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{{#Wiki_filter:OS1 Attachment 9 Page 1 of 15 Shearon,Harris Unit 1 Cycle 4 Core Operating Limits Report PLP-106 Rev.3'72100b0027'920923 PDR" ADOCK 05000400 O'DR'age 66 of 80 I 0~
{{#Wiki_filter:OS1 Attachment 9           Page 1 of 15 Shearon,Harris Unit 1 Cycle 4 Core Operating Limits Report O'DR'age PLP-106 Rev. 3
OS1 Attachment 9 COLR for Shearon Harris Unit 1 Cycle 4 Page 2 of 15 1..0 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT This Core Operating Limits Report (COLR)for Shearon Harris Unit 1 Cycle 4 has been prepared in accordance with'he requirements of Technical Specification Technical Specifications affected by this report are listed below: 3/ 3/4'.3.5 3/ 3/4.2.1 3/4.2.2 3/4.2.3 3/4.9.1.Moderator Temperature Coefficient Shutdown Rod Insertion Limit Control Rod Insertion Limits Axial Flux Difference Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor>>FQ~~~Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor-F~Boron Concentration
        '72100b0027'920923 PDR
.PLP-106 Rev.3 Page 67 of 80
ADOCK 05000400 66  of 80
OS1Attachment 9 COLR for Shearon Harris Unit 1 Cycle 4 2.0 OPERATING LIMITS.Page 3 of 15 The cycle-specific parameter limits for the specifications listed in Section 1.0 are presented in the following subsections'hese limits have been developed using the NRC-approved methodologies specified in Technical Specification and given in Section Moderator'Tem erature Coefficient (Specification 3/ 1.The Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC)limits are: The Positive MTC Limit (ARO/HZP)shall be less positive than+5.0 pcm/'F for power levels up to 70X RTP with a linear ramp to 0 pcm/'F at 100X RTP.The Negative MTC Limit (ARO/RTP)shall be less negative than-49 pcm/'F.2.The MTC Surveillance limit is: The 300 ppm/ARO/RTP-MTC should be less negative than or equal to-41'pcm/'F~where: ARO stands for All Rods Out HZP stands for Hot Zero THERMAL POWER RTP stands for RATED THERMAL POWER 2.2 Shutdown Rod Insertion Limit (Specification 3/4'.3.5)1.Fully withdrawn for all shutdown rods shall be 228 steps.2.3 Control Rod Insertion Limits (Specification 3/4.1 3.6)1.The control rod banks shall be limited in physical insertion as specified in Figure 1 of this attachment.
Fully withdrawn for all control rods shall be 228 steps.2.4 Axial Flux Difference (Specification 3/4.2.1)1.The acceptable operational space for Relaxed Axial Offset Control (RAOC)operation is specified in Figure 2 of this attachment.
2.The AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE (AFD)target band for Base Load operation is+5X.3 Th APL for Base Load operation is 85X of RATED THERMAL POWER.3.The APL PLP-106 Rev.3 Page 68 of 80
~~'S1'Attachment 9 COLR for Shearon Harris Unit 1 Cycle 4 I 2.S Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor-F~(Z)(Specification 3/4.2.2)F (Z)<-~K(Z)for P>0.5~Q P Page 4 of 15 F<(Z)<-~K(Z)for P<05 05 I where: P=THERMAL POWER RATED THERMAL POWER 2.~q=2.45 3-K(Z)is specified in Figure 3 of this attachment.
4.W(z)Curves for RAOC Operation are specified in Figures 4 through 6 of this attachment.
These W(z)curves are sufficient to determine the RAOC W(z)versus core height for Cycle 4 burnups through the end~of full power reactivity plus a power coastdown of up to 1219 MWD/MTU through the use of three point interpolation.
5~W(z)Curves for Base Load Operation are specified in Figures 7 through 9'f this attachment.
These W(z)curves are sufficient to determine the Base Load W(z)versus core height for Cycle 4 burnups through the end of full power reactivity plus a power coastdown of up to 1219 MWD/MTU through the use of three point interpolation PLP-106 Rev.3 Page 69 of 80  

OS1 Attachment 9 Page 5 of 15 COLR for Shearon Harris Unit 1 Cycle 4 2.6 Nuclear Enthal Rise Hot Channel Factor-F~(Specification 3/4.2.3)1~RTP F~ps bH*(1+PFgH*(1-P))THERMAL POWER RATED THERMAL PONZR cR~RTP.h,H=1.62 for LOPAR fuel b.RTP F B,H=1.65 for VANTAGE-5 fuel C.PF~=0.3 for LOPAR fuel d.PF~=0.35 for VANTAGE-5 fuel 2.7 Boron Concentration for Refuelin 0 erations (Specification 3/4.9.1)Through the end of Cycle 5, the boron concentration required to maintain K,zz less than or equal to.95 is less restrictive than the 2000.ppm boron requirement.
I 0 ~
Boron concentration must be maintained greater than or equal to 2000 ppm during refueling operations.
OS1 Attachment 9                       Page 2 of 15 COLR for Shearon Harris Unit   1 Cycle 4 1..0   CORE OPERATING  LIMITS REPORT This Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) for Shearon Harris Unit 1 Cycle 4 has been prepared in accordance with'he requirements of Technical Specification
PLP-106 Rev.3 Page 70 of 80 OS1 Attachment 9 COLR for Shearon Harris Unit 1 Cycle 4.Page 6 of 15 3.0 METHODOLOGY REFERENCES 1.WCAP-9272-P-A,"Westinghouse Reload Safety Evaluation Methodology," July 1985 (W Proprietary).(Methodology for Specification Temperature Coefficient, Rod Insertion Limit, Rod Insertion Limit, 3.2.1-Axial Flux Difference, 3.2.2-Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor, and 3.2.3-Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor, and 3.9.1-Boron Concentration.)
The  Technical Specifications affected by this report are    listed below:
WCAP-11914,"Safety Evaluation Supporting a More Negative EOL Moderator Temperature Coefficient Technical Specification for the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant," August 1988 (W Proprietary).
3/               Moderator Temperature Coefficient 3/4 '.3.5               Shutdown Rod Insertion Limit 3/               Control Rod Insertion Limits 3/4.2.1                 Axial Flux Difference 3/4.2.2                 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor >> FQ~~~
Approved by NRC Safety Evaluation dated May 22, 1989.(Methodology for Specification Temperature Coefficient.)
3/4.2.3                 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor   - F~
3.WCAP-10216-P-A,"Relaxation of Constant Axial Offset Control F<Surveillance Technical Specification," June 1983 (W Proprietary).(Methodology for Specifications 3.2.1-Axial Flux Difference (Rexated Axial Offset Control)and 3.2.2-Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (F<Methodology for W(Z)Surveillance requirements).)
3/4.9.1.                 Boron Concentration .
4.WCAP-10266-P-A, Rev.2,"The 1981 Version of the Westinghouse ECCS Evaluation Model Using the BASH Code," March 1987 (W Proprietary).(Methodology for Specification 3.2.2-Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor.)5.WCAP-8385,"Power Distribution Control and Load Following Procedures
PLP-106 Rev. 3                                                       Page 67  of 80
-Topical Report," September 1974 (W Proprietary), (Methodology for Specification 3.2.1-Axial Flux Difference (Constant Axial Offset Control).)
6.'CAP-11832-P-A,"Extension of Methodology for Calculating Transition Core DNBR Penalties," January 1990 (W Proprietary).
PLP-106 Rev.3 Page 71 of 80 OS1 Attachment 9 Page 7 of 15 FIGURE 1 SHEARON HARRIS UNIT 1 CYCLE 4 ROD GROUP INSERTION LIMITS VERSUS THERMAL POWER (THREE-LOOP OPERATION) 220.538.228)200 c-180 D~'160~140~120 C)~100 C)~60~60 Ch CD 40 0, 128 BANK BANK 0 1, 186)20 0< 1.0 FRACTlON OF RATED THERMAL PONER (Fully withdrawn shall be 22$steps)Note: Control Banks A ancl B Must be Withdrawn From The Core Prior To Power Operation PLP-106 Rev.3 This figure is referrecl to by Technical Specifications Page 72 of 80  

~~OS1'ttachment 9 FIGURE 2 Page 8 of 15 SHEARON HARRIS UNIT 1 CYCLE 4 AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE LIMITS AS A FUNCTION OF BATED THERMAL POWER FOR RAOC 120 110 100 90 CO CL 80 FJ 70 UN CCKPT 100 GER TAB 7, 100 I l ACQEPT BLK w~60 50 C)z 40 IJJ CD g 30 50 28 50 20 10 50 HO-30-20-'10 0 10 20 30 40 50 AXIAL FLUX OIFFERENCE (X OELTA-I)PLP-106 Rev.3 This figure is referred to by Technical Specifications 3.2.1 a3/4.2.1 Page 73 of 80 OS1:I Attachment 9 FIGURE 3 Page 9 of 15 SHEARON HARRIS UNIT 1 CYCLE 4 K(z)-LOCAL AXIAL PENALTY FUNCTION FOR F~(z)1.0 5 ,90 4~.80 w.70 a Cl w-.60 o.60 flevation SSMQNQNR 0.0 6.012.0 Normalized Peaking Facto SSSSSSSSRSSRS 1.0 1.0 0.925.40.30.20 5 6 7 CORE HEiGHT{Feet)10'.1 1 12 This figure is referred to by Technical Specification 3/4.2.2 PLP-106 Rev.3 Page 74 of 80 OS1 Attachment 9 FIGURE 4 Page 10 of 15 SHEARON HARRIS UNIT 1 CYCLE 4 RAOC W(Z)AT 150 MWD/MTU 1.35 1.30 1.25<<I<<1.20 l~l.15<<<<<<<<1.10<<<<v:!'II<<<<~I 1.05<<I., I>1~1>>~<<I''1.000 1<<>v~~(~J~><<<<<<I I<<<<i I<<>)'>>.I>>I<<k I>'"<<<<li'<<(~<<~<<>I'!l>><<~~I~~v l l l l l l 1~l I l I.I>!I 1>i I~>~<<v'<<)~1J: 1'JI<<>~,~~~~II<<~7 T (F 4 5 CORE 6 HEIGH<<I<<<<~8 eet}I<<<<v<<~I I, J<<I~<<>'~I<<~'~r>>I>>I l 1 v I (!<<<<l~I I I I>'l.l i><<<<.<<v<<I!1''i>~~~<<<<9 10 11 1 2 SOL'N>Z>I, 0000 Het gnt~f4%(0.00 0.20 0.40 0.50 0.80 I.00 I.20 1.40 1.50 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.50 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.50 3.80 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.50 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.50 5.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 d.dO 5,80 7.00 7.20 7.40 7.50 7.80 8.00 8.20 8 F 40 8.50 8.'80 9.00 9.20 9.40 9.50 9.80 10.00 10.20 10.40 10.50 10.80 11.00 11.20 11.40 Top anct~xcl Tecnnt Spect t 1 4.2''1~0000 1.0000 I.0000'I.0000 1.0000 I.0000 I.0000 I.0000 1.3177 1.285$1.2539 1.2222 1.1909 1.1578 1.1395 1.1328 1.125d 1.1223 1.1185 1.1143 1.1095 1.1044 1.0985 1.0950 1.0918 1.0875>>1.0432 1.0411 1.0427<<j 1.08dd'1.0927 ,1.1002 1.'I05$1.tt35 1.1195 1.'I244 1.1282 1.1307 1.1319 1.1317 1.1301'.1275 1.1238 1.1185 1.1238 t.1358 1.1450 1.1527 1.1594 1.1751 1.2OIO 1.0000 1.0000 1.OOOO I.OOOO 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.OOOO 1.0000 botto>I 15'L uctect aa pet'al catton PLP-106 Rev.3 Thas Eagure as referred to by Technical Specifications S3/4.2.2 Page 75 of 80  
~ ~
~I(~OS1 Attachment 9 FIGURE 5 SHEARON HARRIS UNIT 1 CYCLE 4 RAOC V(Z)AT 7000 MWD/MTU Page 11 of 15 1.35 I I~1.30 Ii~'!I l l: 1.25>ill if!'ii I!:~i lil I'l tll 1.20 Ii~1.15 I I!~I I!I I: i: 'I 1 1<~I i I 1 1:~'.10 I I f I~I!!I~~1.05 I i I I I 1 I ,~II'.ll I Ilii!'I il I I I I I I I'i I I I I I I I 1.000 If':i:!II lil ill: I 1 1 1 III Il'I I I I I I I I!I: I I I I 4 5 CORE I I~~I I~444~I~I~4I~!~I!Ii;'~I~I~~6 HEIGH 7 T (F!I il I:!'i r.!!ii'I I'''1 I;I: I l I II: li I;!i I I'.!1 I I I 1 I I I!II I I I'l I'I l!~~a 9 10 11 12 8 eet)lie!gnt F ae\I 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.$0 100 1.20 1, 40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.80 4,00 4.20 4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.60 S.80"I 8.00!l B.20'.40 6.'8O.7.00 7.20 7.40 7.60 7.80 8.00 8.20$.40 8.60 8'.8O 9.00 9.20 9.40 9.60 9.80 10.00 10.20 10.40 10.80 10.80 11.00 11.20 11.40 11.80 11.80 i~, 12.00 Wl.QI 2 I 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1, 0000 1,0000 1~0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.2274 1.2085 1.1854 1.1844 1.1433 1.1211 1.108d 1.0985 1.0930 1.0930 1.0930 1.0926 1 0922 1.0916 1 0907 1.0891 1.0$$1 1.0873 1.0892 1.0982 1.1110 1.1233 1.1340 1.1434 1.1513 1.1575 1.18'19 1.1647 1.1858 1.1647 1.1618 1.1570 1.1503: '.1419 1.1320'1.1232 1.1288 1.1426 1.1535.1.1839'.1728 1.1828 1.2026 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 Tecnnica Specie ic and dottom 1S"..excluded=as per 1 at1on PLP-106 Rev.3 This figure is reEerred to by Technical Specifications 83/4.2.2 Page 76 of 80 OS1 Attachment 9 Page 12 of 15 FIGURE 6'SHEARON HARRIS UNIT 1 CYCLE'RAOC W(Z)AT 15500 MWD/MTU 1.35 I~I 1.30~(I I;I e~I I', II (i I I.25 li: I I I I l I I I I!I 1.20 I~g (ill I!s~~l I a'<1 I l I i(i(lily 1.15 I I~!I:I llli iili Iiii i'.Ji'ill l1j I II I 1.10 I''<<I:I III ii I II!1.05 I~I'.(il!1 00 Ill 0 2 3!l i'I'l I''!I II I l'!: 1 I L((ii'''ili I~~I~~~I~I ((1 I!-I(i~I I~i.~: I i~~I 1~I f a 5 lil I I I I I I'l(l Iji I (I l li (I'''I!I'';II l I 6 HEl GH 4 5 CORE 7 T (F~I<<!I i I I I I t;j I a j.I~I l~I~I Ji!.(Ii~!Jj I!J iij II 1 (ji,'I:.i~I':.I~), I I~)g~)1 I I I~s'*I's~'ij~i':~~I~l i,',;i(il (i l i Jl I I I l I I l i I i I I I!~<,(II!I Ii;i l;)(i I'.'l I I~~[9 10 11 12 e eet)Hei ght~FM t O.00 0.20 0.40 O.BO 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40'.60 1.80 2.00,, 2.20 2.40 2.BO 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.80 4.00 4.20'.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.60 5.80 B.00 6'.20 d.BO 6'.80 7.00 7.20 7.40 7.60 7.80 8.00 8.20 8.40 8.60 8.80 9.20 9.40 9.60 9.80 10.00 10.20 10.40 10.BO 10.80 11~00 11.20 11~40 11.dO 11~80 12~00 Top snd excl Technic SpeCi f 1 4.2''SO I.III I 2)1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.2103 1.191B 1.1727 1.1535 1.1340 1.1131 1.0980 1.0949 1.0994 1.1024 1.1111 1.1219 1.1319 l.1411 1.1493 1.1563 1.1617 1.1561 1.1753 1.1945 1.2117 1.2259 1.2381 1.2474 1.2540 1.2577'1.258d 1.2567 1.2518 1.2442 1.2337 1.2205 1.2049 1.1870 1.1691 l.1616 1.1611 1.1591 1.1598 1.1755 1.1926 1.2223 1.2585 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1, 0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 Bottoe 15X ucsec ss per al cation PLP-106 Rev.3 This figure is referred to by Technical Specifications 83/4.2.2 Page 77 of 80 bS1 Attachment 9 FIGURE 7 Page 13 of 15 SHEARON HARRIS UNIT 1 CYCLE 4 BASE LOAD W(Z)AT 150 MWD/MTU FOR'POWER LEVELS ABOVE 85%OF RATED THERMAL POWER l.12 1.10 1.09 1.08 1.07 1.06 I~1.05 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.01 I~~1.000',~I~~I I I~i'~i~I~I~I~I I~I~I~~I I'I~I~~I~~I~I I~~I~4 5 CORE 8 eet)'6 HEl GH 7 T (F I'I~I, I, I~i I~~I I~I~9 10 11 1'0 8 8 4 f He+Lit 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.80 0.80 1.00 1.20 1,40 1.80 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.80 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.80 3.80 4.00 4.20 4.40 4'.8O 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.80 d.oo 8.20 d.'4O d.50 d.80 7.Oo 7.20 7.40 7.80 7.80 8.00 8.20 8.40 8.50 8'.SO 9.00 9.20 9.40 9.dO 9.80 10.Oo 10.20 10.40 10.50 1O.80 11.00 11.20 11.40 11.80 11.80 12.00 80L NI 8 I 1.0000 1.0000 1,0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 ,1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1;0851 1.0844 1.0838 1.0831 1.0820 1.0803 1.0782 1.0758 1.0730 1.0701 1.0877 1,0857 1.0538 1.0817 1.0598 1.0575 1.0558 1.0545 1.0530 1.0512 1.0493'1.0472 1.0448 1.0420 1.0389 1.0350 1.0335 1.0352 1.0374 1.0394 1.0412 1.0427 1.0439 1.045 t 1.0484 1.0480 1.0497 1.0515 1.0532 1.0548 1.0581 1.0574 1.0587 1.0000 1.0000 1.OOOO 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 Top snd bottom 157'xcluded ss per Tecnnl cs l 5pecS f 1 cst10n 4.2.F 4.PLP-106 Rev.3 This figure is referrecl to by Technical Specifications 83/4.2.2 Page 78 of 80
OS1 Attachment  9                         .
~4 J OS1 Attachment 9 FIGURE 8 Page 14 of 15 SHEARON HARRIS UNIT I CYCLE 4 BASE LOAD W(Z)AT 7000 MWD/MTU FOR POWER LEVELS ABOVE 85%OF RATED THERMAL POWER 1.12 1.10 1.09 1.08 1.07 1.06 1.05 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.01 1.000 I~I~~I I I I~I~I~I I I I I~I I~I~I I I I~~I~I I~I~~~I~~I I~t~I I~~5 CORE~~6 HEIGH I~I~~I I~~I I I~7 T (F I~~I 8 eet)I~~I I~t~I~~I~~~~~~I I~I~~~I I 9 10 11 12 C S'S'a 0 0 He~l I O.00 0.20 0.40 0.80 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1'.80 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.50 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.80 3.80 4.00 4.20 4.80 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.60 5.80 6.00 8.20 8.40 8.60 8.80 7.00 7.'20 7.10 7.80 7.80 8.00 8.20 8.40 8.80~8.80 9.00 9.20 9.40 9.60 9.80'10.00 10.20 10.40 10.80 10.80 11.00 11.20 11.40 11.80 11.80 12.00 MO1.w<z>1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 t.OOOO 1.0000 1.0907 1.0894 1:oaat 1:Oa88 1.0817'I.0820 1.0787 1.0747 1.0705 1.0881 1.0558 1.0835 1.0812 1.0589 1.0571 1.0558 1.0515 1.0529 1.0513 1.0495 1.0475 1.0452 1.0427 1.0397 1:038a 1.0387 1.0415 1.0434 1.0452 1.0468.1.0480 1.0488 1.04Q3 1.0498 1.0503 1.0510 1.0519 1.0528 1.0535 1.0542 1.0518 1.0552 1.0557 1.0000 t.OOOO 1.OOOO 1.OOOO 1.OOOO, 1.OOOO 1 OOOO 1.0000 aottoe 15%ss pet'Top sttd~xc 1 llded Tech'ca Spect tt tost ton 1.2I2.1.PLP-106 Rev.3 This figure is referred to by Techni ca i Specifications$ 83/4.2.2 Page 79 of 80  
Page of 15 COLR  for Shearon  Harris Unit  1 Cycle 4 2.0  OPERATING LIMITS The cycle-specific parameter limits for the specifications listed in Section 1.0 are presented in the following subsections'hese                limits  have been developed using the NRC-approved methodologies specified in Technical Specification and given in Section 3.0.
~~,-r QS1 Attachment 9 FIGURE 9 Page 15 of 15 SHEARON HARRIS UNIT 1 CYCLE 4 BASE LOAD W(Z)AT 15500 MWD/MTU FOR'POWER LEVELS ABOVE 858 OF RATED THERMAL POWER 1.10 1.09 1.08 1.07 1.06 1.05 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.01 1.000 I I t~~~~~I~I I~~I~I~I~I~I~~~I 2 3~~~'1~, I I~i~I I I'~~4 5 CORE 6 HEI GH i I a;~I I I'~i'I~I I I~\e''>I I 1 I'g~I I~9 10 11 1 8 eet)7 T (F 2 8 0 N 4 0 0 EOI WIst t.oooo t.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.1087 1.1050 1.1010 1.0957 1, 0917 1:oaea 1.0794 1.0718 1.0852 1.0530 1:OBOd 1:05ae 1.0575 1.0555 1.0554 1.0541 1.0525 1.050$1.048$'I.0457 1.0441 1.0438 1.0459 1.0487 1.0508 1.0525 1.053$1.0548 1.0554 1.0555 1.0554 1.0545 1.0539 1.0551 1.0500 1.0552 1.0702 1.0753 1.0801 1.0844 1.0884 1.0919 1.0950 1.0000 1.0000 1.0009 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 He+Lit 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.50 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.BO 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.80 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.50 3.80 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.50 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.50 5.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5'.So 7.00 7.20 7.40 7.50 7.80 8.00$.20 8.80 9.OO 9.20 9.40 9.50 9.80 10.00 10.20 10.40 10.50 10.80 11.Oo 11.20 11.40 11.50 11.80 12.00 eettctI tett ss pep'cat1on Top snd~xclltded Tecttn 1 ca apeo11 1 Rev.3 This figure is referrecl to by Technical Specif ications S3/4.2.2 Page 80 of 80 O.I P t I 1h 4 I\'J}}
2.1  Moderator    'Tem  erature Coefficient (Specification 3/
: 1. The Moderator Temperature        Coefficient  (MTC)  limits are:
The  Positive    MTC Limit  (ARO/HZP)   shall  be less  positive than
            +5.0 pcm/'F for power levels up to        70X RTP  with a linear ramp to 0 pcm/'F at 100X RTP.
The Negative      MTC Limit  (ARO/RTP)  shall  be less negative than
            -49 pcm/'F.
: 2. The  MTC  Surveillance  limit is:
The 300 ppm/ARO/RTP-MTC should be less negative than            or equal to
            -41 '    pcm/'F ~
where:      ARO stands  for All Rods Out HZP stands  for Hot Zero THERMAL POWER RTP stands  for RATED THERMAL POWER 2.2  Shutdown Rod      Insertion Limit (Specification 3/4 '.3.5)
: 1. Fully withdrawn for all        shutdown rods  shall  be 228  steps.
2.3  Control  Rod  Insertion Limits (Specification 3/4.1 3.6)
: 1. The  control rod banks shall be limited in physical insertion as specified in Figure 1 of this attachment. Fully withdrawn for all control rods shall be 228 steps.
2.4  Axial Flux Difference (Specification 3/4.2.1)
: 1. The acceptable      operational space for Relaxed Axial Offset Control (RAOC)    operation is specified in Figure 2 of this attachment.
: 2. The AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE (AFD)        target  band  for Base Load    operation is +5X.
3    The Th APL        for  Base Load  operation is  85X  of  RATED THERMAL POWER.
PLP-106 Rev. 3                                                           Page   68 of 80
~ ~
~ ~
                                            'Attachment    9                      Page of 15 COLR    for  Shearon  Harris Unit    1 Cycle 4 2.S  Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor          - F~(Z)
I (Specification 3/4.2.2)
F (Z) <  
                            ~Q P
                                      ~  K(Z) for P > 0.5 F<(Z) <     05
                                      ~  K(Z) for P < 05 I
: 2.     ~q    = 2.45 3-    K(Z)  is specified in Figure        3 of this attachment.
: 4. W(z) Curves    for    RAOC Operation are specified in Figures 4 through 6 of this attachment.         These W(z) curves are sufficient to determine the RAOC W(z) versus core height for Cycle 4 burnups through the end
of full power reactivity plus a power coastdown of up to 1219 MWD/MTU through the use of three point interpolation.
W(z) Curves      for Base Load Operation are specified in Figures 7 5  ~
through  9'f      this attachment. These W(z) curves are sufficient to determine the Base Load W(z) versus core height for Cycle 4 burnups through the end of full power reactivity plus a power coastdown of up to 1219 MWD/MTU through the use of three point interpolation PLP-106 Rev. 3                                                            Page 69  of 80
OS1 Attachment  9                    Page 5  of 15 COLR  for Shearon Harris  Unit  1 Cycle 4 2.6    Nuclear Enthal      Rise Hot Channel Factor - F~ (Specification 3/4.2.3)
RTP 1 ~   F~ps          bH* (1+    PFgH* (1   P))
: b.        F    B,H = 1.65  for VANTAGE-5 fuel C.      PF~= 0.3    for LOPAR fuel
: d.      PF~= 0.35      for  VANTAGE-5  fuel 2.7   Boron Concentration      for Refuelin  0 erations (Specification 3/4.9.1)
Through the end    of Cycle 5, the boron concentration required to maintain K,zz less than or equal to .95 is less restrictive than the 2000.ppm boron requirement. Boron concentration must be maintained greater than or equal to 2000 ppm during refueling operations.
PLP-106 Rev. 3                                                          Page 70 of  80
OS1 Attachment  9                        Page 6 of  15 COLR  for Shearon Harris Unit  1 Cycle  4.
: 1. WCAP-9272-P-A, "Westinghouse Reload Safety    Evaluation Methodology," July 1985 (W Proprietary).
(Methodology for Specification - Moderator Temperature Coefficient, - Shutdown Rod Insertion Limit, - Control Rod Insertion Limit, 3.2.1 - Axial Flux Difference, 3.2.2 - Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor, and 3.2.3 - Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel  Factor, and 3.9.1  - Boron Concentration.)
WCAP-11914,  "Safety Evaluation Supporting a  More Negative EOL Moderator Temperature Coefficient Technical    Specification for the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant," August    1988 (W Proprietary).
Approved by NRC Safety Evaluation dated May    22, 1989.
(Methodology  for Specification  - Moderator Temperature Coefficient.)
: 3. WCAP-10216-P-A,  "Relaxation of Constant Axial Offset Control F<
Surveillance Technical Specification," June 1983 (W Proprietary).
(Methodology for Specifications 3.2.1 - Axial Flux Difference (Rexated Axial Offset Control) and 3.2.2 - Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (F< Methodology for W(Z) Surveillance requirements).)
: 4. WCAP-10266-P-A, Rev. 2, "The 1981 Version of the Westinghouse ECCS Evaluation Model Using the BASH Code," March 1987 (W Proprietary).
(Methodology  for Specification 3.2.2  - Heat  Flux Hot Channel Factor.)
: 5. WCAP-8385,  "Power  Distribution Control and Load Following Procedures  -  Topical Report," September 1974 (W Proprietary),
(Methodology for Specification 3.2.1 - Axial Flux Difference (Constant Axial Offset Control).)
: 6. 'CAP-11832-P-A, "Extension of Methodology for Calculating Transition Core DNBR Penalties," January 1990 (W Proprietary).
PLP-106 Rev. 3                                                        Page 71  of 80
OS1 Attachment    9                          Page  7  of 15 FIGURE 1 SHEARON HARRIS        UNIT 1 CYCLE 4 ROD GROUP    INSERTION LIMITS VERSUS THERMAL POWER (THREE-LOOP OPERATION) 220                                                  .538. 228) 200 1,  186) c- 180 D
        ~ '160
          ~ 140 0, 128
        ~ 120 C)                                          BANK 0
        ~ 100 C)
        ~    60
        ~    60 Ch CD 40 20 0  0
                .00  . 10    .20      .30      .<0    .50  .60    .70  .60    .90    1.0 FRACTlON OF RATED THERMAL PONER (Fully withdrawn shall be 22$ steps)
Note:    Control Banks      A ancl B Must be Withdrawn From The Core    Prior    To Power Operation This figure is referrecl to by Technical Specifications PLP-106 Rev. 3                                              Page 72    of 80
~    ~
OS1'ttachment                                  9                      Page 8    of 15 FIGURE 2 SHEARON HARRIS UNIT 1 CYCLE 4 AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE LIMITS AS A FUNCTION OF BATED THERMAL POWER FOR RAOC 120 110 100            7, 100 100 I        l UN CCKPT                                    ACQEPT BLK 90 CO CL 80 GER TAB FJ  70 w~  60 50 C) 50                                      28  50 z
IJJ 40 CD g    30 20 10 50  HO    -30    -20    -'10      0    10  20      30        40    50 AXIAL FLUX OIFFERENCE (X OELTA-I)
This figure is referred to by Technical Specifications 3.2.1 PLP-106 Rev. 3                        a3/4.2.1                 Page 73    of  80
:I OS1 Attachment  9                        Page 9    of 15 FIGURE 3 SHEARON HARRIS UNIT 1 CYCLE 4 K(z) - LOCAL AXIAL PENALTY FUNCTION FOR    F~(z) 1.0 5 ,90 4
      ~ .80 w
          .70 Normalized Cl                    flevation      Peaking Facto w                    SSMQNQNR        SSSSSSSSRSSRS
      .60                      0.0                1.0 6.0                1.0 12.0              0.925 o .60
          .20                                                          '.
5      6    7              10    1 1     12 CORE HEiGHT      {Feet)
This figure is referred to by Technical Specification 3/4.2.2 PLP-106 Rev. 3                                                 Page 74  of 80
OS1 Attachment             9                                   Page 10          of            15 FIGURE 4 SHEARON HARRIS UNIT 1 CYCLE                                   4 RAOC W(Z) AT 150 MWD/MTU 1.35                                                                                                                           Het gnt                SOL
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: 1. 2539
: 1. 2222
( ~                 <<
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: 1. 10
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: 1. 1238
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: 9. 00
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: 1. 1185
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: t. 1358
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: 9. 40          1. 1450
        << ~
9.50            1. 1527
: 9. 80          1. 1594 I                                                                                                                          10. 00            1. 1751 1.05                                                                                                                              10. 20            1. 2OIO
: 10. 40            1. 0000
: 10. 50            1. 0000
: 10. 80            1. OOOO I .,                                                                                                            11. 00            I . OOOO
                  >>                                                                                                                                1. 0000
: 11. 20 I    ~                                                II                                                                  11. 40            1. 0000
: 1. 0000 I''
1   ~
        > 1
: 11. 50
                    <<                                            << ~
                                                                                                                                  .11.80            1. OOOO 1.000                                                                                                                            ~ t2. 00            1. 0000 1                     4        5          6        7        8          9          10        11        1 2 Top      anct botto>I                15'L CORE HEIGHT                  (F eet}                                                    ~ xcl uctect aa Tecnnt pet'al Spect t 1 catton 4.2 ' '
Thas Eagure              as referred to              by Technical Specifications S3/4.2.2 PLP-106 Rev. 3                                                                                                            Page 75          of            80
~ I(  ~
OS1 Attachment                        9                                    Page 11          of    15 FIGURE 5 SHEARON HARRIS                      UNIT 1 CYCLE 4 RAOC V(Z) AT                      7000 MWD/MTU lie! gnt          Wl. I 1.35                                                                                                                                                    F ae \ I        QI 2 0.00          1.0000 0.20          1. 0000 I
I ~
lil ill:                                                                                                  0.40 0.60
: 1. 0000 1, 0000 0.$ 0        1,0000 1  00        1  ~ 0000
: 1. 20      1. 0000 1.30                                                                                                                                                      1,  40      1. 0000 Ii  ~  '                                                                                                              1. 60      1. 0000
: 1. 80      1. 2274
                                      !  I l l:  I 1 1 1
: 2. 00        1.2085 III Il'                                                                                                  2.20 2.40
: 1. 1854
: 1. 1844
ill    if        I I I        I                  I I
2.60          1 . 1433
                                'ii I
2.80          1. 1211
                            !                                                        ~
I I                                                              3.00          1. 108d 3.20 1.25 I!:      ~
i            lil                                                                                                                3.40
: 1. 0985 1.0930 I     'l tll                                                                                                                      3.60 3.80
: 1. 0930 1.0930 4,00 If':i:                      !    II I:
I I I I   I I I!
4.20 4.40 4.60 4.80 1.0926 1
1 0922 1.0916 0907 1.0891 1.20                                                                                                                                                      5.00           1.0$ $ 1 Ii  ~
5.20          1. 0873 1.0892 5.40 5.60          1.0982 I                                                 S. 80 "I       1. 1110
: 8. 00!l
: 1. 1233 444                                                                      B. 20'.40      1. 1340
: 1. 1434 I I!    ~     I   I! I                                       ~          ~    I       ~ 6.'8O
: 1. 1513
: 1. 15                                                                                                                                                              . 1. 1575 I: i:          '     I 1
: 7. 00          1. 18'19
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I       1                                        ~ !
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7.80            1. 1618 I I f          I!!      I                                                                                   ~ I        ~ I                  8.00          1. 1570 1503:
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1288 1426
                ,  ~
9.40          1. 1535.
                                                                                                                                        !!                    9.60           1.
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: 10. 20
: 1. 1828 1.2026 1.05 il I I I I I I
I I I'i I I I I 1    I; I:II:
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1  I I
: 10. 40
: 10. 80
: 10. 80
: 11. 00
: 11. 20 1 . 0000
: 1. 0000
: 1. 0000
: 1. 0000
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This figure is reEerred to by Technical Specifications 83/4.2.2 PLP-106 Rev. 3                                                                                                                                  Page 76        of      80
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: 1. 1691
: l. 1616
: 1. 1611 9.20             1. 1591 9.40             1. 1598 9.60            1. 1755 9.80             1. 1926 I ~ I                                                                                                                                  10. 00            1. 2223
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: 1. 0000
: 11. 20            1. 0000 11 40
                                                                                                                                                  ~            1, 0000
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: 1. 0000 0                  2        3          4          5              6    7        e          9          10            11          12 Top snd Bottoe 15X CORE HEl GH T                (F eet)                                                        excl ucsec ss per Technic al SpeCi f cation 1 4.2 ' '
This figure is referred to by Technical Specifications 83/4.2.2 PLP-106 Rev. 3                                                                                                                        Page 77            of  80
bS1 Attachment          9                          Page      13    of    15 FIGURE 7 SHEARON HARRIS UNIT 1 CYCLE 4 BASE LOAD W(Z) AT 150 MWD/MTU FOR'POWER LEVELS ABOVE 85% OF RATED THERMAL POWER 80L
: l. 12                                                                                                          He+Lit            NI 8  I I                                                                                    0.00          1. 0000 0.20          1.0000
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: 1. 20        ,1   . 0000 1,40          1.0000
: 1. 10
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2.40          1. 0831 1.09 2.80          1.0820 2.80          1.0803 I ~                                      3.00          1. 0782
                                          ~  I                                                                    3.20          1. 0758 I '      I  ~                                                            3.40          1. 0730 3.80          1. 0701 1.08                                                                                                              3.80          1.0877 I            4.00          1,0857 4.20
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: 5. 00          1.0558 I                                                           5. 20          1.0545
                              ~  I              ~ I 5.40          1.0530 I    ~          1. 0512 1.06                                                                                                             5.80          1.0493
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: 1. 0420
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: 1. 0480 1.03                                                                                                              9.00          1.0497 I                                                                                 9. 20          1. 0515
: 1. 0532
: 9. 40 9.dO            1.0548 i                                                                                                  9.80            1. 0581
: 1. 0574
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: 10. 20          1. 0587
: 10. 40          1. 0000
: 10. 50          1. 0000
1O. 80          1. OOOO I ~ I       I     ~
11.00           1. 0000 1.01                                                                                                          0  11. 20           1. 0000 I  ~ ~                                                                                                8  11. 40           1. 0000 8  11.80           1. 0000 4  11. 80           1. 0000 f
: 12. 00            1. 0000 1.000 4        5      '6          7      8    9    10      11    1 Top snd bottom ss per (F eet) 157'xcluded CORE HEl GH T                                                            Tecnnl cs l 5pecS 4.2.F 4.
f 1 cst10n This figure is referrecl to by Technical Specifications PLP-106 Rev. 3                                               83/4.2.2                                  Page 78        of    80
~ 4 J OS1 Attachment            9                                  Page 14          of 15 FIGURE 8 SHEARON HARRIS UNIT                  I  CYCLE 4 BASE LOAD W(Z) AT 7000 MWD/MTU FOR POWER LEVELS ABOVE 85% OF RATED THERMAL POWER He~l    I      MO1.
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: 1. 12 I
: 1. 0000
O. 00 0.20     1. 0000 0.40      1. 0000 0.80     1. 0000 0.80     1. 0000
: 1. 00     1. 0000 I ~
: 1. 20     1.0000
                                                                                  ~ I                                  1. 40     t.OOOO 1'.80     1. 0000
: 1. 10                                                                                                                   1. 80     1. 0907 I ~    ~  I I ~
                                    ~                                                        I ~                        2.00     1. 0894 2.20     1:oaat I I    ~ I I        I    ~ I                                                          2.40     1:Oa88
                                ~ t    ~ ~                                                                              2.50      1. 0817 1.09                                                                                                                    2.80      'I . 0820
                                                    ~      ~                                                          3.00      1. 0787 I      I                                                          3.20      1. 0747 t                     3.40      1. 0705
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: 4. 00    1.0835
                                              ~ ~                ~
4.20      1. 0812 I
: 1. 0589
                                                          ~ ~          ~ ~  ~
4.80      1. 0571 1.07                                                                                                                    4.80      1. 0558
                                                                                          ~  ~
5.00      1. 0515 5.20      1.0529 I    I 5.40      1.0513 I  ~
: 5. 60      1. 0495 1.06
                                                                  ~ I 5.80      1.0475
                                                                        ~ ~
: 6. 00      1. 0452 I      I                                                                                                  8. 20      1. 0427 I    I I                                                                                                  8. 40      1. 0397
                ~  I I  ~    I                                                                                          8. 60      1:038a
                        ~  ~                                                                        ~ I                8. 80      1. 0387 1.05                                                                                                                    7. 00      1. 0415
: 7. '20    1. 0434 I ~                                                                                                                7.10      1. 0452
                ~    I                                                                                                  7.80      1. 0468.
I ~                                            7.80      1. 0480 1.04                                                                                                                    8.00      1. 0488 8.20      1. 04Q3 I                                                                                            I    ~              8.40      1. 0498 8.80
I                                                                                                              1. 0503 8.80
                      ~      I                                                                    ~    ~
                                                                                                                      ~            1. 0510 1.03                                                                                                                    9.00      1. 0519 I I I                                                                                                      9.20      1. 0528
9.40      1. 0535 9.60      1.0542
      ~  I 9.80      1. 0518 1.02                                                                                                                  '10.00      1. 0552
: 10. 20      1. 0557 C      10. 40      1. 0000 S      10.80        t . OOOO I I I ~                                                                                                  '
10.80 1.01 S      11.00        1. OOOO
: 11. 20      1. OOOO
: 11. 40      1. OOOO, 0    11.80        1 . OOOO I ~                                                                                                    0    11. 80      1 OOOO I I            12. 00      1. 0000 1.000 5    6          7      8        9      10      11        12      Top sttd aottoe 15%
                                                                                                                    ~ xc 1 llded ss pet' CORE HEIGHT            (F eet)                                                Tech' ca Spect tt tost ton 1.2I2.1.
This figure is referred to by Techni ca i Specifications$ PLP-106 Rev. 3                                            83/4.2.2                                            Page 79          of 80
~ ~, -r QS1 Attachment            9                                      Page    15    of  15 FIGURE 9 SHEARON HARRIS UNIT 1 CYCLE 4 BASE LOAD W(Z) AT 15500 MWD/MTU FOR'POWER LEVELS ABOVE 858 OF RATED THERMAL POWER EOI He+Lit            WIst
: 0. 00        t.oooo
                    ~ I 0.20        t. 0000 0.40          1.0000 0.50        1. 0000 0.80        1. 0000
                                                                                                    ~   '                       1. 00        1. 0000
                                                                      ~ ~
: 1. 20        1.0000
: 1. 40        1. 0000
: 1. BO        1. 0000 1.10                                                                                                                            1. 80        1. 1087
: 2. 00        1. 1050 2.20        1. 1010 1      ~,        I                  2. 40        1. 0957
: 2. 80        1, 0917 1.09                                                                                                                            2.80        1:oaea 3.00        1. 0794 I  ~                    I ~                                                                  3.20        1. 0718 3.40        1. 0852 3.50        1.0530 1.08 i      I i I a;  ~ I I  I
                                                                                        '    ~  i '
3.80 4.00 4.20 1:OBOd 1:05ae
: 1. 0575
I                              I    \    I        I I                          4.40        1. 0555
            ~ ~
                                                                                ~            ~
4.50        1.0554 1.07 I
4.80        1. 0541 5.00        1.0525 5.20        1. 050$
                              ~    I  ~
                                            ~  ~
e''>I                                                  5.40 5.50 1.048$
                                                                                                                                              'I . 0457 1.06                                                                                                                            5.80        1.0441
                                                                                                          '                      5.00        1.0438
            ~ ~                                                                            I  1      I 5.20        1.0459 I                                              g  ~  I                                                            5.40        1. 0487 5'. So
: 1. 0508 I  ~    I                                                                                                                  1. 0525 1.05                                                                                                                            7. 00        1. 053$
                  ~  I                                                                                                          7.20        1.0548 I ~            7.40        1. 0554
                  ~  I  ~                                                                                                      7.50        1.0555 7.80        1.0554 1.04                                                                                                                            8.00        1. 0545
                                                                                                                                $ .20        1.0539 I                                                                                        8. 40.      1. 0551
                                  ~  ~
8.50        1. 0500 8.80          1. 0552 1.03                                                                                                                            9. OO        1. 0702 9.20          1. 0753 9.40          1. 0801 9.50          1.0844 9.80          1. 0884
: 10. 00        1. 0919 1.02  I                                                                                                                        10. 20         1. 0950 8    10. 40         1. 0000 I t ~                                                                                                              0    10. 50        1. 0000
: 10. 80         1. 0009
: 11. Oo        1. 0000 1.01                                                                                                                      N    11. 20        1. 0000
: 11. 40        1. 0000 4    11. 50         1. 0000 0    11. 80         1. 0000 0    12. 00         1. 0000 1.000                                                                                                                  2 2          3            4         5   6          7      8        9          10          11    1 Top snd eettctI tett
                                                                                                                              ~ xclltded ss pep' CORE HEI GH T          (F eet)                                                    Tecttn 1 ca apeo11 1 cat1on
This figure is referrecl to by Technical Specif ications PLP-106 Rev. 3                                                  S3/4.2.2                                                Page 80        of  80
t O.
I 1h 4

Revision as of 06:24, 22 October 2019

Rev 3 to Shearon Harris Unit 1,Cycle 4 Colr.
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Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/23/1992
Shared Package
ML18010A797 List:
PLP-106, PLP-106-R03, PLP-106-R3, NUDOCS 9210060027
Download: ML18010A798 (23)


OS1 Attachment 9 Page 1 of 15 Shearon,Harris Unit 1 Cycle 4 Core Operating Limits Report O'DR'age PLP-106 Rev. 3

'72100b0027'920923 PDR


ADOCK 05000400 66 of 80

I 0 ~

OS1 Attachment 9 Page 2 of 15 COLR for Shearon Harris Unit 1 Cycle 4 1..0 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT This Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) for Shearon Harris Unit 1 Cycle 4 has been prepared in accordance with'he requirements of Technical Specification

The Technical Specifications affected by this report are listed below:

3/ Moderator Temperature Coefficient 3/4 '.3.5 Shutdown Rod Insertion Limit 3/ Control Rod Insertion Limits 3/4.2.1 Axial Flux Difference 3/4.2.2 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor >> FQ~~~

3/4.2.3 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor - F~

3/4.9.1. Boron Concentration .

PLP-106 Rev. 3 Page 67 of 80

~ ~

OS1 Attachment 9 .

Page 3 of 15 COLR for Shearon Harris Unit 1 Cycle 4 2.0 OPERATING LIMITS The cycle-specific parameter limits for the specifications listed in Section 1.0 are presented in the following subsections'hese limits have been developed using the NRC-approved methodologies specified in Technical Specification and given in Section 3.0.

2.1 Moderator 'Tem erature Coefficient (Specification 3/

1. The Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC) limits are:

The Positive MTC Limit (ARO/HZP) shall be less positive than

+5.0 pcm/'F for power levels up to 70X RTP with a linear ramp to 0 pcm/'F at 100X RTP.

The Negative MTC Limit (ARO/RTP) shall be less negative than

-49 pcm/'F.

2. The MTC Surveillance limit is:

The 300 ppm/ARO/RTP-MTC should be less negative than or equal to

-41 ' pcm/'F ~

where: ARO stands for All Rods Out HZP stands for Hot Zero THERMAL POWER RTP stands for RATED THERMAL POWER 2.2 Shutdown Rod Insertion Limit (Specification 3/4 '.3.5)

1. Fully withdrawn for all shutdown rods shall be 228 steps.

2.3 Control Rod Insertion Limits (Specification 3/4.1 3.6)

1. The control rod banks shall be limited in physical insertion as specified in Figure 1 of this attachment. Fully withdrawn for all control rods shall be 228 steps.

2.4 Axial Flux Difference (Specification 3/4.2.1)

1. The acceptable operational space for Relaxed Axial Offset Control (RAOC) operation is specified in Figure 2 of this attachment.
2. The AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE (AFD) target band for Base Load operation is +5X.


3 The Th APL for Base Load operation is 85X of RATED THERMAL POWER.

PLP-106 Rev. 3 Page 68 of 80

~ ~

~ ~


'Attachment 9 Page 4 of 15 COLR for Shearon Harris Unit 1 Cycle 4 2.S Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor - F~(Z)

I (Specification 3/4.2.2)

F (Z) <

~Q P

~ K(Z) for P > 0.5 F<(Z) < 05

~ K(Z) for P < 05 I


2. ~q = 2.45 3- K(Z) is specified in Figure 3 of this attachment.
4. W(z) Curves for RAOC Operation are specified in Figures 4 through 6 of this attachment. These W(z) curves are sufficient to determine the RAOC W(z) versus core height for Cycle 4 burnups through the end


of full power reactivity plus a power coastdown of up to 1219 MWD/MTU through the use of three point interpolation.

W(z) Curves for Base Load Operation are specified in Figures 7 5 ~

through 9'f this attachment. These W(z) curves are sufficient to determine the Base Load W(z) versus core height for Cycle 4 burnups through the end of full power reactivity plus a power coastdown of up to 1219 MWD/MTU through the use of three point interpolation PLP-106 Rev. 3 Page 69 of 80

OS1 Attachment 9 Page 5 of 15 COLR for Shearon Harris Unit 1 Cycle 4 2.6 Nuclear Enthal Rise Hot Channel Factor - F~ (Specification 3/4.2.3)

RTP 1 ~ F~ps bH* (1+ PFgH* (1 P))


b. F B,H = 1.65 for VANTAGE-5 fuel C. PF~= 0.3 for LOPAR fuel
d. PF~= 0.35 for VANTAGE-5 fuel 2.7 Boron Concentration for Refuelin 0 erations (Specification 3/4.9.1)

Through the end of Cycle 5, the boron concentration required to maintain K,zz less than or equal to .95 is less restrictive than the 2000.ppm boron requirement. Boron concentration must be maintained greater than or equal to 2000 ppm during refueling operations.

PLP-106 Rev. 3 Page 70 of 80

OS1 Attachment 9 Page 6 of 15 COLR for Shearon Harris Unit 1 Cycle 4.


1. WCAP-9272-P-A, "Westinghouse Reload Safety Evaluation Methodology," July 1985 (W Proprietary).

(Methodology for Specification - Moderator Temperature Coefficient, - Shutdown Rod Insertion Limit, - Control Rod Insertion Limit, 3.2.1 - Axial Flux Difference, 3.2.2 - Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor, and 3.2.3 - Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor, and 3.9.1 - Boron Concentration.)

WCAP-11914, "Safety Evaluation Supporting a More Negative EOL Moderator Temperature Coefficient Technical Specification for the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant," August 1988 (W Proprietary).

Approved by NRC Safety Evaluation dated May 22, 1989.

(Methodology for Specification - Moderator Temperature Coefficient.)

3. WCAP-10216-P-A, "Relaxation of Constant Axial Offset Control F<

Surveillance Technical Specification," June 1983 (W Proprietary).

(Methodology for Specifications 3.2.1 - Axial Flux Difference (Rexated Axial Offset Control) and 3.2.2 - Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (F< Methodology for W(Z) Surveillance requirements).)

4. WCAP-10266-P-A, Rev. 2, "The 1981 Version of the Westinghouse ECCS Evaluation Model Using the BASH Code," March 1987 (W Proprietary).

(Methodology for Specification 3.2.2 - Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor.)

5. WCAP-8385, "Power Distribution Control and Load Following Procedures - Topical Report," September 1974 (W Proprietary),

(Methodology for Specification 3.2.1 - Axial Flux Difference (Constant Axial Offset Control).)

6. 'CAP-11832-P-A, "Extension of Methodology for Calculating Transition Core DNBR Penalties," January 1990 (W Proprietary).

PLP-106 Rev. 3 Page 71 of 80



~ '160

~ 140 0, 128

~ 120 C) BANK 0

~ 100 C)

~ 60

~ 60 Ch CD 40 20 0 0

.00 . 10 .20 .30 .<0 .50 .60 .70 .60 .90 1.0 FRACTlON OF RATED THERMAL PONER (Fully withdrawn shall be 22$ steps)

Note: Control Banks A ancl B Must be Withdrawn From The Core Prior To Power Operation This figure is referrecl to by Technical Specifications PLP-106 Rev. 3 Page 72 of 80

~ ~


IJJ 40 CD g 30 20 10 50 HO -30 -20 -'10 0 10 20 30 40 50 AXIAL FLUX OIFFERENCE (X OELTA-I)

This figure is referred to by Technical Specifications 3.2.1 PLP-106 Rev. 3 a3/4.2.1 Page 73 of 80

I OS1 Attachment 9 Page 9 of 15 FIGURE 3 SHEARON HARRIS UNIT 1 CYCLE 4 K(z) - LOCAL AXIAL PENALTY FUNCTION FOR F~(z) 1.0 5 ,90 4

~ .80 w


.70 Normalized Cl flevation Peaking Facto w SSMQNQNR SSSSSSSSRSSRS

.60 0.0 1.0 6.0 1.0 12.0 0.925 o .60



.20 '.

5 6 7 10 1 1 12 CORE HEiGHT {Feet)

This figure is referred to by Technical Specification 3/4.2.2 PLP-106 Rev. 3 Page 74 of 80

OS1 Attachment 9 Page 10 of 15 FIGURE 4 SHEARON HARRIS UNIT 1 CYCLE 4 RAOC W(Z) AT 150 MWD/MTU 1.35 Het gnt SOL

<<>v ~f4% ( 'N> Z>

0.00 I, 0000 0.20 1 ~ 0000 0.40 1. 0000 0.50 I . 0000 0.80 'I

. 0000 I . 00 1. 0000 1.30 I . 20 I . 0000

1. 40 I . 0000 1.50 I . 0000 I>' "<< <<>' 1. 80 1. 3177

~ ~ << li' 2.00 2.20 2.40 1.285$

1. 2539
1. 2222

( ~ <<

2.50 1. 1909 J << 2.80 1. 1578 1.25

~ > << ~

3.00 1. 1395

( ~ << ~

I << 3.20 1. 1328

<<v 3. 40 1. 125d

<< I <<

3.50 1. 1223

'! >> '

3.80 1. 1185

> I l I << ~

4.00 1. 1143


r>> 4.20 1. 1095


<< ~

4.40 1. 1044 1.20 I >> I ~ ~

I>> 4.50 4.80

1. 0985 1.0950 5.00 1. 0918 5.20 1. 0875 I ~ ~ ~ I 5.40 >> 1.0432 5.50 1.0411 l ~


v I << I l 1 v I (! << 5.80 1.0427 5.00 <<j 1.08dd




l ~

5.20 '1. 0927

<<<< 5.40 ,1. 1002

l. 15 I<<>)'>>. l l l l l l 1

~ ~ > ~

I I I d.dO 5,80 1.





<< I <<< <<v I >


7. 00 1. 1195

! I i I <<) 7.20 1. 'I244


1 >

<<k I, J<< 7.40 1. 1282 7.50 1. 1307 II I ~ ' l . l i 7.80 1. 1319

> <<

8.00 1. 1317

1. 10

<< ~ 1J: << . <<v <<

8.20 8 40 F


'.1. 1301 1275

1. 1238



v 1'JI <<> ~, <<


~ ~

I! 1i> 8.'80

9. 00
9. 20
1. 1185
1. 1238
t. 1358





~ <<

9. 40 1. 1450

<< ~


9.50 1. 1527

9. 80 1. 1594 I 10. 00 1. 1751 1.05 10. 20 1. 2OIO
10. 40 1. 0000
10. 50 1. 0000
10. 80 1. OOOO I ., 11. 00 I . OOOO

>> 1. 0000


11. 20 I ~ II 11. 40 1. 0000
1. 0000 I

1 ~

> 1

11. 50

<< << ~

.11.80 1. OOOO 1.000 ~ t2. 00 1. 0000 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 Top anct botto>I 15'L CORE HEIGHT (F eet} ~ xcl uctect aa Tecnnt pet'al Spect t 1 catton 4.2 ' '

Thas Eagure as referred to by Technical Specifications S3/4.2.2 PLP-106 Rev. 3 Page 75 of 80

~ I( ~

OS1 Attachment 9 Page 11 of 15 FIGURE 5 SHEARON HARRIS UNIT 1 CYCLE 4 RAOC V(Z) AT 7000 MWD/MTU lie! gnt Wl. I 1.35 F ae \ I QI 2 0.00 1.0000 0.20 1. 0000 I

I ~

lil ill: 0.40 0.60

1. 0000 1, 0000 0.$ 0 1,0000 1 00 1 ~ 0000
1. 20 1. 0000 1.30 1, 40 1. 0000 Ii ~ ' 1. 60 1. 0000
1. 80 1. 2274

! I l l: I 1 1 1

2. 00 1.2085 III Il' 2.20 2.40
1. 1854
1. 1844


ill if I I I I I I


2.60 1 . 1433

'ii I

2.80 1. 1211

! ~

I I 3.00 1. 108d 3.20 1.25 I!: ~

i lil 3.40

1. 0985 1.0930 I 'l tll 3.60 3.80
1. 0930 1.0930 4,00 If':i:  ! II I:

I I I I I I I!

4.20 4.40 4.60 4.80 1.0926 1

1 0922 1.0916 0907 1.0891 1.20 5.00 1.0$ $ 1 Ii ~

5.20 1. 0873 1.0892 5.40 5.60 1.0982 I S. 80 "I 1. 1110

8. 00!l


1. 1233 444 B. 20'.40 1. 1340
1. 1434 I I! ~ I I! I ~ ~ I ~ 6.'8O

1. 1513
1. 15 . 1. 1575 I: i: ' I 1
7. 00 1. 18'19

< ~ i I 4I

~ I 7.20 1. 1647 1

I 1 ~ !

7.40 1. 1858 1: 7.60 1. 1647


7.80 1. 1618 I I f I!! I ~ I ~ I 8.00 1. 1570 1503:

!Ii; 8.20 1.



$ .40 I ~ ~ ~ 1419 '.

10 8.60 1. 1320' 8'. 8O 1. 1232 I i I I I 1 I ~ ~  ! I il I:! ' 9. 00 9.20 1.


1288 1426

, ~

9.40 1. 1535.

!! 9.60 1.

II ll r. 9.80 1839'.

1728 ii'I I


I i Ilii !'I 10.00

10. 20
1. 1828 1.2026 1.05 il I I I I I I

I I I'i I I I I 1 I; I:II:

I I l I I I I

1 I I


10. 40
10. 80
10. 80
11. 00
11. 20 1 . 0000
1. 0000
1. 0000
1. 0000
1. 0000
11. 40 1. 0000 I li I;!i II I I 11.80 1.0000 I '.! 1 I ' l I'I l! ~ ~

a i 11. 80 1. 0000

1. 0000 I ~, 12.00 1.000 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 ~ Top and dottom 1S"..

CORE HEIGHT (F eet) excluded=as per Tecnnica 1 Specie icat1on

This figure is reEerred to by Technical Specifications 83/4.2.2 PLP-106 Rev. 3 Page 76 of 80

OS1 Attachment 9 Page 12 of 15 FIGURE 6


1.35 ~FM t IIII 2 )


I ~I I I; iiili ~ ~



~ I O.

0.20 0.40 00 1. 0000

1. 0000
1. 0000

( I ~

I O.BO 1. 0000

( (

1 I

i. ~ : 0.80 1.00
1. 0000
1. 0000 1.30 I e ~ I!- I(i~ I ~ I


i I

~ 1 1. 20 1. 0000 1.40 1. 0000

~ I f 60 1. 0000


a 5 I I', II (i I lil I I ~ I <<! I i I I I I t; j I

1. 80
2. 00,,
1. 2103
1. 191B a
j. I ~

I l ~

2. 20
2. 40
1. 1727
1. 1535 I

I II 1 (ji,'I 2. BO 1. 1340 li:


I I I I I I I I Ji!. (Ii 2.80

3. 00
1. 1131
1. 0980 I. 25 l I I I I! I Iji 'l(l


! Jj  :. i ~

I ':. 3. 20 3.40

1. 0949
1. 0994 I (I l I! J iij 3.60 3.80
1. 1024
1. 1111

'ij i':

(ill I ), I I ) I I 4.00 1. 1219


~ ~

I  !

~ g 1


4.20 1. 1319 s

~ ~ l I a li I ~

s '.40 4.60

l. 1411
1. 1493 I! I;

(I I's

' <

1 I l I ~ ~ ~ ~

4.80 1. 1563 1.20 5.00 1. 1617



!l g

i i(i( lily I!

'I 'l II l I (i

i,',; i(il l i Jl I I I l I



5.20 5.40

5. 60
5. 80 B. 00
1. 1561
1. 1753
1. 1945
1. 2117
1. 2259
1. 15 I l I I ~

'!:I:I llli


1 I

I II L(( I! <,(



l i Ii;i l;)

I i I I II!I I I ~

6'.20 d.

7. 00 BO 6'. 80
1. 2381
1. 2474
1. 2540
1. 2577

'1. 258d iili Iiii i'.Ji (i I '.' 7.20 1. 2567

'ill l1j II I I l

7.40 7.60 7.80

1. 2518
1. 2442
1. 2337 8.00 2205
1. 10 I <<I:I III 8.20 8.40 1.



2049 1870 ii II I  !

8.60 8.80

1. 1691
l. 1616
1. 1611 9.20 1. 1591 9.40 1. 1598 9.60 1. 1755 9.80 1. 1926 I ~ I 10. 00 1. 2223
1. 2585


1.05 10. 20


[ 10. 40 1. 0000

10. BO 1. 0000 (il  ! 10. 80 11 ~ 00
1. 0000
1. 0000
11. 20 1. 0000 11 40

~ 1, 0000

11. dO 1. 0000 1 00 Ill 11 12



80 00 1 . 0000

1. 0000 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 Top snd Bottoe 15X CORE HEl GH T (F eet) excl ucsec ss per Technic al SpeCi f cation 1 4.2 ' '

This figure is referred to by Technical Specifications 83/4.2.2 PLP-106 Rev. 3 Page 77 of 80


l. 12 He+Lit NI 8 I I 0.00 1. 0000 0.20 1.0000


0.40 1,0000 0.80 1.0000 0.80 1. 0000 1.00 1. 0000

1. 20 ,1 . 0000 1,40 1.0000
1. 10

~ i 1. 80 1. 0000

' 1. 80 1; 0851 I I 2.00 1.0844 2.20 1. 0838

~ I, I, I I ~

2.40 1. 0831 1.09 2.80 1.0820 2.80 1.0803 I ~ 3.00 1. 0782

~ I 3.20 1. 0758 I ' I ~ 3.40 1. 0730 3.80 1. 0701 1.08 3.80 1.0877 I 4.00 1,0857 4.20


I 1.0538

~ ~ ~


I 4.40 1.0817 4'.8O 1. 0598 1.07 4. 80 1. 0575

5. 00 1.0558 I 5. 20 1.0545

~ I ~ I 5.40 1.0530 I ~ 1. 0512 1.06 5.80 1.0493

~ ~

d.oo '1. 0472 I ~ I ~

8.20 d.'4O 1.0448

1. 0420
d. 50 1. 0389

~ I d. 80 1. 0350


1.05 7. Oo 1. 0335

7. 20 1. 0352 7.40 1. 0374 I ~ 7.80 1. 0394 I ~ 7.80 1. 0412 1.04 8.00 1. 0427 I I ~ I ~ 8.20 1. 0439 8.40 1.045 t i ' ~ 8.50 8'. SO
1. 0484
1. 0480 1.03 9.00 1.0497 I 9. 20 1. 0515
1. 0532


9. 40 9.dO 1.0548 i 9.80 1. 0581
1. 0574


1.02 10. Oo

10. 20 1. 0587
10. 40 1. 0000
10. 50 1. 0000


1O. 80 1. OOOO I ~ I I ~

11.00 1. 0000 1.01 0 11. 20 1. 0000 I ~ ~ 8 11. 40 1. 0000 8 11.80 1. 0000 4 11. 80 1. 0000 f

12. 00 1. 0000 1.000 4 5 '6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Top snd bottom ss per (F eet) 157'xcluded CORE HEl GH T Tecnnl cs l 5pecS 4.2.F 4.

f 1 cst10n This figure is referrecl to by Technical Specifications PLP-106 Rev. 3 83/4.2.2 Page 78 of 80


w< z>

1. 12 I
1. 0000


O. 00 0.20 1. 0000 0.40 1. 0000 0.80 1. 0000 0.80 1. 0000

1. 00 1. 0000 I ~
1. 20 1.0000

~ I 1. 40 t.OOOO 1'.80 1. 0000

1. 10 1. 80 1. 0907 I ~ ~ I I ~

~ I ~ 2.00 1. 0894 2.20 1:oaat I I ~ I I I ~ I 2.40 1:Oa88

~ t ~ ~ 2.50 1. 0817 1.09 2.80 'I . 0820

~ ~ 3.00 1. 0787 I I 3.20 1. 0747 t 3.40 1. 0705


3.80 1. 0881 1.08 3. 80 1. 0558 I

4. 00 1.0835

~ ~ ~

4.20 1. 0812 I


1. 0589

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

4.80 1. 0571 1.07 4.80 1. 0558

~ ~

5.00 1. 0515 5.20 1.0529 I I 5.40 1.0513 I ~

5. 60 1. 0495 1.06

~ I 5.80 1.0475

~ ~

6. 00 1. 0452 I I 8. 20 1. 0427 I I I 8. 40 1. 0397

~ I I ~ I 8. 60 1:038a

~ ~ ~ I 8. 80 1. 0387 1.05 7. 00 1. 0415

7. '20 1. 0434 I ~ 7.10 1. 0452

~ I 7.80 1. 0468.

I ~ 7.80 1. 0480 1.04 8.00 1. 0488 8.20 1. 04Q3 I I ~ 8.40 1. 0498 8.80


I 1. 0503 8.80


~ I ~ ~

~ 1. 0510 1.03 9.00 1. 0519 I I I 9.20 1. 0528


9.40 1. 0535 9.60 1.0542

~ I 9.80 1. 0518 1.02 '10.00 1. 0552

10. 20 1. 0557 C 10. 40 1. 0000 S 10.80 t . OOOO I I I ~ '

10.80 1.01 S 11.00 1. OOOO

11. 20 1. OOOO


11. 40 1. OOOO, 0 11.80 1 . OOOO I ~ 0 11. 80 1 OOOO I I 12. 00 1. 0000 1.000 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Top sttd aottoe 15%

~ xc 1 llded ss pet' CORE HEIGHT (F eet) Tech' ca Spect tt tost ton 1.2I2.1.

This figure is referred to by Techni ca i Specifications$ PLP-106 Rev. 3 83/4.2.2 Page 79 of 80


0. 00 t.oooo

~ I 0.20 t. 0000 0.40 1.0000 0.50 1. 0000 0.80 1. 0000

~ ' 1. 00 1. 0000

~ ~

1. 20 1.0000
1. 40 1. 0000
1. BO 1. 0000 1.10 1. 80 1. 1087
2. 00 1. 1050 2.20 1. 1010 1 ~, I 2. 40 1. 0957
2. 80 1, 0917 1.09 2.80 1:oaea 3.00 1. 0794 I ~ I ~ 3.20 1. 0718 3.40 1. 0852 3.50 1.0530 1.08 i I i I a; ~ I I I

' ~ i '

3.80 4.00 4.20 1:OBOd 1:05ae

1. 0575


I I \ I I I 4.40 1. 0555

~ ~


~ ~

4.50 1.0554 1.07 I

4.80 1. 0541 5.00 1.0525 5.20 1. 050$

~ I ~

~ ~

e>I 5.40 5.50 1.048$

'I . 0457 1.06 5.80 1.0441

' 5.00 1.0438

~ ~ I 1 I 5.20 1.0459 I g ~ I 5.40 1. 0487 5'. So

1. 0508 I ~ I 1. 0525 1.05 7. 00 1. 053$

~ I 7.20 1.0548 I ~ 7.40 1. 0554

~ I ~ 7.50 1.0555 7.80 1.0554 1.04 8.00 1. 0545

$ .20 1.0539 I 8. 40. 1. 0551

~ ~

8.50 1. 0500 8.80 1. 0552 1.03 9. OO 1. 0702 9.20 1. 0753 9.40 1. 0801 9.50 1.0844 9.80 1. 0884

10. 00 1. 0919 1.02 I 10. 20 1. 0950 8 10. 40 1. 0000 I t ~ 0 10. 50 1. 0000
10. 80 1. 0009
11. Oo 1. 0000 1.01 N 11. 20 1. 0000
11. 40 1. 0000 4 11. 50 1. 0000 0 11. 80 1. 0000 0 12. 00 1. 0000 1.000 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Top snd eettctI tett

~ xclltded ss pep' CORE HEI GH T (F eet) Tecttn 1 ca apeo11 1 cat1on

This figure is referrecl to by Technical Specif ications PLP-106 Rev. 3 S3/4.2.2 Page 80 of 80


t O.

I 1h 4


