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Forwards Revised Emergency Plan,Per & Recent Discussion W/R Myser of Oh State Univ & Cohen of NRC
Person / Time
Site: Ohio State University
Issue date: 12/19/1996
From: Cruz J
To: Michaels T
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20133F703 List:
TAC-M90641, NUDOCS 9701140330
Download: ML20133F701 (1)





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T-HE j

Engineering Experiment Station 156 Hitchcock Hall 2070 Neil Avenue 3

Columbus, OH 43210-1275 l

Phone 614-292-4903 FAX # 614-292-9615 UNIVERSITY December 19,1996 Mr. Theodore S. Michaels Senior Project Manager Non-Power Reactors and Decommissioning Project Directorate Division of Reactor Program Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington DC 20555-0001 RE:

Ohio State University Research Reactor (OSURR)

Emergency Plan (TAC No. M 90641)

Docket No. 50-150

Dear Mr. Michaels:

Pursuant to your letter of October 1,1996, and your recent discussion with Mr.

Richard Myser of The Ohio State University and Mr. Cohen of the NRC, we are submitting a revised Emergency Plan. It contains the changes you discussed with Mr.

Myser, including an appropriate chain of command for emergency response and protection action guides based on EPA 400-R-92-001. As a result of the annual review of the plan, one other minor change has been made. We believe that it meets the requirements of 50-59 and does not constitute an unreviewed safety question. The change is simply that the City of Columbus fire and emergency medical are first responders, rather than Clinton Township.

Please contact Mr. Myser if you have any questions on these changes.

i Sincerely, 9>




Jose B. Cruz, Jr.

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JBC:nik Director Enclosure c: Mr. R. Myser, OSURR 140071 9701140330 961219 College of Engineering PDR ADOCK 05000150 F