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Provides Info on 850911 Hearing in Eureka,Ca Re Disposal of Water Containing Dissolved Chromium & Low Level Radioactive Matls,In Response to 850901 Request from Constituent J Rossman
Person / Time
Site: Humboldt Bay
Issue date: 10/30/1985
From: Dircks W
To: Bosco D
Shared Package
ML20138N788 List:
NUDOCS 8511060027
Download: ML20138N784 (47)



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$ E WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 g...+[ OCT 3 019 The Honorable Douglas H. Bosco Member, United States House of Representatives Suite 329, Federal Building 777 Sonoma Avenue .

Santa Rosa, California 95404


Dear Congressman Bosco:

Recently you received a letter-from a constituent, Mr. Jared Rossman of


Redway, California, and requested that we provide information to you for your response. Mr. Rossman discussed a hearing on the Humboldt Bay Power, Plant Unit No. 3 that was held in Eureka, California on September 11, 1985.

The hearing involved the disposal of water containing " dissolved chromium and other contaminants including low-level radioactive materials."

The September 11, 1985 hearing was conducted by the State of California Regional Water Ouality Control Board, North Coast Region. The purpose of the hearing was to consider a Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) request to amend the Beard's Order No. 82-85 with respect to the discharge of waste water from the site. No action by the NRC was reouested or required with respect to the request from PGRE to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board as there was no change requested for any radioactive release limits. By Order No.85-110, dated September 11, 1985 the California Regional Water Quality Control Board revised the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPOES) pemit for the Humboldt Bay Power Plant. A copy of the Board's sumary report and the NPDES permit are enclosed.

The change in the NPDES pemit was needed by PG&E to allow water from the -

4 &_ Humboldt Bay Unit No. 3 suppression chamber to be released at the rate of 7500 gallons per day following a purification (ion exchange) process.

Humboldt Bay Unit No. 3 is permanently shut down and preparations are underway for decomissioning. Part of PG&E's preparations for decomissioning is the removal of all unneeded liquids from Unit No. 3 including the water from the suppression chamber. No change in limits for radioactive releases were needed for this activity as the requirements in our regulations (10 CFR Part. 20) are specified as concentration limits for each radionuclide and as limits on potential exposure to the public.

The ion exchange system used in processing the water from the suppression chamber removes radionuclides as well as chromium to meet the limits specified in 10 CFR Part 20 of the Comission's Regulations and the State NPDES permit. ,

l l

l l 8511060027 851030 l PDR ADOCK 05000133


$. e tlc Honorable Douglas H. Bosco PG8E has submitted an environmental report and a deconsnissioning plan for Humboldt Bay Unit 3. Additional information on environmental and safety issues has been provided to the staff by the licersee in response to staff questions. The staff is preparing a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and a Final EIS. The Draft EIS for the deconmissioning of Humboldt Bay Unit 3 is currently scheduled to be issued in mid-November.

Sincerely, (Signed) T. A, Hehm William J. Dircks Executive Director for Operations



- Docket File (50-133)

NRC PDR w/cy of incoming Local PDR w/cy of incoming EDO# 001090 ED0 Peading HDenton/DEisenhut ORBf5 Readirg OELD OCA (3)

SECY (3) (SECY 85-875)

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, State of California 1hcmas B. Dunbar i Regional Water Quality Control Board )

North Coast Region 1 l

EIBITIIVE OFFI R'S SGNARY RDUT 9:00 a.m., September 11, 1985 i .

Emboldt County Board of Supervisor's (henbers 825 - 5th Street

Bureka, California IIIM: 2 -

SUM!CT: Phcific Gas & Electric Company, E=haldt Bay Power Plant, E=M1dt County mqrimTON: 1he Phcific Gas and Electric Company (PG8Eh recently decided to perennently

! ahut down the nuclear power generating mit at the B aboldt Bay Pbwer i i Plant. Some of the discharges at the facility will change; therefore, the

NPDES permit must be amended. This staff report describes proposed W.

PG8E owns and operates a power plant on the eastern shore of Behaldt Bay I three miles south of Bareks as shown en Attachment "A". Three power generating m ita are located at this facility: thita No. I and No. 2 were constructed in 1956 and 1958, respectively, and are driven by fossil fuel. ,

I thit No. 3 was constructed in 1963, is driven by arlaar fuel, and has been ,

in a state of cold stutdowr. aince July 1976.

Waste diarherge requirementa have been in centinuous affect for varioua ,

wasta discharges at the facility since it m e constructed. (krrent Weste hharge Begair=menta Order No. 82-45 were adopted on July 22,1982. The Order also serves as an NPIES permit (CArvinem) and is effective for a period of five years. -

.- It should be noted here that regulation of reA4ame14de discharges free the

- power plant lies solely with the Nuclear Regulatory t',==davian (NRC). State


sovernment is Preempted by federal Isw to regulate r=di - lide discharges fra power generating plants. , Mesta discharge requirements, therefore, sovern parsesters other then radi-14Amm, ,

MsE i dy started the process of W hiit flo. 3,which ..

includes d4==matling sad decantandanting ammy of the components. During the ,

da w a=4aning process, additions 1 quantities of liquid low level  ;

' radioactive wasta mtar are being generstad. For asumple, the closed circuit bearing s14== aystem has been drained into the E;{-+ pool, which soon will be treated and discharged. Wastauster also is generated from decentmadaation of walls, floors, pipes, etc. Because af the addicianal quantities of mstawater being generated. PEE sutenitted a report of waste discharge and i-,- ad amendment of Order No. 82 45. Proposed amendments are:

. . . i Item No. 2 ,

1) Increase flow from 300 GPD to 7,500 G ') discharged through Discharge '

i Serial No. 001D - thit No. 3 liquid low level radioactive wastewater.

2) Establish effluent limitations for chroud e in Discharge Serial No. 001D

- thit No. 3 liquid low level radioactive wastewstar.

3) Omnge description of Discharge Serial No. 001F to thit No. 3 Ai_m4114mey  ;

Seawater Systm.

Descriptions of each these d4=eheses and the reasons for the amendments are as fou ows*

001D - Liquid low Invel Radia=rtive Waste hhese Serial No. 001D is described in waste discharge requirementa as

- liquid low level radiametive wasta caprised of trusted, filtered. and .

i stored liquids from thit No. 3. It ena=4=ta of au testentar that is ,

generated in thit No. 3 except sanitary and 1== dry tastewater. A partial l 14 *ing of these e sta streams includes tashwater, laboratcry water, ammpling streams, building drains, groundwater from foundation dewatering systems, etc. These wasta streams will continue to be discharged during the deccandasioning process and thereafter as a result of various continuing activities in the thit No. 3 building.

The IEC does not permit liquid radioactive unste to be discharged into the

. municipal aswer systan. It must be routed to a 61A4a! taDk, treated and

- sampled to detaraine comp 14=ar= with 300 regulations (r=dia-elides) and l

Wasta Discharge Requirementa before it may be d4=eheged to lhamboldt Bay.

The procedure sa to route the umste to receiving tanka in the liquid redesta treatment syste entil a batch (7,500 gallons) =ca-lates for treatment. 'Dreatment eaa=i e= of recirculattag the unste through a concentrator /cch stil the desired level of treatment is obtained. It is accred in wasta 61dia: tanks (7,500gauenseach)whilewaterquality and radioactivity tasting is conducted. If the meta la within anamble limits, it la pumped i;.4. the redwesta filtar systs to the discharge point. If it does not most =11==bla limits, it is panned through the contracter/ condenser syste agnia.

Liquid low level radioactive weste d4=eheses averese two to three batches per month. Estehas average 6,200 gan ons and range from 3,500 ga u ens to 7,500 an11 mas. In tares of daily flow, thsee batch discharges have averaged 400 G D over the last 18 months. Flav values have increased only slightly during the initial stages of dara==i==ianing; however, they will increase to as high as one batch per day (7,500 WD) during late 1985 as PGAE drains the Man chamber. The -=v H= chamber contains 160,000 gallons of water and will be treated and discharged during a 30 to 60 day period.

The . , - - ' - chamber was - . ted for the purpose of condensing stamm in the event that stama pressure became escaesive in thit No. 3. A pressure relief valve venta the high pressure stamm frna the boiler / turbine system

' into the water contained in the suppressian chamber. The suppression

- - - - = - , ,.,----,-,-,-+,,-y-

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, Item No. 2 .

l i

chamber totar consists of denineralized groundwater with potassim chroante added as a carrasim inhibitor. Sodium hydroxide also is added to raise the l

pH and create an alkalian enviroment for further carrosion reduction.

i concentration of dissolved chrondian is 168 mg/1; pH is 8.9. Attachnent "B"

! is a chemical breakdown of the supression chamber water. ,

1he only constituents that have been added to the desdneralized water are sodium, hydroxide, potassi m and chroud e . Of these, the only one of

! concern is chroads. PGIE proposes to trust the taste by son exchange to the estant that chromium does not are==d 0.05 mg/1. This level is aquivalent to the ==ri = = allowable concentratim for drinking water. If chrm d a is treated to this level, all other constituents in the wastewater would be treated to =id lae levels. h potential impact af low levels of ,

chremd e is at ni=had by dilution in the ma14 a_= water ch= anal before  !

discharge into E=hn1 At Bay. f Attachment 'TT is a achamatic of discharges from the Beholdt Bay Pbwer Plant. Each batch of treated suppr===4ari chamber water would be di=d-r s d et 20 GFM for a six hour period. Dilution in the malina eter channel is i

2,500:1. At the acne of initial dilution in E=haldt Bay, the dilution of ,

j suppression chamber water is 12,000:1. No adverse water quality impact will  !

result from the proposed discharge of treated suppression chamber water.

1he key to preventing noter quality impacts is assuring that each batch of wastewater will be adequately treated.

PGEE proposes to treet the ==pp --!= chamber votar with an ion exchange ,

j process.

  • pp - -* chamber water will be ptayed through a filter bed followed by an anian hydon bed, a entian adsorption bed, and finally a l sized bed. Trestad instewater will than be routed to one of the two 7,500

.. gallon teste ha1A4"* tanks whEre it will be Emmpled and analysed for empliance with IOC regulations and nlaste Discharge Requirements. If constituents are within muaushie limits, the wesen will receive a final filtration and will be dischstged throu@ 001D into the eaalia,n inter channel. If =11==hle discharge limits are not met, the inste will be l

- passed through the treatment process again. A detailed descriptim of the treatment process is contained in Attachment "If.

Attach ==it "If also describes the steps that will be taken to monitor the treatment process and wastsweter affluent to assure that each batch is i adequately trestad. The monitoring method ennef ata of using centi ===  !

monitoring af electrical conductivity and pH to deterndne a " breakthrough" '

curve as shown in Attachment 'E". Grab ammples will be analyzed for chread s and correlstad to pH and conductivity. In this mannar the chromismi concentration can be detanmined instantaneourly by analysing the pH and conductivity. Estensive ammpling must be perforund during initial treatment operations in order to' produce a breakthrough curve that correlates well to other parameters. P(EE will have an atmic absception spechvi l.etameter for chrend e analysis en-site during the entire treatment period. During regular operation of the treatment system, each batch will be analyzed for conductivity and 3R Diremdum concentration will be determined by I correlation ascept for every fifth batch, which will be analyzed as a spot check.

i l

_ _ _ ~ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ - - _ _ - _ -

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Its No. 2 4_

. 001F - thit No. 3 Auxilliary Seewater System 1 Nhan thit ho. 3 was operating, it used 1.1 ED of bearing cooling water.

his is "once through" ncm-contact seawater from ihmboldt Bay. his seawater flow now occurs only during and following discharge CD1D.

L v M Amendment PG4E's proposal la based on proven principles and will be sufficient to p .. a adverse seter quality impacts from occurring. Regional Board staff proposes that the aristing NPDES permit be amended as follows:

3) Increase flow from 300 GFD to 7.500 GPD discharged through Discharge Serial No. 001D - thit No. 3 liquid low level radioactive waste.
2) Establish the following affluent limitations for Discharge Serial No.

001D - thit No. 3 liquid low level radioactive waste.

3) Describe Discharge Serial No. 001F as thit No. 3 -M114mry seawater systam.


! Constituent thits Maximum Mean

y Total Outainmi as/1 0.05 0.05


_ . REDielDA275: he aristing Wasta h eharge Requirumenta No. 82-85 be ==aded as Proposed.



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Owedcal Composition of Untreated Suppression Diseber Eter h ter , Concentration (ag/1)

Specific Conductance............... 2,000 micrtshos p1f................................. 8.9 Arsenic............................ < 0.001 Cadmium............................ < 0.03 Orculum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Copper................ ............ < 0.02 1and............................,.. < 0.1

."- - i............................ 0.001 1

1 Mickel............................. < 0.02 Silver............................. 0.002 Zinc............................... < 0.001

. Iran............................... < 0.010 F


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>O K0s 000 6PM i

Arracuneur D PACIFIC OAS AND ELECTRIC C O M PANY PGw5 l n stautsuta . saa rn4=cisco, cauroma mios

. uts) e72;gsp. . ggo 7:4ss7 C:GTW 54:?.3

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Dr. David C. Joseph D RT~~ O~

1 California Regional Water Quality Control Board CJH MyT{D -

- North Coast Region g gg _O_

1000 Coddington Center Santa Rosa, CA 95401 O !R O REPO.

Attn.: Mr. Tom Dunbar

Dear Dr. Joseph:

j This letter is in response to the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) letter of June 3, 1985 concerning the discharge of Bumboldt Bay Power Plant suppression chamber water. ////ff I Form 1 of the NPDES permit and the $500.00 filing fee for the application of a permit revision to NPDES No. CA0005622 (Order No. 82-85) are attached. We are submitting the partially completed Form 2c at this time and will provide the remaining data on the Table B (Ocean Plan) heavy metals by August 9.

The following data are presented:

1. Form 2C, pages V-1(a) to V-3(a), labelled 001D/001E contains an analysis of a flow-weighted composite sample of water collected during the second quarter of 1985 (April 1 through June 30, 1985, inclusive) from the current discharge. Bowever, this sample does also include laundry effluent. 'Ihis sample was the best, sample of composited effluent from 001D presently available at the plant even though approximately 25 percent by volume was laundry effluent (001E). No suppression pool water is contained in this sample. '
2. Form 2C, pages V-1(b) to V-3(b) labelled Suppression Chamber, contains estimates of the concentrations of suppression chamber water constituents after treatment.
3. Attachment A contains an analysis of suppression pool water prior to treatment.


Mr. T. Dunber July 31, 1985 '

Data on the actual treatment processing system performance for processing the suppression. chamber gater will be provided af ter the start up of the processing system. A break through curve for the processing system will be determined based on the initial i test run prior to any actual discharge.

! The treatment process and proposed ef fluent monitoring program are described below The suppression chamber water will be processed on a batch basis through domineralizer beds and tasporarily stored in two on-site 7500 gallon tanks normally used to hold liquid radwaste prior to discharge through Discharge 001D. The tanks will be alternately filled with treated suppression chamber water. The water will be released through 001D in 1

7500 gallon batches. These discharges will continue for approximately one month in order to treat and discharge the j

l, entire contents of the suppression chamber. Prior to i

discharge into 001D, each tank will be sampled to ensure compliance with NPDES permit limitations. Radioactivity will also be monitored to ensure that Nuclear Regulatory Commission limits are met.

1 l

The domineralizers will be capable of processing the water

at 50 gallons per minute (gpm) . The system consists of a

- strong acid cation bed, a strong base anion bed, and a mixed i

bed. The pH and conductivity will be monitored at several points on the system described in the flow diagram

, (attached). The discharge rate for each 7500 gallon batch l through Discharge 001D will be approximately 20 gym.

- - - The following processing and monitoring procedure is proposed: l

1. system Stargpp Initial run ,
a. Upon startup of the processing system, the domineralizer effluent will be recirculated back to the suppression chamber to rinse down the beds.

Sasples will be taken of the mixed bed ifluent during i the rinse to correlate chromium concentration to pH and  !

conductivity. This data will be used to establish a break through curve. This curve will be used to predict the chromium level during subsequent processing.

Monitoring of pH and conductivity levels will be done on l a continuous basis. ,

b. Following the initial rinse down, the domineraliser ef fluent is routed to a holding tank. The initial 7500 gallon batch in the holding tank will be_ sampled and analyzed for chromium, pH, conductivity, oil and grease, and non-filterable residue. If chromium is
  • CTY

Mr. T. Dunbar July 31, 1985 detected at levels above 0.05 mg/1, the initial batch will be reprocessed. If the batch meets discharge a limitations, it will be discharged through 001D.

1 Regular Operation

c. During regular operation, atleast every fif th batch I will be sampled for chromium at the start of filling the holding tanks (to allow time for the chromium analysis) .

Each batch will be sampled and analyzed at completion for pH and conductivity to ensure compliance with the permit requirements. The pH and conductivity will also be monitored continuously during the processing described in the flow diagram (attached) and evaluated using the break through curve to determine chromium levels. This information will be used to maintain water t quality by determining when the domineralizing beds are l exhausted.

l d. In the event of resin exhaustion, indicated by the pH and conductivity levels monitored in the domineralizer ef fluent, the following actions will be taken:

1.. The flow to the holding tank will be stopped.

4 2. The pH and conductivity in the holding tank j water will be analyzed to predict the chromium i concentration.

3. Bolding tanks that have received domineralizer effluent with conductivity and pH values indicating l a chromium level above 0.05 mg/l will be sampled and analyzed for chromium. If chromium levels are below 0.05 mg/1, the tank will be discharged .

. 4. The exhausted resin beds will be removed and new beds installed and rinsed down prior to resuming processing.

5. If the chromium sample shows levels greater than 0.05 mg/1, the batch will be reprocessed through the treatment system. -

Chromium Analysis Methodoloay ,

Chromium concentration will be analyzed by an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer ( A. A.S.), using the direct aspiration method (EPA Method 218.1), following sample preparation as outlined in " Methods for Chemical Analysis l

Mr. T. Dunbar -4 July 31, 1985 of Water and Wastes" (EPA 600/4-79020). The A.A.S. will be calibrated using known standards prior to sampling to establish detection limits and sensitivity. Blanks and spikes will be run with each set of samples as part of the Quality Assurance program.

If you need any additional information, please call me or Susa


Gates at extension 6719.

sincerely, ,

_.- b 3 4.

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The California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region, fine that:
1. The Paelfic Gas and Electric Comany,77 Beale Street, San Francisco, California, 94106 (hereafter the discharger), applied for waste discharge requirements and ,

a permit to discharge wastes under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination '

System. Waste Discharge Requirements Order No.77-105 (NPDES No. CA0005622) was adopted by the North Coast Regional Board on June 23, 1977. Order No.77-105 expired on June 23,1982, and the discharger submitted

, a Report of Waste Discharge for reissuance of the discharge permit.

2. The discharger owns and operates a power plant with three power generating

'utits located on the east shore of Humboldt Bay in the SW 1/4 of Section 8, i T4N, R1W, HB&M as shown on Attachment "A", incorporated herein and made I part of this Order. Units No.1 and No. 2 were constructed in 1956 and 1958 respectively, are driven by fossil fuel and have a gross generating onpaelty of 53 megawatts each. Unit No. 3 was constructed in 1963, is nuclear fueled and has a generating espeelty of 65 megawatts. Unit No. 3 has been shut i down 1976 for seismic studies and NRC backfitting ounditions.

3. Waste discharges as described in the Report of Waste Discharge are as foBows:
a. ~ Surface Water Discharges (All flows are intermittent except cooling water) i Discharge No. 001 - Once Through Coollrr Water Cooling water for steam condensers and other miseeDaneous service cooling systems are pumped from Humboldt Bay via Fisherman's Channel and returned to the Bay through a discharge emnet Design flows are 38 mgd each for Units No.1 and No. 2 and 74 agd for Unit No. 3. Intake temperatures range from 530 F to 590 F and discharge temperatures range from 860 F to 780 F. Studies eonducted by the discharger in 1971 and 1972 reveal that no adverse effect to benefletal uses has resulted from the cooling water Mwge. Other wastewater discharges entering the once through cooling water system include:


O Order No. 82-85 Discharge No. Flow Description 001A 0.03 MGD Olly water separators - comprised of rainfan runoff, &lppings from boDer areas, misceDaneous low volume sources.

001B 0.1 MGD Total Intake screen wash for Units No. 2 and No. 3.

001C 2.2 M O D Bearing cooling water for Units No. I and No. L 001D 300 GPD Liquid low level radioactive waste comprised of treated, filtered, and stored IIquids from Unit No. 3.

001E 100 GPD Laun&y wastewater for Unit No. 3.

l 001F 1.1 M G D Bearing cooling water for Unit No. 3.

Discharge No. 002 - Wastewater Treatment Fonds

.. Wastewater from boDer blowdown, metal eleaning and low volume sources are treated try sedimentation, pH neutralisation, and fDtration prior to discharge into the discharge ennal.

Discharre No. Flow Description i Large pond receives boRer blowdown 002A 2,000 GPD

- (weekly), air preheater and fireside washes (yearly), and metal eleaning

. wastes (ehemical washes are approximately 300,000 gaDons not more than once per five years).

~ '

002B 2,000 GPD Sman pond receives low volume

, wastewater that is primarDy evaporator blowdown.

Discharge No. 003 and No. 004 - Storm Dralas ,

Both No. 003 and No. 004 drain the yard area west of discharge canal. '


e 1

l I Order No. 82-85 l Discharge No._ Flow Description ,

003A and 004A Not Determined Rainfan runoff .

003B and 004B 200 GPD Firewater system flush.

l Discharge No. 005 - Storm Drain Discharge into intake ennaL Sources:

i . Discharge No. Flow


. 005A Not Determined Rainfall runoff from yard area.

l 005B 0.1 MGD. Cooling water intake screen wash for i Unit No.1.

005C 330 OFD MiseeHaneous steam tracing systems.

l 005D 100 GPD Firewater system flush.

Discharge No. 006 - Storm Drain i Discharge into intake canal. Sources: i Discharge No. Flow Deswintion l . ..

l 006A Not Determined RainfaB rimoff from yard area.

006B 1,500 GFD Radwaste concentrator steam supply blowdown (nonradioactive).

006C 330 GPD MiseeHaneous steam treeing systems.

006D 100 OFD Firewater system flush.

l l

l l Discharges No. 007. No. 008, and No. 009 - Storm Drals l Discharge No. Flow Description '

007A, 808A, Not Determined Rainfan runoff from fuel oil tank )

009A areas, road and natMag areas. '

007B, 8088, 300 OFD Firewater system flush 9098

..,.-____.-_...r- -----w- --s------ -r-e-we- *- ~

  • Y

,- Order No. 82-85 -

b. Domestie wastewater is discharged into the Humboldt County Service Area No. 3 sewage collection system.

i e. 200 euble feet per year of soll4tfied radioactive liquids, solidified ion i exchange resins, and filters are hauled away by a 1 censed carrier and l disposed of at a Federally approved disposal site.

d. 500 ganons per year of ou and grease from oDy separators and miscellaneous

! sources are hauled away by a licensed firm. i

s. This facDity does not use chlorine to control abme growths in cooling water tubes. Transformers and onpaeltors do not contain polychlorinated biphenyl compends.

) ,

4. On May 18,1972, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted the Water l Quality Control Plan for Control of Temperature in the Coastal and Interstate
Waters and Enclosed Bays and Estuaries of California. On May 16,1974, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted the Water Quality Control Polley i ,

for the Enclosed Bays and Bstuaries of California. On May 20,1975, the Regional Board adopted the Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coastal ,

l Basin. The Basin Plan was amended on several occasions since 1975. All three i of these Plans contain water quality objectives for Humboldt Bay.

l  ;

5.- As enumerated in the Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coastal Basin,

, benefleial uses of Humboldt Bay include:

i i a. Industrial water mapply 1 b. navigation "

water sentact and non-water contact recreation l - .

e. '

l d. ocean eommeretal and sport fishing -

e. sold freshwater habitat *
f. wDdlife and marine habitat -
g. preservation of rare and endangered speeles ,

fish migration and spawning l ,

h. -

l l L shenfish harvesting .

8. During 1972 and 1973, the Feelfie Oas and Electrie Company conducted an extensive evaluation of the effect of cooling water discharges on the benefielal uses of receiving waters at the Humboldt Bay Power Plant. The field studies

, demonstrated that benefletal uses of receiving waters have not been unreasonably

! affected by the discharge. Operating conditions have changed sinos July 1978

! such that Units No. I and 2 now generate all power at the faculty whereas they ,

generated only 30 percent of the power during the 1972-73 thermal effect study. I i

Cooling water flows and thermal discharges are different now than when Unit No. 3 was operating during the previous study; therefore, new thermal studies

she/;.id be conductd to evaluate the effect of present ecoling water discharges on benefletal uses of Humboldt Bay.
7. The State Boys and Estuaries Folley requires that industrial process water discharges be phased out at the earliest practiemble dates however, innoeuous w, -w----,- -.-,,.,.y -.--,y-,,-we

,, ,v-.---w ,n --- ---w', w---.- - .----w-- r-----e--m-*e-e-------+-.r-w-m---

Order No. 82-85  !

I nonmunleipal wastewater such as elear brines, washwater, and pool drains are not necessarDy considered industrial process wastes, and may be allowed by Regional Boards wider discharge requirements that provide protection to the beneficial uses of the receiving water. The Board finds that existing discharges from this faculty are treated consistently to a degree that they would be elassified as innocuous nonmunicipal wastewater and that waste discharge  !

requirements are suffielent to provide protection to the beneficial uses of l

Humboldt Bay.

8. Effluent limitation guidelines for the 8 team Electric Power Generating Point Source Category have been promulgated by the United States Environmental

. Protection Agency (EPA) requiring the ap'lication p of the best practicable control

! technology eurrently avaDahle (BPT). Additional effluent limitation guidelines l

have been proposed, but not promulgated, by the EPA, including effluent limits .

for best avaDable technology economically achievable (BAT) and best conventional pollutant control technology (BCT). Some affluent limitations contained in this Order are derived from the promulgated Pederal guidelines, some from the proposed guidelines, and others are based on the Water Quality Control Plans

, listed in No. 4 above. Together, they are considered the best profoulonal

Judgment of the Board. Limits are seject to reconsideration when the final j guidelines are promulgated.

0.- The issuance of Waste Discharge Requirements for this discharge is exempt from the provisions of Chapter 3 (commeneing with Section 11100) of Division 13 of

the Public Resourees Code as set forth in Section 13389 of the Water Code.

l The Regional Board finds that no adverse water quality impacts wD1 result if the discharger complies with the terms of this Order. l l 10. The Board has notified the discharger and interested ageneles and persons of its intent to prescribe waste discharge requirements for the proposed discharge I

and has provided them with an opportunity for a public hearing and an opportunity l to semit their written views and recommendations.


!- 1L The Board, in a public meeting, heard and considered au comments pertaining to the discharge.

l l THEREFORE, Fr B HEREBY ORDERED that persuant to the provisins of Division 7 of 4

the Callornia Water Code and regulations adopted thereunder, and to provisions of the i Pederal Water Pollution Control Act as amended, and regulations and guidelines adopted I thereunder, the discharger ahan comply with the foBowing .


1. Discharge 901A, 901D 001E. and 0028 .

I Effluent eoneentrations shall not exceed the following limits _


-y,------3w-----.--- m we wwww---m-- -,- -------,--m*,_ -

Order No. 82-85 DaDy Monthly Constituent Units Maximum Averare


. Total Nonfaterable Residue mg/l 100 30 Grease and On mg/l 20 15

2. Discharge 002A Effluent ooneentrations for both boDer blowdown and metal cleaning wastes shan not exceed the foDowing limits:

Ddy MmWy Constituent Units Maximum Average Total Nonfuterable Residue ag/l 100 30 Grease and OR 1mg/l 20 15 Copper, Total ag/l 1.0 1.0 l

Iron, Total mg/l 1.0 1.0

- 3. During any 24-hour period, the effluent aus emision rate for each constituent listed in Discharge Speelfication A.1 and A.1 shall not exceed the ' Maximum Allowable Mass Emission Rate" as calculated from the total waste flow occurring l

-' each day and the concentration speelfied in the 'DaDy Maximum' oolumn.



  • 4. During any month, the mass emission rate for each constituent listed in Discharge m SpeeKioation A.1 and A.1 shall not exceed the " Average Monthly Allowable Mass t Emission Rate' as calculated from the Average Dany Waste Flow for any 30 day period and the concentration speelfied in the ' Monthly Average" column.

l 5. In the avant that waste streams from various sources are combined for treatment er discharge, the quantity of each poHutant or poButant property controued in Speelfications 1 through4 of this section attributable to each controHed waste source shan not exeood the speelfied limitation for that waste source.

6. The concentration of radioactive material of plant origin in any effluent stream at the point of last control shaB not exeood appliamble Malts specified by the California Radiation Control Regulations, and in particular shan comply with the maximum concentrations of effluents to uncontroBed areas required in 17 CAC 30269 and 30355, Appendix A, Table B.

Y. The treatment er disposal of waste shaB not eaune poBution er nuisance as defined in Beetion 13050 of the California Water Code. ,

8. AB discharges to the cooling water intake ennel or escharge annal shan have a pH within the range of 4.0 to 9.6.
6. There shan be no dis of polychlorinated biphenyl compounds such as those commonly used for tr ormer fluid and espaeltar dielectrie.


f ., i Order No. 01-85 .


10. There shall be no discharge of total residual ehtorine (or total residual oxidants) i from once through ecoling water. I
11. Representative samples of the combined discharge to Humboldt Bay shall not contain toxic materials in excess of the following limits:

0-Month Dany Instantaneous Constituent Units Median Marimum Maximum Arsente ag/l 4.037 ' OJ5 0.37 Cadmium mg/l 0.014 0.055 0.14 Total Chromium ag/l 0.009 0.037 0.09 Copper '

mg/l 0.033 0.09 0.23 Lead mg/l 0.037 0.15 0.37 Mercury mg/l 0.0006 0.003 0.006 Nickel mg/l 0.092 0.37 0.92 Silver ag/l 0.002 0.008 0.02

_ Zine ag/l

  • 0.092 0.37 0.92 Cyanide ag/l 0.023 0.09 0.23 Phenolic Compounds ag/l 0.14 0.55 1.4 Total Chlorine Residual ag/l 4.009 - -

Ammonia (expres.t.ed as

. nitrogen) mg/l 2.0 11.0 27.0 Toxielty Concentration tu L5 2.0 2.5 Total Chlorinated Pasteides and PCBs* mg/l 0.002 0.004 0.006

  • Total chlorinated pestieldes and PCBs shan be mensred by summing the individual concentrations of DDT, DDD, DDE, aldrin, BBC, ehtordane, andrin, heptachlor, l

lindane, dieldrin, and polychlorinated biphenyls.


1. Elevated temperature westes shan not adversely affect benefleial uses of Humboldt Boy.
2. The weste discharge shan not cause the dissolved oxygen ooneentration of the receiving waters to be depressed below 0.0 mg/1. In the event that the receiving n waters are determined to have a dissolved oxygen soneentration of less than ,

/ 0.0 mg/1, the alscharge shan act depress the dissolved oxygen concentration below the' esisting level.

3. The discharge shan not anuze the pH of the receiving be changed at any time more than 0.2 emits from that whleh occurs naturaHy.

P e


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,( .

Order No. 82-85 .

4. The discharge shall not cause the turbidity of the receiving waters to be increased more than 20 percent above naturaDy occurring background levels.
5. The discharge shan not cause visible evidence of any floatable material or oil and grease at any point in the receiving waters.
8. The discharge shan not cause any odor in the receiving waters.


7. 711Ie discharge ahan not eause esthetiaany undesirable discoloration of the  ;


receiving waters.

8. The discharge shan not cause bottom deposits in the receiving waters.
9. The discharge shall not contain concentrations of blastimulants which promote objectional aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or i .

damage to any benefleial uses of the receiving waters.

10. The discharge shall not result in torie s@ stances in the receiving waters in concentrations that are toxic to, or that produce detrimental physiologleal responses in human, plant, animal, or equatie Efe.
11. The discharge shan not cause radionuelides to be present in the receiving waters

- in eoneentrations whleh are deleterious to human, plant, animal or aquatic life par whleh result in the accumulation of radionuclides in the food web to an '

- extent which presents a hasard to human, plant, animal or indigenous aquatic life.


1. Conected screenings (except eel grass and kelp) and other solids removed from j liquid wastes shall be disposed of at a legal point of disposal and in accordance i with the provisions of Division 7.5 of the California Water Code, or any point I ,

approved by the Rzecutive Offleer. For the purpose of this requirement, a legal point of disposal is defined as one for which waste discharge requirements have been prescribed by a Regional Water Quality Control Board and which is in fuH compliance therewith. All radioactive wastes materials ahan be disposed of in accordance with Federal regulations pertaining thereto.

3. Pwsuant to Section 13379 of the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, the discharger shan comply w"O an applicable toxie and pretreatment effluent '

standards established pnam? to Section 307 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and amrJ6 sts hereto. .,

3. The discharger shan comply Wth the Contingency Planning and Notifiention Requirements Order No.74-151 and the Monitoring and Reporting Program No. 82-85, and the General Provisions for Monitoring and Reporting, and any modifications to these documents as speelflod by the Executive Offleer. Such documents are attached to this Order and incorporated herein.


i Order No. 82-85 >

i l


4. The discharge of any radiologleal, ehemleal, or biological warfare agent or high level radiological waste is prohibited. .
5. There shall be no discharge of harmful quantitles of ou or hazardous substances, as speelfied by regulation adopted pumuant to Section 311 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, or amendments thereto.
8. The discharger shan conduct a study to define the effect of the thermal discharge on beneficial uses and determine design and operating changes which would be necessary to achieve compilance with provisions of the State Thermal Plan. The completed study shall be submitted to the Regional Board by January 1,1984.

Y. The discharger ahan notify the Board of:

a. New introduction into such works of pollutants from a souree whfeh would be a new source as defined in Section 307 of the Federal Water Pouution Centrol Act, or amendments thereto, if such source were discharging poHutants to the waters of the United States;


b. New introductions of youutants into such works from a souree which would be subject to Section 301 of the Federal Water Pouution Control Act, or amendments thereto, if it were discharging such poHutants to the a ters of the United States;
e. A mabstantial change in the volume or character of poDutants being introduced into such works by a source introducirg poHutants into such works at the time the waste discharge requirements were adopted.
. -- Notice shallinclude a description of the quantity and quality of poButants and l the impact of such change on the quantity and quality of effluent from such publicly owned treatment works. A substantial change la volume is considered en increase of ten percent in the mean &y weather flow rate. The discharger shan forward a copy of such notice directly to the Regional Administrator.
3. 'the escharger shan permit the Regional Boards
s. entry upon premises in whleh an effluent source is located or in whleh any required records are kept; I
b. access to copy any records required to be kept under terms and conditions I of this Order;
e. Inspection of monitoring equipment or records; and

.d. sampling of any discharge.

i 9. In the event the discharger is unable tc comply with any of 'the conditions of

'l this Order due tot .

i a. breakdown of waste treatment equipment _

b. accidents caused by human error or neg11 genoa, or
c. other causes such as acts of natwo; e

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Order No. 32-85  !

the discharger shall notify the Executive Officer by telephone as soon as he or his agents have knowledge of the incident and confirm this notification in writing within two weeks of the telephone notification. The written notification shall I include pertinent information explaining reasons for the noncompliance and shall indicate what steps were taken to correct the problem and the dates thereof, and what steps are being taken to prevent the problem from recurring.

10. The discharger shan maintain in good working order and operate es effielently as possible any facility or control system installed by the discharger to achieve compliance with the waste discharge requirements.
11. The requirements prescribed herein do not authorize the commiselon of any act causing injury to the property of another, nor protect the discharger from his liabilities under Federal, State or local laws, nor guarantee the discharger a espaelty right in the receiving waters.
12. This Order shan serve as a ' National Pouutant Discharge Elimination System permit pursuant to Section 402 of the Federal Water Pouution Control Act, or

. amendments thereto, and shan take offset at the end of ten days from date of

, hearing.

13. This Order expires five years from the date of adoption and the discharger must

.- fDe a Report of Waste Discharge in accordance with Title 23, California

! Administrative Code,180 days in advance of such date for issuance of new


- waste discharge requirements.

14. After notice and opportunity for hearing, this Order may be terminated or modified for cause, including, but not limited tos .
a. violation of any term or condition contained in this ON5ers
b. obtaining this Order by misrepresentation, or failure to disclose fuuy au relevant facts;
e. a change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction er elimination of the authorized discharge.
15. This Order is subject to revision if EPA adopts BCT or BAT effluent limitations which differ substantially from existing proposed guideHnes, or if testing for

. recognized torie constituents listed in EPA Form 3510-26 under commercial operations indleates violation of an accepted effluent standard.

Certification I, David C. Joseph, Executive Officer, do hereby eartify that the '

foregoing is a fun, true, and correct copy of an Order adopted by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region, on July 22, 1882. _

tu D$k David OfJdbeph Exoeutive Officer


Humboldt County MONITORING A sample shan be conected from each of the foDowing waste streams and analyzed as -

described below: .

Sampling Constituent Units Prequency Waste Stream 001A, 001D, and 001E Total Suspended Solle agA Monthly l mg/l OR and Grease 002B Total Suspended Solids ag/l Once during each discharge OR and Grease mg/l 002A BoDer Blowdown Total Suspended Solle mg/l Once during each discharge OR and Grease mg/l Total Copper mg/l Total 1ron mg/l

pH -

, . .. 002A Chemleal Metal Total Suspended Solids ag/l Once during each discharge

! Cleaning Waste OD and Grease ag/l Total Copper mg/l Total tron ag/l PH Discharge quantities ahan be reported for an of the above discharges except No. 001A.



1. The Paelfic Gas and Electrie Com'pany shaB report the usage, spR1 age, leakage, or discharge of polychlorinated biphenyl compount and ehlorine at the faellity on a quarterly basis.

l 2. Quarterly monitoring reports shan be submitted to the Regional Board by the 15th day of the foHowing month. In reporting the monitoring data, the discharger shan arrange the data in tabular form so that the date, the constituents, and concentrations are readily discernible. The data shan be summarized in such a manner to Dlustrate clearly the compliance with waste discharge requirements. Monitoring reports shall -

be maHed to:


-,n-, , ------e,-.,----,----,----------n - , - - - , - , - , - --- + -

,. . o.

Monitoring and Reporting Program No. 82-85 5

Regional Administrator Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX 215 Fremont Street -

. San Franelsco, CA 94105 Ordered by Nkd DavidfC.Woseph ad Execdtive Officer July 22,1982 4*




l l 1

- - - + - - - - . - . ._.s ___m._., _ , _ , . _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ , _ _ . . . _ _ _ . _ . . . _ _ . . , . . _ . . _ _ _ . , _ - _ . . . , ,


. NORTH C0AST REGION hiD E(CjQ \p g:c by l

. ioac coooiNcTowN CENTER SEP 271955 SANTA ROSA. CALIFORNIA 95401 n nmS222 m - REREN N 6 J. F. McKENZIE September 24, 1985 PREPLY SEE ME SITING COMMENI INFO.

Mr. Harry Howe SEP27 25 -

-' i Pacific Gas and Electric Ccxnpany END DEPL B W P.O. Box 7640 San Francien, CA 94120 JM


Attention Ms. Souza Gates

Dear Ms. Gates:

The California Regional E ter Quality Control Board, North Coast Region, adopted Este IH _-krge Requirements, Order No.85-110, for the Humboldt Bay Power Plant on September 11, 1985. Enclosed is a copy of the Order for your records. Please note that the adopted Order contains some changes from tentative Orders that were transmitted to you previously. The changes were in response to twenants received from the IPA.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Thomas Dunbar at this office.

S erely.

D David C. Joseph Exe:utive Officer helamiire cc: Terry Nelson Hisnboldt Bay Power Plant 1034 Sixth Street Eureka, CA 95501 F



'Ihomas B. Dunbar f'alifornia Regional hter Quality Control Board North Coast Region ORDER NO.85-110 -



! PACIFIC GAS AND EIKIRIC CDfPAW l HafBOLUT BAY 10WER PIMI B aboldt County h California Regian=1 Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region, finds that:

1. h Pacific Gas and Electric Company, 77 Basle Street, San Fr-ari -a, California.

94106 (hereafter the discharger), applied for waste d4 eharge requirements and a permit to discharge wastes under the Narinnal Pollutant Discharge Eliarination Syustem. Este Discharge Requirements Order No. 82-85 (NPDES No. CA0005622) was adopted by the North Coast Regional E ter Quality Control Board on July 22, 1982. On July 31, 1985, the discharger submitted a Report of h ate Discharge for

===ndamne of the discharge permit.

2. The discharger owns and operates a power plant with tnroe power generating units located on the east shore of Humboldt Bay in the SW 1/4 of Section 8. T4N, R1W, HBDI, as shown on Attachment "A", 1 - yurated herein and ande part of this (kder. thits No. I and No. 2 were constructed in 1956 and 1958, respectively, and are driven by fossil fuel and have a gross generating capacity of 53 segewetts each. thit No. 3 was constructed in 1963, is -1w fueled, and has a gross generating capacity of 65 megawatts. Unit No. 3 has been shut down

. . permanently; however, some wastewater discharges from thit No. 3 still occur.

3. All waste strosas are enahined in the eaalia water canal prior to d4=rk ge iluvush a short outfall into Himboldt Bay. Incation of each waste stream is shown on Attachment "A". E ste discharges as described in the Report of Waste

. N -harge are as follows:

a. Surface Water macharges (All flows are intermittant ascept eaa14=g water).

Discherne No. 001 - Once 1hrough Coolina Water f'aa14ag water for steam condensers and other =4-a11===== service cooling syste s are pumped from Haboldt Bay via Fisherman's Omanel and returned to -

the Bay through a discharge canal. Design flows are 38 agd each for Units No. 1 and No. 2 and 74 a6d for thit No. 3. Intake taaparatures range from 53*F to 59*F and discharge temperatures range from 66*F to 78*F.

Studies conducted by the dieharger in 1971 and 1972 reveal that no adverse effect to beneficial uses has resulted from the ena14ae teter d4=eharge.

Other wastewater di-harges entering the once through eaa14ag water system include:

i .

og - -

. ' Order No.85-110 J Discharge No. Flow Description 001A 0.03 MGD OLly water separators - comprised of rainfall runoff, drippings from boiler areas, "4=eall"neous low volme sources.

l 001B 0.2 M;D Total Intake screen wash for thits No. 2 and No.

3 001C 2.2 M;D Bearing cooling water for Units No. I and No. 2.

4 001D 7,500 GPD Liquid low level radiametive waste t

comprised of treated, filtered, and stored liquids from thit No. 3.

001E 100 GPD Imundry wastewater for thit No. 3.


001F 1.1 M;D M 114=ey Seawater. System

! Dischsrae No. 002 - Westeweter Treatment Pbnds Wastewater from boiler blowdown, metal e1=a4a= tmd low volume sources are j treated by mad 4 =ntation, pH neutralization, and filtration prior to d4=ehege into the diarhege canal.

' Discharme No. Flow Description i j 002A 2,000 GPD larne Pbnd receives boiler blowdown (weekly), air prehester and fireside

' ~

washes (yearly), and metal e1=a4=. wastes (chemical umshes are approximately 300,000 l

3allons not more than ance per five years).

l 002B 2,000 G'D Small Pbad receives lov volume wastewater

. that is primarily evaporator blowdown. ,

1 Discharme No. 003 and No. 004 - Stars Drains i

i Both No. 003 and No. 004 drain the yard area west of discharge canal.

Sources: I I Discherne No. Flow Description P

i 003A and 004A Not Determined Rainfall r o off. '

1 l 003B and 0048 200 GPD Firewster systas flush.

t 1

I 1


. ~ _ - - - - . _ . . , _ - - _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . _ , _ _ , _ . . . - _ __. _.__ _,..__..,__-- _ ,__.,_ _ _. _ ,,-...-. - .____._~,_,

's, .- ,

. Order No.85-110 -


Discharme No. 005 - Stem Drain Discharge into intake canal. Sources

Discharge No. Flow Description l

l 005A Not Decemined Rainfall runoff from yard ares.

, 005B 0.1 ED Cooling wter intake screen wash for Unit 1 No. 1.

005C 330 GPD Miscellaneous steam tracing systems. .

005D 100 GFD Firewster system flush.


. Discharge No. 006 - Stem Drain IM= charge into intake canal. Sources:

Discharme No. Flow Derription 006A Not Determined Rainfall r m off from yard area.

006B 1,500 GPD Radweste concentrator steam supply J blowdown (nonradioactive).

l (X)6C 330 GPD Mi=c=11=aar== steam tracing systans.

j 006D 100 GPD Firewster syst e flush.

Discharaes No. 007. No. 008, and No. 009 - Stam Drains Discharge No. Flow Description

. 007A, 00BA, 009A Not Detamined Rainfall runoff from fuel oil tank areas, road and parking areas.

007B, COBB, 0098 300 GPD Firewstar system m ah.

( b. Damastic watawater is discharged into the Humboldt Comty Service Area No. 3 sewage collection systas.


c. 200 cubic feet per year of solidified radioactive liquids, =alidified ion exchange resins, and filters are hauled away by a licensed carrier and disposed of at a federally ayy. ../. disposal site.
d. 500 gallons per year of oil and grense from oily separators and miscellaneous sources are hauled away by a licensed firm. -

l l

t ,

4 ThderNo.85-110 i .

e. This facility does not use chlorine to control slime growths in cooling water tubes. Transformers and capacitors do not contain polychlorinated biphenyl en==~ ada. ,

A. On May 18, 1972, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted the Eter

! Quality Control Plan for Control of Temperature in the Constal and Interstate

. Waters and Enclosed Boys and Estuaries of California, & May 16, 1974, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted the Water Quality Control Policy for the ]

Enclosed Boys and Estuaries of California. On May 20, 1975, the Regional Board
adopted the Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coastal Basin. h Basin i

Plan was amended on several occasions since 1975. All three of these Plans contain weer quality objectives for 1ksaboldt Bay.

l 5. As enumerated in the Water Quality Control Plan for the North Caostal Basin, j beneficial uses of E=haldt Bay include:


a. industrial inter supply
b. navigation
c. uter contact and non-contact inter recreation  ;

i d. ocean commercial and sport fishing i j e. cold fresheter habitat

f. wildlife and marine habitat
g. preservation of rare and endangered species
h. fish migratim and syswning i 1. ,aba11fi=h harvesting I
6. h State Boys and Estuaries Pblicy requires that industrial process water discharges be phased out at the earliest practicable date; ho wver, innocuous j ====ici pal tastewater such as clear brines, washeter, and pool drains are not mar ====rily can=4d. red industrial process testes, and may be allowed by Regional

! Boards eder d4=eh ge requirements that provide protection to the beneficial l uses of the receiving water. The Board finds that existing discharges from this

! facility are treated consistantly to a degree that they would be clammified as i naa=== nousunicipal wastemter and that waste discharge requirements are

} sufficiant to provide pro +=e*4= to the hanaficial uses of Emboldt Bay.


7. Effluent limitation guidelines for the Stamm Electric Pbwer Generating Point
Source Category have been promulgated by the hited States Ihvironmental

. Protection Agency (EPA) requiring the application of the best practicable control j tarhaalogy currently available (IFI). Additional effluent limitation guidelines i have been proposed, but not promulgated by the EPA, including affluent limits for

, best available +=eh=1 agy , economicallyachievable(BAT),andbestconventianal

! pollutant control technology (BCT). Some affluent limitations contained in this -

l Order are derived from the promulgated Federal guid=14a==, see from the proposed

! suidelines, and others are based on the Water Quality Control Plans listed in No.

I 4 above. Together, they are canaid red the best prof ===4aam1 judgment of the Board. Limita are subject to reconsideration then the final guidelines are Promulgstad.

8. The fasuance of waste discharge requirements for this discharge is exempt from the provisions of O mpter 3 (e - ing with Section 2110) of Division 13 of the i Public Resources Code as set forth in Section 13389 of the Eter Code. The i Regional Board finds that no adverse water quality $mpacts will result if the d4=eh=eser complies with the tarus of this Order.


1 .

. Order No.85-110 .

9. The Board has notified the discharger and interested agencies and persons of its intent to prescribe waste discharge requirements for the proposed discharge mixi has provided them with an opportunity for a public meeting and an opportunity to submit their written views and recommendations. .
10. The Board, in a public meeting, heard and considered all -= pertaining to the discharge. .

l j 'DIDEP2E , IT IS HEREBY GtDERED that pursuant to the provisions of Division 7 of the

, California Water Code and regulations adopted thereunder, and to provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Centrol Act as amended, and regulations and guidelines adopted thereunder, that Order No. 82-85 is rescinded and the discharger shall comply with the followfag:



. 1.. Discharme ODIA. 001E. 001F. and 002B i Effluent concentrations shall not exceed the following limits:

Daily Monthly Constituent Units Mari= = h


Total Nonfiltrable Residue ag/l 100 30 Canese and Oil ag/l 20 15

2. Discharme 001D l Daily Monthly j Constituent thits Mart == Averane Total Nonfiltrable R==1a = ag/l 100 30 l Grease and Oil /1 20 15 i Total Oirimim as/1 as 0.05 0.05 i
3. Discharme (02A

{ Effluent er=rantrations for both boiler blevdown and metal e1=ia= wastes shall

! act asceed the fa11-da- limita i

Daily kathly l Constituent thits jir1== g l Total Nonfiltrable n.=4 A= as/1 100 30

! Grease and Oil as/1 20 15

. Copper Total as/1 1.0 1.0 ,

Iron, Total .

as/1 1.0 1.0 A. During any 24-hour period, the affluent mass emission rate for each constituent listed in Discharge Specification A.1 and A.2 shall not exceed the '%v4==

A11 amble Mass Emissian Rate" as calculated fram the total wasta flow occurring l each day and the concentration specified in the " Daily Wr4==" colon.

,----,-n ---- -.--,-n-.-,--,-,s.-w -wnno ,,nem.-m,--ewn,- - , - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - , , . . , . < > , - , , - - - ~ . ,,-.~<-rw.-m.,-ee,.n.,--sv. wee - or,-- ,,e---- - - ~ , - .

, i i

Order No.85-110 i

! 5. Ihring any month, the mass emission rate for each constituent listed in Discharge

Specification A.1 and A.2 shall not exceed the " Average Monthly Allowable Mass Balasion Rate" as calculated from the Average Daily Waste Flow for any 30 day period and the concentration specified in the " Monthly Avers y " column. l

- l l 6. In the event that aste streans from various sources are combined for treatment or discharge, the quantity of each pollutant or pollutant property controlled in Specification I through 4 of this section attributable to each controlled m ate source shall not exceed the specified limitation for that mate source.

7. h concentration of radioactive material of plant origin in any affluent stream at the point of last control shall not exceed applicable limits specified by the i California Radiation Control Regulations, and in particular shall comply with the i ==r4== concentratiacs of affluents to uncontrolled areas required in 17 CAC

. 30269 and 30355, Ap-ad4= A Table II.


]* 8. h treatment or disposal of mate shall not cause pollution or nuisance as i

defined in Sectica 13050 of the California Water Code.

9. All discharges to the &14a= meer intake canal or discharge canal shall have a pH within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.
10. h re shall be no discharge of polychlorinated biphenyl ea pr==de auch as those commonly used for transformer finid and capacitor dielectric.
11. b re shall be no d4 -hame of total residual chlorine (ortotalresidual -

oxidants) from occa C= 4 . &14a.= water.

12. Representative ameples of the combined discharge to Emboldt Bay shall not contain toxic materials in excess of the following limita:

64 tooth Daily Instantaneous i

i Constituent M Median Maximan kcimum

Arsenic as/1 0.037 0.15 0.37

!- Cadmium ag/l 0.014 0.055 0.14 i Total Chromium /1 0.009 0.037 0.09

Copper as/1 as 0.023 0.09 0.23 i

Imad ag/l 0.037 0.15 0.37 i L, as/1 0.0006 0.003 0.006 i

) Nickel as/1 0.092 0.37 0.92

Silver as/1 0.002 0.008 0.02 i Zinc ag/l 0.092 0.37 0.92 l Cyanide ag/l 0.023 0.09 0.23


j Phanalie Compounds as/1 0.14 0.55 1.4 Ammonia (expressedas nitrogen) as/1 2.8 11.0 27.6 i Toxicity Concentration tu 1.5 2.0 2.5 l Total Odorinated Pesticides

  • as/1 0.002 0.004 0.006 i
  • Total chlorinated pesticidas shall be measured by mandag the individual

! concentrations of IITT, III), IIE, aldrin 5E, chlordane, andrin, heptachlor, lindane, i and dialdria.

I i

i,_ . _ - .. _ __ _ . _ .. __ _ _ ..____ _ _ _ _ ._._ ,. _. - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ - _ _

i .

t .

1 Order No.85-110  ; -


1. Elevated temperature wastes shall not adversely affect beneficial uses of Emboldt Bay. . .
2. h wste d4=rh=rge shall not cause the dissolved oxygen concentration of the receiving waters to be depressed below 6.0 mg/1. In the event that the receiving seters are determined to have a dissolved oxygen concentration of less than 6.0 '

mg/1, the discharge shall not depress the dissolved oxygen concentration below l

the =-4 e4ng level.

3. 1he discharge shall not cause the pH of the receiving waters to be changed at any i

time more than 0.2 units fra that which occurs naturally.


4. The discharge shall not cause the turbidity of the receiving waters to be

. increased more than 20 percent above naturally camaing background levels.

5. The discharge shall not cause visible evidence of any floatable saterial or oil and grease at any point in the receiving waters.
6. The discharge shall not cause any oder in the receiving uters.

l' 7. The discharge shall not cause esthetically =d==4rable discoloratim of the receiving teters.

8. The diarW ahall not cause botta deposits in the receiving waters.
9. The discharge shall not contain concentrations of biostimulants which promote i objectinnal aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or i damage to any beneficial uses of the receiving waters.
10. The discharge shall not result in toxic substances in the receiving waters in ,

concentrations that are taxic to, er that produce detrimental phys 4alagie=1 j

responses in human, plant, misal, or aquatic life.

!* 11. b discharge shall not cause radiannelid== to be present in the receiving wters in concentrations which are deleterious to hamn, plant, animal or aquatic life nor idiich result in the acc o ulation of radionuclides in the food web to an l

extent which presents a hazard to b e an, plant, animal or indigenous squatic life.

i i


1. Collected screenings (except eel grassandkalp)andothersolidsremovedfra liquid wastes shall be disposed of at a legal point of disposal and in accordance
with the provisions of Division 7.5 of the California Water Code, or any point approved by the Executive Officer. For the purpose of this requirement, a legal point of dispos.i is defined as one for which waste discharge requirements have j been y. -ibed by a Regional Water Quality Control Board and which is in full I corpliance therewith. All radiaartive waste materials shall be disposed of in I accordance with Federal regulations per+=4a4as thereto.

, , . . -- _- - - .- - - - . .- - > -- - - - a s .

.i .

i Order No.85-110 .

2. Pursuant to Section 13379 of the Pbrter-Cologne Eter Quality Control Act, the di e h rger shall comply with an applicable toxic and pretrestment effluent standards established pursuant to Section 307 of the Federal E ter Pollution Control Act and amendments thereto. *
3. 'Ihe discharger shall comply with the Contingency Planning and Notification Requirements Order No.74-151 and the Monitoring and Reporting Program No.85-110, and the General Provisions for Monitoring and Reporting, and any modifications to these doctanents as specified by the Executive Officer. Such
doctments are attached to this Order and incorporated herein.

4 h discharge of any radiological, chemical, or biological w rfare agent or high level radiological waste is prohibited.

5. 'Ihere shan be no discharge of harmful quantities of oil cr hazardous substances.

- as specified by regulation adopted pursuant to Section 311 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, or m endments thereto.

6. h discharger ahan notify the Board of:
a. New introduction into such works of pon utants from a m,urce which would be a new source as defined in Section 307 of the Federal hter Pollutim Control Act, or amendments thereto, if such source were discharging po u utants to the waters of the k ited States; i

b~. New introductions of pollutants into such works from a source which would be j


subject to Section 301 of the Federal hter Pollution Control Act, or amendments thereto, if it were discharging such ponutants to the waters of the United States; c.

A substantial change in the value or character of poHutants being introduced into such works by a source introducing pollutants into such works l st the time the w ate discharge requirements were adopted.

Notice shall include a descriptim of the quantity and quality of pollutants and the impact of such change on the quantity and quality of affluent from such

.!' publicly owned treatment works. A substantial change in volume is considered an increase of tan percent in the mean dry weather flow rate. h diarkrger shall j forwrd a copy of such notice directly to the Regicmal Ad=4n4=trator.

l 7. h discharger shall permit the Regional Board:

s. entry upon prendses in which an affluent source is located or in which any required records are kept; -
b. access to copy any records required to be kept e der tarus and conditions of this Order;
c. inspection of monitoring equi ment l or records; and
d. amepling of any d4 - h rge.

l 1

4 i .,

' ~

Order No.85-110 1 1

8. In the event the discharger is unable to comply with any of the conditions.of this Order due to:
a. breakdown of waste treatment equipment.
  • l
b. accidents caused by haanan error or negligence, or
c. other causes such as acts of nature; 4

1 I the discharger shall notify the Executive Officer by telephone as soon as he or j his agents have knowledge of the incident and confirm this notification in writing within two weeks of the telephone notification. The written notification shall include pertinent information exp1=4a4a reasons for the noncompliance and shall indicate what steps were taken to correct the problem and the dates thereof, and that steps are being taken to prevent the problem from r . m ing.

9. The discharger shall maintain in good working order and operate as efficiently as possible any facility or control system lastalled by the discharger to achieve compliance with the teste discharge requirements.

1 1

10. The requirements y. ibed herein do not suhorize the cr===4m=4ars of any act I

causing injury to the property of another, nor protect the discharger free his liabilities under Federal, State or local laws, nor guarantee the discharger a

capacity right in the receiving waters.
11. This Order shall serve as a National Pbilutant Discharge Elimination System Permit pursuant to Section 402 of the Federal Water Pb11ution Control Act, or
===ad==ats thereto, and shall take effect at the and of tan days fr a date of i


! 12. This Order arpires on July 22, 1987, and the discharger must file a Report of ,

Waste N eh=rge in acccrdance with Title 23, California Adsdnistrative Code,180 days in advance of such date for issuance of asw waste d4-h=ege requirements.

13. After notice and or g d aity for hearing, this Order may be taruinated or ,
modified for cause, 4ar1Mia= but not limited to

l l a. violation of any term or condition in this Order;

b. obe=4aias this Order by d=-ey. - --- t= tion, or failure to disclose fully all relevant facts;
c. a change in any condition that requires either a tamparary or permanent reduction or =14=4amtion of the authorized discharge.

i 14 This Order .is subject to revision if EPA adopts BCT or BAT effluent limitations which differ substantially from existing proposed guidelines, or if testing for ,

r+:cc i -d toxic constituents listed in EPA Form 3510-26 eder comercial -

operations indicates v4a1=*4aa af an accepted affluent standard.


i t .

Order No.85-110 _1g_

Certification I, hvid C. Joseph, Executive Officer, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of -

- an Order adopted by the California Regional Water Quality

( Control Board, North Coast Region, on September 11, 1985.

~ h U h vt6 C. Joseph Executive Officer D

'T j

, e+



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. . - -- --- - .-,, .-- - . . - - . . -,. . - , . , - _ - - - - - - - - ~

l California Regional E ter Quality Control Board l North Coast Region


.l l



j Humboldt County i


! A sample shall be collected from each of the following waste streams and analyzed as l described below:


Sampling .

j - . Weste Stream Constituent thits Frequency

) ,

! 001A, 001E, & 001T Total Nonfiltrable Residue as/1 Monthly -

011 and Grease as/1

001D Total Nonfiltrable Residue as/1 Monthly i l 011 and Grease as/1 Total Orambs as/1


002B Total Nonfiltrable Residue ag/l Orme During Each Discharge 1

011 and Grease as/1 1

002A Boiler Blowdown Total Nonfiltrable Residue as/1 Once During Each Discharge QL1 and Grease as/1 Total Copper as/1

! Total Iron as/1 j pa .,

002A Onamical Metal Total Nonfiltrahle n==h as/1 Orce During Each Discharge Cleaning OL1 and Grease as/1 Total Copper mE/1 Total Iron as/1

ps -

1 i c u and Discharge pH - Weekly l All constituents -

8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> Composite Sample listad in m acharge Once Per Year Specification A.12 In addition to the above general annitoring program, during trestamat and discharge of the suppression chamber unter, the discharger shall conduct the special monitoring program as  ;

described in the Phcific Gas and Electric Company letter dated July 31,1985. Discharge quantities shall be reported for all of the above discharges ascept No. 001A.

't .,

i Monitoring and Reporting i . Program No.85-110 i

RICEIVIhG WATER PGI1tRING Receiving teters shall be monitored once per year as follows:

l (he grab sample shall be taken at the zone of initial dilution and one grab ascple shall

! be taken " upstream" of the discharge at the rock groin west of King L1m Avernae. Each sample shall be analyzed for dissolved oxygen and pH.


1. 'Ihe Pacific Gas and Electric C a pany shall report the usage, spillage, leakage, or
discharge of polychlorinated hiphenyl compounds and chlorine at the facility on a quarterly basis.

. 2. (harterly monitoring reports shall be submitted to the Regional Board by the 15th day

, of the following month. In reporting the monitoring data, the discharger shall l arrange the data in tabular form'.so that the date, the constituents, and i concentrations are riandily discernible. 1he data shall be summarized in such a j

manner to illustrate clearly the compliance with waste discharge requirements.

Monitoring reports shall be mailed to:

) Regional AMnistrator Enviromental Protection Agency, Region 9 i

215 Fremont Street t

San Francisco, CA 94105 Ordered 46r l

r j_ David C. Joseph

/ Executive Officar

September 11,1985 i

i I

I l

l 1

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GENERAL MONITORING AND REPORTING PROVISIONS Pebruary 28, 1973 l (Revised on April 19, 1983)

[ .

1 i

GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS Unless otherwise noted, all sampling and sample preservation, shall be in accordance i

with the current edition of " Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". An analyses shall be conducted in accordance with the test procedures

, approved under 40 CFR Part 136 " Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pouutants".

All analyses shan be performed in a laboratory eartified to perform such analyses by the California State Department of Health or a laboratory approved by the Executive j Officer. -

All samples shall be representative of the waste discharge. Effluent samples shall be taken downstream receiving waters. of any addition to the treatment works and prior to mixing with the c .. e' - -


The discharger shall calibrate and perform maintenance procedures on a'l monitoring

' instruments and equipment to ensure accuracy of measurements.

i i



- Por every item where the requirements are not met, the dinhs.r .s shall submit a statement of the actions undertaken or proposed whleh w!!! bring the discharge into full compliance with requirements at the earliest time and submit a timetable for correction.

i By January 30 of each year, the discharger shall semit an annual report to the Regional

- Board. The report shall contain both tabular and graphleal summaries of the monitoring data obtained during the previous year. In addition, the discharger shan discuss the compilance record and the corrective setions taken er planned whleh may be needed to bring the discharge into full compuance with the waste discharge requirements.

The discharger shan maintain all sampling and analytical results including strip charts; date, exact place, and time sampling; date analyses were per, formed; analyst name, analytical techniques used and result of an analyses. Such records shan be retained for a minimum of three years;. This period of retention shan be extended during of any unresolved litigation regarding this discharge.

Monitoring reports shall be signed by:

a. In the ease of corporations, by a prinelpal executive officer at least of the level of vloe-president or his duly authorized representative, if such representative is responsible originates. for the overall operation of the faellity from which the discharge

- General Monitoring and Reporting Provisions .

b. In the case of a partnership, by a general partner.
e. In the case of a sole proprietorship, by the proprietor. .
d. In the case of a mimleipal, state or other public facility, by either a principal

- executive officer, ranking elected offielal, or other authorized employee.

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  • t j Callfernia Reglenni Wcter Qun11ty Control B:std j ,


1 l


. . .. ,s..:- -

, ORDER NO. 'f4-151 2

. v

-l ,

^ -

l The CaKfornia Regional Water quality Control Board, North Coast Region, finds that:

l ,

L Section 13225 'of the PorteM:clogne Water quality Control Act require the '

i .

Regional Board to perform general duties to assure positive water quality control.

l - , -

l i; 2. The N.egional Board has%en advised of situalifons In which preparation for, .

.. and response to accidental discharges and spills have been inadequate. l i, 3. Persons discharging waste or conveying, supplying, storing, or managing wastes j or hazardous materials have the primary responsibility for contingency : planning, 1

incident reporting and continuous and diligent actica to abate the effects of i ,, such unintentional or#cidental discharge. . 3 r : 4::.*i. o ir .

i : t : . :. v, . f e. . l


y j L AD persons who discharge waktes or convey, supply, store, or otherwise manage

. wastes or other hazardous material ahan: 4 . .- --,- A l . .

c .p ,

l l.--' .

A. Prepare and submit to thIs Regional Board, a time schedule prescribed by the Executive Officer, a contingency plan defining the fonowing:  ;

1 , .

L '.' Potentia 11ocations and/or ofreumstances -

" - Zincidents might be expected to occur, ,ander which see! dental discharge , ,


2. . Possihte water quality effects of accidental h=ges, * -


e . m. .


. 3. . The' eenceptual plan for eleanup and abatement of accidental discharge Incidents, webAlewy

,s r a.' The Individual who will be in charge' of eleanup and abatement j .

activities, en behalf of the discharger, .

. b. The equipment and manpower available to the discharger to implement

. the cleanup and abatement plans, .


B. Immediately report to the Regional Board any accidental discharge Incidents.

Such notification shan be made by telephone as soon as the responsible person l or his agent has knowledge of the incident. - -

i 2

i .

l i

--___n--_,--- . - - - , - - - -n,------,,.,,w,.--- -r,. ,n . - - - ~~~ - - - ---- --

1 Order No.74-151 - -


Immediately begin diligent and continuous action to cleanup and abate the effects of any unintentional or accidental discharge. Such actions shall include temporary permanent repairsto . measures damaged facilities. to abate the discharge -

prior to completing D. Confirm the telephone notification in writing within two weeks of the telephone notification. The written notification shall include:

.- reasons for

. the discharge, duration and volume of the discharge, steps taken to sorrect

, . the problem, and steps being taken to prevent the problem from . 4, .


- Upon original receipt of phone report G.B), the Executive Officer shall Immediately notify an affected agencias and known users of waters affected by the unintentional or accidantal discharge. *

. .. . . .: .y.- .: r..,...- -

'BL Provide updated Information to the Regional Board in the event of change of staff, size of the faellity, or change of operating procedures which will affect the

.previously.:established  : y. contingency. plan. f . 4 s. ;:' .., .- ;- .~'*:>. .

.n. : .

IV. The andExecutive other affected Officera or his amployees shaII maintain Haison with the disehmger abatement activities. gencies # and gesens ' - to provide ' in cleanup and -


V. The Executive Officer ahan transmit copies of this Order to all pers' ens whose -


. dischargus or ,wasta handling activities are governed by Wasta Discharge Requirements or an NPDES Permit. Such transmittal shan include a current Esting .

'of telephone numbers of the Executive Officer and his key employees to facIIItate

. compliance with Item LA(3Xa) of this Order. .. ./ *

. . . . , .: .. . ...; ....:? .

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..- Executive Officer * . . . ' ..5-

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24,1974 - .. ;; ,.-


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WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 {Q } I R* Q.(,

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Expressing concerns over PG&E pro to discharge water fm a shutdown nuc plant into Humboldt Bay ACTION: Direct Reply... Suspense: Oct 25 -


1 ae 2.0 cau. . . ./ A .7/

i Tim . . . 2.d.?c.h. ...... ....

1 r.

EDO --- 001090

- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ ___ ____ -___-___ - __ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _