NRC-87-0033, Forwards Supplemental Response to NRC Ltr Re Insp Rept 50-341/85-03.Corrective Actions:Surveillance Procedures Revised to Remove Conflicting Info Involving Valve Inoperability.Title Pages of All Affected Procedures Encl

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Forwards Supplemental Response to NRC Ltr Re Insp Rept 50-341/85-03.Corrective Actions:Surveillance Procedures Revised to Remove Conflicting Info Involving Valve Inoperability.Title Pages of All Affected Procedures Encl
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/22/1987
From: Agosti F
CON-NRC-87-0033, CON-NRC-87-33 NUDOCS 8704270019
Download: ML20212R249 (20)


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April 22, 1987 NRC-87-0033 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555


Fermi 2 NRC Docket No. 50-341 NRC License No. NPF-43


Transmittal of Supplemental Information to Close Open Item 85-003-01.

This letter provides the supplemental information demonstrating that the concerns identified in Open Item 85-003-01 have been addressed and the corrective action implemented. This open item was established as a result of the inspection conducted by Messrs. S. G. DuPont and D. E. Hills of NRC Region III on January 14 through February 22, 1985.

Detroit Edison considers this atem closed with no further action required.

If any further information is required, please contact Patrick S. Thurman at (313) 586-4213.

Sincerely, M.

  • F. E. Ag sti Vice President I Nuclear Operations


Enclosure i cc: Mr. A. B. Davis Mr. M. D. DuPont ,

Mr. E. G. Greenman  !

Mr. D. E. Hills l Mr. W. G. Rogers l Mr. J. J. Stefano '

USNRC Region III l

\ i 8704270019 870422 PDR G

ADOCK 05000341 PDR M/ )

l t I  ;


Enciccuro to NRC-87-0033 Page l' RESPONSE TO NRC INSPECTION REPORT 50-341/85-003  :

OPEN ITEM 85-003-01 Statement of Open Item 85-003-01 The inspector reviewed the following surveillance procedures for conformance with Technical Specifications. The review included acceptance criteria and requirements to determine conformance with Limiting Conditions of Operations (LCO) and determination of component or system operability:

Division I LPCI and Suppression Pool Cooling 24.204.01 Rev. 1 and Spray Pump and Valve Operability Test 24.204.02. Rev. 2 LPCI and Suppression Pool Cooling and Spray System Discharge Piping Fill and Valve Lineup Verification 24.206.02 Rev. 1 RCIC Cold Shutdown Valve Operability and Timing Test

, 24.206.03 Rev. 1 RCIC Discharge Piping Venting and Valve Lineup Verification i 24.206.04. Rev. 1 RCIC Flow Rate Test - 150 psig 24.206.05, Rev. O RCIC System Local Valve Position Indication Verification 24.307.01. Rev. 2 Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) 11 ECCS Start with Loss of Offsite Power Test 24.404.05. Rev. 2 Standby Gas Treatment System Local Valve Position Verification 24.207.10. Rev. 1 Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water Local Valve Position Verification The above procedures perform two functions, the specific Technical l Specification surveillance for operability and the Section 4.0.5.

Inservice Testing (IST) requirements. However, the American Society  !

Enclocuro to NRC-87-0033 Page 2 of Mechanical Engineers Boil'er Pressure Vessel Code (ASME)Section XI requirement for declaring a valve inoperable if a valve fails to exhibit the correct change of valve stem or disc position and cannot be collected within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> is in conflict with Technical

-Specifications which requires declaring.the valve inoperable immediately.upon; discovery of the condition. .Since the Section XI '

statement is in the Technical Specification surveillance procedure's  !

general instruction, confusion can exist with declaring a valve or l system inoperable and therefore a Technical Specification Action Statement to an LCO could be violated. Detroit Edison is in agreement ,

and has committed to clarify or remove the Section XI requirement '

where it conflicts with the Technical Specification. This is an open inspection ites (341/85-003-01 (DRS)) and will be inspected with the l remainder of the Technical Specification surveilbnces prior to the l unit achieving five percent power. j In addition to procedure review. the inspector reviewed the completed surveillance 24.207.10 and found the following discrepancies as part of open inspection item (341/85-003-01): The independent position.  ;

verification sheet (Attachment 3 to 24.207.10) was initialed by the l same person that had also performed the surveillance. Additionally, the pen and ink corrections made during the initial run of the  !

surveillance were not correctly implemented by the Temporary Change Request (Enclosure 2 of Procedure 12.000.18) was not the correct.

checklist for an initial run of a surveillance. Since these discrepancies were also identified by the licensee's Quality Assurance during a current audit. this is not an item of noncompliance and is part of open item 341/85-003-01. The inspector will verify the licensee's corrections with the review of surveillance procedures prior to Fermi 2 achieving five percent power.

Corrective Action Taken Open Item 85-003-01 had two parts. The first concern dealt with conflicting instruction regarding valve inoperability. The second concern was with the improper implementation of a particular surveillance procedure. Detroit Edison's resolution of these two concerns are discussed below.

The first concern raised in Open Item 85-003-01 was the potentially conflicting direction provided by the ASME Section XI requirements and the Plant Technical Specifications. The conflicting information was removed from the surveillance procedures as is evident in the attached documents. The procedures now direct the user to consult only the e


,_ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ . = . -

Encic:ura to NRC-87-0033 Page 3 Technical Specifications if guidance on valve inoperability is needed.

The title page and all affected pages to various surveillance procedures resolving this open item are provided for your review.

The attached procedures are as follows:

24.204.01 Rev. 8 Division I LPCI and Suppression Pool Cooling / Spray Pump and Valve Operability Test.

24.204.02 Rev. 6 RHR Valve Lineup and System Filled Verification.

24.206.02 Rev. 4 RCIC Cold Shutdown Valve Operability and Timing Test.

24.206.04 Rev. 9 RCIC Flow Rate Test at 150 PSIG.

24.206.05 Rev. 3 RCIC System Local Valve Position Indication Verification and Timing Test.

24.307.01 Rev. 5 Emergency Diesel Generator No. 11 - ECCS Start with Loss of Offsite Power Test.

24.404.05 Rev. 3 Standby Gas Treatment System Local Valve Position Indication Verification Test.

24.207.10 Rev. 5 RBCC/EECW Local Valve Position Indication Verification Test.

The second concern was with the improper implementation of surveillance procedure 24.207.10. The independent position verification sheet was initialed by the same person conducting the su rveillance. In addition, the pen and ink corrections made during the initial run of the survelliance were not correctly implemented.

Plant Operations Manual (POM) Procedure 12.000.18. " Surveillance Program" was revised to incorporate the correct checklist as well as other improvements. Surveillance 24.207.10 was conducted again using the proper checklists and the independent position verification was performed by someone other than the person who performed the surveillance.

Based on the procedural changes and additional audits. Detroit Edison considers this open item closed.

.j ..

FERMI 2 PROCEDURE - OPERATIONS SURVEILLANCE TITLE: Div I LPCI and Suppression Pool Cooling / Spray Pump and Valve Operability Test PROCEDURE NUMBER: 24.204.01 REVISION: 8 SAFETY CLASSIFICATION: SR i B. G. Catanese Name of preparer Anna D. Wells /s/ Date 07-08-86 Administrative Format Reviewer R. M. O'Sullivan /s/ Date 07-08-86 Technical Reviewer (s)

Date Date W. E. Miller /s/ Date 07-11-86 Supervisor, OA M. W. Shields /s/ Date 07-11-86 Resp Section Head or OSRO Member / Alternate Further Approval Required for SR or SP Procedures:

J. D. Leman /s/ Date 07-11-86 OSRO Chairman or Alternate J. D. Leman /s/ Date 07-11-86 Plant Manager The following approved Procedure Change Requests are incorporated in this revision:

T3991 This revision l l does lX)doesnot constitute periodic review.

Revision Sumusary: [if used]


R. Eberhardt /s/ 07-11-86 Joseph !!. Plona /s/ 07-11-86 ARMS - INFORMATION SYSTEMS DTC TPPADM DSN 8 ddNd/ Rev 7 Date IhD PIS PIS File 1703.02 Recipient 9N

r 1 POM 24.204.01

- Revision 8 Page 6 .

3.0 REQUIRED EQUIPMENT 3.1 Vibration Analyzer Equipment (to be provided by and operated by the Technical Group).

3.2 A hose with connectors, suitable for venting the Drywell Spray discharge piping.

3.3 Stopwatch with 1/10th second timing capability.

3.4 Two 0-15 PSIG Test Gauges 3 2% accuracy or better (to be provided by the Tech Group).

4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATICNS 4.1 The Surveillance Test should be terminated.promptly ugan indication of: Excessive pump vibration, binding, unusual noise, overheating or other erratic operation. Notify the NSS and take corrective action before resuming the test.

4.2 Ensure that no other testing or maintenance is in progress that will adversely af fect the performance of_ this test._

g 7 4.3 Refer to applicable Technical Specification Limiting Condition for Operation for required action if a pump or valve is declared ,


4.4 If test results v0 a ical Specification Limits, notify the NSS immediately.

4.5 When using the heat exchanger as [w maintain a flow rate of < 11000 GPM and when in thi no vice water must be maintained at > 3500 GPM through heat e er.

5.0 PREREQUISITES 5.1 The NSS has given permission to perform this test on the surveillance performance form.

5.2 Verify the RHR System is properly filled and vented prior to operating the RMR Pumps by performing applicable sections of Operations Procedure - System #23.205 " Residual Heat Removal System".

5.3 Record the following:

Stop Watch Serial f Cal Exp. Date



W. Black Name of preparer W. McKee /s/ Date 09/24/86 Administrative Format Reviewer S. V. Heard /s/ Date 10/04/86 Technical Reviewer (s)

Date Date N/A Date Supervisor, OA S. J. Booker /s/ Date 12/09/86 Resp Section Head or OSRO Member / Alternate Further Approval Required for SR or SP Procedures:

W. M. Tucker /s/ Date 12/09/86 OSRO Chairman or Alternate W. M. Tucker /s/ Date 12/09/86 Plant Manager The following approved Procedure Change Requests are incorporated in this revision:

M4883 This revision lXldoes lldoes not constitute periodic review.

Revision Summary:

Add valves Format Title Change ApMS - INFORMATION SYSTEMS DTC TPPADM DSN U SM ODYMRev 6 Date /c)*h

  • PIS PlS File 1703.02 Recipient /N[




- POM 24.204.02 Revision 6 Page 4 ,

4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.1 Observe standard radiological control practices when venting water from the RHR system piping.

4.2 If tests results violate Technical Specification limits, notify the Nuclear Shift Supervisor (NSS) immediately. -

4.3 Ensure that no other testing or maintenance is in progress that will adversely affect the


performance of this test.

f 4.4 Refer to applicable Technical Specifications Limiting Cond; tion for Operation for required acticrtif a valve is declared inoperable.

N ~ _  %

4.5 During the valve lineup verif! cation,if a valve is found out of position do not change its position without permission from the NSS.

4.6 The test should be terminated promptly upon indication of any test related abnormality.

The NSS should be notified before resuming.

4.7 When performing Attachment 2. verify the LPCI System discharge piping is filled with water in accordance with Technical Specifications 4.5.1.a.1.s. and Any venting operation which int cates that the system was not filled should be reported to the NSS, the cause investigated and corrected.


5.1 The NSS has given permission rm this test on the Surveillance Performance Form.

5.2 The Residual Heat Removal (RHR) s aligned to the Standby Mode or shutdown cooling mode in accordance with app ortions of System Operations Procedure 23.205,

  • Residual Heat Remov' m".

5.3 Verify all radiation protection requirements a s listed on the RWP, if required.

54 The Domineralized Water System in service in accor with System Operations Procedure 23.104, " Condensate Storage and Transfe

.k .

FERMI 2 PROCEDURE - OPERATIONS - SURVEILLANCF, TITLE: RCIC Cold Shutdown Valve Operability and Timing Test PROCEDURE NUMBI.R: 24.206.02 REVISION: 4 SAFETY CLASSIFICATION: SR D. Powel Name of preparer R. E. Webb /s/ Date 01/22/87 Administrative Format Reviewer Robin D. Blair /s/ Date 01/04/d7 Technical Reviewer (s)

Date Date J. J. Wald /s/ Date 02/02/87 Supervisor, OA Stephen J. Book 2r /s/ Date 02/01/87 Resp Section Head or OSRO Member / Alternate Further Approval Required for SR or SP Procedures:

R. S. Lenart /s/ Date 02/02/87 OSRO Chairman or Alternate R. S. Lenart /s/ ,

Date 02/02/87 Plant Manager The following approved Precedure Change Requests are incorporated in this revision:

T4687 This revision l ldoes ht}/oesnot constitute periodic review.

Revision Summary:

Step 5.5 - Change Te:S Group to I&C Attachment 1, Step 1.5 - Change Tech Group to I&C Attachment 1 - Add steps to close the E51-F012, and reopen Attachment 3 - Add step in Second Verification to Check Open WALK THROUGH SIGNATURES R. Eberhardt /s/ 02/02/87 L. D. DeLucia /s/ 02/02/87

0. K. Earle /s/ 02/02/87 ARMS - INFORMATION SYSTEMS DTC TPPADM DSNh/'44 24 )fl c/~) Rev 4 Date ? 757 PIS PIS Tile 1703.02 Recipien 3k

onlylpor AP'11.00$d7!8 CdPY'.l3 pqproved foriemporary issue FERMI 2 PROCEDURE - OPERATIONS - SURVEILLANCE i TITLE: RCIC Flow Rate Test at 150 PSIG PROCEDURE NUMBER: 24.206.04 REVISION: 9 SAFETY CLASSIFICATION: SR R. Blair Name of preparer R. E. Webb /s/ Date 01/27/87 Administrative Format Reviewer Milton E. Nichols /s/ Date 01/31/87 Technical Reviewer (s)

Date Date

3. Wald / Pen Merdeent /,/ Date 02/19/87 Supervisor. OA R. A. May /./ Date 02/10/87 Resp Section Head or OSRO Member /Atternate Further Approval Required for SR or SP Procedures:

P. S. Lenart /s/ Date 02/19/87 OSRO Chairman or Alternate R. S. Lenart // Date 02/19/87 Plant Manager The following approved Procedure Change Requests are incorporated in this revision:

T4759 This resision lldoes kldoes not constitute periodic review.

Revision Summary:

Change flow controller set point to incorporate worst case Instrument drift.

This PCR written to replace original PCR T4699 WALK THROUGH SIGNATURES:

Farzin N. Ghodsi /s/ 02/19/87 John Bobba /s/ 02/19/87 John R. Bass /s/ 02/19/87 F. E. Abramson /s/ 02/19/87 ARMS - INFORMATION SYSTEMS DTC TPPADM DSN Rev_ 9 Date PlS PIS File 1703.02 Recipient

k POM 24.206.04

  • *- R;visicnaf Pcgo 4 3.0 REQUIRED EQUIPMENT NONE 4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.1 The test should be terminated promptly upon indication of any test related abnormality. The NSS notified before resuming.

, m 4.2 Refer to applicable Technical Specifications Limiting Conditions for Operations for required action if a pump or valve is declared INOPERABLE. ___


. _/- -~

4.3 The Turbine Bypass Valves must be open at least 1-2%, to absorb the pressure transient, to prevent a Reactor Scram due to a RPV water level transient.

4.4 Concur with the NSS that no other testing or maintenance is in progress that will adversely affect the performance of this test.

4.5 If test results violate Technical Specification limits, notify the MSS imediately.

4.6 During operation, the RCIC System steam lines contain radioactive steam at Reactor pressure. Observe proper radiological controls.

4.7 Minimize RCIC Turb ey id N00 oY<edecethe dtegJ \fndb71 x'hinf valve possibility of low l dolfdd d3 ut And s laming .

4.8 The Suppression Pool water level and maximum average temperature shall be maintained in accordance with Fermi 2 Technical Specifi:ations, Section

5.0 PREREQUISITES 5.1 The NSS has given permission to perform this test on the Surveillance Performance Form.

5.2 Condensate Storage Tank level is >18 feet, Condensate Storage Tank Level Recorder LRE-Pll-R801 TCOP Hll-P805).

5.3 Perform Operations Surveillance Procedure 24.206.03, "RCIC Discharge Piping, Venting and Lineup Verification" Section, "RCIC System Discharge Piping Fill Verification", prior to Operating the RCIC Systen to verify that the discharge oiping is full of water.

c . .

POM 24.206.02 Revision 4 '

Page 4 2.2.6 Drawings 6M721-5709-1 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) System Sketch, Functional Operating Sketch 61721-2231-3 Schematic Diagram - RCIC Stm. Line Inboard Isol. Viv. and Trip &

Throttle Viv. F.5150-F007 & F059 61721-2231-5 Schematic Diagram - RCIC Pump Disch Valves to F.W. Header E5150-F012 &

F013 2.2.7 N.E.-5.6-IST Inservice Testing Program (Plan) for Pumen and Valves - Fermi 2 Power Plant.

3.0 REQUIRED EQUIPMENT 3.1 A stopwatch with a 1/10 second timine, capabilitv.

3.2 Communication equipment as required.

3.3 Jumper (s) 3.4 Screwdriver 3.5 Key 841 and Key #141 for Relay Room Cabinets H11-P820 and H11-P822 respectively.

4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.1 The surveillance test should be terminated promptly upon indication of any test related abnormality. The Nuclear Shift Supervisor (NSS) should be notified before resuming.

4.2 Ensure that no other testing or maintenance is in progress that will adversely affect the performance of this test.

~ - .s  %

4.3 Refer to applicable Technical Specification Limiting conditions I for Operation for required action if a valve is declared INOPERABLE. p 4.4 If test results violate Technical Specification ilmits, notify the MSS immediately.

i l

5.0 PREREQUISITES I 5.1 The NSS has given permission to perform this test on the l Surveillance Performance Form. l


, ,.:s . ;u s -- ~ ~-

e o





Name of preparer Richard J. Heck Date __ Administrative Format Reviewer N/A Technical Reviewer (s)

Date 07-29-86 M. Nye /s/ Date Date Supervisor OA Date 07-29-86

!! E. Miller /s/ _ Resp Section Head or OSRO Date 07.29-86 R. J. Filipek / s/ Member / Alternate Further Approval Required for SR or SP Procedures:

OSRO Chairman or Alternate Date 07-29 86 R. S. Lenart /s/ Plant Manager Date 07-29 86 R. S. Lenart /s/

i evision:

The following approved Procedure Change Plequests are incorporated M4780 constitute periodic review.

This revision lldoes Kldoes not Revision Summary; This Procedure has a Title Change Walk Through Signatures:

07-29 66 R. Eberhardt /s/ 07-29-86 Farrin N. Chodst /s/

ARMS - INFORMATION SYSTg/ Detej-/E 3 D OSN , t M. 2R2)(s.5f Revy7 I DTC TPPADM _ Recipient-44MS

_Fele 1703 02 _


PlS l

.. +


.y POM 24.206.05

. Revision 3 Page 5 4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.1 The test should be terminated promptly upon indication _of any test related abnormality.. The NSS shall be notified, the cause investigated and cleared before the test is resumed.

4.2 Ensure that no other testing or maintenance is in progress that will adversely affect the performance of this test.

4.3 If test results violate Technical Specification limits, notify the NSS immediately. _

4.4 Refer to applicable Technical Specification Limiting Conditions for Operation for required action if a valve is declared I


N 7 5.0 PREREQUISITES 5.1 The NSS has given permission to perform this test on the Surveillance Performance Form.

5.2 TheReactorPJant is in Condition 5, REFUELING, or Condition 4, COLD SHUTDOWN.'

5.3 All radiation protection requiremen h met, as listed on the RWP, if required. L 5.4 Technical Grou available to install jumpers and liftleaj ring the performance of Attachment.1.

6.0 PROCEDURE 6.1 General Instructions 6.1.1 Any problems encountered during the performance of this test shall be noted on the Surveillance Performance Form (SPF). This includes problems in meeting specific pump and valve acceptance criteria.

6.1.2 To time the stroke of the valve, start the stopwatch J

when the CLOSED (OPEN) pushbutton is depressed. Stop <

the stop watch when the red (green) backlit OPEN (CLOSED) light goes out. Inter the closing time to the nearest 1/10th second.

6.1.3 Compare all test results with the given acceptance criteria at all times throughout the test period.

6.1.4 All controls and indications for the RCIC System are located on COP H11-P601, unless otherwise noted.


.s e.

O FERMI 2 PROCEDURE - OPERATIONS - SURVEILLANCE TITLE: Emergency Diesel Generator No. 11 - ECCS Start With Loss of Offsite Power Test PROCEDURE NUMBER: 24.307.01 REVISION: 5 b\I lylN ~lO*db i

M I5rr ,Lk35P~ltu U WL SAFETY CLASSIFICATION: SR J. F. Fix Name of preparer 1

Richard Webb /s/ Date 02/11/87 Administrative Format Reviewer Walter Schumitsch /s/ Date 02/18/87 Technical Reviewer (s)

Date Date n/a Date Supervisor, OA F. J. Svetkovich /s/ Date 03/10/87 Resp Section Head or 05i10 Member / Alternate Further Approval Required for SR or SP Procedures:

R. S. Lenart /s/ Date 03/10/87 OSRO Chairman or Alternate i

R. S. I.enart /s/ Date 03/10/87 Plant Manager The following approved Procedure Change Requests are incorporated in this revision:

i M4551 4

i This revision l ldoes lXl does not constitute periodic review. I i

! Revision Summary:

Make ch maes per DER-NP-85-0663 and NP-85-0113 Change format, DER NP-86-0278 i

ARMS - INFORMATION SYSTEMS DTC TPPADM DSN RCM 9,% 3 fl.ClRev 5 Date 3 - ~1-0 PIS PIS File 1703.02 Recipient M N 8 1


  • y 70M 24.307.01

'i Revision 5 Page 5 C 4.6 If test results violate Technical Specification limits, notify y immediata1v.

4.7 Refer to applicable Technical specification Limiting Condition for Operation for required action, if an EDG is declared INOPERABLE.


4.8 Do not synchronise EDG #11 to the electrical grid under conditions of grid instability to assure plant safety is not degraded.

4.9 If the engine has been prelubed and not started, the engine must be hand barred one revolution.

4.10 Ensure that EDG fil Engine Control Mode Switch (43) is in Maintenance Pull-Out when connecting or disconnecting the visicorder connection lead wires at terminals inside of the local control panel to prevent an inadvertent start of the diesel. EDG

  1. 11 will be inoperable while in Maintenance Pull-Out.

4.11 EDG fil will rable during performance of steps 71.1 through 77.0. 1 4.12 During this test, clo p A/B Discharge Crosstie Valve E11-F010 will place i an ACTION statement per Reference 2.1.10. ,

4.13 During this test, the following systems the affected by an initiation of Containment Isolation signals 'and/or ESF system actuation signals resulting from a loss of power (includes Reactor Protection System Power). /

4.13.1 Residual Heat Removal System 4.13.2 Drywell Floor and Equipment Drains i; 4.13.3 Traversing Incore Probe System 1

4.13.4 Reactor Water ' Cleanup System 4.13.5 Torus water Management System





PROCEDURE NUMBER: 24.404.05 REVISION NUMBER: 3 Vili00l\NiAT;0N Oh113 PREPARED BY: C. Fazio DATE:2/9/85 TECHNICAL REVIEW BY: [ f / u wd ATE: .9/) 04'f


SUBMITTED BY: F. E. Abra..ison /s/ DATE: 02 /25 /85 (P.esponsible Section Head / Delegate RECOMMENDED BY: W. E. Miller / E. Mordecai /s/ DATE: 02 /25 /85 (Supervisor-Operational Assurance / Delegate)

APPROVED BY: F. E. Abramson /s/ DATE: 02 /25 /85 (Responsible Section Head / Delegate)

  • RECOMMENDED BY: J. A. Nycuist /s/ DATE: 02 /25 /85 (OSRO Chairman / Alternate)
  • APPROVED BY: J. A. Nvouist /s/ DATE: 02 /25 /85 (Superintendent-Nuclear Production / Delegate)
  • Signatures required for Safety-Related or Superintendent-Designated procedures.


h EDLSog N.

oTc.1[ 0$n.2LC1 M - WY O'O

. Pact nEv.:. J. c6 MAR 011985 gtm01 1385 P.I.S.:


./' -

24.404.05 R2v. 3 l e Page 2 ,

2.10 Drawings i 7M721-2709 Diagram - Standby Gas Treatment and Primary Containment Purge System -

Reactor Building GM721-5737- Standby Gas Treatment System FOS 2.11 Functional System Description, Standby Gas Treatment System, T46-00-SD 1

2.12 N.E.-56-IST Inservice Testing Program (Plan) for Pumps and Valves

- Fermi 2 Power Plant.

1 3.0 Required Equipment 3.1 None 4.0 Precautions and Limitations

4.1 The test should be terminated promptly upon indication of any


test related abnormality. The NSS should be notified before resuming. ,

t ,

I 4.2 Refer to applicable Technical Specification Limiting Conditions I

for Operation for required action if the valve is declared INOPERABLE. _

J 4.3 D' -

If test resqL v : c ir i ,Sp 1 L :alflon limits, notify ,

the NSS immedi d.e . < .-

4 l, i

1 4.4 Ensure that no other testing or maintenance is in progress that will adversely affect the performance of this test.

5.0 Prerequisites 5.1 The NSS has given permission to perform this test on the Surveillance Performance Form.

5.2 The Reactor Plant is in Condition 5, REFUELING, or Condition 4, COLD SHUTDOWN and the Drywell is deinerted.

5.3 Verify all radiation protection requirements are set, as listed on the BWP, if required.

5.4 The Standby Gas Treatment System is in the Standby Mode.


-) s r . ~

e ,


RBCCW/EECW Local Valve Position Indication g

,-3 TITLE:

() Verification Test [



' i REVISION: 5 t



l K. LeCompte Name of preparer  ?

i W. J. Black /s/ Date 07/11/86 Administrative Format Reviewer l


C. H. Schuman /s/ Date 07/17/86 Technical Reviewer (s) i Date -

Date 8 t

J. J. Wa'd /s/ Date 07/19/86 Supervisor, O A


M. W. Shields /s/ Date 07/19/86 Resp Section Head or OSRO Member / Alternate Further Approval Required for SR or SP Procedures: .,

R S Lenart /s/ Date 07/19'86 OSRO Chairman or Alternate R. S Lenart /s/ Date 07/19/86 Plant Manager ,

The following approved Procedure Change Requests are incorporated in this revision:

M4747 This revision lldoes [Xldoes not constitute periodic review. ,

1 Revision Summary:




PIS Pts File 1703 02 Recapient wf4[



POk24.207.10 R:visi:n 5 Page5 t

3.0 REQUIRED EQUIPMENT None 4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.1 The surveillance test should be terminated promptly upon indication of: excessive valve vibration, jerky valve motion, binding, unusual noise, overheating or other erratic

! operation. Notify the NSS and take corrective action before resuming that test.

4.2 Ensure that no other testing or maintenance is in progress that will adversely affect the performance of this test. - ~

I 4.3 Refer to applica nical Specification Limiting Conditions for operation for required action if a pump or valve is declared inoperable. N -

~ _ _ _ -

4.4 If test results violate Technical Specification limits, notify the NSS immediately.

. 4.5 Ensure that no other E.E CW testing is being peformed while this test is being conducted.

4.6 Ensure that no other Drywell Pressure testing is being performed while this test is being conducted.

4.7 Do not perform this test with t or Recirc Pumps in operation.

5.0 PREREQUISITES 5.1 The NSS has given permission to peform this test in accordance w th General Administrative Proceduro 12.000.18, Surveillance Program.

5.2 Verify the plant is in Condition 5, REFUELING, or in Condition 4, COLD SHUTDOWN.

5.3 The RBCCW System operating and EECW System in standby,in accordance with System Operations Procedure 23.127. Reactor Bldg. Closed Cooting Water / Emergency Equip Cooling Water System.

54 A Radiation Work Pemit has been issued, if required. In accordance with General Administrative Procedure 12.000.13. Radiation Work Permit.

5.5 The Reactor Recirc System must be shutdown in accordance with System Operations Procedure 23.138.01, Reactor Recirculation System b