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Summary of 970827 Meeting W/Bg&E in Rockville,Md Re Reactor Pressure Vessel 10-year Inservice Inspection Project.List of Attendees & Copy of Viewgraphs Distributed at Meeting Encl
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/02/1997
From: Dromerick A
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NUDOCS 9710100296
Download: ML20211L937 (15)


_ _ _ _






WASHINGTON. D C. 3064H001 October i, 1997 LICENSEE:

Baltimore Gas and Electric Company FACILITY: Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power I'lant, Unit Hos. I and 2



OF AUGUST 27, 1997, MIETING REGARDING CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT NOS. 1 AND 2 - REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL 10-YEAR INSERVICE INSPECTION PROJECT On August 27, 1997, t:,e NRC and Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BGE), the licensee for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, held a meeting in One White Flint North, Rockville, Maryland. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) 10-year Inservice Inspection Project. A list of attendees is included as Enclosure 1. is a copy of viewgraphs distributed at the meeting.

BGE requested this meeting to present and discuss their plans for inspecting Units 1 and 2 RPVs, using the industry Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDI) as a basis for qualifying personnel, procedures and equipment.

The stated objectives of the meeting included informing the NRC of the licensee's strategy for the inspection, determining NI?C expectations t/ith regard to relief requests, and to resolve any further issues pertaining to the RPV inspection.

The scope of the inspection was presented, including automated ultrasonic examination of the RPV shell, shell-to-flange, lower head, nozzles, nozzle-to-pipe,'and adjacent L-seam welds. The manual ultrasonic examination of the RPV flange threads and the visual examination of the vessel internals were also discussed.

In addition, the licensing basis for the examinations was presented, including the intention to satisfy both the ASME Code, as well as 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A) " augmented," RPV inspection requirements.

The central focus of the meeting involved discussions pertaining to the use of PD1, inasmuch as the licensee felt that Secticn XI of the ASME Code

-(specifically paragraph IWA-2240) provided a basis for using the industry initiative. This position was discussed, and differing opinions were offered regarding the correct use of the referenced Code paragraph. As a result, it was recommended to the licensee that they propose, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(3), an alternative to the current ASME Code RPV examination requirements, for subsequent review and evaluation by NRR.

In this manner, all related issues regarding PDI implementation scope and techniques can be properly addressed.

Finally, the licensee was informed of NRC expectations with regard to future RPV repests for relief from ASME Code requirements, and 10 CFR 50.55a Augmented Exemination requirements, and to the necessary conditions for meeting each of these.

In general, it is preferred that the examinations be h !f h!,l gr'= =ih7

s af. cEgma MM

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4 performed, then requests due to limited coverage be submitted, so that actual volumetric examination percentages can be used to evaluate the. acceptability of the-inspection.

Sincerely, s

f PLA./W t~

Alexander. Dromerick, Senior Project Manager Project Directorate I-l Division of Reactor Projects - I/II Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket Nos. 50 317 and 50,318



List of Attendees 2.

Viewgraphs cc w/encls: See next page i

s 4

d W

T r.

October 2, 1997 l

2 --

performed, then requests due to limited coverage be submitted, so that actual volumetric examination percentages can be used to evaluate the 3cceptability of the inspection.


Alexander W. Dromerick, Senior Project Manager Project Directorate I-l Division of Reactor Projects - I/II Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket Nos. 50-317 and 50-318



List of Attendees 2.

Viewgraphs cc w/encis:

See next page




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&Jttina Sumary Distribution E-Mail- (w/ encl.1 only)

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-R. Zimmerman (RPZ):

PUBLIC B. Boger PDI-l R/F LA. Dromerick-0GC-S. Little ACRS T. Martin (SLM3)'

W.-Beckner (WDB)

Donald Naujock -

Thomas K. McLellan Cheiyl D. Beardslee

= L. Doerflein, RI B.'McCabe (BCM)

PMNS (Meeting Announcement Coordinator)

M e



Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Baltimore Gas & Electric Company linit Nos. I and 2 cci President Mr. Joseph H Walter, Chief Engineer

!s Calvert County Board of Public Service Comission of Comissioners Maryland 175 Main Street Engineering Division i

Prince _ Frederick, Mo 20678 6 St.. Paul. Centra Baltimore, MD 21202-6806

' James P. Bennett, Esquire Counsel Kristen A. Burger, Esquire Baltimore Gas and Electric Company Maryland People's Counsel P.O. Box 1475 6 St. Paul Centre Baltimore,t'D 21203 Suite 2101 Baltimore, MD H202-1631 Jay E. Silberg, Esquire Shaw, Pittman, Potts and Trowbridge Patricia T. Birnie, Esquire 2300 N Street, NW Co-Director Washington, DC 20037 Maryland Safe Energy Coalition P.O. Box 33111 Mr. Thomas N. Pritchett, Director-Balticore,_MD _21218 NRM Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Mr. Loren F. Donate 11 1650 Calvert Cliffs Parkway NRC Technical Training Center i.usby, MD 20657-4702 5700 Brainerd Road Resident Inspector c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Mr. Charles H. Cruse Comission Vice President - Nuclear Energy P.O. Box 287 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company St. Leoaard, MD 20685 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power. Plant 1650 Calvert Cliffs Parkway Mr. Richard I. McLean, Manager Lusby, MD 20657-4702 Nuclear Programs Power Plant Research Program Maryland Dept. of_ Natural Resources Tawes State Office Pullding, B3 Annapolis, MD 21401 Regional Administrator, Region I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406


-AUGUST-27, 1997 NAmg Oraanization Alexander W. Dromerick NRR/DRPE Barry M. Thurston BCE Mark A. Richter BGE Getachew Tesfaye BGE Steven M. Welp BGE Keith M. Hoffman BGE

-nichael Anderson INEEL Donald Naujock NRC Thomas K. McLellan NRC/DE/ECGB-Cheryl D. Beardslee NRC/DE/EMCB t


e O



ISI PROJECT XRC Presentation by l

Mark A. Richter Project Manager





August 27,1997 i





  • Inform the NRC of Baltimore Gas &

Electric Company's inspection stral:egy for Calvert Cliffs Units 1 and 2 RPV 10 Year In-Service Inspection

  • De~ ermine the NRC's expectations regarding relief requests
  • Resolve any questions or issues pertaining to the 10 year RPV ISI M-




  • Automated Ultrasonic Examination of RPV Shell,


Shell to Flange, Lower Head, Nozzle, Nozzle-to-Pipe, and Adjacent Longitudinal Seam Welds on Pipe

  • Manual Ultrasonic Examination of RPV

. Flange Threads

  • Visual Examination of RPV Interior, Attachments and Core Support Barrel

l I




  • Scope
  • Licensing Basis
  • Inspection Strategy
  • Conclusions r

8 e

LICENSING BASIS The following documents define the RPV ISI scope, regulatory requirements and licensing commitments.

10CFR50 CCNPP Technical Specifications Reg. Guide 1.150, " Ultrasonic Testing of Reactor Vessel Welds During Pre-Service and In-Service Examinations" Long Term Plan for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant CCNPP UFSAR Inservice Inspection Program Plan for the Second Inspection Interval for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 USNRC Information Notice 96-32, " Implementation of 10CFR50.55a (g) (6) (ii) (A), " Augmented Examination of Reactor Vessel""

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sectic,n XI,1989 Edition ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI,1983 Edition, Summer 1983 Addenda

e a


  • Inspections to be performed by Southwest Research Institute
  • Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDI) Program and Code / Reg. Guide Utilized in a Hybrid Approach
  • AXII-Approved PDI procedures to be utilized

- where supplements 4 and 6 apply

- single sided approach used to address coverage limitations only

- Code / Reg. Guide approach for other welds

9 l~


  • Basis for relief request from previous RPV 10 i

f year ISI's has been reviewed


i i

  • Estimates of coverage for upcoming inspections


have~been made j

  • Determine NRC expectations relative to upcoming inspections:

- Submit information prior to inspections based j

on weld volume coverage estimates

- Submit relief requests after inspections based on actual weld volume inspected l

l i!



  • Approach consistent with intent and requirements of IWA-2240
  • BGE realizes benefits of performance-based ultrasonics.

- Documented performance of single side access procedure provides a basis for reducing relief requests based on limited access to welds

- Baseline data acquired using procedures with documented performance

- Reduced inspection times

ap SwRI PDI-Based Inspections



D. C. Cook (Indiana Michigan) 4/96 St. Lucie(TPL) 5/96 Vermont Yankee 9/96 Shearon Harris (CP&L) 4/97 l

Point Beach (WEPCO}

10/97' f

.i e