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Global Laser Enrichment (Gle) (U)Request for Access to DOE Training for Facility Security Officer Management Course
Person / Time
Site: 07007033
Issue date: 01/26/2023
From: Jenny P
Global Laser Enrichment
Document Control Desk, NRC/NSIR/DSO/ISB
Download: ML23038A066 (1)


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LasJr Enrichment GLE-2023-008 January 26, 2023 Attn: Document Control Desk

.t Global Laser Enrichment PatJenny Security/Licensing Manger 3901 Castle Hayne Road Wilmington, NC 28402-0780 USA T 910 819 7447 F 910 819 5731 C 910 200-0744 pat. jen Chief, Information Security Branch, Division of Security Operations Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 Docket 70-7033 Draft SNM-7006


(U)Request for Access to DOE Training for Facility Security Officer Management Course Global Laser Enrichment (GLE) requests access to DOE training for Facility Security Officers (FSO). We have a new Deputy FSO (DFSO), and soon will have a new FSO in training. I have taken both the DoD and the DOE courses. The DOE course has direct application to NRC licensees and facility clearance holders. Per 1 0CFR95.33(a) and 32CFR.12(d): FSO training. Contractors will ensure the FSO and others performing security duties complete training considered appropriate by the CSA Training requirements will be based on the contractor's involvement with classified information. Training may include an FSO orientation course, and for FSOs at contractor locations with a classified information safeguarding capability, an FSO program management course. Contractor FSOs will complete training within six months of appointment to the position of FSO. When determined by the applicable CSA, contractor FSOs must complete an FSO program management course within six months of the CSA approval to store classified information at the contractor.

GLE requests NRC assist GLE in obtaining access to this training.

If there are any questions regarding this letter and its contents, please do not hesitate to contact me at 910-819-7447 or at

y Pat Jenny Security/Licensing Manager Global Laser Enrichment Draft SNM-7006 Docket 70-7033