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Kairos Power LLC, Summary of March 23, 2022, Public Outreach Meeting on the Proposed Kairos Hermes Test Reactor with Designated Period for Receipt of Environmental Scoping Comments
Person / Time
Site: Hermes File:Kairos Power icon.png
Issue date: 05/05/2022
From: Benjamin Beasley
To: William Kennedy
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Beasley B
doc log # 5046
Download: ML22110A018 (5)



William B. Kennedy, Acting Chief Advanced Reactor Licensing Branch Division of Advanced Reactors and Non-Power Production and Utilization Facilities Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM:

Benjamin Beasley, Senior Project Manager Advanced Reactor Licensing Branch Division of Advanced Reactors and Non-Power Production and Utilization Facilities Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation



OF MARCH 23, 2022, PUBLIC OUTREACH MEETING ON THE PROPOSED KAIROS HERMES TEST REACTOR WITH DESIGNATED PERIOD FOR RECEIPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCOPING COMMENTS On March 23, 2022, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff held a comment-gathering public meeting via teleconference. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the NRCs safety and environmental reviews of the Karios Power, LLC (Kairos) Hermes test reactor construction permit application and to solicit comments from the public on the scope of the environmental review. The meeting notice and agenda, are available in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) at Accession No. ML22080A146.

The NRC staffs presentation slides are also in ADAMS under Accession No. ML22080A012.

In addition, a transcript of the meeting is in ADAMS at Accession No. ML22091A000. A list of attendees is provided in the Enclosure to this summary.

During the meeting, following the NRC staff introductions and management remarks, staff from the NRCs Offices of Nuclear Reactor Regulation and Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards provided a presentation that gave an overview of the NRC staff and the NRCs mission, described the Hermes facility that Kairos is planning to construct in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and described the NRCs safety and environmental review process. The NRC staffs presentation described the process for interested persons to request a hearing (i.e., petition for leave to intervene) on Kairos application. The deadline to request a hearing was April 11, 2022.

In addition, the NRC staffs presentation discussed the scoping process under the National Environmental Policy Act the NRCs regulations and described how to provide comments on the scope of the environmental review during the environmental scoping period, which ended on April 19, 2022.

CONTACT: Benjamin Beasley, NRR/DANU 301-415-2062 May 5, 2022 Signed by Beasley, Benj on 05/05/22

W. Kennedy After the NRC staff presentation, the NRC staff answered questions on its safety and environmental review processes. The NRC staff also solicited verbal comments from the attendees on the scope of the environmental review. Attendees provided approximately 16 comments. The verbal comments provided during the meeting and any written comments the NRC staff received during the scoping period will be considered in the NRC staffs development of its Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Hermes application. A scoping summary report will be issued prior to the publication of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and a link to the scoping summary report will be provided on the Kairos Hermes project web page at

Docket No. 05007513


List of Attendees

W. Kennedy




PUBLIC WKennedy, NRR KErwin, NMSS BBeasley, NRR DGreene, NRR SCuadrado, NRR EHelvenston, NRR CMontgomery, NRR TDozier, NMSS PDoub, NMSS RHarper, OGC MWright, OGC JAzeizat, OGC SBurnell, OPA JBorromeo, NRR JDavis, NMSS DFrumkin, OCIO JGiacinto, NMSS BGlowacki, NMSS BKlukan, R-I NMorgan, NMSS DPalmrose, NMSS JSchmidt, NRR SVrahoretis, OGC LWilkins, OCA ADAMS Accession Number: ML22110A018 NRC-001 OFFICE NRR/DANU/UAL1/PM NMSS/REFS/ERNRB/PM NRR/DANU/UAL1/LA NAME BBeasley TDozier DGreene DATE 04/25/2022 04/26/2022 04/28/2022 OFFICE NMSS/REFS/ERNRB/BC NRR/DANU/UAL1/BC NRR/DANU/UAL1/PM NAME KErwin WKennedy BBeasley DATE 04/28/2022 04/28/2022 05/05/2022 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

Enclosure List of Attendees Public Outreach Meeting on the Proposed Kairos Hermes Test Reactor with Designated Period for Receipt of Environmental Scoping Comments Wednesday, March 23, 2022 Name Organization Joe Azeizat U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

Ben Beasley NRC Josh Borromeo NRC Scott Burnell NRC Sam Cuadrado NRC Jennifer Davis NRC Peyton Doub NRC Tami Dozier NRC Ken Erwin NRC Dan Frumkin NRC Joe Giacinto NRC Brian Glowacki NRC Rich Harper NRC Ed Helvenston NRC William (Duke) Kennedy NRC Brett Klukan NRC Cindy Montgomery NRC Nadiyah Morgan NRC Don Palmrose NRC Jeff Schmidt NRC Susan Vrahoretis NRC Lynnea Wilkins NRC Sam Wojack Neil R. Gross and Co., Inc.

Austin Clark Kairos Power LLC Matthew Denman Kairos Power LLC Darrell Gardner Kairos Power LLC Peter Hastings Kairos Power LLC Vicky Ho Kairos Power LLC Bri Hughes Kairos Power LLC Seth Langford Kairos Power LLC Ryan Latta Kairos Power LLC Per Peterson Kairos Power LLC John Price Kairos Power LLC Terry Frank Anderson County, Tennessee Ron Woody Roane County, Tennessee Christine Michaels Oak Ridge Chamber of Commerce Ellen Smith Oak Ridge City Council Amy Fitzgerald City of Oak Ridge, Tennessee Mark Watson City of Oak Ridge, Tennessee Benjamin Pounds The Oak Ridger

2 Name Organization Gary Kahanak The Climate Coalition Heather Hoff Mothers for Nuclear Rani Franovich Breakthrough Institute Adam Stein Breakthrough Institute Kristen Beckhorn AECOM Thomas Eiden Atomic Alchemy Inc.

Kati Austgen Nuclear Energy Institute Martin ONeill Nuclear Energy Institute Nicole Lahaye Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Tara ONeil Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Katie Wagner Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Alyssa Hayes University of Tennesee-Knoxville Samantha Dolynchuk U.S. Department of Energy Conner Ingram U.S. Department of Energy David Adler Member of the Public Darrell Akins Member of the Public Brian Campbell Member of the Public Doug Colclasure Member of the Public Susannah Dhaliwal Member of the Public Valerie Gardner Member of the Public Sandra K. Goss Member of the Public Dryk Greenhalgh Member of the Public Les Hook Member of the Public Narasimha Prasad Kadambi Member of the Public Alan Medsker Member of the Public Guido Nunez-Mujica Member of the Public Ryan Pickering Member of the Public Ken Rueter Member of the Public Jim Rushton Member of the Public Ashley Saunders Member of the Public Chapman Scarborough Member of the Public Madison Schroder Member of the Public Elane Streets Member of the Public