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Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-423/97-83 Issued on 980612.Actions Will Be Examined During Future Insp of Licensed Program
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 08/12/1998
From: Durr J
To: Bowling M, Loftus P
50-423-97-83, NUDOCS 9808200235
Download: ML20237C131 (3)

See also: IR 05000423/1997083


_ _ _ _ .- _ _. _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

August 12,1998

p Mr. M. L. Bowling, Recovery Officer - Technical Services

l C/o Ms. P. A. Loftus, Director - Regulatory

Affairs for Millstone Station


PO Box 128


Waterford, CT.06385



Dear Mr. Bowling:

This letter refers to your July 14,1M8 correspondence, in reponse to our June 12,1998


Thank you for informing us of the corrective and preventive actions documented in your

letter. These actions will be examined during a future inspection of your licensed program.

Your cooperation with us is appreciated.



Jacque P. Durr, Chief

Inspections Branch

Millstone inspections

Docket Nos. 50-245; 50-336;50-423






9008200235 980812

PDR ADOCK 05000423

G PM ,



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Mr. M. L. Bowling 2


B. Kenyon, President and Chief Executive Officer - Nuclear Group

M. H. Brothers, Vice President - Operations

J. McElwain, Recovery Officer - Millstone Unit 2

J. Streeter, Recovery Officer - Nuclear Oversight

P. D. Hinnenkamp, Director - Unit 3

J. A. Price, Director - Unit 2

D. Amerine, Vice President - Human Services

E. Harkness, Director, Unit 1 Operations

J. Althouse, Manager - Nuclear Training Assessmeat Group

F. C. Rothen, Vice President, Work Services

J. Cantrell, Director - Nuclear Training (CT)

S. J. Sherman, Audits and Evaluation

cc: w/ copy of Licensee's Response Letter

L. M. Cuoco, Esquire

J. R. Egan, Esquire

V. Juliano, Waterford Library

J. Buckingham, Department of Public Utility Control

S. B. Comley, We The People

State of Connecticut SLO Designee

D. Katz, Citizens Awareness Network (CAN)

R. Bassilakis, CAN

J. M. Block, Attorney, CAN

S. P. Luxton, Citizens Regulatory Commission (CRC)

Representative T. Concannon

E. Woollacott, Co-Chairman, NEAC

.. .- _ _ . -- _ _ _ _-_ - ___ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _



Mr. M. L. Bowling 3



Distribution w/cv of licensee ra=aanse letter: l


Region i Docket Room (with sney of concurrences)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)



. FILE CENTER, NRR (with Oriainal concurrences) i

SPO Secretarial File, Region I i

NRC Resident inspector i

B. Jones, PIMB/ DISP -

W. Lanning, Deputy Director of Inspections, SPO, RI

H. Miller, Regional Administrator, RI -

J.~ Andersen, PM, SPO, NRR


M. Callahan, OCA

R. Correia, NRR '

B. McCabe, OEDO

. S. Dembek, PM, SPO, NRR i

E. Imbro, Deputv '0irector of ICAVP Oversight, SPO, NRR  ;

D. Mcdonald, PM, SPO, NRR I

W. Dean, Project Directorate, NRR

..P. McKee, Deputy Director of Licensing, SPO, NRR

S. Reynolds, Chief, ICAVP Oversight, SPO, NRR

D. Screnci, PAO

Inspection Program Branch (IPAS)






l- To receive a copy of this document, indicate in the box: "C" = Copy without


attrchment/ enclosure "E" = Copy with attachment / enclosure "N" = No copy



/ l l


L DATE pfjg/f7 08/ /98 08/ /98 08/ /98





' ** .. ,




Northeast none rerry na. (noot 136), witerrora, er 06383


C ar beg Millstone Nu-lear Power Station

Northeast Nuclear Energy Company

P.O. Box 128 j

Waterford. Cr 06385-0128 l

(860) 447-1791 l

Fax (860) 444-4277

'Ihe %rtheast !!tilitics System

JUL I 31998

Docket No. 50-423


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Attention: Document Control Desk

Washington, DC 20555

Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3

NRC Operational Safety Team inspection (OSTI) Report No. 50-423/97-83

Reply to a Notice of Violation

  • By letter dated June 12,1998 the Nuclear Regulatory Commission transmitted the

results of the above referenced inspection. The letter included a Notice of Violation

citing six areas where Northeast Nuclear Energy Company's (NNECO's) activities were

not in compliance with Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulations.

Attachment 1 provides a summary cf NNECO's commitments cc.itained in this

submittal. Attachment 2 provides NNECO's response to the Notice of Violation items.

As stated in the individual responses, corrective actions have been taken to restore  !

compliance. The cause for the majority of the violations was due to the organization i

being in a " recovery mode" for the past two years and not in an " operational mode".

The corrective actions that we have identified will provide the organization with the

operational focus that is needed to safely operate the unit.



Should you have any questions regarding the information contained herein, please  ;

contact Mr. David A. Smith at (860) 437-5840.


Very truly yours,



Martin L Bowling, Jr.V ,

Recovery Officer - Technical Services

l Attachments (2)

oum. mum

nM9 /1/51A Y lb)$


. .


' '


l U.S. Nucl=r Regulatory Commission

B17261\Page 2



cc: H. J. Miller, Region i Admir.istrator

W. D. Lanning, Deputy Director, inspections, Special Projects Office

J. W. Andersen, NRC Project Manager, Millstone Unit No. 3

A. C. Cerne, Senior Resident inspector, Millstone Unit No. 5

! W. D. Travers, Ph.D., Director, Special Projects Office






L-_----____-__-______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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Docket No. 50-423



Attachment 1

Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3


Summary of Commitments

NRC Operational Safety Team inspection (OSTI) Report No. 50-423/97-83







July 1998


. . . i



. .

U.S. Nuclerr Regul: tory Commission

B17261\ Attachment 1\Page 1

List of Regulatory Commitments


The following table identifies those actions committed to by NNECO in this document.



Please notify the Manager, Millstone _ Unit No. 3 Regulatory Compliance at the Millstone

Nuclear Power Station Unit No. 3 of any questions regarding this document or any

associated regulatory commitments.


Commitment Description Committed Date

Number or Outage

B17261-01 Revise DC 1, " Administration of Procedures and Complete

Forms", to address the use of the " Temporary

Change" process as described in the Technical


B17261-02 Revise DC 4, " Procedure Compliance" to ensure Complete

a procedure change is processed, if required,

prior to recommencing the performance of a task

or evolution that was stopped due to instructions

appearing to be inadequate, the occurrence of

unexpected results, or the task or evolution could

not be performed as written.

B17261-03 Revise Procedure RP-4," Corrective Action Complete

Program", to ensure the proper level of apprc. val

l is provided for the extension of any corrective

actions to prevent recurrenca.

The following commitments were previously provided in re!ated Licensee Event (

Report (LER) submittals and are provided for tracking purposes only.

B17183-01 The Reactor Coolant Pump Operability Procedure



(OP3601D.1) and Surveillance Forms acceptance

criteria have been revised.

B17183-02 Training has been conducted for Operations Complete

crews on Technical Specification


B17183-04 A briefing has been provided to the Operations Complete

Procedure Group to provide management's

expectations of clarity and level of detail in

surveillance acceptance criteria.

B17183-05 A briefing has been provided to Operations crews Complete

on expectations regarding verification of

, information and performance of electrical line-

ups, proper use and satisfaction of acceptance

criteria and the need for surveillance validation. -




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. .

U.S. Nuclecr Regulttory Commission

B17261%ttachment 1\Page 2

Commitment Description Committed Date

Number or Outage

B17188-01 The Steam Generator Blowdown Sample Isolation Complete

Valve 3SSR*CTV19C has been retumed to


service so the normal path for sampling has been

made available.

B17188-02 The Motor Driven Feedwater pump was re-tested Complete

prior to heat-up.

B17188-03 Operating Procedure (OP3201), " Plant Heatup", Complete

has been revised to place the Motor Driven

Feedwater pump in service prior to exceeding 470

degrees F for the Reactor Coolant System.

B17188-04 The Operations crews have received classroom Complete

and simulator training on lessons learned from

this event.

B17188-05 The Unit Director and Assistant Unit Director Complete

expectations for performing the heat-up/ start-up

activities have been discussed with each

Operating crew.

B17189-01 Shift personnel attended a training session with Complete

Unit Management. Operations Manager

emphasized his expectations for effective conduct

of shift turnover / briefs, with an emphasis on

heightened operator awareness and efficient time

management associated with " active" Technical

Specification Limited Condition of Operation

action statement requirements.





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. I


Docket No. 50-423




Attachment 2


Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3


, NRC Operational Safety Team Inspection (OSTI) Report No. 50-423/97-83

l Repiv to a Notice of Violation











July 1998


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. .

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

B17261\ Attachment 2\Page 1

Nuclear Reaulatory Commission Violation "A" (50-423/97-83-01)


Restatement of the Violation

Technical Specification (TS) 6.8.3 requires, in part, that temporary changes to

procedures of Specification 6.8.1 (including Appendix A of Regulatory Guide 1.33) may

be made provided (a) the intent of the original procedure is not altered; (b) the change

is approved by two members of plant management staff, at least one of whom holds a

Senior Operator license on the unit affected; and (c) the change is documented and

reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC) or Site Operations

Review Committee (SORC) or Station Qualified Reviewer, ... within 14 days of


Contrary to the above, as si February 20,1998, administrative procedure Document

Control (DC) 4, "Procedun I Compliance" allowed operators to make non-intent

changes to procedures without being approved by two members of plant management

staff or reviewed by PORC or 609f' a Station Qualified Reviewer, ... within 14 days of

' implementation. Examples of procedure non-intent changes where required reviews

were not completed included not isolating a residual heat removal (RHR) loop from the

reactor coolant system as required when aligning the RHR loop for safety injection

(OP3310A, Residual Heat Removal System); exceeding the guidance of a procedural

caution statement (SP 3606.4, Containment Recirculation Pump 3RSS*P1D

Operational Readiness Test); and performing procedure steps out of order and not

removing vent rigs (OP 3301D, Reactor Coolant Pump Operation).

NNECO's Response

NNECO does not dispute the cited violation.

Reason for the Violation

The reason for this violation is attributed to a lack of understanding of the

administrative requirements for non-intent changes to procedures and the application

of "Not Applicable" or "N/A" when not performing steps.

Corrective Actions That Have Been Taken and Results Achieved

Operating procedures, and a sampling of surveillance procedures were reviewed for

improper use of the term "N/A". Deficiencies identified were corrected through

procedure changes or by adding additional documentation to the forms

DC 1, " Administration of Procedures and Forms", no longer refers to a non-intent

change process and specifically addresses the use of the " Temporary Change" ,

process as it is described in the Technical Specifications.


. .

. .

U.S. Nucisar R gulttory Commission

B17261\ Attachment 2\Page 2

DC 4, " Procedure Comp!iance" was . revised to ensure a procedure change is i


processed, if required, prior to recommencing the performance of a task or evolution i

that was stopped due to the instructions appearing to be inadequate, the occurrence of

unexpected results, or the task or evolution could not be performed as written.

Presentations were given to the Millstone Unit No. Unit 3 Shift Managers in order to

! provide clarification regarding this practice. These presentations addressed "The Use

j of 'N/A' to Indicate Non-Performance of Procedure Steps" and " Determining if a

l~ Modification Alters the Original Intent". This included a discussion with the Manager,

l Station Procedure Group regarding the proper use of N/A and documentation required.

This presentation was also shared with the Millstone Unit Nos.1 and 2 Shift Managers.

This material was also posted on the Millstone Web Site and communicated to the

organization through our daily communications newsletter.

l Additionally, a lessons learned memorandum was provided to each member of the


Operations Department and required to be reviewed prior to the next time they stood a

Control Room shift.



' Corrective Actions to Avoid Future Violations

No additional corrective actions are deemed necessary.

Date When Full Compliance Will Be Achieved

Millstone Unit No. 3 is in full compliance with respect to the cited violation.






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. .

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

B17261\ Attachment 2\Page 3

( . Nuclear Reaulatory Commission Violation "B" (50-423/97-83-02)


Restatement of the Violation

TS requires, in part, that at least two of the reactor coolant system loops (from

among 4-reactor coolant system loops and/or 2-residual heat removal loops) shall be

OPERABLE in Mode 4.

Contrary to the above, on April 7,1998, at 22:54 hours, only one reactor coolant

system (RCS) loop was OPERABLE with the plant in Mode 4. This violation continued

until April 8,1998 at 18:10, when a second RCS loop was made OPERABLE.

NNECO's Response

NNECO does not dispute the cited violation.

Reason for the Violation

The cause of the event was human error. The Shift Manager used surveillance

information without validating that the Technical Specification requirement for the

' Reactor Coolant System loops OPERABLE in Mode 4 was satisfied within the heat-up

procedure. A contributing cause was insufficient detail in the surveillance acceptance

criteria. (This violation was also addressed by NNECO in Millstone Unit No. 3 Licensee

Event Report (LER) 98-022-00, dated May 8,1998. (Reference Northeast Utiliiies

letter to USNRC, B17183).

Corrective Actions That Have Been Taken and Results Achieved

The following corrective actions have been completed and are described in Millstone

Unit No. 3 LER 98-022-00:


A briefing has been provided to Operations crews on expectations regarding

verification of information and performance of electrical line-ups, proper use and

satisfaction of acceptance criteria, and the need for surveillance validation.


The Reactor Coolant Pump Operability Procedure (SP3601D.1) and Surveillance

Forms acceptance criteria have been revised.


Training has been conducted for Operations crews on Technical Specification requirements.


A briefing has been provided to the Operations Procedure Group to provide

Management's expectations of clarity and level of detail in surveillance acceptance


Corrective Actions to Avoid Future Violations

No additional corrective actions are deemed necessary.

Date When Full Compliance Will Be Achieved ~

Millstone Unit No. 3 is in full compliance with respect to the cited violation.

. .; Y


. .

U.S. Nuclocr Regulatory Commission


B17261\ Attachment 2\Page 4

Nuclear Reaulatory Commission Violation "C" (50-423/97-83-031

Restatement of the Violation

TS 6.8.1 requires, in part, that written procedures sha!I be established, implemented

and maintained covering the activities referenced in Appandix A of Regulatory Guide  !

1.33, Revision 2, February 1978. )

Appendix A of Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 2, February 1978, item 2a, requires

general operating procedures for cold shutdown to hot standby, item 3j requires

procedures for startup operation and shutdown of safety related pressurized water

reactor (PWR) systems for pressurizer pressure and spray control systems, and item

1d requires that administrative procedures covering procedure adherence and

temporary change method be developed.

Contrary to the above, written procedures were not implemented as evidenced by the

following examples:

' Example 1

Operating Procedure OP 3301-G, step 4.1.6, requires the operators to place the

pressurizer master pressure controller in automatic.

On April 12,1998 operators deviated from the operating procedure and did not place

the master pressure controller in automatic in accordance with step 4.1.6. Instead they

manually lowered the master pressure controller in an attempt to match the automatic

and manual signals. This failure to follow procedures resulted in two inadvertent

openings of the pressurizer power operated relief valve.

NNECO's Response

NNECO does not dispute the cited violation.

Reason for the Violation

The reason for this violation was the Unit Supervisor and the Reactor Operator did not

operate the Pressurizer Master Pressure Controller properly due to a lack of

understanding of the controller. Prior to taking the Master Pressure Controller from the

manual mode to the automatic mode of operation (in accordance with step 4.1.6), the

operator was instructed to adjust the controller (in accordance with step 4.1.5) to clear

an annunciator that was lit. This caused the Pressurizer Overpressure Relief Valve

(PORV) to open. This condition then resulted in setting up the controller to an output

that would open the PORV for a second time wnen the 2200 psia interlock reset.

Personnel were performing the steps in accordance with the procedure, however, due

to a lack of knowledge as a result of inadequate training on an infrequently performed

evolution, the event occurred -

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'U.S. Nucinar Regulatory Commission

B17261\ Attachment 2\Page 5

Corrective Actions That Have Been Taken and Results Achieved

Following the events, the l&C department was contacted to provide guidance on the

operation of the Pressurizer Master F. essure Controller. Personnel verified that the

controller was functioning properly and that the settings were appropriate. Once this

determination was made and adjustments completed, automatic pressure control was

achieved using procedure OP3301G.

Classroom training was provided to each of the operating crews to address both the

lessons leamed from this event, as well as more specific details regarding the proper

operation of the Pressurizer Master Pressure Controller under normal, abnormal and

emergency operating conditions. The training session commenced with an introduction

from line management which explained the purpose of the training, as well as a clear

understanding of management's expectations regarding the safe operation of the plant

through conservative decision making. Following the classroom training, simulator

sessions were conducted where the terminal objective was for the operators to

demonstrate their ability to transfer pressurizer pressure control between automatic and

manual operation. This included hands-on training for the operation of the Master

' Pressure Controller as well as the Spray Valve Controllers.

Corrective Actions to Avoid Future Violations

No additional corrective actions are deemed necessary.

Date When Full Compliance Will Be Achieved

Millstone Unit No. 3 is in full compliance with respect to the cited violation.

Example 2

Operating procedure (OP) 3201, Plant Heat-up", step 4.4.9, requires that steam

generator level be maintained between 45-55%.

On April 11, 1998, operators failed to maintain the level in the "C" steam generator

between 45-55% during a plant heat-up. The level in the "C" steam generator dropped

to the low-low level setpoint (18%) before level was automatically restored by the

motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps.

NNECO's Response

NNECO does not dispute the cited violation.

Reason for the Violation

The cause of the event was the failure of Control Room Operations personnel to

diagnose that the Steam Generator "C" level loss was the result of an abnormal

sampling blowdown lineup. Controlling the level in Steam Generator "C", was *


cddressed by providing additional feedwater flow rather than placing a hold on the

heatup and determining the cause of the level control problem.


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~ '

U.S. Nucl:er R:gulatory Commission

B17261\ Attachment 2\Page 6

An associated cause was insufficient planning and several delays during the initial i

stages of heatup which challenged the shift's ability to meet a 24-hour surveillance

criteria (Technical Specification 3.0.3 action) for Response Time Testing of the Turbine  :

Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump. Also contributing to the event was lack of testing of I

the Motor Driven Feedwater Pump prior to use. The start of the Motor Driven

Feedwater Pump occurred relatively late in the heat-up evolution providing a relatively ,

short period to recover from the Motor Driven Feedwater Pump startup problems.

i This violation was also addressed by NNECO in Millstone Unit No. 3 Licensee Event

l Report (LER) 98-C23-00, dated May 9,1998. (Reference Northeast Utilities Letter to

USNRC, B17188).

Corrective A Gons That Have Been Taken and Results Achieved

The following corrective actions have been completed and are described in Millstone

Unit No. 3 LER 98-023-00:



. The Steam Generator Blowdown Sample Isolation Valve 3SSR*CTV19C has been

retumed to Service so the normal path for sampling has been made available.

. The Moto: Driven Feedwater pump was re-tested prior to heat-up.

. Operating Procedure (OP3201), " Plant Heatup" has been revised to place the Motor


Driven Feedwater pump in service prior to exceeoing 470 degrees F for the Reactor

Coolant System.

. The Operations crews have received classroom and simulator training on lessons

learned from this event.

. The Unit Director and Assistant Unit Director expectations for performing the

heatup/startup activities have been discussed with each Operating crew.

Corrective Actions to Avoid Future Violations

No additional corrective actions are deemed necessary.

Date When Full Compliance Will Be Achieved


Millstone Unit No. 3 is in full compliance with respect to the cited violation.

Example 3 l

i Condition Based Maintenance Procedure CBM 105, "PM Program Changes and

l Deferrals for U3", states that, " deferral requests are required if a PM ... cannot be

performed within its grace peiiod."

On April 10,1998, a preventive maintenance task (automated werk order 96-12561) for


the turbine auxiliary feedwater pump govemor had not been deferred or performed ,

within its grace period.

NNECO's Response

NNECO does not dicpute the cited violation.



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'U.S. Nuclxr Regulatory Commission

B17261\ Attachment 2\Page 7

Reason for the Violation

The reason for this violation is attributed to personnel error in performing scheduling

activities. Within the Millstone Unit No. 3 power ascension schedule there were three

ascension to Mode 3 activities which represented: 1) the first heat up to Mode 3, 2) the

repair contingency window, and 3) a contingency repair window that followed the

turbine generator overspeed testing. The responsible individual incorrectly scheduled

the Preventive Maintenance for changing the oil in the Turbine Driven Auxiliary

Feedwater pump governor during the third ascension to Mode 3 which was scheduled

for May,1998. The " Preventive Maintenance Change and Deferral Request" submitted ,

by Work Planning for this component was properly approved for deferral with the intent

that the maintenance would be completed prior to steam admission. The individual did

not self check his performance when scheduling this activity.

Corrective Actions That Have Been Taken and Results Achieved

in response to this scheduling error, the individual's supervisor reviewed the details of i

the "Stop - Think - Act - Review" (STAR) program with him. The individual was also I

' counseled regarding management's expectation to take the necessary time to assure f

that the work is perfonned properly. '

Corrective Actions to Avoid Future Violations ,

No additional corrective actions are deemed necessary.

Date When Full Compliance Will Be Achieved

Millstone Unit No. 3 is in full compliance with respect to the cited violation.



. .; e


'U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

B17261\ Attachment 2\Page 8

Nuclear Reaulatory Commission Violation "D" (50-423/97-83-04)

Restatement of the Violation

Technical Specification (TS) requires, in part, bat pressurizer temperature shall

be determined to be within the limits at least once per 30 minutes during heat-up or


Contrary to the above, on April 1,1998, pressurizer temperature was not determined to

be within the limits at least once per 30 minutes during a plant heat-up. The

pressurizer heat-up rate was not compared to Technical Specification Limits between

0400 and 0445 hours0.00515 days <br />0.124 hours <br />7.357804e-4 weeks <br />1.693225e-4 months <br /> as required.

NNECO's Response

NNECO does not dispute the cited violation.

Reasort for the Violation

The cause of this event is attributed to human error. The Operator was aware that

Operator recorded the Reactor Coolant System heat-up rate as required, but

inadvertently did not take the Pressurizer heat-up rate data, which was on a second

data sheet. Historical computer point data were extracted from the plant computer to

verify Technical Specification limits were not exceeded.

Corrective Actions That Have Been Taken and Results Achieved

The operator was counseled regarding this event and his performance. The individual

was reminded of the importance of proper turnovers and performing surveillance when

required. A lessons learned summary was developed and shared with the Operations


A training session was provided to the on-shift members of the Operations Department

which incided a specific section in the lesson plan regarding this event. Discussion

during the lesson included the event, the apparent cause, review of the lessons

learned, and a question and answer period. An Operations Briefing Sheet was also

provided to the department detailing the importance of pre-job briefs, understanding the i

task at hand, and the individual roles and responsibilities required when performing the


Corrective Actions to Avoid Future Violations

No additional corrective actions are deemed necessary.

Date When Full Compliance Will Be Achieved


! Millstone Unit 3 is in full compliance with respect to the cited violation.



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'U.S. Nucl=r Regul: tory Commission

B17261\ Attachment 2\Page 9

Nuclear Reaulatory Commission Violation "E" (50-423/97-83-06)

Restatement of the Violation

Criterion XVI of 10CFR 50, Appendix B, requires, in part, that measures must be

established to assure that conditions adverse to quality, such as failures, malfunctions,

deficiencies, deviations, defective material and equipment, and nonconformances are

promptly identified and corrected. For significant conditions adverse to quality,

measures shall assure that the cause of the condition is determined and corrective

action taken to preclude repetition.

Contrary to the above, as of April 13,1998, appropriate corrective actions were not

taken to prevent recurring system alignment deficiencies that were identified in an

investigation report, " Configuration Control of Valves Switches / Breakers, CR M3-97-

0485". These deficiencies included valves not properly aligned, inadequacies in the

implementation of the valve and breaker alignment process, and deficiencies in the

implementation of the locked valve procedure.


NNECO's Response

NNECO does not dispute the cited violation.

Reason for the Violation

The reason for this violation is attributed to management's failure to establish and

implement a comprehensive program to adequately document and track component

alignment deviations controlled by existing processes / procedures. Although existing i

processes / procedures are in place to control the individual aspects of component  !

alignment, there has been inadequate integration of these processes / procedures into

an effective common program with a single owner.

Specifically, at the time that Condition Report M3-97-0485 was being investigated,

management did not recognize that the existing program was not adequate. On the

contrary, the investigation determined that the program / process / procedures in place at

the time were adequate and that it was a matter of individuals not implementing the

program correctly. The investigation into these recent examples recognized that the

existing program / process / procedures are not well integrated and that thic was the

cause of the event.

Corrective Actiorr, That Have Been Taken and Results Achieved


Numerous corrective actions have been taken to address the items noted in the


inspection Report regarding Configuration Control at Millstone Unit No. 3. These items

are detailed as follows:



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'U.S. Nuclur Regulatory Commission

B17261\ Attachment 2\Page 10

Procedure RP4, " Corrective Action Program", has been revised to ensure that the

proper level of approval is provided for the extension of any corrective actions tn

prevent recurrence.

Each of the mispositioned valves identified in the OSTI Inspection Report were verified

to be placed in their proper alignment.

The Millstone Unit No. 3 Operations Manager reinforced procedure compliance with

Operations Department personnel with respect to the procedure requirements in DC4

(Procedure Compliance) that allow the use of "NA's" on procedures and forms.

Additionally, there was a discussion regarding where to document the bases for each

use of a "Not Applicable" statment, and that pen and ink changes to component

configuration on forms are not allowed. (DC 1)

The locked valve program was audited by the line organization to Operations

Procedure OP 3260B " Equipment Control" and discrepancies resolved. An evaluation '

of systems not presently included in the locked valve program was performed against

. the criteria'in OP 32608.-

Completed valve lineup forms required to support the startup of Millstone Unit No. 3

were reviewed in order to identify deviations from approved lineups. The deviations t

identified in the completed lineup forms were resolved by making procedure changes

as necessary. Valves in the lineups that were repositioned after the date of valve

lineup completion had their pc.,sitions verified.

OperatinD Procedure line-ups were reviewed to identify references to throttle valve

positions, and appropriate procedure changes entered to provide necessary guidance

for their settings. Throttle valve positions were verified in the field to assure that

components were properly positioned.

Procedure OP 3260B was revised to clarify requirements for verifying positioning of

locked throttle valves and criteria for independent verification selection requirements.

Procedures were reviewed to determine if independent reviews were properly

documented on the valve line-up sheets. Valve line-up sheets were reviewed and field

walk-downs conducted to verify proper positioning.

The surveillance schedule was updated to include the audit of locked valves in

accordance with OP 32608. In addition, the other 3200 series procedures were


reviewed for frequency based performance requirements. This effort identified two

enhancements that were incorporated into existing tracking programs to assure proper

scheduling and performance.


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'U.S. Nucirr Regulatory Commission

B17W%ttachment 2\Page 11

The Engineenng Department evaluated the criteria for labeling of valves for vendor

supplied skid mounted equipment. The program was determined to be adequate from

the viewpoint that valves that are acaally positioned by the operators in the field are

labeled, and those that are not labeled were determined to be maintenance

convenience valves (e.g., valves such as petcocks are used to avoid having to remove

a pipe cap).

Two systems were reviewed to determine if the proper level of electrical components

were included on valve line-up sheets. The Emergency Diesel and Quench Spray

Systems were both reviewed and determined to either have the appropriate

components listed or they were addressed in other Operating Procedures.

A Multi-Discipline Configuration Control Task Force has been established to evaluate,

trend and recommend improvements in the configuration control processes. This task

force is intended to conduct review of configuration control incidents identified through

unit generated condition reports, Nuclear Oversight audits, and regulatory inspection

reports. The task force examines the programmatic aspects of both valve and electrical

. configuration control including but not limited to tagging, position verification,

inaccessible valves, locked valves, and work practices. Results of the review are

periodically sent to the Unit Director and the Vice President of Operations with

reymmended actions to improve performance. The task force is chaired by a senior i

manager with members that represent various departments from all three Millstone l


Active tag clearances were field " ified prior to restart to assure that components were

properly positioned. No problems were noted. '

Peer checks have been implemented for operator actions during power ascension to

increase assurance of the proper performance of sufety related operational procedures

and surveillance.

Corrective Actions to Avoid Future Violations

No additional corrective actions are deemed necessary.

Date When Full Compliance Will Be Achieved

l Millstone Unit No. 3 is 'n full compliance with respect to the cited violation.







'U.S. Nucirr Regul: tory Commission

B17261\ Attachment 2\Page 12

Nuclear Reaulatory Commission Violation "F" (50-423/97-83 d} l

Restatement of the Violation

TS Table 3.3-1, Functional Unit 21, Action 5(a), requires, in part, that with a Shutdown

Margin Monitoring channel inoperable, restore the inoperable channel to operable

status within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />, or verify valves as per Specification (potential dilution



paths), are closed and secured in position within the next four hours.



Contrary to the above, on April 8,1998, at 21:15 hours, 52 hours6.018519e-4 days <br />0.0144 hours <br />8.597884e-5 weeks <br />1.9786e-5 months <br /> after declaring a {

Shutdown Margin Monitor channel inoperable, the valves identified in Specification ' had not been verified to be closed and secured in position. On April 9,1998,

upon discovery of this deficiency by the licensee, the valves were verified closed and j

secured in place.

NNECO's Response

NNECO does not dispute the cited violation.

Reason for the Violation

The cause of this condition is attributed to human error in that the shift managers failed

to recognize the need to complete the required surveillance in the allowed time. This

oversight was due to poor prioritization of the required tasks during the shift which

resulted in not assigning a responsible individual to perform these tasks.

This violation was also addressed by NNECO in Millstone Unit No. 3 Licensee Event

Report (LER) 98-024-00 dated May 1,1998. Reference Northeast Utilities Letter to

USNRC, B17189.

Corrective Actions That Have E>een Taken and Results Achieved

The following corrective actions have been completed, some of which are described in

Millstone Unit No. 3 LER 98-024-00:

. Actions were taken to verify that the boron dilution pathways were secured.

. Shift personnel attended a training session with Unit Management where the I

Operations Manager emphasized his expectations for effective conduct of shift

turnover / briefs, with an emphasis on beightened operator awareness and efficient

time management associated with " active" Technical Specification Limited I

Conditions of Operation action statement requirements.

. Additional detail has been added to the Shift Daily Status Report in order to assure

that Limited Conditions of Operation rewive the proper focus. These have been

added up front in the report and are also discussed during the Shift Manager's



report at both the morning Work Planning Meetings and the Management Meetings.


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'U.S. Nucl:ar Regulatory Commission

B17261\ Attachment 2\Page 13

Corrective Actions to Avoid Future Violations

No additional corrective actions are deemed necessary.

Date When Full Compliance Will Be Achieved

Millstone Unit No. 3 is in full compliance with respect to the cited violation.















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