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FOIA Request for Info Re 860715 Unusual Event,Including Spills of Radioactive & Nonradioactive Water,Leakage from Reactor Flange/Dome Area & Radiation Monitors & Vents in Dome of Reactor
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/17/1986
From: Keegan M
FOIA-86-550 NUDOCS 8609100403
Download: ML20214L846 (1)



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SAFE NERGY COAL Ti [ 5 MDCMHGAM P.O. BOX 331 MONR0E, MICHIGAN 48161 7/17/86 Freedom *of Information Officer U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission FREEDOM OF INFORMATION


Washington, D.C. 20555 ACT REQUEST NI A-8 /o - Sso Dear Sir /Ms. -

'd *1 &

Pursuant the Freedom of Information Act 5 Us0 552 et seq. as amended, the Safe Energy Coalition of Michigan hereby request material as described below: (Q f M (1) All information pertaining to the " Unusual Event " which took place July 15, 1986.

(a.) This should include all spills of radioactive and non-radioactive water.

(b.) This should include any discovery of leakage from the reactor flange / dome area.

(c.) This should include information about radiation monitors and vents in the dome of the reactor.

i pursuant, 5 USC 552 (a) (4)(A), we hereby request waiver of all l

fees in connection with this request "because furnishing the informa-tion can be considered primarily benefitting the general public."

If any fees are to be charged in connection with this request, please notify us in advance for approval at the above address or at this telephone number 313 241-6998 or 313-477-1670.

This advance notice l

shall not be necessary if the fees are to be less than $ 15 00 in total.

We look forward to your response within ten (10) business days l

after you receive this request, as specified in the Act, (FOIA).

Thank l

you for your hi?lp in this matter.

Sincerely, g 91 g 3 e60717 dt[

KEEGAN86-550 PDR ttichael J. Keegan g
