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Discusses NRCs Plans to Develop Emergency Response Technical Manual (Rtm) Supplements for Licensee Facility. Copy of Draft Outline for Rtm Supplements,Encl.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Site: Framatome ANP Richland
Issue date: 06/08/1998
From: Weber M
To: Maas L
NUDOCS 9806220184
Download: ML20249B215 (3)


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WASHINGTON, D.C. 20666-0001 o%.,g /

June 8, 1998 Mr. L. J. Maas Manager, Regulatory Compliance Siemens Power Corporation 2101 Hom Rapids Road P.O. Box 130 Richland, Washington 99352-0130



Dear Mr. Maas:

I am communicating to you the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) plans to develop


Emergency Response Technical Manual Supplements (RTM Supplements) for your facility.

I During the last several years, NRC has responded to several emergency events at the fuel fabrication facilities and conducted emergency drills as we assumed regulatory oversight i

responsibility for the gaseous diffusion plants (GDPs) operated by the U.S. Enrichment -

Corporation. Based on this experiance, NRC identified certain deficiencies in the information available to NRC in Emergency Plans and other supporting information. NRC developed RTM Supplements for the GDPs to resolve these deficiencies during 1996 and 1997. We now plan to develop similar RTM Supplements for licensed fuel fabrication facilities.

The purpose of the RTM Supplement is to assist NRC, during an emergency, in monitoring the licensee's response, assessing risks, and communicating information conceming the event or accident. The RTM Supplements for the GDPs go beyond the information available in Emergency Plans required under $70.22 by providing more detailed information on site specific

. characteristics, such as the location of the nearest resident, schools, and hospitals; locations and inventories of hazardous materials onsite; major plant systems descriptions; emergency notification procedures, including reformatted messages; and monitoring precursors, initiating I

conditions, and scenario information. The RTM Supplement will also contain a series of curves representing pre-calculated doses at various distances from the site for postulated chemical and radiological releases. This information was extremely valuable to NRC in conducting emergency exercises for the GDPs in 1997 and 1998. A copy of the RTM Suppiement for a GDP is provided as Enclosure 1.

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Because of the importance of resolving current deficiencies in a timely manner, NRC intends to -

promptly initiate development of RTM Supplements for your facility. A copy of the draft outline for the RTM Supplement is provided as Enclosure 2. The draft outline is general for all fuel fabrication facilities and may be modified to meet site specific needs. To the maximum extent

~ practical and appropriate, we will incorporate information and assessments from the GDP. RTM g

Supplements into the Fuel Facility RTM Supplements. You will not be charged directly ror the NRC staffs effort in developing the Supplement; the cost to prepare the Supplement will be included as part of the NRC annual fee under 10 CFR Part 171.

9906220184 980608 9 PDR ADOCK 070012573



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Mr. L. J. Maas -

2 During the preparation of the RTM Supplement, we may need to visit your facility to collect procedures for handling any classified or proprietary information found necessary for inclusion in the documents. ~ A list of information needed for your facility's RTM will be provided to you

' prior to the site visit. We would appreciate your cooperation in facilitating preparation of the RTM Supplements. During the development of the Supplement, we willin/ite your review and comments to ensure the accuracy of the document. Upon completion, we will provide you with a copy of the Supplement for your use.

NRC recognizes that the RTM Supplements will need to be maintained to ensure that the information on which NRC relies in responding to an emergency is current and accurate.'

Consequently, NRC will need to update the RTM Supplements periodically as facility operations

- and configurations change. We plan to update the RTM Supplements as part of future licensing reviews and will seek the necessary information from you to support these updates. However, we also recognize that it may be more efficient and effective ior licensees to update and maintain the information in the RTM Supplements. Consequently, we are interested in your views on how the need to fulfill these objectives can best be fulfilled. For example, it may be prudent to incorporate the information from the RTM Supplements into licensee Emergency Plans. As we proceed with the development of the RTM Supplements, NRC would like to work with industry to implement an efficient and effective method for maintaining the RTM Supplement information current.

If you have any questions or comments about this project, please contact Paul Lain, the Project Manager for pour facility, at (301) 415-6317.

Sincerely, Original signed by:

Michael F. Weber, Chief Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Cyde Safety and Safeguards, NMSS


As stated cc:

MFerte, M.I.

FKillar, NEl Distnbuten.

Docket 70-1227 PUBLIC -

NRC File Center -


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yr. L. J.,Maas 2

During the preparation of the RTM Supplement, we may need to visit your facility to collect additional information that we need to complete the RTM Supplement. Although we hope to exclude classified or proprietary information from the Supplements, we will follow established procedures for handling any classified or proprietary infonnation found necessary for inclusion in the documents. A list of information needed for your facility's RTM will be provided to you prior to the site visit. We would appreciate your cooperation in facilitating preparation of the RTM Supplements.. During the development of the Supplement, we will invite your review and comments to ensure the accuracy of the document. Upon completion, we will provide you with a copy of the Supplement for your use.


NRC recognizes that the RTM Supplements will need to be maintained to ensure that the information on which NRC relies in responding to an emergency is. current and accurate.

Consequently, NRC will need to update the RTM Supplements periodically as facility operations and configurations change. We plan to update the RTM Supplements as part of future licensing reviews and will seek the necessary information from you to support these updates. However,

. we also recognize that it may be more efficient and effective for licensees to update and maintain the information in the RTM Supplements. Consequently, we are interested in'your views on how the need to fulfill these objectives can best be fulfilled.. For example, it may be prudent to incorporate the information from the RTM Supplements into licensee Emergency.

Plans. As we proceed with the development of the RTM Supplements, NRC would like to work with industry to implement an efficient and effective method for maintaining the RTM Supplement information current.

, if you have any questions or comments about this project please contact Paul Lain, the Project ~

Manager for your facility, at (301) 415-6317.

Sincerely, Mr

.DA Michael F. Weber, Chief Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, NMSS q


As stated cc:

MFertel, NEl -

p FKillar, NEl
