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Requests Permission to Test Magnets in Reactor at Currents Up to 100 Milliamps.Licensee Will Perform Several Rod Drop Tests to Verify That Reactor Safety Sys Would Still Operate within Design Criteria,Prior to Requesting TS Change
Person / Time
Site: Ohio State University
Issue date: 02/03/1993
From: Cruz J
NUDOCS 9302180242
Download: ML20128K667 (2)


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I,T H ; N Engineering Experiment Station 167 liitchcock Hall 2070Nef1 Avenue e

Columbus, Oli 432101275 4 Y -' 9 Phone 614-292 4903 FAX # 614 292 9021

.a UNIVERSITY 03 Fell 1992 Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington D.C. 20555


Petition to Perform Test of Magnet Current at Levels Greater Than Provided in Technical Specification, License No. R-75, Docket No. 50150, The Ohio State University Research Reactor This petition requests permission to test The Ohio State University Research Reactor's (OSURR) magnets at currents up to 100 milliamps.

OSURR has noticed that Shim Safety Rods 1 and 2 frnjuently drop together when performing rod calibration and reactivity worth checks as required by Technical Specification 4.2.1. This is because they are mounted on a common beam support structure, and the mechanical vibration is greater than the magnets holding power at 60 milliamps. Increasing the magnet current to 100 milliamps would allow us to perform rod drop tests to recalibrate control rods without dmpping the adjacent rod when performing tests on control rods 1 and 2.

Technical Specification 3.2.3 rnjuires that "the reactor shall not be operated unless the safety system channels descriled in the following table are operable." In the table, requires that " rod drop will occur for any control rod which has excess magnet current 2 60 milliamps " 1.A.W. our procedures, the reactor is ccmsidered operating whenever a control rod is tested. Technical Specification 3.2.1 specifies that "the reactor will not be operated unless the drop time of each of the three shim safety rods is less than 600 milliseconds /' OSURR would like to conduct testing 1.A.W. Instrumentation and Maintenance Procedure, IM-07 Rod Parameter Testing (see attachment), part V.II.1., at currents up to 100 milliamps.

OSURR would like to perform several rod drop time tests to verify that the Reactor Safety System would still operate within the design criteria - rod drop in less than 600 milliseconds, prior to seeking U.S.N.R.C.

approval to change Technical Specification, to allow reactor operation with magnet currents up to 100 milliamps, it should be emphasized that I.A.W. Instrumentation and Maintenance Procedure,IM-07 Rod Parameter Testing, part IV.D., "all roas, with the exception of the rod being tested, shall remain on the tuttom of the reactor core."

1.A.W. Administrative Procedure AP 14, approval has been granted by the Reactor Operations Committee (2 Fell 93) to petition the U.S.N.R.C. Also,l.A.W.10CFR50.59, OSURR petitions the Commission for permission to perfonn rod drop tests as outlined in Instmmentation and Maintenance Procedure IM 07 at currents up to 100 milliamps.

If you have any questions, or require more information on the content of this letter, please contact Joel M. Hatch or Richard D. Myser at 614-292-6755.

Respectfully submitted h

JoseII.Cruz,Jr., Director 9302180242 930203 PDR, ADOCK 05000150


l; College of Engineering -


Turn on the NIM Bin.


Verify the ' Rod In' LED illuminated green.


press the ' Reset Display' pushbutton, and verify the display resets to 0000.


MFJWURD4E21T of ROD DROP TIME (Required by T.S. 3.2.1) 1.

Adjust nagnet current on the Magnet Current Anplifier to 45 millianps.


Withdraw the Control Rod to i'.s Upper Limit.


Reset the Timer module display.


Firmly depress the ' Drop' pushbutton on the front panel of the Timer nodule.


Verify the rod drops. The Control Rod can be observed to drop by:


Noise of the blade hitting the bottom of its travel in the snubber asserrbly, b.

' Rod In' LED illuminated green.


Magnet ' Engage' light on the Control Console extinguished.


Rod 'Bottcm' light on the control Console illuminated green.


Record the Tiner module display value of the time for the rod to drop in the 'OSU Nuclear Reactor Lab Control Rod System Data' book.

It shall be less than 600 mil 1iseconds.


Repeat above steps for rmnining Control Rod heights listed in the 'OSU Nuclear Reactor Lab Control Rod Syrtan Data' book (optional).

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