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Rev 0 to Process Control Program
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1985
Shared Package
ML20137M248 List:
PROC-850930, NUDOCS 8601280233
Download: ML20137M293 (6)


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e. 1.0 Purpose During norrel operation of the Point Beach Nuclear Plant radioactive materi-als are generated in the form of spent resins, filter sludge, evaporator concentrates, and spent cartridge filter elements. These wastes require processing in appropriate portions of the solid waste management system prior to shipment offsite for disposal. Liquid wet wastes are either solidified or dewatered. -Spent cartridge filters may be packaged with suitable absorbers or solidified prior to shipping. Procedures and prac-

! tices are implemented to establish process parameters within which radwaste systems are to be operated. The procedures and parameters provide assurance that proper waste form characteristics are achieved.

2.0 Program Administration The primary responsibility for the implementation of the PBNP Process Control Program and any actions required by the Program resides with the Manager, PBNP and the PBNP Staff. Plant and vendor procedures used for the processing of radwaste shall be reviewed and approved by the Manager's Supervisory Staff.

The Nuclear Plant Engineering and Regulation Section (NPERS) will provide technical, regulatory, and administrative support necessary to fulfill the requirements of the Process Control Program.

3.0 Regulatory Requirements Radioactive wastes' generated at Point Beach Nuclear Plant shall be shipped to a-licensed burial' site for disposal in accordance with applicable Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Department of Transportation, State, and burial site

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e regulations. Waste containers, shipping casks, and packaging methods shall comply with applicable federal regulations.

Radioactive waste processing and handling activities shall be conducted con-sistent'with PBNP.ALARA principles and practices.

Radioactive waste shipments from PBNP shall be suspended if the provisions of the Process Control Program are not satisfied.

4.0 Solidification The solidification of liquid wet wastes shall be assured by the implementa-tion of approved' procedures. The radioactive waste solidification program at PBNP shall be conducted in accordance with the following provisions:

1. A set of process parameters shall be established.which provide boundary conditions within which reasonable assurance can be provided that waste solidification is accomplished. Typical pro-cess parameters include pH, oil content, water content, ratio of solidification agent to influent waste, and ratio of solidification agent to chemical additives.
2. Procedures shall provide assurance that the solidification process is conducted within the established process parameters.
3. Procedures shall provide assurance that the final waste product meets the appropriate waste characteristic requirements for solidified wastes.

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4. Records shall be maintained for individual solidification batches demonstrating conformance with established process parameters.
5. A solidification test sampling program shall be utilized to verify the solidification of at least one representative test specimen from every tenth batch of each type of liquid wet radio-active waste (e.g., filter sludge, spent resin, evaporator bottoms, boric acid solution).

If a test specimen fatis to solidify, further solidification activtiies shall be suspended until such time as additional


test specimens can be obtained, alternate solidification para-meters determined, and a subsequent test verifies solidification.

Process control parameters shall be modified as required to ensure proper solidification of subsequent batches.

For high activity wastes where handling of samples could result in personnel radiation exposures which are inconsistent with ALARA principles, representative non-radioactive samples shall be tested. These samples shall be as close as possible to the actual chemical properties of the waste.

5.0 Dewatering Spent resins and filter sludges may be shipped for disposal as dewatered waste if acceptable to the receiving burial site. The dewatering of radioactive waste shall be assured by the implementation of approved procedures. The radioactive waste dewatering program at PBNP shall be conducted in accordance with the following provisions:


1. A set of process parameters shall be established to provide boundary conditions within which reasonable assurance can be provided that dewatering is accomplished. Typical process para-meters include settling time, drain time, and drying time.
2. Procedures shall provide assurance that the dewatering process is conducted in accordance with the established parameters.
3. Procedures shall provide assurance that the final waste product meets the appropriate waste characteristic requirements for dewatered wastes. The dewatered wastes shall comply with federal and burial. site free liquid requirements at the time of receipt at the burial site.
4. Records will be maintained demonstrating confonnance to established dewatering process parameters.
5. If excess water is detected upon completion of the dewatering .

process, the waste shall be reprocessed through the dewatering system.

6. Dewatered wastes shall be packaged in appropriate containers.

The activity level of the dewatered wastes and receiving burial site criteria dictate the type of container to be used. 'High Integrity Containers (HICs) approved by the specific burial sites which satisf'y 10 CFR 61 waste form stability requirements shall be used as appropriate.

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6.0 Waste Classification The waste classification program at PBNP shall comply with the provisions of 10 CFR 20 and 10 CFR 61.

Waste classification requirements may be accomplished using a scaling factor.

methodology. The concentration of alpha and beta emitting radionuclides may be determined by indirect methods using scaling factors which relate the inferred concentration of one radionuclide to another that is measured.

Scaling factors shall be determined from a sampling analysis program of radioactive waste streams. Waste streams will typically be analyzed annually for the determination of scaling factors unless alternate sampling frequen-cies are warranted by available data.
