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Forwards Safety Analysis for Interim Highly Enriched U Fuel Storage in Bulk Shielding Facility Pool at Facility.Rev to Proposed Tech Spec Section 5.4 Also Encl & Will Be Included in Highly - Low Enriched U Conversion Order
Person / Time
Site: Ohio State University
Issue date: 07/20/1988
From: Michaels T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Redmond R
NUDOCS 8808010212
Download: ML20151H279 (5)



July 20, 1988 Docket No. 50-150 Dr. Robert F. Redmond Executive Director Engineering Ex3eriment Station 142 Hitchcock.iall Columbus, Ohio 43210 j

Dear Dr. Redmond:




We hava perfonned an independent analysis of the fuel storage rack that you j

submitted for our review on June 9, 1988 and find that the rack is safe and acceptable from a criticality standpoint. Enclosed (Enclosure 1) is a j

criticality safety analysis which supports our conclusion.

i i

Also enclosed (Enclosure 2) is a revision to your proposed Technical i

Specification Section 5.4.

This revision has been discussed with Dr. R. D. Myser and was found to be acceptable.

I plan to include the.

L revised Section 5.4 into the Technical Specifications that will be issued with the HEU-LEU conversion order, unless you have further comment j

on them.

If you have conrnents, please let me know of them by August 5,1988.

l 4

original signed by Theodore S. Michaels, Project Manager a

Standardization and Non-Power l

Reactor Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, Y and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation I


l 1.

Criticality Safety Analysis i


Technical Specification Section 5.4 cc: See next page


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July 20, 1988

  • ...+

Docket No. 50-150 Dr. Robert F. Redmond Executive Director Engineering Experiment Station 142 Hitchcock Hall Columbus, Ohio 43210

Dear Dr. Redmond:


CRITICALITY SAFETY ANAL *,8IS OR INTER!M HEU FUEL STORAGE We have performed an incopendent analysit of the fuel storage rack that you submitted for our review on June 9, 1988 and find that the rack is safe and acceptable from a criticality standpoint. Enclosed (Enclosure 1) is a criticality safety analysis which supports our conclusion.

4 Also enclosed (Enclosure 2) is a revision to your proposed Technical Specification See. tion 5.4.

This revision has been discussed with Dr. R. D. Myser and was found to be acceptable.

I plan to include the revised Section 5.4 into the Technical Specifications that will be issued with the HEU-LEU conversion order, unless you have further comment on them. If you have coments, please let me know of them by August 5,1988.

bN M.

Theodore 5..Michaels, Project Manager Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, V and Spt:cial Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation



Criticality Safety Analysis 2.

Technical Specification Section 5.4 cc: see next page

Ohio State University Docket No. 50-150 cc: Ohio Department of Health ATTN:

Radiological Health Program Director P. O. Box 118 Columbus, Ohio 43216 E

Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

j Division of Planning l

Environmental Assessment Section P. 0. Box 1049 Columbus, Ohio 43216 Mr. Richard D. Myser Reactor Operations Manager Engineering Experiment Station Ohio State University 142 Hitchcock Hall Columbus, Ohio 43210 d

i i

4 i

i i

l 4

CRITICALITY SAFETY ANALYSIS FOR INTERIM HEU FL9L STCRAGE IN THE BULK SHIELDING FACILITY POOL AT THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH REACTO,1 The NRC has performed an independent evaluation of the "Criticality Safety AnalysisforInterimHEUFuelStorageinthe{yjkShieldingFacilityPoolof the Ohio State University Research Reactor,"

Based on this evaluation the NRC concludes the two proposed 2 by 8 array racks are critically safe when fully loaded with the HEU fuel provided they are physically separated from each other by at least 24 inches.

Thecri{jjalityevaluationwasperformedviadirectcalculation(2)usingthe i

KENO IV code. KENO IV is a multigroup Monte Carlo criticality program authored by L. M. Petrie and N. F. Cross of ORNL and has been the standard and accepted criticality code in general industry use for several years. The version used to calculate the Ohio State fuel storage racks was KENO-IV with its associated 16 group Hansen-Roach cross section library as programmed en the INEL CYBER 176 computer. The calculated K for the Ohio State fuel storagerackasdescribedinReference1issilbificantlylessthan0.90.

References (1)

"Criticality Safety Analysis for Interim HEU Fuel Storage in the Bulk Shielding Facility Pool of The Ohio State University Research Reactea,"

by Joseph W. Talnagi, Senior Research Associate, Nuclear Reactor Laboratory, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, June 6, 1988.

(2) Letter from C. F. Obenchain, EG&G Idaho, to H. Polk, NRC, July 1, 1988,


Ohio State Fuel Storage Rack - OBEN-85-88 (3)

"KENO IV - An Improved Monte Carlo Criticality Program," by L. M. Petrie and N. F. Cross, ORNL-4938, UC Mathematics and Computers, published by Oak Ridga National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 under Contract No. W-7405-eng-26, Computer Sciences Division, November 1975.

1 i


OHIO STATE HEU FUEL STORA0E TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 5.4 Fuel Storage The fuel storage pit, located below the floor of the reactor 2001 and at the end opposite from the core, shall be flooded with water w1enever fuel is present and shall be capable of storing a corrlste core loading. When shall not exceed 0.90, fully loaded with fuel and filled with water, X f and natural convective cooling shall ensure thai be fuel temperatures reach a point at which ONB is possible.

The two fuel storage racks located in the Bulk Shielding Facility storage pool shall each:

(a) Contain no more than 16 fuel elements spacaJ on a pitch of at least 6 inches in a two by eight matrix.

(b) Be placed no closer than 24 inches in any direction from each other or any other fuel storage facility.

(c) Have a K less than 0.90 when fully loaded with fuel and flooded withwat$bf
