727.17
  • 11. 80 l . 31E- 07 4 . 62E- 08 785 . 42 2 . 00 1620 . 56 2 . 75 PB- 212 0 . 56 77.11 17.50 238 . 63
  • 44.60 l.9 1E- 07 l.52E- 08 BI - 21 4 0 . 76 609 . 31
  • 15.10 l.69E - 07 4.70E- 08 1238 . 11 5 . 94 1377 . 67 4 .11 1407 . 98 2 . 48 1509 . 19 2 . 19 1764 . 49
  • 15 . 80 1 . 72E- 07 4.99E - 08 RA- 226 0 . 99 186 . 21
  • 3 . 28 5 . 42E- 07 l . 34E-07 AC-228 0 . 61 209.28 4 . 40 338 . 32
  • 11. 40 2 . 32E-07 4 . 26E - 08 794 . 70 4.60 911.60
  • 27 . 70 2.26E - 07 3 . 68E - 08 964 . 60 5.20 969 . 11
  • 16 . 60 l . 38E- 07 4 . 64E - 08

10/20/2017 12:24:18PM Page 4 of ?

Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-QR-GS-C03-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/18/17

  • = Energy line found in the spectrum.

- = Manually added nuclide.

? = Manually edited nuclide.

@ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCi/grams)

K- 40 0 . 981 5 . 26E- 0 6 3 . 54E-07 S - 137 0 . 985 4 . 61E- 08 l . 58E-08 BI -212 0 . 581 l.31E- 07 4 . 62E- 08 PB- 2 1 2 0 . 560 l . 91E- 07 l.52E- 08 BI -21 4 0.767 l . 24E- 07 2 . 07E- 08 RA- 226 0.995 5 . 42E- 07 l . 34E- 07 AC- 228 0 . 611 2 . 05E- 07 2 . 39E- 08

= nuclide is part of an undetermined solution

= nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

= nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity quoted at 1.000sigma

10/20/2017 12:24:18PM Page 5 of 7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-QR-GS-C03-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/20/2017 12:24:0BPM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 1 75.86 6 . 27423E - 02 12 . 52 F 4 295 . 21 2 . 49098E - 02 15. 4 5 Tol.

F 6 583 . 02 2 . 13876E- 02 13 . 54 F 13 1331 . 80 7 . 07805E - 03 2 4.0 3 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield{%) Activity Nuc/ideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams) (uCi/grams)


+ K-40 1460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 5 . 26E- 06 6 . 66E-07 6 . 66E- 07

+ AR- 41 1293 . 64 99 .1 6 -l . 34E+O0 l . 61E+00 l . 61E+00

+ _/ CO- 60 1173 . 22 100 . 00 3 . 08E- 08 6 . 83E-08 6.94E- 08 1332 . 49 100 . 00 7.09E - 08 6 . 83E - 08

+ KR-85 513.99 0 . 43 l. 69E- 05 l . 08E - 05 1. 08E-05

+ Y- 88 898 . 04 93 . 70 - 4 . 51E- 08 3 . 76E- 08 4. 62E - 08 1836.06 99 . 20 - 3 . 13E- 08 3 . 76E - 08

+ NB- 94 702 . 63 100 . 00 1. 24E- 09 4.52E- 08 4 . 52E-08 871 . 10 100 . 00 - 3 . 46E- 08 4 . 76E - 08

+ I-131 284 . 30 6 . 06 - 2 . 99E- 08 4.94E - 08 6 . 31E - 07 364 . 48 81 . 20 -l . 20E - 08 4 . 94E-08 636 . 97 7 . 27 2.0lE- 07 6 . 95E - 07

+ CS-134 604.70 97 . 60 - 4.13E- 08 5 . 17E- 08 5 . 32E - 08 795.84 85 . 40 - 6 . 09E - 08 5 . 17E-08

10/20/2017 12:24:18PM Page 6 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-QR-GS-C03-SB WTB L1-01 0-1 0110/18/17 Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams)




J CS-137 CE- 144 661 . 65 80.12

  • 85 . 12
1. 36 4.61E-08

-l.67E-06 5 . 56E-08 2 . 82E-07 5.56E-08 3 . 56E- 06 133 . 51 11.09 3 . 19E-08 2 . 82E-07

+ EU- 152 121.78 28.40 8 . 40E-09 l . 09E-07 l.09E-07 244.69 7 . 49 -3.55£-07 5 . 32E-07 964 . 00 14.44 4.00E-07 4 . 18E- 07 1408.00 20 . 74 l.24E-07 2.20E-07

+ EU-154 123 .0 7 40.40 - l.79E-08 7 . 67E-08 7.67E- 08 247.94 6.60 - 5.83£- 07 5 . 33E-07 723. 30 19.70 9.l0E-08 2 . 29E-07 873.20 11. 50 2.18E - 07 4 . 18E-07 1004.76 17.90 5 . 64E-08 2.77E-07 1274.51 35 . 50 8 . 21£- 10 l.62E-07

+ EU- 155 86.54 32.80 7 . 43E-08 l.27E-07 l.27E-07 105.31 21. 80 5 .2 9£- 09 l . 51E- 07

+ BI-2 14 609 . 31

  • 46.30 9 . 72E- 08 9 . 34E- 08 9 . 34£- 08 1120 . 29
  • 15.10 l . 69E-07 2 . 40E-07 1238 . 11 5.94 8.73E-08 l.08E-06 1377 . 67 4 . 11 1.08E-07 l.l0E-06 1407.98 2 . 48 l.04E-06 l.84E-06 1509.19 2 . 19 8.21E-09 l.88E - 06 1764 . 49

+ PB-214 77 . 11 10.70 4 . 16E-07 l . 13E- 07 4 . 79E - 07 295 . 21 19.20 2.33E-07 l . 91E- 07 351 . 92 37.20 2.17£-07 l.13E-07

+ PA- 228 89 . 95 22.00 7.82E-07 4.47E-07 7 . 72E-07 93 . 35 35.00 - l.60E-07 4 . 47E- 07 105 . 00 16 . 30 l .14E-07 8 . 54E- 07 129.22 2.97 9 . 05E- 07 4 . 46E-06 338.32 5.30 3 . 65E- 07 2 . 94E-06 463.00 13 . 80 l.73E- 07 l.15E-06 911.23

+ JAM-241 59.54 16.70 36.30 2 . 56E-06

- 8.87E-08 2 . 23E- 07 l.56E-06 2 . 23 E- 07

+ CM- 243 103 . 76 23.00 -l.l0E - 08 l .4 4E-07 l . 44E- 07 228.18 10 . 60 l.67E- 07 3. llE-07 277 . 60 14 . 00 - 1. 59E-08 2 . 39E - 07

+ = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification

= Energy line found in the spectrum

> = MDA value not calculated

@ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction

? = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/20/2017 12:24:18PM Page 7 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-QR-GS-C03-SB WTB U-010-101 10/18/17

-SApex-Gamma Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C04-SB 10/20/201 / 2:28:44PM Page I of6 WTB L 1-010-10110/18/17 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : L1-010-101-FS-GS-C04-SB


Sample Description  : WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli Unit Sample Point Sample Size 7.657E+02 grams Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 10/18/2017 12:50:00PM Acquisition Started  : 10/20/2017 1:28:21 PM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3611.5 seconds Dead Time  : 0.32 %

Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3544 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/20/2017 2:28:36PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/20/2017 2:28:44PM Page 2 of 6 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C04-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV)

F 1 77.01 152 - 161 154 . 57 l . 22E+02 18 . 91 4 . 14E+02 1. 03 F 2 185.83 368 - 378 372.16 6 . 13E+0 l 13. 57 2 . 99E+02 0 . 88 F 3 238. 4 9 473 - 485 477.46 2.53E+0 2 20 . 50 2 . 74E+02 1. 35 F 4 294 . 78 584 - 597 590 . 02 8 . 0lE+0l 13 . 72 2.06E+02 1. 38 F 5 338 . 1 4 669 - 681 676 . 72 5.50E+0l 10.0 5 l . 11E+02 0 . 97 F 6 5 8 3 . 02 1163 - 1174 1166 . 37 8 . 0lE+0l 10 . 72 4 . 56E+0l 1. 68 F 7 609 . 30 1215 - 1224 1218 . 94 1 . 03£+02 12.15 4 . 59E+0l 1. 78 F 8 91 1. 04 1816 - 1 8 27 1822 . 31 4.56E+0l 9 . 03 4 . 32E+0l 1. 60 F 9 96 8. 96 1934 - 194 4 1938.14 2 . 55E+0l 6 . 82 4 . 00E+0l 1. 02 F 10 1460 . 28 2912 - 2930 2920 . 68 4 .4 6E+02 2 1. 22 6.92 E+00 2 . 31 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/20/2017 2:28:35PM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Data\0000001364.CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 1 77. 01 1.22E+02 18 . 91 l . 22E+02 l . 89E+0l F 2 185.83 6 . 13E+0l 13 . 57 6 . 13E+0l l . 36E+0l F 3 238 . 49 2 . 53E+ 0 2 20.50 2 . 53E+02 2 . 05E+0l F 4 294 . 78 8 . 0lE+ 0l 13 . 72 8.0lE+0l 1.37E+0l F 5 338.14 5 . S0E+0l 10 . 05 5.S0E+0l l . 00E +0l F 6 583 . 02 8.0lE+0l 10. 72 8 . 0lE+0l 1 . 07E+0l F 7 609 . 30 l.03E+02 12 . 15 4 . 12E+0l 1. 21E+0l 6. 1 3E+0l l . 72E+0l F 8 911. 04 4 . 56E+0l 9.03 4 . 56E+0l 9 . 03E+00 F 9 968. 96 2 . 55E+0 l 6.82 2 . 55E+0l 6 . 82E+00 F 10 1 4 60 . 28 4 . 46E+02 21. 22 5.63E+0l 8 . 5 7E +00 3 . 89E+02 2.29E+0l M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/20/2017 2:28:44PM Page 3 of6 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C04-SB WTB L 1-010-10110/18/17 NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield{%) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K-40 0 . 96 1460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 5 . 54E- 06 3.60E- 07 PB- 212 0 . 99 77 . 11
  • 17 . 50 2 . 25E - 07 3 . 56E- 08 238 . 63
  • 44.60 1 . 70E - 07 1. 4 5E- 08 BI - 214 0 . 35 609.31
  • 4 6 . 30 9 . 23E - 08 2 . 59E- 08 1120 . 29 15 . 10 1 238 . 11 5 . 94 1377 . 6 7 4 . 11 1407 . 98 2 . 48 1509.19 2 . 19 176 4. 49 15 . 80 RA- 226 0.97 186.21
  • 3 . 28 4.72E- 07 1. 0SE- 07 AC - 228 0 . 61 209 . 28 4. 40 338 . 32
  • 11. 4 0 l .95E- 07 3 . 60E- 08 794 . 70 4 . 60 91 1. 60
  • 27 . 70 l. 65E- 07 3 . 2 9E- 08 96 4. 60 5 . 20 969 . 11
  • =Energy line found in the spectrum.

- =Manually added nuclide.

? =Manually edited nuclide.

@ =Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT

10/20/2017 2:28:44PM Page 4 of6 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C04-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/18/17 Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams)

K- 40 0. 966 5 . 54E- 06 3.60E- 07 PB - 212 0.998 l . 78E- 07 l . 34E-08 BI - 214 0 . 350 9 . 23E- 08 2.59E-08 RA- 226 0 . 977 4 . 72E- 07 l.OSE-07 AC-228 0 . 611 l . 75E-07 2 . 12E-08

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

@ = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/20/201 t 2:28:44PM Page 5 of6 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C04-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/20/2017 2:28:35PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(3/4) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 4 29 4. 78 2.22475E- 02 17 . 13 Tol. PB- 214 F 6 583 . 02 2 . 22365E- 02 13 . 39 -nlP.,

M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams)


+ K-4 0 1460 . 75

  • 1 0 . 67 5 . 54E- 06 6 . 17E- 07 6 . 17E- 07

+ AR- 4 1 1293 . 64 99 . 16 - l . 40E+00 6 . 59E+00 6.59E+00

+ J CO- 60 1173 . 22 100 . 00 3 . 56E- 09 6 . 22£- 08 6 . 58£ - 08 1332 . 49 1 00 . 00 2 . 95E - 08 6 . 22 £ - 08

+ KR- 85 513 . 99 0 . 43 1.06£-05 1. 05£- 05 1. 0SE-05

+ Y- 88 898 . 04 93 . 70 - 1. 3 8£ - 08 4 . 4 1E- 08 4 . 86E- 08 1836 . 06 99 . 20 - 2 . 02£- 08 4 . 41E- 08

+ NB- 94 702 . 63 100 . 00 3 . 51E- 08 4 . 19£- 08 4 . 42E- 08 871 . 10 100 . 00 - 3 . 60E- 08 4. 19£- 08

+ I - 131 28 4. 30 6 . 06 - 1 . 17E- 07 5 . 19£- 08 6 . 54£- 07 364 . 48 81. 20 -3 . 00E- 08 5 . 19£- 08 6 36 . 97 7 . 27 - 2 . 08£- 07 6 . 66£ - 07

+ CS-134 604 . 70 97 . 60 - 6 . 73£- 08 5 . 33£- 08 5 . 33E - 08


,/ CS - 137 795 . 84 661. 65 85.40 85 . 12

- 9.87£- 09

1. 03£-07 6.41£ - 08 5 . 34E - 08 6.41£ - 08

+ CE - 144 80 . 12 1. 36 1. 41E-06 2 . 77£-07 3 . S0E-06

10/20/2017 2:28:44PM Page 6 of6 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C04-SB WTB L1 -010-101 10/18/17 Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA Line MDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams)


CE-144 133 . 51 11.09 - 2 . 55E-07 2 . 77E-07 2.77E- 07

+ /EU-152 121. 78 28 . 40 -l . 75E- 08 1. llE- 07 l . llE- 07 244 . 69 7 . 49 -5 . 15E-07 5.22E-07 964 . 00 14 . 44 2 . 98E- 07 4 . 18E- 07 1408 . 00 20.74 l . 37E- 07 2 . 38E- 07

+ / EU - 154 123 . 07 40 . 40 -5 . 46E- 09 7 . 77E - 08 7. 77E- 08 247 . 94 6 . 60 - 5 . 74E-07 5 . 36E- 07 723 . 30 19 . 70 l . 53E-07 2 . 39E- 07 873 . 20 11. 50 1.30E- 07 3 . 74E-07 1004.76 17 . 90 2 . 58E- 07 2 . 88E-07 1274.51 35 . 50 5 . 69E-08 1.62E- 07

+ EU- 155 86.5 4 32.80 1 . 68E- 08 l . 24E-07 l . 24E- 07 105.31 21. 80 1 . 72E-08 1 . 52E-07

+ BI - 214 609.31

  • 46 . 30 9 . 23E-08 8 . 87E-08 8.87E- 08 1120.29 15 . 10 4 . 24E-07 4.08E- 07 1238 . 11 5 . 94 9 . 73E- 08 l . 12E- 06 1377 . 67 4 . 11 - 8 . l0E-07 l . 25E-06 1407 . 98 2 . 48 l . 15E-06 1 . 99E- 06 1509 . 19 2 . 19 3 . 63E - 07 1.88E-06 1764 . 49 15 . 80 7 . 73E-08 2 . 76E-07

+ PB-214 77 . 11 10.70 2 . 93E - 07 1.06E- 07 4 . 72E-07 295.21 19 . 20 2 . 26E- 07 l . 94E- 07 351. 92 37 . 20 8 . 59E- 08 1.06E-07

+ PA- 228 89.95 22 . 00 3 . 66E-07 4 . 98E-07 8 . 44E-07 93 . 35 35 . 00 6 . 46E-08 4.98E- 07 105 . 00 16 . 30 - 4 . 86E - 07 9 . 50E- 07 129 . 22 2 . 97 2 . 37E-07 4. 88E-06 338 . 32 5 . 30 1.27E- 06 3 . 13E- 06 4 63 . 00 13 . 80 7 . 80E- 08 1. 24E-06 911 . 23 16 . 70 1 . 72E- 06 1 . 71E- 06

+ / AM-241 59 . 54 36 . 30 9 . 52E- 08 2 . 37E- 07 2 . 37E- 07

+ CM- 243 103 . 76 23 . 00 - 2.91E - 08 1 .4 5E- 07 1.45E- 07 228 . 18 10 . 60 -2 . 21E- 07 2 . 90E-07 277 . 60 14 . 00 - l . 42E-07 2 . 40E-07

= Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification


= Energy line found in the spectrum

> = MDA value not calculated

@ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction

? = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/17/2017 5:55:41PM Page I of7

~ ~§'~pex-Gam ma Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C0S-SB WTB L 1-010-10110/17/17 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C0S-SB Sample Description  : WTB U-010-101 10/17/17 Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli ./

Unit Sample Point Sample Size 1.024E+03 grams/

Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 10/17/2017 1:37:00PM Acquisition Started  : 10/17/2017 4:55:17PM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli I Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3612.1 seconds

.I Dead Time  : 0.34 %

Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 -4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3531 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/17/2017 5:55:32PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/17/2017 5:55:41PM Page 2 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C05-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/17/17 Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak NetPeak Net Area Continuum FWHM (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV)


M 1 74 .68 142 - 161 149 . 90 9 . 31E+0l 16 .4 8 3 . 32E+02 1.00 m 2 76.99 142 - 161 1 54 .54 l.41E+02 18 . 7 9 3 . 21E+02 1.00 M 3 238.50 471 - 490 477 . 47 3 . 94E+02 24 . 00 l . 87E+02 1. 44 m 4 2 41.83 471 - 490 484.14 9 . 39E+0l 14.05 l . 91E+02 1. 44 F 5 29 4 . 98 583 - 597 590 .40 l . 01E+02 14 . 34 2 . 35E+02 1. 24 F 6 351.64 696 - 709 703 . 71 1. 4 7E+02 15 . 02 l . 68E+02 1.15 F 7 510.20 1015 - 1029 1020 . 78 6.02E+0 l 12 . 04 9 . 61E+0l 2.56 F 8 582.98 1159 - 1171 1166 . 30 l . 15E+0 2 12 . 90 7 . 12E+0l 1. 59 F 9 609 . 16 121 4 - 1227 121 8.64 l . 24E+ 02 12 . 78 7 . 13E+0l 1. 34 F 10 661. 4 3 1314 - 1329 1323 . 17 l . 82E+ 02 14 . 99 7 . 35E+0l 1. 55 F 11 726 . 76 1450 - 1457 1453.82 1. 59E+0l 3.41 3 . 31E+0l 1. 46 F 12 910 . 98 1 818 - 1832 1822 . 20 5 . 82E+0l 8.99 4. 23E+01 1. 47 F 13 968.53 1927 - 194 3 1937 . 27 5.90E+0l 10 . 36 5.76E+0l 2.74 F 14 1120 . 24 2235 - 22 4 5 22 4 0 . 67 2 .3 7E+0l 6 . 67 2 . 90E+0l 1. 44 F 15 1332 . 15 2660 - 2669 2664.43 2.07E+0l 6.18 2 . llE+0l 1. 49 F 16 1460 . 41 2913 - 2929 2920 . 94 5 .48E+ 02 24 . 04 l . 67E+0l 2.32 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/17/2017 5:55:32PM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Data\0000001364. CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

M 1 74 . 68 9 . 31E+0 l 1 6 . 48 9.31E+0l l . 65E+0l m 2 76 . 99 l. 41E+02 18 . 79 l.41E+02 l . 88E+0l M 3 238 . 50 3 . 94E+02 24 . 00 3 . 94E+02 2 .4 0E+0l m 4 241.83 9 . 39E+0l 14 . 05 9.39E+0l l.40E+0l F 5 29 4.9 8 l.01E+02 14 . 3 4 1. 01E+02 l.4 3E+0l F 6 35 1. 64 l . 47E+02 15 . 02 8.36E+0l l.86E+0l 6.39E+0l 2 . 3 9E+0l F 7 510.20 6.0 2E+0l 12 . 04 6 . 02E+0l 1. 20E+0l F 8 582.98 l.15E+02 12 . 90 l .15E+02 l.29E+0l F 9 609.16 l . 24E+02 12 . 78 4.12E+Ol l . 21E+0l 8.27E+0l l.76E+0l F 10 661 .4 3 1 . 82E+02 14 . 99 6 . 61E+0l l . 27E+0l l. 16E+02 l.96E+0l F 11 726.76 1. 59E+0l 3 . 41 l.59E+0l 3 .4 1E+00 F 12 910 . 98 5.82E+0l 8.99 5 . 82E+0 l 8 .99E+ 00 F 13 968 . 53 5 . 90E+0l 10 . 36 5 . 90E+0l l . 04E+0l

10/1 7/2017 5:55:41PM Page 4 of?

Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C05-SB WTB L1-010-101 10/ 17/17

  • = Energy line found in the spectrum.

- = Manually added nuclide.

? = Manually edited nuclide.

@ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K-40 0 . 982 5 . 23E - 06 3 . 08E - 07

.J CS- 137 0 . 992 7 . 66E - 08 1 . 31E - 08 BI - 212 0 . 586 8.22E-08 1 . 78E - 08 PB- 212 0.997 1.87E- 07 l.19E-08 BI-214 0.583 1.03E- 07 1 . 79E- 08 PB- 214 0.990 8 . 86E-08 1. 37E - 08

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

@ = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/17/201 7 5:55:41PM Page 3 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C0S-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/17/17 Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 14 1120 . 2 4 2 . 37E+0l 6 . 67 2.37E+0l 6 . 67E+00 F 15 1 3 3 2 . 15 2 .0 7E+0l 6 .18 2 . 07E+0l 6 . 18E+00 F 16 1460 . 4 1 5 . 48E+02 24 . 04 5 . 63E+ 0 l 8 . 57E+00 4 . 9 2E+02 2 . 55E+0l M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(%) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K- 40 0 . 98 1460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 5 . 23E- 06 3 . 08 E- 07 CS - 137 0 . 99 661 . 65
  • 85 . 12 7 . 66E-08 1 . 31E - 08 BI-212 0 . 58 727 . 17
  • 11. 80 8 . 22E- 08 l . 78E-08 785. 42 2 . 00 162 0. 56 2 . 75 PB-212 0 . 99 77 . 11
  • 17 . 50 l . 94E-07 2.67E- 08 238 . 63
  • 46 . 30 9 . 30E-08 2 . 00E- 08 1120 . 29
  • 15 .1 0 l . 42E - 07 3.99E-08 1238 . 11 5 . 94 1377 . 67 4 . 11 1 4 07.98 2.48 1509 . 19 2 . 19 1764 . 49 15.80 PB-214 0 . 99 77 . 11
  • 10.70 3 . 17E- 07 4.36E-08 295 . 21

10/17/2017 5:55:41 PM Page 5 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C0S-SB WTB L1-010-10110/17/17 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/17/2017 5:55:32PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide M 1 74.68 2 . 58676E- 02 17 . 70 ~1,'

m 4 241.83 2.60741E- 02 14 . 96


~ u ~'i>

F 7 510 . 20 l . 67106E- 02 20.02 ~{J I 7,,()6 5 82 . 98 3.19860E- 02 1 1. 21 F

F 12 8

910 . 98 l . 61629E- 02 15 . 45 Tol. AC- 228 I PA- 228 Tol. AC- 228


F 13 968 . 53 l . 64008E - 02 17 . 55 F 15 1332 . 15 5 . 7 4191E-03 29 . 90 Tol.

r fl, \ ) \





~3~-,))b M =First peak in a multiplet region \,~6*

m =Other peak in a multiplet region F =Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma


NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuclide MDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams)


+ K-40 1460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 5 . 23E - 06 5 . 00E-07 5 . 00E - 0 7

+ AR- 41 1293 . 64 99 . 16 7 . 14E- 08 l.90E- 07 1 . 90E - 07

+ J CO-60 1173.22 100 . 00 3. 71E - 08 4 . 94E-08 5 . 93E-08 1332.49 100 . 00 4 . 08E - 08 4 . 94E-08

10/17/2017 5:55:41PM Page 6 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C0S-SB WTB L1-010-10110/17/17 Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA Line MDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams)


+ KR-8 5 513 .9 9 0 .4 3 8.32E-06 7.85E- 06 7 . 85E-06

+ Y-88 898 . 04 93 . 70 3 . 26E-09 3 . 19E-08 3 . 98E- 08 1836 . 06 99 . 20 - 3 . 08E-09 3 . 19E-08

+ NB-94 702 . 63 100.00 -1 . 87E- 09 3 . 35E- 08 3 . 35E-08 871.10 100 . 00 - 3 . 03E- 08 3 . 63E- 08

+ I - 131 284 . 30 6.06 9 . 75E - 08 3 . 30 E-0 8 4.44 E-07 364.48 81. 20 - 1 . 50E-08 3 . 30E-0 8 636 . 97 7 . 27 - 2.26E- 07 4 . 60E-0 7

+ CS- 134 604 .70 97 . 60 - 2 .3 9E - 08 4. 3 4E- 08 4. 34E-0 8 795 .84 85 .40 - 1 . 14E-08 4. 57E-08

+ / CS-137 661. 65

  • 85 .1 2 7 . 66E- 08 4 . 77E-08 4.77E-08

+ CE-144 80 . 12 1. 36 - 1. 05E-06 2 . 2 7E-07 2 . 87E- 06 133 . 5 1 11.09 2 .9 7E- 08 2 . 27E- 07

+ / EU-152 121 . 78 28.40 -7 . 71 E-08 8 .82E- 08 8 . 82E - 08 244 . 69 7 . 49 3 . 52 E-08 4 . 34E-07 964.00 14.44 2 . 60E-07 3 . 5 1E- 07 1408 . 00 20 . 74 2 . 17E- 07 1.82E- 07

+ / EU - 154 123 . 07 40.40 - 2 . 05E- 08 6.25E-08 6.25E-08 247.94 6 . 60 -1.27E-07 4.23E-07 723 . 30 19. 70 2 . 99E-08 1. 80E-07 873 . 20 11. 50 - 2 . 03E- 07 3 .13E - 07 1004 . 76 17 . 90 2 . 30E-08 2 . 21E - 07 1274.51 35.50 4 . 65E-08 1.37E-07

+ EU-155 86.54 32 . 80 - 1 . 16E- 07 l . 00E - 07 l.0OE-07 105 . 31 21. 80 - 6 . 22 E-08 l.25E-07

+ BI - 214 609.31

  • 15 .1 0 1 . 42E-07 l.80E - 07 1 238 . 11 5 . 94 -2.54E-07 9 . 57E-07 1377 . 67 4 .11 5 . 24E-07 l . 04E-06 1407.98 2 .4 8 l . 81 E-0 6 1.52E- 06 1 509 .1 9 2 .1 9 1. 02E-06 1 . 36E-06 1764 . 49 15.80 l . 05E-07 2 . 48E- 07

+ PB- 214 77 .11

  • 37 . 20 5 . 39E- 08 8.51E-08

+ PA- 228 89 . 95 22 . 00 l . 29E-07 9 . 83E -0 8 l . 65E-07 93.35 35 . 00 6.86E- 08 9.83E-08 105 . 00 1 6 . 30 - 1. 55E-07 1.89E-07 129.22 2 . 97 - 3 . 23E-07 9 . 48E- 07 338 . 32 5 . 30 J. . 99E- 07 6.12E-07 463 . 00 13 . 80 - 5 . 64E- 08 2.52E-0 7 911. 23 16 . 70 2 . 58E-07 3 . 08E- 07



J AM-241 CM-243 59 . 54 103.76 36 . 3 0 23 . 00 9 . 51E- 08

- 7 . 02E-08 1 . 8 4E-0 7

1. 19E-07 l . 8 4E-07 1.J.9E-0 7 228 . 18 10 . 60 - 8 . 04E-08 2 . 36E - 07 277 . 60 14 . 00 - 1 . 06E-0 7 l.93E-07

10/17/2017 5:55:41PM Page 7 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-COS-SB WTBL1-010-10110/17/ 17

+ = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification

= Energy line found in the spectrum

> = MDA value not calculated

@ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction

? = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

~ Apex-Gamma Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB 10/20/201 / 10:15:01AM Page 1 of7 WTB L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB 10/20/17 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : L1-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB ./

Sample Description  : WTB L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB 1-e,/20/1? 1c/1Sft'1 AE:m 1"/u/,-,

Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli Unit Sample Point Sample Size 8.799E+02 grams Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 10/18/2017 8:30:00AM /

Acquisition Started  : 10/20/2017 9:14:37AM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3612.0 seconds Dead Time  : 0.33 %

Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3540 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/20/2017 10:14:52AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/20/2017 10:15:01AM Page 2 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB WTB L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB 10/20/17 Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak NetPeak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV)

F 1 93.25 180 - 192 187 . 05 l . 33E+02 23 . 17 5.19E+02 1. 98 F 2 186.05 369 - 377 372 . 61 6.90E+0l 14 . 54 2.90E+02 0 . 79 F 3 238 .57 472 - 485 477. 62 2 . 81E+02 22 .11 3 . 41E+02 1. 40 F 4 29 5. 09 586 - 594 590 . 63 8 . 81E+0l 13.66 l.29E+02 1. 26 F 5 338 . 40 672 - 685 677. 23 4 . 63E+0l 11. 93 l . 84E+02 1. 37 F 6 351 . 83 695 - 7 12 704 . 10 l.59E+02 15 .8 6 2 . 13E+02 1. 44 F 7 583 .04 1160 - 1 173 1166 .4 2 l.01E+02 12.09 7 . 03E+0l 1. 61 F 8 609.05 12 13 - 1224 1218.4 2 l .12 E+02 12 .44 5.81E+0l 1. 54 F 9 661.43 1315 - 1332 1323 . 18 6.43E+02 26 . 72 7 . 0lE+0l 1. 62 F 10 726 . 77 1448 - 1462 1 453.8 3 3.42E+0l 7 . 20 3.42E+0l 1. 33 F 11 910 . 71 1817 - 1827 1821. 66 3 . 92E+0l 8 . 80 4 .82E+0l 1. 53 F 12 968. 78 1933 - 1942 1937. 79 2 . 34E+0 l 7 . 52 3 .47E+0l 1. 75 F 13 1332 . 33 2660 - 2670 2664 . 79 3 . 18E+0l 6.83 2.00E+0l 1. 45 F 14 1460 .44 2914 - 2929 2920 . 99 5 . 15E+02 23.05 l . 09E+0l 2 .4 3 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/20/2017 10:14:52AM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001364.CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 1 93.25 l.33E+02 23 . 17 1 . 33E+02 2.32E+ 0l F 2 186 . 05 6 . 90£+01 14 . 5 4 6 . 90E+0l 1 . 45E+0l F 3 238 . 57 2 . 81£+02 22 .11 2 . 81E+02 2 . 21E+ 0l F 4 295 . 09 8.81E+0l 13.66 8.81E+0l 1 . 37E+0l F 5 338 . 40 4 . 63E+0l 11. 93 4.63E+0l 1 . 19E+0l F 6 351. 83 1. 59E+02 15 . 86 8 . 3 6E+0l l . 86E+0l 7 . 58E +0 l 2 . 44E+0 l F 7 583 . 0 4 1 . 01E+02 12 . 09 l . 01E+02 l.21E +0l F 8 609.05 1 .12E+02 12 . 44 4 . 12E+ 0l 1 . 21E+0l 7 . llE+0l 1.74E+0 l F 9 661.43 6 . 43E+02 26 . 72 6.61E+0l 1 . 27E+0l 5 . 77E+02 2 . 96E+0l F 10 726 . 77 3 .4 2E+0 l 7 . 20 3 . 42E+0l 7 . 20E+00 F 11 910 . 71 3 . 92E+0l 8 . 80 3.92E+0l 8 . 80E+00 F 12 968.78 2.3 4E+0 l 7 . 52 2 . 34E+0l 7 . 52E+00 F 13 1332.33 3 . 18E+0l 6 . 83 3 . 18E+0l 6 . 83E+00 F 14 1460.44 5.15E+02 23 . 05 5.63E+0 l 8. 57E+00 4 . 58E+02 2 .4 6E+0l

10/20/2017 10:15:01AM Page 3 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB WTB L1-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB 10/20/17 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(%) Activity Activity Name Confidence {keV) (uCi/grams) Uncertainty K- 40 0 . 98 1460.75

  • 10 . 67 5.68E- 06 3 . 43E- 07 CS - 137 0 . 99 661 . 65
  • 85.12 4 . 43E-07 2 . 57E- 08 BI - 212 0 . 58 727.17
  • 11. 80 2.07E- 07 4 . 37E- 08 785. 4 2 2.00 1620.56 2 . 75 PB- 212 0 . 56 77 . 11 17 . 50 238 . 63
  • 44 . 60 l.65E- 07 1. 36E- 08 BI - 214 0 . 34 609 . 31
  • 46 . 30 9 . 31E- 08 2.29E- 08 1120.29 15.10 1238 . 11 5 . 94 1377 . 67 4 .11 1407 . 98 2 . 48 1509 . 19 2 . 19 1764.49 15 . 80 PB-214 0 . 72 77 . 11 10 . 70 295 . 21
  • 19 . 20 l . 43E-07 2 . 25E- 08 351. 92
  • 3 . 28 4 . 62E- 07 9 . 83E-08 AC- 228 0 . 58 209.28 4 . 40 338.32
  • 11. 40 l . 43E - 07 3. 71E- 08 794 . 70 4 . 60 911. 60
  • 27 . 70 1. 23E- 07 2 . 78E- 08 96 4 . 60 5.20 969 . 11
  • 16 . 60 1. 30E- 07 4.19E- 08

10/20/2017 10: 15:01 AM Page 4 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-1 01-FS-GS-C06-SB WTB L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB 10/20/17

  • = Energy line found in the spectrum .

- = Manually added nuclide.

? = Manually edited nuclide.

@ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCi/grams)

K-40 J CS - 137 BI-212 0 . 984 0 . 992 0.587 5.68E-06 4.43E-07 2.07E-07 3.43E-07 2 . 57E-08 4.37E-0 8 PB-212 0 . 560 l . 65E- 07 1 . 36E- 08 BI -2 14 0.344 9.31E-08 2 . 29E-08 PB- 214 0.720 l . llE-07 1 . 64E-08 RA- 226 0 . 996 4.62E-07 9 . 83E-08 AC-228 0.580 1 . 30E-07 1 . 97E-08

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

@ = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/20/2017 10:15:01AM Page 5 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB WTB L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB 10/20/17 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/20/2017 10:14:52AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 1 93 . 25 3 . 69416E - 02 17.42 Tol. PA-228 F 7 583 . 04 2 . 79414E-02 12 . 02 F 13 1332 . 33 8 . 83006E - 03 21. 50 Tol.

M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuclide MDA Line MDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams)


+ K- 40 1 460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 5 . 68E - 06 5 . S0E- 07 5 . S0E- 0 7

+ AR-41 1 293 . 64 99 .1 6 6 . 37E- 01 6 .7 9E+00 6 . 79E+00

+ CO- 60 1173 . 22 100 . 00 7 . 08E-08 5 . 66E - 08 6.97E- 08 1 332 . 49 100 . 00 4.27E- 08 5 . 66E- 08

+ KR-85 513 . 99 0.43 8 . 29E- 06 9 . 66E- 06 9 . 66E- 06

+ Y- 88 898 . 04 93 . 70 -l. 48E-08 3 . 38E- 08 4.82E- 08 1836 . 06 99 . 20 - 3 . 63E- 08 3 . 38E- 08

+ NB-94 702 . 63 100 . 00 4 . 47E- 08 3 . 97E- 08 3 . 97E-08 871 . 10 100 . 00 1. 46£- 08 4 . 24£- 08

+ I-131 284.30 6 . 06 4 . 88£- 07 4 . 79£-08 6 . 39E-07 364.48 81 . 20 -2.69E- 08 4 . 79E-08 636 . 97 7 . 27 - 2.59£- 09 6 . 42E - 07

+ CS-134 604.70 97 . 60 - 8 . 71E- 09 4 . 77£-08 4 . 77E - 08

10/20/2017 10:15:01AM Page 6 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-1 01-FS-GS-C06-SB WTB L1-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB 10/20/17 Nuclide Energy Yield{3/4) Activity Nuclide MDA LineMDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams)


CS-134 795 . 84 85 . 40 9 . 35E - 09 4. 77E-08 5 . 36E- 08

+ I CS-137 661 . 65

  • 85.12 4 . 43E- 07 5 . 58E- 08 5 .58E- 08

+ CE - 14 4 80 . 12 1. 36 2 . 29E- 06 2 . 6 4E-07 3 . 40E- 06 133.51 11. 09 - 6 . 40E-08 2 . 6 4E- 07


I EU-152 121. 78 244.69 964. 00 28 . 40 7 . 49 14.44

- 5 . 58E-08

- 4 . 64E- 07 1.31E- 07 1.03E- 07 l . 03E - 07 4 . 94E - 07

3. 66E- 07 1 4 08.00 20 . 74 3 . 71E- 08 2 . 09E- 07

+ / EU- 154 123 . 07 40 . 40 - 5 . 15E-08 7 . 27E - 08 7 . 27E- 08 24 7 . 94 6 . 60 - 8.34E - 07 5 . 09E- 07 723 . 30 19 . 70 - 2 . 84E- 08 2 . 08E- 07 873 . 20 11. 50 2 . 70E- 07 3 . 72E- 07 1004 . 76 17.90 - 1 . 50E- 07 2 . 44E-07 1274 . 51 35 . 50 - 3 . 92E- 08 l . 48E-07

+ EU- 155 86 . 54 32 . 80 -7 . 51E- 08 l.1 4E- 07 l. 14E- 07 105 . 31 2 1. 80 1 . 8 4E-07 l . 47E - 07

+ BI - 21 4 609 . 31

  • 46 . 30 9.31E - 08 8.21E - 08 8 . 21E - 08 1120 . 29 1 5.1 0 8 .13E- 08 3 . 6 4E- 07 1238 . 11 5 . 94 5 . 78E-08 1.04E- 06 1377 . 67 4 . 11 - l . 65E - 07 9 . 71E- 07 1407 . 98 2.48 3 .l0E - 07 1. 75E- 06 1509 . 19 2 . 19 2 .1 7E- 07 1. 58E-0 6 1764.49 15 . 80 l . 33E-07 2 . 72E-07

+ PB-214 77 .11 10 . 70 7 . 47E- 07 9 . 31E- 08 4. 6 4E- 07 295 . 21

  • 19. 2 0 l . 43E-07 9.31E- 08 351 . 92
  • 37 . 20 7 . 44E- 08 1 . llE- 07

+ PA- 228 89 . 95 22 . 00 9 . 20E - 08 4 . 62E- 07 7 . 98E- 07 93 . 35 35 . 0 0 -1 .42E - 07 4 . 62E- 07 105 . 00 16 . 30 1 .40E - 06 9. 31E- 07 1 29.22 2 . 97 -6 . l0E- 07 4 .64E- 06 338 . 32 5.30 1.45E- 07 3 . 08 E- 06 463 . 00 13. 80 6.94 E- 07 1. 36E- 06 911 . 23 16 . 70 l.0lE- 06 1.57E-06

+ / AM- 241 59 . 54 36 . 30 - 7 . 91E- 09 2 . 09E-07 2 . 09E - 07

+ CM- 243 103 . 76 23 . 00 2 . 52E-07 1 . 41E - 07 1. 41E- 07 228.18 1 0 .60 4 . 53E - 08 2.85E-07 27 7 .60 14.00 - 4 . 69E-08 2.34E- 07

+ = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification

  • = Energy line found in the spectrum

> = MDA value not calculated

@ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction

? = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/20/2017 10:15:01AM Page 7 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB WTB L1-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB 10/20/17

10/18/2017 8: 19:24AM Page I of6

,Jt'Apex-Gamma Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C07 WTB L 1-010-10110.18.17 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C07 Sample Description  : WTBL1-010-10110.18.17 Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli Unit Sample Point Sample Size 9.704E+02 grams Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 10/17/2017 3:51:00PM Acquisition Started  : 10/18/2017 7:19:01AM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3610.8 seconds Dead Time  : 0.30 %

Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 -4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 -4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3533 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/18/2017 8:19:15AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/18/2017 8:19:24AM Page 2 of6 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C07 WTB L1 -010-10110.18.17 Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts {keV)

F 1 76. 84 14 7 - 1 60 154. 22 1. 4 6E+02 22. 96 6 .8 6E+02 1. 42 F 2 185 . 95 364 - 379 372 . 40 8 . 98E+0l 16.9 5 4 .4 6E+02 1. 37 F 3 238. 46 4 70 - 481 477 . 39 2 . 58E+02 21.74 3.15E+02 1. 25 F 4 294.93 586 - 594 590 . 32 8.99E+0l 13 . 94 1 . 40E+02 1. 23 F 5 338 . 38 674 - 685 677 . 20 6.93E+0l 11 . 95 1.16E+02 1. 34 F 6 351 . 76 698 - 710 703.94 l . 47E+02 16 .3 2 1 . 71E+02 1. 68 F 7 582.82 1160 - 1171 1165 . 98 8.47E+0l 11 . 72 6 . 9 1E+0l 1. 67 F 8 609.09 1210 - 1226 121 8.51 l . 32E+02 13.13 6 . 80E+0l 1. 7 9 F 9 661.42 1316 - 1331 1323 . 15 2.21E+02 16 . 38 7.97E+0l 1. 59 F 10 726 . 72 14 49 - 1459 1453 . 74 2.69E+0l 8 . 19 4 . 40E+0l 1. 78 F 11 910 .85 1817 - 1828 1821.93 5.09E+0l 9 . 14 4 . 55E+0l 1. 53 F 12 968 . 72 1933 - 1 94 4 19 3 7 . 66 3 .4 3E+0l 7 . 73 3 . llE+0l 1. 67 F 13 1119 . 74 2235 - 2244 2239 . 67 2 . 17E+0l 6 . 96 3 .8 5E+0l 1. 30 F 14 1331.64 2657 - 2670 2663 . 42 4 . 84E+0l 8 . 19 1.78E+0l 2 . 38 F 15 1460.35 2911 - 2930 2920 . 82 5 . 35E+02 23 . 87 1 . 70E+0l 2 . 34 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/18/2017 8:19:15AM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001364.CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 1 76 .8 4 1.4 6E+02 22 . 96 l.46E+02 2 .3 0E+0l F 2 185 . 95 8 . 98E+0l 16 . 95 8 . 98E+0l 1 . 69E+Ol F 3 238 .4 6 2 . 58E+02 21.74 2 .58E+02 2 . 17E+0l F 4 294 . 93 8 . 99E+0l 13 .94 8 . 99E+0l 1 . 39E+0l F 5 338 . 38 6 . 9 3E+0l 11 . 9 5 6 . 93E+Ol 1. 20E+0l F 6 3 51.76 1.4 7E+02 16 . 32 8 . 36E+0l 1. 86E+0l 6 . 32E+Ol 2 . 47E+ 0l F 7 582 . 82 8 .4 7E+0l 11 . 72 8 .4 7E+0l 1 . 1 7E+0l F 8 609.0 9 1 . 32E+02 1 3 . 13 4. 12E+0l 1.21E+0 l 9.04E+0l 1 . 79E+0l F 9 661 . 42 2 . 21E+02 16.38 6 . 61E+0l 1.2 7E+0l l. 54E+02 2 . 07E+0l F 10 726 . 72 2 . 69E+0 l 8 . 19 2.69E+0l 8 . 19E+00 F 11 910 . 8 5 5.09E+0l 9.14 5 . 09E+0l 9 . 14E+00 F 12 968. 72 3.43E+0l 7 . 73 3 . 43E+0l 7 . 73E+00 F 13 1119 . 74 2.17E+Ol 6 . 96 2.17E+0l 6 . 96E+O0 F 14 1331 . 64 4.84E+Ol 8 . 19 4.84E+0 l 8 . 19E+00

10/18/2017 8:19:24AM Page 3 of6 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-CO?

WTB L1-010-10110.18.17 Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 15 1460 . 35 5.35E+02 23 . 87 5 . 63E+Ol 8 . 57E+00 4 . 78E+02 2 . 54E+Ol M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(%) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCi/grams) Uncertainty K- 40 0 . 97 1460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 5 . 37E-06 3 . 21E - 07 CS - 137 0 . 99 661 . 65
  • 85 . 12 l . 07E- 07 l.47E - 08 BI - 212 0 . 58 727 . 1 7
  • 11 . 80 l . 47E- 07 4 . 50E - 08 785 . 42 2 . 00 1620 . 56 2 . 75 PB- 212 0 . 99 77 . 11
  • 17 . 50 2 . 13E- 07 3 . 42E- 08 238 . 63
  • 44 . 60 l . 37E- 07 l . 2 1E- 08 BI-21 4 0 . 57 609 . 31
  • 46 . 30 l . 07E- 07 2 . 1 4E- 08 1120 . 29
  • 15.10 l.37E- 07 4 . 40E- 08 1238 . 11 5 . 94 1377 . 67 4 . 11 1407.98 2.48 1509 . 19 2.19 1764 . 49 15 . 80 PB-214 0 . 99 77 . 11
  • 10 . 70 3 .4 8E-07 5.60E-08 295 . 21
  • 19 . 20 1. 32E- 07 2 . 08E- 08 351. 92
  • 37 . 20 5 . 63E-08 2.21E- 08 RA- 226 0 . 98 186 . 21
  • 3 . 28 5 . 46E- 07 l . 04E- 07 AC- 228 0 . 59 209 . 28 4 . 40 338 . 32
  • 11 . 4 0 l.94E- 07 3.38E- 08 794 . 70 4.60 911 . 60
  • 27 . 70 l . 45E-07 2 . 63E- 08 964 . 60 5 . 20 969 . 11

10/18/2017 8: 19:24AM Page 4 of6 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101 -FS-GS-C07 WTB L1-010-101 10.18.17

  • = Energy line found in the spectrum.

- = Manually added nuclide.

? = Manually edited nuclide.

@ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams)

K- 40 0. 975 5 . 37E- 06 3 . 21E- 07 CS- 137 0 .9 91 1. 07E-07 1 .4 7E - 08 BI- 212 0.583 l.47E-07 4 . 50E- 08 PB- 212 0 . 994 l.39E- 07 l . 14E- 08 BI-214 0 . 573 1 . 13E- 07 1 . 92E- 08 PB- 214 0 . 992 9 . 83E-08 1. 4 7E- 08 RA- 226 0 . 989 5 . 46E- 07 l . 04E- 07 AC- 228 0 . 592 1 . 66E-07 1. 83E - 08

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

@ = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/18/2017 8:19:24AM Page 5 of6 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C07 WTB L1-010-10110.18.17 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/18/2017 8:19:15AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide

---r\ 1-,(ij F

F 14 7 582.82 1331 . 64 2 . 35360E-02 l.34306E-02

13. 83 16 . 95 Tol.

r~ t1A2i>J 1.fiJCJ/'1-f\~ve.. a


M First peak in a multiplet region '"Jy(~"U>t


m Other peak in a multiplet region ~~ 61


F Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.0D0sigma 0 jl!J I)tJ r~

NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (keV) (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams)

+ K-40 1460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 5.37£- 06 5 . 38E- 07 5 . 38E- 07

+ AR-41 1293 . 64 99 . 16 2 . 14E-06 l . 94E- 05 l.94E-05

+ CO- 60 1173 . 22 100.00 4.16£-08 5.55E-08 5 . 97E - 08 1332 .4 9 100.00 5 .60E-0 8 5.55E-0 8

+ KR-85 513.99 0 . 43 3 . 62E- 06 8 . 52£- 06 8 . 52£-06

+ Y-88 898.04 93 . 70 -2.79£-08 2.66E-08 4 . 14E-08 1836 . 06 99.20 2.93E-09 2 . 66E - 08

+ NB- 94 702 . 63 100 . 00 7 . 59E- 09 3 . 53E-08 3 . 53E - 08 871 .1 0 100 . 00 -3.17E-10 3.98E- 08

+ I - 131 284 . 30 6 . 06 2.56E- 07 3 . 52E- 08 4 . 90E- 07 364.48 81. 20 - 2 . 54E - 08 3 . 52E- 08 636.97 7 . 27 - 2 . 73E - 07 4 . 75E - 07

+ CS-134 604 . 70 97 . 60 -8 . 73E- 09 4 . 23E- 08 4 . 23E- 08 795 . 84 85.40 -4.90E-08 4 . 56E- 08

+ CS - 137 661 . 65

  • 85.12 l . 07E-07 5 . 14£- 08 5 . 14E- 08

+ CE-144 80 . 12 1. 36 -3. 72E- 07 2 . 34E- 07 2 . 98E- 06

10/18/2017 8:19:24AM Page 6 of6 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101 -FS-GS-C07 WTB L1 -010-1 0110.18.17 Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams)


CE- 144 133.51 11.09 2 . 76E- 08 2.34E- 07 2.34E- 07

+ EU- 152 121 . 78 28.40 - 8 . 80E- 08 9 . 13E- 08 9 . 13E- 08 244.69 7 . 49 - 7.43E-07 4 . 31E- 07 964 . 00 14 . 44 1 . 87E-07 3 . 23E-07 1408.00 20 . 74 4 . 20E-09 1.65E-07

+ EU-154 123 . 07 40 . 40 - 4 . 96E - 08 6.41E-08 6 . 41E-08 247 . 94 6 . 60 - 1 . 67E - 06 4. 30E - 07 723 . 30 19.70 2 . 28E - 07 2 . 06E-07 873 . 20 11.50 - 3 . 40E - 07 3 . 18E- 07 1004 . 76 17 . 90 7 . 58E - 08 2 . 27E - 07 1274.51 35 . 50 - 9 . 56E- 08 1. 27E-07

+ EU-1 55 86 . 54 32 . 80 - 1. 04E- 08 l . 03E- 07 l . 03E- 07 105 . 31 2 1. 80 2 . 93E- 08 l . 27E- 07

+ BI - 214 609 . 3 1

  • 4 6 . 30 l . 07E- 07 8 . 13E- 08 8 . 13E- 08 1120 . 29
  • 15 . 10 l . 37E- 07 2 . l0E-07 1238 .11 5 . 94 - 4 . 66E- 08 9 . 50E-07 1377. 67 4. 11 1 . 58E- 07 9 . llE- 07 1407 . 98 2 .4 8 3 . 51E- 08 1. 38E-06 1509 . 19 2 . 19 6 . 20E- 07 l . 49E - 06 1764 . 49 15 . 80 l . 75E- 07 2.85E - 07

+ PB- 214 77 . 11

  • 10 . 70 3 . 48E- 07 8 . SlE - 08 3 . 48E - 07 295 . 21
  • 19 . 20 l . 32E- 07 8 . SlE-08 351 . 92
  • 37 . 20 5.63E- 08 8 . 93E - 08

+ PA- 228 89 . 95 22 . 00 2 . 93E-07 1.43E- 07 2 . 46E - 07 93.35 35 . 00 - 1 . 63E- 08 l . 43E - 07 1 0 5 . 00 16.30 -9 . 38E-08 2 . 78E- 07 129 . 22 2 . 97 - 5 . 68E- 07 l . 42E-06 338 . 32 5 . 30 -6 . 30E- 0 7 9 . 25E- 07 463 . 00 13 . 80 - 6 . 90E- 08 3 . 90E- 07 911.23 16.70 4 . 41E- 07 4. 97E- 07

+ AM- 241 59 . 5 4 36 . 30 1. 08E- 07 l . 91E- 07 l .91E- 07

+ CM- 243 103 . 76 23.00 l.26E- 08 1. 20E-07 l . 20E-07 228 . 18 10 . 60 - l . 75E- 07 2.36E- 07 277 . 60 14.00 - 2 . 40E- 08 l . 95E- 07

+ = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification

= Energy line found in the spectrum

> = MDA value not calculated

@ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction

? = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/19/2017 9:36:37AM Page I of6

~ ~ ~pex-Gamma Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C07-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/18/17 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C07-SB Sample Description  : WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli Unit Sample Point Sample Size 8.627E+02 grams Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 10/17/2017 3:51:00PM Acquisition Started  : 10/19/2017 8:36:14AM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3611.0 seconds Dead Time  : 0.30%

Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3535 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/19/2017 9:36:28AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/19/2017 9:36:37AM Page 2 of 6 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C07-SB WTB L1-010-101 10/18/17 Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak NetPeak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV)

F 1 76 . 81 147 - 159 154 . 16 1 . 29E+02 21. 25 6 . 08E+02 1. 27 F 2 238 . 56 472 - 485 477 . 60 3 . 05E+02 21.97 2 . 93E+02 1. 37 F 3 295 . 02 582 - 596 590 . 50 1.16E+02 14 . 23 1 . 84E+02 1. 30 F 4 338 . 09 672 - 684 676 . 61 3 . 91E+0l 11. 51 1.60E+02 1. 43 F 5 351. 83 700 - 708 704 . 09 1. 4 1E+02 15 . 18 l . 01E+02 1. 44 F 6 582 . 99 1161 - 1173 1166 . 33 8 . 36E+0l 11 . 18 6 . 61E+0l 1. 45 F 7 609.08 12 1 2 - 1226 1218 .4 9 1 . 14E+02 12.34 5 . 84E+0l 1. 67 F 8 661. 25 1317 - 1331 1322 . 82 1 . 85E+02 14 . 85 5 . 25E+0l 1. 77 F 9 726 . 69 1450 - 1458 1453.68 3 . 08E+0l 7 . 93 3 . 38E+0l 1. 59 F 10 911.17 1815 - 1831 1822 . 57 6 . 37E+0l 10.09 3 . 21E+0l 3.57 F 11 968 . 55 1933 - 1942 1937 . 32 2 . 64E+0l 7 . 04 3 . 86E+0l 1.11 F 12 1120 . 12 2235 - 2244 2240 .4 3 1 . 61E+0l 5 . 00 2 . 17E+0l 0 . 71 F 13 1377. 62 275 1 - 2760 2755 . 38 1 . 15E+Ol 3.87 7 . 50E+O0 1. 58 F 14 1460.27 2911 - 2929 2920 . 66 5 . 50E+02 23.79 7 . 15E+00 2.35 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/19/2017 9:36:28AM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001364.CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 1 76.81 1.29E+02 21 . 25 l . 2 9E+02 2 . 13E+0l F 2 23 8 . 56 3.05E+02 21 . 97 3 . 05E+02 2 . 20E+0l F 3 295 .02 l.16E+02 14 . 23 l . 16E+02 1.42E+Ol F 4 338 . 09 3 . 91E+0l 11. 51 3 . 91E+0l 1 . 15E+0l F 5 351 . 83 1 . 41E+02 15 . 18 8 . 36E+0l l . 86E+0l 5 . 73E+0l 2 . 40E+0l F 6 582.99 8 . 36E+0l 11.18 8 . 36E+0l l . 1 2E+0l F 7 609.08 l . 14E+02 1 2 . 34 4 . 12E+0l l.21E+0l 7 . 28E+0l 1 . 73E+0l F 8 66 1 .25 1 . 8 5E+02 14 . 8 5 6 . 61E+0l 1. 27E+0l l . 19E+02 1 . 95E+0l F 9 726. 69 3 . 08E+0l 7 . 93 3 . 08E+0l 7.93E+00 F 10 911.17 6 . 37E+0l 10 . 09 6 . 37E+0l 1.0lE+0l F 11 968.55 2 . 64E+0l 7 . 04 2 . 64E+0l 7 .04E+00 F 12 1120 .12 1 . 61E+Ol 5.00 1 . 61E+0l 5 . 00E+00 F 13 1377 . 62 1 . 15E+0l 3 . 87 1 . 15E+0l 3.87E+00 F 14 1460 . 27 5 . 50E+02 23 . 79 5.63E+0l 8 . 57E+00 4 . 93E+02 2 . 53E+0l

10/19/2017 9:36:37AM Page 3 of6 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C07-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/18/17 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(%) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K-40 0 . 96 1460.75

  • 10.67 6.23E - 06 3.63E- 07 CS - 137 0 . 97 661 . 65
  • 85 . 12 9 . 30E - 08 1. 55E-08 BI-212 0 . 58 727.17
  • 11. 80 1.90E-07 4.90E- 08 785 .4 2 2.00 1620.56 2 . 75 PB - 212 0 . 99 77 . 11
  • 17 . 50 2.13E- 07 3.56E- 08 23 8.63
  • 44 . 60 l . 82E-07 1.39E- 08 BI - 214 0 . 63 609 . 31
  • 46 . 30 9 . 72E- 08 2 . 32E-08 1120.29
  • 15 . 10 l . 14E-07 3 . 55E- 08 1238.11 5 . 94 1377. 67
  • 4 . 11 3 . 58E- 07 1. 21E- 07 1407 . 98 2 . 48 1509.19 2.19 1764 . 49 15 . 80 PB- 214 0 . 99 77 . 11
  • 10.70 3 . 48E- 07 5 . 82E- 08 295. 21
  • 19 . 20 1 . 93E-07 2.40E- 08 351 . 92
  • 37 . 20 5 . 74E-08 2 . 41E- 08 AC-2 28 0 . 60 209 . 28 4.40 338 . 32
  • 11. 40 l . 23E- 07 3.64E-08 794 . 70 4.60 911 . 60
  • 27.70 2 . 05E-07 3 . 27E - 08 964 . 60 5 . 20 969 . 11
  • 16 . 60 l.49E- 07 4 . 00E - 08
  • =Energy line found in the spectrum.

- =Manually added nuclide.

? =Manually edited nuclide.

@ =Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/1 9/2017 9:36:37AM Page4 of6 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C07-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/18/17 INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCi/grams)

K-40 0 . 964 6 . 23E- 06 3 . 63E- 07 CS- 137 0 . 975 9 . 30E- 08 1. 55E- 08 BI-212 0.580 1 . 90E-0 7 4 . 90E-08 PB-212 0 . 995 l . 76E- 07 1 . 31E-08 BI - 214 0 .638 l.09E- 07 1.92E-08 PB-214 0 . 995 1 . 20E-07 1.6 4E-08 AC-228 0 .608 1 . 63E- 07 2.0BE- 08

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X  :: nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

@  :: nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/19/2017 9:36:37AM Page 5 of6 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C07-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/19/2017 9:36:28AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(3/4) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 6 582 . 99 2 . 32157E-02 13 . 38 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield{%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name {uCi/grams) {uCi/grams) {uCilgrams)


+ K- 40 1460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 6 . 23E- 06 5 . 50E- 07 5 . 50E- 07

+ AR-4 1 1 293 . 64 99 . 16 - 8 .5 3E- 02 3 . 09E- 01 3 . 09E - 01

+ C0- 60 1173 . 22 100 . 00 6.47E- 08 5 . 32E-08 6 . 37E - 08 1332 . 49 100 .0 0 2 . 55E- 08 5 . 32E- 08

+ KR- 85 513 . 99 0 . 43 8 . 89E- 06 9 . 61E - 06 9 . 61E - 06

+ Y- 88 8 98 . 04 93 . 70 - l . 88 E- 08 3 . 73E-08 4. 82E- 08 1836 . 06 99 . 20 - 4 .1 5E- 09 3 . 73E- 08

+ NB- 94 702 . 63 1 00. 00 9 . 67 E- 09 3 . 85E- 0 8 3 . 85E- 08 871 . 10 100 . 00 - 4 . 05E - 08 4 .44E- 08

+ I - 1 31 28 4. 30 6 . 06 l. l 6E- 07 4 . 50E - 08 5 . 86E- 07 364 . 48 81. 20 - 9 . 14E- 09 4 . SOE- 08 636 . 97 7 . 27 1. 09E- 07 6 . 09E- 07

+ CS - 134 604 . 70 97 . 60 6 . 23E- 09 4. 86E- 08 4 . 86E- 08 795 . 84 85 . 40 - 2 . 29E- 08 5 . 04E- 08

+ CS-137 661 . 65

  • 85 . 12 9 . 30E- 08 5 . 26E-08 5 . 26E- 08

+ CE - 144 80 . 12 1. 36 - 2 . 48E - 07 2 . 6 4E- 07 3 . 37E- 06 133 . 51 11. 09 l . llE - 07 2 . 64E- 07

10/19/2017 9:36:37AM Page 6 of6 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C0?-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuc/ideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams)


+ EU- 152 121 . 78 28 . 40 - 3 . 39E-08 l . 04E - 07 l . 04E-07 244 . 69 7 . 49 - 3 . 80E-07 4 . 88E- 07 964 . 00 14 . 44 4 . 67E-07 4.04E-07 1408 . 00 20 . 74 9.30E- 09 l.85E- 07

+ EU-154 123 . 07 40 . 40 - 2 . 06E-08 7.28E- 08 7 . 28E- 08 247 . 94 6 . 60 - 4 . 62E-07 4 . 91E-07 723 . 30 19 . 70 1. 08E-07 2 . 16E-07 873.20 11 . 50 9 . 21E-08 3 . 90E - 07 1004 . 76 17 . 90 -3 . 99E - 08 2 . 48E-07 1274 . 51 35 . 50 - 4 . 00E- 08 l . 58E- 07

+ EU- 155 86 . 54 32 . 80 -2 . 66E-08 1.18E- 07 1 . 18E- 07 105 . 31 21 . 80 -2 . 09E-08 1.39E- 07

+ BI-214 609 . 31

  • 15 . 10 l . 1 4E- 07 1. 83E- 07 1238 . 11 5 . 94 3 . 17E-07 1. 08E- 06 1377. 67
  • 4 . 11 3 . 58E-07 5 . 07E- 07 1407 . 98 2.48 7.78E- 08 1. 55E- 06 1509.19 2.19 - 3 . 93E-07 1. 81E-06 1764 . 49 15 . 80 2 . 47E- 07 3 . 02E- 07

+ PB-214 77 .11

  • 10 . 70 3.48E- 07 8 . 64E - 08 3 . 63E-07 295.21
  • 19 . 20 l . 93E-07 1. 30E- 07 351.92
  • 37 . 20 5.74E- 08 8 . 64E- 08

+ PA- 228 89.95 22 . 00 5.24E - 07 3 . 66E-07 6 . 24E- 07 93 . 35 35 . 00 8.43E-08 3 . 66E- 07 105 . 00 16 . 30 - 2 . 30E - 07 6 . 82E- 07 129 . 22 2 . 97 l . 83E - 06 3 . 65E- 06 338.32 5 . 30 8 . 53E-07 2.35E- 06 463 . 00 13 . 80 -3 . 06E-07 9 . 69E-07 911 . 23 16 . 70 4 . 65E - 07 l . 19E- 06

+ AM- 241 59 . 54 36 . 30 - 7.26E- 09 2 . l0E- 07 2 . l0E-07

+ CM- 243 103.76 23 . 00 2 . llE- 09 1 . 34E- 07 1 . 34E - 07 228 . 18 10 . 60 4 . 45E-08 2 . 76E- 07 277 . 60 14 . 00 -l . 41E-07 2 . 17E- 07

+ = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification

= Energy line found in the spectrum

> = MDA value not calculated

@ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction

? = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/20/2017 11 :23:38AM Page 1 of7

__.Apex-Gamma Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C08-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C08-SB Sample Description  : WTB L 1-010-10110/18/17 Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli Unit Sample Point

.J Sample Size 7.780E+02 grams Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 10/18/2017 12:30:00PM /

Acquisition Started  : 10/20/2017 10:23:15AM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli /

Live Time  : 3600.0 second Real Time  : 3611.2 seconds Dead Time  : 0.31 %


Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3541 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/20/201 7 11 :23:29AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/20/2017 11 :23:38AM Page 2 of?

Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C08-SB WTB U -010-101 10/1 8/17 Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV)

F 1 76.90 14 7 - 160 154 . 34 l. 15E+02 18.42 5 . 48E+02 1. 10 F 2 92.89 183 - 193 186.32 6 . 86E+0l 16.56 4.01E+02 1.03 F 3 186 . 12 369 - 380 372 . 74 7.06E+0l 17 .17 2 .9 9E+02 1. 85 F 4 238.59 471 - 485 477 . 65 2 . 77E+02 21 . 36 3.09E +02 1. 40 F 5 294 .97 586 - 595 590 .39 5.72E+0l 12 . 09 l . 38E+02 1.21 F 6 338.19 670 - 681 676 .8 2 5.9 7 E+0l 12.20 l . 46E+02 1. 39 F 7 351.74 697 - 710 703 .90 l .35E+02 14.59 l.21E+02 1. 59 F 8 5 82 .93 1160 - 1170 1166 . 2 1 7.91E+0l 11.06 4.68E+0l 1. 71 F 9 609 . 09 1214 - 1223 1218 . 5 1 8 . 82E+0l 11. 27 4 . 64E+0l 1. 47 F 10 910 . 87 1 817 - 1827 1821 . 98 4 . 28E+0l 8 . 77 3 . 64E+0l 1.83 F 11 1460.42 2913 - 2929 2920 . 96 4.61E+02 2 1 . 89 l.67E+0l 2.43 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/20/20 17 11 :23:29AM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001364.CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 1 76.90 l . 15E+02 18 . 42 l . 15E+ 02 l.84E+0l F 2 92 . 89 6 . 86E+0l 16 . 56 6 . 86E+0l l . 66E+0l F 3 186.12 7.06E+0l 17 . 17 7 . 06E+0l 1. 72E+0l F 4 238.59 2.77E+02 21 . 36 2 . 77E+02 2.14E+Ol F 5 294 .97 5.72E+0l 12 .09 5 . 72E+0l l .21E+0l F 6 338 . 19 5 . 97E+0l 12.20 5 .97E+0l l . 22E+0l F 7 351. 74 1. 35E+02 14 . 59 8 . 36E+0l l . 86E+0l 5 . llE+0l 2 . 36E+0l F 8 582.93 7.91E+0l 11.06 7 . 91E+0l l . llE+0l F 9 609 .09 8 . 82E+0l 11 . 27 4 . 12E+0l l.21E+0l 4.70E+0l l .65E+0 l F 10 910.87 4 . 28E+0l 8 . 77 4 . 28E+0l 8.77E+00 F 11 1460.42 4. 61E+02 2 1. 89 5 . 63E+0l 8.57 E+00 4 . 05E+02 2.35E+0l M =First peak in a multiplet region m =Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/20/201 7 11 :23: 38AM Page 3 of 7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-COB-SB WTB L 1-010-10110/18/1 7 NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(%) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCi/grams) Uncertainty K- 40 0 . 98 1460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 5 . 67E - 06 3.65E- 07 PB- 212 0 . 99 77 . 11
  • 17 . 50 2.08E - 07 3 . 42E- 08 238 . 63
  • 44 . 60 l . 84E - 07 1.49E- 08 BI-214 0 . 34 609 . 31
  • 46 . 30 6 . 95E - 08 2.46E- 08 1120 . 29 15 . 10 1238 . 11 5 . 94 1377 . 67 4 . 11 1407 . 98 2 . 48 1509.19 2 . 19 1764 . 49 15 . 80 PB- 214 0 . 99 77 . 11
  • 10 . 70 3.41E-07 5 . 59E-08 295 . 21
  • 19 . 20 1 . 05E-07 2 . 24E- 08 351 . 92
  • 37 . 20 5 . 6 8E- 08 2 . 63E- 08 RA- 226 0 . 99 186.21
  • 3 . 28 5 . 36E- 07 l .31E- 07
  • = Energy line found in the spectrum.

- = Manually added nuclide.

? = Manually edited nuclide.

@ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams)

10/20/2017 11 :23:38AM Page 4 of 7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C08-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/18/17 Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K- 40 0 . 983 5 . 67E- 06 3 . 65E- 07 PB-21 2 0 . 998 1 . 80E- 07 1 . 38E- 08 BI - 214 0 . 346 6 . 95E - 08 2 .4 6E- 08 PB- 21 4 0.993 8 . lSE-08 1.64E- 08 RA-2 26 0 . 999 5 . 36E-07 l. 31E- 07

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

@ = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/20/2017 11 :23:38AM Page 5 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C0B-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/18/17 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/20/2017 11:23:29AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 2 92 . 89 l . 90618E- 02 24 . 13 Tol. PA- 228 7 F 6 338 . 19 1 . 65965E- 02 20 . 41 Tol. AC-228 /

PA- 228

2. 19808E- 02 13 . 98

-r\ t,0'6 F 8 582 . 93 F 10 910 . 87 l . 18854E- 02 20 . 49 Tol. AC- 228 /

PA- 228 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams)


+ K-40 1460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 5 . 67E - 06 6 . 59E- 07 6 . 59E- 07

+ AR- 41 1293 . 64 99 . 16 -5 . llE- 01 2 . 28E+00 2.28E+O0

+ CO - 60 1173 . 22 100 . 00 3 . 43E-08 5.31E-08 6.40E- 08 1332 . 49 100.00 4 . 74E-08 5 . 31E- 08

+ KR- 85 513 . 99 0 . 43 l . 22E- 05 l.0SE-05 l . 0SE- 05

+ Y- 88 898 . 04 93 . 70 -4 . 79E- 08 3 . 82E-08 4 . 96E- 08 1836.06 99 . 20 -1 . 79E-08 3 . 82E-08

+ NB- 94 702.63 100.00 8.42E- 09 4.38E-08 4 . 38E- 08 871.10 100 . 00 6 . 27E - 09 4 . 60E- 08

10/20/2017 11:23:38AM Page 6 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C08-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuclide MDA Line MDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams)


+ I-131 284.30 6.06 2 . llE-07 4.86E- 08 6.33E- 07 364 .4 8 81 . 20 -l.85E- 08 4.86E- 08 636 . 97 7 . 27 4.09E - 07 6 . 65E - 07

+ CS-134 604.70 97.60 5 . 87E - 08 5.00E -08 5 . 00E- 08 795.84 85 . 40 - 2 . 90E-08 5.48E-08

+ CS - 137 661 . 65 85.12 6 . 37E- 08 5.86E -08 5 . 86E- 08

+ CE-144 80.12 1. 36 -1. 53E-06 2 .74E-07 3.41E-06 133 . 51 11 . 09 - l.08E-07 2.74E-07

+ EU-152 121. 78 28 .4 0 -2.83E-08 l . 13E-07 l . 13E-07 244 . 69 7 .49 -5 . 24E-0 7 5.24E-0 7 964.00 14.44 4 . 63E- 07 4 . 07E- 07 1408.00 20.74 3.68E-08 l . 97E-07

+ EU- 154 123.07 40.40 -8.59E-10 7.98 E-08 7.98E-08 247.94 6.60 - 8 . 89E-07 5 . 22E-07 723 . 30 19.70 -6 .78E-08 2 . 34E- 07 873 . 20 11. 50 -9.92E- 08 3 . 93E-0 7 1004.76 17 .90 -5 . 22E-08 2 . 67 E- 07 1274.51 35 . 50 5 .80E-08 l.60E-07

+ EU-155 86 . 54 32.80 l.92E-08 l . 20E- 07 l . 20E - 07 105 . 31 21. 80 6 . 90E-08 1. 53E - 07

+ BI-214 609 . 31

  • 46 . 30 6 . 95E-08 8 . 7 3E-08 8 . 73E -0 8 1120 . 29 15 .10 l . 55E-07 4.17E-07 1238 . 11 5.94 - l . 95E-07 l.llE- 06 1377 . 67 4 . 11 -7 . 27E-07 l . 02E-06 1407.98 2 . 48 3 . 07E - 07 1.65E-06 1509 . 19 2 . 19 -9 . 19E- 07 l.61 E-06 1764 . 49 15 . 80 9 . 36E-08 2 . 83E-07

+ PB- 214 77 .11

  • 10 . 70 3.41£-07 l . 04E- 07 3 . 89E-07 295 . 21
  • 19.20 l .05E-07 l.12E- 07 351.92
  • 37.20 5.68E - 08 l .0 4E-0 7

+ PA-228 89 . 95 22 . 00 l.29E-08 4.48E-07 7 .65E-07 93 . 35 35 . 00 -3 . 61E- 07 4.48E-07 105.00 16 . 30 5.58E-07 8.86E-07 129. 22 2 . 97 l . 78E-06 4.5 2E- 06 338.3 2 5.30 3 . l0 E-06 3 . 09E - 06 463.00 13 . 80 6 . 08E-07 l.25E-06 911 . 23 16.70 l.55E - 06 l.47E-06

+ AM-241 59 . 54 3 6 . 30 - 5 . 35E- 08 2 .1 7E - 07 2 . 17E-07

+ CM-243 103.76 23.00 5 . 31E-08 1. 4 6E-07 l.46E- 07 228 .18 10 . 60 l.03E-08 2 . 95E-0 7 277.60 14.00 7 . 03E-08 2.41E-07

+ = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification

= Energy line found in the spectrum

> = MDA value not calculated

@ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction

? = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/20/2017 11 :23:38AM Page 7 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-COB-SB WTB L1-010-101 10/18/17

10/17/201 I 8:36:47AM Page I of6 J,Apex-Gamma Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C09-SB WTB L1-010-10110/16/17 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : L1-010-101-FS-GS-C09-SB Sample Description  : WTB U-010-101 10/16/17 Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli /

Unit Sample Point


Sample Size 9.824E+02 grams Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 10/16/2017 4:50:00PM Acquisition Started  : 10/17/2017 7:36:24AM /

Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli J Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds/

Real Time  : 3611.2 seconds Dead Time  : 0.31 %

I Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3527 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/17/2017 8:36:38AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/17/2017 8:36:47AM Page 2 of6 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C09-SB WTB L1-010-10110/16/17 Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak NetPeak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV)

F 1 76 . 95 152 - 161 154 . 46 9.98E+0l 19.66 5 . 38E+02 0.85 F 2 185 . 83 368 - 378 372 . 15 7.51E+0l 18 . 27 3 . 60E+ 0 2 1. 53 F 3 238.54 473 - 485 477.56 3 . 39E+02 24.15 3 . 24E+02 1. 61 F 4 295 . 18 582 - 595 590.81 1 . 10E+02 14.72 2.00E+02 1. 37 F 5 338 . 24 673 - 685 676 . 91 7 . 86E+0l 13.32 l . 64E+02 1. 43 F 6 351. 74 700 - 710 703.91 1 . 72E+02 16 . 72 1 . 3 5E+0 2 1. 60 F 7 510 . 23 101 6 - 1029 1020.83 6.21E+0l 11. 73 l . 0 5E+02 1. 84 F 8 583 . 30 1162 - 1172 1166 . 95 8. 4 2E+0l 11 . 18 7.47E+0 l 1. 02 F 9 609 . 11 1213 - 1224 1218. 56 1 . 25E+02 13 .24 6 . 77E+ 0 l 1. 54 F 10 661 . 28 1314 - 1329 1322 . 87 5 . 22E+02 2 4 . 72 8 . 84E+0 l 1. 74 F 11 910 . 73 1816 - 1826 1821 . 71 4. 4 8E+ 0l 8 . 89 3 . 93E+ 0 l 1. 63 F 12 968.78 1 932 - 1942 1937.78 4 . 17E+0l 8 . 83 4 . 42E+0l 1. 71 F 13 1119 . 95 2236 - 2245 2240.08 2 . 45E+0l 7 . 05 2.86E+0 l 1. 61 F 14 1460.35 2913 - 2929 2920.81 5.58E+02 24 . 07 9 . 68E+ 00 2.37 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/17/2017 8:36:38AM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Data\0000001364.CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 1 76.95 9.98E+0l 19.66 9 . 98E+0l 1.97E+0l F 2 185 . 83 7 . 51E+0l 18 . 27 7 . 51E+ 0 l l . 83 E+ 0 l F 3 238 . 54 3 . 39E+0 2 2 4.1 5 3.39E+0 2 2 . 42 E+ 0 l F 4 2 95 . 18 1 . 10E+0 2 14.72 l . 10E+ 0 2 1 . 47E+ 0l F 5 338 . 24 7 . 86E+0l 13 . 32 7.86E+0l 1 . 33E+0l F 6 3 51 . 74 1. 72E+02 16 . 72 8 . 36E+0l 1 . 86E+0l 8 . 81E+0l 2 . 5 0 E+0l F 7 510 . 23 6.21E+0l 11. 73 6 . 21E+0l 1 . 1 7 E+0l F 8 583 . 30 8 .4 2E +0l 11 . 18 8.42E+0l l . 1 2E+ Ol F 9 609 . 11 1.25E+02 13 . 24 4 . 12E+0l 1.21E+0l 8 . 35E+0l l . 79E+0l F 10 661.28 5.22E+02 24. 72 6 . 61E+0l 1 . 27E+0 l 4 . 56E+ 0 2 2 . 78E+0l F 11 910.73 4.48E+0l 8.89 4 . 48E+0l 8.89E+00 F 12 968.78 4 . 17E+0l 8 . 83 4.17E+0 l 8.83E+00 F 13 1119 . 95 2 . 45E+0l 7 . 05 2.45E+0l 7 .05E+00 F 14 1460.35 5 . 58E+02 24.07 5.63E+0l 8 . 57E+00 5.02E+02 2.55E+0l

10/17/2017 8:36:47AM Page 3 of6 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C09-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/16/17 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(%) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K-40 0 . 97 1460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 5.57E - 06 3 . 23E- 07 CS - 137 0 . 97 661 . 65
  • 85 . 12 3 . 13E- 07 2 . 09E- 08 PB- 212 0 . 99 77 .11
  • 17 . 50 l .44E- 07 2 . 87 E- 08 238 . 63
  • 4 4. 60 1. 78E- 07 1. 35E- 08 BI - 214 0 . 57 609.31
  • 46.30 9 . 78E- 08 2 . 12E- 08 1120 . 29
  • 1 5. 10 l . 53E- 07 4.40E- 08 1238 . 11 5 . 94 1377 . 67 4 . 11 1407 . 98 2.48 1509 . 19 2.19 176 4. 49 15 . 80 PB - 21 4 0 . 99 77 . 11
  • 10 . 70 2.35E-07 4 . 69E- 08 295 . 21
  • 19 . 20 l . 60E- 07 2 . 18E-08 351 . 92
  • 37 . 20 7 . 75E- 08 2 . 21E- 08 RA-226 0.97 186 . 21
  • 3 . 28 4 . 51E- 07 1 . l0E- 07 AC - 228 0.58 209 . 28 4 . 40 338 . 32
  • 11 . 40 2 . 18E- 07 3 . 73E - 08 794 . 70 4 . 60 911 . 60
  • 27 . 70 l.26E- 07 2 . 52E- 08 96 4. 60 5 . 20 969 . 11
  • 16 . 60 2 . 0SE-07 4 . 42E- 08
  • =Energy line found in the spectrum.

- =Manually added nuclide.

? =Manually edited nuclide.


@ Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/17/2017 8:36:47AM Page 4 of6 Analysis Report for L 1-010-1 01-FS-GS-C09-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/16/17 INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K- 40 0.975 5.57E - 06 3 . 23E - 07

/ CS - 137 0 . 978 3.13E- 07 2 . 09E- 08 PB- 212 0 . 998 l . 60E - 07 l . 23E-08 BI - 21 4 0 . 579 l . 08 E- 07 l . 91 E- 08 PB- 214 0. 996 l .05E- 07 l . 49E - 08 RA- 226 0 . 977 4. 5 1E- 07 l . lOE - 07 AC- 228 0 . 582 l . 65 E- 07 1.89E- 08

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

@ = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/17/2017 8:36:47AM Page 5 of6 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C09-SB WTB L1-010-10110/16/17 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/17/2017 8:36:38AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 7 510.23 1 . 72486£ - 02 1 8 . 90 F 8 583 . 30 2 . 33984£-02 13.27 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams) (uCi/grams)


+ K-4 0 1460 . 75

+ AR-41 1293 . 64 99 . 16 - 5 . 06E- 06 1.61E-05 l . 61E - 05

+ .I CO-60 1173 . 22 100 . 00 3 . 34E- 08 4.64E-08 5 . 82E - 08 1332 . 49 100 .0 0 2 .l0E-08 4 . 64E-08

+ KR-85 513 . 99 0 . 43 5 . 58E- 06 8.S0E- 06 8 . S0E- 06

+ Y-88 898.04 93 . 70 - 9 . 86E-09 2.92E-08 3.83E-08 1836 . 06 99 . 20 -3 . 78E - 09 2.92E-08

+ NB- 94 702 . 63 100 . 00 9.74E-09 3 .4 7E-08 3 . 47E- 08 871 .1 0 100.00 -l.88E-10 3 . 63E- 08

+ I - 131 284 . 30 6.06 - 5 . 58E-08 3.93E-08 4.91E-07 364.48 81. 20 9 . 56E- 09 3 . 93E - 08 636.97 7 . 27 -l.65E-07 4 . 79E-07

+ CS - 134 604.70 97 . 60 - l.86E-08 4.51E-08 4.58E- 08 795 . 84 85 . 40 - 3 . 62E-08 4.51E- 08

+ ) CS-137 661 . 65

  • 85.12 3.13E- 07 5 . 20E- 08 5.20E - 08

+ CE - 144 80 . 12 1. 36 - 4 . 61E - 07 2 .4 5E- 07 2 . 98E- 06

10/17/2017 8:36:47AM Page 6 of6 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C09-S8 WTB L 1-010-10110/16/17 Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuclide MDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams)


CE-144 133 . 51 11. 09 l . 04E- 07 2 .4 5E- 07 2.45E-07

+ / EU-152 121 . 78 28.40 - 9 . 37E - 08 9 . 3SE-08 9 . 35E-08 244 . 69 7. 4 9 -4 . 29E-07 4 . 47E - 07 964 . 00 14 . 44 2 . 77E-07 3 . SSE - 07 1408.00 20.74 7.88E- 08 l . 74E - 07

+ I EU-154 123 . 07 40.40 -6.21E-08 6 . 52E- 08 6 . 52E-08 247 . 94 6 . 60 -5 . 03E- 07 4 . 56E - 07 723.30 19.70 - 2 . 66E-08 l . 76E- 07 873 . 20 1 1. so -3 . 29E- 08 3.16E- 07 1004 . 76 17 . 90 1. 65E-07 2 . 31E- 07 1274 . 51 35.50 -4.59E- 08 l . 33E-07

+ EU-155 86 . 54 32 . 80 2.26E-08 1. 06E - 07 1. 06E- 07 105 . 31 21 . 80 -5 . 69E- 08 l . 29E- 07

+ BI- 2 14 609 . 31

  • 46 . 30 9 . 78E- 08 7 . 61E- 08 7 . 61E- 08 1120 . 29
  • 15 . 10 l . 53E- 07 l . 81E - 07 1238 . 11 5 . 94 6 . llE- 07 l.06E-06 1377 . 67 4 . 11 8 . 32E- 08 9 .4 8E - 07 1407 . 98 2.48 6 . 59E-07 l.45E- 06 1509 . 19 2 . 19 5 . 89E- 07 l.57E- 06 1764 . 49 15 . 80 1 . 72E - 07 2 . 55E-07

+ PB- 214 77 . 11

  • 10 . 70 2.35E- 07 8 . 19E- 08 2 . 79E- 07 295.21
  • 19.20 l.60E-07 l. l 6E- 07 351. 92
  • 37 . 20 7 . 75E-08 8 . 19E- 08

+ PA- 228 89 . 95 22 . 00 3 . 20E- 07 l .4 8E- 07 2 . SOE- 07 93 . 35 35 . 00 2 .12E- 08 l . 48E- 07 105 . 00 16.30 - 2 . 46E- 07 2 . 78E- 07 129 . 22 2 . 97 l.29E- 06 l . 48E- 06 338 . 32 5 . 30 1. 27E- 07 9 . 77E- 07 463 . 00 13.80 -2 . 09E-08 4 . 14E-07 911 . 23 16 . 70 3 . 18E- 07 4 . 42E - 07

+ AM- 241 59 . 5 4 36 . 30 9 . 04E - 09 l.93E- 07 l . 93E - 07

+ CM- 243 103.76 23 . 00 - l . 74E- 09 1. 25E - 07 l.25E- 07 228.18 10 . 60 -1. 29E- 07 2 . 60E- 07 277 . 60 14 . 00 - 8 . 08E-09 2 . 09E- 07

+ = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification

= Energy line found in the spectrum

> = MDA value not calculated

@ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction

? = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/20/2017 3:30:34PM Page I of7

_.St-Apex-Gamma Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C10-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/18/17 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : L1-010-101-FS-GS-C10-SB /

Sample Description  : WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli Unit Sample Point Sample Size 7.402E+02 grams /

Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 10/18/2017 9:02:00AM /

Acquisition Started  : 10/20/2017 2:30: 11 PM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli /

Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3611.1 seconds Dead Time  : 0.31 %

Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100- 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3545 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/20/2017 3:30:25PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/20/2017 3:30:34PM Page 2 of7 Analysis Report for L1-0 10-101-FS-GS-C10-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV)

F 1 77 . 07 1 47 - 158 154.69 l . 01E+02 17 . 90 5 . 60E+02 0 . 89 F 2 238.45 4 70 - 485 4 77 . 38 2 . 49E+02 20.54 3.46E+02 1. 35 F 3 582 . 92 1162 - 1173 1166 . 18 8 . 70E+O l 10 . 76 5 . 22E+Ol 1. 17 F 4 609 . 12 1215 - 1223 1218.57 8 . 38E+ Ol 10 . 82 4 . 38E+Ol 1. 24 F 5 661 . 48 1313 - 1329 1323 . 27 3 . 09E+ 0 2 18 . 75 6.67E+Ol 1. 66 F 6 910 . 6 9 1815 - 1826 1821 . 63 4 . 0lE+Ol 7 . 93 3 . 42E+Ol 1. 32 F 7 969 . 14 1934 - 1943 1938 . 50 3.6 8E+Ol 7 . 74 2 . 70E+Ol 1. 55 F 8 1119 . 76 2234 - 224 4 2239 . 71 2 .4 2E+Ol 6.08 2 . 58E+Ol 1. 06 F 9 1332 . 10 2660 - 2669 2664 . 33 2.14E+ Ol 6 . 07 l . 53E+Ol 1. 82 F 10 1 4 60 . 33 2911 - 2 929 2920 . 78 4. 73E+ 0 2 21. 9 4 9.37E+OO 2 . 54 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/20/2017 3:30:25PM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ N PP\Data\0000001 364. CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 1 77 . 07 l . 01 E+02 17 . 90 l . 01E+02 l . 79E+Ol F 2 238 . 45 2 .4 9E+0 2 20 . 54 2 . 49E+02 2 . 0SE+Ol F 3 582 . 92 8 . 70E+Ol 1 0.76 8 . 70E+Ol l.08E+Ol F 4 609.12 8 . 38E+Ol 10.82 4.12E+Ol l . 21E+Ol 4 . 26E+Ol l . 62E+Ol F 5 661.48 3 . 09E+02 18 . 75 6.61E+Ol 1 . 27E+Ol 2 . 43E+02 2 . 26E+Ol F 6 910 . 69 4 . 0lE+Ol 7 . 93 4.0lE+Ol 7 . 93E+OO F 7 969.14 3 . 68E+Ol 7 . 74 3 . 68E+Ol 7 . 74E+OO F 8 1119 . 76 2 . 42E+Ol 6 . 08 2.42E+Ol 6.08E+OO F 9 1332 . 10 2 . 1 4E+O l 6.07 2 . 1 4E+Ol 6 . 07E+OO F 10 1460.33 4 . 73E+02 2 1. 9 4 5 . 63E+Ol 8 . 57E+OO 4 . 16E+02 2 . 35E+Ol


M First peak in a multiplet region


m Other peak in a multiplet region


F Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/20/201 7 3:30:34PM Page 3 of 7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C10-SB WTB L 1-010-10110/18/17 NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(%) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K- 40 0 . 97 1460 . 75

  • 10.67 6 . 13E- 06 3 . 86E- 07 CS - 137 0.99 661 . 65
  • 85 . 12 2 . 21E- 07 2 . 15E- 08 PB - 212 0 . 99 77 . 11
  • 17.50 l . 92E - 07 3.46E- 08 238 . 63
  • 44 . 60 l. 73E- 07 l . 50E- 08 BI - 214 0 . 57 609.31
  • 46 . 30 6.63E - 08 2 . 53E- 08 1120 . 29
  • 15 . 10 2 . 00E- 07 5 . 04E- 08 1238 . 11 5 . 94 1377 . 67 4 . 11 1407.98 2.48 1509 . 19 2 . 19 1764 . 49 15 . 80
  • = Energy line found in the spectrum.

- = Manually added nuclide.

? = Manually edited nuclide.

@ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams)

K-40 0 . 973 6 . 13E-06 3 . 86E- 07

/ CS- 137 0.995 2 . 21E-07 2 . 15E-08 PB-212 0 . 997 l.76E- 07 l.38E- 08 BI - 214 0 . 575 9 . 32E-08 2 . 26E-08

10/20/2017 3:30:34PM Page 4 of 7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C10-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

@ = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/20/2017 3:30:34PM Page 5 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C10-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/18/17 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/20/2017 3:30:25PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 3 582.92 2 . 41677E- 02 12 . 37 -1\ 2-,0 F 6 910 . 69 1 . 11508E- 02 19 . 76 Tol. AC - 228 .,/

PA- 228 /

F 7 969 . 14 l . 02168E- 02 21.04 Tol. AC- 228 r..c>

ft'~l> ~

F 9 1332 . 10 5 . 94642E- 03 28.36 Tol. ~ *-10-:,\'Jc, ~


, \==b1

\~~d, M =First peak in a multiplet region ~\

m =Other peak in a multiplet region F =Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma 'r,o~

NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams)


+ K-40 1460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 6 . 13E- 06 6 . 5 4E- 07 6 . 54E - 07

+ AR- 41 1293 . 64 99 . 16 3 . 96E+00 4 . 19E+0l 4 . 19E+0l

+ J CO- 60 1173 . 22 1332 . 49 100 . 00 100 . 00 7 . 18E- 08 6.l0E - 08 6 . 48E - 08 7.09E-08 6 . 48E - 08

+ KR- 85 513 . 99 0 . 43 1.03E- 05 l.15E-05 1 . 15E- 05

+ Y- 88 898 . 04 93 . 70 - 7 . l0E-09 3 . 39E-08 5 . 25E-08 1836 . 06 99 . 20 - 4 . 86E- 10 3 . 39E-08

+ NB- 94 702 . 63 100 . 00 -1 . 53E-08 4 . 32E-08 4 . 32E- 08 871 . 10 100 . 00 1.83E-08 4. 86E-08

+ I-131 284 . 30 6 . 06 - 4 . 55E- 07 5. 4 0E- 08 6 . 78E- 07 364 . 48 81. 20 - 3 . 69E- 09 5 . 40E - 08

10/20/2017 3:30:34PM Page 6 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101 -FS-GS-C10-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 Nuclide Energy Yield{%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name {uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams)


I - 131 636.97 7.27 -1 . 36E-07 5.40E-08 7 .1 9E-07

+ CS-134 604 . 70 97 . 60 3.63E-08 5 . 3 4E- 08 5 . 34E-08 795 . 84 85.40 5 . 78E- 10 5 . 38E - 08

+ CS-137 661 . 65

  • 85 . 12 2 . 21E - 07 6 . 52E- 08 6 . 52E - 08

+ CE-144 80 . 12 1. 36 -1. 67£-06 2.94E - 07 3 . 81E-06 133 . 51 1 1. 09 l .8 7E-07 2.9 4E- 07

+ j EU-152 121. 7 8 28 .4 0 4.97E - 08 l . 15E-0 7 l.15E - 07 24 4 . 69 7. 49 -1. 72E-07 5 .4 5£-07 964 . 00 14 . 44 3 . 60£-07 4.32E-07

+ J EU-154 1408 . 00 123 .0 7 20 . 74 40.40 8.58E-08 3 . 50£ - 08 8.18£- 08 2 .46£-07 8.18£-08 247 . 94 6 . 60 -8.0 2£ -0 7 5 . 60£-07 723 . 30 19.70 7.75£-08 2.49E- 07 873.20 11. 50 5 . 97£- 08 4 . 18£-07 1004 .76 17 .90 - 1.07£-07 2 . 70E- 07 1274.51 35 .5 0 7.45E -08 1.56£- 07

+ EU-155 86.54 32.80 -9.04 E-0 8 1. 32E- 07 1. 32£- 07 105.31 21. 8 0 1 .1 4£-07 1.62£- 07

+ BI-214 609.31

  • 46 . 30 6 . 63E-08 9 . 04E- 08 9.04£-08 1120 . 29
  • 15 . 10 2.00E-07 2 . 35E-07 1238 . 11 5 . 94 - 4 . 20E-07 1.1 7 £ - 06 1377.67 4 . 11 - 2 . 71£-07 1.02E-06 1 4 07 . 98 2 . 48 7 .1 7£- 07 2.06£-06 1509 . 19 2. 1 9 3 .94E-0 7 l . 77E-06 1764.49 1 5 .8 0 2 .1 8E -0 7 3.23E-07

+ PB-214 77 . 11 10.70 6 . 37 £-0 7 1 . 16E-07 5 . 1 7E-07 295 . 21 1 9 . 20 3 . 71E-07 2.09£- 07 351. 92 37 . 20 8 . 25£-08 l .16E- 07

+ PA-228 89 . 95 22 . 00 6 . 17E- 07 6.17E-07 1. 05E-06 93 . 35 35 .00 1 . 52 E-07 6.17E-07 105 . 00 16.30 3 . 68E -0 7 l . 19E-06 129 .2 2 2.97 4 . 33£-06 6.13E- 06 338.32 5 . 30 2 . 86£- 06 4.22£-06 463 . 00 13 . 80 9.50E-08 1 . 71E - 06



J AM- 241 CM-243 911 . 23 59 . 54 103 . 76 16 . 7 0 36 . 30 23 . 00

1. 3 8E- 06


- 6.50E -0 8 2.38£ - 07 1 .53E-07 1.97 E-06 2 . 38E - 07

1. 53E- 07 228 . 18 10 . 60 1 . 29£-07 3 . 18E- 07 277 . 60 14 . 00 2 .1 6E-07 2 . 57£-07

+ = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification

= Energy line found in the spectrum

> = MDA value not calculated

@ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction

? = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/20/2017 3:30:34PM Page 7 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C10-S8 WTB L 1-010-10110/18/17

10/20/2017 4:32:07PM Page I of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C11-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C11-SB Sample Description  : WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli Unit Sample Point Sample Size 7.976E+02 grams I Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 10/18/2017 11 :25:00AM Acquisition Started  : 10/20/2017 3:31 :43PM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB /

Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli /

Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3611.4 seconds Dead Time  : 0.31 %

Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3546 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/20/2017 4:31:58PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/20/2017 4 :32:07PM Page 2 of 7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C11-SB WTB L1-0 10-10110/1 8/17 Peale Energy ROI ROI Peale Net Peale Net Area Continuum FWHM (leeV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (leeV)


F 1 7 6. 78 147 - 159 154 .11 1 . 09E+02 2 2. 86 5.94E+02 1. 72 F 2 92 . 85 183 - 193 1 86 . 24 6.04 E+ Ol 1 5 . 78 3 . 81E+02 0 . 99 F 3 185 .4 7 364 - 377 37 1.4 5 8.92E+Ol 19 . 20 3 .4 7E+02 2 .11 F 4 238.53 473 - 482 477 . 54 2 . 25E+02 20 . 62 2 . 75E+02 1. 23 F 5 295.14 583 - 595 590.7 4 8 . 84E+ Ol 13 . 96 1 . 67E+02 1. 4 7 F 6 338 . 30 673 - 6 81 677 . 04 4 . 66E+Ol 10.85 l . 03E+ 02 1.18 F 7 582 . 93 1162 - 1171 1166 . 2 1 7 . 47E+O l 10 . 73 4 . 86E+Ol 1. 44 F 8 6 0 9 . 03 1212 - 1 22 3 1218 . 39 l . 01E+02 11 . 97 5 . 37E+Ol 1. 5 4 F 9 661 . 47 1314 - 1332 1323 . 25 3 .9 4E +02 2 1. 1 0 6 . 82E+Ol 1. 76 F 10 910 . 66 1815 - 1829 1821 . 55 4 . 70E+Ol 8 . 42 3 . 25E+Ol 1. 90 F 11 1332 . 07 2659 - 2670 266 4. 27 3 . 16E+Ol 6 . 93 l . 75E+ Ol 1. 96 F 12 1 4 60 .4 2 2913 - 292 9 2920 . 9 4 3 . 99E+ 0 2 20 .4 3 l . 67E+ Ol 2 .4 7 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/20/2017 4:31 :58PM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Data\0000001364. CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Baclegr. Subtracted Subtracted (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.


F 1 76.78 1. 09E+0 2 22 . 86 1.09E+02 2 . 29E+Ol F 2 92. 8 5 6.04E+Ol 15 . 78 6 . 04E+Ol 1 . 58E+Ol F 3 185. 47 8 . 92E +Ol 19.20 8 . 92E+Ol 1 . 92E+Ol F 4 238 . 53 2 .2 5E+02 20 . 62 2 . 2 5E+ 02 2 . 06E+ Ol F 5 295 . 1 4 8 . 84E+ Ol 1 3 . 96 8 . 84E+O l l .4 0E+O l F 6 338 . 30 4 . 66E+Ol 10 . 85 4 . 66E+ Ol 1 . 09E+Ol F 7 582 . 93 7 . 47E+Ol 10 . 73 7 . 47E+Ol l . 0 7E+ Ol F 8 609 . 03 1 . 01E+02 11 . 97 4 . 12E+Ol 1. 21E+ Ol 5.98E+ Ol l . 70E+ Ol F 9 661 . 47 3.9 4E+02 21.10 6 . 61E+Ol 1 . 2 7 E+Ol 3 . 28E+02 2. 4 6E+Ol F 10 910.66 4 . 70E+Ol 8 . 42 4 . 70E+Ol 8 .4 2 E+ OO F 11 1332 . 07 3 .16E+Ol 6 . 93 3 . 16E+Ol 6 . 93E+00 F 12 1 460 .4 2 3 . 99E+02 2 0 . 43 5 . 63E+ Ol 8. 5 7E+00 3 . 42E+ 0 2 2 . 2 1E+Ol

10/20/2017 4:32:0?PM Page 3 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-1 01-FS-GS-C 11-SB WTB L 1-010-10110/18/17 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Oairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(%) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K- 40 0 . 98 1460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 4 . 68E- 06 3 . 29£- 07 CS - 137 0 . 99 661 . 65
  • 85 . 12 2 . 78E- 07 2 . 22E - 08 PB-212 0 . 99 77 . 11
  • 17 . 50 l . 93E- 07 4. llE- 08 238 . 63
  • 44 . 60 l .4 5E-07 l . 38 E- 08 BI - 214 0 . 34 609.31
  • 46 . 30 8 . 63E- 08 2 .4 7E- 08 1120 . 29 15 . 10 1238 . 11 5 . 94 1377 . 67 4 . 11 1407 . 98 2 . 48 1509.19 2 . 19 1764.49 15 . 80 RA- 226 0 . 91 186 . 21
  • 3 . 28 6 . 58£- 07 l .4 3E- 07
  • =Energy line found in the spectrum.

- =Manually added nuclide.

? =Manually edited nuclide.

@ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance: 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT

10/20/2017 4:32:07PM Page 4 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C11-SB WTB L 1-010-10110/18/17 Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams)

K- 40 0.982 4.68E-06 3 . 29E-07 J CS - 137 0 . 995 2.78E-07 2 . 22E-08 PB-2 1 2 0.994 1 . S0E - 07 l.31E-08 BI - 214 0 . 343 8.63E -0 8 2.47E-08 RA-226 0 . 917 6 . SBE - 07 1.43E- 07

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

@ = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/20/2017 4:32:0?PM Page 5 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C11-SB WTBL1-010-10110/18/17 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/20/2017 4:31 :58PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 2 92 . 85 1 . 67726E-02 26 . 14 Tol. PA-228 /

F 5 295.14 2 . 45512E- 02 15 . 80 Tol. PB- 2 1 4 /

F 6 338 . 30 1 . 29327E- 02 23 . 31 Tol. AC - 228 /


-zj.) "6 F 7 582.93 2.07465E- 02 1 4 . 37 11 F 10 910 . 66 1 . 30431E- 02 17 . 94 Tol. AC- 228/

PA- 228 ru ~


F 11 1332 . 07 8 . 77769E - 03 21 . 92 Tol. ~~ J0J ~



()t::J i\":\JK'.':c_

v wjC>\ *


M First peak in a multiplet region


m Other peak in a multiplet region


F Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma


NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams)


+ K-40 1460 . 75

  • 1 0 . 67 4 . 68E-06 6 . 42E- 07 6.42E - 07

+ / AR- 41 1293 . 64 99 . 16 - 1 . 06E+0l 2.40E+0l 2 . 40E+0l

+ CO-60 1173 . 22 100.00 3 . 46E - 08 5 . 80E- 08 6 . 99E- 08 1332 . 49 100.00 1 . 68E- 08 5 . 80E- 08

+ KR- 85 513.99 0.43 1 . 33E- 05 1 . 07E- 05 1. 07E-05

+ Y- 88 898 . 04 93 . 70 4 . 53E- 08 3 . 63E-08 5 . 41 E- 08

10/20/2017 4:32:0?PM Page 6 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-10 1-FS-GS-C11-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuclide MDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams)


Y-88 1836.06 99 . 20 6 . 76E-09 3 . 63E-08 3 . 63E-08

+ NB- 94 702.63 100 . 00 -7 . 51E-09 4 . 17E-08 4 . 17E-08 871.10 100 . 00 -2 . 89E-08 4.42E-08

+ I - 131 284.30 6.06 -l. S0E-07 5 . 06E-08 6.75E-07 364.48 81. 20 - 3 . 37E-0 8 5 . 06E-08 636 . 97 7 .27 l . 76E - 07 6 . 66E-07

+ CS-134 604.70 97. 60 6 . 82E -0 8 5 . llE-08 5 . llE-08 795.84 85 . 40 2.43E-08 5 . 56E - 08

+ ,/ CS - 137 661.65

+ CE-144 80 . 12 1. 36 -l . 14E-08 2 . 75E-07 3 . 41E-06 133.51 11. 09 4 . 68E-08 2 . 75E-07

+ / EU-152 12 1 .78 244.69 28.40 7 . 49

-6. 61E-08

- 4 . 50E- 07

1. 06E-07 l.06E-07 5 . 14E-07 964.00 14 . 44 1. 32E- 07 3 . 88E - 07 1408.00 20.74 -5.06E-08 2. 21E-07

+ / EU-154 123.07 40 . 40 - 5 . 79E-09 7.49E-08 7 . 49E-08 247.94 6.60 - 6 . 99E-07 5 . 25E - 07 723 . 30 19 . 70 9 . 85E-08 2 . 20E - 07 873.20 11. 50 7 . 74E-08 3 . 82E-07 1004.76 17 . 90 - 6 . 57E - 08 2.86E-07 1274 . 51 35 . 50 4 . 58E - 08 l . 59E-07

+ EU-155 86 . 54 32 . 80 -9. 53E -08 l . 13E-07 1. 13E-07 105 . 31 21. 80 8 . 63E-08 l.45E-0 7

+ BI-214 609 . 31

  • 46.30 8 . 63E-08 8.93E-08 8 . 93E-08 1120.29 15.10 3.08E-07 3 . 95E- 07 1238 . 11 5 . 94 4.50E-07 l . 14E- 06 1377 . 67 4 .11 - l.65E - 07 l . 07E - 06 1407 .98 2 . 48 - 4 . 23E-07 l . 85E-06 1509 . 19 2 .19 l .21 E-06 l . 68E- 06 1764 . 49 15.80 3 . 24E-07 3.05E- 07

+ PB- 214 77 . 11 10 . 70 6.18E-07 1. 06E-07 4.67E-07 295 . 21 19 . 20 8.76E-08 l . 91E - 07 351.92 37 . 20 l .6 6E -0 7 l.06E-07

+ PA-228 89.95 22 . 00 - 2 . 56E-07 5 . 19E-07 8 . 68E- 07 93.35 35.00 5.55E-07 5.19E- 07 105 . 00 16.30 4.69E-07 l.0lE- 06 129.22 2.97 2.47E-06 5.29E-06 338 . 32 5 . 30 - 8.17E-07 3 . SlE- 06 463.00 13.80 - l.82E-07 1. 54E-06 911.23 16.70 l.25E-06 l . 72E- 06

+ /AM-241 59.54 36 . 30 2 .23E-07 2 . 27E-07 2. 27E-07

+ CM-243 103 . 76 23.00 3.76E-08 l . 38E- 07 l.38E- 07 228 . 18 10 . 60 -1. 28E-08 3 . 00E-07 277.60 14.00 - 5.35E- 08 2.S0E- 07

10/20/2017 4:32:0?PM Page 7 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C11-SB WTB L 1-010-10110/18/17

+ = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification

= Energy line found in the spectrum

> = MDA value not calculated

@ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction

? = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/21 /20 11 7:03:04AM Page I of7

~A!Ei!~~pex-Gamma Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C12-SB WTBL1-010-10110/18/17 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : L1-010-101-FS-GS-C12-SB /

Sample Description  : WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli /

Unit Sample Point


Sample Size 7.505E+02 grams Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 10/18/2017 10:56:00AM Acquisition Started  : 10/21 /2017 6:02:41AM . /

Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli /

Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3611 .3seconds Dead Time  : 0.31 % /

. Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100- 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3549 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/21/2017 7:02:SSAM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/21/2017 7:03:04AM Page 2 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101 -FS-GS-C12-SB WTB L1-010-101 10/18/17 Peal< Energy ROI ROI Peal< Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV)


F 1 92 . 83 184 - 190 186.21 5 . 52E+0l 16 . 51 2 . 88E+02 1. 22 F 2 185 . 74 365 - 376 371 . 99 7.52E+0l 1 7 . 83 3 . 18E+02 1. 72 F 3 238.51 469 - 485 477 . 50 3.22E+02 22.01 2 . 76E+02 1. 46 F 4 294.99 585 - 59 4 590.44 7 . 29E+0l 12 . 52 l . 17E+02 1. 33 F 5 338.49 673 - 685 677.41 6.15E+0l 10 . 4 0 l . 00E+02 1.06 F 6 582 . 99 1161- 1170 1166 . 31 5. 43E+0l 9.40 5 . 12E+0l 1. 20 F 7 609 . 01 1211 - 1223 1218.35 7 .6 6E+0 l 10.73 5 . 81E+0 l 1. 46 F 8 661.32 131 6 - 133 1 1 3 22 .96 2 . 39E+02 16 .60 5 . 82E+0l 1. 67 F 9 910 . 68 1 815 - 1 827 1821 . 60 5 . 38E+0l 9 . 22 4 .06E+0l 1. 81 F 10 968 . 48 1933 - 1942 1937.18 3 . 28 E+0 l 6 . 82 2 . 85E+0l 0 . 93 F 11 1237 . 85 2472 - 2481 2 475.86 1. 28E+0l 4 . 73 l . 90E+0l 0 . 94 F 12 1331 . 68 2658 - 2669 2663 . 50 2 .4 3E+0 l 6 .41 2.07E+0l 1. 64 F 13 1460.25 2 914 - 2928 2920 . 62 4.66E+02 22 . 23 2 . 08E+0l 2 . 25 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/21/2017 7:02:55AM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Data\0000001 364. CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.


F 1 92.83 5 . 52E+0l 16 . 51 5 . 52E+0l l.65E +Ol F 2 185 . 7 4 7.52E+0l 17.83 7.52E+0l l . 78E+0l F 3 238.51 3 . 22E+02 22 . 01 3 . 22E+02 2 . 20E+ 0 l F 4 29 4 . 99 7 . 29E+0l 12 . 52 7 . 29E+0l l . 25E+0l F 5 338 . 49 6 . 15E+0l 10 . 40 6 . 15E+0l l . 04E+0l F 6 582.99 5.43E+0l 9.40 5 .4 3E+0l 9 .4 0E+00 F 7 609.01 7.66E+0l 10 . 73 4. 12E+0l 1 . 21E+0l 3 . 55E+0l l.62E+0l F 8 661. 32 2.39E+02 16 . 60 6 . 61E+0 l 1. 27E+0l l . 73E+02 2.09E+0l F 9 910 . 68 5 . 38E+0l 9.22 5 . 38E+0l 9 . 22E+00 F 10 968.48 3.2 8E +0l 6.82 3.28E+0l 6 . 82E+00 F 11 1237.85 l . 28E+0 l 4 . 73 1. 28E+0l 4 . 73E+00 F 12 1331. 68 2 . 43E+0l 6 . 41 2 . 43E+0l 6 . 41E+00 F 13 1460.25 4 . 66E+02 22 . 23 5 . 63E+0l 8.57E+00 4 .0 9E+02 2 .38E+0l

10/21 /201? 7:03:04AM Page 3 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C12-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(%) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCi/grams) Uncertainty K- 40 0 . 96 1460.75

  • 10.67 5.94E- 06 3 . 83E-07 CS - 137 0 . 98 661 . 65
  • 85 . 12 l . 56E- 07 l . 93E - 08 PB- 212 0 . 55 77 .11 17.50 238 . 63
  • 46 . 30 5 . 44E- 08 2 .4 9E - 08 1120 . 29 15 . 10 1238 . 11
  • 5 . 94 2 . 89E- 07 l . 07E- 07 1377 . 67 4 . 11 1407 . 98 2 . 48 1509 . 19 2 . 19 1764 .4 9 15 . 80 RA-226 0 . 96 186.21
  • 3.28 5 . 91E-07 l .4 1E- 07 AC- 228 0 . 56 209 . 28 4.40 338 . 32
  • 11. 40 2.23E- 07 3 . 81E- 08 794 . 70 4 . 60 911. 60
  • 16.60 2.14E-07 4 . 47E- 08
  • =Energy line found in the spectrum.

- =Manually added nuclide.

? =Manually edited nuclide.

@ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/21 /2017 7:03:04AM Page 4 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C12-SB WTB L 1-010-10110/18/17 INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCi/grams)

K- 40 0 . 961 5 . 9 4E- 06 3 . 83E- 07

/ CS-137 0 . 983 l . 56E - 07 1.93£- 08 PB- 212 0.559 2 . 21E- 07 l . 62E- 08 BI - 214 0 . 430 6 . 6 4E- 0 8 2.42£- 08 RA- 226 0 . 966 5.91E- 07 l.41E-07 AC- 228 0 . 566 2 . llE- 07 2. 21E- 08

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X == nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

@ == nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/21 /2017 7:03:04AM Page 5 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C12-SB WTB L 1-010-10110/18/17 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on 10/21/2017 7:02:55AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(3/4) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 1 92.83 l.53351E- 02 29 . 91 Tol. PA- 228 /

F 4 294 . 99 2 . 02370E - 02 17 . 19 PB- 214 /

F 6 582 . 99 l . 50832E-02 17 . 32 --1\ 2..-~*o F 12 1331 . 68 6 . 73976£ - 03 26 . 43

~~l--06 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuclide MDA Line MDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams)


+ K- 40 1460 . 75

  • 10. 67 5 . 94E- 06 6.99E-07 6 .9 9E - 07

+ AR-41 1293 . 64 99 . 16 - 6 . 43E+03 7 . 71E+03 7 . 71E+03

+ / CO- 60 1173 . 22 100 . 00 6 . 76E-08 6 . 57E-08 7 .4 1E-08 1332.49 100 . 00 5 . 34E- 08 6.57E - 08

+ KR- 85 513 . 99 0 . 43 l.45E - 05 l.07E- 05 l . 07E- 05

+ Y-88 898 . 04 93 . 70 - l.21E-08 3.87E- 08 5 . 48E- 08 1836 . 06 99.20 - 3 . 88E- 08 3 . 87E - 08

+ NB-94 702 . 63 100 . 00 - l . 37E- 08 4 . 29E-08 4 . 29E - 08 871 . 10 100 . 00 -2 . 99E-08 4 . 86E - 08

+ I - 131 284 . 30 6 . 06 2 . 09E-07 5.59E-08 7.21E-07 364 . 48 81. 20 3 . 60E - 08 5 . 59E- 08 636 . 97 7 . 27 5 . 32E-07 7 . 52E-07

+ CS - 134 604 . 70 97 . 60 2 . 03E- 08 5 . llE-08 5 . 13E- 08

10/2 1/2017 7:03:04AM Page 6 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C12-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/18/17 Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuclide MDA Line MDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams)


CS-134 795 . 84 85.40 - 4 . 06E - 10 5 . llE- 08 5 . llE- 08

+ j CS-137 6 61. 65

  • 85.12 l . 56E - 07 6 . 20E- 08 6 . 20E- 08

+ CE-144 80 . 12 1. 36 l . 54E-06 3 . 00E- 07 3 . 6 7E- 06 133 . 51 11. 09 2 . 13E- 08 3 . 00E- 07

+ I EU-152 121 . 78 244 . 69 28.40 7 . 49

-6 . 70E - 08

- 4 . 59E- 07 l . 14E-07 l . 14E- 07 5 . 48E-07 96 4 . 0 0 14 . 44 4 . 48E - 07 4 . 23E- 07

+ J EU- 154 1408 . 00 123.07 20 . 74 40.40 l . 75E- 07 l.18E- 09 8 . 18E- 08 2 . 53E- 07 8 . 18E- 08 247 . 94 6 . 60 - 8 . 50E- 07 5 . 46E- 07 723. 3 0 19 . 70 7 . 54E- 08 2 . 35E- 07 873 . 20 11. 50 4 . 39E-07 4.38E- 07 10 04 . 76 17 . 9 0 l . 42E- 07 2.89E- 07 1274 . 51 35.50 3 . 06E- 08 l . 63E- 07

+ EU- 155 86 . 54 32.80 - l.26E- 07 l.26E-07 1. 2 6E- 07 105 . 31 21. 80 - 6 . 85E- 08 1. 53E- 07

+ BI -214 609 . 31

  • 4 6 . 30 5 .44 E- 08 9. 7 3E- 08 9 . 73E- 08 1120 . 29 15 . 10 3 . 85E- 07 4 . 30E-07 1238.11
  • 5.94 2 . 89E - 07 5.54E- 07 1377 . 67 4 . 11 2 . 87E-07 l . 24E- 06 1407 . 98 2 . 48 l .4 6E - 06 2 . llE - 06 1509 . 19 2 . 19 - 9 . 27£- 07 l . 63E- 06 1764 . 49 15 . 80 3 . 43E- 07 3 . 47E-0 7

+ PB- 214 77 . 11 10 . 70 6 . 95E- 07 l . llE- 07 5 . 02E - 07 295.21 19.20 1. 4 9E- 07 1. 93E- 07 3 5 1. 92 37 . 20 l . 61E- 07 l . llE- 07

+ PA-228 89 . 95 22 . 00 7 . 68E- 07 9 . 30E- 07 l . 54E- 06 93 . 35 35 . 00 6 . 31E-0 7 9 . 30E- 07 105 . 00 16 . 30 - l . 32 E- 06 1 . 72E- 06 12 9 . 22 2 . 97 - 8 . 41E-07 9 . 26E- 06 338 . 32 5 . 30 -2.29E- 06 5 . 47E- 06 4 63 . 00 13 . 80 - 6 . 59E-07 2 . 51E- 06 911.23 16 . 70 8 . 46E- 07 3 . 14E- 06

+ AM- 241 59.5 4 36 . 30 5 . 97E- 08 2 .3 9E-07 2 . 39E-07


+ CM- 243 103 . 76 23 . 00 -5 . 90E- 08 1. 4 6E- 07 1 . 46E- 07 228.18 10 . 60 -l . 47E- 07 3 . 0lE- 07 277. 60 14 . 00 2 .27E- 08 2 . 4 7E- 07

+ = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification

= Energy line found in the spectrum

> = MDA value not calculated

@ Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction

? = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/21/2017 7:03:04AM Page 7 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C12-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17

10/17/2017 9:38:59AM Page I of7

~~~~pex-Gamma Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C13-SB WTB L1-010-10110/16/17 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : L1-010-101-FS-GS-C13-SB /

Sample Description  : WTB L1-010-10110/16/17 Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli /

Unit Sample Point Sample Size 9.381E+02 grams Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 10/16/2017 3:35:00PM Acquisition Started  : 10/17/2017 8:38:36AM . /


Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds/

Real Time  : 3610.9 seconds Dead Time  : o.30°/

Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 -4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100- 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3528 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/17/2017 9:38:50AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/17/2017 9:38:59AM Page 4 of7 Page 2 of?

L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C13-SB WTB L1 -010-10110/16/17 riuum FWHM

,unts (keV) ide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments e Id Activity Activity E+02 1.17 Confidence Uncertainty E+02 1.18 (uCi/grams)

E+ 02 1. 42 E+02 1. 4 6

) 0 .96 4 5 . 2 4E- 06 3 . 21E-07 E+02 1.10 L37 0 .99 0 3 . 56E - 0 7 2 . 26E-08 E+02 1. 65 212 1. 000 l.45E-07 l . 20E-08 E+0l 1. 72 214 0 . 550 8.45E- 08 2 . 07E-08 E+0l 1. 88 214 1.000 7.53E- 08 l . 50E-0 8 E+0l 1. 69 E+0l 2 . 15 E+0l 2.33 lide is part of an undetermined solution E+00 2.54 lide rejected by the interference analysis E+00 2 . 18 lide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity at 1.000sigma d Subtracted

  • a Uncert.

1 l.69E+0l 1 l . 82E+0l 2 2.27E+0l 1 l . 44E+0l 1 l . llE+0l 1 2 . 43E+0 l 1 1. 20E+0l 1 l . 75E+0l 2 2 . 84E+0l 1 l.0 5E+0l 1 8 . 21E+00 2 2 . 47E +0l 1 7.59E+00

10/17/2017 9:38:59AM Page 5 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C13-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/16/17 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/17/2017 9:38:S0AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS (%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide M 1 74 . 86 l.83020E - 02 25 . 66 E\>1,\

F 5 338 . 33 l . 45401E - 02 21 . 12 Tol. AC- 22 g./

PA- 228 F 7 582 . 89 2 . 19294E- 02 15.25 -r\1.,,01 /

F 10 910.81 l . 97960E- 02 14.69 Tol. AC - 228 PA- 228

--o ("V ~

()-, > -;;,,

F 11 1332 . 38 l.23498E-02 18.47 Tol.

~ I v..)'1-....Sz"'

~ t"'

\\U~': * )..l)b

/* 7--t.b &,

M = First peak in a multiplet region m ::; Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

~ 0 ~ 4 : ~:\

NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuclide MDA LineMDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams)

(ke V)

+ K- 40 1460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 5 . 24E - 06 4 . 89E- 07 4.89E- 07

+ / AR- 41 1293.64 99 . 16 - l.48E-05 3 . 69E- 05 3 .69E-05

+ CO- 60 1173 . 22 100 . 00 5 . 32E- 08 5.69E- 08 6 . 08E- 08 1332 . 49 100 . 00 6.38E-08 5 . 69E - 08

+ KR- 85 513 . 99 0 . 43 8 . 67E- 06 9 . 37E- 06 9 . 37E - 06

+ Y-88 898 . 04 93 . 70 l . 84E- 08 2 . 86E-08 4 . 27E- 08 1836 . 06 99 . 20 -l. 44E- 08 2.86E-08

10/17/2017 9:38:59AM Page 6 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C13-SB WTB L1-010-101 10/1 6/17 Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuclide MDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams)


+ NB-94 702.63 100 . 00 4.08E -0 8 3 . 82E-08 3.82E- 08 871 . 10 100 . 00 -l.47E-08 4 . 02E- 08

+ I-131 284 . 30 6 . 06 -5.30E-08 4 . 23E-08 4 . 95E- 07 364 .4 8 81. 20 3 . 16E-08 4.23E-08 636 . 97 7 . 27 2 . 62E-07 5.24E- 07

+ CS - 134 604 . 70 97 . 60 -6.97E-09 4.43E-08 4 . 43E- 08 795 . 84 85 .4 0 1. 66E-09 4 . 65E- 08

+ J CS - 137 661 . 65

  • 85 . 12 3.56E- 07 5.30E-08 5 . 30E-08

+ CE-144 80.12 1. 36 - 7 . 91E-07 2 .4 3E-07 3.05E-06 133 . 51 11.09 l . 33 E-0 7 2.43E-07

+ t, i EU- 152 121. 7 8 28.40 -3.45E-10 9 . 43E-08 9.43E- 08 244 .6 9 7.49 -l.78E-07 4.72E- 07 964.00 14.44 2.06E-07 3.42E-0 7 1408.00 20 . 74 2 . 77E-09 l.75E-07

+ / EU-154 123 . 07 40.40 l . lOE - 08 6 . 65E- 08 6 . 65E- 08 2 47.94 6.60 - l . BOE - 07 4 . 84E- 07 723 . 30 19.70 - l . 27E-08 l . 88E- 07 873.20 11. 50 3.43E-08 3.53E-07 1004 . 76 17.90 -1. 32E-07 2.35E- 07 1274.51 35 . 50 2 . 43E- 08 l.38E- 07

+ EU-155 86 . 54 3 2 . 80 - 3 .72E-08 l . 07E - 07 l.0 7 E-07 105 . 31 21. 80 4 . 89E- 08 l.3 4E-07

+ BI-214 609 . 31

  • 46 . 30 8 . 2 0E-08 7 . 9 1E-08 7 . 91E-08 1120 . 29 15 . 10 2 . 0lE-0 7 3 . 61E - 07 1238 . 11 5 . 94 5 . 56E- 07 l.0 5 E- 06 1377 . 67 4 . 11 2 .1 7 E-08 8.67E-07 1407 . 98 2.48 2 . 32E-08 1. 46E- 06 1509 . 19 2 . 19 5 . 77 E-07 l.66E-06 1764 .4 9
  • 15 . 80 l . llE-07 2.29E- 07

+ PB- 214 77 . 11

  • 19 . 20 l.29E-07 l . 13E- 07 351. 92

+ PA- 228 89.95 22 . 00 - 2 . 08E-08 l . 60E-07 2 . 67E-0 7 93.35 35 . 00 -8 . 13E-0 9 l.60E-07 1 05 .0 0 16.30 2.05E-07 3.13E- 07 129.22 2.97 -4 . 41E- 08 l.5 7 E-06 338 . 32 5 . 30 8.00E-07 1. 07E-06 463 . 00 13 . 80 -1 .56E- 07 4 . 42E- 07 911 . 23 16.70 5 . 0 5 E- 07 5 . 45E - 07

+ / AM-241 59 . 54 36 . 30 -6 . 95E-08 l . 89E-07 l.89E-07

+ CM-243 1 03.76 23 . 00 - 5 . 78E-08 1. 28E-07 1. 2 8E- 07 228.18 10 . 60 -l . 93 E-07 2. 6 6E-07 277 . 60 1 4 . 00 2 . 48E-08 2.08E- 07

+ = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification

= Energy line found in the spectrum

> = MDA value not calculated

@ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction

? = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/17/2017 9:38:59AM Page 7 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C13-SB WTB L1-010-101 10/16/17

10/21/2017 8:35:16AM Page I of7

..!rf'Apex-Gamma Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C14-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C14-SB /

Sample Description  : WTB L1-010-1011008/17 Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli /

Unit Sample Point Sample Size 7.807E+02 grams /

Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 10/18/2017 9:36:00AM /

Acquisition Started  : 10/21/2017 7:34:53AM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli /

Live Time  : 3600.0 secon~

Real Time  : 3610.8 seconds Dead Time  : 0.30% /

Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3550 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/21/2017 8:35:07AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/21 /2017 8:35 :16AM Page 2 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C14-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/18/17 Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak NetPeak Net Area Continuum FWHM (keV) end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV)

No. start F 1 76 . 81 147 - 161 154 . 16 2.46E+02 31 . 99 6.83E+02 4 . 03 F 2 92 . 69 181 - 191 185.92 5 . 65E+0l 18 . 60 4.86E+02 1. 24 F 3 238 . 53 470 - 485 477 . 53 3 . 05E+02 23 . 74 4 . 50E+02 1. 61 M 4 295 . 10 585 - 604 590 . 64 1 . 00E+02 16 . 27 2 . 25E+02 1. 83 m 5 299 . 96 585 - 604 600 . 37 6 . 08E+0l 13.32 1.72E+02 1. 84 F 6 351.81 699 - 708 704.06 1 . 62E+02 16 . 56 1.33E+02 1. 53 F 7 582 . 79 1160 - 1170 1165 . 91 8.77E+0l 11. 88 7 . 30E+0 l 1. 40 F 8 609.21 1211 - 1227 1218 . 75 l . 15E+02 1 2.93 7 . 65E+0l 2 . 07 F 9 661.31 1315 - 1330 1322 . 94 1 . 69E+03 42.28 7.40E+0 l 1. 58 F 10 910 . 56 1817 - 1827 1821. 36 3 . 40E+0l 7 . 94 3 . 78E+0 l 1. 46 F 11 968 . 85 1931 - 1945 1937.92 4.02E+0l 8 . 55 3 . 79E+0l 2 . 34 F 12 1172 . 42 2338 - 2352 2345 . 01 7 . 54E+0l 10 . 01 2.43E+0l 2. 71 F 13 1331. 97 2659 - 2669 2664.08 3 . 07E+0l 6 . 54 2 . 14E+0l 1. 06 F 14 1460.12 2914 - 2929 2920 . 36 4 . 40E+02 21. 52 2 . 00E+0l 2 . 34 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/ 21/2017 8:35:07AM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Data\0000001364. CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.


F 1 76 . 81 2 . 46E+02 31 . 99 2 . 46E+02 3.20E+Ol F 2 92.69 5.65E+0l 18.60 5.65E+0l 1 . 86E+0l F 3 238.53 3.05E+02 23 . 74 3 . 05E+02 2 . 37E+0l M 4 295 . 10 1. 00E+02 16.27 l . 00E+02 1 . 63E+0l m 5 299 . 96 6 . 08E+0l 13. 32 6 . 08E+0l 1.33E+0l F 6 351.81 l.62E+02 16 . 56 8 . 36E+0l 1 . 86E+0l 7.81E+0l 2.49E+0l F 7 582.79 8.77E+0l 11. 88 8.77E+0l l . 19E+0l F 8 609 . 21 1. 1 5E+02 12 . 93 4 . 12E+0l l.21E+0l 7.36E+0l 1 . 77E+0l F 9 661.31 l. 69E+03 42 . 28 6.61E+0l l . 27E+0l 1 . 63E+03 4 . 41E+0l F 10 910 . 56 3.40E+0l 7 . 94 3 . 40E+0l 7.94E+00 F 11 968.85 4 . 02E+0l 8.55 4 . 02E+0l 8.SSE+00 F 12 1172 . 42 7 . 54E+0l 10.01 4 . 55E+0l 8 . 62E+00 2 . 99E+0 l l.32E+0l F 13 1331 . 97 3.07E+0l 6 . 54 3.07E+0l 6 . 54E+O0 F 14 1460 . 12 4 . 40E+02 21. 52 5.63E+0l 8.57E+00 3 . 84E+02 2 . 32E+0l

10/21/2017 8:35:16AM Page 3 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C14-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(3/4) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K- 40 0 . 93 1460.75

  • 10. 67 5 . 35E- 06 3 . 56E- 07 CO-60 0 . 93 1173 . 22
  • 100 . 00 3 . 68E- 08 l . 63E - 08 1332 .4 9
  • 100 . 00 4.23E - 08 9 . 07E- 09 CS - 137 0 . 98 661. 65
  • 85.12 l.41E-06 5 . 39E-08 PB - 212 0 . 99 77 . 11
  • 17 . 50 4.47E- 07 5 . 98E-08 238 .6 3
  • 44 . 60 2 . 0lE-07 l .65E-08 BI-214 0.34 609.31
  • 46.30 l . 09E- 07 2.63E - 08 1120 . 29 15 . 10 1238 . 11 5 . 94 1377. 67 4 . 11 1407 . 98 2 . 48 1509.19 2.19 1764 . 49 15 . 80 PB-214 0.99 77 . 11
  • 19.20 l . 84E- 07 3 . 0lE-08 351. 92
  • =Energy line found in the spectrum.

- =Manually added nuclide.

? =Manually edited nuclide.

@ =Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0 .30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/21/2017 8:35:16AM Page 4 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C14-SB WTB L 1-010-10110/18/17 INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence (uCi/grams) Uncertainty K-40 0 . 939 5.35E- 06 3.56E- 07

/ CO- 60 0.931 4.l0E- 08 7 . 93E- 09

/ CS-137 0.982 l .4 1E-06 5.39E-08 PB- 212 0.995 2.12E- 07 l . 60E - 08 BI- 2 14 0 . 349 l.09E- 07 2 . 63E - 08 PB- 214* 0 . 996 l . 41E- 07 2 . 00E - 08

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

@ = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/21 /2017 8:35:16AM Page 5 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C14-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/21 /2017 8:35:0?AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 2 92 . 69 l. 56877E - 02 32 . 94 Tol. PA-228 m 5 299 . 96 l . 69002E- 02 21 . 90 {)~-v-L--

F 7 582 . 79 2 . 43647E-02 13 . 55 --f)1.Pg F 10 910 . 56 9 . 43628E-03 23.37 Tol. PA- 228 ' /

F 11 968 . 85 l . ll 736E- 02 21. 25 Tol. AC- 228 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(3/4) Activity NuclideMDA Line MDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams)


+ K- 40 1460.75

  • 10.67 5 . 35E - 06 6 . 67E- 07 6 . 67E- 07

+ AR-41 1293 . 64 99 . 16 l . 95E+04 2 . 30E+04 2 . 30E+04

+ CO-60 1173 . 22

  • 100 . 00 4 . 23E - 08 3 . 70E-08

+ KR-85 513 . 99 0 . 43 7 . 12E-06 l . 24E - 05 l . 24E- 05

+ Y-88 898 . 04 93 . 70 2 . 08E-08 3 . 08E - 08 5 . 58E-08 1836 . 06 99 . 20 7 . 61E-09 3 . 08E-08

+ NB-94 702.63 100 . 00 l . 09E - 08 4 . llE- 08 4. llE- 08 871 . 10 100 . 00 3 . 34E- 09 4 . 99E-08

10/21/2017 8:35:16AM Page 6 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C14-SB WTB L1 -010-10110/18/17 Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuc/ideMDA LineMDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams)


+ I-131 284.30 6 . 06 5.93E - 07 6.65E-08 8 . 43E-07 364.48 81. 20 -1.49E- 08 6 . 65E- 08 636.97 7.27 -1.05E-07 8 . 32E-07

+ CS-1 34 604.70 97.60 2 . 28E - 09 5 . 0 4E- 08 5.49E-0 8 795 . 84 85.40 - 5 . 82E - 08 5 . 04E-08

+ CS-1 37 661.65

  • 85.12 1. 41E-06 6 . 27E- 08 6 . 27E - 08

+ CE- 144 80.12 1. 3 6 - 1.60E- 06 3 . 18E- 07 3.70E- 06 133 . 51 11 . 09 9 . 69E-08 3 . 18E-07

+ EU-15 2 121.78 28 . 40 -5.12E-08 1 . 19E- 07 1.19E- 07 244 . 69 7 . 49 -4 . 24E-07 5 . 73E-07 964 . 00 14 . 44 3 . 78E - 08 3 . 98E- 07 1408.00 20 . 74 2 . 25E-08 2 . 13E-07

+ EU-1 54 123 . 07 40 .40 6.73E-08 8 .44E- 08 8 . 44E - 08 247 . 94 6 . 60 -1 . 18E-06 5 . 86E-07 723 . 30 19.70 -1. 06E- 07 2 . 29E - 07 873 . 20 11. 50 2 .4 3E-07 4.35E- 07 1004 . 76 17.90 - 2 . 0SE-07 2.83E- 07 1274.51 35 . 50 5 . 54E-08 1 . 72E-07

+ EU-155 86.54 32 . 80 - 2 . 68E-08 l.26E- 07 1.26E- 07 105.31 21. 80 -1 . 81E-08 1 . 66E- 0 7

+ BI-214 609.31

  • 46.30 l . 09E- 07 l . 04E- 07 l . 04E- 07 1120 . 29 15 . 10 2 . 35E-08 4.lOE-07 1238 .11 5 . 94 8.36E-07 1. 18E- 06 1377 . 67 4 . 11 -4.74E-07 1.04E- 06 1407.98 2 . 48 l . 88E-07 1. 78E-06 1509 .1 9 2 . 19 l.38E-06 l . 82E-06 1764 . 49 15 . 80 3 . 28E-07 3 . 29E- 07

+ PB- 2 14 77 . 11

  • 10.70 7.31E-07 l . OlE - 07 4.42E-07 295.21
  • 19 . 20 1 . 84E- 07 l . 33E- 07 351 . 92
  • 37 . 20 8 . 64E - 08 1 . 0lE- 07

+ PA- 228 89.95 22 . 00 6 . 32E-07 l.02E-06 l . 71E-06 93.35 35 . 00 -1.19E-08 1. 02E- 06 105 .00 16 . 30 4 . 61E- 07 2 . 06E-06 129.22 2 . 97 -2 . 33E-06 1 . 06E-05 338 . 32 5 . 30 3 . 04E-06 7 . 41E- 06 463.00 13 . 80 l . 44E-06 3 . 53E-06 911. 23 16 . 70 4 .9 7E-06 3 . 30E-06

+ AM-241 59 . 54 36 . 30 5 . 73E-09 2 .4 1E-07 2 . 41E-07

+ CM- 243 103 . 76 23 . 00 5 . 31E- 08 l.60E- 07 1. 60E-07 228.18 10 . 60 -1 . 22E-07 3 . 46E- 07 277.60 14 . 00 - 2 . 43E - 07 2 . 7 2E-07


. = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification

= Energy line found in the spectrum

> = MDA value not calculated

@ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction

? = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/21/2017 8:35:16AM Page 7 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C14-SB WTB L 1-010-10110/18/17

10/20/2017 5:33:25PM Page I of7

~~~,pex-Gamma Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C15-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C15-SB/

Sample Description  : WTB L 1-010-101 10/18/17 Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli /

Unit Sample Point Sample Size 7.595E+02 grams


Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 10/18/2017 9:55:00AM Acquisition Started  : 10/20/2017 4:33:01 PM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3611.5 seconds Dead Time  : 0.32 %


Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100- 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3547 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/20/2017 5:33:1 SPM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/20/2017 5:33:25PM Page 2 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C15-SB WTB L1-010-1 0 1 10/18/17 Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV)

F 1 77 . 03 147 - 159 154 . 61 l . 21E+02 18.76 5 . 54E+02 1.02 F 2 92 . 46 183 - 189 185 . 45 4 . 94E+Ol 15.53 2 . 73E+02 0.92 F 3 185 . 77 366 - 379 372. 05 5 . 73E+Ol 15 . 83 4 . 03E+02 1. 30 F 4 238 . 57 474 - 485 477 . 61 2 . 09E+02 19 . 74 2 . 85E+02 1. 30 F 5 295 . 13 582 - 595 590 . 71 7 . 40E+Ol 13 . 4 4 2 . 08E+02 1. 24 F 6 338 . 33 671 - 681 677 . 10 4 . 63E+Ol 10 . 60 l . 37E+02 1.00 F 7 510 . 15 1015 - 1028 1020 . 68 6 . 16E+Ol 11. 67 8.65E+Ol 2.32 F 8 583 . 14 1162 - 1170 1166 . 62 7 . 96E+Ol 10.64 4 . 0 4E+Ol 1. 33 F 9 609 . 18 1212 - 1222 1218.70 8.96E+Ol 11.12 4 . 92E+Ol 1. 27 F 10 661. 4 9 1318 - 1 329 1323 . 29 3 . 40E+02 19 . 97 6 . 00E+Ol 1. 55 F 11 910 . 68 1816 - 1827 1821. 60 5 . 34E+Ol 8 . 78 3.17E+Ol 1. 55 F 12 968 . 76 1933 - 1942 1937 . 75 l . 92E+Ol 5 . 81 3.12E+Ol 1. 48 F 13 1332 . 19 2660 - 2669 2664 . 52 3.34E+Ol 6.70 l . OlE+Ol 1. 97 F 14 1460.44 2912 - 2929 2920 . 99 4 . 92E+02 22 . 77 l . 35E+Ol 2 . 25 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/20/2017 5:33:1SPM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Data\0000001364. CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 1 77 . 03 1. 21E+02 18 . 76 1. 21E+02 l.88E+Ol F 2 92 . 46 4 . 94E+Ol 15 . 53 4.94E+Ol l . 55E+Ol F 3 185 . 77 5.73E+Ol 15.83 5 . 73E+Ol 1. 58E+Ol F 4 238 . 57 2.09E+02 19.74 2 . 09E+02 l . 97E+Ol F 5 295 . 13 7 . 40E+Ol 13 . 44 7.40E+Ol l . 34E+Ol F 6 338 . 33 4 . 63E+Ol 10 . 60 4 . 63E+Ol 1. 06E+Ol F 7 510 . 15 6 . 16E+Ol 11 . 67 6.16E+Ol l.17E+Ol F 8 583.14 7 . 96E+Ol 10 . 64 7.96E+Ol l.06E+Ol F 9 609 . 18 8 . 96E+ Ol 11.12 4 . 12E+Ol 1 . 21E+Ol 4 . 84E+Ol 1 . 64E+Ol F 10 661. 4 9 3 . 40E+02 19 . 97 6.61E+Ol 1. 27E+Ol 2 . 74E+02 2 . 37E+Ol F 11 910 . 68 5 . 34E+Ol 8 . 78 5.34E+Ol 8 . 78E+OO F 12 968 . 76 1 . 92E+Ol 5 . 81 1 . 92E+Ol 5 . 81E+OO F 13 1332 . 19 3 . 34E+Ol 6.70 3.34E+Ol 6 . 70E+OO F 14 1460 . 44 4 . 92E+02 22 . 77 5 . 63E+Ol 8 . 57E+OO 4 . 36E+02 2 . 43E+Ol

10/20/2017 5:33:25PM Page 3 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C15-SB WTB L1-010-10110/18/17 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(%) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K- 40 0 . 98 1460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 6 . 25E- 06 3 . 90E- 07 CS - 137 0 . 99 661 . 65
  • 17.50 2 . 25E- 07 3 . 56E- 08 238 . 63
  • 44 . 60 l.42E- 07 l. 39E- 08 BI - 214 0 . 34 609 . 31
  • 46 . 30 7.3 4E- 08 2 . 50£ - 08 1120 . 29 15 . 10 1238 . 11 5 . 94 1377 . 67 4 . 11 1407 . 98 2 . 48 1509 . 19 2 . 19 1764 . 49 15 . 80 RA- 226 0 . 97 186 . 21
  • 3 . 28 4 . 45E-07 l.23E- 07 AC- 228 0 . 57 209 . 28 4 . 40 338 . 32
  • 16.60 1. 23E- 07 3.75E-08
  • =Energy line found in the spectrum.

- =Manually added nuclide.

? =Manually edited nuclide.

@ =Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/20/2017 5:33:25PM Page 4 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C15-SB WTB L1-010-101 10/18/17 INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCi/grams) jK-40 0.985 6.25E - 06 3 . 90E- 07

/ CS - 137 0 . 996 2 . 43E-07 2 . 21E- 08 PB-2 12 0.999 1. 53E-07 l.29E - 08 BI - 214 0 . 348 7 . 34E- 08 2 . 50E- 08 RA- 226 0 . 970 4 .4 5E- 07 l.23E-07 AC- 228 0 . 576 l .65E - 07 2 . 06E- 08

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

@ = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/20/2017 S:33:2SPM Page 5 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C15-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/18/17 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/20/2017 5:33:15PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 2 92 . 46 1 . 37 1 48£- 02 31. 4 6 PA-228 F 5 295 . 13 2.05609£- 02 18 . 15 Tol.

F 7 510 . 1 5 1 . 71079£- 02 1 8 . 95 F 8 583 . 14 2 . 21101£- 02 1 3 . 37 F 13 1332 . 19 9 . 28142£- 03 20 . 04 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuclide MDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams)


+ K- 40 1460 . 75

  • 1 0 . 67 6 . 25E- 06 6 . 60E- 07 6 . 60E - 07

+ / AR-4 1 1 293 . 6 4 9 9 . 16 8 . 91E+00 6 . 9 9E+0l 6.99E+0l

+ CO- 60 1173 . 22 100 . 00 9 . 39E - 08 6. 20E-08 7 . 51E - 08 1332 . 49 100 . 00 4 . 8 1E-08 6 . 20E - 08

+ KR- 85 513 . 99 0 . 43 l.13E-0 5 l . 07E - 05 l . 07E - 05

+ Y- 88 898 . 04 93 . 70 - 9 . 82E- 09 3 . 4 4E- 08 5 . 20E-08 1836 . 06 99 . 20 -l . 73E- 08 3 . 44E-08

+ NB- 94 702.63 100 . 00 - 3 . 62E - 09 4. 49E- 08 4 .4 9E - 08 871 . 10 100 . 00 5 . 21E - 09 4 . 71E- 08

+ I - 131 284.30 6.06 - 8 . 46E- 08 5 . 43E- 08 7 .1 3 E- 07 36 4. 48 81. 20 l . 13E- 08 5 . 43E- 08 636 . 97 7 . 27 - 3 . 23E- 07 7 . 39E-07

10/20/2017 5:33:25PM Page 6 of7 Analysis Report for L 1-010-101 -FS-GS-C15-SB WTB L1 -010-10110/18/17 Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams)


+ CS-134 604.70 97.60 5 . 6 4E-0 8 5 . 30E- 08 5 . 30E- 08 795 . 84 85 . 40 -3. 75E -1 0 5 . 46E- 08

+ } c s-13 7 661 .65

  • 85.12 2.43E-07 5 . 93E- 08 5 . 93E- 08

+ CE-144 80.12 1. 36 l . 02E -0 7 2 . 93E- 07 3 . 62E- 06 133 . 51 11.09 l .5 1E-07 2 . 93E - 07

+ / EU-152 121 . 78 28 . 40 - 9 . 07E- 08 l . 15E- 07 l . 15E- 07 24 4. 69 7 .49 -3. 5 1E-0 7 5 . 33E - 07 964.00 14 . 44 1. 90E- 07 3 . 94E - 07 1408 . 00 20 .74 - 1. 48E-09 2 . 16E-07

+ / EU-15 4 123 . 07 40.40 - 2 . 22E-08 8 . 09E- 08 8 . 09E - 08 247.94 6 . 60 - 7.0lE-07 5 . 54E - 07 723. 30 19.70 4.98E-08 2 . 18E-07 873 . 20 1 1. 50 3 . 00E-07 4 . 19E-07 1004.76 17 .90 2.00E - 07 3 . 05E- 07 127 4. 51 35 . 50 - 1. 78E-08 1. 59E-07

+ EU-155 86 . 54 32 . 80 - 6 .l 0E-08 l . 23E-07 1. 23E- 07 105.31 21. 80 l . 66E- 08 l . 55E- 07

+ BI - 214 609 . 31

  • 46 . 30 7 . 34E-08 9 . 12E- 08 9 . 12E- 08 1120 . 29 15 . 10 5 . 29E-08 4 . 20E-07 1238 . 11 5 . 94 8.26E-07 l. 23E- 06 1377 . 67 4 . 11 3 . 56E-07 l . 19E- 06 1407 . 98 2 .48 - l . 24E - 08 1. 81E-06 1509 . 19 2 . 19 - 3 . 84E - 07 l.69E-06 1764.49 15.80 2.47E-07 3 . 29E-07

+ PB- 214 77 . 11 10 . 70 3.05E- 07 l . 13E- 07 4 . 85E- 07 295.21 19 . 20 l . 55E-07 2 . 03E-07 351 . 92 37 . 20 l . 89E-07 l . 13E-07

+ PA- 228 89 . 95 22 . 00 - l . 63E - 07 5 . 94E- 07 9 . 93E-07 93 . 35 35 .00 2 . 29E-07 5 . 94E- 07 105 . 00 16 . 30 - 2.13E- 07 l . 17E- 06 129 . 22 2 . 97 1. 99E-06 6 . 18E- 06 338 . 32 5 . 30 8.48E-07 4 . 16E- 06 463 . 00 13 . 80 7 . 38E-07 l . 71E- 06 911. 23 16 . 70 2.29E- 06 l. 99E- 06

+ AM-241 59 . 54 36 . 30 - 2.40E- 08 2.31E- 07 2 . 3 1E-07

+ CM-243 103.76 23.00 -6. 22E- 08 l .4 7E- 07 l . 47E- 07 228 . 18 10 . 60 -2 . 23E- 07 3 . 0lE- 07 277 . 60 14.00 3.92E- 08 2 . 61E- 07

+ = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification

= Energy line found in the spectrum

> = MDA value not calculated

@ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction

? = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/20/2017 5:33:25PM Page 7 of7 Analysis Report for L1-010-101-FS-GS-C15-SB WTB L 1-010-101 10/18/17


a ILaboratories LLC PC!io,:-,c,112 Charteston scn41:

2,q *, Sl-:ao~ Road Cllarteston SC 2'.*~~-

a member of The GEL Group l'JC p 94:, 5~G.8t71 F 84:, ;(,,j 11 ; January 18, 2018 Mr. Jason Q. Spaide LaCrosseSolutions S460 I State Hwy 35 Genoa. Wisconsin 54632 Re: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Work Order: 441559

Dear Mr. Spaide:

GEL Laboratories, LLC (GEL) appreciates the opportunity to provide the enclosed analytical results for the sample(s) we received on October 30. 2017. This original data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL 's standard operating procedures.

Our policy is to provide high quality, personalized analytical services to enable you to meet your analytical needs on time every time. We trust that you will find everything in order and to your satisfaction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (843) 556-8171, ext. 4453.



Kaitlyn Stone for Edith Kent Project Manager Purchase Order: 672583 Enclosures 1

11111111111111 Ill III II Ill III II

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report for ENRG070 LaCrosseSolutions, LLC (672583)

Client SDG: 441559 GEL Work Order: 441559 The Qualifiers in this report a re defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
    • Analyte is a Tracer compound
    • Analyte is a surrogate compound U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOO.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis.

The designation ND, if present, appears in the result column when the analyte concentration is not detected above the limit as defined in the 'U' qualifier above.

This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL Laboratories LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Edith Kent.

Reviewed b)

Page 2 of 11

GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 * (843) 556-8171

  • Certificate of Analysis Report Date: January 18, 2018 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S460 I State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: L 1-0 I 0-10 I-FS-GS-C06-SB Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 44155900 1 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: I 8-OCT-17 08:30 Receive Date: 30-OCT- l 7 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Ncptunium-237 U -0 00303 +/-0 00419 0 .00929 0 .010 pC1/g HAKO 01/17/18 0951 1731815 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch DI) Soil Prep DI) Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYTI 10/31/17 0808 1731648 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments ASTM C l-t75-00 Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 96 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

OF: Dilution Factor Le/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 3 of 11

GEL LABORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel com Certificate of Analysis Report Date: January 18, 20 18 Com pany: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S460 I State Hwy 35 Genoa. Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: L 1-0I0-101-FS-GS-C 14-SB Project: ENRG0700 1 Sample ID: 441559002 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: I 8-OCT-1 7 09:36 Receive Date: 30-OCT-l7 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Ncptumum-237 U 0 000405 +/-0.00307 0 00583 0.010 pCi/g IIAKB 01/17/18 0951 1731815 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch DI) Soil Prep DI) S011 Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYTI 10/3 1/ 17 0808 1731648 The following Analytical Methods were performed :

Method Description Analyst Comments ASTM C 1475-00 Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Amcricium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 104 ( 15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Le/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 4 of 11

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 QC Summary Rcnort Date: January 18, 2018 LaCro~seSolutions Page I of.

S-t601 State llny 35 Genoa, \\'isconsin


i\lr. Jason Q. Spaide

\\'orkorder: -t41559 Parmname Sample Qual QC l'nits RPD3/4 REC% Range Anlsl Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Balch 1731815 QC1203952679 441559001 DUI' Neptunium-237 U -0.00303 U 0.00432 pCi/g NIA N/A IIAKB Ol/17/1809:53 Uncertain!) +/-0.00419 +/-0.00468 QC1203952680 I CS Neptunium-237 1.45 1.54 pC'i/g J06 (75%- 125%) 01 / 1718 09:51 Uncertain!) +/-0.0514 QC1203952678 MB Ncptunium-237 u -0.0024 pCi/g 01/17/18 09:53 Uncertain!) +/-0.00332 Notes:

Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence le, cl ( 1.96-sigma).

The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follo\\s:

Analyte is a Tracer compound

< Result is less than , aluc reported

> Result is greater than ,aluc reported 13D Results arc either belo" the MDC or tracer reco, Cl) is lo" f-'A Failed analysb.

II Analytical holding time ,, as exceeded Value is estimated K Analyte present. Reported , aluc ma) be biased high. Actual value is expected to be lo\\er, L Anal) tc present. Reported value may be biased lo\\. Actual , alue is c,pected to be higher.

M M if above MDC and less than LLD M REMP Result > MDC/C L and < ROL NIA RPD or 'J.oReco,cr) limits do not appl).

NI Sec case narrati, c ND Anal) tc concentration is not detected alx)\ c the detection limit NJ Consult Case Narrative. Data Summar) package. or Project Manager concerning this qualilier Q One or more qua lit) control criteria ha\'e 1101 been met. Reier 10 the applicable narrati, e or Dl::.R.

R Sample results arc rejected lJ Anal) tc "as anal) Cd for. hut not detected above the MDL. M DA. MDC or I.OD.

UI Gamma Spcctroscop)--Unccrtain idcntilication UJ Gamma Spcctroscom--Uncertain identification Page 5 of 11

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary

\\'orkonlcr; l'aJ!C 2 of 2 Parmnarne Sample Qual QC llnits RPO% REC% Range Anlst Date Time UL Not considered detected. The associated number is the reported concentration. which ma) be inaccurate due to a lo,, bias.

X Consult Case Narrative. Data Summar) package. or Project Manager concerning this qualifier y Other specific qualifier, ,,ere required to properly define the results. Consult case narrative.

RPO of sample and duplicate e,aluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL. Qualifier Not Applicable for Radiochemistry.

h Preparation or prescnation holding time was e,ceeded NIA indicates that spike reco,el") limits do not appl) 11 hen sample concentration exceeds spike cone. b) a factor of-I or more or 0 oRPD not applicable.

" The Relative Percent Difference (RPO) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptance criteria 11hen the sample is greater than fi,c times {5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases ,,here either the sample or duplicate 1alue is less than 5X the RL. a control limit of +/- the RL is used toe, aluatc the DUP result.

  • Indicates that a Qua lit) Control parameter ,,as not,, ithin specifications.

For PS. PSD. and SDILT results. the values listed arc the measured amounts. not final concentrations.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the ana lysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary.

Page 6 of 11

Radiochemistry Technical Case Narrative LaCrosseSolutions, LLC (ENRG)

SDG #: 4-t I 559 Product: Alphaspec Np, Solid Analytical Method: ASTM C 1475-00 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-032 REV# 21 Analytical Batch: 173 I815 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1731648 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 441559001 L 1-0 I0-10 I -FS-GS-C06-SB 441559002 L 1-0I0-101 -FS-GS-C 14-SB 1203952678 Method Blank (MB) 1203952679 44155900 I(L 1-0I0-101-FS-GS-C06-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203952680 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Dry Weight Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1731648 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 441559001 L 1-0 I 0-10 I-FS-GS-C06-SB 441559002 L 1-0I0-101-FS-GS-C 14-SB The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this repo11 met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument contro ls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

PaW'=J.&fllfqratorles llC PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29417 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 P843.556.llln F 843.766.1178 e,

Miscellaneous Information Additional Comments These samples are re-logs. Data transferred from Batch# I 714238.

Certification Statement Where the analytical method has been perfonned under NELAP ce11ification. the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative.

Pa~Mi~qratorles e,

uc PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29417 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 P 843.556.8171 F 843.766.1178

,_ GEL I.abora1orics, LLC



\3....) \\. S::C. I

- GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request 2040 Savage Road



Project#: 1.. 4(.



    • See www.gvm for GEL's Sample Accept~ce SOP** c./l/I ss 9' Charlcs1on, SC 29407

'-C 0 COC Number :

111 h l-:l~X?.

GEL Work Order Number: ~/ 1p{t1 l=t :3 G:, =J (/- Z;.>--?~rt{l~t. 3 9 '8'.3 cj Phone: (843) 556-8171 Fax: (843) 766-1178 PO Number.

- Client Name: Lc.._C..roc.,.c..- -' ,.,l0"t-~'-~-\." rhonc If: &)g~ &Vi'~ 4-.lN Sample Analysis Requested <51 (Fill in the number of containers for each test)

== _g 13 Project/Site Name: Lite fkJ R _ /'r,..,,,. v,. ~r, r .)J:

Fax#: ~

.!!t ~ <- Pn

I - C.""

ge-;; ~


SC/"01 r r-f.-t-_,f-.@ (2& .::,s- ,: a en .., 8C 0

d I d4tW<<.tlo ~I!>-\ f, J.: ..

0 Comments Collected by: Sen Rcsu ts: :f,I) -:,._r "L.' ,..... 0. J'.l.,.... 1, 1 ("A :o,..,.s ,<.em i ~ Note: extra sample is C,


\J l E required for sample "Time ~ = I Sample ID

  • Date Collected Collcclcd (ll1Ultary)

QC Code a,

Fiold Samplo Fillcrcd"' Malm. ' 11 i


u c


~ specific QC

  • For comp<nircs -indicate srnrt and stop dotc//inre tn1m-dd-)')") (hhmm)

= ~ ~

l :L- D1D-.:!ol- F~- C1S. -Co(o, ,ci. /()-1~- (7 o&3o tJ ,v So y, I A-fl ,,.~..,,fc. < CJrf.

I -1 -o.10-1.(ri-F,-(,~-(jl,(,.\~ /o-/8~ 17 093~ ,J N ~() y j i'ffl be MJf'J'teJ K. I /i~*--;)

TAT Rcaucs1cd: NOTTnal: Rush: S"""ifv: 1Subjccl 10 Surchm,e) Fax Results:

Remarks: Are there a,~* known hazards applicable to these samples? Ifso, please list the hazards Yes I 1hio Circle Deliverable: C or A / QC Smnm:1rv / Level I I Level 3 / Level 4 Samnle ~Qllcction Tims; Zon!.

Eastem Pacific rJo~P Chain of Custody Signatures

(~I Mountain Sample Shipping and Delivery Details Other I

Relinquished By (Sis,,cd)

C\. ... Al JJl 1a/2.t1h, J)atc Time f.70;3 .:it;;~y/~~L._,,:*1fl2rz ~~4i/lJ ., I I /


Method ofShinmcnt: Date Shipped:

2 (J ~


2 Airbill#:

3 Airbill 11:

L For Lob Receiving Use 011/)'

Crmody Seal Intact?

YES NO Cooler Tr!'!'p:

C rn~, _

WHITF. =I .A ROR ATORV va;,1 , C"'ft r.

llla! j Laboratories LLca SAMPLE RECEIPT & REVIEW FORM Dutil Received:

Clrd, Appi<>blc:

Fcdfa Express cd.Eil Groun UPS Field Sen-Ices Courier Other' Cnrrlcr und Tr11cklng Number 7!/ff.5 ccpc J?<Z1 Suspected Unmnl lnfon11111fon .

~ 0 *IC Net Counll;, tOOcpm on S11mplcs not m.vkcd "radio3ctlvc*, conlcct the R.lldf11loa Safety Group for fWlhcr

.,.... Z invcsdgotlon.

Ship d as a DOT Howdous? Hawd Closs Shipped: UNH:

COC/S*mplcs mo.ri(cd or clcuilicd os Mulmum Nct~Observcd* (Obtcrvcd Counts* Arco 8ocksround Counts): _.,,_,,'--CPM / mR/Hr r:tdio*ctlvc7 O=ID*d IIS:~* !tad 2 Rod 3 If yes, select HIIZlll"dl below, ond conlacl the GEL Safely Group.

PCB's F11mmoblc fon:lgn Soll RCRA Asbestos Bc,ylllum Other.

Is pocka ** COC, ondlor So lcs IUlllkcd HAZ?

Sample Reeelpl CrlU!rla Conuncnls/QWIIIDc11 (Rtquln:d for Non-Con!onnl111: Items)

Shipping conl:lincrs received inuict llnd Cln:lo Appllcoblc: Sols broken Dam.,1cd conloktcr Leoldng container Othcr{dtscrib<)

1 scaled?

2 Ch~ln of custody documents Included with shi mcn1?

Pruenu1lon Method: \Vet !co la: Packs D,y lco ~ 01hcr:

3 Samples requiring cold prcsctVation wi1hln (0 ~ 6 deg. C)?* *&11 ltnl)tllllwa are n,eonlcd In Celslus TEMP: /'7' Dolly check pcrfonncd and passed on IR 4

tempcr111urc gun?

Ckde /\ppUcable: Scol1 broken Oamo1cd conlalnu Lcolclng con1>1ncr Othcr(d..,cribe)

S Sample conuilncrs inlDct and scaled?

6 Samplc.s requiring chemical prcscrvnlion SlltDfll* 1D's Md Contalncn Alfcc1td':3t:f!.. Qf-f', ~yvlft'Si c!,,- CW(',

at proper pH? .- ,

lfYcs, Aie Encores or Soil Kits present? Ycs_No_ (!!yes, tol:e 10 VOAF~etcr)

Do VOA vials contain acid preserYlltion7 Yes . No_ NI A. (IC unlmo"'1, select No)

Do ony samples require Volatile VOA vials free of headspuce? Yes No_ NIA 7

Analysis? Sample !D's and containers affected:

JO', and tciu al(cctcd:

8 Samples received within holding lime?

Sample !D's on COC mntch !D's on 9


Date & time on COC mntch date & limo Smq,le ID's al(Cdtd:

10 on boulcs?

Sampto ID's o!fcctcd:

Number or conllllnecs received match 11 number indicated on COC?

Aic sample conUlincrs fdentl0able os 12 GEL rovfded?

COC fonn Is properly signed in 13 rcli uishcd/rccc:ivcd scetlo11s?

Comments (Use Contlnu3tlon Fonn ff needed):

Pogc _ _ orL GL-CHL-SR-001 Rev 5 Page 10 of 11

List of current GEL Certifications as of 18 January 2018 r-c--- ~

State Certification Alaska UST- 0 110 Arkansas 88- 065 1 CLIA 42D0904046 California 2940 Colorado SCOOO l2 r- -

Connecticut PH- 0169 Delaware SC000 12 r--DoD ELAP/ 1S017025 A2LA 2567.0 1 Florida NE LAP -

E87156 Foreign Soils Permit P330- I 5- 00283. P330- I 5-00253 Georgia SCOOO l2 r---

Georgia SOWA 967

- Hawaii Idaho Chemistry SCOOO l2 SC000l2


Idaho Radiochemistry SCOOO I2

- Illinois NELA P 200029

- Indiana C- SC- 01 r--

Kansas NELAP E- 10332 Kentucky SDWA 90129 Kentucky Wastewater 90129 Louisiana NELAP 03046 (Al33904)

Louisiana SDWA LAl8001 I

- Maryland 270 Massachusetts M- SCO l2 Michigan 9976 Mississippi SC000 12 Nebraska NE- 0S 13


Nevada scooo 122018- 1 -

New I lampshire NELAP 2054 15 r

New Jersey NELA P

- r- -

SC002 r--- - -

- New Mexico New York NELAP SCOOO l2 11501 North Carolina  ?

- North Carolina SDWA - -*-

45709 North Dakota - R- 158 Oklahoma 9904 Pennsylvania NELAP 68- 00485


Puerto Rico -

,- SCOOO l2 S.Carolina Radchem 10120002

~ South Carolina Chemistry 10120001 Tennessee TN 02934 r--

Texas NELAP T l04704235 12 Utah NELAP scooo 122017-25 -


- - VT87156


Virgin ia NELAP

- 460202 Washington C780

-- West Virginia

- -- - - -~



- -- -- J Page 11 of 11

=I ILaboratories LLc r\1 &o, :;0712 Ch.1~eston SC 2 ,'4 *7 a member of The GEL Group INC 2;,41 S,r;:,,;i, Ro~o Ct1a,1estor1 SC294~7 P 84,, 55*; 8171 F B~::.1,)G 1t7t: November 22, 2017 Mr. Jason Q. Spaide LaCrosseSolutions S460 I State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632 Re: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Work Order: 436542

Dear Mr. Spaide:

GEL Laboratories, LLC (GEL) appreciates the opportunity to provide the enclosed analytical results for the sample(s) we received on October 30, 2017. This original data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL's standard operating procedures.

Our policy is to provide high quality, personalized analytical services to enable you to meet your analytical needs on time every time. We trust that you will find everything in order and to your satisfaction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (843) 556-817 1, ext. 4453.

Sincerely, Edi th Kent Project Manager Purchase Order: 672583 Enclosures PaJlllUlll 111111111111 Ill 1111111111

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report for ENRG070 LaCrosseSolutions, LLC (672583)

Client SDG: 436542 GEL Work Order: 436542 The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
    • Analyte is a Tracer compound
    • Analyte is a surrogate compound U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOO.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis.

The designation ND, if present, appears in the result column when the analyte concentration is not detected above the limit as defined in the ' U' qualifier above.

This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL Laboratories LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Edith Kent.

Reviewed by Page 2 of 11

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 22. 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address : S460 I State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: L 1-0I0-101-FS-GS-C06-SB Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436542001 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 18-OCT-l 7 08:30 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF OF Analyst Date T ime Batch Method Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0 .149 +/-0 182 0.308 0 .400 pCi/g f.:S DI 11 / 16/17 14 12 171721 3 The fo llowing Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RA D-A-02 1 LYT I I0/31 /17 0808 1714238 T he following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments EPA 905 0 Modified/ DOE RP50 1 Rev. I Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid " Dry Weight Corrected" 89 2 (25%-1 25%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Le/ LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Min imum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 3 of 11

GEL LABO RATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 22, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolurions Address: S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: L 1-0I0-101-FS-GS-C 14-SB Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436542002 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 18-OCT-17 09:36 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: C lient Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF OF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.0977 +/-0. 167 0337 0.400 pCi/g KSDI 11 / 16/ 17 1413 1717213 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYTI 10/31/17 0808 1714238 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev I Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 84 I (25%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

OF: Dilution Factor Le/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 4 of 11

GEL LABO RATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Reuort Date: Nonmber 22, 2017 LaCrosseSolutions Page I of 2 S4601 State llwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Worko,*der: 4365-U Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC l 'nits RPD% REC% Ranee Anlst Date Time Rad Gas Flow Batch 1717213 QC 120391550 I 436541005 DUP Stront ium-90 u 0.0795 U 0.169 pCi/g NIA NIA KSDI 11/ 16/ 17 14:1 3 Uncertainty +/-0.159 +/-0.154 QC I203915502 LCS Strontium-90 13.8 12.1 pCi/g 87.5 (75%-125%) 11 / 16/ 17 14:13 Uncertainty +/-0.695 QC1203915500 MB Strontium-90 u 0.0523 pCi/g 11 / 16/ 17 14:13 Uncertainty +/-0.140 Notes:

Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

    • A nalytc is a Tracer compound

< Result is less than value reported

> Result is greater than value reported BD Results are e ither below the MDC or tracer recovery is lo\\

FA Failed analysis.

H Analytical holding time was exceeded Value is estimated K Analytc present. Reported \'alue may be biased high. Actual value is expected to be lower.

L Analyte present. Reported , alue may be biased lo". Actual value is expected to be higher.

M M if above MDC and less than LLD M REMP Result > MDC/CL and < RDL NI A RPD or %Recovery limits do not apply.

NI See case narrative ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit NJ Consult Case Narrative. Data Summary package. or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Q One or more quality control criteria have not been met. Reier to the applicable narrative or DER.

R Sample resu Its are rejected U Analytc was analyzed for. but not detected abo\'c the MDL. MDA. MDC or LOO.

UI Gamma Spcctroscopy--Uncertain identification UJ Gamma Spectroscopy-- Uncertain identification Page 5 of 11

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 QC Summary Workorder: 436542 Page 2 of 2 Parmname NOi\t Sample Qual QC llnits RPD% REC% Ranee Anlst Date Time UL No1 considered detected. The associated number is the reported conccn1ration. which may be inaccurate due 10 a low bias.

X Consult Case Narrative. Data Summary package. or Project Manager concerning this qualifier y Other specific qualifiers were required to properly define the results. Consult case narrative.

R.PD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <SX the RL. Qualifier Not Applicable for Radiochemistry.

h Prepara1ion or preserva1ion holding time was exceeded NIA indicates that spike recovery limi1s do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike cone. by a factor of 4 or more or %RPD not applicable.

" The Relative Percent Diflerence (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptance criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL. a control limit of+/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result.

  • Indicates that a Quality Control parameter was not within specifications.

For PS. PSD. and SDILT results. the values listed are the measured amounts. not final concentrations.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary.

Page 6 of 11

Radiochemistry Technical Case Narrative LaCrosseSolutions, LLC (ENRG)

SDG #: 436542 Product: Dry Weight Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1714238 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 436542001 L 1-0 I 0-10 I-FS-GS-C06-SB 436542002 L 1-0I0-101-FS-GS-C 14-SB The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration.

continuing calibration. instrument controls and process contro ls where applicable.

Product: GFPC, Sr90, Solid Analytical Method: EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP50 I Rev. I Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-004 REV# 19 Analytical Batch: 1717213 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1714238 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 436542001 L 1-0I0-101-FS-GS-C06-SB 436542002 L 1-0I0- 101 -FS-GS-C 14-SB 1203915500 Method Blank (MB) 12039 1550 1 436541005(Ll-SUB-CDR-FSGS-O 14-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203915502 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial cal ibration, Pa~MltJqratorles u.c PO Box 30712 Charleston, SC 29417 2040 Savag&Road Charleston, SC 29407 P 843.556.llln F 843.766.1178 0

continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Certification Statement Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative.

2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 P 843.556.8171 F 843.766.1178 Pa~&filfqratorles u.c PO Bax 30712 Cllar1eston, SC 29417 J 1>agc:

'~rojcct II:

l_ _ or_ - - ~ 1 -

'1L ;),...) :'l.. ~j:'...~


  • Of CUStOdY 3Ild AIlaIYfI CaI RequeS t GEL Lahoratorics. LLC

&. 2040 Savage Road ijEL Quote#: - - - - - - - - -- -, **See for GE L's Sample Acceptance SOP** Charleston. SC 29407

~OCNumhcr ' " : _, GELWorkOrderNumber: L/ 3 0 :5 l/2,.__.. Phonc:(843)556-8171 PO Nurnhcr: £--,,.~i:.-~'1 Fax: (843) 766-1178 Client Name: La, C,ri)<...c,,. S:, ,..jut-~'*'-~ Phc,nc II: {d)g-(dli. l(,.).~ Sample Analysis Requested<~> (Fill in the number of containers for each test)

Project/Site Name: L It( i"? c.J (<. _ (...,..,,,. 1/\ t\h r .) J: Fax #: _______  ! ! ] -~

-;a.:g  :-:

<- Preservative Type (6)

Address: Sl/ G:,o I r r fof.e_ f<& (:x- ~~~ ~

r- J. le,< 'o Comments Collected by
Send Results: Tl* ,~,;~ ()_M tt, c,.\ ,,h"o.,~ ,~  ! ] ~ Note:_ extra sample is

\J *Time t ~ W. § 1 required for sample

  • o,uc Collected . *.:: ~  :: 1 Collcc1cd QC Code F,cld Sample ~ :i: .: ( ~ speci fie QC Sa1npIe ID (~tui1a~) m Fillcrcd o, ~1:llrix 1' '  :; ;j S ....,J
  • For compositc.r
  • mdkatr start muf stop ,lart:!1i11w (nun--dd*n*) (hhn1ni) ~ ~ ~

L :t.~ 010-..:tol-F.\- l'--iS,-Cc(o- S'B I0-1~ - 17 ~Jo ,J ,0 So *y { A-fl , ,11 ...,,, lc..1 cal' I :1 -o.10-1(ri.-F,-G&-C.N-.Si [o-ll* 17 0931.c ,J N ~o Y i I-in be r#Jf'ried TAT Rcquc-stcd: Nonna!: x* Rush: Soccifv: (Subjocl 10Surch;ui,e)

Remarks: Are there ml)' k11ow11 hazards applicable tu 1ltese samples? ({so, please list the hazard~

IFax Results: Yes  ! ,LNo)

Circle Deliverable: C of A / oc Summarv / Level I /4,..,~ / Level 3 / Level 4 Sample Collection Time Zone Eastern Pacific

,J 0 l'l P


- Mountain Other _ __

Chain of Custody Signatures Sample Shipping and Dcli\'cry Details Relinquished lly (Sigrn,d) D:uc Time Rc..:ci"cd by (signed) Dale ~ d'/rin:/ GEL PM:

( (\.,. .Ai JJl J()/2.uln V I

/?Lio k-- JJ/!l/4/e/l/1/:((lfi,7, ,z';-5",fj I I ,

Me1hodofShipmen1: DatcShinncd:

2 (/ 2 Airbill ff:

3 J Airbill #:

For lnl, Recei1*i11g Use 011~\'

Custody Seo/ /111act?

YES NO Cooler T<'mp:


m:3!I /Laboratories LLCet SAMPLE RECEIPT & REVIEW FORM Dute Received:

Courier Other Carrier ond Tmcklng Number Suspected Hn,ard lnfonnntion .

13 Z *[f Net Counts > I 0Ocpm on samples not masked "radioactive", contact the Radiation Safety Group for fwther

,-, investigation.

Shipped as a DOT Hazardous? HDZard Class Shipped: UNH:

COC/Samplcs m:uked or classified as Muimum Net Counts Observed* (Observed Counts* Area Background Counts): --r-...__CPM / 1nR/Hr radioacti vc? Oussiilrd n s : ~ Rnd 2 Rod 3 If yes. select Hazards below, and coniact the GEL Safety Group.

PCB's flammable Foreign Soil RCRA Asbestos Beryllium Other:

Is package, COC, and/or Samples m:ukcd HAZ?

Sumple Receipt Criterin Com1nents/Qualiliers (Requlrrd for Non-Confonnlng Items)

Shipping containers received intact and Circle Applicable: Seal< broken Oam.,gcd container L<nking container Other(describe) 1 sealed?

Chain of cusiody documents included 2

with shipment?

Prc.scrv:uion Method; Wet Jee Jee Ptieks Dry ice (§i) Other.

3 Samples requiring cold preservation within (0:;; 6 deg. C)7" *11.11 tcmpcrnlwcs ore rc<:ordcd in Ccbius TEMP:

4 Daily check performed and passed on IR Temperature Device Serial #:-.t'""'l-~--"'-"'---

temperature gun? St,ond:ur Tiempcnturc Dc'°'cc Scri:11 # (1f Applinblc):

Circle Applit:able: Set\ls broken OQmQged con11Uncr Leaking container Other (~cribc) 5 Sample containers intact and scaled?

Samples requiring chemical preservation Cor11f(1Si e., ctrt'M ~111/('e.Sel'te 6

at proper pH?


lf Yes, Are Encores or Soil Kits present? Yes_ No_ (If ye~ take to VOA Freezer)

Do VOA vials contain acid preservation? Yes . No_ NIA. (If unknown, select No)

Do any samples require Volatile VOA vials free ofheadspace? Yes No_ NIA 7

Analysis? Sample ID's and containers affected:

ID', ond IC$!$ affee1cd:

8 Samples received wiOtin holding time?

Sample ID's on COC matcb ID's on Sample ID's and containers affee1ed:

9 bottles?

Date & time on COC match date & time Sample ID's affceted:

1 O on bottles?

Number of containers received match Sample IO's affeci,d:

11 numbc!r indicated on COC?

Are sample containers identifiable as 12 GEL rovided7 COC Conn is properly signed in 13 relinquished/received sections?

Comm:nts (Use Continu*tion Form if needed):

GL-CHL-SR-001 Rev 5 Page 10 of 11

t' List of current GEL Certifications as of 22 No\'cmbcr 2017 F-- State Alaska Certification UST-0 11 0 Arkansas 88- 0651 CUA _ _- - 42D0904046 Cal ifornia 2940 Colorado SC000 12 Connecticut Pll- 0 I 69 Dela\\are -- *~ - SC00012 boD ELAP~O 17025 A2LA L -- 2567.0 1 Florida NELAP _J E87 156 Foreign Soils ~ t =f ' 330- l 5- 00283. P330-l 5- 00253 Georgia SC000 12 Georgia SDWA 967 ~

I lawaii -- ~ - SC000 12 Idaho Chemist!) _j -- - -SC00012 _ _ _ __,


l Idaho Radiochemistl"):_ _ _j_ SC000 l2 _ _ __

Illinois NELAP - 200029 - - -

Indiana C- SC- 01 L-Tom - - - ~

  • - Kam~ NEDiP

,___ _ Kentucky S DWA Kentucky Wastewater

- 90!29 - -

90 129


Louisiana NELAP 03046 (Al33904)

Louis iana S DWA Maryland Massachusetts t - LA 1700 I 0 270 M- SC0 l 2 Michigan 9976 Mississippi SC000 12 Nebraska NE- OS 13 Nevada scooo 122018- 1


New I lampshire NELA P 2054 15 New Jerse) NELAP SC002 New Mexico SC000 12 --~

t Ne" Yoik"NELAP 11 50 1

" - - l'Jorth Carolina 233

~ - North Carolina SDWA 45709 1 North Dakota R- 158 Oklahoma 9904 Pennsy lvania NELAP 68- 00485

~ crtoRico SC000 l 2 1

$.Carolina Radchem - , 0120002 S outh CarolinaChemistl")* 10120001 Tennessee TN 02934 rexas NELA P 11 04704235 12 Utah NELA P SC000 I 22017- 24 Vermont Virginia NELAP F....

VT87156 460202 Washingto n

-+-- -- - C780 West Virginia _l 99740-t Page 11 of 11

le;]ij11 ILaboratories LLC PO Boir:i.0712 ChnJ!eston SC29417 a member of The GEL Group INC 2040 S~*.-age Rond ChaJ!eston SC 29407 P 84:i.556.8171 F 843766.1178' ga l com December 30, 2017 Mr. Jason Q. Spaide LaCrosseSolutions S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632 Re: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Work Order: 439334

Dear Mr. Spaide:

GEL Laboratories, LLC (GEL) appreciates the opportunity to provide the enclosed analytical results for the sample(s) we received on October 30, 2017. This original data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL's standard operating procedures.

Our policy is to provide high quality, personalized analytical services to enable you to meet your analytical needs on time every time. We trust that you will find everything in order and to your satisfaction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (843) 556-8171, ext. 4453.

Sincerely, Edith Kent Project Manager Purchase Order: 672583 Enclosures Pa~ U 1111111 II 11Ill 111 I ~ II :

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report for ENRG070 LaCrosseSolutions, LLC (672583)

Client SDG: 439334 GEL Work Order: 439334 The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
    • Analyte is a Tracer compound
    • Analyte is a surrogate compound U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy-Uncertain identification Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis.

The designation ND, if present, appears in the result column when the analyte concentration is not detected above the limit as defined in the 'U' qualifier above.

This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL Laboratories LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Edith Kent.

Reviewed by Page 2 of25

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 30, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address: S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 439334001 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 18-OCT-17 08:30 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 u 0.0163 +/-0.028 0.0245 0.400 pCi/g BXA4 12/13/17 0904 1724194 Americium-243 u 0.028 +/-0.0294 0.0367 0.400 pCi/g Curium-243/244 u 0.00421 +/-0.0234 0.0448 0.400 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 u -0.00501 +/-0.0752 0.176 0.400 pCi/g BXA4 12/13/17 0857 1724195 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 u -0.00381 +/-0.0168 0.044 0.400 pCi/g BXA4 12/12/17 1809 1724196 3 Plutonium-239/240 u 0.020 +/-0.0317 0.0439 0.400 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241 , Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 u -1.18 +/-2.45 4.22 5.00 pCi/g BXA4 12/15/17 0637 1724197 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 u -2.26 +/-1.59 2.44 5.00 pCi/g TXJI 12/20/17 0859 1724705 5 Gamma, Cs 137, Co60, Nb94, Eu 152, Eu 154, Eul55 "Dry Weight Corrected" Cesium-137 0.251 +/-0.048 0.0272 1.00 pCi/g MXRI 12/08/17 1531 1724290 6 Cobalt-60 u 0.0127 +/-0.0174 0.0379 pCi/g Europium-152 u 0.0172 +/-0.0339 0.0665 pCi/g Europium-154 u 0.0218 +/-0.0432 0.0935 pCi/g Europium-155 u 0.0328 +/-0.0256 0.057 pCi/g Niobium-94 u 0.00615 +/-0.0142 0.0285 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 u -0.225 +/-0.955 1.65 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 12/26/17 0925 1724677 7 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 u -0.184 +/-4.88 6.96 10.0 pCi/g TXJI 12/20/17 2138 1724667 8 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 u -0.0288 +/-1.72 2.99 5.00 pCi/g TXJI 12/20/17 1918 1724671 9 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYTl 12/07/17 0618 1724141 Page 3 of25

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 30, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 439334001 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 8 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 9 DOE RESL Ni-1 , Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am24 l Am243, Cm243/244, 80.5 (15%-125%)

Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am24 l Am243, Cm243/244, 95.5 (15%-125%)

Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 104 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 66.5 (15%-125%)

Corrected" Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241 , Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 66.5 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 99.8 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 60.2 (15%-125%)

Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 76.6 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni 63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 76.6 (25%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1 .96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Le/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 4 of25

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 30, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address: S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C 14-SB Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 439334002 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 18-OCT-17 09:36 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 u 0.0234 +/-0.0276 0.0298 0.400 pCi/g BXA4 12/13/17 0904 1724194 Americium-243 u 0.0238 +/-0.0334 0.0519 0.400 pCi/g Curium-243/244 u -0.00296 +/-0.0131 0.0341 0.400 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 u -0.00491 +/-0.0737 0.172 0.400 pCi/g BXA4 12/13/17 0857 1724195 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 u -0.00161 +/-0.0139 0.0322 0.400 pCi/g BXA4 12/12/17 1809 1724196 3 Plutonium-239/240 u -0.00295 +/-0.0204 0.0496 0.400 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241 , Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 u 0.302 +/-2.10 3.57 5.00 pCi/g BXA4 12/15/17 0839 1724197 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 u 0.209 +/-1.40 2.84 5.00 pCi/g TXJI 12/20/17 0900 1724705 5 Gamma, Cs 137, Co60, Nb94, Eu 152, Eu 154, Eul55 "Dry Weight Corrected" Cesium-137 1.27 +/-0.117 0.040 1.00 pCi/g MXRl 12/13/17 0558 1724290 6 Cobalt-60 0.089 +/-0.0349 0.0403 pCi/g Europium-152 u 0.00854 +/-0.0708 0.140 pCi/g Europium-154 u 0.0494 +/-0.072 0.162 pCi/g Europium-155 u -0.00317 +/-0.0762 0.131 pCi/g Niobium-94 u 0.0112 +/-0.0192 0.0417 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 u 0.599 +/-0.618 1.04 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 12/26/17 1028 1724677 7 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 u 3.81 +/-4.94 6.84 10.0 pCi/g TXJI 12/20/17 2209 1724667 8 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 u 1.16 +/-1.80 3.06 5.00 pCi/g TXJI 12/20/17 1940 1724671 9 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYTl 12/07/17 0618 1724141 Page 5 of25

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 30, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C 14-SB Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 439334002 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 8 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 9 DOE RESL Ni-1 , Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am24 l Am243, Cm243/244, 88.8 (15%-125%)

Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am24 l Am243, Cm243/244, 85.8 (15%-125%)

Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 99 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 79.l (15%-125%)

Corrected" Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241 , Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 79.l (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 96.4 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 88.2 (15%-125%)

Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 77.7 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni 63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 73.8 (25%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1 .96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Le/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 6 of25

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 QC Summa!:! Report Date: December 30, 2017 LaCrosseSolutions Page 1 of 6 S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Workorder: 439334 Parmname NOM Sam~le Qual QC Units RPO% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 1724194 QC1203933168 439334001 DUP Americium-241 u 0.0163 u 0.020 pCi/g NIA NIA BXA4 12113117 09:04 Uncertainty +l-0.028 +l-0.0326 Americium-243 u 0.028 u -0.00308 pCilg NIA NIA Uncertainty +l-0.0294 +l-0.0287 Curium-2431244 u 0.00421 u 0.0049 pCilg NIA NIA Uncertainty +l-0.0234 +l-0.0184 QC1203933169 LCS Americium-241 1.94 2.17 pCilg 112 (75%-125%) 12113117 09:04 Uncertainty +l-0.240 Americium-243 u 0.00371 pCi/g (75%-125%)

Uncertainty +l-0.0239 Curium-2431244 2.45 2.49 pCi/g 102 (75%-125%)

Uncertainty +l-0.255 QC1203933167 MB Americium-241 u 0.0133 pCi/g 12/13117 09:04 Uncertainty +l-0.0211 Americium-243 u 0.000273 pCi/g Uncertainty +l-0.0202 Curium-2431244 u 0.00395 pCilg Uncertainty +l-0.0148 Batch 1724195 QC1203933171 439334001 DUP Neptunium-237 u -0.00501 u -0.0885 pCi/g NIA NIA BXA4 12113117 08 :57 Uncertainty +l-0.0752 +l-0.0747 QC1203933172 LCS Neptunium-237 20.5 20.8 pCilg 102 (75%-125%) 12/13117 08 :57 Uncertainty +l-1.47 QC1203933 l 70 MB Neptunium-237 u -0.0279 pCi/g 12/13117 08 :57 Uncertainty +l-0.132 Page 7 of25

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 QC Summa!:!

Workorder: 439334 Page 2 of 6 Parmname NOM Sam~le Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 1724196 QC1203933174 439334001 DUP Plutonium-238 u -0.00381 u -0.00298 pCi/g NIA NIA BXA4 12112117 18:09 Uncertainty +l-0.0168 +l-0.045 Plutonium-2391240 u 0.020 u -0.00186 pCi/g NIA NIA Uncertainty +l-0.0317 +l-0.0279 QC I203933175 LCS Plutonium-238 0.023 pCilg 12112117 18:09 Uncertainty +l-0.0303 Plutonium-2391240 1.95 1.96 pCilg 101 (75%-125%)

Uncertainty +l-0.242 QC1203933173 MB Plutonium-238 u 0.0146 pCilg 12112117 18:09 Uncertainty +l-0.0785 Plutonium-2391240 u -0.0153 pCilg Uncertainty +l-0.0517 Batch 1724197 QC1203933177 439334001 DUP Plutonium-241 u -1.18 u -1.33 pCi/g NIA NIA BXA4 12115117 12:43 Uncertainty +l-2.45 +l-2.50 QC1203933178 LCS Plutonium-241 70.8 71.3 pCilg 101 (75%-125%) 12115117 14:45 Uncertainty +l-3 .23 QC1203933176 MB Plutonium-241 u -2.85 pCi/g 12115117 10:41 Uncertainty +l-5.09 Rad Gamma Spec Batch 1724290 QC1203933442 439334001 DUP Cesium-137 0.251 0.252 pCilg 0.397 (0%-20%) MXRl 12112117 08 :51 Uncertainty +l-0.048 +l-0.0401 Cobalt-60 u 0.0127 UI 0.00 pCilg NIA NIA Uncertainty +l-0.0174 +l-0.0194 Europium-152 u 0.0172 u 0.00926 pCi/g NIA NIA Uncertainty +l-0.0339 +l-0.0348 Page 8 of25

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 QC Summa!:!

Workorder: 439334 Page 3 of 6 Parmname NOM Sam~le Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 1724290 Europium-154 u 0.0218 u 0.0113 pCilg NIA NIAMXRl 12112117 08 :51 Uncertainty +l-0.0432 +l-0.0531 Europium-155 u 0.0328 u 0,028 pCi/g NIA NIA Uncertainty +l-0.0256 +l-0.0384 Niobium-94 u 0.00615 u 0.0219 pCi/g NIA NIA Uncertainty +l-0.0142 +l-0.0196 QC1203933443 LCS Americium-241 488 511 pCilg 105 (75%-125%) 12112117 09:16 Uncertainty +l-12.0 Cesium-137 174 176 pCilg 101 (75%-125%)

Uncertainty +l-3 .47 Cobalt-60 137 126 pCi/g 92 (75%-125%)

Uncertainty +l-3 .44 Europium-152 u 0.00387 pCi/g Uncertainty +l-1.49 Europium-154 u -0.0573 pCi/g Uncertainty +l-0.926 Europium-155 u -1.09 pCi/g Uncertainty +l-1 .54 Niobium-94 u -0.101 pCi/g Uncertainty +l-0.479 QC1203933441 MB Cesium-137 u 0.000193 pCi/g 12112117 08 :51 Uncertainty +l-0.00861 Cobalt-60 u 0.012 pCi/g Uncertainty +l-0.00887 Europium-152 u 0.000127 pCi/g Uncertainty +l-0.0274 Europium-154 u -0.0143 pCi/g Uncertainty +l-0.0292 Europium-155 u -0.0105 pCi/g Uncertainty +l-0.0257 Page 9 of25

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 QC Summa!:!

Workorder: 439334 Page 4 of 6 Parmname NOM Sam~le Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 1724290 Niobium-94 u 0.00303 pCilg MXRl 12112117 08 :51 Uncertainty +l-0.0112 Batch 1724705 QC1203934546 439334001 DUP Nickel-59 u -2.26 u -0.991 pCi/g NIA NIA TXJI 12120117 11 :03 Uncertainty +l-1.59 +l-1.12 QC1203934547 LCS Nickel-59 91.1 79.7 pCilg 87.4 (75%-125%) 12120117 12:17 Uncertainty +l-5 .45 QC1203934545 MB Nickel-59 u -0.775 pCilg 12120117 11 :02 Uncertainty +l-1.53 Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 1724667 QC1203934416 439334001 DUP Iron-55 u -0.184 u 0.0679 pCilg NIA NIA TXJI 12120117 23 :13 Uncertainty +l-4.88 +l-5 .04 QC1203934417 LCS Iron-55 124 120 pCi/g 96.2 (75%-125%) 12120117 23 :45 Uncertainty +l-7.59 QC1203934415 MB Iron-55 u 0.896 pCilg 12120117 22:41 Uncertainty +l-4.43 Batch 1724671 QC1203934425 439334001 DUP Nickel-63 u -0.0288 u -0.679 pCilg NIA NIA TXJI 12120117 20:23 Uncertainty +l-1.72 +l-1.59 QC1203934426 LCS Nickel-63 86.2 83 .7 pCi/g 97 (75%-125%) 12120117 20:44 Uncertainty +l-3 .79 QC1203934424 MB Nickel-63 u -0.163 pCilg 12120117 20:01 Uncertainty +l-1.78 Page 10 of25

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 QC Summary Workorder: 439334 Page 5 of 6 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 1724677 QC1203934444 439334001 DUP Technetium-99 u -0.225 U 0.112 pCi/g NIA NIA CXS7 12/26/17 12:33 Uncertainty +/-0.955 +/-0.648 QC1203934445 LCS Technetium-99 37.9 32.0 pCi/g 84.4 (75%-125%) 12/26/17 13 :36 Uncertainty +/-0.989 QC1203934443 MB Technetium-99 u 0.133 pCi/g 12/26/17 11 :31 Uncertainty +/-0.600 Notes:

Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows :

    • Analyte is a Tracer compound

< Result is less than value reported

> Result is greater than value reported BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low FA Failed analysis.

H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated K Analyte present. Reported value may be biased high. Actual value is expected to be lower.

L Analyte present. Reported value may be biased low. Actual value is expected to be higher.

M M if above MDC and less than LLD M REMP Result> MDC/CL and < RDL NIA RPD or %Recovery limits do not apply.

Nl See case narrative ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit NJ Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Q One or more quality control criteria have not been met. Refer to the applicable narrative or DER.

R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UJ Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UL Not considered detected. The associated number is the reported concentration, which may be inaccurate due to a low bias.

X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y Other specific qualifiers were required to properly define the results. Consult case narrative.

Page 11 of25

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 QC Summary Workorder: 439334 Page 6 of 6 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL. Qualifier Not Applicable for Radiochemistry.

h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded NIA indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike cone. by a factor of 4 or more or %RPD not applicable.

/\ The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptance criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL, a control limit of+/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result.

  • Indicates that a Quality Control parameter was not within specifications.

For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary.

Page 12 of25

Radiochemistry Technical Case Narrative LaCrosseSolutions, LLC (ENRG)

SDG #: 439334 Product: Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 26 Analytical Batch: 1724194 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1724141 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 439334001 Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB 439334002 Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C14-SB 1203933167 Method Blank (MB) 1203933168 439334001(Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203933169 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Alphaspec Np, Solid Analytical Method: ASTM C 1475-00 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-032 REV# 21 Analytical Batch: 1724195 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1724141 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 439334001 Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB 439334002 Ll-010-101-FS-GS-Cl 4-SB 1203933170 Method Blank (MB) 1203933171 439334001(Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP)

PO Box 30712 Charleston, SC 29417 2040 savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 P843.556.8171 F 843.766.1178

1203933172 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 26 Analytical Batch: 1724196 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1724141 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 439334001 Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB 439334002 Ll-010-101-FS-GS-Cl 4-SB 1203933173 Method Blank (MB) 1203933174 439334001(Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203933175 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Dry Weight Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1724141 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 439334001 L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB 439334002 L 1-010-101-FS-GS-C 14-SB Pa~k4M1~tories LLC PO Box 30712 Charleston, SC 29417 2040 savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 P843.556.8171 F 843.766.1178

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Gamma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu152, Eu154, Eu155 Analytical Method: DOE HASL 300, 4.5 .2.3/Ga-0l-R Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-013 REV# 27 Analytical Batch: 1724290 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1724141 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 439334001 Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB 439334002 Ll-010-101-FS-GS-Cl 4-SB 1203933441 Method Blank (MB) 1203933442 439334001(Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203933443 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Technical Information Recounts Sample 439334002 (Ll-010-101-FS-GS-Cl4-SB) was recounted to verify sample results. Recount is reported.

Qualifier Information Qualifier Reason Analyte Sample Client Sample Results are considered a false positive Cobalt-60 1203933442 Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB(439334001DUP) due to no valid peak.

PO Box 30712 Charleston, SC 29417 2040 savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 P843.556.8171 F 843.766.1178

Product: Gamma Ni59, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Ni-1 Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 18 Analytical Batch: 1724705 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1724141 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 439334001 Ll-010-10 l-FS-GS-C06-SB 439334002 Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C 14-SB 1203934545 Method Blank (MB) 1203934546 43933400l(Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203934547 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-035 REV# 19 Analytical Batch: 1724197 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1724141 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 439334001 Ll-010-10 l-FS-GS-C06-SB 439334002 Ll-010-101-FS-GS-Cl4-SB 1203933176 Method Blank (MB) 1203933177 43933400l(Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203933178 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. LLC PO Box 30712 Charleston, SC 29417 2040 savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 P843.556.8171 F 843.766.1178

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Quality Control (QC) Information RDLMet The blank (See Below) did not meet the detection limit due to keeping the blank volume consistent with the other sample aliquots.

Sample Analyte Value 1203933176 (MB) Plutonium-241 Result -2.85 < MDA 8.75 > RDL 5 pCi/g Technical Information Recounts Sample 1203933178 (LCS) was recounted due to a peak shift. The recount is reported.

Product: Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-040 REV# 13 Analytical Batch: 1724667 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1724141 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 439334001 Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB 439334002 Ll-010-101-FS-GS-Cl 4-SB 1203934415 Method Blank (MB) 1203934416 439334001(Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203934417 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Pa~J-7'-8ll~tories LLC PO Box 30712 Charleston, SC 29417 2040 savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 P843.556.8171 F 843.766.1178

Product: Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 18 Analytical Batch: 1724671 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1724141 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 439334001 Ll-010-10 l-FS-GS-C06-SB 439334002 Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C 14-SB 1203934424 Method Blank (MB) 1203934425 43933400l(Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203934426 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-059 REV# 5 Analytical Batch: 1724677 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 439334001 Ll-010-10 l-FS-GS-C06-SB 439334002 Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C 14-SB 1203934443 Method Blank (MB) 1203934444 43933400l(Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203934445 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

PO Box 30712 Charleston, SC 29417 2040 savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 P843.556.8171 F 843.766.1178

Certification Statement Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative.

Pa~J91..m1~tories LLC PO Box 30712 Charleston, SC 29417 2040 savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 P843.556.8171 F 843.766.1178

  • ~agc: _ I of I_ GEL L1bora1ories, LLC l>rojcct #: L 4(.'JW \1.. S.::C,.Ti:; GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request 2040 Savage Road
    • See ww, for GEL's Sample Acceptance SOP**

L/ 3 9 33 i l~ELQuote#: Charl.eston, SC 29407 I

~CNumber 111:

Number. 6-i,::lc;"x-'1 GEL Work Order Number:


rt./ 1;/17 I

'"f::t :3 -~ :5 'z-/ 2> "' Phone: (843) 556-8171 Fax: (843) 766-1178 Client Name: Lc<<._C,u5,,~c. . ~ ol 0+-: i"-~ Phone//: {d)g~~-<f'.lN Sample Analysis Requested 1~1 (Fill in the number of containers for each test)

Project/Site Name: L fr( fk,J (<. _ (')'f'> J/'\ t\t'i r .)]:: Fax#: == ~ ~ <- Preservative Type (6)

~ t .5 l

Q --

... "C C V. .s



S"CffaOI r ri-Df..e t<tO t-0 ..Q U'}



C 8 0

(,I Comments Collected by: dR . cJ4J~lo s.e,., ...0 csults. j;~ -:C..U\W c°.,L,, lo /J,N,(", tt I .CA ,J..*o.-,_.s ,<...on 1 ~ Note: extra sample is C,

Sen .::,

\J *Time I u


e I required for sample


Sample ID

  • Date Collected (mcn-dd-yy)

Collcclcd (l\lililory)

QC Code Field Sample Filtered"' Matrixm 1.

t5 "2 0 0 specific QC

  • 'For composites - irtdicate start crml stop ,late/time (hhmm) ct: ~  !-

L ::t.-D1.D-_jo:1.-F5~ - r.,~ -Colo* S\3 10-1~- (7 0630 tJ ru Sc y I /t(( , \tt'1-I/.) le ( l 1 - 6.10-1.Di -F ,-G~ -C JL{-S ~ /o-/g-17 093, ,J N ~C) y i 1-1-o he r~JryieJ K, h~,,,.-;)

TAT Rcauestcd: Nonna!: Rush: Specify: (Subjoe110Sun:ha!![e) !Fax Results:

Remarks: Are there wry* k11ow11 hazards applicable to these samples? Ifso, please list the hazards Yes I r6Jo Circle Deliverable: C or A / OC Summarv / Level I I Level 3 / Level 4 Samnle ~Qllcetion Time Zone Eastern Pacific

,J l)~e, ,~'-Mountam Other Relinquished By (Signed) Dale Chain of Custody Signatures Time Received by (sigrn:d} Date :1 GEL PM:

Sample Shipping and Delivery Details I (\i.t .A~ J~ J(}hllln I

/.?cfo M.~~ /~At.r4/ /&/JI£.?- cJ"117'11f . I I /

Method ofShinmcni: Date Shipped:

2 (/ V 2 Airbill#:

3 3 Airbill #: 'I I

For Lab Receiving Use 011~1*

Custody Seal !mac!?

YES NO Cooler Tef!!p; C

WHITF= 1.ARORATORV vrr I nu., - r.11 r.

l'.sI3! ILaboratories LLceK SAMPLE RECEIPT & REVIEW FORM SDG/AR/COCJWorit Order.

DulO Received:

Courier OtJ1cr' Currier und Trucking Number

~ 0 *If Net Counts> I00cpm on lllmplcs not marked 'radioactive", conlacl the Rndialion Surety Group for fwt!1er Suspected Hnzntl lnfonnnllon .

r Z invcsligalion.

Shipped as a DOT Hnznrdous7 Hazard Clan Shipped: UN":

COC/Samplcs m:trkcd or classified *11s Maximum Nct~Obscrvcd* (Observed Counts* Area Background Counu): -..-...~-CPM / mR/Br radioac11vc7 ClnssLOcd n s : ~

  • Rnd 2 Rod 3 If yes. select Howds below, ond contoct the GEL Safely Group,


.PCB's Flamrn:ible Foreign Soil RCRA Asbestos BCl')'!lium Other:

Is package, COC, ond/or Samples mmcd HAZ?

Smnplc Receipt Crilcrlu Co1mncnlS/Qunllllcl's (Required for Non-Confonnlni; Items)

Clrelo Applie11blc: Seals broken D01Mgcd contoln*r Lcllking conuuner 01her (describe) 1 Shipping conl:liners received inUJcl and sealed?

2 Chain of cusiody documents included wiU1 shipment?

Prcsc.Mllon Method: Wel lco lee PIIOk$ D,y kc <'.§) 01hcr.

3 Samples requiring cold preservation within (0 5. 6 deg. C)? .. *oJI tcmpcrat= arc m:onlcd In C*lsius 1'EMP:

4 Doily check pcrfom1ed nnd po.sscd on IR Temperature Device Serial #:-,J~.i=......t.C-I._ _

tempcra1ure gun? Sccondo,y Tcmpm1urc Doke Scriol # (If Appli<*ble):

Circle llpplicnblc: Scols broken Domagcd con1oiner Lenldng conlolnec Other(d.. crib<)

5 Snmple containers intact and scaled?

6 Samples n:quirlng chemical pn:scrvntion 111 proper pH?

If Yes, Aie Encores or Soil Kits present? Yes_ No_ (lfycs, take 10 VOA Freezer)

Do VOA vials contain acid preservntion? Yes . No_N/A. (If unknown, select No) 7 Donny samples n:quire Vofatilc VOA vials free ofhcadspnce? Yes No_N/A Analysis? Sample ID's and containers affected:

ID's nnd IOSIS llffccted:

8 Samples received within holding time?

Somple ID~ ond canlalnets oftcc1cd:

9 Sample 1D's on COC maleh !D's on bottles?

Date & time on COC match date & time Sample ID's offcctcd:

10 on boltlcs?

Number of con111iners received mntch Sompte !D's offcc1cd:

11 number imlicnt~d on COC?

12 Are sample containers idcntilfoble as GEL rovlded?

13 COC foan Is properly signed in relinquished/received sections?

Commcnls (Use Conlinunlion Fonn iJ needed);

Pagc _ _ or_L_

GL-CHL-SR-001 Rev 5 Page 21 of 25

RE: Possibility of getting more analyses on soils performed on the at...


RE: Possibility of getting more analyses on soils performed on the attached GEL Work Order 436542 From: "Joseph D. Jacobsen" <>

Date: 12/6/2017 11:19 AM To: Edie Kent <>

CC: "Jason Q. Spaide" <>, "Joseph D. Jacobsen"


Edie Good morning.

You got me on that one.

Please scratch the extra Sr-90 request.

Thank You, Joe Jacobsen From: Edie Kent [1]

Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2017 10:18 AM To: Joseph D. Jacobsen Cc: Jason Q. Spaide


Re: Possibility of getting more analyses on soils performed on the attached GEL Work Order 436542 Joe:

You included Sr90 in your request which we did on the original analysis. Do you need that analysis repeated or should that have not been included in your request?

Edie On 12/5/2017 5:32 PM, Joseph D. Jacobsen wrote:

Edie, Sounds good.

Appreciate it.

Joe J From: Edie Kent []

Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2017 3:41 PM To: Joseph D. Jacobsen Cc: Jason Q. Spaide


Re: Possibility of getting more analyses on soils performed on the attached GEL Work Order 436542 It looks like we have enough sample so I will be relogging for the additional tests.

Edie On 12/5/2017 4 :28 PM, Joseph D. Jacobsen wrote:

Thank you Edie.

Page 22 of25 1 of3 12/6/201711:25 AM

RE: Possibility of getting more analyses on soils performed on the at...

Take Care, Joe J From: Edie Kent [2]

Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2017 3:10 PM To: Joseph D. Jacobsen Cc: Jason Q. Spaide


Re: Possibility of getting more analyses on soils performed on the attached GEL Work Order 436542 Joe:

We'll have the samples pulled to see if we have enough volume for the additional analyses.

I'll let you know.

Edie On 12/5/2017 3:12 PM, Joseph D. Jacobsen wrote:

Good afternoon Edie from Genoa, WI.

I have been asked to look into the possibility of GEL performing additional analyses on the soil samples under the attached GEL Work Order.

The additional analyses would be for:

Fe-55/N i-59 /N i-63 Co-60/Nb-94/Cs-137 /Eu-152/Eu-154/Eu-155 Sr-90/Tc-99 Pu238/239/240/241 Np-237 Am241/243 Cm243/244 For each soil sample with all analyses on normal turnaround.

Edie, could you let me know if GEL can proceed with these analyses on this email direction or what else I would need to do please .

Thanks, Joe J Edith M. Kent Project Manager Laboratories LLC 2040 Savage Road, Charleston, SC 29407 I PO Box 30712, Charleston, SC 29417 Office Direct: 843.769.7385 I Office Main: 843.556.817 1 1Fax: 843.766. 1178 E-Mail: IWebsite: Page 23 of25 2 of3 12/6/201711:25 AM

RE: Possibility of getting more analyses on soils performed on the at...

Environmental I Engineering I Surveying I Analytical Testing Ask me about GEL's new testing capability for Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs)! Edith M. Kent Project Manager Laboratories LLc 2040 Savage Road, Charleston, SC 29407 I PO Box 30712, Charleston, SC 29417 Office Direct: 843.769.7385 I Office Main: 843.556.8171 I Fax: 843.766.1178 E-Mail : IWebsite: Environmental I Engineering I Surveying I Analytical Testing Ask me about GEL's new testing capability for Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs)! Edith M. Kent Project Manager Laboratories LLc 2040 Savage Road, Charleston, SC 29407 I PO Box 30712, Charleston, SC 29417 Office Direct: 843.769.73851 Office Main: 843.556.8171 I Fax: 843.766.1178 E-Mail: IWebsite: Environmental I Engineering I Surveying I Analytical Testing Ask me about GEL's new testing capability for Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs)! Page 24 of25 3 of3 12/6/201711:25 AM

List of current GEL Certifications as of 30 December 2017 State Certification Alaska UST-01 IO Arkansas 88-0651 CLIA 42D0904046 California 2940 Colorado SC00012 Connecticut PH-0169 Delaware SC00012 DoD ELAP/ ISOl 7025 A2LA 2567.01 Florida NELAP E87156 Foreign Soils Permit P330-15-00283, P330-15-00253 Georgia SC00012 Georgia SDWA 967 Hawaii SC00012 Idaho Chemistry SC00012 Idaho Radiochemistry SC00012 Illinois NELAP 200029 Indiana C-SC-01 Kansas NELAP E-10332 Kentucky SDWA 90129 Kentucky Wastewater 90129 Louisiana NELAP 03046 (AI33904)

Louisiana SDWA LA180011 Maryland 270 Massachusetts M-SC012 Michigan 9976 Mississippi SC00012 Nebraska NE-OS-26-13 Nevada SC000122018-1 New Hampshire NELAP 205415 New Jersey NELAP SC002 New Mexico SC00012 New York NELAP 11501 North Carolina 233 North Carolina SDWA 45709 North Dakota R-158 Oklahoma 9904 Pennsylvania NELAP 68-00485 Puerto Rico SC00012 S.Carolina Radchem 10120002 South Carolina Chemistry 10120001 Tennessee TN 02934 TexasNELAP T104704235-17-12 UtahNELAP scooo 122017-25 Vermont VT87156 Virginia NELAP 460202 Washington C780 West Virginia 997404 Page 25 of25