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Submits Daily Highlight.Public Svc Co of Colorado Authorized to Restart & Operate Facility HTGR at Level of Up to 35% Full Power.Facility Out of Operation Since 860531,when Shut Down for Equipment Qualification Mods
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/07/1987
From: Heitner K
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Harold Denton, Lyons J, Sniezek J
TAC-63576, NUDOCS 8704090079
Download: ML20206B329 (2)



April 7, 1987 Docket No. 50-267 MEMORANDUM FOR: H. Denton R. W. Houston J. Sniezek D. Crutchfield J. Lyons E. Rossi F. Miraglia .G. Lainas R. Bernero T. Speis G. Holahan W. Russell T. Novak F. Schroeder THRU: Herbert N. Berkow, Director Standardization and Special Projects Directorate Division of PWR Licensing-B FROM: Kenneth L. Heitner, Project Manager Standardization and Special Projects Directorate Division of PWR Licensing-B


DAILY HIGHLIGHT - FORT ST. VRAIN RESTART ORDER ISSUED By confirmatory order, the Public Service Company of Colorado has been

! authorized to restart and operate the Fort St. Vrain HTGR at a level up to 35%


! of full power. The facility has been out of operation since May 31, 1986, when it was shut down for equipment qualification modifications. Current reactor i core conditions will allow for a short " dry out" period. After startup, the licensee will " hold" at 10% of full power to allow the Region IV staff to evaluate the facility's performance. Upon Region IV's approval, the plant may operate up to 35% of full power. Pending completion of additional licensing actions, the plant will be authorized to operate at 82% of full power.

Nd8dE8LI $iaMinIF, pr83eh"Maa$P ' "

, Standardization and Special Projects Directorate Division of PWR Licensing-B


iD5ctet 1 PNoonan Local PDR PBSS Reading NRC PDR KHeitner Olynch HBerkow 2 PBS v' PhS, / PBSS P oonan XHe'{tner:cw Olynch HB 04/ / /87 p04/d/87 04Td/87 04/ '/87

., G)704090079 B70407 4

PDR ADOCK 05000267 P PDR


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-l NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D. C. 70555 j k.....,/ April 7, 1987 Docket No. 50 267 i

MEMORANDUM FOR: H. Denton R. W. Houston J. Sniezek D. Crutchfield, i

J. Lyons E. Rossi l F. Miraglia G. Lainas *

, R. Bernero T. Speis j G. Holahan W. Russell T. Novak

F. Schroeder I THRU
Herbert N. Berkow, Director V

'l Standardization and'Special r Projects Directorate 1

Division of PWR Licensing-B -

FROM: Kenneth L. Heitner, Project Manager i Standardization and Special Projects Directorate .

.i Division of PWR Licensing;B


DAILY HIGHLIGHT - FORT ST. VRAIN RESTART ORDER ISSUED By confirmatory order, the Public Service Company of Colorado has been i

authorized to restart and operate the Fort St. V, rain HTGR at a level up to 35%'

] of full power. The facility has been out of operatio'n since May 31, 1986, when

it was shut down for equipment qualification modifications. Current reacto.r .'

core conditions will allow for a short " dry out" period. After startup, the lq licensee will " hold" at 10% of full power to allow the Region IV staff to l evaluate the facility's performance. Upon Region IV's approval, the plant may l'

operate up to 35% of full power. Pending completion of additional licensing actions, the plant will be authorized to operate at 82% of full power.

M& s/

l hKennethLLHeitner,ProjectManager '

j Standardization and Special -

Projects Directorate

{ Ulvision of PWR Licensing-B .

i i


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