NOC-AE-04001702, Changes to Emergency Plan Procedures

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Changes to Emergency Plan Procedures
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 04/06/2004
From: Serra P
South Texas
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ER 20040014, NOC-AE-04001702, STI: 31717246, Z18
Download: ML041040399 (162)


Nuclear Operating Company

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Trcn77483 AAA April 6, 2004 NOC-AE-04001702 STI: 31717246 FILE NO: Z18 ER 20040014 10CFR50.4(b)(5) 10CFR50 App E U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 26555 STP NUCLEAR OPERATING COMPANY Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. STN 50-498; STN 50-499 Changes to Emergencv Plan Procedures In accordance with 10CFR504(b)(5) and 10CFR50, Appendix E, Section V, the STP Nuclear Operating Company hereby submits the attached Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure revision.

If there are any questions regarding this matter, please contact Aubrey Morgan at (361) 972-7004.

P. L. Serra Manager, Plant Protection PLS/mk


Letter of Receipt Description of Changes OERP01-ZV-EF01, EOF Director/ Rev. 11 OERPO1-ZV-EF02, Deputy EOF Director / Rev. 8 OERP01-ZV-EF04, Technical Director / Rev. 6 OERP01-ZV-IN04, Assembly & Accountability / Rev. 10 OERP01-ZV-SHO1, Shift Supervisor / Rev. 19 OERP01-ZV-TP01, Offsite Dose Calculations / Rev. 15 OPGP03-ZV-0001, Severe Weather Plan / Rev. 10 Prb4,S

NOC-AE-04001702 STI: 31717246 FILE NO: ZI8 ER 20040014 Page 2 Cc:

(paper copy) (electronic copy)

Emergency Planning Coordinator (2 copies) A. H. Gutterman, Esquire Regional Administrator, Region IV Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400 L. D. Blaylock Arlington, Texas* 76011-8064 City Public Service U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission David H. Jaffe Attention: Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike R. L. Balcom Rockville, MD 20852 Texas Genco, LP Richard A. Ratliff A. Ramirez Bureau of Radiation Control City of Austin Texas Department of Health 1100 West 49th Street C. A. Johnson Austin, TX 78756-3189 AEP Texas Central Company Jeffrey Cruz Jon C. Wood U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Matthews & Branscomb P. 0. Box 289, Mail Code: MNI 16 Wadsworth, TX 77483 C. M. Canady City of Austin Electric Utility Department 721 Barton Springs Road Austin, TX 78704

NOC-AE-04001702 STI: 31717246 FILE NO: Z18 ER 20040014 Page 3 To: P. L. Serra Manager, Plant Protection STP Nuclear Operating Company P. 0. Box 289 Wadsworth, TX 77483 From: Emergency Planning Coordinator Region IV Office of the Regional Administrator U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400 Arlington,TX 76011-8064  ;


Receipt Acknowledgment for Changes to STP Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure I hereby acknowledge having received changes to the STP Nuclear Operating Company's Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.

Signature Date

Description of Changes These revisions do not reduce the effectiveness or change the intent of the Emergency Response Program.

OERPO1-ZV-EFO1, EOF Director /Rev. 11 Page 3, added step 3.4, An Unusual Event based on a security incident requires partial staffing of the EOF... and listed positions.

Page 3, revised step 3.5, An Unusual Event based on other than a security event...

Page 5, added step 5.1, If an Unusual Event is declared based on Security, then report to the EOF...

Page 5, added step 5.2, clarification Page 6, added Unusual Event security related staffing.

Page 16, Data Sheet 2, added Director Briefing Form.

OERPO1-ZV-EFO2, Deputy EOF Director I Rev. 8 Removed Data Sheet 2, Emergency Director Status Briefing because it is no longer used.

Page 2, added step 3.1,' An Unusual Event based on a security incident proposed staffing of the EOF...

and listed positions.

Page 2, added step 3.2,' EOF UE staff is at the discretion of the Emergency Director.

Page 3, step 5.1, directs Deputy EOF Director to report to the EOF at an Unusual Event if based on a security incident.

Page 5, added security Unusual Event staffing table.

Page 9, step 2.0, added Security Event instructions.'.

OERPO1-ZV-EF04, Technical Director / Rev. 6 Removed Data Sheet 2, Emergency Director Status Briefing because it is no longer used.

Page 9, step 4.3, removed reference to Data Sheet 2.

OERPO1-ZV-IN04, Assembly & Accountability / Rev. 10 Page 6, Addendum 1, changed CPF to Building 52.

Page 7, Added Addendum 2, Assembly and Accountability Flowchart.

Page 8, Data Sheet 1 Step 3.0, Direct the Security Force Supervisor'to open the West Gatehouse for exiting personnel if applicable OERPO1-ZV-SHO1, Shift Supervisor/ Rev. 19 Page 10, added New Addendum 5, Assembly and Accountability Flowchart.

Page 24, Data Sheet 3, step 1.3, moved Assembly and Accountability PA Announcements to addendum 5 Page 29, Data Sheet 4, step 1.3, moved Assembly and Accountability PA Announcements to addendum 5

OERPO1-ZV-TPO1, Offsite Dose Calculations / Rev. 15 The onshift dose assessment program OPDA has been replaced by STAMPEDE.

Page 2, step 1.2, removed reference to OPDA.

Page 3, old step 2.5.3, removed reference to OPDA.

Page 5, old step 5.3, removed reference to method selection flowchart.

Page 5, step 5.4, replaced reference to OPDA with STAMPEDE.

Page 7, Form 1, removed reference to OPDA.

Deleted old page 11,Addendum 3, Use of OPDA Program, because it is no longer used at STP.

Deleted old page 24, Addendum 7, Method Selection Flowchart, because it is no longer required.

OPGP03-ZV-0001, Severe Weather Plan / Rev. 10 Page 6, step 2.24, added bullet "Other Buildings - The lowest level floor and near the. inner most walls" Page 6, step 2.24, added bullet "Owner Controlled Area - Sheltering outside the Protected Area should be the lowest floor near inside walls away from windows" Page 8, step 3.8, added QA Records when talking about department quality documents Addendum 1, page 15, added 3 new positions to the storm crew for facilities Mechanic, Electrician, and Transport Form 4, page 29, added 3 new positions for facilities Mechanic, Electrician, and Transport Data Sheet 2, page 37, added "For safety reasons ensure all personnel are dispatched in teams" Data Sheet 3, page 39, new step 6.0, added "Prior to June 1 each year schedule a meeting of key stakeholders (eg., Maintenance, Facilities/Projects, Human Resources and payroll) to ensure consistency of Storm Crew compensation for crews and roll back to normal shifts" Data Sheet 3, page 39, new step 9.0, added "If a Tropical Storm or Hurricane is predicted to impact STP, consider scheduling a preparatory meeting to discuss staffing of actions needed or in-process for each Severe Weather Condition" Data Sheet 5, page 46, new step 12, "Prior to June 1 of each year, all departments shall notify the Severe Weather Coordinator when actions are complete" Data Sheet 5, page 48, new step 30, added "Prepare 2 pallets of sand bags (spare) and stage in Annex, move to the FHB Doors at Condition 3" Data Sheet 5, page 49, step 46, added "Leave 1 truck in the OCA and 1 truck in the Protected Area"


-EOF Director Quality Non Safety-Related Usage: N/A Effective Date: 03/25/04 Max Keyes N/A N/A Emergency Response Division PREPARER TECHNICAL USER -.. COGNIZANT ORGANIZATION Table of Contents -- - Page

1.0 Purpose and Scope

.................... 2 2.0 Responsibilities .................... 2 3.0 Precaustions and Limitations ..................... . . . . . .. . ... 3 4.0 P ro cedures ................. 5 5.0 References . . . . .... 4 6.0 Supporting Documents .............. 5; 5

Addendum 1, Required and Recommended Minimum Staffing .6 Addendum 2, Shift Turnover Briefing .. 7 Data Sheet 1, EOF Director Checklist .. 8 Data Sheet 2, Director Briefing Form ......................... 16


1.0 Purpose and Scope

1.1 This procedure provides guidance for the EOF Director to manage the accident assessment, classification, and protective action decision processes.

1.2 This procedure implements the requirements of the South Texas Project Electric Generating Station (STPEGS) Emergency Plan specific to the EOF Director.

2.0 Responsibilities 2.1 The EOF Director is responsible for 2.1.1 Assuming the responsibilities and authority of the Emergency Director.

2.1.2 Ensuring resources are made available to support the Control Room and Technical Support Center (TSC) activities to mitigate the emergency situation.

2.1.3 Ensuring the classification of the emergency situation is appropriate for plant conditions and the applicable onsite and offsite organizations are notified.

2.1.4 Ensuring the appropriate protective measures are implemented for onsite organizations.

2.1.5 Ensuring the appropriate protective actions are recommended to State and Matagorda County Emergency Management officials.

2.1.6 Ensuring notifications to the offsite and onsite organizations are timely and accurate.

2.1.7 Ensuring communications to the offsite and onsite organizations contains factual and timely information.

2.1.8 Determining when Recovery is to be initiated and Termination can be declared.

2.1.9 Establishing a Recovery organization for returning the affected Unit to an operating condition.

2.1.10 Declare entry into the Severe Accident Management Guidelines.

l  : l OERPO-ZV-EFO Rev. 11 Page 3of 16 EOF Director 3.0 Precautions and Limitations 3.1 The Emergency Director is responsible for making certain'key decisions and ensuring their

- implementation. The responsibilities which CANNOT be delegated include:

3.1.1 Declaring a new emergency classification.

3.1.2 Approving Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) issued to' State and

'County authorities.'

3.1.3 Approving required notifications to the State and County.

3.1.4 Approving exposures in excess of 10 CFR 20 limits and authorizing the use of Potassium Iodide (KI).

3.1.5 Approving departure from license conditions per 10 CFR 50.54(x) for emergency response activities NOT related to Control Room Operator actions.

3.1.6 Declaring entry into the Severe Accident Management Guidelines.

3.2 The following Emergency Director responsibilities and authorities MAY be delegated:

3.2.1 Requesting federal assistance.

3.2.2 Approving press releases prior to issuance.

3.2.3 Approving commitments to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

3.2.4 Approving required notifications to the NRC.

3.3 Recovery from a Site Area or General Emergency shall not be entered without concurrence from the Matagorda County, State of Texas, and the Nuclear Regulatory'Commission'.

3.4 Recomm ended EOF staffing for an Unusual Event based on a security emergency action level is the following: EOF Director, Deputy EOF Director, Emergency Director Administration Assistant, Licensing Director, Site Public Affairs Specialist, Site Public Affairs Coordinator, Site Public Affairs Administration Assistant, Support Organization Director, Assistant Support Organization Director, Communications System Supervisor, EOF Liaison, and Records Supervisor.

3.5 Staffing levels of the EOF at the Unusual Event for other than a security event are at the discretion of the Emergency Director.

3.6 The EOF staff augmentation will be initiated at the ALERT emergency classification, and the EOF may be activated at the discretion of the EOF Director.

3.7 The EOF is required to augment the Onshift Response Organization, with the minimum required EOF staffing levels, within 75 minutes of being notified.

3.8 The EOF is activated when the minimum staffing level at the EOF is capable of performing their required function.

3.9 Transfer of command and control from the Control Room or TSC is not required at the Unusual Event or Alert emergency classification, but should be initiated at the Site Area or higher emergency classification. Command and control may be transferred prior to reaching Site Area Emergency at the discretion of the Emergency Director.

4.0 References 4.1 STPEGS Emergency Plan 4.2 OERPO 1-ZV-INO 1, Emergency Classification 4.3 OERPOI-ZV-IN02, Notifications to Offsite Agencies 4.4 OERPOI-ZV-IN04, Assembly and Accountability 4.5 OERPOI-ZV-IN05, Site Evacuation 4.6 OERPOI-ZV-IN07, Offsite Protective Action Recommendations 4.7 OERPOI-ZV-TP03, Severe Accident Management 4.8 OERPOI-ZV-REOI, Recovery Operations 4.9 OERPOl-ZV-RE02, Documentation 4.10 OPGP09-ZA-0002, Fitness for Duty Program 4.11 OPGP05-ZV-0004, Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Users Guide 4.12 LCTS 9101254-936

5.0 Procedures 5.1 If an'Unusual Event is declared based on Security, then report to the EOF and contact the Affected Unit Control Room for a briefing.

5.2 If an Unusual Event is declared for other than a security event,'then implement one or more

-of the following initial response actions:

  • Contact the Affected Unit Control Room for a briefing; AND
  • Brief the President, Chief Executive Officer on the emergency; AND
  • Standby'to staff the EOF if requested by the Emergency Director or if the situation is likely to escalate to a higher emergency classification; OR
  • Proceed to the Control Room, TSC, or EOF to evaluate the situation and assist the Emergency Director.

5.3 If an Alert or higher emergency classification is declared, then proceed to the Emergency Operations Facility and implement Data Sheet 1, EOF Director Checklist, Step 1.0 Initial Activities.

5.3.1 Insert the time an activity is completed, for reoccurring activities, document using the Emergency Action Log as necessary.

5.3.2 Implement the appropriate portions of Data Sheet 1,'EOF Director Checklist based on the events in progress.

5.3.3 Use Addendum's and Checklists to help direct emergency activities.

6.0 Supporting Documents 6.1 Addendum 1, Required and Recommended Minimum Staffing 6.2 Addendum 2, Shift Turnover Briefing 6.3 Data Sheet 1, EOF Director Checklist .

6.4 Data Sheet 2, Director Briefing Form

l OERPOI-ZV-EFOI I Rev. 11 I Page6ofl6 EOF Director Addendum I1 Required and Recommended Minimum Staffing I Page I of I The following table reflects the Emergency Operations Facility staffing as required by Table C-i of the Emergency Plan, and also those who are recommended for minimum staffing.

Those members of the ERO who are not onsite at the time of the emergency shall be able to augment the Onshift Response Organization within 75 minutes of notification as specified in Table C-1 of the Emergency Plan.

FACILITY REQUIRED RECOMMENDED Emergency Offsite Field Team Members (4) EOF Director Operations Radiological Director Facility Technical Director Dose Assessment Specialist Offsite Field Team Supervisor System Status Evaluator Deputy EOF Director ED Administrative Assistant

._ Status Board Keepers (2)

Site Public Affairs Coordinator Site Public Affairs Specialist Engineering Assistant Offsite Agency Communicator Security Related Unusual Event Recommended Staffing.

FACILITY RECOMMIENDED Emergency EOF Director Operations Deputy EOF Director Facility Emergency Director Administration Assistant Licensing Director Site Public Affairs Specialist Site Public Affairs Coordinator Site Public Affairs Administration Assistant Support Organization Director Assistant Support Organization Director Communications System Supervisor Records Supervisor EOF Liaison

. OERPO1-ZV-EFO1 Rev. 11 Page7ofl6

- EOF Director-Addendum 2 l Shift Turnover Briefing , Page I of I 1.0 Provide a briefing of events to the relief person including the following areas.

1.1 Basis of the current emergency'classification and the EALs of importance.

1.2 Protective Action Recommendations issued.

1.3 Status of fission product barriers and critical safety functions.

1.4 Special security or administrative problems.

1.5 Open items being tracked and priorities.

1.6 Completed checklists and logs.

1.7 Notifications issued to offsite agencies and NRC.

1.8 Information on status boards.

1.9 Recovery plans developed and corrective action items for plant recovery.

1.10 Current shift schedule.

2.0 Inform the following personnel of the transfer of responsibilities to the oncoming shift replacement. Announce that the shift replacement is now assuming Emergency Director responsibilities and authority.

2.1 EOF staff 2.2 NRC Director of Site Operations 2.3 TSC Manager 2.4 Shift Supervisor 3.0 Contact the following and inform them of the shift change. Request the County and State to provide the new Emergency Director with an update of their activities.

3.1 Matagorda County Emergency Management Director 3.2 Duty Officer, Division of Emergency Management at the State of Texas EOC 4.0 Update the EOF Staffing Board.

5.0 Document the time of turnover and the identity of your relief on your log and provide copies to your replacement. Provide original log sheets to the Deputy EOF Director.

6.0 Verify your telephone number on the shift schedule. IF this telephone number is inside the 10 mile EPZ, THEN provide an alternate telephone number for contact should evacuation of the EPZ be necessary.

7.0 If issued a TLD, then maintain custody of the TLD until Termination or Recovery.

8.0 Take a copy of your shift schedule.

9.0 Verify possession of a STPEGS Picture Badge for access through possible roadblocks when returning to the site for the next shift or request a replacement Picture Badge from the Support Orientation Coordinator.

10.0 Notify the individual responsible for access control at the EOF of the shift change and sign out when leaving the EOF.

OERP01-ZV-EF01 Rev. 11 l Page 8of 16 EOF Director Data Sheet 1 EOF Director Checklist Pagel of8 (Name) (Date) (Unit)

Action Time 1.0 INITIAL ACTIVITIES 1.1 Report to the Emergency Operations Facility and sign in on the Staffing Board.

1.2 Initiate an Emergency Action Log.

1.3 Confer with the Deputy EOF Director on the current staffing of the EOF.

IF ERO personnel have not arrived within approximately one hour of initial callout, THEN direct the Assistant Support Organization Director to contact a substitute for the position.

1.4 Verify that the following individuals are available to support EOF activities:

1.4.1 Offsite Field Team Members (4).

NOTE: The above list is minimum staffing required to activate the EOF (See Addendum 1).

1.5 Review the following with the Deputy EOF Director, Radiological Director, Technical Director, and System Status Evaluator.

1.5.1 The current Emergency Action Level (EAL) and the basis for the current emergency classification.

1.5.2 The current radiological conditions and the potential for a radiological release requiring offsite PARs.

1.5.3 The fission product barriers presently affected/threatened and the prognosis. Include a review of EALs, which could cause an upgrade in emergency classification.

1.6 Obtain a complete briefing from the Emergency Director using Data Sheet 2, Emergency Director Turnover Briefing of procedure OERP01-ZV-TS01, TSC Manager. Specifically identify any special support needed by the Technical Support Center with the current events in progress.

OERPO1-ZV-EFO1 Rev. 11 Page9of16 EOF Director Data Sheet I EOF Director Checklist l Page 2 of 8 Action Time 1.7 Call a meeting with EOF personnel to:

1.7.1 Brief EOF Staff of current plant conditions,  ;

1.7.2 Review current EOF activities, 1.7.3 Establish EOF priorities, 1.7.4 Verify required EOF Staff is available,  ;

1.7.5 Verify EOF is functional (equip, habitability, etc.),

1.8 Declare EOF activated when the EOF Directors report readiness.

Direct a public address announcement.

1.9 Verify EOF is prepared to support the following:

1.9.1 Upgrading emergency classification, 1.9.2 PAR decision process, 1.9.3 Required notifications to State, County and NRC, 1.9.4 Approving exposures in excess of 10 CFR 20 limits and authorizing the use of KI, 1.9.5 Requesting Federal assistance, 1.9.6 Approving press releases prior to issuance, 1.9.7 Approving departure from license conditions per 10 CFR 50.54(x) for emergency response activities NOT related to Control Room Operator actions. .

1.9.8 Establish target time for transfer of Emergency Director authority to the EOF.

OERPO1-ZV-EFOI Rev. 11 Page 10 of 16 EOF Director Data Sheet I EOF Director Checklist Page 3 of 8 Action Time 1.10 Contact the Emergency Director for a final update of any new information since the last briefing and agree to a time for transfer of Emergency Director authority.

1.11 Assume command and control of the emergency response effort and announce that you are the Emergency Director. Direct a public address announcement.

1.12 Contact the President, CEO, and provide a briefing on the current situation.

1.13 Notify the State, County, and NRC that Emergency Director responsibilities and authority has transferred to the EOF Director.

2.0 CONTINUING ACTIVITIES 2.1 Continually evaluate and establish priorities for emergency activities and log and track completion on the EOF Priority Tracking Status Board.

2.2 Continually evaluate with the TSC Manager, required actions to be taken for the unaffected Unit. Consider the following:

2.2.1 Security events which could affect both Units; 2.2.2 Radiological releases which could complicate the unaffected Unit's operations; 2.2.3 Other site-wide events which could complicate the unaffected Unit's operations; 2.3 Continually review the following with the Deputy EOF Director, Radiological Director, Technical Director, System Status Evaluator, and NRC Director of Site Operations.

2.3.1 Determine whether an upgraded classification is warranted or additional PARs should be considered (See Section 4.0 of this checklist if upgrade required).

2.3.2 The conditions which must be met to enter Recovery, (See Section 5.0, Recovery Activities if Recovery initiated, Section 6.0, Termination Activities for Termination).

. OERPO1-ZV-EF01. Rev. 11 Page 11 of 16 EOF Director, Data Sheet I EOF Director Checklist Page 4 of 8 Action Time 2.4 Periodically conduct facility briefings using Data Sheet 2, Director Briefing Form. Ensure each functional area is addressed.

2.4.1 Source Term, (Technical & Radiological Director) 2.4.2 Fission Product Barrier prognosis, Technical & Radiological Director) 2.4.3 Mitigation success, and failures Technical & Radiological Director) 2.4.4 Dose Projections, and facility habitability (Radiological Director) 2.4.5 Field Team Data, (Radiological Director) 2.4.6 Review Current priorities, (All) 2.4.7 Major work efforts underway, (All) 2.4.8 Review current EOF activities, priorities, and new problems, (Deputy Emergency Operations Facility Director) 2.4.9 Review appropriate resources available, (Support Organization Director) 2.4.10 Evaluate need for Federal Assistance (EOF Director) 2.4.11 Licensing Director notifications, information requests) 2.4.12 Resources needed and obtained (Support Organization Director) 2.4.13 PARs, habitability, meteorology evacuation paths (Radiological Director) 2.4.14 Assessment, escalation paths (Technical Director) 2.4.15 Prioritizes, site evacuation (Deputy EOF Director) 2.4.16 Joint Information Center issues(Site Public Affairs Coordinator) 2.4.17 NRC, BRC, Others

OERPO1-ZV-EF01 Rev. 11 Page 12 of 16 EOF Director Data Sheet 1 EOF Director Checklist l Page 5 of 8 Action Time 2.5 Consult with TSC Manager and determine if precautionary assembly and accountability or site evacuation should be initiated.

2.5.1 As a minimum, during an ALERT Classification, consider directing visitors and nonessential contractors to leave the site.

2.5.2 If assembly and accountability or site evacuation is determined appropriate, implement OERPO1-ZV-IN04, Assembly and Accountability, and OERPOI-ZV-IN05, Site Evacuation.

2.6 Ensure periodic public address announcements are made on the status of the emergency.

2.7 Approve press release prior to release, if not delegated.

2.8 Ensure that accurate and timely information is being provided to:

2.8.1 Emergency Response Organization 2.8.2 Joint Information Center, 2.8.3 Matagorda County Emergency Management Director in the Matagorda County EOC, 2.8.4 Institute of Nuclear Power Operations 2.8.5 STP Owners 2.8.6 American Nuclear Insurers 2.8.7 Any requested Federal Assistance responders.

2.9 When the estimated time of arrival is determined for the NRC Response Team, notify Licensing Director and TSC Manager.

2.10 Function as the primary interface with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Director of Site Operations and Bureau of Radiation Control Chief of Field Operations. Ensure they are provided with timely and accurate information.

OERPOI-ZV-EFO1 Rev. 11 Page 13 of 16 EOF Director - I Data Sheet 1' EOF Director Checklist Page 6 of 8 Action Time 2.11 Continue to review this checklist by returning to Step 2.1 to:

2.11.1 Review plant status and prognosis for accident assessment, 2.11.2 Review results of accident assessment for potential change to the present classification and PAR, 2.11.3 Provide updates to EOF Staff, TSC, NRC, Offsite as necessary.

2.12 IF Server reactor core damage is identified, THEN implement Procedure OERPOI-ZV-TP03, Severe Accident Management.

3.0 SHIFT CHANGE 3.1 Upon arrival of your shift replacement, complete all actions listed in Addendum 2, Shift Turnover Briefing. Include the Deputy EOF Director in the briefing. _

4.0 CLASSIFICATION UPGRADE OR CHANGE IN PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Upgrade classification in accordance with OERP0l-ZV-INO1 Emergency Classification and PARs in accordance with OERP-ZV-IN07, Offsite Protection Action Recommendations.

4.2 Ensure that the Site NRC team is cognizant of classification and protective action recommendation decision process.  :

4.3 Announce the upgraded classification or PAR to EOF personnel.

4.4 Direct a Public Address Announcement for classification/PAR upgrade.

4.5 Initiate and complete within 15 minutes offsite notifications in accordance with OERP01-ZV-IN02, Notifications to Offsite Agencies for:

4.5.1 Classification upgrade 4.5.2 Protective action recommendation initial or upgrade

I OERPO1-ZV-EFO1 I Rev. 11 I Page 14 of 16 EOF Director Data Sheet 1 I EOF Director Checklist l Page 7 of 8 Action Time 4.6 Ensure, appropriate functional area contacts the following and provides an update of the current situation:

4.6.1 Matagorda County Emergency Management Director in the Matagorda County EOC 4.6.2 Duty Officer, at the State of Texas EOC 4.6.3 NRC Headquarters 4.6.4 STP Owners 4.6.5 American Nuclear Insurers 4.6.6 INPO 4.6.7 Joint Information Center 5.0 RECOVERY ACTIVITIES 5.1 Direct the EOF Directors to develop a list of activities and tasks that should be completed using OERPO1-ZV-RE02, Form I Corrective Action Items List.

5.2 Contact the Matagorda County Emergency Management Director in the Matagorda County EOC and provide a briefing of the basis for entering Recovery.

5.3 Contact the Duty Officer, Division of Emergency Management in the State of Texas EOC and provide a briefing of the basis for entering Recovery.

5.4 Discuss entering Recovery with the NRC Director of Site Operations.

5.5 Announce recovery from the emergency condition to EOF personnel.

5.6 Initiate OERO1-ZV-RE0I, Recovery Operations.

OERPO1-ZV-EFO1 - Rev. 11 l Page 15of16 EOF Director Action Time 6.0 TERMINATION ACTIVITIES NOTE Refer to OERPO 1-ZV-INO 1, Emergency Classification to determine conditions required to terminate the emergency.

6.1 Ensure an announcement of Termination of the emergency condition is made to all personnel.

6.2 Direct the EOF Directors to develop a list of activities and tasks that should be completed using OERPO1-ZV-RE02, Form 1 Corrective Action Items List.

6.3 Contact the TSC Manager and determine if Fitness for Duty post-accident screening should be initiated per OPGP09-ZA-0002, Fitness for Duty Program.

6.4 Provide a list of any supplies or forms needing replenishment to the Assistant Support Organization Director.

6.5 Initiate OERPO1-ZV-RE02, Documentation, and assign sections of the Emergency Response Report to Emergency Operations Facility personnel to complete. Coordinate with the TSC Manager concerning sections to be written by TSC/OSC/Control Room personnel.

6.6 Collect and organize in chronological order all documents, checklists, and logs.

6.7 Turn over all documents generated during the emergency to the Deputy Emergency Operations Facility.

OERPO1-ZV-EFO1 l Rev. 11 Page 16 of 16 EOF Director Data Sheet 2 l Director Briefing Form I Page I of I (Name) (Date/Time)

1. Technical Director: Event Chronology (initial briefing only), significant plant status changes and trends since last brief, potential escalation paths.
2. Radiological Director - Release Status, Status of Offsite Field Teams, EOF Habitability, Current PAR, potential PAR escalation paths, any support needed.
3. Bureau of Radiation Control (BRC) Utility Liaison
4. Licensing Director - 50.72 information provided to NRC since last brief, NRC Issues, unanswered questions from NRC, Planned NRC Response, Support Needed.
5. Support Organization Director - Summary of Activities in Progress, Support Needed.
6. Site Public Affairs Coordinator - JIC Status, Unfilled Information Requests
7. NRC Director of Site Operations
8. Deputy EOF Director - Status of Assembly and Accountability, Status of site Evacuation, Major County Activities, Changes in TSC Priorities since last brief, Review of EOF Priorities
9. EOF Director - Summary and Closure

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION -D0527 STI31716429 OERPO1-ZVEFO2 Rev. 8 Page 1of 15 l Deputy EOF Director E Quality Non Safety-Related Usage: N/A Effective Date: 03/25/04 Max Keyes N/A N/A Emergency Response Division PREPARER TECHNICAL- USER COGNIZANT ORGANIZATION Table of Contents - Page

1. 0 Purpose and Scope ................... 2.
2. 0 Responsibilities .....  ;;;:2
3. 0 Precautions and Limitations  : .. 2 4.0 References ...... 3 5.0 Procedure.3 ......  ; . .  ; . .

6.0 Support Documnents ...... ';:4 Addendum 1, Recommended Minimum Staffing .5 Addendum 2, Shift Turnover Briefing ................................

.  ; .  ; . 6 Data Sheet 1, Deputy EOF Director Checklist .. 7
  • t.

1.0 Purpose and Scope

I OERPO1-ZV-EF02 Deputy EOF Director I Rev. 8 l Page 2 of 15 I.,

1.1 This procedure specifies the actions to be completed by the Deputy EOF Director in the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) during a declared emergency.

2.0 Responsibilities 2.1 The Deputy EOF Director is responsible for:

2.1.1 Assuming the function and responsibilities of the EOF Director in his absence.

2.1.2 Monitoring the progress of the EOF staffing and keeping the EOF Director appraised of staffing levels and status.

2.1.3 Providing ongoing support to the EOF Director in implementing EOF responsibilities and functions, including tracking the status of key emergency activities.

2.1.4 Ensuring that required offsite agency notifications are completed.

2.1.5 Coordination of status board keepers.

2.1.6 Functioning as the interface with the County, State, and Federal Liaisons.

2.1.7 Directs Site Evacuation when appropriate.

3.0 Precautions and Limitations 3.1 Recommended EOF staffing for an Unusual Event based on a security emergency action level is the following: EOF Director, Deputy EOF Director, Emergency Director Administration Assistant, Licensing Director, Site Public Affairs Specialist, Site Public Affairs Coordinator, Site Public Affairs Administration Assistant, Support Organization Director, Assistant Support Organization Director, Communications System Supervisor, EOF Liaison, and Records Supervisor.

3.2 Staffing levels of the EOF at the Unusual Event for other than a security event are at the discretion of the Emergency Director.

3.3 The EOF staff augmentation will be initiated at the Alert emergency classification, and may be activated at the discretion of the Emergency Director.

3.4 The EOF is required to augment the Onshift Response Organization, with the EOF minimum staffing levels, within 75 minutes of being notified.

3.5 The EOF is activated when the minimum staffing level at the EOF is capable of performing their required function.

I - OERPO1-ZV-EF02 I I Rev. 8 Page3of15 Deputy EOF Director 3.6 Transfer of command and control from the Control Room or TSC is not required at the Unusual Event or Alert emergency classification, but should be initiated at the Site Area or higher emergency classification. Command and control may be transferred prior to reaching Site Area Emergency at the discretion of the Emergency Director.

4.0 References 4.1 STPEGS Emergency Plan 4.2 OERPO1-ZV-IN05, Site Evacuation 4.3 OERPO1-ZV-EFO1, EOF Director.

4.4 OERPO1-ZV-OFO1, Alternate Emergency Operations Facility Activatiori, Operation, and Deactivation 4.5 OERPO 1-ZV-RE01, Recovery Operations 4.6 OERPOI-ZV-RE02, Documentation 4.7 OPGP05-ZV-000 1, Severe Weather Guidelines 4.8 OPGP05-ZV-0004, Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Users Guide 4.9 OPGP04-ZO-0007, Aircraft Crash Onsite 5.0 Procedure 5.1 - If an Unusual Event is declared based on Security, then report to the EOF and obtain a briefing from the EOF Director.

5.1.1 Insert the time an activity is completed, for reoccurring activities, document using the Emergency Action Log.

5.2 If an Alert or higher emergency classification is declared, then proceed to the Emergency Operations Facility and implement Data Sheet 1, EOF Director Checklist, Step 1.0 Initial Activities.

5.2.1 Implement the appropriate portions of Data Sheet 1, EOF Director Checklist based on the events in progress.

5.3 Use Addenda and Checklists to help direct emergency activities.

I I OERPO1-ZV-EF02 Rev. 8 Page 4 of 15 Deputy EOF Director 6.0 Support Documents 6.1 Addendum 1, Recommended Minimum Staffing 6.2 Addendum 2, Shift Turnover Briefing 6.3 Data Sheet 1, Deputy EOF Director Checklist

Addendum 1 I OERPOI-ZV-EF02 Deputy EOF Director,

- -- l Rev. 8 Recommended Minimum Staffing Page 5of 15 Page 1 of 1 The following table reflects the Emergency Operations Facility staffing as required by Table C-1 of the Emergency Plan, and also those who are recommended for minimum staffing.

Those members of the ERO who are not onsite at the time of the emergency shall be able to augment the Onshift Response Organization within 75 minutes of notification as specified in Table. C-I of the .

Emergency Plan. - I - . . .: l FACILITY REQUIRED RECOMMENDED Emergency Offsite Field Team Members (4) EOF Director Operations . . Radiological Director Facility Technical Director

.__ __ Dose Assessment Specialist Offsite Field Team Supervisor' System Status Evaluator Deputv EOF Director ED Administrative Assistant Status Board Keepers (2)

_________.___Site Public Affairs Coordinator

. Site Public Affairs Specialist Engineering Assistant Offsite Agency Communicator Security Related Unusual Events Recommended Staffing.

FACILITY l RECOMMENDED Emergency EOF Director Operations Deputy EOF Director Facility Emergency Director Administration Assistant Licensing Director

.Site Public Affairs Specialist.

Site Public Affairs Coordinator.

Site Public Affairs Administration Assistant Support Organization Director Assistant Support Organization Director Communications System Supervisor Records Supervisor EOF Liaison

I OERPOI-ZV-EF02 I Rev. 8 l Page 6 of 15 Deputy EOF Director Addendum 2 l Shift Turnover Briefing I Page 1of 1 1.0 Provide a briefing of events to the relief person including the following areas.

1.1 Basis of the current emergency classification and the EALs of importance.

1.2 Protective Action Recommendations issued.

1.3 Status of primary fission product barriers and critical safety functions.

1.4 Special security or administrative problems.

1.5 Open items being tracked and priorities.

1.6 Completed checklists and logs.

1.7 Notifications issued to offsite agencies and Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

1.8 Information on status boards.

1.9 Recovery plans developed and corrective action items for plant recovery.

1.10 Current shift schedule.

2.0 Inform the following personnel of the transfer of responsibilities to the oncoming shift replacement.

2.1 EOF Directors 2.2 Assistant TSC Manager 2.3 NRC Director of Site Operations 2.4 Corporate Central Evaluation Center Director 2.5 State, County, and Federal Liaisons 3.0 Update the EOF staffing board.

4.0 Document the time of turnover and the identity of your relief on your log and provide copies to your replacement. Provide original log sheets to the oncoming Deputy EOF Director.

5.0 Verify the telephone number on the shift schedule. If this telephone number is inside the 10 mile EPZ, then provide an alternate telephone number for contact should evacuation of the EPZ be necessary.

6.0 Is issued a TLD, then maintain custody of the TLD until Termination or Recovery.

7.0 Verify possession of a STP Picture Badge for access through possible roadblocks when returning to the site for the next shift or request a replacement Picture Badge from the Support Orientation Coordinator.

8.0 Inform the individual responsible for Access Control to the EOF of the shift change and sign out when leaving the EOF.

OERPOI-ZV-EF02 Rev. 8 Page 7 of 15 Deputy EOF Director - -

Data Sheet 1 Deputy EOF Director Checklist - l Page I of 9 (Name) (Date) (Unit)

Action Time 1.0 INITIAL ACTIVITIES 1.1 Report to the Emergency Operations Facility and sign in on the staffing board.

1.2 Ensure the Deputy EOF Director's Emergency Response Manual is available.  ;

1.3 Initiate an Emergency Action Log.

1.4 Verify current staffing levels of the Emergency Operations Facility.

Assist the EOF Director in determining when sufficient staffing of the Emergency Operations Facility occurs in accordance with Addendum 1, Recommended Minimum Staffing. _ _-

1.5 If the EOF Director has not arrived within approximately one hour, then assume the role of EOF Director and implement the following actions:

1.5.1 Inform the EOF staff that you are assuming the EOF Director position. __

1.5.2 Proceed to OERPOI-ZV-EF01, EOF Director, and initiate completion of the appropriate checklist.

1.6 Contact the Assistant TSC Manager to discuss the following:

1.6.1 The current Emergency Action Level and the basis for the current emergency classification.

1.6.2 The current radiological conditions and the potential for a radiological release requiring offsite Protective Action Recommendations. '_-.

1.6.3 The barriers presently affected/threatened and the prognosis.

Include a review of Emergency Action Levels, which could cause an upgrade in emergency classification.

OERPO1-ZV-EF02 Rev. 8 Page 8 of 15 Deputy EOF Directorl Data Sheet 1 lDeputy EOF Director Checklist l Page 2 of 9 l Action Time 1.7 Provide ongoing updates to EOF personnel, as information becomes available.

1.8 Verify that 4 Offsite Field Team Members are available to support Emergency Operations Facility activities. This is minimum staffing required to activate the Emergency Operations Facility, see Addendum 1.

1.9 If Emergency Response Organization personnel have not arrived within approximately I hour of the initial call-out, then direct the Assistant Support Organization Director to contact an alternate or verify whether the primary is still responding.

1.10 Consult with the Radiological Director to determine whether any special actions should be taken at the Visitors Center (if open):

1.10.1 Inform the Emergency Director of any special actions identified for the Visitors Center.

1.10.2 Contact the Visitors Center and inform them of the emergency condition. Provide any special instructions determined appropriate.

1.11 As time permits, begin placing information on the Major Events Chronology Status Board. Provide information on an ongoing basis to be listed on the Board.

1.12 Contact the Matagorda County Emergency Management Director and provide your telephone number as an information contact until the Matagorda County EOC Liaison arrives.

1.13 Contact the Duty Officer, Division of Emergency Management, State of Texas and provide your telephone number as an information contact until the State of Texas EOC Liaison arrives.

OERPOI1-ZV-EF02 Rev. 8 Page 9 of 15 Sheet 1 Deputy EOF Director Data Sheet I 'Deputy EOF Director Checklist Page 3 of 9 Action Time 1.14 When the Matagorda County EOC Liaison arrives at the Emergency Operations Center and establishes contact with the Emergency Operations Facility, provide a briefing of the current situation.  :

1.15 When the State of Texas EOC Liaison arrives at the State Emergency Operations Center in Austin and establishes contact with the Emergency Operations Facility, provide a briefing of the current situation. -_ _

2.0 SECURITY EVENT 2.1 DISCUSS with EOF Director and ENSURE contact is made with the TSC Security Manager. VERIFY:

2.1.1 Understanding of the threat made against STP.

2.1.2 Communications are established between STP Security and the Matagorda County Sheriff's Office.

2.1.3 STP is implementing the Safeguards Contingency Plan. >

2.1.4 Safe pathways are established for responding ERO/Station Staff through potentially hazardous areas. Pay particular attention to safe pathways to Emergency Response Facilities. _

2.2 DISCUSS the following with the EOF Director:

2.2.1 The Licensing Director establishes contact with the NRC Operations Center, NRC Region IV, and the NRC Resident Inspector to ensure they have been notified.

2.2.2 The Site Public Affairs Coordinator coordinates with the Emergency Director or designee AND the TSC Security Manager and issues a press release.

2.2.3 TSC Manager and Emergency Director discuss / determine any early staffing of the STP Emergency Response Facilities.

2.2.4 TSC Manager and Emergency Director discuss / determine any early dismissal plan.

2.3 Contact the Security Manager and discuss/coordinate Law Enforcement arrival onsite.

I OERPO1-ZV-EF02 Rev. 8 Page 10 of 15 Deputy EOF Director Data Sheet 1 l Deputy EOF Director Checklist lI Page 4 of 9 3.0: SITE EVACUATION 3.1 Coordinate with the Assistant TSC Manager and complete Deputy EOF: N/A Director responsibilities in OERPO1-ZV-IN05, Site Evacuation.

4.0 SEVERE WEATHER 4.1 Periodically contact the National Weather Service for updates on N/A flooding conditions.

4.2 Review OPGP03-ZV-0001, Severe Weather Guidelines to determine if N/A any special precautions should be implemented for the Emergency Operations Facility.

4.3 Ensure Radiological Director has implemented protective measures for N/Ax offsite Field Teams.

5.0 ACTIVATION OF THE FEDERAL RESPONSE CENTER 5.1 When notified of the arrival of federal agency personnel to activate the N/A Federal Response Center, direct the Federal Response Agency Liaison to report to the Bay City Convention Center to assist with activation and logistics.

5.2 Keep the Emergency Director advised of the status of activation of the N/A Federal Response Center.

. . OERPO1-ZV-EF02 - - Rev. 8 Page 11 of 15 Deputy EOF Director Data Sheet 1 I Deputy EOF Director Checklist Page 5 of 9 Actinn Time 6.0 TOXIC GAS/CHEMICAL RELEASE FROM NEARBY CHEMICAL FACILITIES 6.1 Move any personnel in or outside the Nuclear Training Facility into N/A -.

the Emergency Operations Facility.

6.2 Verify the Radiological Director has switched the ventilation to N/A Recirculation Mode.

6.3 Ensure Radiological Director has implemented protective measures for / . .A offsite Field Teams as necessary.

7.0 AIRCRAFT CRASH ACTIVITIES 7.1 If an Aircraft Crash is inside the Protected Area, Assist the Control N/A Room and/or Technical Manager in implementing procedure OPGP04-ZO-0007, Aircraft Crash Onsite.

7.2 If an Aircraft Crash is in the Owner Controlled Area but outside the N/A Protected Area, then inform the Control Room and/or Technical I .


Manager you will be implemeinting'procedure OPGP04-ZO-0007, Aircraft Crash Onsite. ,I 8.0 EVACUATION OF THE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY 8.1 Inform the Assistant TSC Manager of the plans to evacuate the N/A Emergency Operations Facility:

8.2 Direct the Offsite Agency Communicator to inform the County, State, N/A and Federal Liaisons of the plans to evacuate the Emergency Operations Facility.

8.3 Collect the following:

8.3.1 Completed logs and checklists. N/A

OERPO1-ZV-EFO2 Rev. 8 Page 12 of 15 Deputy EOF Director Data Sheet I Deputy EOF Director Checklist l Page 6 of 9 l Action Time 8.3.2 Deputy EOF Director's Emergency Response Manual. N/A 8.3.3 Copy of the information from the Emergency Operations N/A Facility Priority Tracking Status Board.

8.3.4 Follow any special precautions issued by the Radiological N/A Director.

8.3.5 When directed by the Emergency Director, then proceed to the N/A Alternate Emergency Operations Facility.

8.3.6 Upon arrival at the Alternate Emergency Operations Facility, N/A implement OERPO 1-ZV-OFO 1, Alternate Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and Deactivation.

8.3.7 Upon arrival to the Alternate Emergency Operations Facility, N/A reestablish contact with the Assistant TSC Manager.

8.3.8 Upon arrival at the Alternate Emergency Operations Facility, N/A direct the Offsite Agency Communicator to contact the County, State, and Federal Liaisons and provide a telephone number for future contacts.

9.0 CONTINUING ACTIVITIES 9.1 Coordinate the activities of the Emergency Operations Facility staff. N/A Focus on providing support to the Technical Support Center and assisting in the evaluation of the situation including identifying corrective actions.

9.2 Maintain an ongoing chronology of key events through contact with N/A the Assistant TSC Manager and from information obtained by the Emergency Operations Facility staff.

9.3 Maintain a file of documents received from the Technical Support N/A Center.

9.4 Provide response to requests for information from the State of Texas N/A and Matagorda County.

l OERPO1-ZV-EF02 . Rev. 8 Page 13 of 15

- Deputy EOF Director Data Sheet 1 Deputy EOF Director Checklist Page 7 of 9 Action Time 9.5 Upgrade the Emergency Classification status board as required. N/A NOTE Equistar needs a minimum of 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> to shutdown.:

Celanese needs a minimum of 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> to shutdown.

Both facilities need as much time as possible to shutdown, Preferably 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />, to avoid damage to their facilities.

9.6 If the event is radiologically based, then discuss with the Radiological N/A -

Director the potential for the situation to escalate and impact operations at either Equistar (7 mi. E) or Celanese (4.8 mi. NNE).

Direct the EOF Liaison to establish communications, and provide information on the situation. Provide a telephone number for updates.

9.7 Ensure major event information is provided to the Status Board N/A Keeper to be posted on the Major Events Chronology Status Board.

9.8 Ensure key Directors keep current information flowing to the Status Board Keeper.

9.9 Periodically meet with the Engineering Assistant, Support N/A Organization Director, and Licensing Director to review the status of notifications to offsite agencies and Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

9.10 Ensure that the information needed by the offsite agencies and Nuclear Regulatory Commission is being provided in a timely manner.

9.11 Provide information to the Status Board Keeper to update the EOF N/A:

Priority Tracking and Protective Actions Implemented by Matagorda County Status Boards after each Emergency Director's status briefing and as priorities are changed by the Emergency Director.

9.11.1 Provide the Protective Actions implemented by Matagorda N/A County to the Assistant Technical Support Center Manager.

I I OERPO1-ZV-EF02 I Rev. 8 l Page 14 of 15 Deputy EOF Director Data Sheet 1 I Deputy EOF Director Checklist I - Page 8 of 9 Action Time 10.0 RECOVERY ACTIVITIES 10.1 Update the Emergency Classification Board. N/A 10.2 Verify the Engineering Assistant has initiated completion of the N/A Offsite Notification Message Form.

10.3 Provide information to the Status Board Keeper to update the Major N/A Events Chronology Status Board.

10.4 Develop a list of activities and tasks that should be completed using N/A OERPO1-ZV-RE02, Documentation, Form 1, Corrective Action Items List.

10.5 Collect the Corrective Action Items List from the EOF Directors. N/A Review the lists with the Directors and assign priorities to tasks.

Provide the prioritized list to the EOF Director.

10.6 Assist in the development of recovery plans and procedures using the N/A guidance in OERPO1-ZV-REO1, Recovery Operations.

11.0 TERMINATION ACTIVITIES 11.1 Update the Emergency Classification Board. N/A 11.2 Verify the Engineering Assistant has initiated completion of the N/A Offsite Notification Message Form.

11.3 Provide a list of any supplies or forms needing replenishment to the N/A Assistant Support Organization Director.

11.4 Develop a list of activities and tasks that should be completed using N/A.

OERPO1-ZV-RE02 Form 1, Corrective Action Items List.

11.5 Collect and organize in chronological order all documents, checklists, N/A and logs.

OERPOI-ZV-EF02 Rev. 8 Page 15 of 15 Deputy EOF Director Data Sheet 1 Deputy EOF Director Checklist Page 9 of 9 Action Time 11.6 Collect the Corrective Action Items List from the EOF Directors. N/A Review the lists with the Directors and assign priorities to tasks.

Provide the prioritized list to the EOF Director.

  • 11.7 Assist the EOF Director in completing the Ernergency Response N/A Summary report using the guidance in OERPO1-ZV-RE02, Documentation.

11.8 Turn over all documentation generated during the emergency to the N/A Emergency Response Division.

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION D0527 STI 31716431 OERPO1-ZV-EF04 Rev. 6 Page 1 of 10 Technical Director Quality Non Safety-Related Usage: N/A Effective Date: 03/25/04 Max Keyes - N/A N/A Emergency Response Division PREPARER TECHNICAL - USER COGNIZANT ORGANIZATION Table of Contents Page

1.0 Purpose and Scope

...........  ;..2 2.0 Responsibilities

....... 2....2 3.0 References..2 4.0 Procedure -.. 3 5.0 Support Documents ............................ . . . .... 3 Addendum 1, Shift Turnover Briefing. ..  ;;..4 Data Sheet 1, Technical Director Checklist . ............................ .. 5

II I OERPO1-ZV-EF04 I Rev. 6 l Page 2 of 10 I Technical Director I

1.0 Purpose and Scope

1.1 This procedure specifies the actions to be completed by the Technical Director in the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) during a declared emergency.

2.0 Responsibilities 2.1 The Technical Director is responsible for 2.1.1 Coordinating the evaluation of plant safety systems and the conditions of the fission product barriers.

2.1.2 Monitoring the Emergency Action Levels (EALs) to determine when changes in the emergency classification may be necessary.

2.1.3 Coordinating with the Radiological Director to determine Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) based on the status of the fission product barriers and the potential for a radiological release.

2.1.4 Functioning as the primary technical interface with the NRC Reactor Safety Coordinator.

2.1.5 Advising the EOF Director on engineering issues.

2.1.6 Obtaining engineering information requested by EOF personnel.

2.1.7 Independently evaluating engineering activities to determine if the correct engineering priorities are established.

2.1.8 Providing technical assistance to the TSC.

2.1.9 Assisting in coordinating arrangements for obtaining contract engineering support.

3.0 References 3.1 STPEGS Emergency Plan 3.2 OERP0I-ZV-IN01, Emergency Classification 3.3 OERP01-ZV-IN02, Notifications to Offsite Agencies 3.4 OERPO1-ZV-IN07, Offsite Protective Action Recommendations 3.5 OERPOI-ZV-REO1, Recovery Operations

I I - OERPO1-ZV-EF04, . l Rev. 6 l Page3oflO

. I - Technical Director '

3.6 OERPO1-ZV-RE02, Documentation 3.7 OPGP05-ZV-0004, Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Users Guide 4.0 Procedure 4.1 When responding to the Emergency Operations Facility implement Data Sheet 1, Technical Director Checklist, Step 1.0 Initial Activities.

4.1.1 Insert the time an activity is completed, for reoccurring activities, document using the Emergency Action Log.

4.2 Implement the appropriate portions of Data Sheet 1, Technical Director Checklist based on the events in progress.

4.3 Use Addendum's and Checklists to help direct emergency activities.

5.0 Support Documents .:-

  • 5.1 Addendum 1, Shift Turnover.Briefmg 5.2 Data Sheet 1, Technical Director Checklist

I OERPOI-ZV-EF04 I Rev. 6 l Page 4 of 10 Technical Director l Addendum 1 I Shift Turnover Briefing I Page 1 of I 1.0 Provide a briefing of the event to the relief person including the following areas:

1.1 Basis of the current emergency classification on the EALs of importance.

1.2 Status of the fission product barriers and critical safety systems, including core damage assessments determined by the TSC.

1.3 Completed checklists.

1.4 Completed logs.

1.5 Recovery plans developed and corrective action items for plant recovery.

1.6 Current shift schedule.

1.7 Engineering activities in progress.

2.0 Inform the following of the transfer of responsibilities to the oncoming shift replacement.

1.8 All EOF Directors 1.9 NRC Reactor Safety Coordinator 1.10 Technical Staff 1.11 Technical Manager 1.12 Engineering Supervisor 1.13 Update the EOF Staffing Board.

3.0 Document the time of turnover and the identity of your relief on your Log and provide copies to your replacement. Provide original log sheets to the Deputy EOF Director.

4.0 Verify your telephone number on the shift schedule. If this telephone number is inside the 10 mile EPZ, then provide an alternate telephone number for contact should evacuation of the EPZ be necessary.

5.0 Take a copy of your shift schedule.

6.0 If issued a TLD, then maintain custody of the TLD until Termination or Recovery.

7.0 Verify possession of a STPNOC Picture Badge for access through possible roadblocks when returning to the site for the next shift or request a replacement Picture Badge from the Support Orientation Coordinator.

8.0 Inform the individual responsible for access control to the EOF of the shift change and sign out when leaving the EOF.

OERPOI-ZV-EF04 Rev. 6 Page5of10 Technical Director .

Data Sheet 1 Technical Director Checklist Page I of 6 (Name) (Date) (Unit)

Action Time 1.0 INITIAL ACTIONS 1.1 Report to the EOF and sign in on the EOF staffing board.

1.2 Ensure the following documents are available:

1.2.1 Technical Director's Emergency Response Manual.

1.2.2 Technical Specifications (Records Room).

1.3 Verify that the System Status Evaluator and the Technical Staff have arrived.

1.4 Review the status of the systems needed to mitigate the emergency condition with the System Status Evaluator. Determine failure modes that may occur and the impact on the overall effort to resolve the emergency condition.

1.5 Contact the Engineering Supervisor:

1.5.1 Obtain a status of engineering support activities initiated and underway.,

1.5.2 Obtain a list of current engineering priorities.

1.6 Assign the System Status Evaluator or Technical Staff personnel to monitor the Integrated Computer System (ICS) for adverse trends or changes in key parameter values. Direct the individual to provide data to the Status Board Keeper to update the Critical Safety Function Status Board, and to trend other key parameters on the Trending Status Board.

1.7 Obtain the status of the unaffected Unit from the Operations Manager in-the Control Room (CR) and record on the Unaffected Unit Status Board.

-1.8 Initiate an Emergency Action Log.'

OERPO1-ZV-EF04 j Rev. 6 l Page 6 of 10 Technical Director Data Sheet 1 Technical Director Checklist Page 2 of 6 Action Time 2.0 ASSESSMENT ACTIONS 2.1 Review the current technical parameters and OERPO1-ZV-INO1, Emergency Classification with the System Status Evaluator to confirm that the correct emergency classification was declared. Determine the emergency action levels (EALs) which would cause an escalation to Site Area Emergency or General Emergency and the conditions which must be met to Terminate or enter Recovery. Enter Step 6.0 if Recovery is announced or Step 7.0 if Termination is announced.

2.2 Evaluate plant parameters to determine if plant conditions are improving or worsening. Identify additional plant parameters that should be monitored by the System Status Evaluator.

2.3 Brief the EOF Director.

3.0 SPECIAL ACTIONS 3.1 Determination of Core Damage:

3.1.1 If core damage is suspected, then contact the Technical Manager and review the parameters indicating core damage.

3.1.2 Maintain periodic contact with the Technical Manager to stay current with the status of the core damage assessment.

3.1.3 Monitor the status of the remaining barriers (RCS, Containment).

3.1.4 Consult OERPO 1-ZV-INO 1, Emergency Classification to determine if the emergency classification should be escalated.

3.1.5 Periodically, or when parameters change, brief the Emergency Director on the status of core damage assessment.

3.2 Earthquakes

3.2.1 Verify with the System Status Evaluator the status of plant systems. Determine if any additional complications have occurred.

OERPOI-ZV-EF04 Rev. 66

.Pa -Rv Page7 of 10 Technical Director Data Sheet1 Technical Director Checklist Page3of6 Action Time 3.2.2 Review the earthquake EALs with the System Status Evaluator.

3.2.3 Brief the EOF Director.

3.3 Security Threat:

3.3.1 With the Radiological Director, assess the potential for the Security threat to create or complicate a radiological release. -___ :

3.3.2 With the System Status Evaluator, identify vital equipment that could be at risk due to the Security threat. _ ._

3.3.3 Brief the EOF Director. :_:

3.4 Contract Engineering Support: i 3.4.1 Coordinate with the Procurement/Resources Supervisor to obtain contract-engineering support when requested from the Technical Manager or the Emergency Director.

3.5 Evacuation of the EOF:

3.5.1 Collect all completed checklists, logs, forms, and the Technical Director's Emnergency Response Manual.

3.5.2 Follow any special precautions issued by the Radiological Director for proceeding to the Alternate EOF. .-

3.5.3 Direct the System Status Evaluator, Technical Staff, and the Engineering Assistant to gather their checklists, logs, forms and Emergency Response Manuals.

3.5.4 When directed by the EOF Director, then proceed to the Alternate EOF.

3.6 Keep the NRC Reactor Safety Coordinator briefed on the following:

3.6.1 Status of the event classification and prognoses for escalation _ _

OERPOI-ZV-EFO4 Rev. 6 Page 8 of 10 Technical Director Data Sheet I Technical Director Checklist Page 4 of 6 Action Time 3.6.2 Ongoing/imminent damage to the facility including affected equipment and safety features.

3.6.3 Projected toxic or radiological release rate:

a. Prognosis for increasing/termination.
b. Assessment basis.
c. Health effect/consequences to onsite/offsite people.
d. How many onsite/offsite people are/will be affected and to what extent.

3.6.4 Event control:

a. When was control established, or what is the planned action to bring the event under control.
b. What actions are under way or planned?

3.6.5 Onsite protective measures that have been taken or planned.

3.6.6 Offsite protective action recommendations made to the state and county officials.

3.6.7 Status of state, county, and federal responses.

3.6.8 Status of the Joint Information Center.

3.6.9 Status of public information activities such as siren/radio activation, EAS broadcasts, or press releases.

4.0 ONGOING ACTIONS 4.1 Ensure that fission product barrier trends identified by the System Status Evaluator that indicate a worsening condition are brought to the attention of the EOF Director.

4.2 Periodically compare plant conditions versus the EALs in OERP01-ZV-IN01, Emergency Classification, with the System Status Evaluator. Verify the correctness of the current emergency classification.

- OERPO1-ZV-EF04 Rev. 6 Page9oflO Technical Director Data Sheet 1 Technical Director Checklist 'Page 5 of 6 Action Time 4.3 Participate in the Emergency Director status briefings. Be prepared to provide information. Following the meeting, brief your staff on plant status and ongoing activities.

4.4 Ensure the technical status boards and trending boards are kept current, including the Critical Safety Function Status Board and the Unaffected

  • Unit Status Board.

4.5 Advise the EOF Director on engineering issues and priorities._

4.6 Obtain engineering information requested by EOF personnel.  :

4.7 Periodically contact the TSC Engineering Supervisor. Independently evaluate TSC engineering activities to determine if the correct priorities are established for engineering tasks.

4.8 Provide technical and engineering assistance to the TSC, as requested.

4.9 Monitor engineering activities-underway by the TSC and identify major work scopes that will be necessary during the Recovery phase. Begin planning for the restoration effort that will be needed to return the plant to normal operation.

4.10 Maintain an Emergency Action Log.

5.0 SHIFT CHANGE 5.1 Upon arrival of your shift replacement, complete all actions listed in Addendum 1. Include the System Status Evaluator, the Technical Staff, and the Engineering Assistant in the briefing.

6.0 RECOVERY ACTIONS 6.1 Contact the Technical Manager and review engineering activities, priorities, and manpower.

6.2 Discuss with the EOF Director the engineering activities needed during the Recovery phase and determine whether the responsibility for engineering should remain with the TSC or whether the engineering function and Engineering Supervisor should report to the Technical Director. Inform the Technical Manager and Engineering Supervisor of the decision.

OERPOI-ZV-EF04 Rev. 6 Page 10 of 10 Technical Director l Data Sheet I Technical Director Checklist l Page 6 of 6 Action Time 6.3 Contact the Technical Manager and determine if additional technical support is needed by the TSC during the recovery phase.

6.4 Develop a list of activities and tasks that should be completed using OERPOI-ZV-RE02, Form 1, Corrective Action Items List, and provide a copy of the list to the Deputy EOF Director.

6.5 Assist in the development of recovery plans and procedures using the guidance in OERPOI-ZV-REO1, Recovery Operations.

6.6 Maintain an Emergency Action Log.

6.7 If a shift change occurs, then brief your replacement based on the applicable sections of Addendum 1. Include the System Status Evaluator, Technical Staff, and the Engineering Assistant in the briefing.

7.0 TERMINATION ACTIONS 7.1 Develop a list of activities and tasks that should be completed using OERPO1-ZV-RE02, Form 1, Corrective Action Items List, and provide a copy of the list to the Deputy EOF Director.

7.2 Provide a list of any supplies or forms needing replenishment to the Assistant Support Organization Director.

7.3 Collect and organize in chronological order all documents, checklists and logs.

7.4 With the assistance of the System Status Evaluator and Technical Staff, write an Emergency Response Summary report using the guidance in OERPOI-ZV-RE02, Documentation. Provide this report to the Deputy EOF Director.

7.5 Turn over all documentation generated during the emergency to the Deputy EOF Director.


-- - Assembly and Accountability' Quality Non Safety-Related Usage: NA Effective Date: 03/25/04 Max Keyes N/A N/A Emcrgcncy Responsc Division PREPARER . - -TECHNICAL;. USER COGNIZANT ORGANIZATION Table of Contents Page

1.0 Purpose and Scope

.. . . .2 2.0 Definitions . . . . 2 3.0 Precautions and Limitations ,.

.;.; ............ ..... ...................... ............. 2 4.0 Responsibilities .......
2 5.0 Procedure....3 6.0 R eferences .. . ........;;.:..4. 4 6.0efe ence ................ ....... ......... ... ........ ....... ...................................................

7.0 Support Documents ....... _5 Addendum I - Assembly Areas and Coordinators .............................. . . . . 6 Addendum 2, Assembly and Accountability Flowchart ......................................  : .;. 7 Data Sheet 1 - Security Manager Checklist .............................. . . . . 8 Data Sheet 2 - Radiological Manager Checklist .............................. . . . . 9; ;  :

Data Sheet 3 - TSC Manager Checklist... 10 Form I - Missing Persons ........................ 11-Form 2 - Manual Accountability  ;

.....................  ; 12

I l OERPO1-ZV-IN04 I Rev. 10 I Page 2ofl2 Assembly and Accountability

1.0 Purpose and Scope

1.1 This procedure describes the actions necessary to perform assembly and accountability for

- the Protected Area.

1.2 This procedure implements the requirements of the South Texas Project Electric Generating Station (STPEGS) Emergency Plan specific to Assembly and Accountability.

1.3 This procedure is to be implemented whenever a situation occurs in which verification of the location and safety of personnel within the Protected Area is necessary.

1.4 This procedure may be implemented at any time under the authority of the Emergency Director, and is required to be implemented for a Site Area or General Emergency.

2.0 Definitions 2.1 ASSEMBLY AREA COORDINATOR: Employee(s) designated to control a specific assembly area. Assembly Area Coordinators are identified in Addendum 1, Assembly Areas and Coordinators.

2.2 PROTECTED AREA: The area within the physical barrier surrounding the power block of Unit One and Unit Two to which access is controlled.

3.0 Precautions and Limitations 3.1 Accountability shall be completed within 30 minutes of sounding the assembly alarm.

(CR 90-518) 3.2 Visitors in the Protected Area shall remain the responsibility of their escort during assembly and accountability. Escorts assigned responsibilities as part of the Emergency Response Organization may re-assign visitors to other qualified escorts.

3.3 In the event accountability cardreaders or the security system fails, accountability shall be completed manually.

4.0 Responsibilities 4.1 The Shift Supervisor is responsible for ensuring implementation of this procedure until the Technical Support Center assumes command and control.

4.2 The TSC Manager is responsible for ensuring implementation of this procedure, once the TSC assumes command and control.

4.2.1 The TSC Manager is responsible for the overall coordination during search and rescue activities.

i OERPO1-ZV-IN04 l Rev. 1o: Page3ofl2 l Assembly and Accountability l 4.3 The Assistant TSC Manager is responsible for the overall coordination of this procedure and the tracking of activities to ensure all actions are completed.

4.4 The Control Room Onsite Communicator or Security Manager is responsible to make the page announcements to initiate accountability.

4.5 The Security Manager is responsible for developing the list of personnel not accounted for, and ensuring the public address announcements relative to assembly and accountability are made.

4.5.1 The Acting Security Manager is responsible for Security Manager activities until the Technical Support Center is activated.

4.6 The Radiological Manager is responsible for verifying habitability of assembly areas if the emergency is complicated by radiological conditions, and for determining assembly routes.

4.6.1 The Acting Radiological Manager is responsible for Radiological Manager activities until the Technical Support Center is activated.

4.7 The Radiological Manager is responsible for recommending activation of a reception center if evacuating personnel may become contaminated.

4.8 Protected Area Assembly Area Coordinators are responsible for ensuring all personnel within their assembly area card in on the accountability cardreaders or if necessary completing manual accountability.

5.0 Procedure 5.1 If a Site Area or General Emergency is declared, or a situation occurs in which verification of location and safety of personnel within the Protected Area is necessary, then implement assembly and accountability unless assembly would place personnel in a more hazardous situation. This may include a fire near an assembly area, a severe weather situation in which movement of people would be hazardous, or an ongoing Security threat.

5.2 Personnel performing work activities when the assembly alarm sounds shall immediately proceed to an assembly area via a designated route unless terminating the work will put the plant in an unsafe condition, result in a personnel hazard,- or the individual is part of an assigned emergency response activity. For these situations, accountability shall be performed through contact"with' Security or the Operations Support Center via radio or telephone.

I OERPOI-ZV-IN04 I Rev. 10 I Page4ofl2 Assembly and Accountability 5.3 Personnel working in the Radiologically Controlled Area (RCA) shall report to the 41 '

RCA Access Control Point. Personnel shall then exit the RCA using normal contamination control methods, log out of the RCA and card in on the accountability cardreader. If arrival at the assembly area will require more than 20 minutes, then contact Security.

5.4 Security Manager, implement Data Sheet 1, Security Manager Checklist.

5.4.1 If the accountability cardreaders or security system fails, then implement manual accountability.

a. Initiate a Sweep inside the Protected Area.

5.5 If the Technical Support Center is not activated, the Acting Security Manager shall implement steps 4.0-8.0 of Data Sheet 1, Security Manager Checklist.

5.6 Radiological Manager, implement Data Sheet 2, Radiological Manager Checklist.

5.7 TSC Manager, implement Data Sheet 3, TSC Manager Checklist.

5.8 Protected Area Assembly Area Coordinators should ensure that personnel promptly card in and remain in their assembly area until accountability is complete or logged out of an area with an intended destination.

5.8.1 Ensure all personnel assembled inside the Protected Area sign-in on Form 2, Manual Accountability.

5.8.2 Forward completed Form 2, Manual Accountability within 20 minutes to the Security Force Supervisor.

6.0 References 6.1 STPEGS Emergency Plan 6.2 OPGP05-ZV-0004, Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Users Guide 6.3 OERPOl-ZV-IN05, Site Evacuation 6.4 CR 90-518, NRC Inspection Report 90-10-05 LCTS 9000791-936

II - OERP01-ZV-JN04 -- - I Rev. 10 I Page 5 of2 Assembly and Accountability.

7.0 Support Documents 7.1 Addendum 1, Assembly Areas and Coordinators 7.2 Addendum 2, Assembly and Accountability'Flowchart 7.3 Data Sheet 1, Security Manager Checklist 7:

7.4 Data Sheet 2, Radiological Manager Checklist 7.5 Data Sheet 3, TSC Manager Checklist 7.6 Form 1, Missing Persons 7.7 Form 2, Manual Accountabilityi -.

. . . . I I :1  :-

OERPO1-ZV-IN04 I Rev. 10 Page=6 of 12 Assembly and Accountability Addendum 1 Assembly Areas and Coordinators Page I of I ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY TELEPHONE ACCOUNTABILITY GROUP AREA AREA NUMBER METHOD COORDINATOR I Personnel 4lFoot RCA HP Supervisor/ 6347 (Ul) Accountability exiting RCA Access Control Designee Cardreader Point 6339 (U2) 2 Assigned Control Room Shift Supervisor 8614 (U1)) Accountability Control Room Cardreader Personnel 7953 (U2) 3 TSC Staff TSC Security Manager 8826 (UI) Accountability Cardreader 8721 (U2) 4 OSC Staff OSC OSC Coordinator 8899 Accountability Cardreader 5 Security Security Duty Security Force 7143 Report to CAS/SAS Personnel Stations Supervisor Phone or Radio 6 ERO Personnel Maintenance As Assigned by 6122 Accountability Operations the OSC cardreaders Facility (MOF) Coordinator 6574 Gator Grill 7 Personnel Nuclear Designated by the Designated by the N/A Exiting East Support Center Emergency Emergency Gatehouse (NSC) Communications Communications Directory Directory 8 Personnel Building 52 Designated by the Designated by the N/A Exiting West Steam Emergency Emergency Gatehouse Generator Test Communications Communications Directory Directory

I OERPO1-ZV-1N04 - Rev. 10 Page 7 of 12 Assembly and Accountability Addendum 2 Assembly and Accountability Flowchart Page I of I ENTRY REQUIREMENT: A Site Area Emergency or General Emergency has been declared or the Emergency Director has initiated Assembly and Accountability.

STA.T MAKE THE FOLLOWING PA ANNOUNCEMENT Attention, Attention, Assembly and Accountability has been ordered for all -l personnel in the protected area. All

/ Is a emergency response organization Radiological \Direction personnel report to your emergency Release in from 250 to response facility and immediately c;ard-in Progress? on Accountability Card-Readers. A other personnel should exit via the West Gatehouse, and assemble in Buildir ig 52 Steam Generator Testing. No eatin,lgo drinking, or smoking is allowed by evacuees.

NO -NO MAKE THE FOLLOWING PA ANNOUNCEMENT Attention, Attention, Assembly and Accountability has been ordered foi r all

/ personnel in the protected area. All emergency response organization R l X personnel report to your emergency Outage in response facilityand immediately card-in Progress? on Accountability Card-Readers. AL11

\ .'nther nersnnnel shnti1d e~xit via the IEast Gatehouse, and assemble 'in the Nuclear Support Center Cafeteria. No eating, drinking, or smoking is allowed by INO evacuees.

MAKE THE FOLLOWING PA MAKE THE FOLLOWING PA ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Attention, Attention, Assembly and Attention, Attention, Assembly and Accountability has been ordered for all Accountability has been ordered for all personnel in the protected area. All personnel in the protected area. All emergency response organization Emergency Response Organization personnel report to your emergency personnel report to your emergency response facility and immediately card-in 'res 'onse'facility and immediately card-in on Accountability Card-Readers. All on accountability card-readers. All other other personnel should exit the East personnel should exit the protected area Gatehouse, and assemble in the Nuclear and assemble in Building 52 Steam Support Center Cafeteria. Generator Testing or the Nuclear Support Center Cafeteria.

Data Sheet 1 OERPOI-ZV-IN04 Assembly and Accountability Security Manager Checklist l Rev. 10 Page 8 of 12 Page 1 of I j

(Name) (Date) (Unit)

Action Time NOTE The Acting Security Manager is responsible for completing steps 5.0-9.0 of the Security Manager Checklist until the Technical Support Center is activated.

1.0 Determine wind direction locally or from the Radiological Manager 2.0 Sound the assembly alarm for about 10 seconds and make the appropriate Site Announcement identified in Addendum 2, Assembly and Accountability Flowchart.

3.0 Direct the Security Force Supervisor to open the West Gatehouse for exiting personnel if applicable.

4.0 Approximately every 5 minutes repeat the assembly alarm and announcement until accountability is complete.

5.0 IF the Security Computer System fails, THEN initiate a Protected Area Sweep to ensure all personnel are complying with the assembly and accountability announcement, use Operations Support Center personnel as available.

6.0 Assembly Area Coordinators are listed in Addendum 1. If, the accountability cardreaders or security system failed, then implement manual accountability using Form 2. Inform the Assistant TSC Manager (or Shift Supervisor) when completed.

7.0 Halt ingress to the Gatehouses, except for Emergency Response Organization (ERO) personnel, NRC, or as approved by the Emergency Director. Inform the Assistant TSC Manager (or Shift Supervisor) when completed.

8.0 Approximately 20 minutes after the sounding of the assembly alarm, contact the Security Force Supervisor and request a list of any missing persons using Form 1.

9.0 When appropriate, and if necessary return Gatehouse portal radiation monitors to normal operating conditions with assistance from Radiation Protection. Inform the Assistant TSC Manager (or Shift Supervisor) when completed.

l OERPOl-ZV-IN04 Rev. 10 Page 9of 12

-t-Xe-t- Assembly and Accountability Data Sheet 2 Radiological Manager Checklist Page I of I (Name) (Date) (Unit)

Action Time

, NOTE The Acting Radiological Manager is responsible for completion of the Radiological Manager Checklist  :

until the Technical Support Center is activated.

1.0 If assembly and accountability radiation protection coverage is -; .

required, then dispatch technician(s) to the appropriate Gatehouse  ;

to monitor exiting personnel. .

2.0 If the event involves radiological problems, then verity habitability v of the assembly areas. Inform the Assistant TSC Manager (or Shift Supervisor) when completed.

3.0 IF the Radiological Director is unavailable AND a site evacuation .

  • is planned after assembly and accountability, implement appropriate steps in procedure OERPO1-ZV-IN05, Site Evacuation

OERPO1-ZV-IN04 Rev. 10 Page IO of 12 Assembly and Accountability Data Sheet 3 TSC Manager Checklist Page I of 1 (Name) (Date) (Unit)

Action Time NOTE The Shift Supervisor is responsible for completion of the TSC Manager Checklist until the Technical Support Center is activated.

1.0 Review Form 1, Missing Persons with the Radiological Manager, Security Manager, and Assistant TSC Manager (Security Force Supervisor if TSC is not activated) and determine the next actions to take, including:

1.1 Making PA announcements requesting callback from the missing person(s).

1.2 Requesting information from personnel at the assembly areas concerning the missing person(s).

1.3 Dispatch search and rescue teams. Direct TSC personnel to implement the search and rescue section of their procedures.

2.0 Continue to coordinate the effort to locate all missing person(s) until compete.

3.0 Implement OERPO1-ZV-IN05, Site Evacuation, as appropriate for conditions.

Il OERPOI-ZV-IN04 l Rev. 10 I Page 11 of 12

. Assembly and Accountability.

Formi1 l . - Missing Persons I Page I of I .

To be completed by Security and provided to the TSC Manager (or Shift Supervisor) within 30 minutes of sounding the assembly alarm.

The following persons are considered Missing Persons: -


-__-_:_CHECKED I

_ _I . I.I Completed by:

(Name / Title)

Date: Time:

When competed, this record shall be retained in accordance with the Document Type List (DTL)

OERPOI-ZV-IN04 Rev. 10 l Page 12 of 12 Assembly and Accountability Form 2 7 Manual Accountability I Page I of I Assembly Area: Date:

If the cardreader fails, then the Assembly Area Coordinators within the Protected Area complete this Form within 20 minutes of sounding the assembly alarm and provide it to the Security Force Supervisor.

The following personnel are accounted for: Page of NAME BADGE NUMBER Completed by:

Assembly Area Coordinator When competed, this record shall be retained in accordance with the Document Type List (DTL)


-- -: Shift Supervisor-- -

Quality Non Safety-Related Usage: N/A Effective Date: 03/25/04 Max Keyes N/A N/A Emergency Response Division PREPARER TECHNICAL USER COGNIZANT ORGANIZATION Table of Contents Page

1.0 Purpose and Scope

.............  :.2 2.0 Responsibilities.2 3.0 Referencesiblte..... 3 4.0 Proceduren ............  ;.....3 5.0 Support Documents.5 Addendum 1, Protective Action Recommendation Flowchart .6 Addendum 2, Core/Containment Status Table ..................................................  : . 7 Addendum 3, Radiological Release Table .8 Addendum 4, Protective Response Zones .9 Addendum 5, Aisembly and Accountability Flowchart ...................................... 10 Data Sheet 1, Unusual Event Checklist .. 11 Data Sheet 2, Alert Checklist .................... 17 Data Sheet 3, Site Area Emergency Checklist ............................... 23 Data Sheet 4, General Emergency Checklist .28 Data Sheet 5, Termination Checklist ............................... 33 X..

I I OERPOl-ZV-SHO1 I Rev. 19 Page 2 of 33 I Shift Supervisor I

1.0 Purpose and Scope

1.1 This procedure specifies the actions to be completed by the Shift Supervisor in the Control Room during a declared emergency.

2.0 Responsibilities 2.1 The Shift Supervisor of the affected Unit is responsible for:

2.1.1 Recognizing, classifying and declaring the emergency.

2.1.2 Assuming the responsibilities and authorities of the Emergency Director until relieved by the TSC Manager or EOF Director.

2.1.3 Completing notifications and Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) to offsite agencies until relieved of Emergency Director responsibility and authority.

2.1.4 Directing initial onsite emergency response activities.

2.1.5 Monitoring plant conditions for changes in emergency action levels (EALs) and emergency classification.

2.1.6 Directing Control Room response to mitigate the emergency condition.

2.1.7 Approving departures from license conditions per 10CFR50.54(x) for Control Room Operator actions and equipment manipulations.

2.1.8 Directing notification of the Emergency Response Organization (ERO), until relieved of Emergency Director responsibility and authority.

2.1.9 Approving, or delegating approval of, press releases prior to issuance until relieved of Emergency Director responsibility and authority.

2.2 The Shift Supervisor of the unaffected Unit is responsible for:

2.2.1 Assuming the responsibilities and authority of Emergency Director if the Shift Supervisor of the affected Unit is unable to assume or continue to perform the duties of the Emergency Director.

2.3 The Unit 1 Shift Supervisor is responsible for:

2.3.1 Assuming the responsibilities and authorities of Emergency Director for events common to both Units.

' ' I OERPO1-ZV7SH01 Rev. 19 Page3 of 33 Shift Supervisor 3.0 References 3.1 STPEGS Emergency Plan 3.2 OERPOI-ZV-INO1, Emergency Classification 3.3 OERPO1-ZV-IN02, Notifications to Offsite Agencies 3.4 OERPO1-ZV-IN03, Emergency Response Organization Notification 3.5 OERPO1-ZV-IN04, Assembly and Accountability 3.6 OERPOI-ZV-IN05, Site Evacuation 3.7 OERPOI-ZV-TSO1, TSC Manager 3.8 OERPOI-ZV-RE02, Documentation 3.9 OPOP04-ZO-0004, Personnel Emergencies 3.10 OPOP02-HE-0002, Technical Support Center HVAC System 3.11 OPGPO9-ZA-0002, Fitness for Duty Program 3.12 OERPOI-ZV-TP03, Severe Accident Management 3.13 NRC Inspection Report 90-10-03 (LCTS #9000789-936) 3.14 OPGP05-ZV-0004, Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Users Guide 4.0 Procedure 4.1 If an Unusual Event or higher emergency classification is declared, implement the appropriate Data Sheet (1, 2, 3, or 4) based on the emergency classification declared. Use these Data Sheets to direct emergency activities.

4.2 If the emergency classification changes, then terminate completion of the current Data Sheet and initiate a new Data Sheet (2, 3, 4, or 5) based on the new emergency classification.

4.3 Request a licensed Reactor Operator from the unaffected Unit (if available) be dispatched to assist.

4.4 Consider restricting hand held radio transmissions during security events that include explosive or electronic controlled devices.

I OERPO1-ZV-SHOI I Rev. 19 l Page4of33 l I Shift Supervisor I 4.5 Assume the responsibilities and authorities of the Emergency Director. The Emergency Director is responsible for making certain key decisions and ensuring their implementation.

The responsibilities which CANNOT be delegated include:

4.5.1 Declaring a new emergency classification.

4.5.2 Approving Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) issued to State and County authorities.

4.5.3 Approving required notifications to the State and County.

4.5.4 Approving exposures in excess of 10CFR20 limits and authorizing the use of Potassium Iodide (KI).

4.5.5 Approving departure from license conditions per IOCFR50.54(x).

4.5.6 Declaring entry into Severe Accident Management Guidelines.

4.6 The following Emergency Director responsibilities and authorities MAY be delegated:

4.6.1 Requesting federal assistance.

4.6.2 Approving press releases prior to issuance.

4.6.3 Approving commitments to the NRC.

4.6.4 Approving required communications with the NRC.

4.7 Upon arrival of the TSC Manager or EOF Director, provide a turnover briefing per OERPO1-ZV-TSOI, Data Sheet 2, Emergency Director Turnover Briefing.

4.8 When Emergency Director responsibilities have been transferred to the TSC Manager or EOF Director, then the Shift Supervisor shall perform the following:

4.8.1 Keep the Emergency Director informed of any plant conditions which could change the EAL or PARs.

4.8.2 Provide ongoing assessment and interface with the Operations Manager, including recommending priorities for repair activities.

4.8.3 Approve departure from license conditions per 10CFR50.54(x) for Control Room Operator actions and equipment manipulations.

. lI OERPOI-ZV-SHO1 l Rev. 19 I Page5of33 Shift Supervisor'l 5.0 Support Documents 5.1 Addendum 1, Protective Action Recommendation Flowchart 5.2 Addendum 2, Core/Containment Status Table 5.3 Addendum 3, Radiological Release Table 5.4 Addendum 4, Protective Response Zones 5.5 Addendum 5, Assembly and Accountability Flowchart 5.6 Data Sheet 1, Unusual Event Checklist 5.7 Data Sheet 2, Alert Checklist 5.8 Data Sheet 3, Site Area Emergency Checklist 5.9 Data Sheet 4, General Emergency Checklist 5.10 Data Sheet 5, Termination Checklist

l OERPO1-ZV-SH01 I Rev. 19 I Page 6 of 33 Shift Supervisor Addendum 1 I Protective Action Recommendation Flowchart Page I of I ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: A General Emergency AND a radiological release is in progress AND time does not permit the calculation and evaluation of downwind doses OR personnel are not available to complete these calculations.






YES GO TO ADDENDUM 3 To select the appropriate downwind sectors, refer to Addendum 4, Protective Response Zones.

0 ERP01-ZV-SH01 .-. - ~Rev. 19 l Page 7of 33 Shift Supervisor' j Addendum 2 Core/Containment Status Table Page I of I ENTRY REOUIREMENTS
General Emergency AND a radiological release is NOT in progress.

Containment High (b)Evacuation Range Radiation - (a)Hatch Monitor Containment Pressure Protective Action Monitor (Rt-8050, 8051) "Recommendations Less Than 200 R/hr Less Than'444 mRlhr N/A 2 Mile Radius (Zone: 1) 2 Mile Radius & 5 Miles

<5 psig .Downwind 200 R/hr to 1,000 R/hr 444 mR/hr to 2,222 nR/hr

Ž5psig5 Mile Radius (Zones:

1,2,3,4,5) 5 Mile Radius & 10

< 5 psigMiles Downwind Greater Than 1,000 R/hr Greater Than 2,222 miR/hr 10 Mile Radius (Zones:

>5lpsig1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1 1)

(a) If the Containment High Range Radiation Monitors'(RT-8050 and RT-805 1) are out of service then use the Hatch'Monitor. '. ' X

' To select the appropriate downwind evacuation zones and sectors refer to Addendum'4, Protective Response Zones.

NOTE: Assumptions used in the calculation of this table are in procedure OERPO1-ZV-IN07, Offsite Protective Action Recommendations, Addendum 2.

OERPO1-ZV-SH01 Rev. 19 Page 8 of 33 Shift Supervisor Addendum 3 Radiological Release Table Page I of I ENTRY REOUIREMENTS: General Emergency WITH a radiological release in progress.

(The below List is in order of preference based on available data)


1. PROJECTED DOSES (For Short Duration Puffs only

< 30 min)

a. Projected doses < PAG a. Two mile radius (I rem TEDE or 5 rem Thyroid CDE) b. Two mile radius and zones in any sector projected to exceed PAG
b. Projected doses> PAG (I rem TEDE or 5 rem Thyroid CDE)


a. Projected doses < PAG (I rem TEDE or 5 rem Thyroid CDE) a. Two mile radius
b. Two mile radius and zones in affected downwind sectors
b. Projected doses > PAG 0-5 miles to 5 miles (I rem TEDE or 5 rem Thyroid CDE) c. Five mile radius and zones in affected downwind sectors
c. Projected doses > PAG 5-10 miles to 10 miles (I rem TEDE or 5 rem Thyroid CDE) d. Ten mile radius and affected downwind sectors in 2-mile
d. Projected doses > PAG at greater than 10-miles increments until PAG is not exceeded.

and dose projection is supported by field team measurements (I rem TEDE or 5 rem Thyroid CDE)

11. DOSE RATES MEASURED AT PLUME CENTERLINE ON EXCLUSION AREA a. Two mile radius BOUNDARY b. Two mile radius and zones in affected downwind sectors
a. <lOO mR/hr to S miles
b. 100 mR/hr to 1000 mRlhr c. Five mile radius and zones in affected downwind sectors to 10 miles
a. Five mile radius and zones in affected downwind sectors
a. > SAL for General Emergency to 10 miles V. DEFAULT VALUES (Addendum I)
a. Five mile radius
a. General Emergency To select the appropriate evacuation zones and downwind sectors refer to Addendum 4, Protective Response Zo

- OERPOl-ZV-SHOl D - l Rev. 19 l Page 9of33 Shift Supervisor Adde m4 l . Protective Response Zones Page I of 1.

AFFECTED ZONES: Determine affected sectors and protective response zones and enter onto OERPO l-ZV-IN02, Data Sheet 1, Offsite Agency Notification Message Form.

TWO MILE RADIUS: Protective Response Zone: 1 FIVE MILE RADIUS: Protective Response Zones: 1, 2, 3,4 & 5 TEN MILE RADIUS: Protective Response Zones: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 WIND AFFECTED . PROTECTIVE RESPONSE ZONE KEY HOLE DIRECTION DOWNWIND 2 Mile Radius & 5 5 Mile Radius & 10 FROM(°) SECTORS Miles Downwind . Miles Downwind 355-5 . H,J,K 1 1,2,3,4,5,8,9 6-16 - H,J,KL 1 1,2,3,4,5,8,9 17-28 JJK,L .I1 1,2,3,4,5,8,9 29-39 . J,K,L,M 1,4 1,2,3,4,5,8,9 40-50 K,L,M 1,4 1,2,3,4,5,8,9 51-61 K,L,M,N . 1,4,5 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,10 62-73 L,M,N 1,4,5 1,2,3,4,5,9,10 74-84 L,M,N,P 1,4,5 1,2,3,4,5,9,10 85-95 - M,NP 1,4,5 1,2,3,4,5,9,10 96-106 M, N, P, Q 1,4,5 1,2,3,4,5,9,10,11 107-118 N,P,Q 1,5 1,2,3,4,5,9,10,11

-119-129 N,P,Q,R 1,5 1,2,3,4,5,9,10,11 130-140 P,Q,R 1,5 1,2,3,4,5,10,11 141-151 P,Q,RA 1,2,5 1,2,3,4,5,10,11 152-163 . Q,R,A 1,2,5 1,2,3,4,5,10,11 164-174 Q,R,A,B 1,2,5 1,2,3,4,5,6,10,11 175-185 R,A,B . 1,2 1,2,3,4,5,6,11 186-196 - RA,BC 1,2 1,2,3,4,5,6,11 197-208 A,B,C 1,2 1,2,3,4,5,6,11 209-219 A,B,C,D 1,2 1,2,3,4,5,6,11 220-230 B,C, D . 1,2 1,2,3,4,5,6 231-241 B,C,D,E 1,2,3 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 242-253 C,D,E 1,2,3 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 254-264 C, D, E, F 1,2,3 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 265-275 - -D, E, F 1,2,3 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 276-286 D, E, F, G . 1,2,3

  • 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 287-298 E,F,G 1,3 1,2,3,4,5,7 299-309 E,F,GH 1,3 1,2,3,4,5,7,8 310-320 F,G,H 1,3 1,2,3,4,5,7,8 321-331 FG,H,J 1,3 1,2,3,4,5,7,8 332-343 G, H, J . 1 1,2,3,4,5,7,8 344-354 . GH,J,K 1 . 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9

OERPOI-ZV-SHO1 I Rev. 19 l Page 10 of 33 Shift Supervisor Addendum 5 Il Assembly and Accountability Flowchart I Page I of I ENTRY REQUIREMENT: A Site Area Emergency or General Emergency has been declared or the Emergency Director has initiated Assembly and Accountability.

MIAKE THE FOLLOWING PA ANNOUNCEMENT Attention, Attention, Assembly and


sa Radiological \YES /

t Direction \ES Accountability has been ordered for all personnel in the protected area. All emergency response organization personnel Release in from 250' oB report to your emergency response facility and immediately card-in on Accountability Card-Readers. All other personnel should exit via the West Gatehouse, and assemble in Building rors? 00 52 Steam Generator Testing. No eating, drinking, or smoking is allowed by evacuees.

MAKE TIlE FOLLOWING PA ANNOUNCEMENT Attention, Attention, Assembly and Accountability has been ordered for all personnel in the protected area. All emergency response organization personnel report to your emergency response facility and

.YES immediately card-in on Accountability Card-Readers. All other personnel should exit via the East Gatehouse, and assemble in the Nuclear Support Center Cafeteria. No eating, drinking, or smoking is allowed by evacuees.

AINO MAKE TIlE FOLLOWING PA MAKE TIlE FOLLOWING PA ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Attention, Attention, Assembly and Attention, Attention, Assembly and Accountability has been ordered for all Accountability has been ordered for all personnel in the protected area. All personnel in the protected area. All emergency response organization personnel Emergency Response Organization personnel report to your emergency response facility and report to your emergency response facility and immediately card-in on Accountability Card- immediately card-in on accountability card-Readers. All other personnel should exit the readers. All other personnel should exit the East Gatehouse, and assemble in the Nuclear protected area and assemble in Building 52 Support Center Cafeteria. Steam Generator Testing or the Nuclear Support Center Cafeteria.

l OERPO1-ZV-SHO1 lRev. 19 Page 11 of 33 Shift Supervisor Data Sheet 1 Unusual Event Checklist. Page I of 6 (Name) (Date) (Unit)

Action - Time 1.0 INITIAL ACTIONS 1.1 Announce to Control Room personnel the declaration of an Unusual Event and the assumption of Emergency Director responsibilities by the Shift Supervisor. - - _

1.2 Ensure the following announcement (or similar announcement) is made over the public address system using the Unit Override button:

CAUTION Public Address Announcements may be changed or delayed due to the following conditions:

Severe weather conditions which could threaten safe transport, a significant radiological hazard which could be encountered, a security threat occurring which could have an adverse impact on personnel moving around or leaving the site.


Give brief description of the event).

1.3 Direct the Control Room Communicators or available personnel to complete the required notifications as described in OERPOI-ZV-1N02, Notifications to Offsite Agencies.

OERPO1-ZV-SHO1 Rev. 19 Page 12 of 33 Shift Supervisor Data Sheet 1 Unusual Event Checklist Page 2 of 6 Action Time

  • No PARs are required for an Unusual Event.
  • State/County shall be contacted within 15 minutes of declaration of the Unusual Event to make emergency notifications.
  • NRC notification shall be made immediately upon completion of State/County notification and no later than one hour after declaring the Unusual Event. If more than one Communicator is available, NRC notification may be made concurrently with State/County notification.

1.4 As appropriate, upon the Onsite Communicator arrival, direct him/her to complete asterisked steps of this Checklist.

  • 1.5 Contact the Duty Operations Manager and brief him/her on the situation.
  • 1.6 Contact the Duty Plant Manager and brief him/her on the situation.
  • 1.7 Contact the STP Coordinator (QSE) and advise him/her of the nature of the emergency.
  • 1.8 Contact the Alarm Station Operator at extension 6042 to verify Emergency Notification and Response System (ENRS) activation.
  • 1.9 If ENRS fails, then direct the Onsite Communicator to notify select management personnel listed in the Onsite Communicator Position Manual.
OERP1-ZV-SH 1'.. Rev. 19 Page 13 of 33 Shift Sup'er'visor' Data Sheet 1 Unusual Event ChecklistPae3o6 Action Time
  • 1.10 Ensure that the following on-shift personnel have responded to their emergency duty station or have contacted the Control Room and are available to respond if needed: -_-_-:_,
  • Onsite Communicator (Control Room)
  • State/County Communicator (Control Room)
  • ENS Communicator (Control Room)
  • Acting Radiological Manager
  • Shift Technical Advisor (Control Room)
  • Acting OSC Coordinator..
  • Acting Security Manager 1.11 If early staffing of the Emergency Response Facilities is desirable, then contact the Alarm Station Operator at extension 6042 and request ENRS activation for Staffing ERO Facilities.

1.12 If any of the following conditions exist, then consider establishing the OSC in accordance with procedure OERPOI-ZV-1N03, Emergency Response Organization Notification, Form 1, Amplifying Information:

  • In-plant radiological conditions are deteriorating;
  • Search and rescue efforts are necessary;
  • Security threat is in progress;
  • Offsite chemical plant release occurs which may impact site operations; ,  ; - -
  • Vital equipment in the plant is in a degraded condition;
  • Shift Supervisorjudgment.

OERPO1-ZV-SHO1 Rev. 19 Page 14 of 33 Shift Supervisor Data Sheet 1 Unusual Event Checklist Page 4 of 6 Action Time 2.0 SPECIAL ACTIONS 2.1 Consider restricting hand held radio transmissions during security events LOG that include explosive or electronic controlled devices.

2.2 Early Dismissal of Non-Essential Personnel 2.2.1 Consider early dismissal of non-essential personnel for the following conditions:

  • The event is declared due to radiological problems and the condition could worsen.
  • A Security event is in progress and removal of personnel from the site would facilitate the ability of Security to respond.
  • Notification of severe weather has been received which could impact the safety of personnel onsite.
  • Notification of an incident at a nearby chemical facility has been received that could impact the site.
  • An orderly shutdown of activities and movement of personnel offsite is warranted.
  • A situation which has a significant potential to develop into unsafe or hazardous conditions onsite exists.

2.2.2 Discuss with the Duty Operations Manager the advisability of conducting early dismissal.

2.2.3 If early dismissal of non-essential personnel in the Protected Area is determined appropriate, then make the following announcement:

OERPO1-ZV-SHOI - Rev. 19 Page 15 of 33 Shift Supervisor Data Sheet 1 Unusual Event Checklist -Page 5of 6 Action Time

  • 2.2.4 If early dismissal of non-essential personnel in the Owner Controlled Area is determined appropriate,' then contact the Security Force Supervisor (Acting Security Manager) and request notification of personnel in the Owner Controlled Area.

2.3 Assembly and Accountability 2.3.1 Implement OERPOI-ZV-1N04, Assembly and Accountability.

2.3.2 If the OSC has been activated, then instruct Plant Operators that have not been assigned tasks to proceed to the OSC for accountability and remain there to support OSC operations.

2.3.3 If persons are determined to be missing as a result of performing Assembly and Acc'ountability,' then contact the Duty Maintenance Supervisor (Acting OSC Coordinator) and provide names and last known locations of the missing persons. Direct the Duty Maintenance Supervisor (Acting OSC Coordinator) to form and dispatch Search and Rescue teams.

2.4 Site Evacuation 2.4.1 Implement OERP01-ZV-IN05, Site Evacuation.

2.5 Personnel Emergencies 2.5.1 Implement OPOP04-ZO-0004, Personnel Emergencies. LOG

OERPO1-ZV-SHO1 Rev. 19 Page 16 of 33 Shift Supervisor Data Sheet 1 Unusual Event Checklist Page 6 of 6 Action Time 2.6 Potential for Radiological Release Occurring or Imminent 2.6.1 Place the affected Unit's TSC HVAC System in emergency/isolation mode or verify automatic transfer has occurred using OPOP02-HE-0002, TSC HVAC System.

  • 2.6.2 Contact unaffected Unit's Shift Supervisor and recommend placing the unaffected Unit's TSC HVAC in emergency/isolation mode.

2.7 Toxic Gas/Chemical Release from Nearby Chemical Facilities 2.7.1 If time permits, then initiate OERP0 I-ZV-IN04, Assembly and Accountability and OERPOI-ZV-IN05, Site Evacuation.

  • 2.7.2 Otherwise, announce over the public address system for all personnel to seek shelter in buildings and turn off ventilation systems. Direct the Security Force Supervisor (Acting Security Manager) to warn personnel outside the Protected Area.

3.0 ONGOING ACTIONS 3.1 Continuously assess plant conditions against OERPO l-ZV-IN0 1, LOG Emergency Classification, to determine if changes to the current emergency classification are warranted.

3.2 Evaluate the need for continued staffing of ERO positions and release LOG unnecessary personnel to return to normal duties.

3.3 Review and approve press releases as applicable. LOG

  • Maintain an Emergency Action Log.

OERPO1-ZV-SHO1l Rev. 19 Page 17 of 33 t'~ hee2 'Shift Supervisor Data Sheet 2 Alert Checklist Page I of 6 (Name) (Date) (Unit)

Action Time 1.0 INITIAL ACTIONS 1.1 Announce to Control Room personnel the declaration of an Alert and the continuation (or assumption) of Emergency Director responsibilities by the Shift Supervisor. ,_',_'

1.2 Ensure the following announcement (or similar announcement) is made over the public address system using the Unit Override button:

CAUTION Public Address Announcements may be changed or delayed due to the following conditions:

Severe weather conditions which could threaten safe transport, a significant radiological hazard which could be encountered, a security threat occurring which could have an adverse impact on personnel moving around or leaving the site.


I .. . . . 1,  %

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I OERPOl-ZV-SHO1 I Rev. 19 l Page 18 of 33 1 Shift Supervisor l Data Sheet 2 1 Alert Checklist I Page 2 of 6 l Action Time 1.3 Direct the Control Room Communicators or available personnel to complete the required notifications as described in OERPO1-ZV-IN02, Notifications to Offsite Agencies.

  • No PARs are required for an Alert.
  • State/County shall be contacted within 15 minutes of the declaration of the Alert to make emergency notifications.
  • NRC notification shall be made immediately upon completion of State/County notification and not later than one hour after declaring the Alert. If more than one Communicator is available, NRC notification may be made concurrently with State/County notification.

1.4 As appropriate, upon the Onsite Communicator arrival, direct him/her to complete asterisked steps of this Checklist.

  • 1.5 Contact the Alarm Station Operator at extension 6042 to verify Emergency Notification and Response System activation.
  • 1.6 Contact the Duty Operations Manager and brief him/her on the situation.
  • 1.7 Contact the Duty Plant Manager and brief him/her on the situation.
  • 1.8 Contact the STP Coordinator (QSE) and advise him/her of the nature of the emergency.
  • 1.9 Ensure that the following on-shift personnel have responded to their emergency duty station:
  • Onsite Communicator (Control Room)
  • State/County Communicator (Control Room)
  • ENS Communicator (Control Room)

OERPO1-ZV-SHO1 Rev. 19 Page 19 of 33 Shift Supervisor Data Sheet 2 Alert Checklist Page 3 of 6 Time Action

  • Shift Technical Advisor (Control Room)
  • Acting Radiological Manager
  • Acting OSC Coordinator
  • Acting Security Manager 2.0 SPECIAL ACTIONS 2.1 Consider restricting hand held radio transmissions during security events LOG that include explosive or electronic controlled devices.

2.2 Early Dismissal of Non-Essential Personnel 2.2.1 Consider early dismissal of non-essential personnel for the following conditions:  :

  • The event is declared due to radiological problems and the condition could worsen.
  • A Security event is in progress and removal of personnel from the site would facilitate the ability of Security to respond. .
  • Notification of severe weather has been received which.

could impact the safety of personnel onsite.

  • Notification of an incident at a nearby chemical facility has been received that could impact the site.

An orderly shutdown of activities and movement of personnel offsite is warranted.

  • A situation with a significant potential to develop into unsafe or hazardous conditions exists onsite.

2.2.2 Discuss with the Duty Operations Manager the advisability of conducting early dismissal.

OERPO1-ZV-SHO1 Rev. 19 Page 20 of 33 Shift Supervisor Data Sheet 2 Alert Checklist Page 4 of 6 Action Time 2.2.3 If early dismissal of non-essential personnel in the Protected Area is determined appropriate, then make the following announcement:



  • 2.2.4 If early dismissal of non-essential personnel in the Owner Controlled Area is determined appropriate, then contact the Security Force Supervisor (Acting Security Manager) and request notification of personnel in the Owner Controlled Area.

2.3 Assembly and Accountability 2.3.1 Implement OERPO I -ZV-IN04, Assembly and Accountability.

2.3.2 Instruct Plant Operators that have not been assigned tasks to proceed to the OSC for Accountability and remain there to support OSC operations.

2.3.3 If missing persons are discovered as a result of performing Assembly and Accountability, then contact the Duty Maintenance Supervisor (Acting OSC Coordinator) and provide names and last known locations of the missing persons. Direct the Duty Maintenance Supervisor (Acting OSC Coordinator) to form and dispatch Search and Rescue teams.

2.4 Site Evacuation 2.4.1 Implement OERPO1-ZV-IN05, Site Evacuation.

OERPO1-ZV-SHO1 Rev. 19 Page21 of33 Shift Supervisor,

.Data Sheet 2 Alert Checklist Page 5of 6 j Action Time 2.5 Personnel Emergencies 2.5.1 Implement OPOP04-ZO-0004, Personnel Emergencies. LOG 2.6 Radiological Release Occurring or Imminent 2.6.1 Place the affected Unit's TSC HVAC System in emergency/isolation'mode or verify automatic transfer has occurred using OPOP02-HE-0002,'TSC HVAC System.

  • 2.6.2 Contact the unaffected Unit's Shift Supervisor and recommend placing the unaffected Unit's TSC HVAC in emergency/isolation mode.

2.6.3 Direct all Plant Operators to report to the 41 'RCA Access Control Point and obtain an electronic dosimeter..

2.6.4 Direct the Dose Assessment Specialist in the EOF to perform dose projections. If the Dose Assessment Specialist is not available, then direct the Acting Radiological Manager to perform dose projections. ,

2.7 Toxic Gas/Chemical Release from Nearby Chemical Facilities 2.7.1 If time permits, then initiate OERPO1-ZV-1N04, Assembly and Accountability and OERPO1-ZV-IN05, Site Evacuation.

  • 2.7.2 Otherwise, announce over the public address system for all personnel to seek shelter in buildings and turn off ventilation systems. Direct the Security Force Supervisor (Acting Security Manager) to warn personnel outside the Protected Area.

3.0 ONGOING ACTIONS 3.1 Continuously assess plant conditions against OERPO1-ZV-INOI, LOG Emergency Classification, to determine if changes to the current emergency classification are warranted.

- - l OERPO1-ZV-SHOI I Rev. 197 Page 22 of 33 Shift Supervisor Data Sheet 2 Alert Checklist I Page 6Tof 6 Action Time 3.2 Evaluate the adequacy of the current Operations staffing and request LOG assistance from the unaffected Unit and/or call out additional personnel.

  • 3.3 Make periodic site public address announcements on the status of the LOG emergency including any radiological hazard precautions.

3.4 Until relieved as the Emergency Director, update off-site agencies (State, LOG County, BRC) about hourly (or more frequently if warranted) on the status of the emergency.

3.5 Keep Plant Operators in the field advised of plant status and radiological LOG conditions as applicable.

3.6 Review and approve press releases as applicable. LOG

  • Maintain an Emergency Action Log.


  • Maintain ENS communications with the NRC if requested.
  • Advise the Emergency Director of conditions which may change the emergency classification.
  • Periodically brief Control Room staff of the status of the emergency and ongoing repair efforts.

, 0ERP01-ZV-SH01 Rev. 19 Page 23 of.33 Shift Supervisorl Data S t Site Area S Emergency Checklist Page Iof (Name) (Date) (Unit)

Action Time NOTE Continue with this checklist only if the TSC Manager or EOF Director has not assumed Emergency Director responsibilities and authorities.

1.0 INITIAL ACTIONS 1.1 Announce to Control Room personnel the declaration of a Site Area Emergency (SAE) and the continuation (or assumption) of Emergency Director responsibilities by the Shift Supervisor._

1.2 Ensure the following announcement (or similar announcement) is made over the public address system using the Unit Override button:

CAUTION Public Address Announcements may be changed or delayed due to the following conditions:

Severe weather conditions which could threaten safe transport, a significant radiological hazard which could be encountered, a security threat occurring which could have an adverse impact on personnel moving around or leaving the site.' . "


(Optional: Give brief description of the event.)

OERPO1-ZV-SHO1 Rev. 19 Page 24 of 33 Shift Supervisor Data Sheet 3 lSite Area Emergency Checklist Page 2 of 5 Action Time 1.3 If Assembly and Accountability has not been completed, then implement Assembly and Accountability by sounding the assembly alarm for about 10 seconds and make the appropriate Site Announcement identified in Addendum 5, Assembly and Accountability Flowchart.

1.4 Direct the Control Room Communicators or available personnel to complete the required notifications as described in OERPO I-ZV-IN02, Notifications to Offsite Agencies.

  • No PARs are required for a Site Area Emergency.
  • State/County shall be contacted within 15 minutes of the declaration of the SAE to make emergency notifications.
  • NRC notification shall be made immediately upon completion of State/County notification and not later than one hour after declaring the SAE. If more than one Communicator is available, NRC notification may be made concurrently with State/County notification.

1.5 As appropriate, upon the Onsite Communicator arrival, direct him/her to complete asterisked steps of this Checklist.

  • 1.6 If not already accomplished, then contact the Alarm Station Operator at extension 6042 to verify Emergency Notification and Response System activation.

1.7 Instruct Plant Operators that have not been assigned tasks to proceed to the OSC for Accountability and remain there to support OSC operations.

Ensure Plant Operators that remain under Control Room direction obtain an electronic dosimeter.

  • 1.8 Contact the STP Coordinator (QSE) and advise him/her of the nature of the emergency.

. .OERPOI-ZV-SHO - Rev. 19 Page25of33

- heet3 Shift Supervisor Data Sheet 3 Site Area Emergency Checklist Page 3 of 5 Action Time 1.9 Verify that the following on-shift personnel have responded to their emergency duty station:

  • Onsite Communicator (Control Room)
  • State/County Communicator (Control Room)
  • ENS Communicator (Control Room)
  • Shift Technical Advisor (Control Room)
  • Acting Radiological Manager -
  • Acting OSC Coordinator
  • Acting Security Manager' 1.10 If the event is radiologically based and the TSC HVAC has not been transferred to emergency/isolation mode, Then:

1.10.1 Place the affected Unit's TSC HVAC System in emergency/isolation mode or verify automatic transfer has occurred using OPOP02-HE-0002, TSC HVAC System.

  • 1.10.2 Contact the unaffected Unit's Shift Supervisor and recommend placing the unaffected Unit's TSC HYAC in emergency/isolation mode.

1.11 If site evacuation has not been completed, then implement OERPO1-ZV-INOS, Site Evacuation upon completion of Assembly and Accountability. -_.__

OERiPO1-ZV-SHO1 O Rev. 19 Page 26 of 33 Shift Supervisor Data Sheet 3 lSite Area Emergency Checklist l Page 4 of 5 Action Time 2.0 SPECIAL ACTIONS 2.1 Consider restricting hand held radio transmissions during security events LOG that include explosive or electronic controlled devices.

2.2 Personnel Emergencies 2.2.1 Implement OPOP04-ZO-0004, Personnel Emergencies. LOG 2.3 Radiological Release Occurring or Imminent 2.3.1 Direct all Plant Operators to report to the 41' RCA Access Control Point and obtain an electronic dosimeter.

2.3.2 Direct the Dose Assessment Specialist in the EOF to perform dose projections. If the Dose Assessment Specialist is not available, then direct the Acting Radiological Manager to perform the dose projections.

2.4 Toxic Gas/Chemical Release from Nearby Chemical Facilities

  • 2.4.1 If conditions did not permit Assembly and Accountability and Evacuation, announce over the public address system for all personnel to seek shelter in buildings and turn off ventilation systems. Direct the Security Force Supervisor (Acting Security Manager) to warn personnel outside the Protected Area.

2.5 Missing Persons

  • 2.5.1 If missing persons are discovered as a result of performing Assembly and Accountability, then contact the Duty Maintenance Supervisor (Acting OSC Coordinator) and provide names and last known locations of the missing persons. Direct the Duty Maintenance Supervisor (Acting OSC Coordinator) to form and dispatch Search and Rescue teams.

OERPO1-ZV-SHO1 . . Rev. 19 Page 27 of 33 Shift Supervisor.

Data Sheet 3 .Site Area Emergency Checklist Page 5of 5 Action . Time 3.0 ONGOING ACTIONS 3.1 Continuously assess plant conditions against OERPO1-ZV-INO1; LOG Emergency Classification to determine if changes to the current emergency classification are warranted.

3.2 Evaluate the adequacy of the current Operations staffing and request LOG assistance from the unaffected Unit and/or call out additional personnel.

  • 3.3 Make periodic site public address announcements of the status of the LOG emergency including any radiological hazard precautions.

3.4 Until relieved as the Emergency Director, update off-site agencies (State, LOG County, BRC) about hourly (or more frequently if warranted) on the status of the emergency.

Maintain an Emergency Action Log.


  • Maintain ENS communications with the NRC if requested.
  • Advise the Emergency Director of conditions which may change the emergency classification.
  • Periodically brief the Control Room staff of the status of the emergency and ongoing repair efforts.
  • Keep Plant Operators in the field advised of plant status and radiological conditions as applicable.
  • Review and approve press releases as applicable.

OERPOI-ZV-SHO1 Rev. 19 Page 28 of 33 Shift Supervisor Data Sheet 4 lGeneral Emergency Checklist l Page I of 5 (Name) (Date) (Unit)

Action Time NOTE Continue with this checklist only if the TSC Manager or EOF Director has not assumed Emergency Director responsibilities and authorities.

1.0 INITIAL ACTIONS 1.1 Announce to Control Room personnel the declaration of a General Emergency (GE) and the continuation (or assumption) of Emergency Director responsibilities by the Shift Supervisor.

1.2 Ensure the following announcement (or similar announcement) is made over the public address system using the Unit Override button:

CAUTION Public Address Announcements may be changed or delayed due to the following conditions:

Severe weather conditions which could threaten safe transport, a significant radiological hazard which could be encountered, a security threat occurring which could have an adverse impact on personnel moving around or leaving the site.



- Rev. 19 Page29of33 Shift Supervisor Data Sheet 4 General Emergency Checklist l Page 2 of 5 Action Time 1.3 If Assembly and Accountability has not been 'completed, then implement Assembly and Accountability by sounding the assembly alarm for about 10 seconds and make the appropriate Site Announcement identified in Addendum 5, Assembly and Accountability Flowchart.

1.4 Direct the Control Room Communicators or available personnel to complete the required notifications as described in OERPOI-ZV-IN02, Notifications to Offsite Agencies. -_-

  • State/County shall be contacted within 15 minutes of the declaration of the GE to make emergency notifications.
  • NRC notification shall be made immediately upon completion of State/County notification and not later than one hour after declaring the GE. If more than one Communicator is available, NRC notification may be made concurrently with State/County notification.

1.5' Instruct Plant Operators that have not been assigned tasks to proceed to the OSC for Accountability and remain there to support OSC operations.

Ensure Plant Operators that remain under Control Room direction obtain an electronic dosimeter.

1.6 PAR development is expected to be made promptly following indications that conditions have exceeded Protective Action Guides (PAGs). PARs shall be developed within 15 minutes of initial indications. -_'__ ___ __ __

1.6.1 IF a radiological release is in progress, AND time does not permit the calculation and evaluation of downwind doses OR personnel are not available to complete these calculations, then determine the Protective Action Recommendation using Addendum 1, Initial Protective Action Recommendation Flowchart. '_'

1.6.2 IF a radiological release is NOT in progress, THEN determine the PAR using Addendum 2, Core/Containment Status Table.

OERPOl-ZV-SHO1 Rev. 19 Page 30 of 33 Shift Supervisor Data Sheet 4 lGeneral Emergency Checklist l age 3 of 5 Action Time 1.6.3 IF a radiological release IS in progress, AND STAMPEDE is available, THEN obtain the Protective Action Recommendation from the printout.

1.6.4 IF a radiological release is in progress, AND STAMPEDE is NOT available, THEN use manual dose assessment, actual field readings, or release rates to determine the Protective Action Recommendation using Addendum 3, Radiological Release Table.

1.6.5 IF dose assessment results indicate 2 1 rem TEDE or 2 5 rem Thyroid CDE (PAGs) are exceeded at 10 miles, and field team measurements verify projected dose, THEN recommend evacuation of 10 mile radius and downwind sectors greater than 10-miles in 2-mile increments until PAGs are not exceeded.

1.6.6 Determine affected downwind sectors and zones using Addendum 4, Protective Response Zones.

1.7 As appropriate, upon the Onsite Communicator arrival, direct him/her to complete the asterisked steps of this Checklist.

  • 1.8 If not already accomplished, then contact the Alarm Station Operator at extension 6042 to verify Emergency Notification and Response activation.
  • 1.9 Contact the STP Coordinator (QSE) and advise him/her of the nature of the emergency.
  • 1.10 Verify that the following on-shift personnel have responded to their emergency duty station:
  • State/County Communicator (Control Room)
  • ENS Communicator (Control Room)
  • Shift Technical Advisor (Control Room)
  • Acting Radiological Manager
  • Acting OSC Coordinator
  • Acting Security Manager

OERPOl-ZV-SHOl Rev. 19 Page 31 of 33 Shift Supervisor, Data Sheet 4 General Emergency Checklist Page 4 of 5 .

Action Time 1.11 If the event is radiologically based:

1.11.1 Place the affected Unit's TSC HVAC System in emergency/isolation mode or verify automatic transfer has occurred using OPOP02-HE-0002, TSC HVAC System.

1.11.2 Contact the unaffected Shift Supervisor and recommend placing the unaffected Unit's TSC HVAC in emergency/isolation mode.

1.11.3 Direct the Dose Assessment Specialist in the EOF to perform dose projections. If the Dose Assessment Specialist is not available, then direct the Acting Radiological Manager to perform dose projections.

1.12 If site evacuation has not been completed, then implement OERPO1-ZV-IN05, Site Evacuation upon completion of Assembly and Accountability.

2.0 SPECIAL ACTIONS 2.1 Consider restricting hand held radio transmissions during security events LOG that include explosive or electronic controlled devices.

2.2 Personnel Emergencies 2.2.1 Implement OPOP04-ZO-0004, Personnel Emergencies. LOG 2.3 Missing Persons

  • 2.3.1 If missing persons are discovered as a result of performing Assembly and Accountability, then contact the Duty Maintenance Supervisor (Acting OSC Coordinator) and provide names and last known locations of the missing persons. Direct the Duty Maintenance Supervisor (Acting OSC Coordinator) to form and dispatch Search and Rescue teams.

3.0 ONGOING ACTIONS 3.1 Continuously assess plant conditions against OERP01-ZV-IN01, LOG Emergency Classification to determine if changes to the current emergency classification are warranted.

' OERPO1-ZV-SHOI Rev. 19 Page 32 of 33 Shift Supervisor Data Sheet 4 lGeneral Emergency Checklist l Page 5 of 5 Action Time 3.2 Evaluate the adequacy of the current Operations staffing and request LOG assistance from the unaffected Unit and/or call out additional personnel.

  • 3.3 Make periodic site public address announcements of the status of the LOG emergency including any radiological hazard precautions.

3.4 Until relieved as the Emergency Director, update off-site agencies (State, LOG County, BRC) about hourly (or more frequently if warranted) on the status of the emergency.

3.5 Keep Plant Operators advised of Plant Status and radiological conditions LOG as applicable.

3.6 Review and approve press releases as applicable. LOG 3.7 If severe reactor core damage is identified, then implement procedure LOG OERPOI-ZV-TP03, Severe Accident Management.

  • Maintain an Emergency Action Log.


  • Maintain ENS communications with the NRC if requested.
  • Advise the Emergency Director of conditions which may change the classification of the emergency.
  • Periodically brief the Control Room staff of the status of the emergency and ongoing repair efforts.

OERPO1-ZV-SH01l Rev. 19 Page 33 of 33 Shift Supervisor Data Sheet 5 Termination Checklist Page I of I (Name) (Date) (Unit)

Action Time 1.0 TERMINATION ACTIONS 1.1 Announce termination of the emergency condition over the public address system.

1.2 Complete notifications to offsite agencies per OERPO1-ZV-IN02, Notifications to Offsite Agencies, if applicable.

1.3 For termination of an Unusual Event, notify all individuals notified on declaration of the event that the event is terminated.

1.4 Determine if Fitness for Duty post-accident screening should be initiated per OPGP09-ZA-0002, Fitness For Duty Program.

1.5 Provide a list of any supplies or forms needing replenishment to the Supervisor, Emergency Response.

1.6 Develop a list of activities and tasks which should be completed using

'OERP01-ZV-RE02, Form 1, Corrective Action Items List.

1.6.1 Collect the lists developed by the Acting Radiological Manager, Acting Security Manager, and the Acting OSC Coordinator. Review the lists and forward them to the Manager, Emergency Response.

1.7 Following termination from an Unusual Event, collect all logs and data sheets pertaining to the event and forward to the Supervisor, Emergency Response.

1.8 Following termination from an Alert or higher classification, forward all control room documentation to the Assistant TSC Manager.

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION D0527 STI 31716432 Quality l I l Non Safety-Related OERPO1-ZV-TPO1 l Rev. 15 Offsite Dose Calculations Usage: N/A Effective Date: 03/25/04 Page I of 22 Max Keyes N/A NIA Emergency Response Division PREPARER TECHNICAL USER' COGNIZANT ORGANIZATION Table of Contents . Page

1.0 Purpose and Scope

....................... -. 2 2.0 Definitions ............  :-2 3.0 -Precautions and Limitations.......................3-.;  ;.3 4.0 Responsibilities.4......;:::4 5.0 Procedure ............ 45 6.0 References ............ .5 7.0 Support Documents ...........................................  ; : . 6;.6 Form 1, Offsite Dose Calculations Transmittal Form (Sample) ............................................. 7 Addendum 1, Offsite Dose Calculation Input Worksheet ............................................. 8 Addendum 2, UFSAR Accident Assumptions . 10 Addendum 3, Containment Leakage Nomograph . 11 Addendum 4, Use of STAMPEDE Program .14 Addendum 5, Emergency Dose Rate Tables . 15

Ii OERPOl-ZV-TPO1 I Rev. 15 l Page2of22 Offsite Dose Calculations

1.0 Purpose and Scope

1.1 This procedure provides instructions for performing offsite dose calculations by estimating offsite dose rates and integrated doses to the general public during a declared event when radioactive material is released from the South Texas Project Electric Generating Station (STPEGS).

1.2 Methods that may be used for dose calculations included in this procedure are STAMPEDE and Emergency Dose Rate Tables.

1.3 This procedure implements the requirements of the STPEGS Emergency Plan specific to calculating offsite doses to the General Public.

2.0 Definitions 2.1 ATMOSPHERIC STABILITY CLASS: A letter designator indicating the relative stability or instability of an air mass.

2.2 DEFAULT RELEASE DURATION - The amount of time in hours, automatically used by dose projection programs as the release duration. This default value is selected to best characterize release duration based on maximum evacuation times and historical meteorological data.

2.3 DELTA TEMPERATURE: The temperature differential measured between the 60 meter and 10 meter levels of the primary meteorological tower ( 60 m (1F) - 10 m (CF)).

2.4 GROUND LEVEL RELEASE: All releases at the STPEGS are assumed to be best modeled as though at ground level and are dispersed based on 10 meter meteorological data.


2.5.1 South Texas Assessment Model Projecting Emergency Dose Evaluation (STAMPEDE)

A computer program used to perform offsite dose calculations, TEDE dose rates, inhalation thyroid CDE dose rates and doses integrated through the duration of the release are calculated.

l -'- OERP01-ZV-TPOI ' . -

  • l Rev. 15 I Page3of22 Offsite Dose Calculations 2.5.2 Emergency Dose Rate Tables Tables which predict TEDE and thyroid CDE dose rates at I to 10 miles from the STPEGS are based on an estimated release rate (iCi/sec) and the atmospheric stability class (A through G). The default isotopic mix was based on a gap inventory using STAMPEDE. Wind speed varies per stability class as indicated on each table.

2.6 HATCH MONITOR: -Temporary monitor installed when Containment Monitors RT-8050 and RT-805 1 are out of service. A correction factor has been calculated to relate Hatch Monitor dose rate to dose rate inside containment. Reference 6.6 2.7 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION: A calculation of the estimated offsite dose to the general public based on releases of radioactive material, meteorological conditions, time since reactor shutdown, and the expected release duration. The offsite dose calculation is

helpful in formulating offsite Protective Action Recommendations (PAR).

2.8 PROTECTIVE ACTION GUIDE (PAG): An action to be taken to avoid or reduce a projected dose as identified in EPA 400-R-92-001, Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents.

2.9 RADIOLOGICAL RELEASE: Any radiological release from the plant that exceeds the EAL limits established for an Unusual Event.

2.10 SIGMA-THETA: A method to assign atmospheric stability classes based on the standard deviation of the wind direction in degrees( C).

2.11 SOURCE TERM: With respect to offsite dose calculations, the characteristics and release rates of the radioactive material.

3.0 Precautions and Limitations 3.1 For Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) events with 100% S/G water level, the steam flow reported on the Integrated Computer System (ICS) will be high and result in an over conservative PAR. Use the default MSL flow rate specified by the dose assessment program.

3.2 The dose projection capabilities of all methods depend upon models that become less exact at greater distances from the release point.

I OERP01-ZV-TPO1 I Rev. 15 l Page4of22 Offsite Dose Calculations 3.3 When collecting wind speed and wind direction meteorological data from the primary or backup meteorological tower, or the National Weather Service Forecast Office, care must be taken to ensure that a 15 minute average value is used in dose calculations and not an instantaneous value.

3.4 Regional meteorological data may be required to help evaluate offsite dose calculations.

This information can be obtained from the National Weather Service in Dickinson, Texas.

The types of information that can be obtained include temperature, wind speed, wind direction, cloud height, and cloud cover. As time permits, forecast data may be used to supplement dose projections.

3.5 Default parameters are built into the STAMPEDE program for ground wind velocity, ground level wind direction, and atmospheric stability class. These parameters are displayed on screen while working with STAMPEDE.

3.6 IF dose assessment results indicate Protective Action Guides (PAGs) exceeded at >10 miles, AND the Emergency Director resides in the affected Unit Control Room, THEN as available, verify dose assessment results with field teams and notify the Emergency Director. Discuss with the Emergency Director expanded PARs for downwind sectors >10 miles in 2 mile increments until PAGs are not exceeded.

3.7 IF dose assessment results indicate PAGs exceeded at >10 miles, AND the Emergency Director resides in the TSC, THEN verify dose assessment results with field teams and notify the Radiological Manager. Discuss with the Radiological Manager expanded PARs for downwind sectors >10 miles in 2 mile increments until PAGs are not exceeded.

3.8 IF dose assessment results indicate PAGs exceeded at >10 miles, AND the Emergency Director resides in the EOF, THEN verify dose assessment results with field teams and notify the Radiological Director. Discuss with the Radiological Director expanded PARs for downwind sectors >10 miles in 2 mile increments until PAGs are not exceeded.

3.9 If multiple release paths are indicated by elevated radiological monitor readings, then calculate each pathway and sum result. (Example: Two S/G Tube Ruptures with two stuck open PORV's results in the following - Calculate Main Steam Line Monitors RT-8046 and RT-8049 and sum results).

4.0 Responsibilities 4.1 Prior to activation of the TSC or EOF, the Acting Radiological Manager is responsible for implementation of this procedure (i.e., Onshift Dose Assessment). Offsite dose calculation results shall be provided to the Emergency Director.

I OERPO1-ZV-TP E O1 Rev. 155 Page5 of22 Offsite Dose Calculations.

4.2 Upon activation of the TSC, the Radiological Manager is responsible for implementation of this procedure. Offsite dose calculation results shall be provided to the Emergency Director.

4.3 Upon activation of the EOF, the Radiological Director is responsible for implementation of this procedure. The Dose Assessment Specialist ishall perform offsite dose calculations as directed by the Radiological Director and provide results.

.4.4 Offsite dose calculations are updated as requested by the Emergency Director, Radiological Manager, or Radiological Director.

5.0 Procedure 5.1 Use the appropriate sections of Addendum 1, Offsite Dose Calculation Input Worksheet, as needed, to perform offsite dose calculations.

5.2 Review Addendum 2, UFSAR Accident Assumptions, as necessary.

5.3 Changes to any of the following parameters requ ires additional offsite dose calculations:

5.3.1 Increased release rates or wind speed (that add additional zones downwind) 5.3.2 Wind direction (that add additional zones) 5.3.3 Atmospheric stability classification (that add additional zones) 5.4 If dose assessment is required from onshift Health Physics personnel, the STAMPEDE program as described in Addendum 4, Use of STAMPEDE Program, may be used. The program is available in both unit Control Rooms and at the 41 ft. Health Physics control' points, and can be run by inputting the requested data.

5.5 IF the type of accident is a Loss of Coolant Accident, Fuel Handling Accident inside the Reactor Containment Building, Control Rod Ejection or Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Seizure and Containment Leakage directly to the environment is the release pathway, THEN Addendum 3, Containment Leakage Nomograph, may be used to estimate containment source term in the absence of better indications of a release.

5.6 STAMPEDE may be used for performing offsite dose calculations, implement Addendum 4, Use of STAMPEDE Program.

5.7 IF all computer based dose assessment methods are unavailable, THEN implement Addendum 5, Emergency Dose Rate Tables.

5.8 Complete Form 1, Offsite Dose Calculations Transmittal Form.

6.0 References

I I OERPOI-ZV-TPOI - lRev. 15 I Page 6of 22 l .

Ir ---

fsite Dose Calculations' Of 6.1 STPEGS Emergency Plan 6.2 OERPOI-ZV-EF15, Dose Assessment Specialist:

6.3 OERPOI-ZV-IN07, Mffite Protective Action Recommendations I.

6.4 OPGP05-ZV-0004, Emergency Plan.Implementing Procedure Users Guide 6.5 ZV-0001, STAMPEDE Users Manual!  ;

6.6 .03-ZE-003, RT8050/RT8051 Contingency Conversion Constant for Post-Accident Failed Fuel Monitoring 7.0 Support Documents 7.1 Form 1, 0Mfite Dose Calculations Transmittal Form (Sample) 7.2 Addendum 1, Offsite Dose6 Calculation' Input Worksheet 7.3 Addendum 2, UFSAR Accident Assumptions 7.4 Addendum 3, Containment Leakage Nomograph'

-7.5 Addendum 4, Use of STAMPEDE Program 7.6 Addendumn 5,,Emergency Dose Rate Tables

OERPO1-ZV-TPO1 Rev. 15 Page 7 of 22 Offsite Dose Calculations Form 1 lOffsite Dose Calculations Transmittal Form (Sample) Page I of 1 RESULTS Method of Projection:


, a .. ;

I.. I

- 1 mile 2 mile 5 mile 10 mile TEDE (Rem) .1 , ... I CDE (Rem)

Projected duration of release _

IF dose assessment results indicate PAGs exceeded at >10 miles, AND the Emergency Director resides in the TSC, THEN verify dose assessment results with field teams and notify the I Radiological Manager. Discuss with the Radiological Manager expanded PARs for downwind 1 .

sectors >10 miles in 2 mile increments until PAGs are not exceeded.

IF dose assessment results indicate PAGs exceeded at >10 miles, AND the Emergency Director resides in the EOF, THEN verify dose assessment results with field teams and notify the Radiological Director. Discuss with the Radiological Director expanded PARs for downwind; sectors >10 miles in 2 mile increments until PAGs are not exceeded.


Name I Date/Time REVIEWED BY:

Radiological Director -, - IDate/Time

I- l OERPO1-ZV-TPO1 - l Rev. 15 l Page8of22 Offsite Dose Calculations, Addendum 1 Offsite Dose Calculation Input Worksheet I Page I of 2 1.0 Atmospheric Stability Classification Stability Classification Class Delta T (60m-.1Om)F *Sigma-Theta Extremely Unstable A < -1.71 > 22.5 Moderately Unstable B -1.71 to -1.53 17.5 to 22.4 Slightly Unstable C -1.52 to -1.35 12.5 to 17.4 Neutral D -1.34 to -0.45 7.5 to 12.4 Slightly Stable E -0.44 to 1.35 3.8 to 7.4 Moderately Stable F 1.36 to 3.60 2.1 to 3.7 Extremely Stable G > 3.60 <2.0

  • Do not use Sigma-Theta if wind speed is less than 5 mph, use default Stability Class D.

2.0 Estimating Release Rates:

2.1 If the release point is the unit vent 2.1.1 The release rate can be obtained from the RM-1 1 channel (1 or 2) UV6 10.

2.1.2 If the Unit Vent release rate channel is unavailable, the following calculation applies x x Release Rate Flow Rate Concentration Conversion (pCi/Sec) (scfih) ([LCi/cc) Factor (4.72 E

+2) 2.2 If the release point is the Main Steam Line PORV or Safety Valve, either of the following calculations applies.

2.2.1 x x Release Rate MSL Flow (lb. MSL Activity Conversion (IiCi/Sec) mass/hr) ICS (iCi/cc) RT- Factor (2.54)

(FW Display) 8046-49 FW-15

OERPO1-ZV-TPO1 Rev. 15 Page 9 of 22 Offsite Dose Calculations Addendum 1 Offsite Dose Calculation Input Worksheet Page 2 of 2 2.2.2 x x Release Rate Primary to RCS Activity Conversion (piCi/Sec) Secondary ([iCi/ml) Factor (63.08)

Leak Rate (GPM) 2.3 If the release point is containment leaking directly to the environment then either estimate -

the release rate from field team data or use the containment leakage nomograph, Addendum 3 (if the proper conditions apply).

3.0 Release Estimates From Field Radiological Data:

Date Time Location NOTE Field measurements taken off centerline of the plume will not estimate source terms accurately using this method.

This method will underestimate the release rate if particulates and Iodines are present.

3.1 Release estimates from DDE (Deep Dose Equivalent) dose rates taken in plume

a. Determine DDE dose rate at plume centerline mrem/hour.
b. Approximate distance downwind that the measurement in Step a. was made miles.
c. Use STAMPEDE to perform the following steps.
1. Enter the appropriate meteorological data.
2. Select the Field Data option.
3. Enter the approximate distance and dose rate estimated in Steps a. and b.


4. The estimated release rate is . Use this value to reexamine emergency classification and PARs.
d. Perform additional calculations as necessary to correct for wind speed.

-OERPOl-ZV-TPO1 Rev. 15 Page 1O of 22 Offsite Dose Calculations -

Addendum 2 UFSAR. Accident Assumptions Page 1 of I '

Type of Accident UFSAR Section/Table Release Locations LOCA 15.6.5/15.6-10 RCB Leakage Unit Vent Fuel Handling Accident' 15.7.4/15.7-9 RCB Leakage-Unit Vent Parameters For Other *A i . I Accidents Listed Below: Misc. Chapter 15 As Indicated Below Mainsteam Line Break 15.1.5/15.1-2 Turbine Buildingv Isolation Valve Cubicles Locked Rotor 15.3.3/15.3-3 RCB Leakage Unit Vent (*)

RCCA Ejection 15.4.8/15.4-4 RCB Leakage Unit Vent (*)

CVCS Letdown Line Break 15.6.2/15.6-13 Unit Vent Outside RCB Steam Generator Tube Rupture 15.6.3/15.6-13 PORV's Turbine Building Isolation Valve Cubicles Unit Vent Recycle Holdup Tank Rupture 15.7.1/15.7-1 Unit Vent Liquid Tank Rupture 15.7.3 Ground Seepage Unit Vent

(*) IF primary-to-secondary leakage is present, THEN the Turbine Building, Isolation Valve Cubicles, and Power Operated Relief Valves (PORV's) are additional release points.

- l OERPOI-ZV-TPOl Rev. 15 Pagell of 22 I ~Offsite Dose Calculations Addendum 3 Containment Leakage Nomograph Pagel of3 The containment activity concentration may be estimated by use of the High Range Containment Monitor (RT-8050, RT-805 1 or Hatch Monitor)-

RT-8050 - R/hr@Time RT-8051 R/hr @ Time Hatch Monitor mRlhr x .450 CTMT R/hr @ Time

2. Time after reactor trip (in hours): a i., *
3. Estimate the release rate by recording the initial pressure in containment:
a. Record the initial pressure and time [ICS Screen Z]

pressure PI at T,  ; P Presure T =Time

b. Record the subsequent pressure and time [ICS Screen Z]

pressure P2 at T2 Calculate pressure drop:

PI - P2 = P.

Calculate time in hours:

T2 _ T_ = T(hrs) ..

c. IF a decrease in pressure is recorded, AND containment spray is NOT in progress, THEN calculate decrease in pressure per hour:

P T(hrs) = P/hr

4. Using the Containment Leakage Nomograph (page 3 of 3), connect point for radiation level on line A THRU time after reactor trip on line B, to concentration (Ci/m or ipCi/cc) on line C. Connect point on line C THRU point on line D (decrease in pressure per hour) to value on line E (pCi/sec release rate).
5. Complete dose projections using Addendum 4, Use of STAMPEDE Program or Addendum 5, Emergency Dose Rate Tables.


I I OERPO1-ZV-TPO1 l Rev. 15 l Page 12 of 22 deu Offsite Dose Calculations Addendum 3 l Containment Leakage Nomograph ` Page 2 of 3 EXAMPLE CALCULATIONS:


1. Data: RT-8050/8051 = 2E+4 R/hr, 10 hrs after reactor trip.

No RCB pressure decreases are noted!

Find: RT-8050 reading of 2E+4 R/hr on A scale, and 10 hrs on B scale. Connect the two points with a straight line through C scale to find 2000 Ci/m 3 (2000 ptCi/cc). Connect the point at 2000 Ci/m3 to FSAR LEAK LIMIT (0.3% containment volume/day) on D scale. Extend line from C scale through D scale to read 4.0E+6 ,uCi/sec release rate.

2. Data: RT-8050/8051 = I.E+2 R/hr, EXAMPLE NUMBER 2.

1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> after the reactor trip, with 0.1 psi pressure drop per A C E hour.

Find: 1.IE+2 R/hr on A scale. Draw a line through 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> on B scale to . \

find 5 Ci/m3 (5 liCi/cc) on C scale.

Connect the point from C scale through 0.1 psi/hr on D scale to find 1E+6 jICi/sec release rate on E scale.



.I , U II I i V1DAn1_7.

IU1-;J. . VA - " V -

TX Dn1 U1 A. ,

II 2Dn 1, V *AJ II '

PTh 13

_b_ *J nf 22 I

Offite Dose Calculations Addendum 3 .Containment Leakage Nomograph I age 3 of 3 .


RM-1 1 Fission RA-8050/8051 Product Releease Rate Concentration Ci/m 3 iCi/sec R/Hr B p~kc D 1.0 E+1 - - . 10000 _ - 1.0 E+5 Containment TIME AF1'ER Pressure REACTOR TRIP 400Differential TOTAL HO URS - 2000' A P/hr 1.0 E+2 : _ I -1000 .A ._ 1.0 E+6




.24 - -


- 14 1.0 E+3 - _ .: 10- -100 -0.1 _ 1.0 E+7

-8 1-

- 0



-20 1.0 E+4 - _ -10 _ 10.0 = 1.0 E+8 D


-2 B

1.0 E+5 -1.0 ~ 1.0 E+9 I 0.4 0.2 1.0 E+6 _ 0.1 11.0 E+10 A C E CD100580 oa030/00

I OERPOI-ZV-TPOl l Rev. 15 l Page 14 of 22 Offsite Dose Calculations Addendum 4 1 Use of STAMPEDE Program I Page I of I I 1.0 The STAMPEDE computer program and its associated data tables are loaded on the LAN arid onto selected computers at STPEGS and the Texas Bureau of Radiation Control. The program is.

accessed from the Microsoft Windows display by clicking on the appropriate icon.

2.0 Although the code is generally self-explanatory. Detailed operating instructions (User Manual) are located at each work station as an aid to operation. Default values are provided for all entries should actual data not be available.

3.0 Should the work area require evacuation, stored data should be copied to a diskette transported and loaded into a computer at an alternate location as described in Desktop Guide Instruction ZV-0001, STAMPEDE Users Manual.

- l OERPO1-ZV-TPO1 - Rev. 155 Page 15 of22 ddendumOffsite Dose Calculationsg Ad 5 Emergency Dose Rate Tables i Page1 of8 1.0 Use the following Emergency Dose Rate Table that corresponds to the current stability class.

[DEFAULT: Stability Class D]

2.0 Locate the TEDE and thyroid CDE dose rate (Rem/hr) for the one, two, five and ten-mile radii that corresponds to the release rate.

3.0 Multiply the dose rates by the expected du-ration'of the release. (Use 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> release duration if actual duration not known.)

4.0: Data in the tables was generated by STAMPEDE, Revision 7.0, using the GAP Inventory at time 00,00 after reactor trip. ,

OERPOl-ZV-TPOl. Rev. 15 Page 16of22 Addendum 5 Offsite Dose Calculations Emergency Dose Rate Tables Page 2 of 8 STABILITY CLASS A Delta T OF < -1.71 NOTE IF the release rate is between two values, THEN interpolate.

DOSE RATE (Rem/hour)

Release 1 Mile 2 Mile 5 Mile 10 Mile Rate TEDE CDE TEDE CDE TEDE CDE TEDE CDE (liCi/sec) _

l.OOE+06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00E+06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00E+06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.OOE+07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.OOE+07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00E+07 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.OOE+08 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.OOE+08 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 4.00E+08 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 l1.OOE+O9 0.03 0.12 0.01 0.06 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 2.OOE+09 0.06 0.24 0.03 0.13 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.02 4.OOE+09 0.12 0.50 0.06 0.26 0.02 0.10 0.01 0.05 1.OOE+10 0.29 1.20 0.14 0.62 0.05 0.24 0.02 0.12 2.OOE+10 0.58 2.44 0.27 1.26 0.10 0.49 0.04 0.23 4.OOE+10 1.16 4.76 0.54 2.45 0.19 0.96 0.08 0.46 TEDE = Total Effective Dose Equivalent Wind Speed: 14.8 mph (External + Internal)

CDE = Committed Dose Equivalent (Thyroid)

Multiply the dose rates by the expected duration of the release. (Use 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> release duration if actual duration not known.)

OERPO1-ZV-TPO.1 Rev. 15 Page 17of22 Offsite Dose Calculations Addendum 5 Emergency Dose Rate Tables Page 3 of 8 STABILITY CLASS B (Delta T 0F -1.71 to -1.53)

NOTE IF the release rate is between two values, THEN interpolate.

l___-__'I DOSE RATE (Rem/hour)

Release . 1 Mile 2 Mile 5 Mile - 10 Mile Rate TEDE CDE TEDE CDE - TEDE CDE TEDE' CDE.

(iCi/sec) - l-1.00E+06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00. 0.00 0.00 2.00E+06 0.00 0.00: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00' 0.00 0.00 4.00E+06 0.001 0.00', 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00' 0.00 0.00 i 12.00E+07

.00E+07 0.00 0.00 0.01

.0.02 0.00 0.00 -'0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I

';.OOE+07 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.OOE+07 0.02 0.09 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

'2.OOE+08 0.04 0.19 - 0.01 . 0.05 0.00 0.01' 0.00 0.00 4.OOE+08 0.09 0.38 0.02 0.09 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 1.00E+09 0.22 0.92 0.05 - 0.22 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.02 i.

2.OOE+09 0.43 1.78 0.09 0.43 0.01 0.07 0.01: 0.03 4.ooE+09 0.86 3.62 0.19 0.88 0.03 0.13 0.01 0.06 1.00E+10 2.17 9.29 0.48 2.25 0.06 0.34 0.03 0.16 2.OOE+10 4.31 17.94 0.94 4.35 0.13 0.66 0.05 0.31 4.OOE+10 8.65 36.49 1.90 8.85 0.25 1.33 0.11 0.62 TEDE = Total Effective Dose Equivalent Wind Speed: 14.2 mph (External + Internal)

CDE = Committed Dose Equivalent (Thyroid)

Multiply the dose rates by the expected duration of the release. (Use 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> release duration if actual duration not known.)

OERPO1-ZV-TPO1 1 Rev. 15 1 Page 18 of 22 Offsite Dose Calculations I

Addendum 5 I Emergency Dose Rate Tables I Page 4 of 8  ;

STABILITY CLASS C (Delta T °F -1.52 to -1.35)

NOTE IF the release rate is between two values, THEN interpolate.

DOSE RATE (Rem/hour)

-Release 1 Mile - - 2Mile- 5 Mile -X 10 Mile Rate TEDE CDE TEDE CDE TEDE CDE TEDE CDE (uCi/sec) - -

1.00E+05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00. 0.00 0.00 2.00E+05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00. 0.00 0.00 4.OOE+05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00E+06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.OOE+06 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.OOE+06 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.OOE+07 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.OOE+07 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00E+07 0.02 0.11 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 1.00E+08 0.06 0.24 0.01 0.07 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 2.OOE+08 0.12 0.50 0.03 0.14 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.05 4.OOE+08 0.24 1.01 0.06 0.28 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.01 1.00E+09 0.59 2.45 0.15 0.68 0.02 0.11 0.01 0.03 2.OOE+09 1.18 5.01 0.29 1.38 0.04 0.23 0.01 0.06 4.OOE+09 2.33 9.70 0.58 2.68 0.09 0.45 0.02 0.11 1.00E+10 5.88 25.04 1.47 6.91 0.22 1.16 0.05 0.29 2.OOE+10 11.80 50.75 2.96 14.01 0.44 2.35 0.10 0.58 4.OOE+10 23.43 98.62 5.84 27.23 0.86 4.57 0.20 1.13 TEDE = Total Effective Dose Equivalent Wind Speed: 13.6 mph (External + Internal)

CDE = Committed Dose Equivalent

- (Thyroid).

Multiply the dose rates by the expected duration of the release. (Use 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> release duration if actual duration not known.)

I l OERPOl-ZV-TPOl l Rev. 15 l Page 21 of 22 Offsite Dose Calculations

. dAe m I E ose R Tables I Addendurn 5 I Emergency Dose Rate Tables *I Page 7 of [

STABILITY CLASS F (Delta T °F 1.36 to 3.60)

NOTE, IF the release rate is between two values, THEN interpolate.

DOSE RATE (Rem/hour)

Release 1 Mile 2 Mile 5 Mile '.10 Mile Rate TEDE CDE. TEDE CDE, TEDE CDE. TEDE CDE (IiCi/sec) .  : , . .,

1.OOE+04 0.00 0.00, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0-2.OOE+04 0.00 0.00 ' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00, '0.00 4.OOE+04 0.00 '0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' 0.00 0.00 1.OOE+05 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 '0.00 2.OOE+05 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00  ;'0.00 4.OOE+05 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 ('0.00

,OOE+06 0.01 0.07 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 2.OOE+06 0.03 0.14 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.01 4.OOE+06 0.05 0.27 0.02 0.11 0.01 0.03 0.00 '0.01 1.OOE+07 0.14 0.70 0.05 0.29 0.01 0.08 0.00

° '0.03' 2.OOE+07 0.27 1.38 0.10 0:58 0.02 0.16 0.01 .'i0.06 4.OOE+07 0.55 2.74 0.20 1.15 0.05 0.31 0.02 .<0.11-1.OOE+08 1.36 6.78 0.51 2.85 0.12 0.77 0.04 20.28 2.OOE+08 2.77 '14.00 1.03 5.90 0.24 1.57 0.08 0.57 4.OOE+08 ' 5.47 27.29 2.03 11.50 0.48 3.12 0.16 -1.12 1.OOE+09 13.80 69.46 5.14 29.26 1.21 7.93 0.40 .2.85 2.OOE+09 27.13 134.70 10.04 '56.73 2.35 '15.38 ' 0.78 5.51 4.OOE+09 54.79 274.09 20.36 115.44 4.78 31.29 1.58 11.2i' 1.OOE+10 138.64 699.83 51.72 294.76 '12.17 79.89 4.04 28.63 TEDE = Total Effective Dose Equivalent Wind Speed: 5.9 mph (External + Internal)

CDE = Committed Dose Equivalent (Thyroid)

Multiply the dose rates by the expected duration of the release. (Use 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> release duration if actual duration not known.)

. -t OERPO1-ZV-TPOl - Rev. 15 Page 22 of 22 Offsite Dose Calculations Addendum 5 Emergency Dose Rate Tables Page 8 of 8 STABILITY CLASS G (Delta T OF > 3.60)

NOTE IF the release rate is between two values, THEN interpolate.

- DOSE RATE (Rem/hour)

Release I Mile 2 Mile 5 Mile  ; 10 Mile Rate TEDE CDE TEDE CDE TEDE CDE! TEDE CDE (IiCi/sec) .

1.OOE+04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 . 0.00 2.00E+04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 . 0.00 4.ooE+o4 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.OOE+05 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.OOE+05 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00E+05 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 1.OOE+06 0.03 0.13 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.02 . 0.00 0.01 2.OOE+06 0.05 0.26 0.02 0.13 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.02 4.OOE+06 0.10 0.51 0.05 0.26 0.01 0.08 0.00 0.03 1.OOE+07 0.25 1.26 0.11 0.64 0.03 0.20 0.01 0.07 2.OOE+07 0.50 2.58 0.23 1.31 0.06 0.40 ; 0.02 0.15 4.OOE+07 0.99 497 0.44 2.53 0.12 0.77 1 0.04 0.29 l.OOE+08 2.49 12.63 1.12 6.43 0.30 1.97 0.10 0.73 2.OOE+08 5.02 25.65 2.26 13.05 0.60 3.99 0.21 1.48 4.OOE+08 9.84 49.56 4.39 25.24 1.16 7.71 0.40 2.86 1.OOE+09 24.88 126.18 11.14 64.20 2.95 19.64 1.01 7.28 2.OOE+09 50.23 256.47 22.57 130.48 5.99 39.92 2.05 14.80 4.OOE+09 98.73 498.20 44.12 253.47 11.66 77.54 4.00 28.75 l.OOE+10 249.38 1267.20 111.79 644.71 29.61 197.24 10.15 73.12 TEDE = Total Effective Dose Equivalent Wind Speed: 5.5 mph (External + Internal)

CDE = Committed Dose Equivalent (Thyroid)

Multiply the dose rates by the expected duration of the release. (Use 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> release duration if actual duration not known.)


.OPGP03-ZV-0001Re.I 0lPage I of 51 Severe Weather Plan Quality Non Safety-Related Usage: IN HAND Effective Date: 04/01/04 Max Keyes N/A N/A Emergency Response Division PREPARER TECHNICAL USER COGNIZANT ORGANIZATION Usage Table of Contents Page 3

1.0 Purpose and Scope

............ 3 3 2.0 Definitions ........... 3 3 3.0 Responsibilities ............ 7

.0 r c d r .................................... .. .. ................ ........................... 9 3

34.0 Procedure ..... 9 3 5.0 References ......... 13 3 6.0 Documentation ......... 13 3 7.0 Support Documents ..........  :.. ........ 14.

2 Addendum 1, Storm Crew Organization .15 2 Addendum 2, Information Guidelines for Hurricane Season ........................................ 16 2 Addendum 3, Information Guidelines for Freezing Weather ........................................ 17 2 Addendum 4, Radio Stations Listing ........................ 19 2 Addendum 5, Severe Weather Update Line Instructions ...................................... 20 2 Addendum 6, Storm Crew Notification Instructions ...................................... 21 2 Addendum 7, Department SWC Notification Instructions ....................................... 22 2 Addendum 8, Storm Crew Briefing Desired Outcomes ....................................... 23 1 Form 1, Severe Weather Plan Annual Review ...................................... 24 1 Form 2, Department Severe Weather Assignments ....................................... 25 1 Form 3, Estimated Records Inventory List ....................................... 26 1 Form 4, Storm Crew Roster........: ......... 27



... OPGP03-ZV-OOO1 I Rev. 10 1 Page2of5

-.Severe Weather Plan 1 Form 5, Freeze Protection Inventory ................................................. 31 1 Form 6, Records Inventory List ................................................. 33 I Form 7, Site Recovery Plan of Action ................................................. 34 1 Data Sheet 1, EOF Director Checklist ................................................. 35 1 Data Sheet 2, TSC Manager Checklist ................................................. 36 1 Data Sheet 3, Severe Weather Coordinator Checklist ................................................. 39 1 Data Sheet 4, Department Managers Checklist ................................................. 43 1 Data Sheet 5, Department Severe Weather Coordinator Checklist .......................... 45..........

I Data Sheet 6, Department Severe Weather Records Custodian Checklist ......................... 51 Usage 1 -IN HAND 2- REFERENCED 3 - AVAILABLE

l I OPGP03-ZV-0001 - Rev. 10 Page3If5 l Severe Weather Plan

1.0 Purpose and Scope

1.1 The purpose of this plan is to provide guidance for coping with severe weather at the South Texas Project Electric Generating Station (STPEGS).

1.2 This plan shall serve as the general guidance document for STPEGS severe weather and response. Compliance with guidance contained within this plan is intended to remain flexible in order to meet the Station's operating license requirements as well as the ability to react to frequent change in the weather conditions.

1.3 This plan provides for a single point of severe weather meteorological monitoring at STPEGS.

1.4 This plan describes the command and control for activities during severe weather conditions when not in STPEGS Emergency Plan.

1.5 This plan describes the methodology for pickup, storage and retrieval of Quality Assurance Records and In-Process Required Quality Documents and Records.

1.6 Severe weather conditions are declared based'on forecasts that the severe weather will, or has the potential to impact the South Texas Project.

2.0 Definitions 2.1 DEPARTMENT SEVERE WEATHER COORDINATOR - Individual(s) assigned by a Department Manager to review, revise as required, and implement the station and specific department severe weather plan.

2.2 DEPARTMENT SEVERE WEATHER PLAN - Specific guidance for an individual department for coping with severe weather at STPEGS.

2.3 DEPARTMENT SEVERE WEATHER RECORDS CUSTODIAN'- Individual(s) assigned by a Department Manager to implement portions of this severe weather plan as related to collection and storage of quality or in-progress required quality documents and records.

2.4 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MANAGERS - For the purpose of this plan the Department Manager for Nuclear Fuels & Analysis, Design'Engineering and Plant Engineering shall be referred to as the Engineering Department Managers.

2.5 COLD WEATHER SEASON -'October 31 through March 31.

2.6 FREEZE PROTECTION STORAGE CONTAINER - Pre-staged equipment maintained in a separate area or container to ensure a quick response to requests for temporary heating and thawing during cold weather alerts. This container is stored in Warehouse 32 as restricted STP Part Number 609-34046.

l OPGP03-ZV-0001 Rev. 10 Page4of5l l /

Severe Weather Plan 2.7 HURRICANE CATEGORIES -

  • CATEGORY 1 - Winds 74-95 miles per hour or storm surge 4-5 feet above normal.
  • CATEGORY 2 - Winds96-110 miles per hour or storm surge 6-8 feet above normal.
  • CATEGORY 3 - Winds 111-130 miles per hour or storm surge 9-12 feet above normal.
  • CATEGORY 4 - Winds 131-155 miles per hour or storm surge 13-18 feet above normal.
  • CATEGORY 5 - Winds greater than 155 miles per hour or storm surge greater than 18 feet above normal.

2.8 HURRICANE SEASON - June 1 through November 30.

2.9 HURRICANE WARNING - A warning that sustained winds 74 mph or higher associated with a hurricane are expected in a specified coastal area in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or less. Actions are initiated based on predictions that the hurricane will impact STP.

2.10 HURRICANE WATCH - An announcement for specific coastal areas that a hurricane condition is possible within 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />. Actions are initiated based on predictions that the hurricane will impact STP.

2.11 IMPACT STP - Hurricane or Tropical Storm striking the site as determined by the National Weather Service or Impact Weather.

2.12 IMPACT WEATHER - STP's consulting weather service.

2.13 IN PROCESS REQUIRED QUALITY DOCUMENTS AND RECORDS - Quality documents and records which have been initiated but not completed.

2.14 NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

2.15 NWS - National Weather Service.

2.16 QSE - Qualified Scheduling Entity (STP Coordinator).

2.17 QUALITY ASSURANCE (QA) RECORDS - Those records which furnish documentary evidence of the quality of items and of activities affecting quality. A document is considered a quality assurance record when the document has been completed. (Records media may consist of hard copy, microforms and records system back-up tapes and disks.)

Records may be originals or legible/reproducible copies.

2.18 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING - Tornadoes and/or severe thunderstorms are occurring that will impact STP.

6 I - OPGPO3-ZV-OOO1. - Rev. 10 Page5ofIl Severe Weather Plan 2.19 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH - Tornadoes and/or severe thunderstorms are possible that will impact STP.

2.20 SEVERE WEATHER - Meteorological conditions associated with severe weather that will impact STP such as hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, sub-freezing temperatures, or freezing rain and/or ice which may threaten continued safe plant operations or personnel safety.


  • Tropical Storm - Issued when a tropical storm watch is posted for the Texas coast between Galveston Island and Corpus Christi AND is predicted to impact STP with sustained winds between 39 to 73 miles per hour.
  • Hurricane - Issued when a hurricane is located in the Gulf of Mexico AND is predicted to impact STP.
  • Freezing Weather - Issued when the outside air temperature is projected to be less than or equal to 400 F for greater than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, or less than 321F at STIP.
  • Tornado Watch - Issued upon notification of a tornado watch for Matagorda County and predicted to impact STP.
  • Flash Flood - Issued upon notification of a flash flood warning for Matagorda County and is predicted to impact STP.
  • Severe Thunderstorm Warning - Issued upon notification of severe thunderstorms with damaging winds and hail that will impact STP.


  • Tropical Storm - Issued when a tropical storm warning is posted for the Texas coast between Galveston Island and Corpus Christi AND is predicted to impact STP with sustained winds 73 miles per hour.

Hurricane - Issued when a hurricane watch is posted for the Texas coast between Galveston Island and Corpus Christi AND is predicted to impact STP.

l' l 7 OPGP03-ZV-0001 . I Rev. 10 Page6Ifl l I Severe Weather Plan

  • Freezing Weather - Issued when the outside air temperature is projected to be greater than 20'F but the maximum temperature is expected to remain less than or equal to 350F OR QSE initiates a Cold Weather Alert that affects STP.
  • Tornado Warning - Issued upon notification of a tornado warning for Matagorda County and is predicted to impact STP.


  • Hurricane - Issued when a hurricane warning is posted for the Texas coast between Galveston Island and Corpus Christi AND is predicted to impact STP.
  • Freezing Weather - Issued when the outside air temperature is projected to be less than or equal to 20'F or remain less than 35 0 F for an extended period of time OR QSE initiates a Cold Weather Alert that affects STP.

2.22 SEVERE WEATHER COORDINATOR (SWC) - The Supervisor, Emergency Response, or designee.

2.23 SEVERE WEATHER RECORDS CUSTODIAN - Individual(s) assigned by a Department Manager responsible to safeguard QA records and in-process required quality documents and records.

2.24 SEVERE WEATHER SAFE STRUCTURE - Any building or structure that has been designed to withstand the effects of severe weather and adequately protect its occupants, and is used to shelter storm crews and other response organization personnel. The following structures are considered severe weather safe structures:

Reactor Containment Buildings

  • Mechanical-Electrical Auxiliary Buildings (preferred)
  • Fuel Handling Buildings
  • Diesel Generator Buildings
  • Essential Cooling Water Pump Structure
  • Other Buildings - The lowest level floor and near the inner most walls
  • Owner Controlled Area - Sheltering outside the Protected Area should be the lowest floor near inside walls away from windows 2.25 SEVERE WEATHER SITE PREPARATION TEAM - Individuals assigned by Department Managers to prepare the site for severe weather. These individuals are onsite while storm crews are preparing their families and home.

' 'I' OPGP03-ZV-0001 '- ' l Rev. 10 Page7If5 l Severe Weather Plan 2.26 STORM CREW - Consist of personnel from Facilities Management, Electrical Maintenance, Mechanical Maintenance, I&C Maintenance, NPMM, Sub-Station Operations and designated Emergency Response Organization personnel listed on Form 4, Storm Crew Roster. Storm Crew personnel listed on Form 4 will be designated as Storm Crew Team 1 or Storm Crew Team'2. Onshift personnel are augmented in accordance with the Department Severe Weather Plans (Operations, Health Physics, Chemistry, and Security).

  • STORM CREW TEAM 1'- (Duty Team) will be the ERO On Call Duty Team for the week and designated Craft personnel (Form 4).4
  • STORM CREW TEAM 2 - (Oncoming Team) will be the ERO On Call Duty Team for the following week and designated Craft personnel (Form 4).

2.27 STP LOCATION -N28.80 W096.05 (Decimal Degrees).

2.28 TORNADO WARNING - Tornadoes and/or severe thunderstorms are occurring that will impact STP.

2.29 TORNADO WATCH - Tornadoes and/or severe thunderstorms are possible that will impact STP.

2.30 TROPICAL STORM WARNING - Tropical storm conditions, including possible sustained winds between 39 to 73 MPH, are expected in a specific coastal area in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or less.

Actions are initiated based on predictions that the Tropical Storm will impact STP.

2.31 TROPICAL STORM WATCH - An announcement for specific areas that a tropical storm poses a possible threat, generally within 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />. Actions are initiated based on predictions that the Tropical Storm will impact STP.

3.0 'Responsibilities 3.1 EOF Director will be the Executive Management representative onsite and will provide overall direction for the Storm Crew. The Deputy EOF Director may also staff this position.

3.2 TSC Manager is responsible for c6ordinating the Station's response'to se'ere weather in accordance with this plan. The Assistant TSC Manager may also staff this position.

'3.3 Shift Supervisor (Unit 1 Control Room) is responsible for declaring, upgrading or canceling severe weather conditions.

3.4 Operations Manager reports to the Unit 1 Control Room and provides management oversight of the implementation of Control Room severe weather response activities.

l I OPGP03-ZV-0001 l Rev. 1,0 Page~of5 l Severe Weather Plan l 3.5 The Severe Weather Coordinator is responsible for monitoring weather forecasts and conditions to anticipate entry into severe weather conditions that will impact STP and notifying the Storm Crews when entry into Severe Weather Condition 3, 2, or 1 is required.

3.6 Department Managers are responsible for overseeing plan implementation for areas under their control when a severe weather condition is declared.

3.7 Department Severe Weather Coordinators are responsible for implementing applicable department plans during a declared severe weather condition as it impacts STP.

3.8 Department Severe Weather Records Custodians are responsible for implementation, collection and storage of department QA Records and in-process quality documents for.

safekeeping during a declared severe weather condition predicted to impact STP.

3.9 Emergency Planners are responsible for assisting in facility activation/operation, and.

monitoring emergency response activities related to a severe weather event.

3.10 Communications System Supervisor maintains operability of Site communication systems and telecommunications equipment.

3.11 Employee Support performs personnel special needs during a severe weather event and assisting family members with injured personnel as necessary.

3.12 EOF Liaison functions as the primary liaison with the STPEGS Owners and the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO). Acting as the primary interface with chemical facilities near STPEGS to provide information and coordinate support accommodations.

3.13 Purchaser issues contracts for personnel, equipment and services for severe weather recovery.

3.14 Site Public Affairs Specialist gathers information relating to the severe weather event, developing press releases, and disseminating press releases or news bulletins to the public.

3.15 OSC Coordinator ensures repair teams are formed, briefed, and dispatched and their status is monitored. The Assistant OSC Coordinator may also staff this position.

3.16 Maintenance personnel are responsible for staffing repair teams, attending briefings and debriefings, assisting in planning and performing work, identifies needed tools and equipment, and maintains and reports the status of repair activities. Maintenance personnel consist of the following disciplines: Electrical Supervisor, Electricians, I&C Supervisor, I&C Technicians, Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor, Mechanics, Materials Handlers, and Sub-Station Technicians.

l OPGP034ZV-00011 ' ; I Rev. 10 Page9IfS l Severe Weather Plan 3.17 Materials Handlers are responsible for obtaining equipment and supplies from the warehouse.

3.18 TSC Administrative Staff performs facility clerical functions.

3.19 Chemical/Radiochemical Manager ensures notifications to offsite agencies. Determines priority of samples and types of analysis to be performed.' Provides periodic NRC updates via ENS as needed.'

3.20 TSC Communicator can make state & county communications (phone talker), Site Public Address Announcements, and other communications as directed. The Offsite Agency Communicator may also fill this position.

3.21 Electrical Engineer is responsible for resolving electrical problems related to the severe weather condition.

3.22 Maintenance Manager functions as the TSC interface for all repair activities requested of.

the Control Room and coordinates repair priorities.

3.23 Mechanical Engineer is responsible for resolving mechanical problems related to the severe weather condition.

3.24 Nuclear Engineer is responsible for monitoring the reactor core.

3.25 Radiological Manager assesses station radiological conditions for personnel protective measures and identifies the need for additional personnel.

3.26 Security Manager directs and implements Station security activities and Rindtions'as the primary interface' with Local Law Enforcement Agencies.

3.27 Substation Operator is responsible for all work performed in the station Switchyard.

4.0 Procedure 4.1 EOF Director 4.1.1 When entry into Severe Weather Condition 1 is imminent due to a Hurricane, direct the Severe Weather Coordinator to activate the Sto'rm Crew and report to the Unit 1 Technical Support Center and implement Data Sheet 1, EOF Director Checklist as necessary. -

4.2 TSC Manager 4.2.1 'When directed to activate the Storm' Crew, report to the Unit 1 Technical Support Center and implement Data Sheet 2, TSC Manager Checklist as necessary.

. OPGP03-ZV-O0O1. R ev. 10 Page 10 of 51 Severe Weather Plan 4.3 Severe Weather Coordinator 4.3.1 Prior to May 1 of each year, implement Data Sheet 3, Severe Weather Coordinator Checklist as applicable.

4.4 Shift Supervisor (Unit 1 Control Room) 4.4.1 Evaluate available weather information and declare, upgrade or cancel severe weather conditions that pertain to severe weather impacting STP as defined in Section 2.0 Definitions.

4.4.2 Notify the Severe Weather Coordinator, EOF Director, and TSC Manager of severe weather condition changes.

4.4.3 Request assistance from the Severe Weather Coordinator and the Severe Weather Site Preparation Team at Severe Weather Condition 3, 2, or 1 as necessary.

4.4.4 Implement OPOP01-ZO-0004, Extreme Cold Weather Guidelines, as required.

4.4.5 Implement OPOP04-ZO-0002, Natural or Destructive Phenomena Guidelines, as required.

4.4.6 IF entry into the Emergency Plan is required AND the Storm Crew has staffed the TSC, THEN Emergency Director functions may be transferred to the TSC Manager.

4.5 ; Department Managers' 4.5.1 Prior to May 1 of each year, implement Data Sheet 4, Department Managers Checklist as applicable.

4.6 Department Severe Weather Coordinators 4.6.1 Prior to April 15 and October 31 of each year, implement Data Sheet 5, Department Severe Weather Coordinator Checklist as applicable.

4.7 Department Severe Weather Records Custodian 4.7.1 When directed by your Department Severe Weather Coordinator or a member of the Storm Crew, implement Data Sheet 6, Department Severe Weather Records Custodian Checklist.

4.8 If entry into the Emergency Plan is required during implementation of the Severe Weather Plan, the Shift Supervisor assumes the role of the Emergency Director and directs the emergency in accordance with the STP Emergency Plan.

l - OPGP03-ZV-0001 . - I Rev. 10 I1 Page of l Severe Weather Plan 4.9 Non-Storm Crew Personnel

  • Personnel who do not have assigned Severe Weather Plan positions or are not required for safe operation of the Units are considered non-storm crew personnel and should not report to the site.'
  • Do not come to the site unless you are a designated Storm Crewmember or are called in.

4.10 All Storm Crew personnel shall maintain unescorted access to the Protected Area and the Electrical Auxiliary Building (EAB).

4.11 The reporting organization of the Storm Crew is identified in Addendum 1, Storm Crew.


4.12 When a severe weather condition is terminated, Storm Crew personnel shall forward all documentation to the Severe Weather Coordinator. Data maybe used to complete review of storm activities, as well as assisting with the Condition Report investigation.

4.13 Storm Crew Activation

  • Storm Crew pager carriers are activated by the Severe Weather Coordinator using the pager system in conjunction with a Voice Mailbox. The Severe Weather Coordinator places Storm Crew activation instructions in a voice mailbox, activates the storm crew pagers which directs them to the voice mailbox for instructions. Craft personnel will be contacted via telephone by their supervisors.

4.14 Radio Station Announcements

  • As a public service local and regionaltradio stations can be used as a backup source of information to the above mentioned methods of communications with employees and contractor personnel. Refer to Addendum 4, Radio Stations Listing, for stations in your area.

4.15 Department Call Tree

. Department Management is encouraged to establish and use a department call tree to notify' personnel in the event that other lines of communication are out of service. An example may be that the Department Severe Weather Coordinator notifies the Department Manager who notifies Supervisors who in turn notify their staff.

I OPGP03-ZV-0001 - l Rev. 10 Page 12of51 Severe Weather Plan 4.16 Food/Water/Bedding

  • Food, water, beds, blankets and pillows will be stored in Storage Room 317 on the 60' of the Electrical Auxiliary Building in both Units. The food is in the form of Meals Ready to Eat. Beds will be set up in room 102 on the 21' of the Electrical Auxiliary Building or other suitable areas.

4.17 STP Severe Weather Update Line

  • An employee call-in line that should be used as the primary method of gathering information during the early stages of predicted severe weather. Do Not Contact the Control Room for severe weather information. The telephone number for the STP Severe Weather Update Line is 361-972-4636. A recorded message will provide information such as "DO NOT Report to Work"; "Report to Work at Designated Time"; "Site Severe Weather Information", e.g., Severe Weather Condition Level; or other work related information during severe weather conditions. This line of communications will be used prior to and during Tropical Storms or Category 1 Hurricanes that impact South Texas Project. This line is available 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day.

4.18 Storm Information Hotline

  • The Storm Information Hotline, 800-849-3935, is designed for long term information.

needs. This line will be activated following the declaration of STP Severe Weather Condition 1. The intent of this line is to provide information to all personnel if South Texas Project experiences possible catastrophic storm damage (Typically, Hurricane Category 2 or higher) that results in loss of telephone communication in the local area.

The Storm Information Hotline is located in College Station, TX and will be manned 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day by STP personnel. This line is available 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day after declaration of STP Severe Weather Condition 1.

4.19 Notices of Enforcement Discretion (NOED)

  • On rare occasions, such as during severe weather conditions, another government entity may issue an advisory assessment regarding the need for electrical power to protect public (non-radiological) health and safety. In these situations, when staying online may be a Licensing or Technical Specification violation licensees may request a NOED. Issue a NOED in accordance with procedure OPGP05-ZN-0001, Preparation of Requests for Enforcement Discretion.

l - Il - OPGP03-ZV-0001 . .. - Rev. 10 Page 13 of 51 Severe Weather Plan 5.0 References '

5.1 OPOP04-ZO-0002, Natural or Destructive Phenomena Guidelines 5.2 OERPO 1-ZV-INO 1, Emergency Classification 5.3 OPOPO1-ZO-0004, Extreme Cold Weather Guidelines 5.4 OPOP03-ZG-0006, Shutdown from 100% to Hot Standby 5.5 OPOP03-ZG-0007, Plant Cooldown 5.6 OPGP05-ZN-0001, Preparation of Requests for Enforcement Discretion.

5.7 CR 93-4499, SPR 933248 5.8 CR 89-1573, SPR 890882 5.9 SOER 82-015, 3.c, Freezing of Safety-Related Equipment 5.10 OPMP02-ZA-0004, Maintenance Department Severe Weather Program 5.11. ST-HL-AE-5010, Revised positio'n on 10 CFR 50.63, Loss of all Alternating Current Power 5.12 ST-AE-HL-92850, Implementation of the Station Blackout Rule (10 CFR 50.63) STP, Units I and 2 (TAC Nos. 68606 and 68607) 5.13 ST-HL-AE-3045, Response'to 10 CFR 50.63, Loss of all Alternating Current Power' 5.14 ST-HL-AE-5103, Supplemental Information to revised position on 10 CFR 50.63 Loss of all Alternating Current Power 5.15 NUMARC 87-00 Revision 1, Initiatives Addressing Station Blackout at Nuclear Power Plants 6.0 Documentation 6.1 The Severe Weather Coordinator will retain any pertinent records generated as a result of declaration of a severe weather condition. The records -will be used to generate a report evaluating the success of activation of the station severe weather response. The report should be retained as a permanent record.' Any items noted during the review requiring additional actions or review will be entered into the Condition Reporting process. The applicable records generated should be retained with the report and cross-referenced in any resulting Condition Reports.

I 1- OPGP03-ZV-0001:

Severe Weather Plan Rev. 101 Page 14 of 51 6.2 The Severe Weather Coordinator will retain the following records until superseded by the following years records:

  • Completed Form 1, Severe Weather Plan Annual Review
  • Completed Form 2, Department Severe Weather Assignments
  • Completed Form 3, Estimated Records Inventory List 7.0 Support Documents 7.1 Addendum 1, Storm Crew Organization 7.2 Addendum 2, Information Guidelines for Hurricane Season 7.3 Addendum 3, Information Guidelines for Freezing Weather 7.4 Addendum 4, Radio Stations Listing 7.5 Addendum 5, Severe Weather Update Line Instructions 7.6 Addendum 6, Storm Crew,Notification Instructions 7.7 Addendum 7, Department SWC.Notification Instructions 7.8 Addendum 8, Storm. Crew Briefing Desired Outcome 7.9 Form 1, Severe Weather Plan Annual Review 7.10 Form. 2, Department Severe Weather Assignments 7.11 Form 3, Estimated Records Inventory List 7.12 Form 4, Storm Crew Roster 7.13 Form. 5, Freeze Protection Inventory 7.14 Form 6, Records Inventory List 7.15 Form 7, Site Recovery Plan of Action 7.16 Data Sheet 1, EOF Director Checklist 7.17 Data Sheet 2, TSC Manager Checklist 7.18 Data Sheet 3, Severe Weather Coordinator Checklist 7.19 Data Sheet 4, Department Managers Checklist 7.20 Data Sheet 5, Department Severe Weather Coordinator Checklist 7.21 Data Sheet 6, Department Severe Weather Records Custodian Checklist

OPGP03-ZV-0001 I Rev. 10 Page 15 of Sl Severe Weather Plan AdedmISoCrwOgnzto l EOF Dirctor l TSC Manager Severe Weather Control Room OpraiosManager Coordinator b

.3u-ervi-ojJ Emergency Shf Sp

. Planners (2) nnel OSC Coorinator Operations I TSC Support Peronnl l-.

. sC suppot Center Site Public Affairs Purchaser Maeral Ha;; dlersi I2 Sub Station Nucle l Maintenance Specialist 1 cncian Engineer d - .Manager I Employee EOF Liaison Mechanical Maintenance j ()

Mechnic 1 [ Electrical Lf Radiological Support _Supn isor l . Engineer d Manager ic n I jl Mechanical Communications Sys. Supervisor I&CSupervisor~

Engineer d Chemical /Radiochemical

. Manager

{IC.Technician (2) TSC Communica t or Il lSecurity Manager I Electrician Administrative

.I oo(Fcfitie r (Facilities) Staff

.(Facilities) _

(#) Number of personnel filling position.

I OPGP03-ZV-O001 I Rev. 10 I Page 16 offl 1 Severe Weather Plan Addendum 2 , =Information Guidelines for caeSaoSeason

. Hurricane Page 1 of 1

  • Prior to June 1 each year, the Department Severe Weather Coordinator or designee should instruct department personnel on actions required by the applicable Department Severe Weather Plan.
  • Additional topics may include:
  • Early dismissal requirements during adverse weather conditions
  • Station severe weather safe structures
  • Local radio station information
  • Report back to work requirements after early dismissal

. Station hurricane information hotline

  • Home hurricane preparations
  • NOAA Weather Radio Stations Frequencies (Addendum 4)
  • Evacuation routes
  • Review of the Severe Weather Plan OPGP03-ZV-0001
  • Procedural actions based on severe weather impacting STP

I I 0PGP03-ZV-0001' :' l Rev.10 IPage 17 of 51 Severe-Weather Plan

'Addendum 3 l Information Guidelines for Freezing Weather l ' Page 1of 2 NOTE (SOER 82-015, CR 89-1573 -Entire Addendum)

  • Prior to October 31 each year, Department Severe Weather Coordinators should inform department personnel via meetings, memos, or bulletins on:: (SOER 82-015, 3.c)
1. Remaining aware of conditions that may promote localized freezing (e.g., open louvers or doors) during the course of their daily work. '(SOER 82-015, 3.c)
2. To immediately notify their supervisor of any condition or conditions that could promote localized freezing. (SOER 82-015, 3.c)'

3.. Be aware of exposure hazards and symptoms;-

4. Severe Weather Plan OPGP03-ZV-0001
5. Review of Procedure OPOPOl-ZO-0004, Extreme Cold Weather Guidelines with appropriate personnel.
  • Additional topics recommended for personnel involved in system walk-downs:


  • All systems located within the boundaries of the following buildings are not considered susceptible' to freezing weather conditions and will be excluded from the scope of the walk-down: Mechanical Auxiliary Building, Electrical Auxiliary Building, Reactor Containment Building, Fuel Handling'.

Building, Essential Cooling Water Intake Structure, Turbine Generator Building. Systems located outside the walls of these buildings or on the roofs may be susceptible to freezing conditions.

  • All yard systems (including Circulating Water Intake Structure, River Makeup Pumping Facility, yard systems inside and outside the Protected Area) which are potentially exposed to freezing weather conditions will be included in the'scope of the walk-down. Also, Walk-down Criteria I will be addressed. Systems located outside the walls of these buildings or on the roofs may be susceptible to freezing conditions.

Walk-down Criteria: The following conditions are identified as potential problems when exposed to freezing weather.

1. Valve bonnets that are not insulated in a piping system that is insulated.
2. Freeze protection leaves a gap where the pipe either goes underground or enters a building.
3. Freeze protection ends before the tee or reducer at a pipe size transition, leaving a portion of the smaller pipe unprotected.

A l OPGP03-ZV-0001 ., -- - l Rev. 10 Page 18 of51 Severe Weather Plan Addendum 3 Information Guidelines'for Freezing Weather Page 2 of 2

4. Freeze protection ends at an equipment or system interface, leaving interface flanges or skid-mounted piping and instrumentation unprotected.
5. Local instrumentation (gauge glasses, pressure indicators, sensing lines, etc.) is not freeze protected, and space heaters are not provided in instrument cabinets.
6. Freeze protection is not continuous at pipe supports (Evaluation must be performed on a case-by-case basis to determine if fin-affected cooling is present.)
7. Insulation or heat tracing has not been restored following maintenance.
8. Ventilation outlets blowing directly on any water-filled instrument sensing line or instrument (Isolation Valve Cubicle or Diesel Generator Building only).
9. 6 inch and smaller piping and pumps that contain water and are not insulated must be evaluated for off-normal operation.
10. 2 inch and smaller piping and pumps that contain water and are not heat traced must be evaluated for off-normal operation.
11. 2 inch and smaller valves in a larger line that is not heat traced.
12. 6 inch and smaller valve in a larger line that is not insulated.
13. Freeze protection is not provided at tank vacuum breakers, level gauges, instrumentation, etc.
14. Freeze protection is not provided for extended vents and drains (Evaluation must be performed on a case-by-case basis to determine susceptibility/fin-affected cooling.)

OPGP03-ZV-0001 - Rev. 10 Page 19 ofSI Severe Weather Plan Addendum 4 - Radio Stations Listing Page 1 of 1 Local Radio Stations Bay City El Campo KMKS-FM 102.5 KULP-AM 1390 KZRC-FM 92.5 Port Lavaca Houston/Lake Jackson KVIC-FM 93.3 KODA-FM 99.1 KTRH-AM 740 KPRC-AM 950 KUHF-FM 88.7 NOAA Weather Radio Stations Bay City 162.425 MHz

- Bryan/College Station 162.550 MHz La Grange 162.550 MHz

. 162.550 1 24 Galveston  :.... 162.550 MHz Houston 162.400 MHz Luf kin 162.550 MHz

. . * . . I I .I . . I . . .

,I - I . - .

l OPGP03-ZV-0001 l Rev. 10 I Page 20 of 5 Severe-Weather Plan Addendum 5 lSevere Weather Update Line Instructions l Page 1of I 1.0 Instructions for Recording Message on the South Texas Project STP Severe Weather Update Line (SWUL) 2.0 To Record Message:

2.1 Dial 4633 (SWUL answers with current message) 2.2 When SWUL answers press

  • 2.3 When asked for access code enter 9676600 2.4 Enter 0 to turn offline 2.5 Enter 7 1 2.6 Record message. See examples below 2.7 Enter 9 to stop recording 2.8 To playback message, at this point enter 8 1 #

2.9 Enter 1 to return online 2.10 Dial 4643 to ensure message has been properly recorded.

NOTE: Words/numbers in Italics will vary according to day, date, and/or situation DO NOT REPORT TO WORK MESSAGE:




OPGP03-ZV-0001 Rev. 10 Page 21 of 51 Severe Weather Plan -

Addendum 6 Storm Crew Notification Instructions Page I of I 1.0 Activation Instructions for the Storm Crew:

1.1 Access voicemail system by dialing 8777. Access your personal mailbox followed by your password. Select option 2 to send a message. Record Severe Weather Instruction

-Message. Press # key and enter destination mailbox (4099). Press # key to send message.


  • key twice and hang up.

1.2 To Activate pagers dial ext. 8367, or 361-972-8367. Enter the pager number (1219).

When prompted to input the number to call, enter 361-972-4099. Press the # key and hang up.

1.3 If it is necessary that you record a new message as conditions change, before you record the next message, you need to delete the previous message. To delete old message, dial

'8777, then press 8 and enter mailbox 4099 followed by the password 4099. Press 1 to review message, then you can press 33, which takes y6u irmmediately to the end of the message where you can press 7 to delete the message. Press

  • key twice and hang up.

1.4 All pagers will activate. Severe Weather Storm Crew will call in to a "listen only" mailbox to retrieve message and follow instructions

OPGP03-ZV-0001- Rev. 10 Page 22 of5I1 Severe Weather Plan -1 Addendum 7 Department SWC Notification Instructions Page I of 1 1.0 Activation Instructions for Severe Weather Coordinators 1.1 From ON-SITE Dial 8777

  • 4088, enter password 4088. Select option 4,3,1,2 to record a personal greeting which will be the Severe Weather Information. After the information greeting, include instructions to leave their name and number so we will have a record of who responded.

1.2 From OFF-SITE Dial 1-800-403-7787 # 4088, enter password 4088. Select options 4,3,1,2 to record a personal greeting (Same as above) 1.3 Pager Activation Instructions 1.3.1 To Activate the Department Severe Weather Coordinators pagers, dial the pager number extension 8367 or from off-site, 1-800-403-7787 and press # to access the paging system. When prompted for the pager number, enter 2485, and then enter 4088 as the call back number.

1.3.2 DSWCs will then receive the page and call in to hear the Severe Weather Information Message and instructions for leaving their name and phone number on mailbox 4088.

1.4 MESSAGES 1.4.1 WEATHER INFORMATION: Give current weather conditions, projected conditions, Plan activation criteria, times, etc. Also, instructions included in the Severe Weather Plan. Give names of the TSC Manager and the EOF Director.


1.5 Deletion of Recorded Messages 1.5.1 Access your personal mailbox by dialing 8777, select *, enter mailbox 4088, enter password 4088.

1.5.2 Follow voice prompts to delete messages.

l OPGP03-ZV-0001 Rev. 10_ Page23ofS Severe Weather Plan Addendum 8 Storm Crew Briefing Desired Outcomes Page 1of I 1.0 Understand who is responsible for filling designated severe weather positions (Storm Crew Team I & Storm Crew Team 2) and that all positions have been filled.

2.0 Understand Storm Crew Team responsibilities.

3.0 Understand when the Storm Crew Teams will be released to attend to offsite preparations.

4.0 Understand when the Storm Crew Teams should report back to the site.

5.0 Understand how the Storm Crew Teams will be notified to return to site.

6.0 Understand which facility the Storm Crew Teams should report to when returning to site.

7.0 Ensure all Storm Crew Team personnel have unescorted access to the Electrical Auxiliary Building.

8.0 Understand that an extended stay on site may be necessary.

9.0 Understand what necessities will be provided for Storm Crew personnel during any protracted stay on sit6. (Food, Water, Sleeping Accommodations) 10.0 Understand safety precautions during severe weather.

.,. I'

OPGP03-ZV-OOO1 - Rev. 101 Page24of5l Severe Weather Plan Form 1 Severe Weather Plan Annual Review Page 1of 1 From: Date:_

(Department Manager)


(Severe Weather Coordinator) 1,_have reviewed the Severe Weather Plan for the (Department Manager) (Departnent Name)

Department and have the following recommendations for revision to our Plan:

a OPGP03-ZV-OOO1 - I Rev. 10 Page 25 of51 Severe Weather Plan Form 2 1 Department Severe Weather Assignments l Page I of

OPGP03-ZV-0001^ Rev. 10 Page 26 ofl5 .




PICKUP LOCATION NUMBER OF BOXES TOTAL NUMBER OF BOXES NOTE: Determine number of boxes based on BOX DIMENSIONS archive box dimensions. 12" X 15"


Manager. 2ND- .

Emergency Planner Emergency Planner . 2d.

- . -. - 1ST .

Employee Support 2ND_

EOF Communications - 1ST. . -

System Supervisor . -.

EOF Director 2ND.

iST EOF Liaison ND iST Operations Manager 2 ND

.IST OSC Coordinator 2 ND IST Purchaser ND e W t C a ST Severe Weathe~r Coordinator 2D

OPGP03-ZV-0001 Rev. 10 Page 28 of Severe Weather Plan Form 4 Storm Crew Roster Page2 of4 POSITION SHIFT NAME HOME TELEPHONE PAGER iST Site Public Affairs Spec. NO TSC Administrative Staff 2n.

iST TSC Communicator 2 NO iST TSC Electrical Engineer 2ND iST TSC Maintenance Manager 2ND iST TSC Manager2ND 1 ST TSC Mechanical Engineer 1T TSC Nuclear Engineer 2 N-1 ST TSC Radiological Manager 2ND iST TSC Security Manager 2ND

OPGP03-ZV-0001 Rev. 10 Page 29 of l Severe Weather Plan Form 4 Storm Crew Roster Page 3 of4 POSITION DEPT/DIV SHIFT. NAME HOME TELEPHONE lit Electrical Supervisor Elec. Maint lit Electrician Elec. Maint 2'

lot Electrician Elec. Maint 2 lit Materials Handler NPMM aod

.t2 Materials Handler - - NPMM-Mechanical Maintenance li1

_ - Mech. Maint Supervisor 2nd lit Mechanic - - Mech. Maint ist Mechanic - - Mech. Maint 2d Mechanic Facilities Electrician - Facilities l2it Transportation Facilities d

OPGP03-ZV-0001 Rev. Page 30 of 5I 10 Severe Weather Plan Formn 4 Storm Crew Roster Page 4of 4 POSITION DEPT/DIV SHIFT NAME HOME TELEPHONE I&C Supervisor I&C Maint 2n.

I&C Technician I&C Maint 24.

I&C Technician I&C Maint

'it Substation Technician Center Point 2

. On-shift Personnel from Health Physics, Chemistry, Plant Operations, Security, and Maintenance are also members of the Storm Crew.

OPGP03-ZV-0001 Rev. 10 Page 31 of 51 Severe WeatherPlan Form 5 l Freeze Protection Inventory - l Page I of 2 Stock Code 609-171 is used to obtain the Freeze Protection Storage Container from Warehouse 32 Annex.

Freeze Protection Container Minimum Quantity Regd /Actual Description Stock Code 20 / Heat Trace Tape, 6 Ft, 36-Watt (6-Watt / Ft) 501-31319 15 / Heat Trace Tape, 12 FT, 72-Watt (6-Watt / Ft) 501-31320 15 / 'Heat Trace Tape, 18 FT, 108-Watt (6-Watt I Ft) 501-31321 25 I Extension Cord, 50 FT 501-1878 10 / Extension Cord, 100 FT 501-1879 400f / Heater Cable, 6-Watt, Cut-To-Length 501-31463 4 / Power Connector Kit, Heat Trace Cable (discontinued item) 501-31464 .. z 3 I Heat Gun (Also available in the Tool Room) 661-30855 12 / Skrim-Foil-Kraft Tape, 4" x 50 Yd 560-96026 2 I Rubetex Adhesive Foam Rubber, Pint 560-20034 I / Rubetex, "x 36" x 48" Sheet 501-34001 4 / LPG Infared Heater 16,000 BTU/Hr Capacity 501-31322 2 / Pump, Hand Transfer, for 55 Gal Drums of Kerosene 661-30718 4 / Tie Wire, #16 AWG, SS (5 Lb Spool) 501-5206 Warehouse 32 Annex 3 / Roll Insulation/Duct Wrap, 1-1/2" Thick 501-34036 I I Roll of Jacketing Insulation, Rolled Smooth 501-2525 I I Temporary Matt Insulation, l2" x 60" x 75' Roll 501-33876 8 I Portable Kerosene Heater, 150,000 BTU/Hr Capacity 501-31318 15 i 120V Electric Heaters, 1500 Watt Capacity 501-35520 8 I ** Propane Gas Heaters 175,000 - 350,000 BTU/Hr 501-35517 Nv/Gas Hose, 1/4" ID x 40' Long, and 501-35519 Regulator (Keep Heater, Hose & Regulator as a set) 501-35521 (Use: FHB Air Intake Heaters) 8 / Can, Safety, 5 Gallon (for Kerosene) 562-167 This form, when completed, SHALL be retained with the Freeze Protection Container until superseded.

OPGP03-ZV-0001-. Rev. 10 Page 32 ofSl Severe Weather Plan Form l Freeze Protection Inventory - Page 2 of 2 Gas Cylinder Storage Area Minimum Quantity Reqd Actual Description Stock Code 166 Propane Gas Bottles, 100 Lb (for use with C/B 501-35517, 501-35518 501-35519 & 501-35521) 6 / Propane Gas Bottles, 60 Lb (for use with C/B 501-31322) 501-24477 Flammable Storage Building (See Note) Kerosene, 55 Gallon Drum (discontinued) 560-11021 NOTE: Kerosene is available from a bulk storage tank at the Fab Shop. Safety Cans (metal fuel containers),

Stock Code 562-167 are available in the Annex.

    • These items SHALL be released only at the direction of the Plant Manager or designee.

Completed By:

Signature Date This form, when completed, SHALL be retained with the Freeze Protection Container until superseded.

OPGP03-ZV-0001 Rev. 10 Page 33 of 51 Severe Weather Plan Form 6 Records Inventory List Page IofI RECORDS INVENTORY LIST (Hurricane Record Storage)

Department Date Department Severe Weather Records Custodian l Telephone No. (Work) ._;

Records Return Location' QA Records Box Nurnber(s)

. I . II . . . .

l ..... ..  ; , . ..

I , -  :

.i . .


LZZZ Records Picked Up by RI b Records Received by . Records Returned


OPGP03-ZV-0001 Rev. 10 Page 35 of l Severe Weather PlanI Data Sheet 1. EOF Director Checklist Page 1 of 1 Action Step Date/Time 1.0 Brief Executive Management and Owners of severe weather conditions at STP.

2.0 Inform the Nuclear Regulatory Commission of all preparatory actions for Severe Weather.

3.0 Provide Storm Crew oversight and guidance for declared severe weather conditions.

4.0 Contact Owners to ascertain equipment availability.

5.0 Coordinate Severe Weather activities with Texas Department of Public Safety, .i-Matagorda County Emergency Management, NRC and FEMA as necessary.

6.0 If a Hurricane is expected to impact STP within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, then provide the following information to the NRC Region IV:

6.1 STP's capability to provide sleeping accommodations, food, etc.,

inside the power block for licensee and NRC staffs.

6.2 The status of any preparatory actions to mitigate potential impacts from the Hurricane and the initiation of other precautions and actions, as necessary, to ensure plant safety.

7.0 If Hurricane is expected to impact STP within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, then provide the following information to NRC Region IV:

7.1 Update current preparatory status of STP.

7.2 STP's Units current/projected operating status.

7.3 Discuss NRC's co-location status.

8.0 Order early dismissal approximately 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to the hurricane impacting STP or when deemed necessary.

9.0 Evaluate the need for Notices'of Enforcement Discretion (NOED), if required:

direct initiation in accordance with OPGPO5-ZN-0001, Preparation of I .

Requests for Enforcement Discretion.

I Data Sheet 2 l OPGP03-ZV-0001 Severe Weather Plan TSC Manager Checklist lRev. 10l Page 36 of51 Page l of 3 I

Action Step Date/Time 1.0 Maintain this Data Sheet and use a log to record other pertinent information.

2.0 Obtain a briefing from the Shift Supervisor or Operations Manager:

  • Operational status of Unit 1 and 2.
  • Severe Weather Condition.
  • Status of equipment and repair activities.
  • Status of State and County communications.
  • Status of onsite protective actions.

3.0 Obtain TSC and OSC activation readiness.

4.0 With the Severe Weather Coordinator and EOF Director, review Severe Weather Condition for possible reclassification and inform the Shift Supervisor of any recommended changes.

5.0 Provide support to the Shift Supervisor as requested.

6.0 Support Operations implementation of procedure OPOP04-ZO-0002, Natural or Destructive Phenomena Guidelines.

7.0 With the EOF Director, evaluate Storm Crew staffing to ensure necessary personnel required for conditions.

8.0 If not already done evaluate and recommend to Executive Management / EOF Director early dismissal of personnel. Early dismissal should be considered 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to landfall for a hurricane impacting STP. This may also include the Severe Weather Site Preparation Team.

9.0 Obtain periodic updates on the storm's location, current conditions, area forecast, and extended forecast for the next 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from the Severe Weather Coordinator.

10.0 Provide periodic reports on the storm's location, current conditions, area forecast, and extended forecast for next 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to the Storm Crew.

l . OPGP03-ZV-0001 Rev. 10 Page370f5l I Severe Weather Plan I Data Sheet 2 TSC Manager Checklist Page 2 of 3 Action Step, Date/Time 11.0 Ensure Storm Crew food and water supplies have been checked.

12.0 Verify all Diesels are operable.

13.0 Verify all outdoor gantry cranes are secured prior to >30 MPH winds.

14.0 Verify Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Storage Tanks, Demin water ..1,  : I tanks, Chem Storage tanks are filled.

15.0 Obtain regular updates from Operations, Radiation Protection, Chemistry, Engineering and Maintenance.

16.0 Prepare for NRC Site Team arrival.

SEVERE WEATHER CONDITION ONE 17.0 If not already completed, activate Severe Weather Storm Crew.

18.0 Evaluate Emergency Plan Action Levels (EALs) and determine potential for entry into Emergency Plan, confer with EOF Director and Shift Supervisor.

19.0 If an Emergency is declared, relieve the Shift Supervisor of Emergenicy Director responsibilities and make the appropriate State, County and NRC Notifications.

20.0 Severe Weather Response Team Activities:

  • Determine necessity to form and dispatch a Severe Weather Response Team.
  • Direct the Maintenance Manager to inform the Operations Support Center of the need for a team and its function.
  • Prioritize corrective actions and inform the Operations Support Center.
  • Maintain authority over all Severe Weather Response Teams dispatched and recall teams as necessary.
  • For safety reasons ensure all personnel are dispatched in teams.

21.0 Direct the Maintenance Manager to establish plans for corrective actions and repairs.

OPGP03-ZV-0001 lRev. 10 Page38ofSl Severe Weather Plan Data Sheet 2 TSC Manager Checklist Page 3 of 3 Action Step Date/Time 22.0 Verify Turbine Generator Lube Oil and other pumps tested.

23.0 Verify NIS conducted communications checks.

24.0 Verify Standby Diesel Generators testing complete. v _-

SEVERE WEATHER RECOVERY 25.0 Once personnel hazards are diminished, direct the Maintenance Manager to dispatch facility evaluation teams to record storm damage.

26.0 Assemble status information on station operational and radiological conditions and brief the EOF Director and Shift Supervisor.

27.0 Direct the Maintenance Manager and OSC Coordinator to develop a list of activities and tasks that should be completed using Form7, Site Recovery Plan of Action.

SEVERE WEATHER TERMINATION 28.0 Provide a list of any supplies or forms needing replenishment to the Severe Weather Coordinator.

29.0 Instruct TSC and OSC personnel to turnover documents generated during the emergency to the Severe Weather Coordinator.

OPGP03-ZV-0001 IRev. 101 Page39of5l1 Severe Weather Plan Data Sheet 3 Severe Weather Coordinator Checklist Page l of 4 Action Step -Date/Time PREPARATORY SEVERE WEATHER ACTIONS 1.0 Prior to May 1 each year notify appropriate Department Managers of the procedural requirements contained in Section 4.0.

2.0 Prior to May 1 each year ensure a' Hurricane Package is prepared and sent to all departments, if required. '_'_'_'_-_'

3.0 Prior to June 1 each year schedule a site preparation status meeting with all departments to discuss and review severe weather impact on STP and the Severe Weather Plan.

4.0 Prior to June 1 each year assist with severe weather preparations for the entire station. '_'_'__'

5.0 Prior to June 1 each year review Station severe weather preparations and report status to Executive Management.

6.0 Prior to June 1 each year schedule a meeting of key stakeholders (e.g.,

Maintenance, Facilities/Projects, Human Resources and Payroll) to ensure' consistency of Storm Crew compensation for crews and roll back to normal shifts. -

7.0 Use Impact Weather for monitoring weather forecasts and anticipate entry into severe weather conditions that will impact STP Location 0Th. - N28.80 W096.05 (Decimal Degrees). ";_;;_'_'.';_'_

8.0 To contact the Department Severe Weather Coordinators, implement Addendum 7, Department SWC Notification Instructions.' '_'_'

9.0 If a Tropical Storm or Hurricane is predicted to impact STP, consider scheduling a preparatory meeting to discuss stafifig of actions needed or in-process for each Severe Weather Conditiini.' "_'_'_'_'_'_

10.0 If the predicted storm intensity is such that a Storm Crew relief team will be needed (Category 2, 3, 4 or 5 Hurricane), both Storm' Crew Teams should' report to the Unit 1 TSC & OSC.

OPGP03-ZV-.0001. Rev. 10 Page 40 of 51 Severe Weather Plan Data Sheet 3 Severe Weather Coordinator Checklist Page 2 of 4 Action Step Date/Time 11.0 If the predicted storm impact is of a lower intensity, Management may decide that only Storm Crew Team 1 is needed (Strong Tropical St6rm or Category 1 Hurricane). This team should report to the Unit 1 TSC/OSC._

12.0 When Management decides to release Non-Storm Crew personnel from work due to Severe Weather, activate the severe weather telephone line using Addendum 5, Severe Weather Update Line Messages.

13.0 When Management decides personnel should return to work, activate the severe weather telephone line using Addendum 5, Severe Weather Update Line Messages.

14.0 If the Severe Weather Update Line fails, forward the emergency message to local radio stations for broadcast using Addendum 4.

SEVERE WEATHER CONDITION THREE 15.0 Assist the Shift Supervisor with obtaining current weather information.

16.0 Notify the Storm Crew when entry into Severe Weather Condition Three is required.

17.0 Upon entering Severe Weather Condition Three or at Management Discretion, Storm Crew personnel will meet for a briefing by the Severe Weather Coordinator, EOF Director and the TSC Manager (See Addendum 8, Storm Crew Briefing Desired Outcome). Craft personnel may not need to attend this meeting. They will be provided storm-related information by their supervisor.

18.0 Monitor weather forecasts and conditions and evaluate potential impacts to station and vital equipment.

19.0 Coordinate severe weather updates and response activities with the Texas Department of Public Safety, Matagorda County Emergency Management personnel, and FEMA, as necessary.

20.0 Compile craft Storm Crew Roster information from department managers or Department Severe Weather Coordinators.

21.0 Report on severe weather conditions and prognosis to the Department Severe Weather Coordinators and the Executive Management Team.

OPGP03-ZV-,0001 Rev. 10 Page 41 of S1

-Severe Weather Plan -

Data Sheet 3 Severe Weather Coordinator Checklist Page 3 of 4 Action Step- Date/Time ENTRY INTO CONDITIONTWO 22.0 Assist the Shift Supervisor with obtaining current weather information and distribute the data as necessary.,

-23.0 Notify the Executive Management Team when entry into Severe Weather Condition required. __.;_-._-_

24.0 Obtain the EOF Director concurrence to start staffing the Unit 1 TSC & OSC._

25.0 Use ICS Screen EM-01 2601 MET TOWER 15 MINUTE AVERAGE to monitor site wind speed using the LOWER WIND SPEED AVG values from the primary (EMSN0001) or backup (EMXN0012) data points.

26.0 Monitor weather forecasts and conditions and evaluate potential impacts to station and vital equipment.

27.0 During Severe Weather Condition Two, report on severe weather conditions and prognosis to the Department Severe Weather Coordinators and the Severe Weather Site Preparation Team as applicable.

28.0 When directed by the EOF Director, call in the Storm Crew in accordance with Addendum 6, Storm Crew Notification Instructions.

29.0 If entry into Severe Weather Condition One is imminent, activate the Storm Information Hotline.

SEVERE WEATHER CONDITION ONE 30.0 Assist the Shift Supervisor with obtaining current weather information and distribute the data as necessary.

31.0 Notify the Storm Crew when entry into Severe Weather Condition One is required.

A OPGP03-ZV-0001 -Rev. 10 Page42of5l Severe Weather Plan Data Sheet 3 Severe Weather Coordinator Checklist Page 4 of 4 Action Step Date/Time 32.0 Evaluate Emergency Plan Action Levels (EALs) and determine potential for entry into Emergency Plan. Confer with Shift Supervisor, EOF Director, and TSC Manager, as needed.

33.0 Monitor weather forecasts and conditions and evaluate potential impacts to station and vital equipment.

34.0 Report on severe weather conditions and prognosis to the EOF Director and TSC Manager.

OPGP03-ZV-0001 Rev. 10 Page 43 of 51 Severe Weather Plan Data Sheet 4 Department Managers Checklist Page 1 of 2 Action Step Date/Initial Retain this record until superseded by the following years record.

1.0 Prior to May 1 of each year designate Department Severe Weather Coordinators and Records Custodians using Form 2 and subm'it to the Severe Weather Coordinator.

2.0 Check department emergency supplies and verify on-hand quantities are sufficient as required by this Plan, or department severe weather procedures.

Replenish missing supplies as required by inventory results.

3.0 Assist the Severe Weather Coordinator, as requested, in distributing data to site personnel and coordinating the implementation of this plan.

4.0 Ensure the Department Severe Weather Plan is maintained current by performing an annual review and revising as necessary. (Report completion on Form 1, Severe Weather Plan Annual Review and submit a copy to the Severe Weather Coordinator) -_-_'_;_:

4.1 'As necessary Department Severe Weather Plans should address onshift personnel and ensure adequate number of individuals to meet protracted staffing (48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />).

5.0 Department Severe Weather Procedures should include supply checklists which address the conditions during severe weather, (high winds, flooding, cold temperatures, etc.) and conditions which result from the severe weather (loss of offsite power, mud,'residual flood water, wildlife, etc).

5.1 Example equipment for cold weather that departments should consider:

  • Extra heaters
  • Freeze prevention equiPment (anti-freeze, covers, heat tape, etc.)
  • Operable vehicles (department cars, trucks, forklifts, etc.) '

5.2 Example equipment for other severe weather that departments should.

consider: - - . .

  • Preparatory equipment (tie downs, shoring, sandbags, trash pumps, etc.) r
  • Recovery equipment (portable power generation equipment, extra batteries, trash pumps, food, gas chillers/coolers, etc.)
  • Communication equipment (e.g. telephones, radio station broadcasts) per ST-HL-AE-5010

OPGP03-ZV-0001 Rev. 10 Page 44 of l

. ,Re. ,10q..

Severe Weather Plan, Data Sheet 4 Department Managers Checklist Page 2 of 2 Action Step Date/Initial 6.0 Review basic severe weather information package provided by the Severe Weather Coordinator, add the department's specific items and have presented by the Department Severe Weather Coordinator or distributed to department personnel.

7.0 Prepare assigned department vehicles for use during severe weather conditions.

8.0 Provide hurricane information packages to department personnel, as requested.

9.0 Meet with the Severe Weather Coordinator to review plans and establish ground rules for the severe weather season.

10.0 Assign individuals to prepare the site for severe weather while Storm Crews make preparations at home. These individuals make up the Severe Weather Site Preparation Team.

11.0 Assign Storm Crew personnel as required to support the severe weather condition.

12.0 Dismiss personnel early when directed by appropriate Executive Management.

13.0 In the event of a Tornado Warning that directly impacts STP, ensure department, personnel are directed to a safe location as indicated below. Personnel should NOT be directed to go outside.

  • Reactor Containment Buildings
  • Mechanical-Electrical Auxiliary Buildings (preferred)
  • Fuel Handling Buildings
  • Diesel Generator Buildings
  • Essential Cooling Water Pump Structure
  • Other Buildings - The lowest level floor and near the inner most walls Owner Controlled Area - Sheltering outside the Protected Area should be the lowest floor near inside walls away from windows.

0PGP03-ZV-0001 Rev. 10 Page 45 of 5l I Severe Weather Plan Data Sheet 5 Department 'Severie Weather Coordinator Checklist Page I of 6 Action Step Date/Initial Retain this record until superseded by the following years record.

PREPARATORY SEVERE WEATHER ACTIONS 41.0 Prior to April 15 of each year NPMM shall inventory and order necessary hurricane supplies'. Supplies are stored in both units Electrical Auxiliary.

Buildings Room 317. -

2.0 Prior to May 1 of each year provide the Records Management Coordinator the name, contact number, and an Estimated Records Inventory List of Qu'ality Assurance Records requiring storage during adverse weather conditions that will directly impact SIT using Form 3, Estimated Records Inventory List. _______

.3.0 Prior to May 1 of each year departments shall review and revise (if applicable) their Severe Weather Plan and submit to the Severe Weather Coordinator. Use Form 1. _ _ _ _ _

4.0 Prior to May 1 of each year dep artments shall check emergency suplies and verify that on-hand quantities are sufficient. If ndt, replenish. _______

5.0 Prior to June 1 of each year Records Management shall determine storage faclitesareadquate for estimated archived reords________

6.0 'Prior to June 1 of each year all departments meet with Severe Weather Coordinator and review Station/Department severe weather plans. Also, review Department Severe Weather Information Program.. Revise as necessary. _______

7.0 -Prior to June I of each year all departments should ensure Severe Weather information is passed onto department personnel as required using Addendum 2 as aguide. _ _ _ _ _ _

8.0 Prior to June 1 of each ye'a'rall depahndnts shoiild con'tact the Severe Weather Coordinator for required Hurricane Packages if needed.

r OPGP03-ZV-0001- lRev. 101 Page46 of~l Severe Weather Plan Data Sheet 5 Department Severe Weather Coordinator Checklist l Page 2 of 6 Action Step Date/Initial 9.0 Prior to June 1 of each year all departments should perform a site walk-down to determine actions required in preparation of Hurricane Season. Initiate Condition Report as necessary.

10.0 Prior to June 1 of each year Brock shall deliver Quality Assurance Records Storage boxes to all departments. .

11.0 Prior to June 1 of each year Records Management shall deliver Quality Assurance Record Storage box labels to all departments.

12.0 Prior to June 1 of each year, all departments shall notify the Severe Weather Coordinator when actions are complete. l 13.0 Prior to October 1 of each year Maintenance shall perform all Heat Tracing/Freeze Protection System PMs 14.0 Prior to October 1 of each year NPMM shall inventory the Freeze Protection Storage Container using Form 5, Freeze Protection Inventory.

15.0 Prior to October 31 each year ensure department employees receive severe.

weather information using Addendum 3, Information Guidelines for Freezing Weather as a guideline.-

16.0 Prior to October 31 of each year Systems Engineering shall evaluate need for temporary shelters or temporary modifications for any areas or equipment susceptible to freezing and implement as required.

17.0 Prior to October 31 of each year Systems Engineering shall provide to each Unit Shift Supervisor, and maintain current, a list of Mechanical Auxiliary Building and Fuel Handling Building chilled water cooling coils that need to be drained to prevent freezing.

18.0 Prior to October 31 of each year Systems Engineering shall perform walk-downs of systems to identify deficiencies that could promote freezing and initiate Condition Report (CRs) to repair or compensate for these deficiencies.

j OPGP03-ZV-0001 Severe Weather Plan lRev. 101 Page47offl Data Sheet 5 Department Severe Weather Coordinator Checklist lPage 3 of 6j Action Step Date/Initial 19.0 Prior to October 31 of each year Systems Engineering shall review existing temporary modifications to ensure adequate freeze protection is provided to temporary equipment, and temporary freeze protection measures are adequate.

20.0 Prior to October 31 of each year maintenance ensures temporary shelters, specified by SED, have been installed to withstand normally expected winds (e.g., made of canvas, plywood, etc.) with temporary heaters inside and any necessary temporary lighting. .. .I . . .

21.0 Prior to October 31 of each year Work Control ensures all SRs required for -

freeze protection have been identified and scheduled for work. .. .. .. . . .. :

22.0 Prior to October 31 of each year Plant Operations ensures all equipment and systems outside the Reactor Containment Building and under Plant Operations Department jurisdiction have been inspected for deficiencies that could promote freezing, and SRs to repair or compensate for these deficiencies have been initiated. Completed IAW reference 5.3, Section 5.1.4.

. .I . . . ...

23.0 Prior to October 31 of each year Facilities Management ensures all buildings outside the power block have been prepared for cold weather.

24.0 Prior to October 31 of each year all departments shall notify the Severe Weather Coordinator when actions are completed. '

SEVERE WEATHER CONDITION THREE 25.0 Provide the names of individuals assigined to fulfill the' department responsibilities to the Severe Weather Coordinator. These individuals make up the Severe Weather Site Preparation Team and Storm Crew. Form 4, Storm Crew Roster can be used as a guide for positions needed to support the severe weather condition declared.

26.0 Commence Owner Controlled Area clean-up.

27.0 Severe Weather Site Preparation Team begins securing department work areas.

. *1 ,

28.0 Check food and water supplies.

-- -- -l _

OPGP03-ZV-0001 lRev. 101 Page48of51 Severe Weather Plan Data Sheet 5 Department Severe Weather Coordinator Checklist Page 4 of 6 Action Step Date/Initial 29.0 Implement Department Severe Weather Plans.

30.0 PMPI should tie down loose material, verify cribbing has been placed in the vault, and fill sandbags. (Prepare 2 pallets of sand bags [spare] and stage in Annex, move to the FHB Doors at Condition 3.

31.0 Ensure all mobile cranes are secured.

32.0 Should conditions warrant, ensure QA records are at an interim storage location ready to be transported to the vault. Must be maintained under constant surveillance. -

33.0 Plant Protection may hire additional security guards, if appropriate.'

34.0 Perform periodic inventory check of emergency tools and equipment under department control.

35.0 Electrical vehicles should be fully charged or connected to a battery charger when not in use.

36.0 Conduct Site walk-down.

SEVERE WEATHER CONDITION TWO 37.0 Implement Department Severe Weather Plans.

38.0 Remove loose trash and materials and tie down temporary and portable structures.

39.0 Designate storage locations for initial repair parts identified for plant restrictions.

40.0 Mechanical Maintenance ensures the RCB Equipment Hatch and all Gantry Cranes are secured.

41.0 Package in process and Quality Records as directed by the TSC Manager or Severe Weather Coordinator. Fill out Form 6.

42.0 As directed by the TSC Manager or Severe Weather Coordinator, PMPI should move Quality Records to the vault.

OPGP03-ZV-0001 :Rev. 10 Page49 of5 j Severe Weather Plan Data Sheet 5 Department Severe Weather Coordinator Checklist Page 5 of 6 Action Step Date/Initial 43.0 Move pre-designated emergency equipment inside the protected area.

44.0 Provide for means of communication with storm crews (telephones, radio station, broadcasts, etc.).  ;

45.0 Facilities/Projects Department, based on expected severity of the storm, determine which vehicles and equipment may be relocated to the levee.

46.0 When possible, assist the Facilities/Projects Department by relocating vehicles in the OCA to the levee (south of the gas station) and vehicles in Protected Area to TGB Truck Bays (do not block in the ambulance or transport vehicle). Leave I truck in the OCA and I truck in the Protected Area. -_ ___

47.0 Vehicles designated as essential for departmental use may be scheduled for later relocation.

48.0 Sandbag doors (2-hour duration).

49.0 NIS to perform software backup as necessary.

50.0 Charge cell phone batteries. _

51.0 Perform site communications test.  :

SEVERE WEATHER CONDITION ONE 52.0 Implement Department Severe Weather Plans.

53.0 When directed, recall Storm Crews from home to work.

54.0 Recommend vehicle parking away from Essential Cooling Water Pond.

55.0 Dismiss station personnel as directed.

56.0 NIS to backup and shrink-wrap software.

OPGP03-ZV-0001 -Rev. 10 Page50of51 Severe Weather Plan Data Sheet 5 Department Severe Weather Coordinator Checklist Page 6 of 6 Action Step Date/Initial 57.0 When the Security Force Supervisor is notified of a projected Hurricane arrival (sustained winds in excess of 73 miles per hour at the South Texas Project),

ensure that all exterior doors and hatches to the following buildings and vital areas are secure:

  • Mechanical and Electrical Auxiliary Buildings
  • Reactor Containment Buildings
  • Diesel Generator Buildings

. Essential Cooling Water Intake Structure 58.0 Lock all buildings down.

59.0 Test established hotline and offsite media interface.

OPGP03-ZV-0001 Rev. 10 Page 51 of 51 Severe Weather Plan Data Sheet 6 Department Severe Weather Records Custodian Checklist Page I of I Action Step Date/Initial When completed, retain this record until superseded.

1.0 As directed by Department Severe Weather Coordinator or a member of the Storm Crew, implement collection and storage of department records for safekeeping. Need to maintain flexibility with planning based on projected severe weather conditions.

2.0 When advised by the TSC Manager or Severe Weather Coordinator, retrieve QA records and In-Process Quality Required Documents and Records from department area.

  • Inventory records and package archive boxes using Form 6, Records Inventory List.
  • Designate boxes with a red dot which contain records that will impact plant operation, site access, or safety system work. Boxes marked with red dots will be retrieved first.
  • Move packed, marked boxes to pickup point designated on Form 3, Estimated Records Inventory List.
  • Custody of records is transferred to Record Management when an individual from Records Management signs Form 6, Records Inventory List.