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Informs That Corporation Is Expected to Produce Approx 40,000 Gallons of Ammonium hydroxide-ammonium Nitrate Solution Per Week.Unsold Solution Will Be Processed Through Arf for Recovery of Ammonia & Then Be Sent to Sewer
Person / Time
Site: Framatome ANP Richland
Issue date: 08/31/1999
From: Edgar J
To: Lain P
NUDOCS 9909290098
Download: ML20212G128 (2)


h [>;ulLain RE Amendment 18 Pagp i j i*

I From:

" Edgar, Jim" < Jim _ Edgar>


Paul Lain <PWL@nrc. gov >

1 Date:

Tue, Aug 31,1999 2:19 PM l


RE: Amendment 18

Paul, l

We expect to produce approximately 40,000 gallons of ammonium 7

hydroxide-ammonium nitrate solution per week. The sale of this fertilizer is l

seasonal-about six weeks in the spring and again in the fall. We plan to l

self only during these high demand times and, therefore, the maximum we expect to sell annually is about 480,000 gallons (12 weeks x 40,000 j

gallons /wk).. Unsold solution will be processed through ARF for recovery of ammonia and then sent to the sewer as is done now.

Jim Original Message-

> From:

Paul Lain [SMTP:PWL@nrc. gov]

> Sent:

Friday, August 27,1999 8:19 AM

> To: Jim _ Edgar

> Cc: Demi @nrcsmtp.nrc. gov


Amendment 18

> Jim,

> What is the projected yearly quanity of ammonium hydroxide / ammonium

> nitrate solution SPC will probably sell?

> Paul CC:

Koegler, Sydney" < Sydney>

j l

l l

oo Yg 'G


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,D-ra67 Mail Envelope Properties (37CCIC3E.471 : 6 : 54385)


RE: Amendment 18 Creation Date:

Tue, Aug 31,1999 2:19 PM From:

" Edgar, Jim" < Jim _ Edgar>

Created By:

G ATE D.ntcsm tp:" Jim _ Edgar" Recipients Post Office TWFN_DO.twf4_po PWL (Lain)

Post Office GATED.ntcsmtp

" Sydney" CC Domain. Post Office Route TWFN_DO.twf4_po TWFN_DO.twf4Jo GATED.nresmtp GATED.ntcsmtp Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 876 Tuesday, August 31,1999 2:19 PM


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