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| issue date = 02/20/2019
| issue date = 02/20/2019
| title = Notification of Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000275/2019002, 05000323/2019002 and Request for Information
| title = Notification of Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000275/2019002, 05000323/2019002 and Request for Information
| author name = Werner G E
| author name = Werner G
| author affiliation = NRC/RGN-IV/DRS/OB
| author affiliation = NRC/RGN-IV/DRS/OB
| addressee name = Welsch J M
| addressee name = Welsch J
| addressee affiliation = Pacific Gas & Electric Co
| addressee affiliation = Pacific Gas & Electric Co
| docket = 05000275, 05000323
| docket = 05000275, 05000323

Revision as of 14:38, 12 June 2019

Notification of Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000275/2019002, 05000323/2019002 and Request for Information
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 02/20/2019
From: Greg Werner
Operations Branch IV
To: Welsch J
Pacific Gas & Electric Co
IR 2019002
Download: ML19043A945 (8)

See also: IR 05000275/2019002


February 20 , 2019 Mr. James M. Welsch

Vice President Nuclear Generation

and Chief Nuclear Officer

Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Diablo Canyon Power Plant

P.O. Box 56, Mail Code 104/6

Avila Beach, CA



0 50002 75/2019002, 05000323/2019002


Dear Mr. Welsch: From April 8 to April 12 , 2019 , two inspectors

from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's

(NRC) Region

IV office will perform the baseline biennial requalification

inspection at Diablo Canyon Power Plant

, using NRC Inspection Procedure

71111.11B , "Licensed Operator Requalification Program." Experience has shown that this inspection is

a resource intensive inspection both for the NRC inspector s and your staff. In order to minimize the impact to your onsite resources and to ensure a productive inspection, we have enclosed a request for documents needed for this inspection. These documents have been divided into three

groups. The first group (Sectio

n A of the enclosure) identifies

information to be provided prior to the

inspection to ensure that the inspector s are adequately prepared. The second group (Section

B of the enclosure) identifies the information the inspector

s will need upon arrival at the site. The third group (Section C of this enclosure) identifies the items which are necessary to close out the inspection and are usually sent a few weeks after the team has left the site. It is important that all of these documents are up to date and complete in order to minimize the number of additional documents requested during the preparation and/or the onsite portions of the inspection.

We have discussed the schedule for these inspection activities with your staff and understand that our regulatory contact for this inspection will be

M s. Amanda Sorenson

of your regulatory services organization.

Our inspection dates are subject to change based on your updated schedule of examination

activities. If there are any questions about this inspection or the material requested, please contact the lead inspector

Nicholas Hernandez (832

) 689-9928 ( This letter does not contain new or amended information collection requirements subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of

1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).

Existing information collection requirements were approved by the Office of Management and Budget, control number

3150-0018. The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a

J. Welsch 2 request for information or an information collection requirement unless the requesting document displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget control number.

In accordance with 10

CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Agency Rules of Practice

& Procedure," a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system

(ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC web site at


(the Public

Electronic Reading Room).

Sincerely, /RA/ Gregory E. Werner, Chief Operations Branch

Division of Reactor Safety

Docket Nos.:

50-275 ,05-323 License Nos.: DPR-80, DPR-82 Enclosure:

Request for Information




SMorris, RA

MShaffer, DRA

AVegel, DRP

MHay, DRP RLantz, DRS

GMiller, DRS

DCylkowski, RC


VDricks, ORA

JWeil, OCA

BSingal, NRR

AMoreno, RIV/CAO

BMaier, RSLO

RKellar, IPAT

MHaire, DRP

RAlexander, DRP

AAthar, DRP

LNewman, DRP

CNewport, DRP

JReynoso, DRP

MArel, DRP

PJayroe, IPAT

MHerrera, DRMA



NUMBER: ML19043A945

SUNSI Review

ADAMS: Non-Publicly Available

Non-Sensitive Keyword: By: NAH Yes No Publicly Available

Sensitive OFFICE SOE:OB C:OB NAME NHernandez

GWerner SIGNATURE /RA/ /RA/ DATE 02/04/2019




Inspection Report: 05000275/2019002, 05000323/2019002

Inspection Dates:

April 8 to April 12, 2019

Inspection Procedure:

IP 71111.11B, "Licensed Operator Requalification Program" Lead Inspector:

Nicholas Hernandez , Operations Engineer

A. The following information is requested in order to support inspection preparation activities. These items are listed by section as they appear in the inspection module

(i.e. 2.02, 2.04, etc.). Requested materials should be sent either electronically or by CD/DVD in order to arrive at the Region IV office no later than

March 15 , 2019. Do not send USB flash drives.



(lead inspector);



CD/DVD: To: US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region IV

ATTN: Clyde Osterholtz

1600 E. Lamar Blvd

Arlington, TX 76011

General Requests

List of licensed operators (SRO

& RO) by crew (operating & staff)

Training and Operations Department organization charts (with qualified LOR evaluators identified)

Procedures that identify process for revising and maintaining LOR continuing training program List of outstanding LOR program changes

List of plant events and industry operating experience incorporated into LOR program since last BRQ

Audits and/or self

-assessment reports addressing the LOR training program

Last 2 years of simulator review committee (or equivalent) meeting minutes Last 2 years of Curriculum Review Committee (or equivalent) meeting minutes

2 02.03: Biennial Requalification Written Examination Quality

The current and approved biennial written examination schedule

The current requalification cycle written examination

results to date

A ll written examinations that have been approved for administration up to the date of submittal. Include password protection if e

-mailed or double envelope protection if mailed per NUREG

-1021. The current requalification cycle

examination methodology (sample plan)

02.04: Annual Requalification Operating Test Quality

The schedule for the operating tests to be given the

week of April 8, , 2019 All operating tests (password protected) that have been approved for administration

up to and including the week of the onsite inspection

All 2019 NRC-required annual operating tests

Current requalification cycle operating test result s Current requalification cycle operating test methodology (sample plan)

List of time critical operator actions, including USAR references

02.05: Licensee Administration of Requalification Exams All procedures used to administer the annual operating test

All procedures used to assess operator performance

All procedures that describe conduct of simulator training All procedures used to test, operate, and maintain the simulator

02.06: Requalification Examination Security

Tracking tools used to prevent excessive overlap on the written examinations and ensure sampling of required topics on a periodic basis

Tracking tools used to prevent excessive overlap on the operating tests and ensure sampling of all required malfunctions (major events, instrument/component malfunctions, TS calls, etc.) on a periodic basis.

All procedures that describe examination security, including procedures used to develop the examinations that include guidelines on overlap between examinations in current exam cycle tests and prior year examinations

List of all condition reports since the last biennial requalification inspection related t

o examination security and overlap

02.07: Licensee Remedial Training Program

List of remedial training conducted or planned since last biennial requalification inspection (includes remedial training for exam failures and training to correct generic or individual weaknesses observed during previous requalification exam cycle)

Remediation plans (lesson plans, reference materials, and final documentation)

02.08: Conformance with Operator License Conditions

All procedures

and program documentation for maintaining active operator licenses, tracking training attendance, and ensuring medical fitness of licensed operators

All procedures and associated documentation that supports reactivation of any SRO/RO license (operating or staff crew) since the last biennial inspection

3 02.09: Simulator Performance

For the following cases, send the most recent transient

test packages, which may be electronic

or in paper single test packages, and shall be complete with test procedures

for each test, the acceptance

criteria, and results. For each

transient test, the reference chart should be included or an equivalent

subject matter expert review versus

the simulator results

with a write-up for any differences

beyond the ANSI 3.5 standard


o Transient test

3, Simultaneous closure of all main steam isolation valves

o Transient test 10, Slow primary system depressurization to saturated condition with pressurizer relief or safety valve stuck open (inhibit activation of high pressure emergency core cooling system

) o Steady State tests for low power test

SBT packages for any three scenarios used for the

2018 annual requalification operating test

All simulator management

and configuration


if not already provided for Section 02.05 above

Simulator discrepancy

report (DR) summary list for all open DRs. For closed DRs, summary list for those items closed between April 8, 2017

Two examples of primary parameters

tested in order to verify core physics parameters. The applicable

reference graphs from the plant physics data book (electronic

or other means

as available)

should also be included as well as the test procedures

used and the acceptance

criteria with results. All simulator modification

packages that are on hold, delayed, or just not completed

in the last 2-years A list of simulator modification

packages completed in the last 2-year window 02.10: Problem Identification and Resolution

A summary report of all condition reports related to licensed operator actions/errors in the control room

since April 8, 2017 Any revised requalification training that was based on licensed operator performance issues since April 8,, 2017 B. The following information is requested in order to support the onsite inspection activities. Requested materials should be available to the inspection team, either electronically or hardcopy, upon site arrival on

April 8, 2019

. 02.02: Exam Results / 02.03 and 02.04: Written Exam and Op Test

Quality All approved operating tests

(password protected)

to be administered subsequent to the onsite inspection

All results up to the day the team leaves the site.

02.08: Conformance with Operator License Conditions

Access to licensed operators' records

Access to licensed operators' training attendance records

Access to licensed operators' medical records

02.09: Simulator Performance

Simulator discrepancies reports (DRs) since April 8, 2017. This should include all open and closed DRs, with documentation / justification for closure

4 Acceptance test documentation, including hardware and software model revisions at the time of acceptance (as available)

Documentation that validates current models, including the thermal

-hydraulic and neutronics models, to the actual plant

All current model deficiencies, including USAR vs design differences in the simulator

Summary list of plant modifications since

April 8, 2017 Plant modifications (both hardware and software) incorporated onto the simulator since April 8, 2017. The complete book of all simulator annual performance test packages (either hardcopy or electronic), complete with all transient tests, steady state tests, and malfunction tests. This should also include the test procedures for each test, the acceptance criteria, and results. For each transient test, the reference chart should

be included or an equivalent subject matter expert review versus the simulator results with an analysis for any differences beyond the ANSI standard requirements

Simulator reactor core performance test packages used to verify core physics parameters (ANSI/ANS

3.5 sections /, including applicable reference graphs from the plant physics data book, test procedures, acceptance criteria, and results All simulator test, configuration management, and related documents available in the room for inspectors to review. This includes training needs analysis packages, simulator review committee meeting minutes, etc.

Current copy of ANSI 3.5 standard you are committed to for simulator testing

02.10: Problem Identification and Resolution

All condition reports related to licensed operator actions/errors in the control room.

All condition reports from the last initial license exam

C. Diablo Canyon Power Plant

is required to

send the final results and any remaining written exams and operating tests

to the lead inspector for final review and comparison against the



tools in order to communicate the exit results for the inspection. Report results in the format below:

1. Total number of licensed operators.

2. Number of licensed

operators administered a requalification examination required by 10 CFR 55.59(a).

3. Number of individual licensed operators who failed

any portion of a requalification examination (written, JPM, or individual simulator scenario failures).

3.a. Number of individual licensed operators who failed written exam

3.b. Number of individual licensed operators who failed JPM exam

3.c. Number of individual licensed operators who failed simulator scenario exam individually

4. Divide line 3 by line 2 to obtain the individual requalification examination failure rate.

% 5. Number of crews administered simulator scenarios as part of a requalification examination required by 10 CFR 55.59(a)

5 6. Number of crews who performed unsatisfactorily on the simulator scenarios.

7. Divide line 6 by line 5 to obtain the crew simulator scenario failure rate.

% 8. Describe the reason for each licensed operator who was not administered an NRC

-required requalification exam, or who did not pass an administered requalification exam, and the station's plan to satisfy the requalification exam requirement for each.