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PREPAREDBY:PSLANTISTENGINEER(S)APPROVEDBY:SLEST6CODESUPERVISOR DATE:~94082'70298 940822PDRADOCK05000389PDR REVISION108/04/94TableofContentsTableofContentsRecordofRevisions ISTProgramTestingRequirement Guidelines ISTProgramImplementation
APPROVED BY:                                         DATE: ~
SL  EST 6 CODE SUPERVISOR 94082'70298 940822 PDR  ADOCK 05000389 PDR

==2.0 Applicable==
REVISION 1 08/04/94 Table of Contents Table of Contents Record of Revisions 1.0    Introduction 1.1    IST Program Testing Requirement Guidelines 1.2    IST Program Implementation 2.0   Applicable Documents 3.0    Inservice Testing Program For Pumps 3.1    Code Compliance 3.2    Allowable Ranges  of Test Quantities 3.3    Testing Intervals 3.4    Pump Program Table 3.5    Relief Requests for Pump Testing 4.0    Inservice Testing Program For Valves        10 4.1    Code Compliance                            10 4.2    Testing Intervals                          10 4.3    Stroke Time Acceptance Criteria            10 4,4    Check Valve Testing                        10 4.5    Valve Program Table                        10 4.6    Relief Requests For Valve Testing          10 A    Pump Program Tables B    Pump Program Requests For Relief C    Valve Program Tables D    Valve Program Requests, For Relief E    Cold Shutdown Justifications F    Refueling Outage Justifications
Documents,44.54.6Inservice TestingProgramForPumpsCodeCompliance Allowable RangesofTestQuantities TestingIntervals PumpProgramTableReliefRequestsforPumpTestingInservice TestingProgramForValvesCodeCompliance TestingIntervals StrokeTimeAcceptance CriteriaCheckValveTestingValveProgramTableReliefRequestsForValveTesting10101010101010ABCDEFPumpProgramTablesPumpProgramRequestsForReliefValveProgramTablesValveProgramRequests, ForReliefColdShutdownJustifications Refueling OutageJustifications REVISION108/04/94Second10YEARSUBMITTAL RECORDOFREVISIONS REVISIONHLH~ZDESCRIPTION OFREVISIONDATEEKIS122DATEQFMXZSecond10YearSubmittal ProgramUpdate07/16/9305/02/9408/04/94 REVISION108/04/94INSERVICE TESTING(IST)PROGRAMPLANST.LUCIEUNIT

REVISION  1 08/04/94 Second  10  YEAR  SUBMITTAL RECORD  OF  REVISIONS REVISION DESCRIPTION OF REVISION          DATE        DATE HLH~Z                                    EKIS122    QFMXZ Second 10 Year  Submittal      07/16/93  05/02/94 Program Update                  08/04/94

Revision1oftheSt.LucieUnit2ASMEInservice Inspection (IST)Programwillbeineffectthroughtheendofthesecond120-month (10-year) intervalunlessrevisedandreissuedforreasonsotherthantheroutineupdaterequiredatthestartofthethirdintervalper10CFR50.55a(f).
Thesecondinspection intervalisdefinedasfollows:August8,1993August7,2003ThisdocumentoutlinestheISTProgramforSt.LuciePlant,Unit2,basedontherequirements oftheASMEBoilerandPressureVesselCode(theCode),SectionXI,1986Edition.References inthisdocumentto"IWP"or"IWV"correspond toSubsections IWPandIWV,respectively, oftheASMESectionXI,1986Edition,unlessotherwise noted.TheISTprogramhasbeenupdatedtoreplacetherequirements ofASME/ANSI OM-1981,Part1withASME/ANSI OM-1987,Part1,"Requirements forInservice Performance TestingofNuclearPowerPlantPressureReliefDevices".
NRCSafetyEvaluations datedAugust23,1993,andMay2,1994determined certainreliefrequestswerenotrequiredpursuantto10CFR50.55a(f)
(4)(iv)whereitwasdetermined thattheproposedalternative isinaccordance withtherequirements ofthe1989EditionofSectionXI.The1989editionprovidesthattherulesforISTofpumpsandvalvesshallmeettherequirements setforthinASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part6,"Inservice TestingofPumpsinLight-Water ReactorPowerPlants"andASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part10,"Inservice TestingofValvesinLight-Water ReactorPowerPlants".Approvalwasgrantedtoconductinservice testsinaccordance withOM-6andOM-10,orportionsthereof,providedallrelatedrequirements aremet.Accordingly, theISTProgramfortheSt.LuciePlantisrevisedbythefollowing:
1.Measurement ofbearingtemperatures asrequiredby'EIWP-3300and'KIWP-4310 arenotrequiredbyASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part6,forinservice testingofpumps.Therefore, themeasurement ofbearingtemperatures isnotarequirement oftheISTProgram.2.Thevalveexercising requirements ofASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part10, to'3IWV-3412(a) andIWV-3522notincluding IWV-3522(a) and(b).
REVISION108/04/943.Theanalysisofleakagerateandcorrective actionrequirements ofASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part10, to'J[IWV-3426andIWV-3427.
Theinservice testingrequirements identified inthisPlanwerepreparedtoverifytheoperational readiness ofISIClass1,2,and3pumpsandvalveswhichhaveaspecificfunctioninmitigating theconsequences ofanaccidentorinbringingthereactortoasafeshutdown.
Inthisregard,thegeneralrequirements ofParagraphs IWP-1100andIWV-1100formthefollowing basicscopedocumentasitappliestoISIClass1,2,and3.Specifically components tobeincludedare:Centrifugal andpositivedisplacement pumpsthatarerequiredtoperformaspecificfunctioninshuttingdownthereactororinmitigating theconsequences ofan=accidentandthatareprovidedwithanemergency powersource,andValves(andtheiractuating andpositionindicating systems)whicharerequiredtoperformaspecificfunctioninshuttingdownthereactortothecoldshutdowncondition orinmitigating theconsequences ofanaccident.
ThegeneralCoderequirements wereappliedtoSt.LucieUnit2usingasystematic approachbyfirstreviewing thefunctionofeachoftheplantsystemsastheyrelatetoalimitednumberofboundingaccidentscenarios'his revieweliminated systems(andassociated components) thatclearlydonotfitthebasicCodedefinitions including thatofISIboundaryclassifications Next,aseriesofrulesorguidelines weredeveloped thatestablished thecriteriatobeusedduringthereviewoftheremaining systemsandcomponents.
Theserulesestablish thepoliciesandassumptions thatwereappliedtotheforegoing analysistoensureconsistency'ach oftheseareoutlinedbelow.Fromthispoint,inaseriesofsteps,eachoftheindividual components ineachoftheremaining significant safetysystems(andsupporting systems)wereevaluated withrespecttothefunctionofeachcomponent andtheneedforitsoperability asitrelatestothescopeofSectionXI.Thesestepsincluded:
1.Areviewofflowdiagramsofeachsystemandidentification ofanycomponents (pumpsorvalves)that"could"potentially beincludedintheISTProgram REVISION108/04/94scope.Basedonthereviewer's experience, valvesusedformaintenance isolation, vents,drains,etc.wereexcluded.
Typically, allpumps,power-operated valves,checkvalves,andsafetyvalvesremainedinthepopulation designated forfurtherevaluation.
2.Eachsystemwasbrokendownbycomponent and,basedongeneralsystemoperational requirements, anarrative description ofeachcomponent's safetyfunction(s) duringtheproposedscenarios wasdrafted.3.Sequentially, plantdocuments thatrefertoordiscusssafety-related component orsystemfunctions werereviewedindetailandinformation fromthesedocuments wascomparedtothedraftsdeveloped intheabovestep2.Whereappropriate, corrections andreferences wereappliedtotheindividual narratives.
Documents reviewedincludedthefollowing:
a.b.C.d.e.f.g.h.UpdatedFinalSafetyAnalysisReportTechnical Specifications PlantSystemDescriptions (Training)
Documents SpecialanalysesCommitment correspondence PlantOperating Procedures Emergency Operating Procedures AppendixJLeakrateTestProgram4.Basedonthefinalized component safetyfunctionevaluation derivedfromthedocumentreviewandthecorrected narratives, theISTProgramtestingrequirements werethenestablished byapplyingtheguidelines listedinSection1.1toeachone.5.Thefunctional description ofthesystemcomponents weresubjected toacomprehensive reviewbyknowledgeable plantpersonnel toconfirmtheaccuracyonthedocument.
REVISION108/04/94ISTPROGRAMTESTINGREQUIREMENT GUIDELINES Thefollowing guidelines aresetforthforevaluation ofsystemcomponents (pumpsandvalves)withrespecttotheirinclusion intheSt.LucieUnit2ISTProgramandtowhatextenttestingwillbeperformed.
Wheremultiplecomponents arecapableofperforming thesameequivalent andredundant specified function(eg.multiplevalvesclosinginseries)andwherethecomponents arenotsuppliedbyalternate andredundant powersupplies, onlyoneneedbeincludedintheandnotsimplyhavethecapability ofperformance.
Thisexemption onlyapplieswherelicensing documents takecreditforthedesignedredundancy.
Components performing a,redundant functionshallbeincludedinthetestingprogramif,intheprocessofanalysisorlicensing justification, theyarereliedupontobeoperable.
TheSt.LucieUnit2FUSARandrelateddesignbasisdocuments shallbetheprimaryreferences fordetermining whichcomponents arerequiredtoperformspecified functions relatedtothespectrumofpredicated accidents.
Althoughseveralotherplantsourcedocuments (Tech.Specs.andEOP's)identifyvariouscomponents thatmaybeimportant toplantsafetyoraretobeoperatedinconjunction withrecoveryfromanaccident, unlessspecificcreditistakenintheplantsafetyanalysis(orisimpliedintheanalysis) forapumporvalve,thecomponent neednotbeincludedintheISTprogram.Theexceptions tothisarethosecaseswheretheNRCimposestestrequirements attheirdiscretion.
Valvesinstalled primarily forthepurposeofproviding convenient operational flexibility (eg.systemcross-connects) thatarenotrequiredtooperate,assumingthatthedesignated first-line systemsandcomponents operatesatisfactorily, neednotbeincludedintheISTProgram.Thisdoesnotexcludeactivevalvesthatcouldbecalleduponasaresultofoptionalsystemlineupsexistingpriortotheinitiation ofanaccident, Valvesthatareactuatedasaresultofasafetysystemautomatic responseshallbeincludedintheISTProgramtotheextentthatthetestingshallverifyvalveoperation requiredasaresultofthesafetysysteminput.Thisappliesonlyifvalvemovementisrequiredtosupportthosefunctions requiredasspecified bytheCode.Thisrequirement extendsonlytotestingdefined REVISION108/04/94bytheCodeandisnotintendedtoimplytheneedforverifying avalve'sresponsetoautomatic logicsystemoutput.Valveswhosesolefunctionistoprovidesystemorcomponent redundancy relatedtofailureofpassivecomponents neednotbeincludedifasetofalloftheactivecomponents (pumpsandvalves)neededtofulfillthespecified system(train)functionaretesteddoubleorunrelated simultaneous failuresneednotbeassumed.Insomecaseswhereprotection ofcriticalsystemsfrompassivefailuresisacommitment, thecomponents areincludedinthetestingprogram.Systemsafety/relief valvesshallbeincludedwherethefunctionofthevalveistoprovideoverpressure protection.
AllvalvesincludedintheSt.LucieUnit2leakratetestingprogramcomplying withlOCFR50,AppendixJshallbeincludedintheISTProgramasCategoryAvalves.Allvalvesdesignated ashigh-lowpressureinterface valves(pressure isolation valves)shallbeincludedintheISTProgramasCategoryAorA/Cvalves.AnyactiveCategoryAvalveshallbedesignated fortesting(exercising) tothecloseddirections Whenavalve'snormalpositionduringoperation isitspositionrequiredtoperformitsdesignated safetyfunctionandvalvemovementmayberequiredduetoplantevolutions orpossiblerepositioning duringaccidentresponseorrecoveryoperations, thenperiodicexercising pertheCodeisrequired(i'hevalvecannotbeconsidered passive).
Whereanair-operated valveisprovidedwithasimpleair-pilot valve,thepilotvalveneednotbespecifically includedintheISTProgramprovidedthatthetestingperformed onthemainvalveverifiestheproperoperation ofthepilotvalve.Controlvalvesarespecifically excludedfromtestingperIWV-1200(a);however,ifacontrolvalvemustchangepositiontosupportasafety-related functionandithasafailsafeposition, thenitmustbeincludedintheISTProgramandtestedtotheextentpractical.
Steamturbinegovernorvalvesareconsidered tobeanintegralpartoftheturbineand,assuch,arenotincludedintheISTProgram.
REVISION108/04/9413.Checkvalvesareincludedwhereavalveservesastheonlyeffective boundarybetweenpipingassociated withanecessary safetyfunctionandnon-safety grade(non-seismic)piping.Failureofpassivesystemcomponents isassumedonlyfornon-safety gradesystems.14.Whereavalveperformsasafetyfunctioninbothdirections (openandclosed)exercising inbothdirection isrequiredasdescribed inReference 1.Forthesepower-operated valves,stroketimemeasurements inbothdirections wouldberequired.
15.Pumpsandvalveswhoseonlysafetyfunctionispredicated onplantshutdownandrecoveryfromafirepercommitment madeasaresulton10CFR50,AppendixRarenotincludedintheISTProgram.16.Pumpsandvalvesthatarenotcategorized asISIClass1,2,or3neednotbeincludedintheISTProgram.17.Checkvalvesthathaveasafetyfunctiontocloseshouldbeevaluated withrespecttocategorization asCategoryA/CversusCwithrespecttothefollowing issues:a.Whethertheflowrequirements forconnected systemscanbeachievedwiththemaximumpossibleleakagethroughthecheckvalve.b.Theeffectontheperformance ofothercomponents andsystemsduetothereducedflowresulting fromtheleakage.c.Theconsequences oflossoffluidfromthesystem.d.Theeffectthatbackflowthroughavalvemayhaveonpipingandcomponents, suchastheeffectofhightemperature andthermalstresses.
e.Theradiological exposuretoplantpersonnel andthepubliccausedbytheleak.
REVISION108/04/941.2ISTPROGRAMIMPLEMENTATION A.Therequirements oftheASMECodeSectionXI,subsections IWPandIWV,andOM-1-1987 areimplemented atSt.LuciethroughtheQualityInstructions andAdministrative Procedures.
Theseinstructions andprocedures addresstheCoderequirements, thedepartment(s) responsible, andthestepsthatmustbeperformed tosatisfythoserequirements.
Thesetestprocedures areintheformofeitherPumpDataSheets,ValveDataSheets,procedure appendixes, orindividual testprocedures.
Alltestprocedures andtheirsetpoints mustbereviewedandapprovedbythePlant'sProcedure ChangeRequest(PCR)process.ThePCRprocessincludesa10CFR50.59reviewandfinalreviewbythePlantsFacilityReviewGroup(FRG)~C.PlantChangesorModifications (PC/M)arereviewedbyEngineering and/ortheplantsTechnical Staffforanypotential effectstotheISTprogram.Ifchangestotheprogramarerequired, theplantTechnical Staffand/orotherapplicable departments willinitiatetheappropriate testprocedure changesviaaPCR.AnychangestotheISTprogramwillbemadebytheTechnical Staff.Periodically, thesechangeswillbeincorporated intoanewrevisiontotheISTprogramandsubmitted totheFRGforreview.'Following theFRGreview,thenewISTrevisionwillbeissued.
REVISION108/04/942.0APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ThisProgramPlanwasdeveloped pertherequirements andguidanceprovidedbythefollowing documents:
2.1Title10,CodeofFederalRegulations, Part502.2NRCRegulatory Guides-Division12.3StandardReviewPlan,3.9.6,"Inservice TestingofPumpsandValves2.4FinalSafetyAnalysisReport.,St.LucieUnit22.5St.LuciePlantUnit2Technical Specifications ASMEBoilerandPressureVesselCode,SectionXI,1986Edition2.7NRCGenericLetter89-04,"Guidance onDeveloping Acceptable Inservice TestingPrograms" 2.8MinutesofthePublicMeetingsonGenericLetter89- toMinutesofthePublicMeetingsonGenericLetter89-04byJ,G.Partlow,26September 1991RequestforIndustry/NRC-Accepted Interpretation on"Practical" asAppliedbyASMECodeSectionXI,IWV-3412(a)byMartinJ.Virgilio, Assistant DirectorforRegionsIVandV.ASMEBoilerandPressureVesselCode,SectionXI,1989Edition.2'2ASME/ANSI OM-1987,Part1,"Requirements forInservice Performance TestingofNuclearPowerPlantPressureReliefDevices". ofSt.LucieUnit2Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedAugust23,1993.ASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part6,"Inservice TestingofPumpsinLight-Water ReactorPowerPlants".ASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part10,"Inservice TestingofValvesinLight-Water ReactorPowerPlants".NRCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedMay2,1994.
REVISION108/04/943'INSERVICE TESTINGPROGRAMFORPUMPS3.1CodeCompliance ThisISTProgramforpumpsmeetstherequirements ofSubsection IWPoftheCodeandanyinterpretations oradditional requirements imposedbyReference 2.7.Wheretheserequirements havebeendetermined tobeimpractical, conformance wouldcauseunreasonable hardshipwithout,anycompensating increaseinsafety,oranalternative testprovidesanacceptable levelofqualityandsafety,relieffromCoderequirements isrequested pursuanttotherequirements of10CFR50.55a(f)
(iii)andReference RangesofTestQuantities Theallowable rangesfortestparameters asspecified inTableIWP-3100-2 willbeusedforallmeasurements ofpressure, flow,andvibration exceptasprovidedforinspecificreliefrequests.
Insomecasestheperformance ofapumpmaybeadequatetofulfillitssafetyfunctioneventhoughtheremaybeavalueofanoperating parameter thatfallsoutsidetheallowable rangesassetforthinTableIWP-3100-2.
Shouldsuchasituation arise,anexpandedallowable maybedetermined, onacase-by-case basis,inaccordance withIWP-3210.
3.3TestingIntervals Thetestfrequency forpumpsincludedintheProgramwillbeassetforthinIWP-3400andrelatedreliefrequests.
Abandof+25percentofthetestintervalmaybeappliedtoatestscheduleasallowedbytheSt.LucieUnit2Technical Specifications toprovideforoperational flexibility.
3.4PumpProgramTableAppendixAliststhosepumpsincludedintheISTProgramwithreferences toparameters tobemeasuredandapplicable requestsforrelief.3.5ReliefRequestsforPumpTestingAppendixBincludesallreliefrequestsrelatedtopumptesting.
REVISION108/04/944.0INSERVICE TESTINGPROGRAMFORVALVES4.1CodeCompliance ThisISTProgramforvalvesmeetstherequirements ofSubsection IWVoftheCodeandanyinterpretations oradditional requirements imposedbyReference 2.7.Wheretheserequirements havebeendetermined tobeimpractical, conformance wouldcauseunreasonable hardshipwithoutanycompensating increaseinsafety,oranalternative testprovidesanacceptable levelofqualityandsafety,relieffromCoderequirements isrequested pursuanttotherequirements of10CFR50.55a(f)(iii) andReference Thetestfrequency forvalves(excluding safety/relief valves)includedintheProgramwillbeassetforthinIWV-3400andrelatedreliefrequests.
Abandof+25percentofthetestintervalmaybeappliedtoatestscheduleasallowedbytheSt.LucieUnit2Technical Specifications toprovideforoperational flexibility.
Wherequarterly testingofvalvesisimpractical orotherwise undesirable, testingmaybeperformed duringcoldshutdownperiodsaspermitted byIWV-3412(a).
Justifications forthisdeferredtestingareprovidedinAppendixE.4.3StrokeTimeAcceptance CriteriaWhenrequired, theacceptance criteriaforthestroketimesofpower-operated valveswillbeassetforthinReference 2,7.4,4CheckValveTestingFull-stroke exercising ofcheckvalvestotheopenpositionusingsystemflowrequiresthatatestbeperformed wherebythepredicted fullaccidentcondition flowratethroughthevalvebeverifiedandmeasured.
Anydeviation tothisrequirement mustsatisfy,therequirements ofReference 2.7,Positionl.4.5ValveProgramTableAppendixCliststhosevalvesincludedintheISTProgramwithreferences torequiredtesting,respective testintervals, andapplicable requestsforrelief.4.6ReliefRequestsforValveTestingAppendixDincludesallreliefrequestsrelatedtovalvetesting.10 REVISION108/04/94AppendixAPumpProgramTables REVISION108/04/94FloridaPower&LightCompanyINSERVICE TESTING-PUMPTABLESSt.LucieNuclearPlant-Unit2PAGE'IcR&KD.PUMPNUMBERNumerical designator indicated ontherespective flowdiagram.DESCRIPTION Genericname/function ofthepump.CLCOORDISIClassification pertheassociated ISIboundarydrawing(s)
Corresponds to'heflowdiagramcoordinates ofthepump.TestParameters Thetableindicates bya"Y"(yes)or"N"(no)thatthespecificparameter ismeasured, evaluated, andrecordedpertheapplicable Coderequirement.
Ifa"N"isindicated, theassociated reliefrequestnumberisalsonotedinthesamecolumn.PR-XXWhereindicated thisreferstothespecificreliefrequest(SeeAppendixB)relatedtoanydeviation regarding themeasurement oranalysisofaparameter.  

REVISION108/04/94AppendixBPumpProgramReliefRequests RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-1Revision108/04/94WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-2Revision108/04/94VariousThefull-scale rangeofeachinstrument shallbethreetimesthereference valueorless.(IWP-4120)
Table1WP-4110-1 requirestheaccuracyofinstruments usedtomeasurespeedtobeequaltoorbetterthan+2percentbasedonthefullscalereadingoftheinstrument.
Revision    1  of the St. Lucie Unit    2  ASME Inservice Inspection (IST) Program will be in effect through the end of the second 120-month (10-year) interval unless revised and reissued for reasons other than the routine update required at the start of the third interval per 10 CFR 50.55a(f).                The second inspection interval is defined as follows:
Thismeansthattheaccuracyofthemeasurement canvaryasmuch+6percent,assumingtherangeoftheinstrument extendedtotheallowedmaximum.ThisISTpumpparameter isoftenmeasuredwithportabletestinstruments wherecommercially available instruments donotnecessarily conformtotheCoderequirements forrange.Inthiscase,highqualitycalibrated instruments willbeusedwherethe"reading" accuracyisatleastequaltotheCode-requirement forfull-scale accuracy.
August 8, 1993            August 7, 2003 This document outlines the IST Program for St. Lucie Plant, Unit 2, based on the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (the Code), Section XI, 1986 Edition.
Thiswillensurethatthemeasurements arealwaysmoreaccuratethantheaccuracyasdetermined bycombining therequirements ofTableIWP-4110-1andParagraph IWP-4120.
References in this document to "IWP" or "IWV" correspond to Subsections IWP and IWV, respectively, of the ASME Section XI, 1986 Edition, unless otherwise noted.
Wheneverportableinstruments areusedformeasuring pumpspeed,theinstrument (s)willbesuchthatthe"reading" accuracyisasfollowsatleast+2percent.VNRCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedMay2,1994,authorized thisreliefrequestinaccordance with10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(i).B-2 RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-3Revision108/04/94WITHDRAWN (Rev0,07/16/93)
The IST program has been updated to replace the requirements of  ASME/ANSI OM-1981, Part 1 with ASME/ANSI OM-1987, Part 1, "Requirements for Inservice Performance Testing of Nuclear Power    Plant Pressure Relief Devices".
B-3 RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-4Revision108/04/94Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW)Pumps2Athru2C(2998-G-080, Sh2)INXIEachinservice testshallincludethemeasurement andobservation ofallquantities inTableIWP-3100-1.
NRC  Safety Evaluations dated August 23, 1993, and May 2, 1994 determined certain relief requests were not required pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(f) (4) (iv) where alternative    is in it accordance was determined that the with the requirements proposed of the 1989 Edition of Section XI. The 1989 edition provides that the rules for IST of pumps and valves shall meet the requirements set forth in ASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part 6, "Inservice Testing of Pumps in Light-Water Reactor Power Plants" and ASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part 10, "Inservice Testing of Valves in Light-Water Reactor Power Plants". Approval was granted to conduct inservice tests in accordance with OM-6 and OM-10, or portions thereof, provided all related requirements are met. Accordingly, the IST Program for the St. Lucie Plant is revised by the following:
: 1. Measurement of bearing temperatures as required by
          'E IWP-3300 and 'KIWP-4310 are    not required by ASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part 6, for inservice testing of pumps.
Therefore, the measurement of bearing temperatures is not a requirement of the IST Program.
: 2. The  valve exercising requirements of ASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part 10, 9 and will be followed as alternatives to '3 IWV-3412(a) and IWV-3522 not including IWV-3522(a) and (b).
REVISION    1 08/04/94
: 3. The analysis      of leakage rate  and  corrective action requirements of ASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part 10, 9 (e) and (f) will be followed as alternatives to        'J[ IWV-3426 and IWV-3427.
The  inservice testing requirements identified in this Plan were prepared to verify the operational readiness of ISI Class 1, 2, and 3 pumps and valves which have a specific function in mitigating the consequences of an accident or            in bringing the reactor to      a safe shutdown.
In this regard, the general requirements of Paragraphs IWP-1100 and IWV-1100 form the following basic scope document as it  applies to ISI Class 1, 2, and 3. Specifically components to be included are:
Centrifugal and positive displacement pumps that are required to perform a specific function in shutting down the reactor or in mitigating the consequences of an          =
accident and that are provided with an emergency power source, and Valves (and their actuating and position        indicating systems) which are required to perform a        specific function in shutting    down  the reactor to the cold shutdown condition or in      mitigating the consequences      of an accident.
The  general Code requirements were applied to St. Lucie Unit 2  using a systematic approach by first reviewing the function of each of the plant systems as they relate to a limited number of bounding accident scenarios'his review eliminated systems (and associated components) that clearly do not boundary fitclassifications the basic Code definitions including that of ISI Next, a series of rules or guidelines were developed that established the criteria to be used during the review of the remaining systems and components.        These rules establish the policies and assumptions that were applied to the foregoing analysis to ensure consistency'ach of these are outlined below. From this point, in a series of steps, each of the individual components in each of the remaining significant safety systems (and supporting systems) were evaluated with respect to the function of each component and the need for its operability as it relates to the scope of Section XI.
These steps included:
: 1. A review of flow diagrams of each system and identification of any components (pumps or valves) that "could" potentially be included in the IST Program
REVISION 1 08/04/94 scope. Based on the reviewer's experience, valves used for maintenance isolation, vents, drains, etc. were excluded. Typically, all pumps, power-operated valves, check valves, and safety valves remained in the population designated for further evaluation.
: 2. Each system was broken down by component and, based on general system operational requirements,    a narrative description    of each component's safety function(s) during the proposed scenarios was drafted.
: 3. Sequentially, plant documents that refer to or discuss safety-related component or system functions were reviewed in detail and information from these documents was compared to the drafts developed in the above step
: 2. Where appropriate, corrections and references were applied to the individual narratives. Documents reviewed included the following:
: a. Updated Final Safety Analysis Report
: b. Technical Specifications C. Plant System Descriptions (Training) Documents
: d. Special analyses
: e. Commitment correspondence
: f. Plant Operating Procedures
: g. Emergency Operating Procedures
: h. Appendix J Leakrate Test Program
: 4. Based on the    finalized component safety function evaluation derived from the document review and the corrected narratives, the IST Program testing requirements were then established by applying the guidelines listed in Section 1.1 to each one.
: 5. The functional description of the system components were subjected to a comprehensive review by knowledgeable plant personnel to confirm the accuracy on the document.
REVISION  1 08/04/94 IST  PROGRAM TESTING REQUIREMENT  GUIDELINES The  following guidelines are set forth for evaluation of system components    (pumps and valves) with respect to their inclusion in the St. Lucie Unit 2 IST Program and to what extent testing will be performed.
Where multiple components are capable of performing the same equivalent and redundant specified function (eg.
multiple valves closing in series) and where the components are not supplied by alternate and redundant power supplies, only one need be included in the and not simply have the capability of performance.      This exemption only applies where licensing documents take credit for the designed redundancy.        Components performing a,redundant function shall be included in the testing program if, in the process of analysis or licensing justification, they are relied upon to be operable.
The  St. Lucie Unit 2 FUSAR and related design basis documents    shall be the primary references for determining which components are required to perform specified functions related to the spectrum of predicated accidents.        Although several other plant source documents (      Tech. Specs. and EOP's) identify various components that may be important to plant safety or are to be operated in conjunction with recovery from an accident, unless specific credit is taken in the plant safety analysis (or is implied in the analysis) for a pump or valve, the component need not be included in the IST program. The exceptions to this are those cases where the NRC imposes test requirements at their discretion.
Valves installed primarily for the purpose of providing convenient operational flexibility (eg. system cross-connects) that are not required to operate, assuming that the designated first-line systems and components operate satisfactorily, need not be included in the IST Program. This does not exclude active valves that could be called upon as a result of optional system lineups existing prior to the initiation of an accident, Valves that are actuated as a result of a safety system automatic response shall be included in the IST Program to the extent that the testing shall verify valve operation required as a result of the safety system input. This applies only if valve movement is required to support those functions required as specified by the Code. This requirement extends only to testing defined
REVISION  1 08/04/94 by the Code and      is not intended to imply the need for verifying    a  valve's response to automatic logic system output.
Valves whose sole function is to provide system or component redundancy related to failure of passive components need not be included          if active components (pumps and valves) needed to a set of all of the fulfill the specified system (train) function are tested double or unrelated simultaneous failures need not be assumed.      In some cases where protection of critical systems from passive failures is a commitment, the components are included in the testing program.
System  safety/relief valves shall be included where the function of the valve is to provide overpressure protection.
All valves included in the St. Lucie Unit 2 leakrate testing program complying with 10CFR50, Appendix J shall be  included in the IST Program as Category A valves.
All valves designated as high-low pressure interface valves (pressure isolation valves) shall be included in the IST Program as Category A or A/C valves.
Any  active Category A valve shall be designated for testing (exercising) to the closed directions When a valve's normal position during operation is its position required to perform its designated safety function and valve movement may be required due to plant evolutions or possible repositioning during accident or recovery operations,            then periodic response exercising per the Code cannot be considered passive).
is  required  (i'he      valve Where an    air-operated valve is provided with a simple air-pilot valve, the pilot valve need                      not be that specifically      included  in  the  IST  Program  provided the testing      performed    on  the  main  valve  verifies  the proper  operation    of the  pilot    valve.
Control valves are specifically excluded from testing per IWV-1200 (a); however, if a control valve must change position to support a safety-related function and it has a fail safe position, then it must be included in the IST Program and tested to the extent practical.              Steam turbine governor valves are considered to be an integral part of the turbine and, as such, are not included in the IST Program.
REVISION  1 08/04/94
: 13. Check valves    are included where a valve serves as the only effective boundary between piping associated with a necessary safety function and non-safety grade (non-seismic) piping. Failure of passive system components is assumed only for non-safety grade systems.
: 14. Where a valve performs a safety function in both directions (open and closed) exercising in both direction is required as described in Reference 1. For these power-operated valves, stroke time measurements in both directions would be required.
: 15. Pumps    and valves whose only safety function is predicated on plant shutdown and recovery from a fire per commitment made as a result on 10CFR50, Appendix R are not included in the IST Program.
: 16. Pumps and valves that are not categorized as ISI Class 1, 2, or 3 need not be included in the IST Program.
: 17. Check valves that have a safety function to close should be evaluated with respect to categorization as Category A/C versus C with respect to the following issues:
: a. Whether the flow requirements for connected systems can be achieved with the maximum possible leakage through the check valve.
: b. The  effect  on the performance  of other components and systems    due to the reduced  flow resulting from the leakage.
: c. The consequences    of loss of fluid from the system.
: d. The  effect that backflow through    a valve  may have on  piping  and components, such as the      effect of high temperature and thermal stresses.
: e. The  radiological exposure to plant personnel        and the public caused by the leak.
REVISION  1 08/04/94 1.2    IST PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION A. The  requirements of the ASME Code Section XI, subsections      IWP  and IWV, and OM-1-1987 are implemented at St. Lucie through the Quality Instructions and Administrative Procedures.          These instructions and procedures address the Code requirements, the department(s) responsible, and the steps that must be performed to satisfy those requirements.
B. Each of the pumps and valves included in the Unit 2 IST program are tested by a Unit 2 test procedure.
These test procedures are in the form of either Pump Data Sheets,        Valve Data Sheets,          procedure appendixes,  or  individual  test  procedures. All test procedures  and  their  setpoints  must be  reviewed  and approved by    the  Plant's  Procedure  Change  Request (PCR) process. The PCR process includes a 10 CFR 50.59 review and final review by the Plants Facility Review Group (FRG)  ~
C. Plant Changes or Modifications (PC/M) are reviewed by Engineering and/or the plants Technical Staff for any potential effects to the IST program.                If changes to the program are required, the plant Technical Staff and/or other applicable departments will initiate the appropriate test procedure changes via a PCR. Any changes to the IST program will be made by the Technical Staff.          Periodically, these changes will be incorporated into a new revision to the IST program and submitted to the FRG for review.
    'Following the FRG review, the new IST revision will be issued.
REVISION  1 08/04/94 2.0  APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS This Program Plan was developed per the requirements          and guidance provided by the following documents:
2.1    Title  10, Code  of Federal Regulations, Part 50 2.2    NRC Regulatory Guides  Division 1 2.3    Standard Review Plan, 3.9.6, "Inservice Testing of    Pumps and Valves 2.4    Final Safety Analysis Report., St. Lucie Unit 2 2.5    St. Lucie Plant Unit 2 Technical Specifications ASME Boiler and Pressure    Vessel Code, Section XI,  1986 Edition 2.7    NRC  Generic Letter 89-04,"Guidance      on  Developing Acceptable Inservice Testing Programs" 2.8    Minutes of the Public Meetings on Generic Letter 89-04 2.9    Supplement to Minutes of the Public Meetings on Generic Letter 89-04 by J, G. Partlow, 26 September 1991 2.10  Request  for Industry/NRC-Accepted Interpretation on "Practical" as Applied by ASME Code Section XI, IWV-3412(a) by Martin J. Virgilio, Assistant Director for Regions IV and V.
2.11  ASME  Boiler  and Pressure  Vessel Code, Section XI, 1989 Edition.
2 '2  ASME/ANSI OM-1987,  Part 1, "Requirements for Inservice Performance Testing of Nuclear Power Plant Pressure Relief Devices".
2.13  NRC  Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated August 23, 1993.
: 2. 14  ASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part 6, "Inservice Testing of Pumps in Light-Water Reactor Power Plants".
2.15  ASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part 10, "Inservice Testing of Valves in Light-Water Reactor Power Plants".
2.16  NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994.
REVISION  1 08/04/94 3' INSERVICE TESTING PROGRAM FOR PUMPS 3.1  Code Compliance This IST Program for pumps meets the requirements of Subsection IWP of the Code and any interpretations or additional requirements imposed by Reference 2.7. Where these requirements          have been determined        to be impractical, conformance would cause unreasonable hardship without, any compensating increase in safety, or an alternative test provides an acceptable            level of quality and safety, relief from Code requirements is requested pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(f) (iii) and Reference 2.7.
3.2  Allowable Ranges of Test Quantities The  allowable ranges for test parameters      as  specified in Table IWP-3100-2 will be used for all          measurements  of pressure, flow, and vibration except as        provided for in specific relief requests. In some cases        the performance of a pump may be adequate to fulfill its safety function even though there may be a value of an operating parameter that falls outside the allowable ranges as set forth in Table IWP-3100-2. Should such a situation arise, an expanded allowable may be determined, on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with IWP-3210.
3.3  Testing Intervals The test frequency for pumps included in the Program will be as set forth in IWP-3400 and related relief requests. A band of +25 percent of the test interval may be applied to a test schedule as allowed by the St.
Lucie Unit 2 Technical Specifications to provide for operational flexibility.
3.4  Pump  Program Table Appendix  A lists  those pumps included in the IST Program with references      to parameters to be measured and applicable requests for relief.
3.5  Relief  Requests  for  Pump  Testing Appendix  B includes    all relief  requests related to  pump testing.
REVISION 1 08/04/94 4.0 INSERVICE TESTING PROGRAM FOR VALVES 4.1  Code Compliance This IST Program for valves meets the requirements of Subsection IWV of the Code and any interpretations or additional requirements imposed by Reference 2.7. Where these requirements      have been determined        to be impractical, conformance would cause unreasonable hardship without any compensating increase in safety, or an alternative test provides an acceptable          level of quality and safety, relief from Code requirements is requested pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(f)(iii) and Reference 2.7.
4.2  Testing Intervals The  test frequency for valves (excluding safety/relief valves) included in the Program will be as set forth in IWV-3400 and related relief requests.        A band of +25 percent of the test interval may be applied to a test schedule as allowed by the St. Lucie Unit 2 Technical Specifications to provide for operational flexibility.
Where quarterly testing of valves is impractical or otherwise undesirable, testing may be performed during cold shutdown periods as permitted by IWV-3412(a).
Justifications for this deferred testing are provided in Appendix E.
4.3  Stroke Time Acceptance Criteria When  required, the acceptance    criteria for the stroke times of power-operated valves    will be as set forth in Reference 2,7.
4,4  Check Valve  Testing Full-stroke exercising of check valves to the open position using system flow requires that a test be performed whereby the predicted full accident condition flowrate through the valve be verified and measured.
Any deviation to this requirement must satisfy, the requirements of Reference 2.7, Position    l.
4.5  Valve Program Table Appendix  C  lists  those  valves included in the IST Program with references    to required testing, respective test intervals, and applicable requests for relief.
4.6  Relief Requests for Valve Testing Appendix D includes all relief requests related to valve testing.
REVISION 1 08/04/94 Appendix A Pump Program Tables
REVISION  1 08/04/94 Florida Power & Light Company INSERVICE TESTING  PUMP TABLES St. Lucie Nuclear Plant    Unit  2                PAGE  '
PUMP NUMBER          Numerical designator indicated on the respective flow diagram.
DESCRIPTION          Generic name/function of the pump.
CL                  ISI Classification per the associated      ISI boundary drawing(s)
COORD                Corresponds    to'he  flow diagram coordinates of the pump.
Test Parameters      The  table indicates by    a "Y" (yes) or "N" (no) that the specific parameter is measured, evaluated, and recorded per the applicable Code requirement.      If a "N" is indicated, the associated relief request number is also noted in the  same  column.
PR-XX                Where  indicated this refers to the specific relief  request (See Appendix B) related to any deviation regarding the measurement or analysis of a parameter.
RE VIS ION 1 08/04/94 Appendix  B Pump  Program Relief Requests
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-1 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-2 Various The  full-scale range of each instrument  shall be three times the reference value or less.   (IWP-4120)
Table 1WP-4110-1 requires the accuracy of instruments used to measure speed to be equal to or better than +2 percent based on the full scale reading of the instrument. This means that the accuracy of the measurement can vary as much +6 percent, assuming the range of the instrument extended to the allowed maximum.
This IST  pump  parameter is often measured with portable test instruments where commercially available instruments do not necessarily conform to the Code requirements for range. In this case, high quality calibrated instruments will be used where the "reading" accuracy is at least equal to the Code-requirement for full-scale accuracy. This will ensure that the measurements are always more accurate than the accuracy as determined by combining the requirements of Table IWP-4110-1 and Paragraph IWP-4120.
Whenever portable instruments are used for measuring pump speed, the instrument (s) will be such that the "reading" accuracy is as follows at least +2 percent.
V NRC  Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program  Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, authorized this relief request in accordance with 10 CFR 50. 55a (a) (3) (i) .
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-3 WITHDRAWN (Rev 0, 07/16/93)
Revision    1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-4 Auxiliary Feedwater     (AFW) Pumps  2A thru  2C (2998-G-080,   Sh 2)
I  N XI Each  inservice test shall include the measurement and observation of    all quantities in Table IWP-3100-1.
Pump  flow rate shall be measured during the test.         (Table IWP-3100-1)
Thereareonlytwopractical flowpathsavailable forperforming inservice testingoftheAFWPumps.Theseincludetheprimaryflowpathintothemainfeedsupplylinesandthencetothesteamgenerator, andtheminimum-flow recirculation (mini-recirc andbypasstestloop)whichreturnstothecondensate storagetank.Theformerisprovidedwithflowratemeasuring instrumentation howeverthemini-recirc lineisafixedresistance circuitwithnoflowinstrumentation.
There are only two practical flow paths available for performing inservice testing of the AFW Pumps. These include the primary flow path into the main feed supply lines and thence to the steam generator, and the minimum-flow recirculation (mini-recirc and bypass test loop) which returns to the condensate storage tank. The former is provided with flow rate measuring instrumentation however the mini-recirc line is a fixed resistance circuit with no flow instrumentation.
Pumpingfromtheauxiliary feedwater systemintothesteamgenerators duringplanthotoperation isimpractical andundesirable forthefollowing reasons:*Duringauxiliary feedwater injection viathemainfeedwater lineswhiletheplantisoperating atpower,alargetemperature differential (approximately 375deg-F)couldexistthatwouldresultinsignificant thermalshockandfatiguecyclingofthefeedwater pipingandsteamgenerator nozzles.*Basedontheexpecteddurationofthetestingandtheflowrateofthepumps(150to200gpm),itisexpectedthatthecooldownofthesteamgenerator wouldinducecooldownandcontraction ofthereactorcoolantsystemresulting inundesirable reactivity variations andpowerfluctuations.
Pumping from the auxiliary feedwater system into the steam generators during plant hot operation is impractical and undesirable for the following reasons:
B-4 RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-4(cont.)Revision108/04/94ERNDuringquarterly testingoftheAFWpumpswhilethepumpsareoperating throughthefixed-resistance mini-recirc line,pumpdifferential pressureandvibration willbemeasuredandevaluated perIWP-3100andIWP-3200.
* During auxiliary feedwater injection via the main feedwater lines while the plant is operating at power, a large temperature differential (approximately 375 deg-F) could exist that would result in significant thermal shock and fatigue cycling of the feedwater piping and steam generator nozzles.
Duringtestingperformed atcoldshutdown, pumpdifferential
* Based on the expected    duration of the testing and the flow rate of  the  pumps (150 to 200 gpm),     it  is expected that the    cooldown of  the  steam  generator    would induce  cooldown  and  contraction  of  the  reactor  coolant system resulting in undesirable reactivity variations and power  fluctuations.
: pressure, flowrate,andvibration willbemeasuredandevaluated perIWP-3100andIWP-3200.
Testingduringcoldshutdowns willbeonafrequency determined byintervals betweenshutdowns asfollows:Forintervals of3monthsorlonger-eachshutdown.
Forintervals oflessthan3months-testingisnotrequiredunless3monthshavepassedsincethelastshutdowntest.pvNRCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedMay2,1994,approvedthisreliefrequestpursuanttoNRCGenericLetter89-04,Position9.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-4 (cont.)
RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-5Revision108/04/94BoricAcidMakeup(BAM)Pumps2Aand2B(2998-G-078, Sh121)Eachinservice testshallincludethemeasurement andobservation ofallquantities inTableIWP-3100-1.
ERN During quarterly testing of the AFW pumps while the pumps are operating through the fixed-resistance mini-recirc line, pump differential pressure and vibration will be measured and evaluated per IWP-3100 and IWP-3200.
During testing performed at cold shutdown, pump differential pressure, flow rate, and vibration will be measured and evaluated per IWP-3100 and IWP-3200. Testing during cold shutdowns will be on a frequency determined by intervals between shutdowns as  follows:
For  intervals of 3 months or longer  each shutdown.
For intervals of less than 3 months  testing is not required unless 3 months have passed since the last shutdown test.
p  v NRC  Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program  Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 9.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-5 Boric Acid  Makeup (BAM) Pumps 2A and 2B (2998-G-078, Sh 121)
Each  inservice test shall include the measurement and observation of  all quantities in Table IWP-3100-1.
Pump  flow rate shall be measured during the test.   (Table IWP-3100-1)
Therearethreepractical flowpathsavailable forperforming inservice testingoftheBAMPumps.Theseincludetheprimaryflowpathintothechargingpumpsuctionheader,arecirculation lineleadingbacktotherefueling watertank,andtheminimum-flow recirculation (mini-recirc andbypasstestloop)whichreturnstotheBAMTanks.Noneoftheseflowpaths,istotallysatisfactory forthefollowing reasons:Operating theBAMPumpsdischarging intothechargingpumpsuctionheaderrequirestheintroduction ofhighlyconcentrated boricacidsolutionfromtheboricacidmakeuptankstothesuctionofthechargingpumps.This,inturn,wouldresultintheadditionofexcessborontotheRCS.Thisrapidinsertion ofnegativereactivity wouldresultinarapidRCScooldownanddepressurization.
There are three  practical flow paths available for performing inservice testing of the BAM Pumps. These include the primary flow path into the charging pump suction header, a recirculation line leading back to the refueling water tank, and the minimum-flow recirculation (mini-recirc and bypass test loop) which returns to the BAM Tanks. None of these flow paths, is totally satisfactory for the following reasons:
Alargeenoughboronadditionwouldresultinanunscheduled planttripandapossibleinitiation ofSafetyInjection Systems.Duringcoldshutdown, theintroduction ofexcessquantities ofboricacidintotheRCSisundesirable fromtheaspectofmaintaining properplantchemistry andtheinherentdifficulties thatmaybeencountered duringthesubsequent startupduetoover-boration oftheRCS.Thewastemanagement systemwouldbeoverburdened bythelargeamountsofRCScoolantthatwouldrequireprocessing todecreaseitsboronconcentration.
Operating the BAM Pumps discharging into the charging pump suction header requires the introduction of highly concentrated boric acid solution from the boric acid makeup tanks to the suction of the charging pumps.
"B-6 RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-5(cont,)Revision108/04/94Thesecondcircuitrecirculates watertotheRefueling WaterTank(RWT)ortheVolumeControlTank(VCT).Duringnormalplantoperation atpoweritisundesirable topumptotheRWTanddepletetheBAMTankinventory.
This, in turn, would result in the addition of excess boron to the RCS. This rapid insertion of negative reactivity would result in a rapid RCS cooldown and depressurization. A large enough boron addition would result in an unscheduled plant trip and a possible initiation of Safety Injection Systems.
OneofthetwoBAMTanksismaintained atTech.Spec.levelwhiletheotherisusedasrequiredforplantoperation.
During cold shutdown, the introduction of excess quantities of boric acid into the RCS is undesirable from the aspect of maintaining proper plant chemistry and the inherent difficulties that may be encountered during the subsequent startup due to over-boration of the RCS. The waste management system would be overburdened by the large amounts of RCS coolant that would require processing to decrease its boron concentration.
TheTech.Spec.BAMTankcannotbepumpedfrombecauseitmustbemaintained atalevelnearthetopofthetank.TheotherBAMTank'slevelwillvaryfromtesttotestbyasmuchas15to20feet.Thisvarianceinpumpsuctionpressurewillhaveadirectaffectonpumpheadandflowsuchthattestrepeatability wouldbequestionable.
*Theminimum-flow recirculation flowpathisafixedresistance circuit.Noflowratemeasuring instrumentation isinstalled inthislinc'umping boricacidfromtanktotankwouldbepossiblebuttheflowrateswouldbesmall,limitingpumpoperation tothehighheadsectionofthepumpcurve~Inaddition, oneofthetwoBAMTanksismaintained atTech.Spec.levelwhiletheotherisusedasrequiredfornormalplantoperation.
TheTech.Spec.BAMTankcannotbepumpedfrombecauseitmustbemaintained atalevelnearthetopofthetank.Thisnarrowbandlimitstheamountthatcanbepumpedtoitorfromittoonlyafewhundredgallons.TheotherBAMTank'slevelwillvaryfromtesttotestbyasmuchas15to20feet.Thisvarianceinpumpsuctionpressurewillhaveadirectaffectonpumpheadandflowsuchthattestrepeatability wouldbequestionable.
Revision  1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-5   (cont,)
B-7 RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-5(cont.)Revision108/04/94Duringquarterly testingoftheBAMpumps,whilethepumpsareoperating throughthefixed-resistance mini-recirc line,pumpdifferential pressureandvibration willbemeasuredandevaluated perIWP-3100andIWP;3200.
The second  circuit recirculates  water to the Refueling Water Tank    (RWT) or the Volume Control Tank (VCT) . During normal plant operation at power      it undesirable to pump to the RWT and deplete the BAM Tank is inventory. One of the two BAM Tanks is maintained at Tech. Spec. level while the other is used as required for plant operation. The Tech. Spec. BAM Tank cannot be pumped from because it must be maintained at a level near the top of the tank. The other BAM Tank's level will vary from test to test by as much as 15 to 20 feet.
Duringtestingperformed ateachreactorrefueling outage,pumpdifferential
This variance in pump suction pressure will have a direct affect on pump head and flow such that test repeatability would be questionable.
: pressure, flowrate,andvibration willbemeasuredandevaluated perIWP-3100andIWP-3200.
* The minimum-flow recirculation flow path is a fixed resistance circuit. No flow rate measuring instrumentation is installed in this linc'umping boric acid from tank to tank would be possible but the flow rates would be small, limiting pump operation to the high head section of the pump curve    ~   In addition, one of the two BAM Tanks is maintained at Tech. Spec.
NRCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedMay2,1994,approvedthisreliefrequestpursuanttoNRCGenericLetter89-04,Position9.B-8 RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-6Revision108/04/94Containment Spray(CS)Pumps2Aand2B(2998-G-088)
level while the other is used as required for normal plant operation. The Tech. Spec. BAM Tank cannot be pumped from because it must be maintained at a level near the top of the tank. This narrow band limits the amount that can be pumped to it or from      it  to only a few hundred gallons. The other BAM Tank's level will vary from test to test by as much as 15 to 20 feet. This variance in pump suction pressure will have a direct affect on pump head and flow such that test repeatability would be questionable.
Eachinservice testshallincludethemeasurement andobservation ofallquantities inTableIWP-3100-1.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-5   (cont.)
During quarterly testing of the BAM pumps, while the pumps are operating through the fixed-resistance mini-recirc line, pump differential pressure and vibration will be measured and evaluated per IWP-3100 and IWP;3200.
During testing performed at each reactor refueling outage, pump differential pressure,   flow rate, and vibration will be measured and evaluated per IWP-3100 and IWP-3200.
NRC  Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit    2  Inservice Testing Program  Relief Requests  dated  May 2,   1994,   approved this relief  request pursuant to  NRC  Generic Letter 89-04, Position 9.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-6 Containment Spray   (CS) Pumps 2A and 2B (2998-G-088)
Each  inservice test shall include the measurement and observation of  all quantities in Table IWP-3100-1.
Pump  flow rate shall be measured during the test.     (Table IWP-3100-1)
Therearetwopractical flowpathsavailable forperforming inservice testingoftheCSPumps.Theseincludeonethatpumpsboratedwater,fromtheRWTtotheRCSviathelow-pressureinjection headerandtheother,minimum-flow recirculation (mini-recirc andbypasstestloop)whichreturnstotheRWT.Thefirstwouldrequiremodifying theshutdowncoolinglineupwhileincoldshutdown; however,theshutdowncoolingsystemcannotprovidesufficient letdownflowtotheRWTtoaccommodate fulldesignflowfromtheRWTwhilemaintaining thenecessary corecoolingfunction.
There are two  practical flow paths available for performing inservice testing of the CS Pumps. These include one that pumps borated water, from the RWT to the RCS via the low-pressure injection header and the other, minimum-flow recirculation (mini-recirc and bypass test loop) which returns to the RWT.
Thus,theonlypractical timefortestingthesepumpsviathisflowpathisduringrefueling outageswhenwaterfromtheRWTisusedtofilltherefueling cavity.Theminimum-flow recirculation flowpathisafixedresistance circuitcontaining aflowlimitingorificehowevernoflowratemeasuring instrumentation isinstalled.
The first would require modifying the shutdown cooling lineup while in cold shutdown; however, the shutdown cooling system cannot provide sufficient letdown flow to the RWT to accommodate full design flow from the RWT while maintaining the necessary core cooling function. Thus, the only practical time for testing these pumps via this flow path is during refueling outages when water from the RWT is used to fill  the refueling cavity.
TheCSpumpsareoperatedthroughthefixed-resistance mini-recirclineduringthequarterly pumptesting.Pumpdifferential pressureandvibration willbemeasuredandevaluated perIWP-3100andIWP-3200.
The minimum-flow recirculation flow path is a fixed resistance circuit containing a flow limiting orifice however no flow rate measuring instrumentation is installed.
B-9 RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-6(cont.)Revision108/04/94Duringthepumptestingperformed eachreactorrefueling, pumpdifferential
The CS pumps  are operated through the fixed-resistance mini-recirc line during the quarterly pump testing. Pump differential pressure and vibration will be measured and evaluated per IWP-3100 and IWP-3200.
: pressure, flowrate,andvibration willbemeasuredandevaluated perIWP-3100andIWP-3200.
VNRCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedMay2,1994,approvedthisreliefrequestpursuanttoNRCGenericLetter89-04,Position9.B-10 RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-7Revision108/04/94WITHDRAWN (Rev0,07/16/93)
RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-8Revision108/04/94NBoricAcidMakeupPumps2Aand2B(2998-G-078, Sh121)Eachinservice testshallincludethemeasurement andobservation ofallquantities inTableIWP-'3100-1 exceptbearingtemperatures, whichshallbemeasuredduringatleastoneinservice testeachyear.(IWP-3300)
Revision  1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-6   (cont.)
Thesysteminstallation doesnotprovideanymechanism formeasuring pumpsuctionpressures, andthus,therequirement formeasuring suctionpressureandpumpdifferential pressures cannotbesatisfied.
During the  pump testing performed  each  reactor refueling, pump  differential pressure, flow rate,   and vibration  will be measured  and evaluated per  IWP-3100 and  IWP-3200.
Ameasureofpumpsuctionpressurecan,however,bedetermined byacalculation usingtheheightofliquidintheboricacidmakeuptanks.Sincethereisessentially fixedresistances betweenthetanksandthepumpsthiswillprovideaconsistent valueforsuctionpressures'ince thetanklevelsarenotexpectedtovarysignificantly duringthetests,tanklevelsandassociated calculations willonlybetakenonceduringeachtestinsteadofpriortopumpoperation andduringoperation asrequiredbyTableIWP-3100-1.Theboricacidmakeuppumpsuctionpressures willbecalculated basedontheheightofliquidintheassociated tankonceduringeachinservice test.Subsequently, thesecalculated valueswillbeusedtodetermine pumpdifferential pressures forevaluation ofpumpparameters.
V NRC  Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 9.
NRCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedMay2,1994,authorized thisreliefrequestinaccordance with10CFR50.55a(a)(3)
(i).B-12 RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-9Revision108/04/94HighPressureSafetyInjection (HPSI)Pumps2Aand2B(2998-G-078, Sh130)Eachinservice testshallincludethemeasurement andobservation ofallquantities inTableIWP-3100-1.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-7 WITHDRAWN (Rev 0, 07/16/93)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-8 N
Boric Acid            Makeup Pumps 2A and 2B (2998-G-078,     Sh 121)
Each          inservice test shall include the measurement and observation of all quantities in Table IWP-'3100-1 except bearing temperatures, which shall be measured during at least one inservice test each year. (IWP-3300)
The system            installation  does not provide any mechanism for measuring pump            suction pressures,   and thus, the requirement for measuring suction pressure and pump differential pressures cannot be satisfied. A measure of pump suction pressure can, however, be determined by a calculation using the height of liquid in the boric acid makeup tanks. Since there is essentially fixed resistances between the tanks and the pumps this will provide a consistent value for suction pressures'ince the tank levels are not expected to vary significantly during the tests, tank levels and associated calculations will only be taken once during each test instead of prior to pump operation and during operation as required by Table IWP-3100-1.
The          boric  acid  makeup pump  suction pressures will be calculated            based on the height    of liquid in the associated tank once          during each inservice    test. Subsequently,   these calculated            values will be used    to determine  pump  differential pressures           for evaluation of  pump  parameters.
NRC          Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program            Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, authorized this relief request in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3) (i) .
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-9 High Pressure Safety  Injection  (HPSI) Pumps 2A and 2B (2998-G-078, Sh 130)
Each  inservice test shall include the measurement and observation of  all quantities in Table IWP-3100-1.
BAIDuringquarterly testingoftheHPSIPumps,thepumpscannotdevelopsufficient discharge pressuretoovercomereactorcoolantsystem(RCS)pressure.
BA I During quarterly testing of the HPSI Pumps, the pumps cannot develop sufficient discharge pressure to overcome reactor coolant system (RCS) pressure. Flow is routed through a minimum flow test line leading to the refueling water tank (RWT) . This line has no installed flow rate and measuring flow rate during quarterly measuring'nstrumentation testing is not practical.
Flowisroutedthroughaminimumflowtestlineleadingtotherefueling watertank(RWT).Thislinehasnoinstalled flowratemeasuring'nstrumentation andmeasuring flowrateduringquarterly testingisnotpractical.
During cold shutdown conditions, full flow operation of the HPSI pumps to the RCS is restricted to preclude RCS system pressure transients that could result in exceeding the pressure-temperature limits specified in the Technical Specifications, Section
Duringcoldshutdownconditions, fullflowoperation oftheHPSIpumpstotheRCSisrestricted toprecludeRCSsystempressuretransients thatcouldresultinexceeding thepressure-temperature limitsspecified intheTechnical Specifications, Section3.4.9.3.NRCGenericLetter89-04,Position9,allowselimination ofminimumflowtestlineflowratemeasurements providing inservice testsareperformed duringcoldshutdowns orrefueling underfullorsubstantial flowconditions wherepumpflowrateisrecordedandevaluated.
NRC  Generic Letter 89-04, Position 9, allows elimination of minimum  flow test line flow rate measurements providing inservice tests are performed during cold shutdowns or refueling under full or substantial flow conditions where pump flow rate is recorded and evaluated.
ALTDuringquarterly testingoftheHPSIPumps,pumpdifferential pressureandvibration willbemeasuredandevaluated perIWP-3100andIWP-3200.
ALT During quarterly testing of the HPSI Pumps, pump differential pressure and vibration will be measured and evaluated per IWP-3100 and IWP-3200.
Duringtestingperformed ateachreactorrefueling, pumpdifferential
During testing performed at each reactor refueling, pump differential pressure, flow rate, and vibration will be measured and evaluated per IWP-3100 and IWP-3200.
: pressure, flowrate,andvibration willbemeasuredandevaluated perIWP-3100andIWP-3200.
B-13 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.'PR-9(cont.)NRCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedMay2,1994,approvedthisreliefrequestpursuanttoNRCGenericLetter89-04,Position9.B-14 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-10LowPressureSafetyInjection (LPSI)Pumps2Aand2B(2998G078'h131)REMENT'ach inservice testshallincludethemeasurement andobservation ofallquantities inTableIWP-3100-1.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. 'PR-9 (cont.)
NRC  Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program  Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 9.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-10 Low  Pressure            Safety Injection (LPSI)     Pumps 2A and 2B (2998  G 078'h              131)
REMENT'ach inservice test shall include the measurement and observation of              all quantities in Table IWP-3100-1.
Duringquarterly testingoftheLPSIpumps,thepumpscannotdevelopsufficient discharge pressuretoovercomereactorcoolantsystem(RCS)pressure.
During quarterly testing of the LPSI pumps, the pumps cannot develop sufficient discharge pressure to overcome reactor coolant system (RCS) pressure.                 Flow is routed through a minimum flow test line leading to the refueling water tank (RWT) . This line has no installed flow rate measuring instrumentation and measuring flow rate during quarterly testing is not practical.
Flowisroutedthroughaminimumflowtestlineleadingtotherefueling watertank(RWT).Thislinehasnoinstalled flowratemeasuring instrumentation andmeasuring flowrateduringquarterly testingisnotpractical.
During cold shutdown, the LPSI pumps are used for residual heat removal. The substantial flow tests can be performed at this time. Pump differential pressure and flow rate will be recorded.               However, induced vibrations in the system piping while the reactor coolant pumps (RCPs) are running mask any meaningful LPSI pump vibration data.
Duringcoldshutdown, theLPSIpumpsareusedforresidualheatremoval.Thesubstantial flowtestscanbeperformed atthistime.Pumpdifferential pressureandflowratewillberecorded.
During quarterly testing of the LPSI Pumps, pump differential pressure and vibration will be measured and evaluated per IWP-3100 and IWP-3200.
However,inducedvibrations inthesystempipingwhilethereactorcoolantpumps(RCPs)arerunningmaskanymeaningful LPSIpumpvibration data.Duringquarterly testingoftheLPSIPumps,pumpdifferential pressureandvibration willbemeasuredandevaluated perIWP-3100andIWP-3200.
Substantial flow testing                will be performed during cold shutdowns.               Pump  differential pressure, flow rate,   and vibration    (if          RCPs  secured) will be measured and evaluated IWP-3200. Testing will be on a frequency per IWP-3100 and determined by intervals between shutdowns as follows:
Substantial flowtestingwillbeperformed duringcoldshutdowns.
For  intervals of 3 months or longer  each shutdown.
For intervals of less than 3 months  testing is not required unless 3 months have passed since the last shutdown test.
: pressure, flowrate,andvibration (ifRCPssecured)willbemeasuredandevaluated perIWP-3100andIWP-3200.
Testingwillbeonafrequency determined byintervals betweenshutdowns asfollows:Forintervals of3monthsorlonger-eachshutdown.
Forintervals oflessthan3months-testingisnotrequiredunless3monthshavepassedsincethelastshutdowntest.
RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-10(cont.)Revision108/04/94VNRCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedMay2,1994,approvedthisreliefrequestpursuanttoNRCGenericLetter89-04,Position9.  

Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-10  (cont.)
EEachinservice testshallincludethemeasurement andobservation ofallquantities inTableIWP-3100-1.
V NRC  Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit      2  Inservice Testing Program  Relief Requests  dated  May 2,    1994,  approved this relief  request pursuant to  NRC  Generic Letter 89-04, Position 9.
Revision  1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-11 Intake Cooling Water    Pumps  2A, 2B and 2C (2998-G-082)
E Each  inservice test shall include the measurement and observation of    all quantities in Table IWP-3100-1.
Pump  inlet  pressure shall be measured before starting    a pump and  during the test.     (Table IWP-3100-1)
Thepumpslistedaboveareverticallineshaftpumpssubmerged intheintakestructure withnopractical meansofmeasuring pumpinletpressure.
The pumps  listed above are vertical line shaft pumps submerged  in the intake structure with no practical means of measuring pump inlet pressure.       The inlet pressure, however, can be determined by calculation using, as input, the measured height of water above the pump inlet as measured at the intake.
Theinletpressure, however,canbedetermined bycalculation using,asinput,themeasuredheightofwaterabovethepumpinletasmeasuredattheintake.Duringeachinservice test,thewaterlevelintheintakepitremainsrelatively
During each inservice test, the water level in the intake pit remains relatively constant, thus only one measurement of level and the associated suction pressure calculation need be performed.
: constant, thusonlyonemeasurement oflevelandtheassociated suctionpressurecalculation needbeperformed.
During testing of these pumps, one value of inlet pressure will be calculated based on water level at the intake structure.
Duringtestingofthesepumps,onevalueofinletpressurewillbecalculated basedonwaterlevelattheintakestructure.
NRC  Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program  Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, authorized this relief request in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(a) (3) (i) .
NRCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedMay2,1994,authorized thisreliefrequestinaccordance with10CFR50.55a(a)
(3)(i).B-17 RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-12Revision108/04/94EReactorCoolantChargingPumps2A,2B,and2CETINXIRIRMThefrequency responserangeofthereadoutsystem(forinstrument usedtomeasurevibration amplitude) shallbefromone-halfminimumspeedtoatleastmaximumpumpshaftrotational speed.(IWP-4520(b))
Thereactorcoolantchargingpumpsoperateatapproximately 210-215rpmwhichequatestoarotational frequency of3'0Hz.Theone-halfminimumspeedfrequency responserequiredforthevibration instrumentation correlates to1.75Hz(105cpm).Thevibration instrumentation presently inuseatSt.LucieistheBentlyNevadamodelTK-81with270cpmprobes.TheTK-81integrator frequency responseisessentially flatdownto120cpm(cyclesperminute)wherethedisplayed outputoftheinstrument slightlyincreases toapproximately
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-12 E
+ldBat100cpm.The-3dBfrequency responseisreachedatapproximately 54cpm.ThevelocityprobesusedwiththeTK-81areaspeciallowfrequency probenominally rateddownto270cpm(-3dB).Thisisonlyslightlyhigherthantheexpectedrotational (1X)speedofthechargingpump(205210cpm).The1X(205cpm.)vibration frequency components willbesomewhatattenuated bytheprobes,butnotcutoff.Overallvibration levelswouldstillshowanincreasing valueifsomeproblemdeveloped whosecharacteristic frequency was1Xrunningspeed.Therearevirtually nomechanical degradations whereonlyasub-synchronous vibration component woulddeveloponthechargingpumps.Forexample:a.Oilwhirl(0.38X-0.48X)isnotapplicable toahorizontal, triplex,reciprocating pump.B-18 RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-12(cont.)Revision108/04/94b.Alightrub/impactcouldgenerate0.5X(102.5cpm)vibration components, butwouldalsousuallygenerateasequenceofintegerandhalfintegerrunningspeedcomponents.
Reactor Coolant Charging    Pumps  2A, 2B, and 2C E TI  N  XI    R  IR M The    frequency response range of the readout system (for instrument used to measure vibration amplitude) shall be from one-half minimum speed to at least              maximum  pump  shaft rotational speed. (IWP-4520(b))
Aheavyrubgenerates increased integervaluesofmultiplerunningspeedcomponents, aswellasprecessing the1Xphasemeasurement.
The  reactor coolant charging pumps operate at approximately 210-215 rpm which equates      to a rotational frequency of 3 '0 Hz.     The one-half minimum speed frequency response required for the vibration instrumentation correlates to 1.75 Hz (105 cpm) .
Ineithercasetheoverallvibration levelwouldstillshowanincreasefromboththeattenuated sub-synchronous and1Xvibration components aswellasthehigherharmonicvibration components.
The  vibration instrumentation presently in use at St. Lucie is the Bently Nevada model TK-81 with 270 cpm probes. The TK-81 integrator frequency response is essentially flat down to  120 cpm (cycles per minute) where the displayed output of the instrument slightly increases to approximately +ldB at 100 cpm.         The -3dB frequency response          is reached at approximately 54 cpm. The velocity probes used with the TK-81 are a special low frequency probe nominally rated down to 270 cpm (-3 dB).         This is only slightly higher than the expected rotational (1X) speed of the charging pump (205 210 cpm).       The 1X (205 cpm.) vibration frequency components will be somewhat attenuated by the probes, but not cut off.
c.Looseness inthepowertrainwouldlikelybeindicated byincreasing 1Xand2Xvibration components.
Overall vibration levels would      still  show an increasing value if  some problem developed whose characteristic frequency was 1X running speed.
Thesesignalswouldbeslightlyattenuated butagainnotcompletely cutoff.Basedontheaboveinformation, itisourevaluation thatthepresentuseoftheBentlyNevada270cpmprobeswiththeportableTK-81instrument iscapableofcollecting sufficiently reliabledatatoidentifychangesfrombaselinereadingstoindicatepossibleproblemswiththepumps.Duringtestingofthesepumps,thevibration instrumentation usedwillbetheBentlyNevadamodelTK81with270cpmprobesorequivalent.
There are      virtually no mechanical    degradations where only a sub-synchronous     vibration   component   would develop on the charging pumps.     For example:
: a. Oil whirl (0.38X 0.48X) is not applicable to        a horizontal, triplex, reciprocating pump.
NRCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedAugust23,1993,andMay2,1994,providedinterimapproval.
B-19 RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-13Revision108/04/94WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94) s-20 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-14Hydrazine Pumps2Aand2BIREIREMENThefrequency responserangeofthereadoutsystem(forinstrument usedtomeasurevibration amplitude) shallbefromone-halfminimumspeedtoatleastmaximumpumpshaftrotational speed.(IWP-4520(b))
Thehydrazine pumpsarecharacterized asmeteringpumpsandoperateat,extremely slowspeed(aslowas37rpm).Thisequatestoarotational frequency of0.62Hz.Inaccordance withtheASMECode,thefrequency responseforthevibration instruments wouldhavetobeonehalfofthisor0.31Hz.Instruments satisfying thisrequirement forthehydrazine pumpsarecommercially unavailable.
Revision  1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-12   (cont.)
Thevibration instrumentation presently inuseatSt.LucieistheBentlyNevadamodelTK-81with270cpmprobes.TheTK-81integrator frequency responseisessentially flatdownto120cpm(cyclesperminute)wherethedisplayed outputoftheinstrument slightlyincreases toapproximately
: b. A light rub / impact could generate        0.5X (102.5 cpm) vibration components,       but would also usually generate a sequence of integer and half integer running speed components. A heavy rub generates  increased integer values of multiple running speed components, as well as precessing the 1X phase measurement.         In either case  the overall vibration level would        still increase from both the attenuated sub-synchronous and 1X show an vibration components as well as the higher harmonic vibration  components.
+1dBat100cpm.The-3dBfrequency responseisreachedatapproximately 54cpm.ThevelocityprobesusedwiththeTK-81areaspeciallowfrequency probenominally rateddownto270cpm(-3dB).TINDuringtestingofthesepumps,thevibration instrumentation usedwillbetheBentlyNevadamodelTK81with270cpmprobesorequivalent.
: c. Looseness   in the power train would likely be indicated by increasing 1X and 2X vibration components.
These signals would be slightly attenuated but again not completely cut  off.
NRCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedAugust23,1993,andMay2,1994,providedinterimapproval.
Based on the above information,     it is our evaluation that the 270 cpm probes with the present use of the Bently Nevada portable TK-81 instrument is capable of collecting sufficiently reliable data to identify changes from baseline readings to indicate possible problems with the pumps.
RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-15Revision108/04/94MPNENTContainment SprayPumps2Aand2B(2998-G-088)
During testing of these pumps, the vibration instrumentation used will be the Bently Nevada model TK 81 with 270 cpm probes or equivalent.
HiPressSafetyInject.Pumps2Aand2B(2998-G-078 SH130)LoPressSafetyInject.Pumps2Aand2B(2998-G-078 SH130)EIEIEEachinservice testshallincludethemeasurement andobservation ofallquantities inTableIWP-3100-1 exceptbearingtemperatures, whichshallbemeasuredduringatleastoneinservice testeachyear.(IWP-3300)
V This revised relief request is pending NRC approval.             NRC Safety Evaluation of St.       Lucie  Unit  2  Inservice    Testing Program Relief Requests dated August 23, 1993, and May 2, 1994, provided interim approval.
Thesysteminstallation does.notprovideanyinstalled suctiongages.Ameasureofpumpsuctionpressurecan,however,bedetermined bycalculation usingtheheightofliquidintherefueling watertank(RWT).Duringthequarterly pumptests,theflowratethroughthesuctionpipingisverylow,therefore, theamountofheadlossisnegligible.
Thisisnotthecaseduringthesubstantial flowtests.Theflowratesusedduringthesetestswouldcauseanoticeable headlossinthesuctionpiping.SinceRWTlevelisnotexpectedtovarysignificantly duringthequarterly tests,RWTlevelandassociated calculations willonlybetakenonceduringeachquarterly testinsteadofpriortopumpoperation andduringoperation asrequiredbyTableIWP-3100-1.
Duringthequarterly pumptests,thepumps'uction pressures willbecalculated basedontheheightofliquidintheassociated RWT.Subsequently, thesecalculated valueswillbeusedtodetermine pumpdifferential pressures forevaluation ofpumpparameters.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-13 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94) s-20
Duringthecoldshutdownorrefueling substantial flowtestingofthesepumps,temporary suctiongageswillbeinstalled tomeasurepumpsuctionpressure.
NRCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedMay2,1994,authorized thisreliefrequestinaccordance with10CFR50'5a(a)(3)(i).B-22 RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-16Revision108/04/94WITHDRAWN (Rev0,07/16/93)
Revision  1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-14 Hydrazine  Pumps    2A and 2B I RE  IREMEN The  frequency response range of the readout system (for instrument used to measure vibration amplitude) shall be from one-half minimum speed to at least maximum pump shaft rotational    speed.     (IWP-4520(b))
B-23 RELIEFREQUESTNO.PR-17Revision108/04/94Hydrazine Pumps2Aand2B(2998-G-088)
The  hydrazine pumps are characterized as metering pumps and operate at, extremely slow speed (as low as 37 rpm). This equates to a rotational frequency of 0.62 Hz. In accordance with the ASME Code, the frequency response for the vibration instruments would have to be one half of this or 0.31 Hz.
RTEachinservice testshallincludethemeasurement andobservation ofallquantities inTableIWP-3100-1 exceptbearingtemperatures, whichshallbemeasuredduringatleastoneinservice testeachyear.(IWP-3300)
Instruments satisfying this requirement for the hydrazine pumps are commercially unavailable.
Symmetrical dampingdevicesoraveraging techniques maybeusedtoreduceinstrument fluctuations towithin2%oftheobservedreading.(IWP-4150)
The  vibration instrumentation presently in use at St. Lucie is the Bently Nevada model TK-81 with 270 cpm probes. The TK-81 integrator frequency response is essentially flat down to 120 cpm (cycles per minute) where the displayed output of the instrument slightly increases to approximately +1dB at 100 cpm.       The -3dB frequency response        is reached at approximately 54 cpm. The velocity probes used with the TK-81 are a special      low frequency probe nominally rated down to 270 cpm (-3 dB).
ThePSLUnit2Hydrazine pumpsarereciprocating positivedisplacement pumpswithvariablespeedcontrol.Thesepumpsarenormallyinastandbycondition andareonlyoperatedduringsurveillance testing.Theyareclassified asmeteringpumpsandaredesignedtoaccurately displaceapredetermined volumeofliquidinaspecificperiodoftime.Thepumphasasingleplungerandmakesonlyonesuctionstrokeandonlyonedischarge strokeduringeachcycle.Thepumpsoperateataveryslowspeed(aslowas37rpm)toproducetheTechnical Specification requiredHydrazine flowrateof0.71to0.82gpm.Pumpflowiscontinuously accelerating anddecelerating following asinusoidal waveform.
TIN During testing of these pumps, the vibration instrumentation used will be the Bently Nevada model TK 81 with 270 cpm probes or equivalent.
Eachcycleofthepumpisapproximately 1.6secondsindurationwithnoflowproducedduringthepumps0.8secondsuctionstroke.Thischaracteristic intermittent andoscillating flowrateisobviously impractical tophysically dampentheobservedreadingtowithin2%usingsymmetrical dampingdevices.Theinstalled flowinstrumentation hasbeendemonstrated tobeinadequate forinservice testingpurposes'his instrumentation utilizesadifferential pressureorificelocatedinthesuctionlinecommontobothpumpstomeasureflow.Flowthroughthisorificepulsatessharplywitheachstrokeofthepump.Thefloworificealsosensespressurefeedbackduringeachcycleofthepumpstroke.Thisfeedbackhasbeendetermined tobeechoesofthepressurepulsations producedbythepumpstrokewhichhavereflected backtotheorificebythesystempipingandvalves.B-24 Revision108/04/94Refueling outagetestinghasdemonstrated thattechniques usedtoaveragetheindicated flowreadingsareinconsistant andinaccurate whencomparedtoactualflow.Trendingtheflowrateusingtheinstalled instrumentation isimpractical duetotheinherentinaccuracies andinstability inmeasuring thepumpflowasdescribed above.Flowinstrumentation whichcanaccurately measuretheHydrazine pumpintermittent andoscillating flowratehasnotbeenlocated.Evenifsuchinstrumentation werefoundtobeavailable thecostsassociated withprocuring andinstalling suchinstrumentation couldnotbejustified.
p v This revised relief request is pending NRC approval.             NRC Safety    Evaluation      of St. Lucie Unit  2 Inservice  Testing Program Relief Requests dated August 23, 1993, and May 2, 1994, provided interim approval.
TheHydrazine pumpsarestandbypumps.Thereisvirtually nomeansforthemechanical condition ofthepumptobecomedegradedbetweenrefueling outageswiththepumponlyrunforquarterly surviellance testing.Theflowrateofthepumpscanbeaccurately obtainedbycollecting thepumpsoutputinacontainer andmeasuring it.Severalflowtestsperhydrazine pumpshavebeenperformed.
Thepumpdischarge wasdirectedtoacontainer ofaknownvolume.Theamountoftimetofillthecontainer wasmeasuredandthenusedtocalculate anaverageflowrateforthepump.Acorrelation betweenpumprpmandaverageflowratewasdeveloped andcomparedtotheexpectedvalue.Themeasuredandtheexpectedcorrelations betweenrpmandflowratewereincloseagreement.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-15 MP NENT Containment Spray Pumps 2A and 2B (2998-G-088)
Theexpectedcorrelation wasbaseduponpistondiameter, pistonstroke,andpumprpm.Basedupontheseresults,hydrazine pumpflowratecanbeaccurately setbyselecting theproperpumprpm.Frequentperformance oftheabovementioned flowtestingcannotbeperformed.
Hi Press Safety Inject. Pumps 2A and 2B (2998-G-078     SH 130)
Hydrazine isahighlyflammable liquidwithcumulative toxicaffectswhenabsorbedthroughtheskin,inhaled,oringested.
Lo Press Safety Inject. Pumps 2A and 2B (2998-G-078     SH 130)
Ithasalsobeenidentified asaknowncarcinogen.
E  I        E  I E Each inservice test shall include the measurement and observation of all quantities in Table IWP-3100-1 except bearing temperatures, which shall be measured during at least one inservice test each year. (IWP-3300)
Flowmeasurement performed eachrefueling outageisconsidered byPSLtobeappropriate fordetecting anypumphydraulic degredation.
The system  installation  does. not provide any installed suction gages. A measure  of pump suction pressure can, however, be determined by calculation using the height of liquid in the refueling water tank (RWT). During the quarterly pump tests, the flow rate through the suction piping is very low, therefore, the amount of head loss is negligible. This is not the case during the substantial flow tests. The flow rates used during these tests would cause a noticeable head loss in the suction piping.
B-25 Revision108/04/94Duringeachrefueling outageatleastonetestmeasuring actualpumpflowwillbeperformed foreachpumptoverifyproperperformance.
Since RWT level is not expected to vary significantly during the quarterly tests, RWT level and associated calculations will only be taken once during each quarterly test instead of prior to pump operation and during operation as required by Table IWP-3100-1.
Duringthequarterly pumptests,eachpump'srpmwillbemeasuredtoverifytherequiredflowrateof0.71to0.82gpm.Pumpdischarge pressureandvibration willbemeasuredduringboththequarterly andrefueling outagetests.ThisrevisedreliefrequestispendingNRCapproval.
During the quarterly  pump tests, the pumps'uction pressures will be calculated  based on the height  of liquid in the associated RWT. Subsequently, these calculated values will be used to determine pump differential pressures for evaluation of pump parameters.
NRCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedAugust23,1993,andMay2,1994,providedinterimapproval.
During the cold shutdown or refueling substantial flow testing of these pumps, temporary suction gages will be installed to measure pump suction pressure.
a-26 REVISION108/04/94AppendixCValveProgramTables REVISION108/04/94FloridaPower&LightCompanyINSERVICE TESTING-VALVETABLESSt.LucieNuclearPlant-Unit2PAGE:1LEZzRHKVALVENUMBERTheplantalpha-numerical designator forthesubjectvalveCOORDCLCATSIZETYPEA/PThecoordinate locationofthevalveonthedesignated drawingTheISIClassification ofthevalveaspertherespective ISIboundarydrawingsThevalvecategoryperParagraph IWV-2200Thevalve'snominalsizeininchesThevalvetypeTheactive(A)orpassive(P)determination forthevalve.ACT.TYPEThevalveactuatortypeasfollows:AODOMOMANPOS/ASOAir-operated Diaphragm-operated Electricmotor-operated ManualvalvePiston-operated Self-actuated Solenoid-operated NORMPOS.REMINDFAILMODEDesignates thenormalpositionofthevalveduringplantoperation atpowerNotesifavalvehasremotepositionindication Identifies thefailuremode(openorclosed)foravalve.FAIindicates thevalvefails"asis".
NRC  Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program  Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, authorized this relief request in accordance with 10 CFR 50 '5a(a) (3) (i) .
REVISION108/04/94FloridaPower6LightCompanyINSERVICE TESTING-VALVETABLESSt.LucieNuclearPlant-Unit2PAGE2EXAMIdentifies thetestrequirements foravalveasfollows:CV/cCV/0CV/POECEOFSINSPPECPISLT-1SLT-2SRVCheckvalveexercisetoclosedposition.
Checkvalvefull-stroke exercisetoopenposition.
Checkvalvepartial-stroke exercisetoopenposition.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-16 WITHDRAWN (Rev 0, 07/16/93)
ForallcategoryAorBpower-operated valvesstroketimeswillbemeasuredunlessexcludedbyanassociated reliefrequest.Exercisevalvetoverifyproperoperation andstrokingwithnostroketimemeasurements.
Requiresobservation ofsystemparameters orlocalobservation ofvalveoperation.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-17 Hydrazine  Pumps  2A and 2B (2998-G-088)
R    T Each inservice test shall include the measurement and observation of all quantities in Table IWP-3100-1 except bearing temperatures, which shall be measured during at least one inservice test each year. (IWP-3300)
ForallcategoryAorBpower-operated valvesstroketimeswillbemeasuredunlessexcludedbyanassociated reliefrequest.FailsafetestDisassembly andinspection ofcheckvalvesPartialclosureexerciseforpower-operatedvalvesPositionindication verification Seatleakratetestper10CFR50,AppJSeatleakratetestforpressureisolation valves.Setpointcheckforsafety/relief valves REVISION108/04/94FloridaPower&LightCompanyINSERVICE TESTING-VALVETABLESSt.LucieNuclearPlant-Unit2PAGE:3TESTFREQTherequiredtestintervalasfollows:QRCS2YRFSDQuarterly (duringplantoperation)
Symmetrical damping devices or averaging techniques may be used  to reduce instrument fluctuations to within 2% of the observed reading. (IWP-4150)
ColdshutdownasdefinedbyTechnical Specification Every2yearsEachreactorrefueling outage(cycle).Inthecasewherethisisdesignated forsafety/relief valvesANSI/ASME OM-1-1981 Disassemble, inspect,andmanuallyexerciseonevalvefromspecified groupeachreactorrefueling outageRELIEFREQReferstothespecificreliefrequestassociated withtheadjacenttestrequirement.
The PSL  Unit 2 Hydrazine pumps are reciprocating positive displacement pumps with variable speed control. These pumps are normally in a standby condition and are only operated during surveillance testing. They are classified as metering pumps and are designed to accurately displace a predetermined volume  of liquid in a specific period of time. The pump has a  single plunger and makes only one suction stroke and only one discharge stroke during each cycle.
The pumps operate at a very slow speed (as low as 37 rpm) to produce the Technical Specification required Hydrazine flowrate of 0.71 to 0.82 gpm. Pump flow is continuously accelerating and decelerating following a sinusoidal waveform. Each cycle of the pump is approximately 1.6 seconds in duration with no flow produced during the pumps 0.8 second suction stroke. This characteristic intermittent and oscillating flowrate is obviously impractical to physically dampen the observed reading to within 2% using symmetrical damping devices.
The installed  flow instrumentation has been demonstrated to be inadequate    for inservice testing purposes'his instrumentation utilizes a differential pressure orifice located in the suction line common to both pumps to measure flow. Flow through this orifice pulsates sharply with each stroke of the pump. The flow orifice also senses pressure feedback during each cycle of the pump stroke. This feedback has been determined to be echoes of the pressure pulsations produced by the pump stroke which have reflected back to the orifice by the system piping and valves.
Revision  1 08/04/94 Refueling outage testing has demonstrated that techniques used to average the indicated flow readings are inconsistant and inaccurate when compared to actual flow. Trending the flow rate using the installed instrumentation is impractical due to the inherent inaccuracies and instability in measuring the pump flow as described above.       Flow instrumentation which can accurately measure the Hydrazine pump intermittent and oscillating flowrate has not been located.
instrumentation were found to be available the costs Even  if such associated with procuring and installing such instrumentation could not be justified.       The Hydrazine pumps are standby pumps. There is virtually no means for the mechanical condition of the pump to become degraded between refueling outages with the pump only run for quarterly surviellance testing.
The  flow rate of the pumps can be accurately obtained by collecting the pumps output in a container and measuring it.
Several flow tests per hydrazine pumps have been performed.
The pump discharge was directed to a container of a known volume. The amount of time to measured and then used to fill calculate the container was an average flow rate for the pump. A correlation  between  pump rpm and average flow rate  was  developed  and  compared  to the expected value. The measured  and the  expected  correlations  between rpm and flow rate were in close agreement. The expected correlation was based upon piston diameter, piston stroke, and pump rpm.
Based upon these results, hydrazine pump flow rate can be accurately set by selecting the proper pump rpm.
Frequent performance of the above mentioned flow testing can not be performed. Hydrazine is a highly flammable liquid with cumulative toxic affects when absorbed through the skin, inhaled, or ingested. It has also been identified as a known carcinogen.     Flow measurement performed each refueling outage is considered by PSL to be appropriate for detecting any pump hydraulic degredation.
Revision  1 08/04/94 During each refueling outage at least one test measuring actual pump flow will be performed for each pump to verify proper performance.
During the quarterly pump tests, each pump's rpm will be measured  to verify the required flow rate of 0.71 to 0.82 gpm. Pump discharge pressure and vibration will be measured during both the quarterly and refueling outage tests.
This revised relief request is pending NRC approval.         NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated August 23, 1993, and May 2, 1994,   provided interim approval.
REVISION 1 08/04/94 Appendix C Valve Program Tables
REVISION  1 08/04/94 Florida  Power & Light Company INSERVICE TESTING VALVE TABLES St. Lucie Nuclear Plant    Unit  2              PAGE    :   1 LEZzRHK VALVE NUMBER    The  plant alpha-numerical designator for the subject valve COORD          The coordinate location of the valve on the designated drawing CL              The ISI Classification of the valve as per the respective ISI boundary drawings CAT            The  valve category per Paragraph IWV-2200 SIZE            The  valve's nominal size in inches TYPE            The  valve type A/P            The  active (A) or passive (P) determination for the valve.
ACT. TYPE      The valve actuator type as follows:
AO    Air-operated DO  Diaphragm-operated MO    Electric motor-operated MAN  Manual valve PO  Piston-operated S/A Self-actuated SO    Solenoid-operated NORM POS.       Designates  the normal position of the valve during plant operation at power REM IND        Notes  if a valve has remote position indication FAIL  MODE      Identifies the failure  mode (open  or closed) for  a valve. FAI indicates the valve  fails "as  is".
REVISION 1 08/04/94 Florida Power 6 Light Company INSERVICE TESTING VALVE TABLES St. Lucie Nuclear Plant  Unit  2                PAGE      2 EXAM            Identifies the test requirements for    a valve as follows:
CV/c      Check valve  exercise to closed position.
CV/0      Check valve  full-stroke exercise to open position.
CV/PO    Check valve partial-stroke exercise to open position.
EC        Exercise to closed position. For all category A or B power-operated valves stroke times will be measured unless excluded by an associated relief request.
Exercise valve to verify proper operation and stroking with no stroke time measurements. Requires observation of system parameters or local observation of valve operation.
EO        Exercise to open position. For all category A or B power-operated valves stroke times will be measured unless excluded by an associated relief request.
FS        Fail safe test INSP      Disassembly and inspection of check valves PEC      Partial closure exercise for power-operated valves PI        Position indication verification SLT-1    Seat leakrate test per 10 CFR 50, App J SLT-2    Seat leakrate test for pressure isolation valves.
SRV      Set point check for safety/relief valves
REVISION 1 08/04/94 Florida Power & Light Company INSERVICE TESTING VALVE TABLES St. Lucie Nuclear Plant  Unit  2              PAGE    : 3 TEST FREQ      The required test interval  as  follows:
QR        Quarterly (during plant operation)
CS        Cold shutdown as defined by Technical Specification 2Y        Every 2 years RF        Each reactor refueling outage (cycle)   .
In the case where this is designated for safety/relief valves ANSI/ASME OM-1-1981 SD        Disassemble, inspect, and manually exercise one valve from specified group each  reactor refueling outage RELIEF REQ      Refers to the specific relief request associated with the adjacent test requirement. (See Appendix D)
FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY                                                        REVISION:
VALVE TABLES                                                                            DATE    :  08/04/94 Saint Lucie Nuclear Plant - Unit    2                                                  PAGE    :    9 P  a ID: 2998-G-078  SH 121 (cont)   SYSTEM: CHEMICAL AND VOLUHE CONTROL ACT. NORM REM FAIL          TEST RELIEF VALVE NUMBER  COORD. CL CAT. SIZE  TYPE  A/P  TYPE  POS. IND MODE    EXAM FREQ  REQ. REMARKS V-2507            H-7    2  B      0.750 GLOBE  A  DO    LO  YES FO    EC      QR PI      2Y V-2508          C-6      2  B      3.000 GATE    A  MO    C    YES FAI  EO      QR PI      2Y V-2509          C-7      2  B      3.000 GATE    A  HO    C    YES FAI  EO      QR PI      2Y V-2514          C-3      2  B      3.000 GATE    A  MO    C    YES FAI  EO      QR PI      2Y V-2524            F-7    2  A      0.750 GLOBE  A  DO    0    YES FC  , EC      CS FS      CS PI      2Y SLT-1    2Y V-2525            E-4    3  B      4.000 GATE    A  MO    C    YES FAI  EC      QR PI      2Y V-2526            E-3    2  C      4.000 CHECK  A  S/A  C    NO        CV/0    RF CV/PO    CS V-2650            B-4    2  B      1.000 GLOBE  A  DO    0    YES FC    EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y V-2651          D-4      2  B      1.000 GLOBE  A  DO    0    YES FC    EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y V~2674          F-4      3  C      4.000 CHECK  A  S/A  0    NO        CV/0    QR
FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY                                                          REVISION:  1 VALVE TABLES                                                                              DATE    :  08/04/94 Saint Lucie Nuclear Plant - Unit    2                                                    PAGE    :    14 P  a ID: 2998-G-078  SH 130 (cont)    SYSTEH: SAFETY INJECTION SYSTEM ACT. NORH REM FAIL            TEST RELIEF VALVE NUMBER  COORD. CL CAT. SIZE  TYPE  A/P  TYPE  POS. IND MODE    EXAM    FREQ  REQ. REMARKS V-3439            F-3    2  C      1.000 RELIEF  A  S/A  C    NO      SRV        RF V-3444            E-7    2  B    14.000 GATE    A  MO    LO  YES FAI  EC          QR PI          2Y V-3456            G-4    2  B    10.000 GATE    A  MO    LC  YES FAI  EO          QR PI          2Y V-3457            F-2    2  B    10.000 GATE    A  MO    LC  YES FAI  EO          QR PI          2Y V-3463            G"2    2  A      2.000 GATE    A  HAN    LC  NO      EE SLT"1
                                                                                    'R2Y V-3466            G-1    3  C      1.500 RELIEF  A  S/A  C    NO      SRV        RF V-3495            G-6    2  B      F 000 GLOBE  A  SO    LO  YES FC  EC          QR FS          QR PI          2Y V-3496            G-5    2  B      6.000 GLOBE  A  SO    LO  YES FC  EC          QR FS          QR PI          2Y V-3507            F-1    2  C      1.000 RELIEF  A  S/A  C    NO      SRV        RF V-3513            G-3    2  C      2.000 RELIEF  A  S/A  C    NO      SRV        RF V-3517            H-6    2  B    12.000 GATE    A  MO    LC  YES FAI  EO          QR PI          2Y V-3518            C-3    2  B      2.000 GLOBE  A  MAN  C    NO  FAI  EE          QR V-3519            D-4    2  B      2.000 GLOBE  A  HAN  C    NO  FAI  EE          QR V-3522            B-4    2  C      3.000 CHECK  A  S/A  C    NO      CV/C        CS CV/O        RF CV/PO      CS V-3523            A-2    2  B      3.000 GLOBE  A  MO    LC  YES  FAI EC          QR EO          QR PI          2Y
FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY                                                    REVISION:  1 VALVE TABLES                                                                        DATE    :  08/04/94 Saint Lucie Nuclear Plant - Unit  2                                                PAGE    :    16 P  6 ID: 2998-G-078  SH 131        SYSTEM: SAFETY INJECTION SYSTEM ACT. NORM REM FAIL        TEST RELIEF VALVE NUMBER  COORD. CL CAT. SIZE  TYPE  A/P  TYPE  POS. IND MODE    EXAM FREQ  REQ. REMARKS HCV-3615          H-7    2  B  6.000 GLOBE  A  MO    C    YES FAI  EO      QR PI      2Y HCV-3616        G-7      2  B  2.000 GLOBE  A  MO    C    YES FAI  EO      QR PI      2Y HCV-3617        G-7      2  B  2.000 GLOBE  A  MO    C    YES FAI  EO      QR PI      2Y HCV-3625          F-7    2  B  6.000 GLOBE  A  MO    C    YES FAI  EO      QR PI      2Y HCV-3626          E-7    2  B  2.000 GLOBE  A  MO    C    YES FAI  EO      QR PI      2Y HCV"3627          E-7    2  B  2.000 GLOBE  A  MO    C    YES FAI  EO      QR PI      2Y HCV-3635          D-7    2  B  6.000 GLOBE  A  MO    C    YES FAI  EO      QR PI      2Y HCV-3636        C-7      2  B  2.000 GLOBE  A  MO    C    YES FAI  EO      QR PI      2Y HCV-3637          C-7    2  B  2.000 GLOBE  A  MO    C    YES FAI  EO      QR PI      2Y HCV-3645          B-7    2  B  6.000 GLOBE  A  MO    C    YES FAI  EO      QR PI      2Y HCV-3646          A-7    2  B  2.000 GLOBE  A  MO    C    YES FAI  EO      QR PI      2Y HCV-3647          A"7    2  B  2.000 GLOBE  A  MO    C    YES  FAI EO      QR PI      2Y V-3113            G-7    2  C  2.000 CHECK  A  S/A    C  NO      CV/0    RF CV/PO    CS V-3114            H-7    2  C  6.000 CHECK  A  S/A    C  NO      CV/C    CS CV/0    CS V"3124            F-7    2  C  6.000 CHECK  A  S/A    C  NO      CV/C    CS CV/0    CS
FLORIDA PONER AND LIGHT COMPANY                                                    REVISION:  1 VALVE TABLES                                                                        DATE    :  08/04/94 Saint Lucre Nuclear Plant - Unit  2                                                PAGE    :    19 P  6 ID: 2998-G-078  SH 132        SYSTEM: SAFETY INJECTION SYSTEM ACT. NORM REM FAIL        TEST RELIEF VALVE NUMBER    COORD. CL CAT. SIZE  TYPE  A/P  TYPE  POS. IND MODE    EXAM FREQ  REQ. REMARKS HCV-3618          E-7    1  B  1.000 GLOBE  A  DO    C    YES FC  EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y HCV-3628          E-4    1  B  1.000 GLOBE  A  DO    C    YES FC  EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y HCV-3638          B-7    1  B  1.000 GLOBE  A  DO    C    YES FC  EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y HCV-3648          B-4    1  B  1.000 GLOBE  A  DO    C    YES FC  EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y SE-03-1A          F-3    2  B  1.000 GLOBE  A  SO    C    YES FC  EC      QR EO      QR FS      QR PI      2Y SE"03-1B          F-7    2  B  1.000 GLOBE  A  SO    C    YES FC  EC      QR EO      QR FS      QR PI      2Y SE-03-1C          C-7    2  B  1.000 GLOBE  A  SO    C    YES FC  EC      QR EO      QR FS      QR PI      2Y SE-03-1D          C-3    2  B  1.000 GLOBE  A  SO    C    YES FC  EC      QR EO      QR FS      QR PI      2Y V-03002          F-7    3  C  1.000 CHECK  A  S/A  C    NO      CV/0    CS V-03003          C-7    3  C  1.000 CHECK  A  S/A  C    NO      CV/0    CS V-03004          F-4    3  C  1.000 CHECK  A  S/A  C    NO      CV/0    CS V-03005          C-4    3  C  1.000 CHECK  A  S/A    C  NO      CV/0    CS V-3211            H-6    2  C  1.500 RELIEF  A  S/A    C  NO      SRV
FLORIDA PONER AND LIGHT COHPANY                                                    REVISION:  1 VALVE TABLES                                                                        DATE    :  08/04/94 Saint Lucie Nuclear Plant - Onit  2                                                PAGE:        23' 6 ID: 2998-G-078  SH 153        SYSTEM: SAMPLING SYSTEM ACT. NORM REH FAIL        TEST RELIEF VALVE NUMBER  COORD. CL CAT. SIZE  TYPE  A/P  TYPE  POS. IND MODE    EXAM FREQ  REQ. REMARKS SE-05-1A        G-7      2  A    0.375 GLOBE  A  SO    C    YES FC  EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y SLT-1    2Y SE-05-1B        F-7    2  A    0.375 GLOBE  A  SO    C    YES FC  EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y SLT-1    2Y SE-05-1C        E-7    2  A    0.375 GLOBE  A  SO    C    YES FC  EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y SLT-1    2Y SE-05-1D        C"7    2  A    0.375 GLOBE  A  SO    C    YES FC  EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y Sl T" 1  2Y SE-05-1E        G-5    2  A    0.375 GLOBE  A  SO    C    YES FC  EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y SLT-1    2Y V-5200          F-6    2  A    0.375 GLOBE  A  SO    C    YES FC  EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y SLT-1    2Y V-5201          E-6    2  A    0.375 GLOBE  A  SO    C    YES FC  EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y SLT-1    2Y V-5202          D-6    2  A    0.375 GLOBE  A  SO    C    YES FC  EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y SLT-1    2Y V-5203          F-5    2  A    0.375 GLOBE  A  SO    C  YES FC  EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y SLT-1    2Y
FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY                                                      REVISION:  1 VALVE TABLES                                                                          DATE    :  08/04/94 Saint Lucie Nuclear Plant - Unit  2                                                  PAGE    :    33 P  4 ID: 2998-G-082                  SYSTEM: INTAKE COOLING WATER SYSTEM ACT. NORM REM FAIL          TEST RELIEF VALVE NUMBER  COORD. CL CAT. SIZE    TYPE  A/P  TYPE  POS. IND MODE    EXAM FREQ  REQ. REMARKS MV-21-2          E-5  3  B    24.000 BUTFLY  A  MO    0    YES FAI  EC      QR PI      2Y MV-21-3          E-4  3  B    24.000  BUTFLY  A  MO    0    YES FAI  EC      QR PI      2Y SR-21196        C-4    3  C    3.000 RELIEF  A  S/A  C    NO        SRV SR-21243        C-5    3  C    3.000 RELIEF  A  S/A  C    NO        SRV      RF TCV-14-4A        B-3  3  B    30.000  BUTFLY  A  PO    0    NO  FO    EO      QR FS      QR TCV-14-4B        B-4  3  B    30.000 BUTFLY  A  PO    0    NO  FO    EO      QR FS      QR V-21162          H-4  3  C    30.000  CHECK  A  S/A  0    NO        CV/C    QR CV/0    QR V-21205          H-6  3  C    30.000  CHECK  A  S/A  0    NO        CV/C    QR CV/0    QR V-21208          H-1  3  C    30.000  CHECK  A  S/A  0    NO        CV/C    QR CV/0    QR
FLORIDA PONER AND LIGHT COMPANY                                                      REVISION:  1 VALVE TABLES                                                                        DATE    :  08/04/94 Saint Lucie Nuclear Plant - Unit  2                                                  PAGE    :    45 P  4 ID: 2998-G-092  SH 1          SYSTEH: MISC. SAHPLING SYSTEMS ACT. NORM REH  FAIL        TEST RELIEF VALVE NUMBER    COORD. CL CAT. SIZE  TYPE  A/P  TYPE  POS. IND MODE    EXAM FREQ  REQ. REMARKS FCV-2 6-1        G-2      2 A  1.000 GLOBE  A  DO    0    YES FC    EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y SLT-1    2Y FCV-26-2          G-4      2 A  1.000 GLOBE  A  DO    0    YES FC    EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y SLT-1    2Y FCV-26-3          H-2      2 A  1.000 GLOBE  A  DO    0    YES FC    EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y SLT-1    2Y FCV-26-4          H-4      2 A  1.000 GLOBE  A  DO    0    YES FC    EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y SLT-1    2Y FCV-26-5          I-2      2 A  1.000 GLOBE  A  DO    0    YES FC    EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y SLT-1    2Y FCV-26-6          1-4      2 A  1.000 GLOBE  A  DO    0    YES FC    EC      QR FS      QR PI      2Y SLT" 1  2Y FSE-27-10        B-13    2 A  0.375 GLOBE  A  SO    C    YES FC    EC      QR EO      QR FS      QR PI      2Y SLT-1    2Y FSE-27-11        C-13    2 A  0.375 GLOBE  A  SO    C    YES FC    EC      QR EO      QR FS      QR PI      2Y SLT-1    2Y
REVISION l 08/04/94 Appendix  D Valve Program Requests for Relief
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-1 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-2 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision  1 08/04/94 BYSX12L'ELIEF REQUEST            NO. VR-3 Various Various Various This is  a generic request for  relief If, for power-operated valves, an increase in stroke time of 50% or more for valves with full-stroke times less than or equal to 10 seconds is observed, the test frequency shall be increased to once each month until corrective action is taken, at which time the original test frequency shall be resumed (IWV-3417(a))
E  I The  stroke time measurements taken during testing of fast-acting valves (those less than 2 seconds) are subject to considerable variation due to conditions unrelated to the material condition of the valve (eg.
test conditions, operator reaction time). In accordance with Generic Letter 89-04, Position 6, an alternate method of evaluating stroke times is considered acceptable.
The  stroke time evaluation for those valves designated in the Plant Test Procedures as "fast-acting" will not account for successive increases of measured stroke time per IWV-3417(a) with the change in test frequency as required. In lieu of this, the assigned maximum limiting value of stroke time will be established at 2 seconds. Upon exceeding the 2-second limit, the valve will be declared inoperable and corrective action taken in accordance with IWV-3417(b) .
Revision 1 08/04/94 VAL'RC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 lnservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 6.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-4 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-5 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-6 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-7 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-8 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-9 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-10 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-11 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-12 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-13 BEZEL'afety Injection  (2998-G-078 Sh 132)
V-3215 V-3225 v-3235 V-3245 A/C These valves open    to provide flow paths from the safety injection tanks to the    RCS and close to isolate the tanks from the high pressure of the reactor coolant system and the safety injection headers' E
Check valves    shall  be exercised at least once every  3 months, except as provided by IWV-3522. (IWV-3521)
Full stroke exercising of these valves would require injecting from a tank under nominal pressure into a de-pressurized reactor coolant system. At power operation this is not possible because the SIT pressure is insufficient to overcome reactor coolant system pressure.
The  only practical method for flow testing the safety inje ction header check valves is to dump the contents of the SIT into the reactor coolant system while in Mode 6.
The SIT dump is performed by establishing adequate initial conditions of water level and nitrogen pressure in t he SIT with its discharge isolation'alve closed.
The SIT discharge isolation valve is then opened to dump the contents of the SIT to the the refueling cavity.
Revision  1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-13  (cont.)
The check valves cannot be  full stroked  open by passing the maximum required accident  condition flow to simulate the LOCA flow. Under a large break LOCA accident conditions, the maximum (peak) flow rate through these valves would be approximately 20,000 gpm. The required test conditions for developing this full accident flow cannot be established. The SIT discharge isolation valves are motor operated valves with a nominal stroke time of 52 seconds. The resulting discharge flow rate would only increase gradually due to the long stroke time of the discharge isolation valve. The flow rate would not be anywhere near the peak blowdown rate of 20,000 gpm expected during a large break LOCA.
Analysis has shown that the check valves can be fully exercised open with the lower than accident condition flow during a SIT dump test. Non-intrusive test equipment employing acoustic and eddy-current technology can be used to verify the check valves are stroked fully open during these tests.
Each of these valves are installed in identical orientation and exposed to the same operating conditions. FP&L has reviewed the operating and maintenance history of these valves and similar valves used throughout the industry under comparable conditions. Based on these reviews, there is no evidence of valve degradation with respect to their ability to open"and satisfactorily pass the required flow. It is apparent from the failure data that the primary mode of failure is related to valve leakage both past the seat and external through the body-bonnet and hinge pin gasket joints. It should also be noted that these valves are not subjected to any significant flow during plant operation as well as maintenance periods; thus it is unlikely that these valves would experience any service-related damage or wear.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-13  (cont.)
During each refueling outage, each of these valves will be  stroked to fully exercise the check valves open. Non-intrusive test equipment employing acoustic and eddy-current technology will be used to 'verify the check valves are stroked fully open during these tests.
Should the alternate testing described above be determined to be impractical or an extreme hardship the following will be performed in place of the above described testing.
During each refueling outage, each of these valves will be partial-stroke exercised. Each reactor refueling outage at least one of these valves will be disassembled, inspected, and manually stroked to verify operability. Should a valve under inspection be found to be inoperable, then the other valves will be inspected during the same outage, after which the rotational inspection schedule will be reinitiated.
Assurance of proper reassembly will be provided by performing a partial-flow test prior to returning a valve to service following disassembly.
The  alternate testing described in this relief request has  been revised to comply with NRC Generic Letter 89-04,  Positions 1 or 2.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-14 ZXZZEK'afety Injection  (2998-G-078 Sh 132)
V-3217 V-3227 V-3237 V-3247 A/C N'hese valves open to provide flow paths from the safety injection    headers to the RCS and close to isolate the headers from the high pressure of the reactor coolant system.
Check valves    shall  be exercised at least once every    3 months,    except  as  provided  by IWV-3522. (IWV-3521)
Full stroke exercising of these valves would require injecting from a tank under nominal pressure into a de-pressurized reactor coolant system. At power operation this is not possible because the SIT pressure is insufficient to    overcome  reactor coolant system pressure.
The    only practical method for full flow testing of the safety injection header check valves is to dump the contents of the SIT into the reactor coolant system while in Mode 6. Shutdown cooling flowrates are not suficient to fully open the valves. The SIT dump is performed by establishing adequate initial conditions of water level and nitrogen pressure in the SIT with its discharge isolation valve closed. The SIT discharge isolation valve is then opened to dump the contents of the SIT to the the refueling cavity.
Revision  1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-14  (cont.)
The check valves cannot be  full stroked  open by passing the maximum required accident  condition flow to simulate the LOCA flow. Under 'a large break LOCA accident conditions, the maximum (peak) flow rate through these valves would be approximately 20,000 gpm. The required test conditions for developing this full accident flow cannot be established. The SIT discharge isolation valves are motor operated valves with a nominal stroke time of 52 seconds. The resulting discharge flow rate would only increase gradually due to the long stroke time of the discharge isolation valve. The flow rate would not be anywhere near the peak blowdown rate of 20,000 gpm expected during a large break LOCA.
Analysis has shown that the check valves can be fully exercised open with the lower than accident condition flow during a SIT dump test. Non-intrusive test equipment employing acoustic and eddy-current technology can be used to verify the check valves are stroked fully open during these tests.
Each of these valves are installed in identical orientation and exposed to the same operating conditions. FP&L has reviewed the operating and maintenance history of these valves and similar valves used throughout the industry under comparable conditions. Based on these reviews, there is no evidence of valve degradation with respect to their ability to open and satisfactorily pass the required flow. It is apparent from the failure data that the primary mode of failure is related to valve leakage both past the seat and external through the body-bonnet and hinge pin gasket joints.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-14 (cont.)
E TE  TIN During each refueling outage, each of these valves will be    stroked to fully exercise the check valves open. Non-intrusive test equipment employing acoustic and eddy-current technology will be used to verify the check valves are stroked fully open during these tests.
Should the alternate testing described above be determined to be impractical or an extreme hardship the following will be performed in place of the above described testing.
Each      reactor refueling outage at least one of these valves will be disassembled, inspected, and manually stroked to verify operability. Should a valve under inspection be found to be inoperable, then the other valves will be inspected during the same outage, after which the rotational inspection schedule will be reinitiated. Assurance of proper reassembly will be provided by performing a partial-flow test prior to returning a valve to service following disassembly.
R VAL'he alternate testing described in this relief request has been revised      to comply with NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Positions 1      or 2.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-15 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-16 GXSX12L Primary Containment Valves 6-inches    NPS  and larger subject to leakage rate testing per    10CFR50,  Appendix J.
A/C (Check Valves)
A  (Motor-operated valves)
Each  of these valves is designated as a containment isolation valve maintaining the leakrate integrity of the primary containment in the case of an accident.
The leakage    rate for valves 6-inches nominal pipe size and larger    shall be evaluated per Subsection IWV-3427(b)  . (IWV-3521)
The  usefulness of applying this requirement does not justify the burden of compliance. This position is supported by the Generic Letter 89-04, Position 10.
Leakrate test results for containment isolation valves six (6)inches nominal pipe size and greater will be evaluated per IWV-3426 and IWV-3427(a) however, the requirements of IWV-3427(b) will not be applied. This satisfies the requirements of Generic Letter 89-04, Position  10.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-16 (cont.)
V NRC  Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 10.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-17 WITHDRAWN (Rev 0, 07/16/93)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-18 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-19 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision  1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-20 BXZGBL.
Containment Spray (2998-G-088)
V-07119 V-07120 Y'hese valves open to provide flow paths from the refueling water tank (RWT) to the containment spray      and safety injection suction headers.
Check valves    shall be exercised at least once every  3 months, except as provided by IWV-3522. (IWV-3521)
Full stroke exercising of these valves would require simultaneous operation of one HPSI pump and one LPSI pump injecting into the RCS, and one containment spray pump injecting into its spray header to verify the maximum design accident flow. Such a test is not practical during any plant operational modes.
During quarterly    pump  testing each of these valves will be partial-stroke exercised via recirculation through the minimum flow test circuits of the various systems.
The valves will also be partial-,stroke exercised during the series of pump substantial flow tests and check valve exercises performed each refueling outage.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-20  (cont.)
During each reactor refueling outage at least one of these valves will be disassembled, inspected, and manually stroked to verify operability. Should a valve under inspection be found to be inoperable, then the other valve will be inspected during the same outage, after which the rotational inspection schedule will be re-initiated.
NRC  Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 2.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-21 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-22 BXZZE'2L',
Containment Spray (2998-G-088)
V-07172 V-07174 These valves open  to provide flow paths from the containment  sump to the containment spray and safety injection suction headers during. recirculation.
E  I Check valves  shall  be exercised at least once every      3 months, except as provided by INV-3522. (IWV-3521)
There are no provisions    for  full or partial  flow exercising these valves.      In order to pass full flow through these valves, the    containment  sump must be flooded and followed by    simultaneous  operation  of one HPSI pump injecting  into  the  RCS and one  containment spray pump injecting into its spray header.      Such a test is not practical during any plant operational mode.
During each reactor refueling outage at least one of these valves will be disassembled, inspected, and manually stroked to verify operability. Should a valve under inspection be found to be inoperable, then the other valve will be inspected during the same outage, after which the rotational inspection schedule will be repeated.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-22 (cont.)
V NRC  Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 2.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-23 Containment Spray (2998-G-088)
V-07192 V-07193 These valves open  to provide flow paths from the respective containment spray headers to the containment spray rings.
Check valves shall be exercised at least once every    3 months, except as provided by IWV-3522. (IWV-3521)
Full stroke exercising of these valves would require operating each containment spray pump at nominal accident flow rate. Since exercising these valves through the normal containment spray flow path would result in spraying down the containment, this is considered impractical.
Since flow through these valves is not possible, non-intrusive test methods, should they become approved, would not work on these check valves.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-23 (cont.)
N    T    I During each reactor refueling outage at least one of these valves will be disassembled, inspected, and manually stroked to verify operability. Should a valve under inspection be found to be inoperable, then the other valve will be inspected during the same outage, after which the rotational inspection schedule will be re-initiated.
NRC  Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 2.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-24 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-25 WITHDRAWN (Rev 0, 07/16/93)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-26 WITHDRAWN (Rev 0, 07/16/93)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-27 BXST32L',
Feedwater System (2998-G-080, Sh 2)
N v-09303 V-0 9304 V-09305 T
Y'hese valves open to provide flow paths from the auxiliary feedwater    pump discharge to the condensate storage tank to ensure adequate pump cooling during low flow conditions.
Check valves shall be exercised at least once every      3 months, except as provided by IWV-3522. (IWV-3521)
There    is no flow rate instrumentation available to verify valve full-stroke exercising of these valves      as required by Generic Letter 89-04, Position 1.
During quarterly    pump testing each of these valves will be  partial-stroke exercised via recirculation through the minimum flow test circuits with no flow measurements.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-27  (cont.)
N T During each reactor refueling outage at least one of these valves will be disassembled, inspected, and manually stroked to verify operability, Should a valve under inspection be found to be inoperable, then the other two valves will be inspected during the same outage, after which the rotational inspection schedule will be re-initiated.
NRC  Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 .Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 2.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-28 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-29 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-30 GXZGBL.
Safety Injection System (2998-G-078,              Sh 130)
V-3102 V-3103 These valves open              to provide for mini-flow recirculation flow paths from the high pressure safety injection p'umps to the refueling water tank. This minimum flow through the respective pumps removes pump heat in the event of operation under low or no flow conditions.
Check valves shall be exercised at least once every              3 months, except as provided by IWV-3522. (IWV-3521)
F RELIEF'here is no installed flow rate instrumentation available to verify valve full-stroke exercising              as required by Generic Letter 89-04, Position 1.
During quarterly            pump testing each of these valves will be  partial-stroke exercised (open) via recirculation through the minimum flow test circuits with no flow measurements.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-30 (cont.)
During each reactor refueling outage at least one of these valves will be disassembled, inspected, and manually stroked to verify operability. Inspections shall be scheduled such that valves will be checked in a rotating sequence such that each valve is subject to inspection approximately once every three (3) years.
Should a valve be found to be inoperable, then the other valve will be inspected during the same outage, after which the rotational inspection schedule will be resumed.
PP VAL'RC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 2.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-31 MOGUL.
Main Steam  (2998-G-079,  Sh 1)
V-08130 v-08163 These valves open  to supply steam to the 2C Auxiliary Feedwater  Pump (AFW) turbine.      These valves close to prevent  unrestricted  release  of  steam from an unaffected steam generator in the event of a steamline rupture upstream of an MSIV.
MEN Check valves shall be exercised at least once every        3 months, except as provided by IWV-3522. (IWV-3521)
There  is no practical means or provision for pressurizing the piping downstream of these valves in order to verify closure of these valves.
LT During the quarterly test of the 2C AFW pump, these valves will be partial-stroke exercised. During each cold shutdown outage both of these valves will be full-stroke exercised during the AFW pump substantial flow tests.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-31 (cont.)
E NAT During each reactor refueling outage at least one of these valves will be disassembled, inspected, and manually stroked to verify operability. Should a valve under inspection be found to be inoperable, then the remaining other valve will be inspected during the same outage, after which the rotational inspection schedule will be re-initiated. Following valve re-assembly no testing is possible (partial-flow or leak testing) prior to placing the valves in service, thus none will be performed.
V NRC  Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 2.
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-32 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision 1 08/04/94 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-34 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)
REVISION l 08/04/94 Appendix E Valve Program Cold Shutdown Justifications
REVISION 1 08/04/94 Appendix E:  COLD SHUTDOWN  JUSTIFICATIONS This appendix is intended to provide the justification for performing valve exercising only at cold shutdown conditions as permitted by IWV-3412(a), 3415 and 3522. Specifically included in this category are the following:
A valve whose failure in a position other than its normal position could jeopardize the immediate safety of the plant or system components; A valve  whose  failure in  a position other than its normal position could cause    all trains of a safeguard system to be inoperable; A valve  whose  failure in  a position other than its normal position that might cause    a transient that could lead to  a plant  trip;  or When  test requirements or conditions are precluded    by system operation or access.
V-1460  thru V-1466 Reactor Coolant System    Gas Vents These valves are  administratively controlled in the key-locked closed position with the power supply disconnected to prevent inadvertent operation. Since these are Class 1 isolation valves for the reactor coolant system, failure of a valve to close or significant leakage following closure could result in a loss of coolant in excess of the limits imposed by Technical Specification 3.1.3 leading to a plant shutdown.
Furthermore,    if fail to show the valve returnedto to a valve were      fail open or valve indication the fully closed position following exercising, prudent plant operation would probably likely result in  a plant  shutdowns
REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-1474 and V-1475 Power-Operated  Relief Valves Due to the potential impact of the resulting transient should one of these valves open prematurely or stick in the open position, it is considered imprudent to cycle them during plant operation with the reactor coolant system pressurized.
V-2522 Letdown Line Containment    Isolation Valve Closing this valve during operation isolates the letdown line from the RCS and would result in undesirable pressurizer level transients with the potential for a plant trip. If a valve failed to reopen, then an unexpected plant shutdown would be required.
V  2177'    2190'    2191 and V 2526 CVCS  Boron Addition Valves CV/PO  test is addressed in Refueling  Outage Justification V-2501 Volume  Control Tank Outlet Valve Cycling this valve during operation of a charging pump would isolate the VCT from the charging pump suction header damaging any operating charging pumps and interrupting the flow of charging water flow to the RCS with the potential of RCS  transients  and  plant trip.
V-2505 and V-2524 RCP  Control Bleedoff Isolation Valves Exercising either of these valves to the closed position when any of the reactor coolant pumps (RCP's) are in operation would interrupt flow from the RCP seals and result in damage to the pump(s).
REVISION 1 08/04/94 SE-02-03 and SE-02-04 Auxiliary Pressurizer Spray Valves Opening either of these valves (or failure in the open position) during plant operation would cause an RCS pressure transient that could potentially adversely affect plant safety and lead to a plant trip. In addition, the pressurizer spray piping would be subjected to undesirable thermal shock.
V-2431 Auxiliary Pressurizer Spray Check Valve In order to test this valve, either SE-02-03 or SE-02-04 must be opened. Opening either of these valves (or failure in the open position) during plant operation would cause an RCS pressure transient that could potentially adversely affect plant safety and lead to a plant trip. In addition, the pressurizer spray piping would be subjected to undesirable thermal shock.
V-2440 Charging  Pump Discharge Check Valve To Safety Injection Opening  this valve requires operating a charging pump and discharging into the RCS via the safety injection nozzles.
Thermal cycling of the safety injection nozzles is undesirable and should be avoided.
V-2515 and V-2516 Letdown Line Isolation Valves Closing these valves during operation isolates the letdown line from the RCS and would result in undesirable pressurizer level transients with the potential for a plant trip. If a valve failed to reopen, then an unexpected plant shutdown would be required.
V-2523      Charging Line  Isolation Valve Closing this valve during operation isolates the charging pumps from the RCS and would result in .undesirable pressurizer level transients with the potential for a plant trip and potential damage to the charging pumps. If the valve failed to reopen, then an unexpected plant shutdown would be required.
REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-3101 Safety Injection Supply  To Volume  Control Tank CV/PO  test is addressed in Refueling Outage Justification.
V-3106 and V-3107 LPSI Pump Discharge Check Valves During normal plant operation, the LPSI Pumps cannot develop sufficient discharge pressure to pump through these valves to the RCS and exercise them in the open direction. These valves will be partial flow exercised quarterly and full flow exercised each cold shutdown.
V-3414 and V-3427 HPSI Pump  Discharge Check Valves CV/PO  test is addressed in Refueling Outage  Justification.
V-3522 and V-3547 HPSI Hot Leg Injection Check Valve CV/PO and CV/C  tests are addressed in Refueling  Outage Justification.
V-3113, V-3133, V-3143, and V-3766 HPSI Cold Leg Injection Check Valves CV/PO  test is addressed in Refueling Outage  Justification.
V-3114, V-3124, V-3134, and V-3144 LPSI Cold Leg Injection Check Valves During normal plant operation, the LPSI Pumps cannot develop sufficient discharge pressure to pump through these valves to the RCS and exercise them in the open direction. The closure tests can only be performed at the end of the outage after the valves have been exercised open earlier by the partial stroke open tests.
REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-3480, 3481, 3651, and 3652 Shutdown Cooling  RCS Isolation Valves These valves are provided with electrical interlocks that prevent opening whenever Reactor Coolant System pressure exceeds 275 psia. This precludes exercising these valves in any plant condition other than cold shutdown.
V  3524'    3525~ V 3526/ V 3527 HPSI Hot Leg Injection Check Valves These are simple check valves with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is by performing a leak test or back flow test. Performing leak tests of V-3524 and V-3526 involves a considerable effort. The test connection for these valves are located in a high radiation area in the pipe penetration room, and one of the two connections is located over 12 feet above the floor. Testing during operation would constitute an unreasonable burden on the plant staff.
The other check valves, V-3525 and V-3527, have upstream pressure alarms. Should either valve leak by, the pressure instruments would detect the increase and alarm in the control room when the alarm setpoint is exceeded.
Leak  testing to verify the closure capability of these valves is primarily for the purpose of confirming their capability of preventing over-pressurization and catastrophic failure of the safety injection piping and components. In this regard, the St. Lucie 2 Technical Specification addresses the valve test frequency in a manner appropriate for these valves. Satisfying both the Technical Specification and the Code acceptance criteria is not warranted and implementation would be difficult and confusing.      Therefore, the closure capability of these check valves shall be demonstrated by verifying leakage to be within its limits during cold shutdown outages only when any of the following conditions are met:
At least once per  18 months.
COLD SHUTDOWN  for 72 hours or more ~
Prior to entering MODE 2 whenever the plant has= been in if leakage testing has not been performed in the previous 9 months.
REVISION  1 08/04/94
: 3. Prior to returning the valve to service following maintenance,  repair or replacement work on the valve.
: 4. Following valve actuation due to flow through the valve.
CV/PO test is addressed in Refueling Outage Justification.
V-3545 Shutdown Cooling Cross Connect Valve The  breaker for this valve is required to be deenergized except during plant cold shutdown or refueling modes to meet position C.l to Regulatory Guide 1.63 revision 2. This is to protect the mechanical integrity of the valves electrical penetration assembly should the maximum short-circuit vs time condition occur given single random failure of circuit overload protection devices.
V-03002  thru V-03005 Safety Injection Tank (SIT) Drain Line Check Valves Exercising these valves requires draining of each of the SITs. This is not considered to be an appropriate nor prudent activity to perform during plant operation due to the obvious safety issues related to SIT inventory and chemistry control.
V-3215, V-3225, V-3235, and V-3245 Safety Injection Discharge Check Valves These are simple check valves with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is by performing a leak test or back flow test. These are simple check valves with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is by performing a leak test or back flow test. Leak testing to verify the closure capability of these valves is primarily for the purpose of confirming their capability of preventing over-pressurization and catastrophic failure of the safety injection piping and components. In this regard, the St. Lucie 2 Technical Specification addresses the valve test frequency in a manner appropriate for these valves. Satisfying both the Technical Specification and the Code acceptance criteria is not E-6
REVISION  1 08/04/94 warranted and implementation would be difficult and confusing. Therefore, the closure capability of these check valves shall be demonstrated by verifying leakage to be within its limits during cold shutdown outages only when any of the following conditions are met:
At least once per  18    months.
COLD SHUTDOWN for 72 hours or more ~
Prior to entering MODE 2 whenever the plant has been in if leakage testing'has not been performed in the previous 9 months.
: 3. Prior to returning the valve to service following maintenance, repair or replacement work on the valve.
4,    Following valve actuation due to flow through the valve.
V-3217, V-3227, V-3237, and V-3247 Safety Injection Header to RCS Check Valves These are simple check valves with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is by performing a leak test or back flow test. These are simple check valves with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is by performing a leak test or back flow test. Leak testing to verify the closure capability of these valves is primarily for the purpose of confirming their capability of preventing over-pressurization and catastrophic failure of the safety injection piping and components. In this regard, the St. Lucie 2 Technical Specification addresses the valve test frequency in a manner appropriate for these valves. Satisfying both the Technical Specification and the Code acceptance criteria is not warranted and implementation would be difficult and confusing. Therefore, the closure capability of these check valves shall be demonstrated by verifying leakage to be within its limits during cold shutdown outages only when any of the following conditions are met:
At least once per 18  months'.
COLD SHUTDOWN for 72 hours or more  ~ if Prior to entering MODE 2 whenever the plant has been in leakage testing has not been performed in the previous 9 months.
REVISION  1 08/04/94
: 3. Prior to returning the valve to service following maintenance,  repair or replacement work on the valve.
: 4. Following valve actuation due to flow through the valve.
CV/PO  test is addressed in Relief  Request VR-14 V-3258, V-3260, V-3259, and V-3261 Safety Injection Header Check Valves These valves open  to provide flow paths from the high/low pressure safety injection headers to the RCS and close to isolate the headers from the high pressure of the reactor coolant system.
Since no  full flow recirculation path exists, full stroke exercising of these valves would require operating a low pressure safety injection (LPSI) pump at nominal accident flow rate and injecting into the reactor coolant system. At power operation this is not possible because the LPSI pumps do not develop sufficient discharge pressure to overcome reactor coolant system pressure.
Partial flow exercising of these valves is performed when ever its associated SIT is refilled. These valves are Pressure Isolation Valves which requires that they are verified closed and leak tested within 24 hours following flow through them. The acceptable SIT level band specified by the Technical Specification is very narrow.      The SITs are only refilled on an as needed basis; therefore, the partial flow test cannot readily be incorporated into a quarterly test.
These are simple check valves with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is by performing a leak test or back flow test. Leak testing to veri,fy the closure capability of these valves is primarily for the purpose of confirming their capability of preventing over-pressurization and catastrophic failure of the safety injection piping and components. In this regard, the St. Lucie 2 Technical Specification addresses the valve test frequency in a manner appropriate for these valves'atisfying both the Technical Specification and the Code acceptance criteria is not warranted and implementation would be difficult and confusing. Therefore, the closure capability of these check valves shall be demonstrated by verifying leakage to be E-8
REVISION 1 08/04/94 within its limits during cold shutdown outages only when any of the following conditions are met:
At least once per 18 months.
COLD SHUTDOWN for 72 hours or more  ~
Prior to entering MODE 2 whenever the plant has been in if leakage testing has not been performed in the previous 9 months.
: 3. Prior to returning the valve to service following maintenance, repair or replacement work on the valve.
4,    Following valve actuation due to flow through the valve.
V-3614, V-3624, V-3634, and V-3644 SIT Discharge Isolation Valves Stroke testing these valves in the closed direction during normal operation is not possible. The valves are normally locked open with their breaker opened. Also they are interlocked with pressurizer pressure to prevent these valves from closing with RCS pressure >276 psia. Therefore, the valves cannot be cycled except during cold shutdowns.
V-3733 thru V-3740 SIT Vent Valves Cycling any of these valves during normal plant operation with the SITs pressurized is undesirable since    if a valve were to fail to re-close the result would be depressurization of the affected SIT.
V-6792 Nitrogen Gas Supply Containment Isolation Check Valve This is a simple check valve with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is to perform a backleakage test.
Performing such a test requires entry into the containment building and thus is impractical to do during plant operations.
REVISION  1 08/04/94 HCV-08-1 A&B Main Steam Isolation Valves During plant operation at power, full closure of either of these valves is not practical as    it would require isolating steam generator which would result in a severe transient on a
the steam and reactor systems and a possible plant trip.
V-08130 and V-08163 Steam-Driven  AFN Pump Steam  Supply Check Valves Full stroke operation of these valves requires operating 2C AFW Pump  and full accident flow rate which is not practical during plant operation at power. (See Relief Request PR-4)
HCV-09-1 A&B and HCV-09-2 A&B Main Feedwater Isolation Valves During plant operation at power, closure of any of these valves is not practical as    it would require isolating a steam generator which would result in a severe transient on the steam and  reactor systems and  a plant trip.
V-09107, 09123, and 09139 Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Discharge Check Valves Full-stroke exercising of these valves would require operation of the related auxiliary feedwater pump and injection of cold water (85 deg-F) into the hot (450 deg-F)
'eedwater supply piping. This, in turn, would result in unacceptable  thermal stress on the feedwater system piping components.
V-09119, 09135, 09151, and 09157 Auxiliary Feedwater Supply Check Valves Full-stroke exercising of these valves would require operation of a related auxiliary feedwater pump and injection of cold water (85 deg-F) into the hot (450 deg-F) feedwater supply piping. This, in turn, would result in unacceptable thermal stress on the feedwater system piping components.
REVISION  1 08/04/94 HCV-14-1, 2, 6 & 7 RCP  Cooling Water Supply/Return Isolation Valves These valves are required to be open to ensure continued cooling of reactor coolant pump auxiliary components and the control rod drives. Closing any of these valves during plant operation would result in severe RCP and CRD damage leading to plant operation in a potentially unsafe mode and a subsequent  plant shutdown.
HCV-14-3 A&B Shutdown Heat Exchanger Return Valves Testing either of these valves during plant operation would result in an unbalanced flow condition in the affected train and decreased flow to essential equipment. This CCW could result in component damage or an undesirable plant transient.
V-181270 Service  Air Containment Isolation Check Valve During normal power operation, the service air supply to the containment building is isolated. The containment isolation valves, HCV-18-2, is a normally shut valve used to isolate the service air system inside containment. Testing a check valve in an isolated section of a system is not warranted.
The check valve will be back flow tested during cold shutdowns when the section of the service air system inside the containment building is in service. This is a simple check valve with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is to perform a backleakage test. Performing such a test requires entry into the containment building and thus is impractical to  do during plant operations.
REVISION 1 08/04/94 HCV-18-1 Primary Containment Instrument-  Air Supply Closing  this valve isolates operating air to critical components  in the containment building including the pressurizer spray valves and CVCS letdown isolation valves and could cause  severe plant transients and a plant trip.
Failure in the closed position would cause a plant shutdown.
V-27101 and V-27102 Hydrogen Sampling Return Line Containment    Isolation  Check Valves This is a simple check valve with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is to perform a backleakage test.
Performing such a test requires entry into the containment building and breaching of the system, thus it is impractical to do during plant operations.
FCV-25-1  thru FCV-25-6 Primary Containment Purge and Vent Valves These valves are required to remain closed at all times when the plant is operating in Modes 1 through 4, thus they are not required to operate (close) during operational periods.
Due to the large size of these valves and the potential for damage as a result of frequent cycling,    it operate them more than is absolutely necessary.
is not prudent to V-25-20 and V-25-21 Containment Vacuum Breakers These  valves can only be exercised manually requiring direct access  to each valve. Since these valves are located within the containment building, access is limited and not routinely practical.
REVISION 1 08/04/94 Appendix  F Valve Program Refueling Outage Justifications
REVISION  1 08/04/94 Appendix F: REFUELING  OUTAGE  JUSTIFICATIONS This appendix is intended to provide the justification for performing valve exercising only at refueling outage conditions as permitted by OM-10, 'H4.3.2.2 (d), (e), and (h) and '1[ (d), (e),
and (h)
Specifically included in this category are the following:
A valve whose failure in a position other than its normal position could jeopardize the immediate safety of the plant or system components; A  valve  whose failure in  a position other than its normal position could cause    all trains of a safeguard system to be inoperable; A  valve  whose failure in  a position other than its normal position that might cause      a transient that could lead to  a plant  trip; or When  test requirements or conditions are precluded      by system operation or access.
REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-2177 V-2190 V-2191 v-2526 Chemical and Volume Control (2998-G-078,  Sh 121)
V-2177 and V-2526 open  to provide a flow path for emergency boration from the boric acid makeup pumps to the suction of the charging pumps. Likewise, V-2190 opens to provide a flow path for emergency boration via gravity drain from the boric acid makeup tanks to the suction of the charging pumps.
Valve V-2191 opens to provide a flow path from the refueling water tank (RWT) to the suction of the charging pumps as an alternate supply of borated water for boration.
Testing these valves in the open direction requires the introduction of highly concentrated boric acid solution from the boric acid makeup tanks to the suction .of the charging pumps. This, in turn, would result in the addition of excess boron to the RCS. A rapid insertion of negative reactivity could result in a rapid RCS cooldown and depressurization and possibly a plant trip.
During cold shutdown, the introduction of excess quantities of boric acid into the RCS is undesirable from the aspect of maintaining proper plant chemistry and the inherent difficulties that may be encountered during the subsequent startup due to over-boration of the RCS. The waste management system would also be overburdened by the large amounts of RCS coolant that would require processing to decrease the boron concentration.
Typically, the boron concentration is increased for shutdown margin during cooldown and prior to reaching cold shutdown conditions. This is the only practical time to perform the partial stroke exercise test since boration during shutdown and startup is undesirable. In the event that circumstances prohibit testing during cooldown, testing for that cold shutdown may be deferred to the next cooldown evolution.
REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-2443 V-2444 Chemical and Volume Control (2998-G-078,  Sh 121)
These valves open to provide a flow path from the boric acid makeup pumps to the emergency boration header. They close to prevent  recirculation  flow through an idle pump.
Full-stroke testing these valves requires operating the boric acid makeup pumps at or near rated flow and verifying Cull accident flow through each valve. Such testing would cause the introduction of highly concentrated boric acid solution from the boric acid makeup tanks to the suction of the charging pumps. This, in turn, would result in the addition of excess boron to the RCS. This rapid insertion of negative reactivity would result in a rapid RCS cooldown and depressurization. A large enough boron addition would result in an unscheduled plant trip and a possible initiation of Safety Injection Systems.
During cold shutdown, the introduction of excess quantities of boric acid into the RCS is undesirable from the aspect of maintaining proper plant chemistry and the inherent difficulties that may be encountered during the subsequent startup due to over-boration of the RCS. The waste management system would be overburdened by the large amounts of RCS coolant that would require processing to decrease its boron concentration.
A  second circuit that circulates water to the VCT has flow rate measuring instrumentation installed however it is limited to approximately 30 gpm. During an accident, either pump's discharge check valve must be able to pass a minimum flow capable of matching the demand of the two running charging pumps (greater than 80 gpm.).
REVISION  1 08/04/94 V-07000 V-07001 Safety Injection (2998-G-078    Sh 130)
These valves open  to provide flow paths from the RWT to the suction  of the associated  low-pressure safety injection pump.
Full stroke exercising these valves to the open position requires injection into the RCS via the LPSI pumps . During plant operation this is precluded because the LPSI pumps cannot develop sufficient discharge pressure to overcome primary system pressure. At cold shutdown, the shutdown cooling system  cannot  provide  sufficient letdown flow to the RWT to accommodate  full design flow from the RWT while maintaining the necessary core cooling function. Thus, the only practical opportunity for testing these valves is during refueling outages when water from the RWT is used to refueling cavity.
fill the
REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-3101 GXSX12L'.
Safety In jection (2998-G-078  Sh 130)
This valve opens to provide a. flow path for borated water from the safety injection tanks (SIT's) to the volume control tank (VCT) to provide sufficient water inventory for plant cooldown should the refueling water tank (RWT) become unavailable.
Transferring the large quantity of water from a SIT to the VCT  needed to verify full stroke would result in a significant increase of the boron concentration within the VCT and in the charging system makeup to the reactor coolant system (RCS) as well.
During normal plant operation, any increase of the VCT boron concentration could result in the excessive boron concentration in the RCS along with the insertion of negative reactivity. Ultimately, the RCS would experience cooldown and depressurization with the potential for a plant trip.
During cold shutdown, the, introduction of'xcess quantities of boric acid into the RCS is undesirable from the aspect of maintaining proper plant chemistry and the inherent difficulties that may be encountered during the subsequent startup due to over-boration of the RCS. The waste management system could also be overburdened by the large amounts of. RCS coolant that would require processing following dilution activities. During cold shutdown, transferring a limited quantity of water (less than that needed to confirm full stroke) from a SIT is practical.
REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-3104 V-3105 BYSXJ' Safety Injection System (2998-G-078,  Sh 130)
These valves open to provide for mini-flow recirculation flow paths from the low pressure safety injection pumps to the refueling water tank. This minimum flow through the respective pumps removes pump heat in the event they are operating under low or no flow conditions. The valves close to prevent recirculation through the idle pump, and to prevent overpressurization of the LPSI piping from the discharge pressure of the HPSI pump.
There  is no flow rate instrumentation available to verify valve full-stroke exercising as required by Generic Letter 89-04, Position 1.
During quarterly  pump testing each of these valves will be partial-stroke exercised (open) via recirculation through the minimum flow test circuits with no flow measurements. During reactor refueling outages these two valves can be flow tested.
The test will calculate the flow through the mini-flow line by draining the reactor coolant system through the line while observing the pressurizer level drop or refueling water tank level increase. The level change divided by the time can be used to verify the full flow exercise of the two check valves'-6
REVISION  1 08/04/94 V-3401 V-3410 SYZZEZL.
Safety Injection (2998-G-078  Sh 130)
These valves open  to provide flow paths from the RWT  and the containment sump to the suction of the associated  high-pressure safety injection pumps (HPSI).
Full stroke exercising these valves to the open position requires injection via the HPSI pumps into the RCS. During plant operation this is precluded because the HPSI pumps cannot develop sufficient discharge pressure to overcome primary system pressure. During cold shutdown conditions, operation of the HPSI pumps is restricted to preclude RCS system pressure transients that could result in exceeding the pressure-temperature limits specified in the Technical Specifications, Section 3.4.9.

REVISION  1 08/04/94 V-3414 V-3427 BX.~Z Safety Injection (2998-G-078   Sh 130)
These valves open  to provide flow paths from the respective HPSI pumps  to the high-pressure safety injection headers.
They  close to prevent recirculation through an idle pump.
Full stroke exercising these valves to the open position requires injection into the RCS via the HPSI pumps. During plant operation this is precluded because the HPSI pumps cannot develop sufficient discharge pressure to overcome primary system pressure. During cold shutdown conditions, full flow operation of the HPSI pumps is restricted to preclude RCS system pressure transients that could result in exceeding the pressure-temperature limits specified in the Technical Specifications, Section 3.4.9.
Partial flow exercising of these valves can be performed by one of the following two methods: when the HPSI pump is used to refill a SIT or when a HPSI pump is recirculated back through the SIT to RWT drain line. Partial-stroke exercising the check valves by filling a SIT can not readily be used because the acceptable SIT level band, specified by the Technical Specifications, is very narrow.     The SIT are only refilled on an as needed basis; therefore, the partial flow test cannot readily be incorporated into a quarterly test.
Partial-stroke exercising of these check valves quarterly can not be performed by using the SIT to RWT drain line. This method requires that the containment isolation valves, one of them a manual valve, be 'opened to complete the flow path.
This would constitute a breach of containment integrity, as defined in Technical Specifications, and therefore use of this flow path is precluded in Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4.

REVISION  1 08/04/94 v-3522 V-3547 SYST1~
Safety Injection (2998-G-078   Sh 130)
These valves open  to provide flow paths from the high-pressure  safety injection pumps to the RCS for hot-leg injection. Should the normal charging header become disabled, these valves are required to close to direct charging flow to the RCS via the HPSI headers.
Full stroke exercising of these valves would require operating a high pressure safety injection (HPSI) pump and injecting into the reactor coolant system through the hot leg injection system. At power operation this is not possible because the HPSI pumps do not develop sufficient discharge pressure to overcome reactor coolant system pressure. During cold shutdown conditions, full flow operation of the HPSI pumps is restricted to preclude RCS system pressure transients that could result in exceeding the pressure-temperature limits specified in the Technical Specifications, Section 3.4.9.
Partial-stroke exercising of these check valves quarterly can not be performed by using the SIT to RWT drain line. This method requires that the containment isolation valves, one of them a manual valve, be opened to complete the flow path.
This would constitute a breach of containment integrity, as defined in Technical Specifications, and therefore use of this flow path is precluded in Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4.
The closure tests can only be performed at the end of the outage after the valves have been exercised open earlier by the partial stroke open tests.

REVISION  1 08/04/94 V-3113 V-3133 V-3143 V-3766 BYE~
Safety Injection (2998-G-078 Sh 131)
These valves open to provide flow paths from the high-pressure safety injection headers to the RCS.
Full stroke exercising of these valves would require operating a high pressure safety injection (HPSI) pump at nominal accident flow rate and injecting into the reactor coolant system. At power operation this is not possible because the HPSI pumps do not develop sufficient discharge pressure to overcome reactor coolant system pressure. During cold shutdown conditions, full flow operation of the HPSI pumps is restricted to preclude RCS system pressure transients that could result in exceeding the pressure-temperature limits specified in the Technical Specifications, Section 3.4.9.
Partial flow exercising of these valves is performed whenever its associated SIT is refilled. The acceptable SIT level band specified by the Technical Specification is very narrow.
The SITs are only refilled on an as needed basis; therefore, the partial flow test cannot readily be incorporated into a quarterly test.
Partial-stroke exercising of these check valves quarterly can not be performed by using the SIT to RWT drain line. This method requires that the containment isolati'on valves, one of them a manual valve, be opened to complete the flow path.
This would constitute a breach of containment integrity, as defined in Technical Specifications, and therefore use of this flow path is precluded in Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4.

REVISION  1 08/04/94 V-3524 v-3525 V-3526 V-3527 GYKXK'afety Injection (2998-G-078 Sh 131)
These valves open to provide flow paths from the high-pressure safety injection pumps to the RCS for hot leg injection and close to isolate the safety injection headers from the high pressure of the reactor coolant system.
Full stroke exercising of these valves would require operating a high pressure safety injection (HPSI) pump at nominal accident flow rate and injecting into the reactor coolant system. At power operation this is not possible because the HPSI pumps do not develop sufficient discharge pressure to overcome reactor coolant system pressure. During cold shutdown conditions, full flow operation of the HPSI pumps is restricted to preclude RCS system pressure transients that could result in exceeding the pressure-temperature limits specified in the Technical Specifications, Section 3.4.9.
Partial-stroke exercising of check valves V-3524 and V-3526 quarterly can not be performed by using the SIT to RWT drain line. This method requires that the containment isolation valves, one of them a manual valve, be opened to complete the flow path. This would constitute a breach of containment integrity, as defined in Technical Specifications, and therefore use of this flow path is precluded in Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4.

        'akeup Water (2998-G-084)
V-15328 This valve closes to provide primary containment for the penetration related to the makeup water supply line to the containment building.
This is a simple check valve with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is by performing a leak test or back flow test. Performing such a test demands that the makeup water supply line be isolated. This effectively isolates the sole supply of fire water to the containment which is unacceptable under any plant conditions. Thus, prior to leaktesting in this manner an alternate firewater source must be established by rigging several temporary fire hoses through the maintenance hatch to the various fire fighting stations in the containment building. This is not possible during normal operation when primary containment is required and .would constitute an undue burden on plant personnel during cold shutdowns.

REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-18195 Instrument Air (2998-G-085,  Sh 2)
This valve closes to provide primary containment for the penetration related to the instrument air supply line to the containment building.
This is  a simple check valve with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is by performing a leak test or back flow test. Such a test necessitates isolation of all instrument air to the containment. There are over 50 valves, instruments, and controllers supplied by this one line.
During a normal refueling outage when leak testing is normally performed, an alternate instrument air compressor must be connected to the isolated section of the instrument air line in order to supply air to critical air-operated components. The supply hose from the air compressor to the instrument air line is typically routed through the containment maintenance hatch.
During normal plant operation this is not practical due to the many critical operational components supplied by the instrument air system, the requirement to maintain primary containment integrity, and the potential for unacceptable plant transients.
During cold shutdown, the activities associated with entry into the containment building, securing all instrument air inside the containment, and opening the maintenance hatch to provide the alternate air supply are extensive and would likely result in an extension of any interim outage (cold shutdown period). Thus testing this valve during cold shutdown periods is considered to be an unreasonable burden on the plant staff and not commensurate with the potential gain in plant safety afforded by performance of this test.

REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-07129 V-07143 GYGXlRL'ontainment Spray (2998-G-088)
These valves open    to provide flow paths from the respective containment spray    pump to the containment spray headers.
Full stroke exercising of these valves would require operating each containment spray pump at nominal accident flow rate. Exercising these valves via the normal containment spray flow path would result in spraying down the containment  an unacceptable option. The only other practical flow path available for such a test requires pumping water from the refueling water tank (RWT) to the reactor coolant system (RCS) via the shutdown cooling loops.
During plant operation, the containment spray pumps cannot develop sufficient discharge pressure to overcome RCS pressure.
At cold shutdown, the shutdown cooling system cannot provide sufficient letdown flow to the RWT to accommodate full design flow from the RWT while maintaining the necessary core cooling function.

REVISIONl08/04/94AppendixDValveProgramRequestsforRelief Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-1WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
REVE S XON 1 08/04/94 BYSZl~H'ontainment Spray (2998-G-088)
Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-2WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
V-07256 V-07258 These  valves open to provide flow paths from the Hydrazine pumps  to the respective containment spray pump suction header.
D-2 Revision108/04/94BYSX12L'ELIEF REQUESTNO.VR-3VariousVariousVariousThisisagenericrequestforreliefIf,forpower-operated valves,anincreaseinstroketimeof50%ormoreforvalveswithfull-stroke timeslessthanorequalto10secondsisobserved, thetestfrequency shallbeincreased toonceeachmonthuntilcorrective actionistaken,atwhichtimetheoriginaltestfrequency shallberesumed(IWV-3417(a))
Testing these valves using the only flow path available (via the Hydrazine pumps) would contaminate the containment spray system and refueling water tank with Hydrazine. Each of the Hydrazine pumps discharge through its check valve into the suction piping of its containment spray pump. The Hydrazine would then be pumped to the RWT during the quarterly containment spray pump Code test using the mini-flow recirculation line. Continued testing would build up the concentration of Hydrazine in the RWT and deplete the level in its storage tank Hydrazine is    a known carcinogen, with cumulative toxic affects  when absorbed through the skin, inhaled, or ingested.
EIThestroketimemeasurements takenduringtestingoffast-acting valves(thoselessthan2seconds)aresubjecttoconsiderable variation duetoconditions unrelated tothematerialcondition ofthevalve(eg.testconditions, operatorreactiontime).Inaccordance withGenericLetter89-04,Position6,analternate methodofevaluating stroketimesisconsidered acceptable.
Hydrazine build up in the RWT is undesirable do    to the increased potential for exposing personnel to the chemical or releasing  it  to the environment. Personnel would additionally be exposed to Hydrazine while restoring level in the tank. Due to the personnel hazards associated with handling the hazardous chemical Hydrazine, testing quarterly or during cold shutdowns is impractical.
Thestroketimeevaluation forthosevalvesdesignated inthePlantTestProcedures as"fast-acting" willnotaccountforsuccessive increases ofmeasuredstroketimeperIWV-3417(a) withthechangeintestfrequency asrequired.
Inlieuofthis,theassignedmaximumlimitingvalueofstroketimewillbeestablished at2seconds.Uponexceeding the2-secondlimit,thevalvewillbedeclaredinoperable andcorrective actiontakeninaccordance withIWV-3417(b)
.D-3 Revision108/04/94VAL'RCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2lnservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedMay2,1994,approvedthisreliefrequestpursuanttoNRCGenericLetter89-04,Position6.D-4 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-4WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
D-5 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-5WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
D-6 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-6WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
D-7 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-7WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
D-8 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-8WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
D-9 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-9WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
D-10 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-10WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-11WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
D-12 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-12WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
D-13 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-13BEZEL'afety Injection (2998-G-078 Sh132)V-3215V-3225v-3235V-3245A/CThesevalvesopentoprovideflowpathsfromthesafetyinjection tankstotheRCSandclosetoisolatethetanksfromthehighpressureofthereactorcoolantsystemandthesafetyinjection headers'ECheckvalvesshallbeexercised atleastonceevery3months,exceptasprovidedbyIWV-3522.
Fullstrokeexercising ofthesevalveswouldrequireinjecting fromatankundernominalpressureintoade-pressurized reactorcoolantsystem.Atpoweroperation thisisnotpossiblebecausetheSITpressureisinsufficient toovercomereactorcoolantsystempressure.
TheinjetheTheinitintThetheonlypractical methodforflowtestingthesafetyctionheadercheckvalvesistodumpthecontentsofSITintothereactorcoolantsystemwhileinMode6.SITdumpisperformed byestablishing adequateialconditions ofwaterlevelandnitrogenpressureheSITwithitsdischarge isolation'alve closed.SITdischarge isolation valveisthenopenedtodumpcontentsoftheSITtothetherefueling cavity.
Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-13(cont.)Thecheckvalvescannotbefullstrokedopenbypassingthemaximumrequiredaccidentcondition flowtosimulatetheLOCAflow.UnderalargebreakLOCAaccidentconditions, themaximum(peak)flowratethroughthesevalveswouldbeapproximately 20,000gpm.Therequiredtestconditions fordeveloping thisfullaccidentflowcannotbeestablished.
TheSITdischarge isolation valvesaremotoroperatedvalveswithanominalstroketimeof52seconds.Theresulting discharge flowratewouldonlyincreasegradually duetothelongstroketimeofthedischarge isolation valve.Theflowratewouldnotbeanywherenearthepeakblowdownrateof20,000gpmexpectedduringalargebreakLOCA.Analysishasshownthatthecheckvalvescanbefullyexercised openwiththelowerthanaccidentcondition flowduringaSITdumptest.Non-intrusive testequipment employing acousticandeddy-current technology canbeusedtoverifythecheckvalvesarestrokedfullyopenduringthesetests.Eachofthesevalvesareinstalled inidentical orientation andexposedtothesameoperating conditions.
FP&Lhasreviewedtheoperating andmaintenance historyofthesevalvesandsimilarvalvesusedthroughout theindustryundercomparable conditions.
Basedonthesereviews,thereisnoevidenceofvalvedegradation withrespecttotheirabilitytoopen"andsatisfactorily passtherequiredflow.Itisapparentfromthefailuredatathattheprimarymodeoffailureisrelatedtovalveleakagebothpasttheseatandexternalthroughthebody-bonnet andhingepingasketjoints.Itshouldalsobenotedthatthesevalvesarenotsubjected toanysignificant flowduringplantoperation aswellasmaintenance periods;thusitisunlikelythatthesevalveswouldexperience anyservice-related damageorwear.D-15 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-13(cont.)Duringeachrefueling outage,eachofthesevalveswillbestrokedtofullyexercisethecheckvalvesopen.Non-intrusive testequipment employing acousticandeddy-currenttechnology willbeusedto'verifythecheckvalvesarestrokedfullyopenduringthesetests.Shouldthealternate testingdescribed abovebedetermined tobeimpractical oranextremehardshipthefollowing willbeperformed inplaceoftheabovedescribed testing.Duringeachrefueling outage,eachofthesevalveswillbepartial-stroke exercised.
Eachreactorrefueling outageatleastoneofthesevalveswillbedisassembled, inspected, andmanuallystrokedtoverifyoperability.
Shouldavalveunderinspection befoundtobeinoperable, thentheothervalveswillbeinspected duringthesameoutage,afterwhichtherotational inspection schedulewillbereinitiated.
Assurance ofproperreassembly willbeprovidedbyperforming apartial-flow testpriortoreturning avalvetoservicefollowing disassembly.
Thealternate testingdescribed inthisreliefrequesthasbeenrevisedtocomplywithNRCGenericLetter89-04,Positions 1or2.
Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-14ZXZZEK'afety Injection (2998-G-078 Sh132)V-3217V-3227V-3237V-3247A/CN'hesevalvesopentoprovideflowpathsfromthesafetyinjection headerstotheRCSandclosetoisolatetheheadersfromthehighpressureofthereactorcoolantsystem.Checkvalvesshallbeexercised atleastonceevery3months,exceptasprovidedbyIWV-3522.
Fullstrokeexercising ofthesevalveswouldrequireinjecting fromatankundernominalpressureintoade-pressurized reactorcoolantsystem.Atpoweroperation thisisnotpossiblebecausetheSITpressureisinsufficient toovercomereactorcoolantsystempressure.
Theonlypractical methodforfullflowtestingofthesafetyinjection headercheckvalvesistodumpthecontentsoftheSITintothereactorcoolantsystemwhileinMode6.Shutdowncoolingflowrates arenotsuficient tofullyopenthevalves.TheSITdumpisperformed byestablishing adequateinitialconditions ofwaterlevelandnitrogenpressureintheSITwithitsdischarge isolation valveclosed.TheSITdischarge isolation valveisthenopenedtodumpthecontentsoftheSITtothetherefueling cavity.
Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-14(cont.)Thecheckvalvescannotbefullstrokedopenbypassingthemaximumrequiredaccidentcondition flowtosimulatetheLOCAflow.Under'alargebreakLOCAaccidentconditions, themaximum(peak)flowratethroughthesevalveswouldbeapproximately 20,000gpm.Therequiredtestconditions fordeveloping thisfullaccidentflowcannotbeestablished.
TheSITdischarge isolation valvesaremotoroperatedvalveswithanominalstroketimeof52seconds.Theresulting discharge flowratewouldonlyincreasegradually duetothelongstroketimeofthedischarge isolation valve.Theflowratewouldnotbeanywherenearthepeakblowdownrateof20,000gpmexpectedduringalargebreakLOCA.Analysishasshownthatthecheckvalvescanbefullyexercised openwiththelowerthanaccidentcondition flowduringaSITdumptest.Non-intrusive testequipment employing acousticandeddy-current technology canbeusedtoverifythecheckvalvesarestrokedfullyopenduringthesetests.Eachofthesevalvesareinstalled inidentical orientation andexposedtothesameoperating conditions.
FP&Lhasreviewedtheoperating andmaintenance historyofthesevalvesandsimilarvalvesusedthroughout theindustryundercomparable conditions.
Basedonthesereviews,thereisnoevidenceofvalvedegradation withrespecttotheirabilitytoopenandsatisfactorily passtherequiredflow.Itisapparentfromthefailuredatathattheprimarymodeoffailureisrelatedtovalveleakage-bothpasttheseatandexternalthroughthebody-bonnet andhingepingasketjoints.D-18 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-14(cont.)ETETINDuringeachrefueling outage,eachofthesevalveswillbestrokedtofullyexercisethecheckvalvesopen.Non-intrusive testequipment employing acousticandeddy-currenttechnology willbeusedtoverifythecheckvalvesarestrokedfullyopenduringthesetests.Shouldthealternate testingdescribed abovebedetermined tobeimpractical oranextremehardshipthefollowing willbeperformed inplaceoftheabovedescribed testing.Eachreactorrefueling outageatleastoneofthesevalveswillbedisassembled, inspected, andmanuallystrokedtoverifyoperability.
Shouldavalveunderinspection befoundtobeinoperable, thentheothervalveswillbeinspected duringthesameoutage,afterwhichtherotational inspection schedulewillbereinitiated.
Assurance ofproperreassembly willbeprovidedbyperforming apartial-flow testpriortoreturning avalvetoservicefollowing disassembly.
RVAL'healternate testingdescribed inthisreliefrequesthasbeenrevisedtocomplywithNRCGenericLetter89-04,Positions 1or2.D-19 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-15WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
D-20 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-16GXSX12LPrimaryContainment Valves6-inchesNPSandlargersubjecttoleakageratetestingper10CFR50,AppendixJ.A/C(CheckValves)A(Motor-operated valves)Eachofthesevalvesisdesignated asacontainment isolation valvemaintaining theleakrateintegrity oftheprimarycontainment inthecaseofanaccident.
Theleakagerateforvalves6-inchesnominalpipesizeandlargershallbeevaluated perSubsection IWV-3427(b).(IWV-3521)
Theusefulness ofapplyingthisrequirement doesnotjustifytheburdenofcompliance.
Thispositionissupported bytheGenericLetter89-04,Position10.Leakratetestresultsforcontainment isolation valvessix(6)inches nominalpipesizeandgreaterwillbeevaluated perIWV-3426andIWV-3427(a) however,therequirements ofIWV-3427(b) willnotbeapplied.Thissatisfies therequirements ofGenericLetter89-04,Position10.D-21 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-16(cont.)VNRCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedMay2,1994,approvedthisreliefrequestpursuanttoNRCGenericLetter89-04,Position10.D-22 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-17WITHDRAWN (Rev0,07/16/93)
D-23 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-18WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
D-24 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-19WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
D-25 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-20BXZGBL.Containment Spray(2998-G-088)
V-07119V-07120Y'hesevalvesopentoprovideflowpathsfromtherefueling watertank(RWT)tothecontainment sprayandsafetyinjection suctionheaders.Checkvalvesshallbeexercised atleastonceevery3months,exceptasprovidedbyIWV-3522.
Fullstrokeexercising ofthesevalveswouldrequiresimultaneous operation ofoneHPSIpumpandoneLPSIpumpinjecting intotheRCS,andonecontainment spraypumpinjecting intoitssprayheadertoverifythemaximumdesignaccidentflow.Suchatestisnotpractical duringanyplantoperational modes.Duringquarterly pumptestingeachofthesevalveswillbepartial-stroke exercised viarecirculation throughtheminimumflowtestcircuitsofthevarioussystems.Thevalveswillalsobepartial-,stroke exercised duringtheseriesofpumpsubstantial flowtestsandcheckvalveexercises performed eachrefueling outage.D-26 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-20(cont.)Duringeachreactorrefueling outageatleastoneofthesevalveswillbedisassembled, inspected, andmanuallystrokedtoverifyoperability.
Shouldavalveunderinspection befoundtobeinoperable, thentheothervalvewillbeinspected duringthesameoutage,afterwhichtherotational inspection schedulewillbere-initiated.
NRCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedMay2,1994,approvedthisreliefrequestpursuanttoNRCGenericLetter89-04,Position2.D-27 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-21WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
D-28 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-22BXZZE'2L',
Containment Spray(2998-G-088)
V-07172V-07174Thesevalvesopentoprovideflowpathsfromthecontainment sumptothecontainment sprayandsafetyinjection suctionheadersduring.recirculation.
EICheckvalvesshallbeexercised atleastonceevery3months,exceptasprovidedbyINV-3522.
Therearenoprovisions forfullorpartialflowexercising thesevalves.Inordertopassfullflowthroughthesevalves,thecontainment sumpmustbefloodedandfollowedbysimultaneous operation ofoneHPSIpumpinjecting intotheRCSandonecontainment spraypumpinjecting intoitssprayheader.Suchatestisnotpractical duringanyplantoperational mode.Duringeachreactorrefueling outageatleastoneofthesevalveswillbedisassembled, inspected, andmanuallystrokedtoverifyoperability.
Shouldavalveunderinspection befoundtobeinoperable, thentheothervalvewillbeinspected duringthesameoutage,afterwhichtherotational inspection schedulewillberepeated.
D-29 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-22(cont.)VNRCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedMay2,1994,approvedthisreliefrequestpursuanttoNRCGenericLetter89-04,Position2.D-30 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-23Containment Spray(2998-G-088)
V-07192V-07193Thesevalvesopentoprovideflowpathsfromtherespective containment sprayheaderstothecontainment sprayrings.Checkvalvesshallbeexercised atleastonceevery3months,exceptasprovidedbyIWV-3522.
Fullstrokeexercising ofthesevalveswouldrequireoperating eachcontainment spraypumpatnominalaccidentflowrate.Sinceexercising thesevalvesthroughthenormalcontainment sprayflowpathwouldresultinsprayingdownthecontainment, thisisconsidered impractical.
Sinceflowthroughthesevalvesisnotpossible, non-intrusive testmethods,shouldtheybecomeapproved, wouldnotworkonthesecheckvalves.D-31 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-23(cont.)NTIDuringeachreactorrefueling outageatleastoneofthesevalveswillbedisassembled, inspected, andmanuallystrokedtoverifyoperability.
Shouldavalveunderinspection befoundtobeinoperable, thentheothervalvewillbeinspected duringthesameoutage,afterwhichtherotational inspection schedulewillbere-initiated.
NRCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedMay2,1994,approvedthisreliefrequestpursuanttoNRCGenericLetter89-04,Position2.D-32 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-24WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
D-33 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-25WITHDRAWN (Rev0,07/16/93)
D-34 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-26WITHDRAWN (Rev0,07/16/93)
D-35 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-27BXST32L',
Feedwater System(2998-G-080, Sh2)Nv-09303V-09304V-09305TY'hesevalvesopentoprovideflowpathsfromtheauxiliary feedwater pumpdischarge tothecondensate storagetanktoensureadequatepumpcoolingduringlowflowconditions.
Checkvalvesshallbeexercised atleastonceevery3months,exceptasprovidedbyIWV-3522.
Thereisnoflowrateinstrumentation available toverifyvalvefull-stroke exercising ofthesevalvesasrequiredbyGenericLetter89-04,Position1.Duringquarterly pumptestingeachofthesevalveswillbepartial-stroke exercised viarecirculation throughtheminimumflowtestcircuitswithnoflowmeasurements.
D-36 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-27(cont.)NTDuringeachreactorrefueling outageatleastoneofthesevalveswillbedisassembled, inspected, andmanuallystrokedtoverifyoperability, Shouldavalveunderinspection befoundtobeinoperable, thentheothertwovalveswillbeinspected duringthesameoutage,afterwhichtherotational inspection schedulewillbere-initiated.
NRCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2.Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedMay2,1994,approvedthisreliefrequestpursuanttoNRCGenericLetter89-04,Position2.D-37 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-28WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
D-38 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-29WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
D-39 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-30GXZGBL.SafetyInjection System(2998-G-078, Sh130)V-3102V-3103Thesevalvesopentoprovideformini-flow recirculation flowpathsfromthehighpressuresafetyinjection p'umpstotherefueling watertank.Thisminimumflowthroughtherespective pumpsremovespumpheatintheeventofoperation underlowornoflowconditions.
Checkvalvesshallbeexercised atleastonceevery3months,exceptasprovidedbyIWV-3522.
FRELIEF'here isnoinstalled flowrateinstrumentation available toverifyvalvefull-stroke exercising asrequiredbyGenericLetter89-04,Position1.Duringquarterly pumptestingeachofthesevalveswillbepartial-stroke exercised (open)viarecirculation throughtheminimumflowtestcircuitswithnoflowmeasurements.
D-40 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-30(cont.)Duringeachreactorrefueling outageatleastoneofthesevalveswillbedisassembled, inspected, andmanuallystrokedtoverifyoperability.
Inspections shallbescheduled suchthatvalveswillbecheckedinarotatingsequencesuchthateachvalveissubjecttoinspection approximately onceeverythree(3)years.Shouldavalvebefoundtobeinoperable, thentheothervalvewillbeinspected duringthesameoutage,afterwhichtherotational inspection schedulewillberesumed.PPVAL'RCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedMay2,1994,approvedthisreliefrequestpursuanttoNRCGenericLetter89-04,Position2.D-41 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-31MOGUL.MainSteam(2998-G-079, Sh1)V-08130v-08163.Thesevalvesopentosupplysteamtothe2CAuxiliary Feedwater Pump(AFW)turbine.Thesevalvesclosetopreventunrestricted releaseofsteamfromanunaffected steamgenerator intheeventofasteamline ruptureupstreamofanMSIV.MENCheckvalvesshallbeexercised atleastonceevery3months,exceptasprovidedbyIWV-3522.
Thereisnopractical meansorprovision forpressurizing thepipingdownstream ofthesevalvesinordertoverifyclosureofthesevalves.LTDuringthequarterly testofthe2CAFWpump,thesevalveswillbepartial-stroke exercised.
Duringeachcoldshutdownoutagebothofthesevalveswillbefull-strokeexercised duringtheAFWpumpsubstantial flowtests.D-42 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-31(cont.)ENATDuringeachreactorrefueling outageatleastoneofthesevalveswillbedisassembled, inspected, andmanuallystrokedtoverifyoperability.
Shouldavalveunderinspection befoundtobeinoperable, thentheremaining othervalvewillbeinspected duringthesameoutage,afterwhichtherotational inspection schedulewillbere-initiated.
Following valvere-assembly notestingispossible(partial-flow orleaktesting)priortoplacingthevalvesinservice,thusnonewillbeperformed.
VNRCSafetyEvaluation ofSt.LucieUnit2Inservice TestingProgramReliefRequestsdatedMay2,1994,approvedthisreliefrequestpursuanttoNRCGenericLetter89-04,Position2.D-43 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-32WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
D-44 Revision108/04/94WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
D-45 Revision108/04/94RELIEFREQUESTNO.VR-34WITHDRAWN (Rev1,08/04/94)
D-46 REVISIONl08/04/94AppendixEValveProgramColdShutdownJustifications REVISION108/04/94AppendixE:COLDSHUTDOWNJUSTIFICATIONS Thisappendixisintendedtoprovidethejustification forperforming valveexercising onlyatcoldshutdownconditions aspermitted byIWV-3412(a),
3415and3522.Specifically includedinthiscategoryarethefollowing:
Avalvewhosefailureinapositionotherthanitsnormalpositioncouldjeopardize theimmediate safetyoftheplantorsystemcomponents; Avalvewhosefailureinapositionotherthanitsnormalpositioncouldcausealltrainsofasafeguard systemtobeinoperable; Avalvewhosefailureinapositionotherthanitsnormalpositionthatmightcauseatransient thatcouldleadtoaplanttrip;orWhentestrequirements orconditions areprecluded bysystemoperation oraccess.V-1460thruV-1466ReactorCoolantSystemGasVentsThesevalvesareadministratively controlled inthekey-lockedclosedpositionwiththepowersupplydisconnected topreventinadvertent operation.
SincetheseareClass1isolation valvesforthereactorcoolantsystem,failureofavalvetocloseorsignificant leakagefollowing closurecouldresultinalossofcoolantinexcessofthelimitsimposedbyTechnical Specification 3.1.3leadingtoaplantshutdown.
Furthermore, ifavalveweretofailopenorvalveindication failtoshowthevalvereturnedtothefullyclosedpositionfollowing exercising, prudentplantoperation wouldprobablylikelyresultinaplantshutdowns REVISION108/04/94V-1474andV-1475Power-Operated ReliefValvesDuetothepotential impactoftheresulting transient shouldoneofthesevalvesopenprematurely orstickintheopenposition, itisconsidered imprudent tocyclethemduringplantoperation withthereactorcoolantsystempressurized.
V-2522LetdownLineContainment Isolation ValveClosingthisvalveduringoperation isolatestheletdownlinefromtheRCSandwouldresultinundesirable pressurizer leveltransients withthepotential foraplanttrip.Ifavalvefailedtoreopen,thenanunexpected plantshutdownwouldberequired.
V2177'2190'2191andV2526CVCSBoronAdditionValvesCV/POtestisaddressed inRefueling OutageJustification V-2501VolumeControlTankOutletValveCyclingthisvalveduringoperation ofachargingpumpwouldisolatetheVCTfromthechargingpumpsuctionheaderdamaginganyoperating chargingpumpsandinterrupting theflowofchargingwaterflowtotheRCSwiththepotential ofRCStransients andplanttrip.V-2505andV-2524RCPControlBleedoffIsolation ValvesExercising eitherofthesevalvestotheclosedpositionwhenanyofthereactorcoolantpumps(RCP's)areinoperation wouldinterrupt flowfromtheRCPsealsandresultindamagetothepump(s).E-2 REVISION108/04/94SE-02-03andSE-02-04Auxiliary Pressurizer SprayValvesOpeningeitherofthesevalves(orfailureintheopenposition) duringplantoperation wouldcauseanRCSpressuretransient thatcouldpotentially adversely affectplantsafetyandleadtoaplanttrip.Inaddition, thepressurizer spraypipingwouldbesubjected toundesirable thermalshock.V-2431Auxiliary Pressurizer SprayCheckValveInordertotestthisvalve,eitherSE-02-03orSE-02-04mustbeopened.Openingeitherofthesevalves(orfailureintheopenposition) duringplantoperation wouldcauseanRCSpressuretransient thatcouldpotentially adversely affectplantsafetyandleadtoaplanttrip.Inaddition, thepressurizer spraypipingwouldbesubjected toundesirable thermalshock.V-2440ChargingPumpDischarge CheckValveToSafetyInjection Openingthisvalverequiresoperating achargingpumpanddischarging intotheRCSviathesafetyinjection nozzles.Thermalcyclingofthesafetyinjection nozzlesisundesirable andshouldbeavoided.V-2515andV-2516LetdownLineIsolation ValvesClosingthesevalvesduringoperation isolatestheletdownlinefromtheRCSandwouldresultinundesirable pressurizer leveltransients withthepotential foraplanttrip.Ifavalvefailedtoreopen,thenanunexpected plantshutdownwouldberequired.
V-2523ChargingLineIsolation ValveClosingthisvalveduringoperation isolatesthechargingpumpsfromtheRCSandwouldresultin.undesirable pressurizer leveltransients withthepotential foraplanttripandpotential damagetothechargingpumps.Ifthevalvefailedtoreopen,thenanunexpected plantshutdownwouldberequired.
E-3 REVISION108/04/94V-3101SafetyInjection SupplyToVolumeControlTankCV/POtestisaddressed inRefueling OutageJustification.
V-3106andV-3107LPSIPumpDischarge CheckValvesDuringnormalplantoperation, theLPSIPumpscannotdevelopsufficient discharge pressuretopumpthroughthesevalvestotheRCSandexercisethemintheopendirection.
Thesevalveswillbepartialflowexercised quarterly andfullflowexercised eachcoldshutdown.
V-3414andV-3427HPSIPumpDischarge CheckValvesCV/POtestisaddressed inRefueling OutageJustification.
V-3522andV-3547HPSIHotLegInjection CheckValveCV/POandCV/Ctestsareaddressed inRefueling OutageJustification.
V-3113,V-3133,V-3143,andV-3766HPSIColdLegInjection CheckValvesCV/POtestisaddressed inRefueling OutageJustification.
V-3114,V-3124,V-3134,andV-3144LPSIColdLegInjection CheckValvesDuringnormalplantoperation, theLPSIPumpscannotdevelopsufficient discharge pressuretopumpthroughthesevalvestotheRCSandexercisethemintheopendirection.
Theclosuretestscanonlybeperformed attheendoftheoutageafterthevalveshavebeenexercised openearlierbythepartialstrokeopentests.E-4 REVISION108/04/94V-3480,3481,3651,and3652ShutdownCoolingRCSIsolation ValvesThesevalvesareprovidedwithelectrical interlocks thatpreventopeningwheneverReactorCoolantSystempressureexceeds275psia.Thisprecludes exercising thesevalvesinanyplantcondition otherthancoldshutdown.
V3524'3525~V3526/V3527HPSIHotLegInjection CheckValvesThesearesimplecheckvalveswithnoexternalmeansofpositionindication, thustheonlypractical meansofverifying closureisbyperforming aleaktestorbackflowtest.Performing leaktestsofV-3524andV-3526involvesaconsiderable effort.Thetestconnection forthesevalvesarelocatedinahighradiation areainthepipepenetration room,andoneofthetwoconnections islocatedover12feetabovethefloor.Testingduringoperation wouldconstitute anunreasonable burdenontheplantstaff.Theothercheckvalves,V-3525andV-3527,haveupstreampressurealarms.Shouldeithervalveleakby,thepressureinstruments woulddetecttheincreaseandalarminthecontrolroomwhenthealarmsetpointisexceeded.
Leaktestingtoverifytheclosurecapability ofthesevalvesisprimarily forthepurposeofconfirming theircapability ofpreventing over-pressurization andcatastrophic failureofthesafetyinjection pipingandcomponents.
Inthisregard,theSt.Lucie2Technical Specification addresses thevalvetestfrequency inamannerappropriate forthesevalves.Satisfying boththeTechnical Specification andtheCodeacceptance criteriaisnotwarranted andimplementation wouldbedifficult andconfusing.
Therefore, theclosurecapability ofthesecheckvalvesshallbedemonstrated byverifying leakagetobewithinitslimitsduringcoldshutdownoutagesonlywhenanyofthefollowing conditions aremet:Atleastonceper18months.2.PriortoenteringMODE2whenevertheplanthas=beeninCOLDSHUTDOWNfor72hoursormore~ifleakagetestinghasnotbeenperformed intheprevious9months.E-5 REVISION108/04/943.Priortoreturning thevalvetoservicefollowing maintenance, repairorreplacement workonthevalve.4.Following valveactuation duetoflowthroughthevalve.CV/POtestisaddressed inRefueling OutageJustification.
V-3545ShutdownCoolingCrossConnectValveThebreakerforthisvalveisrequiredtobedeenergized exceptduringplantcoldshutdownorrefueling modestomeetpositionC.ltoRegulatory Guide1.63revision2.Thisistoprotectthemechanical integrity ofthevalveselectrical penetration assemblyshouldthemaximumshort-circuit vstimecondition occurgivensinglerandomfailureofcircuitoverloadprotection devices.V-03002thruV-03005SafetyInjection Tank(SIT)DrainLineCheckValvesExercising thesevalvesrequiresdrainingofeachoftheSITs.Thisisnotconsidered tobeanappropriate norprudentactivitytoperformduringplantoperation duetotheobvioussafetyissuesrelatedtoSITinventory andchemistry control.V-3215,V-3225,V-3235,andV-3245SafetyInjection Discharge CheckValvesThesearesimplecheckvalveswithnoexternalmeansofpositionindication, thustheonlypractical meansofverifying closureisbyperforming aleaktestorbackflowtest.Thesearesimplecheckvalveswithnoexternalmeansofpositionindication, thustheonlypractical meansofverifying closureisbyperforming aleaktestorbackflowtest.Leaktestingtoverifytheclosurecapability ofthesevalvesisprimarily forthepurposeofconfirming theircapability ofpreventing over-pressurization andcatastrophic failureofthesafetyinjection pipingandcomponents.
Inthisregard,theSt.Lucie2Technical Specification addresses thevalvetestfrequency inamannerappropriate forthesevalves.Satisfying boththeTechnical Specification andtheCodeacceptance criteriaisnotE-6 REVISION108/04/94warranted andimplementation wouldbedifficult andconfusing.
Therefore, theclosurecapability ofthesecheckvalvesshallbedemonstrated byverifying leakagetobewithinitslimitsduringcoldshutdownoutagesonlywhenanyofthefollowing conditions aremet:Atleastonceper18months.2.PriortoenteringMODE2whenevertheplanthasbeeninCOLDSHUTDOWNfor72hoursormore~ifleakagetesting'has notbeenperformed intheprevious9months.3.Priortoreturning thevalvetoservicefollowing maintenance, repairorreplacement workonthevalve.4,Following valveactuation duetoflowthroughthevalve.V-3217,V-3227,V-3237,andV-3247SafetyInjection HeadertoRCSCheckValvesThesearesimplecheckvalveswithnoexternalmeansofpositionindication, thustheonlypractical meansofverifying closureisbyperforming aleaktestorbackflowtest.Thesearesimplecheckvalveswithnoexternalmeansofpositionindication, thustheonlypractical meansofverifying closureisbyperforming aleaktestorbackflowtest.Leaktestingtoverifytheclosurecapability ofthesevalvesisprimarily forthepurposeofconfirming theircapability ofpreventing over-pressurization andcatastrophic failureofthesafetyinjection pipingandcomponents.
Inthisregard,theSt.Lucie2Technical Specification addresses thevalvetestfrequency inamannerappropriate forthesevalves.Satisfying boththeTechnical Specification andtheCodeacceptance criteriaisnotwarranted andimplementation wouldbedifficult andconfusing.
Therefore, theclosurecapability ofthesecheckvalvesshallbedemonstrated byverifying leakagetobewithinitslimitsduringcoldshutdownoutagesonlywhenanyofthefollowing conditions aremet:Atleastonceper18months'.PriortoenteringMODE2whenevertheplanthasbeeninCOLDSHUTDOWNfor72hoursormore~ifleakagetestinghasnotbeenperformed intheprevious9months.E-7 REVISION108/04/943.Priortoreturning thevalvetoservicefollowing maintenance, repairorreplacement workonthevalve.4.Following valveactuation duetoflowthroughthevalve.CV/POtestisaddressed inReliefRequestVR-14V-3258,V-3260,V-3259,andV-3261SafetyInjection HeaderCheckValvesThesevalvesopentoprovideflowpathsfromthehigh/lowpressuresafetyinjection headerstotheRCSandclosetoisolatetheheadersfromthehighpressureofthereactorcoolantsystem.Sincenofullflowrecirculation pathexists,fullstrokeexercising ofthesevalveswouldrequireoperating alowpressuresafetyinjection (LPSI)pumpatnominalaccidentflowrateandinjecting intothereactorcoolantsystem.Atpoweroperation thisisnotpossiblebecausetheLPSIpumpsdonotdevelopsufficient discharge pressuretoovercomereactorcoolantsystempressure.
Partialflowexercising ofthesevalvesisperformed wheneveritsassociated SITisrefilled.
ThesevalvesarePressureIsolation Valveswhichrequiresthattheyareverifiedclosedandleaktestedwithin24hoursfollowing flowthroughthem.Theacceptable SITlevelbandspecified bytheTechnical Specification isverynarrow.TheSITsareonlyrefilledonanasneededbasis;therefore, thepartialflowtestcannotreadilybeincorporated intoaquarterly test.Thesearesimplecheckvalveswithnoexternalmeansofpositionindication, thustheonlypractical meansofverifying closureisbyperforming aleaktestorbackflowtest.Leaktestingtoveri,fytheclosurecapability ofthesevalvesisprimarily forthepurposeofconfirming theircapability ofpreventing over-pressurization andcatastrophic failureofthesafetyinjection pipingandcomponents.
Inthisregard,theSt.Lucie2Technical Specification addresses thevalvetestfrequency inamannerappropriate forthesevalves'atisfying boththeTechnical Specification andtheCodeacceptance criteriaisnotwarranted andimplementation wouldbedifficult andconfusing.
Therefore, theclosurecapability ofthesecheckvalvesshallbedemonstrated byverifying leakagetobeE-8 REVISION108/04/94withinitslimitsduringcoldshutdownoutagesonlywhenanyofthefollowing conditions aremet:Atleastonceper18months.2.3.PriortoenteringMODE2whenevertheplanthasbeeninCOLDSHUTDOWNfor72hoursormore~ifleakagetestinghasnotbeenperformed intheprevious9months.Priortoreturning thevalvetoservicefollowing maintenance, repairorreplacement workonthevalve.4,Following valveactuation duetoflowthroughthevalve.V-3614,V-3624,V-3634,andV-3644SITDischarge Isolation ValvesStroketestingthesevalvesinthecloseddirection duringnormaloperation isnotpossible.
Thevalvesarenormallylockedopenwiththeirbreakeropened.Alsotheyareinterlocked withpressurizer pressuretopreventthesevalvesfromclosingwithRCSpressure>276psia.Therefore, thevalvescannotbecycledexceptduringcoldshutdowns.
V-3733thruV-3740SITVentValvesCyclinganyofthesevalvesduringnormalplantoperation withtheSITspressurized isundesirable sinceifavalveweretofailtore-closetheresultwouldbedepressurization oftheaffectedSIT.V-6792NitrogenGasSupplyContainment Isolation CheckValveThisisasimplecheckvalvewithnoexternalmeansofpositionindication, thustheonlypractical meansofverifying closureistoperformabackleakage test.Performing suchatestrequiresentryintothecontainment buildingandthusisimpractical tododuringplantoperations.
E-9 REVISION108/04/94HCV-08-1A&BMainSteamIsolation ValvesDuringplantoperation atpower,fullclosureofeitherofthesevalvesisnotpractical asitwouldrequireisolating asteamgenerator whichwouldresultinaseveretransient onthesteamandreactorsystemsandapossibleplanttrip.V-08130andV-08163Steam-Driven AFNPumpSteamSupplyCheckValvesFullstrokeoperation ofthesevalvesrequiresoperating 2CAFWPumpandfullaccidentflowratewhichisnotpractical duringplantoperation atpower.(SeeReliefRequestPR-4)HCV-09-1A&BandHCV-09-2A&BMainFeedwater Isolation ValvesDuringplantoperation atpower,closureofanyofthesevalvesisnotpractical asitwouldrequireisolating asteamgenerator whichwouldresultinaseveretransient onthesteamandreactorsystemsandaplanttrip.V-09107,09123,and09139Auxiliary Feedwater PumpDischarge CheckValvesFull-stroke exercising ofthesevalveswouldrequireoperation oftherelatedauxiliary feedwater pumpandinjection ofcoldwater(85deg-F)intothehot(450deg-F)'eedwater supplypiping.This,inturn,wouldresultinunacceptable thermalstressonthefeedwater systempipingcomponents.
V-09119,09135,09151,and09157Auxiliary Feedwater SupplyCheckValvesFull-stroke exercising ofthesevalveswouldrequireoperation ofarelatedauxiliary feedwater pumpandinjection ofcoldwater(85deg-F)intothehot(450deg-F)feedwater supplypiping.This,inturn,wouldresultinunacceptable thermalstressonthefeedwater systempipingcomponents.
REVISION108/04/94HCV-14-1, 2,6&7RCPCoolingWaterSupply/Return Isolation ValvesThesevalvesarerequiredtobeopentoensurecontinued coolingofreactorcoolantpumpauxiliary components andthecontrolroddrives.Closinganyofthesevalvesduringplantoperation wouldresultinsevereRCPandCRDdamageleadingtoplantoperation inapotentially unsafemodeandasubsequent plantshutdown.
HCV-14-3A&BShutdownHeatExchanger ReturnValvesTestingeitherofthesevalvesduringplantoperation wouldresultinanunbalanced flowcondition intheaffectedCCWtrainanddecreased flowtoessential equipment.
Thiscouldresultincomponent damageoranundesirable planttransient.
V-181270ServiceAirContainment Isolation CheckValveDuringnormalpoweroperation, theserviceairsupplytothecontainment buildingisisolated.
Thecontainment isolation valves,HCV-18-2, isanormallyshutvalveusedtoisolatetheserviceairsysteminsidecontainment.
Thecheckvalvewillbebackflowtestedduringcoldshutdowns whenthesectionoftheserviceairsysteminsidethecontainment buildingisinservice.Thisisasimplecheckvalvewithnoexternalmeansofpositionindication, thustheonlypractical meansofverifying closureistoperformabackleakage test.Performing suchatestrequiresentryintothecontainment buildingandthusisimpractical tododuringplantoperations.
REVISION108/04/94HCV-18-1PrimaryContainment Instrument-AirSupplyClosingthisvalveisolatesoperating airtocriticalcomponents inthecontainment buildingincluding thepressurizer sprayvalvesandCVCSletdownisolation valvesandcouldcausesevereplanttransients andaplanttrip.Failureintheclosedpositionwouldcauseaplantshutdown.
V-27101andV-27102HydrogenSamplingReturnLineContainment Isolation CheckValvesThisisasimplecheckvalvewithnoexternalmeansofpositionindication, thustheonlypractical meansofverifying closureistoperformabackleakage test.Performing suchatestrequiresentryintothecontainment buildingandbreaching ofthesystem,thusitisimpractical tododuringplantoperations.
FCV-25-1thruFCV-25-6PrimaryContainment PurgeandVentValvesThesevalvesarerequiredtoremainclosedatalltimeswhentheplantisoperating inModes1through4,thustheyarenotrequiredtooperate(close)duringoperational periods.Duetothelargesizeofthesevalvesandthepotential fordamageasaresultoffrequentcycling,itisnotprudenttooperatethemmorethanisabsolutely necessary.
V-25-20andV-25-21Containment VacuumBreakersThesevalvescanonlybeexercised manuallyrequiring directaccesstoeachvalve.Sincethesevalvesarelocatedwithinthecontainment
: building, accessislimitedandnotroutinely practical.
REVISION108/04/94AppendixFValveProgramRefueling OutageJustifications REVISION108/04/94AppendixF:REFUELING OUTAGEJUSTIFICATIONS Thisappendixisintendedtoprovidethejustification forperforming valveexercising onlyatrefueling outageconditions aspermitted byOM-10,'H4.3.2.2 (d),(e),and(h)and'1[ (d),(e),and(h)Specifically includedinthiscategoryarethefollowing:
Avalvewhosefailureinapositionotherthanitsnormalpositioncouldjeopardize theimmediate safetyoftheplantorsystemcomponents; Avalvewhosefailureinapositionotherthanitsnormalpositioncouldcausealltrainsofasafeguard systemtobeinoperable; Avalvewhosefailureinapositionotherthanitsnormalpositionthatmightcauseatransient thatcouldleadtoaplanttrip;orWhentestrequirements orconditions areprecluded bysystemoperation oraccess.
REVISION108/04/94V-2177V-2190V-2191v-2526ChemicalandVolumeControl(2998-G-078, Sh121)V-2177andV-2526opentoprovideaflowpathforemergency borationfromtheboricacidmakeuppumpstothesuctionofthechargingpumps.Likewise, V-2190openstoprovideaflowpathforemergency borationviagravitydrainfromtheboricacidmakeuptankstothesuctionofthechargingpumps.ValveV-2191openstoprovideaflowpathfromtherefueling watertank(RWT)tothesuctionofthechargingpumpsasanalternate supplyofboratedwaterforboration.
Testingthesevalvesintheopendirection requirestheintroduction ofhighlyconcentrated boricacidsolutionfromtheboricacidmakeuptankstothesuction.ofthechargingpumps.This,inturn,wouldresultintheadditionofexcessborontotheRCS.Arapidinsertion ofnegativereactivity couldresultinarapidRCScooldownanddepressurization andpossiblyaplanttrip.Duringcoldshutdown, theintroduction ofexcessquantities ofboricacidintotheRCSisundesirable fromtheaspectofmaintaining properplantchemistry andtheinherentdifficulties thatmaybeencountered duringthesubsequent startupduetoover-boration oftheRCS.Thewastemanagement systemwouldalsobeoverburdened bythelargeamountsofRCScoolantthatwouldrequireprocessing todecreasetheboronconcentration.
Typically, theboronconcentration isincreased forshutdownmarginduringcooldownandpriortoreachingcoldshutdownconditions.
Thisistheonlypractical timetoperformthepartialstrokeexercisetestsinceborationduringshutdownandstartupisundesirable.
Intheeventthatcircumstances prohibittestingduringcooldown, testingforthatcoldshutdownmaybedeferredtothenextcooldownevolution.
F-2 REVISION108/04/94V-2443V-2444ChemicalandVolumeControl(2998-G-078, Sh121)Thesevalvesopentoprovideaflowpathfromtheboricacidmakeuppumpstotheemergency borationheader.Theyclosetopreventrecirculation flowthroughanidlepump.Full-stroke testingthesevalvesrequiresoperating theboricacidmakeuppumpsatornearratedflowandverifying Cullaccidentflowthrougheachvalve.Suchtestingwouldcausetheintroduction ofhighlyconcentrated boricacidsolutionfromtheboricacidmakeuptankstothesuctionofthechargingpumps.This,inturn,wouldresultintheadditionofexcessborontotheRCS.Thisrapidinsertion ofnegativereactivity wouldresultinarapidRCScooldownanddepressurization.
Alargeenoughboronadditionwouldresultinanunscheduled planttripandapossibleinitiation ofSafetyInjection Systems.Duringcoldshutdown, theintroduction ofexcessquantities ofboricacidintotheRCSisundesirable fromtheaspectofmaintaining properplantchemistry andtheinherentdifficulties thatmaybeencountered duringthesubsequent startupduetoover-boration oftheRCS.Thewastemanagement systemwouldbeoverburdened bythelargeamountsofRCScoolantthatwouldrequireprocessing todecreaseitsboronconcentration.
Asecondcircuitthatcirculates watertotheVCThasflowratemeasuring instrumentation installed howeveritislimitedtoapproximately 30gpm.Duringanaccident, eitherpump'sdischarge checkvalvemustbeabletopassaminimumflowcapableofmatchingthedemandofthetworunningchargingpumps(greaterthan80gpm.).F-3 REVISION108/04/94V-07000V-07001SafetyInjection (2998-G-078 Sh130)ThesevalvesopentoprovideflowpathsfromtheRWTtothesuctionoftheassociated low-pressure safetyinjection pump.Fullstrokeexercising thesevalvestotheopenpositionrequiresinjection intotheRCSviatheLPSIpumps.Duringplantoperation thisisprecluded becausetheLPSIpumpscannotdevelopsufficient discharge pressuretoovercomeprimarysystempressure.
Atcoldshutdown, theshutdowncoolingsystemcannotprovidesufficient letdownflowtotheRWTtoaccommodate fulldesignflowfromtheRWTwhilemaintaining thenecessary corecoolingfunction.
Thus,theonlypractical opportunity fortestingthesevalvesisduringrefueling outageswhenwaterfromtheRWTisusedtofilltherefueling cavity.
SafetyInjection(2998-G-078 Sh130)Thisvalveopenstoprovidea.flowpathforboratedwaterfromthesafetyinjection tanks(SIT's)tothevolumecontroltank(VCT)toprovidesufficient waterinventory forplantcooldownshouldtherefueling watertank(RWT)becomeunavailable.
Transferring thelargequantityofwaterfromaSITtotheVCTneededtoverifyfullstrokewouldresultinasignificant increaseoftheboronconcentration withintheVCTandinthechargingsystemmakeuptothereactorcoolantsystem(RCS)aswell.Duringnormalplantoperation, anyincreaseoftheVCTboronconcentration couldresultintheexcessive boronconcentration intheRCSalongwiththeinsertion ofnegativereactivity.
Ultimately, theRCSwouldexperience cooldownanddepressurization withthepotential foraplanttrip.Duringcoldshutdown, the,introduction of'xcessquantities ofboricacidintotheRCSisundesirable fromtheaspectofmaintaining properplantchemistry andtheinherentdifficulties thatmaybeencountered duringthesubsequent startupduetoover-boration oftheRCS.Thewastemanagement systemcouldalsobeoverburdened bythelargeamountsof.RCScoolantthatwouldrequireprocessing following dilutionactivities.
Duringcoldshutdown, transferring alimitedquantityofwater(lessthanthatneededtoconfirmfullstroke)fromaSITispractical.
F-5 REVISION108/04/94V-3104V-3105BYSXJ'SafetyInjection System(2998-G-078, Sh130)Thesevalvesopentoprovideformini-flow recirculation flowpathsfromthelowpressuresafetyinjection pumpstotherefueling watertank.Thisminimumflowthroughtherespective pumpsremovespumpheatintheeventtheyareoperating underlowornoflowconditions.
Thevalvesclosetopreventrecirculation throughtheidlepump,andtopreventoverpressurization oftheLPSIpipingfromthedischarge pressureoftheHPSIpump.Thereisnoflowrateinstrumentation available toverifyvalvefull-stroke exercising asrequiredbyGenericLetter89-04,Position1.Duringquarterly pumptestingeachofthesevalveswillbepartial-stroke exercised (open)viarecirculation throughtheminimumflowtestcircuitswithnoflowmeasurements.
Duringreactorrefueling outagesthesetwovalvescanbeflowtested.Thetestwillcalculate theflowthroughthemini-flow linebydrainingthereactorcoolantsystemthroughthelinewhileobserving thepressurizer leveldroporrefueling watertanklevelincrease.
Thelevelchangedividedbythetimecanbeusedtoverifythefullflowexerciseofthetwocheckvalves'-6 REVISION108/04/94V-3401V-3410SYZZEZL.SafetyInjection (2998-G-078 Sh130)ThesevalvesopentoprovideflowpathsfromtheRWTandthecontainment sumptothesuctionoftheassociated high-pressuresafetyinjection pumps(HPSI).Fullstrokeexercising thesevalvestotheopenpositionrequiresinjection viatheHPSIpumpsintotheRCS.Duringplantoperation thisisprecluded becausetheHPSIpumpscannotdevelopsufficient discharge pressuretoovercomeprimarysystempressure.
Duringcoldshutdownconditions, operation oftheHPSIpumpsisrestricted toprecludeRCSsystempressuretransients thatcouldresultinexceeding thepressure-temperature limitsspecified intheTechnical Specifications, Section3.4.9.F-7 REVISION108/04/94V-3414V-3427BX.~ZSafetyInjection (2998-G-078 Sh130)Thesevalvesopentoprovideflowpathsfromtherespective HPSIpumpstothehigh-pressure safetyinjection headers.Theyclosetopreventrecirculation throughanidlepump.Fullstrokeexercising thesevalvestotheopenpositionrequiresinjection intotheRCSviatheHPSIpumps.Duringplantoperation thisisprecluded becausetheHPSIpumpscannotdevelopsufficient discharge pressuretoovercomeprimarysystempressure.
Duringcoldshutdownconditions, fullflowoperation oftheHPSIpumpsisrestricted toprecludeRCSsystempressuretransients thatcouldresultinexceeding thepressure-temperature limitsspecified intheTechnical Specifications, Section3.4.9.Partialflowexercising ofthesevalvescanbeperformed byoneofthefollowing twomethods:whentheHPSIpumpisusedtorefillaSITorwhenaHPSIpumpisrecirculated backthroughtheSITtoRWTdrainline.Partial-stroke exercising thecheckvalvesbyfillingaSITcannotreadilybeusedbecausetheacceptable SITlevelband,specified bytheTechnical Specifications, isverynarrow.TheSITareonlyrefilledonanasneededbasis;therefore, thepartialflowtestcannotreadilybeincorporated intoaquarterly test.Partial-stroke exercising ofthesecheckvalvesquarterly cannotbeperformed byusingtheSITtoRWTdrainline.Thismethodrequiresthatthecontainment isolation valves,oneofthemamanualvalve,be'openedtocompletetheflowpath.Thiswouldconstitute abreachofcontainment integrity, asdefinedinTechnical Specifications,andtherefore useofthisflowpathisprecluded inModes1,2,3,and4.F-8 REVISION108/04/94v-3522V-3547SYST1~SafetyInjection (2998-G-078 Sh130)Thesevalvesopentoprovideflowpathsfromthehigh-pressuresafetyinjection pumpstotheRCSforhot-leginjection.
Shouldthenormalchargingheaderbecomedisabled, thesevalvesarerequiredtoclosetodirectchargingflowtotheRCSviatheHPSIheaders.Fullstrokeexercising ofthesevalveswouldrequireoperating ahighpressuresafetyinjection (HPSI)pumpandinjecting intothereactorcoolantsystemthroughthehotleginjection system.Atpoweroperation thisisnotpossiblebecausetheHPSIpumpsdonotdevelopsufficient discharge pressuretoovercomereactorcoolantsystempressure.
Duringcoldshutdownconditions, fullflowoperation oftheHPSIpumpsisrestricted toprecludeRCSsystempressuretransients thatcouldresultinexceeding thepressure-temperature limitsspecified intheTechnical Specifications, Section3.4.9.Partial-stroke exercising ofthesecheckvalvesquarterly cannotbeperformed byusingtheSITtoRWTdrainline.Thismethodrequiresthatthecontainment isolation valves,oneofthemamanualvalve,beopenedtocompletetheflowpath.Thiswouldconstitute abreachofcontainment integrity, asdefinedinTechnical Specifications,andtherefore useofthisflowpathisprecluded inModes1,2,3,and4.Theclosuretestscanonlybeperformed attheendoftheoutageafterthevalveshavebeenexercised openearlierbythepartialstrokeopentests.F-9 REVISION108/04/94V-3113V-3133V-3143V-3766BYE~SafetyInjection (2998-G-078 Sh131)Thesevalvesopentoprovideflowpathsfromthehigh-pressuresafetyinjection headerstotheRCS.Fullstrokeexercising ofthesevalveswouldrequireoperating ahighpressuresafetyinjection (HPSI)pumpatnominalaccidentflowrateandinjecting intothereactorcoolantsystem.Atpoweroperation thisisnotpossiblebecausetheHPSIpumpsdonotdevelopsufficient discharge pressuretoovercomereactorcoolantsystempressure.
Duringcoldshutdownconditions, fullflowoperation oftheHPSIpumpsisrestricted toprecludeRCSsystempressuretransients thatcouldresultinexceeding thepressure-temperature limitsspecified intheTechnical Specifications, Section3.4.9.Partialflowexercising ofthesevalvesisperformed wheneveritsassociated SITisrefilled.
Theacceptable SITlevelbandspecified bytheTechnical Specification isverynarrow.TheSITsareonlyrefilledonanasneededbasis;therefore, thepartialflowtestcannotreadilybeincorporated intoaquarterly test.Partial-stroke exercising ofthesecheckvalvesquarterly cannotbeperformed byusingtheSITtoRWTdrainline.Thismethodrequiresthatthecontainment isolati'on valves,oneofthemamanualvalve,beopenedtocompletetheflowpath.Thiswouldconstitute abreachofcontainment integrity, asdefinedinTechnical Specifications,andtherefore useofthisflowpathisprecluded inModes1,2,3,and4.
REVISION108/04/94V-3524v-3525V-3526V-3527GYKXK'afety Injection (2998-G-078 Sh131)Thesevalvesopentoprovideflowpathsfromthehigh-pressuresafetyinjection pumpstotheRCSforhotleginjection andclosetoisolatethesafetyinjection headersfromthehighpressureofthereactorcoolantsystem.Fullstrokeexercising ofthesevalveswouldrequireoperating ahighpressuresafetyinjection (HPSI)pumpatnominalaccidentflowrateandinjecting intothereactorcoolantsystem.Atpoweroperation thisisnotpossiblebecausetheHPSIpumpsdonotdevelopsufficient discharge pressuretoovercomereactorcoolantsystempressure.
Duringcoldshutdownconditions, fullflowoperation oftheHPSIpumpsisrestricted toprecludeRCSsystempressuretransients thatcouldresultinexceeding thepressure-temperature limitsspecified intheTechnical Specifications, Section3.4.9.Partial-stroke exercising ofcheckvalvesV-3524andV-3526quarterly cannotbeperformed byusingtheSITtoRWTdrainline.Thismethodrequiresthatthecontainment isolation valves,oneofthemamanualvalve,beopenedtocompletetheflowpath.Thiswouldconstitute abreachofcontainment integrity, asdefinedinTechnical Specifications,andtherefore useofthisflowpathisprecluded inModes1,2,3,and4.
V-15328Thisvalveclosestoprovideprimarycontainment forthepenetration relatedtothemakeupwatersupplylinetothecontainment building.
Thisisasimplecheckvalvewithnoexternalmeansofpositionindication, thustheonlypractical meansofverifying closureisbyperforming aleaktestorbackflowtest.Performing suchatestdemandsthatthemakeupwatersupplylinebeisolated.
Thiseffectively isolatesthesolesupplyoffirewatertothecontainment whichisunacceptable underanyplantconditions.
Thus,priortoleaktesting inthismanneranalternate firewater sourcemustbeestablished byriggingseveraltemporary firehosesthroughthemaintenance hatchtothevariousfirefightingstationsinthecontainment building.
Thisisnotpossibleduringnormaloperation whenprimarycontainment isrequiredand.wouldconstitute anundueburdenonplantpersonnel duringcoldshutdowns.
F-12 REVISION108/04/94V-18195Instrument Air(2998-G-085, Sh2)Thisvalveclosestoprovideprimarycontainment forthepenetration relatedtotheinstrument airsupplylinetothecontainment building.
Thisisasimplecheckvalvewithnoexternalmeansofpositionindication, thustheonlypractical meansofverifying closureisbyperforming aleaktestorbackflowtest.Suchatestnecessitates isolation ofallinstrument airtothecontainment.
Thereareover50valves,instruments, andcontrollers suppliedbythisoneline.Duringanormalrefueling outagewhenleaktestingisnormallyperformed, analternate instrument aircompressor mustbeconnected totheisolatedsectionoftheinstrument airlineinordertosupplyairtocriticalair-operated components.
Thesupplyhosefromtheaircompressor totheinstrument airlineistypically routedthroughthecontainment maintenance hatch.Duringnormalplantoperation thisisnotpractical duetothemanycriticaloperational components suppliedbytheinstrument airsystem,therequirement tomaintainprimarycontainment integrity, andthepotential forunacceptable planttransients.
Duringcoldshutdown, theactivities associated withentryintothecontainment
: building, securingallinstrument airinsidethecontainment, andopeningthemaintenance hatchtoprovidethealternate airsupplyareextensive andwouldlikelyresultinanextension ofanyinterimoutage(coldshutdownperiod).Thustestingthisvalveduringcoldshutdownperiodsisconsidered tobeanunreasonable burdenontheplantstaffandnotcommensurate withthepotential gaininplantsafetyaffordedbyperformance ofthistest.
REVISION108/04/94V-07129V-07143GYGXlRL'ontainment Spray(2998-G-088)
Thesevalvesopentoprovideflowpathsfromtherespective containment spraypumptothecontainment sprayheaders.Fullstrokeexercising ofthesevalveswouldrequireoperating eachcontainment spraypumpatnominalaccidentflowrate.Exercising thesevalvesviathenormalcontainment sprayflowpathwouldresultinsprayingdownthecontainment
-anunacceptable option.Theonlyotherpractical flowpathavailable forsuchatestrequirespumpingwaterfromtherefueling watertank(RWT)tothereactorcoolantsystem(RCS)viatheshutdowncoolingloops.Duringplantoperation, thecontainment spraypumpscannotdevelopsufficient discharge pressuretoovercomeRCSpressure.
Atcoldshutdown, theshutdowncoolingsystemcannotprovidesufficient letdownflowtotheRWTtoaccommodate fulldesignflowfromtheRWTwhilemaintaining thenecessary corecoolingfunction.
F-14 REVESXON108/04/94BYSZl~H'ontainment Spray(2998-G-088)
V-07256V-07258ThesevalvesopentoprovideflowpathsfromtheHydrazine pumpstotherespective containment spraypumpsuctionheader.Testingthesevalvesusingtheonlyflowpathavailable (viatheHydrazine pumps)wouldcontaminate thecontainment spraysystemandrefueling watertankwithHydrazine.
EachoftheHydrazine pumpsdischarge throughitscheckvalveintothesuctionpipingofitscontainment spraypump.TheHydrazine wouldthenbepumpedtotheRWTduringthequarterly containment spraypumpCodetestusingthemini-flow recirculation line.Continued testingwouldbuilduptheconcentration ofHydrazine intheRWTanddepletethelevelinitsstoragetankHydrazine isaknowncarcinogen, withcumulative toxicaffectswhenabsorbedthroughtheskin,inhaled,oringested.
Hydrazine buildupintheRWTisundesirable dototheincreased potential forexposingpersonnel tothechemicalorreleasing ittotheenvironment.
Personnel wouldadditionally beexposedtoHydrazine whilerestoring levelinthetank.Duetothepersonnel hazardsassociated withhandlingthehazardous chemicalHydrazine, testingquarterly orduringcoldshutdowns isimpractical.

Latest revision as of 13:34, 4 February 2020

Rev 1 to JNS-PSL-204, Second Ten-Yr ISI Interval IST Program for Pumps & Valves,St Lucie Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2.
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Site: Saint Lucie NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/03/1994
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SL EST 6 CODE SUPERVISOR 94082'70298 940822 PDR ADOCK 05000389 PDR

REVISION 1 08/04/94 Table of Contents Table of Contents Record of Revisions 1.0 Introduction 1.1 IST Program Testing Requirement Guidelines 1.2 IST Program Implementation 2.0 Applicable Documents 3.0 Inservice Testing Program For Pumps 3.1 Code Compliance 3.2 Allowable Ranges of Test Quantities 3.3 Testing Intervals 3.4 Pump Program Table 3.5 Relief Requests for Pump Testing 4.0 Inservice Testing Program For Valves 10 4.1 Code Compliance 10 4.2 Testing Intervals 10 4.3 Stroke Time Acceptance Criteria 10 4,4 Check Valve Testing 10 4.5 Valve Program Table 10 4.6 Relief Requests For Valve Testing 10 A Pump Program Tables B Pump Program Requests For Relief C Valve Program Tables D Valve Program Requests, For Relief E Cold Shutdown Justifications F Refueling Outage Justifications

REVISION 1 08/04/94 Second 10 YEAR SUBMITTAL RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION DESCRIPTION OF REVISION DATE DATE HLH~Z EKIS122 QFMXZ Second 10 Year Submittal 07/16/93 05/02/94 Program Update 08/04/94



Revision 1 of the St. Lucie Unit 2 ASME Inservice Inspection (IST) Program will be in effect through the end of the second 120-month (10-year) interval unless revised and reissued for reasons other than the routine update required at the start of the third interval per 10 CFR 50.55a(f). The second inspection interval is defined as follows:

August 8, 1993 August 7, 2003 This document outlines the IST Program for St. Lucie Plant, Unit 2, based on the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (the Code),Section XI, 1986 Edition.

References in this document to "IWP" or "IWV" correspond to Subsections IWP and IWV, respectively, of the ASME Section XI, 1986 Edition, unless otherwise noted.

The IST program has been updated to replace the requirements of ASME/ANSI OM-1981, Part 1 with ASME/ANSI OM-1987, Part 1, "Requirements for Inservice Performance Testing of Nuclear Power Plant Pressure Relief Devices".

NRC Safety Evaluations dated August 23, 1993, and May 2, 1994 determined certain relief requests were not required pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(f) (4) (iv) where alternative is in it accordance was determined that the with the requirements proposed of the 1989 Edition of Section XI. The 1989 edition provides that the rules for IST of pumps and valves shall meet the requirements set forth in ASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part 6, "Inservice Testing of Pumps in Light-Water Reactor Power Plants" and ASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part 10, "Inservice Testing of Valves in Light-Water Reactor Power Plants". Approval was granted to conduct inservice tests in accordance with OM-6 and OM-10, or portions thereof, provided all related requirements are met. Accordingly, the IST Program for the St. Lucie Plant is revised by the following:

1. Measurement of bearing temperatures as required by

'E IWP-3300 and 'KIWP-4310 are not required by ASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part 6, for inservice testing of pumps.

Therefore, the measurement of bearing temperatures is not a requirement of the IST Program.

2. The valve exercising requirements of ASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part 10, 9 and will be followed as alternatives to '3 IWV-3412(a) and IWV-3522 not including IWV-3522(a) and (b).

REVISION 1 08/04/94

3. The analysis of leakage rate and corrective action requirements of ASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part 10, 9 (e) and (f) will be followed as alternatives to 'J[ IWV-3426 and IWV-3427.

The inservice testing requirements identified in this Plan were prepared to verify the operational readiness of ISI Class 1, 2, and 3 pumps and valves which have a specific function in mitigating the consequences of an accident or in bringing the reactor to a safe shutdown.

In this regard, the general requirements of Paragraphs IWP-1100 and IWV-1100 form the following basic scope document as it applies to ISI Class 1, 2, and 3. Specifically components to be included are:

Centrifugal and positive displacement pumps that are required to perform a specific function in shutting down the reactor or in mitigating the consequences of an =

accident and that are provided with an emergency power source, and Valves (and their actuating and position indicating systems) which are required to perform a specific function in shutting down the reactor to the cold shutdown condition or in mitigating the consequences of an accident.

The general Code requirements were applied to St. Lucie Unit 2 using a systematic approach by first reviewing the function of each of the plant systems as they relate to a limited number of bounding accident scenarios'his review eliminated systems (and associated components) that clearly do not boundary fitclassifications the basic Code definitions including that of ISI Next, a series of rules or guidelines were developed that established the criteria to be used during the review of the remaining systems and components. These rules establish the policies and assumptions that were applied to the foregoing analysis to ensure consistency'ach of these are outlined below. From this point, in a series of steps, each of the individual components in each of the remaining significant safety systems (and supporting systems) were evaluated with respect to the function of each component and the need for its operability as it relates to the scope of Section XI.

These steps included:

1. A review of flow diagrams of each system and identification of any components (pumps or valves) that "could" potentially be included in the IST Program

REVISION 1 08/04/94 scope. Based on the reviewer's experience, valves used for maintenance isolation, vents, drains, etc. were excluded. Typically, all pumps, power-operated valves, check valves, and safety valves remained in the population designated for further evaluation.

2. Each system was broken down by component and, based on general system operational requirements, a narrative description of each component's safety function(s) during the proposed scenarios was drafted.
3. Sequentially, plant documents that refer to or discuss safety-related component or system functions were reviewed in detail and information from these documents was compared to the drafts developed in the above step
2. Where appropriate, corrections and references were applied to the individual narratives. Documents reviewed included the following:
a. Updated Final Safety Analysis Report
b. Technical Specifications C. Plant System Descriptions (Training) Documents
d. Special analyses
e. Commitment correspondence
f. Plant Operating Procedures
g. Emergency Operating Procedures
h. Appendix J Leakrate Test Program
4. Based on the finalized component safety function evaluation derived from the document review and the corrected narratives, the IST Program testing requirements were then established by applying the guidelines listed in Section 1.1 to each one.
5. The functional description of the system components were subjected to a comprehensive review by knowledgeable plant personnel to confirm the accuracy on the document.

REVISION 1 08/04/94 IST PROGRAM TESTING REQUIREMENT GUIDELINES The following guidelines are set forth for evaluation of system components (pumps and valves) with respect to their inclusion in the St. Lucie Unit 2 IST Program and to what extent testing will be performed.

Where multiple components are capable of performing the same equivalent and redundant specified function (eg.

multiple valves closing in series) and where the components are not supplied by alternate and redundant power supplies, only one need be included in the and not simply have the capability of performance. This exemption only applies where licensing documents take credit for the designed redundancy. Components performing a,redundant function shall be included in the testing program if, in the process of analysis or licensing justification, they are relied upon to be operable.

The St. Lucie Unit 2 FUSAR and related design basis documents shall be the primary references for determining which components are required to perform specified functions related to the spectrum of predicated accidents. Although several other plant source documents ( Tech. Specs. and EOP's) identify various components that may be important to plant safety or are to be operated in conjunction with recovery from an accident, unless specific credit is taken in the plant safety analysis (or is implied in the analysis) for a pump or valve, the component need not be included in the IST program. The exceptions to this are those cases where the NRC imposes test requirements at their discretion.

Valves installed primarily for the purpose of providing convenient operational flexibility (eg. system cross-connects) that are not required to operate, assuming that the designated first-line systems and components operate satisfactorily, need not be included in the IST Program. This does not exclude active valves that could be called upon as a result of optional system lineups existing prior to the initiation of an accident, Valves that are actuated as a result of a safety system automatic response shall be included in the IST Program to the extent that the testing shall verify valve operation required as a result of the safety system input. This applies only if valve movement is required to support those functions required as specified by the Code. This requirement extends only to testing defined

REVISION 1 08/04/94 by the Code and is not intended to imply the need for verifying a valve's response to automatic logic system output.

Valves whose sole function is to provide system or component redundancy related to failure of passive components need not be included if active components (pumps and valves) needed to a set of all of the fulfill the specified system (train) function are tested double or unrelated simultaneous failures need not be assumed. In some cases where protection of critical systems from passive failures is a commitment, the components are included in the testing program.

System safety/relief valves shall be included where the function of the valve is to provide overpressure protection.

All valves included in the St. Lucie Unit 2 leakrate testing program complying with 10CFR50, Appendix J shall be included in the IST Program as Category A valves.

All valves designated as high-low pressure interface valves (pressure isolation valves) shall be included in the IST Program as Category A or A/C valves.

Any active Category A valve shall be designated for testing (exercising) to the closed directions When a valve's normal position during operation is its position required to perform its designated safety function and valve movement may be required due to plant evolutions or possible repositioning during accident or recovery operations, then periodic response exercising per the Code cannot be considered passive).

is required (i'he valve Where an air-operated valve is provided with a simple air-pilot valve, the pilot valve need not be that specifically included in the IST Program provided the testing performed on the main valve verifies the proper operation of the pilot valve.

Control valves are specifically excluded from testing per IWV-1200 (a); however, if a control valve must change position to support a safety-related function and it has a fail safe position, then it must be included in the IST Program and tested to the extent practical. Steam turbine governor valves are considered to be an integral part of the turbine and, as such, are not included in the IST Program.

REVISION 1 08/04/94

13. Check valves are included where a valve serves as the only effective boundary between piping associated with a necessary safety function and non-safety grade (non-seismic) piping. Failure of passive system components is assumed only for non-safety grade systems.
14. Where a valve performs a safety function in both directions (open and closed) exercising in both direction is required as described in Reference 1. For these power-operated valves, stroke time measurements in both directions would be required.
15. Pumps and valves whose only safety function is predicated on plant shutdown and recovery from a fire per commitment made as a result on 10CFR50, Appendix R are not included in the IST Program.
16. Pumps and valves that are not categorized as ISI Class 1, 2, or 3 need not be included in the IST Program.
17. Check valves that have a safety function to close should be evaluated with respect to categorization as Category A/C versus C with respect to the following issues:
a. Whether the flow requirements for connected systems can be achieved with the maximum possible leakage through the check valve.
b. The effect on the performance of other components and systems due to the reduced flow resulting from the leakage.
c. The consequences of loss of fluid from the system.
d. The effect that backflow through a valve may have on piping and components, such as the effect of high temperature and thermal stresses.
e. The radiological exposure to plant personnel and the public caused by the leak.

REVISION 1 08/04/94 1.2 IST PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION A. The requirements of the ASME Code Section XI, subsections IWP and IWV, and OM-1-1987 are implemented at St. Lucie through the Quality Instructions and Administrative Procedures. These instructions and procedures address the Code requirements, the department(s) responsible, and the steps that must be performed to satisfy those requirements.

B. Each of the pumps and valves included in the Unit 2 IST program are tested by a Unit 2 test procedure.

These test procedures are in the form of either Pump Data Sheets, Valve Data Sheets, procedure appendixes, or individual test procedures. All test procedures and their setpoints must be reviewed and approved by the Plant's Procedure Change Request (PCR) process. The PCR process includes a 10 CFR 50.59 review and final review by the Plants Facility Review Group (FRG) ~

C. Plant Changes or Modifications (PC/M) are reviewed by Engineering and/or the plants Technical Staff for any potential effects to the IST program. If changes to the program are required, the plant Technical Staff and/or other applicable departments will initiate the appropriate test procedure changes via a PCR. Any changes to the IST program will be made by the Technical Staff. Periodically, these changes will be incorporated into a new revision to the IST program and submitted to the FRG for review.

'Following the FRG review, the new IST revision will be issued.

REVISION 1 08/04/94 2.0 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS This Program Plan was developed per the requirements and guidance provided by the following documents:

2.1 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50 2.2 NRC Regulatory Guides Division 1 2.3 Standard Review Plan, 3.9.6, "Inservice Testing of Pumps and Valves 2.4 Final Safety Analysis Report., St. Lucie Unit 2 2.5 St. Lucie Plant Unit 2 Technical Specifications ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, 1986 Edition 2.7 NRC Generic Letter 89-04,"Guidance on Developing Acceptable Inservice Testing Programs" 2.8 Minutes of the Public Meetings on Generic Letter 89-04 2.9 Supplement to Minutes of the Public Meetings on Generic Letter 89-04 by J, G. Partlow, 26 September 1991 2.10 Request for Industry/NRC-Accepted Interpretation on "Practical" as Applied by ASME Code Section XI, IWV-3412(a) by Martin J. Virgilio, Assistant Director for Regions IV and V.

2.11 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, 1989 Edition.

2 '2 ASME/ANSI OM-1987, Part 1, "Requirements for Inservice Performance Testing of Nuclear Power Plant Pressure Relief Devices".

2.13 NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated August 23, 1993.

2. 14 ASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part 6, "Inservice Testing of Pumps in Light-Water Reactor Power Plants".

2.15 ASME/ANSI OMa-1988, Part 10, "Inservice Testing of Valves in Light-Water Reactor Power Plants".

2.16 NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994.

REVISION 1 08/04/94 3' INSERVICE TESTING PROGRAM FOR PUMPS 3.1 Code Compliance This IST Program for pumps meets the requirements of Subsection IWP of the Code and any interpretations or additional requirements imposed by Reference 2.7. Where these requirements have been determined to be impractical, conformance would cause unreasonable hardship without, any compensating increase in safety, or an alternative test provides an acceptable level of quality and safety, relief from Code requirements is requested pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(f) (iii) and Reference 2.7.

3.2 Allowable Ranges of Test Quantities The allowable ranges for test parameters as specified in Table IWP-3100-2 will be used for all measurements of pressure, flow, and vibration except as provided for in specific relief requests. In some cases the performance of a pump may be adequate to fulfill its safety function even though there may be a value of an operating parameter that falls outside the allowable ranges as set forth in Table IWP-3100-2. Should such a situation arise, an expanded allowable may be determined, on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with IWP-3210.

3.3 Testing Intervals The test frequency for pumps included in the Program will be as set forth in IWP-3400 and related relief requests. A band of +25 percent of the test interval may be applied to a test schedule as allowed by the St.

Lucie Unit 2 Technical Specifications to provide for operational flexibility.

3.4 Pump Program Table Appendix A lists those pumps included in the IST Program with references to parameters to be measured and applicable requests for relief.

3.5 Relief Requests for Pump Testing Appendix B includes all relief requests related to pump testing.

REVISION 1 08/04/94 4.0 INSERVICE TESTING PROGRAM FOR VALVES 4.1 Code Compliance This IST Program for valves meets the requirements of Subsection IWV of the Code and any interpretations or additional requirements imposed by Reference 2.7. Where these requirements have been determined to be impractical, conformance would cause unreasonable hardship without any compensating increase in safety, or an alternative test provides an acceptable level of quality and safety, relief from Code requirements is requested pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(f)(iii) and Reference 2.7.

4.2 Testing Intervals The test frequency for valves (excluding safety/relief valves) included in the Program will be as set forth in IWV-3400 and related relief requests. A band of +25 percent of the test interval may be applied to a test schedule as allowed by the St. Lucie Unit 2 Technical Specifications to provide for operational flexibility.

Where quarterly testing of valves is impractical or otherwise undesirable, testing may be performed during cold shutdown periods as permitted by IWV-3412(a).

Justifications for this deferred testing are provided in Appendix E.

4.3 Stroke Time Acceptance Criteria When required, the acceptance criteria for the stroke times of power-operated valves will be as set forth in Reference 2,7.

4,4 Check Valve Testing Full-stroke exercising of check valves to the open position using system flow requires that a test be performed whereby the predicted full accident condition flowrate through the valve be verified and measured.

Any deviation to this requirement must satisfy, the requirements of Reference 2.7, Position l.

4.5 Valve Program Table Appendix C lists those valves included in the IST Program with references to required testing, respective test intervals, and applicable requests for relief.

4.6 Relief Requests for Valve Testing Appendix D includes all relief requests related to valve testing.


REVISION 1 08/04/94 Appendix A Pump Program Tables

REVISION 1 08/04/94 Florida Power & Light Company INSERVICE TESTING PUMP TABLES St. Lucie Nuclear Plant Unit 2 PAGE '


PUMP NUMBER Numerical designator indicated on the respective flow diagram.

DESCRIPTION Generic name/function of the pump.

CL ISI Classification per the associated ISI boundary drawing(s)

COORD Corresponds to'he flow diagram coordinates of the pump.

Test Parameters The table indicates by a "Y" (yes) or "N" (no) that the specific parameter is measured, evaluated, and recorded per the applicable Code requirement. If a "N" is indicated, the associated relief request number is also noted in the same column.

PR-XX Where indicated this refers to the specific relief request (See Appendix B) related to any deviation regarding the measurement or analysis of a parameter.

RE VIS ION 1 08/04/94 Appendix B Pump Program Relief Requests

Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-1 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)

Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-2 Various The full-scale range of each instrument shall be three times the reference value or less. (IWP-4120)

Table 1WP-4110-1 requires the accuracy of instruments used to measure speed to be equal to or better than +2 percent based on the full scale reading of the instrument. This means that the accuracy of the measurement can vary as much +6 percent, assuming the range of the instrument extended to the allowed maximum.

This IST pump parameter is often measured with portable test instruments where commercially available instruments do not necessarily conform to the Code requirements for range. In this case, high quality calibrated instruments will be used where the "reading" accuracy is at least equal to the Code-requirement for full-scale accuracy. This will ensure that the measurements are always more accurate than the accuracy as determined by combining the requirements of Table IWP-4110-1 and Paragraph IWP-4120.

Whenever portable instruments are used for measuring pump speed, the instrument (s) will be such that the "reading" accuracy is as follows at least +2 percent.

V NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, authorized this relief request in accordance with 10 CFR 50. 55a (a) (3) (i) .


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-3 WITHDRAWN (Rev 0, 07/16/93)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-4 Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) Pumps 2A thru 2C (2998-G-080, Sh 2)

I N XI Each inservice test shall include the measurement and observation of all quantities in Table IWP-3100-1.


Pump flow rate shall be measured during the test. (Table IWP-3100-1)

There are only two practical flow paths available for performing inservice testing of the AFW Pumps. These include the primary flow path into the main feed supply lines and thence to the steam generator, and the minimum-flow recirculation (mini-recirc and bypass test loop) which returns to the condensate storage tank. The former is provided with flow rate measuring instrumentation however the mini-recirc line is a fixed resistance circuit with no flow instrumentation.

Pumping from the auxiliary feedwater system into the steam generators during plant hot operation is impractical and undesirable for the following reasons:

  • During auxiliary feedwater injection via the main feedwater lines while the plant is operating at power, a large temperature differential (approximately 375 deg-F) could exist that would result in significant thermal shock and fatigue cycling of the feedwater piping and steam generator nozzles.
  • Based on the expected duration of the testing and the flow rate of the pumps (150 to 200 gpm), it is expected that the cooldown of the steam generator would induce cooldown and contraction of the reactor coolant system resulting in undesirable reactivity variations and power fluctuations.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-4 (cont.)

ERN During quarterly testing of the AFW pumps while the pumps are operating through the fixed-resistance mini-recirc line, pump differential pressure and vibration will be measured and evaluated per IWP-3100 and IWP-3200.

During testing performed at cold shutdown, pump differential pressure, flow rate, and vibration will be measured and evaluated per IWP-3100 and IWP-3200. Testing during cold shutdowns will be on a frequency determined by intervals between shutdowns as follows:

For intervals of 3 months or longer each shutdown.

For intervals of less than 3 months testing is not required unless 3 months have passed since the last shutdown test.

p v NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 9.

Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-5 Boric Acid Makeup (BAM) Pumps 2A and 2B (2998-G-078, Sh 121)

Each inservice test shall include the measurement and observation of all quantities in Table IWP-3100-1.


Pump flow rate shall be measured during the test. (Table IWP-3100-1)

There are three practical flow paths available for performing inservice testing of the BAM Pumps. These include the primary flow path into the charging pump suction header, a recirculation line leading back to the refueling water tank, and the minimum-flow recirculation (mini-recirc and bypass test loop) which returns to the BAM Tanks. None of these flow paths, is totally satisfactory for the following reasons:

Operating the BAM Pumps discharging into the charging pump suction header requires the introduction of highly concentrated boric acid solution from the boric acid makeup tanks to the suction of the charging pumps.

This, in turn, would result in the addition of excess boron to the RCS. This rapid insertion of negative reactivity would result in a rapid RCS cooldown and depressurization. A large enough boron addition would result in an unscheduled plant trip and a possible initiation of Safety Injection Systems.

During cold shutdown, the introduction of excess quantities of boric acid into the RCS is undesirable from the aspect of maintaining proper plant chemistry and the inherent difficulties that may be encountered during the subsequent startup due to over-boration of the RCS. The waste management system would be overburdened by the large amounts of RCS coolant that would require processing to decrease its boron concentration.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-5 (cont,)

The second circuit recirculates water to the Refueling Water Tank (RWT) or the Volume Control Tank (VCT) . During normal plant operation at power it undesirable to pump to the RWT and deplete the BAM Tank is inventory. One of the two BAM Tanks is maintained at Tech. Spec. level while the other is used as required for plant operation. The Tech. Spec. BAM Tank cannot be pumped from because it must be maintained at a level near the top of the tank. The other BAM Tank's level will vary from test to test by as much as 15 to 20 feet.

This variance in pump suction pressure will have a direct affect on pump head and flow such that test repeatability would be questionable.

  • The minimum-flow recirculation flow path is a fixed resistance circuit. No flow rate measuring instrumentation is installed in this linc'umping boric acid from tank to tank would be possible but the flow rates would be small, limiting pump operation to the high head section of the pump curve ~ In addition, one of the two BAM Tanks is maintained at Tech. Spec.

level while the other is used as required for normal plant operation. The Tech. Spec. BAM Tank cannot be pumped from because it must be maintained at a level near the top of the tank. This narrow band limits the amount that can be pumped to it or from it to only a few hundred gallons. The other BAM Tank's level will vary from test to test by as much as 15 to 20 feet. This variance in pump suction pressure will have a direct affect on pump head and flow such that test repeatability would be questionable.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-5 (cont.)

During quarterly testing of the BAM pumps, while the pumps are operating through the fixed-resistance mini-recirc line, pump differential pressure and vibration will be measured and evaluated per IWP-3100 and IWP;3200.

During testing performed at each reactor refueling outage, pump differential pressure, flow rate, and vibration will be measured and evaluated per IWP-3100 and IWP-3200.

NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 9.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-6 Containment Spray (CS) Pumps 2A and 2B (2998-G-088)

Each inservice test shall include the measurement and observation of all quantities in Table IWP-3100-1.


Pump flow rate shall be measured during the test. (Table IWP-3100-1)

There are two practical flow paths available for performing inservice testing of the CS Pumps. These include one that pumps borated water, from the RWT to the RCS via the low-pressure injection header and the other, minimum-flow recirculation (mini-recirc and bypass test loop) which returns to the RWT.

The first would require modifying the shutdown cooling lineup while in cold shutdown; however, the shutdown cooling system cannot provide sufficient letdown flow to the RWT to accommodate full design flow from the RWT while maintaining the necessary core cooling function. Thus, the only practical time for testing these pumps via this flow path is during refueling outages when water from the RWT is used to fill the refueling cavity.

The minimum-flow recirculation flow path is a fixed resistance circuit containing a flow limiting orifice however no flow rate measuring instrumentation is installed.

The CS pumps are operated through the fixed-resistance mini-recirc line during the quarterly pump testing. Pump differential pressure and vibration will be measured and evaluated per IWP-3100 and IWP-3200.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-6 (cont.)

During the pump testing performed each reactor refueling, pump differential pressure, flow rate, and vibration will be measured and evaluated per IWP-3100 and IWP-3200.

V NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 9.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-7 WITHDRAWN (Rev 0, 07/16/93)

Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-8 N

Boric Acid Makeup Pumps 2A and 2B (2998-G-078, Sh 121)

Each inservice test shall include the measurement and observation of all quantities in Table IWP-'3100-1 except bearing temperatures, which shall be measured during at least one inservice test each year. (IWP-3300)

The system installation does not provide any mechanism for measuring pump suction pressures, and thus, the requirement for measuring suction pressure and pump differential pressures cannot be satisfied. A measure of pump suction pressure can, however, be determined by a calculation using the height of liquid in the boric acid makeup tanks. Since there is essentially fixed resistances between the tanks and the pumps this will provide a consistent value for suction pressures'ince the tank levels are not expected to vary significantly during the tests, tank levels and associated calculations will only be taken once during each test instead of prior to pump operation and during operation as required by Table IWP-3100-1.

The boric acid makeup pump suction pressures will be calculated based on the height of liquid in the associated tank once during each inservice test. Subsequently, these calculated values will be used to determine pump differential pressures for evaluation of pump parameters.

NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, authorized this relief request in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3) (i) .


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-9 High Pressure Safety Injection (HPSI) Pumps 2A and 2B (2998-G-078, Sh 130)

Each inservice test shall include the measurement and observation of all quantities in Table IWP-3100-1.


BA I During quarterly testing of the HPSI Pumps, the pumps cannot develop sufficient discharge pressure to overcome reactor coolant system (RCS) pressure. Flow is routed through a minimum flow test line leading to the refueling water tank (RWT) . This line has no installed flow rate and measuring flow rate during quarterly measuring'nstrumentation testing is not practical.

During cold shutdown conditions, full flow operation of the HPSI pumps to the RCS is restricted to preclude RCS system pressure transients that could result in exceeding the pressure-temperature limits specified in the Technical Specifications, Section

NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 9, allows elimination of minimum flow test line flow rate measurements providing inservice tests are performed during cold shutdowns or refueling under full or substantial flow conditions where pump flow rate is recorded and evaluated.

ALT During quarterly testing of the HPSI Pumps, pump differential pressure and vibration will be measured and evaluated per IWP-3100 and IWP-3200.

During testing performed at each reactor refueling, pump differential pressure, flow rate, and vibration will be measured and evaluated per IWP-3100 and IWP-3200.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. 'PR-9 (cont.)

NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 9.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-10 Low Pressure Safety Injection (LPSI) Pumps 2A and 2B (2998 G 078'h 131)

REMENT'ach inservice test shall include the measurement and observation of all quantities in Table IWP-3100-1.


During quarterly testing of the LPSI pumps, the pumps cannot develop sufficient discharge pressure to overcome reactor coolant system (RCS) pressure. Flow is routed through a minimum flow test line leading to the refueling water tank (RWT) . This line has no installed flow rate measuring instrumentation and measuring flow rate during quarterly testing is not practical.

During cold shutdown, the LPSI pumps are used for residual heat removal. The substantial flow tests can be performed at this time. Pump differential pressure and flow rate will be recorded. However, induced vibrations in the system piping while the reactor coolant pumps (RCPs) are running mask any meaningful LPSI pump vibration data.

During quarterly testing of the LPSI Pumps, pump differential pressure and vibration will be measured and evaluated per IWP-3100 and IWP-3200.

Substantial flow testing will be performed during cold shutdowns. Pump differential pressure, flow rate, and vibration (if RCPs secured) will be measured and evaluated IWP-3200. Testing will be on a frequency per IWP-3100 and determined by intervals between shutdowns as follows:

For intervals of 3 months or longer each shutdown.

For intervals of less than 3 months testing is not required unless 3 months have passed since the last shutdown test.

Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-10 (cont.)

V NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 9.

Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-11 Intake Cooling Water Pumps 2A, 2B and 2C (2998-G-082)

E Each inservice test shall include the measurement and observation of all quantities in Table IWP-3100-1.


Pump inlet pressure shall be measured before starting a pump and during the test. (Table IWP-3100-1)

The pumps listed above are vertical line shaft pumps submerged in the intake structure with no practical means of measuring pump inlet pressure. The inlet pressure, however, can be determined by calculation using, as input, the measured height of water above the pump inlet as measured at the intake.

During each inservice test, the water level in the intake pit remains relatively constant, thus only one measurement of level and the associated suction pressure calculation need be performed.

During testing of these pumps, one value of inlet pressure will be calculated based on water level at the intake structure.

NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, authorized this relief request in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(a) (3) (i) .


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-12 E

Reactor Coolant Charging Pumps 2A, 2B, and 2C E TI N XI R IR M The frequency response range of the readout system (for instrument used to measure vibration amplitude) shall be from one-half minimum speed to at least maximum pump shaft rotational speed. (IWP-4520(b))

The reactor coolant charging pumps operate at approximately 210-215 rpm which equates to a rotational frequency of 3 '0 Hz. The one-half minimum speed frequency response required for the vibration instrumentation correlates to 1.75 Hz (105 cpm) .

The vibration instrumentation presently in use at St. Lucie is the Bently Nevada model TK-81 with 270 cpm probes. The TK-81 integrator frequency response is essentially flat down to 120 cpm (cycles per minute) where the displayed output of the instrument slightly increases to approximately +ldB at 100 cpm. The -3dB frequency response is reached at approximately 54 cpm. The velocity probes used with the TK-81 are a special low frequency probe nominally rated down to 270 cpm (-3 dB). This is only slightly higher than the expected rotational (1X) speed of the charging pump (205 210 cpm). The 1X (205 cpm.) vibration frequency components will be somewhat attenuated by the probes, but not cut off.

Overall vibration levels would still show an increasing value if some problem developed whose characteristic frequency was 1X running speed.

There are virtually no mechanical degradations where only a sub-synchronous vibration component would develop on the charging pumps. For example:

a. Oil whirl (0.38X 0.48X) is not applicable to a horizontal, triplex, reciprocating pump.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-12 (cont.)

b. A light rub / impact could generate 0.5X (102.5 cpm) vibration components, but would also usually generate a sequence of integer and half integer running speed components. A heavy rub generates increased integer values of multiple running speed components, as well as precessing the 1X phase measurement. In either case the overall vibration level would still increase from both the attenuated sub-synchronous and 1X show an vibration components as well as the higher harmonic vibration components.
c. Looseness in the power train would likely be indicated by increasing 1X and 2X vibration components.

These signals would be slightly attenuated but again not completely cut off.

Based on the above information, it is our evaluation that the 270 cpm probes with the present use of the Bently Nevada portable TK-81 instrument is capable of collecting sufficiently reliable data to identify changes from baseline readings to indicate possible problems with the pumps.

During testing of these pumps, the vibration instrumentation used will be the Bently Nevada model TK 81 with 270 cpm probes or equivalent.

V This revised relief request is pending NRC approval. NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated August 23, 1993, and May 2, 1994, provided interim approval.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-13 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94) s-20

Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-14 Hydrazine Pumps 2A and 2B I RE IREMEN The frequency response range of the readout system (for instrument used to measure vibration amplitude) shall be from one-half minimum speed to at least maximum pump shaft rotational speed. (IWP-4520(b))

The hydrazine pumps are characterized as metering pumps and operate at, extremely slow speed (as low as 37 rpm). This equates to a rotational frequency of 0.62 Hz. In accordance with the ASME Code, the frequency response for the vibration instruments would have to be one half of this or 0.31 Hz.

Instruments satisfying this requirement for the hydrazine pumps are commercially unavailable.

The vibration instrumentation presently in use at St. Lucie is the Bently Nevada model TK-81 with 270 cpm probes. The TK-81 integrator frequency response is essentially flat down to 120 cpm (cycles per minute) where the displayed output of the instrument slightly increases to approximately +1dB at 100 cpm. The -3dB frequency response is reached at approximately 54 cpm. The velocity probes used with the TK-81 are a special low frequency probe nominally rated down to 270 cpm (-3 dB).

TIN During testing of these pumps, the vibration instrumentation used will be the Bently Nevada model TK 81 with 270 cpm probes or equivalent.

p v This revised relief request is pending NRC approval. NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated August 23, 1993, and May 2, 1994, provided interim approval.

Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-15 MP NENT Containment Spray Pumps 2A and 2B (2998-G-088)

Hi Press Safety Inject. Pumps 2A and 2B (2998-G-078 SH 130)

Lo Press Safety Inject. Pumps 2A and 2B (2998-G-078 SH 130)

E I E I E Each inservice test shall include the measurement and observation of all quantities in Table IWP-3100-1 except bearing temperatures, which shall be measured during at least one inservice test each year. (IWP-3300)

The system installation does. not provide any installed suction gages. A measure of pump suction pressure can, however, be determined by calculation using the height of liquid in the refueling water tank (RWT). During the quarterly pump tests, the flow rate through the suction piping is very low, therefore, the amount of head loss is negligible. This is not the case during the substantial flow tests. The flow rates used during these tests would cause a noticeable head loss in the suction piping.

Since RWT level is not expected to vary significantly during the quarterly tests, RWT level and associated calculations will only be taken once during each quarterly test instead of prior to pump operation and during operation as required by Table IWP-3100-1.

During the quarterly pump tests, the pumps'uction pressures will be calculated based on the height of liquid in the associated RWT. Subsequently, these calculated values will be used to determine pump differential pressures for evaluation of pump parameters.

During the cold shutdown or refueling substantial flow testing of these pumps, temporary suction gages will be installed to measure pump suction pressure.

NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, authorized this relief request in accordance with 10 CFR 50 '5a(a) (3) (i) .


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-16 WITHDRAWN (Rev 0, 07/16/93)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. PR-17 Hydrazine Pumps 2A and 2B (2998-G-088)

R T Each inservice test shall include the measurement and observation of all quantities in Table IWP-3100-1 except bearing temperatures, which shall be measured during at least one inservice test each year. (IWP-3300)

Symmetrical damping devices or averaging techniques may be used to reduce instrument fluctuations to within 2% of the observed reading. (IWP-4150)

The PSL Unit 2 Hydrazine pumps are reciprocating positive displacement pumps with variable speed control. These pumps are normally in a standby condition and are only operated during surveillance testing. They are classified as metering pumps and are designed to accurately displace a predetermined volume of liquid in a specific period of time. The pump has a single plunger and makes only one suction stroke and only one discharge stroke during each cycle.

The pumps operate at a very slow speed (as low as 37 rpm) to produce the Technical Specification required Hydrazine flowrate of 0.71 to 0.82 gpm. Pump flow is continuously accelerating and decelerating following a sinusoidal waveform. Each cycle of the pump is approximately 1.6 seconds in duration with no flow produced during the pumps 0.8 second suction stroke. This characteristic intermittent and oscillating flowrate is obviously impractical to physically dampen the observed reading to within 2% using symmetrical damping devices.

The installed flow instrumentation has been demonstrated to be inadequate for inservice testing purposes'his instrumentation utilizes a differential pressure orifice located in the suction line common to both pumps to measure flow. Flow through this orifice pulsates sharply with each stroke of the pump. The flow orifice also senses pressure feedback during each cycle of the pump stroke. This feedback has been determined to be echoes of the pressure pulsations produced by the pump stroke which have reflected back to the orifice by the system piping and valves.


Revision 1 08/04/94 Refueling outage testing has demonstrated that techniques used to average the indicated flow readings are inconsistant and inaccurate when compared to actual flow. Trending the flow rate using the installed instrumentation is impractical due to the inherent inaccuracies and instability in measuring the pump flow as described above. Flow instrumentation which can accurately measure the Hydrazine pump intermittent and oscillating flowrate has not been located.

instrumentation were found to be available the costs Even if such associated with procuring and installing such instrumentation could not be justified. The Hydrazine pumps are standby pumps. There is virtually no means for the mechanical condition of the pump to become degraded between refueling outages with the pump only run for quarterly surviellance testing.

The flow rate of the pumps can be accurately obtained by collecting the pumps output in a container and measuring it.

Several flow tests per hydrazine pumps have been performed.

The pump discharge was directed to a container of a known volume. The amount of time to measured and then used to fill calculate the container was an average flow rate for the pump. A correlation between pump rpm and average flow rate was developed and compared to the expected value. The measured and the expected correlations between rpm and flow rate were in close agreement. The expected correlation was based upon piston diameter, piston stroke, and pump rpm.

Based upon these results, hydrazine pump flow rate can be accurately set by selecting the proper pump rpm.

Frequent performance of the above mentioned flow testing can not be performed. Hydrazine is a highly flammable liquid with cumulative toxic affects when absorbed through the skin, inhaled, or ingested. It has also been identified as a known carcinogen. Flow measurement performed each refueling outage is considered by PSL to be appropriate for detecting any pump hydraulic degredation.


Revision 1 08/04/94 During each refueling outage at least one test measuring actual pump flow will be performed for each pump to verify proper performance.

During the quarterly pump tests, each pump's rpm will be measured to verify the required flow rate of 0.71 to 0.82 gpm. Pump discharge pressure and vibration will be measured during both the quarterly and refueling outage tests.

This revised relief request is pending NRC approval. NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated August 23, 1993, and May 2, 1994, provided interim approval.


REVISION 1 08/04/94 Appendix C Valve Program Tables

REVISION 1 08/04/94 Florida Power & Light Company INSERVICE TESTING VALVE TABLES St. Lucie Nuclear Plant Unit 2 PAGE  : 1 LEZzRHK VALVE NUMBER The plant alpha-numerical designator for the subject valve COORD The coordinate location of the valve on the designated drawing CL The ISI Classification of the valve as per the respective ISI boundary drawings CAT The valve category per Paragraph IWV-2200 SIZE The valve's nominal size in inches TYPE The valve type A/P The active (A) or passive (P) determination for the valve.

ACT. TYPE The valve actuator type as follows:

AO Air-operated DO Diaphragm-operated MO Electric motor-operated MAN Manual valve PO Piston-operated S/A Self-actuated SO Solenoid-operated NORM POS. Designates the normal position of the valve during plant operation at power REM IND Notes if a valve has remote position indication FAIL MODE Identifies the failure mode (open or closed) for a valve. FAI indicates the valve fails "as is".

REVISION 1 08/04/94 Florida Power 6 Light Company INSERVICE TESTING VALVE TABLES St. Lucie Nuclear Plant Unit 2 PAGE 2 EXAM Identifies the test requirements for a valve as follows:

CV/c Check valve exercise to closed position.

CV/0 Check valve full-stroke exercise to open position.

CV/PO Check valve partial-stroke exercise to open position.

EC Exercise to closed position. For all category A or B power-operated valves stroke times will be measured unless excluded by an associated relief request.

Exercise valve to verify proper operation and stroking with no stroke time measurements. Requires observation of system parameters or local observation of valve operation.

EO Exercise to open position. For all category A or B power-operated valves stroke times will be measured unless excluded by an associated relief request.

FS Fail safe test INSP Disassembly and inspection of check valves PEC Partial closure exercise for power-operated valves PI Position indication verification SLT-1 Seat leakrate test per 10 CFR 50, App J SLT-2 Seat leakrate test for pressure isolation valves.

SRV Set point check for safety/relief valves

REVISION 1 08/04/94 Florida Power & Light Company INSERVICE TESTING VALVE TABLES St. Lucie Nuclear Plant Unit 2 PAGE  : 3 TEST FREQ The required test interval as follows:

QR Quarterly (during plant operation)

CS Cold shutdown as defined by Technical Specification 2Y Every 2 years RF Each reactor refueling outage (cycle) .

In the case where this is designated for safety/relief valves ANSI/ASME OM-1-1981 SD Disassemble, inspect, and manually exercise one valve from specified group each reactor refueling outage RELIEF REQ Refers to the specific relief request associated with the adjacent test requirement. (See Appendix D)


VALVE TABLES DATE  : 08/04/94 Saint Lucie Nuclear Plant - Unit 2 PAGE  : 9 P a ID: 2998-G-078 SH 121 (cont) SYSTEM: CHEMICAL AND VOLUHE CONTROL ACT. NORM REM FAIL TEST RELIEF VALVE NUMBER COORD. CL CAT. SIZE TYPE A/P TYPE POS. IND MODE EXAM FREQ REQ. REMARKS V-2507 H-7 2 B 0.750 GLOBE A DO LO YES FO EC QR PI 2Y V-2508 C-6 2 B 3.000 GATE A MO C YES FAI EO QR PI 2Y V-2509 C-7 2 B 3.000 GATE A HO C YES FAI EO QR PI 2Y V-2514 C-3 2 B 3.000 GATE A MO C YES FAI EO QR PI 2Y V-2524 F-7 2 A 0.750 GLOBE A DO 0 YES FC , EC CS FS CS PI 2Y SLT-1 2Y V-2525 E-4 3 B 4.000 GATE A MO C YES FAI EC QR PI 2Y V-2526 E-3 2 C 4.000 CHECK A S/A C NO CV/0 RF CV/PO CS V-2650 B-4 2 B 1.000 GLOBE A DO 0 YES FC EC QR FS QR PI 2Y V-2651 D-4 2 B 1.000 GLOBE A DO 0 YES FC EC QR FS QR PI 2Y V~2674 F-4 3 C 4.000 CHECK A S/A 0 NO CV/0 QR


'R2Y V-3466 G-1 3 C 1.500 RELIEF A S/A C NO SRV RF V-3495 G-6 2 B F 000 GLOBE A SO LO YES FC EC QR FS QR PI 2Y V-3496 G-5 2 B 6.000 GLOBE A SO LO YES FC EC QR FS QR PI 2Y V-3507 F-1 2 C 1.000 RELIEF A S/A C NO SRV RF V-3513 G-3 2 C 2.000 RELIEF A S/A C NO SRV RF V-3517 H-6 2 B 12.000 GATE A MO LC YES FAI EO QR PI 2Y V-3518 C-3 2 B 2.000 GLOBE A MAN C NO FAI EE QR V-3519 D-4 2 B 2.000 GLOBE A HAN C NO FAI EE QR V-3522 B-4 2 C 3.000 CHECK A S/A C NO CV/C CS CV/O RF CV/PO CS V-3523 A-2 2 B 3.000 GLOBE A MO LC YES FAI EC QR EO QR PI 2Y






REVISION l 08/04/94 Appendix D Valve Program Requests for Relief

Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-1 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)

Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-2 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)


Revision 1 08/04/94 BYSX12L'ELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-3 Various Various Various This is a generic request for relief If, for power-operated valves, an increase in stroke time of 50% or more for valves with full-stroke times less than or equal to 10 seconds is observed, the test frequency shall be increased to once each month until corrective action is taken, at which time the original test frequency shall be resumed (IWV-3417(a))

E I The stroke time measurements taken during testing of fast-acting valves (those less than 2 seconds) are subject to considerable variation due to conditions unrelated to the material condition of the valve (eg.

test conditions, operator reaction time). In accordance with Generic Letter 89-04, Position 6, an alternate method of evaluating stroke times is considered acceptable.

The stroke time evaluation for those valves designated in the Plant Test Procedures as "fast-acting" will not account for successive increases of measured stroke time per IWV-3417(a) with the change in test frequency as required. In lieu of this, the assigned maximum limiting value of stroke time will be established at 2 seconds. Upon exceeding the 2-second limit, the valve will be declared inoperable and corrective action taken in accordance with IWV-3417(b) .


Revision 1 08/04/94 VAL'RC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 lnservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 6.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-4 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-5 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-6 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-7 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-8 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-9 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-10 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)

Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-11 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-12 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-13 BEZEL'afety Injection (2998-G-078 Sh 132)

V-3215 V-3225 v-3235 V-3245 A/C These valves open to provide flow paths from the safety injection tanks to the RCS and close to isolate the tanks from the high pressure of the reactor coolant system and the safety injection headers' E

Check valves shall be exercised at least once every 3 months, except as provided by IWV-3522. (IWV-3521)

Full stroke exercising of these valves would require injecting from a tank under nominal pressure into a de-pressurized reactor coolant system. At power operation this is not possible because the SIT pressure is insufficient to overcome reactor coolant system pressure.

The only practical method for flow testing the safety inje ction header check valves is to dump the contents of the SIT into the reactor coolant system while in Mode 6.

The SIT dump is performed by establishing adequate initial conditions of water level and nitrogen pressure in t he SIT with its discharge isolation'alve closed.

The SIT discharge isolation valve is then opened to dump the contents of the SIT to the the refueling cavity.

Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-13 (cont.)

The check valves cannot be full stroked open by passing the maximum required accident condition flow to simulate the LOCA flow. Under a large break LOCA accident conditions, the maximum (peak) flow rate through these valves would be approximately 20,000 gpm. The required test conditions for developing this full accident flow cannot be established. The SIT discharge isolation valves are motor operated valves with a nominal stroke time of 52 seconds. The resulting discharge flow rate would only increase gradually due to the long stroke time of the discharge isolation valve. The flow rate would not be anywhere near the peak blowdown rate of 20,000 gpm expected during a large break LOCA.

Analysis has shown that the check valves can be fully exercised open with the lower than accident condition flow during a SIT dump test. Non-intrusive test equipment employing acoustic and eddy-current technology can be used to verify the check valves are stroked fully open during these tests.

Each of these valves are installed in identical orientation and exposed to the same operating conditions. FP&L has reviewed the operating and maintenance history of these valves and similar valves used throughout the industry under comparable conditions. Based on these reviews, there is no evidence of valve degradation with respect to their ability to open"and satisfactorily pass the required flow. It is apparent from the failure data that the primary mode of failure is related to valve leakage both past the seat and external through the body-bonnet and hinge pin gasket joints. It should also be noted that these valves are not subjected to any significant flow during plant operation as well as maintenance periods; thus it is unlikely that these valves would experience any service-related damage or wear.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-13 (cont.)

During each refueling outage, each of these valves will be stroked to fully exercise the check valves open. Non-intrusive test equipment employing acoustic and eddy-current technology will be used to 'verify the check valves are stroked fully open during these tests.

Should the alternate testing described above be determined to be impractical or an extreme hardship the following will be performed in place of the above described testing.

During each refueling outage, each of these valves will be partial-stroke exercised. Each reactor refueling outage at least one of these valves will be disassembled, inspected, and manually stroked to verify operability. Should a valve under inspection be found to be inoperable, then the other valves will be inspected during the same outage, after which the rotational inspection schedule will be reinitiated.

Assurance of proper reassembly will be provided by performing a partial-flow test prior to returning a valve to service following disassembly.

The alternate testing described in this relief request has been revised to comply with NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Positions 1 or 2.

Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-14 ZXZZEK'afety Injection (2998-G-078 Sh 132)

V-3217 V-3227 V-3237 V-3247 A/C N'hese valves open to provide flow paths from the safety injection headers to the RCS and close to isolate the headers from the high pressure of the reactor coolant system.

Check valves shall be exercised at least once every 3 months, except as provided by IWV-3522. (IWV-3521)

Full stroke exercising of these valves would require injecting from a tank under nominal pressure into a de-pressurized reactor coolant system. At power operation this is not possible because the SIT pressure is insufficient to overcome reactor coolant system pressure.

The only practical method for full flow testing of the safety injection header check valves is to dump the contents of the SIT into the reactor coolant system while in Mode 6. Shutdown cooling flowrates are not suficient to fully open the valves. The SIT dump is performed by establishing adequate initial conditions of water level and nitrogen pressure in the SIT with its discharge isolation valve closed. The SIT discharge isolation valve is then opened to dump the contents of the SIT to the the refueling cavity.

Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-14 (cont.)

The check valves cannot be full stroked open by passing the maximum required accident condition flow to simulate the LOCA flow. Under 'a large break LOCA accident conditions, the maximum (peak) flow rate through these valves would be approximately 20,000 gpm. The required test conditions for developing this full accident flow cannot be established. The SIT discharge isolation valves are motor operated valves with a nominal stroke time of 52 seconds. The resulting discharge flow rate would only increase gradually due to the long stroke time of the discharge isolation valve. The flow rate would not be anywhere near the peak blowdown rate of 20,000 gpm expected during a large break LOCA.

Analysis has shown that the check valves can be fully exercised open with the lower than accident condition flow during a SIT dump test. Non-intrusive test equipment employing acoustic and eddy-current technology can be used to verify the check valves are stroked fully open during these tests.

Each of these valves are installed in identical orientation and exposed to the same operating conditions. FP&L has reviewed the operating and maintenance history of these valves and similar valves used throughout the industry under comparable conditions. Based on these reviews, there is no evidence of valve degradation with respect to their ability to open and satisfactorily pass the required flow. It is apparent from the failure data that the primary mode of failure is related to valve leakage both past the seat and external through the body-bonnet and hinge pin gasket joints.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-14 (cont.)

E TE TIN During each refueling outage, each of these valves will be stroked to fully exercise the check valves open. Non-intrusive test equipment employing acoustic and eddy-current technology will be used to verify the check valves are stroked fully open during these tests.

Should the alternate testing described above be determined to be impractical or an extreme hardship the following will be performed in place of the above described testing.

Each reactor refueling outage at least one of these valves will be disassembled, inspected, and manually stroked to verify operability. Should a valve under inspection be found to be inoperable, then the other valves will be inspected during the same outage, after which the rotational inspection schedule will be reinitiated. Assurance of proper reassembly will be provided by performing a partial-flow test prior to returning a valve to service following disassembly.

R VAL'he alternate testing described in this relief request has been revised to comply with NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Positions 1 or 2.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-15 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-16 GXSX12L Primary Containment Valves 6-inches NPS and larger subject to leakage rate testing per 10CFR50, Appendix J.

A/C (Check Valves)

A (Motor-operated valves)

Each of these valves is designated as a containment isolation valve maintaining the leakrate integrity of the primary containment in the case of an accident.

The leakage rate for valves 6-inches nominal pipe size and larger shall be evaluated per Subsection IWV-3427(b) . (IWV-3521)

The usefulness of applying this requirement does not justify the burden of compliance. This position is supported by the Generic Letter 89-04, Position 10.

Leakrate test results for containment isolation valves six (6)inches nominal pipe size and greater will be evaluated per IWV-3426 and IWV-3427(a) however, the requirements of IWV-3427(b) will not be applied. This satisfies the requirements of Generic Letter 89-04, Position 10.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-16 (cont.)

V NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 10.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-17 WITHDRAWN (Rev 0, 07/16/93)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-18 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-19 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-20 BXZGBL.

Containment Spray (2998-G-088)

V-07119 V-07120 Y'hese valves open to provide flow paths from the refueling water tank (RWT) to the containment spray and safety injection suction headers.

Check valves shall be exercised at least once every 3 months, except as provided by IWV-3522. (IWV-3521)

Full stroke exercising of these valves would require simultaneous operation of one HPSI pump and one LPSI pump injecting into the RCS, and one containment spray pump injecting into its spray header to verify the maximum design accident flow. Such a test is not practical during any plant operational modes.

During quarterly pump testing each of these valves will be partial-stroke exercised via recirculation through the minimum flow test circuits of the various systems.

The valves will also be partial-,stroke exercised during the series of pump substantial flow tests and check valve exercises performed each refueling outage.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-20 (cont.)

During each reactor refueling outage at least one of these valves will be disassembled, inspected, and manually stroked to verify operability. Should a valve under inspection be found to be inoperable, then the other valve will be inspected during the same outage, after which the rotational inspection schedule will be re-initiated.

NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 2.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-21 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-22 BXZZE'2L',

Containment Spray (2998-G-088)

V-07172 V-07174 These valves open to provide flow paths from the containment sump to the containment spray and safety injection suction headers during. recirculation.

E I Check valves shall be exercised at least once every 3 months, except as provided by INV-3522. (IWV-3521)

There are no provisions for full or partial flow exercising these valves. In order to pass full flow through these valves, the containment sump must be flooded and followed by simultaneous operation of one HPSI pump injecting into the RCS and one containment spray pump injecting into its spray header. Such a test is not practical during any plant operational mode.

During each reactor refueling outage at least one of these valves will be disassembled, inspected, and manually stroked to verify operability. Should a valve under inspection be found to be inoperable, then the other valve will be inspected during the same outage, after which the rotational inspection schedule will be repeated.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-22 (cont.)

V NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 2.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-23 Containment Spray (2998-G-088)

V-07192 V-07193 These valves open to provide flow paths from the respective containment spray headers to the containment spray rings.

Check valves shall be exercised at least once every 3 months, except as provided by IWV-3522. (IWV-3521)

Full stroke exercising of these valves would require operating each containment spray pump at nominal accident flow rate. Since exercising these valves through the normal containment spray flow path would result in spraying down the containment, this is considered impractical.

Since flow through these valves is not possible, non-intrusive test methods, should they become approved, would not work on these check valves.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-23 (cont.)

N T I During each reactor refueling outage at least one of these valves will be disassembled, inspected, and manually stroked to verify operability. Should a valve under inspection be found to be inoperable, then the other valve will be inspected during the same outage, after which the rotational inspection schedule will be re-initiated.

NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 2.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-24 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-25 WITHDRAWN (Rev 0, 07/16/93)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-26 WITHDRAWN (Rev 0, 07/16/93)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-27 BXST32L',

Feedwater System (2998-G-080, Sh 2)

N v-09303 V-0 9304 V-09305 T

Y'hese valves open to provide flow paths from the auxiliary feedwater pump discharge to the condensate storage tank to ensure adequate pump cooling during low flow conditions.

Check valves shall be exercised at least once every 3 months, except as provided by IWV-3522. (IWV-3521)

There is no flow rate instrumentation available to verify valve full-stroke exercising of these valves as required by Generic Letter 89-04, Position 1.

During quarterly pump testing each of these valves will be partial-stroke exercised via recirculation through the minimum flow test circuits with no flow measurements.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-27 (cont.)

N T During each reactor refueling outage at least one of these valves will be disassembled, inspected, and manually stroked to verify operability, Should a valve under inspection be found to be inoperable, then the other two valves will be inspected during the same outage, after which the rotational inspection schedule will be re-initiated.

NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 .Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 2.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-28 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-29 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-30 GXZGBL.

Safety Injection System (2998-G-078, Sh 130)

V-3102 V-3103 These valves open to provide for mini-flow recirculation flow paths from the high pressure safety injection p'umps to the refueling water tank. This minimum flow through the respective pumps removes pump heat in the event of operation under low or no flow conditions.

Check valves shall be exercised at least once every 3 months, except as provided by IWV-3522. (IWV-3521)

F RELIEF'here is no installed flow rate instrumentation available to verify valve full-stroke exercising as required by Generic Letter 89-04, Position 1.

During quarterly pump testing each of these valves will be partial-stroke exercised (open) via recirculation through the minimum flow test circuits with no flow measurements.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-30 (cont.)

During each reactor refueling outage at least one of these valves will be disassembled, inspected, and manually stroked to verify operability. Inspections shall be scheduled such that valves will be checked in a rotating sequence such that each valve is subject to inspection approximately once every three (3) years.

Should a valve be found to be inoperable, then the other valve will be inspected during the same outage, after which the rotational inspection schedule will be resumed.

PP VAL'RC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 2.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-31 MOGUL.

Main Steam (2998-G-079, Sh 1)

V-08130 v-08163 These valves open to supply steam to the 2C Auxiliary Feedwater Pump (AFW) turbine. These valves close to prevent unrestricted release of steam from an unaffected steam generator in the event of a steamline rupture upstream of an MSIV.

MEN Check valves shall be exercised at least once every 3 months, except as provided by IWV-3522. (IWV-3521)

There is no practical means or provision for pressurizing the piping downstream of these valves in order to verify closure of these valves.

LT During the quarterly test of the 2C AFW pump, these valves will be partial-stroke exercised. During each cold shutdown outage both of these valves will be full-stroke exercised during the AFW pump substantial flow tests.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-31 (cont.)

E NAT During each reactor refueling outage at least one of these valves will be disassembled, inspected, and manually stroked to verify operability. Should a valve under inspection be found to be inoperable, then the remaining other valve will be inspected during the same outage, after which the rotational inspection schedule will be re-initiated. Following valve re-assembly no testing is possible (partial-flow or leak testing) prior to placing the valves in service, thus none will be performed.

V NRC Safety Evaluation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests dated May 2, 1994, approved this relief request pursuant to NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Position 2.


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-32 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)


Revision 1 08/04/94 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)


Revision 1 08/04/94 RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-34 WITHDRAWN (Rev 1, 08/04/94)


REVISION l 08/04/94 Appendix E Valve Program Cold Shutdown Justifications

REVISION 1 08/04/94 Appendix E: COLD SHUTDOWN JUSTIFICATIONS This appendix is intended to provide the justification for performing valve exercising only at cold shutdown conditions as permitted by IWV-3412(a), 3415 and 3522. Specifically included in this category are the following:

A valve whose failure in a position other than its normal position could jeopardize the immediate safety of the plant or system components; A valve whose failure in a position other than its normal position could cause all trains of a safeguard system to be inoperable; A valve whose failure in a position other than its normal position that might cause a transient that could lead to a plant trip; or When test requirements or conditions are precluded by system operation or access.

V-1460 thru V-1466 Reactor Coolant System Gas Vents These valves are administratively controlled in the key-locked closed position with the power supply disconnected to prevent inadvertent operation. Since these are Class 1 isolation valves for the reactor coolant system, failure of a valve to close or significant leakage following closure could result in a loss of coolant in excess of the limits imposed by Technical Specification 3.1.3 leading to a plant shutdown.

Furthermore, if fail to show the valve returnedto to a valve were fail open or valve indication the fully closed position following exercising, prudent plant operation would probably likely result in a plant shutdowns

REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-1474 and V-1475 Power-Operated Relief Valves Due to the potential impact of the resulting transient should one of these valves open prematurely or stick in the open position, it is considered imprudent to cycle them during plant operation with the reactor coolant system pressurized.

V-2522 Letdown Line Containment Isolation Valve Closing this valve during operation isolates the letdown line from the RCS and would result in undesirable pressurizer level transients with the potential for a plant trip. If a valve failed to reopen, then an unexpected plant shutdown would be required.

V 2177' 2190' 2191 and V 2526 CVCS Boron Addition Valves CV/PO test is addressed in Refueling Outage Justification V-2501 Volume Control Tank Outlet Valve Cycling this valve during operation of a charging pump would isolate the VCT from the charging pump suction header damaging any operating charging pumps and interrupting the flow of charging water flow to the RCS with the potential of RCS transients and plant trip.

V-2505 and V-2524 RCP Control Bleedoff Isolation Valves Exercising either of these valves to the closed position when any of the reactor coolant pumps (RCP's) are in operation would interrupt flow from the RCP seals and result in damage to the pump(s).


REVISION 1 08/04/94 SE-02-03 and SE-02-04 Auxiliary Pressurizer Spray Valves Opening either of these valves (or failure in the open position) during plant operation would cause an RCS pressure transient that could potentially adversely affect plant safety and lead to a plant trip. In addition, the pressurizer spray piping would be subjected to undesirable thermal shock.

V-2431 Auxiliary Pressurizer Spray Check Valve In order to test this valve, either SE-02-03 or SE-02-04 must be opened. Opening either of these valves (or failure in the open position) during plant operation would cause an RCS pressure transient that could potentially adversely affect plant safety and lead to a plant trip. In addition, the pressurizer spray piping would be subjected to undesirable thermal shock.

V-2440 Charging Pump Discharge Check Valve To Safety Injection Opening this valve requires operating a charging pump and discharging into the RCS via the safety injection nozzles.

Thermal cycling of the safety injection nozzles is undesirable and should be avoided.

V-2515 and V-2516 Letdown Line Isolation Valves Closing these valves during operation isolates the letdown line from the RCS and would result in undesirable pressurizer level transients with the potential for a plant trip. If a valve failed to reopen, then an unexpected plant shutdown would be required.

V-2523 Charging Line Isolation Valve Closing this valve during operation isolates the charging pumps from the RCS and would result in .undesirable pressurizer level transients with the potential for a plant trip and potential damage to the charging pumps. If the valve failed to reopen, then an unexpected plant shutdown would be required.


REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-3101 Safety Injection Supply To Volume Control Tank CV/PO test is addressed in Refueling Outage Justification.

V-3106 and V-3107 LPSI Pump Discharge Check Valves During normal plant operation, the LPSI Pumps cannot develop sufficient discharge pressure to pump through these valves to the RCS and exercise them in the open direction. These valves will be partial flow exercised quarterly and full flow exercised each cold shutdown.

V-3414 and V-3427 HPSI Pump Discharge Check Valves CV/PO test is addressed in Refueling Outage Justification.

V-3522 and V-3547 HPSI Hot Leg Injection Check Valve CV/PO and CV/C tests are addressed in Refueling Outage Justification.

V-3113, V-3133, V-3143, and V-3766 HPSI Cold Leg Injection Check Valves CV/PO test is addressed in Refueling Outage Justification.

V-3114, V-3124, V-3134, and V-3144 LPSI Cold Leg Injection Check Valves During normal plant operation, the LPSI Pumps cannot develop sufficient discharge pressure to pump through these valves to the RCS and exercise them in the open direction. The closure tests can only be performed at the end of the outage after the valves have been exercised open earlier by the partial stroke open tests.


REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-3480, 3481, 3651, and 3652 Shutdown Cooling RCS Isolation Valves These valves are provided with electrical interlocks that prevent opening whenever Reactor Coolant System pressure exceeds 275 psia. This precludes exercising these valves in any plant condition other than cold shutdown.

V 3524' 3525~ V 3526/ V 3527 HPSI Hot Leg Injection Check Valves These are simple check valves with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is by performing a leak test or back flow test. Performing leak tests of V-3524 and V-3526 involves a considerable effort. The test connection for these valves are located in a high radiation area in the pipe penetration room, and one of the two connections is located over 12 feet above the floor. Testing during operation would constitute an unreasonable burden on the plant staff.

The other check valves, V-3525 and V-3527, have upstream pressure alarms. Should either valve leak by, the pressure instruments would detect the increase and alarm in the control room when the alarm setpoint is exceeded.

Leak testing to verify the closure capability of these valves is primarily for the purpose of confirming their capability of preventing over-pressurization and catastrophic failure of the safety injection piping and components. In this regard, the St. Lucie 2 Technical Specification addresses the valve test frequency in a manner appropriate for these valves. Satisfying both the Technical Specification and the Code acceptance criteria is not warranted and implementation would be difficult and confusing. Therefore, the closure capability of these check valves shall be demonstrated by verifying leakage to be within its limits during cold shutdown outages only when any of the following conditions are met:

At least once per 18 months.


COLD SHUTDOWN for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or more ~

Prior to entering MODE 2 whenever the plant has= been in if leakage testing has not been performed in the previous 9 months.


REVISION 1 08/04/94

3. Prior to returning the valve to service following maintenance, repair or replacement work on the valve.
4. Following valve actuation due to flow through the valve.

CV/PO test is addressed in Refueling Outage Justification.

V-3545 Shutdown Cooling Cross Connect Valve The breaker for this valve is required to be deenergized except during plant cold shutdown or refueling modes to meet position C.l to Regulatory Guide 1.63 revision 2. This is to protect the mechanical integrity of the valves electrical penetration assembly should the maximum short-circuit vs time condition occur given single random failure of circuit overload protection devices.

V-03002 thru V-03005 Safety Injection Tank (SIT) Drain Line Check Valves Exercising these valves requires draining of each of the SITs. This is not considered to be an appropriate nor prudent activity to perform during plant operation due to the obvious safety issues related to SIT inventory and chemistry control.

V-3215, V-3225, V-3235, and V-3245 Safety Injection Discharge Check Valves These are simple check valves with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is by performing a leak test or back flow test. These are simple check valves with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is by performing a leak test or back flow test. Leak testing to verify the closure capability of these valves is primarily for the purpose of confirming their capability of preventing over-pressurization and catastrophic failure of the safety injection piping and components. In this regard, the St. Lucie 2 Technical Specification addresses the valve test frequency in a manner appropriate for these valves. Satisfying both the Technical Specification and the Code acceptance criteria is not E-6

REVISION 1 08/04/94 warranted and implementation would be difficult and confusing. Therefore, the closure capability of these check valves shall be demonstrated by verifying leakage to be within its limits during cold shutdown outages only when any of the following conditions are met:

At least once per 18 months.


COLD SHUTDOWN for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or more ~

Prior to entering MODE 2 whenever the plant has been in if leakage testing'has not been performed in the previous 9 months.

3. Prior to returning the valve to service following maintenance, repair or replacement work on the valve.

4, Following valve actuation due to flow through the valve.

V-3217, V-3227, V-3237, and V-3247 Safety Injection Header to RCS Check Valves These are simple check valves with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is by performing a leak test or back flow test. These are simple check valves with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is by performing a leak test or back flow test. Leak testing to verify the closure capability of these valves is primarily for the purpose of confirming their capability of preventing over-pressurization and catastrophic failure of the safety injection piping and components. In this regard, the St. Lucie 2 Technical Specification addresses the valve test frequency in a manner appropriate for these valves. Satisfying both the Technical Specification and the Code acceptance criteria is not warranted and implementation would be difficult and confusing. Therefore, the closure capability of these check valves shall be demonstrated by verifying leakage to be within its limits during cold shutdown outages only when any of the following conditions are met:

At least once per 18 months'.

COLD SHUTDOWN for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or more ~ if Prior to entering MODE 2 whenever the plant has been in leakage testing has not been performed in the previous 9 months.


REVISION 1 08/04/94

3. Prior to returning the valve to service following maintenance, repair or replacement work on the valve.
4. Following valve actuation due to flow through the valve.

CV/PO test is addressed in Relief Request VR-14 V-3258, V-3260, V-3259, and V-3261 Safety Injection Header Check Valves These valves open to provide flow paths from the high/low pressure safety injection headers to the RCS and close to isolate the headers from the high pressure of the reactor coolant system.

Since no full flow recirculation path exists, full stroke exercising of these valves would require operating a low pressure safety injection (LPSI) pump at nominal accident flow rate and injecting into the reactor coolant system. At power operation this is not possible because the LPSI pumps do not develop sufficient discharge pressure to overcome reactor coolant system pressure.

Partial flow exercising of these valves is performed when ever its associated SIT is refilled. These valves are Pressure Isolation Valves which requires that they are verified closed and leak tested within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> following flow through them. The acceptable SIT level band specified by the Technical Specification is very narrow. The SITs are only refilled on an as needed basis; therefore, the partial flow test cannot readily be incorporated into a quarterly test.

These are simple check valves with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is by performing a leak test or back flow test. Leak testing to veri,fy the closure capability of these valves is primarily for the purpose of confirming their capability of preventing over-pressurization and catastrophic failure of the safety injection piping and components. In this regard, the St. Lucie 2 Technical Specification addresses the valve test frequency in a manner appropriate for these valves'atisfying both the Technical Specification and the Code acceptance criteria is not warranted and implementation would be difficult and confusing. Therefore, the closure capability of these check valves shall be demonstrated by verifying leakage to be E-8

REVISION 1 08/04/94 within its limits during cold shutdown outages only when any of the following conditions are met:

At least once per 18 months.


COLD SHUTDOWN for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or more ~

Prior to entering MODE 2 whenever the plant has been in if leakage testing has not been performed in the previous 9 months.

3. Prior to returning the valve to service following maintenance, repair or replacement work on the valve.

4, Following valve actuation due to flow through the valve.

V-3614, V-3624, V-3634, and V-3644 SIT Discharge Isolation Valves Stroke testing these valves in the closed direction during normal operation is not possible. The valves are normally locked open with their breaker opened. Also they are interlocked with pressurizer pressure to prevent these valves from closing with RCS pressure >276 psia. Therefore, the valves cannot be cycled except during cold shutdowns.

V-3733 thru V-3740 SIT Vent Valves Cycling any of these valves during normal plant operation with the SITs pressurized is undesirable since if a valve were to fail to re-close the result would be depressurization of the affected SIT.

V-6792 Nitrogen Gas Supply Containment Isolation Check Valve This is a simple check valve with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is to perform a backleakage test.

Performing such a test requires entry into the containment building and thus is impractical to do during plant operations.


REVISION 1 08/04/94 HCV-08-1 A&B Main Steam Isolation Valves During plant operation at power, full closure of either of these valves is not practical as it would require isolating steam generator which would result in a severe transient on a

the steam and reactor systems and a possible plant trip.

V-08130 and V-08163 Steam-Driven AFN Pump Steam Supply Check Valves Full stroke operation of these valves requires operating 2C AFW Pump and full accident flow rate which is not practical during plant operation at power. (See Relief Request PR-4)

HCV-09-1 A&B and HCV-09-2 A&B Main Feedwater Isolation Valves During plant operation at power, closure of any of these valves is not practical as it would require isolating a steam generator which would result in a severe transient on the steam and reactor systems and a plant trip.

V-09107, 09123, and 09139 Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Discharge Check Valves Full-stroke exercising of these valves would require operation of the related auxiliary feedwater pump and injection of cold water (85 deg-F) into the hot (450 deg-F)

'eedwater supply piping. This, in turn, would result in unacceptable thermal stress on the feedwater system piping components.

V-09119, 09135, 09151, and 09157 Auxiliary Feedwater Supply Check Valves Full-stroke exercising of these valves would require operation of a related auxiliary feedwater pump and injection of cold water (85 deg-F) into the hot (450 deg-F) feedwater supply piping. This, in turn, would result in unacceptable thermal stress on the feedwater system piping components.

REVISION 1 08/04/94 HCV-14-1, 2, 6 & 7 RCP Cooling Water Supply/Return Isolation Valves These valves are required to be open to ensure continued cooling of reactor coolant pump auxiliary components and the control rod drives. Closing any of these valves during plant operation would result in severe RCP and CRD damage leading to plant operation in a potentially unsafe mode and a subsequent plant shutdown.

HCV-14-3 A&B Shutdown Heat Exchanger Return Valves Testing either of these valves during plant operation would result in an unbalanced flow condition in the affected train and decreased flow to essential equipment. This CCW could result in component damage or an undesirable plant transient.

V-181270 Service Air Containment Isolation Check Valve During normal power operation, the service air supply to the containment building is isolated. The containment isolation valves, HCV-18-2, is a normally shut valve used to isolate the service air system inside containment. Testing a check valve in an isolated section of a system is not warranted.

The check valve will be back flow tested during cold shutdowns when the section of the service air system inside the containment building is in service. This is a simple check valve with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is to perform a backleakage test. Performing such a test requires entry into the containment building and thus is impractical to do during plant operations.

REVISION 1 08/04/94 HCV-18-1 Primary Containment Instrument- Air Supply Closing this valve isolates operating air to critical components in the containment building including the pressurizer spray valves and CVCS letdown isolation valves and could cause severe plant transients and a plant trip.

Failure in the closed position would cause a plant shutdown.

V-27101 and V-27102 Hydrogen Sampling Return Line Containment Isolation Check Valves This is a simple check valve with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is to perform a backleakage test.

Performing such a test requires entry into the containment building and breaching of the system, thus it is impractical to do during plant operations.

FCV-25-1 thru FCV-25-6 Primary Containment Purge and Vent Valves These valves are required to remain closed at all times when the plant is operating in Modes 1 through 4, thus they are not required to operate (close) during operational periods.

Due to the large size of these valves and the potential for damage as a result of frequent cycling, it operate them more than is absolutely necessary.

is not prudent to V-25-20 and V-25-21 Containment Vacuum Breakers These valves can only be exercised manually requiring direct access to each valve. Since these valves are located within the containment building, access is limited and not routinely practical.

REVISION 1 08/04/94 Appendix F Valve Program Refueling Outage Justifications

REVISION 1 08/04/94 Appendix F: REFUELING OUTAGE JUSTIFICATIONS This appendix is intended to provide the justification for performing valve exercising only at refueling outage conditions as permitted by OM-10, 'H4.3.2.2 (d), (e), and (h) and '1[ (d), (e),

and (h)

Specifically included in this category are the following:

A valve whose failure in a position other than its normal position could jeopardize the immediate safety of the plant or system components; A valve whose failure in a position other than its normal position could cause all trains of a safeguard system to be inoperable; A valve whose failure in a position other than its normal position that might cause a transient that could lead to a plant trip; or When test requirements or conditions are precluded by system operation or access.

REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-2177 V-2190 V-2191 v-2526 Chemical and Volume Control (2998-G-078, Sh 121)

V-2177 and V-2526 open to provide a flow path for emergency boration from the boric acid makeup pumps to the suction of the charging pumps. Likewise, V-2190 opens to provide a flow path for emergency boration via gravity drain from the boric acid makeup tanks to the suction of the charging pumps.

Valve V-2191 opens to provide a flow path from the refueling water tank (RWT) to the suction of the charging pumps as an alternate supply of borated water for boration.

Testing these valves in the open direction requires the introduction of highly concentrated boric acid solution from the boric acid makeup tanks to the suction .of the charging pumps. This, in turn, would result in the addition of excess boron to the RCS. A rapid insertion of negative reactivity could result in a rapid RCS cooldown and depressurization and possibly a plant trip.

During cold shutdown, the introduction of excess quantities of boric acid into the RCS is undesirable from the aspect of maintaining proper plant chemistry and the inherent difficulties that may be encountered during the subsequent startup due to over-boration of the RCS. The waste management system would also be overburdened by the large amounts of RCS coolant that would require processing to decrease the boron concentration.

Typically, the boron concentration is increased for shutdown margin during cooldown and prior to reaching cold shutdown conditions. This is the only practical time to perform the partial stroke exercise test since boration during shutdown and startup is undesirable. In the event that circumstances prohibit testing during cooldown, testing for that cold shutdown may be deferred to the next cooldown evolution.


REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-2443 V-2444 Chemical and Volume Control (2998-G-078, Sh 121)

These valves open to provide a flow path from the boric acid makeup pumps to the emergency boration header. They close to prevent recirculation flow through an idle pump.

Full-stroke testing these valves requires operating the boric acid makeup pumps at or near rated flow and verifying Cull accident flow through each valve. Such testing would cause the introduction of highly concentrated boric acid solution from the boric acid makeup tanks to the suction of the charging pumps. This, in turn, would result in the addition of excess boron to the RCS. This rapid insertion of negative reactivity would result in a rapid RCS cooldown and depressurization. A large enough boron addition would result in an unscheduled plant trip and a possible initiation of Safety Injection Systems.

During cold shutdown, the introduction of excess quantities of boric acid into the RCS is undesirable from the aspect of maintaining proper plant chemistry and the inherent difficulties that may be encountered during the subsequent startup due to over-boration of the RCS. The waste management system would be overburdened by the large amounts of RCS coolant that would require processing to decrease its boron concentration.

A second circuit that circulates water to the VCT has flow rate measuring instrumentation installed however it is limited to approximately 30 gpm. During an accident, either pump's discharge check valve must be able to pass a minimum flow capable of matching the demand of the two running charging pumps (greater than 80 gpm.).


REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-07000 V-07001 Safety Injection (2998-G-078 Sh 130)

These valves open to provide flow paths from the RWT to the suction of the associated low-pressure safety injection pump.

Full stroke exercising these valves to the open position requires injection into the RCS via the LPSI pumps . During plant operation this is precluded because the LPSI pumps cannot develop sufficient discharge pressure to overcome primary system pressure. At cold shutdown, the shutdown cooling system cannot provide sufficient letdown flow to the RWT to accommodate full design flow from the RWT while maintaining the necessary core cooling function. Thus, the only practical opportunity for testing these valves is during refueling outages when water from the RWT is used to refueling cavity.

fill the

REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-3101 GXSX12L'.

Safety In jection (2998-G-078 Sh 130)

This valve opens to provide a. flow path for borated water from the safety injection tanks (SIT's) to the volume control tank (VCT) to provide sufficient water inventory for plant cooldown should the refueling water tank (RWT) become unavailable.

Transferring the large quantity of water from a SIT to the VCT needed to verify full stroke would result in a significant increase of the boron concentration within the VCT and in the charging system makeup to the reactor coolant system (RCS) as well.

During normal plant operation, any increase of the VCT boron concentration could result in the excessive boron concentration in the RCS along with the insertion of negative reactivity. Ultimately, the RCS would experience cooldown and depressurization with the potential for a plant trip.

During cold shutdown, the, introduction of'xcess quantities of boric acid into the RCS is undesirable from the aspect of maintaining proper plant chemistry and the inherent difficulties that may be encountered during the subsequent startup due to over-boration of the RCS. The waste management system could also be overburdened by the large amounts of. RCS coolant that would require processing following dilution activities. During cold shutdown, transferring a limited quantity of water (less than that needed to confirm full stroke) from a SIT is practical.


REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-3104 V-3105 BYSXJ' Safety Injection System (2998-G-078, Sh 130)

These valves open to provide for mini-flow recirculation flow paths from the low pressure safety injection pumps to the refueling water tank. This minimum flow through the respective pumps removes pump heat in the event they are operating under low or no flow conditions. The valves close to prevent recirculation through the idle pump, and to prevent overpressurization of the LPSI piping from the discharge pressure of the HPSI pump.

There is no flow rate instrumentation available to verify valve full-stroke exercising as required by Generic Letter 89-04, Position 1.

During quarterly pump testing each of these valves will be partial-stroke exercised (open) via recirculation through the minimum flow test circuits with no flow measurements. During reactor refueling outages these two valves can be flow tested.

The test will calculate the flow through the mini-flow line by draining the reactor coolant system through the line while observing the pressurizer level drop or refueling water tank level increase. The level change divided by the time can be used to verify the full flow exercise of the two check valves'-6

REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-3401 V-3410 SYZZEZL.

Safety Injection (2998-G-078 Sh 130)

These valves open to provide flow paths from the RWT and the containment sump to the suction of the associated high-pressure safety injection pumps (HPSI).

Full stroke exercising these valves to the open position requires injection via the HPSI pumps into the RCS. During plant operation this is precluded because the HPSI pumps cannot develop sufficient discharge pressure to overcome primary system pressure. During cold shutdown conditions, operation of the HPSI pumps is restricted to preclude RCS system pressure transients that could result in exceeding the pressure-temperature limits specified in the Technical Specifications, Section 3.4.9.


REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-3414 V-3427 BX.~Z Safety Injection (2998-G-078 Sh 130)

These valves open to provide flow paths from the respective HPSI pumps to the high-pressure safety injection headers.

They close to prevent recirculation through an idle pump.

Full stroke exercising these valves to the open position requires injection into the RCS via the HPSI pumps. During plant operation this is precluded because the HPSI pumps cannot develop sufficient discharge pressure to overcome primary system pressure. During cold shutdown conditions, full flow operation of the HPSI pumps is restricted to preclude RCS system pressure transients that could result in exceeding the pressure-temperature limits specified in the Technical Specifications, Section 3.4.9.

Partial flow exercising of these valves can be performed by one of the following two methods: when the HPSI pump is used to refill a SIT or when a HPSI pump is recirculated back through the SIT to RWT drain line. Partial-stroke exercising the check valves by filling a SIT can not readily be used because the acceptable SIT level band, specified by the Technical Specifications, is very narrow. The SIT are only refilled on an as needed basis; therefore, the partial flow test cannot readily be incorporated into a quarterly test.

Partial-stroke exercising of these check valves quarterly can not be performed by using the SIT to RWT drain line. This method requires that the containment isolation valves, one of them a manual valve, be 'opened to complete the flow path.

This would constitute a breach of containment integrity, as defined in Technical Specifications, and therefore use of this flow path is precluded in Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4.


REVISION 1 08/04/94 v-3522 V-3547 SYST1~

Safety Injection (2998-G-078 Sh 130)

These valves open to provide flow paths from the high-pressure safety injection pumps to the RCS for hot-leg injection. Should the normal charging header become disabled, these valves are required to close to direct charging flow to the RCS via the HPSI headers.

Full stroke exercising of these valves would require operating a high pressure safety injection (HPSI) pump and injecting into the reactor coolant system through the hot leg injection system. At power operation this is not possible because the HPSI pumps do not develop sufficient discharge pressure to overcome reactor coolant system pressure. During cold shutdown conditions, full flow operation of the HPSI pumps is restricted to preclude RCS system pressure transients that could result in exceeding the pressure-temperature limits specified in the Technical Specifications, Section 3.4.9.

Partial-stroke exercising of these check valves quarterly can not be performed by using the SIT to RWT drain line. This method requires that the containment isolation valves, one of them a manual valve, be opened to complete the flow path.

This would constitute a breach of containment integrity, as defined in Technical Specifications, and therefore use of this flow path is precluded in Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4.

The closure tests can only be performed at the end of the outage after the valves have been exercised open earlier by the partial stroke open tests.


REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-3113 V-3133 V-3143 V-3766 BYE~

Safety Injection (2998-G-078 Sh 131)

These valves open to provide flow paths from the high-pressure safety injection headers to the RCS.

Full stroke exercising of these valves would require operating a high pressure safety injection (HPSI) pump at nominal accident flow rate and injecting into the reactor coolant system. At power operation this is not possible because the HPSI pumps do not develop sufficient discharge pressure to overcome reactor coolant system pressure. During cold shutdown conditions, full flow operation of the HPSI pumps is restricted to preclude RCS system pressure transients that could result in exceeding the pressure-temperature limits specified in the Technical Specifications, Section 3.4.9.

Partial flow exercising of these valves is performed whenever its associated SIT is refilled. The acceptable SIT level band specified by the Technical Specification is very narrow.

The SITs are only refilled on an as needed basis; therefore, the partial flow test cannot readily be incorporated into a quarterly test.

Partial-stroke exercising of these check valves quarterly can not be performed by using the SIT to RWT drain line. This method requires that the containment isolati'on valves, one of them a manual valve, be opened to complete the flow path.

This would constitute a breach of containment integrity, as defined in Technical Specifications, and therefore use of this flow path is precluded in Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4.

REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-3524 v-3525 V-3526 V-3527 GYKXK'afety Injection (2998-G-078 Sh 131)

These valves open to provide flow paths from the high-pressure safety injection pumps to the RCS for hot leg injection and close to isolate the safety injection headers from the high pressure of the reactor coolant system.

Full stroke exercising of these valves would require operating a high pressure safety injection (HPSI) pump at nominal accident flow rate and injecting into the reactor coolant system. At power operation this is not possible because the HPSI pumps do not develop sufficient discharge pressure to overcome reactor coolant system pressure. During cold shutdown conditions, full flow operation of the HPSI pumps is restricted to preclude RCS system pressure transients that could result in exceeding the pressure-temperature limits specified in the Technical Specifications, Section 3.4.9.

Partial-stroke exercising of check valves V-3524 and V-3526 quarterly can not be performed by using the SIT to RWT drain line. This method requires that the containment isolation valves, one of them a manual valve, be opened to complete the flow path. This would constitute a breach of containment integrity, as defined in Technical Specifications, and therefore use of this flow path is precluded in Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4.


'akeup Water (2998-G-084)

V-15328 This valve closes to provide primary containment for the penetration related to the makeup water supply line to the containment building.

This is a simple check valve with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is by performing a leak test or back flow test. Performing such a test demands that the makeup water supply line be isolated. This effectively isolates the sole supply of fire water to the containment which is unacceptable under any plant conditions. Thus, prior to leaktesting in this manner an alternate firewater source must be established by rigging several temporary fire hoses through the maintenance hatch to the various fire fighting stations in the containment building. This is not possible during normal operation when primary containment is required and .would constitute an undue burden on plant personnel during cold shutdowns.


REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-18195 Instrument Air (2998-G-085, Sh 2)

This valve closes to provide primary containment for the penetration related to the instrument air supply line to the containment building.

This is a simple check valve with no external means of position indication, thus the only practical means of verifying closure is by performing a leak test or back flow test. Such a test necessitates isolation of all instrument air to the containment. There are over 50 valves, instruments, and controllers supplied by this one line.

During a normal refueling outage when leak testing is normally performed, an alternate instrument air compressor must be connected to the isolated section of the instrument air line in order to supply air to critical air-operated components. The supply hose from the air compressor to the instrument air line is typically routed through the containment maintenance hatch.

During normal plant operation this is not practical due to the many critical operational components supplied by the instrument air system, the requirement to maintain primary containment integrity, and the potential for unacceptable plant transients.

During cold shutdown, the activities associated with entry into the containment building, securing all instrument air inside the containment, and opening the maintenance hatch to provide the alternate air supply are extensive and would likely result in an extension of any interim outage (cold shutdown period). Thus testing this valve during cold shutdown periods is considered to be an unreasonable burden on the plant staff and not commensurate with the potential gain in plant safety afforded by performance of this test.

REVISION 1 08/04/94 V-07129 V-07143 GYGXlRL'ontainment Spray (2998-G-088)

These valves open to provide flow paths from the respective containment spray pump to the containment spray headers.

Full stroke exercising of these valves would require operating each containment spray pump at nominal accident flow rate. Exercising these valves via the normal containment spray flow path would result in spraying down the containment an unacceptable option. The only other practical flow path available for such a test requires pumping water from the refueling water tank (RWT) to the reactor coolant system (RCS) via the shutdown cooling loops.

During plant operation, the containment spray pumps cannot develop sufficient discharge pressure to overcome RCS pressure.

At cold shutdown, the shutdown cooling system cannot provide sufficient letdown flow to the RWT to accommodate full design flow from the RWT while maintaining the necessary core cooling function.


REVE S XON 1 08/04/94 BYSZl~H'ontainment Spray (2998-G-088)

V-07256 V-07258 These valves open to provide flow paths from the Hydrazine pumps to the respective containment spray pump suction header.

Testing these valves using the only flow path available (via the Hydrazine pumps) would contaminate the containment spray system and refueling water tank with Hydrazine. Each of the Hydrazine pumps discharge through its check valve into the suction piping of its containment spray pump. The Hydrazine would then be pumped to the RWT during the quarterly containment spray pump Code test using the mini-flow recirculation line. Continued testing would build up the concentration of Hydrazine in the RWT and deplete the level in its storage tank Hydrazine is a known carcinogen, with cumulative toxic affects when absorbed through the skin, inhaled, or ingested.

Hydrazine build up in the RWT is undesirable do to the increased potential for exposing personnel to the chemical or releasing it to the environment. Personnel would additionally be exposed to Hydrazine while restoring level in the tank. Due to the personnel hazards associated with handling the hazardous chemical Hydrazine, testing quarterly or during cold shutdowns is impractical.
