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Forwards Trtr Peer Review for Oh State Univ Nuclear Reactor Lab, for 950214-15
Person / Time
Site: Ohio State University
Issue date: 06/14/1995
From: Myser R
To: Michaels T
Shared Package
ML20086A359 List:
NUDOCS 9507030183
Download: ML20086A357 (2)






THE Nuclear Reactor Laboratory 1298 Kinnear Road W

Columbus,OH 43212-1154 Phone 614-292-6755 FAX 614-292-2209 UNIVERSITY Tsd Michaels, USNRC 14 June,1995 1 White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville Md. 20852

Dear Ted,

The TRTR Peer Review Report was received on June 1,1995. There were a total of twenty two recommendations made. I have reviewed, categorized, and prioritized them. A discussion of these recommendations follows.

The recommendations start on page 16 of the enclosed report. They are divided Into three sections.


Reactor Operations Observations and Recommendations (this is not numbered or labeled as such in the report, but does include a. - g.)


Health Physics Program Observations and Recommendations,2a. - J.


Administrative Controls Observations and Recommendations,3a. - e.

The recommendations were placed in four categories, with 1 having the highest priority and 4 the lowest. These are listed below.

i 1.

New Procedures to better meet Technical Specifications Requirements (1.c, 1.f) 2.

Potential Technical Specification Changes (1.d, 2.d, 3.a, 3.b) 3.

Procedure Modifications, other new procedures, policy enforcement.

(1.e, 2.a, 2.b, 2.c, 2.f, 2.g, 2.h, 2.1, 3.c, 3.d 3.e,1.g, 2.e, 2.j) 4.

Generic Policy (1.a,1.b)

Once these recommendations and the NRL Staff response are reviewed by the ROC, a detailed implementation program will be completed. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.

Sincerely, fLf LG N

I Rick Myser, Associate Director

.i 9507030183 950614 O'

PDR ADOCK 05000150 Collegeof Engineering

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TR NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF TEST, RESEARCH, AND TRAINING REACTORS 1994-95 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mark L Moore John A. Bernard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Reactor Facility Director Leo Bobek, Worcester Polytechnic institute Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute Brian Dodd, Oregon State University

' 8901 Wisconsin Avenue Richard L Holm, University of Illinois, TRIGA Chairman Bethesda. MD 20889-5603 J. Charles McKibben. University of Missouricolumbia (301) 295-1290 FAX: (301) 295-0735 Tawfik M. Raby, National institute of Standards and Technology / Chairman-elect Junaid Razvi, General Atomics Wade J. Richards, McClellan Air Force Base Marcus H. Voth, The Pennsylvania State University William G. Vernetson, University of Florida Mr. Richard Myser 26 May 1995 Associate Director Ohio State University Nuclear Reactor Laboratory 1298 Kinnear Rd.

Columbus OH 43212-1154

Dear Mr. Myser,

As per your request of 7. September 1994 a peer review of the Ohio State University Nuclear Reactor Laboratory was conducted on 14-15 February 1995 by members of the National Organization of Test, Research, and Training Reactors (TRTR). TRTR selected three members, Dr. Wade Richards, Mr. Daniel Hughes, and Mr John Ernst to conduct the review.

Their review has been completed and a report of the findings forwarded to me as chairman of TRTR. Please find attached the original of that report. Only one copy of the report was made and that has been placed in the TRTR peer review file maintained by Dr. Wade Richards.

TRTR was happy to have the opportunity to assist your organization with this peer review.

If you have technical questions conceming the subject matter please feel free to contact Dr. Richards as the review director, if you have questions or comments concerning the conduct of the review you may direct them to me at the letterhead address or by phone at 3012951290 or by FAX at 301295 0735.

Sincerely,1 d

A ark L. Moore Chairman i

120tIdi Rev e: 02
