NOC-AE-17003490, Changes to Emergency Plan and Implementing Procedure

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Changes to Emergency Plan and Implementing Procedure
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 06/15/2017
From: Aguilera R
South Texas
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NOC-AE-17003490, STI : 34507539
Download: ML17171A355 (145)


South Texas Project Electric Generating Station P.O Box 289 Wadsworth, Texas 77483 June 15, 2017 NOC-AE-17003490 FILE NO: Z18 10 CFR 50.4(b)(5)

Attention: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 South Texas Project Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. STN 50-498; STN 50-499 Changes to South Texas Project Electric Generating Station Emergency Plan and Implementing Procedure In accordance with 10 CFR 50.4(b)(5), STP Nuclear Operating Company (STPNOC) hereby submits the enclosed Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure revision.

These changes do not represent a reduction in effectiveness and do not require NRC approval prior to implementation in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.54(q).

There are no commitments contained within this letter.

A complete description of changes for the revised documents and the summary of analysis are attached to this letter. If there are any questions regarding this matter, please contact Scott Korenek a\(361)972-7152 . £,,--...4~

Roger Aguilera Manager, Plant Protection/

Emergency Response Attachments:

1. Description of Changes I Summary of Analysis for Emergency Plan Change ICN 20-19
2. South Texas Project Electric Generating Station Emergency Plan Sections B, C, E, and J
3. South Texas Project Electric Generating Station Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure, OPGP05-ZV-0014, Emergency Response Activities STI : 34507539

NOC-AE-17003490 Page 2 of 2 cc: (electronic copy)

(paper copy) Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP Steve Frantz, Esquire Regional Administrator, Region IV Paul Bessette U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1600 East Lamar Boulevard U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Arlington, TX 76011-4511 Lisa M. Regner Lisa M. Regner NRG South Texas LP Senior Project Manager Mark Walker U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Jim von Suskil One White Flint North (O8H04) Skip Zahn 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 CPS Energy Kevin Pollo NRC Resident Inspector Cris Eugster U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission L. D. Blaylock P. O. Box 289, Mail Code: MN116 Wadsworth, TX 77483 City of Austin Elaina Ball John Wester Texas Dept. of State Health Services Helen Watkins Robert Free

Attachment 1 Description of Changes I Summary of Analysis for Emergency Plan Change ICN 20-19

NOC-AE-17003490 Page 1 of 7

1. Description of Change:

Emergency Plan Sections B and J were modified to reflect relocation of the Bay City Offsite Reception Center from the McAllister Middle School Campus to the MRMC Wellness and Rehabilitation Center.

2. 10 CFR 50.54(q) Summary of Analysis Evaluation change:

The physical size of the new Bay City location is adequate for setup of equipment and provides space for processing the expected number of evacuees. The equipment and capabilities for registering and monitoring evacuees at the new location will be equivalent to or better than those provided at the old location. Following this change adequate methods, systems, and equipment for assessing and monitoring actual or potential offsite consequences of a radiological emergency remain in place. The distance of the proposed location is approximately 2.5 nautical miles further from the station than the existing location. The station has a FEMA approved alternative approach to satisfy NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1, standard II.J.10.h which requires an alternative Reception Center location in Palacios.

The change has been evaluated and the determination made that:

  • The change does not affect the licensing basis.
  • The change does not affect any function or element of a Planning Standard and does not affect an Emergency Preparedness commitment.
  • The change does not affect the meaning or intent of the procedure, facilities or equipment, or any processes.

Based upon the evaluation, the changes do not represent a Reduction in Effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

NOC-AE-17003490 Page 2 of 7

1. Description of Change:

Emergency Plan Section B, deleted the requirement to maintain Letters of Agreement with local radio stations KMKS and KKHA. Emergency Plan Section E modified to add generic verbiage for how members of the public receive information. Previous revision referenced KMKS FM Radio.

Current revision references other local Public Radio Station.

2. 10 CFR 50.54(q) Summary of Analysis Evaluation for change:

The Stations Primary Alert System Provider was changed from local Radio Station KMKS to the National Weather Service (NWS) in Emergency Plan Change ICN 20-15. The NWS serves as the primary Emergency Alert System source for the Station by having the capability of providing 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day Emergency Alert Service. Local Radio Stations are required to rebroadcast emergency messages as mandated by Federal Communication Commission requirements.

Administrative and physical means for notifying local, State, and Federal officials, including prompt notification of the public, remain in place. Matagorda County is responsible for broadcast of Emergency Alert System (EAS) messages, activation of the Prompt Notification System and will continue to maintain applicable Letter of Agreement with Local Radio Stations regarding their participation as a supplemental ENS source. The proposed change meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants and is compliant with the stations FEMA-approved Alert Notification System design report.

The change has been evaluated and the determination made that:

  • The change does not affect the licensing basis.
  • The change does not affect any function or element of a Planning Standard and does not affect an Emergency Preparedness commitment.
  • The change does not affect the meaning or intent of the procedure, facilities or equipment, or any processes.

Based upon the evaluation, the changes do not represent a Reduction in Effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

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1. Description of Change:

Emergency Plan Section B modified to clarify the responsibility of the American Red Cross.

2. 10 CFR 50.54(q) Summary of Analysis Evaluation for change:

The American Red Cross Rio Colorado Chapter was dissolved. The Greater Houston Area Chapter has taken over local response when requested. Matagorda County is responsible for establishing and operation of Reception Centers. The American Red Cross may provide assistance to Matagorda County when requested. The equipment and capabilities for registering and monitoring evacuees at reception centers will be unaffected. The reception centers will continue to provide adequate staff, methods, systems, and equipment for assessing and monitoring actual or potential offsite consequences of a radiological emergency. American Red Cross will continue to participate during drills and exercises in the Matagorda County Emergency Operations Center. Training will be provided to the American Red Cross upon their request.

American Red Cross will maintain responsibility of congregate care facilities and provide support to Matagorda County as requested.

The change has been evaluated and the determination made that:

  • The change does not affect the licensing basis.
  • The change does not affect any function or element of a Planning Standard and does not affect an Emergency Preparedness commitment.
  • The change does not affect the meaning or intent of the procedure, facilities or equipment, or any processes.

Based upon the evaluation, the changes do not represent a Reduction in Effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

NOC-AE-17003490 Page 4 of 7

1. Description of Change:

Emergency Plan Section C, Figure C-5 modified to reflect Joint Information Center organizational changes. These changes include removal of the following positions: Communications Technician Internet/Graphics Technician, Media Relations Technical Spokesperson and the Media Relations /

ANI Liaison.

2. 10 CFR 50.54(q) Summary of Analysis Evaluation for change:

The table below provides a summary of the primary function(s) for the positions removed and the remaining augmented ERO position which absorbed the function(s).

Eliminated Position Functions Proposed Function Owner (Tele)Communications Ensure functionality of telecommunications EOF Communications Technician equipment at JIC. Supervisor Ensure functionality of JIC public address system.

Internet/Graphics Monitor for STP (South Texas Project) Public Inquiry Staff Technician misinformation on the Internet.

Respond to PIER email inquiries Media Relations ANI Provide information regarding insurance Media Relations Staff Member Liaison issues until arrival of American Nuclear Insurers (ANI).

Interface with ANI representatives during JIC activation Media Relations Provide technical information to and assist Technical Support Liaison Technical Senior Staff Writer in checking news Spokesperson releases for technical accuracy.

Participate in technical Press Briefings/Press Conferences.

Assist with interpreting technical information.

  • (Tele) Communications Technician - The responsibilities of the Communications Technician were being duplicated by the Communications System Supervisor in the EOF.

With the co-location of the EOF and JIC facilities, the EOF Communications Supervisor can effectively absorb these responsibilities for both facilities with no impact on either facilitys functionality.

  • Internet/Graphics Technician - The responsibilities of the Internet/Graphics Technician are not needed or are being duplicated by the Public Inquiry staff. The Public Inquiry Staff can effectively absorb the responsibility to monitor for STP misinformation on the Internet.

PIER will no longer be used.

  • Media Relations ANI Liaison - The responsibility for interfacing with ANI can be effectively absorbed by a remaining member of the Media Relations Staff.
  • Media Relations Technical Spokesperson - The responsibilities of the Media Relations Technical Spokesperson are being duplicated by the Technical Support Liaison. The Technical Support Liaison can adequately address technical needs for the JIC with no impact on release of information to the public.

NOC-AE-17003490 Page 5 of 7 The cumulative effect of eliminating these four positions does not impact the JICs ability to disseminate information to the public or the ability to answer phone calls and address rumors.

The change has been evaluated and the determination made that:

  • The changes do not affect the licensing basis.
  • The changes do not affect any function or element of a Planning Standard and does not affect an Emergency Preparedness commitment.
  • The changes do not affect the meaning or intent of the procedure, facilities or equipment, or any processes.

Based upon the evaluation, the changes do not represent a Reduction in Effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

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1. Description of Change:

Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure 0PGP05-ZV-0014, Emergency Response Activities, Revision 16. In this revision the means of distributing public information materials was relocated from the local Telephone Book into a pamphlet which will be distributed to members of the public.

An electronic mobile application has also been created.

2. 10 CFR 50.54(q) Summary of Analysis Evaluation for change:

The pamphlet contains the same information that was previously included in the telephone book.

The minimum information identified in NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1,Section II.G is contained in the pamphlets. This change was approved by FEMA Region 6. The pamphlets will be mailed to all permanent residents in the plume exposure EPZ, and will be made available in public areas for transient population. The information will continue to be reviewed and verified accurate on an annual basis. This change does not reduce the assurance that the permanent and transient adult population within the plume exposure EPZ has been given an adequate opportunity to become aware of the information.

The change has been evaluated and the determination made that:

  • The change does not affect the licensing basis.
  • The change does not affect any function or element of a Planning Standard and does not affect an Emergency Preparedness commitment.
  • The change does not affect the meaning or intent of the procedure, facilities or equipment, or any processes.
  • This procedure continues to comply with regulations.

Based upon the evaluation, the changes do not represent a Reduction in Effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

NOC-AE-17003490 Page 7 of 7

1. Description of Change:

Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure 0PGP05-ZV-0014, Emergency Response Activities, Revision 16. This revision removed Hotels located in Bay City and Palacios located outside of the 10 mile Emergency Planning Zone, from the list of establishments required to maintain Public Emergency Information Brochures.

2. 10 CFR 50.54(q) Summary of Analysis Evaluation for change:

The permanent and transient adult population within the EPZ will continue to have an adequate opportunity to become aware of information related to protective actions to be taken should an accident occur. Signage will remain at popular recreational areas located inside the EPZ and information brochures will continue to be made available to business establishments physically located within the 10 mile EPZ.

The change has been evaluated and the determination made that:

  • The change does not affect the licensing basis.
  • The change does not affect any function or element of a Planning Standard and does not affect an Emergency Preparedness commitment.
  • The change does not affect the meaning or intent of the procedure, facilities or equipment, or any processes.
  • This procedure continues to comply with regulations.

Based upon the evaluation, the changes do not represent a Reduction in Effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

Attachment 2 South Texas Project Electric Generating Station Emergency Plan Sections B, C, E, and J

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS A INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 1 A.1 Overall Objective......................................................................................................................... 1 A.2 Interfacing Plans, Procedures and Letters of Agreement ............................................................ 2 A.3 Station Emergency Plan format ................................................................................................... 4 A.4 Day-To-Day Operation ................................................................................................................ 5 A.5 Station Description ...................................................................................................................... 5 A.6 Station Location........................................................................................................................... 5 A.7 Station Population Areas ............................................................................................................. 5 A.8 Owner Control Area Public Access ............................................................................................. 6 A.9 Matagorda County Airport Facilities........................................................................................... 6 B ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY .............................................................................................. 1 B.1 Overall Responsibility ................................................................................................................. 1 B.2 State of Texas Responsibility ...................................................................................................... 2 B.2.1 Department of State Health Services (DSHS) ............................................................... 2 B.2.2 Governors Division of Emergency Management ......................................................... 3 B.3 Matagorda County Responsibility ............................................................................................... 4 B.4 Other Local, State, and Federal Agencies ................................................................................... 5 B.4.1 Bay City Police Department .......................................................................................... 5 B.4.2 City of Palacios Police Department ............................................................................... 5 B.4.3 City of Palacios Volunteer Fire Department .................................................................. 5 B.4.4 The Bay City Volunteer Fire Department ...................................................................... 5 B.4.5 The Matagorda County Hospital District ....................................................................... 6 B.4.6 Emergency Alert System Stations.................................................................................. 6 E-PLAN\TOC Page 1 of 15 Revision ICN 20-19 06/01/17

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS B.4.7 Matagorda County Sheriff's Office ................................................................................ 6 B.4.8 United States Coast Guard (Corpus Christi) .................................................................. 7 B.4.9 United States Coast Guard (Galveston) ......................................................................... 7 B.4.10 Resources of Other Federal Agencies ............................................................................ 7 B.4.11 Federal Emergency Management Agency ..................................................................... 8 B.4.12 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) ....................................................................... 8 B.5 Private Sector Organizations ....................................................................................................... 8 B.5.1 Westinghouse Electric Company ................................................................................... 8 B.5.2 Memorial Hermann Hospital System ............................................................................. 9 B.5.3 Lyondell Chemicals, LP and and OXEA Corporation................................................... 9 B.5.4 (Deleted ICN 20-10) ...................................................................................................... 9 B.5.5 American Red Cross Rio Colorado Chapter .................................................................. 9 B.5.6 Matagorda County EMS .............................................................................................. 10 B.5.7 Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) ............................................................ 10 B.5.8 American Nuclear Insurers .......................................................................................... 10 B.5.9 TXU Power (Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station) ................................................ 10 B.5.10 Areva NP Inc................................................................................................................ 10 B.5.11 Bay City Independent School District ......................................................................... 10 B.5.12 Matagorda Independent School District ...................................................................... 11 B.5.13 Palacios Independent School District .......................................................................... 11 B.5.14 Tidehaven Independent School District ....................................................................... 11 B.5.15 Van Vleck Independent School District ...................................................................... 11 B.5.16 Matagorda County Environmental Health ................................................................... 11 B.5.17 City of Bay City ........................................................................................................... 11 E-PLAN\TOC Page 2 of 15 Revision ICN 20-19 06/01/17

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS B.5.18 South Texas Project Operating Agreement .................................................................. 12 B.5.19 Bay City Community Development Corporation ........................................................ 12 B.6 Emergency Organization ........................................................................................................... 12 B.6.1 Station Emergency Director ......................................................................................... 12 B.6.2 State of Texas and Matagorda County ......................................................................... 12 C ORGANIZATIONAL CONTROL OF EMERGENCIES .................................................................... 1 C.1 Normal Station Operating Organization ...................................................................................... 1 C.2 Non-delegable/Delegable Emergency Director Responsibilities ................................................ 2 C.3 On-shift Emergency Response Organization .............................................................................. 3 C.3.1 Shift Manager................................................................................................................. 3 C.3.2 Acting Radiological Manager ........................................................................................ 4 C.3.3 Acting Security Manager ............................................................................................... 5 C.3.4 Acting Operations Support Center Coordinator ............................................................ 5 C.3.5 Shift Technical Advisor ................................................................................................. 6 C.3.6 ENS Communicator ....................................................................................................... 6 C.3.7 Plant Operators ............................................................................................................... 7 C.3.8 Onshift Chemistry Technician ....................................................................................... 7 C.3.9 Onshift Maintenance ...................................................................................................... 7 C.3.10 Plant Protection .............................................................................................................. 7 C.3.11 Emergency Response Teams ......................................................................................... 8 C.4 Emergency Response Organization ............................................................................................. 8 C.4.1 Technical Support Center Manager ............................................................................... 9 C.4.2 Operations Manager ....................................................................................................... 9 E-PLAN\TOC Page 3 of 15 Revision ICN 20-19 06/01/17

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS C.4.3 Radiological Manager .................................................................................................. 10 C.4.4 Maintenance Manager .................................................................................................. 10 C.4.5 Technical Manager....................................................................................................... 10 C.4.6 Security Manager ......................................................................................................... 10 C.4.7 Administrative Manager .............................................................................................. 10 C.4.8 Operations Support Center Coordinator ...................................................................... 10 C.4.9 Emergency Operations Facility Director ..................................................................... 11 C.4.10 Radiological Director ................................................................................................... 12 C.4.11 Technical Director........................................................................................................ 12 C.4.12 Support Organization Director ..................................................................................... 13 C.4.13 Licensing Director ....................................................................................................... 13 C.4.14 Joint Information Center Director ................................................................................ 13 C.4.15 Company Spokesperson ............................................................................................... 14 C.4.16 Media Relations Manager ............................................................................................ 14 C.4.17 Public Inquiry Manager ............................................................................................... 14 D EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM .................................................................................... 1 D.1 Event Classifications ................................................................................................................... 1 D.2 Safety Features ............................................................................................................................ 2 D.3 Emergency Classifications .......................................................................................................... 3 D.3.1 Unusual Event Classification ......................................................................................... 3 D.3.2 Alert Classification ........................................................................................................ 4 D.3.3 Site Area Emergency Classification .............................................................................. 4 D.3.4 General Emergency Classification ................................................................................. 5 E-PLAN\TOC Page 4 of 15 Revision ICN 20-19 06/01/17

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS E NOTIFICATION METHODS AND PROCEDURES .......................................................................... 1 E.1 Offsite Agency Notifications ....................................................................................................... 1 E.2 Communication Links and Notifications..................................................................................... 1 E.2.1 Unusual Event ................................................................................................................ 2 E.2.2 Alert ............................................................................................................................... 2 E.2.3 Site Area Emergency ..................................................................................................... 3 E.2.4 General Emergency ........................................................................................................ 3 E.3 Notification of the General Public ............................................................................................... 4 E.4 Matagorda County Instructions to the Public .............................................................................. 5 F EMERGENCY ACTIONS AND MEASURES .................................................................................... 1 F.1 Initiating Actions ......................................................................................................................... 1 F.2 Offsite Agency Notifications ....................................................................................................... 2 F.3 Assembly and Accountability...................................................................................................... 2 F.4 Access Control to Site Areas ....................................................................................................... 3 F.5 Site Evacuation ............................................................................................................................ 3 F.6 Onsite Shelter .............................................................................................................................. 4 F.7 Medical Assistance ...................................................................................................................... 4 F.8 Emergency Classification Actions .............................................................................................. 4 F.8.1 Unusual Event ................................................................................................................ 4 F.8.2 Alert ............................................................................................................................... 5 F.8.3 Site Area Emergency ..................................................................................................... 7 F.8.4 General Emergency ........................................................................................................ 9 E-PLAN\TOC Page 5 of 15 Revision ICN 20-19 06/01/17

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS G EMERGENCY RESPONSE FACILITIES ........................................................................................... 1 G.1 Control Room .............................................................................................................................. 1 G.2 Operations Support Center .......................................................................................................... 1 G.3 Technical Support Center ............................................................................................................ 2 G.4 Emergency Operations Facility ................................................................................................... 3 G.5 Alternate TSC/OSC ..................................................................................................................... 5 G.6 Joint Information Center.............................................................................................................. 5 G.7 State Operations Center and County Emergency Operations Center .......................................... 6 G.8 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Emergency Operations Center ............................................... 6 G.9 Laboratory Facilities .................................................................................................................... 7 G.10 Personnel Decontamination Facilities ......................................................................................... 7 G.11 First Aid ....................................................................................................................................... 8 G.12 Maintenance/Damage Control ..................................................................................................... 8 G.13 Emergency Response Facilities Data Acquisition and Display System ...................................... 8 H ACCIDENT ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................ 1 H.1 Assessment Resources ................................................................................................................. 2 H.1.1 Fire Detection Systems .................................................................................................. 2 H.1.2 Seismic Monitoring ........................................................................................................ 2 H.1.3 Plant Process Instrumentation ........................................................................................ 3 H.1.4 Liquid Radiation Monitor .............................................................................................. 3 H.1.5 Radiation Monitoring System ........................................................................................ 3 H.1.6 Meteorological System .................................................................................................. 4 H.1.7 Plant Liquid Systems ..................................................................................................... 4 E-PLAN\TOC Page 6 of 15 Revision ICN 20-19 06/01/17

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS H.1.8 Gaseous Effluent Radiation Monitoring System ........................................................... 5 H.2 Objectives of Onsite and Offsite Monitoring .............................................................................. 5 I PROTECTIVE RESPONSE.................................................................................................................. 1 I.1 Onsite Personnel Notification...................................................................................................... 1 I.2 Assembly and Accountability...................................................................................................... 1 I.3 Site Evacuation ............................................................................................................................ 1 I.4 Onsite Shelter .............................................................................................................................. 2 1.5 Protective Action for Onsite Personnel during Hostile Action Based (HAB) Events ................ 2 I.6 Protective Action Recommendations .......................................................................................... 2 I.7 Public Notification....................................................................................................................... 3 I.7.1 Public Shelter and Evacuation ....................................................................................... 3 I.7.2 Special Needs Groups .................................................................................................... 3 I.8 Environmental Monitoring Points ............................................................................................... 4 J RADIOLOGICAL EXPOSURE CONTROL ....................................................................................... 1 J.1 Personnel Exposure Monitoring .................................................................................................. 1 J.1.1 Emergency Exposure Guidelines ................................................................................... 1 J.1.2 Emergency Exposure Limits .......................................................................................... 1 J.2 Measurement of Radiation Worker Exposure ............................................................................. 2 J.3 Contamination Control and Preventive Measures ....................................................................... 2 J.4 Drinking Water and Food Contamination Control ...................................................................... 2 J.4.1 Surveys of Emergency Response Facilities ................................................................... 3 J.4.2 Airborne Releases .......................................................................................................... 3 J.4.3 Colorado River & Selected Wells .................................................................................. 3 E-PLAN\TOC Page 7 of 15 Revision ICN 20-19 06/01/17

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS J.5 Radiological Medical Considerations.......................................................................................... 3 J.5.1 Personnel Contamination ............................................................................................... 4 J.5.2 Health Physics Supervision............................................................................................ 4 J.5.3 Hospital Procedures ....................................................................................................... 4 J.5.4 Contaminated Items ....................................................................................................... 4 J.5.5 Radiological Surveys ..................................................................................................... 4 J.6 Personnel Evacuation from Station ............................................................................................. 4 J.7 Offsite Assessment, Evaluation ................................................................................................... 5 J.8 Tools and Equipment ................................................................................................................... 5 J.9 Exposure to Airborne Contamination .......................................................................................... 6 J.10 Radiation Monitoring System...................................................................................................... 6 J.10.1 Model Description ......................................................................................................... 6 J.10.2 Area and Process/Effluent Systems ............................................................................... 7 J.10.3 Liquid Monitoring .......................................................................................................... 7 J.10.4 Airborne Monitoring ...................................................................................................... 7 J.10.5 Area Monitoring Subsystem .......................................................................................... 7 J.11 Radiation Survey and Sample Equipment ................................................................................... 7 J.11.1 Portable & Fixed Survey Instruments ............................................................................ 7 J.11.2 Offsite Monitoring ......................................................................................................... 8 J.12 Laboratory Equipment and Instruments ...................................................................................... 8 K MEDIA RELATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 1 K.1 Public Education .......................................................................................................................... 1 K.1.1 Information Dissemination ............................................................................................ 1 E-PLAN\TOC Page 8 of 15 Revision ICN 20-19 06/01/17

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS K.1.2 Printed Material ............................................................................................................. 1 K.1.3 Public Information Contents .......................................................................................... 1 K.1.4 Station Continuing Education/Information Program ..................................................... 2 K.1.5 Education Responsibility ............................................................................................... 2 K.1.6 Distribution of Alert Radios........................................................................................... 2 K.2 Public Information Distribution .................................................................................................. 2 K.3 Transient Population Distribution ............................................................................................... 3 K.4 Education and Information Program Resources .......................................................................... 3 K.4.1 News Media Participation .............................................................................................. 3 K.4.2 Specific Media Requests ................................................................................................ 3 K.5 Media Information Organization ................................................................................................. 3 K.5.1 Normal Events and Unusual Events Release ................................................................. 3 K.5.2 Early Information Release ............................................................................................. 3 K.5.3 Joint Information Center Activation .............................................................................. 4 K.5.4 Public Inquiry Manager ................................................................................................. 4 K.5.5 Company Spokesperson ................................................................................................. 4 K.6 News Releases ............................................................................................................................. 4 K.7 News Conferences ....................................................................................................................... 5 K.8 Media Requests ........................................................................................................................... 5 K.9 Information Flow ......................................................................................................................... 5 K.9.1 Rumor Control ............................................................................................................... 6 K.9.2 Misinformation Handling............................................................................................... 6 K.10 Joint Information Center.............................................................................................................. 6 E-PLAN\TOC Page 9 of 15 Revision ICN 20-19 06/01/17

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS L RECOVERY AND RE-ENTRY ........................................................................................................... 1 L.1 Recovery Responsibility and Initiating Conditions ..................................................................... 1 L.2 Recovery Conduct ....................................................................................................................... 2 L.3 Recovery Phase ........................................................................................................................... 2 L.4 Recovery ALARA Philosophy .................................................................................................... 2 L.5 Recovery Initiation ...................................................................................................................... 3 L.6 Recovery Organization ................................................................................................................ 3 L.7 Recovery Procedures and Documentation................................................................................... 3 L.8 Recovery Actions for General Public .......................................................................................... 4 L.9 Termination ................................................................................................................................. 4 L.10 Exposure Authority ..................................................................................................................... 4 M EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TRAINING ................................................................................... 1 M.1 Emergency Plan Training Objectives .......................................................................................... 1 M.1.1 Emergency Preparedness Training Program .................................................................. 1 M.1.2 Emergency Preparedness Training Program Objectives................................................ 1 M.1.3 Emergency Preparedness Training Program Content .................................................... 2 M.2 Overall Responsibility - Emergency Plan Training..................................................................... 2 M.2.1 Emergency Response Facility Managers ....................................................................... 2 M.2.2 Emergency Response Organization Personnel .............................................................. 3 M.2.3 Annual Retraining .......................................................................................................... 3 M.2.4 Computer Based Training .............................................................................................. 3 M.2.5 New Personnel Training ................................................................................................ 3 M.3 Emergency Plan Training ............................................................................................................ 3 E-PLAN\TOC Page 10 of 15 Revision ICN 20-19 06/01/17

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS M.4 Specialized Emergency Plan Training Content ........................................................................... 4 M.5 Non-Emergency Response Organization Personnel Emergency Plan Familiarization ............... 4 M.6 Specialized Training Methods ..................................................................................................... 4 M.7 Emergency Medical Teams ......................................................................................................... 5 M.8 Offsite Training ........................................................................................................................... 5 N DRILLS AND EXERCISES ................................................................................................................. 1 N.1 Drill and Exercise Program ......................................................................................................... 1 N.1.1 Periodic Drills and Exercises ......................................................................................... 1 N.1.2 Outside Organizations .................................................................................................... 1 N.1.3 Critique Evaluations....................................................................................................... 1 N.1.4 Annual Drills .................................................................................................................. 2 N.2 Scenario Development................................................................................................................. 2 N.2.1 Specific Objectives ........................................................................................................ 2 N.2.2 Scenario Composition .................................................................................................... 3 O EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS ....................................................................................................... 1 O.1 Maintaining Emergency Preparedness ........................................................................................ 1 O.2 State/County Review of Emergency Plan ................................................................................... 2 O.3 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50.54(t) Independent Review ................................ 2 O.4 Emergency Equipment and Supplies ........................................................................................... 3 E-PLAN\TOC Page 11 of 15 Revision ICN 20-19 06/01/17

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES Number Title Page A-1 Permanent Resident Population Distribution by Sector ............................................. A-7 A-2 Permanent Resident Population Distribution by Emergency Planning Zone ............. A-8 B-1 Responsible Primary Organizations ........................................................................... B-14 C-1 Minimum Staffing Requirements (STPEGS) ............................................................. C-13 D-1 Initiating Conditions For Emergency Classification .................................................. D-6 G-1 Emergency Supplies and Equipment .......................................................................... G-9 G-2 Typical Emergency Response Facility Records ......................................................... G-15 G-3 Emergency Response Facilities Data Acquisition and Display System ..................... G-16 H-1 Assessment Instrumentation ....................................................................................... H-7 E-PLAN\TOC Page 12 of 15 Revision ICN 20-19 06/01/17

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES Number Title Page A-1 STPEGS Location wthin Matagorda County ............................................................. A-8 B-1 Interrelationship of Emergency Response Organizations .......................................... B-15 C-1 Onshift Emergency Response Organization ............................................................... C-16 C-2 Technical Support Center (TSC) Staffing .................................................................. C-17 C-3 Operations Support Center (OSC) Staffing ................................................................ C-18 C-4 Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Staffing ......................................................... C-19 C-5 Joint Information Center (JIC) Staffing ..................................................................... C-20 C-6 Station Emergency Response Organization and Offsite Interfaces ............................ C-21 E-1 Siren Locations ........................................................................................................... E-11 E-2 Typical Emergency Response Facilities Communications Pathway.......................... E-12 E-3 Emergency Communications Links ........................................................................... E-13 F-1 Emergency Response Facilities Communications Pathway Typical Functional Diagram Unusual Event ............................................................................................. F-12 F-2 Emergency Response Facilities Communications Pathway Typical Functional Diagram Alert, Site Area, And General Emergencies ................................................ F-13 G-1 Control Room, Technical Support Center, And Operations Support Center Locations ........................................................................ G-19 G-2 Typical Operations Support Center ............................................................................ G-20 G-3 Typical Technical Support Center .............................................................................. G-21 G-4 Location of Emergency Operations Facility Relative to South Texas Project Site............................................................................................. G-22 G-5 Typical Emergency Operations Facility ..................................................................... G-23 I-1 10 Mile Emergency Planning Zones .......................................................................... I-5 I-2 50 Mile Emergency Planning Zones .......................................................................... I-6 K-1 Typical Joint Information Center Layout ................................................................... K-8 E-PLAN\TOC Page 13 of 15 Revision ICN 20-19 06/01/17

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Number Title NUREG-0654 Cross Reference Implementing Procedures Glossary List of Acronyms E-PLAN\TOC Page 14 of 15 Revision ICN 20-19 06/01/17

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ADDENDA Number Title Page Addendum E-1 Emergency Response Facilities Communications.......................................... E-6 Addendum I-1 Recommended Protective Actions For The Public ........................................ I-7 Addendum N-1 Drills And Exercises ....................................................................................... N-4 E-PLAN\TOC Page 15 of 15 Revision ICN 20-19 06/01/17

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION B B ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY In case of an emergency at the Station that requires activation of the Station Emergency Response Organization, various State, local, Federal and private sector organizations will contribute to the emergency response effort. This section describes the responsibilities of those organizations.

Table B-1 lists the responsible primary organizations and the title of the individual in charge.

B.1 Overall Responsibility The Station has the responsibility for developing and maintaining an effective Emergency Plan. This is accomplished through the establishment of formal Emergency Plan implementing procedures, providing adequate training for the Emergency Response Organization per Section M of this Plan, establishing and maintaining emergency response facilities and equipment, and the establishment of appropriate partnerships with Federal, State, local government agencies and private organizations as identified in this section.

The following tasks are part of the Station's responsibility:

  • Recognize and declare the existence of an emergency condition.
  • Classify the event in accordance with the methodology described in Section D of this Plan.
  • Notify the appropriate Station personnel and offsite authorities.
  • Request additional support through County State, Federal and private agreements.
  • Establish and maintain effective communications within the Station and with offsite response groups as described in Section E of this Plan.
  • Continuously assess the status of the accident and periodically communicate the status information to the appropriate response groups and Federal authorities. This includes the collection and evaluation of onsite and offsite radiological monitoring data.
  • Take protective measures onsite and recommend protective actions to offsite authorities.
  • Monitor and control radiation exposures of personnel responding to the emergency and under the direction of the Station. Provide emergency information to the public through periodic press briefings in conjunction with State and local officials.
  • Keep the Station Owners informed of the situation at the site.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION B B.2 State of Texas Responsibility State of Texas has developed a Radiological Emergency Management Plan as an integral part of the State of Texas Emergency Management Plan. The State of Texas Emergency Management Plan outlines the State organization for emergency activities. The Texas Division of Emergency Management (DEM) is tasked with administering a program of Comprehensive Emergency Management. Designed to reduce the vulnerability of the citizens and communities of this State to damage, injury, and to loss of life and property by providing a system for the mitigation of, preparedness for, response to and recovery from natural or man-made disasters including fixed nuclear facilities. Established in the Office of the Governor by the Texas Disaster Act of 1975 (Government Code, Chapter 418) and direction of the Director of the Texas Office of Homeland Security (OHS). Office of Homeland Security Director appoints the State Coordinator to manage the Texas Division of Emergency Management on a daily basis, and the Coordinator reports to the Director of the Office of Homeland Security. The Texas Disaster Act of 1975, as amended, authorizes the creation of local organizations for emergency management, provides the Governor and executive heads of governing bodies of the State certain emergency powers, and provides the rendering of mutual aid among the political subdivisions of the State, with other states, and with the Federal Government. The Chairperson of the Texas Emergency Management Council is responsible for establishing an emergency organization capable of operation over a protracted period. The duties and responsibilities of the principal and support agencies of the State of Texas are summarized below. A detailed discussion of the State's response is contained in the Texas Emergency Management Plan.

B.2.1 Department of State Health Services (DSHS)

The Department of State Health Services is the Lead State agency responsible for responding to all peacetime radiological emergencies throughout Texas. Under the procedure established by the Texas Emergency Management Plan and as reaffirmed in a Letter of Agreement, the Department of State Health Services responds to all types of radiological emergencies throughout the State. The Texas Division of Emergency Management, upon notification by the Station of a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency, will notify key member agencies of the Emergency Management Council. The State Operations Center (SOC) is operational 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day, seven days a week. During radiological emergencies, the Department of State Health Services will be the Lead State agency for the assessment of radiological impact and damage to the environment. Once notified of a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency (or an Alert or Unusual Event which is likely to involve an offsite release), the Department of State Health Services will establish a communication link (telephone) from their office in Austin, Texas with Station dose assessment personnel.The Department of State E-PLAN\SEC-B Page 2 of 16 Revision ICN 20-16 06/16/14

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION B Health Services estimates that it will take about one hour to activate their office after notification. The Department of State Health Services is able to make dose projections in their Austin, Texas office from data provided by the Station. If the situation warrants, the Department of State Health Services will dispatch Radiological Emergency Response Teams to the Station. The Department of State Health Services has estimated the onsite response time to emergencies at the Station to be approximately 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />, and the full Emergency Response Team response time to field locations around the Station to be approximately 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

B.2.2 Texas Division of Emergency Management The Texas Division of Emergency Management has broad legal authority, in case of an emergency at the Station, to take actions deemed necessary to protect the health and safety of Texas citizens. This authority includes, but is not limited to, control of public and private transportation corridors, and utilization of all public facilities in support of efforts to protect life and property. The Texas Division of Emergency Management manages the State Operations Center (SOC), which is located at the Department of Public Safety Headquarters in Austin, Texas. The Department of Public Safety Sub District Office (Pierce, Texas), located approximately 45 miles from the Station, is the headquarters of the Disaster District serving the area around the Station.

The Texas Department of Public Safety provides the State with law enforcement services in emergency conditions. This includes but is not limited to disaster reconnaissance, emergency traffic control, and execution of evacuation control.

These activities are conducted in support of local government, in accordance with the State of Texas basic Emergency Management Plan, and Annex E, Evacuation, and Annex G, Law Enforcement. The Department of Public Safety Commanding Officer in Sub-District 2C Pierce, Texas serves as Chairperson of the Disaster District Committee. The Department of Public Safety provides statewide communications service for direction of disaster operations. Requests for assistance from the County Emergency Operations Center are forwarded to the Disaster District Sub 2C in Pierce. Requests that exceed the District's ability to respond will be forwarded to the State Operations Center (SOC) in Austin.

Response time for Department of Public Safety personnel from the Disaster District Office in Pierce to the Station is approximately 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION B B.3 Matagorda County Responsibility Matagorda County, Texas, has developed an Emergency Management Plan to provide for emergency operations within Matagorda County, Texas, including Bay City, Palacios, and the unincorporated towns within the County proper. The Matagorda County and city governments are responsible to their respective citizens to do everything possible to save lives, minimize damage, alleviate suffering and to help restore and rehabilitate property and society in the event of a natural disaster, man-made incident, or national emergency, including nuclear attack or threat thereof. Existing forms of local government are utilized in the formulation and implementation of this Plan. The organization and operational concepts set forth in this Plan are promulgated under the Texas Disaster Act of 1975, as amended, the Matagorda County Commissioner Court order of 1983 (reissued 1994), and other laws and ordinances detailed in the Matagorda County Emergency Management Plan. The Matagorda County Emergency Management Plan is a stand-alone document that supports the State of Texas Emergency Management Plan and the Station Emergency Plan.

Under the Matagorda County Emergency Management Plan, the County Judge, the Commissioners and Mayors, as chief elected officials are responsible for all emergency measures within their respective jurisdictions, including recommending shelter and or evacuation of members of the public and establishing and operation of Reception Center(s) for registration of residents and site employees evacuated because of a nuclear power plant event as needed. Existing agencies of government in Matagorda County, Bay City, and Palacios will perform emergency activities related to those performed in normal operations. The basic functions of County/City officials are to coordinate activities for efficiency and effectiveness and to assure that any skills not normally available in existing County/City governments are obtained from other resources. The County is the lead governmental entity in an emergency. Should the need arise for State assistance, the County Emergency Management Director has the authority to request assistance from State Disaster District Sub 2C in Pierce, Texas. This responsibility is assigned to the County Emergency Management Director and is not a delegable authority. The Emergency Management Coordinator is appointed by the County Judge. The primary responsibility of the Emergency Management Coordinator is to coordinate emergency response within the county and serve as communications liaison with the Texas Division of Emergency Management and the Disaster District Committee for day-to-day operations and through the Disaster District during emergencies. A detailed assignment of emergency response actions and responsibilities are defined in the Matagorda County Emergency Management Plan. Figure B-1 indicates the interface of State of Texas and local and civil authorities' Emergency Management Organizations. Other Local, State, and Federal Agencies E-PLAN\SEC-B Page 4 of 16 Revision ICN 20-19 06/01/17

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION B B.4 Other Local, State, and Federal Agencies Additional local, State, and Federal agencies and departments and their responsibilities that provide outside support to the Station in the event of a declared emergency are:

B.4.1 Bay City Police Department The Bay City Police Department, by Letter of Agreement will respond to any emergency/drill/or exercise including a hostile action event at the Station as requested. This response includes armed law enforcement officers and law enforcement vehicles. Under the control and coordination of the Matagorda County Sheriff's Office or the National Incident Management System (NIMS)

Incident/Unified Command System (ICS) (UCS), officers will perform law enforcement protective actions, assist in traffic/access control, evacuations, and route alerting. Bay City Police headquartered approximately 17 road miles northeast of the Station can respond to the Station in approximately one hour. This service is available 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day.

B.4.2 City of Palacios Police Department The City of Palacios Police Department, by Letter of Agreement, will respond to any emergency/drill/or exercise including a hostile action event at the Station as requested. This response includes armed law enforcement officers and law enforcement vehicles. Under the direction and control of the Matagorda County Sheriff's Office, ICS, or UCS, officers will perform law enforcement protective actions, assist in traffic/access control, evacuations, and route alerting. Palacios Police headquartered approximately 18 road miles southwest of the Station can respond to the Station in approximately thirty minutes. This service is available 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day.

B.4.3 City of Palacios Volunteer Fire Department The City of Palacios Volunteer Fire Department, by Letter of Agreement, will respond with fire-fighting support, and rescue services in case of an emergency/drill/or exercise including a hostile action event at the Station as requested. This response will include firefighters, firefighting equipment, and properly equipped vehicles under ICS or UCS coordination. Palacios Volunteer Fire Department located approximately 18 road miles from the Station can respond in approximately thirty minutes. This service is available 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION B B.4.4 The Bay City Volunteer Fire Department The Bay City Volunteer Fire Department, by Letter of Agreement, will provide firefighting support and rescue services in case of an emergency/drill/or exercise including a hostile action event at the Station as requested. This response will include firefighters, firefighting equipment, and properly equipped vehicles under ICS or UCS coordination. The Bay City Volunteer Fire Department located approximately 17 road miles from the Station can respond to emergencies at the Station in approximately one-hour. This service is available 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day.

B.4.5 Matagorda County Volunteer Fire Departments Matagorda County Volunteer Fire Departments by memorandum of understanding with Matagorda County will provide firefighting personnel, basic firefighting equipment, and firefighting vehicles as requested to emergency events at the Station including hostile action based events. These departments will be coordinated by ICS or UCS.

  • Blessing Volunteer Fire Department
  • Sargent Volunteer Fire Department
  • Matagorda Volunteer Fire Department
  • Markham Volunteer Fire Department
  • Van Vleck Volunteer Fire Department
  • Wadsworth Volunteer Fire Department
  • Midfield Volunteer Fire Department
  • Tres Palacios Oaks Volunteer Fire Department B.4.6 The Matagorda County Hospital District The Matagorda County Hospital District, by Letter of Agreement, will provide medical care for both conventional and radiological injuries that occur in emergency or drill/exercise situations at the Station. The Matagorda County Hospital District provides services via two hospitals in the district, Matagorda Regional Medical Center, located approximately 20 road miles from the Station in Bay City, and Palacios Community Medical Center located approximately 16 road E-PLAN\SEC-B Page 6 of 16 Revision ICN 20-16 06/16/14

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION B miles from the Station in Palacios. The Matagorda Regional Medical Center maintains a fully staffed Emergency Room that is equipped with a decontamination facility within the emergency room area to handle emergencies arising at the Station. Matagorda Regional Medical Center in Bay City shall serve as the primary response organization with secondary support provided by Palacios Community Medical Center. These services and facilities are available 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day.

The Matagorda County Hospital District, by Letter of Agreement, will provide facilities on the Matagorda Regional Medical Center campus in Bay City for use as a reception center in case of an accident at the Station.

B.4.7 Emergency Alert System Sources

  • Emergency Alert System source, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Weather Service (NWS), by Letter of Agreement, shall serve as the primary Emergency Alert System source for the Station by having the capability of providing 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day Emergency Alert service, including activation of the alert radios.
  • Other local Radio Stations are required to broadcast emergency messages as mandated by Federal Communication Commission requirements.

B.4.8 Matagorda County Sheriff's Office The Matagorda County Sheriff's Office by letter of agreement will assist the Station in responding to an emergency. The Emergency Management Plan for Matagorda County identifies the responsibilities for the Sheriff's Office as law enforcement, evacuation/traffic control, communications, warning/notifications and maintenance of the Matagorda County Emergency Operations Center. The Matagorda County Sheriff's Office will respond to requests to provide assistance during emergency or drill/exercise situations that develop at the Station to include hostile action based events. The Matagorda County Sheriff's Office has the capability to respond to a request for assistance from the Station in approximately thirty minutes, on a 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day basis. In case additional law enforcement resources are needed, as in the case of a hostile action based event at the Station, the Matagorda County Sheriffs Office has an agreement with Wharton County Sheriffs Office to supply armed officers and law enforcement vehicles to assist with law enforcement duties, traffic/access control, evacuation, and route alerting as requested. Coordination of these duties would be by ICS or UCS.

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The United States Coast Guard, by Letter of Agreement will provide vessel traffic control on the Colorado River and other navigable waters in the vicinity of the Station by the use of marine warnings, and if necessary, aircraft and surface craft during emergency situations that may develop at the Station. The Coast Guard responds to requests, from the Matagorda County Sheriff's Office, for assistance from Corpus Christi District. Estimated time of response for the Coast Guard is within approximately four hours, on a 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day basis.

B.4.10 United States Coast Guard (Galveston)

The United States Coast Guard, by Letter of Agreement will provide vessel traffic control on the Colorado River and other navigable waters in the vicinity of the Station by the use of marine warnings, and if necessary, aircraft and surface craft during emergency situations that may develop at the Station. The Coast Guard responds to requests, from the Matagorda County Sheriff's Office, for assistance from Galveston District. Estimated time of response for the Coast Guard is within approximately four hours, on a 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day basis.

B.4.11 Resources of Other Federal Agencies The resources of Federal agencies appropriate to the emergency condition will be made available in accordance with the Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan. The Station Emergency Director is specifically authorized to request Federal assistance on behalf of the Station under the provisions of the Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan. The Station Emergency Director requests Federal assistance by contacting the NRC. In addition to the NRC, agencies other than those with a Letter of Agreement with the Station that may become involved are the Department of Energy, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the Environmental Protection Agency. In case of a hostile action based event at the Station the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will assume command of law enforcement/investigation activities. These Agencies have the capability of responding to a declared emergency at the Station in approximately twelve hours, on a 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day basis.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION B B.4.12 Federal Emergency Management Agency The Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region VI, is responsible for overall coordination of the offsite Federal response effort. The senior Federal Emergency Management Agency official from Region VI will carry out the functions and responsibilities outlined in NUREG-0981.

The Region VI Emergency Response Team will, in addition to the region office response, provide support to State and County authorities in the area of resource coordination, logistics, and telecommunications. The senior Federal Emergency Management Agency official, or designee, will notify the appropriate Federal agency capable of meeting a Specific State or County government need. The Federal Emergency Management Agency can respond to a declared accident at the Station in approximately ten hours.

B.4.13 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission - The NRC is notified of an incident via the Emergency Notification System telephone line, the initial NRC response is to ascertain the status of the plant and monitor Station activities. The NRC will assess offsite radiological effects and will develop projection of onsite and offsite effects for use by other Federal, State, and local agencies, as appropriate.

To ensure reports can be made, NRC Headquarters Operations Center maintains a 24-hour emergency telephone and duty officer. The NRC Region IV Response Team, located in Arlington, Texas, has the capability of responding in approximately five hours. The leader of this response team will normally be the Region IV Regional Administrator, assuming the role as NRC Director of Site Operations, when so directed by the NRC Chairperson.

B.5 Private Sector Organizations Private Sector and Contract Organizations include various groups that will provide support and services to the Station as follows:

B.5.1 Westinghouse Electric Company Westinghouse Electric Company has established a contract with the Station to provide general services related to nuclear steam supply operation during and following an accident situation. Westinghouse provides a capability to respond on a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day basis.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION B B.5.2 Memorial Hermann Hospital System Memorial Hermann Hospital System - by Letter of Agreement, serves as a referral source for long-term care of radiological injuries. Memorial Hermann Hospital System is available 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day for consultation or treatment of personnel who have been internally contaminated or may have received an acute dose of radiation.

Memorial Hermann Hospital System located in Houston, Texas is approximately 70 air miles from the Station.

B.5.3 Lyondell Chemicals, LP and OXEA Corporation Lyondell Chemicals, LP (Matagorda Operations) and OXEA Corporation (Bay City Plant) - by separate Letters of Agreement, will notify the Station of emergencies occurring at their plants which could involve offsite chemical releases, on a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day basis.

B.5.4 Section Deleted (ICN 20-10)

B.5.5 American Red Cross American Red Cross - by Letter of Agreement, will organize congregate care facilities and provide services necessary to support the evacuated population. This support is described in the Emergency Management Plan for Matagorda County, Bay City and Palacios.

B.5.6 Matagorda County EMS Matagorda County EMS by Letter of Agreement will provide 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day emergency medical services, ambulances, and emergency medical technicians as requested to the Station in case of an emergency/drill/ or exercise including a hostile action event. Matagorda County EMS response time to the Station is approximately thirty minutes. In case of mass casualties during an event, Matagorda County has agreements in place to supply backfill EMS services (non-radiological) until State resources can be summoned.

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Institute of Nuclear Power Operations by Letter of Agreement will provide assistance in acquiring the help of other organizations in the industry on a 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day basis. In addition, INPO will provide assistance, utilizing its own resources, as requested and as appropriate.

B.5.8 American Nuclear Insurers The Station maintains a policy with American Nuclear Insurers. American Nuclear Insurers has agreed to assume responsibility, except where excluded by the policy, for promptly assisting members of the public whom may be adversely affected by an incident at the Station.

B.5.9 Luminant Power (Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant)

Luminant Power by Letter of Agreement will in case of an emergency at the South Texas Project and loss of onsite analysis capabilities, support the Station by performing selected post accident analysis.

B.5.10 GEL Laboratories LLC GEL Laboratories LLC; by Letter of Agreement will provide assistance in the radioanalyses of environmental samples or personnel dosimetry as requested.

B.5.11 Bay City Independent School District Bay City Independent School District by Letter of Agreement will provide evacuation services (busses, drivers, and congregate care facilities) to Matagorda County or the Station in case of an accident at the Station. Matagorda Independent School District Matagorda Independent School District by Letter of Agreement will perform early dismissal of students at the Alert classification, and evacuation of students to the Linnie Roberts Elementary School at the Site Area or General Emergency classification.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION B B.5.12 Palacios Independent School District Palacios Independent School District by Letter of Agreement will provide evacuation services (busses, drivers, reception centers and congregate care facilities) to Matagorda County or the Station in case of an accident at the Station.

B.5.13 Tidehaven Independent School District Tidehaven Independent School District by Letter of Agreement will perform early dismissal of students at the Alert classification, and evacuation of students to the appropriate Reception Center at the Site Area Emergency classification.

B.5.14 Van Vleck Independent School District Van Vleck Independent School District by Letter of Agreement will provide evacuation services (busses, drivers) to Matagorda County or the Station in case of an accident at the Station.

B.5.15 Matagorda County Environmental Health Matagorda County Environmental Health by Letter of Agreement, will assist the Station on a 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day basis, or as needed, during an emergency situation at the Station.

B.5.16 City of Bay City City of Bay City - by Letter of Agreement, will rent the Bay City Civic Center during drills, exercises or events for use by the Texas Department of State Health Services and for use as a federal response center. South Texas Project Operating Agreement South Texas Project Operating Agreement is an agreement among Co-Owners for South Texas Project operations.

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B.6 Emergency Organization The Emergency Preparedness program for the Station requires the coordinated response of several organizations. The Emergency Director is the key individual in the Station Emergency Response Organization. The Station Emergency Response Organization is described fully in Section C of this Plan.

B.6.1 Station Emergency Director The Emergency Director initiates the activation of the offsite Emergency Response Organizations by contacting the Texas Division of Emergency Management via the Department of Public Safety Offices in Pierce, Texas, the Matagorda County Sheriff's Office, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. All these organizations are staffed 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day to provide communications links for receiving notification of a radiological emergency. The Federal agencies which may be requested by the Station to provide assistance can be notified by contacting the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on a dedicated communication link, the Emergency Notification System line.

B.6.2 State of Texas and Matagorda County The State of Texas and Matagorda County response is conducted in accordance with the following framework as presented in the State of Texas Emergency Management Plan and the Matagorda County Emergency Management Plan.

  • The Texas Division of Emergency Management is responsible for coordinating state-level response and recovery activities during emergencies and disasters regardless of cause. The Department of State Health Services has been designated as the primary agency for radiological emergencies. The Department of Public Safety is the primary State agency for a hostile action based event. The Matagorda County Judge and the Mayors of Bay City and Palacios exercise overall authority for offsite protective actions and measures for the safety and protection of local personnel and property. Overall, direction and control of state response activities will be exercised by the Sub 2C Disaster District Committee Chairperson (Department of Public Safety highway patrol lieutenant) operating from the Emergency Operations Center located in Pierce. The Chairperson will be kept informed of conditions in a timely manner in order to facilitate state response and assistance. The Matagorda County E-PLAN\SEC-B Page 13 of 16 Revision ICN 20-16 06/16/14

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION B Emergency Operations Center is the direction and control point for county and city response activities for an emergency at the Station.

  • The State is notified of an emergency at the Station by the Station's Emergency Director via a call to the Department of Public Safety Communication Center located at Disaster District Sub 2C, Pierce, Texas, on the dedicated ringdown telephone. The Communications Center at the Department of Public Safety, Pierce, will notify the Texas Division of Emergency Management of any emergency notification from the Station. The Governor and Chairperson of the Emergency Management Council are notified by the State Coordinator or the Texas Division of Emergency Management Duty Officer, depending on the severity of the situation. Notification of a station emergency is from the Texas Division of Emergency Management to the Texas Department of Health and in turn to the Department of State Health Services. The decision to activate the Radiological Response Team is based on the severity of the incident. The Station's Emergency Director initiates a declaration of Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency. The Governor, by executive order or proclamation, may declare a state of disaster. The presiding officer of the governing body of a political subdivision may also declare a local state of disaster. A state of disaster condition activates disaster response, recovery, and rehabilitation aspects of the State Emergency Plan. The Matagorda County Sheriff's Office also has access to the dedicated ringdown telephone, and will be notified of an emergency classification at the Station when the Department of Public Safety Disaster District Sub 2C office is notified.
  • When requested to assist in response and recovery efforts to radiation emergencies, personnel from other State of Texas Agencies will perform functions and activities as described in the State of Texas Emergency Management Plan Local officials shall provide notification to the various personnel in the Matagorda County Emergency Management Organization in accordance with County Procedures. The Matagorda County Sheriff is responsible to verify that notifications are made in accordance with details provided in the Matagorda County Emergency Management Plan.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION B TABLE B-1 Page 1 of 1 RESPONSIBLE PRIMARY ORGANIZATIONS Organizations Individual in Charge South Texas Project Electric Generating Emergency Director Station State of Texas Governor State of Texas Emergency Management Chairperson, Emergency Management Council Council Texas Division of Emergency State Coordinator Management Department of State Health Services Bureau Chief Matagorda County Emergency Emergency Management Director Management Organization (County Judge or Mayor(s) and County Commissioners)

Bay City Emergency Management Mayor Organization City of Palacios Emergency Management Mayor Organization Matagorda County Sheriff's Office Sheriff E-PLAN\SEC-B Page 15 of 16 Revision ICN 20-16 06/16/14






SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION C C ORGANIZATIONAL CONTROL OF EMERGENCIES This section of the Plan describes the organizations required by the Station during a declared emergency, as well as the organizations required for daily operation.

The Onshift Emergency Response Organization and the Roster designated Emergency Response Organization are activated in case of an emergency. The Onshift Emergency Response Organization is augmented by Emergency Response Organization personnel.

The Onshift Emergency Response Organization has the initial responsibility for declaring the emergency classification, providing timely notification to Federal, State, and County authorities, developing and providing protective action recommendations to the State and County authorities.

The emergency duties of the Onshift Response Organization are transferred to the Emergency Response Organization as the emergency response facilities are activated.

The Emergency Response Organization is provided with an adequate roster of available personnel to allow for relief and turnover on a shift basis, if required. Personnel relieving Emergency Response Organization positions will follow guidance contained in their position based procedure.

Figure C-6, describes the Station Emergency Response communications interface with State, County, & Federal Agencies.

C.1 Normal Station Operating Organization The daily Station operating organization is described in Section 13.1.2 of the Station Updated Final Safety Analysis Report. The Plant General Manager reports to the Senior Vice President U1 & U2. The Senior Vice President U1 & U2 reports to the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The Plant General Manager is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Station. In the absence of the Plant General Manager, responsibility for operation and maintenance is specified in approved Station administrative procedures.

The Emergency Director is responsible for the activation and direction of the Station Emergency Response Organization. He is also responsible for ensuring resources are available to support operation over a protracted period.

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  • Declaration of new emergency classifications;
  • Approval of offsite protective action recommendations issued to State and County authorities;
  • Approval of required notifications to State and County;
  • Approval of planned exposures in excess of Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 20 limits;
  • Approval of departures from license conditions per Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50.54(x) for emergency response activities NOT related to Control Room Operation actions.

The delegable Emergency Director responsibilities and authorities are:

  • Requesting of Federal assistance through the NRC;
  • Approval of press releases prior to issuance;
  • Approval of required notifications to the NRC;
  • Approval of commitments to the NRC.

These responsibilities and authorities shall be transferred from the Shift Manager, who may initially assume the role of Emergency Director at the onset of the emergency, to the Technical Support Center Manager or the Emergency Operations Facility Director as each assumes responsibilities and authorities of the Emergency Director.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION C C.3 On-shift Emergency Response Organization Should an emergency be declared, the Shift Manager (Emergency Director) activates the Onshift Response Organization from the normal operating staff. The individuals constituting the Onshift Response Organization will assume their respective titles and the responsibilities for their position until relieved as necessary.

The Onshift Response Organization is composed of members of the Plant Operations staff, the Shift Technical Advisor, Health Physics, Chemistry, Maintenance, Plant Protection, and Emergency Response Teams. The Onshift Response Organization may be supplemented as needed by the Emergency Director as required by the situation. The onshift complement provides for the capability of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day emergency response.

Positions for the Onshift Emergency Response Organization are depicted in Figure C-1.

The Onshift Emergency Response Organization meets the personnel requirements of NUREG-0654/Federal Emergency Management Agency - Report 1, Section B, Table B-1.

A detailed On-shift Staffing Analysis has been performed. The On-shift Staffing Analysis is documented in the Records Management System as STI 33633906.

The duties of the onshift complement, as an initial Emergency Response Organization, are similar to their normal duties, except as described below.

C.3.1 Shift Manager The Shift Manager initially assumes the position of Emergency Director until relieved by the Technical Support Center Manager or the Emergency Operations Facility Director. The key responsibilities of the Emergency Director are:

  • Recognize, classify, and declare the emergency condition;
  • Completing notifications and making protective action recommendations to offsite agencies;
  • Directing onsite emergency response activities, monitoring plant conditions for changes in Emergency Action Levels and emergency classifications, and directing Control Room response to mitigate the emergency condition.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION C C.3.2 Acting Radiological Manager An onshift senior radiological protection technician shall assume the position of Acting Radiological Manager until relieved by the Radiological Manager in the Technical Support Center. The Acting Radiological Manager reports via telephone to the Emergency Director in the Control Room at an Unusual Event and assists with the activation of the Operations Support Center at an Alert or higher emergency classification. The key responsibilities of the Acting Radiological Manager are:

  • Assessing Station radiological and environmental conditions;
  • Responding to radiological problems;
  • Identifying special radiological protective measures; Determining special Radiation Work Permit requirements;
  • Verifying emergency classification if based on radiological Emergency Action Levels;
  • Reviewing and recommending emergency exposures to emergency response personnel in excess of Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 20 limits;
  • Ensuring adequate inventories of radiological supplies, equipment, and Radiation Protection personnel are available.
  • Providing prompt dose projection when requested.

During an Alert or higher emergency classification, the Acting Radiological Manager, after being relieved of responsibility and authority by the Radiological Manager in the Technical Support Center, assumes the responsibilities of the Assistant Radiological Coordinator in the Operations Support Center.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION C C.3.3 Acting Security Manager The onshift Security Force Supervisor assumes the position of Acting Security Manager until relieved by the Security Manager in the Technical Support Center.

The Acting Security Manager reports via telephone to the Emergency Director in the Control Room at an Unusual Event or higher emergency classification. The key responsibilities of the Acting Security Manager are:

  • Directing the implementation of Security emergency response activities as specified in the Station Safeguards Security Plan;
  • Activating the Emergency Notification and Response System;
  • Implementing assembly and accountability efforts;
  • Establishing special access controls;
  • Providing for the expedient entry and exit of emergency vehicles;
  • Directing changes to security operations based on radiological conditions.

During an Alert or higher emergency classification, the onshift Security Force Supervisor, after being relieved of Acting Security Manager responsibility and authority by the Security Manager in the Technical Support Center, returns to the responsibilities of the Security Force Supervisor.

C.3.4 Acting Operations Support Center Coordinator The onshift Duty Maintenance Supervisor assumes the position of Acting Operations Support Center Coordinator (0ERP01-ZV-SHO4) until relieved by the Operations Support Center Coordinator. The Acting Operations Support Center Coordinator reports via telephone to the Emergency Director in the Control Room at an Unusual Event. The key responsibilities of the Acting Operations Support Center Coordinator are:

  • Providing ongoing maintenance support to activities assigned by the Emergency Director;
  • Ensuring that emergency team activities are performed in accordance with approved procedures and policy; E-PLAN\SEC-C Page 5 of 23 Revision ICN 20-9 12/03/09


  • Ensuring that deviations from Station procedures and NRC regulations are approved by the Emergency Director;
  • Establishing and staffing the Operations Support Center with onshift personnel to support plant emergency response activities, if requested by the Emergency Director;
  • Ensuring that emergency teams formed and dispatched are properly briefed and status monitored;
  • May fulfill Radiological Protection (double asterisk) functions from Table C-1, (Access Control, Dosimetry Issue, Personnel Monitoring, and Search &


Alert or higher emergency classification, the onshift Duty Maintenance Supervisor, after being relieved of Acting Operations Support Center Coordinator responsibility, supports the Operations Support Center, as required.

C.3.5 Shift Technical Advisor The Shift Technical Advisor has the primary responsibility to assist the Emergency Director in the mitigation of accident consequences. The Shift Technical Advisor is available to Control Room personnel 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day when either unit is above cold shutdown and is capable of being in the Control Room within ten (10) minutes or less after being notified.

C.3.6 ENS Communicator The onsite ENS Communicator reports to the Control Room at an Unusual Event or higher emergency classification to perform the following functions:

  • Initiates notification of the Emergency Response Organization in accordance with procedure 0PGP05-ZV-IN03, Emergency Response Organization Notification.
  • Initiates communications with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The ENS Communicator duties may be performed by the following:

  • Personnel currently or previously licensed by NRC,
  • SRO Management Certified Personnel.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION C C.3.7 Plant Operators The onshift Plant Operations personnel are responsible for:

  • Operations of all reactor-related equipment;
  • Coordination of activities affecting Station structures, systems and components;
  • Equipment clearances;
  • Activation of fire brigade and emergency care teams;
  • Identification of emergency classifications; A Plant Operator is assigned to report to the affected unit's control room upon any declaration of the Emergency Plan to act as the State/County Communicator.

Those Plant Operators not assigned onshift duties in the operation of the units by the Emergency Director report to the Operations Support Center at an Alert or higher emergency classification. The Emergency Director can utilize the Plant Operators via the Acting Operations Support Center Coordinator.

C.3.8 Onshift Chemistry Technician Onshift Chemistry Technicians are responsible for post accident sampling and analysis. Chemistry personnel report to the Operations Support Center at an Alert or higher emergency classification unless otherwise directed.

  • May fulfill Radiological Protection (double asterisk) functions from Table C-1, (RP Coverage for Corrective Actions).

C.3.9 Onshift Maintenance The onshift Maintenance personnel report to the Operations Support Center at an Alert or higher emergency classification or at an Unusual Event if the Acting Operations Support Center Coordinator begins activating the Operations Support Center.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION C C.3.10 Plant Protection Onshift Plant Protection personnel remain at their duty stations in accordance with the Security Plan, unless otherwise directed

  • Plant Protection or other suitably qualified individuals are assigned the ERO roster position of On-site Communicator in the Control Room.
  • The On-site Communicator position provides a support function to the Emergency Director in the early stages of Emergency Plan activation (e.g.

making Public Address announcement, initiation of non-time critical communications as designated by the Emergency Director, and screening of incoming communications).

  • When the ERO roster position of On-site Communicator is a designated member of Plant Protection, the Plant Protection duties associated with execution of the Security Plan are the higher priority for security related events.

In such cases, the duties of the On-site Communicator may be absorbed by other members of the on-shift staff. The following are specific duties that must be reassigned (with suggested assignments):

  • Requirements for communication of plant status to members of management, etc. should be reassigned to a member of the Operations staff in the opposite unit from the location of the Emergency Director.
  • Public Address announcement duties are absorbed by the Emergency Director and may be delegated to any available station staff familiar with the operation of the communications equipment.
  • Incoming calls to the Emergency Director are handled by the Emergency Director, who may assign any available station staff to assist in screening incoming communications.

C.3.11 Emergency Response Teams Emergency Response Teams typically consist of personnel who have been trained in the procedures and practices that describe the performance of their duties as Emergency Team members or leaders. As required by the emergency conditions, the Operations Support Center Coordinator may temporarily assign other plant personnel to the Emergency Teams to assist the regular team members during an emergency.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION C C.4 Emergency Response Organization Those members of the Emergency Response Organization who are not on site at the time of the emergency shall be able to augment the Onshift Response Organization within 60 to 75 minutes of an emergency declaration as specified in Table C-1 to provide manning levels recommended in NUREG-0654.

The Technical Support Center and Operations Support Center Station Emergency Response Organization are activated at an Alert emergency classification. Positions for these facilities are depicted in Figure C-2 & Figure C-3. The Emergency Operations Facility and Joint Information Center are staffed at the Alert and may be activated at the discretion of the Emergency Director. Positions for these facilities are depicted in Figure C-4 & Figure C-5. The Emergency Operations Facility and Joint Information Center shall be activated at a Site Area Emergency. The Emergency Operations Facility dose projection capability is activated at an Alert classification. If during an Unusual Event the trending of plant conditions indicates the need for additional support, the Emergency Director can activate all or part of the Station Emergency Response Organization to report to the Technical Support Center, Emergency Operations Facility, Joint Information Center or Operations Support Center. The process to maintain a fully staffed Emergency Response Organization is described in 0PGP05-ZV-0003, Emergency Response Organization.

Modifications to the Emergency Response Organization may be made by the Emergency Director as required by the complexity of the emergency.

The following key Emergency Response Organization positions report to the Technical Support Center, the Operations Support Center, and the Emergency Operations Facility, and are added to the Onshift Response Organization during the declaration and mitigation of an Alert, Site Area Emergency or General Emergency. These positions can be activated by the Emergency Director at an Unusual Event emergency classification.

C.4.1 Technical Support Center Manager The Technical Support Center Manager reports to the Technical Support Center at an Alert and provides guidance and advice to the Control Room on plant design and coordinating engineering activities in the areas of analysis, design modifications, system response, and offsite protective action recommendations.

The Technical Support Center Manager may assume the position of Emergency Director from the Shift Manager.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION C C.4.2 Operations Manager The Operations Manager reports to the affected Unit's Control Room and directs the implementation of Control Room emergency response activities.

C.4.3 Radiological Manager The Radiological Manager reports to the Technical Support Center and is responsible for assessing Station radiological and environmental conditions and implementing special radiological protective measures.

C.4.4 Maintenance Manager The Maintenance Manager reports to the Technical Support Center and is responsible for functioning as the Technical Support Center interface for all repair team activities requested of the Operations Support Center. The Maintenance Manager ensures that supplies, equipment and manpower to support repair efforts are available and coordinates with the Technical Support Center Managers to establish repair team priorities.

C.4.5 Technical Manager The Technical Manager reports to the Technical Support Center and is responsible for monitoring the status of plant systems including the three fission product barriers (Fuel Cladding, Reactor Coolant System, and Containment) and identifying potential failures of key systems.

C.4.6 Security Manager The Security Manager reports to the Technical Support Center and is responsible for directing implementation of onsite security response activities, performing assembly and accountability, and assisting with Protected Area and Owner Controlled Area evacuation.

C.4.7 Administrative Manager The Administrative Manager reports to the Technical Support Center and is responsible for ensuring necessary documents are available, maintaining an overall file of records generated during the emergency, and ensuring adequate supplies are available in the Technical Support Center.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION C C.4.8 Operations Support Center Coordinator The Operations Support Center Coordinator reports to the Operations Support Center and assumes responsibility for Operations Support Center activities and ensures accountability of the Operations Support Center is maintained. The Operations Support Center Coordinator ensures that emergency teams formed and dispatched are properly briefed and their status monitored, resources and personnel to perform Operations Support Center activities are adequate, and adequate communications and information flow is maintained with the Technical Support Center. The Operations Support Center Coordinator ensures that deviations from Station procedures and NRC regulations are approved by the Emergency Director.

C.4.9 Emergency Operations Facility Director The Emergency Operations Facility Director reports to the Emergency Operations Facility at an Alert. At the discretion of the Emergency Director, the Emergency Operations Facility Director may activate the Emergency Operations Facility at the Alert classification. Following activation, at the discretion of the Emergency Director, the Emergency Operations Facility Director may assume Emergency Director authority and responsibilities from either the Technical Support Center Manager or Shift Manager, as appropriate. The Emergency Operations Facility Director is responsible for ensuring that an ongoing effective interface is maintained with County, State, and Federal response agencies, functioning as the primary interface with the Station Owners, and functioning as the primary interface with the Executive Officers of the Owners. The Emergency Operations Facility Director ensures a timely response to inquiries and requests for information from financial, legislative and congressional organizations, and approves major expenditures of funds. The Emergency Operations Facility Director may participate in press briefings at the Joint Information Center, if necessary.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION C C.4.10 Radiological Director The Radiological Director reports to the Emergency Operations Facility at an Alert and is responsible for assessing offsite radiological and environmental conditions that may impact the public. The Radiological Director directs offsite dose projection activities and advises the Emergency Director on offsite protective action recommendations for the public. The Radiological Director directs Offsite Field Team activities and environmental sampling support. The Radiological Director coordinates with the Technical Director to determine offsite protective action recommendations based on the status of the fission product barriers and the potential for a radiological release, and monitors radiological parameters which relate to Emergency Action Levels to determine if conditions warrant a change in emergency classification. The Radiological Director reviews and recommends approval of emergency exposures to Emergency Response Organization personnel in excess of Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 20 limits, determines Emergency Operations Facility radiological habitability, and recommends to the Emergency Director the issuance of Potassium Iodide. The Radiological Director functions as the primary interface with the Department of State Health Services personnel assigned to the Emergency Operations Facility, and manages radioactive waste and radiological control aspects of the Recovery operations.

C.4.11 Technical Director The Technical Director reports to the Emergency Operations Facility at an Alert and is responsible for coordinating evaluation of plant safety systems and the condition of the primary fission product barriers, and advising the Emergency Operations Facility Director on engineering issues. The Technical Director also monitors the Emergency Action Levels to determine when changes in the emergency classification may be necessary, and coordinates with the Radiological Director to determine offsite protective action recommendations based on plant status and the potential for a radiological release. The Technical Director obtains engineering information requested by Emergency Operations Facility personnel, provides technical assistance to the Technical Support Center, and independently evaluates Technical Support Center engineering activities to determine if the correct engineering priorities are established. The Technical Director assists in coordinating arrangements for obtaining contract-engineering support.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION C C.4.12 Support Organization Director The Support Organization Director reports to the Emergency Operations Facility at an Alert and is responsible for coordinating the interaction with offsite agencies and support organizations, ensuring communications systems are maintained operable and additional communications are provided as necessary, and arranges for special assistance to South Texas Project Electric Generating Station employees and their families with special needs during an emergency. The Support Organization Director ensures adequate and timely information is provided to offsite agencies, and ensures arrangements are in place to process support personnel to meet training, security, and radiological requirements. The Support Organization Director coordinates and maintains a status of South Texas Project Electric Generating Station support requested by County, State, and Federal agencies.

C.4.13 Licensing Director The Licensing Director reports to the Emergency Operations Facility at an Alert and monitors the open line between the Control Room and NRC and provides information to the NRC regarding Emergency Operations Facility activities. The Licensing Director functions as the primary liaison with NRC personnel responding to the emergency, and ensures administrative and logistics support is provided to the NRC.

C.4.14 Joint Information Center Director The Joint Information Center Director reports to the Joint Information Center at an Alert and is responsible for overall JIC management of activation and operation.

Provides information to the public of onsite status and conditions. Provides rumor control and public inquiry information. Ensures timely and accurate information is disseminated to the media. Coordinates media tours of emergency facilities.

Discuss plant status with offsite agency Public Information Officers (PIO) located at the JIC as well as the Texas Division of Emergency Management PIO in Austin when possible. Schedules interviews with the media as needed. Corrects misinformation/rumors during press briefings and ensures updated news release transmittals.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION C C.4.15 Company Spokesperson The Company Spokesperson reports to the Joint Information Center at an Alert and is responsible for providing South Texas Project information to the news media.

Also approves press releases and maintains contact with the Site Public Affairs Coordinator. Meets with offsite agency Public Information Officers (PIO) prior to news briefings. Designates personnel to make public comment on the emergency.

Schedules frequent news conferences in order to apprise media of current information.

C.4.16 Media Relations Manager The Media Relations Manager reports to the Joint Information Center at an Alert and is responsible for the timely accurate flow of information to the media, coordinates schedules and announces the press briefings and conferences, responds to media inquiries for information, arranges interviews, responds to media telephone inquiries, coordinates tours to other emergency response facilities as directed.

C.4.17 Public Inquiry Manager The Public Inquiry Manager reports to the Joint Information Center at an Alert and is responsible for monitoring media outlets and public inquiries and reports and rectifies erroneous information, coordinates activities of media inquiry telephone responders, ensures monitoring of news outlets, coordinates correction of rumors/media misinformation, provides public inquiry staff with press releases and corrected rumor information.

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(Including Capability for Additional Staffing)



  • Shift Manager - - 2 - -

Unit Supervisor 1 1 - - -

Plant Operations Reactor 2 2 - - -

and Assessment Operators of Operational Plant Operators 2 2 - - -

Aspects Shift Technical

- - 1** - -

Advisor Plant Operations

- - - - 1##

Discipline Lead Emergency Direction and Control *** Shift Manager 1** 1** - - -

(Emergency Director)


- - - 2 - 2 munications Emergency

- - - - 1 Director Radiological Senior Health Accident Physics

- - 1 - -

Assessment and Expertise (Dose Support of Assessment)

Operational RP Technicians Accident (onsite/offsite - - 2 3 4 Assessment surveys)


- - 1 - 1 Technician E-PLAN\SEC-C Page 15 of 23 Revision ICN 20-9 12/03/09


(Including Capability for Additional Staffing)


AREA Shift Technical

- - 1** - -

Advisor Nuclear

- - - 1 -

Plant System Engineer Engineering Electrical

- - - - 1 Engineer Mechanical

- - - - 1 Engineer Radwaste 1** 1**

Operator Repair and Mechanical

` - 1** - 1 Corrective Maintenance Actions Electrical

- - 1** AND 1 - 1 Maintenance I&C Technician - - 1 - -

RP Technicians (Access Control/RP Coverage for corrective Protective actions, search - - 2** 4 -

Actions and rescue, first aid, and fire-fighting/Person nel Monitoring/


Fire Brigade Plant per Technical Fire Suppression Operations - - Local Support Local Support Requirements personnel Manual E-PLAN\SEC-C Page 16 of 23 Revision ICN 20-19 06/01/17


(Including Capability for Additional Staffing)


AREA Rescue Plant Protection Operations and - - 2** Local Support Local Support Personnel First Aid Plant Protection Site Access Personnel Control and (Security/Com All per Personnel munications/Per Security Plan Accountability sonnel Accountability)

TOTAL 5 5 15 8 13 Notes:

  • For each unaffected unit in operation, maintain at least one Unit Supervisor, two Reactor Operators, and two Plant Operators. In accordance with Section 6.0 of the Technical Specifications for each unit, the shift crew composition may be less than the minimum number of operators (licensed or non-licensed) shown above for a period of time not to exceed two (2) hours in order to accommodate unexpected absences of on-duty shift crew members, provided immediate actions are taken to restore the crew composition. The minimum staff for a unit in cold shutdown will be one Senior Reactor Operator, one Reactor Operator, and one Plant Operator for that unit.
    • These positions may be covered by onshift personnel assigned other functions.
      • Overall, direction of emergency response to be assumed by the Emergency Director at the Emergency Operations Facility when all centers are fully manned. Direction of minute-to-minute facility operation remains with senior manager in the Technical Support Center or Control Room.
  1. Although such a short response time may be achieved in many cases, it is not possible to assure this response time in every instance.
    1. This position is filled by personnel with plant operations experience E-PLAN\SEC-C Page 17 of 23 Revision ICN 20-9 12/03/09


Onsite Communicator (2) Unit Supervisor Shift Technical Advisor ENS Communicator (3)

Acting OSC Coordinator (4) State/County Communicator (5)

Acting Security Manager (6) Acting Radiological Manager (7)

(1) Shift Manager; (2) Plant Protection (refer to section C.3.10); (3) Reactor Operator, currently or previously licensed by NRC, or SRO Management Certified Personnel; (4) Duty Maintenance Supervisor; (5) Plant Operator; (6) Security Force Supervisor; (7) Senior Radiation Protection Technician.

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  • TSC Communicator Assistant TSC Manager Security Manager Technical Manager Maintenance Manager Assistant Operations Radiological Chemical/Radiochemical Administrative Manager Manager Manager Manager Security Engineering Maintenance
  • Operations Assistant Administrative Supervisor Supervisor Communicator Communicator Radiological Manager Staff
  • Electrical Radiological Status Engineer Board Keeper
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Nuclear Engineer I&C Engineer
  • Required Minimum Staffing.

The Assistant TSC Manager may fill the TSC Manager position in his absence.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION C FIGURE C-3 Page 1 of 1 OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER (OSC) STAFFING OSC Coordinator Resource Assistant OSC Coordinator Coordinator OSC Communicator Status Board Keeper Maintenance Discipline Leads Security Radiological Planners Coordinator Coordinator

  • Plant Operations
  • Chemical Analysis Mechanical Supervisor Maintenance Planner
  • Electrical I&C Electrical Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Planner
  • Mechanical I&C Maintenance Maintenance Planner
  • Required Minimum Staffing: Mechanic, Electricians (2), I&C Technician, Chemistry Technician, and Radiation Protection Technicians (7)

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION C FIGURE C-4 Page 1 of 1 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) STAFFING EOF Director EOF Director Deputy Administrative Assistant EOF Director State of Texas Liaison EOF Liaison Status Board Keeper Technical Director Site Public Affairs Coordinator Licensing Director Radiological Director Support Organization Director System Status Evaluator Assistant Licensing Director Offsite Field Assist. Support Site Public Team Supervisor Organization Director Affairs Specialist Engineering Assistant Procurement /

  • Offsite Field Team #1 Resources Supervisor EOF Access Control Offsite Agency Communicator
  • Offsite Field Team #2 Communications System Supervisor Technical Dose Assessment Specialist Staff Records Supervisor Assistant Dose Assessment Specialist Support Orientation Coordinator Radiological Staff Federal Response Agency Liaison Radiological Status Board Keeper Materials Engineer Information Systems Analyst Employee Support Purchaser Administrative Staff
  • Required Minimum Staffing E-PLAN\SEC-C Page 21 of 23 Revision ICN 20-11 06/20/12


  • Company Spokesperson Public Inquiry Manager Technical Support Liaison Media Relations Manager Media Relations Staff JIC Administrative Manager Administrative Staff Public Inquiry Staff Audio-Visual Specialist
  • Required Minimum Staffing
    • Supplied by Local Law Enforcement E-PLAN\SEC-C Page 22 of 23 Revision ICN 20-19 06/01/17


Department of State Health Services (State of Texas)

South Texas Project Electric Generating Station Emergency Director Matagorda County Emergency Management United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission E-PLAN\SEC-C Page 23 of 23 Revision ICN 20-9 12/03/09/

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION E E NOTIFICATION METHODS AND PROCEDURES This section of the Plan describes the methods and procedures that are established for notification by the Station, to Federal, State and County response organizations and for activation of the Station Emergency Response Organization.

E.1 Offsite Agency Notifications The content of initial and follow-up messages to offsite response organizations is coordinated with State and County by Station Representatives. The forms for messages sent from the Station to offsite agencies are contained in the Emergency Response Procedure 0ERP01-ZV-IN02, Notifications to Offsite Agencies, the State of Texas Emergency Management Plan, and the Matagorda County Emergency Management Plan.

More information on notification procedures is provided in Emergency Response Procedure 0ERP01-ZV-IN02, Notifications to Offsite Agencies. Plant Operations Procedure 0POP04-ZO-0004, Personnel Emergencies defines the communication links with offsite medical facilities.

E.2 Communication Links and Notifications The Station has established communication links among the Station emergency response facilities and the Federal, State, and County emergency response organizations. The notification of response organizations is based on the response criteria developed for each emergency classification as discussed in Section D. The process for contacting Station Emergency Response Organization personnel for each emergency classification is provided in Emergency Response Procedure 0ERP01-ZV-IN03, Emergency Response Organization Notification. Addendum E-1 shows the various communication links and the redundant communication equipment available to assure that communication channels are maintained. Emergency Response Facility telephone numbers are maintained in the Emergency Communications Directory. A description of the communications equipment is provided in Addendum E-1.

Initial notification is made simultaneously to the State and County via the Department of Public Safety Disaster District Office in Pierce, Texas and the Matagorda County Sheriff's Office within fifteen minutes of the declaration of the emergency classification by the Emergency Director. This notification is made via dedicated automatic ringdown lines that connect to the Matagorda County Sheriff's Office and Department of Public Safety in Pierce, Texas. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is notified as soon as possible following notification of State and County agencies of the declared event, not to exceed E-PLAN\SEC-E Page 1 of 13 Revision ICN 20-11 06/20/12

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION E one hour. The licensee shall activate the Emergency Response Data System for any condition that requires the declaration of an Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency at the time the NRC Operations Center is notified of the emergency classification.

If a declared event is based on a fire, security, or radiological initiating condition, then appropriate Station emergency responders, and appropriate local support services will be notified. Local support services include those organizations listed in Section B of this Plan. These local services will activate other services in their individual areas if additional support is required.

E.2.1 Unusual Event For an Unusual Event, emergency classification, the Shift Manager serving as Emergency Director, will initiate notifications in accordance with Emergency Response Procedure 0ERP01-ZV-IN02, Notifications to Offsite Agencies, and 0ERP01-ZV-IN03, Emergency Response Organization Notification. These procedures are prepared to meet the requirements of Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 20.2202 or 50.72.

E.2.2 Alert For an Alert emergency classification, the Emergency Director will initiate notifications in accordance with Emergency Response Procedure 0ERP01-ZV-IN02, Notifications to Offsite Agencies, and augment the onshift duty complement using 0ERP01-ZV-IN03, Emergency Response Organization Notification. The Station Emergency Response Organization will be notified and requested to report to their respective Emergency Response Facilities. The Operations Support Center and the Technical Support Center will be activated. The Emergency Operations Facility and Joint Information Center are staffed as a precautionary action, and may be activated at the discretion of the Emergency Director. Dose projection capability is provided in the Emergency Operations Facility at an Alert. Personnel in the Emergency Operations Facility act in a support role to the Technical Support Center. The purpose of this emergency classification is to provide early and prompt notification of minor events which could lead to more serious consequences given operator error or equipment failure, or which may be indicative of more serious conditions that are not yet fully realized.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION E E.2.3 Site Area Emergency For a Site Area Emergency classification, the Emergency Director will initiate notifications in accordance with Emergency Response Procedure 0ERP01-ZV-IN02, Notifications to Offsite Agencies, and augment the activated ERO staff utilizing 0ERP01-ZV-IN03, Emergency Response Organization Notification.

Members of the Station Emergency Response Organization are notified and requested to report to their respective emergency response facilities. The emergency classification reflects conditions where full mobilization of emergency personnel is indicated, as well as, the dispatch of Offsite Field Teams with associated communications.

The Department of State Health Services, shall establish communications with the Matagorda County Emergency Management Organization, the Texas Department of Public Safety, the Texas Division of Emergency Management, and the Station.

The Department of State Health Services, may activate its Radiological Response Organization and dispatch Radiological Response Teams to the site environs to perform radiological monitoring and environmental impact assessment. The Emergency Management Council is activated upon notification of the declared event by the Station. The Department of State Health Services may dispatch a mobile environmental analysis and sampling vehicle to the Staging Area at the Bay City Civic Center to assist the Radiological Response Teams.

E.2.4 General Emergency For a General Emergency classification, the Emergency Director will initiate notifications in accordance with Emergency Response Procedure 0ERP01-ZV-IN02, Notifications to Offsite Agencies, and notify Emergency Response Organization personnel utilizing 0ERP01-ZV-IN03, Emergency Response Organization Notification. The entire Station Emergency Response Organization is notified and directed to report to their respective emergency response facilities. The emergency classification reflects conditions requiring immediate implementation of appropriate predetermined protective actions.

The Department of State Health Services, shall establish communications with the Matagorda County Emergency Management Organization, the Texas Department of Public Safety, the Texas Division of Emergency Management, and the Station.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION E The Department of State Health Services, may activate its Radiological Response Organization and dispatch Radiological Response Teams to the site environs to perform radiological monitoring and environmental impact assessment. The Department of Public Safety may provide escort for the Department of State Health Services, Radiological Response Team personnel. The Emergency Management Council is activated upon notification of the declared event by the Station. The Department of State Health Services will dispatch a mobile environmental analysis and sampling vehicle to the Staging Area at the Bay City Civic Center to assist the Radiological Response Teams.

E.3 Notification of the General Public The general public (resident and transient population) will be notified of an Unusual Event through press releases, radio broadcasts, and other news media. The general public will be notified of Alert or higher declarations through news advisories and/or Emergency Alert System messages prepared by Matagorda County Emergency Management officials.

During emergencies that may require the implementation of protective actions, the general public will be alerted by the Prompt Notification System, which consists of alert radios, warning sirens, and news advisories and/or Emergency Alert System messages. This system is designed to enable the County authorities to notify essentially all of the population within the Emergency Planning Zone within about fifteen minutes.

Sirens are utilized to alert the more densely populated areas identified on Figure E-1. This system was designed considering the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Outdoor Warning System Guide (CPG-17), Federal Emergency Management Agency - Report-10, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's guidance presented in NUREG-0654/Federal Emergency Management Agency Report-1. All sirens have a single tone, two signal capability with a required signal duration of at least three minutes. The siren system is activated from the Matagorda County Sheriff's Office, or from the Station Emergency Operations Facility; individual sirens can be activated singularly at the individual siren location. The Station is responsible for the maintenance and routine testing of the siren system in accordance with NUREG 0654/Federal Emergency Management Agency Report-1 and the siren manufacturer's technical manual.

Deficiencies that are identified in the routine testing of the siren subsystem shall be corrected in an expedient manner not to exceed four months [10CFR50.54(s)(2)]. During this period of time, alternate notification methods shall be provided for residents within the siren's coverage, if the deficiency renders a siren out-of-service. This service is described in Matagorda County Emergency Management Plan Procedures.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION E The warning sirens and alert radios are activated by radio signal. The primary activation point is the Matagorda County Sheriff's Office. The sirens are activated by radio directly from the Sheriff's Office. The alert radios are activated by an Emergency Alert System signal from the National Weather Service based on direction from Matagorda County Emergency Management officials. This service to the general public is provided 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day to accommodate day or night activations. The secondary control point for the siren system is the Station Emergency Operations Facility. The siren system will be activated at the secondary control point only as directed by the Matagorda County Emergency Management officials and as approved by the Emergency Director.

Reasonable efforts shall be made to provide alert radios to residences within the ten mile emergency planning zone that are outside the effective coverage area of the siren system, as well as to major businesses, recreational areas and schools within the ten mile emergency planning zone. The alert radios are tested on a regular basis with activation of the test signal for the Emergency Alert System. Radios have a battery backup provision in the event of power failure. Instructions for use accompany the radio package.

Maintenance and documentation is the responsibility of the Station.

The public receives instructions periodically that they are to tune to their NOAA Weather Service Radio or other local Public Radio Station, for emergency instructions whenever the sirens or alert radios are activated. The Emergency Alert Messages originate from Matagorda County officials.

E.4 Matagorda County Instructions to the Public Matagorda County Emergency Management officials may use preformatted messages which give instructions to the public regarding specific protective actions to be taken by occupants of affected areas, if protective actions become necessary. Typical text for the messages are provided in the Matagorda County Emergency Management Plan Procedures.

The Station has established notification methods and will provide information to Matagorda County that will allow officials of Matagorda County to make decisions on the appropriate public warning messages to be broadcast via the Emergency Alert System.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION E ADDENDUM E-1 Page 1 of 5 EMERGENCY RESPONSE FACILITIES COMMUNICATIONS 1.0 FUNCTION The communications systems are designed to provide rapid and efficient communications required for operation and administration of the plant under all operating and emergency conditions. The diverse subsystems provided assure that adequate onsite and offsite communications are available to support orderly plant operation, shutdown, firefighting, and evacuation. In addition, attention is given to maintaining contact with the Matagorda County Sheriff's Office, the Department of Public Safety Disaster District in Pierce, Texas, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

2.0 DESIGN BASES The communications systems are not safety related and have no safety design bases. Failure of these systems shall not compromise any safety-related system nor require a plant shutdown.

The communications systems are designed to provide effective onsite and offsite communications.

It allows operation and administration of the plant during all modes of operation.


3.1 The following typical subsystems are provided:

  • Telephone System
  • Public Address (paging/alarm system)
  • Maintenance Jack System
  • Two-way Radio System
  • Wireless Communications Devices (Pagers or Cell Phones)
  • Communications Console
  • Satellite Telephone
  • Emergency Notification & Response System (ENRS)

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION E ADDENDUM E-1 Page 2 of 5 EMERGENCY RESPONSE FACILITIES COMMUNICATIONS 3.1.1 Onsite Communications Systems Telephone System The telecommunications system provides dial access to Verizon Communications in the Palacios central office, and microwave circuits to Bay City and Houston. The system has an independent, automatic starting and switching, backup power source. Additionally, dial access to the plant voice paging system, the radio paging system (beeper) and telecopiers is provided. Public Address (Paging/Alarm System)

The voice paging and alarm system is provided to transmit routine messages, and emergency signals, such as fire, plant evacuation, and radiation emergency alarms. Flashing lights are provided in high noise areas inside plant buildings. Maintenance Jack System Telephone jack stations are provided throughout the plant for operating convenience during repair, operation, and maintenance of equipment required for safe shutdown. Two-Way Radio System Radio repeater base stations provide communication between control base stations, mobile units and hand-held portable radios within the plant area. Self-contained batteries power hand-held portables.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION E ADDENDUM E-1 Page 3 of 5 EMERGENCY RESPONSE FACILITIES COMMUNICATIONS Wireless Communications Devices Wireless Communication Devices can be activated from onsite or offsite using a touch tone telephone. Communications Consoles The communications consoles provide plant operators with access to the telephone system, two-way radio channels, radio paging systems, and the public address systems. Plant emergency and fire alarm signals are activated from designated communications consoles. Emergency Notification & Response System (ENRS)

ENRS consists of an Off-site Primary and Backup computer system used for notifying ERO members during a declared emergency. The offsite systems are capable of autodialing ERO members in addition to text and paging. An On-site ENRS computer system is available for activation of all ERO wireless communications devices should both offsite systems fail.

3.1.2 Offsite Communication Systems Access to the nationwide dial telephone network is through the local telephone exchange at Palacios, Texas. The exchange is owned and operated by Verizon Communications. The Center Point Energy microwave system also provides communication circuits into Houston. Offsite communication with the commercial telephone network is established via these circuits and can be accessed from both Control Rooms, both Technical Support Centers, and the Emergency Operations Facility.

  • Dedicated automatic ringdown lines allow immediate and direct contact with the Matagorda County Sheriff's Office and the Texas Department of Public Safety, Disaster District Sub 2C in Pierce.



  • The Federal Telephone System (FTS) 2001 is a dedicated telephone system for establishing contact with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center in Rockville, Maryland. This telephone circuit is also known as the Emergency Notification System.
  • The Health Physics Network, another Federal Telephone System (FTS) 2001 dedicated telephone system, is designed to provide communications with the NRC Health Physics Section and/or other nuclear power plants during a declared emergency or drill/exercise.
  • Special telephone service circuits allow immediate and direct contact with the STP Coordinator.
  • A satellite telephone is maintained in the Control Rooms. This telephone can be operated on Alternating Current or Direct Current power and provides worldwide access via satellite in case of a total loss of all telephone capability to the Station and/or surrounding area.

3.2 OPERATION The communications systems are designed to allow contact among plant personnel, and plant-to-offsite communications during normal and emergency conditions.

Station procedure 0PGP05-ZV-0011, Emergency Communications, provides guidance regarding the operation of the Emergency Communication systems when responding to an emergency or drill/exercise. Station procedures 0PGP05-ZV-0002, Emergency Response Activities Schedule, and 0PGP07-ZA-0011, Communication Systems, provide details on the maintenance and testing requirements for the communication systems.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION E ADDENDUM E-1 Page 5 of 5 EMERGENCY RESPONSE FACILITIES COMMUNICATIONS 3.3 SYSTEMS INTERFACE The telephone system provides interface between incoming telephone lines, the microwave system, plant voice paging system, radio-paging system, communications consoles and other associated equipment. The communications consoles interface with the telephone system, the radio system, and the plant voice paging system. Radio and telephone equipment used in the Technical Support Centers are powered from separate non-Class 1E diesel generator-backed busses. Radio and telephone equipment used in Emergency Operations Facility are backed by a generator in the event of loss of normal electrical power. Refer to Figure E-2, Typical Emergency Response Facilities Communications Pathway.

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SIREIN1 LOCATION 0011 Matagarda Beaclil at 6 111dl of IRoad 002 IBendl !Boat Access Cl03 Matagarda Vol'unte er lfire Department 004 CR 259 (South Gulf IRoacl) ems CR 244 (North Gulf 1Road) 1006 Sel~. Souflil (end of CR 243)

ClCl7 Selkil"k Volunteer Fire Department 0Cl6 Sel~. North (CR 239) 009 Lyondellbasell (SHI 60)

I010 Wadsworth Volunteer IF ire Depanment 011 CR 222 @ SH 60 (91ileppardl Mott Road~

012 FM 2666, o_s miles (SJ of Riveraide Pallk 013 FM 3057 @ FiM 2668*(Cclanese Road) 014 FM 2076@ FiM 2668 280° 015 Martham Volunt*eer Fire Department 016 FM 1468 H i miles from SH 35 017 FiM 1468*(Railroad Tracks) 018 El Matoni @ FiM 1095 and CR 432 ~Hi clkl, Road) 270!! 90° 019 CR 353 (Hejtmanek)@ FM U J95 020 FM 1095@: Tn Top 021 CR 385 (.9miles1ium IFM 1095) 022 CR 376 @ CR 379 (Million Dollar IRoacl) 023 C-01legepoot Volunteer Fire Department Cl24 SH 35@ SH 71 025 Blessing Volunteer lfire Department 026 Tidewater Oaks@ FM 2853 & IFM 343 (Haliler lRd.)

027 Tres Palacios Oaks Volunteer Fire Department 028 FM 2853@ FiM 521 029 CR 323@ IFM 2.0 53 (HamSlion Road) 030 FM 521 , 1 .0 miles ~E ) of SH 35 031 East Side of Resent0ir (STIP)

~o 032 W est Side of !Reservoir (SliP)

Legend .Approximate Siren1IRar1ge = 1 112 Mile Radius 0

- - Major Roads

- - Parvedl, Dirt or Gra.vel Road

+-++++ Ratlroad Tracks.

f E-PLAN\SEC-E Page 11of13 Revision I CN 20-19 06/01/17

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION E FIGURE E-2 Page 1 of 1 TYPICAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE FACILITIES COMMUNICATIONS PATHWAY EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY ICS Telephone Fax Public 2 Way Satellite Address Radio Phone CONTROL ROOM TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER ICS Telephone Satellite Fax Telephone Fax Public 2 Way Satellite Phone Address Radio ICS OPERATION SUPPORT CENTER Public 2 Way ICS Address Radio Public 2 Way Telephone Fax Address Radio JOINT INFORMATION CENTER Public Telephone Fax Address E-PLAN\SEC-E Page 12 of 13 Revision ICN 20-10 2/10/11

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION E FIGURE E-3 Page 1 of 1 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS LINKS State and County Communications Control Room State & County Communicator DPS Pierce Dispatcher Technical Support Center TSC Communicator Matagorda County Sheriffs Office Dispatcher or EOC Liai Emergency Operations Facility Offsite Agency Communicator NRC Communications Control Room ENS Communicator Nuclear Regulatory Commission Emergency Operations Facility Headquarters Operations Center Assistant Licensing Director Duty Officer Technical Support Chemical/Radiochemical Manager E-PLAN\SEC-E Page 13 of 13 Revision ICN 20-2 12/03/09

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION J J RADIOLOGICAL EXPOSURE CONTROL Management commitment for an effective Dose Control Program (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) necessitates that detailed radiation protection measures be established and utilized during emergency situations as well as normal operating periods at the Station. These measures are described in Emergency Response Procedure 0ERP01-ZV-IN06, Radiological Exposure Guidelines. A description of applicable radiation control measures are outlined in this section.

J.1 Personnel Exposure Monitoring The approved Station Radiation Protection Procedures provide the specific actions undertaken to determine and record individual occupational exposures on a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day basis.

The Radiological Director or his designee is responsible to ensure that all personnel entering the Station, including visitors, vendors, contractors, construction personnel, and employees, are properly monitored for exposure to ionizing radiation.

Allowable planned emergency exposures and accident exposures to individuals have been established by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Environmental Protection Agency. In all cases and events, administrative control and restriction of exposure to radiation will be monitored by the radiation protection staff in accordance with 0ERP01-ZV-IN06, Radiological Exposure Guidelines.

J.1.1 Emergency Exposure Guidelines Environmental Protection Agency-400-R-92-001, Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents, is used to establish additional exposure guidelines for lifesaving actions and protection of property.

J.1.2 Emergency Exposure Limits All questions of radiation exposure limits for emergency workers above Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 20 limits will be directed to the Emergency Director. This individual has the nondelegable authority in an emergency to authorize volunteer emergency workers to receive exposures in excess of Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 20 limits. The methods of documenting the voluntary status of the workers are authorized in Emergency Response Procedure 0ERP01-ZV-IN06, Radiological Exposure Guidelines.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION J J.2 Measurement of Radiation Worker Exposure Twenty-four hour per day capabilities have been established for determining the exposure received by workers by utilization of the Radiation Protection staff. Radiation Protection personnel, under the guidance of the Radiological Manager, will issue dosimetry and maintain logs of activities. The Radiological Manager ensures the Emergency Director and Radiological Director are kept informed of the exposure of emergency responders.

J.3 Contamination Control and Preventive Measures Preventive measures will be taken to minimize direct exposure to or ingestion of radioactive materials. This will include timely processing of all solid, liquid, and gaseous wastes using the Station radioactive waste processing systems in accordance with established plant procedures or other waste processing systems as necessary. Other contamination control measures are described in detail in the Station's Radiation Protection Program, the Emergency Response Procedures, and are summarized as follows:

In order to avoid personnel contamination or the spread of contamination in the Station areas, contaminated areas will be designated and clearly identified. Access to these areas will be controlled and appropriate protective clothing will be specified to minimize personnel contamination and the spread of contamination. Limits for the use of protective clothing are specified in the Station Radiation Protection Procedures. Personnel and equipment leaving the controlled area are monitored to assure that the limits for contamination control are met. If personnel become contaminated, Station Radiation Protection operating procedures will be implemented.

In general, contaminated areas and materials are permitted to return to normal use when areas meet the Station Radiation Protection Program contamination limits. Some areas and equipment may be returned to service prior to achieving these limits. In such cases, special precautions and measures are taken to prevent personnel contamination and to limit the spread of contamination.

J.4 Drinking Water and Food Contamination Control Drinking water and food supplies are not allowed in contaminated or potentially contaminated areas. If the potential exists for food or water to become contaminated in normally clean areas, Radiation Protection personnel will perform appropriate surveys and sample analysis, respectively.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION J If contamination is found, appropriate actions will be taken based on the levels of contamination and its location.

J.4.1 Surveys of Emergency Response Facilities Radiological surveys of the emergency response facilities and the assembly area for habitability will be performed on a frequent basis. These surveys will include radiation levels and contamination and airborne radioactivity concentrations.

Drinking, smoking, and eating are prohibited during a radiological incident in areas where the potential for contamination exists.

J.4.2 Airborne Releases In the event of an airborne release of radioactive materials, samples will be collected by Station personnel, and State and other agencies. These samples are analyzed and the results recorded and reported to the Emergency Director and the Department of State Health Services for appropriate offsite protective action recommendation decisions.

J.4.3 Colorado River & Selected Wells Selected wells are analyzed for radioactivity as part of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program at the Station. Surface water from the Colorado River is sampled at several locations upstream and downstream of the Station's river discharge. These samples are analyzed for gross activity as part of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.

J.5 Radiological Medical Considerations Responses to personnel injuries are in accordance with guidelines set forth in 0POP04-ZO-0004, Personnel Emergencies and 0PGP03-ZA-0106, Emergency Medical Response Plan.

Normally, in the event a personnel injury occurs in a Radiologically Controlled Area and the person requires offsite medical aid, the person will be taken to the Radiologically Controlled Area Access Control Point. The person is monitored for contamination and, if found to be below the levels for personnel contamination, the person is treated as a normal industrial accident and first aid will be supplied by Station medical assistance personnel. If additional treatment is required, the Station shall transport the person to the Matagorda Regional Medical Center or Palacios Community Medical Center for treatment.

Transportation will be provided by the site with Station medical staff in attendance or a contractor ambulance service.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION J J.5.1 Personnel Contamination In the event, the person is contaminated above the levels for personnel contamination, reasonable efforts will be made to decontaminate the person at the Radiologically Controlled Area Access Control Point. If this can not be done due to the nature of the injury and/or hospitalization is required immediately, medical treatment and transportation to the hospital will take priority. The person will be placed in clean protective clothing or wrapped in a clean blanket time permitting, to minimize the spread of contamination.

J.5.2 Health Physics Supervision A Radiation Protection Technician will accompany the individual to the hospital.

Health Physics Supervision should meet the person at the hospital. The medical facility will be notified when a contaminated patient is being transported for treatment to allow for establishment of the radiological treatment area.

J.5.3 Hospital Procedures When the victim arrives at the medical facility, the staff of the hospital will follow their procedures to handle this type of injury. Radiation Protection personnel will conduct surveys to ensure that contamination levels are kept to a minimum and will monitor for contamination until cleanup has been satisfactorily completed.

J.5.4 Contaminated Items Contaminated items belonging to the individuals will be returned to the Station for decontamination or disposal.

J.5.5 Radiological Surveys Radiation Protection personnel will perform radiological surveys and assist with establishing radiologically controlled area boundaries in the medical facilities.

J.6 Personnel Evacuation from Station

  • Personnel evacuated from the site due to a site evacuation shall go to an offsite Reception Center or home as determined by the Emergency Director.

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  • Reception centers are activated by the Matagorda County Emergency Management Director.
  • The Bay City Reception Center is located on the Matagorda Regional Medical Center Campus in the Wellness and Rehabilitation Center.
  • The Palacios Reception Center is located at the Palacios High School Field House.
  • At the reception center, Station personnel are monitored for contamination and decontaminated, as necessary, and are registered and given emergency assistance by the reception center staff.
  • Reception center operations are fully discussed in the Matagorda County Emergency Management Plan and Procedures.

J.7 Offsite Assessment, Evaluation For areas beyond the owner-controlled boundary of the Station, the Department of State Health Services, with assistance from the Texas Division of Emergency Management, is responsible for the assessment and evaluation of protective action recommendations for the at-risk areas. The Matagorda County Emergency Management Director has the authority to accept, authorize, and implement protective actions.

  • The State of Texas radiological monitoring teams will identify contamination and/or radiation levels and assist in controlling access within the affected area.
  • Other state agencies will take action, as necessary, to assess and control land, water, and air within the affected area for public, commercial, and agricultural use.

J.8 Tools and Equipment All tools and items of equipment used in the Radiologically Controlled Areas must be checked for contamination before being taken from the Radiologically Controlled Area.

  • Vehicles leaving the site will be monitored and decontaminated, as necessary.
  • Emergency vehicles on life saving missions will not be delayed for radiological considerations.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION J J.9 Exposure to Airborne Contamination In the event of a major radiation emergency, exposure to airborne concentration of radioactivity will be limited by the following policy:

  • Whenever practicable, total internal exposure of any individual during an emergency should be maintained As Low As Reasonably Achievable.
  • Respiratory protection will be used whenever appropriate.
  • Exposure limits for noble gases are based on beta plus gamma radiation effects to the skin and lens of the eyes.
  • Potassium Iodide should be issued to all onsite personnel on a voluntary basis at a General Emergency or when dose projections onsite or survey results projected exceed twenty-five (25) rem Committed Dose Equivalent to the thyroid. The issuance shall be determined by the Emergency Director and Radiological Director.

J.10 Radiation Monitoring System The Radiation Monitoring System monitors radioactivity in the station. This system, consisting of two subsystems, provides monitoring capability for area radiation and process/effluent stream radiation monitoring. The process/effluent Radiation Monitoring System is comprised of two smaller subsystems, the Liquid Monitoring System, and the Atmosphere Monitoring System. These Subsystems are described in Section H of this Plan and in the Station Updated Final Safety Analysis Report Section 9.0, 11.0, and 12.0.

The Radiation Monitoring System is designed to provide output in normal and emergency operating ranges and is designed to operate in emergency radiation fields.

J.10.1 Model Description The dose assessment models described in procedure 0ERP01-ZV-TP01, Offsite Dose Calculations, provides site specific estimates and predictions of atmospheric effluent transport and diffusion during and immediately after an airborne release.

The diffusion model used meets the criteria of a Class A model as defined in NUREG-0654/Federal Emergency Management Agency Report-1 and additionally can perform X/Q calculations, dose and dose rate projections, and deposition rates for the Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning Zone.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION J J.10.2 Area and Process/Effluent Systems The Area and Process/Effluent Radiation Monitoring Systems are used to classify and assess radiological conditions in accordance with the Station Technical Specifications. These parameters have specific relationships to the Emergency Action Level scheme for classifications of an event by the classification scheme of NUMARC/NESP-007 and Section D of this Plan.

J.10.3 Liquid Monitoring The Liquid Monitoring System of the Radiation Monitoring System is designed to measure the concentration of gamma emitting radionuclides in a liquid process stream using scintillation detectors.

J.10.4 Airborne Monitoring The Atmospheric Monitoring System of the Radiation Monitoring System is designed to measure the concentrations of particulates, iodines, and noble gases in atmospheres in the containment and within the Protected Area.

J.10.5 Area Monitoring Subsystem The Area Radiation Monitoring System is a subsystem of the Radiation Monitoring System. It consists of offline monitors, instrumentation, and alarms that serve to prevent Station personnel from unknowingly entering areas with high radiation fields.

J.11 Radiation Survey and Sample Equipment The Station maintains radiation survey and sample equipment of different types.

J.11.1 Portable & Fixed Survey Instruments Sufficient quantities of portable radiation survey instruments capable of measuring alpha, beta, gamma and neutron are maintained onsite to allow for calibration, testing, maintenance and repair. Fixed and portable air monitors are used to sample, determine, and record levels of particulate, iodine, or noble gas radioactivity in Station atmospheres.

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SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION J J.11.2 Offsite Monitoring Many of these instruments may be used offsite to monitor and sample an offsite radioactive release and to detect iodines as low as 1E-7 microcuries per cubic centimeter by sample analysis outside the release plume boundaries.

J.12 Laboratory Equipment and Instruments Available laboratory counting equipment may include gas flow proportional counters, scalers, Geiger Mueller counters, and spectroscopy equipment. This equipment is located at the Station. The laboratory equipment can provide low background beta, gamma, and alpha analysis. Laboratories used for counting and spectroscopy are available when needed seven days per week.

E-PLAN\SEC-J Page 8 of 8 Revision 20 05/01/02

Attachment 3 South Texas Project Electric Generating Station Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure, 0PGP05-ZV-0014, Emergency Response Activities

SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION D0527 STI 34496394 Rev. 16 Page 1 of 58 0PGP05-ZV-0014 Emergency Response Activities Quality Non Safety-Related Usage: Available Effective Date: 06/01/17 S. Korenek S. Taylor N/A Emergency Response Division PREPARER TECHNICAL USER COGNIZANT ORGANIZATION Table of Contents Page

1.0 Purpose and Scope

............................................................................................................................. 2 2.0 Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................. 2 3.0 Notes and Precautions ........................................................................................................................ 2 4.0 Procedure............................................................................................................................................ 2 5.0 References ........................................................................................................................................ 13 6.0 Support Documents .......................................................................................................................... 14 Addendum 1, Emergency Response Activities Schedule ................................................................ 16 Form 1, Annual Drill and Training Schedule................................................................................... 17 Form 2, Annual Review of the Eight-Year Exercise Master Plan ................................................... 18 Form 3, Communications Tests ....................................................................................................... 19 Form 4, Annual Letters of Agreement Review ................................................................................ 31 Form 5, Annual Emergency Response Procedures Review ............................................................. 33 Form 6, Annual Emergency Response Training Review ................................................................. 35 Form 7, Annual Emergency Response Offsite Training Review ..................................................... 36 Form 8, Annual Emergency Public Information Verification ......................................................... 37 Form 9, Quarterly Visible Postings and Public Emergency Information Brochure Verification .... 38 Form 10, Quarterly Review of Alert Radio Distribution ................................................................. 41 Form 11, Quarterly Emergency Communications Directory/Emergency Response Procedures Telephone Number Verification ...................................................................................................... 42 Form 12, Quarterly ERO Roster Review ......................................................................................... 43 Form 13, STPEGS Emergency Plan Annual Review Checklist ...................................................... 44 Form 14, Annual Letter of Certification Verification to DEM ........................................................ 46 Form 15, ERD Staff Training .......................................................................................................... 47 Form 16, State of Texas/Matagorda County Annual Review of the STPEGS Emergency Action Levels ............................................................................................................................................... 48 Form 17, Annual News Media Training .......................................................................................... 49 Form 18, Quarterly Computer Functional Test ................................................................................ 50 Form 19, ENRS Test ........................................................................................................................ 51 Form 20, Emergency Response Organization Communications ..................................................... 55 Form 21, State Radiological Plan and Procedures Surveillance ...................................................... 56 Form 22, Annual ERO Performance Surveillance ........................................................................... 57 Form 23, Annual Population Update Analysis ................................................................................ 58

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 2 of 58 Emergency Response Activities

1.0 Purpose and Scope

1.1 This procedure provides documentation forms for performing recurring test AND assessment activities of the Emergency Response Program.

2.0 Responsibilities 2.1 The responsible Supervisor OR Manager identified in 0PGP05-ZV-0002, Emergency Response Activities Schedule SHALL ensure all Forms are returned to the Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee upon completion.

3.0 Notes and Precautions 3.1 This procedure SHALL be implemented as directed by 0PGP05-ZV-0002, Emergency Response Activities Schedule.

4.0 Procedure NOTE Personnel having responsibility to complete Forms in this procedure SHALL forward completed ORIGINAL form(s) to the Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee for review AND signature.

Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee SHALL forward forms within 30 days of review to Records Management System (RMS) as a quality record.

4.1 PERFORM each activity in Addendum 1, Emergency Response Activities Schedule during the month it is scheduled.

4.1.1 If the activity cannot be completed in the month scheduled, then initiate a Condition Report and document the reason(s) why and actions taken.

4.2 Quarterly Emergency Facility Inventories and Inspections 4.2.1 Inventories andinspections of the emergency facilities SHALL be performed in accordance with 0PGP05-ZV-0009, Emergency Facility Inventories and Inspections and 0PGP05-ZV-0012, Emergency Facility Inventories.

4.3 Public Information 4.3.1 Annually, in accordance with Addendum 1 schedule, the Supervisor, Emergency Response or designee SHALL confirm that the Annual Emergency Public Information update has been completed. DOCUMENT completion on Form 8, Annual Public Emergency Information Verification.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 3 of 58 Emergency Response Activities NOTE The Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee may increase the distribution frequency as necessary at selected locations.

4.3.2 Quarterly, in accordance with Addendum 1 schedule, the Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee SHALL distribute the Public Emergency Information Brochure AND verify all visible postings within the ten mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) are intact. SUBMIT report utilizing Form 9, Quarterly Visible Postings and Public Emergency Information Brochure Verification.

4.3.3 Quarterly verification of alert radio distribution within the ten mile EPZ SHALL be conducted as follows: In accordance with the Addendum 1 schedule, the Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee SHALL initiate review of the EPZ Alert Radio Distribution Database to verify businesses, recreational areas, schools, AND residents outside of siren range have been issued an alert radio. IF issuance cannot be verified, THEN attempts will be made to personally contact residents to confirm whether they have received a radio. A best effort attempt must be made to place an alert radio with those persons outside siren range. This review should be completed quarterly AND then documented the month following the calendar quarter on Form 10, Quarterly Review of Alert Radio Distribution.

4.4 Annual STPEGS Emergency Plan Review/Revision 4.4.1 In accordance with Addendum 1 schedule, the Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee SHALL initiate a review of the STPEGS Emergency Plan.

4.4.2 DOCUMENT completion on Form 13, STPEGS Emergency Plan Annual Review Checklist.

4.4.3 Any revision of the STPEGS Emergency Plan SHALL be completed AND documented in accordance with 0PGP05-ZV-0010, Emergency Plan Revision.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 4 of 58 Emergency Response Activities 4.5 Annual Review of the STPEGS Emergency Action Levels 4.5.1 In accordance with Addendum 1 schedule, the Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee SHALL submit the STPEGS Emergency Action Levels (EALs) to State AND County agencies for review following the guidance in Form 16, State of Texas/Matagorda County Annual Review of the STPEGS Emergency Action Levels.

4.6 Annual Drill and Training Schedule 4.6.1 In accordance with the schedule in Addendum 1, the Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee SHALL issue an Emergency Response Drill and Training Schedule for the upcoming year. INCLUDE Annual Drill/Exercise Schedule. Obtain the General Plant Manager approval. DOCUMENT completion on Form 1, Annual Drill and Training Schedule.

4.7 Quarterly ERO Roster and ENRS Call Out Roster Review.

4.7.1 DETERMINE schedule for placing newly qualified Plant Operators AND Shift Supervisors on shift. If possible, schedule a Performance Indicator Drill, for newly qualified Plant Operators AND Shift Supervisors, during the quarter that they are placed on shift.

4.7.2 In accordance with Addendum 1 schedule, the Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee SHALL initiate a review of the ERO Roster for accuracy of personnel AND validity of each members name, position, contact information, and qualifications. VERIFY with each ERO Member to ensure they live within appropriate response time for their assigned Emergency Response Position. OBTAIN a printout of the latest ENRS Roster. Compare to the ERO Roster to verify names, positions, contact information, AND update as necessary. VERIFY the Call Out List. IF there are changes, THEN revise the list. UPDATE the employee contact disk of names, discipline, AND contact information. The disk SHALL be distributed to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 5 of 58 Emergency Response Activities 4.7.3 This review should be completed quarterly AND then documented the month following the calendar quarter on Form 12, Quarterly ERO Roster Review.

4.7.4 Revision of the ERO Roster SHALL be performed in accordance with 0PGP05-ZV-0003, Emergency Response Organization.

4.7.5 GENERATE a Roster Change Summary that includes all Key ERO Roster positions with new personnel grouped by facility AND forward to the facility managers. Include with the Roster Change Summary any recommendations for strengthening performance when significant (e.g. changing out a manager and assistant within the same functional area) changes have occurred.

4.8 Annual Emergency Response Procedures Review 4.8.1 In accordance with Addendum 1 schedule, the Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee SHALL initiate a review of the Emergency Response procedures. This review SHALL include, at a minimum, any changes that may have occurred to the Emergency Plan, Emergency Response Facilities, support procedures AND organizational changes.

4.8.2 DOCUMENT completion on Form 5, Annual Emergency Response Procedures Review 4.9 Annual Letters of Agreement Review 4.9.1 In accordance with Addendum 1 schedule, the Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee SHALL initiate a review of the Letters of Agreement between the STPEGS and various offsite support organizations. This review SHALL ensure all letters are current OR renewed as necessary.

4.9.2 DOCUMENT completion on Form 4, Annual Letters of Agreement Review. TRANSMIT Form 4 to RMS even if new/revised letters of agreement have not been received.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 6 of 58 Emergency Response Activities 4.10 Monthly/Quarterly/Annual Communications Test Schedule 4.10.1 In accordance with Addendum 1 schedule, Information Technology Manager OR designee SHALL perform Communications Tests. These tests may be conducted in conjunction with scheduled drills OR exercises.

4.10.2 DOCUMENT completion on Form 3, Communications Tests.

4.11 Annual Review of the Eight-Year Exercise Master Plan NOTE The extent of play (i.e. demonstration, simulation, etc) for individual Drill / Exercise objectives is described in the scenario manual.

4.11.1 In accordance with Emergency Response Desktop Guide Instruction ZV-0027, Drill and Exercise Performance Objectives and Demonstration Criteria; the Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee SHALL review the Eight-Year Exercise Master Plan.

4.11.2 DOCUMENT completion on Form 2, Annual Review of the Eight-Year Exercise Master Plan.

4.12 Quarterly Emergency Communications Directory/Emergency Response Procedures Telephone Number Verification 4.12.1 In accordance with the Addendum 1 schedule, the Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee SHALL initiate a review of the telephone numbers contained in the Emergency Communications Directory AND the emergency telephone numbers contained in Emergency Response procedures.

4.12.2 Telephone numbers found to be incorrect in either the Emergency Communications Directory OR Emergency Response procedures SHALL be identified to the Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee for correction.

4.12.3 DOCUMENT completion on Form 11, Quarterly Emergency Communications Directory/Emergency Response Procedures Telephone Number Verification.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 7 of 58 Emergency Response Activities 4.13 Annual Emergency Response Training Review 4.13.1 In accordance with Addendum 1 schedule, the Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee SHALL initiate a review of the Emergency Response Training Program.

4.13.2 This review SHALL ensure changes to the Emergency Plan AND implementing procedures have been completely AND appropriately incorporated into the Emergency Response Training Program.

4.13.3 DOCUMENT completion on Form 6, Annual Emergency Response Training Review.

4.14 Annual Offsite Training 4.14.1 The Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee, SHALL review offsite training offered versus training completed 4.14.2 DOCUMENT completion on Form 7, Annual Emergency Response Offsite Training Review.

4.15 Prompt Notification System Siren Testing/Documentation 4.15.1 Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee SHALL review AND document siren test results in accordance with procedure 0PGP05-ZV-0007, Prompt Notification System AND 0PGP05-ZV-0016, Prompt Notification System Implementing Procedure.

4.15.2 Quarterly, in accordance with Addendum 1 schedule, the Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee should initiate review of Prompt Notification System sirens operability for the preceding quarter. TRANSMIT results with a cover letter to the Texas Division of Emergency Management of the Texas Department of Public Safety with a copy sent to DHS/FEMA Region VI headquarters.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 8 of 58 Emergency Response Activities 4.16 Self - Assessments 4.16.1 Emergency Response Supervisor OR designee SHALL consider directing a self assessment of various aspects of the Emergency Response Program based on Drill/Exercise results, Audit Report results, Industry Events, or other areas as deemed necessary, and document in accordance with the Station Self Assessment Guideline.

4.17 Annual Letter of Certification to DEM 4.17.1 Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee should issue the Letter of Certification to the Texas Division of Emergency Management, Texas Department of Public Safety.

4.17.2 DOCUMENT completion on Form 14, Annual Letter of Certification Verification to DEM.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 9 of 58 Emergency Response Activities 4.18 ERD Staff Training 4.18.1 Annually, the Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee should review the training received by individuals responsible for the planning effort.

4.18.2 EVALUATE training using the following guidance:

All Emergency Response Division personnel responsible for the planning effort should obtain and maintain necessary training and qualifications for unescorted entry into the Protected Area and the Radiologically Controlled Area.

Entry level personnel in the Emergency Response Division who have limited or no experience in the emergency planning effort shall, in a timely manner, attend a training course for emergency planners similar in scope to the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) emergency planner training course.

Experienced planners in the Emergency Response Division should annually (once per calendar year) accomplish tasks that broaden their understanding of emergency planning and emergency planning emergent issues. Such tasks, assigned by the Emergency Response Division Supervisor may include the following:

o Participating in utility assist visits as a member of an audit team, member of a mock NRC team during a utility exercise, observation of a utility exercise, etc.

o Attending regional or national emergency response conferences or workshops.

o Visiting a utility to obtain emergency response benchmark information that may better the methods employed at STPEGS.

o Attending emergency response courses provided by NEI, DHS/FEMA, etc., which present topics outside of the planners normal discipline.

o Annual Emergency Response Division Staff Training shall be documented as EPT-070. The comments section of the EPT-070 Attendance Record shall describe the activity.

4.18.3 DOCUMENT completion on Form 15, ERD Staff Training.

4.19 Annual News Media Training

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 10 of 58 Emergency Response Activities 4.19.1 In accordance with Addendum 1 schedule, the Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee should invite local news media agencies to attend a session designed to acquaint them with the emergency plan, information concerning radiation, and points of contact for release of public information during an emergency.

4.19.2 DOCUMENT completion on Form 17, Annual News Media Training.

4.20 Extension of Emergency Response Activities 4.20.1 IF evaluated AND approved by the Supervisor, Emergency Response, THEN reschedule OR extend due date(s) of items on Addendum 1.

4.21 Quarterly Computer Equipment Functional Testing 4.21.1 In accordance with Addendum 1 schedule, Information Technology Manager OR designee should initiate a review of computer equipment.

4.21.2 All onsite Emergency Response Facility computer equipment should be functionally tested quarterly.

4.21.3 All offsite Emergency Response Facility computer equipment should be functionally tested quarterly.

4.21.4 DOCUMENT completion on Form 18, Quarterly Computer Functional Test.

4.22 Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly/Semi-Annual/Annual/ENRS/Post Maintenance Tests 4.22.1 ENS Communicator OR designee should initiate the Emergency Notification and Response System (ENRS) on designated date AND time unless otherwise directed by Supervisor, Emergency Response OR his designee.

4.22.2 Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee should conduct AND document ENRS tests in accordance with the requirements of Form 19, ENRS Test. These tests may be conducted in conjunction with scheduled drills OR exercises.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 11 of 58 Emergency Response Activities 4.23 Emergency Response Organization Communications 4.23.1 IF emergency response industry events are identified, THEN an evaluation SHALL be performed by the Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee for applicability to the South Texas Project Emergency Response Organization.

4.23.2 IF an Industry Event is deemed applicable to STP, THEN it SHALL be disseminated AND documented using Form 20, Emergency Response Organization Communications.

4.24 Annual Site Public Address System Coverage Survey 4.24.1 The Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee SHALL conduct AND document a survey of the Site Public Address System to find areas with poor coverage. DOCUMENT any deficiencies using 0PGP03-ZX-0002, Corrective Action Program.

4.25 Annual State Radiological Plan and Procedures Surveillance 4.25.1 The Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee SHALL conduct and document a review of the State Radiological Plan AND Procedures to ensure the current revision is in the Records Management System.

4.26 Annual ERO Performance Surveillance 4.26.1 In accordance with Addendum 1 schedule, the Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee should initiate a review of ERO performance.

4.26.2 DOCUMENT completion on Form 22, Annual ERO Performance Surveillance.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 12 of 58 Emergency Response Activities NOTE Changes in the Emergency Planning Zone permanent resident population must be estimated at least annually during the years between decennial censuses. These estimates shall occur no more than 365 days apart.

4.27 Annual Population Update Analysis (Ref 5.30) 4.27.1 The Supervisor, Emergency Response OR designee SHALL complete Annual Population Update Analysis.

4.27.2 DOCUMENT completion on Form 23, Annual Population Update Analysis. Initiate tracking Condition Report for next performance.

Due date for action for next performance SHALL be established less than 365 days from completion date.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 13 of 58 Emergency Response Activities 5.0 References 5.1 0ERP01-ZV-EF25, Site Public Affairs Coordinator 5.2 0ERP01-ZV-IN02, Notifications to Offsite Agencies 5.3 0ERP01-ZV-IN03, Emergency Response Organization Notification 5.4 0ERP01-ZV-IN04, Assembly and Accountability 5.5 0ERP01-ZV-IN05, Site Evacuation 5.6 0ERP01-ZV-SH01, Shift Supervisor 5.7 0PGP03-ZA-0106, Emergency Medical Response Plan 5.8 0PGP03-ZT-0139, Emergency Preparedness Training Program 5.9 0PGP03-ZV-0001, Severe Weather Plan 5.10 0PGP03-ZV-0002, Hurricane Plan 5.11 0PGP03-ZX-0002, Corrective Action Program 5.12 0PGP05-ZV-0001, Emergency Response Exercises and Drills 5.13 0PGP05-ZV-0002, Emergency Response Activities Schedule 5.14 0PGP05-ZV-0003, Emergency Response Organization 5.15 0PGP05-ZV-0007, Prompt Notification System 5.16 0PGP05-ZV-0009, Emergency Facilities Inventories and Inspections 5.17 0PGP05-ZV-0010, Emergency Plan Revision 5.18 0PGP05-ZV-0011, Emergency Communications 5.19 0PGP05-ZV-0012, Emergency Facility Inventories 5.20 0PGP05-ZV-0016, Prompt Notification System Implementation Procedure 5.21 0POP04-ZO-0004, Personnel Emergency 5.22 ZV-0025, ERO Performance Tracking Guide 5.23 ZV-0027, Drill and Exercise Performance Objectives and Demonstration Criteria 5.24 State Radiological Plan 5.25 STPEGS Emergency Plan 5.26 INPO Event Report L2-11-39, Lack of Timely Emergency Response Organization and Emergency Response Facility Activation Action Plan Response

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 14 of 58 Emergency Response Activities 5.27 AE-NOC-12002269, Request for Information Pursuant To Title 10 Of The Code of Federal Regulations 50.54(F) Regarding Recommendations 2.1, 2.3, and 9.3 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights From The Fukushima Dai-Ichi Accident 5.28 NOC-AE-13002958, STPNOC Response to January 23, 2013, Request for Additional Information Related to the Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 9.3 on Communications 5.29 NOC-AE-13002989, Response to Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f)

Regarding Recommendation 9.3 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident - Phase 1 Staffing Assessment 5.30 NUREG/CR-7002, Criteria for Development of Evacuation Time Estimate Studies 6.0 Support Documents 6.1 Addendum 1, Emergency Response Activities Schedule 6.2 Form 1, Annual Drill and Training Schedule 6.3 Form 2, Annual Review of the Eight-Year Exercise Master Plan 6.4 Form 3, Communications Tests 6.5 Form 4, Annual Letters of Agreement Review 6.6 Form 5, Annual Emergency Response Procedures Review 6.7 Form 6, Annual Emergency Response Training Review 6.8 Form 7, Annual Emergency Response Offsite Training Review 6.9 Form 8, Annual Emergency Public Information Verification 6.10 Form 9, Quarterly Visible Postings and Public Emergency Information Brochure Verification 6.11 Form 10, Quarterly Review of Alert Radio Distribution 6.12 Form 11, Quarterly Emergency Communications Directory/Emergency Response Procedures Telephone Number Verification 6.13 Form 12, Quarterly ERO Roster Review 6.14 Form 13, STPEGS Emergency Plan Annual Review Checklist 6.15 Form 14, Annual Letter of Certification Verification to DEM 6.16 Form 15, ERD Staff Training 6.17 Form 16, State of Texas/Matagorda County Annual Review of the STPEGS Emergency Action Levels

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 15 of 58 Emergency Response Activities 6.18 Form 17, Annual News Media Training 6.19 Form 18, Quarterly Computer Functional Test 6.20 Form 19, ENRS Test 6.21 Form 20, Emergency Response Organization Communications 6.22 Form 21, State Radiological Plan and Procedure Surveillance 6.23 Form 22, Annual ERO Performance Surveillance 6.24 Form 22, Annual ERO Performance Surveillance 6.25 Form 23, Annual Population Update Analysis

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 16 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Addendum 1 Emergency Response Activities Schedule Page 1 of 1 TYPICAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE ACTIVITIES ACTIVITY JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Form 1, Annual Drill and Training Schedule ***

Form 2, Annual Review of the Eight-Year X

Exercise Master Plan Form 3, Communications Tests X X X X X X X X X X X X Form 4, Annual Letters of Agreement Review X Form 5, Annual Emergency Response X

Procedures Review Form 6, Annual Emergency Response Training X

Review Form 7, Annual Emergency Response Offsite X

Training Review Form 8, Annual Emergency Public Information X

Verification Form 9, Quarterly Visible Postings and Public X X X X Emergency Information Brochure Verification Form 10, Quarterly Review of Alert Radio X X X X Distribution Form 11, Quarterly Emergency Communications Directory/Emergency Response Procedures X X X X Telephone Number Verification Form 12, Quarterly ERO Roster Review X X X X Form 13, STPEGS Emergency Plan Annual Review Checklist Form 14, Annual Letter of Certification X

Verification to DEM Form 15, ERD Staff Training

  • Form 16, State of Texas/Matagorda County Annual Review of the STPEGS Emergency
  • Action Levels Form 17, Annual News Media Training
  • Form 18, Quarterly Computer Functional Test X X X X Form 19, ENRS Test X X X X X X X X X X X X Form 20, ERO Communications As Needed Form 21, State Radiological Plan and Procedures X

Surveillance Form 22, Annual ERO Performance Surveillance X Form 23, Annual Population Update Analysis **

Emergency Equipment & Supplies As described in 0PGP05-ZV-0009 & 0PGP05-ZV-0012 DEM/FEMA PNS Report (0PGP05-ZV-0016, X X X X Form 5)

  • Not scheduled for a specific month; however must occur during calendar year
    • Not scheduled for a specific month; however must be completed within 365 days of last performance
      • Not scheduled for a specific month; however must occur during calendar year; preferably in the 4 th quarter.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 17 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 1 Annual Drill and Training Schedule Page 1 of 1 This certifies Emergency Response Drill and Training Schedule for 20 has been completed and is attached.


Completed: Date (Print/Sign)

Approved: Date Supervisor, Emergency Response or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 18 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 2 Annual Review of the Eight-Year Exercise Master Plan Page 1 of 1 This certifies the Annual Review of the Eight-Year Exercise Master Plan for 20 has been completed and is attached. (year)

Completed: Date (Print/Sign)

Approved: Date Supervisor, Emergency Response or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 19 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 3 Communications Tests Page 1 of 12


This Communication Test List was developed to provide a means of verifying communication links between the South Texas Project Electric Generating Station (STPEGS) Emergency Response Facilities and various County, State and Federal agencies. It also provides a means of documenting this verification or, in the case of unsuccessful verification, a means of deficiency detection.

2.0 OBJECTIVES STPEGS communication tests SHALL be conducted to ensure the continuity of emergency communication capabilities.

The objectives of these tests are:

2.1 Annually 2.1.1 VERIFY communication links between EOF, State and County EOCs, and the JIC.

2.1.2 DOCUMENT using Section III.

2.2 Monthly 2.2.1 VERIFY communication links with Federal Emergency Response Organizations. (ENS, HPN) 2.2.2 VERIFY communication links with State and County governments in the plume exposure pathway.

2.2.3 DOCUMENT using Section I.

2.3 Quarterly 2.3.1 VERIFY communication links between EOF and offsite field team vehicles.

2.3.2 VERIFY telecopy communication links with County, State, and Federal Emergency Response Organizations from each Emergency Response Facility.

2.3.3 VERIFY communication links in the TSC, OSC, EOF, and Control Room.

2.3.4 DOCUMENT using Sections I & II.

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 20 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 3 Communications Tests Page 2 of 12 3.0 TELEPHONE MESSAGE Telephone communication tests will be conducted utilizing the following message:

"This is a test. This is (name of test controller) at the South Texas Project Electric Generating Station conducting a communications verification test from (name of originating facility).

Please acknowledge by stating your last name. (Enter this information on Form 3.) This test is terminated."

4.0 TELECOPY MESSAGE Telecopy tests will be conducted using the following telecopy message:

This is a test. This is a test of the emergency telecopy communication link at the South Texas Project Electric Generating Station from the (name of organization facility.) No response is required. This is a test.

5.0 EVALUATION The individual performing the test SHALL complete the appropriate section of the evaluation checklist. The completed checklist will be utilized to document the test objectives set forth in Section 2.0 were addressed AND any subsequent corrective action items are identified. These tests SHALL be conducted in conjunction with monthly communication surveillances conducted by telecommunication personnel.

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 21 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 3 Communications Tests Page 3 of 12 6.0 EVALUATION CHECKLIST Person Contacted Date/Time Initials I. Monthly

1. Telephone communications established with Federal, State, and County governments.

PERFORM test from the ___________ /

MOF Quintron Panel MOF (State)

(Communications test console). ___________ /

VERIFY all consoles are (County) operational from the Main Quintron Cabinet.

a. CONTACT Federal, State and County governments U1 CR Documented in / CR logs using dedicated (ENS) telephones.
b. IF a circuit is inoperable, U2 CR THEN document Documented in / CR logs information AND verify a (ENS) back-up circuit is available.
c. IF any of the dedicated telephones are inoperable, THEN notify the U1 Shift Manager, OR the Supervisor, Emergency Response or designee.
d. IF an ENS or HPN telephone U1 TSC /

line is determined to be out (ENS) of service AND upon /

subsequent return to service, (HPN)

THEN notify the NRC Operations Center. U2 TSC /

(IEN 8919) (ENS)







This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 22 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 3 Communications Tests Page 4 of 12 6.0 EVALUATION CHECKLIST (cont'd) Person Date/Time Initials Contacted II. Quarterly


1. VERIFY telephone communication U1 CR at each Emergency Response /

Facility. U1 TSC

a. VERIFY 25% of all extension ___________ /

numbers listed in the U1 OSC Emergency Communication ___________ /

Directory for each facility. U2 CR

___________ /

b. VERIFY operability of all U2 TSC installed satellite telephones

___________ /

located in the Unit 1 CR, Unit U2 OSC 2 CR, Unit 1 TSC,

___________ /

Unit 2 TSC, EOF, and EOF Matagorda County EOC.


c. VERIFY operability of all Matagorda portable satellite telephones Co. EOC located in the NSC Storage /

Room 4104. DSHS-RP

d. VERIFY operability of both Staging portable satellite telephones Area


located in the EOF. (Ref 5.28)

NRC Commitment Bay City Recep. Center NOC-AE-13002958 /

Palacios Recep. Center


Joint Info.

Center This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 23 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 3 Communications Tests Page 5 of 12 6.0 EVALUATION CHECKLIST (cont'd) Message Date/Time Initials Confirmation

2. Communications established between EOF and Offsite Field Team vehicles
a. PERFORM test between Vehicle 1 Radio /

Communication Console in Dose Phone /

Assessment Room and vehicles.

b. Portable cellular telephones are Vehicle 2 Radio /

stored in the EOF.

Phone /

Rad Van Radio /

Phone /

3. Radio communications established between Emergency Response Facilities.
a. TEST hand held radios stored in Hand Held the Emergency Operations Radios /


b. Communications established between EOF Security Radio /

Communication Console and CAS or SAS

4. Communications established between EOF/DSHS-RP Offsite Field Teams.
a. PERFORM test between Communication Console in Radio /

DSHS-RP Room and Mobil Radio.

5. Telecopies successfully transmitted to all Emergency Response Facilities from Unit 1 Control Room
a. TRANSMIT telecopy test message from the facility transmit /

telecopy machine via the DPS-Pierce broadcast mode. /

b. IF message confirmation was not DSHS-RP received from all broadcast /

stations, THEN call the missing DEM station to determine if the /

message was received. DPS-Houston


Verification telephone EOF numbers can be found in Emergency Communication Directory.

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 24 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 3 Communications Tests Page 6 of 12 6.0 EVALUATION CHECKLIST (cont'd) Message Date/Time Initials Confirmation






Site PA








6. Telecopies successfully /

transmitted to all Emergency MCSO Response Facilities from Unit 2 /

Control Room. MCSO Dispatcher

a. TRANSMIT telecopy test /

message from the facility transmit DPS-Pierce telecopy machine via the /

broadcast mode. DSHS-RP


b. IF message confirmation was not DEM received from all broadcast


stations, THEN call the missing DPS-Houston station to determine if the /

message was received. EOF Verification telephone /

numbers can be found in U1 TSC Emergency Communication /

Directory. U2 TSC




Site PA






QSE AE This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 25 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 3 Communications Tests Page 7 of 12 6.0 EVALUATION CHECKLIST (contd) Message Date/Time Initials Confirmation

7. Telecopies successfully /

transmitted to all Emergency MCSO Response Facilities from /

Unit 1 TSC. MCSO Dispatcher

a. TRANSMIT telecopy test /

message from the facility DPS-Pierce transmit telecopy machine via /

the broadcast mode. DSHS-RP


b. IF message confirmation was not DEM received from all broadcast


stations, THEN call the missing DPS-Houston station to determine if the


message was received.

EOF Verification telephone /

numbers can be found in U1 CR Emergency Communication /

Directory. U2 CR


Site PA










Phone Cell

8. Telecopies successfully /

transmitted to all Emergency MCSO Response Facilities from Unit 2 TSC. /

MCSO Dispatcher This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 26 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 3 Communications Tests Page 8 of 12 6.0 EVALUATION CHECKLIST (contd) Message Date/Time Initials Confirmation

a. TRANSMIT telecopy test /

message from the facility DPS-Pierce transmit telecopy machine via /

the broadcast mode. DSHS-RP


b. IF message confirmation was DEM not received from all broadcast


stations, THEN call the missing DPS-Houston station to determine if the


message was received.

EOF Verification telephone /

numbers can be found in U1 CR Emergency Communication /

Directory. U2 CR


Site PA










Phone Cell This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 27 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 3 Communications Tests Page 9 of 12 6.0 EVALUATION CHECKLIST (cont'd) Message Date/Time Initials Confirmation

9. Telecopies successfully /

transmitted to all Emergency MCSO Response Facilities from EOF. /

MCSO Dispatcher

a. TRANSMIT telecopy test /

message from the facility DPS-Pierce transmit telecopy machine via /

the broadcast mode. DSHS-RP


b. IF message confirmation was DEM not received from all broadcast


stations, THEN call the DPS-Houston missing station to determine if


the message was received.

U1 TSC Verification telephone /

numbers can be found in U2 TSC Emergency Communication /

Directory. U1 CR












Phone Cell This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 28 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 3 Communications Tests Page 10 of 12 6.0 EVALUATION CHECKLIST (contd) Person Contacted Date/Time Initials

10. Radio communications /

established between U1 OSC Hand held Emergency Response Radio 1


Facilities Hand held Radio 2

a. Test the 10 hand held /

radios assigned for use Hand held by the OSC. These Radio 3 radios are stored in the /

MOF. Take half of the Hand held radios to the U1 OSC Radio 4 and the remainder to the /

U2 OSC. Hand held Radio 5


U2 OSC Hand held Radio 6


Hand held Radio 7


Hand held Radio 8


Hand held Radio 9


Hand held Radio 10 This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 29 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 3 Communications Tests Page 11 of 12 6.0 EVALUATION CHECKLIST (Cont'd)

III. Annual Person Contacted Date/Time Initials

1. In conjunction with FEMA, /

verify the Prompt Notification System is effective in


notifying people within the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone.

2. Communications established


between EOF, State and local EOCs and the JIC.



This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 30 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 3 Communications Tests Page 12 of 12 7.0 COMMENTS Performed By:

(Print/Sign) Date Performed By:

(Print/Sign) Date Performed By:

(Print/Sign) Date Performed By:

(Print/Sign) Date Approved:

Supervisor, Communications Date or designee (Print/Sign)


Supervisor, Emergency Response Date or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 31 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 4 Annual Letters of Agreement Review Page 1 of 2 The Annual Review of STPEGS Emergency Plan Letters of Agreement for 20_____ has been completed.


Change Date

  • Letter of Agreement Required Reviewed (Yes / No)

American Nuclear Insurers American Red Cross Bay City Independent School District Bay City Police Department Bay City Volunteer Fire Department City of Bay City Gel Laboratories LLC Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO)

Luminant Power (Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant)

Lyondellbasell Matagorda County Matagorda County Environmental Health Matagorda County Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Matagorda County Hospital District Matagorda County Sheriff's Office This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 32 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 4 Annual Letters of Agreement Review Page 2 of 2 Change Date

  • Letter of Agreement Required Reviewed (Yes / No)

Matagorda Independent School District Memorial Hermann- Texas Medical Center Oxea Palacios Independent School District Palacios Police Department Palacios Volunteer Fire Department South Texas Project Operations Agreement Texas Department of State Health Services, Radiation Program Tidehaven Independent School District United States Coast Guard (Corpus Christi)

United States Coast Guard (Houston - Galveston)

U.S. Department of Commerce National Oceannic and Atmospheric Adminstration (NOAA)

Van Vleck Independent School District Westinghouse Electric Company Document changes to a Letter of Agreement using Desktop Guide ZV-0006, Letters of Agreement.

  • Prior to deleting any Letters of Agreement, a 50.54(q) evaluation is required.

Performed By:

(Print/Sign) Date Approved:

Supervisor, Emergency Response Date or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 33 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 5 Annual Emergency Response Procedures Review Page 1 of 2

1. Do the Emergency Response procedures address:
a. Written critiques and evaluations of drills and ___ NO ___YES ___N/A exercises?
b. Changes in key personnel involved in the Emergency ___ NO ___YES ___N/A Response Organization?
c. Changes in the organizational structure? ___ NO ___YES ___N/A
d. Changes in applicable Federal and State regulations? ___ NO ___YES ___N/A
e. Changes in the function and capability of support ___ NO ___YES ___N/A organizations?
f. Modifications to the station facilities, site or operating ___ NO ___YES ___N/A status that could affect emergency planning and preparedness?
g. Recommendations received from other organizations, ___ NO ___YES ___N/A such as Federal, State, or County authorities or private support groups?
h. Annual independent findings? ___ NO ___YES ___N/A
i. The requirement that the Station Emergency Plan ___ NO ___YES ___N/A including EALs used for classification of emergencies shall be submitted to the State and County for review.

Comments from this review shall be discussed between the various organizations and incorporated in the STPEGS Emergency Plan and procedures as applicable?

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 34 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 5 Annual Emergency Response Procedures Review Page 2 of 2

2. Annual review of the Emergency Response Procedures for 20_____ has been completed and the following procedures were reviewed: (year)

(List Procedure Numbers)

3. The following procedures require revisions:

Performed By:

(Print/Sign) Date Approved:

Supervisor, Emergency Response Date or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 35 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 6 Annual Emergency Response Training Review Page 1 of 1 Annual review of Emergency Response Training Program for 20_____ has been completed.


Scheduled training was completed with the following exceptions:

(List course numbers and dates scheduled.)

Training designated for revised procedures was completed with the following exceptions:

A review of all Emergency Response Organization Training Course Lesson Plans as listed in 0PGP03-ZT-0139 has been completed. A list of discrepancies and/or required revisions is provided per attached summary.

Performed By:

(Print/Sign) Date Approved:

Supervisor, Emergency Response Date or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 36 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 7 Annual Emergency Response Offsite Training Review Page 1 of 1 This certifies Annual Emergency Response Offsite Training Program Review has been completed for 20_____. Findings are attached.


Performed By:

(Print/Sign) Date Approved:

Supervisor, Emergency Response Date or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 37 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 8 Annual Public Information Verification Page 1 of 1 This certifies Annual Emergency Public Information update has been completed for 20_____.


Performed By:

(Print/Sign) Date Approved:

Supervisor, Emergency Response Date or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 38 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 9 Quarterly Visible Postings and Public Emergency Page 1 of 3 Information Brochure Verification This certifies Quarterly distribution of the Public Emergency Information Brochure has been completed for the 1st 2nd 3rd 4th quarter of 20_____.

(circle one) (year)

Additionally, Visible Postings within the ten-mile EPZ are intact.

Locations checked shown on next page(s).


Performed By:

(Print/Sign) Date Approved:

Supervisor, Emergency Response Date or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 39 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 9 Quarterly Visible Postings and Public Emergency Information Brochure Verification Page 2 of 3 Instructions: Place a Y (Yes) or an N (No) in the appropriate box for Brochures Stocked, Signs Intact (if applicable) and Alert Radio (if applicable). Complete the Comments box with any additional information (i.e., needs brochure display, alert radio broke; etc.). Under Initial, the individual performing the procedure should place their initials.


1. FM 521 River Park
2. Bay City Chamber of Commerce
3. Rio Colorado Golf Shop
4. Riverside Park
5. Chamber of Commerce, Palacios
6. Lighthouse RV & Store
7. Wadsworth Post Office
8. J & Js, Wadsworth
9. Guffys Store, Wadsworth
10. Cattails, Matagorda
11. Fishermans Motel, Matagorda
12. Buddys Seafood, Matagorda
13. Salty Dog, Matagorda
14. Polka Dot Bikini
15. Lenas Landing, Matagorda
16. Matagorda Independent School District Offices
17. Bay City Public Library Matagorda Branch, Matagorda School
18. Matagorda Water Department This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 40 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 9 Quarterly Visible Postings and Public Emergency Information Brochure Verification Page 3 of 3 BROCHURES SIGNS INTACT ALERT RADIO LOCATION STOCKED (If Applicable) (If Applicable) COMMENTS INITIAL

19. Poco Playa, Matagorda
20. Matagorda Post Office
21. Stanleys Grocery, Matagorda
22. River Bend Tavern & Marina, River Road
23. Snappers Bar & Grill, River Road
24. Matagorda Bay Nature Center & RV Park
25. Matagorda Beach Jetty Park
26. Matagorda Beach Entrance Road
27. Spoonbills Restaurant, Matagorda
28. Waterfront Restaurant, Matagorda
29. Matagorda Harbor/Russells Bait and Tackle
30. Collegeport Post Office
31. Tres Palacios Boat Ramp (Carl Park)
32. Tidehaven Independent School District Offices
33. LyondellBasell Chemicals Plant (Matagorda Operations)
34. Celanese / OXEA This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 41 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 10 Quarterly Review of Alert Radio Distribution Page 1 of 1 This certifies verification of alert radio distribution has been completed for the 1st 2nd 3rd 4th quarter of 20 .

(circle one) (year)

Check box that applies:

Attached is a list of new individuals/businesses that require an Alert Radio.

There are no new individuals/businesses that require an Alert Radio.

Performed By:

(Print/Sign) Date Approved:

Supervisor, Emergency Response Date or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 42 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 11 Quarterly Emergency Communications Page 1 of 1 Directory/Emergency Response Procedures Telephone Number Verification This certifies telephone numbers in the following have been verified as accurate for 1st 2nd 3rd 4th quarter of 20____.

(circle one) (year)

Emergency Communications Directory _______________

Procedure 0ERP01-ZV-IN02, Notifications to Offsite Agencies _______________

Procedure 0ERP01-ZV-IN03, Emergency Response Organization Notification _______________

Procedure 0ERP01-ZV-IN04, Assembly and Accountability _______________

Procedure 0ERP01-ZV-EF25, Site Public Affairs Coordinator _______________

Procedure 0ERP01-ZV-SH01, Shift Supervisor _______________

Procedure 0POP04-ZO-0004, Personnel Emergencies _______________

Procedure 0PGP03-ZA-0106, Emergency Medical Response Plan _______________

Procedure 0PGP05-ZV-0011, Emergency Communications _______________

Procedure 0PGP05-ZV-0003, Emergency Response Organization _______________

Procedure 0PGP03-ZV-0001, Severe Weather Plan _______________

Procedure 0PGP03-ZV-0002, Hurricane Plan _______________

Performed By:

(Print/Sign) Date Approved:

Supervisor, Emergency Response Date or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 43 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 12 Quarterly ERO Roster Review Page 1 of 1 This certifies the Emergency Response Organization Roster, ENRS call out roster, and ENRS Backup call out roster have been verified as correct for 1st 2nd 3rd 4th quarter of 20____.

(circle one) (year)

ERO Roster verification (name, position, contact information)

Performed by (Print/Sign) Date Verify ERO Roster Personnel live within 60 OR 75 minutes travel time from their Emergency Response Facility.

Performed by (Print/Sign) Date

Performed by (Print/Sign) Date ENRS call out roster verification Performed by (Print/Sign) Date Emergency Contact Disk Revised/Distributed Performed by (Print/Sign) Date Generate a Roster Change Summary that includes all Key ERO Roster positions with new personnel, grouped by facility. Forward to the facility managers.

Performed by (Print/Sign) Date

  • List Condition Report numbers for any personnel who expired during the quarter.

Approved by:

Supervisor, Emergency Response Date or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 44 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 13 STPEGS Emergency Plan Annual Review Checklist Page 1 of 2 STPEGS Emergency Plan, Revision _____________

1. Does the STPEGS Emergency Plan satisfy the applicable requirements of 10CFR50.47?

_____NO _____YES If NO, describe the deviation:

Does the STPEGS Emergency Plan satisfy the applicable requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix E?

(Consider if overall effectiveness of the Emergency Response Program will be reduced. Previously approved deviations do not require review and documentation.)

_____NO _____YES If NO, describe the deviation:

2. Does the STPEGS Emergency Plan satisfy the applicable recommendations of NUREG 0654/FEMA-REP-1?

_____NO _____YES If NO, describe the deviation:

3. Does the STPEGS Emergency Plan satisfy the applicable facility requirements as described in NUREG-0696?

_____NO _____YES If NO, describe the deviation:

4. Does the STPEGS Emergency Plan satisfy the applicable facility requirements as described in NUREG-0737, Supplement 1?

_____NO _____YES If NO, describe the deviation:

5. IF NO was answered to any of the previous questions, THEN perform a 50.54q screening for identified deviations AND attach to this Form.

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 45 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 13 STPEGS Emergency Plan Annual Review Checklist Page 2 of 2

6. Does the STPEGS Emergency Plan address:
a. Written critiques and evaluations of drills and exercises? ___ NO ___YES ___N/A
b. Changes in key personnel involved in the Emergency ___ NO ___YES ___N/A Response Organization?
c. Changes in the organizational structure? ___ NO ___YES ___N/A
d. Changes in applicable Federal and State regulations? ___ NO ___YES ___N/A
e. Changes in the function and capability of support ___ NO ___YES ___N/A organizations?
f. Modifications to the station facilities, site or operating ___ NO ___YES ___N/A status that could affect emergency planning and preparedness?
g. Recommendations received from other organizations, ___ NO ___YES ___N/A such as Federal, State, or County authorities or private support groups?
h. Annual independent findings? ___ NO ___YES ___N/A
i. The requirement that the Station Emergency Plan ___ NO ___YES ___N/A including EALs used for classification of emergencies shall be submitted to the State and County for review?

Comments from this review shall be discussed between the various organizations and incorporated in the STPEGS Emergency Plan and procedures as applicable?

Prepared by: Date:


[ ] Approved

[ ] Emergency Plan Revision Required

[ ] Changes to Emergency Response Procedures Required

[ ] Disapproved/Reason:

Supervisor, Emergency Response Date or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 46 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 14 Annual Letter of Certification Verification to DEM Page 1 of 1 This certifies the Annual Letter of Certification has been submitted to Texas Division of Emergency Management for 20 .


Correspondence Number:

Date of Correspondence:

Performed By:

(Print/Sign) Date Approved:

Supervisor, Emergency Response Date or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 47 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 15 ERD Staff Training Page 1 of 1 P.A. RCA Entry Instr. Utility Currently Annual EP Planner Name Access Access Level Cert Assist Conference Benchmark Qualified Training Expiration Expiration Y/N Y/N Attendance Date Attendance Date Attendance Date Y/N (once per calendar year)


Performed By: Date:


Approved: Date:

Supervisor, Emergency Response Division or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 48 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 16 State of Texas/Matagorda County Annual Review of the Page 1 of 1 STPEGS Emergency Action Levels As per the directions in 10CFR50 Appendix E, (IV), (B), annually the STPEGS Emergency Action Levels (EALs) shall be reviewed with the State of Texas, Department of Health and Matagorda County Emergency Management Agency.

This Form documents the annual review with, and recommendations of, the State of Texas, Department of Health and Matagorda County Emergency Management Agency of the Emergency Action Levels.

Please check the organization you are representing:

State of Texas, Department of State Health Services :

Texas Division of Emergency Management:

Matagorda County Emergency Management Agency:

Please check the appropriate answer:

I have performed the annual review of the Emergency Action Levels and find them adequate.

I have performed the annual review of the Emergency Action Levels and do not find them adequate. (Please state reason below)

I have performed the annual review of the Emergency Action Levels and find them adequate; however, I have the following issues.

Name: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________


Approved: _____________________________________ Date: ___________________

Supervisor, Emergency Response or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 49 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 17 Annual News Media Training Page 1 of 1 This certifies annual emergency response media training has been offered to local news media agencies for 20 .


Completed By: Date (Print/Sign)

Approved: Date Supervisor, Emergency Response or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 50 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 18 Quarterly Computer Functional Test Page 1 of 1 This certifies quarterly functional testing of all Onsite (U1 TSC, U2 TSC, U1 OSC, U2 OSC)

Emergency Response Facility Computer Equipment has been completed for the 1st 2nd 3rd 4th quarter of 20 .

(circle one) (year)

This certifies quarterly functional testing of all Offsite (EOF and JIC) Emergency Response Facility Computer Equipment has been completed for 1st 2nd 3rd 4th quarter of 20 .

(circle one) (year)


Performed By:

(Print/Sign) Date Performed By:

(Print/Sign) Date Performed By:

(Print/Sign) Date Approved By:

Supervisor, Emergency Response Date or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 51 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 19 ENRS Test Page 1 of 4 1.0 Introduction This Emergency Notification and Response System (ENRS) test was developed to provide a means of verifying the ENRS software, global paging capability and message delivery system is performing as required. This test also provides a means of documenting the results, identifying, and correcting any deficiency with the system.

2.0 Objectives The objectives of the tests are:

2.1 Once every Eight years 2.1.1 Conduct and document an Off-Hours Call-Out of required ERO personnel. This test will verify the correct operation of the ENRS system and that the required Emergency Response Facility positions are filled in the required times.

2.2 Quarterly 2.2.1 Conduct and document an Off-Hours Call-In only drill to verify the correct operation of the ENRS system and the validity of the roster. The test includes activation of ENRS devices, message delivery and report generation of the results.

2.2.2 Verify the ENRS call out roster matches the Emergency Response Organization Roster as required by 0PGP05-ZV-0002, Emergency Response Activities Schedule, Section 4.6.

2.2.3 Verify the ENRS Backup call out roster matches the Emergency Response Organization Roster as required by 0PGP05-ZV-0002, Emergency Response Activities Schedule, Section 4.6.

2.3 Monthly 2.3.1 Verify that the Emergency Notification and Response System (ENRS) is capable of performing its function, including activation of ENRS devices, message delivery, and report generation of results. Typically the ENRS is tested weekly, and the test performed during the 3rd week of the month is used to document required testing frequency.

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 52 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 19 ENRS Test Page 2 of 4 2.4 Post Maintenance 2.4.1 Verify correct operation of the system after changes to an installed scenario or development of a new scenario. Correct operation would include activation of the electronic notification device with the correct response and code, delivery of correct verbal message, notification of the correct ERO positions, and report generation of the results.

3.0 Test Message An appropriate test message will be used depending upon the test, which clearly begins and ends with the statement This is only a Test. Drill messages will be similar but will depend upon the extent of play for the particular drill.

4.0 Evaluation The individual performing the test shall complete the appropriate section of the evaluation checklist. The completed checklist along with the ENRS Communicator Execution List Exception Report shall be used as objective evidence of completion. The completed checklist utilized to document the test objectives set forth in 0PGP05-ZV-0002, Emergency Response Activities Schedule, Section 2.0, Limitations, were addressed, and any subsequent corrective actions are identified.

5.0 Evaluation Checklist 5.1 Reason for Test:

Monthly Test Date:

Quarterly Call-Out Start Time:

Eight Year Other 5.2 Test Coordinator completes this section:

1. Successful Activation of ENRS /

(0ERP01-ZV-IN03, Addendum 1) Time Verified by (Initials)

2. Correct message initiated: /

Time Verified by (Initials)

3. ENRS Exception Report generated: /

Time Verified by (Initials)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

Page 53 of 58 0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Emergency Response Activities Form 19 ENRS Test Page 3 of 4

4. Verify/List the Table C-1 positions filled within the specified time frames:

60 Minute Responders Yes No 75 Minute Responders Yes No OSC HP Technician OSC Chemistry Discipline Lead OSC HP Technician OSC Electrical Discipline Lead OSC HP Technician OSC Mechanical Discipline Lead OSC HP Technician OSC Plant Operations Discipline Lead OSC HP Technician TSC Manager OSC HP Technician TSC Engineer-Mechanical OSC HP Technician TSC Engineer-Electrical TSC Engineer-Nuclear TSC Communicator TSC Chemical/Radiochemical Manager EOF Offsite field team driver 1 EOF Offsite field team driver 2 EOF Offsite field team 1 EOF Offsite field team 2

5. Table C-1 Positions filled within required times: SAT/UNSAT/NA (Monthly ENRS test is N/A). (Circle one) Verified by
6. VERIFY personnel are available for each ERO position on Exception Report and document results in Comments section.
7. VERIFY greater than 95% fill rate as indicated by groups in Exception Report and document results in Comments section.
8. ATTACH applicable ENRS reports to this form for documentation retention.

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

Page 54 of 58 0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Emergency Response Activities Form 19 ENRS Test Page 4 of 4

9. Test Results Review:

Acceptable - Met acceptance criteria (Items 1, 2, 3, 5 completed SAT)

Unacceptable - Any data NOT within acceptance criteria (explain in Comments Section).

Corrective Action Taken (List Condition Report numbers in Comments Section and explain as needed).

6.0 COMMENTS Performed By: /

Test Coordinator (Print/Sign) Date Approved By: /

Supervisor, Emergency Response Date or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 55 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 20 Emergency Response Organization Communications Page 1 of 1 1.0 Reason for Communication:

Operating Experience NEI Bulletin INPO NRC Information Notice Other ________________________________

2.0 Method of Communication:

Email Bulletin Board Training Drill/Exercise Briefing Other ________________________________

3.0 Record applicable Condition Report(s) in the Comment Section.


Completed By: Date (Print/Sign)

Approved: Date Supervisor, Emergency Response or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 56 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 21 State Radiological Plan and Procedures Surveillance Page 1 of 1 This documents completion of Annual State of Texas Radiological Plan and Procedures review for 20____.


The following State of Texas Radiological Plan and Procedures need to be updated in the Records Management System.

The State of Texas Radiological Plan and Procedures in the Records Management System are the correct revision.

Performed By:

(Print/Sign) Date Approved:

Supervisor, Emergency Response Date or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 57 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 22 Annual ERO Performance Surveillance Page 1 of 1 This documents completion of the annual ERO performance review for 20___.


Using the current ERO Performance Tracking Matrix perform the following surveillance:

1. Was a failure documented during the calendar year:

YES NO (if No proceed to step 6)

2. Did an individual have a 2nd failure during the 8 year period:

YES NO (if No proceed to step 6)

3. Did an individual have a 3rd failure during the 8 year period:


4. Were ERO members removed from the ERO Roster due to performance issues during the calendar year:

YES (how many________) NO

5. Attach Emergency Response Desktop Guide Instruction ZV-0025 (ERO Performance Tracking Guide), applicable documentation:

Form 2, Remediation Plan STP 7903 Form, Performance Analysis & Performance Improvement Instrument

6. Attach Emergency Response Desktop Guide Instruction ZV-0025 (ERO Performance Tracking Guide), Form 1, ERO Performance Tracking Matrix.


Performed By:

(Print/Sign) Date Approved:

Supervisor, Emergency Response Date or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.

Six y ear to eight y e 0PGP05-ZV-0014 Rev. 16 Page 58 of 58 Emergency Response Activities Form 23 Annual Population Update Analysis Page 1 of 1 This certifies the Annual Population Update Analysis for 20 has been completed and is attached. (year)

Tracking Condition Report number and due date for next performance Completed: Date (Print/Sign)

Approved: Date Supervisor, Emergency Response or designee (Print/Sign)

This form, when completed, SHALL be retained in accordance with the Document Type list.