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Forwards Insp Rept 70-7002/97-208 on 970915-19.No Violations Noted.Weakness & Deficiencies Were Identified in Fire Safety Program Concerning Training & Assurance of Facility'S Lightning Protection
Person / Time
Site: Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Issue date: 10/14/1997
From: Ting P
To: John Miller
Shared Package
ML20198J867 List:
70-7002-97-208, NUDOCS 9710220171
Download: ML20198J863 (2)



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}t f utuq UNITED STATES g=~

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" WASHINGTON D.C. 205654001 ~

          • October 14,-1997 Mr. J. H. Miller

.Vice President Production

- United States Enrichment Coiporation Two Democracy Center 6903 Rockledge Drive

!?cthesda,MD 20817 SUBJECT; NRC INSPECTION REPORT 70-7002/97-208

Dear Mr. Miller:

This refers to the fire safety inspection conducted on September 15 19,1997, at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant.1he inspection focused on some of the elements uhich the NRC considers critical to implementing your Orc safety program commitments. At the conclusion of the inspection, the findings and conclusions were discussed with the plant management and staff.

Areas reviewed during the inspection are identined in the enclosed inspection report. The inspection consisted of selective walk through of buildings, examinations of procedures and records, interviews with personnel, and observations. No violations were identified. However, based upon the areas reviewed, weaknesses and denciencies were identined in your fire safety program concerning training, assurance of facility's lightning protection, and placement of portable fire extinguishers. The inspectors closed three inspector Follow up items (IFis) and opened three IFis. The facility's staff has committed -

to appropriat:ly resolve these matters.

In accordance with the NRC's " Rules of Practices," a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be placed in the appropriate NRC Public Document Rooms. Should you have any questions concerning this inspection, we will be pleased to discuss them uith you.

Sincerely, f

Ph in ,C ef Operations Branch pf I Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, NMSS Docket No. 70 7002 Enclosure

  • As stated iS0 E hh {ppf ec: D. l. Allen, Portsmouth General Manager R. W. Gaston, Portsmouth Regulatory Affairs Manager S A. Polston, Paducah General Manager W. E. S)kes, Paducah Regulatory Affairs Manager .

R. M+ vauit. mE llllllllll Il.lWil.!.I!ll 9710220171 971014 PDR C

ADOCK 07007002--



b Mr. J.11. Miller I

October 14, 1997 i -

Vic2 President Production

United States Enrichment Corporation Two Democracy Center

, 6903 Rockledge Drive Bethesda,MD 20817



Dear Mr. Miller:

This refers to the fire safety inspection conducted on September 15 19,1997, at the Portsmouth Gascous Diffusion Plant. The inspection focused on sorae of the elements uhich the NRC considers critical to implementing your Orc safety program commitments. At the conclusion of the inspection, the findings and conclusions were discussed with the plant management and staff.

Areas reviewed during the inspection are identified in the enclosed inspection report. The inspection consisted of selective walk-through of buildings, examinations of procedures and records, interviews with personnel, and observations. No violations were identined. Ilowever, based upon the areas reviewed, weaknesses and deficiencies were identined in your fire safety program conceming training, assurance of facility's lightning protection, and placemeat of portable Ore extinguishers. The inspectors closed three inspector Follow up items (IFis) and opened three IFis. The facility's staff has committed to appropriately resolve these matters.

In accordance with the NRC's " Rules of Practices," a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be placed in the appropriate NRC Public Document Rooms. Should you have any questions concerning this inspection, we will be pleased to discuss them with you.

Sincerely, Original signed by Philip Ting Philip Ting, Chief Operation 2 Branch Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, NMSS DocLet No. 70-7002 Enciosure: As stated cc: D. l. Allen, Portsmouth General Manai;cr R. W. Gaston, Portsmouth Regulatory Affairs Manager S. A. Polston, Paducah General Manager W. E. Sykes, Paducah Regulatory Affairs Manager R. M. De Vault, DOE g DlS TRIBUTION w/enclosu;es:

g Docket File 70-7002 Case File PDR, LPDR FCOB r/f FCSS r/f NMSS r/f YFarar, FSPB DHartland, PORTS RI

  • MRodgeu, PMDA (w/o ene.) PHiland, Rill RPierson,1 SPB MMessier, T9E10 (w/o enc.)


{ FCOB g FSPB FCOB FCOB p NAME PHarih YCheth R\ c c WSchwink PTigh DATE /0 /7/97 /d /jh7 /pgj/97 / /97 g o/0/97 C = COVER E = COVER & ENCLOSURE N = NO COPY OFFICIAL RECORD COPY