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NRC-2018-000513 - Resp 4 - Interim, Agency Records Subject to the Request Are Enclosed, (Part 3 of 3)
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Issue date: 03/09/2023
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ML23074A142 List:
NRC-2018-000513, FOIA
Download: ML23074A147 (1)


NRC-HO-13-I-03-0021 ATTACHMENT 3 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE UNIT::.D STAT::S NUCLi::AR REGULt..TORY COMMISSION AND THE UNITED STAT ES ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS ARTICLE ! -AUTHORITY AND PURPOSE This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 1s entered into by and between the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) ("the parties") to establish a mutual framework governing the respective responsibilities

  • of the parties for the provision of USAC:: support for nuclear reactor-related activities, services and incidental supplies, including activities related to new reactors licensing. This MOU is entered into pursuant to the :::::onomy Act (31 U.S.C. § 1535).

A RTICLE II-SCOPE A. Services and incidental suppiies that USAGE may provide under this MOU io support nuclear reactor-related activities. may include environmentai studies, geotechnical engineering reviews, aesign reviews, constructior1 management, smet~, monit0rir1G, cost en91neerin\:. and othe~ relatec ser.rices that ma\' oe autnorizec: b1* the: N:1~ Somoetihor, Advocat8.

8. To place an lnteragency Agreement (IA) under this MOU, the NRC must ensure that all

NRC internal requirements are fulfilled. This includes the determination and finding

. requirements found in the FAR§ 17.503. The NRC determination and finding will be conducted solely by NRC and will show that at least one of the following circumstances is applicable: (1) The service will be provided by USACE personnel; (2) the service will be performed under a USACE contract that permits services to other agencies; (3)The NRC Competition Advocate determines that USAGE has capabilities or expertise to enter into a contract, and the capability or expertise is not available to the NRC, or (4)

USACE is specifically authorized by law or regulation to purchase such services or supplies on behalf of other agencies.

C. Nothing in this MOU shall be construed to require the NRC to use USACE or to require USACE to provide any services or incidental supplies to the NRC, except as may be set forth in IAs.

D. This MOU does not obligate any funds. It is neither a fiscal nor a funds obligation document and does not obligate either agency to expend, advance, exchange, or reimburse funds, services, or supplies; transfer or receive anything of value; or enter into any contract, assistance agreement, IA, or other financial obligation. The decision to initiate each future IA is subject to the availability of sufficient funds appropriated to the NRC. This MOU shall not be construed to provide a private right of action for or by any person or entity.

ARTICLE I11-INTERAGENCY COMMUNICATIONS A. To provide for consistent and effective communication between USACE and the NRC, each party shall appoint a principal representative to serve as its central point of contact on matters relating to this MOU. The agencies may also appoint additional representatives to serve as points of contact on IAs.

B. Except as otherwise indicated, USACE will direct all written and oral communication between it and a license applicant or licensee, related to operating or new nuclear reactors, through the NRC Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) or the NRC Director of the Office of New Reactors (NRO), as appropriate, or designees.

Information and materials developed by USACE for inclusion in NRG products will comply with applicable NRC guidance as determined by the NRR or NRO Directors or designees.

C. The NRC's point of contact for all matters relating to specific IAs is the Contracting Officer.

ARTICLE IV-INTERAGENCY AGREEMENTS A. In response to requests from the NRC for USACE assistance under this MOU, USACE and the NRC shall execute mutually agreed-upon I As written on Engineer Form 4914-R.

NRC Form 662 is the equivalent to Engineer Form 4914-R and Defense Form 1144.

IAs must include:

a detailed scope of work statement delivery schedules funding and billing arrangements the amount of funds required and available to accomplish the scope of work as stated above the NRC's fund citation and the date upon which the cited funds expire for obligation purposes

8. Each IA must identify the following items:

individual project managers types of contracts to be used (if known), and each party proposed to provide services types and frequencies of reports the party responsible for Government-furnished equipment; contract administration; records maintenance; rights to data, software, and intellectual property; and contract audits

procedures for amending or modifying the IA other particulars necessary to describe clearly the obligations of the parties with respect to the requested services and supplies period of performance key personnel requirements for dissemination of project information requirement for a spending plan that projects the level of cost expenditure under a project or task order, to track costs and technical progress against the projected spending and percentage of the project or task order. (This requirement is not applicable to IAs that are for less than six months in duration.)

C. Services and incidental supplies shall be provided under this MOU only after an appropriate IA has been signed by a representative of each party authorized to execute that IA. When signed by each party's representative, an IA shall constitute a valid Economy Act agreement. In the case of conflict between this MOU and an IA, this MOU shall control.

ARTICLE V-RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES A. USACE has the following responsibilities:

USACE shall1provide the NRC with services and incidental supplies in accordance with the purpose, terms, and conditions of this MOU and with specific requirements set forth in IAs and implementing arrangements.

USACE shall identify authorized USACE representatives to sign IAs.

USACE shall use its best efforts to provide services and incidental supplies either through contract or in-house activities.

USACE shall provide detailed periodic progress, financial, and other reports to the NRC as agreed to in the IA. Financial reports shall include information on all funds received, obligated, and expended, and on forecast obligations and expenditures.

USACE shall inform the NRC of all contracts entered into under each IA.

B. The NRC has the following responsibilities:

Before executing each IA under this MOU, the NRC shall certify that the IA complies with the requirements of the Economy Act.

The NRC shall pay all actual costs associated with the provisions of services and incidental supplies by USAGE under this MOU and shall certify, at the time an IA is signed, the availability of funds necessary to accomplish that IA.

The NRC shall ensure that only authorized NRC contracting officers sign IAs.

The NRC shall develop draft IAs that include scope of work statements.

The NRC shall obtain for USACE all necessary access to all work sites and support facilities, and shall perform all coordination with and obtain any permits from State and local agencies, as necessary during the execution of each IA.

The NRC shall ensure that all requirements of NRC Management Directive 11.8, NRC Procedures For Placement and Monitoring Work With Other Federal Agencies Other Than DOE, are met before entering into an IA.

ARTICLE VI-FUNDING A. The NRC shall pay all actual costs associated with the provision of services and incidental supplies by USACE under this MOU. For !As for work estimated to cost more than $250,000 total in contracts and in-house services or $50,000 in contracts, the NRC will provide funds in advance. For IAs for work valued at less than these amounts, the NRC may reimburse USACE for the services and incidental supplies. For these lesser requirements, USACE shall bill the NAC monthly for costs incurred, using Standard

Form (SF) 1080, "Voucher for Transfers between Appropriations and/or Funds," and the NRC shall reimburse USACE within 30 days of receipt of an SF 1080.

B. If USAGE forecasts its actual costs under an IA to exceed the amount of funds available under that IA, it shall promptly notify the NRC of the amount of additional funds necessary to complete the work under that IA. The NRC shall either provide the additional funds to USAGE, limit the scope of work to that which can be paid for by the then-availa~le funds, or terminate the work under that IA.

C. Within 90 days of completing the work under an IA, USAGE shall conduct an accounting to determine the actual costs of the work. Within 30 days of the completion of this accounting, USACE shall return to the NRC any funds advanced in excess of the actual costs as then known, or the NRG shall provide any additional funds necessary to cover the actual costs as then known. Such an accounting shall in no way limit the NRC's duty in accordance with Article X to pay for any costs, such as contract claims or other liability, that may become known after the final accounting.

ARTICLE VII-APPLICABLE LAWS A. This MOU and all documents and actions pursuant to it shall be governed by the applicable statutes, regulations, directives, and procedures of the United States. Unless otherwise required by law, all contract work undertaken by the USAGE shall be governed by the USAGE policies and procedures.

ARTICLE VIII-CONTRACT CLAIMS AND DISPUTES A. All claims and disputes by contractors arising under or relating to contracts awarded by USAGE shall be resolved in accordance with Federal law and the terms of the individual contract. USAGE shall have dispute resolution authority for these claims. The contractor may appeal any contracting officer's final decision pursuant to the Contract Disputes Act of 1978 (41 U.S.C. § 601 -613).

The Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA) is designated as the appropriate board of contract appeals. In lieu of appealing to ASBCA or its successor, the contractor may bring an action directly to the United States Court of Federal Claims.

B. USACE shall be responsible for handling all litigation involving disputes and appeals and for coordinating with the United States Department of Justice as appropriate. USACE shall notify the NRG of any such litigation and afford the NRC an opportunity to review and comment on the litigation proceedings and any resulting settlement negotiations.

ARTICLE IX- DISPUTE RESOLUTION A. The parties agree 1hat, in the event of a dispute between the parties, the NRC and USAGE shall use their best efforts to resolve that dispute in an informal

fashion through consultation and communication, or other forms of nonbinding alternative dispute resolution mutually acceptable to the parties. The parties agree that if such measures fail to resolve the dispute, they shall refer it for resolution to the Office of Management and Budget or other entity as may be appropriate.

ARTICLE X-RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS A. If liability of any kind is imposed on the United States relating to the provision of services or supplies by USAGE under this MOU, USAGE will accept accountability for its actions, but the NRC shall remain responsible as the program proponent for providing the funds necessary to discharge the liability, and all related costs. This obligation extends to all funds legally available to discharge this liability, including funds that may be made legally available through transfer, reprogramming, or other means. Should the NRC not have sufficient funds legally available, including funds that may be made legally available through transfer, reprogramming, or other means, the agency remains responsible for seeking additional funds from the Congress for such purpose, although nothing in this MOU shall be construed to imply that the Congress will appropriate funds sufficient to meet the liability.

B. Notwithstanding the above, this MOU does not confer any liability upon the NRC

for claims payable by USAGE under the Federal Torts Claims Act. Nothing in this MOU is intended or will be construed to create any rights or remedies for any third party, and no third party is intended to be a beneficiary of this MOU.

ARTICLE XI-PUBLIC INFORMATION A. The NRC shall be responsible for justifying and explaining the agency's programs before the Congress and other agencies, departments, and offices of the Federal executive branch. USAGE may provide, upon request, any assistance necessary to support the NRC's justification or explanations of its programs conducted under this MOU. In general, the NRC is responsible for all public information. USAGE may make public announcements and respond to all inquiries relating to the ordinary procurement and contract award and administration process. The NRC or USAGE shall make its best efforts to give the other party advance notice before making any public statement regarding work contemplated, undertaken, or completed pursuant to IAs under this MOU.

ARTICLE XII-MISCELLANEOUS A. Other Relationships or Obligations: This MOU shall not affect any preexisting MOUs or independent relationships or obligations between the NRC and


B. Survival: The provisions of this MOU that require performance after the expiration or termination of this MOU shall remain in force notwithstanding the expiration or termination of this MOU.

C. Severability: If any provision of this MOU is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in force and unaffected to the fullest extent permitted by law and regulation.

ARTICLE XIII-AMENDMENT, MODIFICATION, AND TERMINATION A. This MOU may be modified or amended only by written, mutual agreement of the parties. Either party may terminate this MOU by providing written notice to the other party. The termination shall be effective upon the sixtieth calendar day following notice, unless a later date is set forth. In the event of termination, the NRC shall continue to be responsible for all costs already incurred by USAGE under this MOU before termination and for the costs of closing out or transferring any ongoing contracts.

ARTICLE XIV- EFFECTIVE DATE A. This MOU shall become effective when signed by both the NRC and USACE.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

From: Harvey. Brad To: Hh\/fl\ I


RE: NRC PgMP Dispute Resolution Suggestion Date: Friday, March 18, 2016 11:53:51 AM Attachments: FW REQUEST for REVIEW US Armv Coros of Engineers Enterorise Program Management Plan.m~

No problem - here it is.

Original Message-----

From:!(b)(6)  ![~ .._



) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____,

Sent: Friday, March 18, 2016 11 :37 AM To: Harvey, Brad <>


[Extemal_Sender) NRC PgMP Dispute Resolution Suggestion

Brad, I can't find the e-mail that you referenced on this morning's call regarding the suggested dispute resolution language for the USACE NRC PgMP. Will you please resend that message to me?


Hb)(6)  !

Project Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68102-4901 Phone: !(b)(6) I BB: (b)(6)



From: Harvey, Brad Sent: Tue, 8 Mar 2016 17:50:09 -0500 To: (b)(6)

Cc: Campbell, Andy;Cook, Christopher;Ha rvey, Brad


FW: REQUEST for REVIEW: US Army Corps of Engineers Enterprise Program Management Plan The 17-page annotated draft attachment is Attachments: REV0l FINAL NRC EPgMP -- 2015DEC18 -- OGC edits.pdf withheld in its entirety under FOIAexemption 5 The names of lower level USACEstaff included in the draft are withheld under FOIA exemption 6.

Here are NRC's OGC comments on the plan. (b)(5)


Brad 301-4 15-4 11 8 From: Hall, Victor Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2016 9:27 AM To: Harvey, Brad <>

Cc: Cook, Christopher <>; Campbell, Andy <>; Shams, Mohamed <>


FW: REQUEST for REVIEW: US Army Corps of Engineers Enterprise Program Management Plan Hello Brad, OGC returned comments on the USACE EPgPMP (attached). I suggest forwarding these to USACE, and seeing if they have any objection to making the proposed changes.


-Vic Victor Hall Senior Project Manager Japan Lessons Learned Division Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 301-415-2915 From: Harris, Brian Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2016 6:25 AM To: Hall, Victor <>

Cc: KowarskiCooke, Rut h <>


RE: REQUEST for REVIEW: US Army Corps of Engineers Enterprise Program Management Plan

Victor, Attached are OGC ' s comments and edits on the proposed management plan. !(b)(5)



Best regards, Brian G. Harris Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel Nuclear Regulatory Commission 30 1.415.1392 O:Fficia) Use Only /etto111cy Client P, i, ilege/\'okerlc Preelttet Deekine From: Hall, Victor Sent: Monday, February 29, 2016 3:29 PM To: OGCMailCenter Resource <>

Cc: Harris, Brian <>


REQUEST for REVIEW: US Army Corps of Engineers Enterprise Program Management Plan Hello, I am writing to request a review of the attached Enterprise Program Management Plan, between the NRC and The US Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE). This document "establishes management concepts, principles, and procedures for successfully executing USAGE national technical support programs and requirements for NRR. This EPgMP applies to all NRC

requirements related to assessment of post-Fukushima flooding hazards at nuclear power plant sites due to the potential failure of upstream dams for a variety of reasons ."

The agreement is expected to be signed by USACE's Chief of lnteragency and International Services, and we would like to provide a recommendation to the Director of NRR, Bill Dean, for signature. USACE's OGC, Omaha district reviewed the agreement, and the final signature from USAGE is expected shortly.

As a reference, Brian Harris has worked on many of the flooding-related issues for JLD and is familiar with USACE's role.

Thank you in advance!

-Vic Victor Hall Senior Project Manager Japan Lessons Learned Division Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 301-415-2915




Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 5:07:08 PM Sounds like a plan. Thanks!

Brad 301-415-4118

Original Message-----

From: r b)(6) lrlllllil1.QJ....(b_)(6_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,

Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 20 I 6 4:02 PM To: Harvey, Brad <>


[External_Sender) NRC Program Calendar Brad, Attached is a calendar that I started to track availabi lity for the USACE/NRC program. It's a little different format than the previous version because I don't have the software thaf(iii(6)7.1sed to create that one. Would it work for everyone there to mark it up in PDF with any known commitm~ d for me to then incorporate them into the master version of the calendar?

00 l(b)(6)

ProJect Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68102-4901 Phone: !(b)(6) I BB: (b)(6)



From: Quinn-Willingham Laura To: Harvey. Brad


RE: NRC/USACE Status Phone Call Date: Friday, January 08, 2016 1:35:26 PM Sor I was not able to make it to the call toda . (b)(6)


._l (b_)(6_l _ _ _ _ _ _ __.P* I should be able to attend next week's meeting.


Original Appointment-----

From: Harvey, Brad Sent: Friday, January 08, 2016 9:17 AM To: Cam bell And

  • Cook Christo her* See Kenneth
  • Rivera-Varona, Aida; Erwin, Kenneth;..,____,...

(b)(6) .........

(b)(6) Shams, Mohamed; Hall, Victor; n e, Juan; Govan, Tekia; Minarik, Anthony; Willingham, b 6 Quinn-Willin ham Laura* Rivera-Lugo, Richard Cc: (b)(6)

Sul>Je : atus Phone Call When: Friday, January 08, 2016 10:00 AM-11:00 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).

Where: Andy's Office (T-7F4) 888-411-0721; pass code: .... l(b_)(6_) _ __.

Additional files to support today's discussion on the ANO hydrograph deliverables:

<< Message: ANO Dam Failure Hydrographs Requested >>

<< File: Pages from FOUO_ NRC_ANO_ITR_2015Oct27_FOUO.pdf >>

<< File: ANO Hydrograph Requests.xlsx >>

<< File: USACE Hydrograph Schedule.docx >>

<< File: CGS Kickoff Meeting Agenda_Jan2016_Rev l.doc >>

Topics for Discussion::


1. l(b)(6l lwill be taking over from.... l(b_)(6_l _ _....~s the Technical Lead for the NRC/USACE Task Orders beginning Nov 1.
2. Appointment of Ray Alexander as USACE/NRC Liaison
a. .....!

(b_ )(6_) _ _ _____.I is the HQUSACE POC for Mr. Alexander

i. Meeting between USACE and NRC OEDO held on Tue July 14, 2015.
b. Agenda topics for consideration
  • Establishing a USACE/NRC Executive Liaison
  • USACE/NRC enterprise Program Management Plan - Purpose/Signature
  • Status of USACE evaluations of potential dam failure for NPP FHRRs under NTTF 2.1
  • USACE Policy on sharing sensitive security information between Federal Agencies and non-Federal entities
  • Status of FOIA process for sensitive USACE information
  • Briefing of ACRS on sensitive information on USACE dam failure studies
  • Establishing non-disclosure agreements with BC Hydro and BurRec
  • Report Farley flooding analysis as a success
  • Report that the USACE has committed to including Ft Calhoun in a Dam Safety Emergency Action Plan meeting in May 2015 and has also identified FT Calhoun as a potential Emergency Action Plan holder for several mainstem dams
c. Status of Enterprise Program Management Plan
i. l(b)(B) Ito provide revised signed copy for NRC's signature
  • Andy to take the lead in deciding:
a. whom from NRC should sign (division director or office director)
b. whether OGC should review ii. l. .

(b_)(B_) _ _,l sent l....(b_)(B_) _ _ revised draft on 12/18/15

3. Review of USACE Hydrograph Schedule (see attached file above)
4. Budget status of LTDs issued under TO26 (Total Award: $2,903,747)

Site LTD Estimate Actual

(Thru Oct15) (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F)

Farley TO26-1 277,309 203,391..........,,,..........,

Beaver Valley TO26-2 421 ,576 405,506 Monticello/Pl TO26-3 514,370 389,781 Arkansas TO26-4 938,823 608,306 Columbia TO26-5 569,688 91 ,017 TOTAL 2,721,766 1,698,001

5. NRC has developed objective, purpose, and ground rules for the first ITR meetings with the licensees
a. Goal: verbal exchange of information on H&H modeling between licensees and USAGE
b. Three-day meeting
i. First day - afternoon with USAGE to prepare meeting with licensee ii. Second day- full day meeting with licensee iii. Third day - morning with USAGE to plan further actions
c. FERC should be invited to those meetings that involve watersheds containing FERG-regulated dams
d. Deliverables prior to the 1st ITR meeting with the licensees:

DELIVERABLE SCHEDULE Draft TLR, including NPP site hydrographs 3 weeks prior to 1st ITR meeting Draft Presentation to the licensee 3 weeks prior to 1st ITR meeting Pre ITR meeting webinar 2 weeks prior to 1st ITR meeting

6. Options within all proposals (as applicable):
a. Develop hydrographs applying licensees site-specific PMP
b. Licensee's site-specific data requests B. TASK ORDER 001 (Flooding Analysis for Ft Calhoun and Cooper)
7. Fort Calhoun/Cooper (TO1)
a. Reclassification of dams (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F)
i. nnouncement to be made ii. SOG meeting to be held in July (_!(b_)(7_)(E_)._(b_)(7_)(F_) - - - - - - -~

iii. ....__ _--J o be considered during the May DSOG meeting q(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) I)

b. Received FOIA request for USACE Missouri River Flooding Study on 12/03
i. During a conference call between the USACE and NRC on 01/28, it was decided that USACE "owns" the Flooding Study and the flooding study will be withheld from release in its entirety ii. NRC responded to the FOIA request vi Form 464 on 01/30
  • The USACE has provided the administrative appeal rights
c. Certain members of NRC's FACA (the ACRS) want to have a focused "fact-finding" exchange with the USACE experts to understand the technical basis for the Missouri River revised flooding hazards.
i. Signed MOU sent to USACE on 07/30/15 ii. A "fact-finding exchange" was held on Oct 21-22 in Omaha
  • Materials forwarded to ACRS o First-day presentation Slides
  • Hardcopy of first day overview slides provided to ACRS on 11/04 o Second-day Ft Calhoun/Cooper slides and TLR
  • USACE has approved providing John Stetkar, Ron Ballinger, and Chris Brown access to the FOUO Fort Calhoun and Cooper TLR and fact-finding exchange presentation material containing specific information from the Fort Calhoun and Cooper TLR
  • Access is permitted for viewing purposes only at the NRC HQ building with no release of hard copies
  • Electronic version provided to Chris Brown on 11/06
  • The ACRS has requested permission to share slides from both days with the full committee o ~ confirmed that slides (but no hardcopies; no TLR) can be distributed toACRS ~ s iii. Status of a future "fact-finding exchange"
  • Chris Brown reported on 12/07/15 that the USACE is off the radar for a few months or so ...

o Discussion with the USACE held on Jan 5

  • John Stetkar would like to obtain TLR viewing rights for other

members of the ACRS

  • The ACRS has a meeting in March/April 2016 with the NRC staff and licensees to review industry's Flooding Mitigating Strategies. Depending on the outcome of this meeting, the ACRS may or may not have more questions on margin and uncertainties
  • A req uisition has been created for a no-cost POP extension to 03/31 /2017.

iv. non fee-recoverable CAC # TM3023 should be used to support this activity C. TASK ORDER 004 (Dam Screening and Preparation of Hydrograph Proposals)

8. Peach Bottom/TMI (TO6)
a. Status of dam screening report
i. USAGE provided a draft of the report for NRC review and comment on 02/20/15; NRC responded with comments on 03/20/15 l(b)(?)(E). (b)(?)(F) 0 TM I:l(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) 0 Peach Bottom: .... l(b_)(7_J(E_l._(b_l(7_)(F_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,

(b){7)(E). lb)(7)(F)

  • PMF development is recommended for (b)(7)(E), as well as the PB and TMI NPP sites (b)(?)(F) ii. ~ and Ken See met at the Baltimore District Office on March 30-31 to discusslii's and NRC's comments (Cost: ~$900)
  • NRC provided email on 07/27 stating Screening Report need not be completed and Proposal not needed D. TASK ORDER NO.: NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026 (Preparation of Hydrographs)
9. Farley (TO2)
  • Final TLR & Hydrographs delivered on 06/19
10. Colombia (TO3)
a. Status of H&H modeling data request - Energy Northwest does not plan to send in any watershed models or data
b. Status of BC Hydro's NDA
i. The master NOA between the USACE and BC Hydro has been signed.
  • The individual NDAs have been signed by the USAGE, BurRec, and NRG staff
  • Chris and Scott have discussed
1) Will staff, or contractors for, the Columbia Generating Station (our licensee) need to sign NDAs?
a. Resolution: No NDAs will be needed; no BC Hyrdo Sensitive Information will be discussed at the ITRs
2) The NOA states the USAGE will only provide information to, among others, third party advisors, consultants, and contractors ("representatives") who have a need to know the information -
a. Resolution: NRG believes that it qualifies as a representative in that it is providing the USAGE guidance in developing the hydrographs (e.g., Dam Failure ISG. NRG OGG has NLO
3) The NOA states that the Corps may provide the Report on dam break scenarios for the Columbia River basin to the NRG so long as it does not explicitly reference the Sensitive Information.
a. Resolution: NRG will have access to Sensitive Information through the USAGE SharePoint site
b. Hydrographs will not identify the applicable dam
  • NRC action - will the NRC be willing to share the resulting TLR with BC Hydro? (Action Items from 05/12 phone call between NRG and USAGE) o Response - TLR belongs to the USAGE and therefore its USAGE decision ii. External SharePoint site has been set up
  • Transfer of documents completed as of 10/19
  • NRG staff has been provided usernames and passwords o NRC didn't see any documents in the portal
c. Status of BurRec IAA- signed on 11/20
i. Three USAGE personnel to travel to Denver on Feb 24, 2015 to meet with BurRec (total estimate: $671 ).
  • jprovided a meeting summary on 03/21 /15
d. Final proposal submitted - 12/12/14
i. Corresponding LTD TO26-5 issued 12/15/14 ii. JLD (Vic) notified licensee during a site visit during the week of 02/02/15 that the hydrographs for tributaries will not be provided
e. Draft Engineering Screening Report provided on 12/15/14
i. Revised draft report incorporating NRC comments provided on 06/08/15
f. USACE provided draft revised proposal (including budget and schedule) on 11/24
i. NRC provided comments on 12/03
g. USACE provided revised draft proposal on 12/29 ii. Revised to reflect Jan 20 kickoff meeting iii. Cost change (from $531 K to $570K) iv. Schedule:

Preliminary Draft LTR and hydrographs July 2016 ITR Meeting with Licensee August 2016 Final TLR and Hydrographs October 2016

v. Attachment A to contain latest version of Screening Report
h. One-day kick-off meeting among USACE, BofR, and NRC to develop a schedule and roadmap forward
i. USACE confirmed BurRec, Omaha, and Seattle availability for Wed Jan 20 ii. Draft agenda sent out by NRC for comment on 01/05
  • Discussion of the following comment from .... lin Seattle:

l(b_)(6_l _ _.....

"From some rough preliminary modeling, even the most impossibly conservative failure scenarios do not threaten the CGS with inundation. Assum ing this holds as I fine tune the details for accuracy, how much effort should be placed in proving the dozens of other failure scenarios also don't inundate?"

11. Arkansas (T05)
a. Status ofl(b)(7)(El, (b)(7)(F) Idata request - DVD's sent to USACE on 10/21 .
b. ANO proposal resubmitted 11/26; LTD issued 11/29
i. ANO requested hydrographs for ANO site plus seven other locations upstream and downstream ii. Hydrographs to also be provided using the licensee's PMP a . ~ has confirmed that the information provided by the licensee is in "co~ format"
c. Preliminary Draft TLR provided on 09/28/15
i. WSE exceeds plant grade for l(b)(7)(E). (b)(7)(F) l(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) I --------------
d. Pre 1st ITR webinar meeting held on 10/19/15 (2 -4 pm EDT)
e. First ITR meeting held on 10/28/15 in Little Rock
i. licensee provided advanced questions on 10/23/15
a. USAGE provided NRC written responses on 11/17 (redacted version on 11/18) ii. Licensee is interested in receiving stage and flow hydrographs for two scenarios

' (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) P iii. Licensee is interested in receiving a site inundation map

a. LIDAR data sent to~ in Tulsa anc~ }n Omaha
b. JLD has confirm with licensee that they are interested in inundation maps as GIS Shape Files iv. Sent draft revision to LTD 26-4a on 12/07 reflecting 1) revised set of hydrographs and 2) inundation mapping
a. USACE revised draft LTD on 12/23 by suggesting removing hydrographs tor !(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(FJ I
v. Draft ITR meeting summary sent to USACE for review and comments on 12/11 /15
a. USACE provided comments on 01/04/16
f. USACE provided Pre-Final TLR and Hydrographs on 12/25/15
i. some of the technical comments the team in Little Rock and Tulsa were unable to fully address given limited availabililty of tr hnical staff. a check-in call for conducting the review withl (b)(6) land (b)(6) was suggested ii. hydrographs in Excel spreadsheets need to be provided nd
g. Schedule for 2 ITR meeting
h. Schedule for Final TLR and Hydrographs
12. Beaver Valley (TO7)
a. Hydrographs sent to FENOG on 09/11/15 (ML15254A273)
13. Monticello/Prairie Island (TO8)
a. Hydrographs to be sent to licensee on 11/19/15 E. TASK ORDER NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009 (FHRR Reviews)
a. Peach Bottom and Three Mile Island
i. Receive of FHRRs
a. Revised TMI FHRR emailed tol(bl(5) Ion 08/14/15
b. New Peach Bottom FHRR sent t~ via DVD on 08/26/15 ii. Final LTDs sent to!(b)(6) Ion 09/10/15 iii. Schedules
a. Orientation phone call held on 09/18
b. Audit held on Sep 10, 9am-noon EDT
c. l(b_l(6_l Hard drive sent to ... -~I on 10/14/15 iv. Info Needs
a. List of Info Needs provided by USAGE on 11 /13/15
i. ERR responses expected in ERR on 11 /15/16
b. Additional list of Info Needs( including review of RiverFlow 20 model runs submitted on 12/01) finalized on 12/21 /15
i. ERR responses expected in ERR "shortly"
c. Next audit to be scheduled for week of Feb 01
v. RiverFlow 20 model
a. USAGE authorized to spend $2,300 to obtain Argus One Software Licensee and Shapefile 10 PIE on 09/29
  • Software purchase approved and software has been acquired
  • Software installed on 11 /20 vi . (b)(6) (USAGE-Baltimore) received email request from FERG a(bJ(6)

(b)(6) on 10/05 for USAGE review of (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F)

(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F)

a. FERC provided NRC a copy of report on 12/17/15
b. NRC requested the USACE begin review on 12/07/15
  • What will the deliverable look like?

vii. l(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(Fl IBOC meeti ngs

a. Next meeting scheduled for 12l08l15 March 2016
  • The intent is to determ ine what season is controlling for the (b)(7J(E), (b)(7)(F)

(bJ(7)(E). (bl(7) updated PMF value (F)


From: Ouinn-w1mogbam Laura To: Harvey. Brad


RE: NRC/USACE Status Phone Call Date: Thursday, February 04, 2016 4:22:02 PM Brad, lfb....,

)(6_l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!so I will not able to listen in. Just an FYI.


Original Appointment-----

From: Harvey, Brad Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 4:21 PM To: Campbell, Andy; Cook, Christopher; See, Kenneth; Rivera-Varona, Aida; Erwin, Kenneth; (b)(6) Shams, Mohamed; Hall, Victor; Uribe, Juan; Govan, Tekia; Minarik, Anthony; Willingham, Michael; l(b)(6) IQuinn-Willingham, Laura; Rivera-Lugo, Richard


NRC/USACE Status Phone Call When: Friday, February 05, 2016 10:00 AM-11:00 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &


Where: Andy's Office (T-7F4) 888-411-0721, passcode: 1.... (bl_(B_

) _ _.

Topics for Discussion:


1. !(b)(6) !will be taking over from l(b)(6) las the Technical Lead for the NRC/USACE Task Orders beginning Nov 1, 2015
2. l(b)(6) lwill be taking over fromJ(b)(6l las Program Manager for the NRC/USACE IAA beginning Jan 1, 201
3. Appointment of Ray Alexander as USACE/NRC Liaison
a. .....

l(bl_(6_) _ _ _____.I is the HQUSACE POC for Mr. Alexander

i. Meeting between USACE and NRC OEDO held on Tue July 14, 2015.
b. Agenda topics for consideration
  • Establishing a USACE/NRC Executive Liaison
  • USACE/NRC enterprise Program Management Plan - Purpose/Signature
  • Status of USACE evaluations of potential dam failure for NPP FHRRs under NTTF 2.1
  • USACE Policy on sharing sensitive security information between Federal Agencies and non-Federal entities
  • Status of FOIA process for sensitive USACE information
  • Briefing of ACRS on sensitive information on USACE dam failure studies
  • Establishing non-disclosure agreements with BC Hydro and BurRec.
  • Report Farley flooding analysis as a success
  • Report that the USACE has committed to including Ft Calhoun in a Dam Safety Emergency Action Plan meeting in May 2015 and has also identified FT Calhoun as a potential Emergency Action Plan holder for several mainstem dams
c. Status of Enterprise Program Management Plan
i. l(b)(6) 1sent!....

(b_)(6_) _ _ __,!a revised draft on 12/18/15 ii. l(b)(6) Ito provide revised signed copy for NRC's signature

  • Andy and Vic to take the lead in approaching Bill Dean to sign the EPMP:
d. EPRI has expressed interest to work with the USACE and Industry to review dam risk and failure probabilities ...
4. Review of USACE Hydrograph Schedule (see attached file above)
5. Budget status of LTDs issued under TO26 (Total Award: $2,903,747)

Site LTD Estimate Actual (Thru Nov15) (b)(?)(E). (b)(?)(F)

Farley TO26-1 277,309 203,391 ,__.,..--,

Beaver Valley TO26-2 421 ,576 408, Monticello/Pl TO26-3 514,370 389,940 Arkansas TO26-4 938,823 643,281 Columbia TO26-5 569,688 113,219 TOTAL 2,721 ,766 1,758,629

6. NRC has developed objective, purpose, and ground rules for the first ITR

meetings with the licensees

a. Goal: verbal exchange of information on H&H modeling between licensees and USACE
b. Three-day meeting
i. First day - afternoon with USACE to prepare meeting with licensee ii. Second day- full day meeting with licensee iii. Third day - morning with USACE to plan further actions
c. FERC should be inv ited to those meetings that involve watersheds containing FERC-regulated dams
d. Deliverables prior to the 1st ITR meeting with the licensees:

DELIVERABLE SCHEDULE Draft TLR, including NPP site hydrographs 3 weeks prior to 1st lTR meeting Draft Presentation to the licensee 3 weeks prior to 1st ITR meeting Pre ITR meeting webinar 2 weeks prior to 1st ITR meeting

7. Options within all proposals (as applicable):
a. Develop hydrographs applying licensees site-specific PMP
b. Licensee's site-specific data requests B. TASK ORDER 001 (Flooding Analysis for Ft Calhoun and Cooper)
8. Fort Calhoun/Cooper (TO1)
a. Reclassification of dams (b)(l)(E), (b)(7)(F)
i. announcement to be made ii. SOG meeting to be held in July q(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) ..,,...,...,,,,,...,,,,,.....,.,..,....,,,,...,,,,.....-, t iii. .....___ _...J to be considered during the May DSOG meeting (l(b)(?)(E), (b)(l)(F) p
b. Received FOIA request for USACE Missouri River Flooding Study on 12/03
i. During a conference call between the USACE and NRC on 01/28, it was decided that USACE "owns" the Flooding Study and the flooding study wil l be withheld from release in its entirety ii. NRC responded to the FOIA request vi Form 4-64 on 01/30
  • The USACE has provided the administrative appeal rights
c. Certain members of NRC's FACA (the ACRS) want to have a focused "fact-finding" exchange with the USACE experts to understand the technical basis for the Missouri River revised flooding hazards.
i. Signed MOU sent to USAGE on 07/30/15 ii. A "fact-finding exchange" was held on Oct 21-22 in Omaha
  • Materials forwarded to ACRS o First-day presentation Slides Hardcopy of first day overview slides provided to ACRS on 11/04 o Second-day Ft Colhoun/Cooper slides and TLR USAGE has approved providing John Stetkar, Ron Ballinger, and Chris Brown access to the FOUO Fort Calhoun and Cooper TLR and fact-finding exchange presentation material containing specific information from the Fort Calhoun and Cooper TLR Access is permitted for viewing purposes only at the NRC HQ building with no release of hard copies Electronic vers1 i on provided to Chris Brown on 11 /06
  • The ACRS has requested permission to share slides from both days with the full committee o l(b)(6) !confirmed that slides (but no hardcopies; no TLR) can be distributed to ACRS members iii. Status of a future "fact-finding exchange"
  • Discussion with the USAGE held on Jan 5 o John Stetkar would like to obtain TLR viewing rights for other members of the ACRS
  • !(b)(6) !to seek approval to distribute TLR to other ACRS members.

Two options:

o ACRS committee members sign a NOA o Modify the MOU to include access to all ACRS members (Dennis Bley new ACRS Chairman) o The ACRS has a meeting in March/April 2016 with the NRC staff and licensees to review industry's Flooding Mitigating Strategies. Depending on the outcome of this meeting, the ACRS may or may not have more questions on margin

and uncertainties

  • A requisition has been created for a no-cost POP extension to 03/31/2017.

iv. non fee-recoverable CAC # TM3023 should be used to support this activity C. TASK ORDER 004 (Dam Screening and Preparation of Hydrograph Proposals)

9. Peach Bottom/TMI (TO6)
a. Status of dam screening report
i. USACE provided a draft of the report for NRC review and comment on 02/20/15; NRC responded with comments on 03/20/15 l(b)(7)(E}, (b)(7)(F) 0 TM1:l(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) o Peach Bottom: ._l(b_l(7_l(E_l._(b_)(7

_l(_Fl_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.

l. .

(b)-(7)-(E-) (-b)(-7)(F-) --i (b)(7)(E),

  • PMF development is recommended for (b)(7)(F) as well as the PB and TMI NPP sites ii. ~ and Ken See met at the Baltimore District Office on March 30-31 to disc~ and NRC's comments (Cost: ~$900)
  • NRC provided email on 07/27 stating Screening Report need not be completed and Proposal not needed D. TASK ORDER NO.: NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026 (Preparation of Hydrographs)
10. Farley (TO2)
  • Final TLR & Hydrographs delivered on 06/ 19
11. Colombia (TO3)
a. Status of H&H modeling data request- Energy Northwest does not plan to send in any watershed models or data
b. Status of BC Hydro's NDA
i. The master NOA between the USACE and BC Hydro has been signed.
  • The individual NDAs have been signed by the USACE, BurRec, and NRC staff
  • Chris and Scott have discussed
1) Will staff, or contractors for, the Columbia Generating Station (our licensee) need to sign NDAs?
a. Resolution: No NDAs will be needed; no BC Hyrdo Sensitive Information will be discussed at the ITRs
2) The NDA states the USACE will only provide information to, among others, third party advisors, consultants, and contractors ("representatives") who have a need to know the information -
a. Resolution: NRC believes that it qualifies as a representative in that it is providing the USACE guidance in developing the hydrographs (e.g. , Dam Failure ISG. NRC OGC has NLO
3) The NDA states that the Corps may provide the Report on dam break scenarios for the Columbia River basin to the NRC so long as it does not explicitly reference the Sensitive Information.
a. Resolution: NRC will have access to Sensitive Information through the USACE SharePoint site
b. Hydrographs will not identify the applicable dam
  • NRC action - will the NRC be willing to share the resulting TLR with BC Hydro? (Action Items from 05/12 phone call between NRC and USACE) o Response - TLR belongs to the USACE and therefore its USACE decision ii. External SharePoint site I-PASS has been set up
c. Status of BurRec IAA - signed on 11/20
i. Three USACE personnel to travel to Denver on Feb 24, 2015 to meet with BurRec (total estimate: $671 ).
  • !provided a meeting summary on 03/21 /15
d. Final proposal submitted -12/12/14
i. Corresponding LTD TO26-5 issued 12/15/14 ii. JLD (Vic) notified licensee during a site visit during the week of 02/02/15 that the hydrographs for tributaries will not be provided
e. Engineering Screening Report
i. Draft report provided on 12/15/14

ii. Revised draft report incorporating NRC comments provided on 06/08/15 iii. USAGE owes NRC copy of final report (w/o draft stamp)

f. USAGE provided draft revised proposal (including budget and schedule) on 11/24
i. NRC provided comments on 12/03
g. USAGE provided revised proposal on 01/14/16; LTD TO26-5a sent 10/14/16 ii. Revised to reflect Jan 20 kickoff meeting iii. Cost change (from $531 K to $570K) iv. Schedule:

Preliminary Draft LTR and hydrographs 15 July 2016 ITR Meeting with Licensee 12 August 2016 Final TLR and Hydrographs 28 October 2016

v. Attachment A to contain latest version of Screening Report
h. One-day kick-off meeting held on Jan 20 among USACE, BofR, and NRC to develop a schedule and roadmap forward
i. Seattle to continue reasonable/refined modeling effort ii. Seattle to confirm whether CGS site LIDAR data would be beneficial
1. The answer is yes
2. We will wait for further modeling results to see if the site floods before offering CGS inundation maps ...

iii. Seattle to provide copy of presentation slides (done) iv. Webinar to review ongoing modeling results to be set up for the afternoon of Friday Feb 19

1. Provide estimate of completing reasonable analyses
2. Confirm whetherl(b)(?)(E), (b)(?)(F) Iis a choke point
i. Ken See sent email documenting CGS elevations of interest on 01/11
12. Arkansas (T05)
a. Status of l(b)(?)(E) (b)(?)(F) Idata request - DVD's sent to USAGE on 10/21 .
b. ANO proposal resubmitted 11/26; LTD issued 11/29
i. ANO requested hyd rographs for ANO site plus seven other locations upstream and downstream ii. Hydrographs to also be provided using the licensee's PMP 5
a. l(bl( l lhas confirmed that the information provided by the licensee is in "compatible format"
c. Preliminary Draft TLR provided on 09/28/15
i. WSE exceeds plant grade for l(b)(7)(EJ. (b)(?J(FJ l(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) I ---------------
d. Pre 151 ITR webinar meeting held on 10/19/15 (2 -4 pm EDT)
e. First ITR meeting held on 10/28/15 in Little Rock
i. licensee provided advanced questions on 10/23/15
a. USACE provided NRC written responses on 11 /17 (redacted version on 11 /18) ii. Licensee is interested in receiving stage and flow hydrographs for two scenarios

~(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) D iii. Licensee is interested in receiving a site inundation map

a. LIDAR data sent to~ in Tulsa and ~ in Omaha
b. JLD has confirm with licensee that they are interested in inundation maps as GIS Shape Files iv. Revised LTD 26-4a sent on 01/15 and 01/29 reflecting 1) revised set of hydrographs 2) inundation mapping, and 3) Excel and GIF files as deliverables
a. Revised LTD did not contain ANO's request for hydrographs for !(b)(7)(EJ, (b)(?)(F)

(b)(?)(E) (b)(7)(F)

b. Vic explained to ANO the reasons for not includingl_(b_l(7_)(_


. (b_J(_7l_

(Fl_ _ _ __.


  • ANO has expressed concerns that they may not be able to accurately predict warning times associated with flood hazards that are above the current design basis
  • Ken See will work with Vic to address ANO's concerns
v. ITR meeting summa ry issued on 01/06/16 (ML15348A188)
f. USACE provided Pre-Final TLR and Hydrographs on 12/25/15
g. USAGE provided revised Pre-Final TLR on 01 /21/16
i. hydrographs in Excel spreadsheets and the GIS files for the inundation mapping still need to be provided ii. NRC has no comments on TLR
h. Schedule for 2nd ITR meeting??
i. Schedule for Final TLR, Hydrographs, Excel Files, and GIF Files
13. Beaver Valley (TO7)
a. Hydrographs sent to FENOC on 09/11/15 (ML15254A273)
14. Monticello/Prairie Island {TO8)
a. Hydrographs to be sent to licensee on 11/19/15 E. TASK ORDER NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009 (FHRR Reviews)
a. Peach Bottom and Three Mile Island
i. Receive of FHRRs
a. Revised TMI FHRR emailed tq (b)(6l Ion 08/14/15
b. New Peach Bottom FHRR sent tq (b)(6l lvia DVD on 08/26/15 ii. Final LTDs sent to~ on 09/10/15 iii. Schedules
a. Orientation phone call held on 09/18
b. Audit held on Sep 10, 9am-noon EDT
c. I Hard drive sent t9_(b_)(6_l ___ on 10/14/15 iv. Info Needs
a. List of Info Needs provided by USACE on 11 /13/15
b. Additional list of Info Needs (including review of RiverFlow 2D model runs submitted on 12/01) finalized on 12/21/15
i. Info Need responses expected in ERR on 02/10/16 ii. Audit on 02/12, 12:45 pm - 3:15 pm EST iii. USACE to provide a list of clarification questions, if needed by 02/26/16

iv. Follow-up audit for week of Feb 29?

v. RiverFlow 2D model
a. USACE authorized to spend $2,300 to obtain Argus One Software Licensee and Shapefile 10 PIE on 09/29
  • Software purchase approved and software has been acquired
  • Software installed on 11 /20 vi . (bl(6) (USACE-Baltimore) received email re uest from FERC (b)(6)

(b)(6) on 1 05 for USACE review of (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F)

(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F)

a. FERC provided NRC a copy of report on 12/17/15
b. NRC requested the USACE begin review on 12/07/15
  • USACE to provide draft for NRC review by 02/15/16
  • USACE to deliver final copy to FERC by 03/01/16 vi i. l(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) IBOC meetings
a. Next meeting scheduled fo r March 22, 2016 March 16,2916
  • The focus of the meeting will be the results of the cool season hydrologic model calibration (rain on snow) with the 2 major storms and associated PMF mode l runs.
  • .....l (b_ l( 6_l _ ___,l will be attending F. SCHEDULE FOR NEXT PHONE CALL

From: Harvey. Brad To: Campbell, Andy: Cook. Christopher Cc: see. Kenneth


RE: NRC/USACE Status Phone Call Date: Friday, April 08, 2016 11:44:09 AM Andy:

No problem. The call is over; it was completed in 20 minutes.

Highlights include the following:

1. Enterprise Program Management Plan - It looks like the USACE"s Risk Management Center (RMC) will be reviewing future deliverables from the USACE to the NRC. This will probably only impact the Columbia hydrographs. It is unclear at this point as to when these reviews will occur; i.e., only at the end of the project prior to the final deliverables or also for intermediate deliverables (i.e., the draft hydrographs and TLR that are provided for our review prior to the ITR meeting with the licensee). More to come ...
2. We still don't know if June 9 is a good date for Columbia for the ITR meeting ... I will be binging Vic shortly.
3. USACE is still on track to provide the Peach Bottom and TMI Audit Summary Report input by April 15 and their TER (SA input) by June 3.
4. I tried to summarize your meeting yesterday with EPRI based on the 30-sec debrief Chris gave me this morning. The bottom line I told them is only a handful of plants would be affected and we may need to work out another IA to support this work.

More details will be provided during next week's phone call (which is scheduled for next Friday, April 15, at 11 am EDT).

I will be leaving at 12:30 pm today. Have a good weekend (in spite of the weather forecast).

Brad 415-4118 From: Campbell, Andy Sent: Friday, Apri l 08, 2016 11:09 AM To: Harvey, Brad <Brad.Harvey@n>; Cook, Christopher <>; See, Kenneth <>; Rivera-Varona, Aida <>;

l'b)(6)  !

(b)(6) lShams, Mohamed <>; Hal l, Victor <>; Uribe, Juan <>; Govan, Tekia

<Tekia.Govan@>; Minarik, Anthony <Anthony.Mina>; W illingham, M ichael

<M>;l(b)(6) p.uinn-Willingham, Laura

<>; Rivera-Lugo, Richard <>;

Rodriguez, Ricardo <Ricardo.Rodriguez@n>; Marshal l, M ichae l <Michael.Marshall>


RE: NRC/USACE Status Phone Call All, Chris cook and I are in a public meeting with NEI and will not be able to join the call.

Sorry, Andy Original appointment :

888-411-0721; passcode: (b)(6) [X] Topics for Discussion: A. GENERAL I. l(b)(6) I will be taking over fro (b)(6) as the Technical Lead for the NRC/USACE Task Orders beginning Nov 1, 20 15 2. b)(6 ill be taking over from!(b)(6) !as Program Manager for the NRC/USACE lAA beginning Jan 1, 2016 3. Appointment of Ray Alexander as USACE/NRC Liaison a!(b)(6) 1ls the HQUSACE POC for Mr. Alexander o Meeting between USACE and NRC OEDO field on Tue July 14, 2015. o Time to begin to schedule another meeting? (maybe after the signing of the Enterprise Program Management Plan)? b. Agenda topics for consideration

  • Establishing a USACE/NRC Executive Liaison
  • USACE/NRC enterprise Program Management Plan - Purpose/Signature
  • Status of USACE evaluations of potential dam fail ure for NPP FHRRs under NTTF 2.1
  • USACE Policy on sharing sensitive security infonnation between Federal Agencies and non-Federal entities
  • Status of FOIA process for sensitive USACE information
  • Briefing of ACRS on sensitive information on USACE dam failure studies
  • Establishing non-disclosure agreements with BC Hydro and BurRec
  • Report Farley flooding analysis as a success
  • Report that the USACE has committed to including Ft Calhoun in a Dam Safety Emergency Action Plan meeting in May 2015 and has also identified FT Calhoun as a potential Emergency Action Plan holder for several mainstem dams c. Status of Enterprise Program Management Plan o On 02/ l 1/ 15,USACE provided copy that is currently at HQUSACE for signature
  • Andy and Vic to take the lead in approaching Bill Dean to sign the EPMP
  • NRC's OGC Brian Harris provided comments which were forwarded to USACE on 03/08 o (b)(S) l(bX5) jo Will USACE consider the s....u_g-ge_s.....,ti_o_

n?,_.....-. =

B_ra_d,_s_e_n_t links to updated NRC organizational charts on 19 Feb

  • USACE will provide signed copy for NRC signature
  • USACE internal issue with Risk Management Center (RMC) needs to be resolved o RMC wants to review work projects, even though they won't affect dam modifications 4.

EPRI has expressed interest to work with the USACE and lndustr to review dam risk and failure probabilities ... a. EPRI (John Weglian) has contacted (b)(6) USACE) to discuss a process where NPP licenses could obtain information to develop flood azard curves for their sites o Ken Karwoski to discuss during ICODS/NDSRB Meeting scheduled for April 6-7

  • Should info1m fellow Federal dam regulators/operators o Andy/Chris to discuss with EPRI on April 7
  • Need to establish process o Need to keep JLD in the loop 5. Review of USACE Hydrograph Schedule (see attached file above) 6. Budget status ofLTDs issued underTO26 (Total Award: $2,903,747) Site LTD Estimate Actual (Thru Jan 16) (b)(7)(E). (b)(?)(F) Farley (b)(?)(E), (b)(7) IQ26:.L2.77,309~..... J 139JC""beaver Valley TO26-2 421 576 411,973 **
  • onticello/PlTO26:J .Jb)(7)(E).* (b)(7)

(6)(7)(E), (b}(?f . d7 (6}

(F) c._tJ 82 2

                                      • i~ftf***~~:2~~7~~ l ,~~al~~;\TE~!~~::r;o~ oitr6!v!1 ;;Q ~;l;~~t:*~~~!"i!~1 6

~'!!\!:!~;~*J{J.. 7

'(F)(1J\~.\: (b)( )

Costs Dec 20, 2015 $2,349.64 Omaha personnel trip to Little Rock Jan 20, 2016 $2,316.18 Tulsa and!(b)(6) !trip to Little Rock Feb 20, 2016 $ 0 7. NRC has developed objective, purpose, and ground rules for the first ITR meetings with the licensees a. Goal: verbal exchange of information on H&H modeling between licensees and USACE b. Three-day meeting i. First day - afternoon with USACE to prepare meeting with licensee ii. Second day

- full day meeting with licensee iii. Third day - morning with USACE to plan further actions

c. FERC should be invited to those meetings that involve watersheds containing FERC-regulated dams d. Deliverables prior to the 1st ITR meeting with the licensees:

DELIVERABLE SCHEDULE Draft TLR, including NPP site hydrographs 3 weeks prior to 1st ITR meeting Draft Presentation to the licensee 3 weeks prior to 1st ITR meeting Pre ITR meeting webinar 2 weeks prior to 1st ITR meeting 8. Options within all proposals (as applicable): a. Develop hydrographs applying licensees site-specific PMP b. Licensee's site-specific data requests B. TASK ORDER 00 I (Flood ing Analysis for Ft Calhoun and Cooper)

9. Fort Calhoun/Cooper (TO 1 a. Reclassification of dams i. (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(F) announcement to be made i (b)(7)(E), (b) DSOG meeting to bei.;,..;.;e.,.:.;..1;,_n.;..;.;..u.,.;.y..,;.r,;(b:-:-;)(:;:-


), -;::-

(b):-:,:(7;:--)--i (b)(?)(E), (b)(7)(F) iii . (?)(F) to be considered during the May DSOG meeting d(b)(7)(E), (b)(?)(F)

(b)(?)(E), (b)(?)( b. Received FOIA request for USACE Missouri River Flooding Study on 12/03

1. Dunng a conference call between the USACE and NRC on 01/28, it was decided that USACE "owns" the Flooding Study and the flooding study will be withheld from release in its entirety ii. NRC responded to the FOIA request vi Fo1m 464 on 0 1/30
  • The USACE has provided the administrative appeal rights c. Certain members of NRC's F ACA (the ACRS) want to have a focused "fact-finding" exchange with the USACE experts to understand the technical basis for the Missouri River revised flooding hazards. i. Signed MOU sent to USACE on 07/30/15 ii. A "fact-finding exchange" was held on Oct 21-22 in Omaha
  • Materials forwarded to ACRS o First-day presentation Slides
  • Hardcopy of first day overview slides provided to ACRS on 11/04 o Second-day Ft Colhoun/Cooper slides and TLR
  • USACE has approved providing Joiln Stetkar, Ron Ballinger, and Chris Brown access to the FOUO Foti Calhoun and Cooper TLR and fact-finding exchange presentation material containing specific infonnation from the Fort Calhoun and Cooper TLR
  • Access is permitted for viewing purposes only at the NRC HQ building with no release of hard copies
  • Electronic version provided to Chris Brown on 11/06
  • The ACRS has requested pem1ission to share slides from both days with the full committee o !(b)(6l !confi rmed that slides (but no hardcopies; no TLR) can be distributed to ACRS members iii. Status of a future "fact-finding exchange"
  • Discussion with the USACE held on Jan 5 o Revised signed MOU allows TLR viewing rights for other ACRS members
  • Revised signed MOU forwarded to ACRS on 03/18 o The ACRS has a meeting in March/April 2016 with the NRC staff and licensees to review industry's Flooding Mitigating Strategies. Depending on the outcome of this meeting, the ACRS may or may not have more questions on margin and uncertainties
  • IAA NRCHQ13I030021-T00l/M0003 issued on 02/08/2016 extended POP to 03/3 1/2017. iv. non fee-recoverable CAC
  1. TM3023 should be used to support this activity C. TASK ORDER 004 (Dam Screening and Preparation of Hydrograph Proposals) l 0. Peach Bottom/TM! (TO6) a. Status of dam screening report i. USACE provided a draft of the report for NRC review and comment on

_ _ __0__2___/2...0......

115; NRC res onded with comments on 03/20/15 * (b)(?)(E), (b)(7)(F)

(b)(?)(E), (b)(7)(F) o TMI: (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) o Peach Bottom: ;;;;,.



)(E;,..),-(bl-)(7~)(~F)..................----------4 (b)(?)(E), (b)(?)(F)

  • PMF development is recommended for (bX7)(E). (bX7)(F) the PB and TMI NPP sites ii (b)(6) and Ken See met at the Baltimore District Office on March 30-31 to discuss his an RC's comments (Cost: ~$900)
  • NRC provided email on 07/27 stating Screening Report need not be completed and Proposal not needed D. TASK ORDER NO.:

NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026 (Preparation of Hydrographs) 11. Farley (TO2)

  • Final TLR &

Hydrographs delivered on 06/19 12. Colombia (TO3) a. Status of H&H modeling data request

- Energy Northwest does not plan to send in any watershed models or data b. Status of BC Hydro's NDA i. The master NDA between the USACE and BC Hydro has been signed.

  • Richie Lugo-Rivera has a signed NDA o USACE has provided usemame and password for Richie
  • Andy Campbell is having problems signing into iPass o Signed NDA forwarded to

!(b)(6J !on 03/ l 0 o !(b)(6) keported on 03/15 that the issue should be resolved

  • The individual ND As have been signed by the USA CE, BurRec, and NRC staff
  • Chris and Scott

have discussed I) Will staff, or contractors for, the Columbia Generating Station (our licensee) need to sign NDAs? a. Resolution: No NDAs will be needed; no BC Hyrdo Sensitive Information will be discussed at the ITRs 2) The NOA states the USACE will only provide inforn1ation to, among others, third party advisors, consultants, and contractors

("representatives") who have a need to know the information - a. Resolution: NRC believes that it qualifies as a representative in that it is providing the USACE guidance in developing the hydrographs (e.g., Dam Failure ISG. NRC OGC has NLO 3) The NOA states that the Corps may provide the Report on dam break scenarios for the Columbia River basin to the NRC so long as it does not explicitly reference the Sensitive Information. a. Resolution: NRC will have access to Sensitive Information through the USACE SharePoint site b. Hydrographs will not identify the applicable dam

  • NRC action - will the NRC be willing to share the resulting TLR with BC Hydro? (Action Items from 05/ 12 phone call between NRC and USACE) o Response - TLR belongs to the USACE and therefore its USACE decision ii.

Externa l SharePoint site I-PASS has been set up c. Statu s of BurRec IAA - signed on 11/20 i.

Three USACE personnel to travel to Denver on Feb 24, 2015 to meet with BurRec (total estimate: $67 1). (b)(6) Iprovided a meeting summary on 03/21 / 15 d. Final proposal submitted - 12/ 12/ 14 i. Corresponding LTD TO26-5 issued 12/15/14 ii. JLD (Vic) notified licensee during a site visit during the week of 02/02/ 15 that the hydro graphs for tributaries will not be provided e. Engineering Screening Report i. Draft report provided on 12/ 15/ 14 ii.

Revised draft report incorporating NRC comments provided on 06/08/15 iii. USACE provided final report (w/o draft stamp) on 02/ 13/ 16 f. USACE provided draft revised proposal (including budget and schedule) on 11/24 i. NRC provided comments on 12/03 g. USACE provided revised proposal on 01/14/16; LTD TO26-5a sent 10/14/16 ii. Revised to reflect Jan 20 kickoff meeting iii. Cost change (from $531K to $570K) iv. Schedule: Preliminary Draft LTR and hydrographs 15 July 2016 ITR Meeting with Licensee 12 August 2016 Final TLR and Hydrographs 28 October 2016 v. Attachment A to contain latest version of Screening Report h. One-day kick-off meeting held on Jan 20 among USACE, BofR, and NRC to develop a schedule and roadmap forward i. Seattle to continue reasonable/refined modeling effo1t ii. Seattle to confirm whether CGS site LIDAR data would be beneficial I. The answer is yes 2. We will wait fo r further modeling resu lts to see if the site floods before offering CGS inundation maps . .. iii. Seattle provided copy of presentation slides i. Webinar to review ongoing modeling results held on Friday Feb 26 i. Design-basis exceeded for the seismic and sunny day failure for!(bX7XE). (bX7)(F) !J . Ken See performed inundation mapping to see jf CGS site can be flooded 2. SHOULD !NUNDATION MAPS BE SHARED WITH DOE? j.

Preliminary schedule: DELIVERABLE SCHEDULE Draft TLR, including NPP site hydrographs Week of May 23 Draft Presentation to the licensee Week of May 23 Pre ITR meeting webinar Week of May 30 ITR Meeting June 9 i (b)(6) has confirmed USACE district office can support a June 8-9 meeting ii. Upon con 1rma 10n, Vic to confirm June 9 date with CGS k. ITR Meeting i. USACE to determine if CGS and its contractors need to sign NDAs I. Let BC Hydro review presentation materials to ascertain if NOA is necessary, or 2.

USACE to identify decision maker who can determine whether the information being presented ii. Request CGS provide written questions for the meeting, once the meeting date is set ... I. Ken See sent email documenting CGS elevations of interest on Ol /11 13. Arkansas (TO5) a. Status of l(b)(7)(E), (b)(!)(F) ~ ata request- DVD's sent to USACE on 10/21. b. ANO proposal resubmitted 11/26; LTD issued 11/29 i. ANO requested hydrographs for ANO site plus seven other locations u stream and downstream ii. Hydrographs to also be provided using the licensee's PMP a (b)(6) has confirmed that the information provided by the licensee is in "compatible format" c. Preliminar Draft TLR rovided on 09/28/ 15 i. WSE exceeds plant grade for (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) d. Pre ] st [TR webinar meeting held on 10/ 19/ 15 (2 - 4 pm EDT) e. First ITR meeting held on 10/28/15 in

Little Rock i. licensee provided advanced questions on I 0/23/15 a. USACE provided NRC written responses on 11117 (redacted version on 11I l 8) j i Ljcensee js interested io receiyjng stage and flow hydrographs for two scenarios ~(b)(7)(E). (b)(7)(F) I (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) iii. Licensee is~ ted in receiving a site inundation map a. LID AR data sent t (b)(6) in Tulsa an~ in Omaha b. JLD has confirm with licensee that they are interested in rnundation maps as GIS Shape Files iv. Revised LTD 26-4a sent on 01/15 and O1/29 reflecting: a. revised set of hydro ra hs

  • Revised LTD did not contain ANO's request fo r hydrographs for (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) b. inundation mapping c.

Excel and GIF files as deliverables v. ITR mee mg summary issue on 01 /06/ 16 (ML15348A188) f. USACE provided Pre-Final TLR and Hydrographs on 12/25/ l 5 g. USACE provided revised Pre-Final TLR on 01/21/16 i. NRC has no comments on Pre-Final TLR ii.

hydro graphs in Excel spreadsheets provided on 02/24/ 16 a. Hydrographs are not required for the Sunny Day Failure scenario b. H drographs are provided for three locations not requested by the licensee (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) c. Locations are somewhat different than what was requested d. Resu ts I er rom w at appears in the pre-final hydrographs e. there are no plots of the hydrographs in the spreadsheet or in a pdf format h. USACE provided the following final deliverables on 03/ 10: i. Excel file ofhydrographs ii. PDF ofhydrographs iii. GIS fi les i.

USACE provided the following on 03/21/16: i. Final TLR without "Draft (Pre-Final)"

watermark ii. Responses to supplemental set of ANO questions dated 02/ 19 a. To be added as a supplement to ITR meeting summary b. ANO will be asked if they are interest in a webinar to review the responses j. Status of Transmitting Hydrographs to ANO i. Ken See provided appendix to transmittal letter on 03/13 ii. Transmittal Letter to ANL dated 03/21/16 (ML1607 lA452) k. USACE still owes the following: a. Calculation Files I. Vic to add TLR to ADAMS 14. Beaver Valley (TO7) a. Hydrographs sent to FENOC on 09/ 11/15 (ML15254A273) 15. Monticello/Prairie Island (TO8) a. Hydrographs to be sent to licensee on 11/ 19/ 15 b. Vic to add TLR to ADAMS E. TASK ORD.ER NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009 (FHRR Reviews) a. Peach Bottom and Three Mile Island i. Receive of FH~ Revised TMI FHRR emailed to l('tiTI6)7on 08/ 14/ 15 b. New Peach BottomFHRR sent t~ ia DVD on 08/26/ 15 iiTtnat'LTDs sent to !(tii(6)7on 09/ 10/ 15 iii. Schedules a. Orientation phone call held on 09/ 18 b. Audit held on Sej)m, 9am-noon EDT c. Hard drive sent to!(b)(6) Ion 10/ 14/ 15 iv. Info Needs a. List oflnfo Needs provided by USACE on 11/13/ 15 b. Additional list oflnfo Needs (including review ofRiverFlow 2D model runs submitted on 12/0 1) finalized on 12/2 1/ 15 i. Info Need responses provided in ERR on 02/ 10/ 16 ii. Audit held on 02/ 12, 09:00 am- 3:30 pm EST iii. Six clarification questions set to Licensee on 02/29/ 16 iv.

Follow-up audit for 03/ 11 / 16, 9 am - noon EST

  • All issues resolved v. USACE concurred on MSFHI Tables on 03/25 a. TMI: ML16091A091 b. Peach Bottom: ML16091A l 36 vi. Status of Audit Repoft a. R ichie sent example audit report (FitzPatrick) and latest version of table to USACE to begin audit report b. USACE delivery date: April 15, 2016 vii. Status of TER and Technical Review Document a. USACE delivery date: June 3, 2016 viii. RiverFlow 2D model
a. USACE authorized to spend $2,300 to obtain Argus One Software Licensee and Shapefile IO PIE on 09/29 i. Software purchase approved and software has been acquired ii. Software installed on 11/20 ix. !{bl{6l (b)(6)

(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) on 10/05 for USACE review of.___.,._ _____ _____

tlJSACE-Baltimore received email re uest from FERC (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F)

a. FERC provided NRC a co of report on e 1ver ma copy o ERC 03/ 10/ 16 x. (b)(?)(E). (b)(7)(F) BOC meetings
a. Meetin held on March 22, 2016 i. Winter season PMP bound mg 11. Exelon Hydro resu lts for (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) are compatible with Exelon Nuclear results for Peach Bottom. b. Beaver Va ey 1. FHRR received on 03/02/2016 a. No assistance required from USACE F.


From: Harvey Brad To:


!(b)(6)  !

RE: NRC-HQ-13-1-03-0021: MLSR 20 October 2015 (UNCLASSIFIED)

Date: Sunday, October 25, 2015 2:03:33 PM Attachments: Pace 6 from NRC-USACE MLSR TOl 2015OCT.odf Pace 4 from NRC-USACE MLSR TO9 2015Oct.odf Thank you for providing these reports, ~  :

I have the following comments on two of the MLSR Reports (see attached files):

1. Page 6 for T0#1
2. Page 4 for T0#9 We can review these when we're in Little Rock together later this week Safe travels!

Brad 301-415-4118

Original Message-----

From: f(b)(6) l [mailtor b)(6)

Sent: Tuesday, October 20 't15 11 :"'"


3..,.A.....M To: Harvey, Brad <>; Cook, Christopher

<>; NRO_MLSR Resource <>;

Dority, Dayna <>; See, Kenneth <>;

ContractsPOT Resource <>; NRCIPAC Resource

<N . . >

Cc: (b)(6)


Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE For Your Review:

The attached documents are submitted for your review in accordance with the IAA NRC-HQ-13-1-03-0021. Please provide feedback at your convenience.

NOTE: End of Year (EOY) deadlines create multiple IPAC invoices for the month of September. Therefore, two billing invoices are generated (1 - 20 Sep and 20 - 30 Sep).

Due to unforeseen circumstances the closure of the CEFMS (Corps of Engineers Financial

Management System) occurred on 5 Oct. Although the IPAC list the 5 Oct date, all expenditures for the NRC occurred no later than 30 Sep.

1. IPAC: Billing information by line item (task orders) for IAA. Summary information by task order, current month, billed to date and authorized ceiling (NRC-HQ-13-l 0021_2015Oct and NRC Task Order_Sep_ lPAC). Note: This reporting period includes expenditures for TO #01 , #09, and #26. TO #04 is provided as a courtesy copy.
2. MLSR NRC-HQ-13-I-0021 TO#01: Task order #01 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_TO01 _2015OCT). This summary report includes activities for Task 4 Presentation of Results in support of the planned fact-finding exchange with ACRS.

HIGHLIGHT: Fact-Finding Exchange scheduled 21 - 22 October.

3. MLSR NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0004: Task order#04 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_TO4_2015Oct). HIGHLIGHT: No Change from previous month.
4. MLSR NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026: Task order #26 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_TO26_2015OCT). Attachments provided for Farley, Beaver Valley, Monticello/ Prairie Island NPP, Arkansas ANO, and Columbia NPP sites.

HIGHLIGHT: Work is complete for Farley, Beaver Valley and Monticello/Prairie Island.

5. MLSR NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009: Task order #09 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_ TO9_2015Oct). This is the first MLSR for TO#09.

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance IIS Program Manager, Special Projects Branch USAGE, Northwestern Division, Omaha District 1616 Capitol Avenue, CENWO-PM-S Omaha, NE 68102 Desk:l(b)(6)

Email .__ __________

Cell: ,..._- - - - - - - - - - - -....

(b)(6) _.

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE

Table 6. Monthly Exoense Forecast

  • NRC-HQ-13-I-03-0021 TO #01 Expenditures for the Task Expenditures Percentage Task # Planned Budget vs. Budget Period Cumulative 1 $ 117 984.00 $ - $ 106 666.74 90.41%

2 $ 25 920.00 $ - $ 4 180.50 16.13%

3 $ 89 796.00 $ - $ 84 233.10 93.80%

4 $ 13,986.00 $ 347.15 $ 4,417.53 31.59%

TOTAL $ 247,686.00 $ 347.15 $ 199,497.87 80.54%

The Spending Plan for Task Order 1 is identified in Table 7. This plan is updated based on projected Task #4 activity during fiscal year 2015. The completion date is scheduled to be in the future at the discretion of the NRC.

Baseline $ 51,945.50 $ 64,905.50 $ 38,943.94 $24,339.56 $ 19,479.56 $ 12,986.38 $ 13,984.00 Actual Costs $33,895.64 $48,813.69 $32,757.88 $20,794.07 $16,949.56 $ 14,764.25 $ 13,958.70 Difference $ 18,049.86 $ 16,091 .81 $ 6,186.06 $ 3,545.49 $ 2,530.00 $ (1,777.87) $ 25.30 Percenta e 65% 75% 84% 85% 87% 114% 100%

Baseline $ 6,495.19 $ 4,868.79 $ 3,100.00 $241,048.42 Actual Costs $ 9,248.20 $ 3,312.80 $ 3,008.88 $ 197,503.67 Difference $ (2,753.01) $ 1,555.99 $ 91 .12 $ 43,544.75 Percenta e 142% 68% 97% 82%

Baseline $ 241,048.42 Actual Costs $ 197,503.67 Difference $ 43,544.75 Percenta e 82%

Difference 287.44 $ $ 1,321.27 $

Percenta e 43% 17% 25% 81%


Summary of Comments on INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT N RC-03-99-026 Page: 1 Number.1 Author: RBH


Sticky Note Date: 10/2S/2015 1:45:53 PM 15-Jul Number. 2 Author: RBH


Sticky Note Date: 10/2S/2015 1:45:33 PM 15-Jun Number: 3 Author: RBH


Sticky Note Date: 10/25/20 15 1:46:12 PM 15-Aug Number: 4 Author: RBH


Sticky Note Date: 10/25/2015 1:46:29 PM 15-Seo Number: 5 Author: RBH


Sticky Note Date: 10/25/20 15 1:45:30 PM 15-May t!:} Number: 6 Author: RBH Subject : Cross-Out Date: 10/25/2015 1:44:22 PM l!)Number. 7 Author: RBH


Cross-Out Date: 10/25/2015 1:44:29 PM l!) Number: 8 Author: RBH


Cross-Out Date: 10/25/2015 1:44:33 PM l!)Number: 9 Author. RBH


Cross-Out Date: 10/25/20 15 1:44:39 PM t!:} Number: 10 Author: RBH


Cross-Out Date: 10/25/20 15 1:44:44 PM Number: 11 Aut hor. RBH


Sticky Note Date: 10/25/2015 1:47:37 PM 347. 15 Number: 12 Author: RBH


Sticky Note Date: 10/25/20 15 1:46:59 PM 35.48

~ Number: 13 Author. RBH


Cross-Out Date: 10/25/20 15 1:46:41 PM

Table 2. Flnanclal Detail Report - NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009 Fiscal Year to Current Month Total to Date Date

1. Direct Labor (Hours)

( 1) Management 18 18 18 (2) Technical 44 44 44 (3) Support 0 0 0 TOTAL 62 62 62

2. Costs Labor Costs:

( 1) Direct Labor Costs $ 5,002.91 $ 5,002.91 $ 5,002.91 (2) Indirect Labor Costs $ 2,551.48 $ 2,551.48 $ 2,551.48 SUB-TOTAL $ 7,554.39 $ 7,554.39 $ 7,554.39 Other Direct Costs

( 1) Subcontractor/Consultant Cost $ - $ - $ -

(2) Material and Services Cost (3) Computer Usage Costs NA NA NA (4) Travel (Domestic) $ - $ - $ -

SUB-TOTAL $ - $ - $ -

G & A Costs $ 675.38 $ 675.38 $ 675.38 DOE Fee (If Aoolicable) NA NA TOTAL $ 8,229.77 $ 8,229.77 $ 8,229.77

6. Monthly Expense Forecast Table 3.1 provides the cumulative monthly expenditures for all of the tasks accomplished in the reporting period for Task Order 9. The month~ Fl1]led (budget) cumulative expenditures by the tasks are also identified in the ~ble. Table ~ detail the monthly expenditures for each individual nuclear power plant site,! and the individual nuclear power plant and the associated TAC # for license fee recovery.

Authorized Cost Ceiling: ~ 884,668.00 [QJ1I Funds Obligated to date:!zl884,568.00 ~

Period of Performanco:~ Sep 201E2\!u Sop 2017 [gfil 4

Summary of Comments on INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT N RC-03-99-026 Page: 1 Number.1 Author: RBH


Sticky Note Date: 10/25/2015 1:58:33 PM 6

l!}Number. 2 Author: RBH


Cross-Out Date: 10/25/20 15 1:58:23 PM l!}Number. 3 Author: RBH


Cross-Out Date: 10/25/2015 1:58:39 PM Number. 4 Autho r: RBH


Sticky Note Date: 10/2S/2015 1:59:12 PM

$234,961 .28

~ Number: 5 Author: RBH


Cross-Out Date: 10/25/2015 1:57:30 PM Number: 6 Author: RBH


Sticky Note Date: 10/25/2015 1:59:1 4 PM

$234,961.28 l+/-)Number: 7 Author. RBH


Cross-Out Date: 10/25/20 15 1:57:36 PM Number. 8 Author. RBH


Sticky Note Date: 10/25/2015 1:59:39 PM 25 Aug 2015 Number: 9 Author: RBH


Sticky Note Date: 10/25/2015 1:59:51 PM 24 Aug 2016 t!:J Number: 10 Author: RBH


Cross-Out Date: 10/25/20 15 1:57:47 PM

~ Number: 11 Author. RBH


Cross-Out Date: 10/25/20 15 1:57:51 PM



Cc:  !


Harvey Brad

~ ~La¢tseot Resource; NR b6

~ Cook.Christopher: NRO MLSR Resource: Dority. Dayna: See. Kenneth:

ieec Resource; Turner, Mjchae1


RE: NRC-HQ-13-1-0021: MLSRs 20 Apr 2016 Submission Date: Tuesday, April 2:6, 2016 11:28:44 AM Thank you for these reports. I have no questions at this time.

Brad 301-415-4118

Original Message-----

From:!(b)(6) l[!ru!i.11QJ....(b_)(6_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,

Sent: Monday, April 25, 20 16 6:02 PM To: Harvey, Brad <>; Cook, Christopher <>; NRO_MLSR Resource <NRO_>; Dority, Dayna <>; See, Kenneth

<>; ContractsPOT Resource <>; NRCIPAC Resource

<>; Turner, Michael <>

Cc j(b)(6)


[External_Sender] NRC-HQ- 13-1-002 1: MLSRs 20 Apr 2016 Submission Brad, Attached are the April 20 16 monthly reporting documents for the subject IAA.

I. IPAC: Billing information by line item (task orders) for lAA. Summary information by task order, current month, billed to date and authorized ceiling (N RC_Task_Order_Mar_20 I 6_1PAC and NRC_Task_Order_Apr_20 I 6_1PAC_Summary). Note: This reporting period includes expenditures for TO #09, and #26.

2. MLSR NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026: Task order #26 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_TO26_2016Apr). Attachments provided for Farley, Beaver Valley, Monticello/Prairie Island, ANO, and Columbia NPP sites.
4. MLSR NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009: Task order #09 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_TO9_2016Apr).

Please let me know if you have any questions.


!(b)(6) )

l(b)(6) I ProJect Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68102-4901 Phone: b 6 BB: (b)(6)



It::;::::,:::~:1'"'"' "* ~00;~-

Harvey. Brad From:





Date: Monday, February 29, 2016 3: 19:05 PM Attachments: RE RE NRC-HO-13-1-0021 MLSRs 20 Jan 2016 Submjssjon msa Hi~ ]

Thank you for this report.

I have no questions on this report but was wondering if you were able to resolved the travel costs that were reported on the two previous reports:

Submittal Date Travel Costs Dec 20, 2015 $2,349.64 Jan 20, 2016 $2,316. 18 Feb 20, 2016 $0 Thank you.

Brad 301-415-411 8

Original Message-----

From: !(b)(6) lrmailto:!(b)(6) b Sent: Thursday, February .25, 2016 5:34 PM To: Harvey, Brad <>; Cook, Christopher

<>; NRO_MLSR Resource <>;

Dority, Dayna <>; See, Kenneth <>;

ContractsPOT Resource <>; NRCIPAC Resource

<NRCIPAC.Resource ov>; Turner, Michael <Michael.Turner Cc: (b)(6)


[External_Sender] NRC-HQ-13-I-0021: MLSRs 20 Feb 2016 Submission

Brad, Attached are the February 2016 monthly reporting documents for the subject IAA.
1. IPAC: Billing information by line item (task orders) for IAA. Summary information by task order, current month, billed to date and authorized ceiling (NRC_TaskOrder_Feb_2016_IPAC and NRC Task Order_Jan_2016_IPAC). Note: This reporting period includes expenditures for TO #01, #09, and #26.
2. MLSR NRC-HQ-13-I-0021 TO#01: Task order #01 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_ TO1 _20 16Feb).
3. MLSR NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026: Task order #26 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_TO26_2016Feb) . Attachments provided for Farley, Beaver Valley, Monticello/Prairie Island , ANO , and Columbia NPP sites .
4. MLSR NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009: Task order #09 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_ TO9_2016Feb ).

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks, l(b)(6) I Project Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha NE 68102-4901 Phone: (b)(6)

BB: (b)(6)



From: Harvey, Brad Sent: Fri, 26 Feb 2016 09:13:14 -0500 To:  !(b)(6) l Cc: See, Kenneth* b)(6) I


RE: RE: NRC-HQ-13-1-0021: MLSRs 20 Jan 2016 Submission l(b)(6) I:

Thanks for your response. We can review a couple of these comments during this morning's phone call.

Brad 301-4 15-4 118

Original Message-----

From:!(b)(6) I fmailto!...,

(b_)(6_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,

Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2016 12:33 PM To: Harvey, Brad <>

Cc: See, Kenneth <Kenneth.See>j(b)(6)

(b)(6) .....__ _ _ _ _____.


[External_Sender] RE: NRC-HQ-13-I-0021 : MLSRs 20 Jan 2016 Submission Brad, Here are responses to your comments below:

1) I don't follow this comment as I can't find the numbers that you reference. Perhaps we could discuss by phone. It appears that this comment was resolved in the Feb 2016 submittal you sent yesterday.

2) a) Noted, we'll bill futurel(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) !travel against TO 09. Thank you .

3) a) The domestic travel costs were $1,246.36 for ANO travel that occurred in November, I think, and $1,069.82 for CGS travel that occurred in January. I don't know exactly why we're reporting these costs on our report covering December, but for ANO, I think it has to do with the fact that travel vouchers were probably settled in December, so the costs trailed. For CGS, I don't know why costs would've appeared the month ahead of travel.ITEi(6)7 can you shed any more light on the specifics of why the travel costs appeared when the~ he Dec 20, 2015 and Jan 20, 2016 submittals show travel costs of $2,349.64 and $2,316.18, respectively. Are the Dec costs for ANL and the Jan costs for CGS?

b) The Beaver Valley costs were for work thatl(b)(B) Idid on completing the technical certifications for the project and project closeout and work that the Omaha Programs Management staff did on funds management and reporting. There will be no further non-Programs charges to the project. I think that our Programs staff have generally spread their funds management and reporting costs across available labor in different projects. Do you want

us to stop doing that and only charge Programs costs to active projects? Please have the Program staff charge to only the active projects.

The Monticello/Prairie Island costs were for work that the Omaha Programs Management staff did on funds management and reporting. Ditto my question about how we've been charging Programs costs. Again, please have the Program staff charge to only the active projects.

4) I'll expand the distribution for the next MLSR. Thank you.

Thanks, l(b)(6) I l(b)(6) I Project Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68102-4901 Phone: (b)(6)

BB: (b)(6)



Original Message-----

From: Harvey, Brad [1]

Sent: Friday, 19 February, 2016 15:14 To: !(b)(6)

Cc: See, Kenneth <Kennetn>;l(6)(6)

!(b)(6)  ! _______.....


[EXTERNAL] RE: NRC-HQ-13-I-0021 : MLSRs 20 Jan 2016 Submission Hil(b)(6) t-Thank you for these reports.

I have the following comments to offer:

1. The file NRC_TaskOrder_Dec_2015_IPAC.pdf shows a Billed to Date value of

$1 ,145,117.56 for NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026, which is differ,e nt than the Total to Date value of

$1 ,811,481.83 shown in Table 2 of the MLSR for NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026 (I believe the latter value is the correct value).

2. NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0004:
a. Section 3 states that the next planned travel will be for the next (b)(?)(E), (b)(?)(F) BoC meeting. Please note that any future charges related to attending Bo mee ings s ould be charged against NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009.
3. NRC-HQ-13-I-03-0021:
a. Table 2 lists domestic travel costs of $2,316.18. What are these costs for?
b. Costs were reported for Beaver Valley and Monticello/Prairie Island ($2,088 and $330, respectively). These projects were completed several months ago. Why are they still incurring costs?
4. The distribution for these MLSRs should be expanded to include the following:

Cook, Christopher <>;

NRO_MLSR Resource <NRO>;

Dority, Dayna <>;

ContractsPOT Resource <>;

NRCIPAC Resource <>;

Turner, Michael <>

Please let me know if there are any questions.


Brad 301-4 15-4 11 8

Original Message-----

From:lrbll6l lmailtoj(b)(6) n Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 2:10 PM

To: Harvey, Brad <>

Cc: See, Kenneth <Kenneth>; !(b)(6) I

~b)(6) j ubiect: [External_Sender] NRC-HQ-13-I-0021 : MLSRs 20 Jan 2016 Submission

Brad, Attached are the January 2016 monthly reporting documents for the subject IAA. I apologize again for my tardiness in getting these to you!
1. IPAC: Billing information by line item (task orders) for IAA. Summary information by task order, current month, billed to date and authorized ceiling (NRC_TaskOrder_Jan_2016_IPAC and NRC Task Order_Dec_2015_IPAC). Note: This reporting period includes expenditures for TO #01 , #09 , and #26. TO #04 is provided as a courtesy copy.
2. MLSR NRC-HQ-13-I-0021 TO#01: Task order #01 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_ TO1 _2016Jan).
3. MLSR NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0004: Task order #04 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_TO4_2016Jan).
4. MLSR NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026: Task order #26 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_TO26_2016Jan). Attachments provided for Farley, Beaver Valley, Monticello/Prairie Island, ANO, and Columbia NPP sites.
5. MLSR NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009: Task order #09 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_ TO9_2016Jan).

Also attached are the signed revised LTDs for ANO and CGS.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks ,


Project Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha , NE 68102-4901

.... )(6_) _ _ __.

Phone : !(b_

BB : Db)(6)




To: [bi] hok. Christopher: NRO MLSR Resource: Dority. Dayna: see. Kenneth:

contraetsPOI Resource: NRQPAC Resource: Turner. Michael Cc:



~RC*AQ*13+oo21: MLSRs 20 Jun 2016 subm1ss1on Date: Tuesday, June 21, 2016 2:37:05 PM Thank you for these reports; I have no questions at this time.

Brad 301-415-4118

Original Message-----

From: i(b}/6) H.Jlli!i.l1QJ(b)(6) p Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 5:22 PM To: Harvey, Brad <>; Cook, Christopher <>; NRO_MLSR Resource <NRO_>; Dority, Dayna <>; See, Kenneth

<>; ContractsPOT Resource <>; NRCIPAC Resource

<>; Turner, Michael <>

Cc:!(bl(6l lrbV


[External_Sender) NRC-HQ-13-1-0021: MLSRs 20 Jun 20 16 Submission Attached are the June 2016 monthly reporting documents for the subject IAA.

1. IPAC: Billing information by line item (task orders) for lAA. Summary information by task order, current month, billed to date and authorized ceiling (N RC_Task_Order_Jun_20 16_1PAC and N RC_Task_Order_Jun_2016_ IPAC_Summary). Note: This reporting period includes expenditures for TO #09, and #26.
2. M LSR NRC-HQ 14-T-0026: Task order #26 summary information (N RC-USACE_MLSR_TO26_2016Jun). Attachments provided for Farley, Beaver Valley, Monticello/Prairie Island, ANO, and Columbia NPP sites.
4. MLSR NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009: Task order #09 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_TO9_2016Jun).

Please let me know if you have any questions.



(b)(6) roJec

  • anager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68102-4901 Phone: !lb)/6) I BB: (b)(6)



From: Harvey. Brad To: !ftblari) JCook. Christopher: NRO MLSR Resource: Dority. Dayna: See. Kenneth:

ractsPot Resource: NR IPAC Resource: Turner. Michael Cc:


RE: NRC*HQ*13-l*0021: MLSRs 20 Mar 2016 Submission Date: Thursday, April 07, 2016 5:01:22 PM Thank you for these reports~(b)(6) ~ I have no questions at this time.

Brad 301-415-4118

-****Original Message-----

From: !(b)(6) !lllllll.llilJ(b)(6) D Sent: Friday, March 25, 2016 6: 14 PM To: Harvey, Brad <>; Cook, Christopher <>; NRO_MLSR Resource <NRO_>; Dority, Dayna <>; See, Kenneth

<>; ContractsPOT Resource <>; NRCIPAC Resource

<NRCJPAC.Resource t nrc. ov>* Turner Michael <Michael.Turner nrc. ov>

1 1 Cc: (b)(6)



[External_Sender] NRC-HQ-13-1-002 1: MLSRs 20 Mar 2016 Submission Brad, Attached are the March 2016 monthly reporting documents for the subject IAA.

I. IPAC: Billing information by line item (task orders) for IAA. Summary information by task order, current month, billed to date and authorized ceiling (N RC_Task_Order_Feb_ 20 16_1PAC and NRC_Task_Order_Mar_20 16_IPAC_Summary). Note: This reporting period includes expenditures for TO #09, and #26.

2. MLSR NRC-HQ-25-1 4-T-0026: Task order #26 summary information (NRC-USACE_ MLSR_TO26_20 l 6Mar). Attachments provided for Farley, Beaver Valley, Monticello/Prairie Island, ANO, and Columbia NPP sites.
4. MLSR NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009: Task order #09 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_TO9_2016Mar).

Please let me know if you have any questions.


!(b)(6)  !

!(b)(6)  !

Project Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68102-4901 Phone (b)(6)

BB: (b)(6)





Cc: Harvey. Brad


RE: NRC-USACE IA Modifications Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 4:02:06 PM Attachments: NRC-HO-20*14-T-0004 Mod0004. sianed.pdf NRCHO131030021-TO0001 Mod0004 signed pdf NRCHO131030021-T00001 ModO00S. sjgned.pdf Here are copies of the signed lA modifications. Please distribute to whomever else needs a copy.

Thanks, Harry Kromer, Senior Acquisition Business Specialist Acquisition Management Division (AMO)

Office of Administration (ADM)

Suppo1t and Planning Branch (SPB)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 30 1-415-6050 Notice: The above email message, together with any forwarded emails or attachment(s), is for sole use of the intende rec

  • contain infonnation that is sensitive ential or otherwise protected from disclosure under applicab c
  • 1t orizcd use or disclosure of the email message and any associate '
  • pro 1bitcd. If you believe that you have c in error, sen er immediately and delete it from your system. Thank you.

Original Messagc-----


6)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___.l[_m_aj_)t_o*'tl(b ,,;..;.)(.;..;

6);.....__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....,b Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 2:32 PM To: Kromer, Hany <>

Cc: Harvey, Brad <>


[External_Sendcr] NRC-USACE IA Modifications Harry, USACE provided signed IA modifications as listed below in February. Will you please provide the countersigned modifications at your earliest convenience?

NRCHQI 3!030021, Task Order l, Modification 5 NRCHQ13!030021, Task Order l , Modification 4 NRC-HQ 14-T-0004, Modification 4 Th nks (b)(6)


Project Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue

Omaha, E 68102-4901 Phone: b 6 BB: (b)(6)




$HF*cu~ \2ol~



OMAHA NC: 68102-4901

~NO l(b)(6)


~ MICH/\EL TUNRER TEl.ll'HOIE ..0 301-237-9281

1) ISIIUIM:lc>>1'1CE tl LEG19lA1WEAUl'H:lAITY Economy Act US NRC - HQ ACQUISITION MANAGEMENT DI"JISION MAIL STOP 3WFN-05-C611-JP 1 4 ~ CTO WASHINGTON DC 20555-0001 1$.,.0Jl!CTTlnE SEE BLOCK l8 11 ACCOJHflHG 04TA 2014-X0200-FEEBASED-2)-25D005-ll-4-212-1062-253A 11 II ,., 20 21 22 IT(U NO IIVPl'I lfSISElMCES ou.,.,,mTY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Master IAA: NRCHQ13I030021 ProJect


Potential for Nuclear Power Planl Floodlng Associated wi th failure of Dams The purpose of this modif ication 1S to de-obligate excess funds under cost center 1062.

Therefor e, fundinq is decreased from 5884,569.0C by $120,700.48 LO $763,867.52.

To!al Cei ling Amount: $88~,568.00 (unchanged ) .

23 f:IAYMENT PAOV,S.IONS ,2*TOTAL...,,,._..y

-S1 20,7 ~.4 *

(b)(6) ... SIC TUIE/ /.bk(- EHTA!M(REOuESffiG) 0 FE~i:ri 2U'I/ 20b CONTRACTINCI 0.-FICER JILL E. DALY riftol,7




17 Of I l


,. ,., 20 21, n l'TEMNO. ~ICES OlWffl!Y WIT UNIT PRICE NIOMT rlaster IAA: NRCHQ13I030021 Project


Potential for Flooding at the Foit Calhoun and Cooper Nuclear Power Plants Due to Dam Failure The purpose of this modification is to de- obligate excess funds under cost center 1062 .

There Cor e, funding is decreased from $247,686.0(

by $15,195.56 to $232,490.4 4 .

Total Ceiling Amount: $247,686.00 (unchanged) .


-$15, 195 ~ 6 (b)(6) zs, s , ~: ; y / ~ ~~snwo1 r-~r(j~ 1.m 1 JILL 2'b CONTAACnNG OFFICER E. DALY I



  • SOLICm,ltON NO 5 AWAA 7 PEA:100 or PERFORMANCE i 11 09/30/2013 TO 02/09/2017 9 OEl.l\ll'l TO or E~GINEERS USACE US NRC - HQ

/\LC: ~IVIHTON 0~ CONTR/\C75 IJUNS: *4 :

O~NWO- Pl 1-S l(b)(6) 16 1 6 CAP I :'C._L_ A____E_N



)UNS: 040553580 T4: O~E WHITE FLI~T NORTH US NUCLEAR REGUL/\TOIW COIJilISSION 11555 ROCKVI!.LE PIKE ONE WHITE fLI NT NORTH 11/\ILSTOP OJ-El 7A ll555 ROCKVILLE ?IKE ROCl<!:'.,:'.,E Mr> ?.0852-2738 ROC'<" ILLE ,'.D ?0852-17'38 POC MICHAEL TURNER TELEPHO"E NO 301 -4 15-6 7 12 12 ISS<JINO omcE ll ltGISI.ATIIIEAIJlHOIUT't US NRC - HQ ACQUISITION l~NAGEM~NT D;~ISICN lmIL STOP TWFN-5£03 WASHINGTON DC 20555-0001 t4 P" OJECT ID J4631 15 PROJECT T1TLE PO'rENTIAL FUR F'LOO)ING AT THF: FORT CALHOUN AND TH 18 ACCOUNTING DATA See Schedule 11 I& 71 22 ITEM NO suPl'I.IESISER\/ICES VNITPAICE AMOUNT 1Jaster IAA: NRCHQ13I03002 1 ProJect :'1tle : Potential tor r:oodtnq at Lhe rot Calhoun a~d Cooper Nuclear Power Plants Due ro Dam rai:.ure The purpo~~ o: this modi::cat1on is :o de-obligate excess fund~ ~nder cost c~nter J463 Therefore, lunding 1s decreased Crom $232,490.4 b, $23 , 207 . 4: to $209,283 . 03. The modi~ication also chc:r.ges the Period Of Pertormance E:1d Da::c trom 03/31/2017 ::o 0~/09/2017.


-;23,207.41 OAT(

fU 2.0 I

From: Matthews Asha To: Harvey. Brad


RE: ORNL !PAC # 082ASV4V $7,841.96 Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 3:23:00 PM Thank you. Just wanted to give heads up.

From: Harvey, Brad Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 3:06 PM To: Matthews, Asha <Asha. M>


RE : OR NL IPAC /:1082A8V4V $7,841.96 Hi Asha :

I haven"t seen the MLSR for Oct yet - I"11 let you know when I do (but will be out of t he office Wed Nov 23 - Fri Nov 25).

Brad 415-4118 From: Matthews, Asha Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 2:04 PM To: Harvey, Brad <>


ORNL IPAC /:1082A8V4V $7,841.96 Importance: High Hi Brad.

Would you happen to have the breakdown for the attached IPAC? If not, can you send it at your earliest.

Thank you in advance.

A ~ lvta:ttheMJ,y-Deva & Associates, P.C.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC)

Payments and Payroll Branch

~ : 301-415-2958 n :Asha.Matthews@nrc gov

From: Matthews Asha To:



RE: Re: [EXTERNAL] !PAC for TO NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009?

Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 4:58: 12 PM Brad, I am showing 28202824 as the invoice number.

I hope this helps.

Aihcv lv1attheMJ}'

Deva & Associates, P.C.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC)

Payments and Payroll Branch ir: 301-415-2958 l'?3J: Asha.Matthews@nrc 1-wv From: Harvey, Brad Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 4:13 PM To: Matthews, Asha <>

Cc: (b)(6)



RE: Re: [EXTERNAL] IPAC for TO NRC-HQ 15-T-0009?


Do you know what the bill number is?


Brad 415-4118 From: l(b)(6) I[..,_m..,..aj....,.lt~ofi.:..

(b.:.:..)(6.):.._ _ _ _ _ _ _----1 Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 4:06 PM To: Harvey, Brad <Brad Harvey@nrc gov>

Cc: (b)(6) M atthew s, Asha

<Asha.Matthews@nrc gov>


[External_Sender] Re : [EXTERNAL] IPAC for TO NRC- HQ-25-15-T-0009?

Brad - I have the IPAC for thru 1 Oct which has charges for TO#09 and TO#26. Can you tell me the bil l number? I can look on the computer tonight.

!(b)(6) l(b_ )(6_) _ ___,!Cell Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Ver izon Wire less 4G LTE network.

From: Harvey, Brad Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 15:02 To: l(b)(6) I Cc: ..,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....,Matthews, Asha


[EXTERNAL] IPAC for TO NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009?

Hi l(b)(6) ~

We received the attached IPAC and believe the last three pages may be associated with Task Order# NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009. Can you confirm this? If so, is there a MLSR associated with these charges?

Thank you.

Brad 301-415-4 118

From: Harvey Brad To:



WJ~)cbcistooher RE: RE: A couple of unfinished items Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 1:07:27 PM Thank you for your response - please see my notes below and let me know if you have any questions.

Brad 301-415-4118

Original Message-----

From: ,_

l(b_)(6_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.l [~ (b)(6)

Sent: Tuesday, April 11 , 2017 12:58 PM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....,

To: Harvey, Brad <>

Cc: Cook, Christopher <>


[External_Sender] RE: A couple of unfinished items Brad, I) CNS response: We have a revised draft that I haven't seen yet because I was gone all of last week, which is when it was completed. I'll send you the revised draft for review as soon as l get it.

We look forward to reviewing the latest USACE draft.

2) Invoice: The attached report itemizes the charges that were included in the invoice. The bulk of the charges were hours that I charged to the CGS Project in December 20 16 and January 20 17. I think these were for reporting after we stopped charging reporting costs to the TMI/PB project. One hour was a charge that~ made to the Beaver Valley Project. I don't know what this charge was for specifically. All of the labo~ des for this project have been inactivated, so there won't be any further charges. !Please let me know if you need me to do any further research on these particular charges.

I believe 1 need the appropriate documentation to forward these charges to our licensees. Consequently, could you please provide me the appropriate MLSRs for these charges? Also, could you please let me know what you believe the final total charges are for the two remaining Task Orders so that I can begin the process of closing them out?




Project Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68 102-4901 Phone: b 6 BB: (b)(6)



Original Message-----

From: Harvey, Brad [mailto*Brad l-larvey@nrc i:ov]

Sent: Tuesday, 11 April, 2017 06:57 To: !(b)(6)

Cc: Cook, Christopher <>


[Non-DoD Source] A couple of unfinished items Hope things are going well for you.

A couple of questions:

I) What is the status of revising USACE's response to the Cooper N PP's request for information to incorporate a suggested modification to the failure frequency sentence?

2) Any success on resolving the attached invoice?


Brad 301-4 15-41 18 Brad Harvey Team Leader, Meteorology and Oceanography Team Hydrology and Meteorology Branch I, Division of Site Safety & Environmental Analysis Office of New Reactors U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop T-7F27 Washington, DC 20555-000 I 301-4 15-4 118 Brad.Harvey@NRC.GOV




Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 8:49:15 AM Attachments: NRC Calendar 2016-02-17.docx, Hi l(b)(6) I:

I still find editing pdf files awkward ...

I found online a calendar template in MS Word Format in which I have entered (in Areal 1O-pt font) my and your schedules. See if this works for you.


Brad 301-415-4 118

Original Message-----

From: !(b)(6)  ! (b_)(6_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______.I rmailto j,_

Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 5:32 PM To: Harvey, Brad <>


[External_Sender] RE: NRC Program Calendar Brad, I had to go through a couple of steps to get this into a PDF because, for some reason, when I printed directly from Outlook to PDF, the calendar gridlines were missing.

Apparently as a result, the "Add Text" tool under Tools doesn't work. (I just learned this.)

However, I'm able to use the "Add Text Comment" tool under Comment to add comments to the document. Does this approach work for you?


!(b)(6) I l(b)(6) I ProJect Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68102-4901 Phone: (b)(6)

BB: (b)(6)



Original Message-----

From: Harvey, Brad [2]

Sent: Tuesday, 16 February, 2016 16:21

To: (b)(6)


[EXTERNAL] RE: NRC Program Calendar l(b)(6) 1:

On second thought, I am finding it difficult to enter any information electronically on this pdf file. Is there another format that we can use?


Brad 301-415-4118

Ori inal Messa e-----

From: (b)(6) [~ ...

~b-)(6_)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....

Sent: ues ay, e ruary , :02 PM To: Harvey, Brad <Brad Harvey@nrc gov>


[External_Sender] NRC Program Calendar Brad, Attached is a calendar that I started to track availability for the USACE/NRC program. It's a little different format than the previous version because I don't have the software that l(b)(6l used to create that one. Would it work for everyone there to mark it up in PDF with an_y_ _....

known commitments, and for me to then incorporate them into the master version of the calendar?

Thanks, l(b)(6) I l(b)(6) I Project Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68102-4901 Phone: (b)(6)

BB: (b)(6)


January 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 M L King Day 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 w ww.calenda

February 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Presidents' Day 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 CGS Webinar 28 29 w

March 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 (b)(6) 1-TDY l (b)(6) 1- TDY 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l(b)(6)

I 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 r b)(6)

I 20 21 22 23 2.1 25 26 r)(6)

I Good Fnda y 27 28 29 30 31

( b)(6)

I www

April 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 I(bl(6) 1- TDY l tb)(6) !- TDY l tb)(6) ~TDY I ib)(6)

I b)(6)


24 25 26 27 28 29 30 (b)(6) Meeing (b)(6) 1- Meeing (b)(6) I- Meeing l (b)(6) I Meeing (b)(6) 1- Meeing www

May 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1(6)(6)

I Mother's Day 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 11b)(6)

I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Memorial Day www

June 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 1(1,)(1)

I 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 (b)(o) 24 25 (b ,(6) l (b ,(<>) !Ch)(l,J I-TOY I- TOY I- TOY I -TOY l(b)(6) I -TOY Father's Day 26 27 28 29 30 www

July 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l (b)(6)

I Indepe nde nce Day 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 jib)(6)

I 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 www

August 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

September 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Labor Day 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 w

October 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Columbus Day 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Halloween

November 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Veterans Day 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Thanksgiving Day 27 28 29 30 w

December 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Christmas






an 2016 Submission Date: Friday, February 26, 2016 9:13:16 AM

!(b)(6) l Thanks for your response. We can review a couple of these comments during this morning's phone call.

Brad 301-415-4118

Ori inal Message-----

From: (b)(6) [mailto1... (b_)(6_l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,

Sent: urs ay, e ruary 12:33 PM To: Harvey, Brad <>

Cc: See, Kenneth <>; (b_)(6_)_ _ _ _ _ ___  !...

!(b)(6) t


[External_Sender] RE: NRC-HQ-13-1-0021 : MLSRs 20 Jan 2016 Submission Brad, Here are responses to your comments below:

1) I don't follow this comment as I can't find the numbers that you reference. Perhaps we could discuss by phone. It appears that this comment was resolved in the Feb 2016 submittal you sent yesterday.

2) a) Noted, we'll bill future l(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) I travel again st TO 09. Thank you .

3) a) The domestic travel costs were $1 ,246.36 for ANO travel that occurred in November, I think, and $1,069.82 for CGS travel that occurred in January. I don't know exactly why we're reporting these costs on our report covering Dec.ember, but for ANO, I think it has to do with the fact that travel vouchers were probably settled in December, so the costs trailed. For CGS, I don't know why costs would've appeared the month ahead of travel.

~ . can you shed any more light on the specifics of why the travel costs appeared when they did? The Dec 20, 2015 and Jan 20, 2016 submittals show travel costs of $2,349.64 and $2,316.18, respectively. Are the Dec costs for ANL and the Jan costs for CGS?

b) The Beaver Valley costs were for work that!(b)(6)  ! did on completing the technical certifications for the project and project closeout and work that the Omaha Programs Management staff did on funds management and reporting. There will be no further non-Programs charges to the project. I think that our Programs staff have generally spread their funds management and reporting costs across availabll e labor in different projects. Do you want us to stop doing that and only charge Programs costs to active projects? Please have the Program staff charge to only the active projects.

The Monticello/Prairie Island costs were for work that the Omaha Programs Management staff did on funds management and reporting. Ditto my question about how we've been charging Programs costs. Again, please have the Program staff charge to only the active projects.

4) I'll expand the distribution for the next MLSR. Thank you .

l(b)(6) I ProJect Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68102-4901 Phone: !(bl(6} I BB: l(b)(6)


Original Message-----

From: Harvey, Brad [mailto*Brad Harvey@nrc,gov]

Sent: Friday, 19 February, 2016 15:14 To: (b)(6)

Cc: See, Kenneth <>;l,_ (b..._


l _ _ _ _ _ __,

!(b)(6)  !


[EXTERNAL] RE: NRC-HQ-13-I-0021 : MLSRs 20 Jan 2016 Submission H ~J Thank you for these reports.

I have the following comments to offer:

1. The file NRC_ TaskOrder_Dec_2015_IPAC.pdf shows a Billed to Date value of

$1,145,117.56 for NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026, which is different than the Total to Date value of

$1 ,811 ,481.83 shown in Table 2 of the MLSR for NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026 (I believe the latter value is the correct value).

2. NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0004:
a. Section 3 states that the next planned travel will be for the nextl(b)(?)(E), (b)(?)(F) IBoC meeting. Please note that any future charges related to attending BoC meetings should be charged against NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009.
3. NRC-HQ-13-I-03-0021:
a. Table 2 lists domestic travel costs of $2,316.18. What are these costs for?
b. Costs were reported for Beaver Valley and Monticello/Prairie Island ($2,088 and $330, respectively). These projects were completed several months ago. Why are they still incurring costs?
4. The distribution for these MLSRs should be expanded to include the following :

Cook, Christopher <>;

NRO_MLSR Resource <NRO>;

Dority, Dayna <>;

ContractsPOT Resource <Contracts POT.>;

NRCIPAC Resource <>;

Turner. Michael <Michael Turner@nrc gov>

Please let me know if there are any questions.


Brad 301-415-4118

Original Message-----

From: !{b)(6) H.'":::m'.':ilt.,.,

"a~o ~ t!.::



J_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___J Sent: Friday, February 12. 2016 2:10 PM To: Harvey, Brad <>

Cc: See, Kenneth <Kenneth.See@nrc,Qov>; l(b)(6l l(b)(6) J --------


[External_Sender] NRC-HQ-13-I-0021: MLSRs 20 Jan 2016 Submission Brad, Attached are the January 2016 monthly reporting documents for the subject IAA. I

apologize again for my tardiness in getting these to you!

1. IPAC: Billing information by line item (task orders) for IAA. Summary information by task order, current month, billed to date and authorized ceiling (NRC_TaskOrder_Jan_2016_ IPAC and NRC Task Order_ Dec_2015_IPAC). Note: This reporting period includes expenditures for TO #01 , #09, and #26. TO #04 is provided as a courtesy copy.
2. MLSR NRC-HQ-13-I-0021 TO#01: Task order #01 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_TO1 _2016Jan).
3. MLSR NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0004: Task order #04 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_ TO4_2016Jan).
4. MLSR NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026: Task order #26 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_ TO26_2016Jan). Attachments provided for Farley, Beaver Valley, Monticello/Prairie Island, ANO, and Columbia NPP sites.
5. MLSR NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009: Task order #09 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_TO9_2016Jan).

Also attached are the signed revised LTDs for ANO and CGS.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


!(b)(6) l(b)(6)

Project Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue

Omaha , NE 68102-4901 Phone: ....

l(b_)(B_) _ _ _.....,

BB : Db)(6)



From: Harvey Brad To:  !(b)/6)

Cc: Cook Christopher: see. Kenneth: camobell Andy


RE: RE: NRC-HQ-13-1-0021: MLSRs 20 Jan 2017 Submission Date: Friday, February 24, 2017 2:08:18 PM Hi l(b)(6) 1:

Thank you for this infonnation.

I don't expect that any additional work will be requested under either TO 9 or TO 26, but I want to confirm this and will get back to you soon with an answer.

The only currently outstanding activity between the NRC and USACE is the CNS Request for lnfonnation on flood frequency, which 1 hope to have resolved within the next couple of weeks. My understanding is the NRC does not need to reimburse the USACE for this support.

Have a good weekend.

Brad 301-415-41 18

~,~~~r/~:W M:sage----- l [niaiit.u!.(b_


) _ _ _ _ _ _ ____,

Sent: Fn ay, Fe ruary 24,2017 l:1 2 PM To: Harvey, Brad <>


[External_Sender] RE: NRC-HQ-13-1-0021: MLSRs 20 Jan 2017 Submission Brad, T think the only reason for additional charges on TO 9 or TO 26 would be if you requested any assistance in reviewing the licensee FHRRs that you receive. lfyou don't anticipate needing any assistance, then I think these TOs could be closed out.


!{b)(6) i(b)(6)  !

Project Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68102-4901 Phone: (/b)(6)  !

BB: (b)(6)



Original Message-----

From: Harvey, Brad [mailto*Brad Harvey@nrc ~ov]

Sent: Thursday, 23 February, 2017 15:32 To: (b)(6)  ; Cook, Chnstop er <C nstop er.Coo>; Donty, Dayna <Dayna.Dority


[EXTERNA L] RE: NRC-HQ- 13-1-002 1: MLSRs 20 Jan 2017 Submission Thank you for this report.

Do you expect any more charges to be accrued on either NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009 or NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026? If not, could you please confirm the total charges to these two task orders so I can begin the process of closi_ng them?


Brad 30 1-4 15-4 1.l 8

Original Message-----

From:,(b)(6) l[~ (b)(6) ~

Sent: hursday, February 23, 2017 1:46 PM To: Harvey, Brad <>; Cook, Christopher <>; NRO_MLSR Resource <NRO_>; Dority, Dayna <>; See, Kenneth

<>; ContractsPOT Resource <>; NRCI PAC Resource

<>; Turner, Michael <>



[External_Sender] NRC-HQ-13-1-0021: MLSRs 20 Jan 2017 Submission Brad, Attached are the January 201 7 monthly reporting documents for the subject IAA.

I. IPAC: Billing information by line item (task orders) for IAA. Summary information by task order, current month, billed to date and authorized ceiling (N RC_Task_Order_Jan_2017_IPAC and NRC_Task_Order_Jan_20 17_IPAC_Summary). Note: This reporting period includes expenditures for TO #26.

2. MLSR NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026: Task order #26 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_TO26_20 l 7Jan).

Attachments provided for Farley, Beaver Valley, Monticello/Prairie Island, ANO, and Columbia NPP sites.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks, l(b)(6) llb)/61  !

Project Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68102-4901 Phone: ilh)(§} I

~!: l(b)(6) I

From: Harvey. Brad To: Abigajl. Michelle Cc: Matthews Asha



Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 11:52:31 AM Attachments: External Sender NRC-HO-13-1-03-0021 MLSR 20 October 2015 /UNCLASSIFIED).msg ls this what you"re looking for? Unfortunately I am on travel from this afternoon through Thursday and won't have time to review this and generate the MLSR-R until this weekend.

Brad 415-4118

Original Message-----

From: Abigail, Michelle Sent: Monday. October 19, 2015 8: 14 AM To: Harvey, Brad <>; (b)(6)

Cc: b 6




Ok thank you.

Original Message-----

From: Harvey, Brad Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 8: 10 AM To: Abigail, Michelle <>; (b}(6)

Cc: (b)(6) Matthews, Asha

<>;,.b....._6..,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.



No, not yet. It's not due until tomorrow.

Original Message-----

From: Abigail, Michelle Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 8:0 1 AM To: (b)(6)  ; Harvey, Brad <>

Cc:  ; Matthews, Asha




Brad-Have we received the MLSR yet? We are awaiting the TAC breakdown for the !PAC in the amount of

$85,241.73 .

Thank you and hope you had a nice weekend.

Original Message-----


6)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,

Sent: Friday, October 09, 2015 5: 13 PM To: Harvey, Brad <>

Cc: !(b)(6) l Matthews, Asha

<Asha.Matthews nrc. ov>; Abi ail, Michelle <>; .,.Hb_.). 6._) _( _ _ _ _ ___,


ERNAL] RE: RE: IPAC for TO NRC-HQ l 5-T-0009?

Classification: UNCLASS.I F.l ED Caveats: NONE Brad, The last three pages on the attached !PAC are for September 2015 charges and not for August 2015. Our billing office may have sent the additional paperwork without indicating that the charges are for September. Attached is the !PAC bill number for September charges. Note that the charges were incurred from I Sep to 20 Sep. The USACE organization requires staff to put in labor in advance of the end of the fiscal year to facilitate closure of the financial accounts.

..._)(_6)_ __.I and I will have the September MLSRs by the end of next week ( 16 Oct).


!(b)(6) 11S Program Manager Special Projects Branch Omaha D istrict

~ (desk)

L _ _ j (cell)

Original Message-----

From: Harvey, Brad r1uailto*Rrad Harytiy@nrc !:PY]

Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2015 9:47 AM To: l(b)(6) l Cc: ,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __, Matthews, Asha; Abigail, Michelld ._(b_)(_6l_ _ _ _ ____,




I thought the last three pages on the attached IPAC were associated with August charges for Task Order # NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009. If not, do you know where these charges came from?


Brad 301-415-4118

Original Message-----

From:1(6)(6)  ![_rn_


o *'1.l!(~b)..::

(6'-) _ _ _ _ _ _ ____,JI Sent: Wednesday, October /, 2015 10:36 AM To: Harvey, Brad <>

Cc: (b)(6)

<As a. . att 1ews>;


[External_Sender] Re: [EXTERNAL] RE: RE: JPAC for TO NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009? (UNCLASSIFIED)


No costs were incurred in August for TO #9. Only costs in September which is being developed.

l(b_)(6_) _ __.I Cell

Sent from my Black Berry IO sma rtphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.

Original Message From: Harvey, Brad Sent: Wednesday, October 7, 20 I 5 08:40 To: l(b)(6) I Cc: .___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. Matthews, Asha; Abigail, Michelle



Have you sent out the August MLSR for Task Order #9 yet? If you have sent it, it seems that J may have lost it.

Could you please resend?


Brad 30 I-415-41 18

Original Message-----

From: !(b)(6) !r....

to'll.llbw)i../6~)- - - - - - - - - - - -

Sent: Thursday, October 0 I, 2015 I: IO PM To: Harvey, Brad <>

Cc: !(b)(6) ~ Matthews, Asha



[External_Sender] RE: IPAC for TO NRC-HQ 15-T-0009? (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: UNCLASS.I F.1 ED Caveats: NON E Brad, The last three pages of the IPAC are for bill number 28202824. The dollar value reported on page 6 of 7 is for Task Order #09 ($76,664.81). I will get the MLSR for this task order out to you shortly.

anager Special Projects Branch Omaha District I

l ___

(b)(6) (desk)

.__ _, (cell)

Original Message-----

From: Harvey, Brad [majho*Brad Harvey@nrc ~oy)

Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 2:2 1 PM

~~: l(b)(e) IMatthews, Asha


[EXTERNAL] IPAC for TO NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009?

H q(b)(6) t We received the attached IPAC and believe the last three pages may be associated with Task Order # NRC-HQ 15-T-0009. Can you confirm this? lfso, is there a MLSR associated with these charges?

Thank you.

Brad 301 -415-41 18 Classification: NCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Classification: NCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE




Tue, 20 Oct 2015 15:12:45 +0000 To: Harvey, Brad;Cook, Christopher;NRO_ MLSR Resource;Dority, Dayna;See, Kenneth;ContractsPOT Resource;NRCIPAC Resource;Turner, Michael Cc:  !(b)(6)



[External_Sender] NRC-HQ-13-I-03-0021: MLSR 20 October 2015 (UNCLASSIFIED)

Attachments: NRC_Task_Order_Sep_lPAC.pdf, NRC- HQ-13-l-03-0021_ 20150ct.pdf, NRC-USACE_MLSR_T01_ 20150CT.pdf, NRC-USACE_ MLSR_ T04_ 20150ct.pdf, NRC-USACE_MLSR_ T026_20150CT.pdf, NRC-USACE_MLSR_T09_20150ct.pdf Classification: VNCLASSIFI ED Caveats: NONE For Your Review:

The attached documents are submitted for your review in accordance with the IAA NRC-HQ-1 3-I-03-0021. Please provide feedback at your convenience.

NOTE: End of Year (EOY) deadlines create multiple IPAC invoices for the month of September. Therefore, two billing invoices arc generated (I - 20 Sep and 20- 30 Sep). Due to unforeseen circumstances the closure of the CEFMS (Corps of Engineers Financial Management System) occurred on 5 Oct. Although the IPAC list the 5 Oct date, all expenditures for the NRC occurred no later than 30 Sep.

I. !PAC: Billing infonnation by line item (task orders) for lAA. Summary information by task order, current month, billed to date and authorized ceiling (NRC-HQ- 13-1-03-0021 _ 20 l SOct and NRC Task Order_Sep_lPAC).

Note: This reporting period includes expenditures for TO #0 I, #09, and #26. TO #04 is prov ided as a courtesy copy.

2. MLSR NRC-HQ-13-1-0021 TO#0l: Task order #01 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_ TOO 1_20 ISOCT). This summary report includes activities for Task 4 Presentation of Results in support of the planned fact-finding exchange with ACRS. HIGHLIGHT: Fact-Finding Exchange scheduled 21 - 22 October.
3. MLSR NRC-HQ 14-T-0004: Task order #04 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_TO4_20 ISOct).

HIGHLIGHT: No Change from previous month.

4. MLSR NRC-HQ 14-T-0026: Task order #26 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_TO26_201 SOCT). Attachments provided for Farley, Beaver Valley, Monticello / Prairie Island NPP, Arkansas ANO, and Columbia NPP sites.

HIGHLIGHT: Work is complete for Farley, Beaver Valley and Monticello/Prairie Island.

5. MLSR NRC-HQ 15-T-0009: Task order #09 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_ TO9_20 15Oct). This is the first MLSR for TO#09.

Please let me know if l can be of f w*ther assistance

!(b)(6)  !

US Program Manager, Special Projects Branch USACE, Northwestern Division, Omaha District

1616 Capitol Avenue, CE WO-PM-S Omaha, NE 68102 Desk1(b)(6)

Cell : . . . , . - - - - - - - - - - - .

Email : ...

l(b_)(6_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _____,

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: ONE


  • 8736 00008736 Customer Order Number:NRC-HO-13I030021 Mission Assignment No: USAGE FINANCE CENTER 31X200.320 ALC 31000001 USAGE FINANCE CENTER OMAHA DISTRICT G6 NRC-HO-25-15-T-0009
  • MILLINGTON TN 38054-5005 D.O. Voucher No. BU. Voucher No. Bill No. Paid By Check No. Collection Vou. No.

28202824 NO CHECK DRAWN 1484747

  • 20-Sep-2015 Partial# 25 01-Sep-2015 Thru 20-Sep-2015 ,l * .,. "' JI .. . . .. .. ..... .. ,, . . ....

Billed Office (Mail To): Billing Office (Send Remittance To):

US NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION USAGE FINANCE CENTER G6 CONTRACT ADMIN BR P 902 USAGE FINANCE CENTER CONTRACTING OFFICER OMAHA DISTRICT G6 WASHINGTON DC 20555 5722 INTEGRITY DRIVE MILLINGTON TN 38054-5005 Billed Accounting Classification Billing Accounting Classification 031 NA X 0200.0000 2013 00 0000 00000000000 00000 31000001 $8,576.92 096 NA X 3122.0000 G6 08 2417 895 0WDNRC 96252 $85,241 .73 031 NA X 0200.0000 2014 00 0000 NA 00000 31000001 $76,664.81 Line Item Moa ____ Description Eaid No Amount 00005 INHOUSE - LABOR DEPARTMENTAL OVERHEAD COSTS $21 ,948.62 00005 INHOUSE - LABOR GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD COSTS $7,230.02 00005 INHOUSE - LABOR LABOR $46,590.17 00005 REIMBURSABLE - INSIDE FEDERAL GC WORK PERFORMED BY OTHER GOV AGENCIES $896.00 Subtotal: $76,664.81 2 INHOUSE - LABOR DEPARTMENTAL OVERHEAD COSTS $107.63 2 INHOUSE - LABOR GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD COSTS $28.49 2 INHOUSE - LABOR LABOR $211.03 Subtotal: $347.15 6 INHOUSE - LABOR DEPARTMENTAL OVERHEAD COSTS $2,551.48 6 INHOUSE - LABOR GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD COSTS $675.38 6 INHOUSE - LABOR LABOR $5,002.91 Subtotal : $8,229.77 Total Billed Amount: $85,241 .73 Less Amount Paid Via IPAC: $85,241 .73 Payment Due Date: 20-0ct-2015 Pay This Amount: $0.00 DA Form 4445-R Approved by Treasury For Use In Lieu of SF 1080 cobil_ipac.333 v2.1.4

Page 2 of 2 CIC#: 99NAF NON-APPROPRIATED FUNDS Billed Date: 20-Sep-2015 8736 00008736 Customer Order Number:NRC-HO-13I030021 Mission Assignment No: USAGE FINANCE CENTER 31X200.320 ALC 31000001 USAGE FINANCE CENTER OMAHA DISTRICT G6 NRC-HO-25-15-T-0009 5722 INTEGRITY DRIVE MILLINGTON TN 38054-5005 D.O. Voucher No. BU. Voucher No. Bill No. Paid By Check No. Collection Vou. No.

28202824 NO CHECK DRAWN 1484747 20-Sep-2015 Partial# 25 01-Sep-2015 Thru 20-Sep-2015 Billed Office (Mail To): Billing Office (Send Remittance To):

US NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION USAGE FINANCE CENTER G6 CONTRACT ADMIN BR P 902 USAGE FINANCE CENTER CONTRACTING OFFICER OMAHA DISTRICT G6 WASHINGTON DC 20555 5722 INTEGRITY DRIVE MILLINGTON TN 38054-5005 Line Item Moa Description Eaid No Amount Funds Authorized: $4,270,251 .28 CERTIFICATE OF OFFICE BILLED Total Billed Amount: $2,557,673.26 I certify that the above articles were received and accepted or the services performed as stated and Prev Billed Amount: $2,472,431.53 s hould be charged to the appropriation(s) and/or fund(s) as indicated above, or that the advance payment requested is approved and should be paid as indicated.

Current Billed Amount: $85,241.73 Total Flux Billed: $0.00 Prev Flux Billed: $0.00 Date: 20-Sep-2015  !(b)(6)

Current Flux Billed: $0.00 Authorized Administrative or Certifying Officer DA Form 4445-R Approved by Treasury For Use In Lieu of SF 1080 cobil_ipac.333 v2.1.4


  • 8736 00008736 Customer Order Number:NRC-HO-13I030021 Mission Assignment No: USAGE FINANCE CENTER 31X200.320 ALC 31000001 USAGE FINANCE CENTER OMAHA DISTRICT G6 NRC-HO-25-15-T-0009
  • MILLINGTON TN 38054-5005 D.O. Voucher No. BU. Voucher No. Bill No. Paid By Check No. Collection Vou. No.

28203391 NO CHECK DRAWN 1486093

Billed Office (Mail To): Billing Office (Send Remittance To):

US NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION USAGE FINANCE CENTER G6 CONTRACT ADMIN BR P 902 USAGE FINANCE CENTER CONTRACTING OFFICER OMAHA DISTRICT G6 WASHINGTON DC 20555 5722 INTEGRITY DRIVE MILLINGTON TN 38054-5005 Billed Accounting Classification Billing Accounting Classification 031 NA X 0200.0000 2014 00 0000 NA 00000 31000001 $2,401 .75 096 NA X 3122.0000 G6 08 2417 895 0WDNRC 96252 $2,401.75 Line Item Moa Description Eaid No Amount 00005 INHOUSE - LABOR DEPARTMENTAL OVERHEAD COSTS $678.74 00005 INHOUSE - LABOR GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD COSTS $238.82 00005 INHOUSE - LABOR LABOR $1 ,484.19 Subtotal: $2,401 .75 Total Billed Amount: $2,401 .75 Less Amount Paid Via IPAC: $2,401 .75 Payment Due Date: 04-Nov-2015 Pay This Amo unt: $0.00 Funds Authorized: $4,270,251.28 CERTIFICATE OF OFFICE BILLED Total Billed Amount: $2,560,075.01 I certify that the above articles were received and accepted or the services performed as stated and Prev Billed Amount: $2,557,673.26 should be charged to the appropriation(s) and/or fund(s) as indicated above, or that the advance payment requested is approved and should be paid as indicated.

Current Billed Amount: $2,401.75 Total Flux Billed: $0.00 Prev Flux Billed: $0.00 Date: 05-0ct-201 5 [ifilifil Current Flux Billed : $0.00 Authorized Administrative or Certifying Officer DA Form 4445-R Approved by Treasury For Use In Lieu of SF 1080 cobil_ipac.333 v2.1.4



INFORMATION BY TASK ORDER 20 October 2015 Submittal NRC-HQ-13-I-03-0021 TO#01 031 NA X 0200.0000 2013 $ 347.15 199,497.87 NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0004 031 NA X 0200.0000 2014 $ 763 867.52 NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009 031 NA X 0200 .0000 2015 $ 8,229.77 $ 8,229.77 NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026 031 NA X 0200.0000 2014 $ 79,066.56 $1,588,479.85 IPACTotal,~ - - - - - - - - -.i-.......:,.$ _ 8;....7..;,;;6'--


3._4~ 8 .-.

2 ...;;..

56 .;;...0;.,jp0"-7....;.


.o_1 Authorized l111teragency Agreement No. Line Item Number Billed to Date Ceilina NRC-HQ-13-I-03-0021 TO#01 Line 2 $ 199,497.87 $ 247,686.00 NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0004 Line4 $ 763,867.52 $ 884,568.00 NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026 Line 5 $1,588,479.85 $2,903,036.00 NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009 Line6 $ 8,229.77 $ 234,961 .28 NRC-HQ-13-I-03-0021 $2,560,075.01 $4,270,251 .28 Page 1

Monthly Letter Status Report Technical Support and Guidance- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, lnteragency Agreement: NRC-HQ- 13-/-03-0021 (P2#: 405160)


1. Work Progress Status 1.1. Agreement Objective Potential for Nuclear Power Plant Flooding Associated with Failure of Dams. JCN: J4631.

Provide engineering technical expertise assistance to Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in determining the safety significance of hydrologic and geotechnical issues and other features associated with dams that may affect the safe reliable operation of downstream or nearby nuclear power plants.

1.2. NRC Project Manager Brad Harvey NRC/NRR 301-415-4118 (Direct)

Brad.Harvev@NRC.GOV 1.3. USACE Information Mailing Address U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Omaha District Attn : CENWO-PM-S ( (b)(6) )

1616 Capitol Avenue, uIte 9000 Omaha, NE 68102-9000 Program Mana er:

Primary: (b)(6l (b)(6)

Program Engineer:

Primary: (b)(6)

(b)(6) 1.4. Agreement Period of Performance September 30, 2013 through September 29, 2017 1.5. Period for this Report September 1, 2015 through September 20, 2015

2. Information on Individual Tasks Information on individual tasks, including work accomplished during this reporting period and work planned in the next reporting period is contained in Table 1. Table 2 provides milestones and schedules for each task.

Table 1. Information on Individual Tasks for NRC-HQ-13-I-03-0021 TO #01 Task Activities Accomplished Activities Planned for Notes / Significant Task Description

  1. this Reportinq Period Next Reportinq Period Issues Development of Hydrographs related to darns upstream of 1 Completed NA Fort Calhoun and Cooper Nuclear Plants Meeting Dates:

17 Dec 13 Licensees' 18 Intermediate Technical 2 Dec 13 G2G NA Review Meetings 23-24 Jan 14 G2G Technical Reporting 3 Completed NA Requirements USACE, NRC, and Additional clarity is Advisory Committee on Preparation for the sought to understand Presentation of results and 4 Reactor Safeguards Cx:tober meeting with the expectations of the updates.

(ACAS) paricipated in ACAS and NRC ACAS for the Cx:tober scoping calls. meeting.


Table 2. Milestones and Schedules for NRC-HQ-13-I-03-0021 TO #01 Milestones Planned Date Actual Date 1 Development of Hydrographs (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) 4-Nov-13 15-Nov-13 4-Nov-13 15-Nov-13 4-Nov-13 15-Nov-13 16-Dec-13 16-Dec-13 16-Dec-13 16-Dec-13 16-Dec-13 16-Dec-13 2 Intermediate Technical Review Meetings Government and Licensee Meetinq 17-Dec-13 17-Dec-13 Government to Government Meeting 20-Nov-13 20-Nov-13 3 Technical Letter Reporting Requirements Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant and Cooper 15-Jan-14 17-Mar-14 Nuclear Power Plant 4 NRG HQ Presentation of Results / Updates Briefing for Licensees to address questions on 13-May-14 13-May-14 the Technical Letter Reoort Fact-finding session with NRG, AGRS 21-22 Oct 15

3. Travel No travel was completed during this reporting period, and no travel is planned for the next reporting period.

Table 3. Travel Completed This Reporting Period & Planned for Next Reporting Period

~=~~t~d I Coordinated Start Travel I Purpose I

Location I Travelers I Date I End Date I Cost w/ NRC Completed this reporting period None Planned next reporting period None

4. Significant Issues No Issues at this time.


5. Financial Status Table 4 contains a summary of the financial status of the TO 01 to this agreement and Table 5 provides the amount of funds expended during the period and the total cumulative year to date.

The TAC Number for the funds expended is MF5194, NTTF R2.1 Flooding Project Management.

t-M~ .

  • *** * * ** I o ...-..,,.~*~ ..1.*_*,*.:. **~

'Ii Mt ~* 1*~mm, Balance of Precent Balance of Funds Total Costs Cumulative Obligated Month Total Award E>q::>ended Funds Required Obligated to Incurred this Costs to Funds Year Amount($) (cum for Completion Date($) Report($) Date($) Remaining costs/obi) ($)


Jul-14 247,686.00 247,686.00 3,008.88 197,503.67 79.7% 50,182.33 $50,182.33 May-15 247,686.00 247,686.00 212.86 197,716.53 79.8% 49,969.47 $49,969.47 Jun-15 247,686.00 247,686.00 1,119.98 198,836.51 80.3% 48,849.49 $48,849.49 Jul-15 247,686.00 247,686.00 278.73 199,115.24 80.4% 48,570.76 $48,570.76 Aug-15 247,686.00 247,686.00 35.48 199,150.72 80.4% 48,535.28 $48,535.28 Sep-15 247,686.00 247,686.00 347.15 199,497.87 80.5% 48,188.13 $48,188.13 4

Table 5. Financial Detail Report* Summary for NRC-HQ-13-1-03-0021; TO 01 Fiscal Year to Current Month Total to Date Date

1. Direct Labor (Hours)

(1) Management 1 5 287 (2) Technical 2 11 1426 (3) Support 0 0 0 TOTAL 3 16 1713

2. Costs Labor Costs:

(1) Direct Labor Costs $ 211 .03 $ 1,212.28 $ 123,150.86 (2) Indirect Labor Costs $ 107.63 $ 618.28 $ 57,835.55 SUB-TOTAL $ 318.66 $ 1,830.56 $ 180,986.41 Other Direct Costs (1) Subcontractor/Consultant Cost $ - $ - $ -

(2) Material and Services Cost $ - $ - $ -

(3) Computer Usage Costs NA NA NA (4) Travel (Domestic) $ - $ - $ -

SUB-TOTAL G & A Costs $ 28.49 $ 163.65 $ 18,511 .46 DOE Fee (If Aoolicable) NA NA TOTAL $ 347.15 $ 1,994.21 $ 199,497.87

6. Monthly Expense Forecast Table 6 provides the monthly expenditures for the tasks accomplished in the reporting period for Task Order 1. The planned (budget) expenditures by the tasks are also identified in the table.

Authorized Cost Ceiling: $247,686 Funds Obligated to date: $247,686 Period of Performance: 30 Sep 2013 to 31 Mar 2016 5

Table 6. Monthly Ex-,ense Forecast - NRC-HQ-13-1-03-0021 TO #01 Expenditures for the Task Expenditures Percentage Task# Planned Budget vs. Budget Period Cumulative 1 $ 117 984.00 $ - $ 106 666.74 90.41%

2 $ 25 920.00 $ - $ 4180.50 16.13%

3 $ 89 796.00 $ - $ 84 233.10 93.80%

4 $ 13,986.00 $ 347.15 $ 4,417.53 31 .59%

TOTAL $ 247,686.00 $ 347.15 $ 199,497.87 80.54%

The Spending Plan for Task Order 1 is identified in Table 7. This plan is updated based on projected Task #4 activity during fiscal year 2015. The completion date is scheduled to be in the future at the discretion of the NRG.

Baseline $51,945.50 $ 64,905.50 $ 38,943.94 $24,339.56 $ 19,479.56 $ 12,986.38 $ 13,984.00 Actual Costs $ 33,895.64 $48,813.69 $ 32,757.88 $ 20,794.07 $ 16,949.56 $ 14,764.25 $ 13,958.70 Difference $ 18,049.86 $ 16,091.81 $ 6,186.06 $ 3,545.49 $ 2,530.00 $ (1,777.87) $ 25.30 Percenta e 65% 75% 84% 85% 87% 114% 100%

Baseline $ 6,495.19 $ 4,868.79 $ 3,100.00 $241,048.42 Actual Costs $ 9,248.20 $ 3,312.80 $ 3,008.88 $ 197,503.67 Difference $ (2,753.01) $ 1,555.99 $ 91.12 $ 43,544.75 Percenta e 142% 68% 97% 82%

Baseline $ 241,048.42 Actual Costs $ 197,503.67 Difference $ 43,544.75 Percenta e 82%

Baseline $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 1,537.58 $ 2,500.00 $247,686.00 Actual Costs $ 212.56 $ 1,119.98 $ 278.73 $ 382.63 $199,497.87 Difference $ 287.44 $ (619.98) $1 ,321.27 $1 ,154.95 $ 48, 188.13 Percenta e 43% 224% 17% 25% 81%


Monthly Letter Status Report Technical Support and Guidance- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, lnteragency Agreement: NRC-HQ- 13-/-03-0021 Task Order No.: NRC-HO-20-14-T-0004 (P2#: 443107)


1. Work Progress Status Agreement Objective Potential for Nuclear Power Plant Flooding Associated with Failure of Dams. JCN: J4631.

Provide program and project management and engineering technical expertise assistance to Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for the development of technical and cost proposals for the implementation of individual task orders. The objective of the individual task orders will be the determination of the safety significance of hydrologic and geotechnical issues and other features associated with dams that may affect the safe reliable operation of downstream or nearby nuclear power plants.

NRC Project Manager Brad Harvey NRC/NRR 301-415-4118 (Direct)

Brad.Harvey@NRC.GOV USAGE Information 1.1.1. Mailing Address U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Omaha District Attn: CENWO-PM-S (~~]

1616 Capitol Avenue, Suite 9000 Omaha, NE 68102-9000 1.1.2. Program Manager Primar : (b)(B)

(b)(6) 1.1.3. Program Engineer Primar : (b)(6)


Agreement Period of Performance September 30, 2013 through September 29, 2017 Period for this Report September 1, 2015 through October 5, 2015

2. Information on Individual Tasks Information on individual tasks, including work accomplished during this reporting period and work planned in the next reporting period is contained in Table 1. Table 2 provides milestones and schedules for each task.

Table 1. Information on lndlvldual Tasks for NRC-HQ-20-14-T--0004 within NRC-HQ-13-1-03-0021 Activities Accomplished this Activities Planned for Next Task# Task Description Notes / Significant Issues Reporting Period Reoorting Period Familiarization of JLD-ISG-2013-01 and Licensee 1

Request and Submission of Information Activity is complete. I Farley \DJ\1 J\t:), (0)(/)(F} NA Activity is complete. I (b)(?)(E) (b)(7)(F)

Columbia (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) NA Activity is complete.I -

Arkansas (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) NA Activity rnr preparauon or Peach Bottom Licensee Peach Bottom I iMI / Technical Review and NA recalled their Request for Susquehanna Scoping meetings is Information.


Activity is complete. I Beaver Valley (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) NA Activity is complete. I Monticello / Prairie Island (b)(t )lt.), \DJ(/ )(F) NA Table 1. Information on Individual Tasks for NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0004 within NRC-HQ-13-1-03-0021 2 Technical Review Meetings Green Shading = Complete Technical Review Mtg at Farley Mobile District 18-19 March.

Technical Review Mtg at Columbia Seattle District 26-27 March.

Technical Review Mtg at Little Arkansas Rock District 4-5 June.

Technical Review Mtg at Baltimore District 4-5 March.

Peach Bottom I iMI /

Omaha District participated Susquehanna in the Board of Consultants meeting on 29-30 July.

Technical Review Mtg at Beaver Valley Pittsburgh District 5-6 May.

Technical Review Mtg at St.

Monticello / Prairie Island Paul District 23-24 June.


Table 1. Information on Individual Tasks for NRC-HQ-20-14-T-ooo4 within NRC-HQ-13-1-03-0021 3 Scoping Meetings Green Shading = Co"l)lete Scoping Meeting at Mobile Farley District 29-30 Aoril 14.

Scoping Meeting at Seattle Columbia District 9-10 June 14.

Scoping Meeting at Little Arkansas Rock District 15-16 June 14.

Scoping Meeting at Baltimore Meeting has been cancelled.

District 24 April. Additional USAGE attendance as an Peach Bottom / TMI /

Scoping Meeting on 17 June observer for the March 24, Susquehanna 14 to include FERG and 2015 Board of Consultants Exelon. meetinQ.

Scoping Meeting at Beaver Valley Pittsburgh District 17-18 June 14.

Scoping Meeting at St. Paul Monticello / Prairie Island District 4-5 Aug.

Table 1. Information on lndlvldual Tasks for NRC-HQ-20-14-T-ooo4 within NRC-HQ-13-1-03-0021 4 Proposal Development Green Shading = Co"l)lete NRC concurrence received.

Farley Proposal finalized.

July 31 , 2014 Proposal Finalized. Non-Disclosure Agreement with NRC concurrence received.

Columbia BC Hydro open item on FOIA Dec 15, 2014 process remains. IAA with BurRec signed.

NRG concurrence received.

Arkansas Proposal finalized.

Dec 9, 2014 The work for the Peach Screening Report for Bottom and TMI projects are Peach Bottom / TMI / Susquehanna and the Peach complete. The USAGE will Susquehanna Bottom I TMI DRAFT assist the NRG with support Screening Report are final.

on the review of the FHRRs.

NRG concurrence received.

Beaver Valley Proposal finalized.

Sep 23, 2014 NRG concurrence received.

Monticello / Prairie Island Proposal finalized.

Cx:t 21, 2014 3

Table 2. Milestones and Schedules for NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0004 within NRC-HQ-1 3-I-03-0021 Milestones Planned Date Actual Date 1 Familiarization of JLD-ISG-2013-01 Farley - Mobile 10-Mar-14 11-Mar-14 Columbia - Seattle, Walla Walla, NWD 10-Mar-14 10-Mar-14 Arkansas - Tulsa, Little Rock 14-May-14 14-May-14 Peach Bottom - Baltimore 18-Feb-14 18-Feb-14 Beaver Valley - Pittsburgh 14-Apr-14 14-Apr-1 4 Monticello & Prairie Island 14-May-14 14-May-14 2 Technical Review Meetings Farley - Mobile 18-19 Mar 14 18-19 Mar 14 Columbia* Seattle, Walla Walla, NWD 26-27 Mar 14 26-27 Mar 14 Arkansas - Tulsa, Little Rock 4-5 Jun 14 4-5 Jun 14 Peach Bottom - Baltimore 4-5 Mar 14 4-5 Mar 14 Beaver Valley - Pittsburgh 5-6 May 14 5-6 May 14 Monticello & Prairie Island 23-24 Jun 14 23-24 Jun 14 3 Scoping Meetings Farley - Mobile 29-30 Apr 14 29-30 Apr 14 Columbia - Seattle, Walla Walla, NWD 9-10 Jun 14 9-10 Jun 14 Arkansas - Tulsa, Little Rock 15-16 Jul 14 15- 16 Jul 14 Peach Bottom - Baltimore 24-Aor-14 24-Aor-1 4 Beaver Valley - Pittsburgh 17-18 Jun 14 17-18 Jun 14 Monticello & Prairie Island 4-5 Auo 14 4-5 Auo 14 4 Proposal Development Farley - Mobile 28-May-14 27-J un-14 Columbia - Seattle, Walla Walla, NWD 31 -0ct-14 12-Dec- 14 Arkansas - Tulsa, Little Rock 29-0ct-14 25-Nov-14 Peach Bottom - Baltimore 20-Feb-15 27-Jul-15 Beaver Valley - Pittsburgh 18-Jul-14 18-Sep-14 Monticello & Prairie Island 09-Seo-14 03-0ct-14

3. Travel Travel expenditures incurred in this reporting period are for the participation in the Board of Consultants meeting for Conowingo Dam. The next planned travel will be for the next BoC meeting in December timeframe.

Related Task: Purpose 4

4. Significant Issues Issue 1: USAGE policy is that only USAGE will characterization of the risks of associated with USAGE dams and levees. The purpose of the interagency agreement with NRG is to allow the USAGE to characterize the risk of a dam failure or operational release instead of an outside entity. The analysis performed in accordance to the interagency agreement requires a thorough knowledge and understanding of USAGE operations and the USAGE dam safety characterization of risk for credible dam failure scenarios. Therefore, the Omaha District has been restrictive on the release / sharing of information that may be used by others for the purposes of characterizing the risk of a dam failure or operational release in a manner inconsistent with USAGE policy. To achieve enterprise wide alignment within USAGE will require engagement with HQUSAGE staff.

Issue 1 Status: This topic has been brought to the attention of the HQUSAGE staff. This issue item will be a discussion topic between the NRG and the USAGE. The goal is to obtain an understanding across districts working on the NRG program to have a consistent approach on the type of information that may be released. Ongoing.

5. Financial Status Table 4 contains a summary of the financial status of this agreement. The table is subdivided into two tables; one for each calendar year. Table 5 provides the amount of funds expended during the period and the total cumulative year to date. Note that Table 5 presents a summary by current month, current fiscal year (FY2015) and summary by total billed to date. No cost incurred this reporting period.


Table 4. 2014 Financial Status Report- Summary NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0004 with NRC-HQ-13-I-03-0021 Balance of Balance of Funds Total Costs Cumulative Precent Month Total Award Obligated Funds Required Obligated to Incurred this Costs to Date E)<l)ended (cum 2014 Amount($) Funds for Completion Date($) Report($) ($) costs/obi)

Remainina ($ ) ($)

Jan Feb $113,296.00 $ 89,959.00 $ 7,640.62 $ 7,640.62 8.5% $ 82,318.38 $ 105,655.38 Mar $884,568.00 $436,959.00 $ 67,266.86 $ 74,907.48 17.1% $362,051.52 $ 809,660.52 Apr $884,568.00 $436,959.00 $ 47,479.44 $122,386.92 28.0% $ 314,572.08 $ 762,181.08 May $884,568.00 $884,568.00 $ 65,306.87 $187,693.79 21.2% $ 696,874.21 $ 696,874.21 Jun $884,568.00 $884,568.00 $132,828.73 $320,522.52 36.2% $ 564,045.48 $ 564,045.48 Jul $884,568.00 $884,568.00 $123,647.90 $444,170.42 50.2% $ 440,397.58 $ 440,397.58 Aug $884,568.00 $884,568.00 $ 70,271.05 $514,441.47 58.2% $ 370,126.53 $ 370,126.53 Sep $884,568.00 $884,568.00 $ 56,745.36 $571 ,186.83 64.6% $313,381.17 $ 313,381.17 0::t $884,568.00 $884,568.00 $ 42,461 .67 $613,648.50 69.4% $ 270,919.50 $ 270,919.50 Nov $884,568.00 $884,568.00 $ 50,097.94 $663,746.44 75.0% $ 220,821.56 $ 220,821.56 Dec $884,568.00 $884,568.00 $ 41 ,287.57 $705,034.01 79.7% $ 179,533.99 $ 179,533.99 Table 4. 2015 Financial Status Report- Summary NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0004 with NRC-HQ-13-I-03-0021 Balance of Balance of Funds Total Costs Cumulative Precent Month Total Award Obligated Funds Required O:lligated to Incurred this Costs to Date Expended (cum 2015 Amount($) Funds for Completion Date($) Report($) ($) costs/obi)

Remainina ($) ($)

Jan $884,568.00 $884,568.00 $ 27,858.78 $732,892.79 82.9% $ 151,675.21 $ 151,675.21 Feb $884,568.00 $884,568.00 $ 17,728.28 $750,621 .07 84.9% $ 133,946.93 $ 133,946.93 Mar $884,568.00 $884,568.00 $ 7,329.18 $757,950.25 85.7% $126,617.75 $ 126,617.75 Apr $884,568.00 $884,568.00 $ 846.69 $758,796.94 85.8% $125,771.06 $ 125,771.06 May $884,568.00 $884,568.00 $ 70.96 $758,867.90 85.8% $ 125,700.10 $ 125,700.10 Jun $884,568.00 $884,568.00 $ - $758,867.90 85.8% $125,700.10 $ 125,700.10 Jul $884,568.00 $884,568.00 $ - $758,867.90 85.8% $ 125,700.10 $ 125,700.10 Aug $884,568.00 $884,568.00 $ 4,999.62 $763,867.52 86.4% $ 120,700.48 $ 120,700.48 Sep $884,568.00 $884,568.00 $ - $763,867.52 86.4% $ 120,700.48 $ 120,700.48 6

Table 5. Flnanclal Detall Report - Summary for NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0004 Fiscal Year to Current Month Total to Date Date

1. Direct Labor (Hours)

(1) Management 0 647 2358 (2) Technical 0 898 3625 (3) Support 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 1545 5983

2. Costs Labor Costs:

(1) Direct Labor Costs $ - $ 116,480.67 $ 441 ,761.71 (2) Indirect Labor Costs $ - $ 54,296.23 $ 204,054.32 SUB-TOTAL $ - $ 170,776.90 $ 645,81 6.03 Other Direct Costs (1) Subcontractor/Consultant Cost $ - $ - $ -

(2) Material and Services Cost $ - $ 468.00 $ 2,124.36 (3) Computer Usage Costs NA NA NA (4) Travel (Domestic) $ - $ 2,599.78 $ 44,760.71 SUB-TOTAL $ . $ 3,067.78 $ 46,885.07 G & A Costs $ - $ 18,836.01 $ 71 ,166.42 DOE Fee (If Applicable) NA NA TOTAL $ - $ 192,680.69 $ 763,867.52

6. Monthly Expense Forecast Table 6.0 provides the cumulative monthly expenditures for all of the tasks accomplished in the reporting period for Task Order 4. The monthly planned (budget) cumulative expenditures by the tasks are also identified in the table. Table 6.x will detail the monthly expenditures for each individual nuclear power plant sites. The Table 6.x will identify the individual nuclear power plant and the associated TAC # for license fee recovery.

Authorized Cost Ceiling: $884,568.00 Funds Obligated to date: $884,568.00 Period of Performance: 30 Sep 2013 to 29 Sep 2017 7

Table 6.0. Cumulative Monthly ExDense Forecast - NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0004 Expenditures for the Task Expenditures Percentage Task# Planned Budget Period Cumulative vs. Budget 1 $ 225.523.00 $ - $ 231.619.08 102.70%

2 $ 209.504.00 $ - $ 119.024.47 56.81%

3 $ 267.024.00 $ - $ 182 898.60 68.50%

4 $ 182,517.00 $ - $ 230,325.37 126.19%

TOTAL $ 884,568.00 $ - $ 763,867.52 86.35%

Table 6.1. Peach Bottom, Susquehanna, Three Mle Island NPP Monthly Expense Forecast TAC# MF3288, MF3289, MF3993, MF3994, MF3995 Expenditures for the Task Expenditures Percentage Task# Planned Budget vs. Budget Period Cumulative 1.0 $ 36 309.00 $ - $ 42 739.46 11 7.71%

2.0 $ 27941 .86 $ - $ 11 649.50 41.69%

3.0 $ 41 465.83 $ - $ 92 050.06 221.99%

4.0 $ 38 325.83 $ - $ 61 435.07 160.30%

Total $ 144 042.52 $ - $ 207 874.09 144.31%

Table 6.2. Farley NPP Monthly Expense Forecast - TAC# MF3037, MF3038 Expenditures for the Task Expenditures Percentage Task# Planned Budget vs. Budget Period Cumulative 1.0 $ 24 494.00 $ - $ 35 814.20 146.22%

2.0 $ 32 462.71 $ - $ 17 557.88 54.09%

3.0 $ 38 026.00 $ - $ 14 231.40 37.43%

4.0 $ 10 807.00 $ - $ 6 730.80 62.28%

Total $ 105 789.71 $ - $ 74 334.28 70.27%

Table 6.3. Columbla NPP Monthly ExDense Forecast -TAC# MF3039 Expenditures for the Task Expenditures Percentage Task# Planned Budget vs. Budget Period Cumulative 1.0 $ 40 699.00 $ 40 303.57 99.03%

2.0 $ 56 755.60 $ - $ 30 329.68 53.44%

3.0 $ 59 334.1 7 $ - $ 26 448.55 44.58%

4.0 $ 37 841.83 $ 47 338.91 125.10%

Total $ 194 630.60 $ - $ 144 420.71 74.20%

Table 6.4. Beaver Valley NPP Monthly ExDense Forecast - TAC# MF3286 Expenditures for the Task Expenditures Percentage Task# Planned Budget vs. Budget Period Cumulative 1.0 $ 35 785.00 $ - $ 33 977.44 94.95%

2.0 $ 28 240.61 $ - $ 22 874.62 81.00%

3.0 $ 35 8 15.00 $ - $ 22 741.93 63.50%

4.0 $ 41 895.68 $ - $ 46 487.05 11 0.96%

Total $ 141 736.29 $ - $ 126 081.04 88.95%


Table 6.5. Arkansas NPP Monthly Emense Forecast

  • TAC# MF3041, MF3042 Expenditures for the Task Expenditures Percentage Task# Planned Budget vs. Budget Period Cumulative 1.0 $ 52 482.00 $ - $ 42 770.87 81.50%

2.0 $ 35 287.61 $ - $ 19580.12 55.49%

3.0 $ 55 993.00 $ - $ 19 645.22 35.09%

4.0 $ 33 0 12.83 $ 44 461.53 134.68%

Total $ 176 ns.44 $ - $ 126 457.74 71.54%

Table 6.6. Monticello / Prairie Island NPP Monthly Ex i>ense Forecast

  • TAC# MF3696, Expenditures for the Task Expenditures Percentage Task# Planned Budget vs. Budget Period Cumulative 1.0 $ 35 754.00 $ - $ 36 013.54 100.73%

2.0 $ 28815.61 $ - $ 17 032.67 59. 11 %

3.0 $ 36 390.00 $ - $ 7 781.44 21.38%

4.0 $ 20 633.83 $ - $ 23 872.01 11 5.69%

Total $ 121 593.44 $ - $ 84 699.66 69.66%

The Spending Plan for Task Order 4 is identified in Table 7. The Spending Plan is updated to reflect the LTD T0 4-2b direction to the USAGE. The Spending Plan reflects a reduced effort to accomplish the tasks and the USAGE anticipates excess funds to be returned to the NRG upon completion of the remaining tasks.

Baseline $ 8,000 $ 68,000 $ 48,000 $ 66,000 $ 134,000 Actual Costs $ 7,641 $ 67,267 $ 47,479 $ 65,307 $ 132,829 Difference $ - $ 359 $ 733 $ 521 $ 693 $ 1,171 Percenta e 95.5% 98.9% 98.9% 98.9% 99.1%

Baseline $ 124,000 $ 7 1,000 $ 57,000 $ 43,000 $ 50,000 $ 42,000 Actual Costs $ 123,648 $ 70,271 $ 56,745 $ 42,462 $ 50,098 $ 4 1,288 Difference $ 352 $ 729 $ 255 $ 538 $ (98) $ 712 Percenta e 99.7% 99.0% 99.6% 98.7% 100.2% 98.3%

Baseline $ 28,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 1,000 $ - $

Actual Costs $ 27,859 $ 17,728 $ 7,329 $ 847 $ 71 $

Difference $ 141 $ 2,272 $ 12,671 $ 153 $ (71) $

Percenta e 99.5% 88.6% 36.6% 84.7%


Baseline $ - $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Actual Costs $ 5,000 Difference $ 1,000 Percenta e 83.3%

7. Additional Information The Letter of Technical Direction (LTD) information is captured in Table 8. Each LTD provides authority for USAGE to proceed forward on the specific NPP site.

Table 8. Letter of Technical Direction for NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0004 Letter of Technical Date Subject Direction (LTD)

PFe!)c!FatieA ei a +ask QdeF PFepesal leF eualt.JatiA1 tl=le PeleAlial feF Fl988iAJ al tl=le T04-1 12,11 Q.£201 :l Jesept:i M.loaFley Nt.Jslear PlaAI Ct.Je tG Cam loailt.JF8 Preparation of a Task Order Proposal for Evaluating the Potential for Flooding at the T04-1a 5/5/2014 Joseph MFarley Nuclear Plant Due to Dam Failure

! - - ,...f, ...,

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n ~ ----. ... 1 -- r-. -

  • -"=--

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T04-2 12,/191'2013 Qettem ,A,18miG PeweF SlatieA Ct.Je 18 Cam loailt.JFe

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-- '. .... 11.

tl T04-2a 412:ll:1014


  • tl Qettem, :illFee Mile lslaAd, aAd St.Jsqt.JeRaAAa ~ll.JGleaF 129'118F PlaAIS Ot.Je I8 Cam loailt.JFe Preparation of a Task Order Proposal for Evaluating the Potential for Flooding at the T04-2b 9/19/2014 Peach Bottom and Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plants Due to Dam Failure Pre!)aratieA ei a +ask Qder Prnpesal ler e...alt.JaliA1 tl=le PeleAlial ler lol988iAJ al tl=le T04-3 :ll1:ll:1014 Gelt.Ji:Rt:lia GeAeFatiA1 StalieA ~ll.JGleaF i;!eu,eF i;!laAI Ct.Je 18 Cai:R loailt.JFe Preparation of a Task Order Proposal for Evaluating the Potential for Flooding at the T04-3a 12/15/2014 Columbia Generating Station Nuclear Power Plant Due to Dam Failure PFepaFa~8A el a Task OdeF Prepesal l8F e>.<alt.JatiA1 tl=le PeleAlial feF lol988iAJ al tl=le T04-4 3121,12014

,0.FkaAsas ~lt.JsleaF GAe Sile Ot.Je le OaFA loailt.Jre Preparation of a Task Order Proposal for Evaluating the Potential for Flooding at the T04-4a 10/6/2014 Arkansas Nuclear One Site Due to Dam Failure

- ~-- r.f ,.. T ... -1 ,-....,.J *- .... . ,..__ ,_

.. ... __ .,:_1 , __ - . __ _.: __ ...t .1.1...-

- n T04-5 :ll:1112014 -* - - - .,,

Valley Pe1118r Slali8A Sile Ot.Je le Oai:R loailt.Jre Preparation of a Task Order Proposal for Evaluating the Potential for Flooding at the T04-5a 9/23/2014 Beaver Valley Power Station Site Due to Dam Failure PFepaFatieA el a +ask OdeF Prepesal 18F ie>Jalt1atiA1 IRe PeleAtial I8F loleooiA1 at Ille T04-6 :ll:ll,12014 MeAliGelle aAd PFaiFie lslaAd ~ll.JGleaF GeAeFaliA1121aAI Siles Owe le Oai:R loailwFe Preparation of a Task Order Proposal for Evaluating the Potential for Flooding at the T04-6a 9/28/2014 Monticello and Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Sites Due to Dam Failure Evaluating the Potential for Flooding at Susquehanna Nuclear Power Plant (NPP)

T04-7 8/14/2014 Due to Dam Failure 10

The Tracking Account Code (TAC) Number information is captured in Table 9 for each of the individual units of the Nuclear Power Plant sites. The costs for this reporting period are for Peach Bottom and Three Mile Island.



MF3037 Farley 1 YES MF3038 Farley 2 YES MF3039 Columbia YES MF3041 ANO 1 YES MF3042 ANO2 YES MF3286 Beaver Valley 1 YES MF3287 Beaver Valley 2 YES MF3991 Peach Bottom 2 YES MF3992 Peach Bottom 3 YES MF3993 Susquehanna 1 YES MF3994 Susquehanna 2 YES MF3995 Three Mile Island 1 YES MF3696 Monticello YES MF3697 Prairie Island 1 YES MF3698 Prairie Island 2 YES TOTAL COST FOR REPORTING PERIOD $ -


Monthly Letter Status Report Technical Support and Guidance- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, lnteragency Agreement: NRC-HQ- 13-/-03-0021 Task Order No.: NRC-HO-25-14-T-0026 (P2#: 447232)


1. Work Progress Status Agreement Objective Potential for Nuclear Power Plant Flooding Associated with Failure of Dams. JCN: J4631.

Provide program and project management and engineering technical expertise assistance to Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in the determining the safety significance of hydrologic and geotechnical issues and other features associated with dams that my affect the safe reliable operation of downstream or nearby nuclear power plants. A Technical Letter Report (TLR) documenting the development of the hydrographs will be provided. The NPP sites to be evaluated will be identified in subsequent Letters of Technical Direction (LTDs).

NRC Project Manager Brad Harvey NRC/NRR 301 -415-4118 (Direct)

Brad.Harvey@NRC.GOV USAGE Information 1.1.1 . Mailing Address U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Omaha District Attn: CENWO-PM-S d(b)(6) ~

1616 Capitol Avenue, Suite 9000 Omaha, NE 68102-9000 1.1.2. Program Mana er Primary: (b)(6)

(b)(6) 1.1.3. Program Engineer Primary: (b)(6)


Agreement Period of Performance July 25, 2014 through September 29, 2017 Period for this Report September 1, 2015 through October 5, 2015

2. Information on Individual Letters of Technical Direction Information on individual Letters of Technical Direction (LTD), including work accomplished during this reporting period and work planned in the next reporting period is contained in the individual project letter status report for the corresponding NPP identified in the LTD. For this reporting period, the following project letter status reports are included: Farley; Beaver Valley; Monticello / Prairie Island; Arkansas; and Columbia.
3. Travel Information on Individual Letters of Technical Direction The travel information recorded for this task order is reported by individual LTDs in the individual project letter status report for the corresponding NPP identified in the LTD. For this reporting period, the following project letter status reports are included: Farley; Beaver Valley; Monticello / Prairie Island; Arkansas; and Columbia.
4. Significant Issues Issue 1: The Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with BC Hydro for the Columbia Generating Station site has taken much longer than originally projected and the delay has significantly impacted the PDT to proceed forward with analysis.

Issue 1 Status: The MASTER NOA between the USAGE and BC Hydro has been signed (25 May 15).

The individual NDAs for each team member authorized to work on the project will be distributed for signature. The documents have been uploaded to the Partner sharepoint site tor PDT use (19 Oct 15).

An internal PDT is scheduled for 23 Oct 15 and a follow-on call with the dam safety engineers at BC Hydro for 30 Oct 15 is scheduled. Ongoing

5. Financial Status Table "1 contains a summary of the financial status of this task order. The total costs incurred for this reporting period is the sum of the Bill No. 28201507 for 3 Aug - 1 Sep for a dollar value of $86,025.07 and Bill No. 2820181 Ofor 1 Sep 15 with a credit of $2, 133.40.

Table 1. Financial Status Report* Summary NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026 with NRC-HQ-13-I-03-0021 Balance of Total Costs Cumulative Precent Balance of 2014 Total Award Funds Obligated Funds Required Incurred this Costs to Date Expended (cum Obligated Funds Month Amount($) to Date($) for Completion Report($) ($) costs/obi) Remaining ($)


Aug $2,903,745.60 $ 2,903,745.60 $ 17,569.74 $ 17,569.74 0.6% $ 2,886, 175.86 $2,886,175.86 Sep $2,903,745.60 $ 2,903,745.60 $ 21 ,716. 10 $ 39,285.84 1.4% $ 2,864,459.76 $ 2,864,459.76 Oct $2,903,745.60 $ 2,903,745.60 $ 79,195.60 $ 118,481.44 4.1% $ 2,785,264.16 $ 2,785,264.16 Nov $2,903,745.60 $ 2,903,745.60 $ 80,422.10 $ 198,903.54 6.8% $ 2,704,842.06 $ 2,704,842.06 Dec $2,903,745.60 $ 2,903,745.60 $102,555.41 $ 301,458.95 10.4% $ 2,602,286.65 $ 2,602,286.65 2

Table 1. Financial Status Report

  • Summary NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026 with NRC-HQ-13-I-03-0021 Balance of Total Costs Cumulative Precent Balance of 2015 Total Award Funds Obligated Funds Required Incurred this Costs to Date Expended (cum Obligated Funds Month Amount($) to Date($) for Completion Report($) ($) c osts/obi) Remaining ($)


J an $ 2,903,745.60 $ 2,903,745.60 $1 37,019.46 $ 438,478.41 15. 1% $ 2,465,267.19 $ 2,465,267.19 Feb $2,903,745.60 $ 2,903,745.60 $21 3,680.16 $ 652,158.57 22.5% $ 2,251,587.03 $ 2,251 ,587.03 Mar $2,903,745.60 $ 2,903,745.60 $215,500. 18 $ 867,658.75 29.9% $ 2,036,086.85 $ 2,036,086.85 Apr $ 2,903,745.60 $ 2,903,745.60 $215,835.27 $1 ,083,494.02 37.3% $ 1,820,251.58 $ 1,820,251.58 May $2,903,745.60 $ 2,903,745.60 $102,342.38 $1 ,185,836.40 40.8% $ 1,717,909.20 $ 1,717,909.20 J un $2,903,745.60 $ 2,903,745.60 $142,454.07 $ 1,328,290.47 45.7% $ 1,575,455. 13 $ 1,575,455.13 Jul $2,903,745.60 $ 2,903,745.60 $ 97,231.15 $ 1,425,521 .62 49.1% $ 1,478,223.98 $ 1,478,223.98 Aug $2,903,745.60 $ 2,903,745.60 $ 83,891.67 $1,509,413.29 52.0% $ 1,394,332.31 $ 1,394,332.31 Sep $2,903,745.60 $ 2,903,745.60 $ 79,066.56 $1 ,588,479.85 54.7% $ 1,315,265.75 $ 1,315,265.75 Table 2 provides the financial detail outlining the amount of funds expended during the reporting period, the current fiscal year (FY2015), and the total cumulative year to date. The financial data includes the following Letters of Technical Direction:

  • LTD TO26 1 Farley Nuolear Power Plant (Mobile Distriot) 31Jul2014
  • LTD TO26-1 a Farley Nuclear Power Plant (Mobile District) 06Apr2015
  • LTD TO26-2 Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Plant {Pittsburgh District). 23Sep2014
  • LTD TO26-3 Monticello and Prairie Island NPPs (St. Paul District). 21Oct2014
  • LTD TO26-4 Arkansas Nuclear One NPP (Little Rock / Tulsa Districts). 09Dec14
  • LTD TO26-5 Columbia Generating Station (Seattle/Walla Walla Districts). 15Dec14 3

Table 2. Flnanclal Detall Report* NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026 Fiscal Year to Current Month Total to Date Date

1. Direct Labor (Hours)

(1) Management 33 1,039 1,083 (2) Technical 676 12,775 13,288 (3) Support (Bureau Reclamation) 8 527 527 TOTAL 717 14,341 14,898

2. Costs Labor Costs:

(1) Direct Labor Costs $ 48,074.36 $ 911,885.81 $ 937,297.94 (2) Indirect Labor Costs $ 22,627.36 $ 422,557.71 $ 432,667.71 SUB-TOTAL $ 70,701 .72 $1,334,443.52 $ 1,369,965.65 Other Direct Costs (1) Subcontractor/Consultant Cost $ 896.00 $ 48,326.00 $ 48,326.00 (Bureau of Reclamation)

(2) Material and Services Cost (3) Computer Usage Costs NA NA NA (4) Travel (Domestic) $ - $ 15,524.80 $ 15,524.80 SUB-TOTAL $ 896.00 $ 63,850.80 $ 63,850.80 G & A Costs $ 7,468.84 $ 150,899.69 $ 154,663.40 DOE Fee (If Aoolicable) NA NA TOTAL $ 79,066.56 $1 ,549,194.01 $ 1,588,479.85

6. Monthly Expense Forecast Table 3 provides the cumulative monthly expenditures for work accomplished by the USAGE in the reporting period for Task Order 26. The cumulative expenditures by the tasks are also identified in this table. The individual project letter status report for each LTDs issued is included in the attachments.

Authorized Cost Ceiling: $2,904,745.60 Funds Obligated to date: $2,903,745.60 Period of Performance: 25 Jul 2014 to 29 Sep 2017 4

Table 3. Cumulative Monthly Exoense Forecast - NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026 Expenditures for the Task Expenditures Percentage Activity# Planned Budget vs. Budget Period Cumulative 1a s 1.683.915.60 s 21 814.98 s 1.154.831.00 68.58%

1b PMP/PI\F s 458.200.00 $ 42 437.84 s 275 475.90 60.12%

2 $ 315.600.00 $ - s 91 118.86 28.87%

3 $ 224.760.00 $ 14 813.74 s 67 054.09 29.83%

4 $ 221 ,270.00 $ - $ - 0.00%

TOTAL $ 2,903,745.60 $ 79,066.56 $ 1,588,479.85 54.70%

The Spending Plan for Task Order 26 is identified in Table 4. The spending plan reflects the project schedu le delays and completion of tasks for Farley. These scheduling issues include: 1) signature of the Non-Disclosure Agreement for Columbia and 2) the impact of the May I June 2015 high water events and a levee failure at the Tulsa and Little Rock Districts.

Baseline $ 31,215 $ 47,021 $ 150,836 $ 130,000 $200,000 Actual Costs $ 17,570 $ 21,716 $ 79,196 $ 80,422 $102,555 Difference $ 13,645 $ 25,304 $ 71,641 $ 49,578 $ 97,445 Percentage 56.3% 46.2% 52.5% 61.9% 51.3%

Spending Plan (CSP) for NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026 Baseline $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,500 $ 251,800 $175,200 Actual Costs $ 137,019 $ 213,680 $ 215,500 $ 215,835 $ 102,342 $142,454 Difference $ 11 2,981 $ 36,320 $ 34,500 $ 34,665 $ 149,458 $ 32,746 Percenta e 54.8% 85.5% 86.2% 86.2% 40.6% 81.3%

Baseline $ 100,446 $ 115,100 $ 100,000 $ 90,000 $ 90,000 $ 90,000 Actual Costs $ 97,231 $ 83,892 $79,066.56 Difference $ 3,215 $ 31,208 $ 20,933 Percenta e 96.8% 72.9% 79.1%

Spe nding Pla n (CSP) for NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026 Baseline $ 90,000 $ 90,000 $ 60,000 $ 40,000 $ 35,000 $ 17,630 Actual Costs Difference Percenta e 5

7. Additional Information The Letter of Technical Direction (LTD) information is captured in Table 5. Each LTD provides authority for USAGE to proceed forward on the specific NPP site for Task Order #26, NRC-HQ-25-14-T -0026.

Table 5. Letter of Technical Direction for NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026 Lett er of Technical Date S ubject Direction (LTD)

LTD T026-1 J1 Jbll 14 e>,ial.ialiGl'1 GI i;'.IGGQ ~~artls al tl:le JGS8f:)R M.i;'.arley ~JblGlear J;1Iar:il Qble tG Qam i;'.ailblr8 LTD T026-1a 6-Apr-15 Evaluation of Flood Hazards at the Joseph M.Farley Nuclear Plant Due to Dam Failure LTD T026-2 23-Sep-14 Evaluation of Flood Hazards at the Beaver Valley NPP Due to Dam Failure LTD T026-3 21-0ct-14 Evaluation of Flood Hazards at the Monticello and Prairie Island NPP Sites LTDT026-4 9-Dec-14 Evaluation of Flood Hazards at the Arkansas Nuclear One NPP Site LTD T026-5 15-Dec- 14 Evaluation of Flood Hazards at the Columbia Generating Station NPP Site 6

The Tracking Account Code (TAC) Number information is captured in Table 6 for each of the individual units of the Nuclear Power Plant sites for this reporting period.



MF3037 Farley 1 $ - YES MF3038 Farley 2 $ - YES MF3039 Columbia $ 3,650.96 YES MF3041 ANO1 $ 30,300.93 YES MF3042 ANO2 $ 30,300.93 YES MF3286 Beaver Valley 1 $ 1,648.46 YES MF3287 Beaver Valley 2 $ 1,648.46 YES MF3991 Peach Bottom 2 YES MF3992 Peach Bottom 3 YES MF3993 Susquehanna 1 YES MF3994 Susquehanna 2 YES MF3995 Three Mile Island 1 YES MF3696 Monticello $ 5,758.41 YES MF3697 Prairie Island 1 $ 2,879.21 YES MF3698 Prairie Island 2 $ 2,879.21 YES TOTAL COST FOR REPORTING PERIOD $ 79,066.56 7


Table LTD -TO26-1.1. Project Status for LTD TO26-1 Farley NPP for NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0026 USACE Project Delivery Team: Onaha and Mobile Districts Technical Manage j(b Project Manager * )(6) l CENWO-PM-S CESAM-EN-HH Project Costs: $277,309 P2 447176 LTD issued 31 July 2014 Revised LTD issued 6 April 2015 Activity Activities Accomplished this Activities Planned for Next Develop PMP/PMF Notes/ Significant Issues

  1. 1a Reoortino Period Reoortina Period Perform <I (bX7XE). (bX7)(F) None. None. Work is complete.

Activity Develop Preliminary Activities Accomplished this Activities Planned for Next Notes / Significant Issues

  1. 1b Hydrooraphs and TLR Reoorting Period Reporting Period Develop time-series stage, velocity, and discharge hydrographs, including Excel spreadsheets, at various locations in the vicinity of the Farley NPP site. Two Submissions: None. None. Work is complete.

Preliminary Draft and Pre-Final. The (b)(7)(E). (b)(7)(F)

Activity Intermediate Technical Activities Accomplished this Activities Planned for Next Notes / Significant Issues

  1. 2 Review Meetinas Reoortina Period Reoortina Period Schedule, host, and participate in Intermediate Technical Review None. None. Work is complete.


Activity Develop Final Hydrographs Activities Accomplished this Activities Planned for Next Notes I Significant Issues

  1. 3 andTLR Rennrtina Period Rennrtina Period Document findings in a Final TLR and hydrographs. Additional Information to be included at the r=uest of Southern Comoanv: *

(b)(7)(E). (b)(7)(F)

11) Flow hydrographs for the complete model None. None. Work is complete.

run. 2) Velocity hydrographs for the complete model run. 3) Spatial coordinates and projection for each cross section. 4) All cross section station and elevation points. 5) Left and right bank stations. 6) Manning's "n" values or roughness coefficients for the left overbank, channel and right overbank at each cross section.

Activity Participate in Presentation Activities Accomplished this Activities Planned for Next Notes / Significant Issues

  1. 4 of Results Meetinas Reoortina Period Reoortina Period Schedule, Host and Participate in Presentation of Results Meetings 9

Table LTD T026-1.2. LTD 26-1 Farley* Travel Completed This Reponlng Pertod & Planned for Next Reponlng Pertod Related Actlvtty: IPurpose I Location I Travelers I Start Date I End Date I Travel Cost I Coordinated wl NRC Completed this reporting period I I I I Planned next reporting period I I I I I I I I I I Table LTD T0 26-1.3. Cu111.1latlve MonthlyExpenee-TLD T026-1 Farley, NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026 Expenditures for the Expenditures Percent:age vs.

Activity# Planned Budget Period Cumulative Budget(%)

1a $ 149,682.20 $ 130,871.20 87.43%

1b PMP/PMF $ 52,369.92 $ 36,942.43 70.54%

2 $ 21,376.04 $ 19,465.04 91.06%

3 $ 29,255.44 $ 16,112.04 55.07%

4 $ 26,455.72 $ . 0.00%

TOT AL $ 279,139.32 $ . $ 203,390.71 72.86%


LTD T026-2 Beaver Valley 11

Table LTD -T026-2.1. Project Status for LTD T026-2 Beaver Valley NPP for NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0026 USAGE Project Deliverv Team: Omaha a111d Pittsburgh Districts Project Managers ~/h\/R\ I CENWO*PM*S!(b)(6)  ! CELRP-PM-PM Technical Lead *l /h\/Rl  ! CELRP-EC-DH Project Costs: $450,476 P2 448945 Lm issued 23 Sep 2014 Ac:;ty I Develop PMP/PMF Activities Accoll1)lished this Acti.,;ties Planned for Next Reoortina Period Reoortina Period Notes / Significant Issues Evaluate PMP and PMF for the Beaver Valley NPP site as v.ell as the (b)(7)(E). (b}(71fF1

!Develop nyorograpns ca=u on the site- '

None None Work is complete.

specific PMP developed by the NRC's licensee, FENOC. Existing USAGE hydrologic and hydraulic models will be used to determine lhe PMF resulting from the Licensee's Sile-specific PMP.

Acti.,;ty I De\181op Preliminary Activities Accoll1)lished this Acti.,;ties Planned for Next Notes/ Significant Issues

  1. 1 Hvdroaraohs and TLR P.eoortina Period Reoortina Period

\ Assess tbel ?)(E), (b )(?)(F)

  • * **. ,Q,,, ine aniyses 1n a I

prelirrinary drafl and pre-final TLR and hydrographs, I None None Work is complete.

(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F)

Acti.,;ty I Intermediate Technical Activities Accoll1)lished this Acti.,;ties Planned for Next Notes / Significant Issues

  1. 2 Re-.;ew Meetinas Reoortina Period Reoortina Period Schedule, host, and participate in Intermediate Technical Review None None Work is complete.


I Activity Develop Final Hydrographs Activities Accoll1)lished this Activities Planned for Next Notes I Significant Issues

  1. 3 and TLR =rtina Period = rtina Period Document findings in a Final TLR and hydrographs. Include river valley cross-sections, as appropriate.

Calculation packages, including input Archive files and closeout and output files from computer None Work is complete.


modeling runs supporting key TLR conclusions are to be included in the final subnission.

Activity IParticipate in Presentation Activities Accoll1)lished this Activities Planned for Next Notes/ Significant Issues

  1. 4 of Results Meetinas Reoortina Period Reoortina Period Schedule, Host and Participate in Funds are budgeted for presentation of results, if None None Presentation of Results Meetings needed.


Table LTD T026-2.2. LTD 26-2 Beaver Valley* Travel Completed This Reporting Period & Planned for Next Reporting Period Related Actlvhy : IPurpose I Location I Travelers I Start Date I End Date I Travel Cost I Coordinated w / NRC Completed this reporting period INone I I I I I I Planned next reporting period INone I I I I I I Table LTD T0 26-1.3. Cu1TL1lative Monthly Expense - TLD T0 26-1 Beaver Vally, NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026 Expenditures for the Expenditures Percent.age vs.

Activity# Planned Budget Period Curoolative Budget(%)

1a $ 259,701 .20 $ 261 ,283.52 100.61%

1b PMP/PMF $ 66,074.00 $ 59,593.64 90.19%

2 $ 55,117.00 $ 45,232.83 82.07%

3 $ 35,523.00 $ 3,296.92 $ 36,585.16 102.99%

4 $ 34,061 .00 $ .

TOTAL $ 450,476.20 $ 3,296.92 $ 402,695.15 89.39%


LTD T026-3 Monticello / Prairie Island 14

Table LTD -T026-3.1. Project Status for LTD T026-3 Monticello / Prairie Island NPPs for NRC-H0-20-14-T-0026 USAGE Project Del,very Team: r ha and St. Paul Districts Project Managers* (b)(6) CENWO-PM-S,!(b)(6) l CEMVP-PM-A Technical Manager CEMVP-EC-H Project Costs: $514,370 Lro issued 31 July 2014 I

Activity Develop PMP/PMF for Prairie I stand Activities Accorrplished this Activities Planned for Next Notes / Significant Issues

  1. 1a NPP Reporting Period Reporting Period (bX7XE), (bX7)(F)

Additional information, at the request of the NRC's licensee, Xcel, will be provided: 1 None None Work is corrplete (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F)

I NO nyarograpns are needed for these cross sections.


  1. 1b I Develop PMF Stage Hydrographs Monticello NPP Activities Accorrplished this Reporting Period Activities Planned for Next Reporting Period Notes I Significant Issues Develop a new HMS model of the watershed in developing the PMP for the Monticello NPP site and route the resulting runoff to produce the PMF. A georeferenced HEC-RAS model shall be developed in order lo produce a PMF stage hydrograph at the Monticello NPP site. Additional information, at the request of the NRC's licensee, Xcel, will be orolided: I None None Work is corrplete (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F)

\ No nyorograpns are neeoeo ,or 1nese cross sections.


Table LTD *T026-3.1. Project Status for LTD T026-3 Monticello / Prairie Island NPPs for NRC-H0-20-14-T-0026 USAGE Project Delivery Team: Onaha and St. Paul Districts Projec_t Managers

  • l(b)(6)

Technical Manager t GENWO-PM* S, l(b)(6)


!CEMVP-PM*A Project CosIs: $514,370 Lm issued 31 July 2014 Activity I H&H Model Coni:,arison and Site- Activities Accomplished this Activities Planned for Next Notes/ Significant Issues

  1. 1c Soocific PMP Corroarison Reoortina Period Renortina Period Work will be complete in Goni:,arison of the NRC's licensee, Xcel, September provided H&H models, describing any major differences between Xcel's H&H modeling approach and USACE's H&H modeling approach. Coni:,arison of the site-specific PMPs (provided by Xcel) by describing any differences in the rainlall depth, duration, and distribution between the basin-wide PMPs and None None the basin-wide PMPs used by the USAGE to develop its hydrographs. USAGE will develop hydrographs simlliar to Activities 1A and 1B by applying the PMPs and using USAGE's H&H models. The findings will be documented, coordinated, and a detailed comparison performed.

Intermediate Technical Review Activities Accomplished this Activities Planned for Next Ac;;ty I Meetings Reporting Period Reporting Period Notes/ Significant Issues Schedule, host, and participate in Intermediate None None Work is complete Technical Review meetings.

Activities Accomplished this Activities Planned for Next Ac:ty I Develop Final Hydrographs and TLR Rennrtina Period Rennrtina Period Notes/ Significant Issues Document findings in a Final TLR and hydrographs. Include river valley cross-sections, as appropriate. Calculation packages, including input and output files from computer modeling Provide final deliverables to NRG None Work is complete runs supporting key TLR conclusions are to be included in the final submission.

Activity I Participate in Presentation of Results Activities Accomplished this Activities Planned for Next Notes I Significant Issues

  1. 4 Meetinas Reoortina Period Rennrtina Period Schedule, Host and Participate in Presentation of TBD Results Meetings Table LTD T026*3.2. LTD 26-3 Monticello / Prairie llland
  • Travel Completed Ranortlna Period & Planned for Next Renortlna Period Related Activity: IPur pose I Location I Travelers I Start Date I End Date I Travel Cost I Coordinated w / NRC Completed this reporting period I I I I Planned next rePOrting period I I I I I I I I I I 16

Table LTD T026-1 .3. Currulative Monthly Expense* TLD T026-1 Monticello, NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026 Expenditures for the Expenditures Percentage vs.

Activity# Planned Budget Period Currulative Budget(%)

1A1B1C $ 410,631.20 $ 357,389.84 87.03%

2 $ 43,469.00 $ 13,540.72 31.15%

3 $ 24,607.00 $ 11,516.82 $ 14,356.89 58.34%

4 $ 35,663.00 TOTAL $ 514,370.20 $ 11 ,516.82 $ 385,287.45 74.90%


LTD T026-4 Arkansas Nuclear One 18

Table LTD -T026-4.1. Project Status for LTD T026-4 Arkan- NPP for NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0026 USACE Projoct De! ;: ~ ! ;a, Uttle Aoc~ nd Tulsa Dls~lcts Project Manager* b CENWO-PM-S: (6) ICff WL-PM Technical Manager

  • CESWL*EC*H: (b)(6) CESWT*EC*HF Project Costs: $938, LTD issued 9 Dec 2014 Ac:ty I Develop PMP/PMF ActilAtles Accolt'l)llshed this Reporting Period Actl-.ities Planned for Next Reporting Period r-<<>tes I Significant Issues Compare H&H Models (Entergy) and Compare Site-Specific PMP. Final report cof1l)lete, combining report Describe any major differences segments for all dams into single report for between Entergy*s H&H modeling re\/iew and Comparison ....... nf o u c fnr ,..L ............

approach and USACE's H&H River from USAGE and l(bX 7 XE), (bX7XF) modeling approach.. Describe any ............. Dam Safely team mermerw v.111a,scuss lncorPortalon of comments to be received at the (bX7XE), (bX7)

_g1Jf.ereaces 1>>*the ramfall"(lepth, . failr e Mode anars and CO"'l)lete this Section ITR meeting from NRG and Onaha District fEj(7)(E), (b)(i) durati~, and d1stnbuno_ ~..~~-~"..)~~ to, ............... Colt'l)lele Report Section (F)

  • basln-wide*PMPs*(Enlijrgy) aiid the dealing .,;th description, foundation, geology etc.

basin-wide PMPs (USACE), Dewlap forl (bXJXE) hydrographs by applying lhe PMPs (bX7)(F)'

(Entergy) using USACE's H&H 1 Acti-.ity

  1. 1 I Develop Prelninary Hvdrooranhs and TLR Activities Accolt'l)lished this Reporting Period Acti1o1ties Planned for Next Reporting Period r-<<>tes I Significant Issues Evaluation of the PMP and PMF for ANn ro ;,,.J (b)(7)(E),(b)(?L th...


...f l.J8"8IOP no,n models (F) r . lh A Milestone: Prelirrinary Draft TLR (bX7)(E), (bX7XF) and hydrographs 25 September Prelirrinary Draft of the Technical Letter Report lncorportaion of comments to be received at the 15.

completed and submitted for re-.iew. ITR meeting f,rom NRC and Ona.ha District. Milestone: Pre-Final TLR and hydrographs 24 December 15.

Ac:;ty I Intermediate Technical Review Meetioos Activities Accolt'l)lished this Reporting Period Activities Planned for Next Reporting Period r-<<ltes I Significant Issues Milestone: Flrsl ITR 27*29 Schedule, host, and participate In Prepare presentations for the p,e-lTR weblnar October 2015 Intermediate Technical Re1o1ew Coordinatio:n for the ITR meeting.

and meeting. Milestone: Second ITR week ol meetings.

r-<<lt proposed yet I

Activity Develop Final Hydrographs Acti,.ties Accolt'l)lished this Reporting Period Actl-.ibes Planned for Next Reporting Period r-<<>tes I Significant Issues

  1. 3 andTLR Document findings in a Final TLR and hydrographs. Include additional Milestone: Final TLR and information as appropriate. hydrographs 24 December 2015 I

Acti1o1ty Participate in Presentation Activities Accolt'l)lished this Reporting Period Activities Planned for Next Reporting Period r-<<>tes I Significant Issues

  1. 4 of Results Meetinos Schedule, Host and Participate in lBD Presentation of Results Meetings 19

Table LTD T026-4.2. LTD 26-4 Arkansas

  • Travel Completed This Reporting Period & Planned for Next Reoortlng Period Related Actlvtty: Purpose Location Travelers Start Date End Date Travel Cost Coordinated WI NRC Completed this reporting period Planned next reporting period (b)(6)

Activity #2 1m meeting with the icensee Little Rock, AR 26-0ct-15 29-0ct-15 $5,000 Yes Table LTD T026-4.3. Cun*.llatlve Monthly Expense - TLD T0 26-4 Arkansas, NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026 Expenditures tor the Activity Expenditures Percentage vs.

Activity# Planned Budget Reporting Period Currulative Budget(%)

1 $ 476,997 $ 19,321 .50 $ 360,024.36 75.48%

PMP/PMF $ 196,785 $ 41 ,280.36 $ 152,188.04 77.34%

2 $ 130,846 $ 5,922.04 4.53%

3 $ 71,281 $ .

4 $ 62,914 $ .

TOT.AL $ 938,823 $ 60,601 .86 $ 518,134.44 55.19%


LTD T026-5 Columbia Generating Station 21

Table LTD-TO26-5.1. Project Status for LTD TO26-5 Columbia NPP for NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0026 USACE Project Dj ivery Team: !Omaha, Seattle, and Walla Walla Districts; BurRec Technical Services Center Project Manager - (b)(6) , CENWO-PM-S*ilb)lfil t f r:uS-PM-MEI Technical Manage CENVvS-EN-HH-HE; (b)(6) BurRec Project Costs: $530,544 P2 449739 LTD issued 15 Dec 2014 Ac;ty I Dewlop PMP/PMF Activities Accomplished this Activities Planned for Next Reoortinq Period Reoortina Period Notes I Significant Issues Evaluation of the PMP and PMF for Bureau of Reclamation (BoR) Planning meeting with BoR Non-Disclosure Am<><>ment the Columbia NPP site1 continues investigation of the for the purpose of required to obtain i(1>)(7)(E), (1>)(7)(F)

(b)(?)(E), (b)(?)(F) (b)(?)(E), (b)(?)(F) developing a work plan and documents. Assumpt1~n m~, lAW schedule. PMP/PMF studies fo~~X7~ *- *11 not be needed. The Partner and is comparing study with sharepoi nt site has been current data and established and each of the team methodology. Reclamation members are securing accounts.

began investigation and sensitivity analysis of the VIC model for use to help validate the PMF model run.

Individual NDAs are signed and have established individual I-PASS/DMZ accounts for access to the BC Hydro documents.

Activity I Dewlop Preliminary Activities Accomplished this Activities Planned for Next 8Annrtinn Por;n,l Notes I Significant Issues

  1. 1 Hvdroaraphs and TLR Reporting Period Develop H&H models for the Bureau of Reclamation (BoR) (b)(7XE), (b)(7XFJ Revised Schedule to be developed Columbia NPP watershed. Evaluate has addressed the Staff after review of the BC Hydro CbX7)(£), CbX7XFJ Positions fo~(bX7J1.t), (bX7) documents.

(b)(7)(E), (b)(7) Q nd related the Staff are proiectea to oe (F) ns to potential failure available for review. These modes. are needed for I I (bX7X£), Cb)(7)(F)

Ac;ty I Intermediate Technical Review Meetinas Activities Accomplished this Activities Planned for Next Reoortina Period Rennrtina Period Notes/ Significant Issues Schedule, host, and participate in n/a n/a TBD Intermediate Technical Review meetings.

I Activity Develop Final Hydrographs Activities Accomplished this Activities Planned for Next Notes/ Significant Issues

  1. 3 and TLR Reoortina Period Renortina Period Document data and analysis, n/a n/a TBD including the hydrographs, in a Final TLR. Package will include the calculation packages, including input and output files from the computer modeling runs supporting the key TLR conclusions.

I Activity Participate in Presentation Activities Accomplished this Activities Planned for Next Notes I Significant Issues

  1. 4 of Results Meetinas Reoortinq Period Reoortina Period Schedule, Host and Participate in n/a n/a n/a Presentation of Results Meetings 22

Table LTD T026-5.2. LTD 26-5 Columbia

  • Travel Completed Thia Renortlna Period & Planned for Next Renortlna Period Related ActlvHy: Purpose Location Travelers Start Date End Date Travel Cost Coordinated wl NRC Completed this reporting period Planned next reporting period Table LTD T 0 26-5.3. Cumulative Monthly Expense - TLD T0 26-5 Columbia, NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026 Expenditures for the Activity Expenditures Percent.age vs.

Activity# Planned Budget Reporting Period Cumulative Budget(%)

1 $ 266,693 $2,493.48 $ 45,262.08 16.97%

1 PM P/PMF $ 113,966 $1,157.48 $ 26,751.79 23.4!7%

2 $ 54,733 $ 6,958.23 12.71%

3 $ 44,088 $ .

4 $ 52,169 $ .

TOTAL $ 531,649 $ 3,650.96 $ 78,972.10 14.85%

The recommendation is for t he planned budget to be re-evaluated now that the individual NDAs have been signed, the interaction with BC Hydro to exchange the information between agencies may begin.

The costs incurred by the Bureau of Reclamation are included in the table above and the sum total amount is recorded in Table 2 Financial Detail Report, as Other Direct Costs, Subcontractor Consultant Cost.


Monthly Letter Status Report Technical Support and Guidance- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, lnteragency Agreement: NRC-HQ- 13-/-03-0021 Task Order No.: NRC-HO-25-15-T-0009 (P2#: 455162)


1. Work Progress Status Agreement Objective The object of the agreement, Review of Recommendation 2. 1 Flood Re-evaluations as Part of 50.54(f) Response, is for the USAGE to assist the NRG staff in reviewing certain flooding hazards (such as flooding from streams and rivers and from potential dam failures) in the FHRRs provided by NRG licensees in response to the 50.54(f) letter dated March 12, 2012, Recommendation 2.1: Flooding. This work effort will support the NRG with their Staff Assessment (SA) of the licensee's FHRR ..

NRG Project Manager Brad HaNey NRC/NRR 301-415-4118 (Direct)

Brad.Harvey@NRC.GOV USAGE Information 1.1.1. Mailing Address U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Omaha District Attn: CENWO-PM-S (~

1616 Capitol Avenue, Suite 9000 Omaha, NE 68102-9000 1.1.2. Program Manager Primary: (b)(6)

(b)(6) 1.1.3. Program Engineer Primar : (b)(6)


Agreement Period of Performance August 25, 2015 through August 24, 2016 Period for this Report September 1, 2015 through October 5, 2015

2. Information on Individual Tasks Information on individual tasks, including work accomplished during this reporting period and work planned in the next reporting period is contained in Table A. Table B provides milestones and schedules for each task .

I  :.r::~:: ~-~:~.,~~,i~.-~:.*~:~~~~~,~--~~.;;;.~~~~-*.(iv. ~~.J :* ~i~,: ,:~;~~~~;,:_~;~: :J~~::~: : I Acti-.ties AccoOl)lished this Acti-.ties Planned for next Task Deliwrable/Milestone Description Issues/Challenges Reporting Period Reporting Period 1 ORIENTATION Receipt of the FHRR -.a DVD.

1.a Peach Bottom Participation in audit (webinar) on 10 Sep. Seek clarification if Receipt of re-.sed FHRR l.ia necessary.

1.b Three Mile Island email. Participation in audit (webinar) on 10 Sep.


2.a Peach Bottom Recuest to have ac cess to Identify additional information Review of documents and additional data as rel.iew of the data needs

  • see table submitted on t 0 develop of a list of indicates the calculation packages Sep. information needs. for some of the HEC-HMS and 2.b Three Mile Island HEC-RAS models do not include FINAL TECHNICAL EVALUATION REPORT 3

ANO TECHNICAL REVIEW DOCUMENT 3.a Peach Bottom 3.b Three Mile Island Table B: Milestones and Schedules for NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009 Milestones I Planned Date I Actual Date 1 Technical Orientation / Kick-Off Meeting Peach Bottom I 10-Sep-15 I 10-Sep-15 Three Mile Island I 10-Sep-15 I 10-Sep-15 2 Preliminary TEA & RAls Peach Bottom I 30-Nov-15 I Three Mile Island I 30-Nov-15 I 3 Final TEA Peach Bottom I I Three Mile Island I I 2

3. Travel Table C provides information on completed and planned t ravel for this task order. No travel expenditures have been incurred in this reporting period and none are projected for the next reporting period.

Table C. Travel Complete d This Reporting Pe riod & Pla nned for Ne xt Re porting Period Related Task: Purpose l ocation Travelers Start Date End Date Travel Cost Coordinated w/ NRC Completed this reporting period

4. Significant Issues Issue 1: The USAGE team is in the process of acquiring the required software to evaluate the submittals of the licensee for Peach Bottom and Three Mile Island. The software is in the process of acquisition and additional approvals are required for installation.

Resolution 1: The USAGE is monitoring the acquisition process to expedite the installation approval process.

5. Financial Status Table 1 contains a summary of the financial status of this agreement. Table 2 provides the amount of funds expended during the period, current fiscal year, and the total cumulative year to date.

Table 1. Flnanclal Status Report* Summary NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009 with NRC-HQ-13-I-03-0021 Balance of Total Costs Cumulative Precent Balance of 2015 Total Award Funds Obligated Funds Required Incurred this Costs to Date Expended (cum Obligated Funds Month Amount ($) to Date ($) for Completion Report ($) ($) costs/obi) Remaining ($)


Sep $ 234,961.28 $ 234,961 .28 $ 8,229.77 $ 8,229.77 $ 226,731.51 3.5% $ 226,731.51 Oct Nov Dec 3

Table 2. Financial Detail Report* NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009 Fiscal Year to Current Month Total to Date Date

1. Direct Labor (Hours)

( 1) Management 18 18 18 (2) Technical 44 44 44 (3) Support 0 0 0 TOTAL 62 62 62

2. Costs Labor Costs:

( 1) Direct Labor Costs $ 5,002.91 $ 5,002.91 $ 5,002.91 (2) Indirect Labor Costs $ 2,551.48 $ 2,551.48 $ 2,551.48 SUB-TOTAL $ 7,554.39 $ 7,554.39 $ 7,554.39 Other Direct Costs (1) Subcontractor/Consultant Cost $ - $ - $ -

(2) Material and Services Cost (3) Computer Usage Costs NA NA NA (4) Travel (Domestic) $ - $ - $ -

SUB-TOTAL $ - $ - $ -

G & A Costs $ 675.38 $ 675.38 $ 675.38 DOE Fee (If Applicable) NA NA TOTAL $ 8,229.77 $ 8,229.77 $ 8,229.77

6. Monthly Expense Forecast Table 3.1 provides the cumulative monthly expenditures for all of the tasks accomplished in the reporting period for Task Order 9. The monthly planned (budget) cumulative expenditures by the tasks are also identified in the table. Table 3.x will detail the monthly expenditures for each individual nuclear power plant sites and the individual nuclear power plant and the associated TAC# for license fee recovery.

Authorized Cost Ceiling: $884,568.00 Funds Obligated to date: $884,568.00 Period of Performance: 30 Sep 2013 to 29 Sep 2017 4

Table 3.1. Cumulative Monthly Expense Forecast - NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009 Expenditures for the Task Expenditures Percentage Activity# Planned Budget vs. Budget Period Cumulative 1 s 19 378.00 s 4 256.83 $ 4 256.83 21.97%

2 s 172.172.04 s 3 972.94 $ 3 972.94 2.31%

3 s 43 411.24 $ - s - 0.00%

TOTAL $ 234,961 .28 $ 8229.n $ 8229.n 3.50%

Table 3.2: LTD T009-2 Cum,latlve Monthly Expense - Peach Bottom TIC MF6598 / MF6599 Expenditures for the Expenditures Percentage v s.

Activity# Planned Budget Period Cumulative Budget(%)

1 $ 9,689.00 $ 2,233.67 $ 2,233.67 23.05%

2 $ 80,153.96 $ 1,986.47 $ 1,986.47 2.48%

3 $ 18,211 .36 $ . $ . 0.00%

TOTAL $ 108,054.32 $ 4,220.14 $ 4,220.14 3.91%

Table 3.3: LTD TO09-3 Cumulative Monthly Expense -Three Mile Island TIC MF1113 Expenditures for the Expenditures Percentage vs.

Activity# Planned Budget Period Cumulative Budget(%)

1 $ 9,689.00 $ 2,023.16 $ 2,023.16 20.88%

2 $ 92,018.08 $ 1,986.47 $ 1,986.47 2.16%

3 $ 25,199.88 $ . $ . 0.00%

TOTAL $ 126,906.96 $ 4,009.63 $ 4,009.63 3.16%

The Spending Plan for Task Order 9 is identified in Table 4.

Table 4: Spending Plan (CSP) for NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009 Baseline $ 5,961 $ 12,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 25,000 $ 30,000 Actual Costs Difference Percenta e Table 4: Spending Plan (CSP) for NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009 Baseline $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 12,000 Actual Costs Difference Percenta e

7. Additional Information The Letter of Technical Direction (LTD) information is captured in Table 5. Each LTD provides authority for USAGE to proceed forward on the specific NPP site.


Table 5. Letter of Technical Direction for NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009 Letter of Technical Date Subject Direction (LTD)

LTD T009*3 10-Sep-15 Site and Hazard Assignments: Peach Bottom NPP Site LTDT009-2 10-Sep-15 Site and Hazard Assignments: Three Mile Island NPP Site The Tracking Account Code (TAC) Number information is captured in Table 6 for each of the individual units of the Nuclear Power Plant sites. The costs for this reporting period are for Peach Bottom and Three Mile Island.



MF6598 Peach Bottom 2 $ 2,110.07 YES MF6599 Peach Bottom 3 $ 2,110.07 YES MF1113 Three Mile Island 1 $ 4,009.63 YES TOTAL COST FOR REPORTING PERIOD $ 8,229.77 6





Fb6 r J-* '"""'

TResource; NB IPAC Resource; Turner, NROMISbael MLSR """'"" ""'"* ""'"" "'* """'"'

RE: RE: RE: NRC*HQ-13-1*0021: MLSRs 20 Aug 2016 Submission Date: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 10:20:43 AM Thank you,[ }

I have no questions at this time.

Brad 30 1-4 15-4118

Original Message-----

From: l(b)(6) !fllli!i.l1Ql(b)(6) D Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 I:03 PM To: Harvey, Brad <>; Cook, Christopher <>; NRO_MLSR Resource <NRO_>; Dority, Dayna <>; See, Kenneth

<>; ContractsPOT Resource <>; NRCIPAC Resource

<NRCIPAC.Resource, nrc. ov>* Turner Michael <Michael.Turner nrc. ov>

Cc: (b)(6)


[External_Sender) RE: RE: NRC-HQ-1 3-1-002 1: MLSRs 20 Aug 2016 Submission Brad, Attached are the August 2016 monthly reporting documents for the subject IAA.

I. IPAC: Billing information by line item (task orders) for IAA. Summary information by task order, current month, billed to date and authorized ceiling (N RC_Task_Order_Aug_2016_1PAC and NRC_Task_Order_Aug_20 l 6_1PAC_Summary). Note: This reporting period includes expenditures for TO #09, and #26.

2. MLSR NRC-HQ 14-T-0026: Task order #26 summary information (N RC-USACE_MLSR_TO26_2016Aug). Attachments provided for Farley, Beaver Valley, Monticello/Prairie ]sland, ANO, and Columbia NPP sites.
4. MLSR NRC-HQ 15-T-0009: Task order #09 summary information (NRC-USACE_MLSR_TO9_20 I 6Aug).

Please let me know if you have any questions.




Project Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha NE 68102-4901 Phone: !(b)(6) l

~!: l(b)(6) I l(b)(6)




RE: RE: RE: NRC-HQ-13-1-0021: MLSRs 20 Nov 2016 Submission Date: Thursday, December 08, 2016 2:33:36 PM Attachments: RE CGS Final TLR.msa Hilifif"l ru Since the work for TO9 is complete, l would prefer that the program management costs be switched to TO26. I prefer not to continue to charge a licensee (e.g., Peach Bortom) program costs well after the final deliverables have been provided.

On a different subject:

l) What is tbe status of the COS Final TLR?

2) What is the status of USACE's response to the CNS licensee information request?

Thank you.

Brad 301-415-4118

Original Message-----

From: !(bX6) [maillil.;j(b)(6) ~

Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2016 1:29 PM ..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......,

To: Harvey, Brad <>


[External_Sender] RE: RE: NRC-HQ-13-1-0021: MLSRs 20 Nov 2016 Submission Brad, Whenl(b)(6) !was still the Program Manager, she instructed me to charge time for such items as weekly meetings, program coordination, and MLSR preparation to TO9 because there were budgeted funds for TMI/PB that weren't going to be used. I've continued to do that, so the TO9 charges that you see are basically program management costs. Do you want me to continue charging any program management costs to TO9 or switch over to TO26? I anticipate that these costs will also be pretty much done once the final few outstanding tasks are completed.

Thanks, l(b)(6) I

!(b)(6)  !

Project Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 16 16 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68102-490 l Phone: (b)(6)

BB: (b)(6)



From: Harvey, Brad Sent: Mon, 21 Nov 2016 15:35:11-0500 To:

Cc: See, Kenneth;Cook, Christopher;Helton, Shana;Campbell, Andy


RE: CGS Final TLR Thank you for the update on the status of the COS Final TLR; a submittal date of02 Dec is acceptable.

Has the USACE had a chance to draft a response to the CNS licensee information request?

Thank you.

Brad 301-415-4118

Original Message-----

From: ._!(b_X_6)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____,l~DIBillii(b)(6)

Sent: Monday, November 21, 2016 3:08 PM ,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.

To: Harvey, Brad <>


[Extemal_Sender) COS Final TLR Brad,

!(b)(6) lhad planned to complete the COS Final TLR by 18 Nov; however, he's behind schedule because he has taken on several additional responsibilities due to some temporary details of other members of his section. I checked withl(b)(6fltoday (2 1 Nov), and he indicated that he should be able to complete it by 02 Dec. I wanted to update you o~ atus and confirm that this will be acceptable.

l(b)(6) I ProJect Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68102-490 I Phone: (b)(6)

BB: (b)(6)



Original Message-----

From: Harvey, Brad [majito*Brad Harvey@nrc INY]

Sent: Tuesda 06 December 2016 16:57 To: CbX6)

Cc: !(b)(6)  !CIV VSARMY CENWO (VS) (b)(6) CIV VSARMY CENWO (VS CIV VSARMY CENWO (US) i (b)(6) jCook, Christopher <>; Dority, Dayna

<>; See, Kenneth <>


[EXTERNAL] RE: RE: N RC-HQ-13-1-0021: MLSRs 20 Nov 2016 Submission Hi ~

Thank you for the updated MLSRs.

One question - the work for NRC-HQ 15-T-0009 is essentially complete. Can we expect that there will be no more charges to this task order in the future?

Regards, Brad 415-411.8 From: !:- ) ----==-----:-----=...,.......,,.,,...,....,-=-=~ ,...,......----' [mailtill(b)(6)


Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 3:54 PM --i...._______________.

To: Harvey, Brad <>; Cook, Christopher <>; NRO_MLSR Resource <>; Dority, Dayna <>; See, Kenneth

<>; ContractsPOT Resource <>; NRCIPAC Resource

~~i/i:~r,Ac R,souo;e@nn; goy>*( um" Micho,l <Mi<hKI Iumer@nrs; goy>


[Extemal_Sender] RE: NRC-HQ-13-I-0021: MLSRs 20 Nov 2016 Submission

Brad, I) The correct value is $2,015,462.84.
2) The correct value is $68,257.57.

Attached are revised documents retlecting the correct values. There were some spreadsheet errors that I missed because I was rushing to get the MLSR out last Friday after being out of the office for another project last week.

Sony for any confusion!

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Thanks, l(b)(6)

Project Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 16 I6 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68102-4901

l. . 6 Phone: (b-)(_l_ ____,

BB: ~

Fax: L _ _ J l(b_)(6_

) ________ l<mailli!l....(b_)(6_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _r From: Harvey, Brad [mai lto*Brad Harvey@nrc iPY]

Sent: Monda 05 December 2016 I 0:26 To: (bX6J


  • b6 >; Coo , C nstop er <C nstop er.Coo

<maj)to*Chrjstopher Cook@nrc i PY> >; NRO_ MLSR Resource <

<maj)to*NRO MLSR Resource@nrc iPY> >; Dority, Dayna <

<maj)to"Dayna Dorjty@nrc iPv> >; See, Kenneth < <maj)to*Kenneth See@nrc iPY> >;

ContractsPOT Resource < <majho*ContractsPOT Resource@nrc 2ov> >;

NRCJPAC Resource < <maj)to*NRCIPAC Resource@nrc iPY> >; Turner, Michael

<Michael.Turner >>

Cc: (bX6J

  • (b)(6) >; CbX6)

.==.;..;.:..;__ _ _ __,r--J (b)(6) >* (b)(6) i.:.;.;.:...:....,_~--~----:--------:---..1=.w*'"'C.. (b:.:.. ) ..,.......,.._-,---_ _ __J >



[EXTERNAL] RE: NRC-HQ-13-1-0021: MLSRs 20 Nov 2016 Submission

Thank you for these reports. I have a couple of questions for you:

I. Regarding NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026, I've noticed the fo llowing discrepancies reported on the Cumulative Costs to Date:

IPAC Summary 2,015,462.84 MLSR Table l 2,0 I5,462.84 MLSR Table 2 2,014,137.41 MLSR Table 3 2,0 11 ,753.65 Could you please let me know which the correct value is?

2. Regarding NRC-HQ-25-1 S-T-0009, I've noticed the following discrepancies reported on the Cumulative Costs to Date:

JP AC Summary 68,257.57 MLSR Table 1 68,663.54 MLSR Table 2 68,663.54 MLSR Table 3.1

68,257.57 Could you please let me know which the correct value is?

Thank you.

Brad 3901-41 5-4118

Original Message-----

From: !CbX6) tllllli.l.tcl...


6) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Sent: Friday, December 02, 20 I6 5: I3 PM To: Harvey, Brad < <majlto*Brad Haryey@nrc i:ov> >; Cook, Christopher

< <mailto:Christopher Cook@nrc.i:ov> >; NRO_MLSR Resource

<NRO_ <maj!to*NRO MLSR Resource@nrc i:ov> >; Dority, Dayna

< <majlto-Dayna Dorjty@nrc i:ov> >; See, Kenneth <

<majlto*Kenneth See@nrc i:ov> >; ContractsPOT Resource <

<majlto*ContractsPOT Resource@nrc i:ov> >; NRCIPAC Resource <

<mailto:N RClPAC.Resource@nrc.i:ov> >; Turner, Michael <


[External_Sender) NRC-HQ-13-1-002 1: MLSRs 20 Nov 2

Brad, Attached are the November 20 16 monthly reporting documents for the subject IAA.

I. !PAC: Billing information by line item (task orders) for IAA. Summary information by task order, current month, billed to date and authorized ceiling (N RC_Task_Order_Nov_20 I 6_1PAC and NRC_Task_Order_Nov_20 I6_1PAC_Summary). Note: This reporting period includes expenditures for TO #09, and #26.

2. MLSR NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026: Task order #26 summary information (NRC-USACE_ MLSR_TO26_20 I 6Nov). Attachments provided for Farley, Beaver Valley, Monticello/Prairie Island, ANO, and Columbia NPP sites.
4. MLSR RC-HQ-25-15-T-0009: Task order #09 summary information ( RC-USACE_MLSR_TO9_2016 ov).

Please let me know if you have any question s.

Thanks, Project Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, E 68102-490 I Phone: _!(b_)(_

6)_ ___.

BB: ~

Fax:L _ _ J l(b_)(6_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____.l<~ . . (b_)(6_) _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,~



Dori~, Dayna Cc: ~a~~y. Brad


RE: RE: Response Required: Facility Security Clearance (FCLs) audit requests (UNCLASSIFIED)

Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 5:28:05 AM Thank you ~

Dayna Dority, MBA- Project Manager I Reactor Ops Engr NRC Enterprise-Wide Agreements & Contracts NRO Commercial Contracts and DOE/IA Agreements Office T-6O30 301-415-7810 From:!(b_

.... )(6_) _ _ _ _ ___.! [ma ilto f....~b_)(6_)_ _ _ _ _ _ ___,,

Sent: Monday, February 22, 2016 6:35 PM To: Dority, Dayna <Dayna.Do>

Cc: Harvey, Brad <Brad.H>;,-l(b-)(-6)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


[External_Sender] RE : Response Required: Facility Security Clearance (FCLs) audit requests (U NCLASSIFIED)

Importance: High Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Greet ings Dayna, I have inserted responses to t he items for your use in the Facility Clearance audit. Please note that we are a federal agency and operating under an lnteragency Agreement instead of a contract.

Teresa Chief, Programs Management Branch USACE, Northwestern Division, Omaha District 1616 Capitol Avenue, CENWO-PM-P Omaha, NE 68102 Desk: l(b)(6)

Cel l:

Emai l.__ __________ __.

From: Dority, Dayna [mai!]

Sent: Wednesday, Februa[Y 17, 2016 3:24 PM To: !(b)(6) I


[EXTERNAL] Response Required: Facility Security Clearance (FCLs) audit requests Hi ~

I am in the middle of a Facility Clearance audit and need the following information from you by COB Tuesday Feb 23rd In regards to the following CONTRACT NRCHQ13I030021

1. What is your DOE Facility or DOD Cage Code? As a Federal Agency, we do not have a Facility nor Cage Code.
2. Do any of the task orders under this contract have a security classification of (see below), if so what is the highest level? The task orders do not have a security classification. The deliverables developed are FOUO with limited need to know distribution. The deliverables are considered USAGE work products and all FOIA requests for the deliverables should be directed to USAGE.
a. Confidential, Confidential RD, Secret, Secret RD, Top Secret, Top Secret RD
3. Please provide the following information on your security point of contact
a. Full name, Phone number, Email address. The Omaha District's security point of contact is !(b)(6) I Phone number is (b)(6) and the email address is !(b)(6) lor (b)(6)
4. Do any USAGE employees working on this contra~co:r-i:=:=~l'0'7'~ = = ~ ~ ~ one of the USAGE employees have a NRC badge.

Thank you so much for your cooperation, and if you have any questions PLEASE let me know Dayna R Dority, MBA - Project Manager NRC Enterprise-Wide Agreements and Contracts NRO Commercial Contracts and DOE/ lnterAgency Agreements Reactor Operations Engineer U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of New Reactors (NRO) / PMDA / BSMB I

  • E-mail: I ( Office: (301) 415-7810 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE





! bJ 6 Brad k1y USARMY CENWO /US)

Matthews Asha; Cook. Christopher: see. Kenneth


RE: RE: Sept 2016 MLSR Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 9:22:47 AM Attachments: External Sender RE CGS Final TLR.msg Hope you had a good holiday.

Can you please provide me a quick update 011 the status of the follow ing activities?

1) Sep 2016 MLSR
2) Draft response to the CNS licensee information request Thanks.

Brad 301 -415-4118

Original Message-----

From: !_(b_X6_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _! [~ (b)(6)

Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 20 16 11:37 AM ....__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,

To: Harvey, Brad <>

Cc: Matthews, Asha <>


[External_Sender] RE: Sept 2016 MLSR Brad, rm waiting on the numbers for the Sep MLSR, and I'll complete it as soon as I have those. It may not be until next Mon (28 Nov) given the Thanksgiving Holiday.




Project Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68102-4901 Phone: (b)(6)

BB: (b)(6)



Original Message-----

From: Harvey, Brad [mailtQ'Brad Harvi:y@nrc.~oy]

Sent: Tuesday, 22 November, 2016 09:36 To: !(bJ(6l Cc: Matthews, Asha <>



Hi f(1ii7


Could you please provide me the status of the Sept 2016 MLSR?

Thank you.

Brad 301-415-4118 Brad Harvey Team Leader, Meteorology and Oceanography Team Hydrology and Meteorology Branch 1, Division of Site Safety & Environmental Analysis Office of New Reactors U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop T-7F27 Washington, DC 20555-0001 301-415-4118 Brad.Harvey@NRC.GOV


Sent: Mon, 21 Nov 2016 20:46:59 +0000 To: Harvey, Brad Cc: See, Kenneth;Cook, Christopher;Helton, Shana;Campbell, Andy


[External_Sender] RE: CGS Final TLR Brad, The draft response to the CNS licensee information request is still pending. Our Dam Safety Program Manager is drafting that. I checked in with him today, and he said he's aiming to have something this week. Apparently, another project of his took longer than anticipated last week. I'll keep you posted on this.

Thanks, l(b)(6) I l(b)(6)  !

Project Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68 I 02-490 I Phone: b 6 BB: (b)(6)



Original Message-----

Frorn: Harvey, Brad [mailto: Brad.]

Sent: Monday, 21 November, 2016 14:35 To: !CbX6)

Cc: See, Kenneth <>; Cook, Christopher <>; Helton, Shana

<>; Campbell, Andy <>



~  :

Thank you for the update on the status of the CGS Final TLR; a submittal date of02 Dec is acceptable.

Has the USACE had a chance to draft a response to the CNS licensee information request?

Thank you.

Brad 301-415-4118

Original Message-----

From:!CbX6) t~ (b)(6)

Sent: M~ o-nd"'"a_y_, ""'

N,....o-ve- m


, 2""'0..,1""'6'"'3'":"0""'8...P

""M To: Harvey, Brad <>


[External_Sender) CGS Final TLR

l(b)(6) !had planned to complete the CGS Final TLR by 18 Nov; however, he's behind schedule because he has ta ken on severa l additional responsibilities due to some temporary details of other members of his section. T checked witi-fbfBi"l today (21 Nov), and he indicated that he should be able to complete it by 02 Dec. T wanted to update you o~ atus and confirm that this will be acceptable.


!(b)(6)  !

l{b)(6)  !

Project Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, E 68102-490 I Phone: (b)(6)

BB: (b)(6)



From: Matthews Asha To: Harvey. Brad Cc: Abigail, Michelle


RE: RE: US ARMY ! PAC # 992A313Q & 992A3J15 Dat e: Friday, November 04, 2016 8:52:04 AM Thank you for this prompt update.

Have a good weekend.

From: Harvey, Brad Se nt: Friday, November 04, 2016 8:46 AM To: Matthews, Asha <Asha.M atthews@>

Cc: Abiga il, Michelle <M>


RE: RE: US ARMY IPAC #992A3 13Q & 992A3J15 No - I have not received it yet. I will send another reminder to the USACE.

From: Matthews, Asha Sent: Friday, November 04, 2016 8:45 AM To: Harvey, Brad <Brad Harvey@nrc gov>

Cc: Abiga il, Michelle <Micbel!e.Ab>


FW: RE: US ARMY IPAC #992A313Q & 992A3J15 Hi Brad.

Just another friendly follow up on the MLSR for the $1 ,712.43 break down. Have you received it?

Asha From: Abigail, Michelle Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2016 2:14 PM To: Matt hews, Asha <As ha.M>


RE: RE: US ARMY IPAC #992A313Q & 992A3J15 Hi Asha-Did we receive?

From: Matthews, Asha Se nt: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 5:08 PM To: Harvey, Brad <Brad.Haryey@n>

Cc: Abigail, Michelle <Micbelle.Ab>


RE: RE: US AR MY IPAC #992A313Q & 992A3J15


Thank you for this update. Oct. 31 st will be fine. We'll still be inside the current accounting period, so worries there.

Have a great evening!

Asha From: Harvey, Brad Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 5:05 PM To: Matthews, Asha <Asha,Matthews@nrc gov>

Cc: Abigail, Michelle <Miche!>


RE: RE: US AR MY IPAC #992A313Q & 992A3J15 Asha:

I've just been informed by the USAGE PM that due to travel commitments, he won't be able to provide us the MLSR until EOB Friday Oct 28. I hope to be able to get the associated breakdown to you on Monday morning, Oct 31 .

Hope this is OK.

Brad 415-4118 From: Matthews, Asha Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 8:56 AM To: Harvey, Brad <Brad Haryey@nrc gov>

Cc: Abiga il, Michelle <Michelle Abigail@orc gov>


RE: RE: US ARMY IPAC #992A3 13Q & 992A3J15 Thank you for your prompt update Brad. We'll continue to stand by.

Asha 415-2958 From: Harvey, Brad Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016 11:12 AM To: Matthews, Asha <Asha Matthews@nrc gov>

Cc: Abigail, Michelle <Michelle Abigail@orc gov>


RE: RE: US ARMY IPAC #992A3 13Q & 992A3J15 Hi Asha:

I have not yet received the USAGE MLSR for Sept 2016 yet - I'll let you know when I receive it.


415-4118 From: Matthews, Asha Sent: M onday, October 24, 2 016 10:31 AM To: Harvey, Brad <Brad Harvey@nrc gov>

Cc: Abigail, M ichelle <Michelle Abigail@nrc gov>


FW: RE: US ARMY IPAC #992A313Q & 992A3Jl5 Importance: High Hi Brad, I just wanted to follow up with you on the status for IPAC in total of $1 ,712.43. Have you received the MLSR as described below? We would ideally like to have this processed as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance, AM'tC{; Mettthew!-'

Deva & Associates, P.C.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC)

Payments and Payroll Branch

~ : 301-415-2958 f8: Asha.Matthews@nrc.fiov From: Harvey, Brad Sent: Friday, October 07, 2016 6:46 PM To: l(b)(6) ~; Matthews, Asha


Cc: (b)(6)



Re: RE: US ARMY IPAC #992A3 13Q & 992A3J15 Thanks,~ This explanation is helpful, On: 07 October 2016 17:49, *l.... (b_)(6_) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~


Brad, For the end of fisca l year, USA CE runs dual billings in September. This is the first early bill that ran when Omaha District submitted for costs from O1-2 1 September. There will be a second bill that covers any costs incurred from 22-30 September. This information will be detailed in the next MLSR.

Bottom Line: Our system kicked a bill out early.

Let me know if you have any further questions.

l(b)(6) I Omaha D1stnct, Programs Branch CENWO-PM-P l(b)(6)  !(Work)


Original Message-----

From: Harvey, Brad [maiito*Brad Harvey@nrc I.NY)

Sent: Friday, 07 October, 2016 15: 13 To: l(b)(6)

Cc: Matthews, Asha <Asha Matu,ews@nrc gov>


[EXTERNAL] FW: US ARMY !PAC #992A313Q & 992A3Jl5 Importance: High Do you recognize the $1,712.43 listed in the second halfofthe attached document?


Brad 301-415-4 11 8 From: Matthews, Asha Sent: Friday, October 07, 20 16 9: 56 AM To: Harvey, Brad <Brad Harvcy@nrc eov>

Cc: Abigail, Michelle <Michelle Abigai!@nrc gov>


FW: US ARMY IPAC #992A3l3Q & 992A3J l 5 Importance: High Hi Brad, I received your break down for TPAC 992A313Q, but not for the second !PAC 992A3J 15. Have you received the breakdown for this yet?

Thank you,

Asha Matthews Deva & Associates, P.C.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC)

Payments and Payroll Branch

  • 301-415-2958
  • Asha Matthews@nrc ~ov <mai!to*Asha Matthews@nrc gov>

From: Matthews, Asha Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 10:17 AM To: Harvey, Brad < <maiho*Brad IIarvey@nrc gov>>


US ARMY IPAC #992A3I3Q & 992A3Jl 5 Importance: High Hi Brad, As you know we are at the end of the month with three days remaining for the fiscal year. Therefore, 1 am reaching out to see if you can supply me with the break down for the attached IPACs. I need to have everything posted by noon on the 30th.

Thank you in advance, Asha Matthews Deva & Associates, P.C.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC)

Payments and Payroll Branch

  • 301-415-2958
  • Asha Matthews@nrc ~:ov <mai)to-Asha Matthews@nrc INY>


To: (b)(6)



Date: Tuesday, 5eptember 29, 2015 11:47:57 AM (b)(6)

Best wishes - Brad

Original Message-----

From:!(b)(6)  ! r....



b)~ (6'-

) _ _ _ _ _ _ _____.

Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 11:17 AM To: Harvey, Brad <>; Campbell, Andy <>; See, Kenneth

<>; Cook, Christopher <>


[External_Sender] Reinig Status (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE All, l hope to be back in the office on Thursday, I October. (b)(B)


~ and~ will address any time sensitive work products.


HS Program Manager, Special Projects Branch USACE, Northwestern Division, Omaha District 1616 Capitol Avenue, CENWO-PM-S Omaha, NE 68 102 Desk: l(b)(6)


Email Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE

From: Brown Chrjstop her To: Harvey. Brad


RE: revised agenda Date: Monday, September 21, 2015 9:29:05 AM ok From: Harvey, Brad Sent: M onday, September 21, 2015 8:44 AM To: Brown, Chr istopher


RE : revised agenda I talked about the revised agenda with the USACE briefly on Friday and I don't expect that they will have any comments.

From: Brown, Christopher Sent: Monday, Sept ember 21, 2015 8:29 AM To: Harvey, Brad <Brad Harvey@nrc gov>


RE : revised agenda great From: Harvey, Brad Sent: Friday, Se ptember 18, 20 15 12:45 PM To: Brown, Ch ristopher Cc: Banks, Mar k


RE: revised agenda Chris:

I have forwarded this revised agenda to the USACE and will let you know if there a re any comments.

Brad 41 5-411 8 From: Brown, Christopher Sent: Friday, Se ptem ber 18, 20 15 10:42 AM To: Harvey, Brad <Brad Haryey@nrc gov>

Cc: Banks, M ark <Mark.Banks@nrc gov>


revised agenda Feel free to add to this.



-..11111 U. .,,..,._ 0WIU)*

' - .Klp~J,ltlll,-llll'll *M rr0m1H1rY~,a,oM1 Stl'lt;Tue~a~. 'Aa'(OJ, 2016<<>6AM To; Hluoo~ LUC ~ u<..rtiuoo~@11tqOy')-

Cc1 IIIYJ'I. Vf 10!1i, M a <Aldo RIWlr* V.i'Ol'ltfll'll(',IOV>, Coo.. Cllft>tOOl1tr<011hlOllhtr Coo~*"rl ,O'h: CIMl)belL ""'°"' <Arid'( , . ~btll@nrc QOY>. Oi}'fr'll r\ Ltw ( LCll'O Cli!p't t\ir.r'lfCCOY>, R......,11 Y'l rOnl , Aldi <A,di R1vtll *l/ilO~*" !'C f:WI', C~INl, pt1*

<Pettr ( haJM(Pnrc IOY>, !>@@', Kf rYIE-l1' <Kenntlh 1ov>, SN'l"i~ Mef'l.wned <MOtlamed ~~--m1f WCgov>, tl~ V!i:W <Victor Hall@l'lf( for-'>; Uribe, Juan <tJIJln lJt!bf* m g<W>; Antf!Ortr <Ant"Ol'l)' P.1-'lar1kfll\lt IOY>, Oov,n. le~la

< lel:,.a.Go1'<inl{tln1{ £OV>, Marsllall. M*chael <Md 1ae! M.rshalll{tlnrqov>

SolliJect: At Sh;lrl?f'Ofo'lt0\Je$tl00 Luc:

8rad HINl)I Acbng Team Leeder. Meteorology and Oceal'I09raphy Team Hydrol09y a:nd Mctoo,olc.);Jy Brilnch 1 Oivision of Site Saf(l'IV & Elwiror11T1c11lal Amdys1s Offloe Of Now Roaao,s U.S Ni,ciear Rt gulel.Ofy Conwn1111on Ma~&O!J T-7f27 WashinglOn, OC 205o!>-0001 301*4115*4118 ticMd HarvrwGNRC oov r rom: PJ>uong.l11c S.,nt:Tu.,,d;;y, M~'(Ol. 20J6&:14AM To: t~ rw:~, 11..-okl <Jl.:.a.U~)

Ct: RiYe"* Vfrt>n*. Aod*d1dt1 p,..,,, )'d fl"i! +'I'll s, ..ii*: Cool.O1tt)t,D9he, 4'.('![p l'llht! <" " ' 801, ff v, CaMpbelL And'( 4'.Af I* ' ,,,,. bcU>>mr, cm>,Cl~ri., Ltwdr+ (I,. 1J\IOl1'1' 11 ,.,~, Fl.t.eta*Varon.., 4idad 1, 8 .,, l \I w11 ,lllw yQy*Ch~vt. ~Ld

<Peter* bw1 tl\*nr, Fm*>: s.,.,, K.-n.n~h <! ...rr*rd 5ct"'O(( s, :v,Yi;vn,s,~111me,d <t,,**:ti,mr ' 'tn1-fi'lm* fPY'.>; n .11, Vrcta1 <Y,*or e 11iGr * .,,.. U11D!!, JU,ln <I *,c 11* ;,criba ,..,.,-..; t.w.ri,A111hanv<Mt'l1'r 'Jm'l!L- .cw* SN>

S,.,bjtet; R( . Sh,ul!f'O"'ll Q~~tlllf'I

8r611, Th~ '1:i!Otrhu b$'w'I r~Slr~ IOllll 1.1$i:u, ~i<<::t91 kirthe in,:t,,1"'-"'~ 61:r.r,cd btl,),,,,, ~ I d h p,!:n'n~ianl lO ~ ll ill ~11p <<,rrl'C~ b~ ~ng Mime ~ , with au,t14._,d IOoith\MA~~ ~~ tl> nilY~ntlt t,o th6 flllder
Th111M, ll..(_Nl....:,ng:

,Ol .4151LDJ f rom: Mar~ey, 8,..c!

Sent, McndJ'f, Ma*102, 2016 S 45 PM To1fltl1,11)11!1.,l1 1,c !'I P'II n!ll' I/ u11v*

Ct: !lltye-*a-Varooa,MJa .:,,mbl Bo, *n \'4' '1111J*r t* £(*1*>,<G1n>I' t&r **rn...:S*m ,.. \&, caml'.)llf-11, And'f<Ar*h Cdrn'!l!rllflln'f 1'7">. Clay,Nn, Lew-:k,r, (fr,11 1Sl/nr( em*>, 11.,w,,~Narona, Alda <A1 l l n!'1t 4 \, lf'cl<P' "' 8Qy>*CN4N,Jt, P@tff

<f**Ji'I JW' ]>'II[!((,. *11>* So!e, kel'l<'IEffi ds*(*fll t 'iet;O*)[f per,*>, 'ShMnS, Motlatl'll!!d<t,,1*'t!d'l'.... 5t4x-*@1 {/ rnr>; Hal!, Vicrnr <v*, *,11 j* 1'!/'?1"' ':,->; Uribe, Juan

  • ; f,,l'f'l~ l\nthonv<M'*\Q( ' ' M!Odl!bi!"t'ff C"\'> I W-Ould like lo male ttir, fo!lo.wig SharePolnt folder ancs all aubfobeni l mited aooesa: Ttle toeeU 10 1h11 fold<<~ bl ~mlttd to 11'1* lotJow,,,g lndl~ NRO,'OSEA Andy CMpbolt Christophe,- Cook AA!aR/Vflf,11. V~ 8/'lctHat"Wy Kon SN Pefflr~IUl NRNJLO ~l\amt,UJ SNJn:S \/lctorH;ill Juantklbt AnthonyMinank Brad 41&--4118 8rt11d Hi,rvey A.cHng Te~m Leade,, Mett1010Iogy llnr:1 CJ<<il\l'IQQfapll'y Team Hydrology end Mcteon:llogy &,-,eh 1. OM110n ol $Ii. Saltfy & EtwlrOl\mtnlel Ana!y11, OOoe of New Reactor* US Nuclear RogulalofY Con'Vrn$$ion Mft~ SC-OP T*7f27 W11hh1gton, DC 20M6-0001 301-415... 118 lllllll.tlaM'1iilIBC.00>£ fl'Offl: Cook, (.'h11~1opl!<ir $tnll Mofld*v. M~~ 02. 201610 1, AM To: H.a1.;ey, Braid < ~ ~ " '-CamobeH, Mrlti dtM!'t <an , r iJmr u,> ptlJOtle, w, dw rh oor IN - ~""* c1a~11. le~ <,ui.rl~* mMI Ator, rm*> Cc:RIYet"cl-V¥O'la,A.d~<~ *~DP Slli)tct: Rf Sl\ilref',,...tUi.itstiQf'I Brad. No ;,cUon as of yet Of\ Fl'llday "'" had an imf000i<11e is:w. to rt11-lrit;;.1 vnm11rk80 SUNS! ir1orf11-J1ton N(yH 1h.-t W$ have t:cr"npltl'lod th;rt las!\ wo c:an move Qn kl~~ ilem& 11 the USA.CE totcMf aom&~ yoo can 1alo.e C&fe ol lOf ua? H<<e are lht atepe:
    1) Oelermne wtiere you'd hke1his fokfer to res<<fe on Sharef>!
    2) IA\lelop a 1111 of narM&lo ~11e .KCfl&
    3) W(Jt{tl. wHti LLiC Pl'lOl'lg 10 lmtJt,ll&nl,,.and QOn41nu* 10 lhAnk him l)f()iuMfy 1or j,I hi* a1,1tltn(tl Clvo
    sent: M onda'/, M DV 0 2, 2016 10.12 AM To; Campbe ll, Anctv do:1*1 Q. ! ahrllmocr co,n,; Phuong. LI.JC<\ I Pb iPOCetr* e*:,p; Cl~.,ma,i. Lew d t&" 0M"ld!1'90 CM Cc: Cool.Olristopher "9111\' wt~, C!Y <'ffiQC, \'JIY>, 11.,vefa-Yarona. Alcti <A*h :fl* r:: I \Wl'C1ti110 !'1)*1> ~b)ect: RE Shiref'l>'!tCM!stk:in How do we siand I" setllf'Q up a :separate. \lef)' l,mfled scce,ss SharePomt folder for the USACE enelY9efi.? ffoffl: C;impb@l1,Andy Scnt:M,;mdav, Mav Ol, lO l Ei \0:03 AM To: Pt11,1ong,, L'll~ ~ - ~ ; ~an. l, w .. lrw<Jwnarn'ncr eou;i., Erw<n, Ktfir-.1r1;h <-rcr£tb Frw11¢mc pr,p Cc: C~Oinstophtr <fhrlWtlrr Cw,tiinrc pou:i,; R,.w.i ra Yaror,;i, Ai1:fa uYla B4C'a 1/2'amr*@ncr 5o*n,;, 8r.d <lf.:aa rl¥Ytd1rrrsfti>' Subjllrt: AE:,S~rt'POlnlQu(";IIQII Tl'ianb, Weareeffa&1Moffrlday Andrew C. Campbel, Pll 0 . OeputyD11eetot Ol\lit.ion of Srte Safely & Elwironmental Analy111s Office ofNe'WRcaciors mall $lop 17-Fl US NOOear Reguleto,y Conv rHsslon Rockvllle. /\1)20&52 t1mai1. A,ytyCa~ooy phooe 301...415-7566 from : Plruo n" We Sent: Mond a'{, May 0 2, 20161.SOA t.1 lflha.:11ton:,,r nonglMlapan L~~Rl>>!lcbtt>tr.t,,l lbtll)",it1IMbei!!'lt11 kl!ftOn!,Of &sofC08Frid &y. 301.-415,1103 JttN'T'l; Clavmati,t~ sent; M ond~'I. Mav 0 2, 2016 l!-.42 A t.1 Ct: Caml)bell,Ailliy drnYV'fl"C"t fl'.lr,C*v> Subjtcl : RE : Shari!pOll'll CU~l iOtl hvm: U'IY1n,.Kenmi1Ji Sent: kid.t)', .A lri 29, 20 Hi 1 :12 PM l o; Clilw,,~n,lew <lc*.- [ n-mmflrc ro > Cc: C~m .ibell , Amfy ~l'ln-' .rum ~r JJrr 9"'1> Sub ~ ct: Shuepain t Que il icm Hey we have a share point site with a lot of Information that we n~d to limit access to Just certai n staff. How can we go about doing this ? Are you the right person? Ken T Er\lil n , PMP Acting Branch Chief Environmental Technical Support Branch (REN\/) U,S NIJclo;:,r ~eg1.1lato,y Coll)IITliH ion OffloeOl~ R O:"IC10r$ DMslon of Site Safety end E,w!,onmental Anal:,osle M.S. T7F 5 W;nhinglon, O.C 20555 Te ie,pl'N)r,e: (301) 415*7559 Fax: (301),415-6/140 (1'1 Mj..i. ~---- ~ .~ ~ ~ ~-~ - . i & r a & ~ ~-~
    u. .....,._Owlt..
    ' - ,Klp~J,ltllfSM iOAM .,~ lucF'tlUOl'IG 301415.llDJ ffOffl: Shams,, Moh11m~ Sent: lue..:fa'(, M~~ 03, 2016&::!.SAM To: 1-f,afl,~'(. Brio:! -<!!tad H-y@l'lfC~ : Ph.Jo~. LIIC <t..ic.Phuo~g(!!l'lrt gov, Cc: ll1y.... V* rot1i , M* ,c"ldt 111\'ffiV,1.r(H'llsin,c.,ov,,, Ci)QI,. Cllf~ tOClhtlf<CJl1IHOOht>r coo~*llf( l OVl', CIMPbtll. Arwti <Arodv C~btllflnrc IOY>, 0.Vl'l'llr\. Lew <LAwCl.-,.rwtnlnrc lll)Y>, ll-vf:tij*VMOl'ta, Alda <CA,dj lllvtfi*IJIIO/lf.l'tfC p ,; C~P,.,l, Ptt., <Pl!ettr.Chap111@'.lr1rqov>; 5-te. Kentlelh <Ke1111e1Jl.SHflnrq011>, Hal, V.c:t or <Vic1or.H*ll-1'nrc-i~i Ur1bf, Juan <:JIJln.Uflbe(tflfC.IJ°""; Mirant, ,.nt'lor,y<<,.ntllony M11at1kf)mq,oo


    RE, S/\art9oot Q.ue$liol'I Luc* plNu add 1M III Govan and MIC:hNI Ma11t1all 10 the ~ l or tolct lrom JLD Mutt'! app1~ i!'ltt<I MoStl.lmt To: Phuoog.l\lt <1u f', ni:011 f'ov" Cc: fhveta-varoo&. A<la <A*,11 B11*cr,; \, t'Wl<h Ni c, _.): coot. Olr'l$tool'M,r<r 11hJ"' tn'1Com! w eo-: ::._ campbell.~r.o'*f<M11*r Ciu*"'hrll*tt'O'c e Wl>.ClaytMI\,. Lew<!""' Cla*,o:MWO'f en *l>. 11.,vera-v.arona* .-1da do o S w , \o l/M *Q*10 g, *vl>* ct:,t.out, Pi!!lff

    <Ps"ltr flw* 11!uu 1*m*l>: see, Ke~"elh -tKl;l'{rt!1 SH@nu gm*>. 91.)f'l"d, MOtlill"lf!ddYctu nt:1~1-, r Hl'r-!I ,,,,*>; ttaH. V'<:tor <:ii 1*01 tt ,111'!, < *,,->; uribt. J,.,..n ~1 !

    • II :!'tt!CJrr f'i' >; "'"'.Vr\.A~1ho~v<Mt,or1 M" olkffe* r 1*1n:>

    $41b)t(t1 fll Sl\il!d'l>"IIOvutl()n I would like IO ma<e l he fulloWldlg SharePoLnl folder and Bii !Ubfoklef's llmlte(I access:


    Tti. llOCt,s 10 1hl$ IOklll ~ bo lim~t1d to tho follow~ lndi~


    Andy C...npboll Chri$1opl\efC-OQt Alda Rl, ,....V.ll'OI'\&

    81'9d H1rvey Kem SM Pe~r CN,pc,I

    ~ARIJLD Mohiilll'Tled Sh.tms VIChJI HIIII J uant.)11>4t Amhony Minari~

    Brad 415--4118 Brad Harvey AQt!ng Team Leader, f.~eorology and Oota,waphy Toam Hydrology and Mettol'<l60,gy Stench 1 OMtlOn ol Sli. Sa1.-y & Etwlronmeni.1 Ana!yalt Offloe of New Reactor&

    U.S Nutloar ~egulato,y Convnissoon MIIIII SIOP T*7f27 Watnlng<<>n. OC 20MS-000t 301-415-4118

    ~ G OV fl'<H'l'l: (00k, Chfli10(ll\4r Stnt: Mofrdav, M~'(02, 201610 19 AM to: li.irYl!Y. flrad (.PIia!' Hnl'lnh'pr~ 10'>. Campbell, AA~<~ ~>; J>ti,...,,,,. wed, , Ph 11or@r u rw*>, Clq'Nn, lew -cw, i"!avm,lllWmc rill'>

    (c: FIIYII""* V;irOfla, Ao:!~<& j,J 1 ~ r.1 J;~>

    541bjtn: ~(* \l'lllt(fll)hllt Quu non No IIC:llon I'll! Of )'I'll ()n f tk&fly wt had art lmr'I\Mu,t* itflU,fl l(> flllt1f1(:,11,11'1tl'Ulrk6(1 SUNS! lnf0tmA11on Now 111111we Nt\1(1 OO<'l\f)~ llltd thlll ~ k WI'! ci.n move on IQ C)(IW,r lll'l!flil:

    II the USACE fotOef somettwlgyoo can take care of to, us.? Hffe are lhe steps:

    1) DeterlTWle where you'd like lhis. folde( to re&de on ShareP1
    2) DeYtilop ti lilt ol nt1me:~ IQ lltVO liOONJ
    3) WOik w,tt, Ll.te Phong 10 lmplefll l)nt .. ~ QOmlr,ue to 11\anl!. h!P'I pr(.1!1.1~ l0f ,,_ hlS. !19&,


    from: Huvw. &-*d S.nt:Mondav, M~voi. >01610;12 AM To: c,..,pbcrll, Andy (6/JI-,(' rrnlmll I 'th M , . PhlRflll, LI.II= <1 H tt, 1K rr~s ,>; Cl~'ITI'.... tcw .- r << Cln:ro ,,, i'N[ V ,n CttCoct..O r1*t<lj)her c(btHI t11/r1 { ll'lllit.lou ,*ny>, A.Yet- VU<IN, 1.Jda ..,, j I Sr ltlf Yll tfil *111 M" Subjett: R,:st-.ii, ~0&1t Q.ue)locn to: PfluOflf.,l<.1t <1cP11h 1C'!:lil¥1v>.Cl.t\'ll\&l'\.litl/lr*lMl'ldrn1sPft11¥11vJ1> t1w,11, ICMntth <r~n ..rb!1>> ,Hf 1*1**>

    Ct: COOl,.Chll!o!Oj)t'll!r .rfh!i'Ililt"'( Co* , wncc ,*nv>; RM!!fa*V~rot'la. Alda d J l "'r':l*YMQ!" ,.a,n £ *,>; 1-laMy, Brad <!\'td *t11:,-...,,(?!t*< e::,y>

    Sllb)ect: Flf":ShirepolfllQUt$1iOl'I Andy Andrtw C. Cl!~ . Ph 0 Ot,puty 0 ,1cielQI OMslon of Site Safe1y & Ell'Ylronmeotal Analysis Offi09 of New Reae10~

    n\ll~ t to,:i f7.F3 us NIJC/fl~(Rogulal~ ComnlttSIOo RockY!lle MD 20652 om,11 ~~

    phono 301,...15,7566 f"fOffl: Pll\lO"S, IUC Stnt: MQll(il'I, Mi'(02, ~1)168 SO.AM

    1fth15~ ~ n g tbcl.lp,lfl L ~ Lc¥nod Roxi ~ i m , v, ltll;;i,s ~ i.,ki:n~qf ~of C08 Fnd~V-TIIIWI;$,

    )O J.<ll5. 11 ol Fron,: C1ilvn,"1,Ltw S*mt : MondilV, M~v o2, 2016 S 41 ;\M Cc: Cilm pbell , Ani:fy<t,rr *Carne~, fi11rxrs;'P oo..-: &-w1n,.~"t1e-ttl

    $41'11: k ~, .i. pnf21l, 20162 .UPM To: Clilymiln, Lew <It:+ C'M!Di!OftDt. 01 =-

    Cc: Ciimpbell. Mrty <aoc,* Ptmc :it tlru:c ,a~>

    ~b)eci: Sharepoln t OU>?.stlon Hey we hoilve c!I shc!lre point site with c!I lot of intor m;;1tion that we need to limit ;;1c:cess to j ust i:emii n st,;1:ff. How Ci:ln we ,go ;;1bou~ doi ng this?

    Are you the- right person?


    Kun T Erwin, PMP Acting Branch Chier Environmental Technleal Suppor1 Branch (RENV)

    U.S. NLJdear Regulatory Con-mission Office of New Reac1on; Division Cl{ Site Safely and E, Alialysi:s.

    M.S T7F$

    Washingto n, 0 .C. 2055.5 Telephone: (301) 41 5-7 55 9 Fax* (301) 4 15-6440

    From: 8rad To: 1mmY* ICook, Christopher; Campbell, Andy; See, Kenn,th Cc:


    RE: Status of Misc (UNCLASSIFIED)

    Dat e: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 11:26:54 AM Attachments: NRC-USACE Status Meetina.docx Thanks~

    Here is the latest version of the Project Status sheet that we can review in Omaha, ifwe have the time.

    Brad 301-4 15-4 1.18

    Original Message-----

    From: !(b)(6) lr~ .....



    ) _ _ _ _ _ ______,

    Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 11 :57 PM To: Harvey, Brad <>; Cook, Christopher <>; Campbell, Andy

    <And .Cam bell nrc. ov>

    • See Kenneth <Kenneth.See nrc.oov>

    Cc: b 6


    [External_Sender] Status of Misc (UNCLASSIFIED)

    Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Here is a quick status update:

    I. Software request approved by Army. Next step is purchase and then approval for installation. Seems to go quickly if delivery is direct to district.

    2. MLSR. ShouJd have them to you by late afternoon (you will most likely be on the road/air). Corps of Engineers financial system did not close properly (30Sepl 5) so the invoicing is more confusing. The statement has thru 5 Oct due to this event, thus the books were actually closed in October but the expenses for the NRC were all recorded as of 30 Sep (Omaha District completed close-out on time). I will reflect the 5 Oct date since it matches the invoices and if I need to explain that the charges are actually all incurred in the month of Sep, let me know.
    3. ACRS meeting is set for NWD conference room. !(b)(6) Iand !(b)(6) !may have opening remarks on Wednesday. The Division Commander is in Omaha conducting a Quality Management Review. Of which I received less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> notice that I need to give a report out on my other major project (EPA) tomorrow morning at 0830 to 1130 (really)!
    4. NDA. Call wit* b)(6) !today requires additional follow-up withl(b)(6) !at HQUSACE. More to follow - may need to coordinate an attorney to attorney phone call between agencies. Would you be able to provide some of the NRC protocols that are in place to ensure the licensees do not release Securi ty Sensitive Information? I would like to demonstrate that NRC has protocols in place already without having to re-invent the wheel.
    5. BC Hydro. All of the available BC Hydro documents have been uploaded to the Partners site for PDT members to review. PDT strategy call scheduled for Friday, 23 Oct (taking advantage ofno NRC status call). BC Hydro dam safety engineer call is scheduled for Friday, 30 Oct (purpose - do we need additional documents).

    Take care, safe travels, and see you in Omaha.


    JIS Program Manager, Special Projects Branch USACE, Northwestern Division, Omaha District 1616 Capitol Avenue, CENWO-PM-S Omaha, E 68 102 Desk: l(b)(6)

    Ce ll:

    Emai l: .____________ __,

    Classificati on: UNCLASSIFI ED Caveats: NONE

    Topics for Discussion:


    1. !(bl(6l !will be taking over from l(b)(6) las the Technical Lead for the NRC/USACE Task Orders beginning Nov 1.
    2. Appointment of Ray Alexander as USACE/NRC Liaison
    a. l(b)(6) lis the HQUSACE POC for Mr. Alexander
    i. Meeting between USACE and NRC OEDO held on Tue July 14.
    b. Agenda topics for consideration
    • Establishing a USACE/NRC Executive Liaison
    • USACE/NRC enterprise Program Management Plan - Purpose/Signature
    • Status of USACE evaluations of potential dam failure for NPP FHRRs under NTTF 2.1
    • USACE Policy on sharing sensitive security information between Federal Agencies and non-Federal entities
    • Status of FOIA process for sensitive USACE information
    • Briefing of ACRS on sensitive information on USACE dam failure studies
    • Establishing non-disclosure agreements with BC Hydro and BurRec
    • Report Farley flooding analysis as a success
    • Report that the USACE has committed to including Ft Calhoun in a Dam Safety Emergency Action Plan meeting in May 2015 and has also identified FT Calhoun as a potential Emergency Action Plan holder for several mainstem dams
    c. Status of Enterprise Program Management Plan
    i. In review by USACE HQ ii. !(b)(6) !to provide signed copy for NRC's signature
    • Revised COIJY including NRC's latest Org Chart sent on 10/19
    • Vic to ensure NRC has no issues with the version provided on 10/1
    • Will be reviewed b NRO via signoff on distribution list
    3. Review of USACE Hydrograph Schedule (see attached file above)
    4. Budget status of LTDs issued under TO26 Actual (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F)

    Site LTD Estimate (Thru Aug15)

    Farley TO26-1 277,309 203,391 Beaver Valley TO26-2 421,576 399,398 Monticello/Pl TO26-3 514,370 373,770 Arkansas TO26-4 938,823 457,532 Columbia TO26-5 530,544 75,321 TOTAL 2,682,622 1,509,412

    5. NRC has developed objective, purpose, and ground rules for the first ITR meetings with the licensees
    a. Goal: verbal exchange of information on H&H modeling between licensees and USACE
    b. Three-day meeting
    i. First day - afternoon with USACE to prepare meeting with licensee ii. Second day - full day meeting with licensee iii. Third day - morning with USACE to plan further actions
    c. FERC should be invited to those meetings that involve watersheds containing FERC-regulated dams
    d. Deliverables prior to the 1st ITR meeting with the licensees:

    DELIVERABLE SCHEDULE Draft TLR, includinq NPP site hydroqraphs 3 weeks prior to 1st ITR meetinq Draft Presentation to the licensee 3 weeks prior to 1st ITR meeting Pre ITR meetinq webinar 2 weeks prior to 1st ITR meetinq

    6. Options within all proposals (as applicable):
    a. Develop hydrographs applying licensees site-specific PMP
    b. Licensee's site-specific data requests B. TASK ORDER 001 (Flooding Analysis for Ft Calhoun and Cooper)
    7. Fort Calhoun/Cooper (TO1)
    a. Reclassification of dams
    i.  !(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) jannouncement to be made ii. (b)(7)(E), (b) ) SOG meeting to be held in July ~""'




    , (b,.,,.


    (F), - - - - - - - - - ,

    (7)(F) iii. to be considered during the May DSOG meeting ~(b)(?)(E), (b)(?)(F)

    b. Received FOIA request for USACE Missouri River Flooding Study on 12/03
    i. During a conference call between the IUSACE and NRC on 01/28, it was decided that USACE "owns" the Flooding Study and the flooding study will be withheld from release in its entirety ii. NRC responded to the FOIA request vi Form 464 on 01/30
    • The USAGE has provided the administrative appeal rights
    c. Certain members of NRC's FACA (the ACRS) want to have a focused "fact-finding" exchange with the USACE experts to understand the technical basis for the Missouri River revised flooding hazards.
    i. Logistics are currently being worked out
    • The USACE has been asked to participate in a "fact-finding exchange" on Oct 21-22 in Omaha
    • Signed MOU sent to USACE on 07/30/15 ii. ACRS proposed an agenda for a Oct 21 -22 "fact-finding exchange" meeting o Agenda discussed in a phone call with ACRS on 09/11
    • "Final" agenda forwarded to ACRS on 09/25
    • Brad drafted a POP for the meeting (provided toE:Jan~ (b)(6) for comments} .___ __.
    • USACE has provided attendance linguistics
    • Chris an~ working on a joint presentation:

    "Background/Overview of the Flood Hazard Assessments'

    • ~ forwarded draft resentation on 10/09
    • non fee-recoverable TAC # MF5194 should be used to support this activity C. TASK ORDER 004 (Dam Screening and Preparation of Hydrograph Proposals)
    8. Peach Bottom/TMI (TOG)
    a. Action Items decided upon during the April 30 meeting in Pittsburgh
    i. Ken See - has reviewed the approach taken by TMI regarding dam clustering and impact of dam failures and found it to be reasonable
    b. USACE's partici1pation ofl(b)(?)(E). (b)(7)(F) IBOC meetings
    i. 12/09/14-12/10/14 ii. 08/13/15
    c. Status of dam screening report
    i. USACE provided a draft of the report for NRC review and comment on 02/20/15; NRC responded with comments on 03/20/15
    • r X7)(E), (bX7XF) o TMlr )OXE). (b)OXF)
    l(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) 0

    . (b)(7)(E),

    • PMF development ,s recommended fa (bX7XFJ swell as the PB and TMI NPP sites ii. Roger and Ken See met at the Baltimore District Office on March 30-31 to discuss his and NRC's comments (Cost: -$900)
    • NRC provided email on 07/27 stating Screening Report need not be completed and Proposal not needed D. TASK ORDER NO.: NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026 (Preparation of Hydrographs)
    9. Farley (TO2)
    • Final TLR & Hydrographs delivered on 06/19
    10. Colombia (TO3)
    a. Status of H&H modeling data request - Energy Northwest does not plan to send in any watershed models or data
    b. Status of BC Hydro's NOA
    i. The master NOA between the USACE and BC Hydro has been signed.
    • The individual NDAs have been signed by the USACE and BurRec staff
    • NRC staff have been asked to sign individual NDAs o Draft NDA sent by USACE to NRC on 08/28/2015 for review o Draft NDA forwarded to Bernice for review and comment on 07/07/15
    • Bernice forwarded NDA onto Robin Baum for review on 07/27 o l(b)(5) Iforwarded signed NDA on 10/07/ 15 o Chris and Scott have discussed 1 Will staff, or contractors for, the Columbia Generating Station (our licensee) need to sign NDAs in order to do either of the following:
    a. Use the hydrograph results at their site?
    b. Attend our ITR meetings?
    c. Resolution : Phone call between USACE and NRC OGd
    i. Describe NRC protocols to ensure licensees do
    2) b)(5)
    3) The NDA states the USACE will only provide information to among others, third party advisors, consultants, and contractors ("representatives") who have a need to know the information
    a. Resolution: NRC believes that it qualifies as a representative in that it is providing the USAC~

    guidance in developing the hydrographs ~ , Darn Failure ISG. NRC OGC has NLO

    4) The NDA states that the Corps may provide the Report on dam break scenarios for the Columbia River basin to the NRC so long as it does not explicitly reference the Sensitive Information.
    a. Resolution : NRC will have access to Sensitive Information through the USACE SharePoint site
    5) NRC OGC still needs to review and approve the individual NDAs
    a. Resolution : NRG OGC has NLO
    • NRC action - will the NRC be willing to share the resulting TLR with BC Hydro? (Action Items from 05/12 phone call between NRC and USACE) o Response - TLR belongs to the USACE and therefore its USACE decision ii. External SharePoint site has been set up
    • Transfer of documents completed as of 10/19
    • PDT phone call scheduled for 10/23
    • BC Hydro dam safety engineer call scheduled for 10/30
    c. Status of BurRec IAA - signed on 11/20
    i. Three USACE personnel to travel to Denver on Feb 24 to meet with BurRec (total estimate: $671).
    • l(b)(6) Iprovided a meeting summary on 03/21/15
    d. Final proposal submitted - 12/12/14
    i. Corresponding LTD TO26-5 issued 12/15/14 ii. JLD (Vic) notified licensee during a site visit during the week of 02/02/15 that the hydrographs for tributaries will not be provided
    e. Draft Engineering Screening Report provided on 12/15/14
    i. Revised draft report incorporating NRG comments provided on 06/08/15 L USACE to provide revised schedule
    i. l(b)(6) !has confirmed that the budget can still be met ii. USAGE Seattle District Office to start on 10/05 iii. Definitive schedule to be established after transfer of BC Hyrdo documents has been complete iv. NRC prefers to have an in-person team meeting among USACE, BofREc, and NRC to develop a schedule and roadmap forward
    • Project plan to include scope and schedule
    • Need NRC's NDA signed before holding meeting?
    11. Arkansas (TO5)
    a. Status of!(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) Idata request - DVD's sent to USACE on 10/21 . USACE need to check with regional District Offices to see if data provided is sufficient
    b. ANO proposal resubmitted 11 /26; LTD issued 11 /29
    i. ANO requested hydrographs for ANO site plus seven other locations upstream and downstream ii. Hydrographs to also be provided using the licensee's PMP
    a. ~ has confirmed that the information provided by the licensee is in compatible format"
    c. Preliminary Draft TLR provided on 09/28/15
    i. WSE exceeds lant rade for 1.- (b...,


    E)-, "'"


    (7.-)(F,,....)- - - - - - - - - - - - ,

    (b)(7)(E), (b)(?)(F) .

    ii. Hydrographs and draft ITR presentation need to be provided for all flooding scenarios exceeding plant grade

    a. Need to add hydrographs for USACE and Entergy's PMF
    b. Should include error bars on hydrographs iii. Hydrographs to include Plant Grade and Design Basis elevations
    a. Plant grade: (bl(7l(El (b)( 7l!Fl ; Design Basis Elevation: ibH7l(El (bl(7)(Fl
    d. Pre 1st ITR webinar meeting scheduled for 10/19/15 (2 - 4 pm EDT)
    i. USACE has set up webinar ii. JLD has reserved 0-884
    e. First ITR meeting tentatively rescheduled for 10/2715-10/29/15 in Little Rock
    i. Licensee has confirmed their availability to meet on Oct 28
    a. Licensee to brin 6-8 individuals
    b. Licensee will not be discussing their ssPMP results in detail
    i. Bill Kappal (AWA) will not be participating in the meeting
    c. Vic Hall will draft POP, ask for names of licensee's attendees, and see if the licensee has any advanced questions ii. Ken has talked to DORL about the meeting iii. Andy to ensure Region IV is invited to the ITR (via webinar?)

    iv. USAGE has set up webinar

    v. Ken Karwoski has inform FERC of meeting
    a. Jeremy Varner and Wayne King participated in scoping meeting
    f. Pre-Final TLR and Hydrographs due 12/24/15
    12. Beaver Valley (T07)
    a. FENOC H&H Models and data - DVD's sent to USACE on 10/21
    b. Preliminary LTR and hydrographs provided on 03/29/15
    c. Pre-meeting Webinar held on 04/15
    d. First ITR Meeting with Licensee held on Apr 28-30 in Pittsburgh
    e. Second ITR Meeting with licensee held on July 23 in Pittsburgh
    i. Licensee confirmed list of expected deliverables ii. USACE provided comments on draft meeting summary on 08/05
    f. Pre-Final TLR & Hydrographs deliverables provided on 06/23/15
    i. NRC reported no comments on 07/23
    g. Schedule for fina l deliverables
    i. Items owed to FENOC: Provided on 08/17
    • Revised hydrograph spreadsheet provided on 08/28 ii. Final TLR: Provided on 08/18 iii. Calculation Packages: provided on 09/01
    h. Hydrographs sent to FENOC on 09/11/15 (ML15254A273)
    13. Monticello/Prairie Island (T08)
    a. Status of ERR & request for H&H modeling data
    i. DVD of Xcel's updated ssPMP calculation and results sent to Omaha and St Paul on 06/05
    • USAGE does not need to develop hydrographs using licensee's PMP
    b. Preliminary TLR and hydrographs provided to NRC on 03/19/15 (did not contain information for Monticello)
    i. Preliminary TLR with Monticello analysis provided 06/04/15
    c. NRC/USACE Pre-meeting Webinar held on 06/16, 14-17 EDT
    d. First ITR Meeting with Licensee on held on Jul 8 - 10
    i. XCEL provided 21 written questions before the meeting and 3 additional written questions after the meeting
    a. USAGE provided "scrubbed" responses for meeting summary on 08/24
    b. Full responses to be provided as ain enclosure to the TLR ii. We do not intend to provide hydrographs with ssPMP generated by USACE iii. Xcel is interested in obtaining shape files of inundation maps in the vicinity of the NPP sites
    a. For Monticello, between river miles l(b)(7)(E), (b)(?)(F)
    b. For Prairie Island, between river miiles !(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F)
    e. Pre-Final TLR & Hydrographs provided on 08/10/15
    f. Second ITR meeting held on 08/20/15
    i. Topics discussed included the following:
    a. Reviewed TLR
    b. Schedule and format for final deliverables (see list below)
    c. Climate change statement
    g. Schedule for final deliverables
    i. Items owed to Xcel: provided on 09/09/15
    a. Final TLR & Hydrographs Flow and stage hydrographs
    b. Maximum flow velocities (main channel and left and right overbanks)
    c. Information needed to calculate wind fetch lengths and average water depth
    d. Inundation maps ii. Final TLR (with Appendix F questions): provided on 09/30/15 iii. Calculation Packages: received 10/13/15
    h. ITR meeting summary sent out on 10/02/15
    i. Hydrographs sent to licensee on ? ?

    E. TASK ORDER NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009 (FHRR Reviews)

    a. Peach Bottom and Three Mile Island
    i. Receive of FHRRs
    a. Revised TMI FHRR emailed to ~ on 08/14/15
    b. New Peach Bottom FHRR sent to ~ via DVD on 08/26/15 ii. Final LTDs sent to l(b)(6) Ion 09/10/15 iii. Schedules
    a. Orientation phone call held on 09/18
    b. NRC would like audit and MFSHI table completed by 11/30 iv. Audit held on Sep 10, 9am-noon EDT
    a. Hard drive sent to l(b)(6) Ion 10/14/15
    b. List of Info Needs to be provided by 11 /06/ 15
    v. RiverFlow 2D model
    a. USAGE authorized to spend $2,300 to obtain Argus One Software Licensee and Shapefile 10 PIE on 09/29
    • Software purchase approved
    • Need to purchase and install vi. ~ !(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) IBOC meetings
    a. Next meeting scheduled for 12/08/15
    • The intent is to determine what season is controlling for the

    !(b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F) !updated PMF value F. SCHEDULE FOR NEXT PHONE CALL


    To: [b\] Icamobell. Andy: Helton. Shana: ~

    C ristop er: Bowman. Gregory: Uri e. Juan: Jardaneh. Mahmoud: s ams. Mohamed Cc: Bensi Michelle: see Kenneth: Govan Tekia


    RE: Status of NRC/USACE Activities Date: Friday, October 28, 2016 4:34 :25 PM Attachments: NRC-USACE Status docx Attached is an updated NRC-USACE status resulting from today's phone call.

    Status of NRC/USACE Activities October 28, 2016

    1. Hydrographs and Inundation Maps for two locations in the Vicinity of CGS

    !(b)(6) !from the USACE Seattle District Office will not be able to start this work until Oct 1. NRC is to send a LTD to initiate this work w ith the correct CAC #.

    Update: LTD 26-Sb sent on 09/09/2016 requesting an additional h dro ra h excel and pdf files) of WSE, discharge, and velocity resulting from the (b)(l)CE). (bX7)CF)

    (b)(?)(E), (b)(7)(F)

    USAGE Omaha District received draft deliverables from Seattle District on Oct 24. Draft deliverables will be reviewed by j(b)(6) !before forwarding to NRG, which is expect to occur by Nov. 3.

    2. Status CGS final TLR USACE sent NRC the final draft TLR for review and comments on 09/01/2016. NRC owes USACE comments by 09/16/2016.

    Update: NRG provided comments on 10/10/2016. USAGE to provide final TLR by 11/18/2016.

    3. NRC feedback on TMI/Peach Bottom TRD NRC has no comments, but would like to have a copy of the modeling files referenced in the TRD. USACE to provide these files by 09/16/2016.

    Update: COMPETED - USAGE provided NRG files via AMERDEC on Sep 9.

    4. Status of NRC's request to have USACE reevaluate Beaver Valley S&R Flooding Beaver Valley's ssPMP analysis is still being reviewed by the NRC. The NRC will let the USACE know when the NRC has reached a conclusion as to whether USACE's assistance will be needed to perform any additional H&H modeling for Beaver Valley.

    Update: LTD TO26-2a was sent on 10/10/2016 requesting that the USAGE develop additional basin-wide PMF h dro ra hs excel and df files of WSE dischar. e and velocity for (b)(7)(E). (b)(7)(F)

    !rbl[7){El (bl D based on a depth-area-duration table provided by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Additional requested deliverables included (1) input and output files from computer model runs (2) inundation map of the NPP site and (3) a description of the development of the hydrographs.

    USAGE provided preliminary results on 10/04/2016; final deliverables were provided via AMERDEC on Oct 21. The provided zip file containing the computer files had an executable, HMR52.exe, which was identified by NRC's IT software as containing a virus. The USAGE will resend the zip file without the HMR52.exe file and send the HMR52.exe file separately on a DVD.

    5. Cooper's request to work collaboratively with USACE to use Probabilistic Risk Assessment principals to access Dam Failure The NRC (JLD) will contact Cooper to see if a webinar can be set up for either Friday afternoon Sept 16 or Monday Sept 19. A copy of the licensee's presentation will be Page 1 of 2

    Status of NRC/USACE Activities October 28, 2016 provided to the USACE about a week prior to the webinar, and the NRC and USACE will review the presentation together in a phone call prior to the webinar.

    Update: During the Sept 19 webinar, Cooper presented a proposed approach to use Probabilistic Risk Assessment principals to address their integrated assessment. To support this approach, Cooper has requested via letter dated 10/14/2016 design and operational information on Missouri River system dams.

    A decision needs to be made regarding how the USAGE will be respondin to this request*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    • The USAGE scussJOn on rmulate a response by Nov 10. The USAGE will let the NRG know when they have a proposed response so that another NRG/USAGE phone call can be scheduled.

    The USAGE reports that no NRG funding is needed to provide the response.

    6. Closeout of task orders NRCHQ131030021-001 and NRCHQ131030021-NRCHQ2014T0004 The USACE reports a balance of $38,402.97 remains on TO #1 . However, the NRC will keep TO #1 open depending on the results of the upcoming webinar with Cooper. The USACE hopes to be able to provide the balance on TO #4 within a couple of weeks.

    Update: Given that no NRG funding is required for USACE's response to Cooper's request for Missouri River system dams, the NRG has already initiated an amendment to TO #1 revoking the remaining funds.

    USAGE needs to provide the balance for TO #4 before the NRG can close TO #4. A remaining obligation of $468 has been cleared so that USAGE can now provide the amount of the remaining balance.

    Page 2 of 2

    From: Helton Shana To: Harvey. Brad Cc: Cook Christopher: Campbell. Andy


    RE: Status of NRC/USACE Activities Date: Thursday, October 27, 2015 12:05:35 PM Brad, Please move the location of this meeting to my office (or a conference room if needed). I can hold 5 people in here and plenty of room for more chairs, plus I now have a bat phone.

    Spoke w/ Andy and he is turning this over to me, so I don"t want to clutter up his office in case he has a conflict arise.

    Thank you, Shana Shana Helton, Deputy Director (acting)

    Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis Office of New Reactors Work phone: 301-415-7198

    Origina l Appointment-----

    From: Harvey, Brad Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 2:00 PM To: Harvey, Brad;l(b)(6l l (b)(6)

    !(b)(6) t Campbell, Andy; Helton, Shana; Cook, Christopher; Bowman, Gregory; Uribe, Juan; Jardaneh, Mahmoud; Shams, Mohamed


    Status of NRC/USACE Activities When: Friday, October 28, 2016 3:00 PM-4:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) .

    Where: Andy Campbell 's Office (T-7F4)

    Rescheduled to accommodate USACE's availability 888-411-0721; passcod e: .... l(b_l(6_l ____,

    1. Hydrographs and Inundation Maps for two locations in the Vicinity of CGS l(b)(6) ltrom the USACE Seattle District Office will not be able to start this work until Oct 1. NRC is to send a LTD to initiate this work with the correct CAC # .

    Update: LTD 26-5b sent on 09/09/2016 requesting an additional hydrograph excel and pdf files) of WSE, discharge, and velocity resulting from the (b)OXE), (bJC7XF>

    (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F)

    USAGE Omaha District received draft deliverables from Seattle District on Oct 24. Draft deliverables will be reviewed by l(b)(6) lbefore forwarding to NRG ~(b)(6l lis out of the office until Oct. 31).

    2. Status CGS final TLR USACE sent NRC the final draft TLR for review and comments on 09/01/2016. NRC owes USACE comments by 09/16/2016.

    Update: NRG provided comments on 10/10/2016. USAGE to provide final TLR by TBD.

    3. NRC feedback on TMI/Peach Bottom TRD NRC has no comments, but would like to have a copy of the modeling files referenced in the TRD. USACE to provide these files by 09/16/2016.

    Update: COMPETED - USAGE provided NRG files via AMERDEC on Sep 9.

    4. Status of NRC's request to have USACE reevaluate Beaver Valley S&R Flooding Beaver Valley's ssPMP analysis is still being reviewed by the NRC. The NRC will let the USACE know when the NRC has reached a conclusion as to whether USACE's assistance will be needed to perform any additional H&H modeling for Beaver Valley.

    Update: COMPLETED - LTD TO26-2a was sent on 10/10/2016 requesting that the USAGE develop additional basin-wide PMF h dro ra hs excel and df files of WSE, dischar, e, and velocit for (b)(7l(E). (b)(?J(F)

    (b)(7)(E). (b)(7)(F) based on a depth-area-duration table provided by Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

    Additional requested deliverables included (1) input and output files from computer model runs (2) inundation map of the NPP site and (3) a description of the development of the hydrographs.

    USAGE provided preliminary results on 10/04/2016; final deliverables were provided via AMEROEC on Oct 21.

    5. Cooper's request to work collaboratively with USACE to use Probabilistic Risk Assessment principals to access Dam Failure The NRC (JLD) will contact Cooper to see if a webinar can be set up for either Friday afternoon Sept 16 or Monday Sept 19. A copy of the licensee's presentation will be provided to the USACE about a week prior to the webinar, and the NRC and USAGE will review the presentation together in a phone call prior to the webinar.

    Update: During the Sept 19 webinar, Cooper presented a proposed approach to use Probabilistic Risk Assessment principals to address their integrated assessment. To support this approach, Cooper has requested via letter dated 10/14/2016 design and operational information on Missouri River system dams.

    A decision needs to be made regarding how the USAGE will be responding to this request ~....~b_l(7_)(E_l._(b_)(_7l(_Fl_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

    (b)(?)(E), (b)(?)(F) . The USAGE has had internal discussion on this topic an opes o ea le to formulate a response by Nov 10.

    The USAGE reports that no NRG funding is needed to provide the response.

    6. Closeout of task orders NRCHQ13I030021 -001 and NRCHQ13I030021 -

    NRCHQ2014T0004 The USAGE reports a balance of $38,402.97 remains on TO #1 .

    However, the NRG will keep TO #1 open depending on the results of the upcoming webinar with Cooper. The USAGE hopes to be able to provide the balance on TO #4 within a couple of weeks.

    Update: Given that no NRG funding is required for USACE's response to Cooper's request for Missouri River system dams, the NRG plans to close T0#1 .

    USAGE still needs to provide the balance of TO #4 before the NRG plans to close TO #4. There is still an obligation of $468 on TO #4 in the USAGE system which needs to be cleared which USAGE hopes to be able to be resolved soon.

    The NRG will initiate amendments to these TOs revoking the remaining funds.

    From: Matthews Asha To: Harvey. Brad


    RE: USACE ARMY !PAC # 992A37RG, 992A37R4, 992A38Hl Date: Monday, September 28, 2015 5:10:10 PM Thank you Brad for your time. I see both emails containing the break down. I'll follow that TAC method according to the documents you've identified.

    Have a great evening!

    From: Harvey, Brad Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 4:18 PM To: Matthews, Asha <Asha. M>


    RE: USACE ARMY IPAC /:I 992A37RG, 992A37R4, 992A38Hl Asha:

    There are 8 pages in this IPAC; the first 5 pages I recognize and the last 3 pages I do not.

    I believe the breakdown for the first 5 pages should be as follows:

    NRC-HQ-13-I-03-0021 , Task Order#1: page 3 ($35.48)

    NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0004: page 1 ($5,055.82) plus page 4 (-$56.20) = $4,999.62 NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026; page 2 ($86,025.07) plus page 5 (-$2,133.40) = $83,891.67 Hope this helps.

    Brad 415-4118 From: Matthews, Asha Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 4:03 PM To: Harvey, Brad <Brad>


    USACE ARMY IPAC # 992A37RG, 992A37R4, 992A38Hl Hi Brad, I am reaching out to you for the breakdown on these three attached IPACs. I noticed last month the change in distribution from treasury. I receive multiple pages verses the one. So, I just wanted to send it out this month just to be sure all charges belong to you. Thank you for your time in this matter. If you have any questions, please contact me.

    Respectfully, A ~ lvfCltthe,w_y Deva & Associates, P.C.

    U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC)

    Payments a nd Payroll Branch

    ~ : 301-415-2958

    Ao1!':>Ju@sMaqmw*eqsv =181 From: Matthews Asha To: Harvey. Brad


    RE: USACE ARMY !PAC # 992A37RG, 992A37R4, 992A38Hl Date: Tuesday, 5eptember 29, 2015 12:51:17 PM Importance: High Hi Brad, I ran in to a bit of confusion when trying to post the documents as indicated below.

    I am in need of the corresponding TAC for all credits I also nee the actual dollar amount break down listed on the IPACs.

    For example; I need the total to be $5,055.82, and I will post the credit separately leaving a total of $4,999.62 expended against the obligation.

    Thank you in advance for your time.

    Asha M.

    From: Harvey, Brad Sent: Monday, Septem ber 28, 2015 4:18 PM To: Matt hews, Asha <Asha. M atthews@>


    RE: USACE ARMY IPAC tt 992A37RG, 992A37R4, 992A38H1 Asha:

    There are 8 pages in this IPAC; the first 5 pages I recognize and the last 3 pages I do not.

    I believe the breakdown for the first 5 pages should be as follows:

    NRC-HQ-13-I-03-0021, Task Order#1: page 3 ($35.48)

    NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0004: page 1 ($5,055.82) plus page 4 (-$56.20) = $4,999.62 NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026; page 2 ($86,025.07) plus page 5 (-$2,133.40) = $83,891.67 Hope this helps.

    Brad 415-4118 From: Matthews, Asha Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 4:03 PM To: Harvey, Brad <>


    USACE ARMY IPAC # 992A37RG, 992A37R4, 992A38Hl Hi Brad, I am reaching out to you for the breakdown on these three attached IPACs. I noticed last month the change in distribution from treasury. I receive multiple pages verses the one. So,

    I just wanted to send it out this month just to be sure all charges belong to you . Thank you for your time in this matter. If you have any questions, please contact me.

    Respectfully, A ~ f,.,'f Cttthe,w.s-,

    Deva & Associates, P.C.

    U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC)

    Payments and Payroll Branch 1i: 301-415-29 58 Bl:

    From: Harvev Brad To: Matthews Asha


    RE: USACE ARMY !PAC It 992A37RG, 992A37R4, 992A38Hl Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 5:08:57 PM Asha:

    As promised, once more . ..

    NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026; page 2 ($86,025.07) plus page 5 (-$2, 133.40) = $83,891.67

    • TAC NO. OR **IR NO. FACILITY OR REPORT Page 2 Page 5 PERIOD COST NAME MF3037 Farley 1 $ - $ (1,066.70) ($1 ,066.70)

    MF3038 Farley 2 $ - $ (1,066.70) ($1,066.70)

    MF3039 Columbia $ $4,716.67

    $ 4 ,716.67 -

    MF3041 ANO 1 $ $24,563.69

    $ 24,563.69 -

    MF3042 ANO2 $ $24,563.69

    $ 24,563.69 -

    MF3286 Beaver Valley 1 $ $8,376.53

    $ 8 ,376.53 -

    MF3287 Beaver Valley 2 $ $8,376.53

    $ 8 ,376.53 -

    MF3696 Monticello $ $7,7 13.98

    $ 7 ,713.98 -

    MF3697 Prairie Island 1 $ $3,856.99

    $ 3 ,856.99 -

    MF3698 Prairie Island 2 $ $3,856.99

    $ 3,856.99 -

    Total Period Cost $ 86,025.07 $ (2,133.40) $83,891 .67 Brad 415-4118 From: Harvey, Brad Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 3:49 PM To: Matthews, Asha <>


    FW: USACE ARMY IPAC # 99'2A37RG, 992A37R4, 992A38Hl Asha:

    Please let me know if this is what you're looking for.

    Brad 415-4118 From : Harvey, Brad Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 4 :18 PM To: Matthews, Asha <Asha Matthews@nrc gov>


    RE: USACE ARMY IPAC # 992A37RG, 992A37R4, 992A38Hl Asha:

    There are 8 pages in this IPAC; the first 5 pages I recognize and the last 3 pages I do not.

    I believe the breakdown for the first 5 pages should be as follows:

    NRC-HQ-13-I-03-0021, Task Order #1 : page 3 ($35.48)

    NRC-HQ-20-14-T-0004: page 1 ($5,055.82) plus page 4 (-$56.20) = $4,999.62 FACILITY OR REPORT

    • TAC NO. OR **IR NO. NAME Page 1 Page 4 PERIOD COST MF3991 Peach Bottom 2 $ 1,263.96 $ (14.05) $1 ,249.91 MF3992 Peach Bottom 3 $ 1,263.96 $ (14.05) $1 ,249.91 MF3995 Three Mile Island 1 $ 2,527.90 $ (28.10) $2,499.80 Total Period Cost $ 5,055.82 $ (56.20) $4,999.62 NRC-HQ-25-14-T-0026; page 2 ($86,025.07) plus page 5 (-$2, 133.40) = $83,891.67
    • TAC NO. OR **JR NO. FACILITY OR REPORT Page 2 Page 5 PERIOD COST NAME MF3037 Farley 1 $ (1,093.83) $ 27.13 ($1,066.70)

    MF3038 Farley 2 $ (1,093.83) $ 27.13 ($1,066.70)

    MF3039 Columbia $ 4,836.62 $ (119.95) $4,716.67 MF3041 ANO 1 $ 25,188.35 $ (624.66) $24,563.69 MF3042 ANO2 $ 25,188.35 $ (624.66) $24,563.69 MF3286 Beaver Valley 1 $ 8,589.55 $ (213.02) $8,376.53 MF3287 Beaver Valley 2 $ 8,589.55 $ (213.02) $8,376.53 MF3696 Monticello $ 7,910.15 $ (196.17) $7,713.98 MF3697 Prairie Island 1 $ 3,955.07 $ (98.08) $3,856.99 MF3698 Prairie Island 2 $ 3,955.07 $ (98.08) $3,856.99 Total Period Cost $ 86,025.07 $ (2,133.40) $83,891 .67 Hope this helps.

    Brad 415-4118 From: Matthews, Asha Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 4:03 PM To: Harvey, Brad <Brad Haryey@nrc gov>


    USACE ARMY IPAC # 992A37RG, 992A37R4, 992A38Hl Hi Brad, I am reaching out to you for the breakdown on these three attached IPACs. I noticed last month the change in distribution from treasury. I receive multiple pages verses the one. So, I just wanted to send it out this month just to be sure all charges belong to you. Thank you for your time in this matter. If you have any questions, please contact me.

    Respectfully, A ~ Matthew:,,,

    Deva & Associates, P.C.

    U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC)

    Payments and Payroll Branch

    'a: 301-415-2958

    ~ J: Asha Matthcws@nrc 1:PY

    From: Matthews Asha To: Harvey. Brad


    RE: USACE ARMY !PAC # 992A37RG, 992A37R4, 992A38Hl Date: Thursday, 5eptember 24, 2015 10:08:23 AM Thank you Brad. I am almost sure you will supply the information needed to expend all documents. I just wanted to be sure this was all for you due to the new distribution through several details verses multiple IPACs. It just seemed like more than normal.

    Take care From: Harvey, Brad Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2015 9:08 AM To: Matt hews, Asha <Asha. M>


    RE: USACE ARMY IPAC # 992A37RG, 992A37R4, 992A38H1 Hi Asha:

    I haven't received any of the Aug MSLRs from the USACE yet - I'll try to help you out once I receive them.

    Brad 415-4118 From: Matthews, Asha Sent: Wednesday, Septembe r 23, 2015 4:03 PM To: Harvey, Brad <Brad Haryey@>


    USACE ARMY IPAC # 992A37RG, 992A37R4, 992A38Hl Hi Brad, I am reaching out to you for the breakdown on these three attached IPACs. I noticed last month the change in distribution from treasury. I receive multiple pages verses the one. So, I just wanted to send it out this month just to be sure all charges belong to you. Thank you for your time in this matter. If you have any questions, please contact me.

    Respectfully, A MtCv lvl ClttheMJ¥ Deva & Associates, P.C.

    U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC)

    Payments and Payroll Branch fl: 301-415-2958

    ~ : Asha.Matthews@nrc,gov

    From: Harvey. Brad To: I[b)[6) Isee, Kenneth


    Re: USACE NRC EPgMP Date: Thursday, February 11, 2016 5:47:05 PM Thanks, ~ I have forwarded to Andy and Vic for their action.

    Brad On: 11 February2016 16:25, (b)(6)

    (b)(6) wrote:

    Brad & Ken, Attached is a copy of the USACE NRC Enterprise Program Management Plan that's ctmently at HQUSACE for signature. Andy mentioned that he'd like to have a copy in order to pre-brief Bill Dean.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    l(b)(6) I Project Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 16 16 Capitol Avenue Omaha, E 68102-4901 Phone: b 6 BB: (b)(6)




    To: 1 rb1/6r Brad

    ..........._______________________________ _.! Cook. Chrjstopher; See. Kenneth


    Review Responses to CGS ITR Questions Attachments: CGS Closed Meeting Summary ML16167A460 Ver 5 Suggested Revisions KSee7-2....docx Latest version atlached . ..


    Sorry for the short notice, but we were wondering if yo u wou ld have some time th is afternoon to discuss potential changes to the CGS !TR Meeting Summary question responses. Ken See is working on a set o f revisions that we hope will avoid the need for any redactions. We hope to have them to you before this call.

    Brad 301-415-4 11 8





    On June 9, 2016, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff held a closed meeting with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Bureau of Reclamation, and Energy Northwest (EN, the licensee), to discuss the flood hazard reevaluation (FHR) for the Columbia Generating Station (Columbia). The meeting was held at USACE's offices in Seattle, Washington. The closed meeting notice dated May 16, 2016, can be found in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) at Accession No. ML16132A512. The list of attendees can be found as Enclosure 1 to this summary. The licensee provided a list of questions associated with the USACE FHR for the Columbia site. These questions were addressed leading up to the meeting and discussed in part during the meeting. The questions and answers can be found in Enclosure 2 to this summary.

    The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the portion of tho i;HRhydrology and hydraulics modeling the USACE is performing under contract to the NRC for Columbia. By letter dated October 4, 2013, EN requested NRC assistance in having the USACE perform a dam failure analysis for the Columbia River watershed for Columbia (ADAMS Accession No. ML13284A075). The licensee requested the NRC's assistance to support development of a flood hazard reevaluation report (FHRR) for Columbia in response to the March 12, 2012, request for information issued pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 50, Section 50.54(f) (ADAMS Accession No. ML12073A348).

    The USACE and NRC provided EN with a summary of the results of the USACE dam failure analysis. The NRC stated that the next action to be completed in the process is the transmittal of the final results to EN. The NRC also stated that EN could request another meeting with the NRC after receiving the results. The licensee committed to submitting the final IF HRR within 30 days of receipt of the final results.

    The USACE was provided an opportunity to comment on this summary prior to its issuance and its comments were addressed in the fina l version of this summary.

    If you have any questions, please contact me at (301) 415-6185 or e-mail at

    Sincerely, Anthony Minarik, Project Manager Hazards Management Branch Japan Lessons-Learned Division Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-397


    1. List of Attendees
    2. Entergy Questions and Answers cc w/encls: Distribution via ListServ

    If you have any questions, please contact me at (301) 415-6185 or e-mail at

    Sincerely, Anthony Minarik, Project Manager Hazards Management Branch Japan Lessons-Learned Division Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-397


    1. List of Attendees
    2. Entergy Questions and Answers cc w/encls: Distribution via ListServ DISTRIBUTION:

    PUBLIC JLD R/F AMinarik. NRR RidsNrrLASLent CCook, NRO KSee, NRO BHarvey, NRO ACampbell, NRO PChaput. NRO RidsNrrPMColumbia Resource RidsNrrDorlLpl4-1 RidsRgn4MailCenler Resource ADAMS Accession No..* ML16167A460 *via email OFFICE NRR/JLD/JHMB/PM NRR/JLDILA NRO/DSENRHM1/BC' NAME AMinarik Sl enl CCook DATE 06/ /2016 06/ /2016 06/ /2016 OFFICE NRR/JLD/JHMB/BC NRR/JLD/JHMB/PM NAME MShams AMinarik DATE 06/ /2016 06/ /2016 OFFIC IAL RECORD COPY

    mUS Army Corps of Engineers ..

    NRC/USACE Intermediate Technical Review (ITR) Meeting Columbia Generating Station June 9, 2016

    ~ U.S.NRC u .. 11nl S11(tt Nudt-JI R~,..1.i,owr C'.011:'11*lu,,>111 USAGE, Seattle District Headquarters The Oxbow Building f'tao1tt1/1tt lwplt ,md1ht F.n11lromt1m1 4735 East Marginal Way South Seattle, WA 98134 LIST OF ATTENDEES:

    NRC: Andy Campbell, Chris Cook, Anthony Minarik, Brad Harvey, Ken See USAGE Omaha:

    USAGE Seattle:

    Bur. of Reclamation: Joe Wright, Frank Dworak Energy Northwest: Don Gregoire, Shannon Kinnunen, Andy Langdon, Dan Moon, Richard Rogalski Enercon (EN): Kurt Roblyer, Suraj Balan Enclosure 1

    Energy Northwest Columbia Generating Station -

    Questions Regarding USNRC and USACE Dam Failure Analysis Energy Northwest had originally provided questions regarding the Probable Maximum Precipitation Event and Probable Maximum Flood Hydrology.

    Probable Maximum Precipitation: The USAGE did not perform an analysis of the probable maximum precipitation event.

    Probable Maximum Flood H drolo To perform this screening analysis, the original r-=7 (b)(?)(E), (b .. .

    • spillway design flood was scaled up and applied to the CGS Basin-Wid~

    (F) **

    • based on increase in drainage area. An additional 25% was added to the scaled ,. P_M_F_ _ __

    d" harge to account for uncertainty in the drainage area method and the original lrbl!7Vf} [b)U}ff)

    (b)(?)(E), (9. flood calculations. The USAGE performed a screening level analysis and confirm the (F)

    • as n-Wide PMF scenario cannot flood the CGS site, and therefore is not a critical or impactful scenario.

    Probable Maximum Flood Hydraulics

    1) What hydraulic methods are utilized (e.g., steady state, unsteady state, one-d lmensional, two-dimensional, etc. )?

    NRC/USACE Response:

    HEC-RAS (Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System-] - 5.0, 1-dimensional flow using unsteady state conditions.

    2) What are the extents of the hydraulic modeling?

    NRC/USACE Response:

    is the (b)(?)(E), (b)(?J ..

    (F) ***** 3) W hat topographical inputs were utilized to develop the model?

    NRC/USACE Response:

    RAS geometry file is a combination of various sources based on the most recently collected terrain and channel surveys available to the USAGE. This data ranges in age from several decades ago (some Canadian cross sections) to a couple of years ago (most of the US portion of the Columbia system due to the Columbia River Treaty studies).

    4) How are any dams and bridges incorporated into the modeling?

    NRC/USACE Response:

    Enclosure 2

    Dams are simulated as inline structures with a number of different operating approaches -

    some are modeled as navigation dams, some elevation-controlled, and others with time series gate openings, depending on the complexity and operations of the dam. Bridges were excluded from the model, with the exception of 3 highway bridges in the upper Columbia.

    5) What boundary conditions are used?

    NRC/USACE Response:

    Tributaries are modeled with storage areas and lateral inflow hydrographs in most cases.

    Separate reaches have been developed for some major tributaries and local distributed inflows. U stream and downstream boundaries are (b)(?)(E), (b)(l)

    (F) ***********

    6) How many calibration and verification storms were utilized?

    NRC/USACE Response:

    This model was originally set-up as a j oint-effort dam break model with Canada. Reaches of the model have been calibrated independently with 3 of each reaches' largest recent storms.

    No observed events have taken place that would aid in calibration of system-wide dam break-type scenarios.

    7) How were Manning's roughness coefficients determined and what range of values are used for the stream and floodplain areas?

    NRC/USACE Response:

    Manning's n values were estimated from existing ,documentationl, then refined during the (co"m"me nted [SK1J: Please be more specific 7 calibration process. Typical channel roughness is .03 to .05, with isolated reaches as low and high as .022 and .07, respectively. All overbank roughness is between .07 and .1 Dam Failure

    8) How were the methods of JLD-ISG-201 3-01 considered (e.g., consideration for all dams in the watershed, simplified a pproaches, hypothetical dams representing c lusters of dams, etc.)?

    NRC/USACE Response:

    (b)(?)(E), (b)(?) IIJgtaloL206dams..were cotlsideredL Jams were screened out using NRG-provided (F)

    • methodologies (JLD-ISG-2013-01 . and Corps technical team evaluation. Following this process, b 7 E b 7 F were identified as potentially-c ritical an requiring a 1Iona ana ys1s.

    Enclosure 2

    9) Which dam failure scenarios were considered (e.g., hydrologic, seismic, sunny-day)?

    NRC/USACE Response:

    All three scenarios (hydrologic, seismic, and sunny day) were considered for each dam.

    10) If seismic or sunny-day failures were considered, was coincident flooding also considered?

    NRC/USACE Response:

    Yes, per NRC/ISG (JLD-ISG-2013-01) guidance.

    11) Which dams were identified as potentially-critical?

    NRC/USACE Response:

    l(b)(?)(E), (b)(?)(F)

    12) Were seasonal reservoir water levels considered in the dam failure analysis?

    NRC/USACE Response:


    13) Are any dams overtopped and not considered to fail? What methods were used to conclude overtopped dams would not fail?

    NRC/USACE Res ponse:

    No, all dams that were overtopped were assumed to fail.

    14) If the results of the dam failure analysis show that water levels exceed the 441 '

    elevation, please provide the following:

    NRC/USACE Response:

    The water level does not exceed 441 ft. (444.5 NAVD88) at the CGS site for any scenario.

    15) What are the limitations and caveats of using these calculations to estimate downstream and/or off-site impacts related to flooding?

    NRC/USACE Res ponse:

    Enclosure 2

    '<<~rrr The focus of the study was primarily the immediate upstream and downstream area of

    ~ross secti1Q TT5IT ~

    include the b 7 E I b 7 F to the CGS sit~) but the model s~t-up and analysis r mode is set-up currently, ii does not include evees, bridges, or ull overbank terrain As the coverage downstream of the CGS site.

    Enclosure 2

    From: Brad To:

    uan; ar ane Cc: Bensi Michelle; see Kenneth; ,.G,.oy.. ..,an.._.J. .,e.,.kj,. a


    Status of NRC/USACE Activities Meeting moved from Andy's office to Shana's office Rescheduled to accommodate USACE's availability 888-41 1-0721: passcodc~

    I. M~drogra~hs and Inundation Maps for two locations in the. Vicinity ofCGS ilh)IR from the USACE Seattle District Ollicc will not be able to start this work until Oct I. NRC is to send a LTD to initiate this work with the correct CAC #.

    U date: LTD 26-5b sent on 09/09/20 16 re uestin

    • an additional h dro rn h excel and df files of WSE discharge, and velocity resulting from the CbX7XE), CbX7)(F)

    USACE Omaha District received draft deliverables from Seaule Dist rict on Oct 24. Drafl deliverables will be reviewed by ._!(.. b._)(..6...) _ __,!bcfore (b)(6) f?':'var9i,1[.tQNI\C E J is out of the office until Oct. 3 1).

    2. Status CGS final TLR USA CE sent NRC the final drafl TLR for review and comments on 09/01/2016. NRC owes USACE comments by 09/16/2016.

    Update: NRC provided oomments on 10/10/20 I 6. USACE to provide final TLR by TBD.

    3. NRC feedback on TM I/Peach Oottom TRD NRC has no comments. but would like to have a copy of the modeling files referenced ir1 the TRD. USA CE to provide these files by 09/16/2016.

    Update: COMPETED* USACE provided NRC files via AMERDEC on Sep 9.

    4. Status ofNRC's request to have USACE reevaluate Beaver Valley S&R Flooding Beaver Valley's ssPMP analysis is stil l being reviewed by the NRC. The NRC will let the USACE know when the NRC has reached a conclusion as 10 whclher USACE's assistance will be needed to perform any addilional H&M 111odcling for Beaver Valley.

    Update: COMPLETED

    • LTD TO26-2a was seni,J,l,>loi..i--.llli.l:..ii,ill-il~.lllllW.IW:WaWlllli..Jl:1,1;,_w;*drographs {excel and pdf files) of WSE, discharge, and velocity for based on a depth-area-duration table provided by Oak Ridge Nalior r es from computer model runs (2) inunda1ion map of 1he NPP s i1e and (3) a description of the development of the hydrogrnphs.

    USA CE 1>rovided prel iminary results on 10104120 16; final deliverables were provided via AMERDEC on Oct 2 1.

    5. Cooper's request 10 work collaboraiively with USACE to use Probabilistic Risk Assessment principals 10 access Dam Failure The NRC (JLD) will contact Cooper to see if a wcbinar can be set up for either Friday aftemoon Sept 16 or Monday Sept 19. A copy of the licensee's presentation will be provided to the USACE about a week prior to the webinar, and the NRC and USACE will review the presentation together in a phone call prior to the wcbinar.

    Update: During the Sc1>t 19 webinar, Cooper presented a proposed approach to use Probabilistic Risk Assessment principa ls to address 1heir integrutcd assessment. To support tl1is approach. Cooper has requested via letter dated IO/ l4/2016 design aud operational information on Missouri River system dams.

    A decision needs to be made regard ing how the USACE will be responding to this reques1 Q(b)m(E) (blm(F)

    (b)(7)(E) (b)(?J.J..... ......  ! The USACE has had intcmnl discussion on this topic and hopes to be able to for1111~il;;,;

    a£ H:e',aa;,r""


    • p'"

    on: !s1i:



    v""l"0-. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,

    (F) **********

    The USACE reports that no NRC funding is needed to provide the response.

    6. Closeout of task orders NRCHQI 31030021-00 I and NRCHQ 13l03002 1-NRCHQ20 l 4T0004 The USACE reports a balance of $38,402.97 remains on TO# I. However, the NRC will kee1>TO # 1 open depending 0 11 the results of the upcoming webinar with Cooper. The USA CE hopes to be able to provide the balance on TO #4 with in a couple of weeks.

    Update: Given that no NRC funding is required for USACE's response to Cooper's request for Missouri River system dams, the NRC plans to close TO # !.

    USACE still needs to provide the balance of TO #4 before the NRC plans to close TO #4. There is still an obligation of$468 on TO #4 in the USACE system which needs to be cleared wh ich USACE hopes 10 be able to be resolved soon.

    The NRC will initiate amendments to these TOs revok ing the remaining funds.



    Cc: Matthews Asha


    Status of September MLSR Date: Friday, November 04, 2016 8:54:28 AM Could you please provide an update on the status of the MLSR for September 2016?

    Thank you.

    Brad 301-415-4118

    Original Message----- .---------------.

    from:!(b)(6) lrlllllillil.J,_(b_)(6_) -----------.s~

    Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 2:24 PM To: Harvey, Brad <>


    [External_Sender] RE: Follow Up on NRC Program Items Brad, I'm traveling this week tomorrow through Friday. I'll be back in the office by 2 pm CDT on Friday, so I'd be available for a call after that time if you want.

    I'm planning to do the MLSR on Friday afternoon, so I apologize that it'll be late.



    1 l(b)(6) I ProJect Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol A venue Omaha, NE 68102-4901 Phone: b 6 BB: (b)(6)



    Original Message-----

    From: Harvey, Brad [mailto-Brad Harvey@nrc ~ov]

    Sent: Tuesday, 25 October, 2016 12:40 To: j{b)(6)

    Cc: Campbell, Andy <>; Helton, Shana <>; Cook, Christopher

    <>; See, Kenneth <>


    [EXTERNAL] RE: Follow Up on NRC Program Hems Chris F:

    Thank you for these updates.

    I am still planning to have a conference call on Fri Oct @ 9 am CDT, if that's OK with you. During this call, I'd like to introduce our new SES, Shana Helton, who will be taking over from Andy Campbell.

    By the way, what's the status of the latest MLSR?

    Brad 301-415-4118

    Ori inal Messa e-----

    From: (b)(6) [~ (b)(6) b Sent: Tues ay, Octo er 25,20 1 12:29 PM .___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....,

    To: Harvey, Brad <>


    [External_Sender] Follow Up on NRC Program items Brad, I owe you feedback on several NRC program items.

    1) COS (b)(7)(E) (b)(7l(Fl Deliverables - We received draft deliverables from Seattle District yesterday (24 Oct). l want (b (6) o review them prior to transmitting them to you. He's out of the office until 31 Oct, so we'll transmit the deliverables to you as soon as he's able to review them upon his return.
    2) COS Final TLR- Seattle District has requested a delivery date of 18 Nov due to.. l(b_)(_6_

    ) - - -~ aving extensive tempora1y duty scheduled over the next few weeks. ls 18 Nov acceptable?

    3) Cooper NPP Request - We've had another internal discussion on this topic, and now that we have the official request from Cooper, we'll try to formulate a response within the next two weeks.
    4) TO #4 Remaining Balance -TI1.ere is still an obligation of$468 on TO #4 in our system that our program analyst hasn't been able to clear even though she should be able to. We've elevated this issue to our resource management group, so hopefully it'll be resolved soon, and we'll be able to return the funds to you.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.


    !(b)(6) l(b)(6) I Pro1ect Manager Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Special Projects Branch 1616 Capitol A venue Omaha, NE 68102-4901 Phone: (b)(6)

    BB: (b)(6)




    To:  : See. Kenneth:



    Synopsis of Today"s phone call with the USACE b 6 Date: Thursday, June 23, 2016 5:21:34 PM .....,....__ _.

    1. Status of Action Items from the June 9 Columbia ITR Meeting
    a. Responses to Licensee questions to be provided to NRC by 07/01/16
    b. Final licensee deliverables to be provided to the NRC by 07/01/2016:
    i. Hydrographs (Excel files) of WSE, Discharge, and Velocity and PDFs of WSE and Discharge
    1. Locations 1 throu h 4

    . (b)(7)(E),

    2. Scenarios: (b)(7)(F) seismic/sunny failures and basin-wide PMF ii. Inundation Maps
    1. Location 2
    2. 1-0 model" grids
    3. Scenarios:.........................seismic/sunny failures and basin-wide PMF
    c. Revised draft TLR to be provided to the NRC for review and comments by 07/15/16
    i. A couple of "sensitive" items may be redacted in compliance with the NOA
    2. Potential for developing hydrographs and inundation maps for other sensitive locations in the vicinity of the CGS
    a. NRC has requested that the USACE provide a cost estimate
    3. Status of TMI/Peach Bottom TER and Technical Review Document
    a. USACE provided TER on June 21, 2016; NRC to provide comments sometime during the next several weeks ...
    b. Technical Review Document to be provided on TBD
    4. USACE's Reevaluation of Beaver Valley S&R Flooding
    a. Dependent on ORNL's review of licensee's ssPMP analysis, which has just begun

    From: Microsoft Outlook on behalf of Helton Shana To: Harvey. Brad


    Meeting Forward Notification : Status of NRC/ USACE Activities Your meeting was forwa rded Helton, Shana <> has fo rwarded your meeting req uest to additional recipients.

    Meeting Status of t.RC/ USACE Activities Meeting Time Friday, October 28, 2016 3:00 PM-4:00 PM.

    Recipients Bensi, Michelle <mai lto:M>

    All times listed arc in the following time zone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

    Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server 2013

    From: Uribe Juan To: Harvey. Brad


    Tentative: NRC/USACE Status Phone Call

    From: Rodriguez. Ricardo To: Harvey. Brad


    Tentative: NRC/USACE Status Phone Call

    From: Han Victor To: Haryey. Brad


    Tentative: NRC/USACE Status Phone Cal l

    Brad, I'm afraid that I' m going to miss this call again. Got yo ur note, and will let you know as oon as I have updates.



    From: Minarik Anthony To: Haryey. Brad


    Tentative: NRC/USACE Status Phone Call

    From: Han Victor To: Harvey. Brad: Cook. Christopher: Campbell, Andy


    Update on USACE Project Plan Date: Thursday, March 17, 2016 4:24:47 PM Hi all ,

    A quick heads-up before tomorrow's call. I spoke with Brian Harris in OGC regarding their comments on the USAGE project plan .I




    ITfu[BjY' Brad


    Updated NRC Organizational Charts for the EPgMP Date: Friday, February 19, 2016 1:28:39 PM As we discussed earlier today, a copy of the NRC organizational charts shown in the latest version of the NRC/NRR Enterprise Program Management Plan (EPgMP) are outdated:

    • A revised NRC organization chart shown on pg 10 of the EPgMP can be found here:

    • A revised NRR organization chart shown on pg 11 of the EPgMP can be found here on the first page:

    bttp:// Hope this helps. Please let me know if there are any questions.

    Brad 301-415-4118

    From: Matthews Asha To: Harvey. Brad


    USACE ARMY IPAC # 992A37RG, 992A37R4, 992A38Hl Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 4:02:21 PM Attachments: ~OTC074I001F.PDF:

    Hi Brad ,

    I am reaching out to you for the breakdown on these three attached IPACs. I noticed last month the change in distribution from treasury. I receive mu ltiple pages verses the one. So, I just wanted to send it out this month just to besure all charges belong to you. Thank you for your time in this matter. If you have any questions, please contact me.

    Respectfully, AM'tev f,.,-1 atthe,wy Deva & Associates, P.C.

    U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC)

    Payments and Payroll Branch ir: 301-415-2958 Bl: Asha.Matthews@nrq~ov

    RECEIVED BY YOUR ALC (Condensed)

    ALL T~NSACTIONS RECEIVED BY: 31000001 INCLUDES THIRD PARTY SUBMITTER DATA Start Date: 09/10/2015 End Date: 09/13/2°015 Originating ALC Cus_ tomer ALC Submitter ALC COLLECTION 00008736 31000001 8735 .

    Document Reference Number Summary AmoLnt 992A37R4 $91,116.37

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    Contact Email Contact Phon*e I-  !(b)(6)

    Detaii Number R~iver Trea54Jry Accoun) Symbol Receiver DUNS+4 Sender _Treasury Account Symbol Sender OUNS+4 031 X0200000 096 X3122_000 Receiver BE_TC Receiver DUNS Sender 8ETC Sender DUNS 0IS8 COLL Purchase Order Number  : Invoice Number_ 'Obligating-Documenl Number

    • NRC-HQ-13I030021 28201507 NRC-HQ-13I03002 1 Recjuistion Number Contract Number CLIN 28201507 N RC-HQ-1 3\030021 4 Jas Number 'ACT(lrace number) Job (Project) Number G614.7 8973000000
    • Un*t of Issue o*uanlity Unit Price Detail Amount Receiver Dept Code LS 1.00 * $5,055.82 . $5,055.62
    • 31 Accounting Classification Code FSNIMA/ADSN DOD Activity Address Code Pay Flag 31NA0200 p Transaction Contact Contact Phone ACRN

    !(b)(6)  !(b)(6)  !

    Transaction Oescri~tion *Miscellaneous Information 31 NA X 0200.0000 2014 00 0000 00000000000 AUTOMATIC CUSTOMER ORDER BILLING.: P.LEASE 00000 31X200.320 ALC 31000001 SEND ALL REQUESTS FORAODITIONAL INFORMATION BY EMAIL TO Sender Standard General Ledger (SGL) lnfomiatioo

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    ALL TRANSACTIONS RECEIVED BY: 31000001 INCLUDES THIRD PARTY SUBMITTER DATA Start Date: 09/10/2015 End Date: 09/13/2015 Detail Number Receiver Treasury Acoovn\ ~ymbol Receiver DUNS+4 Serl!i11r Treasury Account Symbol Sender DUNS+4 2 031 X0200000 096 X3122000 Receiver BETC Receiver DUNS Sender BETC Sender DUNS DISB COLL Purchase Order Number Invoice Number Obligating Document Number NRC-HQ-13I030021 28201507 NRC-HQ-13I030021 Requistion Number Contract Number CUN 2B201S07 NRC*H Q-1 3I030021 00005 Jas Number ACT(trace number) Job (Project) Number G61478973000DOO Unit of Issue Quantity Unit Price Detail Amount* Receiver Dap1 Code LS 100 $86,025.07 $96,025.07 31 Accounting Classification Code FSN/AAAIADSN DOD Activity Address Code Pay flag 3tNA0200 0 p Transactio*n Contact Contact Phone ACRN l(b)(6) . l(b)(6)

    Transaction Description Miscellaneou,; tnformalion 31 NA X 0200.0000 2014 00 0000 NA 00000 AUTOMATIC CUSTOMER ORDER BILLING: PLEASE 31X200.32D ALC 31000001 SEND ALL REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY EMAIL TO

    Sender Standard General Ledger (SGL) lnlormalion SGL Categ Ory FederaI Flag SGL Account Amount 30D F. 1010 $85,025.07 Debit 22D F 1310 $86,025.07 Credit Sender SGL Comments ReceiVer SGL Comments Page 5 ol 48 9(14/2015 Report Requested by: Asna Joychelle Matthews IPACTransactionReportSelection

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    Receiver 8ETC ~e~el~r OUNS Sende'r BETC Sender DUNS DISB Cot.L Pun;nase Ord<!r Numb<<r lrwolce Number Obligating Document Number NRC-H_O-13I030021 28201501 NRC-HQ-13I030021 Requistion Number Contract Number CUN 28201507 NRC-11Q-13I030021 2 Jas Numbar ACT(trace number) * :Job (Project) Number G61478973000000.

    Unit of Issue Quantity UnltP~ Detail Amount .. Receiver Dept Code .

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    • 31 Accounting Classification* Code FSN/MA/ADSN DOD Activily Mdn,ss Code Pay Flag 31NA0200 0 p Transaction Contact Contact. Phorne ACRN


    Transaction Description .

    31 NA X 0200.0000 2013 00 0000 00000000000 00000 31X200.320 ALC 31000001 Sender Standard 134,neral Ledger (SGL) Information SGL Category f11deral Flag SGL Account

    • Amount 300 . F 1010 ' $35.48 Debit 220 .F 1310 . $35.48 Credit Sende'r SGL C~mrn11nts Receiver S~ C()fllfflents
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    • 00008736 31000001 8735 Docu~ent Reference Number Summary Amoui:it *

    . 992A37RG $2,189 60 Acoornplishec:t Date M,counting Date

    • Nbr of Detail(s) Orig DO Symbol 0911112015 09/30/2015 2 X0992, ALC Contact :


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    Detail Numbi!i. Receiver Treasury Account Symbol Receiver,DU~S+4 Sender Treasury Accou.nt Symbol Sender DUNS+4 031 XD2000DO 096 X3122000 Receiver BETC Receiver DUNS Sender BETC Sender DUNS

    . COLL DIS8 Purchase Order Number

    • lnv'oice Number
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    NRC-HQ-13I030021 28201810 NRC-HO,131030021 Requistion Number Contract Number CLIN 28201010 NRC-HQ-13I030021 4

    • Jas Number ACT(trase number) , Job (P~aject) N_u mber

    , G61478974000000 Unit of Issue (?uantity Unit Price Dela.ii Amount Receiver Dept C?de LS 1.00 $56.20. $~6.20 31

    • Acoounting Classification Code FSNIAAA(ADSN . 000 Act!vity Address Code 31NA0200 :o Transaction Conlacl Conlad Phone j(b)(6) l(b)(6)

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    • 31 NA X 0200.0000 2014 00 0000 00000000000 . AUiOMATIC CUSTOMER ORDER BILLING: P LEASE 00000

    Sender'Standarrt General Ledger (SGL) Information

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    Transaction Description Miscellaneous Information 31 NA X 0200.0000 2014 00 0000 NA 00000 AUTOMATIC CUSTOMER ORDER BILUNG: PLEASE 31X200.320 ALC 31000001 SEND All REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY EMAIL TO

    • Sender Standard General Ledger (SCLJ lrlformalion SGL Category federal Flag SGLAct:ount Amwnt 30D F 1010 $2.133.40 Credit 22D F 1310 $2. 133.40 Debit Sander SGL Comments Receiver SGL Commenli Page Sor 48 911412015 Report Requested by: Asha Joychella Malthews IPACTransactionReportSelection

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    00008(36 31000001 6735 Document Refererw:a Number Surnma,y Amount 992A38H1 ,S85,241.73 '*.l Accomplished Date Acr.ounting Date Nbr of Detail(s) Orig DO Symbol 09/22/ZO 15 09130/2015 3 X0992 ALC Contact


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    Delail Number Receiver Treasury Account Symbol Receiver OUNS+4 Sender Treasury Acoount Symbol Sender DUNS,_4 031 X0200000 096 X3122000 Receiver BETC Receiver DUNS Sender BETC Sender DUNS DISB COLL

    ~urc:hase Order'Number ln\/Oice Number Obligating Document Number NRC*HQ-13I030021 28202824 N RC-HQ-131030021 Requistior1 Number Contract Number CLIN 28202624 NRC,HQ-13 1030021 00005 Jas Number ACi(lrace number) Job (Project) Number G61484747000000 IJnit of Issue Quantity Unit Price Detail Amount Receiver Dept Code LS 1.00 $76,664 81 $76,664.81 31 Accounting Classification Code FSN/AAAIAOSN DOD Activity Address Code Pay Flag 31NAl)200 0 p Trans.iclion Contact Conled Phone ACRN

    !(b)(6) !lb){B}

    Transaction Description

    • Miscellaneous Information 31 NA X 0700 0000 2014 00 0000 NA 00000 AUTOMATIC CUSTOMER ORDER BILLING : PLEASE 31X200.320 ALC 31000001 SEND AU. REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009 BY EMAIL TO CEFC- FR@usace.a

    Senoor Standard General Ledger (SGL) lnlonnation SGL category Federal Flag SGL Amoont 30D f 1010 $76,664.81 Debit 22D F 1310 $76,664.81 Credit Sender SGL Comments Receiver SGL Comments Pa9!! 1 of 23 91231:W15 Report Requested by: Asha Joychelle Matthews IPACTransactlonReportSelectlon

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    ALL TRANSACTIONS RECEIVED BY: 31000001 INCLUDES THIRD PARTY SUBMITTER DATA Start Date: 09/22/2015 End Date: 09/22/2015 Detail Number Receiver Treasury Accounl Symbol ReceiverDUNS+4 Sender Treasury Account Symbol Sender DUNS+4 2 G31 X0200000 096 X3122000 Reoelver BETC Receiver DUNS $ender BE:TC Sender DUNS DISB COLL Purchase Order Number Invoice Number Obligating Do<:umcnt Number NRC-HQ-13!030021 282.02824 NRC-HQ- 13!030021 Requi~ticm Number Conlraci Number CLIN 28202824 NRG-HQ- 13I030021 2 Ja5 Nurn~r ACT(lrace number) Job (Project) Number G61484747000000 Unit of Issue Quantity Unit Price Detail Amount Receiver Dept Code LS 1.00 $347.15 $347.15 31 Accounting Classlftcatlon Code FSNIAAA/ADSN DOD Activity Address Code Pay Flag 31NA0200 0 p Transaction Conti.IC! Contact Phone ACRN l(b)(6)  !(b)(6)

    Transaction Descnptlon Mis~ellaneous Information 31 NA X 0200.0000 2013 00 0000 00000000000 AUTOMATIC CUSTOMER ORDER BILLING: PLEASE 00000 31X200.320 ALC 31000001 SEND ALL REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMAT ION NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009 BY EMAIL TO

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    ALL TRANSACTIONS RECEIVED BY: 31000001 INCLUDES THIRD PARTY SUBMITTER DATA Start Date: 09/22/2015 End Date: 09/22/2015 Detail Numt>er Receiver Treasury Account Symbol Receive, DUN$+4 Sender Treasury Account Symbol Sender DUNS+4 3 031 X0200000 096 X3122000 Receiver BETC Receiver DUNS Sender BET C Sender DUNS DISS COLL Purchase Ort1er Number hwoica Number Obligating Document Number NRC-t-lQ-13I030021 28202824 NRC-110-13I030021 Requislion Number Contrac1 Number CLIN 28202824 NRC-H0-131030021 6 Jas Number ACT(trace numberl Job Wroject) Number G61484747000000 U nit of Issue Quantity Unit Price Detad Amouril Receiver Dept Code LS 1.00 $8,229.77 $8,229.77 31 Accounting Classification Code FSN/AAA/AOSN DOD Activity Address Code Pay Flag 31NA0200 0 p Transaction Contact Contact Phone ACRN

    !(b)(6)  !{b)(6)

    TransacIlon Description Miscellaneous Information 31 NA X 0200.0000 2013 00 0000 00000000000 AUTOMATIC CUSTOMER ORDER BILLING: PLEASE 00000 3 1X200.320 ALC 31000001 $HID ALL RE:QUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NRC-HQ-25-15-T-0009 BY EMAIL TO

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