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Forwards Description of Program for Eventual phase-out of Shift Technical Advisor Position.Util Considers Criteria for Qualification of Operating Shift Personnel to Fulfill Dual Role Position Complete
Person / Time
Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/07/1984
From: Bayne J
To: Vassallo D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
JPN-84-59, NUDOCS 8409100192
Download: ML20096F736 (15)



123 Main Street WMe Ra%s, NewYork 10601 914 681.62(M

  1. > NewWrkPbwer ="~-

4# Authority l C:~

September 7, 1984 JPN-84-59 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention: Mr. Domenic B. Vassallo, Chief Operating Reactors Branch No. 2 Division of Licensing


James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-333 Shift Technical Advisor Qualifications NUREG-0737 -

Item I.A.l.1


1. PASNY Letter, J.P. Bayne to T. A. Ippolito, dated July 31, 1981 (JPN-81-57).
2. NYPA Letter, J.P. Bayne to D.B. Vassallo, dated January 26, 1984 (JPN-84-05).
3. NRC Draft Policy Statement on Engineering Expertise on Shift (Federal Register Vol. 48, No. 143, July 25, 1983).

Dear Sir:

This letter provides a description of the FitzPatrick program for the eventual phase-out of the Shift Technical Advisor (STA) position. . Reference 1 indicated that the STA position would be retained at FitzPatrick until criteria for the qualifications of operating shift personnel to fulfill the STA role were complete. In Reference 2 the NRC was informed that the Authority had initiated an Advanced Technical Training Program for Senior Reactor Operators (SROs) at FitzPatrick to provide engineering education and training that meets or exceeds the guidelines contained in Reference 3. This advanced training, for the first group of Shift Supervisors and Assistant Shift Supervisors (all holding current SRO licenses) is nearing completion.

8409100192 840907 PDR ADOCK 05000333 PDR P


.; ' r .,

.In additionkthe Authority has-recently received a summary of the Advisory committeelon Reactor Safeguards-(ACRS) July 12, 1984Lmeeting,lat which:NRC personnel presented to the ACRS the

. " Final Policy Statement on Engineering Expertise on Shift" as approved by the Office-~of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR).

The-Authority notes'that the " final policy" is not significantlyfdifferent than the " draft policy".

The-Advanced Technical Training Program is being conducted by Memphis' State. University Center for Nuclear Studies-which is accredited =by-the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, and is being conducted'on the FitzPatrick site. _.The. teaching staff hold faculty or. adjunct faculty rank in the Academic Department of Memphis State University. The program comprises thirteen (13) courses which are based on the STA job qualifications and responsibilities outlined in NUREG-0578.

The thirteen courses include 540 contact hours of academic

. instruction for a total of fourty-one (41) credit hours. A

-description of courses, contact hours, and credit hours is shown^in Attachment 1.

Upon Icompletionlof training for'the first group of Shift Supervisors'and-Assistant ShiftcSupervisors in October 1984,

_ personnel will return to their regular shift duties allowing


another group ~to commence training in early 1985.

When"a Shift Supervisor or Assistant Shift Supervisor that has completed.the. program is on shift, that individual will also assume STA responsibilities in a " dual-role" position in a


manner similar to that described in the NRR. presentation to the "ACRS on July 12, 1984. Sincelinitially not enough Shift

. Supervisors or Assistant Shift Superviscrs will have completed


the. program to allow complete phase-out of the STA, some operating shifts will continue to be staffed with an STA in addition to two (2) SROS (Shift Supervisor and Assistant Shift Supervisor). All shifts ~are expected to have personnel that have completed the program by the fall of 1985.

The Authority considers the criteria for the qualificatinn of Operating Shift PersonnelJto. fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the STA in a-dual-role position to be complete, and will consider those SRO's that have completed the Advanced-Technical Training Program described in Attachment 1

.as having met this criteria.

In1 addition, the Authority considers this approach to be in full compliance with the current FitzPatrick Facility Operating License and Techaical Specifications. However, in the near future, the Authority will request an amendment to the Technical Specifications which will explicitly state that qualified Shift l Supervisors and Assistant Shift Supervisors r

will-assume STA responsibilities on shift.

L._ _


Jrt' JThe-Authority indicated ~in Reference l~that waivers for education, experience,.or the establishment of degree equivalency would be evaluated on a case-by-case basis for-STA candidates and that approval would be required by the Senior

.Vice President for Nuclear Generation. Since Reference 3 and

.the final policy presented to the ACRS clearly establish the

. requirements for-alternatives to a BS Degree in Engineering.for the-dual-role ~ Shift Supervisor /-STA or Assistant Shift

Superviscr/STA,.the Authority.will not require Senior Vice President'~ Nuclear Generation 1 approval.for those non-degreed

-individuals that have successfully completed the Advanced

' Technical Training Program.

Should you or your_staffLhave-any questions concerning this matter,7please contact Mr. J. A. Gray, Jr.'ofEmy staff.

Very truly yours,


. J.


. Bayne. u

'rst Executive Vice President

-ChiefLOperations Officer CC: Office of the Resident Inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P. 0; Box 136 Lycoming, New York . '13093 e y e4.--, -- + , , , y- - % w.4 ,, , -, --- , -.,-+w,,,v.s- -.e- - ,--,-e<*=%y e m

NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Attachment 1 to JPN-84-59 The Advanced Technical Training Program comprises 13 courses which ' total 540 contact hours of i:,struction. Tne following synopsis. identifies the subjects covered in each course.

i SUBJECT AREA CONTACT HOURS Differential Calculus 50 l

l Integral Calculus 50 Advanced Reactor Physics 40 Materials Study Course 40 Fracture Mechanics 40 Corrosion Chemistry 40 Computer Technology 40

-Electric Generation and Transmission 40 Thermodynamics I 40 Thermodynamics II 40 40 Heat Transfer 40 Fluid Mechanics 40 Human Behavior 540 hours0.00625 days <br />0.15 hours <br />8.928571e-4 weeks <br />2.0547e-4 months <br /> *

  • An additional 540 hours0.00625 days <br />0.15 hours <br />8.928571e-4 weeks <br />2.0547e-4 months <br /> of facalty contact is available to students during on-site in-classroom self-study.

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1 l

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D3signadito davolop ckilloin problem


ipolving;whichlinvolves ucocof.derivetives and functional 1

) notation,Cp'rovide;theDmathematical' basis for'further technical 1


Mtudies,cand: develop ~confidenceLin solving current physical' tpcoblems. applicable 4 to nuclear power. plants and the industry, lTopics include:the following:


  • Algebra including an extension of-basic algebraic concepts-and techniqueslof; problem ~ solving: mathematics icourse(s) of Loperator license: programs Lto include the

. concepts 1and; techniques important to calculus, vector algebra, and1 complex functions.


1*Trigonometrysincluding^an extension of basic trigonometry-learned 1n operatorclicense: training to include-specific 3 s l trigonometric relationships _-importantito calculus-including

- the fundamental-~ identities, trigonometric formulas, and-trigonometric laws.


  • Geometry-including the graphing and manipulation of

-specific-algebraic _ functions, an analysis of their

, properties, andltheir. relation to' physical properties of-

' materials and design.of. equipment.

4*Special Functions including functional 1 notation and manipulation, algebraic functione, algebraic series, transcendental functions,-and the relation of algebraic

-series _tofphysicalfproblems.'

-* Differentiation including the1 concept and technique of differentiation, specific formulas,. geometrical


interpretations, and the application-of differentiation to the solution of problems.

' *Special: Applications of differential ~calculuc to' problem solving-in physical science and application to problems-in-nuclear power plants..


' Integral Calculus:- DesignedLto provide' fundamental knowledge of-the-concepts and; techniques-of calculus-and develop skill


1and- proficiencyfin solving ' problems necessary to effective-Q learning'in advanced technical courses. LTopics include lthe

. following:.

  • Integration including introduction to the concept of integration, integration formulas,: geometric interpretations, and the application of the indefinite-Lintegral to' problem solving.-


  • Definite IE ntegrals ~ including practice in solving definite
integrals, geometrical. interpretation, and the application
  • offdefinite_ the solution to engineering and Dscientific problems.
  • Multiple Integrals. including techniques of solving multiple integrals, and their application ~to the solution

'of problems.

_ o .

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(eApplicationcJinclud'ingfan application of integral 1 calculus

^/- tofspecial-problems [in nuclecr-reactoriengineering and idesign;gthermodynamics; area; integrals on xy, PV, and.TS 1 icoordinate;: Entropyfascintegral (dQ/T); special problems:in-

. heat transfer,Kfluid-flow, and~ structural analysis.

T* Differential' Equations. including. introduction to ordinary:

Jand. partial differential 1 equations,ctheir application to R' 'physicaloproblems,Jand techniques of solution.


(*Special" Techniques' including an introductioncto Laplace

~ , '

Ltransforms and Fourier: analysis:and their application;to

problem} solving.-  !

JAdvanced R'eadtor Physics:: cDesigned to expandLthe student's.

knowledge of;.thes basic physics of nuclear reactors by.deta'iled -

development of concepts such as spatial-dependence of neutron cfluxes,1 neutron high energy: range, effects of

.heterongeneous arrangements'offreactor materials, temperature

coefficients 1ofrreactivity,lreactorfpoisons,Leore lifetime, kinetic behavior:offneutron populations, and reactor. power ,

oscillationsv . Topics include the following:

  • Neu ron'DiffusionEincluding the analytical treatment?of the diffuston; equation, physical meaning, and measurement sofcparameter:such'as the diffusion length, neutron flux' J s hapes_in'various reactor regions, leakage from-the reactor, criticality _ conditions, and suberitical multiplication.
  • NeutronL Slowing-Down-including-the physics of kinetic,

' energy loss by elasticLcollisions, the moderating.

fproperties'of:various materials, the! concept of the Fermi EAge'and its-meaning initerms of: leakage. losses of1 fast


- . neutrons,: absorption' losses during-slowing-down'and the l'  ;(absorption)'-resonance escapefprobability,'the fast effect; p vandEthe physical" basis of theLthermalization process.


=* Kinetic' Behavior of Reactors including an in-depth discussion =of tne effects or prompt and delayed ~ neutrons, Emethods'for~. calculation of the-time-dependence of1the neutron fluxiafteria step change,in reactivity, the " prompt'

jump",:.the stable' reactor ~ period,=and reactor power oscillations.. ,

p ._ ..

94 *Special' Topics including fission product poisoning, feguilibrium concentrations of xenon'and samarium'for

/T qvarious-neutron 1 flux' levels, " dead-time", fuel burn-up, 1 poison burn-out, chemical' shims and core lifetime.

!*MultiLR egion Reactor Theory including the calculation of all of the important parameters'of reflected reactors by-

means of multi-group methods, heterogeneous

-fuel-moderator-coolant core _ arrays,' neutron density in the.


-vicinity of control rods'and control rod worth.


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Totempardturo Effccta on' Criticality:inclu' ding 1 calculations._

fj;f_ . 'ofythe rocctivity under-various conditions,. effects of.

".4 >

changesEofDmaterial-densities on neutron leakage =and

resonance absorption, and Doppler effects on thermal;


neutron ' cross.. sections and on .the resonancef escape

< probability..

4 ' Materials' Study: Course: terminology,

. fundamental-properties and concepts; methods of-fabrication and
testing;'the;causes and prevention ~of failure in metals,.

. 1

-ceramics,. plastics, elastomers, lubricants, welding materials,

and nuclear power 11ndustry'with special.

emphasis on. failure case histories of materials in nuclear -

E power-plants. Topics include the'following:


  • Introduction >and summary of course, identification of' onjective:and othe; relation of: objectives to generic failure case' histories.


  • Metallic?Maheria'Is' including _the mechanical behavior of metals, families ofzferrous and,non-ferrous metals, carbon R. Land-low alloy' steels forLeastings, low'and medium alloy steels,; stainless steels high-temperature high-strength-alloys'for castings,, copper, aluminum, refractory metals, s

precious metals, environmental'and service' conditions, ',

effect of= environment on materials selected for use in the


reactor pressure 1 vessel.and' primary systems, service epiping, codes;and. standards,'and selected examples of metal-failures.


  • Plastics and ElastomersLincluding an introduction to the

' molecular. structure of plastics, physical properties and

characteristics lof plastics,' applications of plastics and similar. materials, the compatability.of_ plastics with.other.

materialsf and operating = conditions, common causes of c performance failurejof plastics, codes.and standards,.and case: histories of-failures.


  • Ceramics including an introduction to ceramic raw materials, fabrication of ceramics, physicalz properties, MT physical' structure, ceramic equil'ibrium phase, structural ,

i imperfections, codes andLstandards, and case history of

. . failures withfemphasis on fuels.

  • Special: Materials. including an introduction to basic properties _and characteristics and failure modes of-1  ;

flubricants,' hydraulic fluids, protective coatings,'and q welding materials used in nuclear power plants with empgasis.upon case histories of failure.

L ,

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,jFrccturd M2chanica:EDDaigned to:fcmiliarize theistudsnt~with:

.. ~ _ .

f, ib thpa-f undamantaleconcepts of. fracture machanics,-froprosentativo:


A .cace-histories of-failures, and? develop skill-in analyzing-

component designs?for? potential failures.and failed materials:


LtoidetermineLreasons;for failure. Topics include the; efollowing:.


Crystalistructure! including an' introduction to
  • crystal.

ElatticeJstructures, crystal _ defects, and: microstructure

.withespecial application to metallic. materials and ceramics.

1 1* Mechanical"Prbperties of;Metalslincluding fundamental, concepts of_ stress and strain, stress-strain diagrams, Lelasticity,fand' safety: factors with' emphasis on metals used in reactor primary; system components, and service piping.

'*ThermalIProperties of Metals ~ including conceptsrof temperature expansion heat transfer, thermal stress, and creep:with emphasis on temperature transients'in power 1 -- plants.;

  • Fracture? Mechanics including a study of the fracture-mechanism and fracture mode and an analysis of common (failure; cases in components.

!* Methods of Testing including a revi'ew of materials' testing u program sucn as drop weight testing, Charpy V-notch impact-tests, Land'Charpy transition curves.

  • Neutron Damage including a' study of the.effect of neutron radiation"on the properties of steels, such as nil-ductility 1 temperature,l failure case histories due-to neutron irradiation, Land design considerations in nuclear

. power plants.


! Corrosion - Chemis try':- Designed to' familiarize the student with

.the. basic principles underlying corrosion of' metals; the effect ofLcorrosion;Lmethods ofEprevention in' design,'use, and storage-

of materials;;and failure case histories in generic power 6  ; plants. Topics l'nclude the following
  • GeneralEAttackicorrosion as classification of corrosion processes. Corrosion in power plants

, . operating under high pressure, stress, and temperature 7 Leonditions.: - Introduction to various specialized types of

' corrosion'significant'in causing component failures.

  • Electrochemical Corrosion as based on chemical attack, but

. modified as an electrical phenomenon in which the metal ~

' atoms have an electr cal: charge as ions. Action of ions with an electric potential to cause the chemical

.transformationuof the material and galvanic theory.


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-0Sthinlhan-Sthhlc replacing ordinary stcols in mooting the

.' . .corronion rcuictencas required-in high-pressure

-high-temperature nuclear power plants. Stainless steels

.are more resistant to the usual corrosion processes but subject'to their own particular difficulties, including stress corrosion cracking and passivity reduction under specific unusual conditions..

  • Special Corrosion Processes including crevice corrosion, stagnant corrosion, pitting,_ leaching, caustic embrittlement, chloride stres corrosion, stress fatigue, blistering, intergranular corrosion, weld decay, <

temperature sensitivity, filiform corrosion, biological attack,_etc.

  • Erosion including the abrasive effect resulting from high flow rate and resulting in erosion, impingement, cavitation, fretting, etc.
  • Nuclear Pressure Vessel and Tubing corrosion classified by type of equipment and frequency of occurrer. :e. General corrosion in pressurized water reactors, stress corrosion cracking in boiling water reactors, denting in tube bundles, etc. Failure case histories, methods of prevention.

Computer Technology: Designed to develop familiarity with the basics of computer science including programming languages, hardware and software systems, and applied computer logic in order to develop skill in using computer programs to solve complex engineering problems applicable to nuclear power plants. Topics include the following:

  • Program Languages including a review of FORTAN IV and BASIC with emphasis placed upon input / output, program logic, arrays, sub-programs, modeling techniques, complex arithmetic, and double precision operations.
  • General' Computer Technology including the theory of digital device and the. design of basic logic circuits to solve problems encountered in the nuclear industry, number systems, digital arithmetic, Boolean algebra, and reduction techniques.
  • Computer Systems including analog and digital computers, large scale. computer systems, minicomputers, microcompit ers, micro- processors, and time-share systems.
  • Digital Systems including advanced digital circuit design, complex digital devices and computers, input / output devices, random-access storage devices, sequential logic, and advanced integrated circuit systems.
  • Problem Solving including the solution of problems applicable to tne nuclear industry by developing algorithms and utilizing " hands-on" experience in implementing programs for data assimilation and handling, instrument data interpretation, radiation transport, fluid flow, and heat transfer.

k E'lcctric Gnn0rnticn And Trennmiccion: Danigntd to davolop undarctending of the principles of electric ganaration and

  • . transmission and the use of instrumentation in nuclear power plants. Topics include'the following:
  • Basic Electric Generation including a review of electric fields, current flow, Coulomb's law, potential, conductors, insulators, semi-conductors, resistance, resistivity, Ohm's

-law, Kirchoff's law, circuits, motors, and generators.

  • Plant Generation including a review of generator arrangement, multiphase generators, generator rating,

. voltage, efficiency, rotor and stator construction, cooling systems, excitation systems and parallel operation.

  • Station Electric Circuits including familiarization with bus arrangements,. basic generator connections, control-power connections, switching equipment, circuit breakers, plant transformers, power-transforming rating, losses, efficiency, and instrument transformers.


  • Electric Transmission including investigation of problems associated with the transmission of electrical energy, load-flow studies, and fault analysis including load variation, centralized control, power. transmission, high tension lines, and transformers.
  • Instrumentation including a study of principles of controlling plant system variables, insuring reliability, and providing for the automated control of nuclear. power stations by understanding the basic operation of temperature instruments, flow transmitters, pressure measuring devices, level indicators, various electrical meters, and radiatirm monitors.

Thermodynamics I: The first course in thermodynamics covers basic concepts in energy flow and the mathematical aspects of its transformation. Thorough discussion of the exact nature of the different kinds of energy serve as a vital introduction to the general energy applied to non-flow and steady-flow' processes. Special thermodynamic properties such as enthalpy, entropy, etc. are introduced in order to

' understand the proper application of the " laws" of thermodynamics. Topicc include the following:

  • Dimensions, Units, and Properties including a review of the basic units of length, area, volume, mass, and force that underlie the units and concepts of pressure, temperature, heat, and work.

'* Gas laws including the relations between pressures, volumes / and temperatures for ideal gases leading to the  ;

properties of vapors such as steam.


. ~

.oNon-Flow'Procica including a~ctudy of the non-flow energy

. - .cquation intur-relating heat.cnorgy, pressure energy, work energy, and enthalpy.

  • Flow Processes including' flow processes which involve the general. energy equation applied to steady-flow and non-steady flow processes. The various. kinds of energy--potential energy, kinetic ~ energy, internal energy, flow energy, etc. are-examined.
  • Introduction to Cycles as successive thermodynamics processes that form a closed loop or cycle that transforms heat energy into work energy. Work energy as transformed

.by'a. turbine into electrical energy. The concept of entropy as necessary in the application of the laws of thermodynamics for the understanding of the energy transformations.

  • Carnot Cycle introduced as the most efficient cycle for determination or Lne available energy'that can be transformed to energy output. Unavailable energy rejected from the plant as heat to the atmosphere or to cooling water.

Thermodynamics'II: Application of the energy principles developed in the first course of thermodynamics to determine the performance of the components of equipment in the actual power plant. Topics include:

'* Water and Steam including the basic properties of water and steam as a working medium of vital importance in understanding the thermodynamic energy transformations.

  • Saturation Properties defining the pressure-temperature relationship that establishes the conditions determining whether the liquid water phase, the vapor steam phase, or two-phase conditions are present. An understanding of saturation conditions is important in avoiding TMI incidents.
  • Reactor Power Plant Equipment including a study of the reactor as a source of heat energy, water heaters, steam

-generators, superheaters, turbines, and condensers.

  • Basic Steam Turbine thermodynamics of the simple Rankine steam cycle involving boiler generation of steam and condenser cooling.
  • Feedwater/H eating involving the thermodynamics and economics of improving basic steam cycle performance by regenerative feedwater heating. Effect of steam superheating.


icondrnbercTh5rmodynrmica~ involved in'condrncing.stcInm

. r- through h at r@jnction to river end seawetor:and to.tho Jatmosphere tur cooling towers. Atmosphere cooling tower psychometrics are also studied.

-Heat Transfer: LA study of heat terms of conduction,


convection, and radiation. Actual hea'c transfer as a combination of two or more-of these modes. Fluid flow and overall' heat transfer. Topics include the following:

  • Basic Quantities ~ including a review of notation, units,


derinitions,. conversion, heat'and temperature effects, physical ~ properties, viccsity effects, and fluid flow effects.

  • Conduction examined in terms of electrical analogy:

-heat flow,. temperature decrease as potential, thermal resistance, and thermal conductivity.

  • Convection including natural laminar stream-line,-forced

-turbulent correlation by Reynolds, Nusselt, and other

' dimensionless number. parameters.


  • Radiation including a study of the Stefan-Boltzman law, emissivity absorptivity, reflectivity, transmissivity, angle factors,-area cosine law, black and gray bodies, parallel planes, and other configurations.
  • Overall Heat Transfer including thermal resistances of all kinds, thermal resistance in series and in parallel, cavities, shapes, materials, log mean temperature difference (LMTD), and heat exchangers.
  • Boiling Two-Phase Heat Transfer including a study of boiling phenomena, saturation, pressure-temperature relationships, pressure to prevent boiling, burn-out, and other high-heat-flux phenomena.
  • Condensation considered as boiling in a reverse direction.

Modification of pressure-temperature relatior.s due to less sensitive operation than the high pressure-temperature relationships of boiling.

  • Application to heat transfer from reactor fuel pins to coolant including the properties, characteristics of fuel and fuel claddin and the effects of heat transfer.


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^~ 'St d 'u y o'f-fluid flow an a function.of


, 5 fluid"M$dh2nics:

-af[presuro.differenticle. _ Single:phazo flown,Jtwo pha'se1 flows

"*; hfinvolvingiliquids"and vapors. . Fluid mechanics and fluid ~

dynamics governed:by thermodynamic energy relationshipsLand

-thermalDproperties. Secondary:effectiresulting'from-inclusion:

1 - iof heat flow .

Topics: include the following:-

- *FluidIFlow Basic Principleszincluding measurements units.


Properties of pressure, density,;and specific volume. _ Con-6: .tinuity_ equation. General energy. equation..

  • Ideal? Fluid' FlowT without friction. ~ Basic" analysis
jsimplification considering friction as' absent._or' minimal.
Static dynamicfandstotal' pressure. Bernoulli. equation..

i Hydrostatic jet equation. Bernoulli head equation.

  • Actual' Fluid Flow friction-effects-superimposed on'the flow of ideal fluids..~ Friction resulting in heating and the necessity 1for; examining fluid properties. Viscosity, Reynolds number, head equations with system losses. Fluid hammer.
  • Fluid' Flow Measurement. based on pressure drop, volume flow 7

as-a. function of-pressure drop and pressure drop as a measure of flow-quantities. Venturis, flow nozzles, and orifice meters. Flow-measurement by other than' pressure ,

' drop.


  • Fluid' Flow Pumps. including ideal input to pump,1 pump

-- efficiency, pump cavitation, types of' pumps, pump laws, i , pump-operatingLpoint, and parallel.

  • Fluid Flow In Turbines based on applications of the second i law or tnermodynamics. ' Single and multistage turbines.
Mollier diagram. Convergent and pt convergent-divergent nozzles. Ejectors.

.. Human Behavior:: - A study of the basic principles of

"( psychology.necessary to: understand and/ assess personality

' traits'and how1 individuals perform on teams and~under' emergency C

E conditions. Topics include the following:


  • Basic Principles of- psychology in study areas such as f.

9 personality, abnormal behavior, intelligence,. learning, l, . sensation,'and perception including terminology used in i professional communication.

  • rersonality' Traits. including _a study of' concepts and

-" Eprinciples in normal and abnormal behavior which will '

develop an understanding of' patterns of' intellectual and behavioral development in-li.dividuals; allow' recognition and logical assessment of deviations from' normal behavior, e
  • l

. V


fnnurotic end p:ychotic recctionct.dsvelop cn understanding-E c.- - of organic, ganstic, and environm:ntal influences on

' personality; and provide a method of identifying specific personality traits and-predicting behavior under specific

' circumstances.

  • Social Traits as a study of the behavior of individuals in group settings including cooperation,' leadership, inter-group and intra-group relations which will develop

. skill in recognizing' leadership and identifying individuals who cannot. work cooperatively with teams.

  • Applied Psychology in the industrial setting with emphasis-on methods of selecting personnel, aptitudes, classification and evaluation of personnel, understanding and interpretation of employee attitudes, morale and motivation, understanding influence of work conditions and environments, and an introduction to methods of testing and screening-of job applicants.
  • Applications including an analysis of the impact of personal and social traits upon individcal and group performance in selected accidents which fill develop skill in assessing potential personal failures under conditions of stress.

Academic Credit is awarded as follows to students who successfully complete courses of the Advanced Technical Training Program.


Course Number Course Title Semester Credit Hour

-MATH 1321 Analytical Geometry & Calculus 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> MATH 2321 Analytical Geometry & Calculus 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> TECH 3413 Materials Structure and Properties 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> CHEM 3010 Corrosion Laemistry 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> PHYS 3703 Stress Mechanics 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />

! PHYS 4510 Thermodynamics 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> CHEM 3031 Chemical Thermodynamics 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> PHYS 3702 Nuclear Heat Mechanics 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> PHYS 3701 Physics of Fluids 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> ELEC 4202 Electrical Power Systems 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> PHYS 4221 Advanced Reactor Physics 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> TECH 3262 Computer Applications in Nuclear Power 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> PSYC 3599 Special Topics in Applied' Psychology 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> 41 Credit Hours

--in'cddition to ths 41 credit'houra'for ths.13 courses licted


. Ibtvs, two;(2) project coureca of 3 credit hours each are to be completed.- For these projects each student will select a specific component or system of a nuclear power-plant and perform an analysis. The projects planned for-this component l of the program' are intended ~to -develop competence and experience in.the analysis of systems, the assessment of operating experience, and in accident response. The-student will learn to apply existing methodology for accident analysis to the particular case chosen for the project and document the results of his study in a report which he must. defend in peer level as well as academic reviews.

  • Technical Report-Writing Instruction will be given to students enrolled in the project courses on technical report writing. This instruction will provide the student '

with the basic information needed to professionally prepare technical reports.

  • Analysis Techniques Techniques will be provided to students enrolled in the project courses. These techniques will include methodology of analyzing systems, components, and technical reports.
  • Projects Two projects are planned for this component of' the program, each of which will serve as a separate 3 credit hour course.
  • Reports A written report thoroughly documenting the study performed in each project'and its results is required.

Successful completion of the course is largely-based upon the report.

  • Faculty.The projects are administered by members of the University faculty. Participation of plant management in project reviews will be solicited.
