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FOIA-2024-000024 - Released Set
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/12/2024
- No Known Affiliation
Download: ML24253A050 (1)


Moving to Sh~r~Pou1t on December 4, 2023!

IM-lln"l*.. *-1-*-*--- ~-1.....-. 1111.,,.....,,,-1... --*

  • ' NR C @Work w a t
  • in **, * *.,

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Anno WKl!fflltlll)-

L~tesl Ann ou n c ement s UKlllCi, rAC*UTIU:,.. CmNC;S, UO "'"

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s;.., *.,,;n, ADAMS I......... I N",,.,_... I fl ****

Q otf1l* "' olt,(l,...,.i~Tr~tlOf'I a Office of Adminis t ration 1) N,tfoll0v.1ng US NRC SN,Po,.,t Po,t.,1 A0M Sn,,.Po.'11 Porta1 (Hub ADM ()tyiW't!'W, tnd Bta/\\CNt tit. DW!boftd ~MIU'(.. Artt,r,,td S.r1H Ni, LC!nQ...-UM-d C e,,,.,..?


0 ADM - Office of Admini stration

M issio n /\\OM Sc,v,cts

ProV1des centralized services In the areas of acquisition fadl,hes Md security, property management. and adminis l rative services lnduding age,,cy directives support. tral"l5portation l:I EI ___ _

parking, audi ~sua l, food services. mail d,stnbudon, labor services. furniture. supplies. NUR.EG p11bllcotoons, grophlcs, ond prmMg D Jm l!I

Management DirKhves


Actir.g 0r-puty Oi.rt-aor (.~

ilt*llil*]*MI ADM EYD£1/9ntl lnfocmthPO ADM e, :tc,i.t 0,9.Qwl Resour ces ADM Policie1 and Procedure-,

c Ph'1L1An*kvtl Psxvmtnl ftawCtJut a ~ St\\&*tPotn!.

a Procera 19' Ptorcning P9s:umrmc in APM15 llfil..AlllbAb<:*~~ u alld,:~*~'eclllllwDdlll AOM P.oii** r~t


~ II F~ IVO~ It (ult Chromt)


Eml ~ N~*1hQ,1M,liotllooh-*t(PilATI Olvl1lon of AcqulMtlon Man*g*m*nt Olr.ctor: ilmJ.trAt!1 NIK Ed;1!!-rlAI '51)tr D*puty OlrKU>,-: Nlcofr SltYC0IP0

- -- Diftttf. (O()td*nate, and pfflOt'ms conlract,ng tn1er;tgtncy 191ttmt'nts (1nc11,1Cht1g Oep1rtrnt"lt Moving to 'itur, r 11t o n Dec,mber 4, 2023 1

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O NRC it W o rk

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  • NRC Announcemenb

~mfllor am

W~slorilttf' Announce mmt.s Tot.a,AMOIIM.-.fflt'fllJ'found,; 10411

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  • NRCA.nnoontei:~nts
  • Standnu:j, EmpfQVet'N~
  • OtolholfOfmerNRCl'mploVN P*trrd*McGraoyFltw!ttn

Death of former NRC emp loye e - Patricia M c Grady-finneran Announcement Category-Employee News

The agef'l('V Is sack:fe~ to leamof tht"dea.thofMs. Patirlcl-ai McGrMly*fl11neran. wtio ~sseo *Wifi on Now~r 9,2023. P*t;rJc.aa Q:stworklN:I as Fedtn,t 5t.)r~. IH1<1 Tflll.11 L /.llso,t Pr06(,tm 1,,1,tn.lgH In (h&Of'lkt of HVCW"lt' Mll~rlal Satery MIO Sate-,ull'O~ (NMSS). If\\ t,,t, lnttra<wetnmtnt4'1 ttal f\\ fOtl 'IN Ith lf\\e f ~ere,, Stile-*nd Trll>>I l,,i1$0n, Ms. MtOr,dy*Flrln,ranch.tmplonNi lhe NRC's outre.,(.n 10 NaUwAme, lc;an lrlb,4 N*t1Qn$. 1elnfo,cJng lO'"'ientYP't'$01'1'1el the lrnpcxunteof re-coSf'lltfng.und@rstondlns, and respectlfl8!Ve Amei'ka-n Tl'lbal~r!ignty, SrieM.ilhQlfero t~ NR.Cs ftrst 'Tribal Prot<xol ManoaL. INUREG-2173. R~. 1:

bl(PS'//1,yww OCC 8~8'WltUAC2J73Dndf!,bSIDI 0 }, ldOOJ,nf!'f!r 11'\\al hl13hU~H U~ aJerM:y*1,cNM1!tfOf"r,110 uphO&ct IH Trust RtspouslbllltY 10 NetJve Atne:fkM ltlbes. M'ld helped Oevek,p tht a,encv** fir-St Tr!MI Policy Stllt>tT"l,.. *,u. Paukla WH kl'IOM"t fOf' l"tf' kttn ~~ ol hum Of', kwe of famlty, her compassion. i'nd h@f"wide drdeof trteods. She retired from the: aemcv In C>Kembf.r-2017, ~ low<l 8~ of all ~music.~ tt,,e ~an and speclflc.1ltv Cape Hatttras. gM'tbolln&,no bMeb.&IL Stie m.tdf I IMtfng lmp,tsi!Of1 on a,ose, sht mt-L Str-Ac.t.and lntermertt Prtate. ~i,ortal contrlbuUons In ht, n;wneun bf' made to*ny worth),cho,lly.

Waishlngton Pon obituary can DC' found here:

hll~~8CdY*ftnntttn*OOth11tvlkl *SM t 524'

OCl<CO 5"biMIUtt'4CIIWIU Ctw11oe KbdOOMO'

  • ~Ull"W~

$qJ1,1,1ur*O*tr. T~.~21.2023 l~I". Noirembw 21. 2023


a ea a m m e1 a 21:1 INSPtctO* (.tNCllU PrlOCIAM Home

  • NflCAnrl<IUncement>c, Standard Employtt ResoUfces, Now,,mber 2023 I THE PERCl~O PULSE: Stay Up-to*D<lte with Monthly Lo..rnlnsHighll!fl,1s-

November 2023 I THE PERCIPIO PULSE: Stay Up -to-Date with Monthly Learning Highlights

Announcement Category* Employee Resources


A< No'll1ember unfolds, The mn,., of~ a,,~, Human C...plul 01"ur. Human RMourc"' 11"11 Tralnlns Dlvk1on (OOiCOlt-l,UO) 1, (l<OmoUnB two lmpo<1an1 th"'""'

Via Skllt50ft Perclplo: M 1naslne Diversity *nd Stren A w11r-u, Thes.e subjects,_atewlli'I our comml1men1 toa suppc"l*e ano lr,cJusl'l'e \\!IOfk en-.1ron.,..n*

M~Mslns Dlv~r$lty: In ~ world as dJver,e as ours. undersUndlng orid celellnltlns dlffef em:~s is pIvot1 I EJopl<<e our a,raced =re.,. on Pt;rti plo to g1l n lnsi&hli Into cultural campelence_dlverslty ano lnch.lsl<K> practices, and how to roster an lnciu5M v.orkploo:, Lel' s bulld

  • cutwre whereever;,,ne toeu valueu,,~.

d can b<lng ~Ir IIIJ thf'J'lllc ~Ive* to W0<k. Ga 1:1EBf to d lsc= avalil!b~ r6QUrc:es on SlJU<0ft Perdplo

5treo A wanmtiSs W <!e.k: In today 's last*pae@d world, mana,tnsu,,.ss ii crucial rorwell-1><!1.,g. 5tr=Aw**~* Wr!!<!k !Der. JO - Nov 31 iunoppartunity to fOQJs 011 s.ett-eare 1na reslllei,ce. OlSCOYe,.technlques °" Perclplo co reduce stro:M, enllil!lce )'OV'l1'enral wetl-~ing, Md boost vwr OYenll productlwty Len pnorltl~e sell-ca~ and support one aooth;,rfn ourc.oiloctl.,.)ourm,y u, w,,l14>o!ing. Vlslt ~ to le,om more.

By eflSilslngwlth these resoun:es.. you w111 not orily enruince )'QY* skllfs bUI also tontrlbme to* t,,,~Uhle< "'1d more lf'ldlJ\\llle....,,1q,1oc~ Vour-s,OWih ~nd w~l*beln1 e 01 the utmost lmp<>rtanc., to us. Lot's "'11brnc<! ~*naglns Dl..,rsltyand Stn,ss Aw*rene..,t~I* NIM!mb<.r, cffftlng acult<rr4' !hatfosters lncluslcm ond ""lllence.

U PCOM ING LEAD£RCAMP S & BOOTCAMPS Unlock yc,ur p,otenllal end llpanic:1eyour sldllset with Perc1plo's IMlfuclor*led, lmmenl~e leaderampt nnd IXJo!camps. Ch<:<ko.;t~U UpcomlJ1g le1deramp and BootcampSnilom avallab~f! ttii! mo111LtrNovmnbtc 7923 ~plQ Lttldtt&tm~~~


The Slclllsolt Perciplo platform otters fe*tu= that allow vou 10 IN>!lmlleyc,<Jr leomlnJWlth Pertiplo. lnrn"""" """"' tills mon"1 "sspot11gt,t reatwes by,eie,,tlog the links below

  • b"At'.D"CfudbfSk - Yoor apil' !on matt~nl Srlote ya1.rr lhousi,u with P@rt.1plo'*@IH)'COOrn f~(illacl( system.
  • ChlnJwl-C~@ted & o,ganlnd leamlns pothwlryi oround <pedflc topics for ll!f!l('ttd sl<Ul e!lhancem~nL
  • ~!pip MPRIIO ARA - Atc~s your ~a,ntng aJI on *ll'le aoiMth our mabUe app, maldn@ ~al'i'li"l! conve~lent a<1d llexll)le. (Qu1c11 tip: Hr,,/ld over ti) en,,

Nuclefl"Ol~ Pefdplo pa,ge to see *>hart~ aq how to downlooo the appon your moblle de\\llci,. j

We enc01.1rage, you to expi<<e u,ese featt1res ilncl take actvaii~e of ewrythlng tl14!Sk1Usoft Pen:lplo ~latloon l>a5 to off


Please,cm-r1t;l ~ eor Dc:onl Qr:l1ndo e.

Offic:r. OCHCO S<rbndrt.,-'1Emalb cturti!'Kbe1ourzv e 1w1i-lzln10ffidot* MoryLim,ry Sian,l.t-ureDli.t~ Tumda't, 0rn,ller ll 2023 P\\,bll<hOn, r-d... o.r-n. io23

El D El II ml C 11 11 Cl I HSPC.CTOft C[N.CCAL rnoc.~

A~S-Qukj vi.,.,.,,. ;


  • NR.CAnnountMW!l'IH
  • StMCSard * [mpkJyeeR~ces
  • WeeldyUstlr,sotNe:NVae,1,dts

Week ly Listing of New Vacancies Announ c ement Category* Emp loyee Resou rces

The.Ctftc@0ft~CN~HlHM'\\Cap1talOtftce.r{OC:HCO)tshrghnsht1rt5thl!ll:stofM-WYacandNlhirtop,t'nNSatt~NRC~twtt1'10Gt~l.,2023th(DUgh Ncmmbtt" 17. 2023. Adeca1led Us.tot c1Jr<f'et1ttypos1edv!lc.$ndes an be'°°ted on tM' USAJOB5Wd>sltc:

NMSS/DFM*2024-0001-0tputy Oitll!(tor. 0Msioo of Fuel Maoagern@fll* ES..()3.4()-00; Oose-s: 11/20/2023

  • E00-2024--0001-Program Evaluat<< '5ocl.ll Sc:leolh1)-00*0101*14: Oases.; 11n0/2023
  • NRR-2024-000S-Nvde,11 £t"Mlni:-er-GG--0640--l4,*CI-Ose$:. ll/20/2023
  • R*MOR:MA-2024-0001-Br-antt1Chlef* GG-0840-14: Ck,sts: 11120/2023
  • OCIOIGEMS* 2024-0002* GoYernment lnf0<m.a.tlon Spec:f.tlb:t - 00-0306-13: Closes; 11/21/2()23
  • 01*2024-0001-trwes:tlgaUons PtogramAssls1.-nt* GG-Ol03*10lt t: Ck>s;N: 1Vl7/202J
  • R*IV*2024-0001-OepuryOlrtttor, O.v&:ton o, R&llloloSkal Sa,fery and Scruf"ity--ES-340-00; Clos~~ 1 Jll7 /202J
  • R*lltORS-2024-0JOS-Sertlo,-Ph'{sfca,) Set\\lflt)' lnwedor*GG--0080-14;C)oses: l 1/27/20?3

, OIGIAIGl-2024--0001* Wrlt..--£dltor (FOIA)* GG-1082-13: Clom: 11/28/2023

  • R*IIIIDRMA*2024-000H'1Jrtho,lnsAg"1t*GCi*!l05-0?/IO;Close~ 1 U28/2023 R*II/DRP-2024-000l*S<n<>r R.-.,, lnsOKtor IPWR/TU-GG-0840-14: Clos*~ 1 l/2V20z:J NRR/DANU*2024-Q004-!ta,~ty Speclallst (RTRI-GG--0080-H; Cio>es: tl/29/2023 RES!OSA-2024 ~0001 *He!lth Physk;ist* GG--1306-14; CIOses: 12/04/2023 RES/0[~2024..QOOl *Sr, Ructor-En,glnttr-GG-0801/1~1*15: Closes: 12J04t2023 WtDE-2024,..()()()l *Branc:h Chh!f.ciG-0801/1301
  • 15; C1osg; 12/08/2003
  • OGC-2024-000l*Altom,v-GG-0905-13/14;0-.: 12113/2023
  • N~IR/OPR*2024-0002*EMetg@11C.Y ResponseCOOfdiNtOf'-0G*060111301*14: Cleses:: 12/14/2023
  • AllOfC*2023-0240-o.n.,.I En&',...,,/Sci.ntJst*GG-0001/1301* OS/0710'1 FPL 13: C1mtt 12llil/202S
  • OIG-2024-0001*En81ne,,(Te<hnlooJ AcMsorJ* GG-Oe01/0tl40-13;C-* 12118/2023

Conllet IWllJJI.C1ll e. OCHCO

()ft'(.-: OCHCO 51.ibmht.. 's E,n:all* UutaBmilD:I:J+NB Au1horlnn1 Of'fKW* "'"........,

SlaN* Jf* 0.1.t@' Monda\\t.~~ 2023 Publnl\\On : ~Ull.~t:20.202-3 a m n o m m a a JCI INtiPtCTO '-tNtAAl PROCQAMI I\\DAMSCh,ld, 1/i.w


  • N RC Annouric.emei,n
  • Sni~
  • Event
  • Diwan - The F-estl'IOI or Ugt,1, Cetebrat Ion, No.,,,mber 21, 2023

Diwali -The Festival of Lights Celebration, November 21, 2023

Announcement Category - Event

You*~ lnvll<!d lo tofn Ille Asian Pacific Amerf,;an community a! Ni<<; headquarters J,;,, O,e Olwal1 the F,:sl/Vlll al Ll;!ht> Celeb<aUOll on NQIH,m""' 2 l i!Y.13, from noon to l.-00 p.m., In ll'H! TWFN Exn~11 Au:& Stop i,y to watclHome !hon videos 11no el'ljoy ~,peclal **~*L You are welCOmt! to drtM In tr.01U0f\\oll tndl~n attire.

Ir you 11-q\\16llom, P'@M~ cont.>ct ~ =

Cllck~toildlj thti event 10 vouro111l00knlet1dar.

Olfl..: 58~

Subiniu *r*;. £m.i1: Oocmbt! Wtm,ortoOlr,YCnt Aull\\otllinl Ofl,cl.l l" Vonnt o,o.,

PublilhOo: W*d~. N"'...,,i,.,08.l02J

EID ll lll ml CI J CI IM~Jl[CTO* C:DI £.UL. PROCRJUr.l A.DA.MSC)tir... 'v-.

ttorM t NRCAl'tnC>unUm.n.ts, ~lMIQaro * [V'!'flt t ~Haps,v-f'lrld-'ClkM'tn..,111~ts.'I\\IJ - Houiu'4&.~~IW

  • Ahorntkl"'IOl'rlhan~1*PnM
  1. Give Happy - Find a Cause that Inspires You - Housing & Shelter - A home is more than just a house A"no u n ce ment Category - Event

Th, we,;,,).. i CFC CaM ofuw-Week II HouM& &.. ~tier.

14.home b ff'CWeChitn Ju"* "'°'-',.._

,>ot,n, i1,I\\SUO't-.dtNttO~ucoAf~n1~1.1mMldl~.ONytobegt.'"'""'-!JO'M *t,votn., :1~~"'ri1!"em11ftfro,nho,mi:. Hlsw-f ~

d"1nol t..-tnre<.ot,iln Nm tn Ult'heapttal Jonnrno., r tda mtcnc..,.tyfncl4,c:to(I COl',nf~ W'4~,tf\\1J*Vf'U"I,_.-.., Hi.Saocwr~uld It 1min t'*1e,-..,u,v,wtt biJt.,,.WOUld~rfllCOffl'comptte.tvACFC*pa,nlc:ip,tlngdW\\t,isttl)pldlnroptO'ltciethti,mJy~!U't1JPt(l.-1tyld.,pttftm;;n151V -l rtthOIM.. TNthotM.hullt witt\\Wtavt>.pntroslty.Mldr~tfrornd0f'IOf'l..Mut.~Joiwt.,,ankf~T'lit'flNtlMY~~notlc,-p1rt1

~c.tnpt'OVlde-f~with*P<<Ptoc..11~. ~t,xf.,y. HowfoDoN t*~" Cfkli;~ O._iewlo tf, eCFC'Cki.tsu>- lodo.,,.nk *ad*r~

L~n"'°'* ~' t:tolflloa& Strf1er M>d"¥,,,,... ~\\:.U.ll



  • Cft; J nca,lfy0,1'-'t d 1rt,tcfypt,rag,id1o't'(Jrrl,(U,w0nltdi lt!t\\oQW~ltOre<e-~i Jll!1')()fl,,ll1Z~'1l lll.ilT~r~~Ot.*CBd.
  • ~ to, YOIJfa,t~rosltvard ~lng.i~, to GIVE HAPP'fttva.,gtt th""CFC C'ICl(bus_ O f0f t,ftt*s P,or,tti Rt'P()tt


  • Thi USNutJt:a. Rtjui.coryComm~aon-OOHnot ~-'t.,.,.tk,.uM t:''it rOf r,co1>oid-..,.t_lff,
  • ti.RC ~ molo)'fl!Sart *illthWd towppon lf'le(Mfi~ord,,.-ltittof tht Jt'. 01' noctwity II! ir,ll
  • CFC ptovtdt'$~~-Mth the-0pdon of oni,r,.tlnt
  • tJ,"<<inC. J)llf1k6pr,&ting <<!i'"lt.tOon of their Chc)t.:;I'..,

°""" ODtCO Sl.ltlfflt1te<1-E~ ' OW,Pm, KbtoilbJ.<<IY :,

A¥thorWN. Offltwf.,..,yUMky

~ rur.- 0.r.~.,_..~:._io.zr.23



a e a o m m a 11 ::=J C1 INtt'tcJO* C.JJll(tt.A\\. PlltOCAAMI Moving to Sh~rPPo,nt on December 4, 2023!

1-1~*- *-1-,.._,...,,... 1__,...1111.,to&n,_,,_,

  • ' NR C @Work.,, 3 t
  • 1n.., *....

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-*JI""°' *Ml,"-"<.. t.i<'f...... ~W. "'-...,,.,.... !~~, ****._.... llV!l.\\.,_-..wto<llil I<-,

Microsoft 365 (M365)- Sessions for the Week of November 20, 2023 Announcement Catecory a Ewnt MUS,.__,__~..,._,.__._._....__.

~........._.,,10n1co,- *oo....ia

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~ii.-~QfWlll'W'ICUD,* l0*....-..-.."°"'1i,-.,bfir~,.,S-L,,,,,-1~.... 111oJl~llatV"PYIMltil,'fl*~*o l"*.ff'Ufll'IIM.tntNtd.u-

....,,..... ~~loCr~*..,.<~*orto.C'll::'#tJICfl... lN'DCl!lttc-,,,0,..... **,....... **,..n:i"°"' Jft1-**Ct.l¥Jolnutto,-,,oo,.,e

  • ~ 0 10.- Olldaail~

- ~a1:~Jro,r,.--..1i'1).n

~ rt-,i;,.,.;..11__,_u..,......, __,

~.,..,,.......-..,.~...,-a.'-"d-,......_*--..ll~,-.,.41t11,P>~** ~ T~.........,.._._,aosd~!~oe,f,!a,-... -t

~i)r,oala...... Riltl,,1"4"'Jb)tr....,*1-~"ty,ne.M~,.o..10o.,..;i..,.,.1o_..1wl.._._p.oi:ptl(l#,tbb0AW,..¥**~

N'f~~'"'...,..... "".fl'!'l~Vf),JICl'Wl'f'1t~,"""""~""""'"¥"tr'l-~~"""*-'"'"',41~*1..,....,,.~lf...,...,,...,.,...,..,

IIJll_l,M,..... ~~lilf..,,.,_W°'411..... ~II"~,...~,.*1,1,11..1.....,,UWI....... l\\t..... _.,...,....,.,"'U-11.... N..... ~ I~


M.JA,,,.,.,......, 0


  • r,,,....,e,e:ec:,ew,t, er10..Hl>ee1dWIJ
  • £011,cer+wnew....,,
  • Yll,*MCClf'l'llf<l'flf*,.OCIOkllNlM.Cll.lffl!IIIM'
  • 1Jo1Wrotuc-,t::n,;,me+*** a,se,wo,,,-.,..

....,,...,,l.... ~* -

~.-.oar.w Ollllt.-.-.-

..... o-....,,..,.....I~.-,&

rJ El a o m m Cl a Cl AOAM5 Qukli Vlow

Ham,;, NRCAnnouncffl'll'nl<

  • St-anda,d
  • GeN!tal lnter""t, FY 2024 Trawl Fun<ICf'rtJ~c,.uan DurlngConUnuln8RMolut.lot> {CR) - Up&r. (a. of Novi,mb<,r 1', 202

FY 2024 Travel Fund Certification During Continuing Reso !lution (CR) - Update (as of November 17, 2023)

Announcement Category - General Interest

A!J a remlnd<!r, durtr,g ! CR. thf'Ol~c.. or tl>e o,~, Financial Olh<f'r (OCfO)WIII Cf'!"tlly ITAlo4!13Utht>r t~t~ wlUI ttaVel SIMI datfl ts d¥ OiJt. 011 a tolllna window basli. Tra>'d autharlz.t10r11wtlh tnr;e1 stut~a1es tleyOn<I ll'!e 15-iliJY wlndawwlll not be certlflee 15.a~v wlndowal)fX011ct>e~0ra fllll*'(e3rlUC41 year202.!l bl.idget is "na~. wtJlcheYer OCQ11"5 fim.

Th<, wrrent CR I> due to end oo J*nu.,ry 19. 2024. Tr...el 011thorlwtlons for,rip, With departure d;ites ~rtor th~ end date orthe current CR. l<>nuary 19. 202d, wfll

~In In thelrstnusln ETS2 (*.g.. CREATE.D. 51Gtl£D BY TRAVEL.ER. APPROVED). OCFO w111 not IH! 1a1t1~11 *nv Mtloi, (f!.11-reh.Jrl\\ obll8et<!, ot tlckl;t alrlin,;, r@nt..l car, << r~s resel'\\'3tlonsl on tllei~ tnll'-

In ttoe l!llen\\ 1tle CR. exteods beyond Janui!IV 19. 2024, OCFO WIii re51Jme certitvlog c11eua11el audiorll.ltlorisona 15-<lilV rolllns wltldow aspre111oos1v described.

fund avall3b!lltYbllmiled to the CR f11nalr,s allOCallOII arid 1ravel~nihouldwarkw.-.1v v.1tli their o fflces10el'tRlre,urficle111 f\\lods are ~,allable ta support tnwel poor to submtttlng a traYel authoruatlor,. Upaated CR lundlng.illocatlDnS In llne wru, the ru=nt JallUil.ry 19111 CR wlll ~ addresse<I In a separate communication. If

'r0'.I have any questions. ole.ase en1ail e:Trat;ei Rro1resrs.Br:so1C<<:@ntr ROY s.

Offla! ocro Subolt ltt'!I £tnll lf:

,..,_,_lnlJ 0 f~<l.\\l! How~O.b<ltM Si1J1,, ! frl<!.-,,. Now_, 17, 21'):l;t Publl.tiOn.: frld.wv..........,., 17, 1023

El II D Iii mi CI II O CI IHSN:C'.TOI c.n1r11AL PROCQAM ADAMS Ch,l<i< 1/i.w


  • NRCAnnouric.emei,n
  • Sni~
  • Gener.,llnlerest
  • l<Mannoun,c.eme,,

Get in the KNOW with the Know ledge Management Te-am

Announcement Category - General Interest

The Ag,,r,cy 's ~*c Mang*rrneOT f"mo3lim has faunchl,,;I ttie newt edftlCl!l or~ u,., qua,terly l<n<iwf""l!e M~n<11em1!<1loew~,mer, Pie,~ talc\\-llme ro,nctc Oil Ille noK ro ~~ what 800C1 l<nowltdge l'll.l&Stts you may fine aNl to *t~y abtrast of ti>~ AS~ncy's KM ha~~r,lnp.

Off\\oe: OCHCO

~bmilt.,.., E°<Nlt Ttiib-GIH1+tti'!!c:C;,,i~

A"ll>orlrln, 011'<1>1"


Si1Mture011tr. Fr<<iay, N......,ber 17, 2023 Pvblbl,On ; !,\\gn~. Nowmllu20, 2023



  • NRCAMounuments, Standord
  • 11'/lM~,our=
  • lntroi>,.Lnrc.govlsmO\\>JngroSha,,.Pl>int*Oettml>!r4.2023

I is moving to Share Point - December 4, 2023 Announcement Category-lT/IM Resourc es

Beginning!lnbt!r 4. 2023, 11,.. SharoPolnl homo~ wll I be I t,.e oll\\da1 t, RC lntrant!I hC!!TI!! ""~ W I,..,., vlsl!lns twgs:{JlnJooct,oa;,sqy U he Jl<""'OllS lnlra""l

~ png<:)','OlJ wl ll ~ red;rec:t<ed ro t,Hp<;l/!1<t]!'S <hfreP"!Dl.tmn O, Ille agency's newShMoPclnllntraner hOffiep,IS"-

OClO han prepared a~ ro show V<t,tte commonly 11""'1 c,ag,,1 uo loc:ated f,om inmmeum:.govro.,..,,c.w,, With tne.,,or, FIO"*rful.,,*n:h In ShMel'o[f!t. 000 recommends searchingSharePoln1 for contenl..Al$0.~ has ln 1"'rnatron prew>uslylridl>Oo<I In lhe NRC SeNfce ~talog.

OClO ~ traMitlonlng lh" l~acy appllcatlon< to Shar@PoinL Th" Anoour>ct!l'N!nt VI~~, has bei!n uan..:1Uoo,tj al><l is avallabl~ on IN! S!Ji111:P8J0tbo1Dt""R 0, Thi, appdlsplaysall onr,oonci,rn,,nts *nchllows st*lfto~ormftllered W!.llrc~ Ca1es<>rY, Office. on u,., on11oun<emenu. For,ta u lhatcn,atl!

,i,nouncements, ul'llll announced, you wlllcomloue to U5e Kelltlco to enter and edl,Aflllouncemer,t$1,jlog this Um;. There Is 01$0 a llnk ln the appllatlofll t.ab on tne 5harl!Pelnt homepage to reach tl\\ls slle. Note
II can ti!lceup 10 30 mint.JI<!> ror an anrounc@rrnmt tc,hew up oo lhe Shari!l'oltTt hOmep,,ge after post1n11, The new An!'!OtJm:ement Editor app bu1'1 In power "1'1)5ls uflderg~ng testing with tl>e bv51n~sowoers and is ~ed to be deploye(i mkH)e,cember 20:13.

Wt JnvllJ!! \\'CO 10 tCN11e loouro~n l"c)tlse on NOW!~r 29. 2023. at 10;00 am. to le.lm m0re about M'lipUng U1e n~ SMt!!Pl>rnl*bds,,d lntr*mH llomepage Im all thins> NRC, U.e this Ul!IK co add rovour ~lendM.

If 'fOU Mvr any qU6trons or CDntf!rM, plea!ir <Ontatt Jr-aor ue >amm

Offit.r. OCIO S..bmtti.,, *Em.,lt A;ttflery !nrumy ~

Authorl<k11 Olftcl.l, D1111dll<llon SJan;atur-.Oitr. "4ono>,. ~20.20:l3 P"IIIUl>O~: Tuosd~V, N.,,..,...,...1.1. '2()23 ma m m a a Cl IN~f1F.CTO,Jt CtN1;11.1U. J'lltO(;UW ADAMSQukt!VW'W 11):

~, NRCMnountements + StM'ld1rd

  • Rou1lon110pporllinltles I NRR/OROJIOLB RrKIOl"En&l~t\\Ut'aml~rQu a llftM), 00*13orGG-14

NRR/DRO / IOLB - Reactor Engineer (Exam iner Qualified), GG-13 or GG-14 Announcement Category* Rotational Opportunities

Pos itJon TIU e: R~artorEf'181nttr(Exam11"lt'r Quatlftrc:1). GG*l3orGG-14 Pm itlon Gr1de:: 00- 13/14 Oa te Ef1.c:tfveTIII: J&nUaty 17,2024 Rot*U ONI Olvlllonand 8r*nch: NRfVOROIIO L8

TheOp,@:rator l.kt!n$i~*"" Hul'Mn Faet0ts Brantti (IOL8} In theOH'!C:e o1 NUC.liHr RHctOf' R;t!gulatl0ntNRR), 01\\fl$!()n o f "earu,r~sfshttOA.0). has a 3-6 month rotatJonAI opporltmflyforemptave,eswho ¥e cu rrentiy at theOO 13 o, 14 ~I. ec&minerqUA!lhed 6nc1 Jnte,~ted In an as.t!!nment.n.1 Re,ictor EnglneeJ (O@mlne, Quallnt:<1). an. or more pt0pl e. IM'(be sel<<te.d :onll t~ rotational wlnctow, lho$e. !-el<<tecl for thlJ rot at '°'1 'MIi be a,;s'~w<<lt cominensur,re. ~Ith chelt a,;rre:rit 3r1Mietevt!l.

()pen/Clot.e ~rlod : NO'Ytmber 17. 202.3 u,,ougn J6tluarv l? 2024 Dur*lion: 3106 months Position TI tie : Ructor Engl~ (Exam!~ Quattn~I Se-t5u/Gl'.cie : OG-0801/0840-13/14 LocaOon : NRC Heoc:lquarteo Rockville, MO or TBO Arn 0t ConsldffatJon: ~dt!

Eth1u Prop.1m Require-me n\\$! This 1)()$hk)n lsnot$;eCt to Cont\\aentlal Flnandal OJ5dowre rtpoctlng reqUlrltfl'lent.s, Tetework : T~ duty JocatiOo of posldon b R<<:kvllle, MO; how~r. the du1l~s of t his tffl'lpo.-ary ass'3nment may bl!- p@rt'Ofln@d fr OM tht-selM'ttt '~ J)l'mWtM!nt duty station for thedura:tlonot tt1easslgwnentonly, lnst:nefl>l.err11:itoyees are expected to be In tl'\\eoffKe -'°"r"' Pl'f p.tV period. TefeworkKfledu~ are *wroveo..

on ;IC.I~~@ biKh.. If S@ied@d. t*lewo r ltw'i l bl!d*t<<mlned In ac:GOrn*~w lth~cy polkyand lM CoN<<Uvir 8¥~l"lh'5 ~Hmel'ILlf ~ni:;wa..

Supervls<<, Maurin Scheetz Chlcf.10l8 Travel Requirement t.: Minimal

OesctipOon of Duties=

A$ a Fte-Ktor En-glf'lftr {Ex:amloer Q\\sallfiedJ, YoU will support NRR's mlmGO to ptott"Ct Pl,lbJlc; nea*th. ~rety Mid ~he: envlroomem ln the *reas o f oper~tor hctnslog.

1'he-~t,,c-au~i '°' lhb ~itlon IJ'Ctude, but are l'tOl IP'r'liU!(j {0 lM follOWtrtg;

  • AssJstln the ~lof NRC suff gu1d1rce for use In e-valoallng the. lmpw-mentatJon of tniltlln_g.ttid operator llceM.101 r~ulrements fOJ -'CNanc.ed reKtors
  • Assist In tM perlormance of aud its of lnltiM 11<:~ns tx.amina tlom,.
  • In itiforn'"11 rew\\VY'apptats submlued by aPP4lant.s for Ot)erawr's ll<enses.
  • AAl.$t ~Ith evaWltlons o f reicem Wr<<es to c:,per,tOf°ll(;enslng examlna tkm stitllda-f'(b,.
  • PrcMdeiouppc rl arw:tau ldMc@ to l)N\\ces In the J~ent.aUon of P.irt. SS.
  • Ev.1IUilltes proposanrrom NRC st3ffand exttmal stakehotde,s retated co P,1n 55 and provt<SN rN.'Offlmeno~tloN 10NRC man~ent.

How !O l Pl)ty?

If~ are>St@d In thb rotatlOn, discuss thlsopponunltywith your su~i:$or Mid submit ~"approvtd NRC Form 711.

  • Rotatk,na l Msl~t Apptlc.atlon'

{avaOableln Che NRCfonns llbfar.ron Share~rtO.w

  • brief tumma.ry(ooe S>ailt!l de\\.Ct!blf'I r~e,,tffit>Vantt)(pel'lenc,r bye--

posit.ton. p1~ase contKt Maudi\\fwebrCIZ@nttSS:W a.


$,,ibm,iu '"'*tmllt: MOMKfOOlltrlocs:-FN e AuthOritinl 0Mdal: Aftd(.. \\fc!il sq::n iltur* Oitte'. U...,,t,da,y.~-16.2023 Frtru-y.~17.202J


a B II D m m a a Cl INS:Pl<:TOD ([H[QA! r*oc.UH Hamt:

  • NRCA1'f101J~~,u
  • 5titnd1Wd *,oilciL\\tlon-tnll"fOl
  • NRR/DRO.sR202PrOfl'*m

NRR /DRO's R202 Program

  • Reactor Operations Engineer GG-13 Anno,nc*mont Ca~eory - Solicitat ion ot Inter e st Pos-lOon JUie. ~torOptrattonJEngi~<<- SOfkH!naDM~*nd 8 1 ant:h: OfkitOI NI.I.CfoeN R~.tlittOf R~~lbn.O wls<:in<M' Re.-ct<<O"t'N~ht

[ lfiKtMUn 1Jl* 12-06 2C23 PoullonGu,dt(,J.* C"iG*lJ

Jhli CltdtlMSP'IOI. IJl'04f... WH~*~ to iwovt6t OQl)Oft1.m1tln: fO( lnio,ec:tr.on ~lcr~ed 1nft It, flRR.IORO 1.ln<C thl-f* t,. JM'cd fOn,11) *tO-O<lt.t pt'f~

and lm¥1t>- lromc1,.n",u tll~ln lrn~1tln1r<<-&cto1 cYUMst,tPf'Qlt"""- lh@-ptognt,rn ~pt~tNoi,oortj,H'oltyfi:, ~ ~tt,1,tiN,,;tot e:itJ:M:rk'llctto

~ -y"ut1Voortl1b0te 10 the i8ffl(f's nisslon Wftt'lout h.Wk'4I tortklc.att'.

  • ~l)lln0!1U~edforthllrtM\\l~twtl4btastl"1tdWOftconwrwtlK1.1r*tev-f1hll'lottl"currN1t1',l,O*l('l,'fll

C)peNClioM Pc-tlOd 1 l nt>/2023 - 1V08/2023 Po:lilion Titl*; R#aaot ()pe(ar,j,Q,i'lf tr,ai!'lfHfGG-131 St't~MI* : G.G 1J NumW of Pottliont* 3 lou Oon.. TOO AJuofContlde 1*Uon. A&ent~t"t.4ffwltn letffllpo,,ff'flellUOI ~PKUotl aod RMCtOI Ow*sirl Pto.,-,mjflOP:-e-~i.n EtNoProp-.aml.equlremft'llt" Tt-bpQS(Uonbnof~tlOConfldenUalF")fl~alDl!dmun!repiYdnsr2q\\JlrnMMl:1.

Supuv sor. TomHartm1ri,Pa1Fli10f!V.andL uRqne, r,.wlfl~lfenwnu;: rrawtl*not ~*o t1en'ICl**tNnooces,.rq~*rt.,oritt arnnp,i wlthV'Ot*' 1'4Nfl:OROUC'.

8*r1.tln lnaUn11 Sl.tlUI 8MplnlrWUn"II

Tel~r k:

The dlll:)' -..,10111 o1 lhlt pa,tlt~" TBO rtw, 2-ytar ltmpOl"I!') russlglmH\\1 }s p!t-tpprOIJfeel '°' fo N*t1me a~ lf ~1Kth1..Qv.11!'1"'9:i0in '°' rUl*tl~tel""'°'"

WIii beCl'IH" lfledtn KCO-Ulltl<<-Wltn-"Vf'Cy~ lfl011"4CIDM<tl\\lt Q.arpl,nlinJA11a,PNnt. If.i'Pf)IK*blc<,

DnafpOon o f D,nln.

St-f\\lff.asrNle'Nffotnucle#porw,,,c,-~tteth"°'°IVWhkhmaylrKMSE'wletYandoon--S..-:etvretate-o~<<tc,s~1~spec1f'lt1tlont",rea.;iOfcoreottuecl dal.JI\\, tliiUOf meU,ocK. IAd hllllolillllOM ot qlltf"llt'-'s l)trtom'l~l'lte. P\\liil"fOm'll anc. t!,lp!)Ofl.$ rt'VifWI. *oa *vl~lloAI g,1-(flit wftty Joel l'IOl'l*Ntcty,.....-1:60 ruc,ar ilyt,l"'f',1<1~181\\ pt0<:N,df*.1t"J)i"',,.1~MlcMll)t'Clfk.,111M\\ ITS._l,..1tllfl(;f tore l\\i*I.,-,\\""ltf"li~Jtt. nu< '(',lir m,,tr.c.iO" Or (loltfOmi..nt~t>f 0p'r,1lina IHtlOf *net tit¥/,.actorctat.lpfOt IM'ik'1,... Btw'ld' 1Hpona,t,;llty IOMW!"lf~lk: hC*IU'l ll'KfsMOJY"-1 Pf"Oll"tlbiflf lhe ~lrOf'Nlioftlt St.ipporu ti** Jf\\l}c<I le~, In thr-1~110t\\01~ lfol.:hnlc.M ~*r.:l lu""',. P,Ob~ffll< pHMCft lf'd'lntc.111 ~1-.Xt aindAO\\rlte r"Jll*l""l.tO '""'wit~~*~* al tt,,o, t--..:r,,,1w1 Sl)edtlcaliOns-..s.ailety Ind IIOl'Hll~tv f4!'.tttor l't'SletMGH'8fl arlCI oper&tlo,\\ or fe&tOf core,. Vtrllll!1 ~<<h~upen:1~,n ttie ~- of p4ft ~C!.m! ;ok,pporl ope,1tii,e,tpe1"1-!nc:~r~1nJp,Klk>n.ndtnl'OfOf~t1CU.ntl,ef.lnci~opT1entotstllt'dMd~t'ij)t(11'c.1UOM.rqvl1Uo**1Mre-3'1111o,y~ed,lllC#

Whob f~tlbttf* CON6dtu1t l0n1 a


TheR202Progr.nbQ9el\\toCier13l'fTl~wlth-<<mt~rtK:Ofln$p<<ltOtl""°~tOtOlttsl6htP't'ogr'""tROP)e:>COtr1~*~~~t~ov.i Prlot'lt',.pl~t I, ~toRes,id,mt tmoacror-.'StnlorRnkl~nrtf>spectOU (RIVS~l1)...,,tthln 1,'f't... S~ormar,1,11Jol n,a or UfflU'.a~tf',

Of'dYt41 ltidNldtJ*twho1'on* l)Hff'lanN\\t "'"' 1ppolntrr.tr1t**.,wholk' l maotnt1¥Mlt.lt0!._~ (P't"........ Mly: ~ *posllio,\\th*tl'\\ et tti,,,1,/Jt l*Hlo4 thh,

,ofl(tt1,1onort.,.fulll)IJr'torm.,ncw+tw'toltl.al3rMl'!ltq....,ilfK-cl1,,l!'.-..,wn,mt~lalbl1 IF"'W'.,..,','t'tO'lfl""""....,O,lf"tffl*IIIIQlf,11"""1t.._11 offl


HowdQli!Wflut,l nltefbtl Plf-~Ml'f'4:I lftfl'l'IAII lncl1t1tlna lme,et1 ~ a coor ol W/bl mM: tf<;Pnl l'('riOf,,,.f",r~..,.,,..i,AI vl* flM.. I ('M lrtmutn~ f'HII jc,,,

MAAAoUitlnNIC'.:'IJPOf IUl'lltk,...... 1\\0 *t.onm~L(l'lll'!l

Fot*spedl'lc questlor& MXkll. th@duli6ol thk. ~tlon p@.&~cootact Tom fiM1men; "'at~,cr Llw Rqnel t1!I,-"""

..,..,,11.,**r""""' ~.dUQ'rfi'I Authof~Offic~, kdr.. v..,

~rww~u*. W9d""'""~~l'lllltaf"1.~20"2'.J

........,,., -~.....,..,,,.t.r'X\\,2\\713

1 a a m n Elm m a 11 AOAMS Q,,!cl vr-

1-iomt, NRCAA11ounumt:nts, Yellow

  • FromlheO.air, AppolrumentofCarrltM:SalfordAss<<Tetaryotll1eCo"'m1s.slon

,..,v* -....,.

f w \\ United Sta tes Nuclear Reg u la tory Comm ission

';. \\'.:,- J;.._,i '-+..,,

  • Appointment of Carrie M. Safford As Secretary of the Commission

Announcement Category

  • From the Chair

Mt.#". ML23303A200

YeUow An naunc rm en t: YA*23-00!l4

&1 4': oao11e,.:u. 20n

TO: All N R.C E'mployo


On behalf of the CQmml~slon, I atn pleasrd to on n ounce the appointment of Carrie M. Satlo.-d ** tll!'O<'\\V Socretaryal tile Commls*lon, effect I~

NOi/em~ 5. 2023.

M,. Safford jol11ed the US. NLldear RfauhnoryCom~Slon tNRCI I" 2008 at10t11ev In lht Dl\\>islcn 01 Materiali Udptlon n11d £n lorcement b1 lne 0111,e of tlleG<!n***I Counsel (OGC) and In 2010 w,,sselecteo.u Deputy Asslsran1 (;e11enl CQUn~l for dM*lon. In 2012,she "-"'-*elected**

D<!put.y Dir~tor, Wllste CO!'f\\dffl<l' Dlrffl0tilte, Oma of Nu<le,ir M~ttrl115.JfMV am! S.!"8'J*f<H (NMSS),; ~*urnlfl!I l'> 0GC ln 2014 nth~ Anlstonr Gene.-.,1 Counjel for Hlgl>-level Waste.F~t C~ arid Ni,~ Sewrlty Dl)d then u,., Asslsl~ntGer>era* Co1,m-el rar tile Olsis*oo ol Lr:gfsl~tk>n. Etlllcs, ar>ag@rtle/lLNMSS

lleltire ]olr>lns 111.. NRC. M._ Sa Nord practic:ed enersv law In Wasl'>lr>gton. OC SIM! grado>te4! from t11e,1Jn~rs1w of ~ne.ter wi01 ~ 8-5 1n biOIOgy-geoloj!y aJl(I rec~lve!t"CUtM~rllc~ CMiaJ<i4t~ ~t ~m

P,.._ Jolr, the C,,mrnl<<lon In ~o"llrotulatlna CMrl* on 11H appolntmenL


O\\(f~IOflhN T. rla'1!<<1 Chair

OM<<: OCMC'T1-l SubmUto,'t ENI~ ~ ~

Si,Jtu 1u 111 0:; _rtt~ r.....i.i.. Oclobt,r 3L >>23 Pul>I.... Oir -~a.-..:n.2023 a e a o m rm a a a JJIIP[CTOA. COt[RAf. rROC.U.M Moving to Sll.-1, '"Point on December 4, 2023!

I.,_ 111*,*1111*- I.. T_..,,_** 1111****01,........_., in j.._...U..u,,l l-llOW'

  • N RC @W o rk WS fA in**,* ~ *

~Qllttt.,,_ ~

Oonw, MtC'...,..,1>,#1u*,r-ll * 'Wl!lkJw, F1~1twO--, oPA-'hot'~"-RC~'1::JtrritJ Rtmitt

. r~' "",,,....

i._.,_,,_')\\ United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission i~ *-v

Death of Former NRC Commissioner Forrest J. Remick Ann011n<ement C..ttcory

  • From the Chair MU:- ~:?:tn7A170


o.t* Onoo<< '1 20ll



n.,.-,q-WM~OCII toi.e.-n°' l~c>>r.ti0"0aob<<'9 2023.olfr,r-,NrNRC~ t"Cl"'t,t, JI~ K. ~t'Ob'l'~Glo. **W ~

htbec.MN,COffWl"lln10netOA~l tS8f.MdMIWdurdNttlffm.,...ed~J""f:JO l'tt4.

OurtllllN~W..twMl'Wd6nll'IIU.S.A""'1'.. *~Kh~S,wp"1.FIAtClaQ.Upg,l,l\\i1~h.*IU'ftl.Md~)'t.,.... SfMtlJnh,lll"laty""',-.~hr~

nts-8 S.iltSS). M.S.11,saana Pt\\.O ltfQW'lffiKh.nitll~lf'C. i-...wasMO *.,....,01,,..a.. ~~* ScnoolO' RffelorT<<~

~N.ttetldiecJPwwtS~..,....,KTI.<<"'t,yUW~toa:smllnlNfo.i,..olw1ri1t1~iof\\tlxl'OOltrfr~X'.k<'et,IF'd[~~the cor,struc1,ori..-ldoperltiOndU.Pe1YtSte~.,Nuc-.Ra,e.,Ch~,.,nd*OMol~ttttMlllllrw,**~'f' ' orlb-~....,\\~"'iudea.r(.,.t~-'15"1Y;G.

AlkeMfle:WftlOl'IHC!Cl"opf'>t.1SQKWlrolfftit~UalnlnlrNC1or.,atrn*l~Sl.U.M'ldlnoml9MLlt967.... WhtdalftCNtfnJIJwo lfVIW1l~to,,ln!,.._~OflfC~A~~ t01Wlnt""N~iCMIIIArcnk(f'ltfJr~"'1'67M:~\\,f"'fllllO~~,.,~'l'oN'ff'"""~

--..,u.1t'WPQ"Ji'_.,,..tilJn19rnslwrnpo,,:stt,,&ry~*ttoel>>ecto,-,U.i,.ut... 1l'!orSclo'C'l'..1d[,._l,....t~Curtl!.\\\\'/Jlp Mfrl!o*R~c:f\\


~*t~~Cll"'t~Atomks.t't'(Yll!'ld~Boerd.~!'W!tf,dft.--.1rf"\\#1oft*IIC"1M'WYCO!ff'Wttt>t"01t-.~5.) 1....,0\\ l"Cll*wf<<

Cam:nilst:,,o.,. HtlM1'._.i,..*UWtdireet?tof0PCC9'N'd\\,-tM""4tni,crvdlfl)ffiOdatt,,. ~ Th1tf">.-l.--~<<DOi'I\\II I,\\ 1979.anct~Otcw~~am po6;y lf'CI t:Ktlrical_,*rou-.C~

l",.po5t~Qfelf,Of kf'fttk¥1M,.:ltw*aNtiOl'ltlarldlll't~f~a,t,cUIIMW'IUV'Ol"ru.1Nflf""1'1Y....._,*ctwirS.,......_1_.

~oltMCol.... blrrahio~lnPe~*lr00'11COSto2011

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CondailowllfttotNfa"litrarw.11~~rwybld;l,'~* t tJtt*JD>>-rc&scn4N' l 1w WroJrrskte.'rwor1Mn!-canrk::SCJIDtMY'ld*$]-:IZ571


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rJ BD D al ll!ID II Cl El 11:brifr ii "Ir + E AOAM5QyickV,_

Home, ~:RC Am\\Ollnce,,,,,, V"Jiow

  • Fra11nh<!Chah, N11li0r,al NariveAmerlcan Heritage Month

,,.... [Q'¥<.t.,.

.....,..,.., ~,

f \\,,'A..,..;;,, j United States "*V., l Nuclear Regulatory Commission

!National Native American Heritage Month Announcement Category-From the Chair

M~ Ml23270C000

VellCIW Arlhoun<l!llll!Dt YA-23-0086

Dllt~: Nowmbt!r 01. 2023

TO: Ari NRC Employee<



E6cti November dvrlns Natlgna! N4llnAmcdooHuJtuc Monln, we ce1..iira1e lhe cu11:11re *no herltO&'l al N**h*eAmencar,l,.Al"5ka *~allv~ Mld Nati,;,:

Hl>Mlil.iM. Th~ ye31'~ lhll~ -ri ib.11 N&UCll'ls Soatirrg lo New HelJll*U.* rttogr11z~ U'>etonu,but,onsa, N&U**~iea~. A1a;;rtaNatl>1.s, a""1 Natl~ Hawalia,,. to aur c01JntrY's pr ogres~ by empt,asl:lnc uic lr,,partllr,ce of 1he ski-Ii ~!let persp,ecuves u,ey tlclng 10 leilOe.rshlp 1)051tlo<15.

Th"Cotnmlsslon val~es lhe ma11Vco111rlbu1iom lt>ij\\ Natlve Amerkan.AlaokaNatl~e. and Natl\\le liBfr.,llJ<1 *mplO'/- have m.ioe. partictllarty In l"odm'11prole,i. ta act,lev* tlll! ~ncy-,m1.. 1onand support tbt, objrc:111.o!

    Ofhc:e or Small Bl,l>!ness and CMI Rlgtiuand lh<! Natlv" Americ.inA<Msor,I Cmr1<'l'llltf"-wlll Sl]DIISC>r "" """"t ln N~,nt,,,r10 tOlllfll"-lllDr*t~ Nau,,., American 1-le,rlt.19e Mor11h. Deuiltl abcMlttl'II! e11er,1 w!O be l)<<)Vldf'd Ind ~:watl<ar>n0imcemenL I encourageall tltadQ<l*~ts employ<!H lo loin mt! ln.:elebr.ltlng NJ11ona1 Na~ Am!!flciln Hcrttas~ Moott,. /RAJ ChrlstopMrT. Han<an Cl1alr Qfi sec:11
    su11mm,,., &nart: Dprotf?ei*WUh1ngtgn~9'11 A Aud10ttii010111<1;i1: Vonn1,0fdn Slpl.11..-.Dat11: Vlodnoal,y, N1J...nbor 01. 2023 l'lJbU,hO n: Wodn"5Clr/, -OL 2023
    EID IJ III BI Cl ll CI I OUMCl'DO CO.rAAL iPOOCRAM Al>AMSQrukjiV"1<# 1'-ii1 1 Heme
    • NRCAnnounao~nr:i, VelloWt * !=romlMChl*r 08SERVANC£0f=VETERANSOAY
    _,>',.,.... ~ f ).;,S_ t..- '* Unit ed States Nuclear Regulatory Commission \\ '14.... v/ OBSERVANCE OF VETERANS DAY Annollncement Category - From the Chair MU Ml.23285/113:J YellowAs,nounument: VA-23-00&1 Oat~ Octobtt' 24. 2023 10 AJI NRCEn,p lovees SU DJECT: 08S£RIIANCEOFV£TERANSOAV lhe US. Nude*r Rrgul*toryCommb=sfor!(NRC).lf'Kt the-Fedenlgovern(Tleflt -wm obsef"Vlf Vetenns ~~ F"r~, Nc.wemtier 10, 2023,. This h011dayhonori 1he ~.ctedk:"<<'ltkw'l,1,ralor, 11n(I Ql.,i_M:~c:J our Ma1lar'l'tmlllt,V,, ~1C,Otnf'r'l'lbt!rSwtloantchnr.nllyf.tfVrngor haw<;~ nobty lOdf'll"nd0t1r di!',nocra,cy. Thi> year, lhw n>tlonll ti-to, V,ttni... D,v 1, *-* Former Pr*sldttll John F. l(fn,,..y,; illahlyO..cora!ld \\lftw*n of World w., II Mm,,11...,.. "11d.* As WO e:,cp,en our grathud". ~ rJI ~ fo, *~t dUit the hfth"r appredellon 15 not to uuer W'Otd1-but to If"' hy 1hcm.* Ai Wt! *PP(Oich 'ltlN"Mt Dwy, k'I vs rtflt<:r on 1ne tn!mf!f1dous ~sonal SKrtflcethat our NaUon's V@t~ rara and f.Mlr famllltt have-made-ilf'ldcon tinu~ to rM~ if\\ ~rvla-10 tl'M! Am<<lc:Ml peop~. fht" OffKe of tN Chlitf ttulf\\lf"I Ciplt~ O*tfle,er, the W1mn1-Emptoyff fu'W>UfC"" GtQtlp, and t~ J'\\d'iltory COmmllt<< for E:!Tllllovtts w 1ft, Oh,1tJIUtl~Wl!lc-omt you to ,Olnout enooalVirttrll\\S OieytommC'moi tUon onWeontw.-,i. ~tovtmbfr8, 2023,at 12;, n. I...,.,II l)i,jpo..,lns;1t 1hiS vll'ti.,11 t"IWIL,ioo~ r (JINnretJ.*td .._ ________ _,tnc,. 1 E~1stncour*1Jt!CO )t.lbmll(e,*,(n\\4111 Ow!lot KhM41'MCJP'II m Avlho!lt!ntOth<MI: Ml,..,.L.,rr,...., ~nK*O*uc r..,adai-,.Octobtr :M 2023 Pvbltffl01'1 Wlldriesd_,.. Ooobec' 2S, 20,3 rJ B D D III II CI II ]Cl IIIS~COOR '-C'NrAAL PAOG12#1 Moving to SharePoint on December 4, 2023! j ll,Qill,;l.t5 l1L.fT?i.lHJ1C*.a: lrTDf'l[,11,.ou I~ lhlfC.~n:¥, j,naCP4111\\. f9tAaf 1-o... rT / NRC @W o rk 'II i:J f A in..,f * ~.,. AH()IIJINR( IM.N<tlNCY JORS Nt-WS Nf.!i:-.N'fllltAIK~ Offi!Y~ SIMVICtS.hSlWPORI IOfPI(~ ~IOIM
    • NRCMr,au1K*ff!<!nt1, Vellaw ***mpioyt-eN.,,.,,, 2023~blpanth1>U.S.r Jude.MRl1'J!'.llllt0tVCnmml<<iorf1P..r10,manc*~-*.Bo;;r<1
    United States Nuclear Regu'latory Commission 2023 Membership on the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Performance Review Board Anno1.1nternenl Ci!tegory-Employee News MU: Ml..232.19Al25 YellowANiouncem..,, t: YA-23-0083 DH"; Oclo!!--f 27. 2023 TO: AllN!tCEmpl.,.,...,.. S.UWECT* 1023 M~ MS.ERSHIPON11-I.E V.S. P<IIJC~EAR iW>UlATORY COMMISS.IOl'l 'S P f Rl'Oftl>AANQ REVIEW SOM O Thi! Perfotmal"'e R~ lloorcl (PR.Bl mala!5 recommeodatlonslo IJ"' appolr>llllland aw,i,cHna authclfltles on p,,rtorm.o:*appralsJI rallflgSan<I JIM'larim,11:., ds ror Senftt &.!cut~ Servle<o *nd S.nlOf l..e-llel 5','$tem e,-,~ ~tolklwlns sfflklr e,:ecull¥e ha\\.* oeeo appolnu,,o to"'~"" t..., PRB 1nlsyear; O~l>lt:1 H. o.:,,n,an. Co-Cl>llr Elrooko!RCJa,k.Co* M lrela Q..,.Ua,; John jJockl a Gies..,... Cati>ul"" Hanev Joh11W.l.ubinsld Scot r A. MO!Til. Oa,fd.J.NelSO<i 1-loward K. Osbo,"" DavldLSl<em Andrea 0. V.ell Maf'/ A. l1m.,,I/, O!l*f ~WlNln c.,p!t., I O ffi <.e,r and \\/or,na l. Ord6L. Dlr<'CtOO', Ol'JK~ o[Smt,11 Bu">* and Clwl Rl,ght>. wll I w,rve n e:*off11alo ~rsof Ul°' PRa. flemlt.eC. Ammon. Ray,nond V. rw,11,nou. ~n,1 Rao,'fflOPd K. 1,.,,_ wlM,..,... "' '"""'ben QI lhoe PRll Pm.. 110. ~.w ppr*kaJ* ~r,d m*l<e <Kllfflffl~l"Cl*hon* lo I~* ,ppotntl* ~n<I -c!lng ll\\ll~Ol'rtl<e< ror PRB m,:mbefS, 8el'!lt~ C. l>.tM!On... Ill senoe 111 !Ile Ol*lr. ~lel H. Dorman. Cllalr /RA/ £)1rwt,ye RetO<J,ces Bo3ta Ol1'Clt. = Subrnil. lRr'i-E.mal:: Cbartn!O:J10:ltttn lwl~ Olli cbl* M,yumor,, S\\pl;a,W r*l).:l;:1 Monda\\'.~obtrJQ,;1023 Pu!llk h D,,c >V.~30..!0T.l BD EJ BI CI D CI IN!.J>J.CTO~ (; tllltML 11 IOCJl.a,.,t Mo ving to c;t,;;,, r,,,,,t o n Dec embe r 4. 202 3! 1...-- jllf"IW* - \\---**-*\\,..,,._,,I_..,.,.,,_, l... "Ullttu Ill_,._,
    • NRC @W o rk._ ;;; t
    • In.., * "' *
    -** **nn-*n-n,o=.- ---==::] _,,,,...., *-** ""Y *IIK"*,.v,r,.....,.,....,.,..1....., IO->M~,.........,.. 4.. -,.,.,, I......, \\..~ } United St.tes Nuclear Re&ulatorv Commission Scheduling and Re storing Annual leave* Updated links Announcement C.ltecory
    • Poiky
    ,..._..Dlll4ilt,.. I W.1 Ml#MU).'\\l),l,A,l~ TD AIHllCr..,..,_ i\\J81£Cl SCH£DUUHG4HORt:STCMIHCiAHHUM.UAVi * ~f(OUl'<<I lt\\11---~....._.... ~-----~-.~o-~flrb.n......,.,~.. ~-""'---- %ttt:treri1Wld!MN....,,lt e J.of"~..........,...__,.,.;,,~:.-b'L~S......~,1or~~~CW.'li)lftir......_....,.._..,..L411l)a0.....,._f..,.,..,ii:J .Cf,f,~............,,...,_~...........,.~~'J7l0""""' *~-<<lr"-~f11$Jru-1J'1-~aoi'9'11_.,_,,.Wllll>vfMo'II (~ ~.... --S.tlNllf'llll9111'1o""1fl~IWQl"...,.,a~lll,lfCIJ't,11'f°""""**.. So.-..... 11,N..AU11t~la.O~~r.aiMl"l*V1.IJl1l* ~,... -~ 1.---...:..... toet1........ t,:,-c,_.__._......... IIIICl"MJII.Wl'Kleii.<orbef*.-.,__..,2.l0ll.,_.~~~D'fV'lt ~ "'"""""'......_.Nr1.wu.c1_.....,._,o.,~1Jtouw0rtit.,:,tr,-cNtf-Clpl:1110flc:*,.. *"'tltkll*,.._*~ !r9 X'I:.***,._ * .,,.,....."'"-~r......_tA.. M-lio::17 l(l.24..,,......._......,.,..._t..,..,._.,J,a.. ~,._.._..,_.,.,...~~, ....... ~attit~l,.~'---"'-tC.-..lh9Wio.... 11-.ll,..,,,_.*.,*...... lt'..tllt1l'-~ryti,-.brtoll... l~O'II.., ..-V~rotrt"111'fM..... ~~~~P")(l!ll0urWl9-1"'-""'Gnl"t"ll.'"'C......................_In.... ~,... 1ax,,-~-~ ~--.newatltoCWIOtfdt!NtJrtl~b1"!ro1-.,1thr.,,,..,,.,ltN: [rMlk:t:PrwnMXM QU1*1~tn-*ttt.iant1*f:1'dCll:lf" ,~..... '11*!ftll*~fal,Mli3.,Wft&S'l,Qr~t-£#ncaryla:r'tk#l11afneM)tlliPIO " O.IJlffll'Cl:~~l,i;t.,,_,,......,.,..._. 11.artt<.11"~,.~l!ftnt~--................,...... ""y..,,.,... ~........ ~,., ~ JQFit.VL.flll.. ~...,~i,plo"""",_"'U.S"-I.... _...(\\,rrcN"'-~--~"""19-."nlDOV-'*- ~r*W"'-\\ll.TP_.....,._.............__,..,_,.....,tt-,-*.... *-....-.1,....,._ __,,,,_,,_.,....,lf...._,-..,......._ffl._........ r * ...............,,,....,........... 1a_~.Oh0,,,rlW-lrMlfotl.30~d......... t.-'"-'.......__,,,....,,_.u,,._...,...........,. "~..... __._,_,,.,._.__ __..,.._._.,_TP~11--~.,~foi,.50,l*e1......,.-.c&ICNUff'l'l,f't Jl.. 11"11........ -ilf"lt-MW" 1M:i.1111f't001:ll.ll'l,..IW"ddi*Ollrt-klll""- -~~fClffll)OC.,-tarftlN~~-s: l,U-.isamlJ.lll&r O 1-l.Joo~50".. hX*OU... syta..*tt..~dff*P.P..-.dl!ltl,_. ill. l.--J-MMM1111tti.-1M.-i~~1.->tNW!011T*._..- ,_ c::a:l1111f-~....... ~... y......... "..... ~.,.....,n~*----~..... -M'#fl-lOl........ bol~ 1,C,I -Df-"'°"'G411"'........,--1.1:--.uMMt- .......,...1G... d'Wfa, 9nQfUW~""'O.,C.....,t'i10 1tw...-..__.,..Qftf)IIDIIUJfllf>*1..,.,...... f<<hlLTP*......_._,,OINffUOMI w,.,_.,.~:Kn~ &o~lUP'IIONCf.,-,.'\\I,tu, 'IIIUID*-~~ mit'i'lffi' If.. _.,.... lnCWaAffl!l_,""'9,,_..'-"*INWP:~tllll:lal0*__..'4n~ O *~..,._ ~lf,t~ft<<.>i.<.t~lr ""9r*,U1111"".,..~III"'-*._ ,......,__.,..,__.,...,..,,_...,... tlO-.dui.....,._IUft....,.uwWs:d;fzral' r:mDrct1olc:andltrtMII ' o *~** - [lTP ooc:o ,,,.,,, Neeer: Ct ** ,.,,.,,..,,~l.Fln .. _.___16tll:) a m a a m m c:1 11 a 1--.CTIIII M.~~ Moving to c;t,,,, r,,,,,r on December 4, 2023! 1.. -1... *,***-1*-*-*1.. --..,1..._,,,,,.,.,1-,,,_, __.. _,
    • NRO i'Wo rk w 3 1
    • 1n.., *...,
    -*** ~*n-.,~,n *-*-- --==::J __,,...,_, *-***,_y...,.-,.. W', ""'-'.......,.,0.1~,r.-, **"h............. ~......,, """' * { '), "--" } United \\ ~ Sutes Nuclear Re&11latory Commission Schedullng an d Restoring Annual Leave A MOUnc errwn t c~te&OfY ~ Po hc.y h mlnder ~Oliltt't*.. * \\Gl-1 ~ **,.,2'63Al~ SV9J£CT SClfCDUlMG,-,..ON'.STQl:NC.A~ UAVr r--..........-.-111***""*-'-'--r--,,111-s.-r....,..iqu..___,_..""",...cs,i~--.-...............-...1..._11,..e,...,r.. --, ...dil.J......,._......,_....... ~lt,:]O..._[,....,_....... __,,,.....,.... ~--.............. tlt[............,_ ...... ~'-'-"'kitf~H,,._,~,,..,.torat-iln....,.~it:iloto:;,o,tr,if,~l...,.,....,kl"'..... tAtl*,a,NI"~......,.-_.,.~ alfla rw-t -.v-toC,..,.,.t~1'1lll~t-
    • brn*~ *<t.,d..-,:...:i-..,,.,,..,..orbo'fu1~ :Z.1013 *llld"'°"'~.......... c-.,.,*'-<!Otl,_
    ~.e.r""wttt~ ~t.ttlllMN_...llt.-il, ~ktec'f*,t*.... 111t0ff!Uoftt1C:Olrt.......,C.,14'~*-C..-f<irtMarcr!N 20'.. '-4.~ ,.,.....,...,.. *._,~,,..._.,~z,.m...,*o,,~_...~1Jrrr~~°'.,.OR""'.. °"'*~~* ....,,...~u~~~ 11* 11,.-t,,.alll1Mt(-.NIU.LrM,..c.n..1M r~.,,......~11111tNllr,......,,...r.,10~-,-..-..., .....,---,b1Nartod-...i"'-Wt...........,_io,,,.._..,.~,.1~.,...,"'9'..._...,..............,.,...._,.._,lahndenri e .._,,............,-...t. t..._._-.,.au....-r.._...................._1~1fW'MGM'(I_Jtn_pqp_Mlf'ITo*~.._........ l,Dnih'I.A..... ,....,....,,..,..,,_.., _ _..or,..,_,..,.___.""""fhl!olt~"""'°'CWllll'l-'~**o...,*...--.. ll'.,,;'t-oritilMfa>>~~tllt-*"":r-rr~...,,..lrt~~.......... ~,"I'"-~, r,"U*VlTl'w,.................__.o.f'_..... Jfhl,..._,....,._....,,.r..._i,.*Al>.......,.._...... IOd<wwl*.------ ttt_.,.... V\\.TP...............,~-~to,:......... ~Jwft... 'r""l*,,,_,._.l!ow\\..,._t........ tl....,..yM>.. l,lr,,t....... ti,W....,-_ ........... ~ll....... lc.'""'"A0tciu!1C..-,~Ul0......,0f--.,..f.,_,-,_. "'***"'fl..,,..tfs41 AOlw:ut"Cll:W'Ofll...... Mriiil"t... 111,-1~1,.,....,o....,i.Qllw *""'"'"r.~*"-"""'IO~t"-OI ~-- 1t-....,.....U--NU.. ilul.. otMWf'Clll.~..,," ~-_}I.... ~t* tf*~ ll.ll)14i,-- ~-,.,.....lotwc.,ll!At,'"OllottwCor*~ ~ZOl-1. --
    • p,oc-mllr4(11,!1.-to,W.,lgnt,.,
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    • cw,O<<CtOlbet, ;,Q?J*
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    1-!ome, NRCl\\nf'IOUncemeflU

    • Yellow
    • Slllff0lo11ges
    • AfJIIOlntmento!Emnyl.l<r~MaFull-TlrneAdmjoistr.,tlveJudgell,:sall


    { ~ ) United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission


        • ~**

    Appointment of Emily I. Krause as a Full-Time Administrative Judge {Legal)

    Announcement Category - Staff Changes

    MU ; ML2328'1A424

    Yellow Announc:"m..,t : YA-23-0079

    D t e: Octobe r 11, :>0:?3

    TO: All NRC Em ploy,

    SU BJE.CT: Appo[nt me~ t of [m lty L l< r~use n I f'ull-Time Adm,n b tn thle ludp at)

    O I *m ~""""° laar>~"'" tlie *µpolnm,ent CJ! Emttv t Kra"'e a, a full-tlmeA.clmlnl5trali'!" Juag., U.,,gal) a n the Atomic Safety Mid Uo,n,I"!! El<lafd P.v11!1 (ASlBPI, eflectlw Oc10~t8, :2o-23,

    J Lidge Krause received a DolC:i>ekl< of am-In al'thropolon f iom or U11tvc,,11y ol Vlrglnlunc:t a JuJb Doctor with ho non from 11>e C.ttio4ie Uni~ers,1y al Ame,rea, Calombus School DI Law.

    Alter gra<1uatln11 law,chool.JUod~ Kra u,ejolned the US, Nuclear ReguhnoryCommlsslon at,;n ASLBP li,,1derJ<. I~ thet01>Cl11*IOMlfti,.r 2~~< 1em, ppolnt=m. slle Joined IN axet1CV** 011\\ce or Commission AppeUa1, AdjlJdiUtlon fOCAAl, wtl*r* she l'flN'°"d lldvke to l~ Comm"'1on on ad]llllkfllD<v matte-,;

    bidudlng appeals l,arn ASLBP dedsfons, While wofldll!i w ltti OCAA. Juda,, Krau,,o al,o p,,rformed rotational asslgnmeI1ts rn tile Olfice ol (11e Genera l Counsel In lh!

    r,as of rulematlns a11d 1eg1,1a11on, ~od *he "'Ned In Iii* Olficeor Ille Comm1uron asKtlns legal coun~el for Commlsslonl!r J*lf llilrAI\\. In :1019 Judge 1<m,st!

    returne<1 to ASlBP Ir, tile ro le OI Chl*f Coun..,,. ixOVl!llng 11(1,;ke 10 P;,nel Judges ~no supervl*lng 1.1'1<! Panel's,-,., clerk$.

    Pll!a,e Join me fn "lelcornfng Juc1&eKrau5i1! au rull-tl'"" A,;tmlnlstra!IW! Judge.

    / RA/

    ~ Roy H WJ!len5. Chlel A,dmlnlstr.JtJv,, Jullge A1omlc Safer, and Lk:enslng Board i:>an,1

    ON\\c.- l"SLBP Subm\\ t1<1r'* Ema il; Aulhorl>Jn 10111<1*1. FIO\\'Ho.110t"'

    Slll\\,il1.ura o.a..._. W-awOd.ol>tt-t!.~

    Pu bllthOo: T""""1y,Ocl00Er 12.lOn

    B D mma a Cl lh!Sl"'tClll. GUIEAA4. Pllt0il;RAM!


    a IJ E

    a Cl a

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    Slwu*Point ADAMS IL**** '*" I N"<l*,-l u In " *'*


    @ 1 } NRC Announcements Program ~

    • group Q N:c)! fo~fflg g 3 f'l"IMll:lerl

    B e~- *'

    D (r, Subt'l\\1UU19 E m1til, Wl'b,.,nd public arid re~.11mou 1,crmPnt!..,11f1 used to <onwy inform.,hon of inlt~P'it to.ill NRC em,1 luy1.~. /\\n-1ou11c:etnPot,; c.m l,to 11sNI to, ilNt ij GIM!'* I G1,1,dtl,nps 1*mplr")'t* to in fn 1m,1 tirrn of
      nt m hmP *_,11 n-. i1iw ntlhJti' 0 fYP4ofNW!ou~nu /\\.m11,ur1<f"nw r1t, f.)U',,t,*d to tl1(_* n91*fl'-Y in t1,u1t*I, 1,e 1*,'.llL'tJ th,1,u 11l1 !l1,r, <Jll 1(r> ol l\\,Jm111l-.1,.itio11*,. NRc.* fu11 1ot111Lt*111r,n l \\y~tPr1 1 (ht* two f11tnrip.1I ly1)l*-. Authotlled !uiJtt,n C..tl9-of Wc h,1nnouru.:<'ments, NfK Anno u m(.>mC'nts and NHC Vl'llO'<N Anno u ncem,c,nts, dfP PostPd to th~ US _NR(Jntr.dncl homr paqt>. Crtll"'9 o1na Suomrn1n9 _ 1Jj-.f11hu1<-*d via,in.m tomc1lt.J t' n1r1il ~'f",11"111. Atd1 ivr*d c,nl11w by 1ntm lh,md l,y u 1tuc.101v CrHI* artd ~b11ut R.etn On ly 0111pkryr_1C"s on l hc> ;mnoumC'ml'nt*m Lbm h:i:l h,1vr,icces~ to the-11.,y-;tC'm Ctta 1*.aM Sub.r\\11 Rou1t.. A Ou1dc \\l, n l ll-.11, Gwd** 1-; ;)v;1ilablr-he1e Sub1nt1t*f'9 Jill\\ lntrlntl H1 ( llh,,, lypl.., nf.innoun<.PrrH*nt,.;,ndudl* ~ m;11l hull1~1 1n-. on <,pKi,11 topic-;. inh.uwl fuqhl 1!1ht*,. und,1nnou11,c1*mrn1... ow* thr 1>ubl,r OOdr<>._s -.y< USlftOtNIAnnourlc.<<rttnl... eon.. "' ..... ~... NRC Announcement Submission Deadlines Announcement Type Submit by Web posting on E*mail sent on N RC Vellow Announctmtnt 12 noon Eastern Time Within 2 d*y< of submission Sent In evening of dtt'f ~nno"mceme-nt is posted - - - -NRC AMOuncem*nl 2 p.m. Eastun Time Sam* working doy Next wor king day Rotdtwnal Opport u nity 12 noon Eastern Time Same wOllc,ng day N/A Solicitation of lnteresl RetoremenVFartw.11 12 noon Eastern limo Samt wo,k,ng d*y N/A
      • Publlsh announcements before the posted deadllne to ensure appearance in the ne)(t e -mail batch. Announcemienu published aftier the pc,sted deadline may be withdrawn by ADM without.,.,ly notic e
        • Do not publish announcements on weekend> (i.e., after 9 p.m. on Fridily). An announcement will appear on the day it Is published.
      Subnnlssion Times for Urgent or Time -Sensit ive Announ cements NRC Velk>w Announcement or NRC Announceme n t S*m* wor king d ay I Same working day. with/without E-mail to All Desktops 2 p,m, Eist *rn Tim* I Contact the ADM Annoopcement Team
      • 1 ~
      ADAMS I t.1
      • f&tll I Nurl*paJt. I ll H,*lp
      • NR'C ~ Wl)ik **- klbt..,, N-~ v NNCAppkM,ona. v Of1JOS..., s.n-ic* *--O',u1~*... 1.-,po,1 Pwpon
      • S.f*ty o* S<<.1Jntyt:£IM0M 11 e ShM"I'.?'
      e C Report a Safety or Security Incide nt ii 0,,,::_ :llr,kto,t11art* ~ ell ~ t, rt.-l>Qrf * /(11' PHYSICAL SECURITY //if PERSONNEL SECURITY ~ - INCIDENT ~. rep,,orhna *N1u1,at,umb A Physical Se:unty lncidont i~ any observable occurr*nce that ros.ults ln. P*,sonnel S11<ur1ty RA!por1mg Requ,rtmtnts *pply to *II NRC employoos, or has the potentia l to result In, a negathoe consequence towMds NRC consul~nts, eXpens 1 panel members <lnd contractors. personnel. property. fMilities. and/or infoanation. ~ chtk to repon ~ chd to rwpou * (/if COMPUTER SECURITY ( fir WORKPLACE INJURY ~ - INODENT ~ - OR ILLNESS A Computer Security Incident Is any observable occurrence in the system. Tho OccupatiOOol Safety and He*lth Adminlstrabon (OSHA) ~*Ones an network. or any other elect -omc device or c;omponeot that results m, or injury or dlness as an abnormDI condition or diw,der. has the potenUa 1 to result 11"1, a negative consequence. rrtf ~ <.lfc" to r.ttpurl INSIDER THREAT * ~ - CONCERN An Insider Threa1 1s the thrt.1at that an ms~d@r {NRC employee, contractor or deta,lee) w,11 use ho!/her authorized access, wm,ngly or unwillingly, to do harm 10 the security of the United Stalos. This threat can includt damage to l~e United Stote, through the unauthorized d,sclosure of classifjed or safeguards Information. C.011111ukt.!i1.uutly lm.idc:n.l PC'f'SOnnL*I Secu,i tv Rc>oortinQ Rcquireml"flt-. rJ,ys,0I :iei;,,111v 1nci;leu1 I\\DAMSCh,l<i< V.... EWRAStore Home, EWHAStore Miss ion To sell per5,0natltems with tile agency seal or lot!<>on 11lem. ta help e<1h~* morale,, oo foster* 5('~ of t0f'1mun!f\\l. Whlle me EWRA been around as I""!!.is thereh~~ been on NRC. 1he assodaolon didn't open a siore untll the agency mov,:d lero ~ Whl,1e FIim tJorth a IIUle morema11 :m,earugo, At first. tile store - iotated aboo1 wh= tM-Allmlnlstratlw SeMtes Center Is today: 1hen It R'Olleil to the Of1* White-Fll1>t end or the lnternulldlns can-or, where Ii n,molned untll June 2007. Al first the stw<!', most fklH ol bu<1r= we,* dry cleaning and photo p,....,.,11,g. which g*Y<' Wily lo 1M progr= of le<hnalogy. Now the stor" focuse,, on,cmna pttS<>nal ilt"1Mwilh tti,, age,,cy $ealor logo an I hem, to n.. lp ~*nc"mor.ale and Imler a~ns,, of c.ummunlty. 19Place an Order or Volunteer rJ EI D I] 111 l!I CI II Cl IH!P[CTO CtHE:RA.L f-!ROCnAM
      s twi,
      • l,JJ
      ADAM S I l**** r* 1 N uc:l*,-Jb I fl K*tll'
      • N H.(.~ W oik l*omo* k,t-,.., N,-,,.,....,. N RC AppliurU0 r,1 v fttlo(M w *.rorw:ir,.-,ll '.ul*110tt l01,>"-'., ltfo&.,o*I *.._,,r-1-.,(...,,.. *.,1,ty (cvw""'r e Shar.1 ?'
      e Cl NRC Functional Directory B 0 ~ u~. 18" 122\\' [l Sr.-lllOf~t.r
      • 1 ~
      ADAMS I t.1
      • f&tll I Nurl*paJt. I ll H,*lp
      • NHA ~Wu*k l*umo* k,1.-.., N_., -., N RC ApplurUa r,1 v f)tlo(r-s ~ '.t"""-'t*,.-\\ll'.ul*110t1 10"11-"" lti-&,o*I01\\.1fr1..-,.-...... :,,,,ty{Ol'\\tl'II' e Sharl'.?'
      e C ADAMS B 0 lh*r* ar, thr*e versions of ADAMS, th* agency s dO<:Um4nt repos,to,y ADAMS Na,igator, ADAMS Contont Se**ch (ACS). and Web-bd,ed ~DAMS (WBA), ADAMS Version I Search About ADAMS Conta1M both public and n-0n-pubOc materials Navigator More lhan 2 milhon PDFs have been added to the ADAMS Na*,gator Mam Library (Ml) due to the fNOCtt'1HorJ1, 1 digitization of Leg*~/ Library record~ staff con search lor theS<',ecords In tl,e ADAMS ML by i!, follil>'t~.lbt.i,,~ Aba.utAllAM£1'1wgalll( I \\ -S.,af!!I, "10,-'I. ADAMS Cortent ADAMS Content Seor<h IS" modern Cloud-based "Google-like' ful *text se*rch apphcahon built Search using Azure Cognitive Sea, ch -~*RCuaffOl'lt1 J Contail\\5 both public and n<>n-pubbc ma(efials ~~w;.S.:,,,Lci)
      • -- ***-~~..)
      • Provides ace~, onty to publicly available. non! dOCUl'll\\ents ADAMS(W5A)
      • Allwll.MA (NRCua(f{N"11N
      s ~, * ( ; )
      ADAM S I l**** r* 1 N uc:1.,-Jt. In H-*lp
      • N H.'lii)W t"Hk l'nffM!' tolR v N,_,., v NRCAf,pl.u,t,or* "' Oth,r~.. S..V..:r.1 1'1d'..,IIJVOII "'" ~ v R,opor1a>>l..tvoe~,rtyCo,,r:r1n e Shar. ?'
      C Employee Resources Topic s ij 0 Employee Development Assistance EEO Acbosocy Comm tti?es
      • AQAMS_
      lndiv1di1at Develo~ NRC Stooce Catalog Krul,,-li:dgf..M40,1gcmcal ~RC Ircbotu,1 l 1brit'Y Wlli,ubj~DJJWll.fwgl.111.ll.> PYbli Dot umcnt Room C.irw.Mto!QUOgh9;1ram RequaJ (01 fltcQ!lU.(~) ~g.e.Morul<Jem*lllli4m*1"1lrk.
      • Web I MiS9 s NRC Guide to Career Eohaocement NBC LEitdecibi~ Conflict Resolution N&C..Qi22ll.ORIIW-1Wll1JlOlt v ~ v..._..,,... \\,;lf'tVot!Jcut.. )' CclllY.NM e Sharl!,l'
      C Services Topics ij 0 Regional Offices Services Information Man agemen t Assistance Region staff snov/d consolt !heir local ORMA Information Services ADAMS U:-er SuQQ:Qtl W eb pages for service information. Admm Service Cemer Reii>wl.l
      • frerdom Af lnfAOO:MtPPO Acl ) 11.(QlllW!~
      • loformdlm SNvtcn Brrucb NRC Stivkc Catolpg Bt;i,illill o PtJblK Pouun tnt Boom!uu J!eg,an.JY o Tes:bo10>l lll:Ni!!tv
      • PersooaHr ldrnli6oblr loform;,t,oo t!!lll Administrative * ~""'11
      • Publlultt~og_Ngike_s General
      • Wth.&ibl~hlog Adm!m'itrative Services Center
      • Stos1t1Ye Uncli,,,*1ticd Non*Solegwd.s ~ (j) [D NRC Sc Mee Catalog* lnlllJSWIISJl
      • Sp.u.ind..&Dlll!!JY.M.ln.igemmt Information Technology
      • C'
      • S),sJtrn CSPMS Web Crnlf+lll
      • Dato Centre E,>Plth*s Announcements
      • lnfotroatiao Cotle:cUoos 11/Arllll\\
      • 6g~1dr Anoouoremrot, * &uliolro,,od IOYe:stmeo* Plooning
      . ~ Audiovisual IT S*ecurity --~,1 C.a~1og AudtPYIYJal fquiAIJl,e..Qt
      • Cybe,:s.ecuntY Gu tdaoce
      . ~ * (~
      • l~cuittnlllt;p:anu Facilities & Property
      • 82aailmg..u'iw.1,
      • fAclJ.1Y Ma 1ote04oce fFJXID Telecommunications Services
      . ~~es.MAIIRtl!IJIS. 1
      • Auduu:.ookrenutlll M1'vU>9.Md1ltq11211
      • Cloveromrnt Emem~v
      ~ll,llllllll..&~ Jeles:omOlLlnt'4I ioos 5t'['i1Ct ~
      • Irlecomm*mintioo Smlce Puorlly.(15.eJ fCllWJY.M.mi9mwll
      • MQ,1n9
      • V1*c IT fguill!llt!lUfld SP<<f PlilODU\\g Btl*ttd Movmg 5~
      • ~l>UAll!lll
      • Vo1,;1: Over lnltrnt:t ProJacol M21P)
      Con tracts & Small Purchases Publi<hlng Acquisitions
      • Bl4lldlllU.Glli!.kalcli!U
      s twi, * (~)
      ADAMS I l**** r* t Nuc:l*,-Jt. I ll M*lp
      • N R.'C ti,) W t'Hk l'nffM!' tot.. v N,_,., v NRCAf,pl.,u,t,or*..,, Ofl~... S..vlOMa*ld'**IPP(Mt..,. ~..,, R,.po,1,1 >>1....,oe!.o<<u1<11C,..,,,.,n e Sharl!.?
      C Security Topics ij 0 NRC Security Nu clear Security Assistance lk<uianU!as.rgwsY..flAn.i Nudear Security and S.afegua rds 11.Swmt),
      • Domeztic Sa(eouocds.
      • SlJtiSI Facility Security
      • tntormaJioo Sco1r1ty
      • l.ulc!.n.l~Yollill
      .lladg!DQ. ~ Class.1f1ed Mo,Uog~ s> Classdt"'d Meetings Radiologicnl Emergencie-s u= * ~=.fu,~:fl " NBC..QprraJion, 5ecuri.tyJQP5EO
      • f.awCJJWtY.J!l:1w:lllU la\\lJl<.1.IbifAl.A1i.olll!JO ii.
      • Wl.ut~ J: --(
      Information Security Federa l Govt. Security ~
      • [21><1QM~de llH..SJ!iguauh
      • Dtrnrtmrnt pf Hom,~nd SrcutltyJQl:tS} ln.for19\\,l\\*Cn s<<ur.ty lnl<um.JJ.wo
      • f'll,,rall!M!!Jenq_M,)mgemw.A{IIJ!ty GentMI Guid,uKe Im
      • Seruuty lEfMAl Alen I meels lnform*>1km Ha0<Uing~go..f.n.ti.llb Gutde to Marking Saieg'JDUb Counter Intelligence
      • ~uNdS lllll)llMh90 lSm.l
      • Countee lnltlhuet1'r SMltPamt S1t1!
      • Ooo!det toe {IMStL,:d Jnf.unuJ;go Mloim11m Rrou1 1rmoo1S lo, Uondl1n9 t.ldnditd.uv:t Sofeguord1 toformotloo NBC Orer,ea:a Travrl Brief Eewm.lty ldent1hnbfe lo(ocmolion {PIil fafilY..&I Pro1t,*<t,00 ond Storo~1t of CLu1ll1ciJ lnl.auu.llton Documents for Secu,itv*
      Jl.eLllilUnlg ~ 1.,ssmcd Noo->l.leguard.i laf., (SV1'lSll Information Technology Security II.SewaJy ~pgnx Swploou;I moils Moving to St1areP0111t on December 4, 2023! 1-1,rn,,._._ l**.,..**.-11* I-*"",_._,n., I ""-'°*-,,_... _,
      • NRC ~ Work "' "' t
      • 1n **,, *,. *
      -~~*~*n-m-nmw,- ~
            • -,......._.,.._, -~~...,,., *,..,.-*.. h"'(,1,-J, tl"'VPl'...._..,,.., *~-..
      EVENT Ho,,n,t, Hl"-M6.- i=I Dlw*II
      • The Festlv*I of lights Cclcbrotlon, November 21, 2023
      [Wl'IIDM.._ n.t~21.:za1J ~UM. rwFN~AI.. lt.-dMcn. 1:1 KNOWvembcr Event: living the ECQ's: A Pathway to SES (~Ott<< T\\M~,t.'°1::1 IAC,ttlo,J,,_""°"T--~(._... lttldMDre * ~ ~ NOVEMBER 2023 1 -.-.. -....,; -.,. - - - ~ - - -1 '1 :J 4 ,
      • J II
      • II* 1 1
      11 U t4 t~ I* 1/ 11 iffrifbffiiS n
      • n n n N n a hf if lidEW
      Ii* Id ifi 8 N PAAC Celebrates Atlanta Pride: *Allyshlp In the WorkplK:e
      • c...... o..... Tfw0t1... 1"'-10N ~ MluOMftft-
      Rffd~+ i=I Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Employment, and Small Business Commi ssion Brfefln1 [--~* ftw0.:~141021 ~-C~H.-....._ RuclMar* + i=I KNOWvember Event: Living 1he ECQ' s: A Pathw*y to SES r-o.*,.-.......... a. 2021 ~ ~1-Uwr_. hid...... l!I Dlw*II
      • The Fesllv*I of Lights Celebrotlon. November 21, 2023 C-"'O.. 1.,..t........,21.20U 1.oc:_..., rwrN'-i!MMlv*
      e LuF1 c: h and Learn : N ative Culture and NRC1s Federal Trus l Responslbllltles c-Orat* n-~1.,,on ~ TWrNl.x,..,_...,.~-r- llt:.ld,..._*
        • a ma a m m a a a *******
      I\\DAMSO..<i< \\/low Diwali -The Festival of Lights Celebration, November 21, 2023 Homt ' N RC -Mal h ' fVENT Event D~te - Tuesd*r NovemH r 2.1, 202.3 (l) Ewnt Time Event Typo
      • Oth1t, 9 Ev1!nt LocallOil
      • TwF'N El<hibl l Area
      A.DD TII YO lfR CALOHlU F+ii+hhi¥ EID D II II CI II ~I CI INSP(C'rOR CU.E.r.tA.L PR011;RAW I\\DAMSCh,kl< I/low Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Employment. and Small Business Commission Briefing Ho mo
      • N RC - Ma in * £VENT
      l:"Ve:nt Data - Thu.-s.d11y Dece:mbe-r 14, 2023 0 Event Tim* - 10:00 AM t.o 12 :00 PM Event Type
      • Briefing
      Q Event Loutlon - Commlnloner** He~Tlng Room ADD TO 'i'O Vii C.ALC:HOAII E+Hh"+:I 1 a a Cl IN:SP[CTOn C.CHt:RAL PROCinAW ma 11 m I\\DAMSO..<i< \\/low KNOWvember Event: Living the ECQ~s: A Pathway to SES Homt ' N RC *Maln ' £V ENT vent Dato - Tuesday NovemN r 28. 2023 (!) Ewnt Time Evc,ntTyp,,
      • Pres..ntatlon 9 Ev1!nt Location
      • T1!iltru Uv" EvenL
      Ewnt 1nrorrn a uon-eavaoce m, 1co recrrnrn,1 sh Mentwf pg Ca teodnr la:dU tloo AOC> to YO U-lil C'.Al.tNOAU: fi\\f frPh+H m a Elm m a a J CI IHUlCTOR eCJiil lAA.L. PR0(iAAM I\\DAMSO..<i< \\/low NPAAC Celebrates Atlanta Pride: "Allyship in the Workplace" Homt ' N RC *Maln ' fV ENT vent Date
      • Thuno1y Oclober 24, 202~
      (l) Elll!nt Time Event Typ,,
      • Oth1t, 9 Ev,ent Location.* Mkrosok T,eam,
      NPAAC Ce1rhoUts AtlftOla PtlGt*.. A!l'OC!IP lo' bt Wpl'l(;nl.WC ADD TII YC lfR CALCHOA.Q F+ii+hhi¥ EJD D II BI EI II ~I CI INSP(C'rOR CU.E.r.tA.L PROll;RA.M
      Sha,c-Point *, 11P
      I\\ ADAM S I L**** Tari. I Nu-<.t.p.dU J IT H,*lp
      • NRt:~ WO!k t*°""" ktlrl. v N......., v NRC',\\ppk-">of11, v {)1'1,c..,.., S 91'viCN a ndS1.1ppo1t " topK, v l&Ppclf1*\\Jtl"lytw~unty(Qn(Nn e
      Cl B 0 SUCCESS HEALTH s Health NRC ~ n Health Automated hleroal Defih, illator CAW~ !J!B..Iwalng.llaw LmWPYte Au.11i1aoct P,ogwn EJ.gPO?roir A,\\}@H!Dl:Ot:i Fitness Center HcoUb Ce0te1 tlethh s,,wcn for fh,iom and I TC Ut4Ub and Wellne$A C1leod,1r tllluwg~ BeAK11able Auommodationj RtCWlll1 Wlllkii21ace..lQJwy~ 6 \\JU 'a-16V.,., Q S,,...f0t!, ttr
      s twi, * (~)
      ADAM S I l**** r* 1 N uc:1.,-Jt. In H-*lp
      • NR.'Cti,l Wt:ttk l'nffM!' tot.. v N,_,., v NRCAf,pl.u,t,or* v Ofl~.. ~, 'ld'.. *JpVOlt..,,. ~..,, Afp,,1a\\.,1..rvoe~1<1:,c,_,.,n e Shar. ?'
      C Information Resources Topics ij 0 Libraries Databases & Document Repositories Assistance
      • Ugal Btwarcb Center {lRQ
      • ADAMS. AC!.6MS Inform,ittou SerYtces Branch nSBl
      • 1 icensee Event BePOm Pubti<: Pocument Room o fllbl!Ull!<umcm..Bll<!ru
      • M'1.ttlldl.::1..5airty Pahl Sheet ~.~.111.1~
      o Jwbmcal liblJfY
      • Nuder Motc111d Events P,U4b.a>r Web l i,iwns
      • ,~d;udi (tl.MEC!J
      • 041aba2>
      • Pk'mned Ru lema~ AcllVihn O.-,t4tw>c
      • i.:.bllllks
      • 8a.d.i.atJon..Exoosure lnlormahon and
      . ~ Belllllllllll~IBE.Wl
      • Onlmt C.1t4IOQ
      • P.e.4'1aL..012W.1LCg.bpeuCoce Buuh,
      .. ond llllU r, loted to NRCs ~ m ission * ~of ln[mm.atmn Golewov ffl
      • Reactor <h:ecstg~(BC.e} lfttil'll(,flLI~
      Basic References
      • S#,,!ed Srnuce and Pevirt 8eQ!ltlY
      • JK!in,"11 Libwv s,i,,n111t.c.1l,11.a~
      General A Shc>11 HhJOIY ol Nudt:df Reg~ Document Collections ~ * ~LY~~ AbilJb.w~ IJw..oi.bgtollU-JMJdllll '->~lliJhugJhr.Nl!C Adv1io1y Co.mmiUH on Nud W,l) Lt CommJmcahoos Guwd;mct (6CtlWl ~
      • Adv1wrv Committee on Be:actor Glo<<iUY or Nt" leaJ..kwu S4li.:g11i11di.JAC!!Sl l.ciliwn.lJ.i<la..12l~
      • Ullll1lllllliW l'll!C.Rtoul41QJ lllNll~itly * '-=~
      NRC.61< :Ji=
      • Document CoUr:cJions
      • 1::Gir; Key Guidance Documents - ~
      DelllJu,i~wde ~ulllll
      • f.wlJ.lle~
      • E<<l Sbnli dfld 810<buru JlHmoohoo Gu -1de fAI S.afeo44lm:
      • f<>r.lllLIJbr,ny 1nfllrauUgo
      • Forms lfb(dry fnlllwunmlMalllhll
      • for the Be,;;01d U.W.d.*r<c for De:temumng lbe Publtt'
      • Gtnedc Commuo!c&1t0m
      ~y ul NRC BctAtdi * (,n,,riu.iletyJ.u11111 Gulde lg Marjdng Saj,:gu*!jli *.J.o.~Pi'ClOI Geoc:r4I Rgpgw 1nlmm.lllon
      • Joti>11m Sutt Grndnnre Im~
      • M.lo4gement Picerlrves MIDJMJ!Jl2kiruDL<l<IDJlieil
      • Newt Btlcnues
      s twi, * (~)
      ADAMS I l**** r* t Nuc:l*,-Jh I ll H*lp
      • N H.'lti,l W t:ttk l'nffM!' folRv N,_,.,.., NRCAf,pl.u,t,or*,., 00~... S..v10111,11-,cJ'-.,~lv ~ v Af,potla\\.,1.-.Vot~t,t)'Cfll'YJ"'ln e Sharl!.?
      C News Topics ij 0 NRC Meetings Federa l N ews Ass is ta nce . Agency News Anoouaremeot\\ Ol:15 lechn,ot I ibClry
      • QQJ: ~uc11w.cs NRC Public N ews eidili,. fdi*el!fr,j>
      • fl?A
      • Qper.nma Status COPMI NRC in the New> Today U1W.(h.1J£g~
      • Wbise House for rbtRccord W11Cli<~UIIQ!U Federal New s Sources ESME Oua,trcly New ilellrrs. ~~
      News and lnMotHln
      • federal Smith Nevofttl@>H
      • Ffdrrol limes
      • ~y i'J.elunini11Y.N"1th<,ltllllU
      • Yo,o:iomt11t C01D~t-ltw1 PYbhc i1te Whal, New
      • Govh:es: rPm N *EWS Jlegul*lQry Agenda
      • Week!\\<.J!l.fll...B.Ql2!1.('JIJ81 W ea ther & Tra nsp o rtation NRC Intern a l News Ma,ss Transit Aonou,cemt1>ts by..t.4l.e9!.l1Y
      • HQ:~Ali:Jll; Annou J£ement:i, by~
      • RI: SEeJA Travel AdvisPoes OOl!All.el>l
      • RH : MAfUA, Srrvk::e Cb4D<lti LOO..UQ!late
      • RIii CJA e.ltLl.1..41lll.UllW~
      flu loformauoo
      • RIV llAl!I tiBC..&IIRUU Traff ic Rettreooenrs & foreY<<Us PlllllWJoru
      • lli:.IILU S11r-j,,I lvrnu &.N11!*<el
      • M4lYl4nd
      • MwllgoOJetY Cou1Jly Industr y News
      • Be9llllll
      • R<g,QQJJ fol;gJLllj,[~
      • l\\t!Q\\QQJU
      • R*~JIID..lll
      ~~ * 'lngJru,l t!u00"..&.xuld!ht1 Nude.v Ner,s Swed Weather
      ADAMS I l**** r* t Nuc:l*,-Jt. Ill M*lp
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      e Sharl!.? C Announcements by Category ij ~ 0 Cat egory ~f imtion ~ infotmatio,, from th~ COVID* 19 Task Fotce !Jnlll0.<<btY<l ln(Ofm tmployees of re-cognitlor\\ funt1;1ls, or 01~r 1n1011nauon *oout (1)<<111C rmp1oytt1-llll~ ~11 eMployus 10,-.,,.w o, f"fVistd rmpM>yet bfflc-llt1 pro7.m1, flnal'KW m*lltr'I.nd 011-JN tmpfoyu 1c.-"-0Urc r.s Wlll lnvite employ~s,o ager,cy-sponso,e-d e"1efll.5 £W!la tss:iw af\\f'IOU~me,m at 1ht fequtst of the! EIT'lptoyffl Wfttu1t *f'ld Rlcft,*t.on Au<<iatlon (EYIAA.) hi.m 11::tt,twir Announc-,m ents trom tht Chel, Ge:~cal !Dlt!al Inform rmployus of ntwscasts,. regional office dosorf'S. local road dosu, ft or otN'r ltlro,tnatiOf'I of genl!lr,111 lnteres1 t:is::i,llblWcl!cm AJert e-mpto:,tn to he-*lth or wellness mainers 1 I~ Bcmuu:a Alen tmpk):,tts lll 10 MW Of ttvistd rT Ot IM rt1-ouroH Of w,yk'ff ~ Nollfy employtti when* managtnwnt directive. l.s ii~ ~visf!d 0-1 N1mm.11~ ll>lJsy tuue nt'W or re-vi-.,d poliq* £gliQt: B&mtoda Romied tmployN, of -.;stl"',I pol><y ~ Notify emp l~,s when a N JIREG 1ep0f1 or Regul.ttoey Guidr is inued by ~ectronte d1:strlbut1on 8tio1r,, ~-£my l!&llMDdl:I RepNttd *nnoufl<effl'1'1U 1n.i.u.-d H rtrf'Hodtfl hc!1[C!DG:!Ilft2tc:titl!1 tnfOfm ttr1ploytts of rc.-tnrmenu. and t.11Mtll1 ~,IIOllilDlli<> Rot.itiontll Opport\\.lnil~ SUlalll.S.w:!.v Altr1 trnplo)'tet 10,~,,ty o r n,ftty mi,tws ~ lnfo1m rmployttJ of ~w 0 1 signlficaT't chan9n 10 w,vic;es p.-c,~idll!'d,mcy e-ms)loyf'f!1i ~tk*JilliSKJ a l ltl!Clfl! Solkitations of knerHt ~a 1nfo,m ffll~ts of s-.nio, suff.ui.gnmtf'llt And org,nlUllional dwngn 6 Ukt,e, 646 ',l,1.w5 [l s..... kir IHH Moving to '-,t,11 t Po *1t on December 4. 2023! .. -1.. **-*-..,,_,, ___.......,1-........,,...,......, __
      • NRC;o Work II z 1
      • 1n **, * *.,.. _, _,.. __,_,._, __ ~
      ..,. - -*,........... '..... "" *~. ~..... -* Eve nt I ii I' 11 Pu b k,,htdon o Clll:I AMCK.lnceme n ts ~--.'6,5f,Q6"1 S...b.. w.-tfl'"'......,,2720'll ,,_.....o..,1,1t?lt.. c......-i-*-c:..*ISID ~.__. n..c,.c....,U1t.1C....... *Vw...,.,Sf"dar,.,__.. _,.""'"._..,__ ._.......0..11.~ c.....,.,..,.. c.c.-oc....>> ~ J6S(Ml6~) S..-.'-ow~ol~ 2ll. J023 ......... OM1t'l(JIID ~,,..,.~acm fiQ,w.t...... f__.4C..-w..i... t:aVoo. (~y.... c..-,a,..,c,1,-_IO...,.... I~ .,..._.0-11,/Jr->>:] ~*-°""""IXN'.D lAull~o.oi.__.,._..,.,...~--~.__~...... O.C--142023 ......... 0..-1?11"23 c....,ry1-*o,,,.-.,..,.. ~l-~1... *ICNOWl,onar..,.....,.. ,......,.°"1&:1"1~ ~--~-- NIIIC~..aer,C..Mo,1ll!J ~t&J02J -DoMllU.'lllZJ ~*-~OCA CGncf,t,o,,......... 'Sb~-......,.........,u,,__.Powc,-"'-'C,WQ,*>111:19~7129m, ,....,_0....,1.1<1.Jorr.1 ~*-Olllft'Jlill NAC3SV.... W~~M.__,.,~,.*wt-F.-f'~~!H,,2Qtl ._.._~ n 1*?W.J C.....,.,l-o.tic.llllS .......,,.OOOl..-dll',trS.'"~....,._,,,,,,.~,o,..;..,.,.laoC--',.___,1\\20'23 ,,.........o.,,.,111*1Gn c........,,,-~ooo ~Yo~C..JIICWTU,.~AON,4SCo,o! ____ M'tt,U.U'JC'lt ~,....,o,,, ~'6,S,M)6~ ~to,..,w.tfiol....._.,.tt.20ll ~o.,,1;1Q"Xm ~*-~oau ~mll~,._..'f'4uor,.._.,,~,_~.__"'......._,.,,,_,,,..11tr-1-oo-1<<-n .......... C...-11.9'7'>>1 ~*-011,0-oel<O 0,,,.,.. n.t-f'et~fALW'U~,,._,__n,on ._....,_0..,.11*:,,on c...,..,v,-~-* AU,~Hl)IMftNldl*O..,.,_ ~,-,....t4w...iM.--'l4111111,..,,.---., ......... o.. 1\\/0iMi ~(-Ol6(.,,., ,,,.._-~r...-c.1.,.*t1JON~L..,.... ......,_°"""" llDl,l':iai, ~,_., ~-* ...,._ ODOt..cllt,w._.__....._,,,*"-IDrA.nU,C.,__,._,........ 1~,an ..._0.,,,,1.~ ~,-c.-~ ~f"°'B,\\u,GI0--1_......,. ~°""""11.'WQW'l c....,.,-cw.-.<<11 t<.M:'-"",-....c-....._,a"t-. **WVh!o-.~ lhlx91MW¥ui-.,Jh ~0..,-1l,Ol,Jm2 c.....-, t-* Offlo(:* OCl<Q ,_.oUv<<ftJ6SfMJ6.~ *S.-lCfN\\O,-ntr..~6.2121 ......... O...tl011CID c....,., (,en OMu 000 Yt,,o,... c.p.,.r,"',...~C.0--~N'tt ........_0...- ttW*JGZI ~ - ~Of',c,o. OQO ~,............,011,cr......,... ........ 0..1\\'lla.?Wl c....,.,y,-~.... OCIOLlilncti..,_Stt-.n._.....,__,,,~s-t~lto~~.~1~ 20'Z3 ......,_0..-11.4)*'2071 c...-rl..-Olfk.-030 Mlt~,O..~h*,.,_._'1 zon ---O--M/21.JOll ~f-, 0-...CICA l_,-.,.-l~an:i NAMl~c.An1NNIIC1kdlr6'ltir,a~ ~0-,,-ICIDQ,aQ ~*-Ofl'l;*f~ 1111 11 11 a mo a mmc a c Moving to '-,t,11 t Po *1t on December 4. 2023! .. -1.. **-*-..,,_,, ___.......,1-........,,...,......, __
      • NRC;o Work II z 1
      • 1n **, * *.,.. _, _,.. __,_,._, __ ~
      ..,. - -*,........... '..... "" *~. ~..... -* EWRA I ii I' 11 Pu b k,,htdon o Clll:I AMCK.lnceme n ts [WM.~IIOPr'dtYW.... ,,_..,.0.1\\11.. 'b-. ~--~.... *!S ,__..,.~,...... s.-u* ---= [Wlt.AS-,,W: ~~~~ a t'wAAIIMt>*'.f'UforM'l~*~Thutrt* IWAA.Oste,"lt-louM~~..,.,tc.... ...,.._0..011J0r.'073 ~f¥¥1ilAOMc,e-*.. *'ltl c.......,[1'\\IIU,_ (WltA,......... ar....*...,,1- ......... 0-,.0.,10,,0,:, ~----~~ lWIIA~"'1W.,_.,,.~...._ ......... o.t,o,.~~ c......-rrwiv.o-w.o- t~s-f_.,.*Acl......c,.__.M4"t.:aan ......... 0.,0441~ ~*WU.O-C.-OflJ ,__,t,_._<"-l'fWAA,_.MMl,.... ~Pt,,ffUCGoc.W-0.' ......... o...°"°",o,J C.....,.fw.AOl'fl(*a- lwfJ.~FMr..,.ia~... ~ ~0.- CQ.Xl'Iom c....,..-,,rwiv.o...a. ~,,...~tll\\'14'-..._, **,.,.~1,-,~wr-.* ....._.o-,Ql.,.._102, ~F'MIA~OP ('WClA~~O.,--,c,1~~M.-ctit.J021 ....... 0.,.-0lfl~ ~IV,ti,--()91 FNV.~u... Yw.. li.M..abu,_ ,..._o.,.,c,,1iv,a:t,1 ~lWb ca..-&JP C'WU._.,,. Grt'IIMF-"'Otdllr.,.~ .......... 0ow~*,on C.....,.f'wil.AOfta-¥,liS lWIIA. 21Jll'f,Jaef.... O. .,.......o..->>..l ~IWMc.r..-OOO tw'Vi.a,11-,,._.~o,.11~C¥*1~* ........,a.,.u,:,?Q21 c-..,,fWII.AQllllotllt\\ ~HaMC.C... 2ou*n,..,o....,_, ......... a..1.:rtJ'Jl'a:2 ~ -IYloAA.~11111 ~..... ~~l. c-......,.,.........cac.llt ~-t4-e~'20:" ........,_0..11,ot,'ZO/rl ~*¥O¥OM<:.-**\\ lW'lA~C,""'-""YC!WJletio--~t, ......... 0...-ltntl.Jom C:...,-,-~MOIJtu(klQ (v.,tA,:Wtv,...._a.--.t,. ~~tl1C"1'1T; ~C..MOl!w..000 1111 11 11 a mo a mmc a c Moving to t.r.,r,<f\\.,*,ton December 4, 2023! ,.,_ ""'*-*--*-* -***1--****... I"'""- --
      • NR C ~ W o rk
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      aa a aaaa aa a ea o mma a Cl I, I I

      OU0'1MAllll~UI IIIUIY IHVJJl11f'1

      - -- - *--- -0 Moving to '-,t,11 t Po *1t on December 4. 2023!

      .. -1.. **-*-..,,_,, ___.......,1-........,,...,......, __

      • NRC;o Work II z 1
      • 1n **, * *.,.. _, _,.. __,_,._, __ ~

      ..,. - -*,........... '..... "" *~. ~.......

      Retirement/Farew ells I iii' 'I


      o Clll:I

      AMCK.lnc ements


      c.....,.----.,..- oi..OCTQ



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      • ---* - _,,,_ __.. -~~-----*-..., __.. __. --**............... ___

      - ~- ---- -*

      Moving to '-,t,11 t Po *1t on December 4. 2023!

      .. -1.. **-*-..,,_,, ___.......,1-........,,...,......, __

      • NRC;o Work II z 1
      • 1n **, * *.,.. _, _,.. __,_,._, __ ~

      ..,. - -*,........... '..... "" *~. ~..... -*

      Solicitation of Interest I iii' 'I

      Pu b k,,htdon

      o Clm:I

      AMCK.lnceme n ts

      ............. 0...11~



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      ~,__..*--°"""""CICKQ a mo a mmc a c Moving to SlwePou,t on December 4, 2023!

      ,....... lun-..- ln-**-1-.--1--**-1-,--*

      • NRC e Work " at t * '" **, * * *

      - **-**-.. *-**-*- ~

      -**-,_......_....... -. _..,...,,,...IN\\ ***--......... --.. -.....,.,,,...,

      Staff Chan ges

      a ~--tnT'f 0 am

      AnnO\\lnc erncn t,


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      • ~Gflt,,'ltt.hck.___,~tkhlAC~E~



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      rJ El D D II llU: J a Cl

      s twi, *. l,p

      ADAMS I l*I " r* I Nuc:l*,-Jb I fl K*lll'

      • N W. ~ W tHk **- kibl..., N-~... NJ.IC Ailf°'".. toom "' llffot.~ *., ~1(~.,..., *;1.111f>Of1 ~* l<J0,11(,,, R"1)flfl,. ':!.Ill-I.,-04 ~..-c:.u,ot1 r Otl(""

      e Shar.1 ?'

      C Announcemen ts by Year

      ij 0 Internal Announcements Legacy Announcements Clic king on o yeor below will open o ne,. tob in the brow ser. ZJllL'.(Leg.icy)

      Zl!Z3. lll..l.!l..'.(LfgQ)

      ZOU lllll!l..:(l.fS!ocrl llli ZQ!lCiugKy) 2QlQ ~LIQIIS.yj lllJ!l lllQC(lcg,K)')

      2QlS zm..:llf~)

      2QlZ 2ll!M..!IIJlQ,icyl lOl6 2ll!U..'.llf9A!.Yl Zill 2lll4 ZQJJ 2QJl

      6 L,~,S,. 9'\\'4Wi Q S."" ' °'E.t*r

      Sha1&-Point *, 11P

      I\\ ADAMS I l**** Ta t\\ I Nud-.,.dh I IT H-*lp

      • N IU.4_il W O!k Poml' lotK.., N,--. v NRC i\\ppk.i(,Qf& v Ofh,c,..,.... S wvl<M.11rtdS1Jppo1 I" lop.:, v ll,,,)X)fl11\\.iiho1ytot~o('(\\lnt)l(1)11t.Nn es,....
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      Cl B


      The Occupotionol Sofety ond Heolth Act ol 1970 (th* OSH Act), S.Ctlon 19, " Federol Agency S.1.-ty Programs *nd Responsibol,tlts." contains speci*I provisions to ossure sole ond healthful wo,klng conditions for Federol employ e.s. Eoch r ederal agency Is,esponsible lo, establishing ond ma,nta,nlng an effective and comprehe11sive safety and occupational health prog ram co.oslstem with the standards of Section 6. *0ccupa<<.t0nal Safety and Health Standards." ol the OSH Act

      Exe<u tive Order 12196, *0ccupon0MI S.,' ety and Heolth Programs for Federol Employees. prescrl~s add1 t10MI responsibll,hes for the he~ds of ogencles ond requires tht Stcretory of L&bor to Issue bas ic program elements for the h ods of ogenclt s to use to operate th~lr safety Md h*ohh pmg,ams Tlw head of each agency shall des,gnate an official w11h suffkien t authority and resp,onsiblllty to effectively represent the Interest and support or the agency head in the management and adm inistration of the a fety an d occupationa l health program. For Hw U.S. Nuclear Regu lato,y Commission (NRC). the Director, Offic e of Admin,stration, Is the agency's designated safety and health off,cial [01\\SHO). The DASHO shall hove suffi<ient Htadquarws staff w,lh the necossary tr01nlng and e,peritnct to repotl dirt<dy to him or her to c arry out tho rtsponsibil1t1es of the p,ogram. For the NRC. the OASHO stoff representatr,e Is the Agency Safety and Occuo.,uonol Heolth Program Managtr< C* *0l 1i,w*oWOY' I or M4llbm!l tl4U},.

      for mo<e lnformatK>n about the program. see 1he ~pa. uOnal Hea Uh Su e o r contact Ca rol Greenwood or M,mbr w Ha rty

      NRC Related Links:

      MJl...li2.ll0...::.54f.ely~fJAlioDAl Hes,IJb Prog,om ""

      NBC form 436.~oo,t of Wotk*fwh>rtd lntuOes aos.J Ulown~

      W\\Ci.Salttv Alld..O<o;!ealth.Sllt NUB£lalll&:JXl.l~u,llil&~llJllisln,\\lH,41Jb..flll!JU1111'.

      NUREG/8B *0098 ~5,1fety and Ocniru,booot Hea.ltb Pmgram fw Maoogtu..A..ru1..SIJpc1vLSOrs; Wbelt YPU S :wuld KW Yellow Annooorement No J 6*0116

      • How to Bfpo,1 An Fmn~ Jurv o, Hloess* doted Ooeber ?6. lQ.1.6 Wllrkll!4~~-Joinl ADM/ OCHCO
      • .ECOMl'~llldliu

      External Related Unks:. 0 t Q,,. and Moo.;gt*mcot Portal {E0:2Me) Emp)oyc:;c:,; ComDL'milllOo otro 1 0 ECOMP tutorials:

      o e!Dllilllfl

      Sh.1&-~ nt

      I\\ ADAMS I l*h Tat\\ I Nud -,,.d h J IT H-*lp

      • NIU.(p) WO!k l 'onw ktb\\ v N--. -.., NR(AppkhJl'llo v (Xff("M -~ S~vlcN11"CtS 1Jppott T,111,..,'"" tt,-)llJl'lll~)'(,~~unly(,,...,_1,.,,

      e ShMW./'

      B W :::=+"

      Cl B


      Occ upa nt Em e rg e n cy Pla ns

      Occupant Emergency Plans at Headquar ters Occupant Emergency Plans at Regions/ TTC NJK1,,A~~i:ru;y £!J11 &:!lllllili!wm,milmem=Y l'1,w NfiC.J.hlil.d<Jll~W!Ll'.k<cVr,,mL:.l.Jt~l\\esp~ llcgionlL<.&ul!<lllllmerg~ 11ill1

      ~L'f!1b ly ~ndL\\ci:g111ll<!liil1ty_rIJK,'lJ1nc:; lw!Jion.Jtu:kw1wolln1crgcmy eJ.m,,lion fkx11 !'I""' (OWIN JWJ N, JWLN) 111,g ianJV _Ot.twoul [meineucyJ'lun Mo1U1f lvucwtiOJ1.I \\Q!Jl<'Sill>}cm l,ly \\.Qta\\lllJJ) UUkcu11,111 Lme1gc:ocy Pbm

      "' OEP Presentation s & Resource s

      OEP Annual Btftnhrr Tra1nrn9 E.mergcocy Al,-.rt Notihcat,ons (Kent,co mtra net)

      NRUl'1iVll~Wloll!ll!lg Ac:Uvc Shooter Video (17 M j,, utes)

      DHS UAS Ocruoont TbteAI MtltQtlUOO Foo Sheet

      ~g*ln*Plare Addendum

      6 iJk~,e.. 172V!Nf CJ S..lofl.altr

      s twi, * (~)

      ADAMS I l**** r* t Nuc:l*,-Jt. Ill M*lp

      • N H,'( ti,) W t'Hk l'nffM!' Job\\ v N,_,., v NRCAf1pl.u,t,or* v Ofl"'".. c ~ 1'1d'..*,ppoit v ~ v RPporla S.l~0t!Jrc.'u,rt)'C1-,.1n e Sharl!.?

      C Orga niza tio n To pics

      ij 0 Organization Basks flmcUonal Office Pnrriotion~

      • NRC.Qi:9..Chaa

      Organizational Culture & Effectiveness 5'Y.a ;sud Act !AO Pia $

      CR.en. Collabo@tiYe 'Noddng Eovuonmeol tlllUbAugtt.Mlwlgt:IJWlt l.ilanq Jta* NRC Y*lu~Mdlal

      Directories 0 Agencywid e Onlmr 81:Rl!ill

      • r - 1 lll.D4LDl!f'!3l!rY

      Licensees/licensed Faci lities w*IJ:l/'1dA<il1lv!.mt;,***

      ~Ctl..MAn.1gw Bmter ol Bca.:tm Ucensecs

      Office Contacts

      • AJl,q,,*i~
      • Comm-Jmca1ioo, Couocd Members
      • OCHCO Cootarls
      • Iwniog Cpgrdmato1>


      About NRC B.u.dgf.l

      £lb10 li11t~


      • Miilwn MaJ~

      Qpeo Goyemment

      • _PetlwL',."'"

      Moving to Sh,r e f'o.nt on December 4, 2023!


      0 NRC.. Work " * ' *In " ' * "' *

      • -**~*m**"*"*-n* ~

      -**-,_......., *-.. -. _...._...A,........,,,, -....-.... "...,......,,,....,

      APeoo leFinder ~,....,_,,.,..........,,,..,._... °'0rr-~.1.v1.1....,_,,u,,,.,,,,_..,..,.._....,,~.. -.... _,,,11w, __..., __,.

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      • c,,,,;,,..,,..,-nDNM...,
                • 11*11 a ea a m m cn :a r:i
      s twi, * (~)

      ADAMS I l**** r* t Nuc:l*,-Jt. Ill M*lp

      • N R.'C ti,) W t:ttk l'OffM!' tot.. v N-. v NRC A,1~11, v Oil~.,..,..... ICM,11"11 '..,JPPO!t..,,. ~ V R,,po,1,I \\al..,,,ot!Jrcu1<1)' C <<-:PIM e Sharl!.?

      C Policy Topics

      ij 0 Content Owner Statutes & Regulations Assistance M.ugi.e..J.IDaey

      • E.cdwlLlltg~ M4QQgemeQI P11ectO't1
      • l.igWA112r INUREG*098QJ ~

      Manilgernent Directives.

      • B,:g"1A1111f.i.(C£1\\~ GPP m &all~utan.,Jungl.Gcnew VoUll..MilllilOMll'Ot Directive~
      • BtgulGlll2'l1.I.IJLC.£BLlllllC lllllliW)

      Yo! 02 lnl9rmottoo Tecboolog~

      • Rul~ f.o/CLIILB,:g111<L.&tia(NRC Bultcwkv*l Yot 03 lotormanon Maoag~ Cg.[Jgressional 8\\'Y1ewAct Comp.!i.4.w a fAI.Ll.&w.,$...M41.l Info Piulos,ur Commission Po licy Statements o en,12 Bt,or1b M,an,a~
      • Admwwilllgn VoUl4 mncialM,1NgCJllenl AgrCffllfill5!Jl!:.o Vol OS Goyt Rclahons and Pub!ic Affairs
      • Alli19<\\illlll1 Vol 06 Internal Mnnegemt:01
      • Coodud oC Proc:¢:edrOO}
      • ~,11 ood E:Jhtral Gtudchn(I,
      • Co@1me, e,*oouch 1/JJ!Jla.Lktmftill'erwhl PrggutrrU llealmn11.111oning Ima I/JJl.ll2.ttfiC. Qi 9111Wll/QJ1 drui!JQw; - ~u Bml Vol 10 Pt1$0nne:I Ma0,1geau:ru
      • Llllfillllllllf
      • &ulllm 1212ymfnt..51Alliog
      • lntcrnat,on.,I AcVvd1es a ~fl 2 Postlion EW1I.J4y.J.f~ - ~LU.m
      • 2lu1.J..Apll/AIW.I..A~..lwllog
      • Mutlw.ll,eJ - *-
      • P**I 4 Labo, flel*bom. 0i,<iohn-t.
      • Nudeot M.1.t.:, 1,11.s

      ~p~J!lu. ~ Comrn*uic: n ~ Sc*t~*n b a Pm:t S 8eocf1h J:iullb-5A!ely

      • Rad1ood1ve Wt,t r -
      • e.r.t.ti..S.E.S~..1wlge,
      • 8o~lll2(!Jng a e,ut z General Prrsonnel M9m1
      • lll>kl!&lo.:l=m

      ~ PrPCw emenr *..llll~Uiu Yot 11 Seomty

      • lwl>lllll1'lllllD lll21...1l..Iwl~~
      • l!1b4l


      Vol 14 Irtwl Key Regulatory Guld ance Office Internal Polley

      • ntli)J ~

      NBR NudeM R"Mtnr Brgulat,on *::::~:***~' uw.£si1ts;.v NSIB Cfficr ProcedlHP>

      QC.M.lnh:wll Comm i1,Joo PrP(tdur.a * &,~WAllll,.Guld~i:w, Qf.00..u~.Qi.r~JJ~

      • Staodard Rrv~ -

      Roglwl.l fu,giaaJl

      • Stan a ~Iechnql 5Pmiill0n>

      llrgl!l.ll.ill ADAM5 0--cl,........

      NRC Weather Forecast For All Locations


      Headquarters Forecast

      ~t u~*to-ti-minute wealht!!rlnlormatlOf\\for NRC's IDClltlDn> lrom NOAA'sN.Jtlonal Weal...,, S..rvi<I!",

      Rqlanl Rep,ofl RoSkon Ill R*sfon lV Tac;hOCill Trilktiria:C.nter-l<i,,.....,,..u,1 'e IL Ar~,,- TX 0..~ TN

      View Weetbe c Detans

      P,1J/.e Lut RPVl~l,/pl/ll!t!'d T/lllrJtldy, Ofi=ber/YI. 2021

      El D El 111 111 Cl El G c:I IHS-P(CTOA. GOI C:RA.L PROCJtA..


      lh~ p.1p;e <*n NJK*~ lntt>m.11 W i;-t,-;i1~ nuv i.:on t,.;,n i<'ffil riw inf,)rmJbOIL Ch('(I( wi1h ;hf~ ioforl'tl.llbon owfW'r ~Ofe di,; th r- *fWtlC'f.

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      ti<>,,.. I A:~,...,.:ly I 1.r;,nl..c1T,._.W.-b1,......,, I ~~-l' I\\DAMSO..d< 1/iaw

      NRC Weathe r Forecast For All Locatio n s


      Region I Forecast

      ~t up*to*tt,.,-mfnute w..atherinlarmatlon far NRC's loca.tlons from NOAA'* ti.tlonal w.. ather Serlri<e.

      ~Hdqu.Urli R...... fl ~icnUI RllllionlV Tr~ln1,.Cail1tK llaci*wll MD AthttlL!i,\\ W~ IL,1rr;,,.,.,.,_rx ciuru,_,m

      Ylew Weather Details P"JlewscR,w1-t,d, t/ptJiltl!d Thurscld,-, Ot!c,w,ber 09.2021 mu - II II CI II Cl l".:SJl(Cl"0RC.OitRAI. PR0CRAW I\\DAMSO..d< 1/iaw

      NRC Weather Forecast For All Locations


      Reg ion II Forecast

      ~t up*to*tht,-mlnute w,,atherinlarmatlon far NRC's locations from NOAA'* tutlon.a.l w.. atht!r Serlri<e,

      ~Hdqu.Urli RllllionlV Tr~ln1,.Cail1tK Racl,~MD Art;nl!Ul<I-TX ciuru,_,m

      Ylew Weather Details

      P"l,le wsc R""~Vt!'d, (/p(Jilti!d Thurstl.J)I [}p,;ffl!ber 09. 2021 ma ~ II BI CI IJ Cl l".:5Jl(Cl"0RC.OitRAI. PR0CRAW I\\DAMSO..<i< I/low

      NRC Weathe r Forecast For All Locatio n s


      Region Ill Forecast

      Get upato*t~mlnute w~a.therlnrarmation fOI" NRCs locations from NOAA's Natlona l Weatht!!r Service-.

      ~Hdqu.ilm f'1i Rqianl R,..... H Rqlon lV Toclri<ii lTrolnlq C.,, 1.,

      Racl..,,,.,MD l<i,w of Pl'ln,/~ PA Atu,,u. G.\\ - ArUrr<<tott TX ru._, TN

      View We,nbcc Detalls


      Sligh I Cl>once o.creHlng Cloud, MosllyS..nnv MostlyC leM Su n ny MostlyClouely Showe rs Low:33"F Hish:43°F Low31*r High:4S"F Low:29"F High: 41°F

      1111-11 :11Mm=1 1~= Ill :1111-1111 1 11 IH

      ,c"i"-.... _..

      Ch*nce Snow then P1n l11SUMY High: 37"F

      - ~ '::l cc - r ~

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      Mos tl y C loudy MasllyClo t>dy Mo, t!yCloudy Mo,Uy Cloudy P.ully CICJUdy High: 38°F Low:26°F High:37°F low:25'F -low: 25cF


      I\\DAMSO..d< 1/iaw

      NRC Weather Forecast For All Locations


      Re gio n IV Fo rec ast

      ~t up*to*tti..-mlnute weatt,erinlarmatlon far NRC's loca.tlons from NOAA'* tutlonal WeaO,er Servl<e.

      ~Hdqu.Urs R*aianl R...... fl RosicnUI Tac:lri~I Tr~ln1,.Cail1tK Racl*TII~ MD Phiul_. rA AthttlL!i,\\ Usie IL MM ru,_,m

      Ylew Weather Details

      P"JlewscR,,.,/e,vt,d, tJpt!iltt!d Thurstl.J)I ~~, 09.2021 ma B Iii BI Cl ll CI l".:5Jl(Cl"0ftC.OitRAI. PR0CRAW Moving to SharePoint on December 4, 2023!

      )M-tun,,. * - t***.Au****l.,._.**l-*.._*1*il1&*u-,1Mlw..,. _,..,

      • ' NRC 1tW ork "' :;: 1 *.,.., *.. *

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      Al*Ult-........,...., **r*,.\\.,., i*...,,.,.,u.~~., *.*, *11'V'111,.. **"1"<1111 "'"'

      NRC We ather Forecast For All Lo cations

      Technlc1I Tr.ilnln-1 Centrr fo,-eQ5l

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      Oe.t.. lled Fare


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      a ma e mma a Cl Moving to SharePomt on December 4, 2023!

      1--1U'T,.l<ILl,--jnoo.,......,........,........... 1""-CM-1... -~

      • NRC @W o rk "' a t
      • 1n **,.
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      • uPOn.1.u..1n-1-1cuarnc:oact1* ~

      Ah*fl-,......... **"'...., -...,...,t.Ah.....,,o." lk'fW.J,A,,~IM... 11,1'1 n,.-,.,

      NSIR - Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response


      aa:a a::11


      DMloowlol........ MdC.,._s.o.rtryPllllcy

      • OMsion of and CybtnKurity Poncy 0



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      Sho**P<,;n 1 * * *MS I,... To<\\ I N"' ' 'PN" Ill H***

      Q Offiuo"t\\N'Oi-tr* "'"'...,~ C'N-G,tonQ#the~,,

      B Office of the Chie f Finan cial Officer

      • M:i.t follow.1no Ho,,,. S11 ('Of'tf'IU C

      ij Welcome

      0 lhi10ffiCJtoltMCMfr1l'l,ln('l,IIOf¥1Ctr(OCIO,tJrnpon11bM l0t IP'l hA C s '-Nlncul n\\ll\\lfffflt-11tlC\\tv*\\lti '9f'l(Y*~'Ot tntarnll controrl:I. Hl.llbldhlng budglt'"9,111'\\d flNI~ m*~I pcky fOf ltw AgWIC"J. and PfoCW!dtng Mj~ to 1~

      CfiatrTNin *nd fh,e, C<>mf"l.sgon o" thtse l"l.ttien.

      lhe off,c, dft-tklp* Ind f'\\M'lla-M In,ntt911ttd l9t"IC)' IIC'CCHJ'll'"9,lr,d f,n.,nci,A rT\\M'IO'f"tnt tyattl"\\' 11t,1b1,,tiin pcl'M(Y nd d*rtetJ ~I ol.gtncy f.nMClal\\"9fffltn1 PfBO"ftlL.k11'1'1l1f,t,no ~r1tions: c...,...,.... fflJll'\\lljl.,,,.,..I Qt UM

      ~1 P'09f,1r,,m.bC l"t.mtlComrol Progr.m p*4tp1m ~ t,,nsm.3a,n,1n1Nlt!rtpelf1~.rlduduttie~s,1UO"tld Ho,,,,ain, (. Osbo"""

      fvu1!'1NI smtm~ 10th O.,.~n and to~ 0.rte"toroftlw Oftic.til ~"' ~ &.idg** tOMII): *tid rl"MWI on.a l)thCd,C b.H4,... and othtt cht.19" 11'\\l)C)Md ~ NRC for MMCfl P,Ollldtd and l'\\Jli:H lfQ)n'lffi,tnd,tl,onS t,,x,~ fhOM Ch1M9"1t.PPfO,,*li..

      Add,t110Nlty, the OCfO J)f'O'ltdn.,.. f9MCY*'A'lde rN~I tontr~ progirw. fot fi~ ~ progr"",.....,..v-,, to~

      ....,,th the: ~"6<<111 ~.1* Nn,,notf lntc9"1Y kt. *l"'!d 4 ffiPOl'Wti'e to, UT'l~ffllil'l9 IN Chie.f ~w,ano,I ~.Aa II tt,e NOC

      Aql"f'>C)' lhJdl]'l't 8 Rt,po,11119,n<yl rmt"ll:LlborPot!cy ill lJ.nhboili rds. D.l~ W, O'AIUt..,

      ., (",u,dp., ('"~ r,,,ito,

      6'1*1Q!t,I 0~ 1 C.1..,,._,1QltJOn f.... 111Ul11 "'411Nig1'f!ll'f' tf 0.1.. OCFO Commun ica tion &

      ' jJ t,uida ' 4' t-il.ltl *, ln tflmill(u-1\\rlll Collaboration Forum

      ,,, &J,Jq.-1 f011mubllnn,, N Rt bawl Rnnt..i,n* *~ l'vdnt m.on.. M,1"'11~* 11um11 ni. ()a(* ot =*':!!*tort __,.

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      I 'I fnftulti *, Cu!IUfe *~ OCJO KudolU I*

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      • C OCK>/SECV tr,1 rKti°""

      DOH NMlll'f OOCAoo.1.- ~OP.c u.,, 0 11J,dinllal1011 (.1111Nld1, WN*lyUpdal*

      (h.l rt

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      Siu, oPoint ADAMS I,.,.,,,,. I N"d,,-u IO~***

      ",Qtt,,, -.t..,_. ("-f H,,ma,- ~r-hl f'\\olr,-'-** Abovt l'V"-n T,ao-,'-.\\g,l ~er,t S IH fXHCOl~

      e Q } Office of the Chief Human Capi tal Officer N 111,.._,ng

      "- ~ Ho..,.. Hit Ptt91t1"1t& 5-:Ntt'MC.laloo 1,1,no,,g &Ow~ tCat.arog C

      B Mission

      lht' Olfin* o f tlw C'lrn*f Mu111,111 G.1pitnl Oftici*r (OOK"O) prnvi,lt".;. l c>.ufon,h1p. qu 1d<1nce, and ~11p11ort lo NHC ~lilff and n1<1UJ<Jl'ffl('nl in dtlM<. l111q, dt'Vf'lopim t. Qod rt*lo1irnn(J c1 h*!l h f>t*dounin<J, drvm!\\of', M11y*,y £,k 0CHCO Oep.ity CHCO.,two<1h I 0 and aq 1lc> wo 1klorcc in s uppor t of l hc d(Jen cy's m 1,;sion


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      2023 OKR Hiring Goal: 400 As o f November 13, 2023 External Hires YTO: 320 IOI C



      r,,odmllU Cybt~ Put S,/,a W<>bbltllootds lllip,,;cols frHWt1ghu M~c1nt8olb Squat Rock Su:bilit/ Bolfr

      -RoWffl Sm/thMac/MJw Ju,npt<<,p,s Cablt CroS$0YPf" Plyo 6oxe*

      Sr.aitMtnt# GrfMrrM w,19hr Belts Climbmill RtWtanM &:mds UBE TRXsr,a~




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      • Tai\\ I N..,c l"'P"aa I rT K*lp 11 OCHCO HR Programs & Services Catalog Home IUI: Pioqt.tms & ':,,tr,,l(.n lop,,c,
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      M ission The Office of the Chief lnfo,malioo Officer (OCIO)'* mi,.,oo is to manage,nlo1m.ation and employ informohon technology lo enhance inlorm*t10n and st,engthen ogency performbnce.

      V ision Getting Ihe 1l9h1 lnformnllon to the r,ght peop le ottho right 1,rne

      OJr goal Is lo provide you with high quahly IT/IM S<11V Ices. Please view the NRC Service Ca1alog to le*rn mo,e about OCIO se1vlce,. The NRC Service C.1olog Is your one*slop shop for all your IT/IM needs!

      David N elso n Chief ln (o rn10Uon Officer



      NRC Service Catalog

      tto,iw,, tXJC

      Suren Cotalos for.


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      ~UIHCCA I~ "v,1,wtN1t1 1 1\\o1it..,.

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      Loaner Devices.and Mobile Hardware and Softwa re E*mall, Meetings and File Solutions Services i"'IHE ;:up. I I 1111-1 I

      Arrivals, Departu r es & Password, Identity Telecommun ications Moves Management & Personnel Security I n,q M I 1111* I E11H I


      • O l I~ \\,_'\\ \\ I

      ~tit.,Mfl, I' _;f : ( n '* J "",l I r l \\: H I_", 'i-. 1.., ' '1~-llE~: -

      Print er Services Administ ra t ive, Facilities ADAMS, Records&

      and Multimedia Information Management

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      OE - Office of Enforcement


      Mi!,tlon R eliOU.rc.e~

      tht--9Utcr of fnfnccam:ot O pFomotes u,~ N RCs m*5slon by 1ead Ing In thl! d~opment ar,d oven.l&t,t of polft.lf!:5 i!lm:I prQgrallls ra.-11!.nfarc~ent. alll!Vt.Jon5.. and sere-tyru!Urrl! and sup,portlng their p P..opi~ Flndf:1 lmplemt't1Ulllotl.=

      • Corxrco:s Bes 01, i Uoo B@orb St,~re~nt
      • En forcement Brooch

      . ~~ OE Fttdba~l

      £r>10tcelT'll!nt OdSl>bo*rd,

      ODs. ODs. Ms. DRAs Md Adrntn Cootacts

      OEOO Contaru lor l<ljo, ~

      Shelt>le R. ~..,.,.,

      DitKtor ~putyOi1eetoJ [Adi~

      People Fl~der Sun :11

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      • DE Sutt PtKUQ -

      BD El l:I BI Cl ll CI lffl.PCCTOA C:.CHCltM. '1110tAN4 OEDO - Office o f the Ex ecutive Director for Operation s


      • OIDO

      Currflll "*li*uvn

      £00 DEDM DEDR AD 1,--JlrO!RIW~

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      EDONews Communludons lnnovJtion & T~ns1orm.nion At The NRC - ~w.s...

      • CDOS~end8tlilfltlll 0 a ~ 'ho\\.,_1,....~'-1 le04.....,,.,,£~.,...-
      • NRCO..,Mol*

      lnform~tion tor the Commission Late<! NRC Reporter Issue * ~,\\1wu,,u *NocM1 0

      • 1t,epo,1.,1 -Y<<+otlltkl c 11*?2 Pernecrot.2022
      • Gl..locll,urm~~

      -- o Fi j \\I ::111 1 fl * ~,_,....."'l*BCIM

      • IJOAS~Slie-Latest EDO Update
      • NAMINCOOt.. *t Proc.edure s

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      a ~ Office of the Executive Director for Operations (rM-o.tfoltowino

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      0 U.S. Nu clea r Regu lato ry Commiss ion ln - Hlou se Meeting Faci llitator & Adv isor Program

      Content Owner : Araceli 6Mkx:b Cok>o Purposfl The purpose of tl<le NRC In-House Meet,n;i Facilrtator & Advisor Program 1,.FfJ,. is to ensure NRC meetings and outJ~ach ltire e:fective, inclusive. and fa1, t iJ) end 10 increastt NRC's capaC' 1ty to coUctborat, *nd solve probtems w1lh lntemol ~nd eJ<terll<II Slokoho lde,s

      IMPORTANT DOCUMEN TS 1f yoii have t1ny Q;UltStfons about this Initiative. ptease contllct Amell Bllloch Coloo ot 301-415-3302. email

      • Eott.Sh <<t Al.iuh.Wl11tthuili/*

      - ~ 01 e*mall ~a f*Ciltt.ltlOO Bt:* 0wu.-o.Lt.9*~.

      • Sol1c1tation roe ApRLi.wlma ln*H.:iust Meeting facilitator & Adv*r Progr4nt ln[Q,maltoo BrCKhurn INURFGfB8*M691



      The Role of an N RC Facilitator V

      The Facilitator Corps V

      Background V

      . ~ (-;)

      Slwo**Pl,;nt ADAMS I l<1"0 r~* I NodopNII
      • I ITH***

      Gtnt:rtl{~-~ t.~~~,th(t111'N(7..A'~

      a Office of the General Counse l,tr N:ufol0¥loing II Hom, C es.,.,..?


      0 OGC - Office of the General Counsel

      The Genera l Counse l. Brooke P. Oo1k. IS the chief legal oiker for the NRC aod legal advisor to 1he Chairman end th* Commissioners. end 10 oth(II offtces within the NRC..

      The Gene,a1 Counsel. assisted by two Deputy General Counse ls. d1rec1S 1he operations or six Ass,stant Goreral Counsels. the Solicitor, the Progrom Support Branch Chief, ond the Technical Assistant.

      OGC's Mission statement OGC delM!rs clear, candid. ond sound legol odv lce ond,ounse l to the Resources ageocy We advc1nc-e the NRCs: mission by engaging in creative problem-solvirig dev@loping viab le legal options, and providing effective representation.

      AOA~S l'ubM: t)oaHnf'nl *

      • a11 ~~

      'ti';tt1l1 Hflr-?nllnt

      ~ ~ f.otf*I ~'*' N"Ot-c.1

      Brooke P. Clark m ~AC~,

      G*n*r.l Cou-nwl Id NOIZ[G-0980

      ADOUTOGC Quick Links QwJn1zatton CtM!l

      ~= ~ OGC., Min~" C*,1titt,..,. l.7 OC.C. Olmion L'<<tlll1llm1.4rul5m:!J4\\Jloti!lll

      ~q~wltlp Comrnillee E1hla M>>n.a~Ow.c:tw'Mit.11~

      Part 2 Proceediog5 ~

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      0 :II 0 Moving to SharePo,nt on December 4, 2023 !

      1-1..-r., ** ~,..,,...,_, ____, ___,-'t~*-1*-,._,

      • NRC @Work., ;;; f
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      • _ _,AIAILn"Olll(~C::0-~ ~

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      OIP - Office of International Program s

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      Sho* *Po,nt
      • DAM S i i..t*, '*" I Nu, 1.,-tb I IT ~, Ip Q

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      a 1!11 Office of N uclear Regula tory Research 6 N~tfollo¥r1ng

      - Horrw1 Ooa,rntt1u °'10 titlUl<<t!ON Om,tiaM (Mff9ll"(y Soppon 01'1.c* Wtdt P)9rH Si-It (Ot'lt*1tt.i D

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      0 RES - Office of Nuclear Regulatory Reseall'ch

      Mission 1 To provide technical adv tell!, tools. and inlormation for m eellog the NRC's m isseon, including RIC 2024,

      resolving safety and security issues, malci "9 regulatory decisions. and promulgating regu l.ations HYBRID, '

      and guidance............... _ '*

      MARCH,12-14 -- *

      • Resour ces Iii.lB,O!'l'hgH.I

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      W,4,fr MleltnQ ~1.1.-1 ro,'"


      Moving to SharePomt on Dec ember 4, 2023!

      1-l*rnuu..-:l"'<lll'l,....*l.. *..-... l..___...,1~1~

      • , NRC ~ Work._ a t a 1n..., *,. *

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      • Region I

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      Qu ick Links


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      ~...,. HQ.... ~i:-~-* OfrfC{ ~JO'\\*t lll;C ~.K. $0.APt fl, 'f!JIWO""\\I\\O'I ~

      0ftA DIIMA. ooos DltS* ltiH B Region Ill Honw 0ocumff!tl SNirtdlJl:wa,y SWP ~t15tatfWorb~ IUlll""I.LIIM"llf'/ ~*t*Con1MtJ. * ~.,-,,,.. ng

      C REGION Ill VISION ii An energized team focused on learning togethtr In a high*trust environment, with shared norms, where-diversity and Inclusion ore essential to mission occompllshmcnt. Region Ill Admini strators 0

      R*ilona1 Otp*uty lll:e,g1on*I Admlnflt.-.tor Admlnl.u,-.10,

      la Jotln a. Glenn~

      • Mohammed A. Shualbl

      Riil lncluslon Statcmtnt We support a cultu re of dN'ttlity and ioclus10n whe,e we ~e 'c tQ unders tand o1nd app,*eoate our d,ffet"entn:

      acctpl an indNidwls-.,ind ctk-bra tt the uniqwt pe-rspect1VM of <l"-.Kh mtmbe-r of tht Rt-glon llt ttMn Wt modft bthavlo" 1h.u p,oducr wrkorn1ng *nd nft tnvironmenu Olitets1ty nd incfusion oot only m,n,1m*zt 1ht tfftttlveMss ol OOf org.,nlz.01,on by o~ly stl.tnng difffftnt idr.u bU\\.tlso C'l-tlllt 1 1tspee1fw1 wo,tc trwironmen l thot allowi each tt'ltmbtr of to br ing t~i* whott ~s to work tncl builds m ea n lngfl.11 rel.Jtionlh1ps.

      RIii Vu,on And !,ool, HELP RESOURCES lnfo,mat,on on NRC lnlllatlves a ~..lbu2.QI5 @ INf1ilW1fip,u1"'°'Cl,W3~~VCI RIii -~ invoivement l~*..... L,.,.,.,

      • OllrUll'!llv menun Wwki119 i:il.OJJps,a n~,j



      BuiskSMAf! r e0~tt.qut,,lf0l!'II

      Strategic Pion. Eisctl Year, Z0l.2-2026 I a..49,ng ~~\\iii,..,

      This strategic pion. cov,rlng Flscol Years 2022-2026, p,O'llldes the blueprint lor th. agency to plBn Implement.,l\\d monitortM wor1< needed to ~d\\leve lu thru ma~lcgOllls* (1) ens ure tM !.lfe 0 Stl*Pf,'1,,9 !l~t fC>tl'TI i,nd sec ure use of radtoacti-ve matenats (2) cont inue to foster a hea lthy o, ga n lzallon, and (3) inspire

      ,tekeholdcr conf idence In the NRC. The strateg1< plan olso providt!< an oveno,w ol the NRC's j

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      • Office of the Sec retary


      • r111, *ii~ i.t,10 lonar~ bdng moi i1tah1r,t. JJl(!ttse sl"t tl,t! nou 1 ~ S.1.**1**-yorH~ eomn1.--io,,

      SburePoin( O s.ill" fo,* up-to-tlate in.fornrn lio11.

      ThfOU1tf'Oftl°M~f" tMVISECYl :illhfCo"Mlinlo!'IPfO'll'IOtt.~t~ma~ntt,r'/IQtlOWi)pOlt lt4 comm11o,l(l('l llftd IOtn,,IHr'lftltCOffltnt_\\\\lewld<<.61,)nl,

      lhl SIN:tf'tM'f..1 ad'o'lsn&rd HSl5U l~Cnmll'llnilcm *rwt the NAC staff Hl ronduco-. Comn-,~W)f'I l:luwar.u 111 R lhe toll~"&act.lY!tles; 8roak.- P. C k e

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      SC+t1 RWN1rc11mt1 M1rnor:ta01 Rll(twOL**iiltf e l*hnlt*I C>lnd.ln*1-

      (,91,r,pgpdpx, ISIM 0.W,top,nfflt)

      -AdJ Mo,wl(,ICoflin r,,,.ltd~#COOtCUhffCf' lllil<II>ltlllallll<IO:a -~,

      Cornmlqlon'J lnltroil Pr:::clCfdurn 0 WM lll!yHl!ll1 m.Pa lkyCOOf"ditiill!Df LI

      'COIT!ff'lnlon MM111ti St~ H

      -.cmmi-.lllllllLCl!llca S.,~Turr. M.lutorll'Wll'°"Mll'INlt"-11

      -U>ro!NSCW S0td*iill (Commlfflon Tr.c;~

      Arto!Mtll! Lewis f:a,As$1$~~ for C:C-,ttsl)On('tl"ltc-anicl Recor-di

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      @ ~ Technical Li bra ry Abo!Jt..,. ub'Y Caulog.., Becu-onk iwsou, cn uftrenc.eGudf.l C0Wf9h~ lnfonn.11'0f't,t,NtedunJcs J Not,olo,.,ng a I!! s-,i' D

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      @ ~ Technical Li bra ry Abo!Jt...- ub'Y Caulog.., Becu-onk ~ rcn ~ffer'IU~ C~ lnfonn.11.Dl !wbted I.mks J Not,olo,.,ng a I!! s-,i' D

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      @ ~ Technica l Library Abo!Jt..,. ub'Y Caulog.., Becu-onk iwsou,cn U!fe,-ence~ CDW'l9ht lnfonn,11'0f't !wl.itedl.mkS J Not,olo,.,ng a I!! s-,i' D

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