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Vol 1 to Book 25, Reduced Section Properties for Channels
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 02/24/1987
Shared Package
ML20210C645 List:
7Q-D-6, 7Q-D-6-VO1-B25, NUDOCS 8705070085
Download: ML20210D244 (21)


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Sf ' V. ~, TEXAS UTILITIES GENERATING CO. f, { p', ' j'[, - m. ._m-.-- 7,, 4 i 'i, COMANCHE PEAK UNIT 2


?- ~7 a c, s .c . +.. t g!) REDUCED SECTION PROPERTIES FOR CHANNELS y, ,s.. 3. t .. ( s ) e t 9 Ls 5 ?. )[ f t .?.s j * ~. *, 4 Lg 3-4. 4 ,.s c. L/ L /(,, K*., .? .y,. ? e, + ' I *,' -s a L [; b.. ',.

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M* ,.O e-ee y a.- -- ~---- 4, _3g g, .m,' -mowe 6.......... s ,e e g. k 'I i b i l 4 W a t 1 I g 6 e* d' s TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR THIS BOOK l = e 0


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i 0 I YOLUME I - BOOK 25 1 TEXAS UTILITIES GENERATING COMPANY O COMANCHE PEAK SES TABLE OF CONTENTS (02/24/87) R0 SUBJECT REDUCED SECTION PROPERTIES FOR CHANNELS PAGE PURPOSE 1 i DISCUSSION 1 CALCULATIONS 3 CALCULATIONS (check computer program) 9 ATTACHffENTS 1. Reduced.section properties for channels with 3/4 in, hole at the flange tip 2 Listing of basic program O 4 ) -1652v

. -. - -.. =.. -a. .e EBASCO SERVICES"lNCORPORATED CALCULATION COVER SHEET ~O TE XAS UTIL \\ TIE S QEMERATit06 CO. m,,3306 321 } new (OM AtJCH E. 9EAK bcs,OdlhNr'l27 N ND- . w7 NE'DOCED C,ECTiob! PROPERTIEA FOR CHANNELS i suiusCT i ~ VOLUME I - 800K Z6 15 NuusER Dr swEErs CALCULATION NO. rRostzM A cc.o urJT Fo p. A V4 Ltr 14xc. A-r Tu c Fauqt b. c r d d e i_ A, Te c Woni L c'\\T' o ra, EY S Or 6 o 'i Rc c n3 c u t.ny,,w t4c4 Gccr,,y kope eTres Oc m.c devoct o (c. m o,a, Are Ar.a o: c,i w 3 try c :.; t rb c p,s c, t a. f Ac t o g n "a <- I iO 1 j _- i CONTAINS ASSIRIPTIONS WHICH REQUIRE CONFIRMATION TES NO N ASSUMPTIONS CONFIRMED 0N EY' l i i E nwa O $ 1471 hithts (bik7 A W Mets f.21.s] h O. REV. SHEET NAME DATE NAME DATE NAME DATE i uv REVIEWED OR APPROVEDBY_ NO. NOS. CALCULATION BY CHECKED BY PRELIMINARY O I liurt [ "' suPERsEoEs cAi.C wo. 8 ~



Reduction of section neqporties of channni, fe.r 3/4" flanac hole PURPOSE: Calculate. reduced section properties of a channel for a 3/4" hole at the.tip of the flange, by shifting the neutral,axen for the new cut section. Per AISC manual of steel construction, 7th edition, paragraph 1.10.1, the area of the hole to be deducted, will be reduced by 15%-of the area of the flange. Once the formulas are established, a microcomputer proDram will be written to calculate the reduced section properties for the channels which are used in the cable tray hangers. [\\> > "! DISCUSSION: The existance of the hole on the flange of a channel,. will reduce the section properties locally, and hence-the distribution of stresses due to bending and axial force, will be changed. Since the area will be

smaller, at some locations along the section the stresses will be larger by a

ratio inversely proportional' to the reduced section properties. The worst location of the hole is at the-tip of-the. flange, since this will minimize the critical section modulus for the weak axis-

bendinD, Syy.

To find the new section properties, we use the neutral I exis of the section'as basis to calculate the new section properties due to the presence of the hole. Based on the formulas for the new cut' section propertice a microcomputer program, written in basic, is'uned j h to calculate the new propertien and the ratio of new/old proportiec, O l for the desired sectionc. The results of this progrom are tabulated in ) .]

~... w, - im ( ) EBASCO BERVICES INCORPORATED ao SHEET _[t_OF_I_lh_ BY: A. Naumescu DATE 1-PO-87 DEPT. CHKD.BY: J. Vire a DATE 1-20-87 OFS NO.3306.421 NO.550 PROJECT: TUGCO. COMANCHE PEAK UNITS 1 A P


Reduction of e,ection properties of channel, for 3/4" flanue.hgt_q1 _===__=------------------------------------------------- attachment 1. The last column of attachment 1 shows the minimum new/old ratio. Conservatively, limit the stress interaction ratio to thin ratio instead of one, to desi Dn verify the section. CONCLUSIONS: In the cable tray hanDers, the most common tier cire in C4X7.25, for which the minimum net /uross ratio is for the weak axis bending and it ic . 75. Since the sections C4X5.4 and smaller are rarely used, and even for sj these sections only the weak axis ratio is less than . 75, while the strong axis bending ratio and the area ratio are much larger'than . 75, during design verification it is safe to use the ratio of.75 instead'of 1, to qualify the tiers conservatively for the precence of a 3/4"-bolt

hole, as long as the biggest portion of bending stresses comes from strong axis bendinD.

If the stress interaction Drater than . 75, more exact calculations can be performed, calculating the new stress interaction ratio at the bolt hole, usinD actual loads, and the corresponding reduced section properties shown in the table of I attachment 1.

. EBA5CO SERVICES INCORPORATED ., s.u,wwscu,,,, I-20-e? ,,.,,, 3 t2 o,1, /h a h7 or. 330b 32/

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COMANCHE PEAK UNIT I$ Z wwi.r. i nm nivuar no SUBJECT _.4co

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EBASCO SERYlCES INCORPORATED 1 N #FlCO l--20 -B) ., 6 12 oar. o, .y O cuo. v b oava //7</o 7 orswo M 'N "'U: STo V V CLIENT M !IEI_!I!b3 b[N(f.0,Y!NC Ch. COMANCHE PEAK UNIT IiE CA6i.E Txar SUBJECT -.1 i 2/ib+('/s!)t.73 x, ns-e,'is A -lyr:p6-W,74 } ",be x be = ~2 + _y.q. l ir ... j _. 2._ _1 4,, _q j_ _t. .u.{._ H e anon rb f ie alwre jciacfcoWe _Holvid J7F/iL


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EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED AWw / 2MO 8 i 2. oats suce7 or av b N OFSNO NO CHNO.SY N DATE ( TEXAS UTILITIFS GFNmt.TU'G CO cucuT . COMANCHE PEAK. UNIT l PftOJECT ww& 3. J.O.N rlha ) SUBJECT 6 I f a .. _j 2._ 3 ._,..4n., . _ ~ ~... . N..". -.l X / ! 1 2 3 S_hi > !di&Iidon ' r 4/5 heu/rn/I~dxis c ~ a i i i i k 8 i l s i 'iI ~ ~ ~ ~ i d_' _ I .. _ _ _. d.. ; _ _ _ L N N..._,; I .i.;_ _1 _ i i J.gx a Jy + &+ A_ -..._ _.I _g_...{.b r.__.


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a____ i EBASCO SERYlCES INCORPORATED EdeM oaval/20/f7 ,,,,, T ,, 17. sy Doarn !~M~N ors no D06 MI NN 5 5 o A cnuo av TEKAS U vt t til G $ 6EN G P A TINfr C O. cunni ( 0 / IIA h!C ll E PF A M U ^l I T T ** A pnoJncy sumanc, rH Eltc c o m odY r f? 9R D 6 R /> rY) (140LE T A h EOPPb EHA$NE.$.C-lGFS*2..k, o$lN 6. i l... r I _M.'.' 2. 9)u.2 .lv F 6 4 i" $ _s -_ _iSLOPEi_?/, d i i I n- .2 _,D= b;w i {_.EE=.13.L W ' f ??_ I .Td.r.2 i n '.3N ' U E_IN7 _. B E 9 2 tti.) . dS X = 8. 3 81l' I 'D T J_v/ . ! _.l__ -. ' 7 TF = ?._3.fL3 :in ' _. ._ n. 'f. 3 75 / v_[._. = _ _ _ ' X_s. 512w. i ~ O LN _A_RpLS_i_6F. WhjaD.' FolloWtN& ' AiScl_Spcr J.lo;I N I l n A a;ehMTAi Ts).+ 7 Ah_.n.__,,3 I(A -(rA :Tw$, _ j __ F, I _E l l _.. _._.)i_-. 2 ' ..i BF l i E[.l49b+(Zb+.l44 &.75_.l.15 N(7.4 -l't.3 75l.7)) __ I i n j, __ PREDO o 6 l-i 6 i l $.'o FN7. Wd f _4 1 s i 2


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EBASCO SERYlCES INCORPORATED sy. k /WM A, f[2.0 [ f(7 oATg. sMEET OF ' 3 ?~ I S bO CH K O. DATg OFS MO. IEXbS LW f I. IT I E S (s E A1 F R ATI N 6 C 8. \\> cutMT (0171 A NC il C PFAk U N r r 4 + 'l vnoancr ( 01Y1t>L)T E R PR O(, R A In [. fl6C W ( Ft dL C TpkFD("F) sumancT i i ~ i l t C //.E /NG L. : (USIN& NO _ S L O Ph.1 .M I S C-EL LA N GOU S J i D}\\0Lf!D i i s i i i i L I _ J _ L'. !. l'. ___fd4__GE.lN

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t i i _B E=, _2.el.9 7 id $ K = 6 2 '/j/ g '. L, j_ 1. j _TF c_.;3_7.5_gi_ i . _ IN, =. l.; B 7 ih.. T: i.375/oq rw . _.jD .,7 _TW =,.b l ub L S X, = : L O '{ !E '._ _ I._L,.. J._L_ ) _ D i. & r,e.- X64 R =. j. 7 P 4. t" '.j.. _....i _ L - ..t I I I i a ? J S. l i, 3ht $.. A h10,_ _ folt.0 kJ .LbINtr$B_klOLE _OF i i e i i i i i ,__f .E Fi _d M t-SEcr /. J.o _. J._,_ j_. ..i_ i i t I . _j i . _.. _ _ 'I ! AR'ED =! T Er.7.5 ! L5

  • JA -(TdTW))/2._-].. _-,.__

/ J I i =._.3153.753._.15 d 3.s 3 -( H.375 *.3 0)/z 1_. d __ __ _ - l =.llSt%#1_j.._.j l.7 L_._ _._ j l I i i -.T..O_a&ItLDJGluIV_ACENI R 5 tp /L _._ L f i ARED =i D HOLE M (_T f: 2. _. l_ _. 'Diott.rn =. llF22 / 37 5 :. 315 2 __ _ _. .._.( _ _ t_.. _ 1. _. _ _ _ _.. _ l a i I ._.o_._ 4 _._.. _ L j_. .._,.. q. p Now._ct)t.c_p t,BTB _yE w..PRoPERID E S wlTll REDLICED. HDL E DimfN.s tow. I l _A. HOLE m -_3 Re 0 ._ANE.h1 3,6 3___,.117 22. L3,'l l{3 ne __. _SOIn_0 F Tk E-lh0tn E alt.S 3_._fN ' N. D ; p. E C. T L O N RInNj RHOLE/D A..( 6 F--MBAR-DHOLE /U/2,). _. _,._ 2.. !.J IS22 4.LZ.4 97 _',7d 4 .3 tS 25/2,) a.a.__ :51.4 3 3. '.. _ _. _.. .L-__. _C.Y_= ;. 5 (O M/ A t4 EW =.19 3 3 /3.H Ilg 5, 0 5 6 (o fo ,,a C HArtc4 IN t/. /). IN x D/tEc. __.Ilt1EW - T.1 +_A f Cx' - A HoLEtn 4 TF/12 - _ A HOLE In * (S F-x$ A R-Duple.tvig +k 8 =.127 t 3.53 4.0 566 6. 315ES'*.17 5/12.. ll? 22 / (2.M 7 ? 04.15 7I. i.05 6 (d)* 1.97 &. O l l33 . 00.0 9'li . 3 M S - 1. S 't ISS ruf_ _ ~ __S 4._N E W : " M M E h))IB f -)(B AR + Lx. - . L_.. ,) .= 3 1.54 i ss (z.4 4 7. 70 4 +. o s 66 6) :.9 % su as . nsf.og =. so ut g

T EBASCO SERVICES INCERPORATED QA DATs F/7# /E7 l 2'" or IS-swast ev OFSNO S30bIII Q ESO CHKD.eV DATE k ~TEXA5 f3TILiYl6S (s E N F Fs4 Tl NG (O. cuENT forn A Ncts E p p A ls n y r y at 4r'Z enossci COfnPO4Fg ppz o 6 7 p tr7 C ff E C k (JOLE 4*n A e o FF-) suesncr .lMSC Ell Ah!70 C EAh NE L fc ont!O) i i t "i ~ ~. .SD n1 10 F._-.T.NE MOMENTS _\\1N X D. 18 F c,.T r ons, l,..x.. _. . AHOL E.01) ( Plh - YF/z, i l .._5103 : t _%.._.1.1S 22 4( 3 .375/2) _ L.. : =J. 33z s.. i i _ G..M :. 5 In x/4NE Ki : 3325/3,911S :!,0975: CN/)t>G F { /e/ A/. A JtJ.Y Dl/tCc, TXJJEWi 1X.+ A4 bl - PHoLErr1 h TF'//2 y AF0tEin[D/2 TF/2 4 C VM a, _.3 JL7.+ 3.53 4.097 5 -13152 51 3iS'/121.119EZ(3 -l1875 +.07 7 5[ ] l

..lf O t.'03%.

.0013h5.-.N ool _.q. H i j _ __.= l].7 31 0 i n ._.5X.NEM _ _ImE LA/ /.( D/g +.C.Y)__ a..._ __. 2. __7.,_.. hll_ _ _ _.. ' __17.7 31/('h +,09.7 sL= 17.'23.3 /re *.. / i i i NLT/. GROSS = G.]233lf.24 '...Q l ~l - -. .y _...E.I.,- i d o N 6L U S / O N.5_. _. ... -_. _.... _L j _.k i 2 _. _. _4_ h LL_.THE _V A LO S.$. OBTR IN S b b y_ ChLLu c ATt 0 A/ FRE. HII T H t t) ! i .l?/o 0 F_ h*H0kE. 06 TAI /J ED..S Y. U N G._f T N E.. PE RSON AL C 0/M Pu T_ G R, .THLL91FFERENC &_.l.s 00E; T o l ROUnb e F F. 14 _, 508 - $,..b% V. 2. _,- - .;. 1 1 i s 1 Mce : d3 I ~I S 'N? A4 . 2. 3 I 6 - -ItJ * ~, P _S.yc4ti_.hS903ed_.59 rc.:- ) 3 0'.. j.. [ 3.4 94 /to? _.b K C.A L =._.3.t.$.9 01 l** .bK PC .FoL_Joc.6x.12_. _..Acu.: 3.M li A e c. : 3 412 ru* ___S tAL: o 8% /N' bY te. = ' 8 3 4 IN' 9 e S r cA p.. S. 7 2 4 3.fu ' 5x ec =. 5. 72 4 m' s

L- ___....m._..,_._.. .___s___.______ A rTAc 1 i of i EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED COMANCHE PEAK SES UNITS 1 &2 . REDUCED SECTION PROPERTIES FOR CHANNELS WITH 3/4 INCH HOLE AT THE FLANGE TIP Y 7b,, n _ - ek .,1 ' 'y=r - y x v .x x-9 x l - s - g ~ .,, Y ... T ,.g5::>ECT3cRS uc.EECTIous UNCUT.SECTION REDUCED SECTION PROPERTIES MIN AREA S XX S YY AREA S XX S YY SECTION (SQ. (CU. (CU. (S0. NET / (CU. NET / (CU. NET / NET / IN) IN) IN) IN) GROSS IN) GROSS IN) GROSS GRD. O ~ " C3X4.1 2.210 1.~100 0.202 1.106 0.91 0.882 0.80 0.132 0.65 0.65 C3XS 1.470 1.240 0.233 1.375 0.94 1.034 0.83 0.159 0.68 0.68 C3X6 1.760 1.380 0.268 1.675 0.95 1.206 0.87 0.132 0.72 0.72 C4X5.4 .1.590 1.930 0.283 1.492 0.94 '1.636 0.85 0 198 0.70 0.70 C4X7.25 2.130 2.290 0.343 2.045 0.96 2.056 0.90 0.256 0.75 0.75 C5X6.7 1.970 3.000 0.378 1.879 0.~95 2.654 0.88 0.282 0.75 0.75 C5X9 2.640 3.560 0.450 2.563 0.97 3.286 0.92 0.355 0.79 0.79 C6X8.2 2.400 4.380 0.492 2.318 0.97 3.994 0.91 0.389 0.79 0.79 C6X10.5 3.090 5.060 0.564 3.022 0.98 4.771 0.94 0.468 0.83 0.83 C6X13 3.830 5.800 0.642 3.777 0.99 5.576 0.96 0.557 0.87 0.87 C7X9.8 2.~870 6.080 0.625 2.799 0.98 5.706 0.94 0.521 0.83 0.83 C7X12.25 3.600 6.930 0.703 3.543 0.98 6.619 0.96 0.609 0.87 0.87 C7X14.75 4.330 7.780 0.779 4.286 0.99 7.550 0.97 0.704 0.90 0.90 C8X11.5 3.380 8.140 0.781 3.321 0.98 7.787 0.96 0.683 0.87 0.87 C8X13.75 4.040 9.030 0.854 3.992 0.99 8.740 0.97 0.769 0.90 0.90 ,C8X18.75 5.510 11.000 1.010 5.488 1.00 10.872 0.99 0.964 0.95 0.95 MC3X7.1 2.090 1.820 0.561 1.943'O.93 1.531 0.84 0.394 0.70 0.70 MC3X9 2.650 2.100 0.677 2.520 0.95 1.855 0.88 0.506 0.75 0.75 MC6X12 3.530 6.240 1.040 3.412 0.97 5.724 0.92 0.834 0.80 0.80 MCGX15.1 4.440 8.320 1.750 4.325 0.97 7.840 0.94 1.507 0.86 0.86 MC6X16.3 4.790 8.680 1.840 4.684 0.98 8.219 0.95 1.607 0.87 0.87 MC6X15.3 4.500 8.470 2.030 4.440 0.99 8.205 0.97 1.865 0.92 0.92 MC6X18 5.290 9.910 2.480 5.220 0.99 9.602 0.97 2.300 0.93 0.93 5.170 10.800 1.890 5.064 0.98 10.216 0.95 1.647 0.87 0.87 l p MC7X17.6 MC7X19.1 5.610 12.300 2.570 5.530 0.99 11.939 O.97 2.364 0.92 O.92 MC7X22.7 6.670 13.600 2.850 6.616 0.99 13.306 0.98 2.689 0.94 0.94 MC8X18.7 5.500 13.100 1.970 5.385 0.98 12.464 0.95 1.715 0.87 0.87 MC8X2O 5.880 13.600 2.050 5.774 0.98 13 018 0.96 1.800 0.88 0.88

w ATTAcu MCt4T 2, [g,g 4) LIOTlNCr CF 6 A#al C OpAM 1000 CLS: DIM S5(40) LOCATE 5,P3; PRINT " PROGRAM NOME:RFDPRDP. DAD" ) LOCATE 12,10: PRINT "Tt!IS PROGRAM IS PRINTJNG (JNCUT HND prnifrtr 9 rvirv.i ;. m. IES" 1020 LOCATE 14,10: PRINT "FOR AMER 1rAN STANDARD CHANNELS AND MC CHANNELO U TD 7N THE COMANCHE PEAK PROJECT" 1030 RESTORE 4570 1040 FOR I =- 1 TO 28 1050 READ S$ (I) 1060 NEXT I 1070 FOR I=1 TO 28 1080 SECTIONS =S9(I) 1090 GOTO 1130 1100 IF Ic0 THFN GOTO 3220 1110 NEXT I 1130 IF SECTION$="C3X4.1" THEN RFSTORE 4010 1140 IF SECTION$="C3X5" THEN RESTORE 4030 1150 IF SECTION$="C3XG" THEN RECTDRE 4050 1160 IF SECTION$="C4X5.4" THEN RFSTORE 4C70 1170 IF SECTION$="C4X7.25" THEN RFSTORE 4090 1180 IF SECTION$="C5X6.7" THEN RESTORE 4110 1190 IF SECTION5="C5X9" THEN RESTORE 4130 1200 IF SECTION$="C6X8.2" THEN REFTORE 41'30 1210 IF SECTION$="CFX10.D" TH:'N RFSTORF 4170 1220 IF SECTIOf>$="CEA13" TfE N RECTORE 4190 1230 IF SECTIONt="C7X9.8" THEN RFSTORE 4P10 1P40 IF SECTION$="C7X1P.25" THEN RESTORE I. P ' ' f ') IF SECTION6="C7X14.75" THEN PESTORE 4?50 aA IF SECTION$="COX11.E" THEf> RECTOFE 4970 1270 IF SECTION6="CBX13,7:" THEN RESTORE 4290 3280 IF SECTION$="CSX18.75" THEN RESTORE 4310 1890 IF SECTIONS ="MCEX1P" THEN RFSTORE 4330-1300 IF SECTIONS ="MC6X15.1" THEN RESTORE 4350 1310 IF SECTION$="MC6X1f. 3" THFN' RESTORE 4370 1320 IF EECTION$="MC6X15.3" THEN RESTORE 4390 1330 IF SECTION$="MC6X18" THEN RESTORE 4410 1340 IF SECTION$="MC7X17.6" THEN RESTORE 4430 1350 IF SECTION5="MC7X19.1" THEN RESTORE 4450 1360 IF SECTION$="MC7X22.7" THEN RESTORE 4470 1370 IF SECTIONS ="MC8X18.7" THEN RESTORE 4490 1380 IF SECTION$="MC8X20" THEN RESTORE 4530 1390 IF SECTIONS ="MC3X9" THEN RESTORE 4530 1400 IF SECTION$="MC3X7.1" THEN RESTORE 4550 1410 READ A,D,TW,PF,TF,IX,SX,RX,IY,SY,RY,XBAR,T 1420 IF A=0 THEN GOTO 1010 1430 IF SX=8.140001 THFN LET SX=8.140001 1440 IF MID$ (SECTIOW,1,1 ) n"M" THEN r.OTO POOo 1450 TA=TF- ( (PF-TW) /P+.16F.7) 1460 Me)/6 1470 N=2+TA 1480 P=-2+ ( (2+'TA+1/6+. 70) /P+. 75 .15* ( A-T&TW) /2) 14 90 DREDU= (-N+ (N^2-4

  • f& P) ^. G) / ( R.f t)

{ O TS=DREDU&. 1 F.07 j) ARECT=TO*DRCDU ICSO ATRIA =TS*DREDU/P 1530-AHOLE=ARECT+ ATRIA 1340 2=BF-XBAR 1550 SMY= ARECT+ ( 7-(DPEDUn ) ) 4 ATRI A+ (7-(P+ DfET,t'/3) ) I SCO CX=S"'.Y / ( A-AHOLC) 1570 IYNEW-I Y+ A&CX^2-T A+ DfEret f ^ 3/ ) ?- ARFCT + ( 7-I." FDL f /P+ r.X ) ' F-T F + DLT dip / W-e m T-

1580 XBARNEW=XEAR-CX ATTAcassur r_ (e,74) 1590 W=BF-XTARNEW 1'00 IF XBARNEU)W THEN LET W=XBARNEW J l4 y g g g o f FJAg g c, 1310 SYNEW=IYNEW/W UdRAM 1620 ANEW =A-AHOLE 1 "7 1630 SMX=ARECT*(D/2-TA/2)+ ATRIA *(D/2-TA-TS/3) 1640 CY=SMX/(A-AHOLE) / 10 IXNEW=IX+A*CY^2-(TA^3*DREDU/12)-(ARECT*(D/2-TA/2+CY)^2)-TS^3*DPED!i/36-ATRIA J GsD/R-TA-TS/3+CY)^2 1660 YBARNEW=D/2-CY 1670 MM=D-YBARNEW 1680 IF YBARNFW)MM THEN LET MMnYBARNFW 1690 SXNEW=IXNEW/MM 1700 REM 1710 GOTO 3000 1720 REM 2000 REM MISCELANEOUS CHANNELS 2010 DHOLEM=.75.15*(A-(T*TW))/(2*TF) 2020 AHOLEM=TF*DHOLEM 2030 ANEW =A-AHOLEM 2040 SMY=AHOLEM* (BF-XBAR-DHOLEM/2) 2050 CX=SMY/(A-AHOLEM) .~



"MTN" 3140 LPRINT TAB (17);" AREA"; TAB (24)"S XX"; TAB (31);"5 YY"; TAB (41);"ARFA"; TAB (53)?"

S XX"; TAB (65);"S YY" 3150 LPRINT T AB (5) ; "SECTION" ; TAB ( 17) ; " (SD. " ; T AB (24 ) ; " (CU. " ; T AB (31 ) ; " (Ctl. " ; T AB ( a ' );"(SQ. NET /"; TAB (53);"(CU. NET /"; TAB (65);"(CU. NFT/"; TAB (76);" NET /" 3160 LPRINT TAB (18) ;"IN) " ; TAB (25) ;"IN) " ; TAB (32) ; "IN) "; T AB (42) ; "IN) G ROSS " ; T AD ( SI: ) ; I N ) GROSS"; TAB (66);"IN) GROSS"; TAB (76);"GRO." T 70 LPRINT - = - = = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( __________a 3180 LPRINT :LPRINT s 3390 LPRINT ; ( )3200 LPRINT TAB (5);SECTION$; 'd 321C LPRINT TAB (14);" "; 3220 LPRINT USING "##.###";A; 3?F LPRINT USING "###.###";SX; 7540 LPPINT USING."###.###";SY; ~

...._t_ 3dN.A8 LPRINI USINtj "G k i. 41414. Ji lhi " ; hNkt i ; \\ 32'60 LPRINT USING " tit. (Hi"; ANEW /A; T T u p W 7. @ " F b 3C70 LPRINT USING " 4!ill!. (I tt il " ; S X NCW ; 3280 Lf'RINT t THING "t!tl. tiil" ; DKNrW/SX ; l.,,l S"Q F4 gg o f 3200 LPRINT USING " fHt H. 44i? " ; GYNEW ; scFR4"M 3300 LPRINT USING "4141. (141" ; SYND.W/!.Y ; i LPRINT USING "it (Hl. U U " ; MA XP P GEN =-! 3..60 IF I (20 THEN GOTO 1100 0340 END 4000 DATO 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,o,O,O,O 4010 REM C3X4.1 4020 DATO

1. P 1, 3,.17,1. 41.

27'.,,1. f.C, t,1,1.17,,197,. PO2,. 4 0 4,. n 36,1. /.P'. 4030 REM C3XS 4040 DATO

1. 47, 3,. 258,1. 4 9 A.

273,1. DC,1. 24,1.1 ?,. 24 7,..*33,. 41,. 4 36,1. f.P" 4050 REM C3X6 4060 DATA

1. 7E., 3,. 356, ). 596,, 273, P. O?,1. 3 6,1. 08,. 305,. 26 P,. 416.,. 4 5".,1. GPr 4070 RCM C4X5.4 4080 DATA 1.59,4,.164,1.584, 396,..BD,'.??,1.M6,.319,.P.M..^6'-!

. 6 '. 5.. f P ". 4090 REM C4X7.25 4100 DATA 2.13, 4.,. 321,1. 7P 1, 296, 4. 59, P. 29,1. 4 7,. 4 33,. 34 3. 4 5,. 4 5% P. EP5 4110 REM CX6.7 4120 DATA 1.97,5. 19,1.70,.tP.7.49,3.,1.9D. 479,.370s.493. 484.? D 4100 REM CGX9 4140 DATA 2.64,G.,.325,1.88D,.32,8.9,3.56. 1.63,.632,.45. 469,.475.e ? 4150 REM C6X8.2 4160 DATA 2.4,6.,.2.1.9P,.343,13.1,4.28,2.34,.693,.49A..D37,.D11,4.770 4170 REM C6X10.5 4180 DATA 3. 09, 6.,. 7

  • 4, P. 034,. ? 4 3.15. 2, 5. 06, 2. PP,. PEE.,. 5'... GP9.,. /M. 4. ?73 4190 REM C6X13 4200 DATA 3.83,6.,.437,2.157,.343,17.4,5.8,P.13,1.05,.F42 525,.M14,4.37G

~ REM C7X9.8 > DATA 2.87,7.,.21,2.09,.366,21.3,6.OS,2.7P,.968,.62F.5A1,.54,5,25 er REM C7X12.25 4240 DATA 3.6,7.,.314,2.196,.366,24.2 6.93,2.6,1.17,.702,.571,.525,5.25 3 4250 REM C7X14.75 4260 D AT A 4. 33, 7.,. 419, P. 299,. 366,.::7. P, 7. 78, 2. 51,1. 39,. 779,. 56'r,. F? :. 5. 25 4270 REM C8X11.5 4280 DATA 3. 38, 8,. 22, P. 26,. 39, ??. E., P.14, 3.11,1. 32,. 761,. F PD,. 571, 6.125 4290 REM CSX13.75 4300 DATA 4.04,8.,.303,2.343,.29,36.1,9.03,F.99,1.53,.654,.61G,.DG3,L.1PS 4310 REM C8X16.75 4320 DAT A 5. 51, 8.,. 4 87. 2. 527,. 39, 4 4.,11., 2. 82,1. 98,1. 01,. D99. 565, f.. ?D 4330 REM MC6X12 4 340 DATA 3. 53, 6.,. 31, 2. 4 97,. 375,16. 7, 6. 24, 2. 3,1. 87,1. 04. 7 28,. 704, 4. 375 4350 REM MC6X15.1 4360 DATA 4.44,6.,.SIE,P.941,.475,2D.,6.3P,5.37,3.D1.1.75. 689. 94,3.A75 4370 REM MC6X16.3 4 380 D AT A 4. 79, 6.,. 375, 3.,. 4 75., 26., 8. 68,.-: e ,e..A2,1.84,.:9P, 9E7.?.~75 4390 REM MCGX15.3 4400 DATA 4.5,6.,.24,7.5,.3PD,23.4,8.47,P.34.4.97.P.07. . 05,1. 05. 4. " 4410 REM MC6X10 4420 DATA 5.29,6.,.379,7.*;O4,.475,P9.7,9.91,2.27,5.9?.2.46,1.06,1.1:".5.A75 4430 REM MC7X17.C 4440 DATA 5.17,7.,.375 ?.. 475,37.6,10,8,P.7.,4.Of,1.89,.AP1,.873,4.f75 4450 RFM MC7Y19.1 44 60 D AT A U. 61, 7.,. 3":', 3. 4 52,. 5, 4 ?. 2,12. 3, 2. 77, 6. I 1. P. 57.1. 04,1. OE. 4. 75 e( l REM MC7XC2.7 ) D AT A 6. 67. 7.,. GOS, 3. FO?,. D, 4 7. 5,13. 6, 2. f.7, 7. f'9. 2. ED. ). OD 1.04,I.7G 4490 REM MC8Y18.7 4500 D ATA 5. 5, 8.,. 353, 2. 978,. 5, 52. D,,13.1, ?. 09, 4. 2,1. 97,. 0 74. 64 9. . 7~ 4510 REM MCOXPO 4 G20 D AT A 5. 68, 8.,. 4, 3. OEU,. D, D4. ", * ?. G, ?. 00, 4. 4 7, . 65 .-?F . P 4, D. 7'~ 4530 REM MC3X9 4540 D AT A 2. 65, ?.,. 4 97, F.17 e. 2 D 1..". ' L, T'.1. 3. f.9.. M 7. f.7 7,. 604,. G94,. 70

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