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#REDIRECT [[IR 05000482/1985042]]
| number = ML20140F494
| issue date = 03/19/1986
| title = Insp Rept 50-482/85-42 on 851209-13.Deviation Noted:Licensee Had No Continuous Airborne Radioactivity Monitors (Cams) in Operation & CAMs Not Routinely Used
| author name = Chaney H, Murray B
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation =
| docket = 05000482
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = 50-482-85-42, IEIN-81-26, IEIN-83-59, IEIN-84-59, IEIN-85-060, IEIN-85-092, IEIN-85-60, IEIN-85-92, NUDOCS 8604010062
| package number = ML20140F463
| page count = 14
See also: [[see also::IR 05000482/1985042]]
                                        APPENDIX B
                            U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                                          REGION IV
    NRC Inspection Report:    50-482/85-42                  License: NPF-42
    Docket: 50-482'
    Licensee:      Kansas Gas and Electric Company (KG&E)
                  P. O. Box 208
                  Wichita, Kansas 67201
    Facility Name: Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS)
    Inspection At: WCGS Site, Burlington, Coffey County, Kansas
    Inspection Conducted: December 9-13, 1985
    Inspector:            b hlM1824
                    H. Chaney, Radiation Shecialist, Facilities
                      Radiological Protection Section
    Approyed:          /2[u M1144L/                                      /9Nd
                    B. Murray, Chief Facifities Radiological          Date '
                      Protection Section
    Inspection Summary
    Inspection Conducted December 9-13, 1985 (Report 50-482/85-42)
    Areas Inspected:  Routine, unannounced inspection of the licensee's Radiation
    Protection Program (internal / external dosimetry, respiratory protection, contam-
    ination and radioactive material control, and radiological control facilities),
    Emergency Plan implementing procedures, and results of the power ascension
    radiation surveys. The inspection involved 40 inspector-hours.onsite and 11
    inspector-hours offsite by one NRC inspector.
    Results: Within the areas inspected, one deviation (see paragraph 7) was
    identified. No violations were identified.
      8604010062 860324
      PDR    ADOCK 05000482
      G                  PDR
.  ,
  1.  _ Persons Contacted
    *W.  J. Rudolph II, Manager WCGS Quality Assurance (QA)
    *G. D. Boyer, Superintendent Technical Support
    *M. G. Williams, Regulatory, Quality and Administration    Superintendent
    *J. Ives, Site Health Physicist (SHP)
    *L. F. Breshears, Health Physics (HP) Supervisor
    *W. M. Lindsay, Supervisor Quality Systems
    *G. Pendergrass, Licensing Engineer
    *K. Peterson, Lead Licensing Engineer
    *S. Devena, Senior Engineer Emergency Planning
    *R. L. Hoyt, Emergency Planning Administrator
    *C. J. Hoch, QA Technician
      J. Shaw, Reactor Operator
      R. Ryan, HP Technician
      M. Isom, Radioactive Waste Coordinator
      H. Nichols, HP Technician
      R. Stambough, QA Audit Supervisor
      G. Downing, HP Technician
    *J. Cummins, NRC Senior Resident Inspector
    *B. Bartlett, NRC Resident Inspector
    *R. Flannigan, WCGS . Site Representative, Kansas City Power & Light
    *B. Allen, HP Consultant
    "C. Rice, HP Supervisor, Consultant
      R. Taylor, HP Supervisor /ALARA Coordinator, Consultant
      J. Brock, Dosimetry Technician, Consultant
    * Denotes those present at the exit interview on December 13, 1985.
      The NRC inspector also interviewed several other licensee employees
      including QA/QC, training, administrative, and HP personnel.
  2.  Licensee Action on Previously Identified Open Item
      (Closed) Open Item (482/8434-04):      Postaccident Sampling of Radioactive
      Liquid Waste System - The licensee had conducted training, installed
      sampling equipment, and issued procedures to cover the sampling evolutions.
      This item is considered closed.
.  .
  3. Inspector Observations
    The following are observations the NRC inspector discussed with the
    licensee. These observations are neither violations nor unresolved items.
    These items were recommended for licensee consideration for program
    improvement, but.they have no specific regulatory requirement. The
    licensee indicated that these items would be reviewed.
    a.    Staffing - The licensee was using an inordinate reliance on contracted
          employees in supervisory positions. (See paragraph 4)
    b.    ALARA - The onsite ALARA program appears inactive and under staffed.
          (See paragraph 4)
    c.    NRC Inspection and Enforcement Information Notices - The licensee had
          not developed adequate procedures to address the concerns identified
          in several IE Information Notices. (See paragraph 5)
    d.    Release of Radioactive Material - The licensee's survey program for
          potentailly radioactive materials.does not satisfy the
          recommendations of I&E Information Notice 85-92.    (See paragraph 7)
    e.    Response Check of Radiation Protection (RP) Instruments'- The area
          radiation and airborne iodine monitors in the Technical Support Center
          (TSC) and the Emergency Operating Facility (EOF) are not routinely
          checked for proper operation between calibrations. (See paragraph 8)
  4. Management Controls
    The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's staffing changes within the
    health physics department made since the last inspection of this area. The
    former SHP was promoted to the onsite position of Superintendent of Plant
    Support and the former HP Supervisor of operations was pr moted to the
    position of SHP. The new SHP meets the training and qualification require-
    ments of Technical Specification (TS) 6.3.1, and Standardized Nuclear Unit
    Power Plant System (SNUPPS) Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) Addendum
    for WCGS (SNUPPS-WC) commitments in Section-12.5.1. The NRC inspector
    noted that the former KG&E employee assigned as HP Supervisor /ALARA Coordi-
    nator had terminated and that this position and that of the former HP
    Supervisor of operations were being filled by contractor personnel. Both
    contract oersonnel filling the operations and ALARA supervisory positions
    possessed the proper experience and qualifications for their assigned posi-
    tions. Discussions with the ALARA Coordinator disclosed that the turnover
    of duties involving this position was less than adequate and that the
    current ALARA coordinator was somewhat unsure of the position's duties
    regarding long range preplanning and corporate interfaces. The NRC inspec-
    tor discussed with licensee representatives the NRC's concern regarding the
    long term use of contracted employees in supervisory positions, and the
    current effectiveness of the ALARA coordinator. The Superintendent of
    Technical Support which oversees the HP group indicated that both of the
    aforementioned inspector concerns had also been note by WCGS management.
                                                    4                                          '
              The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's onsite and corporate procedures
              involving radiation exposure control, QA audit's, directives and policies,
;            equipment calibration, implementing of the WCGS Emergency Plan, and
              administration of HP/RP programs.
              No violations or deviations were identified.
        5.    External Radiation Exposure Control
              The licensee's RP program was reviewed for compliance with the commitments
              contained in the SNUPPS-WC FSAR, Section, the requirements of
              TS 6.8.1, 6.11, 6.12.1, and 6.12.2, and the requirements contained in
              10 CFR Parts 19.12, 13, end 20.101, 102, 104, 105, 202, 203, 205, 206,
              405, 407, 408, and 409, and the recommendations of IE Information Notices
              81-26, 82-42, 83-59, 84-59, and 85-42, and also the recommendations
              contained in NRC Regulatory Guides (RGs) 8.2, 8.4, 8.7, 8.8, 8.13, 8.14,
              and 8.28, and those of industry standards ANSI N13.11-1983, N13.5-1972,
              and N13.27-1981.
              The NRC inspector reviewed selected WCGS personnel (contract and KG&E)
              radiation exposure history . records (current and terminated / inactive),
              dosimetry processing procedures, QA/ Quality Control (QC) over dosimetry
              selection and independent laboratory cross comparisons, dosimetry calibra-
              tion records,' extremity and multiple whole body dosimetry use, neutron
              exposure monitoring and control, administrative exposure control limits,
              skin exposure calculational methods, certification of the licensee's.
              personnel dosimetry program by the National Voluntary Laboratory
              Accreditation Program, and physical controls for controlling entry into
              high and very high radiation areas. The design, useful range, and
              inventory 'of personnel thermoluminescent dosimeters' (TLDS) for rout.sne and
              emergency use was reviewed. The licensee's TLDs and computerized- readout
              equipment provide for the effective monitoring of whole body penetrating
              radiations encountered at WCGS during routine and emergency conditions.
              The NRC inspector noted that the licensee had onsite self-alarming
              personnel dosimeters, but had not placed them into use. The NRC inspector
              noted that the self-alarming dosimeters had not been evaluated against the
              performance criteria of RG 8.28.      The NRC inspector determined that the
1            licensee had performed an annual QA audit of the RP program and several
              surveillances of selected RP program activities including dosimetry use          '
j            and personnel exposure records during 1985. The licensee's QA department
              was noted by the NRC inspector to be using ANSI 45.2.6 certified auditors
              and contracted HP professionals for RP program audits.
              The NRC inspector determined that the licensee's internal response to NRC
              IE Information Notices involving selected HP aspects regarding licer see
              oversight of contractor use of licensee radiation exposure monitoring
              devices (84-59), use of dosimetry devices in non-uniform radiation fields
              (83-59), and placement of dosimetry devices for whole body and extremity
              monitoring (81-26).were not provided a satisfactory review by KG&E
              personnel and that the licensee's actions did not provide assurance that
              the problem areas referenced in the IE Information Notices would not be
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    repeated at WCGS.    Licensee representatives stated that some of the
    earlier IE notices were reviewed at the Corporate level prior to the full
    HP/RP program at WCGS being implemented, and may need to be re-reviewed by
    the plant HP staff.
    No violations or deviations were identified.
  6. Internal Radiation Exposure Control
    The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's internal radiation exposure
    control program including airborne radioactivity monitoring / sampling, and
    respiratory protection program for compliance with the commitments in the
    SNUPPS FSAR, Section and SNUPPS-WC FSAR, Section 12.5, and the
    requirements of TS 6.3.1, 6.8.4.b, and 6.11, and those of 10 CFR Parts
    19.12,13, and 20.103, 201, 203, 405, 407, 408, and 409, and the reconnen-
    dations of ANSI 13.1-1969, N343-1978, NUREG-0041, and RG 8.2, 8.7, 8.8,
    8.9, 8.15, 8 20, and 8.26.
    The NRC inspector reviewed selected WCGS personnel (contractor and KG&E)
    exposure history records documenting licensee evaluations of internal
    radioactivity analysis by direct whole body counting (WBC). The
    licensee's annual calibration and periodic response checks of.the whole
    body counter as well as the results of offsite laboratory confirmatory              '
    measurements were reviewed. The licensee's WBC system including the
    internal dosinetry software use methodologies that are in agreement with
    ANSI N343-1979 and RG 8.26. Qualifications and training of WBC operators
    were reviewed. The NRC inspector noted that all dosimetry records and
    analysis were being reviewed by the HP supervisor in charge of dosimetry
    The NRC inspector reviewed respiratory protection program aspects
    concerning medical review of users; training; maskfit testing; response to
    IE Information Notices 81-26 and 85-60; installation and use of a
    permanent plant breathing airline system and a portable breathing airline
    system (cascade type); respirator receipt QC inspection, maintenance,
    cleaning and decontaminations; and respiratory equipment selection,
    issuance, preuse testing and return. The NRC inspector reviewed
    respiratory protection equipment inventories for both routine and
    emergency use. The licensee provides adequate respiratory protection
    equipment at the primary security building, Emergency Operations Facility
    (EOF), control room, Technical Support Center (TSC), Operations Support
    Center (OSC) for use during emergency situations. Breathing air quality
    is currently being certified by vendors supplying bottled air to WCGS.
    The NRC inspector also reviewed airborne exposure tracking procedures and
    methodologies used to evaluate exposures to noble gases. The licensee's
    progress on installation of an air line breathing system for the RAB and
    containment were reviewed.
    No violations or deviations were identified.
                                                      - . _.- . .      -.- - .-. .- - -
  7. Control of Radioactive Materials (RAM) and Contamination, Surveys, and
    The licensee's programs for the control of RAM and contamination, radio-
    logical surveys and monitoring were reviewed for compliance with the
    commitments contained in the SNUPPS FSAR, Section, and SNUPPS-WC
    FSAR, Section 12.5, and the requirements contained in TS 6.11, and those
    contained in 10 CFR Part 19.12, and 20.4. 5, 201, 203, 205, 207, 301, 401,
    and 402, and NUREG-0737, Item III, 0.3.3, and the recommendations of IE
    Information Notice 85-92.
    The NRC inspector reviewed WCGS procedures for the control of RAM and
    radioactive contamination, scheduling of radiological surveys, conducting
    radiological surveys (radiation, contamination, airborne) for both routine
    and emergency situations, decontamination and release of potentially RAM,
    personnel decontamination and documentation, emergency response facility
    habitability surveys during implementation of the WCGS emergency plan,
    instructions to workers on actions to be taken upon the alarming of fixed
    radiation protection instruments and instructions on reporting incidents
    and overexposures to the NRC. The NRC inspector also observed the
    performance of radiation and contamination surveys and the documentation
    of the results by licensee personnel.    Also, the licensee's inventory of
    and the periodic survey of selected sources per TS was reviewed.
    The NRC inspector noted to licensee representatives the filing system for
    source records could use some clerical attention.
    The NRC inspector reviewed the contents of IE Information Notice 85-92
    with licensee representatives (HP personnel at the WCGS site were not
    aware of the contents of the subject notice) and cautioned the licensee
    that their plant procedures include methodologies and criteria that could
    allow the release of licensed material to unrestricted areas. The NRC
    inspector noted that the licensee routinely restricts release of
    potentially radioactive material by involving a no-detectable-activity
    restriction to routine surveying of materials removed from within
    potentially contaminated areas. Currently, licensee procedures allow the
    release of material based on a combination of surveys to detect beta / gamma
    and alpha contamination, with laboratory counting of paper swipes or the
    frisking of material with a thin-window " pancake" Geiger-Mueller (GM)
    probe, which responds to primarily beta radiation, and/or the direct
    monitoring of an item's radiation level (millirem per hour-mr/hr). The
    licensee's current limits on material to be released this way is 1000
    disintegration per minute (DPM) per 100 square-centimeters for loose
    surface ridioactivity or per area frisked (for small objects) for fixed
    activity. Alpha contamination has considerably lower limits for release.
    A~ limit of less than 0.1 mr/hr was noted to be used for release of RAM
    with fixed beta / gamma radioactivity. The NRC inspector noted to the
    licensee that the contamination limits for loose surface activity
    involving both beta / gamma and alpha contamination should be equivalent to
    the lower limit of detection of the laboratory counters being used, and as
    for the fixed radioactivity limit of 0.1 mr/hr, this limit does not appear
    to be in agreement with the intent of the notice 85-92.      The licensee
      agreed to provide a comprehensive review of their solid waste and poten-
      tially RAM release program.
      The NRC inspector determined that Sections and of
      the SNUPPS and the SNUPPS-WC FSARs respectively establish a commitment to
      monitor airborne radioactivity in work areas using portable continuous
      airborne monitors (CAMS) as a primary method, with grab sampling as a
      backup to the CAMS. Contrary to this commitment the NRC inspector
      determined on December 10, 1985, that the licensee did not have any CAMS
      in operation and was relying on a grab sampling program, (particulates,
      iodines and noble gases). Licensee representatives stated that they had
      discontinued use of approximately 10 portable CAMS (that were purchased to
      supplement the one SNUPPS provided CAM) due to a recurring breakdown of
      computerized components. The lack of a CAM program is considered a
      deviation from commitments made to the NRC in the FSAR (482/8542-01).
      No violations were identified.
    8. Radiological Control Facilities and Equipment / Instruments
      The licensee's facilities for radiological protection activities during
      routine and emergency situations were reviewed for compliance with commit-
      ments contained in the SNUPPS FSAR, Section 12, and the SNUPPS-WC FSAR,
      Section 12.5.2, Wolf Creek Radiological Emergency Response Plan
      Table 4.3-1 and the recommendations of RG 1.9/, 8.8', 8.25, NUREG-0041, and
      NUREG-0654/ FEMA-REP-1.
      The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's facilities for controlling
      access into radiologically controlled areas of the plant, temporary
      radiological work areas RP. instrument storage and calibration facilities,
      respiratory protection equipment storage and maintenance areas, RP
      counting equipment and staff offices, inplant personnel decontamination
      facilities, worker change rooms (male and female) and toilet facilities,
      and protective clothing issue locations throughout the plant. Area
      radiation monitors (ARMS) and certain ventilation system radioactivity
      monitors with readouts provided in the control room were reviewed for
      proper operation, calibration, and alarm set points. The setpoints for
      the TSC and EOF ARMS and ventilation system iodine CAMS were reviewed
      along with their calibration procedures. The NRC inspector noted to the
      licensee that neither the ARMS nor the CAMS in the TSC and EOF were
      required to be response checked periodically between routine calibrations
      (18 month interva's). Licensee representatives indicated that a response
      check program for the instruments would be incorporated into the quarterly
      emergency equipment inventory program.      The NRC inspector also inspected
      the contents of selected emergency equipment kits and verified the
      inventory of selected items (e.g., dosimetry, medical /first aid, check
      sources, high range pocket dosimeters, high range radiation measuring
      instruments, iodine sampling and analysis equipment, decontamination
      supplies) at the control room, primary security access, TSC, EOF, and the
      OSC.    Records of RP instrument calibrations and response checks were also
      reviewed for. fixed instruments (portal monitors, ARMS, air samplers (low
                                                  _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___
      and high volume, lapel breathing zone samplers, and CAMS), portable
      instruments _(beta / gamma icn chambers, high range extendable probe gamma
      instruments, and neutron dose rate meters) and laboratory counters.
      No violations or deviations were identified.
  9.  Reactor Power Ascension /Startup Radiation Surveys
      The -licensee's reactor shielding surveys conducted during power ascension
      testing were reviewed for compliance with the commitments in
      Section of the SNUPPS FSAR, and Section 14.2.5 of the
      This area was previously discussed in NRC Inspection Report 50-482/85-31.
      The NRC inspector reviewed the final radiation surveys of the~ reactor
      biological shield obtained during performance of reactor 100 percent power
      testing. The Joint Test Group review of the survey results were also
      reviewed by the NRC inspector for significant test exceptions.
      No violations or deviations were identified.
  10. Exit Interview
      The NRC inspector met with the licensee's representatives and the NRC
      resident inspectors identified in paragraph 1 of this report at the
      conclusion of the inspection on December 13, 1985. The NRC inspector
      summarized the scope and the results of the inspection.
                                        TO NRC INSPECTION REPORT
                                                    DOCUMENTS REVIEWED
            IIILE                                                                        REVISION          D6IE
      Nuclear Department Policy Manual:
      Section II, " Organizational Policies":
      17.0, As Low As Reasonably Achievable.(ALARA)
              Policy                                                                          0        07/02/85
      17A.O. ALARA Committee Charter                                                          O        05/24/85
      Section III, " Nuclear Department Directives":
      26.0. Corrective Action Program                                                          2        06/12/84
      Ouality Procram Manual                                                                  40      10/23/85
      Quality Assurance Procedures (OAP) Manual
            1Home Office)_                                                                    42      11/26/95
      OAP C2.2, Qualification and Certification of
                  Quality Branch Personnel                                                    O        06/22/84
      OAP C2.3, Qualification of Quality Engineers                                              1      11/27/85
      OAP C16.5, Quality Branch Followup of NRC
                      Findings                                                                O        06/22/84
      OAP C16.7, OA Evaluation of NRC and Industry
                      Concerns                                                                0        10/03/84
      Quality Assurance Procedure Manual (WCGS)
      DAP W18.2, WCGS Audit Procedure                                                          2        03/20/85
      OAP W18.6, Audit System                                                                  1      08/07/85
      Essential Elements Manual                                                                O        08/02/85
      Audits /Surveillances:
      TE 50140-kO52, Radiation Protection Ptogram                                                      05/28/85
      S-1407, NUS Waste Solidification Surv.rillance                                                    12/09/85
      S-1395. Chemistry Sampling of Primary Coolant                                                      10/14/85
      S-1263, Health Physics Personnel Qualifications                                                  02/28/85
      S-1242, Health Physics Equipment Calibrations                                                    01/24/85
      WCGS Radiolooical Emeroency Response Plan                                                  16    09/30/85  l
      WCGS Emeroency Plan Implementino Procedures (EPP):
      EPP 01-3,3, Offsite Support Notification                                                  2        10/08/85
      EPP 01-4.1, Technical Support Center Activation                                          3        10/11/85
      EPP 01-4.2, Operations Support Center Activation /
                        Operation                                                              3        10/11/95
                    .,    . . - . _ . - -- - _ . _ _ - - _ ,            . . . - . . - -  . -.-  _-.  .  ..
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                          IIILE                                                          REVISION                    DAIE
                  EPP 01-4.3, Emergency Operations Facility
                                Activation                                                            3            10/11/85
                  EPP 01-7.1, Radiological Release Information
                                System (RRIS)                                                          2            04/02/85
                  EPP 01-7.2, Manual Determination of Release Rate                                    4            10/11/85
                  EPP 01-7 3,  Manual Dose Projection Determination                                  4            10/11/05
                  EPP 01-8.1, Onsite Radiological Monitoring                                          3            10/11/85
                  EPP 01-8.2, Offsite Radiological Monitoring                                          2            10/11/85
                  EPP 01-9.1, Exposure Control and Personnel
                                Protection                                                            2            10/11/95
                  EPP 01-9.2, Personnel Decontamination                                                2            10/11/85
                  EPP 01-9.3, Radioprotective Drugs                                                  2            10/11/85
                  EPP 01-9.4,  Emergency Team Form-tion                                              3            10/11/85
                  EPP 01-9.5, Aid to Contaminated / injured Personnel                                2            10/11/85
                  EPP 01-12.1, Reentry and Recovery Operations                                        2            10/08/85
                  EPP O2-1.5, Maintenance of Emergency Facilities
                                and Equipment                                                          4            10/01/95
                  Radiation Protection Manual                                                        2            04/17/85
                  WCGS Administrative Procedures (ADM)
                  ADM 01-001, Introduction to WCGS Administrative
                                Procedures                                                            11          01/12/85
                  ADM 01-002, Plant Safety Review Committee                                            14          05/01/85
                  ADM 01-006, Superintendent of Technical Support
                                Duties and Responsibilities                                          2            06/10/85
                  ADM 01-009, Site Health Physicist Duties and
                                Responsibilities                                                      4            08/27/85
                  ADM 03-001, Numbering of Health Physics Procedures                                  2            01/26/84
                  ADM 03-002, Radiation Worker Guidelines                                            O            03/27/85
                  ADM 03-003, Radiography Guidelines                                                  O            08/20/85
                  ADM 03-006, Notice of Radwork Practice Violation                                    2            06/25/85
                  ADM 03-007, Duties & Responsibilities of Health
i                                Physics Supervisors and Technicians                                  4            12/07/84
                  ADM 03-050, WCGS ALARA Program                                                      2            04/09/85
                  ADM 03-052, Fuel Building Evacuation Plan                                            1            03/01/94
                  ADM 03-100, Health Physics Dosimetry Program                                        2            03/06/85
                  ADM 03-101, Radiation Work Permit Program                                          4            03/06/85
                  ADM 03-201, Use & Control of Contaminated Tools
                                and Equipment                                                        2            03/01/84
                  ADM 03-202, Decontamination & Clearance of Tools,
                                Equipment and Areas                                                  3            03/23/04
                  ADM 03-203, Administrative Procedure for
                                Radioactive Material                                                  3            12/18/84
                  ADM 03-400, Operation and Calibration of Health
                                Physics Equipment                                                    3            06/06/85
                  ADM 03-600, Respiratory Protection Program                                          2            06/06/85
                  ADM 03-960, Use of Temporary Lead Shielding                                        O              09/03/85
                  ADM 07-101, WCGS Procedure Content and Format                                        18          10/01/85
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    Radiochemistry Procedures (CHM)
    CHM 01-100, Radwaste Building Sample Station
                    SJ-144                                  3    11/25/84
    CHM 01-101, Radwaste Building Sampling Instructions    1.    11/25/85
    Health Physics Procedures (HPH)
    -HPH 01-001, Issue, Numbering and Processing
                    of TLDs                                1    03/22/85
    HPH 01-002, External Overexposure Evaluation          O    O2/08/85
    HPH 01-003, Angular Response of Panasonic Type
                    802 TLDs                                1    04/22/85
    HPH 01-004, Acceptance Criteria for Panasonic
                    TLDs Monitoring Devices                1    03/22/95
    HPH 01-005, Developing Element' Correction Factor
                    (EFC) for Panascnic TLDs                3    06/26/85
    HPH 01-006, TLD Processing                            2    05/23/05
    HPH 01-008, MPC-Hour Tracking                          1    06/27/85
    HPH 01-009, Selection of Reference TLDs                3    03/18/05
    HPH 01-010, Fade Correction for the LIBO
                    Phosphor                                1    03/22/85
    HPH 01-011, Calculation of Non-Penetrating &
                    Penetrating Dose from TLD Data          3    04/18/85
    HPH 01-012, Internal Dose Calculations                2    02/19/85
    HPH 01-016, Evaluation of Exposure for Lost,
                    Suspect, Damaged or Offscale Dosi.      1    04/01/85
    HPH 01-017, Evaluation of Personnel TLD Monitoring
                    Devices                                2    04/10/85
    HPH 01-019, Exposure History Files                    2    11/21/85
    HPH 01-020, Neutron Dose Calculations                  1    03/14/85
    HPH 01-024, Linearity/ Crossover Check for TLD
                    Reader UD-710A                          O    03/11/85
    HPH 01-025, Internal Exposure Evaluation              1    03/22/05
    HPH 01-028, Drift Check For the Panasonic
                    TLD Reader                              O    03/10/85
    HPH 01-029,- Ti mi ng Gate Measurement and Glow
                    Curve Analysis                          1    06/06/85
    HPH O2-001, Receipt Accountability, Inventory &
                    Leak Check of Radioactive Materials    4    03/27/85
    HPH O2-006, Receipt of New Fuel                        3    05/29/85
    HPH O2-007, Loss of a Radioactive Source              1    01/13/85
    HPH 03-001, In-Plant Radiciodine Monitoring
                    Program                                O    12/14/84
    HPH 03-002, Radiation Survey Methods                  4    03/27/05
    HPH 03-003, Airborne Radioac*.ivity Survey MeH.ods    4    09/10/85
    HPH 03-005, Laundry Facility Operation                0    11/20/84
    HPH 03-006, Collection of Bioaasay Samples            1    03/22/85
    HPH 03-011, Contamination Surve/ Methods              4    09/16/85
    HPH 03-012, Schedule of Routine Radiological
                    Surveys                                2    03/01/95
    HPH 03-013, Health Physics Shift Tuinover
                                                            2    02/08/05
    HPH 03-014, Personnel Decontamination                  O    O2/11/85
    HPH 03-015, Posting for Radiological Controls          1    08/23/85
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        IIILE                                          BEVISION  DAIE
  HPH 04-001, Counting Blind Sample for WBC
                  Ouality Control                          0    11/11/84
  HPH 04-002, Operation of the Whole Body
                  Counting System                          1    03/10/85
  HPH 04-003, Operation of the Intrinsic
                  Germanium Counting System                i    11/30/84
  HPH 04-005, Operation of the Panasonic UD-710A
                  TLD Reader                              O    09/29/83
  HPH 04-007, Operation and Calibration of the
                  Eberline RO -2 & RO-2A                  4    08/22/85
  HPH 04-008, Operation & Calibration of the Eberline
                  RM-14                                    1    07/18/05
  HPH 04-010, Operation & Calibration of the NMC
                  Automatic Counting System (Model
                  ASC-82)                                  2    07/29/85
  HPH 04-011, Operation & Calibration of the TEC
                  Model 2004 Effluent Radiation Monitor    1    05/14/85
  HPH 04-012, Operation of Sentox 2 Model DOC Gas
                  Monitor                                  O    01/18/83
  HPH 04-013, Operation & Calibration of RADECO
                  Model H809-V1 or H809-V? Air Samplers    3    09/10/85
  HPH 04-017, Operation of the Model PRM-110 Portal
                  Monitors                                0    11/05/84
  HPH 04-019, Operation of the Keithley 36100 RAD
                  Survey Meter                            O    09/01/83
  HPH 04-020      Operation Procedure for the Eberline
                  Model E-530 Portable Geiger Counter      O    O2/29/84
  HPH 04-022, Preparation and Operation of the
                  Tennelec LB 5100 Alpha / Beta Counter    O    O2/16/84
  HPH 04-023, Respirator Fit Booth & Dynatech Model
                  260 Operating Procedure                  3    05/21/85
  HPH 04-026, Operation of the " RASCAL" PRS-1 with a
                  Neutron Rate Detector                    i    12/15/83
  HPH 04-030, Operation of the Panasonic UD-702E
                  Manual CTLD) Reader                      O    01/04/84
  HPH 04-031      Operation of the Victoreen Model
                  570 Condenser R-Meter                    O    06/08/83
  HPH 04-035, Operation of the J.L. Shepherd Multi-
                  Source Calibration System                i    11/05/84
  HPH 04-036, Operation of the Whole Body Counting
                  System in the Stand Alone Mode          O    O2/06/84
  HPH 04-037, Operation and Calibration of the
                  Teletector 61128 Survey Meter            2    06/27/85
  HPH 04-039, Operation of the Eberline PRM-6 Pulse
                  Rate Meter                              1    04/09/84
  HPH 04-040, Operation & Calibration of the
                  Eberline RO-7                            1    09/17/85
  HPH 04-042, Operation of the J.L. Shepherd
                  Irradiator Model 142-10                  2    06/26/85
  HPH 04-043, Operation of the NOVA Barometer              O    05/03/84
  HPH 04-044, Startup & Shutdown of the WBC System        1    08/09/84
  HPH 04-045, Selection & Use of Protective Clothing      2    11/30/84
  HPH 04-051, Operation of the Eberline PRS-2/NRD          1    08/03/84
  HPH 04-053, Routine Cleaning of the Panasonic 710A
                  TLD Reader                              4    07/25/85
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        IIILE                                            BEyISION  D61E
  HPH 04-054, Operation & Calibration of the
                " Snoopy" NP-2 Neutron Survey Meter        1    12/10/84
  HPH 04-055, Quality Control Program for WDC              1    03/27/85
  HPH 04-061, Operation & Calibration of the
              Eberline RM-21 Radiation Monitor            1    06/28/85
  HPH 04-062, Operation of the MSA Lapel Air Sampler        1    08/12/85
  HPH 04-063, Operation of the Ludlum Model 177
              Alarm Ratemeter                              2    09/10/85
  HPH 04-065 Operation & Calibration of the
              Eberline RM-20 Rad Monitor                  O    11/20/84
  HPH 04-067, Operation & Calibration of the
              Eberline Model PRM-7 Micro-R Meter          1    08/21/85
  HPH 04-068, Operation & Calibration of the RADECO
              Model HD-29A Air Sampler                    1    07/22/85
  HPH 04-069, Calibration of the Ludlum Model
              2218 Analyzer                                O    07/11/84
  HPH 04-070 Operation of the Ludlum Model 2218
              Analyzer                                    i    12/20/84
  HPH 04-074, Operation & Calibration of the NMC
              Gamma-10 Portal Monitor                      2    06/28/85
  HPH 05-001, Calibration of the WBC System                2    08/17/84
  HPH 05-011, Calibration and Leak Test of Pocket
              Dosimeters                                  4    09/09/85
  HPH 05-012, Calibration & Sensitivity Adjustment
              of Model PRM-110 Portal Monitors            0    11/05/84
  HPH 05-018, Calibration of the Keithley 36100 RAD
              Survey Meter                                O    09/01/83
  HPH 05-020, Calibration Procedure for the Tennelec
              LB5100 Counting System                      1    06/26/84
  HPH 05-025, Calibration of the " RASCAL" PRS-1 with
              a Neutron Rate Detector                      1    12/15/83
  HPH 05-026, Calibration of the " RASCAL" PRS-2 with
              a Neutron Rate Detector                      O    12/20/82
  HPH 05-029, Calibration of the Eberline PRM-6            1    05/03/84
  HPH 05-030, Calibration of the Panasonic UD-702E
              Manual TLD Reader                            1    10/22/85
  HPH 05-032, Calibration of the J.L.    Shepherd Multi-
              source Calibration System                    O    10/19/83
  HPH 05-039, Calibration of the J.L. Shepherd
                Irradiator Model 142-10                    3    07/29/85
  HPH 05-043, Preparation of Calibrated Gamma Refer-
              ence Sources for WBC                        0    03/27/84
  HPH 05-053 Energy Calibration of the Whole Dody
              Counting System                              O    06/05/84
  HPH 06-003, Decontamination, Maintenance,
                Inspection and Storage of Respiratory
              Protection Equipment                        1    03/23/84
  HPH 06-004, Selection of Respiratory Protection
              Equipment                                    O    10/31/83
  HPH 06-005, Use of Full Face Respirator with
              Canister / Filter                            O    08/18/03
  HPH 06-006, Use of Full Face Respirator as a
              Supplied Air Device                          O    08/18/83
  HPH 06-007, Operation & Use of Powered Air
              Purifying Respirators                        1    OY/17/85
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        IIILE                                          SEylSION    DOIE
  HPH 06-008, Operation & Use of Self Contained
                Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)                1      07/31/84
  HPH 06-009, Inventory of Respiratory Protection
                Equipment                                O      08/18/83
  HPH 06-010, Receipt of New Respiratory Protection
                Equipment                                1      06/26/84
  HPH 06-011, Quality Control of Respiratory Protection
                Equipment                                O      08/18/83
  HPH 06-014. Calibration of the Quantitative
                Respirator Fit Test System                O      09/20/83
  HPH 06-015, Donning & Use of MSA Air Supplied
                Hood                                      O      05/25/84
  HPH 06-016, Overhaul & Repair of Surviair
                Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
                Regulators                                O      05/25/84
  HPH 06-017, Air Supplied Hood Decontamination,
                Cleaning, Inspection & Storage            O      06/11/84
  HPH 08-003, Contract Health Physics Qualifications      O      07/17/84
  Instrument and Controls (IC) Calibration Procedures
  STN IC-539    Channel Calibration TSC Area Radiation
                Monitor 43                                1      07/09/85
  STN IC-540, Channel Calibration EOF Area Radiation
                Monitor 44                                1      08/15/85
  STN IC-541, Channel Calibration TSC Iodine Monitor
                SP-RE-01                                  O      O2/18/85
  STN IC-542, Channel Calibration Mobile P.I.G
                Monitor                                  1      07/09/85
  Other Documents
  A Guide at Spurious Readings on Panasonic 800 Series
        TLD Badges                                                09/20/85
  Student Handout, " General Employee Training - Requalification"
  SU7-OOl6, KGLE WCGS Biological Shield Testing          5      08/31/95
  Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                12/20/84

Latest revision as of 15:36, 18 December 2020

Insp Rept 50-482/85-42 on 851209-13.Deviation Noted:Licensee Had No Continuous Airborne Radioactivity Monitors (Cams) in Operation & CAMs Not Routinely Used
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 03/19/1986
From: Chaney H, Murray B
Shared Package
ML20140F463 List:
50-482-85-42, IEIN-81-26, IEIN-83-59, IEIN-84-59, IEIN-85-060, IEIN-85-092, IEIN-85-60, IEIN-85-92, NUDOCS 8604010062
Download: ML20140F494 (14)

See also: IR 05000482/1985042







NRC Inspection Report: 50-482/85-42 License: NPF-42

Docket: 50-482'

Licensee: Kansas Gas and Electric Company (KG&E)

P. O. Box 208

Wichita, Kansas 67201

Facility Name: Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS)

Inspection At: WCGS Site, Burlington, Coffey County, Kansas

Inspection Conducted: December 9-13, 1985

Inspector: b hlM1824

H. Chaney, Radiation Shecialist, Facilities




Radiological Protection Section

Approyed: /2[u M1144L/ /9Nd

B. Murray, Chief Facifities Radiological Date '

Protection Section

Inspection Summary

Inspection Conducted December 9-13, 1985 (Report 50-482/85-42)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of the licensee's Radiation

Protection Program (internal / external dosimetry, respiratory protection, contam-

ination and radioactive material control, and radiological control facilities),

Emergency Plan implementing procedures, and results of the power ascension

radiation surveys. The inspection involved 40 inspector-hours.onsite and 11

inspector-hours offsite by one NRC inspector.

Results: Within the areas inspected, one deviation (see paragraph 7) was

identified. No violations were identified.


8604010062 860324

PDR ADOCK 05000482


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1. _ Persons Contacted


  • W. J. Rudolph II, Manager WCGS Quality Assurance (QA)
  • G. D. Boyer, Superintendent Technical Support
  • M. G. Williams, Regulatory, Quality and Administration Superintendent
  • J. Ives, Site Health Physicist (SHP)
  • L. F. Breshears, Health Physics (HP) Supervisor
  • W. M. Lindsay, Supervisor Quality Systems
  • G. Pendergrass, Licensing Engineer
  • K. Peterson, Lead Licensing Engineer
  • S. Devena, Senior Engineer Emergency Planning
  • R. L. Hoyt, Emergency Planning Administrator
  • C. J. Hoch, QA Technician

J. Shaw, Reactor Operator

R. Ryan, HP Technician

M. Isom, Radioactive Waste Coordinator

H. Nichols, HP Technician

R. Stambough, QA Audit Supervisor

G. Downing, HP Technician


  • J. Cummins, NRC Senior Resident Inspector
  • B. Bartlett, NRC Resident Inspector
  • R. Flannigan, WCGS . Site Representative, Kansas City Power & Light
  • B. Allen, HP Consultant

"C. Rice, HP Supervisor, Consultant

R. Taylor, HP Supervisor /ALARA Coordinator, Consultant

J. Brock, Dosimetry Technician, Consultant

  • Denotes those present at the exit interview on December 13, 1985.

The NRC inspector also interviewed several other licensee employees

including QA/QC, training, administrative, and HP personnel.

2. Licensee Action on Previously Identified Open Item

(Closed) Open Item (482/8434-04): Postaccident Sampling of Radioactive

Liquid Waste System - The licensee had conducted training, installed

sampling equipment, and issued procedures to cover the sampling evolutions.

This item is considered closed.


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3. Inspector Observations


The following are observations the NRC inspector discussed with the

licensee. These observations are neither violations nor unresolved items.

These items were recommended for licensee consideration for program

improvement, but.they have no specific regulatory requirement. The

licensee indicated that these items would be reviewed.

a. Staffing - The licensee was using an inordinate reliance on contracted

employees in supervisory positions. (See paragraph 4)

b. ALARA - The onsite ALARA program appears inactive and under staffed.

(See paragraph 4)

c. NRC Inspection and Enforcement Information Notices - The licensee had

not developed adequate procedures to address the concerns identified

in several IE Information Notices. (See paragraph 5)

d. Release of Radioactive Material - The licensee's survey program for

potentailly radioactive materials.does not satisfy the

recommendations of I&E Information Notice 85-92. (See paragraph 7)

e. Response Check of Radiation Protection (RP) Instruments'- The area

radiation and airborne iodine monitors in the Technical Support Center

(TSC) and the Emergency Operating Facility (EOF) are not routinely

checked for proper operation between calibrations. (See paragraph 8)

4. Management Controls

The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's staffing changes within the

health physics department made since the last inspection of this area. The

former SHP was promoted to the onsite position of Superintendent of Plant

Support and the former HP Supervisor of operations was pr moted to the

position of SHP. The new SHP meets the training and qualification require-

ments of Technical Specification (TS) 6.3.1, and Standardized Nuclear Unit

Power Plant System (SNUPPS) Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) Addendum

for WCGS (SNUPPS-WC) commitments in Section-12.5.1. The NRC inspector

noted that the former KG&E employee assigned as HP Supervisor /ALARA Coordi-

nator had terminated and that this position and that of the former HP

Supervisor of operations were being filled by contractor personnel. Both

contract oersonnel filling the operations and ALARA supervisory positions

possessed the proper experience and qualifications for their assigned posi-

tions. Discussions with the ALARA Coordinator disclosed that the turnover

of duties involving this position was less than adequate and that the

current ALARA coordinator was somewhat unsure of the position's duties

regarding long range preplanning and corporate interfaces. The NRC inspec-

tor discussed with licensee representatives the NRC's concern regarding the

long term use of contracted employees in supervisory positions, and the

current effectiveness of the ALARA coordinator. The Superintendent of

Technical Support which oversees the HP group indicated that both of the

aforementioned inspector concerns had also been note by WCGS management.




4 '

The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's onsite and corporate procedures

involving radiation exposure control, QA audit's, directives and policies,

equipment calibration, implementing of the WCGS Emergency Plan, and

administration of HP/RP programs.


No violations or deviations were identified.

5. External Radiation Exposure Control

The licensee's RP program was reviewed for compliance with the commitments

contained in the SNUPPS-WC FSAR, Section, the requirements of

TS 6.8.1, 6.11, 6.12.1, and 6.12.2, and the requirements contained in

10 CFR Parts 19.12, 13, end 20.101, 102, 104, 105, 202, 203, 205, 206,

405, 407, 408, and 409, and the recommendations of IE Information Notices

81-26, 82-42, 83-59, 84-59, and 85-42, and also the recommendations

contained in NRC Regulatory Guides (RGs) 8.2, 8.4, 8.7, 8.8, 8.13, 8.14,

and 8.28, and those of industry standards ANSI N13.11-1983, N13.5-1972,

and N13.27-1981.



The NRC inspector reviewed selected WCGS personnel (contract and KG&E)

radiation exposure history . records (current and terminated / inactive),

dosimetry processing procedures, QA/ Quality Control (QC) over dosimetry

selection and independent laboratory cross comparisons, dosimetry calibra-

tion records,' extremity and multiple whole body dosimetry use, neutron

exposure monitoring and control, administrative exposure control limits,

skin exposure calculational methods, certification of the licensee's.

personnel dosimetry program by the National Voluntary Laboratory

Accreditation Program, and physical controls for controlling entry into

high and very high radiation areas. The design, useful range, and


inventory 'of personnel thermoluminescent dosimeters' (TLDS) for rout.sne and

emergency use was reviewed. The licensee's TLDs and computerized- readout

equipment provide for the effective monitoring of whole body penetrating

radiations encountered at WCGS during routine and emergency conditions.

The NRC inspector noted that the licensee had onsite self-alarming

personnel dosimeters, but had not placed them into use. The NRC inspector

noted that the self-alarming dosimeters had not been evaluated against the

performance criteria of RG 8.28. The NRC inspector determined that the

1 licensee had performed an annual QA audit of the RP program and several

surveillances of selected RP program activities including dosimetry use '

j and personnel exposure records during 1985. The licensee's QA department

was noted by the NRC inspector to be using ANSI 45.2.6 certified auditors

and contracted HP professionals for RP program audits.

The NRC inspector determined that the licensee's internal response to NRC


IE Information Notices involving selected HP aspects regarding licer see

oversight of contractor use of licensee radiation exposure monitoring

devices (84-59), use of dosimetry devices in non-uniform radiation fields

(83-59), and placement of dosimetry devices for whole body and extremity

monitoring (81-26).were not provided a satisfactory review by KG&E

personnel and that the licensee's actions did not provide assurance that

the problem areas referenced in the IE Information Notices would not be


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repeated at WCGS. Licensee representatives stated that some of the

earlier IE notices were reviewed at the Corporate level prior to the full

HP/RP program at WCGS being implemented, and may need to be re-reviewed by

the plant HP staff.

No violations or deviations were identified.

6. Internal Radiation Exposure Control

The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's internal radiation exposure

control program including airborne radioactivity monitoring / sampling, and

respiratory protection program for compliance with the commitments in the

SNUPPS FSAR, Section and SNUPPS-WC FSAR, Section 12.5, and the

requirements of TS 6.3.1, 6.8.4.b, and 6.11, and those of 10 CFR Parts

19.12,13, and 20.103, 201, 203, 405, 407, 408, and 409, and the reconnen-

dations of ANSI 13.1-1969, N343-1978, NUREG-0041, and RG 8.2, 8.7, 8.8,

8.9, 8.15, 8 20, and 8.26.

The NRC inspector reviewed selected WCGS personnel (contractor and KG&E)

exposure history records documenting licensee evaluations of internal

radioactivity analysis by direct whole body counting (WBC). The

licensee's annual calibration and periodic response checks of.the whole

body counter as well as the results of offsite laboratory confirmatory '

measurements were reviewed. The licensee's WBC system including the

internal dosinetry software use methodologies that are in agreement with

ANSI N343-1979 and RG 8.26. Qualifications and training of WBC operators

were reviewed. The NRC inspector noted that all dosimetry records and

analysis were being reviewed by the HP supervisor in charge of dosimetry


The NRC inspector reviewed respiratory protection program aspects

concerning medical review of users; training; maskfit testing; response to

IE Information Notices 81-26 and 85-60; installation and use of a

permanent plant breathing airline system and a portable breathing airline

system (cascade type); respirator receipt QC inspection, maintenance,

cleaning and decontaminations; and respiratory equipment selection,

issuance, preuse testing and return. The NRC inspector reviewed

respiratory protection equipment inventories for both routine and

emergency use. The licensee provides adequate respiratory protection

equipment at the primary security building, Emergency Operations Facility

(EOF), control room, Technical Support Center (TSC), Operations Support

Center (OSC) for use during emergency situations. Breathing air quality

is currently being certified by vendors supplying bottled air to WCGS.

The NRC inspector also reviewed airborne exposure tracking procedures and

methodologies used to evaluate exposures to noble gases. The licensee's

progress on installation of an air line breathing system for the RAB and

containment were reviewed.

No violations or deviations were identified.

- . _.- . . -.- - .-. .- - -




7. Control of Radioactive Materials (RAM) and Contamination, Surveys, and


The licensee's programs for the control of RAM and contamination, radio-

logical surveys and monitoring were reviewed for compliance with the

commitments contained in the SNUPPS FSAR, Section, and SNUPPS-WC

FSAR, Section 12.5, and the requirements contained in TS 6.11, and those

contained in 10 CFR Part 19.12, and 20.4. 5, 201, 203, 205, 207, 301, 401,

and 402, and NUREG-0737, Item III, 0.3.3, and the recommendations of IE

Information Notice 85-92.

The NRC inspector reviewed WCGS procedures for the control of RAM and

radioactive contamination, scheduling of radiological surveys, conducting

radiological surveys (radiation, contamination, airborne) for both routine

and emergency situations, decontamination and release of potentially RAM,

personnel decontamination and documentation, emergency response facility

habitability surveys during implementation of the WCGS emergency plan,

instructions to workers on actions to be taken upon the alarming of fixed

radiation protection instruments and instructions on reporting incidents

and overexposures to the NRC. The NRC inspector also observed the

performance of radiation and contamination surveys and the documentation

of the results by licensee personnel. Also, the licensee's inventory of

and the periodic survey of selected sources per TS was reviewed.

The NRC inspector noted to licensee representatives the filing system for

source records could use some clerical attention.

The NRC inspector reviewed the contents of IE Information Notice 85-92

with licensee representatives (HP personnel at the WCGS site were not

aware of the contents of the subject notice) and cautioned the licensee

that their plant procedures include methodologies and criteria that could

allow the release of licensed material to unrestricted areas. The NRC

inspector noted that the licensee routinely restricts release of

potentially radioactive material by involving a no-detectable-activity

restriction to routine surveying of materials removed from within

potentially contaminated areas. Currently, licensee procedures allow the

release of material based on a combination of surveys to detect beta / gamma

and alpha contamination, with laboratory counting of paper swipes or the

frisking of material with a thin-window " pancake" Geiger-Mueller (GM)

probe, which responds to primarily beta radiation, and/or the direct

monitoring of an item's radiation level (millirem per hour-mr/hr). The

licensee's current limits on material to be released this way is 1000

disintegration per minute (DPM) per 100 square-centimeters for loose

surface ridioactivity or per area frisked (for small objects) for fixed

activity. Alpha contamination has considerably lower limits for release.

A~ limit of less than 0.1 mr/hr was noted to be used for release of RAM

with fixed beta / gamma radioactivity. The NRC inspector noted to the

licensee that the contamination limits for loose surface activity

involving both beta / gamma and alpha contamination should be equivalent to

the lower limit of detection of the laboratory counters being used, and as

for the fixed radioactivity limit of 0.1 mr/hr, this limit does not appear

to be in agreement with the intent of the notice 85-92. The licensee





agreed to provide a comprehensive review of their solid waste and poten-

tially RAM release program.

The NRC inspector determined that Sections and of

the SNUPPS and the SNUPPS-WC FSARs respectively establish a commitment to

monitor airborne radioactivity in work areas using portable continuous

airborne monitors (CAMS) as a primary method, with grab sampling as a

backup to the CAMS. Contrary to this commitment the NRC inspector

determined on December 10, 1985, that the licensee did not have any CAMS

in operation and was relying on a grab sampling program, (particulates,

iodines and noble gases). Licensee representatives stated that they had

discontinued use of approximately 10 portable CAMS (that were purchased to

supplement the one SNUPPS provided CAM) due to a recurring breakdown of

computerized components. The lack of a CAM program is considered a

deviation from commitments made to the NRC in the FSAR (482/8542-01).

No violations were identified.

8. Radiological Control Facilities and Equipment / Instruments

The licensee's facilities for radiological protection activities during

routine and emergency situations were reviewed for compliance with commit-

ments contained in the SNUPPS FSAR, Section 12, and the SNUPPS-WC FSAR,

Section 12.5.2, Wolf Creek Radiological Emergency Response Plan

Table 4.3-1 and the recommendations of RG 1.9/, 8.8', 8.25, NUREG-0041, and


The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's facilities for controlling

access into radiologically controlled areas of the plant, temporary

radiological work areas RP. instrument storage and calibration facilities,

respiratory protection equipment storage and maintenance areas, RP

counting equipment and staff offices, inplant personnel decontamination

facilities, worker change rooms (male and female) and toilet facilities,

and protective clothing issue locations throughout the plant. Area

radiation monitors (ARMS) and certain ventilation system radioactivity

monitors with readouts provided in the control room were reviewed for

proper operation, calibration, and alarm set points. The setpoints for

the TSC and EOF ARMS and ventilation system iodine CAMS were reviewed

along with their calibration procedures. The NRC inspector noted to the

licensee that neither the ARMS nor the CAMS in the TSC and EOF were

required to be response checked periodically between routine calibrations

(18 month interva's). Licensee representatives indicated that a response

check program for the instruments would be incorporated into the quarterly

emergency equipment inventory program. The NRC inspector also inspected

the contents of selected emergency equipment kits and verified the

inventory of selected items (e.g., dosimetry, medical /first aid, check

sources, high range pocket dosimeters, high range radiation measuring

instruments, iodine sampling and analysis equipment, decontamination

supplies) at the control room, primary security access, TSC, EOF, and the

OSC. Records of RP instrument calibrations and response checks were also

reviewed for. fixed instruments (portal monitors, ARMS, air samplers (low

_ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___






and high volume, lapel breathing zone samplers, and CAMS), portable

instruments _(beta / gamma icn chambers, high range extendable probe gamma

instruments, and neutron dose rate meters) and laboratory counters.


No violations or deviations were identified.

9. Reactor Power Ascension /Startup Radiation Surveys

The -licensee's reactor shielding surveys conducted during power ascension

testing were reviewed for compliance with the commitments in

Section of the SNUPPS FSAR, and Section 14.2.5 of the


This area was previously discussed in NRC Inspection Report 50-482/85-31.

The NRC inspector reviewed the final radiation surveys of the~ reactor

biological shield obtained during performance of reactor 100 percent power

testing. The Joint Test Group review of the survey results were also

reviewed by the NRC inspector for significant test exceptions.

No violations or deviations were identified.

10. Exit Interview

The NRC inspector met with the licensee's representatives and the NRC

resident inspectors identified in paragraph 1 of this report at the

conclusion of the inspection on December 13, 1985. The NRC inspector

summarized the scope and the results of the inspection.









Nuclear Department Policy Manual:

Section II, " Organizational Policies":

17.0, As Low As Reasonably Achievable.(ALARA)

Policy 0 07/02/85

17A.O. ALARA Committee Charter O 05/24/85

Section III, " Nuclear Department Directives":

26.0. Corrective Action Program 2 06/12/84

Ouality Procram Manual 40 10/23/85

Quality Assurance Procedures (OAP) Manual

1Home Office)_ 42 11/26/95

OAP C2.2, Qualification and Certification of

Quality Branch Personnel O 06/22/84

OAP C2.3, Qualification of Quality Engineers 1 11/27/85

OAP C16.5, Quality Branch Followup of NRC

Findings O 06/22/84

OAP C16.7, OA Evaluation of NRC and Industry

Concerns 0 10/03/84

Quality Assurance Procedure Manual (WCGS)

DAP W18.2, WCGS Audit Procedure 2 03/20/85

OAP W18.6, Audit System 1 08/07/85

Essential Elements Manual O 08/02/85

Audits /Surveillances:

TE 50140-kO52, Radiation Protection Ptogram 05/28/85

S-1407, NUS Waste Solidification Surv.rillance 12/09/85

S-1395. Chemistry Sampling of Primary Coolant 10/14/85

S-1263, Health Physics Personnel Qualifications 02/28/85

S-1242, Health Physics Equipment Calibrations 01/24/85

WCGS Radiolooical Emeroency Response Plan 16 09/30/85 l


WCGS Emeroency Plan Implementino Procedures (EPP):

EPP 01-3,3, Offsite Support Notification 2 10/08/85

EPP 01-4.1, Technical Support Center Activation 3 10/11/85

EPP 01-4.2, Operations Support Center Activation /

Operation 3 10/11/95

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EPP 01-4.3, Emergency Operations Facility

Activation 3 10/11/85

EPP 01-7.1, Radiological Release Information

System (RRIS) 2 04/02/85

EPP 01-7.2, Manual Determination of Release Rate 4 10/11/85

EPP 01-7 3, Manual Dose Projection Determination 4 10/11/05

EPP 01-8.1, Onsite Radiological Monitoring 3 10/11/85

EPP 01-8.2, Offsite Radiological Monitoring 2 10/11/85

EPP 01-9.1, Exposure Control and Personnel

Protection 2 10/11/95

EPP 01-9.2, Personnel Decontamination 2 10/11/85

EPP 01-9.3, Radioprotective Drugs 2 10/11/85

EPP 01-9.4, Emergency Team Form-tion 3 10/11/85

EPP 01-9.5, Aid to Contaminated / injured Personnel 2 10/11/85

EPP 01-12.1, Reentry and Recovery Operations 2 10/08/85

EPP O2-1.5, Maintenance of Emergency Facilities

and Equipment 4 10/01/95


Radiation Protection Manual 2 04/17/85

WCGS Administrative Procedures (ADM)

ADM 01-001, Introduction to WCGS Administrative

Procedures 11 01/12/85

ADM 01-002, Plant Safety Review Committee 14 05/01/85

ADM 01-006, Superintendent of Technical Support


Duties and Responsibilities 2 06/10/85


ADM 01-009, Site Health Physicist Duties and

Responsibilities 4 08/27/85

ADM 03-001, Numbering of Health Physics Procedures 2 01/26/84

ADM 03-002, Radiation Worker Guidelines O 03/27/85

ADM 03-003, Radiography Guidelines O 08/20/85

ADM 03-006, Notice of Radwork Practice Violation 2 06/25/85

ADM 03-007, Duties & Responsibilities of Health

i Physics Supervisors and Technicians 4 12/07/84

ADM 03-050, WCGS ALARA Program 2 04/09/85

ADM 03-052, Fuel Building Evacuation Plan 1 03/01/94

ADM 03-100, Health Physics Dosimetry Program 2 03/06/85

ADM 03-101, Radiation Work Permit Program 4 03/06/85

ADM 03-201, Use & Control of Contaminated Tools

and Equipment 2 03/01/84

ADM 03-202, Decontamination & Clearance of Tools,

Equipment and Areas 3 03/23/04

ADM 03-203, Administrative Procedure for

Radioactive Material 3 12/18/84

ADM 03-400, Operation and Calibration of Health

Physics Equipment 3 06/06/85

ADM 03-600, Respiratory Protection Program 2 06/06/85

ADM 03-960, Use of Temporary Lead Shielding O 09/03/85

ADM 07-101, WCGS Procedure Content and Format 18 10/01/85


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Radiochemistry Procedures (CHM)

CHM 01-100, Radwaste Building Sample Station

SJ-144 3 11/25/84

CHM 01-101, Radwaste Building Sampling Instructions 1. 11/25/85

Health Physics Procedures (HPH)

-HPH 01-001, Issue, Numbering and Processing

of TLDs 1 03/22/85

HPH 01-002, External Overexposure Evaluation O O2/08/85

HPH 01-003, Angular Response of Panasonic Type

802 TLDs 1 04/22/85

HPH 01-004, Acceptance Criteria for Panasonic

TLDs Monitoring Devices 1 03/22/95

HPH 01-005, Developing Element' Correction Factor

(EFC) for Panascnic TLDs 3 06/26/85

HPH 01-006, TLD Processing 2 05/23/05

HPH 01-008, MPC-Hour Tracking 1 06/27/85

HPH 01-009, Selection of Reference TLDs 3 03/18/05

HPH 01-010, Fade Correction for the LIBO

Phosphor 1 03/22/85

HPH 01-011, Calculation of Non-Penetrating &

Penetrating Dose from TLD Data 3 04/18/85

HPH 01-012, Internal Dose Calculations 2 02/19/85

HPH 01-016, Evaluation of Exposure for Lost,

Suspect, Damaged or Offscale Dosi. 1 04/01/85

HPH 01-017, Evaluation of Personnel TLD Monitoring

Devices 2 04/10/85

HPH 01-019, Exposure History Files 2 11/21/85

HPH 01-020, Neutron Dose Calculations 1 03/14/85

HPH 01-024, Linearity/ Crossover Check for TLD

Reader UD-710A O 03/11/85

HPH 01-025, Internal Exposure Evaluation 1 03/22/05

HPH 01-028, Drift Check For the Panasonic

TLD Reader O 03/10/85

HPH 01-029,- Ti mi ng Gate Measurement and Glow

Curve Analysis 1 06/06/85

HPH O2-001, Receipt Accountability, Inventory &

Leak Check of Radioactive Materials 4 03/27/85

HPH O2-006, Receipt of New Fuel 3 05/29/85

HPH O2-007, Loss of a Radioactive Source 1 01/13/85

HPH 03-001, In-Plant Radiciodine Monitoring

Program O 12/14/84

HPH 03-002, Radiation Survey Methods 4 03/27/05

HPH 03-003, Airborne Radioac*.ivity Survey MeH.ods 4 09/10/85

HPH 03-005, Laundry Facility Operation 0 11/20/84

HPH 03-006, Collection of Bioaasay Samples 1 03/22/85

HPH 03-011, Contamination Surve/ Methods 4 09/16/85

HPH 03-012, Schedule of Routine Radiological

Surveys 2 03/01/95

HPH 03-013, Health Physics Shift Tuinover


2 02/08/05

HPH 03-014, Personnel Decontamination O O2/11/85

HPH 03-015, Posting for Radiological Controls 1 08/23/85


. e



HPH 04-001, Counting Blind Sample for WBC

Ouality Control 0 11/11/84

HPH 04-002, Operation of the Whole Body

Counting System 1 03/10/85

HPH 04-003, Operation of the Intrinsic

Germanium Counting System i 11/30/84

HPH 04-005, Operation of the Panasonic UD-710A

TLD Reader O 09/29/83

HPH 04-007, Operation and Calibration of the

Eberline RO -2 & RO-2A 4 08/22/85

HPH 04-008, Operation & Calibration of the Eberline

RM-14 1 07/18/05

HPH 04-010, Operation & Calibration of the NMC

Automatic Counting System (Model

ASC-82) 2 07/29/85

HPH 04-011, Operation & Calibration of the TEC

Model 2004 Effluent Radiation Monitor 1 05/14/85

HPH 04-012, Operation of Sentox 2 Model DOC Gas

Monitor O 01/18/83

HPH 04-013, Operation & Calibration of RADECO

Model H809-V1 or H809-V? Air Samplers 3 09/10/85

HPH 04-017, Operation of the Model PRM-110 Portal

Monitors 0 11/05/84

HPH 04-019, Operation of the Keithley 36100 RAD

Survey Meter O 09/01/83

HPH 04-020 Operation Procedure for the Eberline

Model E-530 Portable Geiger Counter O O2/29/84

HPH 04-022, Preparation and Operation of the

Tennelec LB 5100 Alpha / Beta Counter O O2/16/84

HPH 04-023, Respirator Fit Booth & Dynatech Model

260 Operating Procedure 3 05/21/85

HPH 04-026, Operation of the " RASCAL" PRS-1 with a

Neutron Rate Detector i 12/15/83

HPH 04-030, Operation of the Panasonic UD-702E

Manual CTLD) Reader O 01/04/84

HPH 04-031 Operation of the Victoreen Model

570 Condenser R-Meter O 06/08/83

HPH 04-035, Operation of the J.L. Shepherd Multi-

Source Calibration System i 11/05/84

HPH 04-036, Operation of the Whole Body Counting

System in the Stand Alone Mode O O2/06/84

HPH 04-037, Operation and Calibration of the

Teletector 61128 Survey Meter 2 06/27/85

HPH 04-039, Operation of the Eberline PRM-6 Pulse

Rate Meter 1 04/09/84

HPH 04-040, Operation & Calibration of the

Eberline RO-7 1 09/17/85

HPH 04-042, Operation of the J.L. Shepherd

Irradiator Model 142-10 2 06/26/85

HPH 04-043, Operation of the NOVA Barometer O 05/03/84

HPH 04-044, Startup & Shutdown of the WBC System 1 08/09/84

HPH 04-045, Selection & Use of Protective Clothing 2 11/30/84

HPH 04-051, Operation of the Eberline PRS-2/NRD 1 08/03/84

HPH 04-053, Routine Cleaning of the Panasonic 710A

TLD Reader 4 07/25/85

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HPH 04-054, Operation & Calibration of the

" Snoopy" NP-2 Neutron Survey Meter 1 12/10/84

HPH 04-055, Quality Control Program for WDC 1 03/27/85

HPH 04-061, Operation & Calibration of the

Eberline RM-21 Radiation Monitor 1 06/28/85

HPH 04-062, Operation of the MSA Lapel Air Sampler 1 08/12/85

HPH 04-063, Operation of the Ludlum Model 177

Alarm Ratemeter 2 09/10/85

HPH 04-065 Operation & Calibration of the

Eberline RM-20 Rad Monitor O 11/20/84

HPH 04-067, Operation & Calibration of the

Eberline Model PRM-7 Micro-R Meter 1 08/21/85

HPH 04-068, Operation & Calibration of the RADECO

Model HD-29A Air Sampler 1 07/22/85

HPH 04-069, Calibration of the Ludlum Model

2218 Analyzer O 07/11/84

HPH 04-070 Operation of the Ludlum Model 2218

Analyzer i 12/20/84

HPH 04-074, Operation & Calibration of the NMC

Gamma-10 Portal Monitor 2 06/28/85

HPH 05-001, Calibration of the WBC System 2 08/17/84

HPH 05-011, Calibration and Leak Test of Pocket

Dosimeters 4 09/09/85

HPH 05-012, Calibration & Sensitivity Adjustment

of Model PRM-110 Portal Monitors 0 11/05/84

HPH 05-018, Calibration of the Keithley 36100 RAD

Survey Meter O 09/01/83

HPH 05-020, Calibration Procedure for the Tennelec

LB5100 Counting System 1 06/26/84

HPH 05-025, Calibration of the " RASCAL" PRS-1 with

a Neutron Rate Detector 1 12/15/83

HPH 05-026, Calibration of the " RASCAL" PRS-2 with

a Neutron Rate Detector O 12/20/82

HPH 05-029, Calibration of the Eberline PRM-6 1 05/03/84

HPH 05-030, Calibration of the Panasonic UD-702E

Manual TLD Reader 1 10/22/85

HPH 05-032, Calibration of the J.L. Shepherd Multi-

source Calibration System O 10/19/83

HPH 05-039, Calibration of the J.L. Shepherd

Irradiator Model 142-10 3 07/29/85

HPH 05-043, Preparation of Calibrated Gamma Refer-

ence Sources for WBC 0 03/27/84

HPH 05-053 Energy Calibration of the Whole Dody

Counting System O 06/05/84

HPH 06-003, Decontamination, Maintenance,

Inspection and Storage of Respiratory

Protection Equipment 1 03/23/84

HPH 06-004, Selection of Respiratory Protection

Equipment O 10/31/83

HPH 06-005, Use of Full Face Respirator with

Canister / Filter O 08/18/03

HPH 06-006, Use of Full Face Respirator as a

Supplied Air Device O 08/18/83

HPH 06-007, Operation & Use of Powered Air

Purifying Respirators 1 OY/17/85

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  • o .


HPH 06-008, Operation & Use of Self Contained

Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) 1 07/31/84

HPH 06-009, Inventory of Respiratory Protection

Equipment O 08/18/83

HPH 06-010, Receipt of New Respiratory Protection

Equipment 1 06/26/84

HPH 06-011, Quality Control of Respiratory Protection

Equipment O 08/18/83

HPH 06-014. Calibration of the Quantitative

Respirator Fit Test System O 09/20/83

HPH 06-015, Donning & Use of MSA Air Supplied

Hood O 05/25/84

HPH 06-016, Overhaul & Repair of Surviair

Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus

Regulators O 05/25/84

HPH 06-017, Air Supplied Hood Decontamination,

Cleaning, Inspection & Storage O 06/11/84

HPH 08-003, Contract Health Physics Qualifications O 07/17/84

Instrument and Controls (IC) Calibration Procedures

STN IC-539 Channel Calibration TSC Area Radiation

Monitor 43 1 07/09/85

STN IC-540, Channel Calibration EOF Area Radiation

Monitor 44 1 08/15/85

STN IC-541, Channel Calibration TSC Iodine Monitor

SP-RE-01 O O2/18/85

STN IC-542, Channel Calibration Mobile P.I.G

Monitor 1 07/09/85

Other Documents

A Guide at Spurious Readings on Panasonic 800 Series

TLD Badges 09/20/85

Student Handout, " General Employee Training - Requalification"

SU7-OOl6, KGLE WCGS Biological Shield Testing 5 08/31/95

Offsite Dose Calculation Manual 12/20/84