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Informs That During 950720 Meeting Reactor Operations Committee Reviewed & Approved Listed TS Changes
Person / Time
Site: Ohio State University
Issue date: 08/28/1995
From: Cruz J
NUDOCS 9509080006
Download: ML20091S150 (2)


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T. - HE Engineering Experiment Station 167 Hitchcock Hall WIO 2070Neil Avenue Columbus, OH 43210-1275 Phone 614-292-4903 FAX # 614 292-9021 UNIVERSITY U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 28 Aug.1995 Document Control Desk Washington D.C. 20555 Re:

Proposed Technical Specification Changes to the Ohio State University Research Reactor (OSURR) License R-75 Docket 50-150 During its meeting of July 20,1995, the Reactor Operations Committee (ROC) reviewed and approved the following Technical Specification changes:


6.2.2 ROC Meetings (Current Wording)

The Committee shall meet at least once each quarter. It should meet during the first two weeks of each calendar quarter. A quorum shall consist of at least 50 percent of the members who are not directly involved in or responsible for facility operations.

6.2.2 ROC Meetings (Proposed Wording)

The Committee shall meet at least twice each year. It should meet on about six month intervals. A quorum shall consist of at least 50 percent of the members.

If the above change is approved by the NRC, then the following related changes also need to be made.


6.2.2(2) (Current Wording)

...they have the right to vote, but they are not counted as members when counting a quorum if they are directly involved in or responsible for facility operations.

6.2.2(2) (Proposed Wording)

...they have the right to vote and are counted as members when counting a quorum.


6.2.3 (Current Wording)

...those matters which cannot await regular quarterly meetings.

6.2.3 (Proposed Wording)

...those matters which cannot await regular semi-annual meetings.


6.2.4 Note on item (1) (Current Wording)

..A quarterly report of performed experiment shall be provided for RG review.


Note on item (1) (Proposed Wording) 9509000006 950828 PDR ADOC

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... A semi-annual report of performed experiments shall be provided for ROC review.


6.2.4(2) Review and approval of procedures (Current Wording) 6.2.4(2) Review of procedures (Proposed Wording)

This change is based on ANSI 15.1 -1990 "The Development of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors" (6.2.3). It was also recommended by the TRTR Peer Review that the ROC review procedures but the approval process be handled by the reactor staff. During discussions, they indicated that this is how most other research reactors operate.

If the above change is approved, then the following changes also need te be made a.

6.2.4 (2) Note (Current wording)

... He shall provide a summary of all procedure changes to the ROC for their review and approval.

6.2.4 (2) Note (Proposed Wording)

... He shall provide a summary of all procedure changes to the ROC for their review, b.

6.3.1 (Current Wording)

Written procedures, reviewed and approved by the Director and the ROC,..

6.3.1 (Proposed Wording)

Written procedures, reviewed and approved by the Director or his/her designee and reviewed by the ROC,..

The staff of the OSURR believes these changes will make ROC meetings and the procedure approval process more efficient. If you have questions on these, please contact Mr.

Richard Myser at 614-292 6755.

i Sincerely, p

Jose B. Cruz, Jr., Director i


Dr. Don W. Miller, Director NRL Mr. Richard D. Myser, Associate Director NRL i
