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Staff Exhibit S-1,consisting of 901018 Memo Re Potential Discrimination.Partially Deleted
Person / Time
Site: Neely Research Reactor
Issue date: 05/21/1996
CON-#396-17752 REN-S-001, REN-S-1, NUDOCS 9607170155
Download: ML20115F229 (4)


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MRC/1RM/IRHB/RASS TEL:301-415-6434 Mar 27'96 15:55 Nc.002 P.04/07

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j , . SMBRT OE' INEGMM'ICN:.C&BOL CCMEEI..advhei RACi.thatG=ha"liaiNxeceived. a '

r*== ciu:fmn'm.6,; .that% had. -

receivai a copy of a 1*** me=*iin fnr'Dr BRIEN (MCMT do. is.

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.the RSO at.rwnyia Tetit. . received ' S -

time.1a++=r as it was cn his desk"this ==4M.M zend 'the.letier to'. . i:

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CImEtI, d.irt n-W to.bave 46m -

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.JRnc, URTC, (INEEI. =dWAIPINE. agreed';WN- wadm1Nfcibtaid.wici,$py of.the; '

' 1 A+- fcr car meistr CIMEEI. iobeni~ a V. copy of ~tbIaTaH4N?CM tile SamS

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,, day. Ube. letter was revired' by: mM/S"mR who . advised; tidti'iRBCl.sbould .

' interview time RSO, " =-- .:J tha~ intervier ana. advisa -fodf s ARP a n==='b4me -

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v ;.On 10/25/90; 6 9:30, ,9:56 amp.tfidi ~RSO'Iha Rac.:p6r..Rac'h hq.=.t .wh'M , .

Y: 's; was.a =====arge Inft co tiie' f RSO's3== = wig weh4mk ..:Wei.dih=ad .the latter l  ; and -in per+M'1=v.the' =*m::ie ifant states, ."I also, ob%ct(hci/J_ .;.,=4. lens' '

. frcxn y-~1F ami Dr. Rersin that:I dW1E"nat, 'iifths futdre,! anr==et, . .

.- W - W1 regulatnry'vinleimes.or y1@M n.r . -M W[u.:.RAC asked ., -

- .:the RSO to <~nlain what the.n==im was of_that.1- /_ +->= aniidn'pa:Mmale-  ;


.were there any. safety inew==%hich wer-Q" --;1ved';; i 3be Eso.said that Adie .

.his enployment pe,a at Georgia.Toch he/.4M4fiM ! safety.14 h.htt mat all. .


of them have been resolvsi.92he'RSO snio that he.Ws.Li?.hi .td &-2 <---' 'N - '


..;4. safety icev= and sugges+-irm'forii w.m .- soi.tha't1.there'.wouldier.a 4+ - ',

.of the issue that would.=W-.. U fdr..his% -+4 hili $eis. .cthe?SO.said that -

.'.; . : /, .ne'gottha 4, *d:n fmn EAREN.and. RE USIN that.iti'was .n66,reem==rT to ,,.


.: Anr===F israea.of this nature.-fcBBC askini.the:R$D :if'.1EREMiand'RP5Kt4 .

,.! i d his letfor of r==Wn*farivith'liim.E'ihikRSinmid Athat bes:,the REDr must thatither s wena . .. i.

. '(.A amacabsth sorry to see him' leave maJthat tiiey.bothM4' 4


'. have mb..-h- i Wm- tis.lQ.heved.hadda f j=rNm with

. him ? '- - . -- .' im safety +===5 Ubif both

. ;. M Q'i 1 t';:- Q:....g.;?.f ,

. . ; .. . .v :. : s . . . . . .,

,iRac asked the RSO if.he.liad:.ang. safety.1M .thathi'.#---3".shm1 A havn been


. . .e._2. i and were noF nna.W.RSo w? %Unol.tbati.he'.always Anrwaanted '

1L : ' --i A - - E' 'r='=na MWhed his: .

-r unfs=eywidely memos i==wwso ami eatprogramif the @lbM,kn.or.%pm 1Jcamsidp;at.a1. Taw data .

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- 2 Docket No. J' o -/- (o c- O A.) EXHIBIT NO.

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RC/IRM/ZRMB/RASS TEL:301-415-6434 Mar 27'96 15:56 No.002 P.05/07 I

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. RAC askad. the _merirmna: ani .the. RED m~ felt that he" .

< aian't have the <=ymieir=1l fW '- to =narje anin4T14hrrt ethe M4 a+4m .

safety. .at Georgia, Tech 4.RBC askna:,the.BSO,.,'to %Tv4nina the.RSO s=vfM l that everytime he would,th-+' a'gd.mi ial..safet:y;;bl gor b e .4wv- M,

- be.was told by RE75IN.or: PAREM that itivas' Land that all be cb was .4mWi M44,ui rw .?lhe.ESO .+.Aiy.:ti).f-:g--L

. nio..itdit dm theba4arw. dia. 5 yG'Jbes RSO 'said that

+he=wyh , it had.. to be1+hr=m 1da... .. .

single daily 4=14w-w 1.aLion offthe .gc.,:g.p/ Beddas, ther.were ,toinvolved M -~ 'min every '


> riot'.evin.alltued what his.:n y prinritics were;{

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... o . .- .. . s r h RSO mia that REUSnt objectxxi to hisl.s,m, 'h,e,. . ...m-H Harxi' mfr=ty .-

- . 4 =>vw he waald rhm- t bar==a' that;das;a bar=*ive -

. ..rdiae+4m cn bcr past perfn=6en 'asphn had previm41f -been.the RSO. 'Iba

RED said that hwir 11 7, he das hMrry mir ro-managedia' n i elected;to I-v other ,
  • T mymm+ 1 . , ,,
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. /Ihe 5so said that.beiVill'be aEGeorgia~ Tech tr:til71D2/90k;dn:Ixrmin in this' area.for anotbcr.t:o wooks. ' elho RSO~ r=do cthat;ho:.will:bo'.ntning to Ios Angelis,; '

..crto work at_ a bnmital but '.that be. has)not received the offer in. writing as.


.; - 'k t

- '4 4 of yet. .


.t, . .la ..,

-PAC asked the RSO.if he had'ainyN154Hesliinfo-MedbE:v.i ...ho to di am" '

, armi be resptxx*.ei .noE Enc. advised'.the EED..thattwe w&zid I=hhip xxyt be takinJ -

.'any ar+4m cn the mLL.w.o+hr r than a1<>rtirxy m% ,# - L. fdr!+hr>i h tr=Mne* > ,

in nna - W a hy the ESO wl aih414 ties..ani in+=-Fne=;withimnapa.uL for r 4, m . - .

_4 w %;%e .nSo.agrool.that mo .tsrar+4m:was s.repired'lx.this mti ,

land'in fact stated tint.3GECtand REUSIN were sozMt6..see him leave. h; BSD said that they vmla rrr'L that bosstay;hrv-m%cf.the b,f.b,i ,

~. ' :.J -m of recruiting. a IT1 %, ,- " RED -

S.. .

'1-! % . . , . .' . . ,.',;,. ,' @ ,.[

F;c%fm ad the BSO'.that ourw-H ierrwald cc'rist4Maflosure of this

..Mt v and that if any nadiMe=1'. 4h.oripaMc(ci:x:e,to hind to feel '

free to cer+ne t re.." 'Iba ESO agreed.with. the. r-l'.+.:4m of'.this '

caso. . .

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1 tRC/IRM/IRMB/RASS ,TE,L:301-415-6434 Mar 27'96 15:58 No.002 P.07/07

. GeGrgia Institute of Technology NEEl Y NUCLEAR RESEAACH CEENTER 900 ATLANTIC CRfVE  !

,- ATtu<rA ssasmamassaoms _. i' ,

90 DCT 28 A10 : 22 " ***  :

l October 8, 1990 Dr. R. A. Karam, Director Neely Nuclear Research Centar Georgia Institute of Technology Dear Dr. Karams 4

I regrat that I must offer my resignation from the position of Nannger, Office of Radiation Spfaty and Senior Research Scientist offective November 2, 1990 After carefull consideration I feel that it is impossible for me to work effectively within the structure of the radiation safety program at Georgia Tech. I believe that the Manager, office of Radiation Safety (M.O .R.S . ) lacks sufficient operational freedom to adequately conduct the radiation safety  ;

program. Specifically, health physics staff appear to be under the dual control of the H.O.R.S. and the facility Associate Director. On a personal basis, I have been discouraged from j

==Mng even minor decisions without first consulting you and Dr. l Revnin. I also object to suggestions from yoursplf and Dr. i Revsin that I should not, in the future, document observed l regulatory violations or proposed program improvements.

1 I cannot, in good conscience, take responsibility for a program whose priorities I cannot set and in which I must comprcmise my professional judgments. .

Sincerely, 7 [.-,I Q

Brian Copeutt, Ph.D. ,

cc: Dr. B.K. Ravain Dr. Gary Poehlein Fa-ban , Nuclear Safeguards C

  • ttee


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! 4RC/IRH/IRMB/RASS TEL:301-415-6434 Mar 27'96 15:57 No.002 P.06/0i

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c Georgia Institute of Technology OCT 181990 M NEELY NUCLEAR RESEARCH CENTER NOC#O y eco ATLANTC CMfVE _

, ATL.ANTA. GEo AGtA 3C33e-04e5

.,,,,. po43 e October 8, 1990 Dr. R. A. Earam, Director /(,

Neely Nuclear Research Center 1 ,

Georgia Institute of Technology N M11~-90-A- 6/  :

Dear Dr. Karen:

I regret that [ y:ust_ offer, ry, pes.ignatioy from the position of Mannger, Office TNa~cfiation  !$1fety and Senior Research Scientist effectivo November 2, 1990.

1 After carefull consideration I feel that it is impossible for I::e to work effectively within the structure of the radiation cafety program at Georgia Tech. I believe that the Manager, Office of Radiation Safety (M.O.R.S. ) lacks sufficient cperational freedom to edequately conduct the radiation safety program. Specifically, health physics staff appear to be nnda- ,

the dual control of the M.O.R.S. and the facility Associate <

Director. On a personal basis, I have been discouraged frcm making even ninor decisions without first consulting you and Dr.

Revein. I also object to sug from yoursel and Dr.

Revsin thEI~~sTciuld ' n5f'~1H 'gestions

~fRE~fiffu7 6~"" dom (~ obYe~rM


1 i

'r"egEIWtic27'Tri&IiffiBEF"cf"pr$~pIissinf'p'Ed 6 WFxqir6Fements .

e_.= -

, - .. , . ,, ,....... - - ,= __ ----- __

I cannot, in good conscience, take responsibility for a program whose priorities I cannet set and in .dtich I must compromise rf professional ludgments.

r n.s,. eb? . ~~

(* /,% f.j NV-- Sincerely,

& S & ?.A 4.-;L d bT C ( -

N Y'"@X 7 n.

Brian Copt:utt, Ph.D.


, s c s h u i ,, $ 5 6 1 i l

cc: Dr. B.K. Revsin Dr. Gary Poehlein )

Members, Nticlear Safeguards Ccumittee l roc o.4e44 noev.s r.osas.4sso rec.c usarciniacAAtt a u-a e r= % srs== w ***p= Aa fear E*mmon we r=ser=== oneos.*v _