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Summary of the October 26, 2023 Meeting with Tennessee Historical Commission Regarding Section 106 Consultations
Person / Time
Site: Hermes File:Kairos Power icon.png
Issue date: 11/09/2023
From: Tami Dozier
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML23305A009 (4)



U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Tennessee Historical Commission




NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION AND THE TENNESSEE HISTORICAL COMMISSION REGARDING THE KAIROS HERMES CONSTRUCTION PERMIT REVIEW On October 26, 2023, a meeting was held via webinar between staff from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and representatives of Tennessee Historical Commission (THC) to discuss the status of the consultations under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) for the Kairos Hermes Construction Permit Review. A list of the meeting attendees is provided as an enclosure to this summary.

The meeting began with introductions and the NRC Project Manager then shared with the THC staff a summary of Kairos activities since the publication of the final environmental impact statement (EIS). The THC staff explained that the final EIS had not been submitted via their e-106 online portal. A link to the online portal was provided and the NRC stated they would resubmit the final EIS via the requested submission method.

The NRC staff described the Kairos activities to address the tribal request to participate in the development of the monitoring plan and conduct field investigations to inform the monitoring plan. The staff explained that the Tribe has given verbal agreement to the Geoarchaeological Reconnaissance Report and to the revisions to the Archaeological Resource Monitoring and Unanticipated Discovery Plan (monitoring plan) submitted by Kairos. The NRC staff anticipates a speedy concurrence from the tribe on a consultation summary letter issued that morning.

The NRC staff also alerted the THC that Kairos had determined to request another construction permit for a set of test reactors titled Hermes 2 within the same area of potential affects. The staff explained that the monitoring plan encompassed the activities and area of planned disturbance for the Hermes 2 project.

The staff explained that Kairos has reached out to the THC to discuss their submission of the monitoring plan and report from Kairos to the THC. The NRC staff explained that the deed restriction from the Department of Energy land transfer required Kairos to develop a monitoring plan and submit it to the THC. The THC staff explained that the process would be much smoother for the NRC to submit the report and the monitoring plan along with a cover letter describing that the NRC has delegated and concurred with the NHPA Section 106 report that covers the Area of Potential Effect for Hermes 1 and informs the monitoring plan required by the deed restrictions. The NRC staff also explained that report prepared by Kairos covers both NRC undertakings/actions (Hermes 1 and Hermes 2 construction activities), and the National Historic November 9, 2023

Preservation Act Section 106 regulatory findings confirm those made by NRC staff in the Hermes 1 EIS.

The NRC agreed to prepare a consultation summary letter to the THC to complete the THC records and would submit the Kairos report and monitoring plan as enclosures to the letter. The NRC project manager stated that a meeting with Kairos was already scheduled for later that day and would explain the reasoning behind the change in the approach for providing these documents to the THC. The THC reminded the staff to submit the letter to the THC via the online portal.

The staff explained that the Hermes 2 action was different from the future undertaking described in the EIS for the next phase of the current Hermes reactor, which would be for an operating license. The staff showed a timeline of how the consultations for the Hermes 2 project would probably coincide with construction activities for the first Hermes reactor that would likely require monitoring and status reporting to the Tribe. The staff explained that the NRC is working with Kairos to obtain a timeline that shows the operating license review timeframe as well. The THC staff asked if the NRC could provide a copy of the projected timeline of these overlapping activities. The NRC explained that once the staff initiates consultations with the THC for the Hermes 2 construction permit review, the NRC would meet again with the THC staff and show an updated timeline of these various activities.

Please direct any inquiries to me by phone at 301-415-2272, or via email at

Sincerely, Tamsen Dozier, Environmental Project Manager Environmental Review New Reactor Branch Division of Rulemaking, Environmental and Financial Support Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards Docket No. 0507513 Signed by Dozier, Tamsen on 11/09/23





NAME TDozier*

AWalker-Smith DPalmrose TDozier DATE 11/01/2023 11/01/2023 11/02/2023 11/03/2023


Name Organization Tami Dozier U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

Beau Goldstein NRC Doug McFarland Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Jennifer Barnett Tennessee Historical Commission (THC)

Kelley Reid THC