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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20059K67417 September 1990Suppls Responses to Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-454/89-11,50-455/89-13,50-456/89-11 & 50-457/89-11. Corrective Actions:Procedures Changed & Valve Tagging Status Provided
ML20059K50814 September 1990Forwards Tj Kovach to E Delatorre Re Visit by Soviet Delegation to Braidwood Nuclear Station in May 1990
ML20059L66110 September 1990Forwards Byron Station Units 1 & 2 Inservice Insp Program
ML20064A37524 August 1990Forwards Revised Pages to Operating Limits Rept for Cycle 2, Correcting Fxy Portion of Rept,Per Tech Spec, Operating Limits Rept
ML20064A36824 August 1990Forwards Response to 900517 Request for Addl Info Re Design of Containment Hydrogen Monitoring Sys.Util Proposes Alternative Design That Ensures Both Containment Isolation & Hydrogen Monitoring Sys Operability in Event of LOCA
ML20064A01816 August 1990Submits Supplemental Response to NRC Bulletin 88-008,Suppls 1 & 2.Surveillance Testing Revealed No Leakage,Therefore Charging Pump to Cold Leg Outage Injection Lines Would Not Be Subjected to Excessive Thermal StressesNondestructive Examination
Liquid penetrant
ML20059A39915 August 1990Forwards Response to NRC 900521 Request for Addl Info Re Plant Inservice Insp ProgramBoric Acid
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Stress corrosion cracking
ML20063Q10510 August 1990Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for Jul 1990 for Byron Units 1 & 2 & Corrected Monthly Operating Rept for June 1990 for Unit 2
ML20058N0557 August 1990Provides Supplemental Response to NRC Bulletin 88-008, Suppls 1 & 2.Surveillance Testing Performed Revealed No Leakage,Therefore,Charging Pump to Cold Leg Injection Lines Would Not Be Subjected to Excessive Thermal StressesNondestructive Examination
Liquid penetrant
ML20056A3352 August 1990Responds to NRC Bulletin 88-009 Requesting That Addressees Establish & Implement Insp Program to Periodically Confirm in-core Neutron Power Reactors.All Timble Tubes Used at Plant Inspected & 18 Recorded Evidence of Degradation
ML20055H76325 July 1990Forwards Financial Info Re Decommissioning of Plants
ML20055J12225 July 1990Notifies That Plants Current Outage Plannings Will Not Include Removal of Snubbers.Removal of Snubbers Scheduled for Future Outages.Completion of Review by NRC by 900801 No Longer Necessary
ML20055J12625 July 1990Notifies That Replacement of 13 Snubbers w/8 Seismic Stops on Reactor Coolant Bypass Line Being Deferred Until Later Outage,Per Rl Cloud Assoc Nonlinear Piping Analyses
ML20055H02917 July 1990Forwards Revised Monthly Performance Rept for Braidwood Unit 2 for June 1990
ML20055G32516 July 1990Responds to SALP Board Repts 50-454/90-01 & 50-455/90-01 for Reporting Period Nov 1988 - Mar 1990.Effort Will Be Made to Continue High Level of Performance in Areas of Radiological Controls,Plant Operations,Emergency Preparedness & Security
ML20055G46313 July 1990Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-456/90-08 & 50-457/90-08.Corrective Actions:Discrepancy Record for Cable Generated & Cable That Had Been Previously Approved for Use on Solenoid Obtained & Installed
ML20044A96213 July 1990Forwards Rev 0 to Topical Rept NFSR-0081, Comm Ed Topical Rept on Benchmark of PWR Nuclear Design Methods Using PHOENIX-P & Advanced Nodal Code (Anc) Computer Codes, in Support of Implementation of PHOENIX-P & Anc
ML20044B14112 July 1990Forwards Addl B&W Rept 77-1159832-00 to Facilitate Completion of Reviews & Closeout of Pressurized Thermal Shock Issue,Per NRC Request
ML20044B21411 July 1990Withdraws 891003 Amend Request to Allow Sufficient Time to Reevaluate Technical Position & Develop Addl Technical Justification
ML20044B20811 July 1990Responds to Generic Ltr 90-04 Re Status of GSI Resolved W/ Imposition of Requirements or Corrective Actions.Status of GSI Implementation EnclScram Discharge Volume
ML20044A95210 July 1990Provides Supplemental Response to NRC Bulletin 88-001. Remaining 48 Breakers Inspected During Facility Spring Refueling Outage
ML20044B2879 July 1990Forwards Brief Description of Calculations Performed in Accordance W/Facility Procedure Used to Make Rod Worth Measurements,Per NUREG-1002 & Util 900629 Original SubmittalShutdown Margin
ML20044A79929 June 1990Forwards Description of Change Re Design of Containment Hydrogen Monitoring Sys,Per 900517 Request.Util Proposing Alternative Design Ensuring Containment & Hydrogen Monitoring Sys Operability in Event of Power LossPost Accident Monitoring
Manual Operator Action
ML20055D48129 June 1990Discusses Revised Schedule for Implementation of Generic Ltr 89-04 Re Frequently Identified Weaknesses of Inservice Testing Programs.All Procedure Revs Have Either Been Approved or Drafted & in Onsite Review & Approval Process
ML20058K35222 June 1990Requests Withdrawal of 900315 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-37,NPF-66,NPF-72 & NPF-77,changing Tech Specs & to Clarify How Gradual Loading of Diesel Generator Applied to Minimize Mechanical Stress on DieselSafe Shutdown
Offsite Circuit
Overspeed trip
ML20055D29522 June 1990Discusses Results of 900529-0607 Requalification Exam.Based on Results of Exam,Station Removed/Prohibited Both Shift & Staff Teams & JPM Failure from License Duties.Shift Team Placed in Remediation Program from 900611-14
ML20056A03615 June 1990Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-456/90-10 & 50-457/90-11.Corrective Action:Valve 2CS021b Returned & Locked in Throttle Position & Out of Svc Form Bwap 330-1T4 Modified
ML20043G5858 June 1990Forwards Repts Re Valid & Invalid Test Failures Experienced on Diesel Generator (DG) 1DG01KB,1 Valid Test Failure on DG 2DGO1KA & 2 Invalid Test Failures Experienced on DG 2AGO1KB
ML20043D3151 June 1990Forwards Rev 30 to Security Plan.Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21)
ML20043D3141 June 1990Forwards Rev 18 to Security Plan.Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21)
ML20043E31431 May 1990Withdraws 880302 Application for Amend to Licenses NPF-37, NPF-66,NPF-72 & NPF-77,changing Tech Spec to Reduce Containment Tendon Design Stresses to Incorporate Addl Design Margin,Due to Insufficient Available DataOperating Basis Earthquake
ML20043F47330 May 1990Forwards Suppl to 881130 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-37,NPF-66,NPF-72 & NPF-77.Changes Requested Per Generic Ltr 87-09,to Remove Unnecessary Restrictions on Operational Mode Changes & Prevent Plant ShutdownsSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
High Energy Line Break
Missed surveillance
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Process Control Program
Grace period
Power change
Overspeed trip
ML20043C86429 May 1990Forwards Rept of Local Leakage Rate Test Results for Third Refueling Outage.Leakage Rates of Six Valves Identified as Contributing to Failure of Max Pathway Limit
ML20043B77723 May 1990Forwards Endorsement 9 to Nelia & Maelu Certificates N-108 & M-108 & Endorsement 8 to Nelia & Maelu Certificates N-115 & M-115
ML20043B76923 May 1990Forwards Endorsement 11 to Nelia & Maelu Certificates N-93 & M-93 & Endorsement 9 to Nelia & Maelu Certificates N-101 & M-101
ML20043A91616 May 1990Provides Advanced Notification of Change That Will Be Made to Fire Protection Rept Pages 2.2-18 & 2.3-14Fire Barrier
ML20043C28115 May 1990Responds to NRC 900416 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-456/90-09 & 50-457/90-09.Corrective Actions:Gas Partitioners Tested Following Maint During Mar 1990 & Tailgate Training Session Will Be Held
ML20043A63911 May 1990Submits Revised Schedule for Implementation of Generic Ltr 89-04 Guidance.Rev to Procedures for Check Valve & Stroke Time Testing of power-operated Valves Will Be Completed by 900629Stroke time
Power-Operated Valves
ML20043A28910 May 1990Forwards Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1990 & Corrected Rept for Mar 1990 for Byron Nuclear Power Station
ML20042G7117 May 1990Responds to NRC Questions Re leak-before-break Licensing Submittal for Stainless Steel Piping.Kerotest Valves in Rh Sys Will Be Replaced in Byron Unit 2 During Next Refueling Outage Scheduled to Begin on 900901
ML20042F6854 May 1990Requests Resolution of Util 870429,880202 & 0921 & 890130 Submittals Re Containment Integrated Leak Rate Testing in Response to Insp Repts 50-454/86-35 & 50-455/86-22 by 900608
ML20042F6773 May 1990Advises NRC of Util Plans Re Facility Cycle 2 Reload Core. Plant Cycle 2 Reload Design,Including Development of Core Operating Limits Has Been Generated by Util Using NRC Approved Methodology,Per WCAP-9272-P-A
ML20042E96030 April 1990Forwards Response to NRC 900327 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-454/90-09 & 50-455/90-08.Response Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21)
ML20042G35930 April 1990Forwards Errata to Radioactive Effluent Rept for Jul-Dec 1989,including Info Re Sr-89,Sr-90 & Fe-55 Analysis for Liquid & Gaseous Effluents Completed by Offsite Vendor
ML20055C57630 April 1990Forwards Results of Investigation in Response to Allegation RIII-90-A-0011 Re Fitness for Duty.W/O EnclFitness for Duty
ML20042E91125 April 1990Forwards Rev 1 to Nonproprietary & Proprietary, Steam Generator Tube Rupture Analysis for Byron & Braidwood Plants.Stroke time
ML20042F26818 April 1990Provides Supplemental Response to Violation Noted in Insp Repts 50-456/89-21 & 50-457/89-21 Re Safeguards Info.Util Request Extension of 891010 Commitment Re Reviews of Plants. List of Corrective Actions Will Be Submitted by 900601
ML20042F02428 March 1990Forwards Part 3 of 1989 Operating Rept.W/O Rept
ML20012E10821 March 1990Forwards Calculations Verifying Operability of Facility Dc Battery 111 W/Only 57 of 58 Cells Functional & Onsite Review Notes,Per Request
ML20012D86721 March 1990Reissued 900216 Ltr,Re Changes to 891214 Rev 1 to Updated Fsar,Correcting Ltr Date