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Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1984
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1984
From: Andrews R, Matthews T
To: Deyoung R
LIC-84-34-5, NUDOCS 8410300092
Download: ML20106E728 (9)



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UNIT Fort Calhoun Stati.

DATE October 8. 1984 COMPLETED BY T. P. Matthews TELEPHONE (402) 536-4733 MONT11 September, 1984 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL DAY AVER AGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MWe-Net) (MWe Net) 1 472.8 37 393.4 2 473.3 18 481.5 3 474.3 39 482.0 4 474.7 481.1 20 5 474.8 21 481.2 6 476.2 22 482.2 7 476.9 23 482.5 8 476.8 482.6 9 477.7 25 483.2 10 479.3 26 485.0 11 479.4 27 483.8 12 479.2 28 484.1 13 478.3 29 483.2 14 451.8 30 483.7 15 129.3 3, 16 281.6 INSTRUCTIONS On this forrnat, list the average daily unit power levelin MWe Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.

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1. Unit Name: Fort Calhoun Station
2. Reporting Period: September, 1984
3. LicensedThermalPower(MWt): 1500 .
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 501 S. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 478
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 501
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe):


8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report.Give Reasons:

- N/A

9. Power Level To Which Restricted.If Any(Net MWe): N/A
10. Reasons For Restrictions.If Any: None This Month Cumulative
11. Hours In Reporting Period 720.0 6.575.0 96.577.0
12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 720.0 3.498.1 73.392.0
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown flours 0.0 0.0 1,309.0
14. Hours Gerierator On-Line 715.8 3,391.5 72.794.0'
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 0.0
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 1,029,861.8 4.743.069.8 91.502.783.5 -
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 346,072.0 _ _ _ _ _ ,

1,542,392.0 29.859.961.0

18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 324 417.6' 1 A6a R76.6 29.544.695.3
19. Unit Service Factor 99.4 51.6 75.4
20. Unit Availability Factor 99.4 51.6 75.4
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 95.7 46.6 64.4
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 95.7 46.6 62.1
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 0.6 0.5 3.5
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type. Date.and Duration of Each):

l 25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup: N/A

26. Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation): N/A Forecast Achiesed INITIAL CRITICA LITY INIIIAL ELECTRICITY j COMMERCIAL OPER ATION (9/77)

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DOCKET NO. 50-285 UNIT SHUTDOWNS AND PGWER REDUCTIONS UNITNAME Fort Calhoun Station DATE Raneamhar A 1084 COMPLETED BY T'. P. Matthews REPORT MONTH Sectomber. 1984 TELEPHONE (402) 536-4733 e.

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, .$3 3 j .E 5 Licensee ,E *,

y*3 1, Cause & Corrective No. Date g 3g 4 .3 s & Event g? gO Action to H y: 5 jgg Report a mV g Prevent Recurrence b

84-03 840915 S 4.2 B 4 N/A XX XXXXXX Unit taken off line to perform turbine overspeed tests September 15, 1984 at 0558. The unit was placed back on line the same day at 1010.

I 2 3 4 F: Forced Reason: Method: Exhibit G -Instructions S: Scheduled A Equipment Failure (Explain) 1 Manual for Prertration of Data B-Maintenance or Test 2-Manual Scram. Entry Sheets for Licensee C-Refueling 3 Automatic Scram. Event Report (LER) File (NUREG-D-Regulator) Restriction 4-Other ( Explain) 0161)

E-Operator Training & License Examination F-Administ rative 5 G-Operational Errur (Explain) Eshibit 1 Same Source (9/77) Il-Other (E xplain)

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Refueling Information Ebrt Calhoun - Unit No.1 Report for the month ending Senta=her 1984 .

1. Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown. November 1985 4
2. Scheduled date for restart following refueling. January 1986
3. Will refueling or restaption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license inve A r_ut? Maybe If answer is yes, what, in general, will a.

these be?

b. Tf answer is no, has the reload fuel design and core configuration been reviewed by your Plant Safety Review Cannittee to deter-mine whether any unreviewed safety questions 4

are associated with the core reload.

c. If no such review has taken place, when is it scheduled?
4. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and support information. October 1985 4
5. Inportant licensing considerations associated with

! refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or j supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, new operating procedures.

I 1

l 6. 'the nurter of fuel assenblies: a) in the core 133 assertlies b) in the spent fuel pool 305 c) spent fuel pool storage capacity 729 d) planned spent fuel pool May be increased "

Storage capacity via fuel pin consolidation j 7. 'Ihe projected date of the last refueling that can be i discharged to the spent fuel p
:o1 asstming the present licensed capacity. 1996 Prepared by hy22A Date October 2, 1984 g

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t OMAHA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT Fort Calhoun Station Unit No. 1 September, 1984 Monthly Operations Report I. OPERATIONS


Fort Calhoun Station operated at 100% power throughout the month of September except for the 15th when the turbine / generator was taken off line for approximately four hours for overspeed testing.

An " URGE" test was completed on September 26,1984,' fulfilling our commitment to MAPP demonstrating maximuin net output.

Modification work to the chemical waste lagoons was started in September.

Annual licensed operator simulator training at Combustion Engineering in Windsor, Connecticut, began in September.

An Auxiliary Operator Nuclear was hired during September.

No safety valve or PORV challenges occurred.

A. PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS LER Number Deficiency 84-016 Exceeding High Alarm Setpoint on Radiation Monitor (RM-062).84-017 VIAS Actuation (RM-050).84-018 VIAS Actuation (RM-060).




  • Monthly.Operati6ns Report

? September,'1984 Page Two:




- Procedure Description SP-FAUD-1 Fuel Assembly Uplift Condition Detection.

- This procedure did not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined by .10CFR50.59 since it only involved the evaluation of data from a surveillance

- test to verify that a fuel assembly uplift condition did not exist. 4 SP-CSF-1 Carbon Steel Fasteners Inservice Testing.

This procedure did not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined by 10CFR50.59 since it only pro-vided the inspection of components. No systems were modified ~or removed from service.

SP-SST-1 Site Security Test.

j~ This procedure did not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined by 10CFR50.59 since it did not

involve safety related equipment and was conducted as
'. designed.

SP-PRCPT-1 Post Refueling Core Physics Testing and Power Ascension.

This procedure did not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined by 10CFR50.59 because this procedure


provides for testing required by Station Technical Specifications.

3 - SP-CTPC-1 Core Thennal Power Calculation--NSSS Calorimetri.c.

This procedure did not constitute an unreviewed safety question because these tests only involve hand calcula-tion of the NSSS calorimetric power.-

i - System Acceptance Committee Packages for September, 1984:

Package Descriotion/ Analysis
i. EEAR FC-80-25 Spent Fuel Pool Reracking.

I This modification replaced the Exxon storage racks with par storage racks. This modification has no adverse effect on the safety analysis. .

4 i


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Monthly Op3 rations Report September, 1984 Page Three D. CHANGES, TESTS AND EXPERIMENTS CARRIED OUT WITHOUT COMMISSION APPROVAL (continued)

System Acceptance Committee Packages for September,1984: (continued)

Package Description / Analysis EEAR FC-79-171B Safety / Relief Valves Piping Analysis and Restraints.

This modification provided for the addition of nine pipe restraints and for the reconfiguration of the loop seals of the safety valves shortening the length of piping upstream'of the pressurizer safety valves using the same quality materials as the original piping. This modification has no adverse effect on the safety analysis.

EEAR FC-81-23 Bottled Gas Storage Dock on West Side of Auxiliary Building.

This modification did not involve safety related equipment, therefore, it has no adverse effect on the tafety analysis.

EEAR FC-80-08 Prevention of Unplanned Release of Radioactivity.

This modification provided for the installation of concrete curbs and has no adverse effect on the safety analysis.

EEAR FC-84-ll4 Additional Pipe Restraint on SI-192A Subsystem at Detail E. 1 This modification provided for additional pipe restraint on SI-192A subsystem at detail E and has no adverse effect on the safety analysis.

EEAR FC-83-68 Heater Drain Level Piping Restraints.

l l This modification provided for the addition of six l supports on the feedwater heater drain level control

valve piping and has no adverse effect on the safety analysis.

EEAR FC-83-15 Heater Drain Pump Recirculation Piping.

This modification provided for the relocation of piping and valves and for the installation of supports on lines. This modification has no adverse effect on the safety analysis.


Monthly Op: rations Report  !

September,1984 l

.Page Four l E. RESULTS OF LEAK RATE TESTS None F. CHANGES IN PLANT OPERATING STAFF Mr. Jeffrey Yeager started in September as Auxiliary Operator Nuclear.

G. TRAINING Training for the month of September included Bnergency Plan training for plant personnel and annual simulator training for licensed person-nel. NRC license candidates received oral / written testing as well as walkthroughs and classroom training in preparation for the NRC administered exam. General employee, non-licensed operator, fire brigade and other training was conducted per the annual schedule.

H. CHANGES, TESTS AND EXPERIMENTS REQUIRING NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION AUTHORIZATION PURSUANT TO 10CFR50.59 Package Description / Analysis Amendment No. 83 This amendment updates the surveillance capsule removal schedule (Table 3-7). The amendment also.

corrects a typographical error that was made on TS page 2-98 which was issued on August 2, 1984 (Amendment 82). The containment wide range radi-ation monitors are RM-091 A and B and not RM-019 A and B.

Amendment No. 84 This amendment changes the administrative controls section of the technical specifications to reflect changes to the plant support and plant organiza-tions.

II. MAINTENANCE (Significant Safety Related)

None N.

W. Gary Gates Manager Fort Calhoun Station

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, ._a Omaha Pubilc Power District 1623 Hamey Omaha, Nebraska 68102 402/536 4000 October 12, 1984 LIC-84-345 Mr. Richard C. Deyoung, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1 Wasington, DC 20555 1 I


Docket No. 50-285 l

Dear Mr. DeYoung:

September Monthly Operating Report Please find enclosed ten (10) copies of the September Monthly Operating Report for the Fort Calhoun Station Unit No. 1.

Sincerely, Jf!'^

R. L. Andrews Division Manager Nuclear Production RLA/TPM/dao Enclosures cc: NRC Regional Office Office of Management & Program Analysis (2)

Mr. R. R. Mills - Combustion Engineering Mr. T. F. Polk - Westinghouse Nuclear Safety Analysis Center INPO Records Center NRC File 45 5124 Employment with Equa! Opportunity maie/remaie y

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