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{{#Wiki_filter:II1~t~TABLE3.3-1Continued DESIGNATION P-7P-8CONDITION ANDSETPOINTWith2of4PowerRangeNeutronFluxChannelsgreaterthanorequalto11%ofRATEDTHERMALPOWERor1of2TurbineFirstStagePressurechannelsgzeaterthanorequalto37psig.With2of4PowerRangeNeutronFluxchannelsgreatezthanorequalto31%ofRATEDTHERMALFUNCTIONP-7preventsordefeatstheautomatic blockofreactortripon:Lowflowinmorethanoneprimarycoolantloop,reactorcoolantpumpunder-voltage andundez<<frequency, tuzbinetrip,pressurizer lowpressure, andpressur-izerhighlevel~wflowinaparticular loopcanbeevidenced byeitheradetectedlowfloworbytheopeningofthereactozcoolantpumpbreaker.P-8preventsordefeatstheautomatic blockofreactortripcausedbyalo~kSWcoolantflowcondition inasingleloop,~P-10With3of4Powerrangeneutronfluxchannelslessthan9%ofRATEDTHERMALPOWER.P-10preventsordefeatsthemanualblockof:Powerrangelowsetpointreactortrip,Intermediate rangereactortrip,andintermediate rangerodstops'rovides inputtoP-7.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT13/43-9AMENDMENT NO.SSI12093120i00i0 93iii5PDRADOCK050003i5PPDR
{{#Wiki_filter:1 II
~~71~iyh."k,~ryUl 4~qlI~TABLE3.3<<10(Continued)
  ~   t ~
UntandCommoeaeetectioSystemsDetectorSstemLocatoTotalNumberoDetectors UlCableTunnelsa)Quad1CableTunnelb)Quad2CableTunnelc)Quad3Nd)Quad3Se)Quad3Mf)Quad4peat(x/y)*~arne(x/y)*0/30/40/30/30/30/5Smoke(x/y)*0/40/70/40/30/40/6a)b)d)e)HV-AES-1-AES-2HV-ACRFHV-CIPXHV-CPRf)12-HV-AFX 1Containment+++~
TABLE 3.3-1  Continued DESIGNATION           CONDITION AND SETPOINT            FUNCTION P-7         With 2 of 4 Power Range Neutron  P-7 prevents or defeats Flux Channels greater than or    the automatic block of equal to 11% of RATED THERMAL    reactor trip on: Low POWER or 1 of 2 Turbine First    flow in more than one Stage Pressure channels gzeater  primary coolant loop, than or equal to 37 psig.         reactor coolant pump under-voltage and undez<<frequency, tuzbine trip, pressurizer low pressure, and pressur-izer high level ~w flow in a particular loop can be evidenced by either a detected low flow or by the opening of the reactoz coolant pump breaker.
a)RCP1b)RCP2c)RCP3d)RCP4e)CableTraysUlCharcoalFilterVentilation Units0/1~0/1~0/]4+++&0/1~0/]~0/1~C1/01/01/01/058/p~~C*(x/y)SystemprotectsareacommontobothUnits1and.2xisnumberofFunctionA(earlywarningfiredetection andnotification only)instruments.
P-8        With 2 of 4 Power Range Neutron  P-8 prevents or defeats Flux channels greatez than or     the automatic block of equal to 31% of RATED THERMAL    reactor trip caused by a lo~kSW coolant flow condition in a single loop,~
yisnumberofFunctionB(actuation offiresuppression systemsandearlywarningandnotificatIon)
P-10        With  3 of 4 Power range neutron P-10 prevents or flux  channels less than 9% of    defeats the manual RATED THERMAL POWER.             block of: Power range low    setpoint  reactor tri  p, Intermediate range reactor      trip, and intermediate range rod stops'rovides input to P-7.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT -   UNIT 1       3/4 3-9       AMENDMENT NO. SSI      120 93120i00i0 PDR      ADOCK 93iii5 050003i5 P                   PDR
Originally installed toautomatically delugecharcoalfilters.However,manualactionsarenovnecessary.
Thefiredetection Instruments locatedwithintheContainment arenotrequiredtobeOPERABLEduringtheperformance ofTypeAContainment LeakageRatetests.Thermistors arelocatedwithinallcabletrayswhichcontaincombustible cables,inbothupperandlovercontainment throughout quadrants 1-4.OOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT13/43-53aA?KNDMENT NO.kgb',172 OS-CCE00GSUET0~S~U~EMINIMUM.C)SNNELSKXUUEKl.,Containment PressureReactorCoolantOutletTemperature-Tsoz(WideRange)ReactorCoolantInletTemperature-Tco~(WideRange)ReactorCoolantPressure-Wide RangePressurizer WaterLevelSteamLinePressureSteamGenerator WaterLovel-NarrowRangeRefueling WaterStorageTankWaterLevelBoricAcidTankSolutionLevelAuxiliary Foedwater FlowRateReactorCoolantSystemSubcooling MarginMonitorPORVPositionIndicator
--AcousticMonitorIncoroThermocouples (CoreExitThermocouples)
ReactorCoolantInventory TrackingSystem(ReactorVesselLevelIndication)
Containment SumpLevelContainment MaterLevel222222/SteamGenerator 1/SteamGenerator 211/SteamGenerator*
~lebi4h~i44a2SteamGenerator WaterLevelChannelscanbeusedasasubstitute forthecorresponding auxiliary feedwater flowratechannelinstrument.
PPCsubcooling marginreadoutcanbousedasasubstitute forthesubcooling monitorinstrument.
Acousticmonitoring ofPORVposition(1channelperthreevalves-headereddischarge) canbeusedssasubstitute forthePORVIndicator
r--the=4ev~mns mdi~t~cous R=107WwCOOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT13/43-55Amendment No.406,4&t,168 1ssS1'TABLE4.3-7POST<<ACCIDENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION SURVEILIANCE REUZK2KNTSINSTRUMENT CHANNELCHANNELCNBCNCALTBBATTON 1.Containment'ressure 2.ReactorCoolantOutletTemperature-HOT(VideRange)3.ReactorCoolantInletTemperature-TCO(WideRange)4.RealcorCoolantPressure-Wide Range.5.Pressurizer WaterLevel6.SteamLinePressure7.SteamGenerator WaterLevel-Narrow Range8.RWSTWaterLevel9.BoricAcidTankSolutionLevel10.Auxiliary Feedwater FlowRate11.Reactor CoolantSystemSubcooling MarginMonitor12.PORVPositionIndicator
-LimitSwitches13.PORVBlockValvePositionIndicator-LimitSwitches14.Safety ValvePositionZndicator-AcousticMonitor15.Incore Thermocouples (CoreExitThermocoup 16.Reactor CoolantInventory TrackingSystem(ReactorVesselLevelTndication) 17.Containment SumpLevel~18.Containment WaterLevelMMMMMMMMM~Mles)MM(2)MMRRRRRRRRRRRR(l)R(3)RR(1)Partialrangechannelcalibration forsensortobeperformed belowP-12inMODE3.(2)WithonetrainofReactorVesselLevelIndication inoperable, Subcooling MarginIndication andCoreExitThermocouples maybeusedtoperformaQGQKELCHECKtoverifytheremaining ReactorVesselIndication trainOPERABLE.
s(3)Coaplerion ofohannelelaibrarion forsensorseobeperforned belowP-13inMODE3.-~heseDmeruments=wk3.-1Mecome=eke COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNZT13/43-56AMENDMENT NO.$$,144
~xs~WSSC00DC~~ONODDieselGenerator lABRoomDieselGenerator 1CDRoomDieselGenerator FuelOilPumpRoom4KVSwitchgear RoomsControlRodDrive,Transf.Switchgear RoomsEngineered SafetySwitchgear RoomSwitchgear RoomCableVaultCross-zoned HeatCross-zoned HeatHeatManualManualCross-zoned Ionization andInfraredAuxiliary CableVaultControlRoomCableVault(Backup)*
Penetration CableTunnelQuadrant1Penetration CableTunnelQuadrant2Penetration CableTunnelQuadrant3NPenetration CableTunnelQuadrant3MPenetration CableTunnelQuadrant3SPenetration CableTunnelQuadrant4Ionization ManualManualManualManualManualManualManual2*ControlRoomCableVaultCOSystemi'sonlyrequiredtobeoperablewhentheCableVaultHalonSystemis-operable.
LIMITINGCONDITION FOROPERATION 3.9.7Loadsinexcessof2,500poundsshallbeprohibited fromtraveloverfuelassemblies inthestoragepool.Loadscarriedoverthespentfuelpoolandtheheightsatwhichtheymaybecarriedoverrackscontaining
Withfuelassemblies inthestoragepool.ACTION:Withtherequirements oftheabovespecification notsatisfied, placethecraneloadinasafecondition.
Theprovisions ofSpecification 3.0.3arenotapp'licable.
SURVEILLANCE REUIREMENTS whichpreventcranetravelwithloadsinexcessof2,500poundsoverfuelassemblies shallbedemonstrated OPERABLEwithin7dayspriortocraneuseandatleastonceper7daysthereafter duringcraneoperation; impactenergyduetodroppingthecrane'sloadshallbedetermined tobe(24,240in.-lbs.priortomovingeachloadoverrackscontaining fuel.*SharedsystemwithD.C.COOK-UNIT2D.C.-COOK-UNIT13/49-8Amendment No.797,113 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS GASEOUSRADWASTETREATMENT LIMITINGCONDITION FOROPERATION systemandtheventilation exhausttreatment systemshallbeusedtoreducetheradar.oactive materials ingaseousvasteprioxtotheirdischarge vhentheproJected gaseouseffluentaixdosesduetogaseouseffluentreleasestounrestricted ax'eas(SeeFigure5.13)vhenaveragedover31days,vouldexceed0.2mradforgammaradiation and0.4mradforbetaradiation.
Theventilation exhausttreatment systemshallbeusedtoreduceradioactive materials ingaseousvastepriortotheirdischarge vhentheproJected dosesduetogaseouseffluentreleasestounrestricted areas(SeeFigure$.1-3)vhenaveragedover31daysvouldexceed0.3mremtoanyorgan.APPLICABILITY:
Atalltimes.ACTION:a.Vi.thgaseousvastebeingdischarged vithouttreatment andinexcessoftheabovelimits,prepaxeandsubmittotheCommission vithin30days,puxsuanttoSpecification 6.9.2,aSpecialReportwhichincludesthefolloving information:
Identification oftheinoperable equipment orsubsystems andthereasonforinoperability.
2.Action(s) takentorestoxetheinoperable equipment tooperablestatus.b.Theprovisions ofSpecifications 3.0.3and3.0.4arenotapplicable.
SURVEILLANCE REUZREHENTS AREASshallbeproJected atleastonceper31daysinaccoxdance viththeODCM,wheneverthegaseouswastetreatment systemorventilation exhausttreatment systemisnotoperational.
+el~32.l~l.III~e~e)ePf)rue"e''LV~if~eanel BeoreI'fe~)be~en;frt Be.unf6..')~~~~~~~~i/~/'r~tl'/.~~~I~t0~=t~'rf~aCrrfn~~~0~~e'eedeef~w~e~~ro~7//~e'e~~1/~~.'//~~~~~f~~pl.iifneiton
'~~~pJC~~~1:~I~..I.r$vleeI)0~e~4+)'ee''../OONALOC.COOKNUCLEARPLANTEXCLUS10N AREAFlG.5.1-1:-;7;e~ffSe~~y0~
DESIGNFEATURESCAPACITY5.6.4Thefuelstoragepoolisdesignedandshallbemaintained witha!storagecapacitylimitedtonomorethan3613fuelassemblies.
5.7SEISMICCLASSIFICATION 5.7.1Thosestructures, systemsandcomponents identified a'sCategoryIItemsintheFSARshallbedesignedandmaintained totheori.ginal designprovisions contained intheFSARwithallowance fornormaldegradati.on pursuanttotheapplicant Surveillance Requirements.
5.8METEOROLOGICAL TOV7ERLOCATION35.8.1Themeteorological towershallbelocatedasshownonFigure5.1P.5.9COMPONENT CYCLICORTRANSIENT LIMIT5.9.1Thecomponents identified inTable5.9-1aredesignedandshallbemaintained withinthecyclicortransient limitsofTable5.9-1.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT15-9AMENDMENT No.8,127I169 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS6.1RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.1ThePlantManagershallberesponsible foroverallfacilityoperation andshalldelegateinvritingthesuccession tothisresponsibility duringhisabsence.6.1.2TheShiftSupervisor (orduringhisabsencefromthecontrolzoomcomplex,adesignated individual) shallberesponsible forthecontrolroomcommandfunction.
hmanagement directive tothiseffectsignedbytheVicePresident
-NuclearOperations shallbezeissuedtoallstationpersonnel onanannualbasis.6.2ORGANIZATION ONSZTEhNDOFFSITEORGANIZATIONS 6.2.1Onsiteandoffsiteorganizations shallbeestablished forunitoperation andcozporate management, respectively.
Theonsiteandoffsiteorganizations shallincludethepositions foractivities affecting thesafetyofthenuclearpoverplant.Linesofauthority, zesponsibQiry, andcommunication shallbeestablished anddefinedforthehighestmanagement.
levelsthzoughintermediate levelstoandincluding alloperating organization positions.
Theserelationships shallbedocumented andupdated,asappropriate, intheformoforganizational charts.Theseorganizational chartsvillbedocumented intheandupdatedinaccordance vith10CZR50.71(e).
vP'~4~b.ThePlantManagershallberesponsible foroverallunitsafeoperation and.shallhavecontroloverthoseonsiteactivities necessary forsafeoperation andmaintenance oftheplant..c.TheVicePresident
-NuclearOperations shallhavecorporate responsibi.lity foroverallplantnuclearsafetyandshalltakeanymeasuresneededtoensureacceptable performance ofthestaff~inoperating, maintaining, andproviding technical supporttotheplanttoensuzenuclearsafety.d.Theindividuals vhotraintheoperating staffandthosewhocarryouthealthphysicsandquality.assurance functions mayreporttotheappropriate onsitemanager;hovever,theyshallhavesufficient organizational freedomtoensuretheirindependence fromoperating pressures.
FACILITYSTAFF6.2.2TheFacilityorganization shallbesub]ecttothefollovtng:
a.Each.ondutyshiftshallbecomposedofatleasttheminimumshiftcrewcomposition shovninTable6.2-1.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT16-1AMENDMENT NO.7',gqr,154 l~acADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS6.3FACILXTTSTAFFUALIFICATIONS 6.3.LEachmemberofthefacilietionsofAHS971ystaffshallmeetorexceedthaminimumqualificaXN18.11forcomparable positions, exceptfor(1)chePlantRadiation Protection Manager,vhoshallmeetorexceedqualifications ofRegulatory Guide1.8,September 1975,(2)theShiftTechnical Advisor,vhoshallhaveabachelor's degreeozequivalent inascientific orenginaexing discipline viehspecifictzaininginplanedesign,andresponseandanalysisoftheplantfortzansients andaccidents and,(3)theOperations Superintendent, vhomustholdorhaveheldaSeni.orOperatorLicenseasspecifi.ed inSection6.2.2.h.6.4TRAZHING6.4.1Aretraining andreplacement trainingpxogramforehefacilitystaffshallbemaintained underthedirection oftheTrainingManagerandshalLmeetorIexceedtharequirements andrecommendations ofSection5.5ofANSIH18.1-1971 and10CFRPare55.6.5REVIEWAHDAUDIT6.5.1PLANTNUCLEARSAFETYREVIEWCOMMITTEE PHSRCFUNCTION6.5.L.LThePHSRCshalIfunctiontoadvisethePlantManageronallmattersrelatedconucleazsafety.COMPOSITION PlantManagers,'epartment Superintendents, orsupervisory personnel reporting directlytothePlantManager,Assistant PLantManagersorDepartment Superincandents fromehefunctional areaslistedbelov:Licensing hctivt.ties Safety6Assessmanc Operaeions Technical SupportRadiation Protection Maintenance TheChairman, hisalternate and'othermembersandchairalternates.
ofchePHSRCshallbedesignated bythePlaneManagez.ZnadditiontotheChairman, thePNSRCmembership shallconsistofoneindividual fromeachoftheareasdesignated above.kPNSRCmembersandaltexnaces shallmeetorexceedtheminimumqualificati.ons ofAHSXNL8.1-1971 Section4.4forcompazabla posieions.
individual shallmeetehequalifications ofSection4.2.2ofAHSLN18.1-1971 excepeforehezequirement toholdacuzzancSeniorOperaeorLicense.Thaoperaeions individuaL museholdorhaveheldaSeniorOperacorLicenseatCookNuclearPlaneor~similarreactor.Themaintenance individual shallmeetthequalifications ofSection4.2.3ofANSXN18.1-1971.
COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT16-4AMENDMEHT NO.P'g,f$>$/7,1U I~~INSTRUYEN TATIONEASES34.3.3.5REMOTE'HUTDOQN INSTRUMENTATION OPERABILITY oftheremoteshutdowninstrumentation ensuresthatsufficient capability isavailable topermitshutdownandmaintenance ofHOTSTANDBYofthefacilityfromlocations outsideofthecontrolroon.Thiscapability isrequiredintheeventcontralroomhabitability islostandi.sconsistent withGeneralDesignCri.teria 19of10CFR50. TheOPERABILITY oftheAppendixRremoteshutdowninstrumentation ensuresthatsufficient instrumentation isavailable topermitshutdownofthefacilitytoCOLDSHUTDORfcondi.tions atthelocalshutdownindication (LSI)panel.Intheeventofafire,normalpowertotheLSIpanelsmaybelast.Asaresult,capability torepairtheLSIpanelsframUnit2hasbeenprovided.
Ifthealternate powersupplyisnotavailable, firewatcheswillbeestablished inthosefireareaswherelossafnormalpowertotheLSIpanelscouldoccurintheeventoffire.Thiswillconsistofeitherestablishing continuous firewatchesorverifying, OPERABILITY offiredetectors perSpecification hourlyfirewatches.Thedetailsofhowthesefirewatchesaretobeimplemented areincludedin,aplantprocedure. INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEMSDETECTORS OPERABILITY ofthefiredetcctian systcms/detectors ensuresthatadequatedetection capability i.savailable forthepromptdetection offires.Thiscapability isrequiredinordertodetectandlocatefiresintheircarlystages.Promptdetection ofthefires.willreducethepotential fordamagetosafetyrelatedsystemsorcomponents intheareasofthespecified systemsandisanintegralelementintheoverallfacilityfireprotection program.Intheeventthataportionofthefiredetection systemsi.sinoperable, theACTIONstatements providedmaintainthefacility's fireprotection programandallowsfarcontinued operation ofthefacili.ty untiltheinoperable system(s)/detectar(s) arerestoredtoOPERABILITY.
However,i.tisnotourintenttorelyuponthecompensatory actionforanextendedperiodoftimeandactionwillbetakentorestoretheminimumnumberofdetectors toOPERABLEstatus~ithinareasonable period. INSTRUMENTATION TheOPERABILITY ofthepost-accident instrumentati.on ensuresthatsufficient information isavailable onselectedplantparameters tomonitorandassessthesevariables duri.ngandfollowing anaccident.
4C4&%44~ch edl13rO~COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT1.B3/43-6AMENDMENT NO.7p es~~~lEFUELINCOPERATIONS BASES34.9.10AND34.9.11VATERLEVEL-REACTORVESSELANDSTORAGEPOOLTherestrictions onminimumwaterlevelensurethatsufficient waterdepthisavailable tozemove99ioftheassumed10%iodinegapactivityreleasedfromtheruptureofanirzadiated fuelassembly.
Theminimumvacezdepthisconsistent withtheassumptions ofcheaccidentanalysis.
MaterlevelabovethevesselflangeinMODE6villvaryasthezeaccorvesselheadandthesysteminternals areremoved.The23feetofvaterarerequiredbeforeany'ubsequent movementoffuelassemblies oz'ontrol rods."34.9.12STORAGEPOOLVENTILATION SYSTEMThelimitations onthestoragepoolventilation systemensurechatallzadioaccive materialreleasedfromanirradiated fuelassemblywillbefilteredthroughtheHEPAfiltersandcharcoaladsorberpriortodischarge totheatmosphere.
TheOPERABILITY ofthissystemandtheresulting iodinezemovalcapacityareconsistent withtheassumptions oftheaccidentanalyses.
The1980versionofANSIN510isusedasatastingguide.Thisstandard, however,isintendedtoberigorously appliedonlytosyscemswhich,unlikethestoragepoolventilacion system,aredesignedtoANSIN509standards.
Forthespecificcaseoftheaireaerosol mixinguniformity testrequiz'ed byANSIN510asaprerequisite toin-placeleaktestingofcharcoalandHEPAfilters,theair-aerosol uniformmixingcastacceptance cr'ariawerenocrigozously met.Forthisreason,astatistical correction factorvillbeappliedtoapplicable surveillance caseresultsvharerequired.
InordercomaintaintheminimumnegativepressurerequiredbyTechnical Specifications (1/8inchM.G.)duringmovemencoffuelvichinthestoragepoo'1orduringcraneopezacion vithloadsoverthepool,thecz'anebayroll-updoorandthedrummingroomroll-updoor,locatedonthe609-footelevation oftheauxiliary'uilding, mustbeclosed.Hovever,theymaybeopenedduringtheseoperations underadministrative control.Ifchacranebaydoorneedstobeopenedduringfuelmovement, anexampleofanadministzative controlmightbetostationanindividual atthedoorwhowouldbeincosssunioation withpersonnel in'hespentfuelpoolareaandoouldthedoorwhenpassagewasoscompleted orintheeventofanemergency, Forthedrummingroomdoor,anexampleofanadministrative concz'olmightbetorequirethadoorcobez'eclosed afternormalingressandegressofpersonnel ormaterial, ortostationanindividual atthedoorifthedoorneedscoremainopenforanextendedperiodoftime.Shouldthedoorsbecomeblockedorstuckopenvhileunderadministzative contzol,Technical Specification requirements villnocbeconsidered tobeviolatedprovidedtheActionStatement requirements ofSpecification'aexpeditiously
: followed, i.e.,movement.
offuelwithinthestoragepool.orcraneoperation vithloadsoverchapoolisexpeditiously suspended.
D.C.COOK-UNIT1B3/49-3Amendment No.7gp124 OTABLE3.3-1Continued REACTORTRIPSYSTEMINSTRUMENTATION IFUNCTIONAL UNITH16..Undervoltage-Reactor CoolantPumpsTOTALNO.OFCHANNELS4-1/busCHANNELSTOTRIPMINIMUMCiiANNELSOPERABLEAPPLICABLE MODESACTION17.Underfrequency-Reactor CoolantPumps4-I/bus31iti.Turbin<<Trip A.LowFluidOilPressureB.TurbineStopValveClosure19.SafetyInjection InputfromESF),220.ReactorCoolantPumpBreakerPositionTripAboveP-721.ReactorTripBreakers1/brcaker1/breaker peroperat-ingloop1,2,3*,4*,5*1,13,1422.Automatic TripLogic2i+'K0 II\'1~~I ouedWith2of4PowerRangeNeutronFluxChannels>11$ofRATEDTHERMALPOWERor1of2PressureBeforetheFirstStagechannels>51psig.P-7preventsordefeatstheautomatic blockofreactortripon:Lowflowinmorethanoneprimarycoolantloop,~reactorcoolantpumpunder-voltage andunder-frequency, turbinetrip,pressurizer lowpressure, andpressurizer highlevel.Lowflowinaparticular loopcanbeevidenced byeitheradetectedlowfloworbytheopeningofthereactorcoolantpumpbreaker.P-8With2of4PowerRangeNeutronFluxchannels>31%ofRATEDTHERMAL.POWER.P-8preventsordefeatstheautomatic blockofreactortripcausedbybar-alowcoolantflowcondition inasingleloop,P-10'Pith3of4PowerRangeNeutron.Fluxchannels<9SofRATEDTHER.fALPOWER.?-10preventsordefeatsthemanualblockof:Powerrangelowsetpointreactortrip,Intermediate rangereactortrip,andintermediate rangerodstops~ProvidesinputtoP-7.D.C.COOK-UNIT2~~~~3/43-8.AMENDMENT NO.Ns107 I~~I~~
0-CC00GSUE0~lSTUHEHICIAIS081. PressureReactorCoolantOutletTemperature
-Tco~(WideRange)ReactorCoolantPressure-WideRangePressurizer WaterLevelSteamLinePressureSteamGenerator MaterLevel-NarrowRangeRefueling WaterStorageTankMaterLevelBoricAcidTankSolutionLevelAuxiliary Feedwater FlowRateReactorCoolantSystemSubcooling MarginMoni.torPORVPositionIndicator
IncoreThermocouples (CoreExitThermocouples)
ReactorCoolantInventory TrackingSystem(ReactorVesselLevelIndication)
Containment SumpLevelContainment WaterLevel2'2222/Stea'mGenerator 1/SteamGenerator 211/SteamGenerator*
SteamGenerator MaterLevelChannelscan:.beusedasasubstitute forthecorresponding auxiliary feedwater flowratechannelinstrument; PPCsubcooling marginreadoutcanbeusedasasubsti.tute forthesubcooling monitorinstrument.
Acousticmonitoring ofPORVposition(1channelperthreevalves-headereddischarge) canbeusedasasubstitute forthePORVIndicator
Thmchednle-for nodt4lcaeion orre-pla-accent fothet-ra-netnlrceaCOOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT23/43-46Amendment No,QR,0$,7gg,151 INSTRUMENT CHANNELCHANNELCHECKCAI.lBRATIOH 1.Containment Pressure2.ReactorCoolantOutletTemperature
-TLD(WideRange)HOT4.ReactorCoolantPressure-WideRangeCOLD5.Pressurizer WaterLevel6.SteamLinePressure'j.SteamGenerator WaterLevel-NarrowRange8.RWSTWaterLevel9.IctericAcidTankSolutionLevel10.Auxiliary Feedwater FlowRatell.ReactorCoolantSystemSubcooling MarginMonitor12.PORVPositionIndicator
-AcousticMonitor15.IncoreThermocouples (CoreExitThermocouples)~
16.ReactorCoolantInventory TrackingSystem(ReactorVesselLevelIndication) 17.Containment SumpLevel~18.Containment WaterLevel~MMMMMMMMMMMM(2)RRRRRRRRRRRRR(1)R(3)RRPartialrangechannelcalibration forsensortobeperformed belowP-12inMODE3.WithonetrainofReactorVesselLevelIndication inoperable, Subcooling MarginIndication andCoreExitThermocouples ReactorVesselIndi.cationtrainOPERABLE.
Completion ofchannelcalibration forsensorstobeperformed belowP-12inMODE3.inst~men~+1+-
TABLE3.3-,11Unit2andCommonAreaPireDetection SystemsDetec'tion SstemLocationTotalNumberofDetectors Auxiliary Buildinga)Elevation 573b)Elevation 587c)Elevation 609d)Elevation 633e)Elevation 650f)NevFuelSTGEAreaHeat(x/y)+Elame'(x/7)+Smoke(x/y)*-23/OC55/OC41/OC41/OC34/OC4/OCU2East,MainSteamValveEnclosure U2HainSteamLineAreaEl.612(AroundContainment)
U2NESTSValveAreaEl.61228/0+a13/P~2/0U24KVSvitchgeax (AB)U24KFSvitchgear (CD)U2Engr.SafetySystemSvitchgear
&XFMR.Rm.U2CRD,XFHR&Svitchgear Rm.Invertex6ABBttxy.Rms.pQ4e~gQvU2Pressurizer Heater.Rm.U2Di.eselFuelOil.Rm.U2DieselGenerator Rm.2ABU2DieselGenerator Rm.2CDU2DieselGenerator RampCorr.U162AFVPVestibule 0/10/20/20/30/30/20/212/04/02/OC0/50/140/50/17U2ControlRoomU2Svitchgeax CableVaultU2ContxolRm.CableVaultU2Aux.CableVault42/00/10%%+0/130/76~0/6Ul&2ESVBasementAreaU2ESVPump&HCCRms.4/OC9/0CSystemprotectsareacommontobothUnits1and2*(x/y)xisnumberofFunctionA(earlyvaxningfixedetection andnotification only)instruments.
yisnumberofFunctionB(actuati.on offixesuppression systemsandearlyvarningandnotification) instruments.
circuitcontainsbothsmokeand.flame detectors tvocircuitsoffivedetectors each.tvocircui.ts of38detectors each.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT23/43-52AHNDHENTNn.$X.ZZ$151 III'i N1pREFUELING OPERATIONS CRANETRAVEL-SPENTFUELSTORAGEPOOLBUILDING*
LIMITINGCONDITION FOROPERATION 3.9,7Loadsinexcessof2,500poundsshallbeprohibited fromtravel.overfuelassemblies inthestoragepool.Loadscarriedoverthespentfuelpoolandtheheightsatwhichtheymaybecarriedoverrackscontainina fuelshallbelimited.insuchawayastoprecl'ude impactenergiesover24,240in.-lbs.,
Withfuelassemblies inthestoragepool.ACTION:Withtherequirementsoftheabo~pecification notsatisfied,.
Theprovisions ofSpecification 3.0.3arenotapplicable.
'hichpreventcranetravelwith'oadsinexcessof2,500poundsoverfuelassemblies shallbedemonstrated OPERABLEwithin7dayspriortocraneuseandatleastonceper7daysthereafter duringcraneoperation. impactenergyduetodroppingthecrane'sloadshallbedetermined tobec24,240in.-lbs.priortomovingeachloadoverrackscontaining fuel.*SharedsystemwithD.C.COOK-UNITD.C.COOK-UNIT2~~j3/49-7Amendment'o.
~3.Verifying thactheHEPAfilterbanksremovegreaterthanorequalto99'ftheDOPwhentheyaz'etestedin-placeinaccordance withANSIN510-1980 whileoperating theexhaustventilation syscemacaflowz'ateof30,000cfmplusorminus10%.4.Verifying within31daysafterremovalchatalaboratory analysisofacarbonsamplefromeitheracleaseonetestcanisteroracleasecwocarbonsamplesremovedfromoneozthecharcoaladsorbers demonscraces aremovalefficiency ofgreacerchanorequalto90%forradioactive methyliodidewhenthesampleistestedinaccordance withANSIN510-1980 (AS'QID3803-1979, 30C95%R.H.).Thecarbonsamplesnocobcainedfromtesccanisters shallbepreparedbyeither:(a)Emptyingoneentirebedfromaremovedadsorbextray,mixingtheadsorbent thoroughly, andobcaining samplesaclease,cwoinchesincLiamecer andwithalengthequalcothethickness ofchebed,or.(b)Emptyingalongitudinal samplefromaadsorbertray,mixingtheadsorbent thoroughly, andobtaining samplesacleasttwoinchesindiamecerandwichalengchequaltochethickness ofchebed.fSubsequent toreinsailingtheadsorber=ayusedforobtaining thecarbonsample,thesystemshallbedemonscrated OPERA8LEbyalsoverifying thac"hecharcoaladsorbers removegreacerthanorequalto99%ofahalogenaced hydrocarbon xef-igerant testgaswhentheyaretestedin-placeinaccordance withANSIH510-1980 whileoperacing cheventilation systemacaflowraceof~086cfmplusorminus10%.39~Goo5.Verifying asystemflowraceof30,000cfmplusorminus10%duringsystemoperation whentestedinaccordance withANSIH510-1980.
o.Afcez'vexy 720hoursofcharcoal, adsorberoperation byeither:l.Verifying within31daysafterremovalthatalaboracozy analysisozacarbonsampleobtainedfromatestcanisterdemonscraces aremovalefficiency ofgreaterchanorequalto90%forxadioact:ive mechyliodidewhenthesampleistestedinaccordance withANSIH510-1980 (ASTHD3803-1979, 30C,95%R.H.)COOKHUCLF~PLANT-UNIT23/49-13Amendmenc Ho.QE,140
\~IRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS GASEOUSRADVASTETREATKENT LYINGCONDITION FOROPERATION systemandtheventilation exhausttreatment systemshallbeusedtoreducetheradioactive materials ingaseousvastepriortotheirdischarge vhentheprojected gaseouseffluentairdosesduetogaseouseffluentreleasestounrestricted azeas(SeeFigure5.1g3)vhenaveragedover31days,vouldexceed0.2mradforgammaradiation and0.4mradfozbetaradiation.
Theventilation exhausttreatment systemshallbeusedtozeduceradioactive materials ingaseousvastepriortotheirdischarge vhentheprojected dosesduetogaseouseffluentreleasestounrestricted areas(SeeFigure5.1-3)vhenaveragedover31daysvouldexceed0.3mremtoanyorgan.APPLICABILITY:
Atalltimes.ACTXON:a~Pithgaseouswastebeingdischazged vithouttreatment andinexcessoftheabovelimits,prepareandsubmittotheCommission within30days,pursuanttoSpecification 6.9.2,aSpecialRepoztvhichincludesthefolloving information:
1.Identification oftheinoperable equipment orsubsystems andthereasonforinoperabi.lizy.
2.Action(s) takentorestoretheinoperable equipment tooperablestatus.b.Theprovisions ofSpecifications 3.0.3and3.0.4arenotapplicable.
SURVEILLANCE REUZRE.'KITS AREASshallbeprojected atleastonceper31daysinaccordance viththeODQf,wheneverthegaseousvastetreatment systemorventilation exhausttreatment systemisnotoperational.
~Err//e//~o:./rt.//r//~ooe7~~/5'Vsirfiaiitl Baachfir]~~-!.'II@totm:Ia8.Ino~-'>ti6.Ci.~''~}o$~v~I".-~='2~~~~~~~~/o'/.'.,:/../t/ov/p/'o~~~I~I'.iiinff ofan~I~~~o~~root~tlf~~tf'I''I:IfioIf~I~I"rfgtotlotjr~~o~~,IohiooVooI,/ft~~~t/~(Voo~ooy~../OONALOC.COOKNUCLEARPLANTEXCLUSION AREAIIG.5.I-I3;~I'.'i.~~~~of3:.;7raI~
VOLUME5.4.2Thetotalwaterandsteamvolumeofthereactorcoolantsystemis12,612plusorminus100cubicfeetatanominalTavgof70F.05.5METEOROLOGICAL TOWERLOCATION5.5.1Themeteorological towershallbelocatedasshownonFigure5.1-X.5.6FUELSTORAGECRITICALITY
-SPENTFUEL5.6.1.1Thespentfuelstorageracksaredesignedandshallbemaintained with:AKffequivalent tolessthan0.95whenfloodedwitheffunborated water,b.Anominal8.97-inch center-to-center distancebetweenfuelassemblies, placedinthestorageracks.C.Thefuelassemblies willbeclassified asacceptable forRegion1,Region2,orRegion3storagebasedupontheirassemblyaverageburnupversusinitialnominal'nrichment.
Cellsacceptable forRegion1,Region2,andRegion3assemblystorageareindicated inFigures5.6-1and5.6-2.Assemblies thatareacceptable forstorageinRegion1,Region2,andRegion3mustmeetthedesigncriteriathatdefinetheregionsasfollows:1.Region1isdesignedtoaccommodate newfuelwithamaximumnominalenrichment of4.95wt%U-235,orspentfuelregardless ofthedischarge fuelburnup.2.Region2isdesignedtoaccommodate fuelof4.95%initi,alnominalenrichment burnedtoatleast50,000MWD/MTU,orfuelofotherenrichments withequivalent reactivity.
3.Region3isdesignedtoaccommodate fuelof4.95%initialnominalenrichment burnedtoatleast38,000MWD/MTU,orfuelofotherenrichments withequivalent reactivity.
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS6.1RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.1ThePlantManagershallberesponsible foxoverallfacilityoperation andshalldelegateinvzitingthesuccession tothisresponsIbIlity duringhisabsence.6.1.2TheShiftSupexvisor (orduringhisabsencefx'omthecontrolroomcomplex,adesignated indivt.dual) shallberesponsible forthecontrolzoomcommandfunction.
'management directive tothiseffectsignedbytheVicePresident
-NuclearOperations shallbereissuedtoallstationpezsannel onanannualbasis.6.2ORGANIZATION ONSZTEANDOFFSITEORGANIZATIONS 6.2.1.Onsiteandoffsiteorganizations shallbeestablished fox'nitoperatIon andcorporate management, respectively.
TheonsIteand,offsiteorganizatI.ons shallincludetheposI.tions foractivities affecting thesafetyofthenuclearpaverplant.a.Linesofauthority, responsibility, andcommunication shallbeestablished anddefinedfozthehighestmanagement levelsthroughintermediate levelstoandincluding alloperating organization positions.
Theserelationships shallbedocumented andupdated,asappzopriate, intheformoforganizational charts.Theseorganizational chartsvillbedocumented inthe%8gnupdatedinaccordance vith10CFR50.71(e).
tJFiPt-b.ThePlantManagershallberesponsible foroverallunI,tsafeoperation andshallhavecontrolovexthoseonsiteactIvities necessary'or safeoperation andmaintenance oftheplant.C~TheVicePresI.dent
-NuclearOperatIons shallhavecorporate responsibility foroverallplane,nuclearsafetyandshalltakeanymeasuresneededtoensureacceptable performance ofthestaffinopexating, maintaining, andprovidIng technical supporttotheplanttoensuxenuclearsafety.d.Theindividuals vhotraintheoperating staffandthosevhocarryouthealthphysicsandqualityassurance functions mayreporttotheappropriate onsitemanager;hovevex,theyshallhavesuffIcient organizatIonal fxeedomtoensuzetheirindependence fromoperating pressures.
FACILITYSTAFF6.2.2TheFacI.lity organization shallbesub]ecttothefollovtng:
a.Eachondutyshiftshallbecomposedofatleasttheminimumshiftcrevcomposition shovninTable6.2-.1.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT26-1AMENDMENT NO.Pjt,gl7s138 I1s>~~
I(a~Wg~ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS6.3FACILITYSTAFFUALIFICATIONS 6.3,1Eachmemberofthefacilitystaffshallmeetorexceedtheminimumqualifications ofANSIN18.}.-1971 forcomparable positions, exceptfor(1)thePlantRadiation Protection Manager,vhoshallmeetorexceedqualifications ofRegulatory Guide1.8,September 1975,(2)theShiftTechnical Advisor,vho.shallhaveabachelor's degreeorequivalent inascientific ozengineering discipline vithspecifictraininginplantdesign,andresponseandanalysisoftheplantfortransients andaccidents and,(3)theOperations Superintendent, vhomustholdorhaveheldaSeniorOperatorLicenseasspecified inSection6.2.2.h.6.4TRAXNZNG6.4.1Aretraining andreplacement trainingprogramforthefacilitystaffshallbemaintained underthadirection oftheTrainingManagezandshallmeetozlexceedtherequirements andrecommendations ofSection5.5ofANSIN18.1.-1971 and6.5REVIEWANDAUDIT6.5.1PLANTNUCLEARSAFETYREVIEWCOMMITTEE PNSRCFUNCTION6.5,1.1ThaPNSRCshallfunctiontoadvisethePlantManageronallmatters~~~relatedtonuclear'afety.
COMPOSITION PlantManagers, Depaztment Superintendents, orsupervisory personnel reporting directlytothePlantManager,Assistant PlantManagersorDepartment Superintendents fromthefunctional areaslistedbelov:Licensing Activities Safety6Assessment Operations Technical'uppozt Radiation Protection Maintenance TheChairman, hisalternate andothermembersandtheiralternates ofthePNSRCshallbadesignated bythePlantManager.InadditiontotheChairman; thePNSRCmembership shallconsistofoneindividual fromeachofthaareasdesignated above.PNSRCmembersandalternates shallmeetorexceedtheminimumqualifications ofANSXN18.1-1971 Section4.4forcomparable positions.
Thenuclearpoverplantoperations individual shallmeetthequalificationsofSection4.2.2ofANSIN18.1-1971 exceptfor.therequirement toholdacurrentSeniorOperatorLicense.Thaoperations individual mustholdorhaveheldaSeniorOperatorLicenseatCookNuclearPlantorasimilarreactor.Themaintenance individual shallmeetthequalif'cations ofSection4.2.3ofANSIN18.1-1971.
TheOPKQILITY ofthepost-accident instrumentation ensuresthatsufficient information isavailable onselectedplantparameters tomonitorandassessthesevariables duringandfollowing anaccident. orementoftheneutronfluxspatialdi'4onwithinthereactorcore.bilityisreqlxizo1)monitorthecorefluxpatternsthatarerepresehepeakcorepowerdensityand2)limitthecoreraxialpowerprofilesuthetotalpowerpeakin".ismaintained withinacceptable
''m'ts. INSTRUMENTATION OPERABILITY ofthefiredetection instrumentation ensuresthat'dequate warningcapability isavailable forthepromptdetection offires.Thiscapability isrequiredinordertodetectandlocatefiresintheirearlystages.Promptde'tection offireswillz'educethepotential fordamagetosafety-related equipment andisanintegralelementintheovez'allfacilityfireprotection program.Intheeventthataportionofthef'edetection instrumentation isinoperable
~theestablishment offrequentfirepatrolsintheaffectedareasisrequiredtoprovidedetection capability untiltheinoperable instrumentation iszesroredtoOPERABILITY.
Useofcontainment temperature monitoring isallowedonceperhourifcontainment fizedetecrion isinoperable. L'IUIDEFFLUENTINSTRUMENTATION Theradioactive liquideffluentinstrumentation isprovidetomonitorandcontrol,asapplicable, thereleaseofradioactive materialinliquideffluents duringactualorpotential releases.
Thealarm/trip setpoints fortheseinstruments shallbecalculated inaccordance withNRCapprovalmethodsinthe'ODCMtoensurethatthealarm/trip willoccurprioz'oexceeding thelimitsof10CFRPart20.TheOPER.-'VILITY anduseofth'sinstrumentation
'isconsistent withthez'equiremen"s ofGeneralDesignCriteriaspecified inSection11.3oftheFinalSafetyAnalysisReportfortheDonaldC.CookNuclearPlant.D.C.COOK-UNIT283/43-3Anendment No.61,115,119 Ig~~I
<)~~)~7~I''EFUELING'OPERATIONS BASES34.9.9CONTAINMENT PURGEANDEXHAUSTISOLATION SYSTEMTheOPERABILITY ofthissystemensuresthatthecontainment ventandpurgepenetrations willbeautomatically isolatedupondetection ofhighradiation levelswithinthecontainment.
TheOPERABILITY ofthissystemisrequiredtorestrictthereleaseofradioactive materialfromthecontainment atmosphere totheenvironment.
34.9.10AND34.9.11WATERLEVEL-REACTORVESSELANDSTORAGEPOOLTherestrictions onminimumwaterlevelensurethatsufficient waterdepthisavailable toremove99&oftheassumed10%iodinegapactivityreleasedfromtheruptureofanirradiated fuelassembly.
Theminimumwaterdepthisconsistent withtheassumptions oftheaccidentanalysis.'ater levelabovethevesselflangeinMODE6willvaryasthereactorvesselheadandthesysteminternals areremoved.The23feetofwaterarerequiredbeforeanysubsequent movementoffuelassemblies orcontrolrods.34.9.12STORAGEPOOLVENTILATION SYSTEMThelimitations radioactive materialfilteredthroughthetheatmosphere.
Theremovalcapacityareo'nthestoragepoolventilation systemensurethat'llreleasedfromanirradiated
=elassemblywillbeHEPAfiltersandcharcoaladsorberpriortodischarge toOPERABILITY ofthissystemandtheresulting iodineconsistent withtheassumptio..s oftheaccidentanalyses.
The1980versionofANSIN510isusedasatestingguide.Thisstandard, however,isintendedtoberigorously appliedonlytosystemswhich,unlikethestoragepoolventilation system,aredesignedtoANSIN509standards.
Forthespecificcaseoftheair-aerosol mixinguniformity testrequiredbyANSIN510asaprerequisite toin-placeleaktestingofcharcoalandHEPAfilters,theair-aerosol uniform.mixingtestacceptance criteriawerenotrigorously met.Forthisreason,astatistical correction factorwillbeappliedtoapplicable surveillance testresultswhererequired.
InordertomaintaintheminimumnegativepressurerequiredbyTechnical Specifications (1/8inchW.G.)duringmovementoffuelwithinthestoragepoolorduringcraneoperation withloadsoverthepool,thecranebayroll-updoorandthedrummingroomroll-updoor,locatedonthe609-footelevation oftheauxiliary
: building, mustbeclosed.However,theymaybeopenedduringtheseoperations underadministrative control.ifth'ecranebaydoorneedstobeopenedduringfuelmovement, anexampleofanadministrative controlmightbetostationanindividual atthedoorwhowould)ej.ncommunication withpersonnel inthespentfuelpoolareaandcould~ma-thedoorwhenpassage,wasC.a)Scomple'ted orintheeventofanemergency.
Forthedrummingroomdoor,anexampleofanadministrative controlmightbetorequirethedoortobereclosedafternormalingressandegressofpersonnel ormateri.aJ,.
ortostationanindividual atthedoorifthedoorneedstoremainopenforanextendedperiodoftime.D.C.COOK-UNIT2B3/49-3Amendment No.$g,111
\It0>~1 ATTACHMENT 3TOAEP:NRC:1137B PROPOSEDREVISEDTECHNICAL SPECIFICATION PAGES l.\~1 TABLE33-1Continued DESIGNATION CONDITION ANDSETPOINTFUNCTIONP-7With2of4PowerRangeNeutronFluxChannelsgreaterthanorequalto11%ofRATEDTHERMAL'OWER or1of2TurbineFirstStagePressurechannelsgreaterthanorequalto37psig.P-7preventsordefeatstheautomatic blockofreactortripon:Lowflowinmorethanoneprimarycoolantloop,reactorcoolantpumpunder-voltage andunder-frequency, turbinetrip,pressurizer lowpressure, andpressur-izerhighlevel.Lowflowinapar'ticular loopcanbeevidenced byeitheradetectedlowfloworbytheopeningofthereactorcoolantpumpbreaker.P-8With2of4PowerRangeNeutronFluxchannelsgreaterthanorequalto31%ofRATEDTHERMALPOWERP-8preventsordefeatstheautomatic blockofreactortripcausedbyalowcoolantflowcondition inasingleloop.With3of4Powerrangeneutronfluxchannelslessthan9%ofRATEDTHERMALPOWER.P-10preventsordefeatsthemanualblockof:Powerrangelowsetpointreactortrip,Intermediate rangereactortrip,andintermediate rangerodstops.ProvidesinputtoP-7.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT13/43-9AMENDMENT NO.85,4QO a~TABLE33-10(Continued)
Unit1andCommonAreaFireDetection SstemsDetectorSstemLocationTotalNumberofDetectors UlCableTunnelsa)Quad1CableTunnelb)Quad2CableTunnelc)Quad3Nd)Quad3Se)Quad3Mf)Quad4Heat(x/y)*~lame(x/y)*0/30/40/30/30/30/5Smoke(~)*0/40/70/40/30/40/6UlCharcoalFilterVentilation Unitsa)1-HV-AES-1 b)1-HV-AES-2 c)1-HV-ACRF d)1-HV-CIPX e)1-HV-CPRf)12-HV-AFX 0/]*****P/1*****P/1*****0/].**4k%
a)RCP1b)RCP2c)RCP3d)RCP4e)CableTrays1/01/01/01/01/0SystemprotectsareacommontobothUnits1and2*(x/y)xisnumberofFunctionA(earlywarningfiredetection andnotification only)instruments.
yisnumberofFunctionB(actuation offiresuppression systemsandearlywarningandnotificati'on) instruments.
Originally installed toautomatically delugecharcoalfilters.However,manualactionsarenownecessary.
Thefiredetection instruments locatedwithintheContainment arenotrequiredtobeOPERABLEduringtheperformance ofTypeAContainment LeakageRatetests,'IThermistors locatedwithincabletrayswhich'ontain combustible cables,inbothupperandlowercontainment throughout quadrants 1-4.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT13/43-53aAMENDMENT NO.430, TABLE3.3-11POST-ACCIDENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION INSTRUMENT MINIMUMCHANNELSOPERABLE1~2~3~4~5.6.7~''8.Containment PressureReactorCoolantOutletTemperature-TDT(WideRange)ReactorCoolantInletTemperature-T~i~(WideRange)ReactorCoolantPressure-Wide RangePressurizer WaterLevelSteamLinePressureSteam.Generator WaterLevel-Narrow RangeRefueling WaterStorageTankWaterLevelBoricAcidTankSolutionLevelAuxiliary Feedwater FlowRateReactorCoolantSystemSubcooling MarginMonitorPORVPositionIndicator
-AcousticMonitorIncoreThermocouples (CoreExitThermocouples)
ReactorCoolantInventory TrackingSystem(ReactorVesselLevelIndication)
Containment SumpLevelContainment WaterLevel222222/steamgenerator 1/steamgenerator 211/steamgenerator*
1**1/Valve1/Valve1/Valve2/CoreQuadrantOneTrain(3Channels/Train) 12*SteamGenerator WaterLevelChannelscanbeusedasasubstitute forthecorresponding auxiliary feedwater flowratechannelinstrument.
PPCsubcooling marginreadoutcanbeusedasasubstitute forthesubcooling monitorinstrument.
Acousticmonitoring ofPORVposition(1channelperthreevalves-headereddischarge) canbeusedasasubstitute forthePORVPositionIndicator
COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT13/43-55Amendment No.~,4k&,46k,468 TABLE43-POST-ACCIDENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE REUIREMENTS INSTRUMENT CHANNELCHECKCHANNELCALIBRATION 1.Containment Pressure2.ReactorCoolantOutletTemperature-THOT(WideRange)3.ReactorCoolantInletTemperature-TCO(WideRange)4.ReaRcorCoolantPressure-Wide Range5.Pressurizer WaterLevel6.SteamLinePressure7,SteamGenerator WaterLevel-Narrow Range8~RWSTWaterLevel9.BoricAcidTankSolutionLevel10.Auxiliary Feedwater FlowRate11.Reactor CoolantSystemSubcooling MarginMonitor12.PORVPositionIndicator
-LimitSwitches13.PORVBlockValvePositionIndicator-LimitSwitches14.Safety ValvePositionIndicator-AcousticMonitor15.Incore Thermocouples (CoreExitThermocouples) 16.Reactor CoolantInventory TrackingSystem(ReactorVesselLevelIndication) 17.Containment SumpLevel18.Containment WaterLevelMMMMMMMMMMMMM(2)MMRRRRRRRRRRRR(1)R(3)RR(1)Partialrangechannelcalibration forsensortobeperformed belowP-12inMODE3.(2)WithonetrainofReactorVesselLevelIndication inoperable, Subcooling MarginIndication andCoreExitThermocouples maybeusedtoperformaCHANNELCHECKtoverifytheremaining ReactorVesselIndication trainOPERABLE.
(3)Completion ofchannelcalibration forsensorstobeperformed belowP-12inMODE3.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT13/43-56AMENDMENT NO.54)444 TABLE3.7-6LOWPRESSURECARBONDIOXIDESYSTEMSLOCATIONACTUATION PERIODDieselGenerator 1ABRoomDieselGenerator 1CDRoomDieselGenerator FuelOilPumpRoom4KVSwitchgear RoomsControlRodDrive,Transf.Switchgear RoomsEngineered SafetySwitchgear RoomSwitchgear RoomCableVaultCross-zoned HeatCross-zoned HeatHeatManualManualManualCross-zoned Ionization andInfraredAuxiliary CableVaultControlRoomCableVault(Backup)*
Penetration CableTunnelQuadrant1Penetration CableTunnelQuadrant2Penetration CableTunnelQuadrant3NPenetration CableTunnelQuadrant3MPenetration CableTunnelQuadrant3SPenetration CableTunnelQuadrant4Ionization ManualManualManualManualManualManualManual*ControlRoomCableVaultCO>SystemisonlyrequiredtobeoperablewhentheCableVaultHalonSystemisinoperable.
LIMITINGCONDITION FOROPERATION 3.9.7Loadsinexcessof2,500poundsshallbeprohibited fromtraveloverfuelassemblies inthestoragepool.Loadscarriedoverthespentfuelpoolandtheheightsatwhichtheymaybecarriedoverrackscontaining fuelshallbelimitedinsuchawayastoprecludeimpactenergiesover24,240in.-lbs.,
Withfuelassemblies inthestoragepool.~GTION:Withtherequirements oftheabovespecification notsatisfied, placethecraneloadinasafecondition.
Theprovisions ofSpecification 3.0.3arenotapplicable.
SURVEILLANCE REUIREMENTS whichpreventcranetravelwithloadsin'excessof2,500poundsoverfuelassemblies shallbedemonstrated OPERABLEwithin7dayspriortocraneuseandatleastonceper7daysthereafter duringcraneoperation. impactenergyduetodroppingthecrane'sloadshallbedetermined tobes24,240in.-lbs.priortomovingeachloadoverrackscontaining fuel.*SharedsystemwithCookNuclearPlant-Unit2.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT13/49-8AMENDMENT NO.
RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS GASEOUSRADWASTETREATMENT LIMITINGCONDITION FOROPERATION systemandtheventilation exhausttreatment systemshallbeusedtoreducetheradioactive materials ingaseouswastepriortotheirdischaige whentheprojected gaseouseffluentairdosesduetogaseouseffluentreleasestounrestricted areas(geeFigure5.1-3)whenaveragedover31days,wouldexceed0.2mradforgammaradiation and0.4mradforbetaradiation.
Theventilation exhausttreatment systemshallbeusedtoreduceradioactive materials ingaseouswastepriortotheirdischarge whentheprojected dosesduetogaseouseffluentreleasestounrestricted areas(SeeFigure5.1-3)whenaveragedover31dayswouldexceed0.3mremtoanyorgan.APPLICABILITY:
Atalltimes.ACTION:a.Withgaseouswastebeingdischarged withouttreatment andinexcessoftheabovelimits,prepareandsubmittotheCommission within30days,pursuanttoSpecification 6.9.2,aSpecialReportwhichincludesthefollowing information:
1.Identification oftheinoperable equipment orsubsystems andthereasonforinoperability.
2.Action(s) takentorestoretheinoperable equipment tooperablestatus.b.Theprovisions ofSpecifications 3.0.3and3.0.4arenotapplicable.
SURVEILLANCE REUIREMENTS AREASshallbeprojected atleastonceper31daysinaccordance withtheODCM,wheneverthegaseouswastetreatment systemorventilation exhausttreatment systemisnotoperational.
COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT13/411-12AMENDMENT NO.60,454 fr,~r"STATEOFMICHIGANSCALE1:2400035'IMILEKALAaf47QO$0aff6rffl.TO(g,s33300001CO2000300040005000.S0)KIEOMDER.Lakes/36Qj(~i6~~~Errr'.~~a./':/~"~~-'I>>'f:I('averland Beach/'~~'-'i'MTSSTSS5~MP0:.f60I14'-6a0Ir0O'Vf//fff.6IO~O:0g~~OIO,".)rCV~~f~RosemaryBeachO~i.p/faerfcorrfr~L'f'i~~,~vent6j'~'rrfff''"'rd'A(r!g66/~4Livingston
/r,gjforrNuclearPlantExclusion Area~fl'.Landinsrstfip Figure5.1-1,i"-"DorlhldC."Cookgrf0i667f~CRE'EKCOOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT1 DESIGNFEATURESCAPACITY5.6.4Thefuelstoragepoolisdesignedandshallbemaintained withastoragecapacitylimitedtonomorethan3613fuelassemblies.
57SEISMICCLASSIFICATION 5.7.1Thosestructures, systemsandcomponents identified asCategoryIItemsintheFSARshallbedesignedandmaintained totheoriginaldesignprovisions contained intheFSARwithallowance fornormaldegradation pursuanttotheapplicant Surveillance Requirements.
58METEROLOGICAL TOWERLOCATION5.8.1Themeterological towershallbelocatedasshownonFigure5.1-3.59COMPONENT CYCLICORTRANSIENT LIMIT5.9.1Thecomponents identified inTable5.9-1aredesignedandshallbemaintained withinthecyclicortransient limitsofTable5.9-1.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT15-9AMENDMENT NO.40>
LI ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS61RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.1ThePlantManagershallberesponsible foroverallfacilityoperation andshalldelegateinwritingthesuccession tothisresponsibility duringhisabsence.6.1.2TheShiftSupervisor (orduringhisabsencefromthecontrolroomcomplex,adesignated individual) shallberesponsible forthecontrolroomcommandfunction.
Amanagement directive tothiseffectsignedbytheVicePresident
-NuclearOperations shallbereissuedtoallstationpersonnel onanannualbasis.62ORGANIZATION ONSITEANDOFFSITEORGANIZATIONS 6.2.1Onsiteandoffsiteorganizations shallbeestablished forunitoperation andcorporate management, respectively.
Theonsiteandoffsiteorganizations shallincludethepositions foractivities affecting thesafetyofthenuclearpowerplant.a.Linesofauthority, responsibility, andcommunication shallbeestablished anddefinedforthehighestmanagement levelthroughintermediate levelstoandincluding alloperating organization positions.
Theserelationships shallbedocumented andupdated,asappropriate, intheformoforganizational charts.Theseorganizational chartswillbedocumented intheUFSARandupdatedinaccordance with10CFR50.71(e).
b.ThePlantManagershallberesponsible foroverallunitsafeoperation andshallhavecontroloverthoseonsiteactivities necessary forsafeoperation andmaintenance oftheplant.cod.'heVicePresident
-NuclearOperations shallhavecorporate responsibility foroverallplantnuclearsafetyandshalltakeanymeasuresneededtoensureacceptable performance ofthestaffinoperating, maintaining, andproviding technical supporttotheplanttoensurenuclearsafety.Theindividuals whotraintheoperating staffandthosewhocarryouthealthphysicsandqualityassurance functions mayreporttotheappropriate onsitemanager;however,theyshallhavesufficient organizational freedomtoensuretheirindependence fromoperating pressures.
FACILITYSTAFF6.2.2TheFacilityorganization shallbesubjecttothefollowing:
a.Eachonduty,shiftshallbecomposedofatleasttheminimumshiftcrewcomposition showninTable6.2-1.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT16-1AMENDMENT NO.
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS6.3FACILITYSTAFFUALIFICATIONS 6.3.1Eachmemberofthefacilitystaffshallmeetorexceedtheminimumqualifications, ofANSIN18.1-1971 forcomparable positions, exceptfor(1)thePlantRadiation Protection Manager,whoshallmeetorexceedqualifications ofRegulatory Guide1.8,September 1975,(2)theShiftTechnical Advisor,whoshallhaveabachelor's degreeorequivalent inascientific orengineering discipline withspecifictraininginplantdesign,andresponseandanalysisoftheplantfortransients andaccidents and,(3)theOperations Superintendent mustholdorhaveheldaSeniorOperatorLicenseasspecified inSection6.2.2.h.6.4TRAINING6.4.1Aretraining andreplacement trainingprogramforthefacilitystaffshallbemaintained underthedirection oftheTrainingManagerandshallmeetorexceedtherequirements andrecommendations ofSection5.5ofANSIN18.1-1971 and10CFRPart55.65REVIEWANDAUDIT6.51PLANTNUCLEARSAFETYREVIEWCOMMITTEE PNSRCFUNCTION6.5.1.1ThePNSRCshallfunctiontoadvisethePlantManageronallmattersrelatedtonuclearsafety.COMPOSITION PlantManagers, Department Superintendents, orsupervisory personnel reporting directlytothePlantManager,Assistant PlantManagersorDepartment Superintendents fromthefunctional areaslistedbelow:Licensing Activities Safety&Assessment Operations Technical SupportRadiation Protection Maintenance TheChairman, hisalternate andothermembersandtheiralternates ofthePNSRCshallbedesignated bythePlantManager.InadditiontotheChairman, thePNSRCmembership shallconsistofoneindividual fromeachoftheareasdesignated above.PNSRCmembersandalternates shallmeetorexceedtheminimumqualifications ofANSIN18.1-1971 Section4.4forcomparable positions.
Thenuclearpowerplantoperations individual shallme'etthequalifications ofSection4.2.2ofANSIN18.1-1971 exceptfortherequirement toholdacurrentSeniorOperatorLicense.Theoperations individual mustholdorhaveheldaSeniorOperatorLicenseatCookNuclearPlantorasimilarreactor.Themaintenance individual shallmeetthequalifications ofSection4:2.3ofANSIN18.1-1971.

INSTRUMENTATION BASES34335REMOTESHUTDOWNINSTRUMENTATION TheOPERABILITY oftheremoteshutdowninstrumentation ensuresthatsufficient capability isavailable topermitshutdownandmaintenance ofHOTSTANDBYofthefacilityfromlocations outsideofthecontrolroom.Thiscapability isrequiredintheeventcontrolroomhabitability islostandisconsistent withGeneralDesignCriteria19of10CFR50.343351APPENDIXRREMOTESHUTDOWNINSTRUMENTATION TheOPERABILITY oftheAppendixRremoteshutdowninstrumentation ensuresthatsufficient instrumentation isavailable topermitshutdownofthefacilitytoCOLDSHUTDOWNconditions atthelocalshutdownindication (LSI)panel.Intheeventofafire,normalpowertotheLSIpanelsmaybelost.Asaresult,capability torepairtheLSIpanelsfromUnit2hasbeenprovided.
Ifthealternate powersupplyisnotavailable, firewatcheswillbeestablished inthosefireareaswherelossofnormalpowertotheLSIpanelscouldoccurintheeventoffire.Thiswillconsistofeitherestablishing continuous firewatchesorverifying OPERABILITY offiredetectors perSpecification hourlyfirewatches.Thedetailsofhowthesefirewatchesaretobeimplemented areincludedinaplantprocedure.
3433FIREDETECTION INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEMSDETECTORS OPERABILITY ofthefiredetection systems/detectors ensuresthatadequatedetection capability isavailable forthepromptdetection offires.Thiscapability isrequiredinordertodetectandlocatefiresintheirearlystages.Promptdetection ofthefireswillreducethepotential fordamagetosafetyrelatedsystemsorcomponents intheareasofthespecified systemsandisanintegralelementintheoverallfacilityfireprotection program.Intheeventthataportionofthefiredetection systemsisinoperable, theACTIONstatements providedmaintainthefacility's fireprotection programandallowsforcontinued operation ofthefacilityuntiltheinoperable system(s)/detector(s) arerestoredtoOPERABILITY.
                    ~ 1   ~
However,itisnotourintenttorelyuponthecompensatory actionforanextendedperiodoftimeandactionwillbetakentorestoretheminimumnumberofdetectors toOPERABLEstatuswithinareasonable period.34338POST-ACCIDENT INSTRUMENTATION TheOPERABILITY ofthepost-accident instrumentation ensuresthatsufficient information isavailable onselectedplantparameters tomonitorandassessthesevariables duringandfollowing anaccident.
iy    k h."
        ,~r yU l
REFUELING OPERATIONS BASES34910and349llWATERLEVEL-REACTORVESSELANDSTORAGEPOOLTherestrictions onminimumwaterlevelensurethatsufficient waterdepthisavailable toremove99%oftheassumed10$iodinegapactivityreleasedfromtheruptureofanirradiated fuelassembly.
Theminimumwaterdepthisconsistent withtheassumptions oftheaccidentanalysis, WaterlevelabovethevesselflangeinMODE6willvaryasthereactorvesselheadandthesysteminternals areremoved.The23feetofwaterarerequiredbeforeanysubsequent movementoffuelassemblies orcontrolrods.34912STORAGEPOOLVENTILATION SYSTEMThelimitations onthestoragepoolventilation systemensurethatallradioactive materialreleasedfromanirradiated fuelassemblywillbefilteredthroughtheHEPAfiltersandcharcoaladsorberpriortodischarge totheatmosphere.
TheOPERABILITY ofthissystemandtheresulting iodineremovalcapacityareconsistent withtheassumptions oftheaccidentanalyses.
The1980versionofANSIN510isusedasatestingguide.Thisstandard, however,isintendedtoberigorously appliedonlytosystemswhich,unlikethestoragepoolventilation system,aredesignedtoANSIN509standards.
Forthespecificcaseoftheair-aerosol mixinguniformity testrequiredbyANSIN510asaprerequisite toin-placeleaktestingofcharcoalandHEPAfilters,theair-aerosol uniformmixingtestacceptance criteriawerenotrigorously met.Forthisreason,astatistical correction factorwillbeappliedtoapplicable surveillance testresultswhererequired.
InordertomaintaintheminimumnegativepressurerequiredbyTechnical Specifications (1/8inchW.G.)duringmovementoffuelwithinthestoragepoolorduringcraneoperation withloadsoverthepool,thecranebayroll-updoorandthedrummingroomroll-updoor,locatedonthe609-footelevation oftheauxiliary
: building, mustbeclosed.However,theymaybeopenedduringtheseoperations underadministrative control.Ifthecranebaydoorneedstobeopenedduringfuelmovement, anexampleofanadministrative controlmightbetostationanindividual atthedoorwhowouldbeincommunication withpersonnel inthespentfuelpoolareaandcouldclosethedoorwhenpassagethroughthedoorwascompleted orintheeventofanemergency.
Forthedrummingroomdoor,anexampleofanadministrative controlmightbetorequirethedoortobereclosedafternormalingressandegressofpersonnel ormaterial, ortostationanindividual atthedoorifthedoorneedstoremainopenforanextendedperiodoftime.Shouldthedoorsbecomeblockedorstuckopenwhileunderadministrative control,Technical Specification requirements willnotbeconsidered tobeviolatedprovidedtheActionStatement requirements ofSpecification 3.9.12areexpeditiously
: followed, i.e.,movementoffuelwithinthestoragepoolorcraneoperation withloadsoverthepoolisexpeditiously suspended.
TABLE3.3-1Continued REACTORTRIPSYSTEMINSTRUMENTATION FUNCTIONAL UNIT16.Undervoltage-Reactor CoolantPumpsTOTALNO.OFCHANNELS4-1/busCHANNELSTOTRIPMINIMUMCHANNELSOPERABLEAPPLICABLE MODES17.Underfrecpxency-Reactor 4-1/busCoolantPumps18.TurbineTripA.LowFluidOilPressureB.TurbineStopValveClosure19.SafetyInjection InputfromESF1I220.'ReactorCoolantPumpBreakerPositionTripAboveP-721.ReactorTripBreakers1/breaker 1/breaker peroperating loop1I2/3*4*5*1331422.Automatic TripLogic1I2I3*4*5*114COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT23/43-4AMENDMENT
: NO86,
~TABLE33-1Continued DESIGNATION CONDITION ANDSETPOINTFUNCTIONP-7With2of4PowerRangeNeutronFluxChannels~11$ofRATEDTHERMALPOWERor1of2PressurebeforetheFirstStagechannels~51psig.P-7preventsordefeatstheautomatic blockofreactortripon:Lowflowinmorethanoneprimarycoolantloop,reactorcoolantpumpunder-voltage andunder-frequency, turbinetrip,pressurizer lowpressure, andpressurizer highlevel.Lowflowinaparticular loopcanbeevidenced byeitheradetectedlowfloworbytheopeningofthereactorcoolantpumpbreaker.P-8With2of4PowerRangeNeutronFluxchannelsE31%ofRATEDTHERMALPOWER.P-8preventsordefeatstheautomatic blockofreactortripcausedbyalowcoolantflowcondition inasingleloop.P-10With3of4PowerRangeNeutronfluxchannels<9%ofRATEDTHERMALPOWER..P-10preventsordefeatsthemanualblockof:Powerrangelowsetpointreactortrip,Inter-mediaterangereactortrip,andintermediate rangerodstops.ProvidesinputtoP-7.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT23/43-8AMENDMENT NO.
-Tp~i~(WideRange)ReactorCoolantPressure-WideRangePressurizer WaterLevelSteamLinePressureSteamGenerator WaterLevel-NarrowRangeRefueling WaterStorageTankWaterLevelBoricAcidTankSolutionLevelAuxiliary Feedwater FlowRateReactorCoolantSystemsubcooling MarginMonitorPORVPositionIndicator
-AcousticMonitorIncoreThermocouples (CoreExitThermocouples)
ReactorCoolantInventory TrackingSystem(ReactorVesselLevelIndication)
Containment SumpLevelContainment WaterLevel222222/SteamGenerator 1/SteamGenerator 211/SteamGenerator*
]**1/Valve1/Valve1/Valve2/CoreQuadrantOneTrain'(3Channels/Train) 12*SteamGenerator WaterLevelChannelscanbeusedasasubstitute forthecorresponding auxiliary feedwater flowratechannelinstrument.
PPCsubcooling marginreadoutcanbeusedasasubstitute forthesubcooling monitorinstrument.
Acousticmonitoring ofPORVposition(1channelperthreevalves-headereddischarge) canbeusedasasubstitute forthePORVIndicator
-T~gp(WideRange)ReactorCoolantPressure-WideRangePressurizer WaterLevelSteamLinePressureSteamGenerator WaterLevel-NarrowRangeRWSTWaterLevelBoricAcidTankSolutionLevelAuxiliary Feedwater FlowRateReactorCoolantSystemSubcooling MarginMonitorPORVPositionIndicator
-AcousticMonitorIncoreThermocouples (CoreExitThermocouples)
ReactorCoolantInventory TrackingSystem(ReactorVesselLevelIndication)
Containment SumpLevelContainment WaterLevelMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM(2)MMRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR(1)R(3)RR(2)(3)Partialrangechannelcalibration forsensortobeperformed belowP-12inMODE3.WithonetrainofReactorVesselLevelIndication inoperable, Subcooling MarginIndication andCoreExitThermocouples maybeusedtoperformaCHANNELCHECKtoverifytheremaining ReactorVesselIndication trainOPERABLE.
Completion ofchannelcalibration forsensorstobeperformed belowP-12inMODE3.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT23/43-47AMENDMENT NO.9&,9S, TABLE33-11Unit2andCommonAreaFireDetection SstemsDetection SstemLocationAuxiliary Buildinga)Elevation 573b)Elevation 587c)Elevation 609d)Elevation 633e)Elevation 650f)NewFuelSTGEAreaHeat(x/y)*TotalNumberofDetectors
~lame(x/y)*Smoke(x/y)*23/0C55/0C41/0C41/0C34/0C4/0CU2EastMainSteamValveEnclosure U2MainSteamLineAreaEl.612(AroundContainment)
U2NESWValveAreaEl.612U24KVSwitchgear (AB)U24KVSwitchgear (CD)U2Engr.SafetySystemSwitchgear
&XFMR.Rm.U2CRD,XFMR&Switchgear Rm.Inverter6ABBttry.Rms.0/30/30/50/528/0**13/0**2/00/20/20/140/17U2Pressurizer HeaterXFMR.Rm.U2DieselFuelOilTransferPumpRm.0/1U2DieselGenerator Rm.2AB0/2U2DieselGenerator Rm.2CD0/2U2DieselGenerator RampCorr.Ul&2AFWPVestibule 12/04/02/0CU2ControlRoomU2Switchgear CableVaultU2ControlRm.CableVaultU2Aux.CableVaultUl&2ESWBasementAreaU2ESWPump&MCCRms.42/00/10*~0/130/76*%%*0/64/0C9/0CSystemprotectsareacommontobothUnits1and2*(x/y)xisnumberofFunctionA(earlywarningfiredetection andnotification only)instruments..
yisnumberofFunct:ion B'(actuation offiresuppression systemsand'arlywarningandnotification) instruments.
***twocircuit:s offivedetectors each~**twocircuitsof38detectors eachCOOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT23/43-52AMENDMENT NO.44,

4 ~
LIMITINGCONDITION FOROPERATION 3.9.7Loadsinexcessof2,500poundsshallbeprohibited fromtraveloverfuelassemblies inthestoragepool.Loadscarriedoverthespentfuelpoolandtheheightsatwhich'hey maybecarriedoverrackscontaining fuelshallbelimitedinsuchawayastoprecludeimpactenergiesover24,240in.-lbs.,
q l I  ~
TABLE  3.3<<10 (Continued)
Withfuelassemblies inthestoragepool.ACTION:Withtherequirements oftheabovespecification notsatisfied, placethecraneloadinasafecondition.
Un  t  and  Commo    ea    e  etectio    Systems Total  Number Detector      S stem Locat o                                            o  Detectors peat        ~arne      Smoke (x/y)*    (x/y)*    (x/y)*
Theprovisions ofSpecification 3.0.3arenotapplicable.
Ul Cable Tunnels a) Quad 1 Cable Tunnel                                                    0/3       0/4 b)  Quad 2 Cable Tunnel                                                  0/4       0/7 c)  Quad 3N                                                              0/3        0/4 d) Quad 3S                                                                0/3        0/3 e) Quad 3M                                                                0/3        0/4 f)  Quad 4                                                               0/5        0/6 Ul Charcoal      Filter Ventilation Units a)      HV-AES-1                                              0/1~
SVEILLANCE REUIREMENTS whichpreventcranetravelwithloadsinexcessof2,500poundsoverfuelassemblies shallbedemonstrated OPERABLEwithin7dayspriortocraneuseandatleastonceper7daysthereafter duringcraneoperation.
b)        -AES-2                                              0/1~ impactenergyduetodroppingthecrane'sloadshallbedetermined tobes24,240in.-lbs.priortomovingeachloadoverrackscontaining fuel.*SharedsystemwithCookNuclearPlant-Unit1.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT23/49-7AMENDMENT NO.M,96
d) e)
~~~REFUELING OPERATIONS SURVEILLANCE REUIREMENTS Continued 3.Verifying thattheHEPAfilterbanksremovegreaterthanorequalto99%oftheDOPwhentheyaretestedin-placeinaccordance withANSIN510-1980 whileoperating theexhaustventilation systemataflowrateof30,000cfmplusorminus108.4.Verifying within31daysafterremovalthatalaboratory analysisofacarbonsamplefromeitheratleastonetestcanisteroratleasttwocarbonsamplesremovedfromoneofthecharcoaladsorbers demonstrates aremovalefficiency ofgreaterthanorequalto90$forradioactive methyliodidewhenthesampleistestedinaccordance withANSIN510-1980 (ASTMD3803-1979, 30C,95%R.H.).Thecarbonsamplesnotobtainedfromtestcanisters shallbepreparedbyeither:(a)Emptyingoneentirebedfromaremovedadsorbertray,mixingtheadsorbent thoroughly, andobtaining samplesatleasttwoinchesindiameterandwithalengthequaltothethickness ofthebed,or(b)Emptyingalongitudinal samplefromanadsorbertray,mixingtheadsorbent thoroughly, andobtaining samplesatleasttwoinchesindiameterandwithalengthequaltothethickness ofthebed.Subsequent toreinstalling theadsorbertrayusedforobtaining thecarbonsample,thesystemshallbedemonstrated OPERABLEbyalsoverifying thatthecharcoaladsorbers removegreaterthanorequalto99%ofahalogenated hydrocarbon refrigerant testgaswhentheyaretestedin-placeinaccordance withANSIN510-1980 whileoperating theventilation systemataflowrateof30,000cfmplusorminus10%.5.Verifying asystemflowrateof30,000cfmplusorminus108duringsystemoperation whentestedinaccordance withANSIN510-1980.
C.Afterevery720hoursofcharcoaladsorberoperation byeither:1.Verifying within31daysafterremovalthatalaboratory analysisofacarbonsampleobtainedfromatestcanisterdemonstrates aremovalefficiency ofgreaterthanorequalto90$forradioactive methyliodidewhenthesampleis'estedinaccordance withANSIN510-1980 (ASTMD3803-1979, 30C,95',R.H.).
COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT23/49-13AMENDMENT NO.~,440 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS GASEOUSRADWASTETREATMENT LIMITINGCONDITION FOROPERATION systemandtheventilation exhausttreatment systemshallbeusedtoreducetheradioactive materials ingaseouswastepriortotheirdischarge whentheprojected gaseouseffluentairdosesduetogaseouseffluentreleasestounrestricted areas(SeeFigure5.1-3)whenaveragedover31days,wouldexceed0.2mradforgammaradiation and0.4mrad.forbetaradiation.
0/] ~
Theventilation exhausttreatment systemshallbeusedtoreduceradioactive materials ingaseouswastepriortotheirdischarge whentheprojected dosesduetogaseouseffluentreleasestounrestricted areas(SeeFigure5.1-3)whenaveragedover31dayswouldexceed0.3mremtoanyorgan.APPLICABILITY:
0/] 4+++&
Atalltimes.ACTION'.Withgaseouswastebeingdischarged withouttreatment andinexcessoftheabovelimits,prepareandsubmittotheCommission within30days,pursuanttoSpecification 6.9.2,aSpecialReportwhichincludesthefollowing information:
0/1~C 1   Containment+++~
1.Identification oftheinoperable equipment orsubsystems andthereasonforinoperability.
a)   RCP 1                                                    1/0 b)  RCP 2                                                   1/0 c)  RCP 3                                                   1/0 d)   RCP 4                                                    1/0 e) Cable Trays                                                58/p~~
2~Action(s) takentorestoretheinoperable equipment tooperablestatus.b.Theprovisions ofSpecifications 3.0.3and3.0.4arenotapplicable.
C                System protects area common to both Units 1 and.2
SURVEILLANCE REUIREMENTS 4.11'.4DosesduetogaseousreleasestoUNRESTRICTED AREASshallbeprojected atleastonceper31daysinaccordance withtheODCM,wheneverthegaseouswastetreatment systemorventilation exhausttreatment systemisnotoperational.
    *(x/y)          x is number of Function A (early warning      fire  detection and notification only) instruments.
y is number of Function B (actuation of fire suppression systems and early warning and notificatIon) Instruments.
Originally installed to automatically deluge charcoal filters.
However, manual actions are nov necessary.
The fire detection Instruments located within the Containment are not required to be  OPERABLE  during the performance of Type      A Containment Leakage Rate  tests.
Thermistors are located within all cable trays which contain combustible cables, in both upper and lover containment throughout quadrants 1-4.
OOK NUCLEAR PLANT      - UNIT 1            3/4 3-53a                      A?KNDMENT NO. kgb', 172

C~AC~4SvVOLUME5.4.2Thetotalwaterandsteamvolumeofthereactorcoolantsystemis12,612plusorminus100cubicfeetatanominalTavgof70F.5.5METEOROLOGICAL TOWERLOCATIONThemeteorological towershallbelocatedasshownonFigure5.1-3.Bl-CRITICALITY
OS  - CC  E    0    0  G  S U E T  0 MINIMUM
-SPENTFUEL5.6.1.1Thespentfuelstorageracksaredesignedandshallbemaintained with:a.AK,qqequivalent tolessthan0.95whenfloodedwithunborated water,b.Anominal8.97-inch center-to-center distancebetweenfuelassemblies, placedinthestorageracks.c~Thefuelassemblies willbeclassified asacceptable forRegion1,Region2,orRegion3storagebasedupontheirassemblyburnupversusinitialnominalenrichment.
                                                                            . C)SNNELS
Cellsacceptable forRegion1,Region2,andRegion3assemblystorageareindicated inFigures5.6-1and5.6-2.Assemblies thatareacceptable forstorageinRegion1,Region2,andRegion3mustmeetthedesigncriteriathatdefinetheregionsasfollows:1.Region1isdesignedtoaccommodate newfuelwithamaximumnominalenrichment of4.95wtSU-235,orspentfuelregardless ofthedischarge fuelburnup.2.Region2isdesignedtoaccommodate fuelof4.95%initialnominalenrichment burnedtoatleast50,000MWD/MTU,orfuelofotherenrichments withequivalent reactivity, 3.Region3isdesignedtoaccommodate fuelof4.95%initialnominalenrichment burnedtoatleast38,000MWD/MTU,orfuelofotherenrichments withequivalent reactivity.
~S~U~E                                                                        KXUUEK
COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT25-5AMENDMENT NO.55,404, DMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS61RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.1ThePlantManagershallberesponsible foroverallfacilityoperation andshalldelegateinwritingthesuccession tothisresponsibility duringhisabsence.6.1.2TheShiftSupervisor (orduringhisabsencefromthecontrolroomcomplex,adesignated individual) shallberesponsible forthecontrolroomcommandfunction.
: l. Containment Pressure                                                      2
Amanagement directive tothiseffectsignedbytheVicePresident
: 2. Reactor Coolant Outlet Temperature-     Tsoz (Wide Range)                  2
-NuclearOperations shallbereissuedtoallstationpersonnel onanannualbasis.62ORGANIZATION ONSITEANDOFFSITEORGANIZATIONS 6.2.1Onsiteandoffsiteorganizations shallbeestablished forunitoperation andcorporate management, respectively.
: 3. Reactor Coolant Inlet Temperature-     Tco~ (Wide Range)                  2
Theonsiteandoffsiteorganizations shallincludethepositions foractivities affecting thesafetyofthenuclearpowerplant.a.Linesofauthority, responsibility, andcommunication shallbeestablished anddefinedforthehighestmanagement levelthroughintermediate levelstoandincluding alloperating organization positions.
: 4. Reactor Coolant Pressure-Wide Range                                        2
Theserelationships shallbedocumented andupdated,asappropriate, intheformoforganizational charts.Theseorganizational chartswillbedocumented intheUFSARandupdatedinaccordance with10CFR50.71(e).
: 5. Pressurizer Water Level                                                    2
b.ThePlantManagershallberesponsible foroverallunitsafeoperation andshallhavecontroloverthoseonsiteactivities necessary forsafeoperation andmaintenance oftheplant.C.TheVicePresident
: 6. Steam Line Pressure                                                        2/Steam Generator
-NuclearOperations shallhavecorporate responsibility foroverallplantnuclearsafetyandshalltakeanymeasuresneededtoensureacceptable performance ofthestaffinoperating, maintaining, andpioviding technical supporttotheplanttoensurenuclearsafety.d.Theindividuals whotrainthedperating staffandthosewhocarryouthealthphysicsandqualityassurance functions mayreporttotheappropriate onsitemanager;'owever, they'shallhavesufficient organizational freedomtoensuretheirindependence fromoperating pressures.
: 7. Steam Generator Water Lovel-    Narrow Range                              1/Steam Generator
FACILITYSTAFF6.2.2TheFacilityorganization shallbesubjecttothefollowing:
: 8. Refueling Water Storage Tank Water Level                                  2
a.Eachondutyshiftshallbecomposedofatleasttheminimumshiftcrewcomposition shownin-Table6.2-1.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT26-1AMENDMENT NO.58, ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS63FACILITYSTAFFUALIFICATIONS 6.3.1Eachmemberofthefacilitystaffshallmeetorexceedtheminimumqualifications ofANSIN18.1-1971 forcomparable positions, exceptfor(1)thePlantRadiation Protection Manager,whoshallmeetorexceedqualifications ofRegulatory Guide1.8,September 1975,(2)theShiftTechnical Advisor,whoshallhaveabachelor's degreeorequivalent inascientific orengineering discipline withspecifictraininginplantdesign,andresponseandanalysisoftheplantfortransients andaccidents and,(3)theOperations Superintendent, whomustholdorhaveheldaSeniorOperatorLicenseasspecified inSection6.2.2.h.64TRAINING6.4.1Aretraining andreplacement trainingprogramforthefacilitystaffshallbemaintained underthedirection oftheTrainingManagerandshallmeetorexceedtherequirements andrecommendations ofSection5.5ofANSIN18.1-1971 and10CFRPart55.65REVIEWANDAUDIT651PLANTNUCLEARSAFETYREVIEWCOMMITTEE PNSRCFUNCTION6.5.1.1ThePNSRCshallfunctiontoadvisethePlantManageronallmattersrelatedtonuclearsafety.COMPOSITION PlantManagers, Department Superintendents, orsupervisory personnel reporting directlytothePlantManager,Assistant PlantManagersorDepartment Superintendents fromthefunctional areaslistedbelow:Licensing Activities Safety&Assessment Operations Technical SupportRadiation Protection Maintenance TheChairman, hisalternate andothermembersandtheiralternates of,thePNSRCshallbedesignated bythePlantManager.InadditiontotheChairman, thePNSRCmembership shallconsistofoneindividual fromeachoftheareasdesignated above,PNSRCmembersandalternates shallmeetorexceedtheminimumqualifications ofANSIN18.1-1971 Section4.4forcomparable positions.
: 9. Boric Acid Tank Solution Level                                            1
Thenuclearpowerplantoperations individual shallmeetthequalifications ofSection4.2.2ofANSIN18.1-1971 exceptfortherequirement toholdacurrentSeniorOperatorLicense.Theoperations individual mustholdorhaveheldaSeniorOperatorLicenseatCookNuclearPlantorasimilarreactor.Themaintenance individual shallmeetthequalifications ofSection4.2.3ofANSIN18.1-1971..
: 10. Auxiliary Foedwater Flow Rate                                              1/Steam Generator*
: 11. Reactor Coolant System Subcooling Margin Monitor                          1%*
INSTRUMENTATION BASES34336POST-ACCIDENT INSTRUMENTATION TheOPERABILITY ofthepost-accident instrumentation ensuresthatsufficient information isavailable onselectedplantparameters tomonitorandassessthesevariables duringandfollowing anaccident.
: 12. PORV Position Indicator -- Limit Switches***                              1/Valve
3433DELETED34338FIREDETECTION INSTRUMENTATION OPERABILITY ofthefiredetection instrumentation ensuresthatadequatewarningcapability isavailable for,thepromptdetection offires.Thiscapability isrequiredinordertodetectandlocatefiresintheirearlystages.Promptdetection offireswillreducethepotential fordamagetosafety-related equipment andisanintegralelementintheoverallfacilityfireprotection program.Intheeventthataportionofthefiredetection instrumentation isinoperable, theestablishment offrequentfirepatrolsintheaffectedareasisrequiredtoprovidedetection capability untiltheinoperable instrumentation isrestoredtoOPERABILITY.
: 13. PORV Block Valve Position Indicator -- Limit Switches                      1/Valve
Useofcontainment temperature monitoring isallowedonceperhourifcontainment firedetection isinoperable.
: 14. Safety Valve Position Indicator -- Acoustic Monitor                        1/Valve
34339RADIOACTIVE LIUIDEFFLUENTINSTRUMENTATION Theradioactive liquideffluentinstrumentation isprovidedtomonitorandcontrol,asapplicable, thereleaseofradioactive materialinliquideffluents duringactualorpotential releases.
: 15. Incoro Thermocouples (Core Exit Thermocouples)                            2/Core Quadrant
Thealarm/trip setpoints fortheseinstruments shallbecalculated inaccordance withNRCapprovalmethodsintheODCMtoensurethatthealarm/trip willoccurpriortoexceeding thelimitsof10CFRPart20.TheOPERABILITY anduseofthisinstrumentation isconsistent withtherequirements ofGeneralDesignCriteriaspecified inSection11.3oftheFinalSafetyAnalysisReportfortheDonaldC.CookNuclearPlant.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT2B3/43-3AMENDMENT NO.44, REFUELING OPERATIONS BASES3499CONTAINMENT PURGEANDEXHAUSTISOLATION SYSTEMTheOPERABILITY ofthissystemensuresthatthecontainment ventandpurgepenetrations willbeautomatically isolatedupondetection ofhighradiation levelswithinthecontainment.
: 16. Reactor Coolant Inventory Tracking System                                  One    Train (3 Channels/Train)
TheOPERABILITY ofthissystemisrequiredtorestrictthereleaseofradioactive materialfromthecontainment atmosphere totheenvironment.
(Reactor Vessel Level Indication)
34910AND34911WATERLEVEL-REACTORVESSELANDSTORAGEPOOTherestrictions onminimumwaterlevelensurethatsufficient waterdepthisavailable toremove99%oftheassumed10%iodinegapactivityreleasedfromtheruptureofanirradiated fuelassembly.
                                                                                  ~ lebi4h
Theminimumwaterdepthisconsistent withtheassumptions oftheaccidentanalysis.
: 17. Containment Sump Level 1&,   Containment Mater Level                                                    ~i44a 2
WaterlevelabovethevesselflangeinMODE6will.,vary asthereactorvesselheadandthesysteminternals areremoved.The23feetofwaterarerequiredbeforeanysubsequent movementoffuelassemblies orcontrolrods.34912STORAGEPOOLVENTILATION SYSTEMThelimitations onthestoragepoolventilation systemensurethatallradioactive materialreleasedfromanirradiated fuelassemblywillbefilteredthroughtheHEPAfiltersandcharcoaladsorberpriortodischarge totheatmosphere.
Steam Generator Water  Level Channels can be used as a substitute for the corresponding auxiliary feedwater flow rate channel instrument.
TheOPERABILITY ofthissystemandtheresulting iodineremovalcapacityareconsistent withtheassumptions oftheaccidentanalyses.
PPC subcooling margin readout can bo used as a substitute for the subcooling monitor instrument.
The1980versionofANSIN510isusedasatestingguide.Thisstandard, however,isintendedtoberigorously appliedonlytosystemswhich,unlikethestoragepoolventilation system,aredesignedtoANSIN509standards, Forthespecificcaseoftheair-aerosol mixinguniformity testrequiredbyANSIN510asaprerequisite toin-placeleaktestingofcharcoalandHEPAfilters,theair-aerosol uniformmixingtestacceptance criteria.werenotrigorously met.Forthisreason,astatistical correction factorwillbeappliedtoapplicable surveillance testresultswhererequired.
Acoustic monitoring of PORV position (1 channel per three valves - headered discharge) can be used ss a substitute for the PORV Indicator - Limit Switches instruments.
InordertomaintaintheminimumnegativepressurerequiredbyTechnical Specifications (1/8inchW.G.)duringmovementoffuelwithinthestoragepoolorduringcraneoperation withloadsoverthepool,thecranebayroll-updoorandthedrummingroomroll-updoor,locatedonthe609-footelevation oftheauxiliary
: building, mustbeclosed.However,theymaybeopenedduringtheseoperations underadministrative control.Ifthecranebaydoorneedstobeopenedduringfuelmovement, anexampleofanadministrative controlmightbetostationanindividual atthedoorwhowouldbeincommunication withpersonnel inthespentfuelpoolareaandcouldclosethedoorwhenpassagethroughthedoorwascompleted orintheeventofanemergency.
                                                                          -the=4ev~mns mdi~t~cous                R=107Ww COOK NUCLEAR PLANT  - UNIT 1                          3/4 3-55                              Amendment No. 406, 4&t, 168
Forthedrummingroomdoor,anexampleofanadministrative controlmightbetorequirethedoortobereclosedafternormalingressandegressofpersonnel ormaterial, ortostationanindividual atthedoorifthedoorneedstoremainopenforanextendedperiodoftime.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT2B3/49-3AMENDMENT NO.
: 1. Containment'ressure
: 2. Reactor Coolant Outlet Temperature-HOT (Vide Range)
: 3. Reactor    Coolant Inlet Temperature-TCO    (Wide Range)                                M          R
: 4. Realc or Coolant Pressure-Wide  Range            M          R
      .5. Pressurizer Water Level                              M          R
: 6. Steam Line Pressure                                  M          R
: 7. Steam Generator Water Level-Narrow Range                        R
: 8. RWST Water Level                                    M          R
: 9. Boric Acid Tank Solution Level                      M          R 10.Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Rate                        M          R 11.Reactor Coolant System Subcooling                    M          R Margin Monitor 12.PORV Position Indicator - Limit Switches              M          R 13.PORV Block Valve Position Indicator-                ~
M          R Limit Switches 14.Safety Valve Position Zndicator-Acoustic Monitor 15.Incore Thermocouples (Core Exit Thermocoup les)M                  R(l) 16.Reactor Coolant Inventory Tracking System            M(2)        R(3)
(Reactor Vessel Level Tndication)
: 17. Containment Sump Level~                              M          R 18.Containment Water Level                              M          R (1) Partial range channel calibration        for sensor to be performed below P-12    in MODE 3.
(2) With one train of Reactor Vessel Level Indication inoperable, Subcooling Margin Indication and Core Exit Thermocouples may be used to perform a QGQKEL CHECK to verify the remaining Reactor Vessel Indication train OPERABLE.
s (3) Coaplerion    of ohannel  elaibrarion for sensors    eo be perforned below P-13    in MODE 3.
                              -~hese    Dmeruments=wk3.-1Mecome=eke COOK NUCLEAR PLANT      - UNZT 1           3/4 3-56                  AMENDMENT NO. $ $ ,144
~ x s ~
W    SS      C    0    0 D C
        ~~ON                                                                  OD Diesel Generator lAB Room                              Cross-zoned Heat Diesel Generator  1CD Room                            Cross-zoned Heat Diesel Generator Fuel Oil  Pump Room                  Heat 4 KV Switchgear Rooms                                  Manual Control  Rod  Drive, Transf. Switchgear      Rooms    Manual Engineered Safety Switchgear    Room Switchgear  Room Cable Vault                          Cross-zoned Ionization  and  Infrared Auxiliary Cable Vault                                  Ionization Control  Room  Cable Vault (Backup)*                  Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant      1             Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant      2              Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant      3N            Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant      3M            Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant      3S            Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant 4                    Manual 2
        *Control  Room  Cable Vault CO System i's only required to be operable when the Cable Vault Halon System is-operable.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT  - UNIT 1          3/4 7-41          AMENDMENT NO.
  ~  A ~.
LIMITING CONDITION      FOR OPERATION 3.9.7    Loads    in excess of 2,500 pounds shall be prohibited from travel over fuel assemblies in the storage pool. Loads carried over the spent fuel pool and the heights at which they may be carried over racks containing
          .fuel shall be limited in such a way as to preclude impact energies over 24,240  in.-lbs.,    if the  loads are dropped from the crane.
APPLICABILITY: With fuel assemblies        in the storage pool.
With the requirements of the above specification not satisfied, place the crane load in a safe condition. The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 are not app'licable.
SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS Crane interlocks                          which prevent crane travel with loads in excess of 2,500 pounds over fuel assemblies shall be demonstrated OPERABLE within 7 days prior to crane use and at least once per 7 days thereafter during crane operation;  The  potential impact energy due to dropping the crane's load shall be determined    to be ( 24,240 in.-lbs. prior to moving each load over racks containing fuel.
            *Shared system with      D. C. COOK - UNIT 2 D. C.- COOK -  UNIT  1            3/4 9-8                  Amendment No. 797,113
RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT LIMITING CONDITION  FOR OPERATION The gaseous radvaste treatment system and the ventilation exhaust treatment system shall be used to reduce the radar.oactive materials in gaseous vaste priox to their discharge vhen the proJected gaseous effluent aix doses due to gaseous effluent releases to unrestricted ax'eas (See Figure 5.13) vhen averaged over 31 days, vould exceed 0.2 mrad for gamma radiation and 0.4 mrad for beta radiation. The ventilation exhaust treatment system shall be used to reduce radioactive materials in gaseous vaste prior to their discharge vhen the proJected doses due to gaseous effluent releases to unrestricted areas (See Figure $ .1-3) vhen averaged over 31 days vould exceed 0.3 mrem to any organ.
APPLICABILITY: At    all times.
: a. gaseous vaste being discharged vithout treatment and in excess of the above limits, prepaxe and submit to the Commission vithin 30 days, puxsuant to Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report which includes the folloving information:
Identification of the inoperable  equipment or subsystems  and the reason  for inoperability.
: 2. Action(s) taken to restoxe the inoperable equipment to operable status.
: b. The  provisions of Specifications 3.0.3  and 3.0.4 are not applicable.
SURVEILLANCE RE UZREHENTS Doses due to gaseous releases to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be proJected at least once per 31 days in accoxdance vith the ODCM, whenever the gaseous waste treatment system or ventilation exhaust treatment system is not operational.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT    - UNIT 1          3/4 11-12        AMENDMENT NO.
Q  A/4
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DESIGN FEATURES CAPACITY 5.6.4 The fuel storage pool is designed and shall be maintained with a storage capacity limited to no more than 3613 fuel assemblies.                !
5.7  SEISMIC CLASSIFICATION 5.7.1  Those structures, systems and components identified a's Category I Items  in the FSAR shall be designed and maintained to the ori.ginal design provisions contained in the FSAR with allowance for normal degradati.on pursuant to the applicant Surveillance Requirements.
5.8.1    The meteorological tower shall be located  as shown on Figure 5.1P.
5.9  COMPONENT CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT  LIMIT 5.9.1 The components identified in Table 5.9-1 are designed and shall be maintained within the cyclic or transient limits of Table 5.9-1.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT  - UNIT 1          5-9                AMENDMENT No. 8,  127 I 169
: 6. 1  RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.1    The Plant Manager shall be responsible for overall facility operation and  shall delegate in vriting the succession to this responsibility during his absence.
6.1.2    The  Shift Supervisor (or during his    absence from the control zoom complex, a      designated individual) shall be responsible for the control room command function.        h management directive to this effect signed by the Vice President - Nuclear Operations shall be zeissued to all station personnel on an annual basis.
6.2    ORGANIZATION ONSZTE hND OFFSITE ORGANIZATIONS 6.2.1 Onsite      and  offsite organizations shall be established for unit operation and      cozporate management, respectively. The onsite and offsite organizations      shall include the positions for activities affecting the safety of the      nuclear pover plant.
Lines of authority, zesponsibQiry, and communication shall be established and defined for the highest management. levels thzough intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions. These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organizational charts.      These organizational charts    vill  be documented in the      and updated in accordance vith 10 CZR 50.71(e).                  vP'~4 ~
: b. The Plant Manager shall be responsible for overall unit safe operation and. shall have control over those onsite activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the plant.
      .c. The  Vice President - Nuclear Operations shall have corporate responsibi.lity for overall plant nuclear safety and shall take any measures  needed  to ensure acceptable performance of the staff
in operating, maintaining,    and providing technical support to the plant to ensuze nuclear safety.
: d.      The  individuals vho train the operating staff and those who carry out health physics and quality. assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; hovever, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their independence from operating pressures.
FACILITY STAFF 6.2.2      The  Facility organization shall be sub]ect to the follovtng:
: a.      Each .on duty shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift crew composition shovn    in Table 6.2-1.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT        - UNIT  1              6-1              AMENDMENT NO.7', gqr,154
: 6. 3    FACILXTT STAFF    UALIFICATIONS 6.3.L Each member of the faciliey staff shall meet or exceed tha minimum qualifica tions of AHS X N18.1 1 971 for comparable positions, except for (1) che Plant Radiation Protection Manager, vho shall meet or exceed qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975, (2) the Shift Technical Advisor, vho shall have a bachelor's degree oz equivalent in a scientific or enginaexing discipline vieh specific tzaining in plane design, and response and analysis of the plant for tzansients and accidents and, (3) the Operations Superintendent, vho must hold or have held a Seni.or Operator License as specifi.ed in Section 6.2.2.h.
: 6. 4    TRAZHING 6.4.1 A retraining and replacement training pxogram for ehe facility staff shall be maintained under the direction of the Training Manager and shalL meet or                  I exceed tha requirements      and recommendations  of Section 5.5 of  ANSI H18.1-1971 and 10 CFR  Pare  55.
: 6. 5. 1  PLANT NUCLEAR SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE      PHSRC FUNCTION 6.5.L.L      The PHSRC  shalI function to advise the Plant    Manager on  all matters related    co nucleaz  safety.
COMPOSITION      The PNSRC  shall be composed of hssistanc Plant Managers,'epartment Superintendents,      or supervisory personnel reporting directly to the Plant Manager, Assistant PLant Managers or Department Superincandents from ehe functional areas listed belov:
Licensing hctivt.ties            Technical Support Safety 6 Assessmanc              Radiation Protection Operaeions                      Maintenance The Chairman, his alternate and 'other members and chair alternates. of che PHSRC shall be designated by the Plane Managez. Zn addition to the Chairman, the PNSRC membership shall consist of one individual from each of the areas designated above.
k PNSRC    members and altexnaces    shall meet or exceed the minimum qualificati.ons of  AHSX NL8.1-1971 Section 4.4 for      compazabla posieions. The nuclear pover  plant operations. individual shall meet ehe qualifications of Section 4.2.2 of AHSL N18.1-1971 excepe for ehe zequirement to hold a cuzzanc Senior Operaeor License.
Tha operaeions individuaL muse hold or have held a Senior Operacor License at Cook Nuclear Plane or ~ similar reactor.          The maintenance individual shall meet the qualifications of Section 4.2.3 of ANSX N18.1-1971.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT      - UNIT  1            6-4              AMENDMEHT NO. P'g, f$ $ /7,1 U
~  ~
INSTRUYENTATION EASES 3 4. 3. 3. 5  REMOTE'HUTDOQN INSTRUMENTATION OPERABILITY    of the remote shutdown instrumentation ensures that sufficient    capability is available to permit shutdown and maintenance of HOT STANDBY of    the facility from locations outside of the control roon. This capability    is required in the event contral room habitability is lost and i.s consistent    with General Design Cri.teria 19 of 10 CFR 50.
3 1  APPENDIX R REMOTE SHUTDOMH INSTRUMENTATION The OPERABILITY    of the  Appendix R  remote shutdown instrumentation ensures that sufficient instrumentation is available to permit shutdown of the facility to COLD SHUTDORf condi.tions at the local shutdown indication (LSI) panel. In the event of a fire, normal power to the LSI panels may be last.
As a result, capability to repair the LSI panels fram Unit 2 has been provided. If the alternate power supply is not available, fire watches will be established in those fire areas where loss af normal power to the LSI panels could occur in the event of fire. This will consist of either establishing continuous fire watches or verifying, OPERABILITY of fire detectors per Specification and establishing hourly fire watches.
The details of how these fire watches are to be implemented are included in, a plant procedure.
3    FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEMS DETECTORS OPERABILITY      of the fire detcctian systcms/detectors ensures that adequate detection capability i.s available for the prompt detection of fires. This capability is required in order to detect and locate fires in their carly stages.      Prompt detection of the fires .will reduce the potential for damage to safety related systems or components in the areas of the specified systems and is an integral element in the overall facility fire protection program. In the event that a portion of the fire detection systems i.s inoperable, the ACTION statements provided maintain the facility's fire protection program and allows far continued operation of the facili.ty until the inoperable system(s)/detectar(s) are restored to OPERABILITY. However, i.t is not our intent to rely upon the compensatory action for an extended period of time and action will be taken to restore the minimum number of detectors to OPERABLE status ~ithin a reasonable period.
3    POST-ACCIDENT INSTRUMENTATION The OPERABILITY      of the post-accident instrumentati.on ensures that sufficient information is available on selected plant parameters to monitor and assess these variables and following an accident.          4 C4&%44~ch edl13rO~
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT      - UNIT 1        . B 3/4 3-6          AMENDMENT NO.
    ~  e
  ~  l EFUELINC OPERATIONS BASES 3  4.9.10  AND 3  4.9.11  VATER LEVEL - REACTOR VESSEL AND STORAGE POOL The restrictions  on minimum water    level ensure that sufficient water depth is available to zemove 99i of        the  assumed 10% iodine gap activity released from the rupture of an irzadiated fuel assembly. The minimum vacez depth is consistent with the assumptions of che accident analysis. Mater level above the vessel flange in MODE 6        vill  vary as the zeaccor vessel head and the system    internals  are removed. The  23  feet of vater are required before    any'ubsequent    movement  of fuel    assemblies  oz'ontrol rods."
3  4.9.12  STORAGE POOL VENTILATION SYSTEM The  limitations  on the storage  pool  ventilation    system ensure  chat  all zadioaccive material released from        an irradiated fuel assembly      will  be filtered    through the  HEPA  filters and charcoal adsorber prior to discharge          to the atmosphere.      The OPERABILITY  of this system and the resulting iodine zemoval capacity are consistent        with  the assumptions of the accident analyses.
The 1980 version of ANSI N510 is used as a tasting guide. This standard, however, is intended to be rigorously applied only to syscems which, unlike the storage pool ventilacion system, are designed to ANSI N509 standards.                  For the specific case of the aireaerosol mixing uniformity test requiz'ed by ANSI N510 as a      prerequisite to in-place leak testing of charcoal          and HEPA  filters, the air-aerosol uniform mixing cast acceptance cr'aria were noc rigozously met. For this reason, a statistical correction factor                vill be applied to applicable surveillance case results vhare required.
In order co maintain the minimum negative pressure required by Technical Specifications (1/8 inch M.G.) during movemenc of fuel vichin the storage poo'1 or during crane opezacion vith loads over the pool, the cz'ane bay roll-up door and the drumming room roll-up door, located on the 609-foot elevation of the auxiliary'uilding, must be closed. Hovever, they may be opened during these operations under administrative control.              If cha crane bay door needs to be opened during      fuel movement, an example of an administzative control might be to station an      individual at the door who would beos in cosssunioation with personnel in'he spent fuel pool area and oould                    the door when passage was completed or in the event of an emergency,              For the drumming room door, an example of an administrative concz'ol might be to require tha door co be z'eclosed after normal ingress and egress of personnel or material, or to station an individual at the door if the door needs co remain open for an extended period of time.
Should the doors become blocked or stuck open vhile under administzative contzol, Technical Specification requirements vill noc be considered to be violated provided the Action Statement requirements of Specification 3.9.12 .
az'a expeditiously followed, i.e., movement. of fuel within the storage pool. or crane operation vith loads over cha pool is expeditiously suspended.
D. C. COOK - UNIT 1                          B  3/4 9-3              Amendment No. 7g  p 124
O TABLE 3.3- 1  Continued REACTOR  TRIP SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATION MIN IMUM I                                      TOTAL NO.          CHANNELS    CiiANNELS  APPLICABLE FUNCTIONAL UNIT                      OF CHANNELS        TO TRIP    OPERABLE      MODES  ACTION H
16.. Undervoltage-Reactor Coolant Pumps                    4- 1/bus
: 17. Unde rfrequency-Reactor Coolant Pumps                    4- I/bus                            3      1 iti. Turbin<<Trip A. Low  Fluid Oil Pressure B. Turbine Stop Valve Closure
: 19. Safety Injection Input from ESF                                                                    ), 2
: 20. Reactor Coolant  Pump  Breaker Position Trip Above P-7                    1/br cake r                    1/breaker per operat-ing loop
: 21. Reactor Trip Breakers                                                      1, 2,        1, 13, 3*, 4*, 5*  14
: 22. Automatic Trip Logic                                                2 i+
'K 0
1 ~  ~ I
o    ued With 2 of 4 Power Range Neutron  P-7 prevents    or defeats Flux Channels > 11$ of RATED      the automatic block of THERMAL POWER or 1 of 2 Pressure  reactor trip on: Low Before the First Stage channels  flow in more than one
                  > 51 psig.                        primary coolant loop,    ~
reactor coolant pump under-voltage and under-frequency, turbine trip, pressurizer low pressure, and pressurizer high level. Low flow in a particular loop can    be evidenced by either    a detected low flow or by the opening of the reactor coolant pump breaker.
P-8          With 2 of 4 Power Range Neutron  P-8 prevents or defeats Flux channels > 31% of RATED      the automatic block of THERMAL. POWER.                    reactor    trip caused by bar- a low coolant flow condition in    a single loop, P-10        'Pith 3 of 4 Power Range Neutron.  ? -10 prevents or defeats Flux channels < 9S of RATED      the manual block of:
THER.fAL POWER.                    Power range low setpoint reactor trip, Intermediate range reactor trip, and intermediate range rod stops  ~
Provides input to P-7.
~  ~
3/4 3-8                  .AMENDMENT NO. Ns 107
~ ~ I  ~
0  -  CC      0    0  G  S  U E    0
~lST UHEH                                                              I CIA    IS 0    8
: 1. Containment Pressure                                                  2'
: 2. Reactor Coolant Outlet Temperature - Tso< (Mide Range)
: 3. Reactor Coolant Inlet Temperature - Tco~ (Wide Range)                2
: 4. Reactor Coolant Pressure - Wide Range                                2
: 5. Pressurizer Water Level                                              2
: 6. Steam Line Pressure                                                  2/Stea'm Generator
: 7. Steam Generator Mater Level - Narrow Range                            1/Steam Generator
: 8. Refueling Water Storage Tank Mater Level                              2
: 9. Boric Acid Tank Solution Level                                        1
: 10. Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Rate                                        1/Steam Generator*
: 11. Reactor Coolant System Subcooling Margin Moni.tor                    1**
: 12. PORV Position Indicator - Limit Switches~*                            1/Valve
: 13. PORV Block Valve Position Indicator - Limit Switches                  1/Valve
: 14. Safety Valve Position Indicator - Acoustic Monito&~+-                1/Valve
: 15. Incore Thermocouples (Core Exit Thermocouples)                        2/Core Quadrant
: 16. Reactor Coolant Inventory Tracking System                            One Train (3 channels/Train)
(Reactor Vessel Level Indication)
: 17. Containment Sump Level 1S. Containment Water Level Steam Generator Mater  Level Channels used as a substitute for the corresponding auxiliary feedwater flow rate channel instrument; PPC subcooling margin readout can be used as a substi.tute for the subcooling monitor instrument.
Acoustic monitoring of PORV position (1 channel per three valves - headered discharge) can be used as a substitute for the PORV Indicator - Limit Switches instruments.
~rn:eplnce&an&becon~perenional.              Thmchednle-for nodt4lcaeion or re-pla-accent    fothe t-r a-netnlrcea COOK NUCLEAR PLANT  - UNIT 2                          3/4 3-46                              Amendment No, QR, 0$ , 7gg, 151
CHANNEL        CHANNEL INSTRUMENT                                                                  CHECK      CAI.lBRATIOH
: 1. Containment Pressure                                                    M              R
: 2. Reactor Coolant Outlet Temperature - T        (Wide Range)              M              R
: 3. Reactor Coolant Inlet Temperature - T HOT (Wide Range)                  M              R
: 4. Reactor Coolant Pressure - Wide Range COLD  LD R
: 5. Pressurizer Water Level                                                                  R
: 6. Steam Line Pressure                                                                      R
'j. Steam Generator Water Level - Narrow Range                              M              R
: 8. RWST Water Level                                                        M
: 9. Icteric Acid Tank Solution Level                                        M
: 10. Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Rate                                                            R ll. Reactor Coolant System Subcooling Margin Monitor                        M              R
: 12. PORV Position Indicator - Limit Switches                                M              R
: 13. PORV Block Valve Position Indicator - Limit Switches                    M              R
: 14. Saf'ety Valve Position Indicator - Acoustic Monitor                      M              R
: 15. Incore Thermocouples (Core Exit Thermocouples)~                          M              R(1)
: 16. Reactor Coolant Inventory Tracking System                                M(2)            R(3)
(Reactor Vessel Level Indication)
: 17. Containment Sump Level~                                                                  R
: 18. Containment Water Level~                                                                R Partial  range channel  calibration for sensor to be performed below P-12 in MODE 3.
With one  train of Reactor Vessel Level Indication inoperable, Subcooling Margin Indication and Core Exit Thermocouples may be used to perform a CHANNEL CHECK to verify the Reactor Vessel Indi. cation train OPERABLE.
Completion of channel calibration for sensors to be performed below P-12 in MODE 3.
inst~men~+1+-                    ~fter-t~ve.
pieced-and-become-oIH. r~nat-.'She-schedu1a for-mod i.-fisa t ian-o r-
    ~q+neement-~~ rans~~s~M~bedMn-the-Bases                        .
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT -    UHIT 2                          3/4 3.-47              AMENDMENT NO.      9g, gg, f3)
    '4 E ~
TABLE 3.3-,11 Unit  2  and Common Area    Pire Detection Systems Total Number Detec'tion  S  stem Location                                    of Detectors Heat    Elame      Smoke (x/y)+  '(x/7)+      (x/y)*-
Auxiliary Building a) Elevation 573                                                            23/OC b) Elevation 587                                                            55/OC c) Elevation 609                                                            41/OC d) Elevation 633                                                            41/OC e) Elevation 650                                                            34/OC f)  Nev Fuel STGE Area                                                      4/OC U2 East, Main Steam Valve Enclosure                                          28/0+a U2 Hain Steam Line Area El. 612 (Around Containment)                                            13/P~
U2 NESTS  Valve Area El. 612                                                                  2/0 U2 4KV Svitchgeax (AB)                                              0/3      0/2 U2 4KF Svitchgear (CD)                                              0/3      0/2 U2 Engr. Safety System Svitchgear & XFMR. Rm.                                            0/5      0/14 U2 CRD, XFHR & Svitchgear Rm.
Invertex 6 AB Bttxy. Rms.                                        0/5      0/17 pQ4e ~g  Qv U2  Pressurizer Heater            . Rm.                                      12/0 U2  Di.esel Fuel Oil          . Rm.                      0/1 U2  Diesel Generator Rm. 2AB                              0/2 U2  Diesel Generator Rm. 2CD                              0/2 U2  Diesel Generator Ramp Corr.                                                4/0 U162 AFVP    Vestibule                                                        2/OC U2  Control    Room                                                          42/0 U2  Svitchgeax Cable Vault                                        0/10%%+    0/13 U2  Contxol Rm. Cable Vault                                                    0/76~
U2  Aux. Cable Vault                                                          0/6 Ul&2 ESV Basement Area                                                        4/OC U2 ESV Pump & HCC Rms.                                                        9/0 C  System  protects area    common    to both Units    1 and 2
*(x/y) x is number of Function A (early vaxning fixe detection              and notification only) instruments.
y is number of Function B (actuati.on of fixe suppression            systems and early varning    and  notification) instruments.
circuit    contains both smoke and.flame detectors tvo circuits of five detectors each .
tvo circui.ts of 38 detectors each .
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT      - UNIT    2                3/4 3-52              AH NDHENT Nn.  $ X. ZZ$
I I I 'i N
LIMITING CONDITION        FOR OPERATION 3.9,7      Loads    in excess of 2,500 pounds shall be prohibited from travel .
over fuel    assemblies      in the storage pool. Loads carried over the spent fuel pool and        the  heights  at which they may be carried over racks containina fuel  shall    be  limited. in  such  a way as to precl'ude impact energies over 24,240    in.-lbs.,      if the  loads  are  dropped from the crane.
APPLICABILITY: With            fuel assemblies    in the storage pool.
With the requi rements of the abo~pecification not satisfied,. place the crane load in a safe condition. The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 are not applicable.
SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS    . Crane    interlocks              'hich              prevent crane travel with in excess of 2,500 pounds over fuel assemblies shall be demonstrated OPERABLE within 7 days prior to crane use and at least once per 7 days
                                                                                                  'oads thereafter during crane operation.      The  potential impact energy        due to dropping the crane's load shall be  determined to be        c  24,240  in.-lbs. prior  to moving each load over racks containing fuel.
      *Shared system with          D. C. COOK    -  UNIT D.~ C.~ COOK    - UNIT2                    3/4 9-7                    Amendment'o. 5? 86 j
~ I ~
: 3. Verifying thac the    HEPA  filter banks remove  greater than or equal to 99'f    the DOP  when they az'e tested in-place in accordance with ANSI N510-1980 while operating the exhaust ventilation syscem ac a flow z'ate of  30,000 cfm plus or minus 10%.
4 . Verifying within    31 days  after removal chat a laboratory analysis    of a carbon sample from either ac lease one test canister or ac lease      cwo carbon samples removed from one oz the charcoal adsorbers demonscraces a removal efficiency of greacer chan or equal to 90% for radioactive methyl iodide when the sample is tested in accordance with ANSI N510-1980 (AS'QI D 3803-1979, 30 C95% R.H.). The carbon samples noc obcained from tesc canisters shall be prepared by either:
(a)    Emptying one entire bed from a removed adsorbex tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obcaining samples ac lease, cwo inches in cLiamecer and with a length equal co the thickness of che bed, or.
(b)  Emptying a  longitudinal sample from a adsorber tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples ac least two inches in diamecer and wich a lengch equal to che thickness of che bed.
f Subsequent to reins ailing the adsorber =ay used for obtaining the carbon sample, the system shall be demonscrated OPERA8LE by also verifying thac "he charcoal adsorbers remove greacer than or equal to 99% of a halogenaced hydrocarbon xef-igerant test gas when they are tested in-place in accordance with ANSI H510-1980 while operacing che ventilation system ac a flow race of    ~086 Goo cfm plus or minus 10%.
: 5. Verifying a system flow race of 30,000 cfm plus or minus 10% during system operation when tested in accordance with ANSI H510-1980.
: o. Afcez'vexy    720 hours  of charcoal, adsorber operation  by  either:
: l. Verifying within    31 days after removal that a laboracozy analysis oz a carbon sample obtained from a test canister demonscraces a removal efficiency of greater chan or equal to 90% for xadioact:ive mechyl iodide when the sample is tested in accordance with ANSI H510-1980 (ASTH D 3803-1979, 30 C, 95% R.H.)
COOK HUCLF~ PLANT - UNIT      2            3/4 9-13                Amendmenc Ho. QE,  1 40
\ ~ I RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS GASEOUS RADVASTE TREATKENT LYING CONDITION      FOR OPERATION The gaseous radvaste treatment system and the ventilation exhaust treatment system shall be used to reduce the radioactive materials in gaseous vaste prior to their discharge vhen the projected gaseous effluent air doses due to gaseous effluent releases to unrestricted azeas (See Figure 5.1g3) vhen averaged over 31 days, vould exceed 0.2 mrad for gamma radiation and 0.4 mrad  foz beta radiation. The ventilation exhaust treatment system shall be used  to zeduce radioactive materials in gaseous vaste prior to their discharge vhen the projected doses due to gaseous effluent releases to unrestricted areas (See Figure 5.1-3) vhen averaged over 31 days vould exceed 0.3 mrem to any organ.
APPLICABILITY: At    all  times.
a ~ Pith  gaseous waste being dischazged vithout treatment and in excess of the above limits, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Specification 6.9.2, a Special Repozt vhich includes the folloving information:
: 1. Identification of the inoperable  equipment or subsystems and the reason for inoperabi.lizy.
: 2. Action(s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to operable status.
: b. The  provisions of Specifications 3.0.3  and 3.0.4 are not applicable.
SURVEILLANCE RE UZRE.'KITS Doses due to gaseous releases to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be projected at least once per 31 days in accordance vith the ODQf, whenever the gaseous vaste treatment system or ventilation exhaust treatment system is not operational.
COOR NUCLEAR PLANT    - UNIT  2          3/4 11-12
I  1 I
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NUCLEAR PLANT o o EXCLUSION AREA ohio oV  oo                      (Voo  ~            ~
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VOLUME 5.4.2  The  total  water and steam volume of the reactor coolant    0 system is 12,612 plus or minus 100 cubic feet at a nominal Tavg        of  70  F.
5.5  METEOROLOGICAL TOWER LOCATION 5.5.1  The  meteorological tower shall be located    as shown on Figure                  5.1-X.
5.6  FUEL STORAGE CRITICALITY - SPENT FUEL  The spent  fuel storage racks are designed    and  shall    be maintained with:
ff equivalent A Keff              to less than 0.95 when flooded with unborated water,
: b. A nominal  8.97-inch center-to-center    distance between fuel assemblies, placed in the storage racks.
C. The  fuel assemblies will be classified as acceptable for Region 1, Region 2, or Region 3 storage based upon their assembly average burnup versus initial nominal Cells acceptable for Region 1, Region 2, and
Region 3 assembly storage are indicated in Figures 5.6-1 and 5.6-2. Assemblies that are acceptable for storage in Region 1, Region 2, and Region 3 must meet the design criteria that define the regions as follows:
: 1. Region  1  is designed to  accommodate    new  fuel with              a maximum nominal    enrichment of 4.95 wt% U-235, or spent fuel regardless of the discharge fuel burnup.
: 2. Region  2  is designed to  accommodate    fuel of              4.95%
initi,al nominal  enrichment burned to at least 50,000 MWD/MTU,  or fuel of other enrichments with equivalent reactivity.
: 3. Region  3  is designed to  accommodate    fuel of              4.95%
initial nominal    enrichment burned to at least 38,000 MWD/MTU,  or fuel of other enrichments with equivalent reactivity.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT    - UNIT 2          5-5                    AMENDMENT NO.                SS, ZW, Z2Z ZR7, 152
~ \ 4
        ~ ~
: 6. 1  RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.1    The Plant Manager shall be responsible fox overall facility operation and  shall delegate in vziting the succession to this responsIbIlity during his absence.
6.1.2    The  Shift  Supexvisor (or during his absence fx'om the control room complex, a      designated indivt.dual) shall be responsible for the control zoom
                        '  management directive to this effect signed by the Vice command function.
President    -  Nuclear Operations shall be reissued to all station pezsannel on an annual basis.
6.2  ORGANIZATION ONSZTE AND OFFSITE ORGANIZATIONS 6.2.1. Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established fox'nit operatIon and corporate management, respectively. The onsIte and, offsite organizatI.ons shall include the posI.tions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear paver plant.
: a.      Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be established and defined foz the highest management levels through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions. These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appzopriate, in the form of organizational charts. These organizational charts    vill be documented in the%8        gn updated tJ FiPt-in accordance vith 10 CFR 50.71(e).
: b.      The  Plant Manager shall be responsible for overall unI,t safe operation and shall have control ovex those onsite actIvities necessary'or safe operation and maintenance of the plant.
C ~    The Vice PresI.dent    - Nuclear OperatIons  shall have corporate responsibility for overall    plane, nuclear  safety  and shall take any measures    needed  to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in opexating, maintaining, and providIng technical support to the plant to ensuxe nuclear safety.
: d.      The  individuals vho train the operating staff and those vho carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; hovevex, they shall have suffIcient organizatIonal fxeedom to ensuze their independence from operating pressures.
FACILITY STAFF 6.2.2    The  FacI.lity organization shall    be sub]ect to the follovtng:
: a.      Each on duty    shift shall  be composed  of at least the    minimum  shift crev composition shovn in Table 6.2-.1.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT        - UNIT 2              6-1              AMENDMENT NO.P  jt,gl7 s138
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ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.3    FACILITY STAFF    UALIFICATIONS 6.3,1    Each member  of the  facility  staff shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of      ANSI N18.}.-1971 for comparable positions, except for (1) the Plant Radiation Protection Manager, vho shall meet or exceed qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975, (2) the Shift Technical Advisor, vho. shall have a bachelor's degree or equivalent in a scientific oz engineering discipline vith specific training in plant design, and response and analysis of the plant for transients and accidents and, (3) the Operations Superintendent, vho must hold or have held a Senior Operator License as specified in Section 6.2.2.h.
6.4    TRAXNZNG 6.4.1 A retraining and replacement training program for the facility staff shall be maintained under tha direction of the Training Managez and shall meet oz                  l exceed the requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI N18.1.-1971 and 6.5    REVIEW AND AUDIT 6.5.1    PLANT NUCLEAR SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE          PNSRC FUNCTION 6.5,1.1 Tha PNSRC shall function to advise the Plant
              ~  ~  ~                                                        Manager on  all matters related to nuclear'afety.
COMPOSITION    The PNSRC  shall be composed of Assistant Plant Managers, Depaztment Superintendents,    or supervisory personnel reporting directly to the Plant Manager, Assistant Plant Managers or Department Superintendents from the functional areas listed belov:
Licensing Activities              Technical'uppozt Safety 6 Assessment                Radiation Protection Operations                        Maintenance The Chairman, his alternate        and other members    and  their alternates of  the PNSRC shall ba designated by the        Plant Manager. In addition to the Chairman; the PNSRC membership    shall consist of    one individual    from each of tha areas designated above.
PNSRC members and    alternates shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of  ANSX N18.1-1971    Section 4.4 for comparable positions. The nuclear pover plant operations individual shall meet the qualif ications of Section 4. 2. 2 of ANSI N18.1-1971 except for. the requirement to hold a current Senior Operator License.
Tha operations individual must hold or have held a Senior Operator License at Cook Nuclear Plant or a similar reactor.          The maintenance individual shall meet the  qualif'cations of Section 4.2.3 of      ANSI N18.1-1971.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT      - UNIT  2                6-4              AMENDMENT NO.  )P,f77,138
The      OPKQILITY of the post-accident instrumentation ensures that sufficient information is available on selected plant parameters to monitor and assess these variables during and following an accident.
3 available          o            rement  of the neutron flux spatial di '4 on within the reactor core.                        bility is reqlxiz o 1) monitor the core flux patterns that are represe                          he peak core power density and 2) limit the core                r    axial power profile su          the total power peakin              "    . is maintained within acceptable ''m'ts.
3          FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION OPERABILITY        of the fire detection instrumentation ensures warning capability is available for the prompt detection of fires.
that'dequate This capability is required in order to detect and locate fires in their early stages. Prompt de'tection of fires will z'educe the potential for damage to safety-related equipment and is an integral element in the ovez'all facility fire protection program.
In the event that a portion of the          f'e  detection instrumentation is inoperable the establishment of frequent fire patrols in the affected
areas is required to provide detection capability until the inoperable instrumentation is zesrored to OPERABILITY. Use of containment temperature monitoring is allowed once per hour inoperable.
if containment fize detecrion is 3          RADIOACTIVE L'I UID EFFLUENT INSTRUMENTATION The radioactive liquid effluent instrumentation is provide to monitor and    control, as applicable, the release of radioactive material in liquid effluents during actual or potential releases. The alarm/trip setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated in accordance with NRC approval methods in the'ODCM to ensure that the alarm/trip will occur prioz'o exceeding the limits of 10 CFR Part 20. The OPER.-'VILITY and use of th's instrumentation 'is consistent with the z'equiremen"s of General Design Criteria specified in Section 11.3 of the Final Safety Analysis Report for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant.
D. C. COOK        -    UNIT 2                8 3/4 3-3                Anendment No. 61,115,119
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                'EFUELING'OPERATIONS BASES 3  4.9.9  CONTAINMENT PURGE AND EXHAUST ISOLATION SYSTEM The OPERABILITY  of this system ensures that the containment vent and purge penetrations  will automatically isolated upon detection of high radiation be levels within the containment. The OPERABILITY of this system is required to restrict the release of radioactive material from the containment atmosphere to the environment.
3  4.9.10  AND 3  4.9.11    WATER LEVEL - REACTOR VESSEL AND STORAGE POOL The restrictions    on minimum water level ensure that sufficient water depth is    available to remove 99& of the assumed 10% iodine gap activity released    from the rupture of an irradiated fuel assembly.            The minimum water depth is consistent with the assumptions of the accident analysis.'ater level above the vessel flange in MODE 6 will vary as the reactor vessel head and the system internals are removed.          The 23 feet of water are required before any subsequent movement of fuel assemblies or control rods.
3  4.9.12  STORAGE POOL VENTILATION SYSTEM The  limitations  o'n  the storage pool  ventilation    system ensure  that'll radioactive material released from          an irradiated = el assembly will be filtered through the HEPA        filters  and charcoal adsorber prior to discharge        to the atmosphere.      The OPERABILITY of this system and the resulting iodine removal capacity are consistent with the assumptio..s            of the accident analyses.
The 1980 version of ANSI N510 is used as a testing guide.              This standard, however, is intended to be rigorously applied only to systems which, unlike the storage pool ventilation system, are designed to ANSI N509 standards.                For the specific case of the air-aerosol mixing uniformity test required by ANSI N510 as a    prerequisite to in-place leak testing of charcoal            and HEPA  filters, the air-aerosol uniform. mixing test acceptance criteria were not rigorously met. For this reason, a statistical correction factor will be applied to applicable surveillance test results where required.
In order to maintain the minimum negative pressure required by Technical Specifications (1/8 inch W.G.) during movement of fuel within the storage pool or during crane operation with loads over the pool, the crane bay roll-up door and the drumming room roll-up door, located on the 609-foot elevation of the auxiliary building, must be closed. However, they may be opened during these operations under administrative control.            if    th'e crane bay door needs to be opened during fuel movement, an example of an administrative control might be to station an individual at the door who would )e j.n communication with personnel in the spent fuel pool area and could~ma-        C. a)S the door when passage, was comple'ted or in the event of an emergency.          For the drumming room door, an example of an administrative control might be to require the door to be reclosed after normal ingress and egress of personnel or materi.aJ,. or to station an individual at the door extended period of time.
if  the door needs to remain open for an D. C. COOK - UNIT 2                          B  3/4 9-3                Amendment No.  $ g, 111
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TABLE 3 3-1  Continued DESIGNATION          CONDITION AND SETPOINT                FUNCTION P-7        With 2 of 4 Power Range Neutron      P-7 prevents  or defeats Flux Channels greater than or        the automatic block of equal to 11% of RATED                reactor trip on: Low or 1 of 2 Turbine First        flow in more than one THERMAL'OWER Stage Pressure channels greater      primary coolant loop, than or equal to 37 psig.            reactor coolant pump under-voltage and under-frequency, turbine trip, pressurizer low pressure, and pressur-izer high level. Low flow in a par'ticular loop can be evidenced by either a detected low flow or by the opening of the reactor coolant pump breaker.
P-8            With 2 of 4 Power Range Neutron    P-8 prevents or defeats Flux channels greater than or    the automatic block of equal to 31% of RATED THERMAL    reactor  trip caused by POWER                            a low coolant flow condition in a single loop.
With  3 of 4 Power range neutron  P-10 prevents or flux  channels less than 9% of    defeats the manual RATED THERMAL POWER.              block of: Power range low setpoint reactor trip,  Intermediate range reactor  trip,  and intermediate range rod stops.
Provides input to P-7.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT  - UNIT 1          3/4 3-9              AMENDMENT NO. 85, 4QO
TABLE 3  3-10 (Continued)
Unit 1 and Common  Area Fire Detection  S  stems Total Number Detector  S  stem Location                                          of Detectors Heat          ~lame        Smoke (x/y)*        (x/y)*      (~)*
Ul Cable Tunnels a) Quad 1 Cable Tunnel                                              0/3          0/4 b) Quad  2 Cable Tunnel                                            0/4          0/7 c) Quad  3N                                                        0/3          0/4 d) Quad  3S                                                        0/3          0/3 e) Quad  3M                                                        0/3          0/4 f) Quad 4                                                          0/5          0/6 Ul Charcoal  Filter Ventilation Units a) 1-HV-AES-1                                        0/] *****
b) 1-HV-AES-2                                        P/1*****
c) 1-HV-ACRF                                        P/1*****
d) 1-HV-CIPX                                        0/].**4k%
e) 1-HV-CPR                                          0/1 **+4*
f) 12-HV-AFX                                        0/] **~C Ul Containment******
a) RCP 1                                            1/0 b) RCP 2                                            1/0 c) RCP 3                                            1/0 d) RCP 4                                            1/0 e) Cable Trays                                      1/0 System  protects area  common  to both Units  1 and 2
    *(x/y)        x is number of Function A (early warning fire detection and notification only) instruments.
y is number of Function B (actuation of fire suppression systems and early warning and notificati'on) instruments.
Originally installed to automatically deluge charcoal filters.
However, manual actions are now necessary.
The  fire detection instruments located within the Containment are not required to be OPERABLE during the performance of Type A Containment Leakage Rate tests,                            'I Thermistors located within cable trays which'ontain combustible cables, in both upper and lower containment throughout quadrants 1-4.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT    - UNIT 1        3/4 3-53a              AMENDMENT NO. 430,
TABLE 3.3-11 POST-ACCIDENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION MINIMUM CHANNELS INSTRUMENT                                                                      OPERABLE 1~      Containment Pressure                                                  2 2~      Reactor Coolant Outlet Temperature-      TDT (Wide Range)          2 3 ~    Reactor Coolant Inlet Temperature-      T~i~ (Wide Range)            2 4 ~    Reactor Coolant Pressure-Wide Range                                  2
: 5.      Pressurizer Water Level                                              2
: 6.      Steam Line Pressure                                                  2/steam generator 7~      Steam. Generator Water Level-Narrow Range                            1/steam generator
: 8.      Refueling Water Storage Tank Water Level                              2
: 9.      Boric Acid Tank Solution Level                                        1
: 10. Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Rate                                        1/steam generator*
: 11. Reactor Coolant System Subcooling Margin Monitor                      1**
: 12. PORV Position Indicator Limit Switches***                            1/Valve PORV Block Valve Position Indicator Limit Switches                  1/Valve Safety Valve Position Indicator Acoustic Monitor 13
: 15. Incore Thermocouples  (Core  Exit Thermocouples)                    2/Core Quadrant
: 16. Reactor Coolant Inventory Tracking System                            One Train (Reactor Vessel Level Indication)                                        (3 Channels/Train) 17      Containment Sump Level                                                1
Containment Water Level                                              2
* Steam Generator Water Level Channels can be used as      a  substitute for the corresponding auxiliary feedwater flow rate channel instrument.
PPC  subcooling margin readout can be used as    a substitute for the subcooling monitor instrument.
Acoustic monitoring of  PORV position (1 channel per three valves - headered    discharge) can be used    as a  substitute for the PORV Position Indicator  Limit Switches instruments.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT  UNIT 1                    3/4 3-55          Amendment No.  ~,  4k&, 46k, 468
: 1. Containment Pressure
: 2. Reactor Coolant Outlet Temperature-THOT  (Wide Range)
: 3. Reactor Coolant      Inlet Temperature-(Wide Range )                                M                    R TCO
: 4. ReaRc or Coolant Pressure-Wide Range                M                    R
: 5. Pressurizer Water Level                              M                    R
: 6. Steam Line Pressure                                  M                    R 7,  Steam Generator Water Level-Narrow Range            M                    R 8 ~  RWST Water Level                                    M                    R
: 9. Boric Acid Tank Solution Level                        M                    R 10.Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Rate                          M                    R 11.Reactor Coolant System Subcooling                      M                    R Margin Monitor 12.PORV Position Indicator - Limit Switches              M                    R 13.PORV Block Valve Position Indicator-                  M                    R Limit Switches 14.Safety Valve Position Indicator-Acoustic Monitor 15.Incore Thermocouples (Core Exit Thermocouples)        M                    R(1) 16.Reactor Coolant Inventory Tracking System              M(2)                  R(3)
(Reactor Vessel Level Indication) 17.Containment Sump Level                                M                    R 18.Containment Water Level                                M                    R (1)    Partial  range channel  calibration for sensor to  be performed below P-12 in MODE 3.
(2)    With one train of Reactor Vessel Level Indication inoperable, Subcooling Margin Indication and Core Exit Thermocouples may be used to perform a CHANNEL CHECK to verify the remaining Reactor Vessel Indication train OPERABLE.
(3)      Completion of channel  calibration for sensors to be performed below P-12 in MODE 3.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT      - UNIT 1        3/4 3-56              AMENDMENT NO. 54) 444
TABLE  3.7-6 LOW PRESSURE  CARBON  DIOXIDE SYSTEMS LOCATION                                              ACTUATION PERIOD Diesel Generator  1AB Room                            Cross-zoned Heat Diesel Generator  1CD Room                            Cross-zoned Heat Diesel Generator Fuel Oil    Pump Room                  Heat 4 KV Switchgear  Rooms                                Manual Control  Rod  Drive, Transf. Switchgear    Rooms        Manual Engineered Safety Switchgear    Room                    Manual Switchgear  Room Cable Vault                          Cross-zoned Ionization  and Infrared Auxiliary Cable Vault                                  Ionization Control  Room  Cable Vault (Backup)*                    Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant    1                Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant    2                Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant    3N                Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant    3M                Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant    3S                Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant    4                Manual
*Control Room Cable Vault CO> System is only required to        be operable when the Cable Vault Halon System is inoperable.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT    - UNIT 1          3/4 7;41              AMENDMENT NO. M,  430,
LIMITING CONDITION    FOR OPERATION 3.9.7 Loads in excess of 2,500 pounds shall be prohibited from travel over fuel assemblies  in the storage pool. Loads carried over the spent fuel pool and the heights at which they may be carried over racks containing fuel shall be limited in such a way as to preclude impact energies over 24,240 in.-lbs.,    if  the loads are dropped from the crane.
APPLICABILITY: With      fuel assemblies in the storage pool.
With the requirements of the above specification not satisfied, place the crane load in a safe condition.        The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 are not applicable.
SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS    Crane interlocks which prevent crane travel with loads in 'excess of 2,500 pounds over fuel assemblies shall be demonstrated OPERABLE within 7 days prior to crane use and at least once per 7 days thereafter during crane operation.    The  potential impact energy due to dropping the crane's load shall be determined to be s 24,240 in.-lbs. prior to moving each load over racks containing fuel.
* Shared  system with Cook Nuclear Plant -    Unit 2.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT    - UNIT 1        3/4 9-8            AMENDMENT NO.
RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT LIMITING CONDITION    FOR OPERATION The gaseous radwaste treatment system and the ventilation exhaust treatment system shall be used to reduce the radioactive materials in gaseous waste prior to their dischaige when the projected gaseous effluent air doses due to gaseous effluent releases to unrestricted areas (gee Figure 5. 1-3) when averaged over 31 days, would exceed 0.2 mrad for gamma radiation and 0.4 mrad for beta radiation. The ventilation exhaust treatment system shall be used to reduce radioactive materials in gaseous waste prior to their discharge when the projected doses due to gaseous effluent releases to unrestricted areas (See Figure 5.1-3) when averaged over 31 days would exceed 0.3 mrem to any organ.
APPLICABILITY: At    all  times.
: a. With gaseous waste being discharged without treatment and in excess of the above limits, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report which includes the following information:
: 1. Identification of the inoperable equipment or subsystems  and the reason for inoperability.
: 2. Action(s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to operable status.
: b. The  provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.
SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS  Doses due to gaseous releases to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be projected at least  once per 31 days in accordance with the ODCM, whenever the gaseous waste  treatment system or ventilation exhaust treatment system is not operational.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT    - UNIT 1        3/4 11-12            AMENDMENT NO. 60, 454
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COOK NUCLEAR PLANT                          UNIT    1
DESIGN FEATURES CAPACITY 5.6.4      The fuel storage pool is designed and shall be maintained with a storage capacity limited to no more than 3613 fuel assemblies.
5 7 SEISMIC CLASSIFICATION 5.7.1      Those structures, systems and components identified as Category I Items in the  FSAR shall be designed and maintained to the original design provisions contained in the FSAR with allowance for normal degradation pursuant to the applicant Surveillance Requirements.
5 8 METEROLOGICAL TOWER LOCATION 5.8.1      The meterological tower shall be located  as shown on Figure  5.1-3.
5 9 COMPONENT CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT    LIMIT 5.9.1      The components  identified in Table 5.9-1 are designed  and  shall  be maintained within the cyclic or transient limits of Table 5.9-1.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT  - UNIT 1          5-9            AMENDMENT NO. 40>
L I ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6 1  RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.1  The  Plant Manager shall be responsible for overall facility operation and shall delegate in writing the succession to this responsibility during his absence.
6.1.2    The Shift Supervisor (or during his absence from the control            room complex, a designated individual) shall be responsible for the control            room command function.      A management directive to this effect signed by the        Vice President - Nuclear Operations shall be reissued to      all  station personnel  on an annual basis.
6 2  ORGANIZATION ONSITE AND OFFSITE ORGANIZATIONS 6.2.1 Onsite and offsite organizations      shall be established for unit operation and corporate management, respectively.      The  onsite and offsite organizations shall include the positions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear power  plant.
: a.      Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be established and defined for the highest management level through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions. These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organizational charts.                These organizational charts will be documented in the UFSAR and updated in accordance with 10 CFR 50.71(e).
: b.      The  Plant Manager shall be responsible for overall unit safe operation and shall have control over those onsite activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the plant.
co            Vice President  - Nuclear    Operations    shall  have  corporate responsibility for overall plant nuclear safety      and  shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance        of  the staff in d.'he  operating, maintaining, and providing plant to ensure nuclear safety.
technical    support to the The  individuals who train the operating staff and those who carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; however, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their independence from operating pressures.
FACILITY STAFF 6.2.2    The  Facility organization shall be subject to the following:
: a.      Each on duty, shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift crew composition shown  in Table 6.2-1.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT      - UNIT 1          6-1            AMENDMENT NO.
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.3    FACILITY STAFF    UALIFICATIONS 6.3.1    Each member of the    facility staff shall    meet or exceed the minimum qualifications, of ANSI N18.1-1971    for comparable positions, except for (1) the Plant Radiation Protection Manager, who shall meet or exceed qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975, (2) the Shift Technical Advisor, who shall have a bachelor's degree or equivalent in a scientific or engineering discipline with specific training in plant design, and response and analysis of the plant for transients and accidents and, (3) the Operations Superintendent must hold or have held a Senior Operator License as specified in Section 6.2.2.h.
6.4    TRAINING 6.4.1 A retraining and replacement training program for the facility staff shall be maintained under the direction of the Training Manager and shall meet or exceed the requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI N18.1-1971 and 10 CFR Part 55.
6 5    REVIEW AND AUDIT 6.5  1  PLANT NUCLEAR SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE      PNSRC FUNCTION The PNSRC shall function to advise the Plant          Manager on  all  matters related to nuclear safety.
COMPOSITION    The PNSRC  shall be composed  of Assistant Plant Managers, Department Superintendents,    or supervisory personnel reporting directly to the Plant Manager, Assistant Plant Managers or Department Superintendents              from the functional areas listed below:
Licensing Activities            Technical Support Safety & Assessment              Radiation Protection Operations                      Maintenance The Chairman, his alternate and other members and their alternates of the PNSRC shall be designated by the Plant Manager. In addition to the Chairman, the PNSRC membership shall consist of one individual from each of the areas designated above.
PNSRC members    and alternates shall meet or exceed the    minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 Section 4.4      for comparable positions. The nuclear power plant operations    individual shall me'et the qualifications    of Section 4.2.2 of ANSI N18.1-1971 except    for the requirement to hold a current Senior Operator License.
The operations individual must hold or have held a Senior Operator License at Cook Nuclear Plant or a similar reactor.      The maintenance individual shall meet the qualifications of Section 4:2.3 of ANSI N18.1-1971.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT    - UNIT 1            6-4            AMENDMENT NO. 49,
INSTRUMENTATION BASES 3 4 3 3 5    REMOTE SHUTDOWN INSTRUMENTATION The OPERABILITY  of the remote shutdown instrumentation ensures that sufficient capability is available to permit shutdown and maintenance of HOT STANDBY of the facility from locations outside of the control room. This capability is required in the event control room habitability is lost and is consistent with General Design Criteria 19 of 10 CFR 50.
3 4  3 3 5 1  APPENDIX R REMOTE SHUTDOWN INSTRUMENTATION The OPERABILITY  of the Appendix R remote shutdown instrumentation ensures that sufficient instrumentation is available to permit shutdown of the facility to COLD SHUTDOWN conditions at the local shutdown indication (LSI) panel.      In the event of a fire, normal power to the LSI panels may be lost. As a result, capability to repair the LSI panels from Unit 2 has been provided. If the alternate power supply is not available, fire watches will be established in those fire areas where loss of normal power to the LSI panels could occur in the event of fire. This will consist of either establishing continuous fire watches or verifying OPERABILITY of fire detectors per Specification and establishing hourly fire watches. The details of how these fire watches are to be implemented are included in a plant procedure.
3 4 3  3    FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEMS DETECTORS OPERABILITY    of the fire detection systems/detectors ensures that adequate detection capability is available for the prompt detection of fires. This capability is required in order to detect and locate fires in their early stages.
Prompt detection of the fires will reduce the potential for damage to safety related systems or components in the areas of the specified systems and is an integral element in the overall facility fire protection program. In the event that a portion of the fire detection systems is inoperable, the ACTION statements provided maintain the facility's fire protection program and allows for continued operation of the facility until the inoperable system(s)/detector(s) are restored to OPERABILITY. However,    it is not our intent to rely upon the compensatory action for an extended period of time and action will be taken to restore the minimum number of detectors to OPERABLE status within a reasonable period.
3 4  3 3 8  POST-ACCIDENT INSTRUMENTATION The OPERABILITY    of the post-accident instrumentation ensures that sufficient information is available on selected plant parameters to monitor and assess these variables during and following an accident.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT  - UNIT 1        B 3/4 3-6            AMENDMENT NO.
REFUELING OPERATIONS BASES 3 4 9 10 and 3 4 9    ll  WATER LEVEL  - REACTOR VESSEL AND STORAGE POOL The restrictions on minimum water level ensure that sufficient water depth is available to remove 99% of the assumed 10$ iodine gap activity released from the rupture of an irradiated fuel assembly.            The minimum water depth is consistent with the assumptions of the accident analysis, Water level above the vessel flange in MODE 6 will vary as the reactor vessel head and the system internals are removed. The 23 feet of water are required before any subsequent movement of fuel assemblies or control rods.
3 4 9 12    STORAGE POOL VENTILATION SYSTEM The  limitations    on the storage pool ventilation system ensure that      all radioactive material released from      an irradiated fuel assembly will  be filtered through the HEPA filters and charcoal adsorber prior to discharge to the atmosphere. The OPERABILITY of this system and the resulting iodine removal capacity are consistent with the assumptions of the accident analyses.
The 1980  version of ANSI N510 is used as a testing guide. This standard, however, is  intended  to be rigorously applied only to systems which, unlike the storage pool  ventilation    system, are designed to ANSI N509 standards. For the specific case of the air-aerosol mixing uniformity test required by ANSI N510 as a prerequisite to in-place leak testing of charcoal and HEPA filters, the air-aerosol uniform mixing test acceptance criteria were not rigorously met.
For this reason, a statistical correction factor will be applied to applicable surveillance test results where required.
In order to maintain the minimum negative pressure required by Technical Specifications (1/8 inch W.G.) during movement of fuel within the storage pool or during crane operation with loads over the pool, the crane bay roll-up door and the drumming room roll-up door, located on the 609-foot elevation of the auxiliary building, must be closed. However, they may be opened during these operations under administrative control. If the crane bay door needs to be opened during fuel movement, an example of an administrative control might be to station an individual at the door who would be in communication with personnel in the spent fuel pool area and could close the door when passage through the door was completed or in the event of an emergency.              For the drumming room door, an example of an administrative control might be to require the door to be reclosed after normal ingress and egress of personnel or material, or to station an individual at the door      if  the door needs to remain open for an extended period of time.
Should the doors become blocked or stuck open while under administrative control, Technical Specification requirements will not be considered to be violated provided the Action Statement requirements of Specification 3.9.12 are expeditiously followed, i.e., movement of fuel within the storage pool or crane operation with loads over the pool is expeditiously suspended.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT    - UNIT 1        B 3/4 9-3              AMENDMENT NO.
: 16. Undervoltage-Reactor        4-1/bus Coolant Pumps
: 17. Underfrecpxency-Reactor      4-1/bus Coolant Pumps
: 18. Turbine Trip A. Low  Fluid Oil Pressure B. Turbine Stop Valve Closure
: 19. Safety Injection Input                                                      1I 2 from ESF
: 20.  'Reactor Coolant Pump  Breaker Position Trip Above P-7              1/breaker                    1/breaker per operating loop
: 21. Reactor Trip Breakers                                                      1I 2/    1  33 3* 4* 5*      14
: 22. Automatic Trip Logic                                                        1I 2I      1 3* 4* 5*      14 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT  UNIT 2                    3/4 3-4                  AMENDMENT NO  86,
                          ~  TABLE 3 3-1  Continued DESIGNATION            CONDITION AND SETPOINT              FUNCTION P-7              With 2 of 4 Power Range Neutron    P-7 prevents or defeats Flux Channels ~ 11$ of RATED      the automatic block of THERMAL POWER or 1 of 2 Pressure  reactor  trip  on:  Low before the First Stage            flow in  more than one channels ~ 51 psig.                primary coolant loop, reactor coolant pump under-voltage and under-frequency, turbine trip, pressurizer            low pressure,            and pressurizer high level.
Low flow in a particular loop can be evidenced by either a detected low flow or by the opening of the reactor coolant pump breaker.
P-8              With 2 of 4 Power Range Neutron    P-8 prevents  or defeats Flux channels E 31% of RATED      the automatic block of THERMAL POWER.                    reactor trip caused by a low    coolant      flow condition in a single loop.
P-10            With  3  of  4 Power Range Neutron P-10 prevents or defeats flux channels    < 9%  of RATED    the manual block of:
THERMAL POWER..                    Power range low setpoint reactor    trip,  Inter-mediate    range  reactor trip, and intermediate range rod stops.
Provides input to P-7.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT    2        3/4 3-8            AMENDMENT NO.
TABLE 3.3-10 POST-ACCIDENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION INSTRUMENT                                                  MINIMUM CHANNELS OPERABLE 1~    Containment Pressure                                            2 2      Reactor Coolant Outlet Temperature - THpT (Wide Range)          2 Reactor Coolant Inlet Temperature - Tp~i~ (Wide Range)
3 ~                                                                    2 4 ~    Reactor Coolant Pressure  Wide Range                            2
: 5. Pressurizer Water Level                                          2
: 6. Steam Line Pressure                                              2/Steam Generator 7 ~    Steam Generator Water Level  Narrow Range                      1/Steam Generator
: 8. Refueling Water Storage Tank Water Level                        2 9 ~    Boric Acid Tank Solution Level                                  1
: 10. Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Rate                                    1/Steam Generator*
: 11. Reactor Coolant System subcooling Margin Monitor                ] **
: 12. PORV  Position Indicator  Limit Switches***                    1/Valve 13  ~  PORV  Block Valve Position Indicator  Limit Switches            1/Valve
: 14. ,Safety Valve Position Indicator  Acoustic Monitor                1/Valve
: 15. Incore Thermocouples (Core Exit Thermocouples)                      2/Core Quadrant
: 16. Reactor Coolant Inventory Tracking System                          One    Train (Reactor Vessel Level Indication)                                  '(3  Channels/Train)
: 17. Containment Sump Level                                          1
: 18. Containment Water Level                                          2
* Steam Generator Water Level Channels can be used as a substitute      for the corresponding auxiliary feedwater flow rate channel instrument.
PPC  subcooling margin readout can be used as    a substitute for the subcooling monitor instrument.
Acoustic monitoring of  PORV position  (1 channel per three valves    -  headered discharge) can be used as a  substitute for the  PORV  Indicator  Limit Switches instruments.
1 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT  UNIT 2                  3/4 3-46        Amendment. No. 9&, 9S,    ~,    ~
TABLE  4.3-10 POST-ACCIDENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS CHANNEL                    CHANNEL CHECK                    CAIZHfQTION 1~    Containment Pressure                                        M                        R 2 ~    Reactor Coolant Outlet Temperature  T~~ (Wide Range)      M                        R 3 ~    Reactor Coolant Inlet Temperature  T~gp (Wide Range)        M                        R 4 ~    Reactor Coolant Pressure  Wide Range                        M                        R
: 5. Pressurizer Water Level                                      M                        R
: 6. Steam Line Pressure                                          M                        R 7~    Steam Generator Water Level  Narrow Range                  M                        R 8~    RWST Water Level                                            M                        R 9 ~    Boric Acid Tank Solution Level                              M                        R
: 10. Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Rate                                M                        R 11    Reactor Coolant System Subcooling Margin Monitor            M                        R
: 12. PORV Position Indicator  Limit Switches                    M                        R
: 13. PORV Block Valve Position Indicator - Limit Switches        M                        R
: 14. Safety Valve Position Indicator - Acoustic Monitor          M                        R
: 15. Incore Thermocouples        (Core Exit Thermocouples)          M                        R(1) 16    Reactor Coolant Inventory Tracking System                    M(2)                      R(3)
    '7 (Reactor Vessel Level Indication)
    ~  Containment Sump Level                                      M                        R 18  ~  Containment Water Level                                      M                        R Partial  range channel  calibration for sensor to be performed below P-12  in MODE  3.
(2) With one      train of  Reactor Vessel Level Indication inoperable, Subcooling Margin Indication    and Core Exit Thermocouples may be used to perform a CHANNEL CHECK to verify the remaining Reactor Vessel Indication train OPERABLE.
(3)  Completion of channel calibration for sensors to be performed below P-12 in MODE 3.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT  UNIT 2                    3/4 3-47              AMENDMENT NO. 9&, 9S,
TABLE 3  3-11 Unit  2 and Common Area  Fire Detection  S stems Total  Number Detection    S  stem Location                        of Detectors Heat        ~lame        Smoke (x/y)*        (x/y)*      (x/y)*
Auxiliary Building a) Elevation 573                                                      23/0  C b) Elevation 587                                                      55/0  C c) Elevation 609                                                      41/0  C d) Elevation 633                                                      41/0  C e) Elevation 650                                                      34/0  C f)  New  Fuel    STGE Area                                            4/0  C U2  East Main Steam Valve Enclosure                                    28/0**
U2  Main Steam Line Area El. 612 (Around Containment)                                      13/0**
U2  NESW Valve Area El. 612                                                          2/0 U2 4KV Switchgear (AB)                                    0/3          0/2 U2 4KV Switchgear (CD)                                    0/3          0/2 U2 Engr. Safety System Switchgear & XFMR. Rm.                                0/5          0/14 U2 CRD, XFMR & Switchgear Rm.
Inverter 6 AB Bttry. Rms.                            0/5          0/17 U2  Pressurizer Heater XFMR. Rm.                                      12/0 U2  Diesel Fuel Oil Transfer Pump      Rm. 0/1 U2  Diesel Generator Rm. 2AB                0/2 U2  Diesel Generator Rm. 2CD                0/2 U2  Diesel Generator Ramp Corr.                                        4/0 Ul&2 AFWP Vestibule                                                    2/0  C U2  Control    Room                                                    42/0 U2  Switchgear Cable Vault                                0/10*~      0/13 U2  Control Rm. Cable Vault                                            0/76*%%*
U2  Aux. Cable Vault                                                  0/6 Ul&2  ESW  Basement Area                                              4/0  C U2 ESW Pump & MCC Rms.                                                  9/0 C        System    protects area  common  to both Units 1 and 2
*(x/y) x is number of Function A (early warning fire detection and notification only) instruments..
y is number of Funct:ion B '(actuation of fire suppression systems warning and notification) instruments.
and'arly circuit contains both smoke and flame detectors
***      two circuit:s of five detectors each
~** two circuits of 38 detectors each COOK NUCLEAR PLANT      - UNIT  2        3/4 3-52          AMENDMENT NO. 44,
LIMITING CONDITION    FOR OPERATION 3.9.7      Loads in excess of 2,500 pounds shall be prohibited from travel over fuel assemblies in the storage pool. Loads carried over the spent fuel pool and the heights at which'hey may be carried over racks containing fuel shall be limited in such a way as to preclude impact energies over 24,240 in.-lbs., if the loads are dropped from the crane.
APPLICABILITY: With    fuel assemblies in the storage pool.
With the requirements of the above specification not satisfied, place the crane load in a safe condition.        The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 are not applicable.
S  VEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS    Crane interlocks which prevent crane travel with loads in excess of 2,500 pounds over fuel assemblies shall be demonstrated OPERABLE within 7 days prior to crane use and at least once per 7 days thereafter during crane operation.    The  potential impact energy due to dropping the crane's load shall be determined    to be s 24,240 in.-lbs. prior to moving each load over racks containing fuel.
* Shared  system  with Cook Nuclear  Plant - Unit 1.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT    - UNIT 2        3/4 9-7              AMENDMENT NO. M,  96
~ ~ ~
: 3. Verifying that the HEPA filter banks remove greater than or equal to 99%
of the DOP when they are tested in-place in accordance with ANSI N510-1980 while operating the exhaust ventilation system at a flow rate of 30,000 cfm plus or minus      108.
: 4. Verifying within    31 days  after  removal that a laboratory analysis of a carbon sample from either at          least  one test canister or at least two carbon samples removed from      one  of the  charcoal adsorbers demonstrates a removal efficiency of greater      than  or  equal  to 90$ for radioactive methyl iodide when the sample      is  tested  in  accordance    with ANSI N510-1980 (ASTM D  3803-1979,  30 C, 95% R.H.).      The  carbon    samples  not obtained from test canisters shall be prepared by either:
(a)  Emptying one    entire bed from a removed adsorber tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples at least two inches in diameter and with a length equal to the thickness of the bed, or (b)  Emptying a    longitudinal sample from an adsorber tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples at least two inches in diameter and with a length equal to the thickness of the bed.
Subsequent to    reinstalling the adsorber tray used for obtaining the carbon sample,    the system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by also verifying that the charcoal adsorbers remove greater than or equal to 99% of a halogenated hydrocarbon refrigerant test gas when they are tested in-place in accordance with ANSI N510-1980 while operating the ventilation system at a flow rate of 30,000 cfm plus or minus 10%.
: 5. Verifying a system flow rate of 30,000 cfm plus or minus 108 during            system operation when tested in accordance with ANSI N510-1980.
C. After every    720 hours  of charcoal adsorber operation by either:
: 1. Verifying within 31        days after removal that          a  laboratory analysis of a carbon        sample obtained from a        test canister demonstrates    a removal efficiency of greater than or equal to 90$  for radioactive methyl iodide when the sample is'ested in  accordance    with  ANSI N510-1980      (ASTM D  3803-1979,  30 C, 95',R.H.).
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT    - UNIT 2            3/4 9-13                  AMENDMENT NO.  ~,    440
RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT LIMITING CONDITION    FOR OPERATION The gaseous radwaste treatment system and the ventilation exhaust treatment system shall be used to reduce the radioactive materials in gaseous waste prior to their discharge when the projected gaseous effluent air doses due to gaseous effluent releases to unrestricted areas (See Figure 5.1-3) when averaged over 31 days, would exceed 0.2 mrad for gamma radiation and 0.4 mrad.
for beta radiation. The ventilation exhaust treatment system shall be used to reduce radioactive materials in gaseous waste prior to their discharge when the projected doses due to gaseous effluent releases to unrestricted areas (See Figure 5.1-3) when averaged over 31 days would exceed 0.3 mrem to any organ.
APPLICABILITY: At    all  times.
With gaseous waste being discharged without treatment and in excess of the above limits, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report which includes the following information:
: 1. Identification of the inoperable equipment or subsystems  and the reason for inoperability.
2 ~ Action(s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to operable status.
: b. The  provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.
SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS 4.11 '.4    Doses due to gaseous releases to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be projected at least    once per 31 days in accordance with the ODCM, whenever the gaseous waste    treatment system or ventilation exhaust treatment system is not operational.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT      - UNIT 2      3/4 11-12            AMENDMENT NO. M,  438
C  ~
A  C
~ 4 S  v VOLUME 5.4.2    The  total water    and steam volume of the reactor coolant system      is 12,612 plus or    minus 100 cubic feet at a nominal Tavg of 70 F.
5.5      METEOROLOGICAL TOWER LOCATION meteorological tower shall be located as              Figure 5.1-3.
Bl The                                              shown on CRITICALITY - SPENT FUEL  The spent    fuel storage racks are designed    and  shall be maintained with:
: a. A K,qq  equivalent to less than 0.95  when  flooded with unborated water,
: b. A nominal    8.97-inch center-to-center distance    between  fuel assemblies,    placed in the storage racks.
c ~  The  fuel assemblies    will be classified as acceptable for Region 1,    Region  2, or  Region 3 storage based upon their assembly burnup versus initial nominal enrichment.            Cells acceptable for Region 1, Region 2, and Region 3 assembly storage are indicated in Figures 5.6-1 and 5.6-2. Assemblies that are acceptable for storage in Region 1, Region 2, and Region 3 must meet the design criteria that define the regions as follows:
: 1. Region 1 is designed to accommodate new fuel with a maximum nominal enrichment of 4.95 wtS U-235, or spent fuel regardless of the discharge fuel burnup.
: 2. Region 2 is designed to accommodate fuel of 4.95% initial nominal enrichment burned to at least 50,000 MWD/MTU, or fuel of other enrichments with equivalent reactivity,
: 3. Region 3 is designed to accommodate fuel of 4.95% initial nominal enrichment burned to at least 38,000 MWD/MTU, or fuel of other enrichments with equivalent reactivity.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT  - UNIT 2            5-5          AMENDMENT NO. 55, 404,
DMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6 1  RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.1    The Plant Manager shall be responsible for overall facility operation and shall delegate in writing the succession to this responsibility during his absence.
6.1.2    The Shift Supervisor (or during his absence from the control room complex, a designated individual) shall be responsible for the control room command function.      A management directive to this effect signed by the Vice President    - Nuclear Operations shall be reissued to    all station personnel on an annual basis.
6 2  ORGANIZATION ONSITE AND OFFSITE ORGANIZATIONS 6.2.1 Onsite and offsite      organizations shall be established for unit operation and corporate management,      respectively. The onsite and offsite organizations shall include the positions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear power  plant.
: a. Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be established and defined for the highest management level through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions. These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate,    in the form of organizational charts.              These organizational charts will be documented in the UFSAR and updated in accordance with 10 CFR 50.71(e).
: b. The  Plant Manager shall be responsible for overall unit safe operation and shall have control over those onsite activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the plant.
C. The  Vice President    -  Nuclear Operations shall have corporate responsibility for overall plant nuclear safety and shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in operating, maintaining, and pioviding technical support to the plant to ensure nuclear safety.
: d. The individuals who train the dperating staff and those who carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager;'owever, they 'shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their independence from operating pressures.
FACILITY STAFF 6.2.2    The  Facility organization shall    be subject to the following:
: a. Each on duty shift shall be      composed  of at least the  minimum shift crew composition shown    in -Table 6.2-1.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT      - UNIT 2            6-1            AMENDMENT NO. 58,
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6 3  FACILITY STAFF    UALIFICATIONS 6.3.1    Each member of the    facility staff shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 for comparable positions, except for (1) the Plant Radiation Protection Manager, who shall meet or exceed qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975, (2) the Shift Technical Advisor, who shall have a bachelor's degree or equivalent in a scientific or engineering discipline with specific training in plant design, and response and analysis of the plant for transients and accidents and, (3) the Operations Superintendent, who must hold or have held a Senior Operator License as specified in Section 6.2.2.h.
6 4  TRAINING 6.4.1  A  retraining  and replacement  training program for the facility staff shall be maintained under the direction of the Training Manager and shall meet or exceed the requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI N18.1-1971 and 10 CFR Part 55.
6 5  REVIEW AND AUDIT 6 5 1  PLANT NUCLEAR SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE      PNSRC FUNCTION The PNSRC shall function to advise the Plant        Manager on all  matters related to nuclear safety.
COMPOSITION    The PNSRC  shall be composed of Assistant Plant Managers, Department Superintendents,    or supervisory personnel reporting directly to the Plant Manager, Assistant Plant Managers or Department Superintendents            from the functional areas listed below:
Licensing Activities            Technical Support Safety & Assessment              Radiation Protection Operations                      Maintenance The Chairman,  his alternate and other members and their alternates of, the PNSRC shall  be designated by the Plant Manager.      In addition to the Chairman, the PNSRC membership    shall consist of one individual from each of the areas designated above, PNSRC members  and alternates shall meet or exceed the  minimum qualifications of ANSI  N18.1-1971 Section 4.4 for comparable positions.      The nuclear power plant operations individual shall meet the qualifications        of Section 4.2.2 of ANSI N18.1-1971 except  for the requirement to hold a current Senior Operator License.
The operations individual must hold or have held a Senior Operator License at Cook Nuclear Plant or a similar reactor. The maintenance individual shall meet the qualifications of Section 4.2.3 of ANSI N18.1-1971..
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT    - UNIT  2          6-4            AMENDMENT NO.
INSTRUMENTATION BASES 3 4 3 3 6    POST-ACCIDENT INSTRUMENTATION The OPERABILITY of the post-accident            instrumentation ensures that sufficient information is available on selected plant parameters to monitor and assess  these variables during and following an accident.
3  4 3 3      DELETED 3  4 3 3 8    FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION OPERABILITY  of the fire detection instrumentation ensures that adequate warning capability is available for, the prompt detection of fires.              This capability is required in order          to  detect and  locate  fires in  their early stages. Prompt detection of fires will reduce the potential for damage to safety-related equipment and is an integral element in the overall facility fire protection program.
In the event that      a portion of the fire detection instrumentation is inoperable,    the establishment    of frequent fire patrols in the affected areas is required to provide detection capability until the inoperable instrumentation is restored to OPERABILITY. Use of containment temperature monitoring is allowed once per hour      if  containment fire detection is inoperable.
3 4 3 3 9 RADIOACTIVE LI      UID EFFLUENT INSTRUMENTATION The radioactive liquid effluent instrumentation is provided to monitor and control,  as applicable, the release of radioactive material in liquid effluents during actual or potential releases.            The alarm/trip setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated in accordance with NRC approval methods in the ODCM to ensure that the alarm/trip will occur prior to exceeding the limits of 10 CFR Part 20. The OPERABILITY and use of this instrumentation is consistent with the requirements of General Design Criteria specified in Section 11.3 of the Final Safety Analysis Report for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT    - UNIT  2        B 3/4 3-3        AMENDMENT NO. 44,
REFUELING OPERATIONS BASES 3 4  9 9  CONTAINMENT PURGE AND EXHAUST ISOLATION SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of this system ensures that the containment            vent and purge penetrations    will  be automatically isolated upon detection of            high radiation levels within the containment. The OPERABILITY of this system                is required to restrict  the release of radioactive material from the containment atmosphere to the environment.
3 4  9  10 AND 3 4 9 11    WATER LEVEL  - REACTOR VESSEL      AND STORAGE POO The restrictions  on minimum water level ensure that sufficient water depth is available to remove 99% of the assumed 10% iodine gap activity released from the rupture of an irradiated fuel assembly.                The minimum water depth is consistent with the assumptions of the      accident    analysis. Water level above the vessel flange in MODE 6 will.,vary as the          reactor  vessel head and the system internals are removed. The 23 feet of water are required before any subsequent movement of fuel assemblies or control rods.
3 4 9 12    STORAGE POOL VENTILATION SYSTEM The  limitations  on the storage pool ventilation system ensure that                all radioactive material released from an irradiated fuel assembly              will  be filtered through the HEPA      filters  and  charcoal    adsorber    prior    to  discharge      to the atmosphere. The  OPERABILITY  of this  system  and  the  resulting    iodine    removal capacity are consistent with the assumptions of the accident analyses.
The 1980  version of ANSI N510 is used as a testing guide. This standard, however,  is intended to be rigorously applied only to systems which, unlike the storage pool ventilation system, are designed to ANSI N509 standards,                  For the specific case of the air-aerosol mixing uniformity test required by ANSI N510 as a prerequisite to in-place leak testing of charcoal and HEPA filters, the air-aerosol uniform mixing test acceptance criteria .were not rigorously met.
For this reason, a statistical correction factor will be applied to applicable surveillance test results where required.
In order to maintain the minimum negative pressure required by Technical Specifications (1/8 inch W.G.) during movement of fuel within the storage pool or during crane operation with loads over the pool, the crane bay roll-up door and the drumming room roll-up door, located on the 609-foot elevation of the auxiliary building, must be closed. However, they may be opened during these operations under administrative control. If the crane bay door needs to be opened during fuel movement, an example of an administrative control might be to station an individual at the door who would be in communication with personnel in the spent fuel pool area and could close the door when passage through the door was completed or in the event of an emergency.                        For the drumming room door, an example of an administrative          control    might  be  to  require the door to be reclosed after normal ingress                and  egress    of  personnel    or material, or to station an individual at the          door  if  the  door  needs  to  remain open for an extended period of time.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT    - UNIT 2        B  3/4 9-3                  AMENDMENT NO.
V I ~ ~
      ~ b}}

Latest revision as of 01:28, 4 February 2020

Proposed Tech Specs,Reflecting Administrative & Editorial Changes
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 11/15/1993
Shared Package
ML17331B072 List:
NUDOCS 9312010010
Download: ML17331B073 (71)


1 II

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TABLE 3.3-1 Continued DESIGNATION CONDITION AND SETPOINT FUNCTION P-7 With 2 of 4 Power Range Neutron P-7 prevents or defeats Flux Channels greater than or the automatic block of equal to 11% of RATED THERMAL reactor trip on: Low POWER or 1 of 2 Turbine First flow in more than one Stage Pressure channels gzeater primary coolant loop, than or equal to 37 psig. reactor coolant pump under-voltage and undez<<frequency, tuzbine trip, pressurizer low pressure, and pressur-izer high level ~w flow in a particular loop can be evidenced by either a detected low flow or by the opening of the reactoz coolant pump breaker.

P-8 With 2 of 4 Power Range Neutron P-8 prevents or defeats Flux channels greatez than or the automatic block of equal to 31% of RATED THERMAL reactor trip caused by a lo~kSW coolant flow condition in a single loop,~

P-10 With 3 of 4 Power range neutron P-10 prevents or flux channels less than 9% of defeats the manual RATED THERMAL POWER. block of: Power range low setpoint reactor tri p, Intermediate range reactor trip, and intermediate range rod stops'rovides input to P-7.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 1 3/4 3-9 AMENDMENT NO. SSI 120 93120i00i0 PDR ADOCK 93iii5 050003i5 P PDR



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TABLE 3.3<<10 (Continued)

Un t and Commo ea e etectio Systems Total Number Detector S stem Locat o o Detectors peat ~arne Smoke (x/y)* (x/y)* (x/y)*

Ul Cable Tunnels a) Quad 1 Cable Tunnel 0/3 0/4 b) Quad 2 Cable Tunnel 0/4 0/7 c) Quad 3N 0/3 0/4 d) Quad 3S 0/3 0/3 e) Quad 3M 0/3 0/4 f) Quad 4 0/5 0/6 Ul Charcoal Filter Ventilation Units a) HV-AES-1 0/1~

b) -AES-2 0/1~

d) e)



0/] ~

0/] 4+++&

0/1~C 1 Containment+++~

a) RCP 1 1/0 b) RCP 2 1/0 c) RCP 3 1/0 d) RCP 4 1/0 e) Cable Trays 58/p~~

C System protects area common to both Units 1 and.2

  • (x/y) x is number of Function A (early warning fire detection and notification only) instruments.

y is number of Function B (actuation of fire suppression systems and early warning and notificatIon) Instruments.

Originally installed to automatically deluge charcoal filters.

However, manual actions are nov necessary.

The fire detection Instruments located within the Containment are not required to be OPERABLE during the performance of Type A Containment Leakage Rate tests.

Thermistors are located within all cable trays which contain combustible cables, in both upper and lover containment throughout quadrants 1-4.

OOK NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 1 3/4 3-53a A?KNDMENT NO. kgb', 172




l. Containment Pressure 2
2. Reactor Coolant Outlet Temperature- Tsoz (Wide Range) 2
3. Reactor Coolant Inlet Temperature- Tco~ (Wide Range) 2
4. Reactor Coolant Pressure-Wide Range 2
5. Pressurizer Water Level 2
6. Steam Line Pressure 2/Steam Generator
7. Steam Generator Water Lovel- Narrow Range 1/Steam Generator
8. Refueling Water Storage Tank Water Level 2
9. Boric Acid Tank Solution Level 1
10. Auxiliary Foedwater Flow Rate 1/Steam Generator*
11. Reactor Coolant System Subcooling Margin Monitor 1%*
12. PORV Position Indicator -- Limit Switches*** 1/Valve
13. PORV Block Valve Position Indicator -- Limit Switches 1/Valve
14. Safety Valve Position Indicator -- Acoustic Monitor 1/Valve
15. Incoro Thermocouples (Core Exit Thermocouples) 2/Core Quadrant
16. Reactor Coolant Inventory Tracking System One Train (3 Channels/Train)

(Reactor Vessel Level Indication)

~ lebi4h

17. Containment Sump Level 1&, Containment Mater Level ~i44a 2

Steam Generator Water Level Channels can be used as a substitute for the corresponding auxiliary feedwater flow rate channel instrument.

PPC subcooling margin readout can bo used as a substitute for the subcooling monitor instrument.

Acoustic monitoring of PORV position (1 channel per three valves - headered discharge) can be used ss a substitute for the PORV Indicator - Limit Switches instruments.


-the=4ev~mns mdi~t~cous R=107Ww COOK NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 1 3/4 3-55 Amendment No. 406, 4&t, 168


1. Containment'ressure
2. Reactor Coolant Outlet Temperature-HOT (Vide Range)
3. Reactor Coolant Inlet Temperature-TCO (Wide Range) M R
4. Realc or Coolant Pressure-Wide Range M R

.5. Pressurizer Water Level M R

6. Steam Line Pressure M R
7. Steam Generator Water Level-Narrow Range R
8. RWST Water Level M R
9. Boric Acid Tank Solution Level M R 10.Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Rate M R 11.Reactor Coolant System Subcooling M R Margin Monitor 12.PORV Position Indicator - Limit Switches M R 13.PORV Block Valve Position Indicator- ~

M R Limit Switches 14.Safety Valve Position Zndicator-Acoustic Monitor 15.Incore Thermocouples (Core Exit Thermocoup les)M R(l) 16.Reactor Coolant Inventory Tracking System M(2) R(3)

(Reactor Vessel Level Tndication)

17. Containment Sump Level~ M R 18.Containment Water Level M R (1) Partial range channel calibration for sensor to be performed below P-12 in MODE 3.

(2) With one train of Reactor Vessel Level Indication inoperable, Subcooling Margin Indication and Core Exit Thermocouples may be used to perform a QGQKEL CHECK to verify the remaining Reactor Vessel Indication train OPERABLE.

s (3) Coaplerion of ohannel elaibrarion for sensors eo be perforned below P-13 in MODE 3.

-~hese Dmeruments=wk3.-1Mecome=eke COOK NUCLEAR PLANT - UNZT 1 3/4 3-56 AMENDMENT NO. $ $ ,144

~ x s ~

W SS C 0 0 D C

~~ON OD Diesel Generator lAB Room Cross-zoned Heat Diesel Generator 1CD Room Cross-zoned Heat Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Pump Room Heat 4 KV Switchgear Rooms Manual Control Rod Drive, Transf. Switchgear Rooms Manual Engineered Safety Switchgear Room Switchgear Room Cable Vault Cross-zoned Ionization and Infrared Auxiliary Cable Vault Ionization Control Room Cable Vault (Backup)* Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant 1 Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant 2 Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant 3N Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant 3M Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant 3S Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant 4 Manual 2

  • Control Room Cable Vault CO System i's only required to be operable when the Cable Vault Halon System is-operable.




~ A ~.


LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.9.7 Loads in excess of 2,500 pounds shall be prohibited from travel over fuel assemblies in the storage pool. Loads carried over the spent fuel pool and the heights at which they may be carried over racks containing

.fuel shall be limited in such a way as to preclude impact energies over 24,240 in.-lbs., if the loads are dropped from the crane.

APPLICABILITY: With fuel assemblies in the storage pool.


With the requirements of the above specification not satisfied, place the crane load in a safe condition. The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 are not app'licable.

SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS Crane interlocks which prevent crane travel with loads in excess of 2,500 pounds over fuel assemblies shall be demonstrated OPERABLE within 7 days prior to crane use and at least once per 7 days thereafter during crane operation; The potential impact energy due to dropping the crane's load shall be determined to be ( 24,240 in.-lbs. prior to moving each load over racks containing fuel.

  • Shared system with D. C. COOK - UNIT 2 D. C.- COOK - UNIT 1 3/4 9-8 Amendment No. 797,113

RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The gaseous radvaste treatment system and the ventilation exhaust treatment system shall be used to reduce the radar.oactive materials in gaseous vaste priox to their discharge vhen the proJected gaseous effluent aix doses due to gaseous effluent releases to unrestricted ax'eas (See Figure 5.13) vhen averaged over 31 days, vould exceed 0.2 mrad for gamma radiation and 0.4 mrad for beta radiation. The ventilation exhaust treatment system shall be used to reduce radioactive materials in gaseous vaste prior to their discharge vhen the proJected doses due to gaseous effluent releases to unrestricted areas (See Figure $ .1-3) vhen averaged over 31 days vould exceed 0.3 mrem to any organ.

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


a. gaseous vaste being discharged vithout treatment and in excess of the above limits, prepaxe and submit to the Commission vithin 30 days, puxsuant to Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report which includes the folloving information:

Identification of the inoperable equipment or subsystems and the reason for inoperability.

2. Action(s) taken to restoxe the inoperable equipment to operable status.
b. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE RE UZREHENTS Doses due to gaseous releases to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be proJected at least once per 31 days in accoxdance vith the ODCM, whenever the gaseous waste treatment system or ventilation exhaust treatment system is not operational.


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DESIGN FEATURES CAPACITY 5.6.4 The fuel storage pool is designed and shall be maintained with a storage capacity limited to no more than 3613 fuel assemblies.  !

5.7 SEISMIC CLASSIFICATION 5.7.1 Those structures, systems and components identified a's Category I Items in the FSAR shall be designed and maintained to the ori.ginal design provisions contained in the FSAR with allowance for normal degradati.on pursuant to the applicant Surveillance Requirements.


5.8.1 The meteorological tower shall be located as shown on Figure 5.1P.

5.9 COMPONENT CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT LIMIT 5.9.1 The components identified in Table 5.9-1 are designed and shall be maintained within the cyclic or transient limits of Table 5.9-1.



6. 1 RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.1 The Plant Manager shall be responsible for overall facility operation and shall delegate in vriting the succession to this responsibility during his absence.

6.1.2 The Shift Supervisor (or during his absence from the control zoom complex, a designated individual) shall be responsible for the control room command function. h management directive to this effect signed by the Vice President - Nuclear Operations shall be zeissued to all station personnel on an annual basis.

6.2 ORGANIZATION ONSZTE hND OFFSITE ORGANIZATIONS 6.2.1 Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established for unit operation and cozporate management, respectively. The onsite and offsite organizations shall include the positions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear pover plant.

Lines of authority, zesponsibQiry, and communication shall be established and defined for the highest management. levels thzough intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions. These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organizational charts. These organizational charts vill be documented in the and updated in accordance vith 10 CZR 50.71(e). vP'~4 ~

b. The Plant Manager shall be responsible for overall unit safe operation and. shall have control over those onsite activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the plant.

.c. The Vice President - Nuclear Operations shall have corporate responsibi.lity for overall plant nuclear safety and shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff


in operating, maintaining, and providing technical support to the plant to ensuze nuclear safety.

d. The individuals vho train the operating staff and those who carry out health physics and quality. assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; hovever, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their independence from operating pressures.

FACILITY STAFF 6.2.2 The Facility organization shall be sub]ect to the follovtng:

a. Each .on duty shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift crew composition shovn in Table 6.2-1.




6. 3 FACILXTT STAFF UALIFICATIONS 6.3.L Each member of the faciliey staff shall meet or exceed tha minimum qualifica tions of AHS X N18.1 1 971 for comparable positions, except for (1) che Plant Radiation Protection Manager, vho shall meet or exceed qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975, (2) the Shift Technical Advisor, vho shall have a bachelor's degree oz equivalent in a scientific or enginaexing discipline vieh specific tzaining in plane design, and response and analysis of the plant for tzansients and accidents and, (3) the Operations Superintendent, vho must hold or have held a Seni.or Operator License as specifi.ed in Section 6.2.2.h.
6. 4 TRAZHING 6.4.1 A retraining and replacement training pxogram for ehe facility staff shall be maintained under the direction of the Training Manager and shalL meet or I exceed tha requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI H18.1-1971 and 10 CFR Pare 55.


6. 5. 1 PLANT NUCLEAR SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE PHSRC FUNCTION 6.5.L.L The PHSRC shalI function to advise the Plant Manager on all matters related co nucleaz safety.

COMPOSITION The PNSRC shall be composed of hssistanc Plant Managers,'epartment Superintendents, or supervisory personnel reporting directly to the Plant Manager, Assistant PLant Managers or Department Superincandents from ehe functional areas listed belov:

Licensing hctivt.ties Technical Support Safety 6 Assessmanc Radiation Protection Operaeions Maintenance The Chairman, his alternate and 'other members and chair alternates. of che PHSRC shall be designated by the Plane Managez. Zn addition to the Chairman, the PNSRC membership shall consist of one individual from each of the areas designated above.

k PNSRC members and altexnaces shall meet or exceed the minimum qualificati.ons of AHSX NL8.1-1971 Section 4.4 for compazabla posieions. The nuclear pover plant operations. individual shall meet ehe qualifications of Section 4.2.2 of AHSL N18.1-1971 excepe for ehe zequirement to hold a cuzzanc Senior Operaeor License.

Tha operaeions individuaL muse hold or have held a Senior Operacor License at Cook Nuclear Plane or ~ similar reactor. The maintenance individual shall meet the qualifications of Section 4.2.3 of ANSX N18.1-1971.



~ ~

INSTRUYENTATION EASES 3 4. 3. 3. 5 REMOTE'HUTDOQN INSTRUMENTATION OPERABILITY of the remote shutdown instrumentation ensures that sufficient capability is available to permit shutdown and maintenance of HOT STANDBY of the facility from locations outside of the control roon. This capability is required in the event contral room habitability is lost and i.s consistent with General Design Cri.teria 19 of 10 CFR 50.

3 1 APPENDIX R REMOTE SHUTDOMH INSTRUMENTATION The OPERABILITY of the Appendix R remote shutdown instrumentation ensures that sufficient instrumentation is available to permit shutdown of the facility to COLD SHUTDORf condi.tions at the local shutdown indication (LSI) panel. In the event of a fire, normal power to the LSI panels may be last.

As a result, capability to repair the LSI panels fram Unit 2 has been provided. If the alternate power supply is not available, fire watches will be established in those fire areas where loss af normal power to the LSI panels could occur in the event of fire. This will consist of either establishing continuous fire watches or verifying, OPERABILITY of fire detectors per Specification and establishing hourly fire watches.

The details of how these fire watches are to be implemented are included in, a plant procedure.

3 FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEMS DETECTORS OPERABILITY of the fire detcctian systcms/detectors ensures that adequate detection capability i.s available for the prompt detection of fires. This capability is required in order to detect and locate fires in their carly stages. Prompt detection of the fires .will reduce the potential for damage to safety related systems or components in the areas of the specified systems and is an integral element in the overall facility fire protection program. In the event that a portion of the fire detection systems i.s inoperable, the ACTION statements provided maintain the facility's fire protection program and allows far continued operation of the facili.ty until the inoperable system(s)/detectar(s) are restored to OPERABILITY. However, i.t is not our intent to rely upon the compensatory action for an extended period of time and action will be taken to restore the minimum number of detectors to OPERABLE status ~ithin a reasonable period.

3 POST-ACCIDENT INSTRUMENTATION The OPERABILITY of the post-accident instrumentati.on ensures that sufficient information is available on selected plant parameters to monitor and assess these variables and following an accident. 4 C4&%44~ch edl13rO~



~ e



~ l EFUELINC OPERATIONS BASES 3 4.9.10 AND 3 4.9.11 VATER LEVEL - REACTOR VESSEL AND STORAGE POOL The restrictions on minimum water level ensure that sufficient water depth is available to zemove 99i of the assumed 10% iodine gap activity released from the rupture of an irzadiated fuel assembly. The minimum vacez depth is consistent with the assumptions of che accident analysis. Mater level above the vessel flange in MODE 6 vill vary as the zeaccor vessel head and the system internals are removed. The 23 feet of vater are required before any'ubsequent movement of fuel assemblies oz'ontrol rods."

3 4.9.12 STORAGE POOL VENTILATION SYSTEM The limitations on the storage pool ventilation system ensure chat all zadioaccive material released from an irradiated fuel assembly will be filtered through the HEPA filters and charcoal adsorber prior to discharge to the atmosphere. The OPERABILITY of this system and the resulting iodine zemoval capacity are consistent with the assumptions of the accident analyses.

The 1980 version of ANSI N510 is used as a tasting guide. This standard, however, is intended to be rigorously applied only to syscems which, unlike the storage pool ventilacion system, are designed to ANSI N509 standards. For the specific case of the aireaerosol mixing uniformity test requiz'ed by ANSI N510 as a prerequisite to in-place leak testing of charcoal and HEPA filters, the air-aerosol uniform mixing cast acceptance cr'aria were noc rigozously met. For this reason, a statistical correction factor vill be applied to applicable surveillance case results vhare required.

In order co maintain the minimum negative pressure required by Technical Specifications (1/8 inch M.G.) during movemenc of fuel vichin the storage poo'1 or during crane opezacion vith loads over the pool, the cz'ane bay roll-up door and the drumming room roll-up door, located on the 609-foot elevation of the auxiliary'uilding, must be closed. Hovever, they may be opened during these operations under administrative control. If cha crane bay door needs to be opened during fuel movement, an example of an administzative control might be to station an individual at the door who would beos in cosssunioation with personnel in'he spent fuel pool area and oould the door when passage was completed or in the event of an emergency, For the drumming room door, an example of an administrative concz'ol might be to require tha door co be z'eclosed after normal ingress and egress of personnel or material, or to station an individual at the door if the door needs co remain open for an extended period of time.

Should the doors become blocked or stuck open vhile under administzative contzol, Technical Specification requirements vill noc be considered to be violated provided the Action Statement requirements of Specification 3.9.12 .

az'a expeditiously followed, i.e., movement. of fuel within the storage pool. or crane operation vith loads over cha pool is expeditiously suspended.

D. C. COOK - UNIT 1 B 3/4 9-3 Amendment No. 7g p 124


16.. Undervoltage-Reactor Coolant Pumps 4- 1/bus

17. Unde rfrequency-Reactor Coolant Pumps 4- I/bus 3 1 iti. Turbin<<Trip A. Low Fluid Oil Pressure B. Turbine Stop Valve Closure
19. Safety Injection Input from ESF ), 2
20. Reactor Coolant Pump Breaker Position Trip Above P-7 1/br cake r 1/breaker per operat-ing loop
21. Reactor Trip Breakers 1, 2, 1, 13, 3*, 4*, 5* 14
22. Automatic Trip Logic 2 i+

'K 0



1 ~ ~ I

o ued With 2 of 4 Power Range Neutron P-7 prevents or defeats Flux Channels > 11$ of RATED the automatic block of THERMAL POWER or 1 of 2 Pressure reactor trip on: Low Before the First Stage channels flow in more than one

> 51 psig. primary coolant loop, ~

reactor coolant pump under-voltage and under-frequency, turbine trip, pressurizer low pressure, and pressurizer high level. Low flow in a particular loop can be evidenced by either a detected low flow or by the opening of the reactor coolant pump breaker.

P-8 With 2 of 4 Power Range Neutron P-8 prevents or defeats Flux channels > 31% of RATED the automatic block of THERMAL. POWER. reactor trip caused by bar- a low coolant flow condition in a single loop, P-10 'Pith 3 of 4 Power Range Neutron.  ? -10 prevents or defeats Flux channels < 9S of RATED the manual block of:

THER.fAL POWER. Power range low setpoint reactor trip, Intermediate range reactor trip, and intermediate range rod stops ~

Provides input to P-7.


~ ~

3/4 3-8 .AMENDMENT NO. Ns 107

~ ~ I ~



0 - CC 0 0 G S U E 0


1. Containment Pressure 2'
2. Reactor Coolant Outlet Temperature - Tso< (Mide Range)
3. Reactor Coolant Inlet Temperature - Tco~ (Wide Range) 2
4. Reactor Coolant Pressure - Wide Range 2
5. Pressurizer Water Level 2
6. Steam Line Pressure 2/Stea'm Generator
7. Steam Generator Mater Level - Narrow Range 1/Steam Generator
8. Refueling Water Storage Tank Mater Level 2
9. Boric Acid Tank Solution Level 1
10. Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Rate 1/Steam Generator*
11. Reactor Coolant System Subcooling Margin Moni.tor 1**
12. PORV Position Indicator - Limit Switches~* 1/Valve
13. PORV Block Valve Position Indicator - Limit Switches 1/Valve
14. Safety Valve Position Indicator - Acoustic Monito&~+- 1/Valve
15. Incore Thermocouples (Core Exit Thermocouples) 2/Core Quadrant
16. Reactor Coolant Inventory Tracking System One Train (3 channels/Train)

(Reactor Vessel Level Indication)

17. Containment Sump Level 1S. Containment Water Level Steam Generator Mater Level Channels used as a substitute for the corresponding auxiliary feedwater flow rate channel instrument; PPC subcooling margin readout can be used as a substi.tute for the subcooling monitor instrument.

Acoustic monitoring of PORV position (1 channel per three valves - headered discharge) can be used as a substitute for the PORV Indicator - Limit Switches instruments.


~rn:eplnce&an&becon~perenional. Thmchednle-for nodt4lcaeion or re-pla-accent fothe t-r a-netnlrcea COOK NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 2 3/4 3-46 Amendment No, QR, 0$ , 7gg, 151


1. Containment Pressure M R
2. Reactor Coolant Outlet Temperature - T (Wide Range) M R
3. Reactor Coolant Inlet Temperature - T HOT (Wide Range) M R
4. Reactor Coolant Pressure - Wide Range COLD LD R
5. Pressurizer Water Level R
6. Steam Line Pressure R

'j. Steam Generator Water Level - Narrow Range M R

8. RWST Water Level M
9. Icteric Acid Tank Solution Level M
10. Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Rate R ll. Reactor Coolant System Subcooling Margin Monitor M R
12. PORV Position Indicator - Limit Switches M R
13. PORV Block Valve Position Indicator - Limit Switches M R
14. Saf'ety Valve Position Indicator - Acoustic Monitor M R
15. Incore Thermocouples (Core Exit Thermocouples)~ M R(1)
16. Reactor Coolant Inventory Tracking System M(2) R(3)

(Reactor Vessel Level Indication)

17. Containment Sump Level~ R
18. Containment Water Level~ R Partial range channel calibration for sensor to be performed below P-12 in MODE 3.

With one train of Reactor Vessel Level Indication inoperable, Subcooling Margin Indication and Core Exit Thermocouples may be used to perform a CHANNEL CHECK to verify the Reactor Vessel Indi. cation train OPERABLE.

Completion of channel calibration for sensors to be performed below P-12 in MODE 3.

inst~men~+1+- ~fter-t~ve.

pieced-and-become-oIH. r~nat-.'She-schedu1a for-mod i.-fisa t ian-o r-

~q+neement-~~ rans~~s~M~bedMn-the-Bases .

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT - UHIT 2 3/4 3.-47 AMENDMENT NO. 9g, gg, f3)

'4 E ~



TABLE 3.3-,11 Unit 2 and Common Area Pire Detection Systems Total Number Detec'tion S stem Location of Detectors Heat Elame Smoke (x/y)+ '(x/7)+ (x/y)*-

Auxiliary Building a) Elevation 573 23/OC b) Elevation 587 55/OC c) Elevation 609 41/OC d) Elevation 633 41/OC e) Elevation 650 34/OC f) Nev Fuel STGE Area 4/OC U2 East, Main Steam Valve Enclosure 28/0+a U2 Hain Steam Line Area El. 612 (Around Containment) 13/P~

U2 NESTS Valve Area El. 612 2/0 U2 4KV Svitchgeax (AB) 0/3 0/2 U2 4KF Svitchgear (CD) 0/3 0/2 U2 Engr. Safety System Svitchgear & XFMR. Rm. 0/5 0/14 U2 CRD, XFHR & Svitchgear Rm.

Invertex 6 AB Bttxy. Rms. 0/5 0/17 pQ4e ~g Qv U2 Pressurizer Heater . Rm. 12/0 U2 Di.esel Fuel Oil . Rm. 0/1 U2 Diesel Generator Rm. 2AB 0/2 U2 Diesel Generator Rm. 2CD 0/2 U2 Diesel Generator Ramp Corr. 4/0 U162 AFVP Vestibule 2/OC U2 Control Room 42/0 U2 Svitchgeax Cable Vault 0/10%%+ 0/13 U2 Contxol Rm. Cable Vault 0/76~

U2 Aux. Cable Vault 0/6 Ul&2 ESV Basement Area 4/OC U2 ESV Pump & HCC Rms. 9/0 C System protects area common to both Units 1 and 2

  • (x/y) x is number of Function A (early vaxning fixe detection and notification only) instruments.

y is number of Function B (actuati.on of fixe suppression systems and early varning and notification) instruments.

circuit contains both smoke and.flame detectors tvo circuits of five detectors each .

tvo circui.ts of 38 detectors each .



I I I 'i N


LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.9,7 Loads in excess of 2,500 pounds shall be prohibited from travel .

over fuel assemblies in the storage pool. Loads carried over the spent fuel pool and the heights at which they may be carried over racks containina fuel shall be limited. in such a way as to precl'ude impact energies over 24,240 in.-lbs., if the loads are dropped from the crane.

APPLICABILITY: With fuel assemblies in the storage pool.


With the requi rements of the abo~pecification not satisfied,. place the crane load in a safe condition. The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS . Crane interlocks 'hich prevent crane travel with in excess of 2,500 pounds over fuel assemblies shall be demonstrated OPERABLE within 7 days prior to crane use and at least once per 7 days

'oads thereafter during crane operation. The potential impact energy due to dropping the crane's load shall be determined to be c 24,240 in.-lbs. prior to moving each load over racks containing fuel.

  • Shared system with D. C. COOK - UNIT D.~ C.~ COOK - UNIT2 3/4 9-7 Amendment'o. 5? 86 j

~ I ~


3. Verifying thac the HEPA filter banks remove greater than or equal to 99'f the DOP when they az'e tested in-place in accordance with ANSI N510-1980 while operating the exhaust ventilation syscem ac a flow z'ate of 30,000 cfm plus or minus 10%.

4 . Verifying within 31 days after removal chat a laboratory analysis of a carbon sample from either ac lease one test canister or ac lease cwo carbon samples removed from one oz the charcoal adsorbers demonscraces a removal efficiency of greacer chan or equal to 90% for radioactive methyl iodide when the sample is tested in accordance with ANSI N510-1980 (AS'QI D 3803-1979, 30 C95% R.H.). The carbon samples noc obcained from tesc canisters shall be prepared by either:

(a) Emptying one entire bed from a removed adsorbex tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obcaining samples ac lease, cwo inches in cLiamecer and with a length equal co the thickness of che bed, or.

(b) Emptying a longitudinal sample from a adsorber tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples ac least two inches in diamecer and wich a lengch equal to che thickness of che bed.

f Subsequent to reins ailing the adsorber =ay used for obtaining the carbon sample, the system shall be demonscrated OPERA8LE by also verifying thac "he charcoal adsorbers remove greacer than or equal to 99% of a halogenaced hydrocarbon xef-igerant test gas when they are tested in-place in accordance with ANSI H510-1980 while operacing che ventilation system ac a flow race of ~086 Goo cfm plus or minus 10%.


5. Verifying a system flow race of 30,000 cfm plus or minus 10% during system operation when tested in accordance with ANSI H510-1980.
o. Afcez'vexy 720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> of charcoal, adsorber operation by either:
l. Verifying within 31 days after removal that a laboracozy analysis oz a carbon sample obtained from a test canister demonscraces a removal efficiency of greater chan or equal to 90% for xadioact:ive mechyl iodide when the sample is tested in accordance with ANSI H510-1980 (ASTH D 3803-1979, 30 C, 95% R.H.)

COOK HUCLF~ PLANT - UNIT 2 3/4 9-13 Amendmenc Ho. QE, 1 40

\ ~ I RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS GASEOUS RADVASTE TREATKENT LYING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The gaseous radvaste treatment system and the ventilation exhaust treatment system shall be used to reduce the radioactive materials in gaseous vaste prior to their discharge vhen the projected gaseous effluent air doses due to gaseous effluent releases to unrestricted azeas (See Figure 5.1g3) vhen averaged over 31 days, vould exceed 0.2 mrad for gamma radiation and 0.4 mrad foz beta radiation. The ventilation exhaust treatment system shall be used to zeduce radioactive materials in gaseous vaste prior to their discharge vhen the projected doses due to gaseous effluent releases to unrestricted areas (See Figure 5.1-3) vhen averaged over 31 days vould exceed 0.3 mrem to any organ.

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


a ~ Pith gaseous waste being dischazged vithout treatment and in excess of the above limits, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Specification 6.9.2, a Special Repozt vhich includes the folloving information:

1. Identification of the inoperable equipment or subsystems and the reason for inoperabi.lizy.
2. Action(s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to operable status.
b. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE RE UZRE.'KITS Doses due to gaseous releases to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be projected at least once per 31 days in accordance vith the ODQf, whenever the gaseous vaste treatment system or ventilation exhaust treatment system is not operational.


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VOLUME 5.4.2 The total water and steam volume of the reactor coolant 0 system is 12,612 plus or minus 100 cubic feet at a nominal Tavg of 70 F.

5.5 METEOROLOGICAL TOWER LOCATION 5.5.1 The meteorological tower shall be located as shown on Figure 5.1-X.

5.6 FUEL STORAGE CRITICALITY - SPENT FUEL The spent fuel storage racks are designed and shall be maintained with:

ff equivalent A Keff to less than 0.95 when flooded with unborated water,

b. A nominal 8.97-inch center-to-center distance between fuel assemblies, placed in the storage racks.

C. The fuel assemblies will be classified as acceptable for Region 1, Region 2, or Region 3 storage based upon their assembly average burnup versus initial nominal Cells acceptable for Region 1, Region 2, and


Region 3 assembly storage are indicated in Figures 5.6-1 and 5.6-2. Assemblies that are acceptable for storage in Region 1, Region 2, and Region 3 must meet the design criteria that define the regions as follows:

1. Region 1 is designed to accommodate new fuel with a maximum nominal enrichment of 4.95 wt% U-235, or spent fuel regardless of the discharge fuel burnup.
2. Region 2 is designed to accommodate fuel of 4.95%

initi,al nominal enrichment burned to at least 50,000 MWD/MTU, or fuel of other enrichments with equivalent reactivity.

3. Region 3 is designed to accommodate fuel of 4.95%

initial nominal enrichment burned to at least 38,000 MWD/MTU, or fuel of other enrichments with equivalent reactivity.




~ \ 4

~ ~


6. 1 RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.1 The Plant Manager shall be responsible fox overall facility operation and shall delegate in vziting the succession to this responsIbIlity during his absence.

6.1.2 The Shift Supexvisor (or during his absence fx'om the control room complex, a designated indivt.dual) shall be responsible for the control zoom

' management directive to this effect signed by the Vice command function.

President - Nuclear Operations shall be reissued to all station pezsannel on an annual basis.

6.2 ORGANIZATION ONSZTE AND OFFSITE ORGANIZATIONS 6.2.1. Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established fox'nit operatIon and corporate management, respectively. The onsIte and, offsite organizatI.ons shall include the posI.tions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear paver plant.

a. Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be established and defined foz the highest management levels through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions. These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appzopriate, in the form of organizational charts. These organizational charts vill be documented in the%8 gn updated tJ FiPt-in accordance vith 10 CFR 50.71(e).
b. The Plant Manager shall be responsible for overall unI,t safe operation and shall have control ovex those onsite actIvities necessary'or safe operation and maintenance of the plant.

C ~ The Vice PresI.dent - Nuclear OperatIons shall have corporate responsibility for overall plane, nuclear safety and shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in opexating, maintaining, and providIng technical support to the plant to ensuxe nuclear safety.

d. The individuals vho train the operating staff and those vho carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; hovevex, they shall have suffIcient organizatIonal fxeedom to ensuze their independence from operating pressures.

FACILITY STAFF 6.2.2 The FacI.lity organization shall be sub]ect to the follovtng:

a. Each on duty shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift crev composition shovn in Table 6.2-.1.


I 1 s > ~ ~


( a ~ Wg ~

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.3 FACILITY STAFF UALIFICATIONS 6.3,1 Each member of the facility staff shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.}.-1971 for comparable positions, except for (1) the Plant Radiation Protection Manager, vho shall meet or exceed qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975, (2) the Shift Technical Advisor, vho. shall have a bachelor's degree or equivalent in a scientific oz engineering discipline vith specific training in plant design, and response and analysis of the plant for transients and accidents and, (3) the Operations Superintendent, vho must hold or have held a Senior Operator License as specified in Section 6.2.2.h.

6.4 TRAXNZNG 6.4.1 A retraining and replacement training program for the facility staff shall be maintained under tha direction of the Training Managez and shall meet oz l exceed the requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI N18.1.-1971 and 6.5 REVIEW AND AUDIT 6.5.1 PLANT NUCLEAR SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE PNSRC FUNCTION 6.5,1.1 Tha PNSRC shall function to advise the Plant

~ ~ ~ Manager on all matters related to nuclear'afety.

COMPOSITION The PNSRC shall be composed of Assistant Plant Managers, Depaztment Superintendents, or supervisory personnel reporting directly to the Plant Manager, Assistant Plant Managers or Department Superintendents from the functional areas listed belov:

Licensing Activities Technical'uppozt Safety 6 Assessment Radiation Protection Operations Maintenance The Chairman, his alternate and other members and their alternates of the PNSRC shall ba designated by the Plant Manager. In addition to the Chairman; the PNSRC membership shall consist of one individual from each of tha areas designated above.

PNSRC members and alternates shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSX N18.1-1971 Section 4.4 for comparable positions. The nuclear pover plant operations individual shall meet the qualif ications of Section 4. 2. 2 of ANSI N18.1-1971 except for. the requirement to hold a current Senior Operator License.

Tha operations individual must hold or have held a Senior Operator License at Cook Nuclear Plant or a similar reactor. The maintenance individual shall meet the qualif'cations of Section 4.2.3 of ANSI N18.1-1971.



The OPKQILITY of the post-accident instrumentation ensures that sufficient information is available on selected plant parameters to monitor and assess these variables during and following an accident.

3 available o rement of the neutron flux spatial di '4 on within the reactor core. bility is reqlxiz o 1) monitor the core flux patterns that are represe he peak core power density and 2) limit the core r axial power profile su the total power peakin " . is maintained within acceptable m'ts.

3 FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION OPERABILITY of the fire detection instrumentation ensures warning capability is available for the prompt detection of fires.

that'dequate This capability is required in order to detect and locate fires in their early stages. Prompt de'tection of fires will z'educe the potential for damage to safety-related equipment and is an integral element in the ovez'all facility fire protection program.

In the event that a portion of the f'e detection instrumentation is inoperable the establishment of frequent fire patrols in the affected


areas is required to provide detection capability until the inoperable instrumentation is zesrored to OPERABILITY. Use of containment temperature monitoring is allowed once per hour inoperable.

if containment fize detecrion is 3 RADIOACTIVE L'I UID EFFLUENT INSTRUMENTATION The radioactive liquid effluent instrumentation is provide to monitor and control, as applicable, the release of radioactive material in liquid effluents during actual or potential releases. The alarm/trip setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated in accordance with NRC approval methods in the'ODCM to ensure that the alarm/trip will occur prioz'o exceeding the limits of 10 CFR Part 20. The OPER.-'VILITY and use of th's instrumentation 'is consistent with the z'equiremen"s of General Design Criteria specified in Section 11.3 of the Final Safety Analysis Report for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant.

D. C. COOK - UNIT 2 8 3/4 3-3 Anendment No. 61,115,119

g ~

~ II



~ ~ ) ~

~ I

'EFUELING'OPERATIONS BASES 3 4.9.9 CONTAINMENT PURGE AND EXHAUST ISOLATION SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of this system ensures that the containment vent and purge penetrations will automatically isolated upon detection of high radiation be levels within the containment. The OPERABILITY of this system is required to restrict the release of radioactive material from the containment atmosphere to the environment.

3 4.9.10 AND 3 4.9.11 WATER LEVEL - REACTOR VESSEL AND STORAGE POOL The restrictions on minimum water level ensure that sufficient water depth is available to remove 99& of the assumed 10% iodine gap activity released from the rupture of an irradiated fuel assembly. The minimum water depth is consistent with the assumptions of the accident analysis.'ater level above the vessel flange in MODE 6 will vary as the reactor vessel head and the system internals are removed. The 23 feet of water are required before any subsequent movement of fuel assemblies or control rods.

3 4.9.12 STORAGE POOL VENTILATION SYSTEM The limitations o'n the storage pool ventilation system ensure that'll radioactive material released from an irradiated = el assembly will be filtered through the HEPA filters and charcoal adsorber prior to discharge to the atmosphere. The OPERABILITY of this system and the resulting iodine removal capacity are consistent with the assumptio..s of the accident analyses.

The 1980 version of ANSI N510 is used as a testing guide. This standard, however, is intended to be rigorously applied only to systems which, unlike the storage pool ventilation system, are designed to ANSI N509 standards. For the specific case of the air-aerosol mixing uniformity test required by ANSI N510 as a prerequisite to in-place leak testing of charcoal and HEPA filters, the air-aerosol uniform. mixing test acceptance criteria were not rigorously met. For this reason, a statistical correction factor will be applied to applicable surveillance test results where required.

In order to maintain the minimum negative pressure required by Technical Specifications (1/8 inch W.G.) during movement of fuel within the storage pool or during crane operation with loads over the pool, the crane bay roll-up door and the drumming room roll-up door, located on the 609-foot elevation of the auxiliary building, must be closed. However, they may be opened during these operations under administrative control. if th'e crane bay door needs to be opened during fuel movement, an example of an administrative control might be to station an individual at the door who would )e j.n communication with personnel in the spent fuel pool area and could~ma- C. a)S the door when passage, was comple'ted or in the event of an emergency. For the drumming room door, an example of an administrative control might be to require the door to be reclosed after normal ingress and egress of personnel or materi.aJ,. or to station an individual at the door extended period of time.

if the door needs to remain open for an D. C. COOK - UNIT 2 B 3/4 9-3 Amendment No. $ g, 111


I 0> 1 t



l. \

~ 1

TABLE 3 3-1 Continued DESIGNATION CONDITION AND SETPOINT FUNCTION P-7 With 2 of 4 Power Range Neutron P-7 prevents or defeats Flux Channels greater than or the automatic block of equal to 11% of RATED reactor trip on: Low or 1 of 2 Turbine First flow in more than one THERMAL'OWER Stage Pressure channels greater primary coolant loop, than or equal to 37 psig. reactor coolant pump under-voltage and under-frequency, turbine trip, pressurizer low pressure, and pressur-izer high level. Low flow in a par'ticular loop can be evidenced by either a detected low flow or by the opening of the reactor coolant pump breaker.

P-8 With 2 of 4 Power Range Neutron P-8 prevents or defeats Flux channels greater than or the automatic block of equal to 31% of RATED THERMAL reactor trip caused by POWER a low coolant flow condition in a single loop.

With 3 of 4 Power range neutron P-10 prevents or flux channels less than 9% of defeats the manual RATED THERMAL POWER. block of: Power range low setpoint reactor trip, Intermediate range reactor trip, and intermediate range rod stops.

Provides input to P-7.




TABLE 3 3-10 (Continued)

Unit 1 and Common Area Fire Detection S stems Total Number Detector S stem Location of Detectors Heat ~lame Smoke (x/y)* (x/y)* (~)*

Ul Cable Tunnels a) Quad 1 Cable Tunnel 0/3 0/4 b) Quad 2 Cable Tunnel 0/4 0/7 c) Quad 3N 0/3 0/4 d) Quad 3S 0/3 0/3 e) Quad 3M 0/3 0/4 f) Quad 4 0/5 0/6 Ul Charcoal Filter Ventilation Units a) 1-HV-AES-1 0/] *****

b) 1-HV-AES-2 P/1*****

c) 1-HV-ACRF P/1*****

d) 1-HV-CIPX 0/].**4k%

e) 1-HV-CPR 0/1 **+4*

f) 12-HV-AFX 0/] **~C Ul Containment******

a) RCP 1 1/0 b) RCP 2 1/0 c) RCP 3 1/0 d) RCP 4 1/0 e) Cable Trays 1/0 System protects area common to both Units 1 and 2

y is number of Function B (actuation of fire suppression systems and early warning and notificati'on) instruments.

Originally installed to automatically deluge charcoal filters.

However, manual actions are now necessary.

The fire detection instruments located within the Containment are not required to be OPERABLE during the performance of Type A Containment Leakage Rate tests, 'I Thermistors located within cable trays which'ontain combustible cables, in both upper and lower containment throughout quadrants 1-4.


TABLE 3.3-11 POST-ACCIDENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION MINIMUM CHANNELS INSTRUMENT OPERABLE 1~ Containment Pressure 2 2~ Reactor Coolant Outlet Temperature- TDT (Wide Range) 2 3 ~ Reactor Coolant Inlet Temperature- T~i~ (Wide Range) 2 4 ~ Reactor Coolant Pressure-Wide Range 2

5. Pressurizer Water Level 2
6. Steam Line Pressure 2/steam generator 7~ Steam. Generator Water Level-Narrow Range 1/steam generator
8. Refueling Water Storage Tank Water Level 2
9. Boric Acid Tank Solution Level 1
10. Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Rate 1/steam generator*
11. Reactor Coolant System Subcooling Margin Monitor 1**
12. PORV Position Indicator Limit Switches*** 1/Valve PORV Block Valve Position Indicator Limit Switches 1/Valve Safety Valve Position Indicator Acoustic Monitor 13



15. Incore Thermocouples (Core Exit Thermocouples) 2/Core Quadrant
16. Reactor Coolant Inventory Tracking System One Train (Reactor Vessel Level Indication) (3 Channels/Train) 17 Containment Sump Level 1


Containment Water Level 2

PPC subcooling margin readout can be used as a substitute for the subcooling monitor instrument.

Acoustic monitoring of PORV position (1 channel per three valves - headered discharge) can be used as a substitute for the PORV Position Indicator Limit Switches instruments.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 1 3/4 3-55 Amendment No. ~, 4k&, 46k, 468


1. Containment Pressure
2. Reactor Coolant Outlet Temperature-THOT (Wide Range)
3. Reactor Coolant Inlet Temperature-(Wide Range ) M R TCO
4. ReaRc or Coolant Pressure-Wide Range M R
5. Pressurizer Water Level M R
6. Steam Line Pressure M R 7, Steam Generator Water Level-Narrow Range M R 8 ~ RWST Water Level M R
9. Boric Acid Tank Solution Level M R 10.Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Rate M R 11.Reactor Coolant System Subcooling M R Margin Monitor 12.PORV Position Indicator - Limit Switches M R 13.PORV Block Valve Position Indicator- M R Limit Switches 14.Safety Valve Position Indicator-Acoustic Monitor 15.Incore Thermocouples (Core Exit Thermocouples) M R(1) 16.Reactor Coolant Inventory Tracking System M(2) R(3)

(Reactor Vessel Level Indication) 17.Containment Sump Level M R 18.Containment Water Level M R (1) Partial range channel calibration for sensor to be performed below P-12 in MODE 3.

(2) With one train of Reactor Vessel Level Indication inoperable, Subcooling Margin Indication and Core Exit Thermocouples may be used to perform a CHANNEL CHECK to verify the remaining Reactor Vessel Indication train OPERABLE.

(3) Completion of channel calibration for sensors to be performed below P-12 in MODE 3.


TABLE 3.7-6 LOW PRESSURE CARBON DIOXIDE SYSTEMS LOCATION ACTUATION PERIOD Diesel Generator 1AB Room Cross-zoned Heat Diesel Generator 1CD Room Cross-zoned Heat Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Pump Room Heat 4 KV Switchgear Rooms Manual Control Rod Drive, Transf. Switchgear Rooms Manual Engineered Safety Switchgear Room Manual Switchgear Room Cable Vault Cross-zoned Ionization and Infrared Auxiliary Cable Vault Ionization Control Room Cable Vault (Backup)* Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant 1 Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant 2 Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant 3N Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant 3M Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant 3S Manual Penetration Cable Tunnel Quadrant 4 Manual

  • Control Room Cable Vault CO> System is only required to be operable when the Cable Vault Halon System is inoperable.



LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.9.7 Loads in excess of 2,500 pounds shall be prohibited from travel over fuel assemblies in the storage pool. Loads carried over the spent fuel pool and the heights at which they may be carried over racks containing fuel shall be limited in such a way as to preclude impact energies over 24,240 in.-lbs., if the loads are dropped from the crane.

APPLICABILITY: With fuel assemblies in the storage pool.


With the requirements of the above specification not satisfied, place the crane load in a safe condition. The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS Crane interlocks which prevent crane travel with loads in 'excess of 2,500 pounds over fuel assemblies shall be demonstrated OPERABLE within 7 days prior to crane use and at least once per 7 days thereafter during crane operation. The potential impact energy due to dropping the crane's load shall be determined to be s 24,240 in.-lbs. prior to moving each load over racks containing fuel.

  • Shared system with Cook Nuclear Plant - Unit 2.





RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The gaseous radwaste treatment system and the ventilation exhaust treatment system shall be used to reduce the radioactive materials in gaseous waste prior to their dischaige when the projected gaseous effluent air doses due to gaseous effluent releases to unrestricted areas (gee Figure 5. 1-3) when averaged over 31 days, would exceed 0.2 mrad for gamma radiation and 0.4 mrad for beta radiation. The ventilation exhaust treatment system shall be used to reduce radioactive materials in gaseous waste prior to their discharge when the projected doses due to gaseous effluent releases to unrestricted areas (See Figure 5.1-3) when averaged over 31 days would exceed 0.3 mrem to any organ.

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


a. With gaseous waste being discharged without treatment and in excess of the above limits, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report which includes the following information:
1. Identification of the inoperable equipment or subsystems and the reason for inoperability.
2. Action(s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to operable status.
b. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS Doses due to gaseous releases to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be projected at least once per 31 days in accordance with the ODCM, whenever the gaseous waste treatment system or ventilation exhaust treatment system is not operational.


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DESIGN FEATURES CAPACITY 5.6.4 The fuel storage pool is designed and shall be maintained with a storage capacity limited to no more than 3613 fuel assemblies.

5 7 SEISMIC CLASSIFICATION 5.7.1 Those structures, systems and components identified as Category I Items in the FSAR shall be designed and maintained to the original design provisions contained in the FSAR with allowance for normal degradation pursuant to the applicant Surveillance Requirements.

5 8 METEROLOGICAL TOWER LOCATION 5.8.1 The meterological tower shall be located as shown on Figure 5.1-3.

5 9 COMPONENT CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT LIMIT 5.9.1 The components identified in Table 5.9-1 are designed and shall be maintained within the cyclic or transient limits of Table 5.9-1.


L I ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6 1 RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.1 The Plant Manager shall be responsible for overall facility operation and shall delegate in writing the succession to this responsibility during his absence.

6.1.2 The Shift Supervisor (or during his absence from the control room complex, a designated individual) shall be responsible for the control room command function. A management directive to this effect signed by the Vice President - Nuclear Operations shall be reissued to all station personnel on an annual basis.

6 2 ORGANIZATION ONSITE AND OFFSITE ORGANIZATIONS 6.2.1 Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established for unit operation and corporate management, respectively. The onsite and offsite organizations shall include the positions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear power plant.

a. Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be established and defined for the highest management level through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions. These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organizational charts. These organizational charts will be documented in the UFSAR and updated in accordance with 10 CFR 50.71(e).
b. The Plant Manager shall be responsible for overall unit safe operation and shall have control over those onsite activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the plant.

co Vice President - Nuclear Operations shall have corporate responsibility for overall plant nuclear safety and shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in d.'he operating, maintaining, and providing plant to ensure nuclear safety.

technical support to the The individuals who train the operating staff and those who carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; however, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their independence from operating pressures.

FACILITY STAFF 6.2.2 The Facility organization shall be subject to the following:

a. Each on duty, shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift crew composition shown in Table 6.2-1.


ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.3 FACILITY STAFF UALIFICATIONS 6.3.1 Each member of the facility staff shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications, of ANSI N18.1-1971 for comparable positions, except for (1) the Plant Radiation Protection Manager, who shall meet or exceed qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975, (2) the Shift Technical Advisor, who shall have a bachelor's degree or equivalent in a scientific or engineering discipline with specific training in plant design, and response and analysis of the plant for transients and accidents and, (3) the Operations Superintendent must hold or have held a Senior Operator License as specified in Section 6.2.2.h.

6.4 TRAINING 6.4.1 A retraining and replacement training program for the facility staff shall be maintained under the direction of the Training Manager and shall meet or exceed the requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI N18.1-1971 and 10 CFR Part 55.

6 5 REVIEW AND AUDIT 6.5 1 PLANT NUCLEAR SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE PNSRC FUNCTION The PNSRC shall function to advise the Plant Manager on all matters related to nuclear safety.

COMPOSITION The PNSRC shall be composed of Assistant Plant Managers, Department Superintendents, or supervisory personnel reporting directly to the Plant Manager, Assistant Plant Managers or Department Superintendents from the functional areas listed below:

Licensing Activities Technical Support Safety & Assessment Radiation Protection Operations Maintenance The Chairman, his alternate and other members and their alternates of the PNSRC shall be designated by the Plant Manager. In addition to the Chairman, the PNSRC membership shall consist of one individual from each of the areas designated above.

PNSRC members and alternates shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 Section 4.4 for comparable positions. The nuclear power plant operations individual shall me'et the qualifications of Section 4.2.2 of ANSI N18.1-1971 except for the requirement to hold a current Senior Operator License.

The operations individual must hold or have held a Senior Operator License at Cook Nuclear Plant or a similar reactor. The maintenance individual shall meet the qualifications of Section 4:2.3 of ANSI N18.1-1971.


INSTRUMENTATION BASES 3 4 3 3 5 REMOTE SHUTDOWN INSTRUMENTATION The OPERABILITY of the remote shutdown instrumentation ensures that sufficient capability is available to permit shutdown and maintenance of HOT STANDBY of the facility from locations outside of the control room. This capability is required in the event control room habitability is lost and is consistent with General Design Criteria 19 of 10 CFR 50.

3 4 3 3 5 1 APPENDIX R REMOTE SHUTDOWN INSTRUMENTATION The OPERABILITY of the Appendix R remote shutdown instrumentation ensures that sufficient instrumentation is available to permit shutdown of the facility to COLD SHUTDOWN conditions at the local shutdown indication (LSI) panel. In the event of a fire, normal power to the LSI panels may be lost. As a result, capability to repair the LSI panels from Unit 2 has been provided. If the alternate power supply is not available, fire watches will be established in those fire areas where loss of normal power to the LSI panels could occur in the event of fire. This will consist of either establishing continuous fire watches or verifying OPERABILITY of fire detectors per Specification and establishing hourly fire watches. The details of how these fire watches are to be implemented are included in a plant procedure.

3 4 3 3 FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEMS DETECTORS OPERABILITY of the fire detection systems/detectors ensures that adequate detection capability is available for the prompt detection of fires. This capability is required in order to detect and locate fires in their early stages.

Prompt detection of the fires will reduce the potential for damage to safety related systems or components in the areas of the specified systems and is an integral element in the overall facility fire protection program. In the event that a portion of the fire detection systems is inoperable, the ACTION statements provided maintain the facility's fire protection program and allows for continued operation of the facility until the inoperable system(s)/detector(s) are restored to OPERABILITY. However, it is not our intent to rely upon the compensatory action for an extended period of time and action will be taken to restore the minimum number of detectors to OPERABLE status within a reasonable period.

3 4 3 3 8 POST-ACCIDENT INSTRUMENTATION The OPERABILITY of the post-accident instrumentation ensures that sufficient information is available on selected plant parameters to monitor and assess these variables during and following an accident.


REFUELING OPERATIONS BASES 3 4 9 10 and 3 4 9 ll WATER LEVEL - REACTOR VESSEL AND STORAGE POOL The restrictions on minimum water level ensure that sufficient water depth is available to remove 99% of the assumed 10$ iodine gap activity released from the rupture of an irradiated fuel assembly. The minimum water depth is consistent with the assumptions of the accident analysis, Water level above the vessel flange in MODE 6 will vary as the reactor vessel head and the system internals are removed. The 23 feet of water are required before any subsequent movement of fuel assemblies or control rods.

3 4 9 12 STORAGE POOL VENTILATION SYSTEM The limitations on the storage pool ventilation system ensure that all radioactive material released from an irradiated fuel assembly will be filtered through the HEPA filters and charcoal adsorber prior to discharge to the atmosphere. The OPERABILITY of this system and the resulting iodine removal capacity are consistent with the assumptions of the accident analyses.

The 1980 version of ANSI N510 is used as a testing guide. This standard, however, is intended to be rigorously applied only to systems which, unlike the storage pool ventilation system, are designed to ANSI N509 standards. For the specific case of the air-aerosol mixing uniformity test required by ANSI N510 as a prerequisite to in-place leak testing of charcoal and HEPA filters, the air-aerosol uniform mixing test acceptance criteria were not rigorously met.

For this reason, a statistical correction factor will be applied to applicable surveillance test results where required.

In order to maintain the minimum negative pressure required by Technical Specifications (1/8 inch W.G.) during movement of fuel within the storage pool or during crane operation with loads over the pool, the crane bay roll-up door and the drumming room roll-up door, located on the 609-foot elevation of the auxiliary building, must be closed. However, they may be opened during these operations under administrative control. If the crane bay door needs to be opened during fuel movement, an example of an administrative control might be to station an individual at the door who would be in communication with personnel in the spent fuel pool area and could close the door when passage through the door was completed or in the event of an emergency. For the drumming room door, an example of an administrative control might be to require the door to be reclosed after normal ingress and egress of personnel or material, or to station an individual at the door if the door needs to remain open for an extended period of time.

Should the doors become blocked or stuck open while under administrative control, Technical Specification requirements will not be considered to be violated provided the Action Statement requirements of Specification 3.9.12 are expeditiously followed, i.e., movement of fuel within the storage pool or crane operation with loads over the pool is expeditiously suspended.



16. Undervoltage-Reactor 4-1/bus Coolant Pumps
17. Underfrecpxency-Reactor 4-1/bus Coolant Pumps
18. Turbine Trip A. Low Fluid Oil Pressure B. Turbine Stop Valve Closure
19. Safety Injection Input 1I 2 from ESF
20. 'Reactor Coolant Pump Breaker Position Trip Above P-7 1/breaker 1/breaker per operating loop
21. Reactor Trip Breakers 1I 2/ 1 33 3* 4* 5* 14
22. Automatic Trip Logic 1I 2I 1 3* 4* 5* 14 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 3/4 3-4 AMENDMENT NO 86,

~ TABLE 3 3-1 Continued DESIGNATION CONDITION AND SETPOINT FUNCTION P-7 With 2 of 4 Power Range Neutron P-7 prevents or defeats Flux Channels ~ 11$ of RATED the automatic block of THERMAL POWER or 1 of 2 Pressure reactor trip on: Low before the First Stage flow in more than one channels ~ 51 psig. primary coolant loop, reactor coolant pump under-voltage and under-frequency, turbine trip, pressurizer low pressure, and pressurizer high level.

Low flow in a particular loop can be evidenced by either a detected low flow or by the opening of the reactor coolant pump breaker.

P-8 With 2 of 4 Power Range Neutron P-8 prevents or defeats Flux channels E 31% of RATED the automatic block of THERMAL POWER. reactor trip caused by a low coolant flow condition in a single loop.

P-10 With 3 of 4 Power Range Neutron P-10 prevents or defeats flux channels < 9% of RATED the manual block of:

THERMAL POWER.. Power range low setpoint reactor trip, Inter-mediate range reactor trip, and intermediate range rod stops.

Provides input to P-7.


TABLE 3.3-10 POST-ACCIDENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION INSTRUMENT MINIMUM CHANNELS OPERABLE 1~ Containment Pressure 2 2 Reactor Coolant Outlet Temperature - THpT (Wide Range) 2 Reactor Coolant Inlet Temperature - Tp~i~ (Wide Range)


3 ~ 2 4 ~ Reactor Coolant Pressure Wide Range 2

5. Pressurizer Water Level 2
6. Steam Line Pressure 2/Steam Generator 7 ~ Steam Generator Water Level Narrow Range 1/Steam Generator
8. Refueling Water Storage Tank Water Level 2 9 ~ Boric Acid Tank Solution Level 1
10. Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Rate 1/Steam Generator*
11. Reactor Coolant System subcooling Margin Monitor ] **
12. PORV Position Indicator Limit Switches*** 1/Valve 13 ~ PORV Block Valve Position Indicator Limit Switches 1/Valve
14. ,Safety Valve Position Indicator Acoustic Monitor 1/Valve
15. Incore Thermocouples (Core Exit Thermocouples) 2/Core Quadrant
16. Reactor Coolant Inventory Tracking System One Train (Reactor Vessel Level Indication) '(3 Channels/Train)
17. Containment Sump Level 1
18. Containment Water Level 2

PPC subcooling margin readout can be used as a substitute for the subcooling monitor instrument.

Acoustic monitoring of PORV position (1 channel per three valves - headered discharge) can be used as a substitute for the PORV Indicator Limit Switches instruments.

1 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 3/4 3-46 Amendment. No. 9&, 9S, ~, ~

TABLE 4.3-10 POST-ACCIDENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS CHANNEL CHANNEL CHECK CAIZHfQTION 1~ Containment Pressure M R 2 ~ Reactor Coolant Outlet Temperature T~~ (Wide Range) M R 3 ~ Reactor Coolant Inlet Temperature T~gp (Wide Range) M R 4 ~ Reactor Coolant Pressure Wide Range M R

5. Pressurizer Water Level M R
6. Steam Line Pressure M R 7~ Steam Generator Water Level Narrow Range M R 8~ RWST Water Level M R 9 ~ Boric Acid Tank Solution Level M R
10. Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Rate M R 11 Reactor Coolant System Subcooling Margin Monitor M R
12. PORV Position Indicator Limit Switches M R
13. PORV Block Valve Position Indicator - Limit Switches M R
14. Safety Valve Position Indicator - Acoustic Monitor M R
15. Incore Thermocouples (Core Exit Thermocouples) M R(1) 16 Reactor Coolant Inventory Tracking System M(2) R(3)

'7 (Reactor Vessel Level Indication)

~ Containment Sump Level M R 18 ~ Containment Water Level M R Partial range channel calibration for sensor to be performed below P-12 in MODE 3.

(2) With one train of Reactor Vessel Level Indication inoperable, Subcooling Margin Indication and Core Exit Thermocouples may be used to perform a CHANNEL CHECK to verify the remaining Reactor Vessel Indication train OPERABLE.

(3) Completion of channel calibration for sensors to be performed below P-12 in MODE 3.


TABLE 3 3-11 Unit 2 and Common Area Fire Detection S stems Total Number Detection S stem Location of Detectors Heat ~lame Smoke (x/y)* (x/y)* (x/y)*

Auxiliary Building a) Elevation 573 23/0 C b) Elevation 587 55/0 C c) Elevation 609 41/0 C d) Elevation 633 41/0 C e) Elevation 650 34/0 C f) New Fuel STGE Area 4/0 C U2 East Main Steam Valve Enclosure 28/0**

U2 Main Steam Line Area El. 612 (Around Containment) 13/0**

U2 NESW Valve Area El. 612 2/0 U2 4KV Switchgear (AB) 0/3 0/2 U2 4KV Switchgear (CD) 0/3 0/2 U2 Engr. Safety System Switchgear & XFMR. Rm. 0/5 0/14 U2 CRD, XFMR & Switchgear Rm.

Inverter 6 AB Bttry. Rms. 0/5 0/17 U2 Pressurizer Heater XFMR. Rm. 12/0 U2 Diesel Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Rm. 0/1 U2 Diesel Generator Rm. 2AB 0/2 U2 Diesel Generator Rm. 2CD 0/2 U2 Diesel Generator Ramp Corr. 4/0 Ul&2 AFWP Vestibule 2/0 C U2 Control Room 42/0 U2 Switchgear Cable Vault 0/10*~ 0/13 U2 Control Rm. Cable Vault 0/76*%%*

U2 Aux. Cable Vault 0/6 Ul&2 ESW Basement Area 4/0 C U2 ESW Pump & MCC Rms. 9/0 C System protects area common to both Units 1 and 2

y is number of Funct:ion B '(actuation of fire suppression systems warning and notification) instruments.

and'arly circuit contains both smoke and flame detectors

      • two circuit:s of five detectors each

~** two circuits of 38 detectors each COOK NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 2 3/4 3-52 AMENDMENT NO. 44,


LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.9.7 Loads in excess of 2,500 pounds shall be prohibited from travel over fuel assemblies in the storage pool. Loads carried over the spent fuel pool and the heights at which'hey may be carried over racks containing fuel shall be limited in such a way as to preclude impact energies over 24,240 in.-lbs., if the loads are dropped from the crane.

APPLICABILITY: With fuel assemblies in the storage pool.


With the requirements of the above specification not satisfied, place the crane load in a safe condition. The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 are not applicable.

S VEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS Crane interlocks which prevent crane travel with loads in excess of 2,500 pounds over fuel assemblies shall be demonstrated OPERABLE within 7 days prior to crane use and at least once per 7 days thereafter during crane operation. The potential impact energy due to dropping the crane's load shall be determined to be s 24,240 in.-lbs. prior to moving each load over racks containing fuel.

  • Shared system with Cook Nuclear Plant - Unit 1.


~ ~ ~


3. Verifying that the HEPA filter banks remove greater than or equal to 99%

of the DOP when they are tested in-place in accordance with ANSI N510-1980 while operating the exhaust ventilation system at a flow rate of 30,000 cfm plus or minus 108.

4. Verifying within 31 days after removal that a laboratory analysis of a carbon sample from either at least one test canister or at least two carbon samples removed from one of the charcoal adsorbers demonstrates a removal efficiency of greater than or equal to 90$ for radioactive methyl iodide when the sample is tested in accordance with ANSI N510-1980 (ASTM D 3803-1979, 30 C, 95% R.H.). The carbon samples not obtained from test canisters shall be prepared by either:

(a) Emptying one entire bed from a removed adsorber tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples at least two inches in diameter and with a length equal to the thickness of the bed, or (b) Emptying a longitudinal sample from an adsorber tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples at least two inches in diameter and with a length equal to the thickness of the bed.

Subsequent to reinstalling the adsorber tray used for obtaining the carbon sample, the system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by also verifying that the charcoal adsorbers remove greater than or equal to 99% of a halogenated hydrocarbon refrigerant test gas when they are tested in-place in accordance with ANSI N510-1980 while operating the ventilation system at a flow rate of 30,000 cfm plus or minus 10%.

5. Verifying a system flow rate of 30,000 cfm plus or minus 108 during system operation when tested in accordance with ANSI N510-1980.

C. After every 720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> of charcoal adsorber operation by either:

1. Verifying within 31 days after removal that a laboratory analysis of a carbon sample obtained from a test canister demonstrates a removal efficiency of greater than or equal to 90$ for radioactive methyl iodide when the sample is'ested in accordance with ANSI N510-1980 (ASTM D 3803-1979, 30 C, 95',R.H.).


RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The gaseous radwaste treatment system and the ventilation exhaust treatment system shall be used to reduce the radioactive materials in gaseous waste prior to their discharge when the projected gaseous effluent air doses due to gaseous effluent releases to unrestricted areas (See Figure 5.1-3) when averaged over 31 days, would exceed 0.2 mrad for gamma radiation and 0.4 mrad.

for beta radiation. The ventilation exhaust treatment system shall be used to reduce radioactive materials in gaseous waste prior to their discharge when the projected doses due to gaseous effluent releases to unrestricted areas (See Figure 5.1-3) when averaged over 31 days would exceed 0.3 mrem to any organ.

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


With gaseous waste being discharged without treatment and in excess of the above limits, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report which includes the following information:

1. Identification of the inoperable equipment or subsystems and the reason for inoperability.

2 ~ Action(s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to operable status.

b. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS 4.11 '.4 Doses due to gaseous releases to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be projected at least once per 31 days in accordance with the ODCM, whenever the gaseous waste treatment system or ventilation exhaust treatment system is not operational.


C ~


~ 4 S v VOLUME 5.4.2 The total water and steam volume of the reactor coolant system is 12,612 plus or minus 100 cubic feet at a nominal Tavg of 70 F.

5.5 METEOROLOGICAL TOWER LOCATION meteorological tower shall be located as Figure 5.1-3.

Bl The shown on CRITICALITY - SPENT FUEL The spent fuel storage racks are designed and shall be maintained with:

a. A K,qq equivalent to less than 0.95 when flooded with unborated water,
b. A nominal 8.97-inch center-to-center distance between fuel assemblies, placed in the storage racks.

c ~ The fuel assemblies will be classified as acceptable for Region 1, Region 2, or Region 3 storage based upon their assembly burnup versus initial nominal enrichment. Cells acceptable for Region 1, Region 2, and Region 3 assembly storage are indicated in Figures 5.6-1 and 5.6-2. Assemblies that are acceptable for storage in Region 1, Region 2, and Region 3 must meet the design criteria that define the regions as follows:

1. Region 1 is designed to accommodate new fuel with a maximum nominal enrichment of 4.95 wtS U-235, or spent fuel regardless of the discharge fuel burnup.
2. Region 2 is designed to accommodate fuel of 4.95% initial nominal enrichment burned to at least 50,000 MWD/MTU, or fuel of other enrichments with equivalent reactivity,
3. Region 3 is designed to accommodate fuel of 4.95% initial nominal enrichment burned to at least 38,000 MWD/MTU, or fuel of other enrichments with equivalent reactivity.


DMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6 1 RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.1 The Plant Manager shall be responsible for overall facility operation and shall delegate in writing the succession to this responsibility during his absence.

6.1.2 The Shift Supervisor (or during his absence from the control room complex, a designated individual) shall be responsible for the control room command function. A management directive to this effect signed by the Vice President - Nuclear Operations shall be reissued to all station personnel on an annual basis.

6 2 ORGANIZATION ONSITE AND OFFSITE ORGANIZATIONS 6.2.1 Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established for unit operation and corporate management, respectively. The onsite and offsite organizations shall include the positions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear power plant.

a. Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be established and defined for the highest management level through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions. These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organizational charts. These organizational charts will be documented in the UFSAR and updated in accordance with 10 CFR 50.71(e).
b. The Plant Manager shall be responsible for overall unit safe operation and shall have control over those onsite activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the plant.

C. The Vice President - Nuclear Operations shall have corporate responsibility for overall plant nuclear safety and shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in operating, maintaining, and pioviding technical support to the plant to ensure nuclear safety.

d. The individuals who train the dperating staff and those who carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager;'owever, they 'shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their independence from operating pressures.

FACILITY STAFF 6.2.2 The Facility organization shall be subject to the following:

a. Each on duty shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift crew composition shown in -Table 6.2-1.


ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6 3 FACILITY STAFF UALIFICATIONS 6.3.1 Each member of the facility staff shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 for comparable positions, except for (1) the Plant Radiation Protection Manager, who shall meet or exceed qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975, (2) the Shift Technical Advisor, who shall have a bachelor's degree or equivalent in a scientific or engineering discipline with specific training in plant design, and response and analysis of the plant for transients and accidents and, (3) the Operations Superintendent, who must hold or have held a Senior Operator License as specified in Section 6.2.2.h.

6 4 TRAINING 6.4.1 A retraining and replacement training program for the facility staff shall be maintained under the direction of the Training Manager and shall meet or exceed the requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI N18.1-1971 and 10 CFR Part 55.

6 5 REVIEW AND AUDIT 6 5 1 PLANT NUCLEAR SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE PNSRC FUNCTION The PNSRC shall function to advise the Plant Manager on all matters related to nuclear safety.

COMPOSITION The PNSRC shall be composed of Assistant Plant Managers, Department Superintendents, or supervisory personnel reporting directly to the Plant Manager, Assistant Plant Managers or Department Superintendents from the functional areas listed below:

Licensing Activities Technical Support Safety & Assessment Radiation Protection Operations Maintenance The Chairman, his alternate and other members and their alternates of, the PNSRC shall be designated by the Plant Manager. In addition to the Chairman, the PNSRC membership shall consist of one individual from each of the areas designated above, PNSRC members and alternates shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 Section 4.4 for comparable positions. The nuclear power plant operations individual shall meet the qualifications of Section 4.2.2 of ANSI N18.1-1971 except for the requirement to hold a current Senior Operator License.

The operations individual must hold or have held a Senior Operator License at Cook Nuclear Plant or a similar reactor. The maintenance individual shall meet the qualifications of Section 4.2.3 of ANSI N18.1-1971..


INSTRUMENTATION BASES 3 4 3 3 6 POST-ACCIDENT INSTRUMENTATION The OPERABILITY of the post-accident instrumentation ensures that sufficient information is available on selected plant parameters to monitor and assess these variables during and following an accident.

3 4 3 3 DELETED 3 4 3 3 8 FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION OPERABILITY of the fire detection instrumentation ensures that adequate warning capability is available for, the prompt detection of fires. This capability is required in order to detect and locate fires in their early stages. Prompt detection of fires will reduce the potential for damage to safety-related equipment and is an integral element in the overall facility fire protection program.

In the event that a portion of the fire detection instrumentation is inoperable, the establishment of frequent fire patrols in the affected areas is required to provide detection capability until the inoperable instrumentation is restored to OPERABILITY. Use of containment temperature monitoring is allowed once per hour if containment fire detection is inoperable.

3 4 3 3 9 RADIOACTIVE LI UID EFFLUENT INSTRUMENTATION The radioactive liquid effluent instrumentation is provided to monitor and control, as applicable, the release of radioactive material in liquid effluents during actual or potential releases. The alarm/trip setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated in accordance with NRC approval methods in the ODCM to ensure that the alarm/trip will occur prior to exceeding the limits of 10 CFR Part 20. The OPERABILITY and use of this instrumentation is consistent with the requirements of General Design Criteria specified in Section 11.3 of the Final Safety Analysis Report for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant.


REFUELING OPERATIONS BASES 3 4 9 9 CONTAINMENT PURGE AND EXHAUST ISOLATION SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of this system ensures that the containment vent and purge penetrations will be automatically isolated upon detection of high radiation levels within the containment. The OPERABILITY of this system is required to restrict the release of radioactive material from the containment atmosphere to the environment.

3 4 9 10 AND 3 4 9 11 WATER LEVEL - REACTOR VESSEL AND STORAGE POO The restrictions on minimum water level ensure that sufficient water depth is available to remove 99% of the assumed 10% iodine gap activity released from the rupture of an irradiated fuel assembly. The minimum water depth is consistent with the assumptions of the accident analysis. Water level above the vessel flange in MODE 6 will.,vary as the reactor vessel head and the system internals are removed. The 23 feet of water are required before any subsequent movement of fuel assemblies or control rods.

3 4 9 12 STORAGE POOL VENTILATION SYSTEM The limitations on the storage pool ventilation system ensure that all radioactive material released from an irradiated fuel assembly will be filtered through the HEPA filters and charcoal adsorber prior to discharge to the atmosphere. The OPERABILITY of this system and the resulting iodine removal capacity are consistent with the assumptions of the accident analyses.

The 1980 version of ANSI N510 is used as a testing guide. This standard, however, is intended to be rigorously applied only to systems which, unlike the storage pool ventilation system, are designed to ANSI N509 standards, For the specific case of the air-aerosol mixing uniformity test required by ANSI N510 as a prerequisite to in-place leak testing of charcoal and HEPA filters, the air-aerosol uniform mixing test acceptance criteria .were not rigorously met.

For this reason, a statistical correction factor will be applied to applicable surveillance test results where required.

In order to maintain the minimum negative pressure required by Technical Specifications (1/8 inch W.G.) during movement of fuel within the storage pool or during crane operation with loads over the pool, the crane bay roll-up door and the drumming room roll-up door, located on the 609-foot elevation of the auxiliary building, must be closed. However, they may be opened during these operations under administrative control. If the crane bay door needs to be opened during fuel movement, an example of an administrative control might be to station an individual at the door who would be in communication with personnel in the spent fuel pool area and could close the door when passage through the door was completed or in the event of an emergency. For the drumming room door, an example of an administrative control might be to require the door to be reclosed after normal ingress and egress of personnel or material, or to station an individual at the door if the door needs to remain open for an extended period of time.


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