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Affidavit of Cl Stovall Supporting Applicant Motion for Reconsideration of Denial of Summary Disposition of Intervenor Contention EP-2/EP-2(c) Re Use of NOAA Tone Alert Radios.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 04/22/1986
From: Stovall C
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Shared Package
ML20155G762 List:
OL, NUDOCS 8605070123
Download: ML20155G768 (8)


._ __ . __ _ . . - - _ _ . _ _ _ _ . ___ ._. _.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION BEFORE THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD In the Matter of ) l l GEORGIA POWER COMPANY, et al. ) Docket No. 50-424 (Vogtle Electric Generating- ) 50-425 Plant, Units 1 and 2 )




1 County of Fulton )


State of Georgia )

Cheryl L. Stovall, being duly sworn, deposes and says:

1. My present position is Emergency Management Program Specialist for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Included among my

{ responsibilities is the radiological emergency planning liaison '

l function between FEMA Region IV and the States of Georgia, Alabama, i

Florida and Tennessee. In this position, I am responsible for the review of radiological plans and preparedness for these States and for the local governments within these States.

I have held this position since December 1981. I have been employed by FEMA since June 1980. A current statement of my professional qualifications is attached hereto. My business address is 1371 Peachtree Street, NE, Suite 706, Atlanta, Georgia 30309.

I have personal knowledge of the matters discussed.herein and believe them to be true and correct.

if 8605070123 DR 860502

  • ADOCK 05000424 PDR ,

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2. I make this affidavit in response to Applicants' Motion for Reconsideration of Denial of Summary Disposition of Intervenors' Contention EP-2/EP-2(c).
3. I have reviewed the Board's " Memorandum and Order (Ruling on
  • Motion for Summary Disposition of Intervenors' Contention EP-2/

EP-2(c) (Use of NOAA Tone Alert Radios))" (" April 4 Order") and the Applicants' Motion for Reconsideration. In the Board's August 12, 1985 " Memorandum and Order (Ruling on Joint Intervenors' Proposed Contentions on Emergency Planning)" (" August 12 Order") the Board admitted Contention EP-2/EP-2 (c) "for the purpose of litigating whether Applicants should be allowed to use the NOAA Weather Radio alerting system or required to utilize some other form of radio alerting system." While recognizing that some people may disconnect tone alert radios, I am not aware of any FEMA study which indicates a preference for another type of tone alert radio over the NOAA tone alert radio. FEMA in the past has recommended additional public instruction on the operation of tone / weather alert radios to enhance their utilization, or as an alternative, enhancement of the alert system by installation of a physical means of alerting (such as an audible alarm) which would not require operation by members of households within the EPZ to ensure the receipt of an alerting signal. Because the Applicants have committed to placing a 60 dBC system throughout the entire 10-mile EPZ, the siren system designed to the 60 dBC criteria should alert the majority of those EPZ residents which do not receive the NOAA signal. In addition, EBS, informal notification, and route alerting should alert those i 3

_~ _ - - - , .. .. - _ _ _ . . . _ . _- .- . _ - ..

EPZ residents who are not alerted through the NOAA radio or the fixed siren system. With the addition of the 60 dBC siren system, the fact that some people may disconnect NOAA weather radios is not material to whether the Applicants meet the criteria set forth at ,

Appendix 3 of NUREG-0654/ FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1.

4. The information provided in the supplemental affidavit of j David N. Keast indicates that between 9:00 p.m. in the evening and 6:00 a.m. in the morning, approximately four tone alert activations occur per year in the Vogtle EPZ. I have no reason to question Mr. Keast's conclusion that the predicted activation pattern for .

NOAA weather radios in the Vogtle EPZ would be likely to cause significant numbers of households to disable their NOAA tone alert radios.

5. In conclusion, I agree with the Applicants that there is no basis for the premise that NOAA tone alert radios are more likely
to be turned off than other tone alert radios. In addition, the

, Applicants' committment to place a fixed siren system designed to a minimum of 60 dBC throughout the EPZ coupled with the EBS system, route alerting, and informal notification, meets the 10 CFR 50.47 (b) (6)

L requirements for prompt communications to the public and the criteria I

set forth at Appendix 3 of NUREG-0654/ FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1.

1 i

y( . ') Ov a l Cl!EfYL L. STOVALL Sworn to and subscribed before me this ;12L ,J1 day of April, 1986.

Ww .b ;


.My Commission Expires: - < -- M .

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S= M 2 'es 25:2s rcw, eccros Iv Aruma e p, ,


r CHERYL L. STOVALL 670 Sunstede Drive Decatur, Geer.gia 30033 (404)633-2361' PRESENT EMPLOYMENT _

1980 - Comunity Planner / Emergency Management Program Specialist Federal Emergency Management Agency -

Region IV 1371 Peachtree Street N.E.. Suite'706 Atlanta, Georgia 30309:

(404) 347-7068 Responsibilities The managemeht of a Radiological Emergency Preparedness (RF.9) program for State'and local governments.

Review and eva'uate operating plans for off-site emergency re-sponse to nuc'. ear power. plant incidents. Provide technical assistance to State and local governments in developing and maintaining emergency plans. Coordinate and evaluate exercises and drills which test the preparedness and effectiveness of plans. During exercise development, assist State and local governments in writing and designing objectives, scenarios and timelines.


1977-1979 Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia Master of City Planning Environmental Speciality

  • Thesis Option: Floodplain psgefstimates for the State of Georgia. ,

1971-1975 Ball State University Muncie, Indiana B.S., Urban & Regional Planning / Political Science .


American Planning Association President, Graduate Student Scdy Washington, D.C; Georgia Institute of Technology Outstanding Perfomance Awards Omicron Delta Kappa (03K) 1981,1982,1984 and ,1985 Alpha Era Circle Federal Emergency Management Agency Ge6rgia Institute of Technology Outstanding Y6ung Wo:cen.of America The High Museum of Art 1984 Award -


i Chairman, Young Careers Atlanta, Georgia Girl Scouts of /cerica

' Troco 61199 - Co-Leacier

  • Ee 1* -- rcs cL;MN N ATi ATA 2 P.07 EMPLOYMENT EXPfRIENCE 1979 Cabinet Research Advisor / Planner Office of Policy and Program Analysis ,

Department for Natural Resources / Environmental Protection Frankfort, Kentucky Fesponsibilities: Evaluation of State and Federal legislative proposals and their potential impact on Kentucky in the areas of hazardous materials, coal,

- air, water, forestry, pollution control, flooding and soil erosion; interaction with outside agencies and organizations; evaluation of public participation activities and preparation of a public participation plan; and economic analysis of litter control / bottle bill legislation.

1978 Special Projects, Atlanta Urban Design Commission Atlanta, Georgia Responsibilities: Participation in the research end writing of the Proposed Terminus liistoric District Plen.

1975-1976 Planner, City of Jef fersonville Jeffersonville, Indiana Eesponsibilities: Zoning ordinance' review and revision, planning administration study, road rcclassification, grant writing, research and


i technical assistance.


1975 Intern, Kentuckiana Regional Planning / Development Agency Louisville, Kentucky Respaasibilities: Inventory phase of the regional solid waste plan, zoning ordinance revisions, land use planning and soils inventory.

l 1973 Irtern, State senate Indianapolis, Indiana l

Responsibilitics: Research of legislation, press releases, mail and correspondences.

1972 Intern, Congressman David W. Dennis

  • a shi ng t.on, D.C.

Responsibilities: Newsletter, survey and cane work.

l l


.  ; i . .


A0!:.11 'G5 15: 37 FU s et GICr4 IV ATLANTA 2 P.08 e

PRESENT EMPLOYMENT - DETAILED lDther Previous Program Responsibilities)

Acquisition and Relocation .

Coordinated and -implemented the purchase of flood damaged properties under Section 1362 of the National Flood Insurance Program. Supervised and reviewed the development of an open-space reuse plan for the properties. (Gulf Shores, Alabama; Mobile, Alabama; Saraland, Alabama; Jackson, Mississippi.)

Hazard Mitigation Plans Assisted State governments in the preparation of ha zard mitigation plans. Once plans were developed, coordinated internal FEMA review of documents and assisted in necessary revisions or changes.'

Floodplain Management Provided technical assistance to communities participating in the National Flood Insurance Program.

Conducted monitoring activities with local governments for compliance. Assisted State agencies in strengthening capabilities for floodplain management. Reviewed development proposals for compliance with environmenthl concerns of the wetlands and flood areas.

i Interagency Hazard Mitication Teams

' Assisted in the organization and coordination of an '

Interagency Hazard Mitigation Team for Region IV.

f Participated in the first team activation for FEMA j

Disaster in Mobile, Alabama. Coordinated and assisted in team report and status reports. Responsibile for impicmentation of certain team recommendations which rc)ated to floodplain management.

Emercency Response Team (ERT) Plan Assisted in the develcpment of the response plan and design of team training. Participated in the development of the first team exercise.

I l




Ir. tl.e f. fatter of )


(TOPOIA PCP ER COMPANY, ) Docket Nos. 50-424 c t al . ) 50-425

) (OL)

(Vertle Electric Cencrating Plant, )

Units I and 2) )

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I 1 ereby ecrtify thst ecpies of "MRC STAFF RESPCNSE TO APPLICANTS' P'OTICU FCP EECONSIDERATIOl' OF DENIAL OF SUniMARY DISPOSITICF CF INILEVEFOP'S CONTEPTION EP-2/EP-2(C) (USE OF NOAA TONE ALER1 RALIOF)" in the above-captioned proceeding have been served on the fellowing by deposit in the United States mail, first class or, as indievief by an asterisk, through deporit in the Nuclear Ecgulatory Comrnissien's internal mail system, this 2nd day of May,1986.

Pforton B . Mcrgulies, Esc. . Chairman

  • Mr. Custeve A. Linenberger, Jr.'

Adniinistrative Judge Adtninistrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Pancl U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Ecgulatory Commission hashingten, D.C. 20555 Washington , D.C. 70555 Dr. Oscar H. Paris

  • Eradley Jones, Esq.

Administrative Judge Region 1 Counsel Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.F. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Panel Suite 3100 U.S. Nuclear Leculatory Commission 101 Marietta Street Washington, D.C. 20555 Atlanta, CA 30303 Bruce W. Churchill, Esq. Douglas C. Teper David R. Lewis, Esq. 1253 Lenox Circle Ebew, Pittman, Potte t Trowbridge Atlanta, CA 30300 1800 M Street, N.W.

t'ashington, D.C. ?0036



f.f cmic Safety and Licensing Loard Panel

  • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conmission Washington , IT.C. 20555 ,

Docketing and Fervice Section* Atomic Safety and Licensing Office of the Secretary Appeal Board Panel

  • U.S. Nuclear liegulartory Cortrrission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P'cshington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 Jarcs E. Joiner, Esq. Ruble A. Thomas Troutran , Senders, Lockertran . Southern Company Services, Inc.

& Ashmore P.O. Box 2625

':'? Peachtrec Street, N.F. Birmingham, AL 35202 Candler Building, Frite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30043 1:RC Resident Inspectors P.O. Box 572 Ivillict' T. Lowlere Waynesboro, GA 30830 Paine College 170515th Strcet II. Joseph Flynn, Esq.

Augusta, C/ 30910 Assistant General Counsel Federal Emergency f.ianagement Agency Steven M. Ecchlis 500 C Street, S.W.

Perianal Ccunsel Washington, D.C. 20472 Ferleral Er.crgency Agency Suitc 700 1371 Peechtree Street, N.E.

Atlanta, C+orgia 30309 s , ,

$  % ' z/f Edwin JGReis Assistant Chief liearing Counsel