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Discusses Inadequacy of Evacuation Planning in Vicinity of Plant.Insufficient Conveyances to Evacuate 300 Nuns at Ihm Motherhouse.Concerns Re Terrorist Attacks Also Expressed
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/1986
From: Sinclair M
To: James Keppler
Shared Package
ML20207F722 List:
FOIA-86-430 NUDOCS 8607220657
Download: ML20207F994 (2)



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5711 Summerset Drive Midland, M1 48G40 q.

April 30,1956 11L m

Mr. James Keppler U.S. Nuclet r Begulatory Commission Begion III 799 Boosevelt Boad Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 Dear Mr. Keppler-In a letter on December 10, 1955. Jan Strasma wrote me a brief note and anelosed a letter from FEMA to you in which the agency purportedly gave an answer to my letter of Sep: ember 25, 1985 In this letter, I explained the reasons for the concerns of the IHM Mo:hcrhouse in Monroe, Michigan, about the inadequacy of evacuation plan-ning in the vicinity of the Fermi t2 nuclear plant.

The letter, signed by Bobert E Conner, regional director of FEMA, completely missed the central concern of the Sisters, which I had brought to your attention, i e.

that there were not sufficient numbeg s of conveyances to be able to evacuate the approx-imately 300 nuns at the IHM Motherhouse. As I wrote before, many of these nuns are retired and are infirm or bedridden. Barbara Bacci followed up with this same request for attention to this problem in a letter to Bobert E. Conner on January 16,1956. This central issue for these and other residents in the vicinity of the Fermi 42 plant has, to this day, not been addressed. The many serious problems that have surfaced at Fermi 02, during its low power testing phase, are the overt manifestations of the many serious design and cons:ruction problems that are built into thct plant. Therefore, evacuation plans canno: be treated as en academic exercise. The citizens of that area, as well as the citizens of the whole State of Michigan, arc entitled to a promp: and sensible answer from FEMA on this issue.

Another issue of great importance to the national security of this country that is not confined to the Fermi *2 plant, which has not been adequately addressed by the NEC, is the threat of terrorist attacks on these types of facilities. I refer to two articles in thr.

March,1956, " Bulletin of the Atomic Scirntists'tp.17 and p. 22s, wnich discuss nuclear plants as obvious military or terrorist targets. Now that the attack on Libya has height.-

ened terroris; threats, c:.pecially to the C.S., these considerauons can no longer be ignored. It is ir.portant to note that a knowledgeable terrorist could create a massive.

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Mr. James E*ppler April 30,1986 Page Two Williams International Corporation in Walled Lake, which produces critical parts for tha cruise missile. The area includes major heavy industry, which is also important to national security.

1 bope you will give these matters your close attention.

Yours sincerely, G

Mary Sinel M5 ' jet ec: H.R. Denton, hTR Congressman John Dingell Sanator Carl Levin Senator Don Riegle Attorney General Frank Kelley Governor James Blanchard Commissioner Frederick Bernthal Commissioner Thomas M. Roberts Commissioner James K. Asselstine Commissioner Lando Zech Chairman Nunzio Palladino 4