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| issue date = 06/16/2010
| issue date = 06/16/2010
| title = 06/16/2010-Notice of Construction Reactor Oversight Process Category 2 Public Meeting Handout: Wolf Creek 2, Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty, Dated 11/21/1984
| title = 06/16/2010-Notice of Construction Reactor Oversight Process Category 2 Public Meeting Handout: Wolf Creek 2, Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty, Dated 11/21/1984
| author name = Mattern K S
| author name = Mattern K
| author affiliation = NRC/NRO/DCIP/CAEB
| author affiliation = NRC/NRO/DCIP/CAEB
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Revision as of 08:33, 11 July 2019

06/16/2010-Notice of Construction Reactor Oversight Process Category 2 Public Meeting Handout: Wolf Creek 2, Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty, Dated 11/21/1984
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 06/16/2010
From: Mattern K
Mattern, Kevin, NRO/DCIP/CCIB, 415-6622
EA-84-107, IR-84-022
Download: ML101620490 (7)


by 25%. An Order for $130,000 was issued on January 16, 1985'and the licensee paid the civil penalties on January 31, 1985.Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company, Hartford, Connecticut (Haddam Neck Plant) EA 84-115, Supplement I An Order Modifying License and Notice of Violation and Proposed, Imposition of Civil Penalty in the--amount-df

$80,OO -was fssued'on December 13, 1984 based on. the failure of the reactor .refuel ing cavity.seal and ohe'resultatdrainihjof the reactor coolant waterýnr the-cavity torthe containmenit floor. An Order wasjssued to ensure improvements in the design change modification program...Theliicensee responded and paid the civil ,penalty ,opnJanuary 28, Kansas' as -and ectri Company, 'W-ichita, Kansas.(WolCMV-e4Gnerat g Station)e "a-84-107, Supplement II aImh-vil Penalty in o.,he% m ount... f $715,9000" issuedon Nv ber ?1, 1 % 84 ed on a nif~catrtie "sprogram for the* ...iff"' , i a, n t, ,, ,ovih -:t 1censee fnspection

....') ::;., " , I. _..I11'I l I i .Ib I I , LI L.LU I %,VI I ) UI IUI I a S n resnpoedbd em De and 3; 1984, .and1nkluded J,.R, ~ n er ý.i, NeCsk Vl ponse.ic~lI .IýlA ll) i ;p "y- i~T ~ -ofI Cvl Pnaty i survpaymentollanc e test oe nit b a tter lesiense 1n85.Ne~as urveilac etests ft b es. T 1*U " f.~4 ;ý --- ": .iT " 't ! ' .. ., i; : anpdr -pu~ aid 'tth. :.ll,:EnA t on x1a2 ch ..14,l 18em. ......e Pennsylvania Power an&dLighttýCompany,.

Allentown, .Pennsylvania..(Si ýnjta E ettric' Stati~on,ý_

Unit2 :A419 Supplemet I SA ,and Prosed ipostonof viPnaty in the 't0amount;0of

.5W0O, was- issue0 Won Decemer 18, 1984 based on an event that i n iVe1d:' 'd c :,, 1 -f r complete loss of all low-pressure emergency core cooling systems for.approximately43minutes., The licensee responded.and, trie nlto _J a nda ýy1 195 Tennessee Valley.,Aut~hority, Chattanooga, Tennessee.(roWn~s. Fe~r~y.Nucl~ear Pan' 1,i'~f 2, an 3), U, 84-OSpen I....

o lation and .ropo6eod'£IimipoStidn or Civi Penalties in etham d. .$10'0 6w:aeary28"!i985jbased on three viol at ions which gel ated' to a. .core.,spray overpressurization event pand othe rv~latfons'which

'collectiv 71 iV~at J'r 6Fon w ' ivei r~~sn~i equate impemenyq.6 O ne_ lcensees quaity ce program ensee' 'responded and'paidte civiI p -enalty on February 27, 1985.4 L* -~~-.t***.

'>**~ -~ *<..



TEXAS 76011 Docket: STN 50-482/84-22 EA 84-;O7.107 NOV `2j Kansas Gas 'and Electricd Company'-ATTN:, ,-Glenn L. Koester'.-Vice' Pre'sd nt -NcleairýWichita, Kansas ',67201;'Gentlemen:


. -NO-TCE OF VIOLATION AND PROPOSED IMPOSITION 4 OF CIVIL PENALTY ,This refers .totheinspectionconducted.

byMr,, R. G. Ta lorand other Region IV personne i dujrin the periOd Ju'ne 11, through- September 28, 1984.of activities tructnnon

ý .'z,:,ýI --.Wol.1 authori zed by NRC. Construction , e',t CPPR-1' for t'ýhe Wolf Creek.Generating Station. ? ne,,eu Its of the -nspecti~on

'were dic~sejwt

§;!.F.Dud and 9oher "Mmes Of your .at econc"usionof!

the.inspection 6 andfiduring an EnAforl`emnt' Coex ren hl.u -October-

-29, 1498C .t.. N `..Rexgon'.V ff i ce in rTe with`ybui omemersof the ,Kainsas as d staff o tnV, D Two violations.,were Identiftied durig- -thiis inspection.",.They are described in the encloseOd,1Noti'ce of Violatln'aind'Proposed-Imhposition of Civil Penalty.ViolI at ion* 1"re , rpresents a " significat brea kdowni n' y, program for the inspection -and correction of defective safety-related structural steel welds.To emphasize

--te n'eed for'KanasGasand ElectrW company managemne'ntto"ensure an effe:t~ye,,qd~al:ty a ,,ih1Oitsur

-.ha s bi nimplemented that 4 K th:ldenti fies and corrects construct'i'on deficiencieSi, bee-uh-ath6r;-ized, afatiýe:-consul tatib'n. ýwi th the Deputy Di rector,- Office of. Inspecti on and: Enforcement, i "-" " e :,th 1"?' .... Not sceco .T-- t-" r" .I. M, ' o... I Civi..l".

'.to issue theenclosed.'Notice>of-Vio~ation, and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in; the amount oft Senventy.

five Thousand Dolars, ($75,000) for this viol ati on.- ,q,,lThe-.viol atl on, asý,-a. Level IfIIviovloation in accordance with the NRC Enforcement iPolcy, 10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C, 49 FR 8583 (March" 81, '1984)."1The"base civil penalty for a Severity.

Level III violation is $50,000. Hwevier, 7inc y6ou fai led ib tCake adequate corrective actions for the po'blhems Jide`n'tifi'fd

'by Corrective Action Requests CAR No. I-W-0029 (initiated on March 22,, 1983) and CAR No. 1-W-0031 (issued Au~ust 16-,1983)," civil* penalty is being escalated by 50%.Violation II has beeh categoriied as* a'Severity Level IV violation for which no civil penalty- is proposed.'

You are required to.respond to the enclosed Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty. In preparing your response you should follow the instructions, specified' in the.,Notice.-

Your reply-to this letter and the results of future inspections will be, considered in determining whether further enforcement action is warranted.

CERTIFIED MAIL RETURNRCIT REQUESTED I. A-144 Kansas Gas and Electric Company 2 In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790, of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," Part 2, Titl.e, 10, Code of Federal. Regulations, a copy of this letter and the enclosures xwill. be placed, in the: NRC"s Publice, Document.

Room. ." , The responses directed by -this letter and the enclosed Notice are not isubject to the clearance procedure of the Office of Management and Budget as.,required by the Paperwork Reduction Act: of:1980, PL 96-5-1,.,:-Sincerely., Original Signe- ry...i S l;: Robert Region D.,.IV Martin, -Regional.ý ,. ., % t , ý 'Admini strator-.


Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty cc:* -w/enclosure Kansas Gas and:Electric Company-ATTN: Gene. -.

of Licensing-"P.O.. Box 208 Wicchita, Kansas-,-

67201-.;.Forrest Rhodes, Plant Superintendent Wolf, C.reek, Station..P.O. Box 309 -Burlington, Kansas 66839 A I.A-145 NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND PROPOSED IMPOSITION OF CIVIL PENALTY Kansas Gas and Electric Company Wolf Creek Generating Station Docket: Permit: EA 84-107 50-482/84-22 CPPR-147 As -a! -resudlitý of, an' NRC .inspection conducted during, the period, 6f June, 11,. 1984i ': through September-28,ý 1984, two viol'ations; were idehtif ied one' ofý whichK repre's4 a significant breakdown in the licensee's program for the inspection and corre4 of defelctiive -safety-.related-structurali steel To emphasi-zei the, need- for, Kansas Gas ýan&d,.Elec'triicý.'Company:" management, tbo r!;{a inspection plrogram-.has.

been implement id that .,both idehtifies and .corrects-construction defic4-enc-ies, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission proposes to imposi a civil.penalty in the amount of Seventyy-'five Thousand Dollars ($75,000),for*

this violation..

In. accordance with the NRC..Enforcement Policy, 10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C, as revised, 49 FR 8583 (March 8, 1984), and pursuant to Section 234 of the Atomic Energy Ac'ot 2282, PL 96-295 and 10 CFR 2.205, the particular violations ahd eth'eyassociated civil penalty is set forth in Section I below:.I.Civil Penal~ty--Viol.ation J Criterion Xf, of" -10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, requires that a program for inspection of activities

'affecting qualityl be established and&eXecuted, by;: o or the organization performing the acti.vito- conformance 1wi~th -the6 do"c" "m nented ihst~ruc tion'sp' rocdurs ad Td~wig or -acconiplishinhg-AT the IactiVity.

J Crit6eion XVI of Appendix.B furtherfrequires that,,established assure nonconforimances' are IpromptlIy identified' and..correcýcted.

Criterion, XVII requires*



to6- furni'sh6 evidence of. activities affecting.quality.

-Daniel International, Corporation (DIC) Construction Procedure No.QCP-VII-200 describes the -requirements for performance and inspection of safety-related structural steel welds with-respect to committed conformance to. the Amernican Welding Society (AWS), D1.1.--75.'

Appendix I in Revision 4-f this 0procedure:

inhVkes a prohibition with respect to lack of fUsion,overla'p, slag, arc strikes, andweOld splatter.

ý Paragraph 6.5.1 of AWS .l~-75requires ihiector..ver'ificat~ion

'thatthe size and length *of welds conform to the drawing requirements and that no specified welds are om itte d .Contrary to the above, the inspection program for safety-related'structural steel welds was not adequately executed to assure conformance to the ,requirements of Construction Procedure QCP-VII-200 Revision 4 and the AWS D1.1-75 Code nor. were adequate, records kept to document the quality of the welds... Furthermore, once deficient welds -wer'e identif ied,. no actions, were taken to correct the deficiencies.

This inadequate inspection program and the failure to take corrective actions is evidenced by the following:

I. A-146 Notice of Violation 2 1. 'A random reinspection of 241 structural" steel safety-relateAdwelds, which were made-in accordance with Revision 4 of QCP-VII-200,'

was performed by DIC and' documented in Correct~ive Action Repbrt' (CAR)No.-I.-W-0029, dated March- 22 ,A1983. SixtytWo -percent o the inspected welds were found by the DICI i nspectors.

tonot con'fbrm to the requirements of Revision-4 of QCP-VII-200.

The reported defects that resulted in rejection-by the DIC inspectors included arc strikes, slag,` ack "of fusion, overlap and weld splatter.2. Another reinspection of a sample of structural-members-:with the lowest- design safety margins Wast in nitiated' on September.'


The results of the licensee reinspection activities (verified by NRC inspectbrs)

.;as, tof Septembeir-_`28-, 1984, :were as' foll6ws::,-"'

, a. A missing weld was found at the same location in each of six pressurizer supportcý;,onnections.Iný 14 fillet welds in one pressurizer support connection were unders i zed. by- 1/8-incrh to 1/4-i nch with respect to the'drawing-required-size-, of 5/8-inch,'

and 'two of under' .thez required,, ength; i.e., 3-inh and ,-5-inch lengths:,'

respectivelyi, versus t4adrawi ng-=reiquired'" length of 8 inches. The weld dimensions of the remaining five" pressurizer support, connectiOns we're not included in'the NRC veri fi cation ýacti vity.Sb. .Reinspectionf hi nine. strctural steel onnections', inthe:",aux-iliary`

bufilding ident1i40 two rmiSs ,inwelds1 ih3bn,.connectilon

~I n"-add iti on,, *wld zsieo-a-d "lnth-d-Icipnis were identified' ineach of,?the total of 106 in the connections,, eight were found to be uihdersi~zed:

lby./6 i hc' ý"j1ý- ~hwtP-drawing-required width'.- 'Two of the.

iwelds Werealso under 'the:::req uiredIenhth;,i.e

'2 1Y4 chahd 2:1/2-ifch lerfgths,-_`.respect-ively, dIVersus a-ýdrawing' requiredength of 3-inches.','"An.addiTti-ona-r-ni ne-wel dswere also-underthe drawing-requi W -length.of 3 inhchs' by1,2Z'ihct-1-irch.

Examination of 54 weld returns-in the nine connhetions found 26 to be undersized by 1/16-inch to.3/16-inch with'.respect to drawing'requi red wdths.kOneof ield 'returns was-a'lso"Uridert th'ereýquir'edlength; inchsveus-a drawi ng--required7 size of 3 n addition, 36`wel*d rturns* exceeded the'drawing-required maximum length of 5/8-inch by 1 5/8 inches: to0:3 5/8 An eded the drawiAng-requi red: maxi mumi4 lhength of 3/4-inch by:1/2-'lto 2 1/8 inches.3. The absence of required MiscellaneOus-;StructuralSteel

Weld Records (MSSWRs) for documenting welding and inspection of safety-related structural, steel weldied conhnections-was itidenttified byKG&E in CAR No.1-C-0031.

As-a result Of this identification, it has- been established that approximately 16 percent of MSSWRs could not be located, which precludest positi ve-verification of ;control of welding n an&ýpeformance I. A-147 Notice of Violation 3..,of., required..

inspections .Approximately 80 percent.of the MSSWRs Sapplicable to, the acti viti es-descriibed in paragraph.

2,,above could not be- lcated. Records were not available to-, indcate ýthat,. an- initial ,'inspectipn:

was,, performed, of eijther _the pressu.rizer .support connections or .,the auxi I iary .,buildi ng, structural:

connection, whic wasi~de~ntifie to-b, isn towls MSSWRs.were ol ocatted f r,fr certain w'elds i n, four- structural, connecti ons, whi ch-ihdicated ac-ceptable welds. However, reinspection of these'four.connecti.ons,. Undersi zed¥Wel d:- n .one. connection and! "j.--undersized., and-.bverlengthf wel direturns in ithe four connections.

This is aa .'Severity' Level I I I Vi ol ati on.. -J(Supplement II. C)CivilVPenalty

$75,000 II. Vi ol ation!. Assessed a- Ci vi ty,-.;Criterion of 10' CFRR-50 res, that ac.tivi ties affecting.

,:qual ,ty.,.sha!l, with- appropritateO.

i nstructi ons procedures

,'and! drawings, andthatthese instructions, procedures, and drawi ngs§, contain- appropri atewquanti tat i ve:--acceptance., criteri a.Bechtel Drawing E-1!R890,0, Rev is ion.1, 1.-Raceway., Notes., Symbol s and Details staesn-paragraph 3.,36:4;that:,ý"Mi conduit> .systems andi, on, betweenilCass i 1E- condut tsystems-, and non_..1E-c.E'ondi itisystims shall be 1"...Separation shall be measured ween the. outsi de, edges of,:-the conduit",,.



Revision 11, requires "the. following:

1. Paragraph 5.8x1. 6.- -"Within-the, control boards and:other panel's associ ated,;wjith:protection:systems,:L circuits:,and-instruments of groups shall be. independent and physically

ýýseparatead hori zotally and distance of 6 i nche s"..2. ,:3-,"Non-, safety,: rel ated- ci.rcui.ts Shall be-separ~,dfom Class 1E cfircuits by, the same distances.....,Eappcable toCas ECrcuts of different:groups"..Cont ray tothe. above, the following-activities affecting quality were not, accomplished in accordance withappropriate drawings: 1. There were seven cases noted where conduit-to-conduit separation

, was less than one, inch;. -2. There werefiyve -areas, in the control panels and-cabinets where S.-, lectrical cableseparation waslIess.

than six inches; a Severity Level IV Violation (Supplement II).I. A-148 Notice of Violation 4 Pursuant to-the provisions of 10 CFR 2.201, Kansas Gas and Electric Company is hereby required to submit to the Deputy Director., -Office of ý;Inspection -and Enforcement, USNRC, Washington, D.C. 20555, with a copy to this office,. within 30 days of the date of this Notice, a written.statement;orexplanati~on .in I reply, including for each alleged violation.

(1) admission-or denial of thet alleged violation; (2) the'reasons for the violation, if admitted;'(3) the!corrective steps that will-be taken and the results achieved; (4),thecorrective steps that will be taken to avoid further violations;, and& (5) the date when full compliance will be achieved.;


_.may be given toi,.extending the response time for good cause shown. Under ;the. autho.r~ity of Section 182 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 2232, this response shall oath or affirmation.

Within the same time as provided for the response required-above'under 10 .:CFR 2. 201,.-Kansas:1,Gas and,-Electric Company,

-,the penalty. in:,.,the amount of $75,000 or may protest imposition of the civil.'penalty in-, whole or in part by a written ýShould.Kansas ,Gas :and ýElectricý Company.: Kfail to answer within the time specified, the Deputy Director, Office of ,Inspection and Enforcement, will. issue ýan .orde~ri.

imposing, the ,civ-i
l in i the amount proposed above. Should Kansas Gas and Electric Company elect to file an answer in accordance with 10, CFR-:2_. 2.0Q5 pr,.t-estýAng sthe cj.viv ijly.,pena~l tyi-, such answer may: (1) deny the violations listed in the Notice in whole or in part;i.(2) demons.trate extenuaating ci rcums$tances
s.(.3) .!shQw error in .th
i:s MNotice; .or K(4) show other reasons why the penalty should not be imposed. In addition to protesti ng civil, -penalty.

in whooele or,,


, remission or mitigation of the penalty. In requesting mitigation of proposed penalty, the five factors contained in section V.B of 10 CFR Part 2, should be addressed.

Any %written answer n~accordance,,with.:.10, CFR 2.205 should be set forth separately from the statement or explanation in reply pursuant to 10i.CFR 2,.201-,, but may,-incorporate-eferenceý (e-..g. ,..),ci-ti-ng-,pageý pargraph.


4t Y ao1id The at~tention Of --Kansas, Gas,.and ,.~c..t r:ic,.Company..i oýthe Othernpyovisionso o 0.CFRl.2.205 regarding; the procedure .for imposing af ivil pehal 1 ty.,' -'Upon failure to pay any civil penalty due Which has been subsequently accordance with the appli cab leg p ov.i sp i ons t of- -10 C:FR 2-,-205, this, ,'matter I may referred to the..Attoriney General, penalty 9 5unles.s -compromised, remitted, or mitigated, may be collected by civil actioo pursuant to Section 234c of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 228Z..FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION D. Martin Regional Administrator Dated at Jhrlington, Texas<this -2frrway of November 1984 I.A-149