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Rev 27a to Status of LRS Recommendations
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 01/20/1986
Shared Package
ML20205J426 List:
NUDOCS 8602130259
Download: ML20205J428 (20)


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Item action asstened me. Item Required St:rt Come10to Individual Comments .-

894-1 The General Manager should be elven Complete -

05-03-85 Mattimoe an emplo p t contract for a perted The SMUD tesal Department has advised us that an emplejeent of tuo or three years to reduce con- contract forclosed.

constnered the General Manneer is 111eoel. Yhte Sten is ttnutne tenstens that result from the ' pleasure of the heard

  • tenure 394-2 Estabitsh as soon as possthle a Complete 05-21-85 Mattimoe written set of performance appratsai Guideltnes have been prepared and revlemed by 9e and approved by the soard-outdeltnes or objectives for the General Manecer for jstnt General Maneser/ Beard agreement 396-3 Prepare annual General Manager Complete -

05-21-85 Mattteoe Guideltnes have been prepared and restened by 90 and perforimance reviews in writtne and Soard approved by the Board, present them to him as the concensus of the heard. Perforiaance reviews ausst he objective and measured against clear performance criterta B96-4 Clartfy the meerd/ General Manager Complete -

05-03-85 Mattiene Doctament deltnoottne these relattenships completed, moristne relattenship in writtne Soard 800-5 Estatitsh in writtne smet reporting Complete -

05-03-45 Matttmee Document prepared is desired by the Gaard from the General Manecer aGo-6 secrutt at least one sentor empert- Complete -

07-15-85 Mattiene Deputy Generri Manecer hired, onced outstdor at the level reporttne directly to the General Manecer ges-7 meduce the rr.suber of people reporttne Complete -

05-13-85 Mettlaos new organtaatton in place, directly to the General Manager to 6 or 1 896-4 Increase the span of control of A90s Complete -

05-13-85 Mattimoe new organtaatten in piece, from 3 or e to 6 or 7 SGM 9 Planntne should be inttlated between Censlete -

el-to-45 Mattiene Deputy General Manecer hired, the General Manager and the Soard for Seard the tratntpe and development of an individual to replace the General Manager amen he retires 394-10 The title of Chief Enstneer should Complete -

02-07-85 Mettlene Title of Chief Eneineer deleted, be reassioned from the GM to an appropriate A94 898-11 The Esecut*ve Otrector, nuclear Complete -

03-28-85 Matttese Emecutive Otrector, thsclear is nom Assistant General should be retitled an Assistant Manecer, nuclear General Manecer to clearly reflect -

the taportance of the nuclear operatten


. . . . ==-

ho. Item . , . . e. u seeutred 5tcrt Compl:to IndIwIdual Commento

  • B9e-12 Estcb11th a sutto atf et 10 cst two Complete -

e5-06085 Mattiere Permanent office estabitshed en fourth fleer.

offices on the fourth floor of the l headquarte s butidine with secretartal services, phones, desks. conforence .

tables. etc. for toard members to use j at their convenience I j

A96-13 Establish a budget for the Seard to Complete 05-13-s5 be a ministered and controlled by Wticox Mr. W11cox. President of the toerd of Strectors, will the soard President with no reeutre- develop with Mr. Carr. Chatron of Audest Centttee, ment for 99 approval of either the tudset approved 5/13/45 Board Meettne.

budeet or empenditures a94-14 Estabitsh a department reportine Complete -

02-07-85 Nattimoe function G3tabitshed, directly to the 94 to handle Pubitc Infor1 matt.n. Soard Listson and Local.

State and Federal Government Affatrs.

The Board Ltatson would include pro-vidine admintstrative (e.e., budget, schedule. clerical, meettne arranee-monts, etc.) Support and assisting the uM tn tteely deltvery of informatton 394-15 The Board members should attend Complete 05-03-85 Mattimoe American Public Power Association soard somers attended Board

( APPA) Policy Maker Woritshops stellar to the one conducted March I. and 2.

1944 a.htch covered legal responst-blittles, soard/ Management interfaces.

Board mammer authority and responst-bility. Utility Financine Operations and Planntne SGM-IS Constituent or other complatnts to Complete -

05-03-a5 W11com Soard members should be passed on The President of the Soard of strectors has develesed with to the staff in a neutral fashion the entstlne Goard an unwritten precedure en how te headle these items with the Staff.

for staff investteation Annually the new President develops this relattemehtp with the Soard and the General stenager.

39e-17 Complex stems reeutr. a staff Camelete 05-a3-85 Wticoa The President of the soord of strectors has develesed evaluation brought to Snard meettnes with the entsting toard an waarttten proceeure en hem te from the public should be sutuuttled handle these items with the $taff, to the staff for ctumment and evalu-allon before Board commsent Annually the new President develees this relettemahle with the Beard and the General funeser.

396-18 The GM should sol 1c1t ano the Goare Camelete -

05-21-85 Matt 1moe Perferunnte suidel1nos fer Anamal tevtous have been edusted snould provide written comments Board by the Board, regardle g A94 performance to the 99 on an an wal bests

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uom Action me. Item seguired Asstrnes St:rt Compl:ta Individual Comments I 34-1 Departments reporttne to each AG4 Complete 04-01-85 4 should be based en steller or Mattimee See new organtaatton chart.

complementary functtons i OM-2 Consideretton to be etvon :o Zaplement 07-01-s5 e2-81-a6 modrigues secommendetton is betne taplemented, ereantaatten i recreantatne nuclear organization charts available.

Develop 08-07-45 01-30-46 90drisuez 4 Construction and startup phases under development.

i 90-3 Program of seals and objectives to Develop 04-01-85 01-01-86 I! be amplifted and strengthened; Rodrieusa 1986 goals and objectives to be sutanttted for teslemente-I accountability for supporting over- tion by 01/01/46. mote: IePO has recently premnaleated lIIi all goals to be required at all

  • performance indicators" and has requested seals in this organtaatton levels area. 1946 goals and objectives may be modified after the I 01/01/86 date to reflect this new data.

i 1 OM-4 Develop and tuolament 01 strict-wide Complete -

04-04-85 Mattimoe Refer to JJM tetter 64/04/45.

{ succession planntne program 1i t

i 91-5 Develop and taplement taproved Appratsal 10-01-45 02-01-86 Fassler recruitment of key personnel program Sequest Personnel Dept. to to de appratsal of present

} hirine program.

J j

Appraisal needs to be redene. Present meme discusses met I

was done, not if effective.

i 1,

j 30-4 Adopt lone rance coal of eltainettne Appraisal el-M e6-M Aedrtoues i! contracter forces from nuclear Goal to elletnet(*all centracter pereennel udte are soles operetton with preeram to accomplish tasks untch have duratten of 5 years er greater, an assunt i' developed goal appratsal util be done to measure preeress apetest espert-ment plans.

36-7 peevaluate requirements for ECP Complete -

06-05-85 Mattisse professtonal reetstratten no lenger reestred but

approval of enetnoertne promettons opttenal. ECP does not approve preestlems.

j and professional Itcenses for i sentor enstneers i *

! WS-4 Audit C/A such as PAS /SALP reports Appratsal 12-15-85 el-24-46 Schuteser Plan for appratsal comoleted 12/IE/as as setteeuled.

I to be thoroveh. Substantive and Actual appratsal to commence 12/11/45 for completten en carried through to completten 01/20/46.

i 1

i t

i 3-j - . _ .


Item Actlen Asstened

  • tee. Item Regat red $ttrt Compl:t3 Individual Comments .

(pe-9 Internally generated analysts or Appraise 12-16-45 LGS to evaluations of trenos; incidents or Schuteser QCI out for rewtow and approval by Department Manseers.

provide Quality Department to appraise trending programs, accidents to be thoroueh and objec- -

ttve in definittve recommendations

! ss well as prompt and effective

', corrective action 1

t j OM-lo Implement a sound accident preven- Develop e3-12-85 Open

tion program with added incentive D. Martin The Corporate Safety Dept ts in the process of devoleetne of e.cting isn. sue.r-the corporate safety management system. This system art 11 l contain the reeutred eiements or an eff.ctiv. ..f.t ,

4 visors and foremen out into the program. It is expected that program develesment util be i emerk place frecuently complete in January 1946 and taplementatten fellowtag that.

' OM-Il asummer of standtne cosmutttees should ate -

05-14-45 Mattimoe Standine comittees reduced by appronlantely 2/3.

be reduced stentftcantly; AGMs or l Dept Mers should be lietted to no l

4 more than 2-3 committees 1

i 1


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, a s sim ActlOn , , ,

no. Item Abstened Reeutred $t rt Completo Individual Comments

, E-1 NED enetneertne to empedite depart- Complete -

M-25-85 Kellaman mental procedures and concurred utth The NEPs have been tssued as a Itving document with the my nuclear Ops. Executive Director, intent that revisions all) he issued te ladioteuel precedures as reestred.

l Nuclear to play strene role in dis-Cussions to assure timely resolutten of issues and clear understandtne by

! complete nuclear creantaatten of how aanche Seco onetneertne precess ts to function E-2 Constdor rotattne Sr. nuclear per- Develop e4-el-85 01-01-M f sannel totusen Idle and NED Sodriousa Senter nuclear personnel art 11 he rotated after refueltet.


! E-3 Develop plans to remove desten ener. Complete -

el-M-M medrtousa l functien frem at1ntenance oneineerino The arteln of this comment was the feeltag that emetagertag j ereantaatten as seen as WED can wes heine done =1thout proper rev1em. A revtem of the ettatn er develop enstneers with Asmatnistrattve procedures and Ouelity Preerem eheme that le plant emportance fact all desten changes 40 receive proper enetneertas rewtow. In addttten, a preeram has been devoleoed to htte and rotate new enetneers through notatenance operetten ses l 04 prior to revleutne a final enetneertas asstemment.

E-4 Expedite tratntos of onstneers and Complete -

05-03-65 Co-ord technical emnseers; especially en Schwteger 1945 schedule initiated and treintne started.

hencho Sece plant systems i

E-5 Promptly fill key personnel Complete M-14-e5 Ketiaan I vacanc1es; espec1 ally maintenante A11 key enetneertne positions for Ises have been filles.

l IAC. NES electrical /IAC and cost In addItien. B. Kuner. Sen1er Electrtta) Eneinser. and

centre) 2. Pate. Assectate Electrical Enetneer (El have team hired for 1985 posittens.

j E-6 Carefully monitor altnination of Ceeplete 05-03-85 Ketimen entsting backlog of "yellou* drawines A monthly management report used for senttertas the 1 Comord schedule is betap prepared and rgetemas by the Ehsclear i to assure a timely schedule is Schuteser nonagement Team.

maintained i

i i

i l

I i



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  • 4

-e---- - quan- 34 pe.p='96 m -- -_ .- -

Item Action

. se. Item Regu1 red Asstened

$tcrt Comp 1 to Indieidual I Cements ,.

t L-1 Aggresstvely ftil vacancies in the Complete itconstne e,oup .ith e,perienced et-22-85 01eterich

' Only ame.

one Itcenstne enetneer vacancy. Pursulne filline Itcenetne enetneers L-2 SMUD should constder consolldattne Complete 02-07-85 Rodrisuez Compitance and Itcenstne util not be put under one eenager.

I1cens1ne funct1on under one senacer

) L-3 e0eC eroup should be increased by at Develop 43-24-85 12-31-45 Coward j least one or two esclear enetneers Ree Compitance Suev to rewtow mortriend; one enetneer added i w1th addiL1enal clerical help and additional clerical support provided. Staff re gtred,

' posit 1on descr1pt1on and budget (1986) by and of 1985.

L-0 use of associate enetneer to take Complete -

04-29-85 Comard i

' peC minutes to be revleued utth Manager of a0 to rewtow if addittenal help ts re tired and WP eeulement purchased.

eptton of havine dedicated clerical

!}  !

Support and upgraded werd processine

! Associate Engineer vital to technical centinutty and assistance to chatrunn. Upgraded werd processing completed.

L-5 Increased management amenests en Develee 12-15-86 1

.' conttment tracktne and timely Oteterich Appratse effectiveness of IIE CCL for success in setting j, submittals to eK seC sutetttels en time.


Appraise effectiveness of CCL closecut preeres for settles

! ttens off the Itst.

Appratsal' indicates that CCL ts not effective in resolvteg this problem. een CCL progree has been developed.

procedure developed but cannet he implemented due te leeGr of computer software to meet the re e lrements of tae age program. Actlen refers te develeping one presurlas softuare.

i 5

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! Item action j es. Item Esstened meetred Start Comolcts Indtvidual Comments ..

I l

I OP-1 Deve*oo and telement mandatory Appratsal 43-41-M e4-el-86 Turner management / supervisory tratntne Part of program developed and teelemented. Preeram stven program for all personnel premated tutce to new individuals. Scheduled seatn 2/M. Progren j

or hired into seerettens supervisory te cover all entstime pereennel projected to complete by

! posttlens and of 19M .

I OP-2 Develee expedited precedure for Isolement e4-01-05 03-01-M Comard sta shifts Personnel reeutred for six-shift rotatten neu avaliable.

Momever. Sep1ementation of six-shift rotatten elli he j delayed untti first euerter lee 6 la ereer to tacreets the level of newly 11consed eseraters.

OP-3 Develop and t wiesent entensive and Implement 12-01-45 el-et-87 Comord A detatled rewtow of selected precedures mes completed per detailed procedure review program to 1 determine adiat procedures need the direction of letter EOC e5-584. As a result of this I I reviston er re s tre new precedures rewtow. tt has been recommended that a tenerehensive l review of all operettne procedures he performed with the t purpose of updattne. correctine, and validattne these


procedures (Ref. T5-85-1954). It is enticteated this effort util restre a etnlansa time of one year.

l OP-4 Develos Itst of critical drawines Close 10-01-45 12-01-85 I reeutred for eseratten, expedite Schuteser List developed to ettetnote use of uncontre11ed drastees

] revision and elletnote use of uncen- in Co. Only controlled drawines are nos estataland te j trolled dramines udten cag lettne the centrol ream (August 15, 1945).

, crittcal plant eserations l

Aseratsal cesslete - satisfactory results. Anfer to EC 4


1 OP-5 Develop methodology of conducttne Appratsal 05-01-86 85-31 -M Comord todependent r teet cause preeram telemented and lessene learned e,,o,,. esta.eview of operational nsn manage.ent s,sta.

IIePO) program teelemented. Aaoratsal durtas sec n i that assures deleestion authority.

ioM to an ,.c .eveissa.nt of appeat. o.d.te m.ortar see. of j responsiblitty and accountablitty at Camard utl1 have Imp 0 conduct apprettel.

individual level OP-6 Consider expandine use of STA Camelete 05-93-85 Comard functlen into more plant activities STAS are tratned in elfferent etsetpline; no csemee te

! abnormal tae precedure. The nem tae proceeure de w tnclud1no annerant tte oneineer appropriate fer p1amt use.

} stenoff

! OP-7 Stuer beneetts of develoetne a Paa es-N-a5 02-08-86 Comord Study is undervey (see sea-2 and P5aat-3). 54 and the I totally inteersted planntne and schedullne organtaattenal concept taelementatten plan for any thennes teentitled he the study to be complete by 42/01/06.

OP-8 Expedite use of large room adjacent Camelete -

06-01-85 Cenerd teerrangement of former efflee area is esadoresy.

to centrol team l OP-9 Sasso sneuld induce eeC ltcensed Camolete e2-e7-45 eserteues The 2 former enache Sece instvlemals =t11 runnin at tse

! personnoi .e.e are erung in etner unit.

4 posittens to return to coerattens j er traintne at eencho Sece 1 .

~ - - ,

4 s _

f= -e e _ - _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _

Ites Action es. Item hoguired Campi:;to Ass 1ened 5tcrt Indtvidual Comments ..

sen-1 Steps to be taken to correct the Implement 44-29-45 Open mannessment style currently uttitaed Camard Status report prepared potke Tonkins to case back and in e.chentcal matetenance access progress.

pen-2 Consteve devolesment and tuplementa- Develop 85-M-45 02-e t -M Comers Same as Op-7.

tien of total work mangement procram uttilaine a centraitaed planntne and schedultne department for all plant cenettlens pen-3 Develop and telement maintenance Develop 82-07-45 12-31 -M Turner dept, apprentice training program Incorporated as port of long-ranse preeres for IWW accreditatten.

144-4 Insure all plant precedures are Appratsal 03-el-M 94 -e l-M Sctesteger Apprals41 conducted en September 28. 1985, editcst indicates adhered to and appropriate precedural steps taken progress betne made but actten not complete. tel11 re-appraise dortne Feb 1986 for perted 11/01/44 to el/31/es, sen-5 Empeette preparatten, rewtem and Close 10-01-45 el-el-M Coimard tssue of new Clearance precedure G. Consard to provide appratsal to cemittee by ll/85/es, Appratsal complete - procedure OK. Some aestatstrettve problems entst but these are heyend the scope of this itm 94 4 - 6 Establish a ressenstve merking Close 10-01-85 I2-01-e5 Vtnguist relationship totmoen eencho Sece Appratsal of this item to be completed by J. Vlaestst.

and Spes supportine departments purchestne persennel, and Data processing, 8e4-7 Empedite development and tuplemon- Develop 81-28-45 el-41-M Comore tation of integrated procram for manneer to determine estat pert is not docessanted; will met maintenance and control of vender he part of site decismont centrol untti rewtes completed manuals and toch informatton; to for roereenlaatten.

be controlled by site document control 8e4-4 Empeette ft11tne of lead ISC tech- Closed -

12-11-04 ntctan posttten Comord 14C Eastneer hired.

sea-9 Develee C/A plan to ettetnate backlos Isolement 83-28-e5 el-el-M Co-ord in preventtve amtntenance preeram neceentre and need to ettetnote hecties er see items:

asetttenal personnel in hueget For Stet - persesweet aptges dedicated to Pte. program currently hetas tocated.


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Item Acttan me. Item seeutred essten.3 Stcrt Come1cto Instvidual Commento ..

r 04-1 #ewtse OA organtrattonal structure: Appraise e7-ol-a6 toentify supervisory and lead post-os-ol-a6 Sch=teser QA organtaattonal structure revised to meet the intent of tions this recommendation. All personnel includine supervisory and lead postttons have accosted job offers and elli all be on board on or about 81/e1/a6. Joe duties have been estabitshed and location of personnel finaltaed. Appraisal should be scheduled for second half of 1986.

04-2 Revtse QA Manual tnto is sections to Isetement 12-01-45 01-01-86 more closely track and identtfy with Sch=teser Revtsed manual incorporattne peltcy statements reflectine maC reeutrements "la point criterta" and the interface to the Gem camolete, accepted by MSaC and approved by aJa. Implementatten of the new manual to commence et/el/e6.

04-3 update and supplement OCI Manual to Isolement 12-01-a5 07-01-46 adeouately and accurately provide Schuteser updattne OCI Manual is underway (in tystnel. It util tapiamenting procedures for the CA only cover OCI No. I throvoh OCI mo. la and these program: consider chanetne name to portions =111 be complete by 81/81/e6. The updated Quality Procedure Manual; include manual =111 not include movine the not and meldine prece.

OAIps: and move mDE procedures to eures which util happen as the oroantaattonal structure separate manual transttton can accommodate the chanoe. Target date for this action ts e7/01/a6.

QA-4 seetse QA Program to assure CA Develop -

01-01-86 Comard involvement in all OA Class I and Position paper developed and approved by 4. Scanteger.

Commerctal Grade to be used in Class Paper betne revleued for approval by G Canard. Sevlow and approval by 81/01/86.

I systems activtties; includes Pos.

Wes and changes to both prtor to their release OA-5 Estabitsh comprehensive CA training Develee 02-07-85 to-St-a6 Schuteser program for all nuclear personnel idio General Physics has task for training program for OA have responsiblitttes in GA program personne) (OA treintne camelete: Oc treintas 1/1/e61 and enetneers/marehouse personnel (late 19e6). Other nuclear personnel covered by appropriate traintne programs.

OA-6 Provide for QA/QC involvement in Develoe 12-08-85 el-of-46 packastne and shipping of radtoactive Schis t eeer Appratsal indicates that GA involvement in satisfactory; matertals hensever. OC tavolvement needs devoteement. E preorm to be develooed by SI/el/06.

04-7 tstatitsh program of vertrytne Appratsai education and e uertence records of on-15 s4 Schuteser OA to appraise cemoletten of thts stem. Insttal aseretsat all audit and inspection personnel indicates that porttons of program need more ttee te he to use on safety-related activittes tuolemented and emeertence eatned to close this Stan, Beappratsal scheduled to be complete by ol/15/06.

0A-a ne-e,aluate audit and survei11ance Isolomont c1-on-s6 program to assure it covers all os-ol-a6 Sciwsteser 1946 audit and surve111ance preeras te w iesent reces.

taportant safety-related procedures sendation OA-a is developed and unti te teelemented and mortt acttuttles beetnntne 0l/01/46. Although the program ts eneatne, an appratsal of the new program's effectiveness should tame place after the 1st thserter of 1,06, hence the teeltated completten date.

04-9 Estabitsh systmo to assure timely Appratsa) 12-01-a5 02-08-86 Schuteser Program intttated. Another aspratsat evelautsen for follouue of open 04 Surveillance february 1986, neport stems


I l Item ACtton Asstened-j me. Item aewired 5ttrt Camp 10to Indtvidual Comments ,.

Te-1 Develop and telement program for Implement 84-01-45 03-38-84 Turner Consultant report approved.

, replacement of training contractors i ASAP -

4 T3-2 As additional Itcensed operators Implement 84-01-85 03-30-84 Turner Consultant report approved.

, become evallable operators te he

mode available as trainers t

! TR-3 Outid separate tratning butiding Implement 02-84-85 3/84 Ketimen capable of houstne all the dept. Construction stort date esttested te he 10/01/06; but1dtes completten estimated 3/88.

. needs; simulater to be destened

! and tulit empoettteusly 1

TR-4 Empeette precurement of simulater Develop 02-88-85 6/89 Kellman 11/01/45 staulater spectftcatten out to bid.

l TR-5 aoplace Zee 0 accreditation program Complete -

04-04-05 medrigues toad posttton for Zep0 accreditatten program is a SOS

. lead post ton utth SpasD employee; Employee. Contact to Tolede Edtsen co oleted. i j key personnel te vistt other M W

! factitties *

! TD-6 Conduct management rewtew of Iep0 Implement 84-01-85 83-30-88 Turner Censultant report approved. '

training program accreditation plans / '

processes to assure that technician resources available are conststant with censitments ,

TR-7 Assten SptID employee to lead Con- Camplete -

$1 16-45 Sedrtouca Spes employee ressensible for laterface wttet samtraster tracter effort of developing lessen persennel.

plans and system manuals e

i T3-8 Empoette delivery of cog utertmed Complete -

04 0s-88 medrigues Computertaed preen s delivered; hetas te le mated ( m .

system for training dept. records i

I i

I 1

4 4

1 O

13 i


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ILem ACLten me. Item t.sstoned seau1 red Stcrt Camel:to Ind1eiduel Cassants ,.

4 PSem6-1 Goals and objectives by 9em Isolement 87-01-s6 el-st-M seerteues

! asnagement to be asse clear and Implemented for loss, leu seals and shjectives util to presuleated in the near future.

I canctse and sessed thrauch all levels of the ereentsatten i

P$em6-2 selecato censtructien functiens 1nto Develop to-eI-85 e1-30-M sedrisuea eJe ta schedule Department Managers meetine to revtem

! the Planntne. Schedultne and Outage Management Green 1aatien conumittee recommandattens and reach cancensus in resciutien.

PSe86-3 Move total slanntne and schedullne PAR el-M-85 42-01 -M Camerd Study to determine proerementic actten reestred.

, oreentaatten to a centrsitaed

lecetten l

l I

4 l

1 i



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-si-i i

__4 _ W+ Nee _ -. -M N -

d i Item Action me. Item Assioneo seguired Start Complete Individual Casmants 1

4 CRP-1 Split present comb %ed chem / rad PAS 04-08-85 Open Coward protection group into separate units General Dynastes study underiay. See note below. '

to allow upgrading perforimance  ;

CRP-2 Supervisors to spend more time in Implement 02-18-85 07-01-86 Coward Program for supervisors to spend m're time in plant ts plant and not delegate their respon-slbt11ty to contractor supervisors being tuplemented. Contrscter supervisers will be uttitzed untti 07/01/86

' cap-3 Attempt to eltsinate all Contractors Davalon 01-12-RE Onan Coward / Qty.glon refers to altainattan af centractars.

encept during outages when more HP Close 12-02-45 Schwieger techs are necessary; carefully screen Training of contractors. Close, see #tL 85-090.

and train contract personnel i

l Cee-4 Supervisors to assure techs are Close -

12-02-85 Schuteger

aware of stentftcant radioloelcal/ All NOTEPAD. t0 MIS. updates, IE Inferipatten mottces and
, cheatcal avents at other nuclear Sulletins. IMPO Stentftcant Operettne Empertence mooerts i'

site. and Operational Asse'ssment soports are routed to Chem / Rad Protection Superintendent and passed on at dally Cheevend

" Plant Status" meetings. Close, reference NLC 88-488.

Cat-5 Carefully document personnel Develop 12-01-85 Open Coward /

contamination; include trendtne of Appretsal indicates that additional acttens are reeutred.

4 Keilman L Keilmen and G Coward have asstened (through J Winguist) i stentf tcant contestr4tte Bruce Rogers and Jim Seese the resolutton of this ites.

Reference J Vinoutst memo to Bruce 80eers/ Jim enese dated 13/21/85. Schedule for Casoletten of this Stem to be identifled by 01/01/86.

C8P-6 att orous scheduling of all techs to Isolament 08-01-85 01-15-84 Co=ard be done for training in cheatstry Program underway. Schedule developed for 1986, to be tuplemented by 1/15/86.

.; and MP Ca*-7 Supervtsors to participate in lesson Isolement 01-16-45 12-16-86 Turner plan development and approve all Part of accreditation program will be agoratsed estem accreditation is taplemented, plans submitted by Training Dept.

CAP-4 Track radtation levels for spectf tc Appratsal 81-01-86 02-01-84 Schuteger plant locations on a sMtemattC Reappraise by 82/01/86 aften sufficient data genert W .

best s; trend data ed csp-9 Improve communications w/ Operations 04-08-45 Open PAR Co-ord Steps to be taken to teoreve commuunicattens to further so that both chemistry and radiation protection supervtsors are amare of enhance knowledge of changed condittens utthin plant, changed condtttons in plant.

General Dynamics study for additional teorevement, See note below.

MHL: This item ts betne resolved by a four phase study by General Dynamics.9 Phase i of the General Dynastes study has been completed and revtewed by the operating organtaatton. Phase 2 has been defined and commenced in 7/1/ts, to be cenoleted by 9/l/85. Phase II draft reviewed and SM;0 comments betne forwarded to GD lt/e. Outase activttles and availablitty of personnel to intervleu caused a delay te completion of Pnase II. Phase II complete 12/01/85. Phase III authortaed 11/25/45.

. - - - - , . ~,-.-~~m. -- s ..- -. ,-mm.m.~w ,, ,, , , . _ , . . , . - - . _

1 Item Action Asstened i me. Item iloquired Start Ca:elete Individual Comments ..

1 Cee-le Give addtttonal information to Cosolete -

01-16-45 modrisuez Program for training individuals en effects of tentaine e

ucrkers on health effects of radiation certified by 19680.

j tontaine radiation to be more amare 9

of current knowledge in this fleid I s CAP-11 Thorouehly investteate unusual at 12-01-s5 04-01-a6 radiolostcal or chemical occurrences.

Comard Appratsal determined that implementatten not complete.

If advtsable. issue summary reports Reference MtC 45-049.

j en a timely basis CSP-12 Give all workers exposed to radiation Isolement 05-10-85 03-01-86 Coward Information is available; =111 he distributed. Implemen-written nottftcation of their annual tation of this item ut11 be considered complete esten 1986 l and cumulattve plan exposure exposure data is distributed to mortrors in 1986.

CRP-13 Spilt C&#P organtaatton into tuo PAe 04-04-45 Open Comard i units; may need to add to tech staff.

study program underusy on and/Otom arms. See note beles, if so. recrutt highly eusilfted indt-viduals on a timely basis Cap-14 uporade chemistry laboratory PAe 04-04-45 Open factitties Comard Study from CeP-13 mill include this. See note below.

, ' Cee-15 Mead up dostmetry by eaaltfted PAR 04-08-85 Open Comard Same as CAP-13. See note belen.

< health physicist l Cee-16 Consider replactne photeeraphte flim PAe 04-08-85 Open Co=ard Wl11 study to identify whether Tto or f tle bedoes arie the i

bedoes with TLDs best for eencho Seco; part of General Dynamics stuey, j

See note below.

CeP-17 eeview radiation records to make PAR 84-08-85 Open C mard Program will be dovetooed under General opnentes

c.rtain data are ad.euat. and .asny organiaau on stud,. s n.te nei .


csp-18 Close Conduct SpaJo audits prior to IhPO audits to assure previous recommon-11-01-a5 01-01-a6 St ieser QA program developed. 19e5 audit complete. aspratsat to take place commenctne 11/1/85.

dettons have been carried out and new adverse ftnetnes are etntaal CeP-39 ALAeA should report to plant health PAe 04-08-85 Open Comard Same as CAP-13; centract personnel to study structure, physcist See note below.

C#P-20 SMuo health phystctsts to be Cosolete -

04-22-85 Coward MP personnel are encouraged to achieve amortram Gemeis encouraged to achieve American Board certification, of Mealth Pnysics certtftcation WII: This stem is belne resolved by a four phase study by General Dynamics. Phase I of the General Dynamics study has been completed and reviewed by the operattne creantaatton. Phase 2 has been defined and commenced in 7/l/85. to be completed by 9/l/85. Phase II draft revtowed and SatJo comments beine forwarded to Go 11/4. Outage acttuttles and avellabiltty of personnel to interview caused a delay in casoletion of Phase II. Phase II complete 12/01/85. Phase III authorised 11/25/45.


IL8' Action

    1. . Item Assioned teostred St rt Canal:te Indtvidual Comments  !-

- cap-31 Plant Me should prepare guerterly Close 10-41-45 11-15-45 Kallaan tabulatton of stentf tcant radtolostcal Appraisal completed 18/99/85. Quarterly reports shall be events at other sites and circulate distributed to cheWrad personnel and treintne department, 1

to training and BP staff I



i 4

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e .

Item Act1on Asstened me. Item seguired Start Complete Individual Comuments .. ,

AL-1 ALARA should report as separate Develop 64-08-85 Open Coward W111 he covered in study from cap-13. $ese as Cap-19.

function to plant health physicist AL-2 Insure ALAAA function is staffed by Develop 44-04-85 Open Coward on completion of CAP-13 study: ALAaA will be staffed by ,

SptID: not a contractor SMJD tndtvidual. See note below.

AL-3 Develop a dotatied ALARA training Close -

10-04-85 Ketlaan Appratsal indicates satisfactory resolutten of this itas.

program AL-4 Provide support re wired to insure E0 31-05-85 Open retimen Traintne module is belne rewtowed and util he chanced to ALARA has high plant vistbtitty and Develop Coward reflect the results of the appraisal. This is primartly management backtne to terminate directed at the effectiveness of the traintne. Jte Amese activities that could result in and Bruce Rogers to present results of rewtow SI/PG/86.

unnecessary exposure to personnel AL-5 Maintain detailed dose data on outase Complete 10-14-85 Kellaan pefer to letter from L. R. Kellaan to R. J. modrisws, wortc to perett thorough post-outage dated 10-4-85. subject LRS Wdate: auclear Enetneertne ALARA analysts of hieh pressure Department emposure activities AL-6 Prepare annual ALARA report sweter- Complete -

04-15-85 Kellman 2nd draf t of report sent te ALAGA Committee; complete by taine outage and annual esposure data 4/15/85.

with recommeadations for achievine i future ALARA goals MIL: This ttom is belne resolved by a four phase study by General Dynamics. Phase I of the General Dynamics study has been completed and rewtowed by the operattne organtaatton. Phase 2 has been defined and commenced in 7/1/85. to be completed by 9/8/S5. Petase II draft reviewed and SMUD comments botne forssarded to GO 31/4. Outsee acttuttles and availablitty of personnel to intervles saweed a delay la completton of Phase II. Phase 11 complete 12/81/45. Phase III authertaed 11/25/85.



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Item '

ACtton Assigned me. Item Regatred St rt Compl:to Individual Comments Ey-1 aeorsantae envtrennental section for Develop 84-04-45 Open Coward Study by General Dynamics. Project en schedule 1/11/45.

better evaluation of the haC RETS Phase I complete by 7/1/P5. See note beten.

program EV-2 Belease LLNL report on radtocestum .omplete -

04-01-85 Kellman LLNL report sent to NGC on 44/01/85.

releases to the pubite as soon as feasible with cover statement summertatog results in a manner eastly understood EV-3 Make available to the media and Complete -

04-08-85 Kettman Annual report has been completed.

pubitc an annual sammary of environ-montal findtnes in a foria permitting easy pubite comprehension


o NOTE: This item is cetne resolved by a four phase study by General Dynamics. Phase 1 of the General Dynamics study has been completed ar4 reviewed by the operating organtaatton. Phase 2 has been defined and commenced in 7/1/85 to be completed by 9/1/88, phase II draft rewtowed and SMUD comments betne forwarded to GD 11/4. Outase activities and availabt11ty of personnel to interview caused a delay in completion of Phase II. Phase II complete 12/01/85. Phase III authortaed 11/25/85.

A i

t i t i


l o 6 Item Action Asstened to. Item segutred Start Complete Indtvidual Cemeents ,,

I PS-1 Se-evaluate system for precurement of Develop 04-01-85 0l-81-86 Schuteser Program will he developed.

l commercial grade items to be used in Class I systems to assure items have .

received adeguate attentton from i inttlation of pa through item storage and installation at the site PS-2 Constder separate nuclear purchastne Close 99-15-45 10-15-85 Vtnguist Appraisal completed (reference J Winestst to e aedrigues l sroue whose sole duties are to per-form nuclear grade purchestne and dated 10/21/45). Appraisal complete, should have prior emportence in nuclear purchestne PS-3 eevtse present practice of co- Develop 12-31-a5 mineltne Class I. II and Commercial e4-04-a5 Schuteser/ 0'A has responstbtitty to clartfy =tta the censultant the Ceuard issues related to these stems. The clartftcatten should Grade items with non-class items; institute visual system for teenti- include the scope of industry and regulatory reestrements i fication of safety-related Stensi aeainst which the enttre warehouse and materials centrol train personnel in new system Concept should be judged. Frem this evaluetten the huclear Operations and QA hanagers shall esta61tsh a program and schedule for toplementatten. Reflattlen of the program and schedule should be estabitehad by 12/31/88.

PS-4 Estabitsh more positive system of Develop 84-08-45 12-31-45 Schuteser/ OA has ressensiblitty to clartfy with the coneuttant the control for entrance /seress from Comard issues related to these items. The ciertftcatten should safety-related storage factittles include the scope of industry and regulatory >Sestrements asatnst whIch the ontire warehouse and materiata centeel concept should be judged. From this evaluetten tAs nuclear Operettons and QA stanseers shall este41tsh a preerem and schedule for Seelementatten, estattten er the program and schedule should to estabitened by 1a/38445.

Ps-5 besette placement of item classt- covelop e4-es-as 12-31-a5 Schuteger/ stock tssue cards are henne restened and tedmeed as tge ficattens en the stock record cards Comard necessery enterial ts ordered.

v i

o *.


Item Actten he. Item Assioned Bewired Start Complete Individual Casuments ,,

i BSC-1 Establish single records management Develop system ustne site records management 10-34-85 41-15-M Ketimen/ Phase 1. Cindy Suchanan to develes detailed proerem for troentaatton and system as a bests integrattne 50C control of drawines with GED. Preeres develoement by 12/01/85.

Phase II develop remetning re wtrements (Stil Brene) 01/15/M.

i WSC-2 Assten control of records vault to Implement records storees ow lemoett; provide 09-15-45 01-61-66 Schleser Move delayed because of space.

waltfted staff to eserate factitty meC-3 Provide addtttenal weltfted per- Camelete -

42-07-45 Comerd sonnel to astntenance to accelerate avidttlanal personnel have been eastened to MDS handitne of te inforisation into MIMS Coordinator, teC-4 Perfers study /actlen plan to deter- Casolete eine tenact of a major fire in 05-M 85 Kellman Order G4 69242 placed with Sentinel fire Co. to tastall Des 1en C1ty and procautiens to halen system in NESC treller; complete by E/1/96.


, meC-5 meturn contrel of Tech Marwal Complete 64-08-85 09-15-85 medrigues i

Library to tocards Management Part of everall ersantaatten adjustaants.

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