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Proposed Tech Specs,Informing Operations Superintendent Will Have to Hold SRO License,Have Held Senior Operator License or Been Certified to Have Senior Operator Knowledge
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 07/22/1996
Shared Package
ML17333A515 List:
NUDOCS 9607290193
Download: ML17333A516 (14)



6 l I. Me Plant verger shaLl be zesaonsibla or overall ac ~icy opezat on and shai1 delegate ia vzi~~g the successioa to this zesponsibVM~ ~~g his absence.

6.1.2 The Sh& Supezvtsoz (oz du~ his ahsence ~

compel~, a designated individual) shall be responsible for the coat"ol roon the. con~1 roon command function. h management directive to this efface signed by the Vf.ce President - Hucleaz Operacioas shaLl be reissued to all station personnel oa aa aazuaQ. basis.

6 OG 5L S 6.2.1 Oasite aad offsite organi=acions shall be established for unit operatioa aad corporate manage enc, respectively. The onsice aad shall include the positions for activities affect~kg the safety elite org~cioas of the nuclear govern plant.

es of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be

..esMlm~hed and defined for the highesc management level through


inter ediace Levels to aad including all operaMg orgaai-ation positions. These zelacioaships shall be doc~ted and updated, as appzopz ate, ia the foax of organizational char m. These organ~-acioaaL cha a vill be documented in the 0=SAR aad updated ia accordance vith 10 ~s 50.71(e).

Qe Pla=t ~~"

ger shaLL be responsible for overall unit sa=e ooe ac'on and shall have cont-oL over Nose ons'ce ac necessa~ =oz safe ope ac'on and maintenance of ~~e plant.

vit's The Vice

/ - Hucleaz Operations shaLL have corporate P esideac respoas&iU.~ foz overall plane nuclear safety and shall cake any measu"es needed to casu e acceptable pe ordnance oz the staff ia operat~, maintaining, and pzoviding te~~caL support to che pLanc to casu e nuclear safecy.

We individuals vho t=aia ~e opera~kg staff and chose vho hea'ch physics and ~Lizy assurance actions may repor to m~

We appropriate onsice manager, hovever, they shaL'ave su=scient o gaa~-acional freedom co mm thei= Ladependecce Qo= opezat'=g ressu= s.

LH<5 W65 ~Q + P~E. (-2.

6.2.2 De:ac~~icy o ganiacion shall be subject to che foL'ovt-g:

ch oa "ucy sh'hall be composed of ac Least -"e min~~ shift crev co os "'on shovn 2 ..abLe 6.2-3..


b. ht lease one Licensed Operacor shall be ia the concxoL room vhea fueL is ia che reactor. Xn addition, vhile the unit is in Mode I.,

2, 3, or 4, ac Least oae Licensed Senior Operacoz shall be in che coat=oL xoom.

c hn individual qualified ia radiatioa proteccioa procedures shaLL be on site vhen fuel is ia che xeaccor.

d. ALL CORE hLTZRhTZOHS shaLL be directly supervised by a licensed Senior Operacor trained or qualified ia xefueliag and CORE hLTZRhTZONS (SO-Ch) vho has ao ocher concurrent responsibilities during this operation.

h site fixe brigade of ac Least 5 members shall be maintained onsice ac all times. The fixe brigade shall aoc iaclude 3 member~

of the minimum shift czev aecessazy foz safe shutdova o'f the unit oz any persoaael required for other'ssencial functions during a fire emergency.

The amounc of overtime vozked by plane scaff members perfoxmiag safety-relaced functions must be Limiced in accordance vich HRC Policy Scacemeat on vozkiag hours (Ceaeric Latter 82-L2) ~

The Shifc Supcxvf.soz, hssistant Shifc Supervisor, and Unit Super'.sor shall hold a Seaior Operacor License.

The Operations Superinteadeac muse hoLd or have held a Senior Operator License ac Cook Nuclear Plane or a similar reactor~sad-mm

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O~mkl ~c- l g~Qgq445, The individual quaLL~ied in radiacioa pxocaccion procedu=es aad che compositioa of che "'=e brigade may be Less chan the g&xs xequi emeacs foz a period of time noc to exceed 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, in order co accommodate unexpected abseace provided mediate accion is. caken co. fUL the required positions.

COOK NUCl:~ P~M/T - PiGT L hHRG)MRS HO.p7 gg

ATTACHK2G' TO AEP:NRC:0659X NISTRAT VE CONTROLS 6 3 FACILITY STAFF VALI CATIONS 6.3.1 Each member of the facility staff shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSX N18.1-1971 for comparable positions, except for (1) the Plant Radiation Protection Managez, who shall meet or exceed qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975, (2) the Shift Technical Advisor, who shall have a bachelor's degree or equivalent in a scientific or engineering discipline with specific training in plant design, and zesponse and analysis of the plant for transients and accidents and, (3) the Operations Superintendent, who must hol.d oz have held a Senior Operator License as specified in Section 6.2.2.h.

6 4 TRAINING 6.4.1 A retraining and replacement training program for the facility staff shall be maintained under the direction of the Training Manager and shall meet or exceed the requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI N18.1-1921 and 10 CFR Pa".t 55.


~NC'~O The PNSRC shall function to advise the Site Vice President/Plant Manager, or designee, on all matters related to nuclear safety. The PNSRC shall be composed of Assistant Plant Managers, Department Superintendents, or sppervisozy personnel reporting directly to the Site Vice President/Plant Manager, Assistant Plant Managers or Depaztment Superintendents.

The membership sha11 represent the functional areas of the plant, including, but not limited to Operations, Technical Support, Licensing, Maintenance and Radiation Protection.

.The PNSRC membersh'ip shall consist of at least one individual from each of the azeas designated. All members, including the Chairman and his alternates, the members and their alternates, shall be designated by the Site Vice President/Pleat Manager.

PNSRC members and alternates shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSX N18.1-1971 Section 4.4 for comparable positions.. The nuclear power plant operations individual shall meet the qualifications of Section 4.2.2 of ANSX N18.1-1971 except for the requirement to hold a current Senior Operator License.

The operations individual must hold or have held a Senior Operator License at n

Cook Nuclear Plant or a similar reactor. The maintenance individual shall meet the qualifications of Section 4.2.3 of ANSI N18.1-1971.


o~4 <M c~k646 eqvivdM sc AMENDMENT NO. Q4, 178

6.1.1 The PLant ~~ger shall be responsibLe for overall '&ciL'~ ope ation and shaLL delegate in vzit~mg the succession to this responsibility dung his absence.

6.1.2 The Shi " Supervisor (or during his absence f=on the cont ol roon complex a designated individual) shall be responsibLe foz the cont"ol roon comnancL funcnion. h nanagenent dizective to this effec- signed by the Vice President - Nuclear Opezations shall be reissued to all station personnel on an annuaL basis.

6.2.1 Onsite and offsite organi ations shall be established for unit opera&on and corporate nanagenent, respectively. The onsite and offsite organi"ations shall include Ne positions for activities affecMg the safety of the nuclear pore pLant.

a. Lines o f authori~, responsibility, ancL co~cation shall be establishecL and defined foz the highest. managenent level through intemediate leveLs to and including aU. opezating ozg~tion positions. These relationships shall be docunented and updated, as appropriate, in the foehn of organhationaL c!uzi. These organ~-ationaL charts vtLL be documented in the UFSAR and updated in accordance with 10 Cci. 50.71(e).
he 7 ant Hanager shalL be responsible foz overall ~~t safe operation and shall have cont=el over those onsite ac~v ries necessa~ for sa"e operation and naintenance of ke plant.

Co Re Vice President - Eucleaz Operations shall have corporate esnons'ibility foz 'overall plant nucLear safety and shaLL eke any neasu=as needed to ensu"e acceptable per crace of the staff operating, maintaining, and providing technical suppo to the plan to emuxe nuc'ea sa=ety.

The;individuals health physics app opriate

+ho main the opera~g and qaa1.i~ assu=ance ons ice mage>>, bovevez, staff and those vho functions cay =epor

~ out to "".e they shaLL have sz.=~icien>>

ozga~~-ational fzeedon '~ ez~e Weir independence ="oa operating pzessu es ~

6.2.2 The Pa~4zy organization shall be subject to the foLLcvtng:

a. ~ch on duty shif" shall be composed of at least <e nin~== shift ere~ composition showa ~m Table 6.2-L.


'b. kt least oae licensed Operator shaLL be ia the control room vhea fuel D In che reactor. Zn addicion, vhile the uaic i,s in Bode 1, 2, 3. or 4, ac least oae licensed SeaIor Operator shall be in che concrol room.

c. hn individual quaLified ia radiatioa protection procedures shall be oa site vhen fueL is In the reac or.

hl1 CORE hLTHhTZOHS shall be dI"ectly supervised by a licensed Senior Operator c=aiaed or qualified in refueliag aad CORE hLTERhTZONS (SO-Ch) vho has no other concurrent respoasibQ.itches during this operation.

eo 4 site fix'e brigade of ac least S members shall be maintained oasice at all times. The fi"e brigade shall not iaclude 3 members of che minimum shifc c ev necessary for safe shutdovn of the uaic or any personnel required for ocher essentiaL uactions duriag a fire emergency.

f. The amount of overtime vorked by plant staff members performing safety-relaced functions must be Limited in acc.cdance vith NRC Po1.icy Stacemeac oa vorking hours (Ceaeric Latter 82-12).
g. The Shift Supervisor, hesistant Shift Supervisor, 'iad Unit Supervisor shall hold a Senior Operator Lf.cease.
h. The Operacioas Superintendent must hold or have held a Seato Operator License ac Cook Nuclear Plane or a similar reaccor, aa4-oae

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~ ~,N- Oqec~k< Gcz~~ ~ 44 ~~<>seg The Individual qualified in adiacioa proceccion procedures aad che compositioa of the fS e brigade may be less than the mInimum requirements for a perI.od of t~me noc to exceed Z hours, In order to accommodate mexpeasad absaaai pravidad jgmediaaa action fs takan to fili aha as~ad pos i.cioas .

M NXS V CO OLS 6.3 FACILI STAFF UALIFICATIONS 6.3.1 Each member of the facility staff shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 for comparable positions, except for (1) the Plant Radiation Protection Manager, who shall meet or exceed qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975, (2) the Shift Technical Advisor, who shall have a bachelor's degree or equivalent in a scientific or engineering discipline with specific training in plant design, and response and analysis of the plant for transients and accidents and, (3) the Operations Superintendent who must hold or have held a Senior Operator License as specified in Section 6.2.2.h.

6 4 TRAI ING 6.4.1, A retraining and replacement training program for the facility staff shall be maintained under the direction of the Training Manager and shall meet or exceed the requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI N18.1-1971 and 10 CFR Part 55.


~NCTION 6-5.1.1 The PNSRC shall function to advise the Site Vice President/Plant Manager, or designee, on all matters related to nuclear safety.

COMPOS ON The PNSRC shall be composed of Assistant Plant Managers, Department Superintendents, or supervisory personnel reportihg directly to the Site Vice President/Plant Manager, Assistant Plant Managers or Department Superintendents.

The membership shall represent the functional areas of the plant, including, but not limited to Operations, Technical Support, Licensing, Maintenance and Radiation Protection.

The PNSRC membership shall consist of at least one individual from each of the areas designated.. All members, including the Chairman and his alternates, the members and their alternates, shall be designated by the Site Vice President/Plant Manager.

PNSRC members and alternates shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 Section 4.4 for comparable positions. The nuclear power plant operations individual shall meet the qualifications of Section 4.2.2 of ANSI N18.1-1971 except for the requirement to hold a current Senior Operator License.

The operations individual must hold or have held a Senior Operator License at Cook Nuclear Plant or a similar reactor. The maintenance individual shall meet e qualifications of Section 4.2.3 of ANSI N18.1-1971. oc. 4~~ bee~ cew:wm m q)~;v<4~V genitor opec M<4cdgi 6-4 QUENT NO. m, m, 192

~, 454


6.0 ADS~STRATTVE CONTROLS 6.1 RESPONSTBILITY 6.1.1 The Plant Manager shaH be tesponsibie for overall facility opctarion and shall dele~ in writing the suction to this tespousibility during his absence.

6.1.2 The Shift Supetvisor (or duting.his absence ftom the control toom complex, a designated individual) shaH bc responsible for thc control room command funcrion. A management direcrivc to.this effect signeti by the Vice President - Nuclear Opetations shall be teissucd to aH starion pctsonnci on an annual basis.

6.2 ORGANIZATION ONSITE AND OFFSITEORGANIZATIONS 6.2.1 Onsitc and offsite organizations shall be established for unit opctarion and

tespecrively. 'Re onsitc and orTsite organizarions shall include the potions for acrivirics aQecring the safety of the nuclear power plant.

Lines of authority, responsibility, and commtmicarion shall be established and define for the highest management level thto~~ intetmediate levels to aud including aH opctaring organizariott positions. These mlatiouships shall bc documented and updated, as apptopriate. in thc form of organizarional charts. These or anizationai charts willbe documented in the UFSAR and updated in accotdance with 10 CFR 50.71(e).

b. Thi Plant Manager shaH bc tesoonsiblc for ovetaH unit safe opctarion and shall have control over those onsite activnies necessaty for safe opctarion and maimenance of the plant.

The Vice Ptcsident - Nuclear Opermons shall have cotpotate tesponsibiTity for overall plant mtclear safety and shaH take any measutes needed to eusute acceptable periotmance oi thc staff opctaring, maintaining, and ptoviding teehtrical support to the plant to cnsute unclear satety.

The individuals who train thc ooeraring stair and those who carty out health physics and quaHtv assurance funcrions may report to the apptopriate onsire mmtgc.. however. dtev shall have sufGcient ogzrizarional ttcedom to cnsute their indeoendence ftom opetaring pressures.


0 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVECONTROLS 6.2 ORGANIZATION Continued FACILITYSTAFF 6.2.2 The Facility organization shall be subject to the following:

Each on duty shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift crew composition shown in Table 6.2-1.

b. At least one licensed Operator shall be in the control room when fuel is in the reactor. In addition, while the unit is in Mode 1, 2, 3, or 4, at least one licensed Senior Operator shall be in the control room.

An individual qualified in radiation protection procedures shall be on site when fuel is in the reactor.

All CORE ALTERATIONS shall be directly supervised by a licensed Senior Operator trained or qualified in refueling and CORE ALTERATIONS (SO-CA) who has no.other concurrent responsibilities during this operation.

A site fire brigade of at least 5 members shall be maintained onsite at all times. The fire brigade shall not include 3 members of the minimum shift crew necessary for safe shutdown of the unit or any personnel required for other essential functions during a fire emergency.

The amount of overtime worked by plant staff members performing safety-related functions must be limited in accordance with NRC Policy Statement on working hours (Generic Letter 82-12).

g The Shift Supervisor, Assistant Shift Supervisor, and Unit Supervisor shall hold a Senior Operator License.

The Operations Superintendent must hold or have held a Senior Operator License at Cook Nuclear Plant or a similar reactor, or have been certified for equivalent senior operator knowledge. Ifthe Operations Superintendent does not hold a Senior Operator License, then a line (v. staff) operations middle manager shall hold a Senior Operator License for the purposes of directing operational activities.

The individual qualified in radiation protection procedures and the composition of the fire brigade may be less than the minimum requirements for a period of time not to exceed 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, in order to accommodate unexpected absence provided immediate action is taken to fill the required positions.


6.0 ADMINISTRATIVECONTROLS 6.3 FACILITYSTAFF UALIFICATIONS 6.3.1 Each member of the facility staff shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 for comparable positions, except for (1) the Plant Radiation Protection Manager, who shall meet or exceed qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975, (2) the Shift Technical Advisor, who shall have a bachelor's degree or equivalent in a scientific or engineering discipline with specific training in plant design, and response and analysis of the plant for transients and accidents and, (3) the Operations Superintendent, who must hold or have held a Senior Operator License as specified in Section 6.2.2.h.

6.4 TRAINING 6.4.1 A retraining and replacement training program for the facility staff shall be maintained under the direction of the Training Manager and shall meet or exceed the requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI N18.1-1971 and 10 CFR Part 55.

6.5 REVIEW AND AUDIT 6.5.1 PLANT NUCLEAR SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE PNSRC FUNCTION The PNSRC shall function to advise the Site Vice President/Plant Manager, or designee, on all matters related to nuclear safety.

COMPOSITION The PNSRC shall be composed of Assistant Plant Managers, Department Superintendents, or supervisory personnel reporting directly to the Site Vice President/Plant Manager, Assistant Plant Managers or Department Superintendents. The membership shall represent the functional areas of the plant, including, but not limited to Operations, Technical Support, Licensing, Maintenance and Radiation Protection.

The PNSRC membership shall consist of at least one individual from each of the areas designated.

All members, including the Chairman and his alternates, the members and their alternates, shall be designated by the Site Vice President/Plant Manager.

PNSRC members and alternates shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 Section 4.4 for comparable positions. The nuclear power plant operations individual shall meet the qualifications of Section 4.2.2 of ANSI N18.1-1971 except for the requirement to hold a current Senior Operator License. The operations individual must hold or have held a Senior Operator License or have been certified for equivalent senior operator knowledge at Cook Nuclear Plant or a similar reactor. The maintenance individual shall meet the qualifications of Section 4.2.3 of ANSI N18.1-1971.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 1 Page 6-4 AMENDMENT49, 63, 483, 484, 486, 4',

6.0 AD~maSnVrrVZ ComZOLS

6. I RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.1 The Plant Manager shall be responsible for ovetaH iacility ooermoa and shaH dele~ in wriring thc succession to this responsibility during his absence.

6.12 The ShH't Supervisor (or during his absence Qom the control toom complex. a desiymed individual) shall bc tespoasiblc for the couaol toom command funcrioa. A management direcrive to.this effect signai by thc Vice Ptesideat - Nuclear Operuions shaH be teissucd to aH starion petennel oa an annual basis.

6.2 RGANIZATION 0 S A OFFSITE ORGANIZATIONS 62.1 Oasitc and ofhitc otganimions shall be established for unit opetarion and corporate management.

tespecrively. Thc onsitc mi offsite organizarions shaH include thc posiaons for acriviries atTecriag the safety of thc nuclear power plant.

Lines of authority, responsibility, and communicarioa shaH be established and deGned for the highest management level through intermediate levels to aad including aH opening or ~izatioa posirions. These teiaaonships shaH be doatmcated and updated, as apptopriate, in the form of organizational chans. These organizational charts wiH be documented ia thc UFSAR aad updated ia acconiance with 10 CFR i0.71(e).

b. The Plant Manager shall be tesponsible for ovetaH unit saic opetarion and shall have control over those onsitc activities nccmaty for saic operuion and maiatcnancc of thc plant.

Thc Vlcc Ptesideat - ifuciear Opctations shall have corporate responsibiTity for ovetaH phnt nuclear safety and shall take aay measures needed to ensure acceptable petfoammcc oi the staif ia operaring, maimaining, aad providing technical sunport to thc plant to ensure nuclear safety.

The individuals who.train the operating starT aad those who catty out health physics and quality assurance fuacrions may tepott to the appropriate onsite manager: however. they shaH have suiQcicat organizarional odom to easure their indepettdencc from opermng pressures.

COOK IUCLEAR PLAi'<T-UiT 'age 6-1 A>~5~ N. 44-". 4N. ~

6.0 ADMINISTRATIVECONTROLS 6.2 ORGANIZATION Continued FACILITYSTAFF 6.2.2 The Facility organization shall be subject to the following:

a. Each on duty shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift crew composition shown in

, Table 6.2-1.

b. At least one licensed Operator shall be in the control room when fuel is in the reactor. In addition, while the unit is in Mode 1, 2, 3, or 4, at least one licensed Senior Operator shall be in the control room.

C. An individual qualified in radiation protection procedures shall be on site when fuel is in the reactor.

All CORE ALTERATIONS shall be directly supervised by a licensed Senior Operator trained or qualified in refueling and CORE ALTERATIONS (SO-CA) who has no other concurrent responsibilities during this operation.

e. A site fire brigade of at least 5 members shall be maintained onsite at all times. The fire brigade shall not include 3 members of the minimum shift crew necessary for safe shutdown of the unit or any personnel required for other essential functions during a fire emergency.

The amount of overtime worked by plant staff members performing safety-related functions must be limited in accordance with NRC Policy Statement on working hours (Generic Letter 82-12).

The Shift Supervisor, Assistant Shift Supervisor, and Unit Supervisor shall hold a Senior Operator License.

The Operations Superintendent must hold or have held a Senior Operator License at Cook Nuclear Plant or a similar reactor, or have been certified for equivalent senior operator knowledge. Ifthe Operations Superintendent does not hold a Senior Operator License, then a line (v. staff) operations middle manager shall hold a Senior Operator License for the purposes of directing operational activities.

The individual qualified in radiation protection procedures and the composition of the fire brigade may be less than the minimum requirements for a period of time not to exceed 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, in order to accommodate unexpected absence provided immediate action is taken to fill the required positions.


0 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVECONTROLS 6.3 FACILITYSTAFF UALIFICATIONS 6.3.1 Each member of the facility staff shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 for comparable positions, except for (1) the Plant Radiation Protection Manager, who shall meet or exceed qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975, (2) the Shift Technical Advisor, who shall have a bachelor's degree or equivalent in a scientific or engineering discipline with specific training in plant design, and response and analysis of the plant for transients and accidents and, (3) the Operations Superintendent, who must hold or have held a Senior Operator License as specified in Section 6.2.2.h.

6.4 TRAINING 6.4.1 A retraining and replacement training program for the facility staff shall be maintained under the direction of the Training Manager and shall meet or exceed the requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI N18.1-1971 and 10 CFR Part 55.

6.5 REVIEW AND AUDIT 6.5.1 PLANT NUCLEAR SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE PNSRC FUNCTION The PNSRC shall function to advise the Site Vice President/Plant Manager, or designee, on all matters related to nuclear safety.

COMPOSITION The PNSRC shall be composed of Assistant Plant Managers, Department Superintendents, or supervisory personnel reporting directly to the Site Vice President/Plant Manager, Assistant Plant Managers or Department Superintendents. The membership shall represent the functional areas of the plant, including, but not limited to Operations, Technical Support, Licensing, Maintenance and Radiation Protection.

The PNSRC membership shall consist of at least one individual from each of the areas designated.

All members, including the Chairman and his alternates, the members and their alternates, shall be designated by the Site Vice President/Plant Manager.

PNSRC members and alternates shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 Section 4.4 for comparable positions. The nuclear power plant operations individual shall meet the qualifications of Section 4.2.2 of ANSI N18.1-1971 except for the requirement to hold a current Senior Operator License. The operations individual must hold or have held a Senior Operator License or have been certified for equivalent senior operator knowledge at Cook Nuclear Plant or a similar reactor. The maintenance individual shall meet the qualifications of Section 4.2.3 of ANSI N18.1-1971.